Blood Group Incompatibility

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Blood Group Incompatibility

Introductory article
Article Contents

Joyce Poole, International Blood Group Reference Laboratory, Bristol, UK

. Introduction

Blood group antibodies present in plasma can bind with blood group antigens on red cells
and cause a reaction (blood group incompatibility). Antigenantibody reactions can occur
as a result of transfusion (incompatible donor cells) or pregnancy (incompatible fetal cells).

. ABO Blood Group System

. Rh Blood Group System
. Blood Group Antibodies (Immunoglobulins)
. Immune (Antibody-mediated) Destruction of Red Cells


. Laboratory Detection of AntigenAntibody Reactions

Incompatibility in the context of blood groups is due to the

binding of plasma antibody with red cell antigen, thereby
causing a reaction. In laboratory tests this reaction is most
commonly visualized by agglutination of the red cells. In
the body, an antigenantibody reaction can occur as an
adverse consequence of blood transfusion or pregnancy,
resulting in accelerated red cell destruction. It is therefore
important to detect incompatibility between the plasma of
a patient and the red cells of a potential blood donor before
transfusion, to avoid a transfusion reaction. Incompatibility occurs in pregnancy when the mother is immunized
by cells of the fetus which cross the placenta. This
immunization only occurs when the fetus has inherited a
blood group antigen from the father which is foreign to
the mother. By far the most important blood groups in
relation to blood transfusion are those within the ABO
system and, in pregnancy, the D antigen of the Rh system.
Antibodies may be naturally occurring or immune in
type. The term naturally occurring is used for blood
group antibodies produced in individuals who have never
been transfused with red cells carrying the relevant antigen
or been pregnant with a fetus carrying the relevant antigen.
Explanations for the existence of these antibodies include
the possibility that some cells may be capable of making
specic antibody in the absence of antigenic stimulus or
that antibodies, such as anti-A and anti-B, may be
produced as an immune response to substances in the
environment which are antigenically similar to human
blood group substances. An example might be glycoproteins on the surface of bacteria present in the gut, some of
which are antigenically similar to the A and B antigens.
Immune antibodies are those produced in response to
antigenic stimulus by a foreign (nonself) antigen as a result
of either blood transfusion or pregnancy. Any blood group
can stimulate immune antibody production but those of
the Rh system are the most common, notably anti-D.
Antibodies that are capable of causing an adverse reaction
to transfusion or are harmful to a fetus are said to be
clinically signicant.
Blood group antigens are inherited characters which are
detected by specic antibodies and may be protein or
carbohydrate in nature. The blood groups that will be
referred to in this text are those intrinsic to the surface of
red cells, although some are present on other cells and

. Blood Group Antibodies and Pregnancy

. Blood Group Antibodies and Transfusion

. Compatibility Procedures and Selection of Donor


tissues of the body. The genetic mechanism involved in the

production of protein and carbohydrate antigens is
dierent. Protein antigens (i.e. Rh) are direct products of
the appropriate gene. However, the genes controlling the
attachment of an immunodominant sugar to a cell
membrane component encode transferase enzymes. Therefore, carbohydrate antigens (i.e. ABO) are indirect
products of the dening gene. Some of the blood groupactive proteins in the red cell membrane are shown in
Figure 1. There are over 250 blood group antigens which
belong to one of the 25 genetically independent blood
group systems but only those with the most clinical
relevance, ABO and Rh, will be described in this article.

ABO Blood Group System

The ABO blood groups were the rst blood groups to be
discovered and still remain the most important in
transfusion practice today. In 1900, the Austrian scientist
Karl Landsteiner found that the red cells of some of his
colleagues, when mixed with the plasma of some others,
clumped together. This agglutination was due to the ABO
antibodies, which are naturally occurring and regularly
present in the plasma of all adult individuals when the
corresponding antigen is absent from the red cells; it is this
aspect that makes the ABO groups so important.


Red cell membrane

Band 3




Figure 1 Some blood group-active proteins in the red cell membrane.
Circle complexes depict carbohydrate structures (ABH).

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Blood Group Incompatibility

Rh Blood Group System

Table 1 ABO blood groups

ABO type

Antibody present



At its most basic level the ABO system consists of the A

and B antigens. Because some individuals express neither A
nor B on their red cells, and a few express both, the ABO
system gives rise to the following phenotypes: A, B, AB and
O. Table 1 shows the four main ABO blood groups and the
corresponding antibodies present in the plasma. Because
the antibodies are naturally occurring, as opposed to being
the result of immunization by transfusion or pregnancy,
severe and immediate adverse reactions, often fatal, can
occur if ABO incompatible blood is transfused. This topic
will be discussed in more detail in the section dealing with
red cell antibodies and blood transfusion.
The structure and biosynthesis of the ABO antigens is
well understood as a result of the pioneering work, during
the 1950s, of Morgan and Watkins in England and Kabat
in the USA. The A and B antigens are carbohydrate
determinants of glycoproteins and glycolipids (Figure 1)
and are distinguished by the type of sugar molecule added
to the backbone of the antigen (the immunodominant
sugar): N-acetylgalactosamine for group A and galactose
for group B. The A and B genes, on chromosome 9, encode
glycosyltransferases which catalyse the transfer of the
appropriate immunodominant sugar from a nucleotide
donor to an acceptor substrate, which is known as the H
antigen. The H antigen is the structural backbone of the A
and B antigens and is present in almost all people. The O
gene does not produce an active transferase and so the H
backbone remains unaltered and is not antigenic. Hence
only anti-A and anti-B occur and never anti-O. The
number of A and B antigenic determinants per red cell is in
the order of 1  106.

The rst descriptions of the Rh system were in the early

1940s. The antibodies of the Rh system were originally
named Rhesus after their discovery during experiments in
which blood was transfused into rhesus monkeys, although
the term Rhesus is no longer in use. Antibodies to Rh
antigens are usually caused through immunization by red
cells, although apparently naturally occurring antibodies
can and do occur.
The Rh system is far more complex than the ABO system
and currently comprizes 54 antigens. The D antigen was
the rst Rh antigen to be described and remains the most
clinically important within this system, although other Rh
antigens can cause clinical disease. The Rh system at its
most basic level can be described in terms of ve main
antigens: D, C, c, E and e, giving rise to the eight gene
complexes shown in Table 2. Table 3 lists the seven most
common genotypes found in the United Kingdom. The
number of D antigen sites on the dierent Rh genotypes is
approximately in the range 13  104.
The Rh antigens are encoded by two highly homologous
(i.e. very similar) genes situated very close together on the
short arm of chromosome 1. The fact that they are so close
together means that they are inherited together. One of
these, the RHD gene, produces the D antigen and its many
variants. The RHD gene has only one allele and hence there
is either a D antigen produced or nothing; an antithetical d
antigen does not exist. The RHCE gene produces the C, c, E
and e antigens; C and c are antithetical, as are E and e
antigens. The C, c, E and e antigens result from nucleotide
changes in the CE gene giving rise to minor amino acid
dierences in the CE protein, the remainder of the protein
being homologous. The D antigen is more immunogenic
than the other Rh antigens. The absence of product of an
entire RHD gene in D negative people, whereas in contrast
the dierence between C, c, E and e positive and negative is
due to small changes in an otherwise identical protein, has
been postulated as a reason for the high immunogenicity of
the D antigen.

Table 2 Rh system notation


Rh gene complexes








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Blood Group Incompatibility

Blood Group Antibodies


Table 3 Frequency of the most common Rh genotypes in the


All antibodies are immunoglobulins (Igs) belonging to a

family of structurally related proteins which have two
functions: (1) to combine with antigen; and (2) to mediate
various biological eects, including the destruction of
nonself antigens. All immunoglobulin molecules are made
up of two types of polypeptide chains, heavy (H) and light
(L), which are held together by disulde bonds (SS). A
basic structural unit of immunoglobulin is shown in
Figure 2a. The IgG molecule can be split by digestion with
the proteolytic enzyme papain into three fragments
(Figure 2b). The two Fab fragments are identical and are
each composed of one light chain and part of one heavy
chain. Each Fab fragment carries an antigen-binding site.
The third fragment, the Fc fragment, consists of the
remaining parts of the two heavy chains. The Fc fragment
carries the sites for complement activation by the classical
pathway, for attachment to the surface of other cells, i.e.
macrophages (via Fc receptors), and for attachment to
placental tissue, which allows transfer of IgG across the
placenta. There are ve dierent classes of immunoglobulin, IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD and IgE, but the most important
immunoglobulin classes of blood group antibodies in
Antigen binding

Light chains

Complement binding
Macrophage binding


Heavy chains


Approximate frequency (%)

CDe/cde (R1r)
CDe/CDe (R1R1)
cde/cde (rr)
CDe/cDE (R1R2)
cDE/cde (R2r)
cDe/cde (Ror)
cDE/cDE (R2R2)


relation to both pregnancy and transfusion are IgG and

IgM. IgG is found as a monomer (Figure 2c) and comprises
about 75% of circulating immunoglobulins. There are four
dierent subclasses of IgG (IgG1, 2, 3 and 4). Red cell
alloantibodies are predominantly IgG1 and IgG3, both of
which activate complement strongly and therefore have the
most clinical importance. IgG antibodies are the most
important in pregnancy because this is the only class of
immunoglobulin that is capable of crossing the placenta
from mother to fetus. IgM is a pentamer with 10 antigenbinding sites (Figure 2d) and comprises about 10% of
circulating immunoglobulins. The additional polypeptide,
the J chain, is required for the polymerization of the basic
immunoglobulin units. IgM is particularly ecient at
binding the rst component of complement (C1), thereby
activating the complement cascade, which can lead to lysis
of foreign cells.

Immune (Antibody-mediated)
Destruction of Red Cells

Papain digestion


Rh genotypes


Antibodies bound to red cells in the body can cause red cell
destruction by two major mechanisms: intravascular and


J chain



Figure 2 (a) Basic structural unit of immunoglobulin (Ig); (b) Papain

digestion of IgG molecule creating Fab and Fc fragments; (c) IgG
monomer; (d) IgM pentamer. S-S, disulfide bond.

Red cells are destroyed in the bloodstream, with consequent release of haemoglobin into the circulation
(Figure 3a). The antibodies that can cause this type of
reaction, i.e. IgM or IgG anti-A or anti-B, cause rapid
activation of the complement cascade, usually by the
classical pathway. A single IgM antibody molecule can
activate complement, but at least two of the binding sites
must combine with antigen to initiate complement activation. Two molecules of IgG must be close enough together
on the red cell membrane to form a doublet before they can
activate the complement cascade. When red cells are
coated with a complement-activating antibody, antigen
antibody complexes are formed which activate the rst

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Blood Group Incompatibility


Haemoglobin released
into plasma and urine

Complement activation
to C9 stage

Cell lysis


IgG or IgG + C3coated cells

C1 Complement
C1 to C3 stage



Figure 3 (a) Intravascular and (b) extravascular red cell destruction.

component of complement (C1). Defects occur in the red

cell membrane if the activation proceeds sequentially
through to the C5bC9 lytic complex. The membrane
defects allow ions to enter the cell, which eventually swells
and ruptures, thereby releasing haemoglobin into the
plasma. The haemoglobin combines with the plasma
protein haptoglobin to form a complex that is cleared by
the mononuclear phagocyte system. Excessive haemoglobin may be excreted in the urine.

Intact red cells are removed from the circulation by cells of
the mononuclear phagocyte system situated in the liver and
spleen. Red cells coated with IgG or sensitized with
complement to the C3 stage, but which do not proceed
through the cascade to the C5bC9 lytic complex, may
interact with mononuclear phagocytes, notably the macrophage (Figure 3b). Attachment of antibody per se does not
mean that the red cell will be destroyed, but the rate of
destruction is related to the number of IgG molecules that
bind per red cell and the number of copies of antigen
involved. Macrophages have surface receptors which
recognize the Fc region of the bound IgG (IgG1 and
IgG3) molecule and the complement component C3b. On
attachment to the macrophage, the sensitized red cells
undergo distortion and may become engulfed by the
macrophage. Engulfment may be complete, in which case
the red cells are destroyed internally, or partial, in which
case the remainder of the red cell circulates as a spherocyte.
Spherocytes are more rigid than normal cells, due to loss of
protein and lipids, and are susceptible to early destruction.
Extravascular red cell destruction results in breakdown
products of haemoglobin, such as bilirubin and urobilinogen, in the plasma and urine. This type of red cell

destruction can be caused by IgG anti-D and other Rh


Laboratory Detection of Antigen

Antibody Reactions
Blood group antibodies can be detected by a number of
methods, known as serological techniques, most of which
utilize plasma or serum from the patient. The most
commonly used indicator of antigenantibody interaction
in blood grouping is that of agglutination, although
haemolysis also indicates that antigenantibody interaction has taken place. For agglutination to occur, the
repulsive forces that normally keep red cells apart must be
overcome and, essentially, the multivalent IgM and
bivalent IgG molecules crosslink the red cells. The
structure of the IgM pentamer with 10 binding sites allows
for crosslinking more readily than the IgG monomer. IgM
blood group antibodies are capable of acting as direct
agglutinins; therefore, if serum containing antibody is
mixed with red cells possessing the appropriate antigen the
cells will clump together directly, without the addition of
anything else, as depicted in Figure 4. This is because the
pentameric structure ensures that the antibody molecules
are close enough to link with antigens on two red cells at
once and so bond them together. Although most IgG
antibodies do not act as direct agglutinins, there are certain
exceptions, notably IgG anti-A and anti-B. This may be
due to the number of A/B antigen sites on red cells, which is
about 100 times greater than D antigen sites. Agglutination
of IgG-sensitized cells can be achieved with the use of
various potentiators, such as proteolytic enzymes, or by the
indirect antiglobulin technique (IAGT).
The action of proteolytic enzymes (i.e. papain) on red
cells may potentiate agglutination in at least two dierent

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Blood Group Incompatibility



Figure 4 (a) Sensitization of red cell antigen with IgM antibody, and (b) agglutination of cells.

ways: (1) reduces the surface charge and allows red cells to
come closer together; and (2) removes structures which
sterically interfere with the access of antibody molecules;
however, it should be realized that some blood group
antigens are destroyed by papain and therefore its use is not
suitable for the detection of all blood group antibodies.
The antiglobulin test (AGT) was developed in 1945 and
still remains the most important test for detecting clinically
signicant blood group antibodies. It used to be known as
the Coombs test after its inventor. The AGT can be used
as an indirect test (IAGT), to determine the presence of
antibody in patients plasma, or as a direct test (DAGT), to
detect antibody bound to red cells in the body, i.e. cells of
babies with haemolytic disease of the newborn or patients
with certain types of autoimmune haemolytic anaemia. In
the AGT, agglutination is visualized by the addition of
antihuman globulin (AHG) to the cells which have
antibody on their surface (sensitized), and have been
washed in saline to remove residual unbound plasma
proteins. The washing procedure is an important step in the
AGT because unbound plasma proteins will bind with
AHG and inactivate the reagent. AHG reagents contain
antibodies to human immunoglobulins but usually contain
anticomplement (C3) as well as anti-IgG. Methodology for
performing the AGT has evolved since the inception of the
test, when an opaque glass tile was used. The tile was
superseded by the test tube, which today has largely been
superseded by the gel test or column agglutination
technology in which plasma proteins do not come into
direct contact with the AHG, thereby negating the need for
the washing procedure.

Blood Group Antibodies and

Blood transfusion is a commonly used form of therapy in
hospital practice but it is not without its problems. Adverse
reactions to blood transfusion can occur, and the most
serious are associated with red cell destruction due to
sensitization of red cells by antibody. The most severe of
these is the haemolytic transfusion reaction involving
intravascular red cell destruction (Figure 3a), which is
immediate, and is the most likely to be fatal. This can

happen as a result of inadvertent transfusion of A, B or AB

blood to a group O patient; A or AB blood to a group B; B
or AB to a group A. To avoid such severe haemolytic
reactions it is imperative that the correct ABO group of
blood is transfused: pretransfusion compatibility tests are
carried out to ensure that this happens. Red cell destruction may also occur by an extravascular mechanism
(Figure 3b) when incompatible blood is transfused to a
patient with a red cell antibody that either binds complement slowly or not at all, but the consequences are not as
It is routine practice for all blood transfused to a patient
to be compatible within the ABO system and for the D
antigen of the Rh system. The minimum requirement for
the grouping of patient and donor blood is therefore ABO
and D. Matching for D type is especially important for Dnegative females before and during childbearing age
because of the potential danger of anti-D in pregnancy.
A small but signicant proportion of patients who receive
ABO and D compatible blood will produce antibodies to
other blood group antigens that they lack. Donor blood for
these patients would be additionally tested for the
appropriate antigen and antigen-negative blood given.
Patients who are transfused on a regular basis as part of
their long-term therapy are more likely to make antibodies
because of the repeated exposure to foreign blood group

Blood Group Antibodies and Pregnancy

Haemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) is a condition in
which the normal lifespan of a fetuss red cells is shortened
by the action of a specic red cell IgG antibody which
crosses the placenta from the mother. The antibody can be
made when the fetus inherits a blood group antigen from
the father that is absent from the cells of the mother.
Stimulation for antibody production occurs when fetal
cells enter the maternal circulation during pregnancy. The
events that can result in HDN due to anti-D are shown in
Figure 5. The cells of the baby, which become coated with
IgG, undergo extravascular destruction both before and
after birth. Antibody production during a rst pregnancy
seldom results in HDN because an insucient amount of

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Blood Group Incompatibility

Fetus (D+)


detect the small number of patients who have clinically

signicant antibodies other than anti-A and/or anti-B. A
brief description of recommended pretransfusion tests and
donor selection is as follows:

Mother (D)



IgG Anti-D

Figure 5 Events leading to haemolytic disease of the newborn.

antibody is produced. However, a second or subsequent

pregnancy can result in HDN if the fetus inherits the same
antigen and thus boosts the existing antibody. Clinical
severity of HDN is extremely variable, ranging from a mild
condition that can only be detected in laboratory tests
(positive DAGT) on an apparently healthy newborn baby
to a severe condition which can cause death in the uterus.
Blood used to transfuse the baby, either in the uterus or
after birth, should be compatible with the mothers
HDN due to anti-D tends to be more severe than HDN
due to any other antibody, and anti-D used to be the most
common antibody implicated in severe and fatal HDN;
however, since 1970 all RhD-negative women who give
birth to an RhD-positive baby are given an injection of
anti-D at the time of birth to prevent the occurrence of
HDN due to anti-D in subsequent pregnancies. The
rationale for this anti-D prophylaxis is that the anti-D
administered to the mother at the time of the rst birth
binds to and destroys any D-positive fetal cells before they
have a chance to prime the maternal immune system to
produce endogenous anti-D. Sensitization of the mother is
thus prevented. It should be realized that transfer of nonred cell stimulated IgG antibody from mother to fetus is a
normal physiological event necessary for protection
against infection during the rst few weeks of life.

Compatibility Procedures and Selection

of Donor Blood
Certain tests are carried out before transfusion to minimize
the risks of incompatibility between patient and blood
donor. Blood transfusion laboratories in the United
Kingdom use guidelines for these tests prepared by the
British Committee for Standards in Haematology (BCSH)
Blood Transfusion Task Force. The primary purpose of
pretransfusion compatibility testing is to ensure ABO
compatibility between patient and donor; it is also used to

1. ABO and D grouping of the patient (recipient).

2. Testing the plasma of the recipient for the presence of
antibody, or the mothers plasma in the case of
transfusion of a newborn baby. The IAGT is
considered to be the most suitable technique for the
detection of clinically signicant antibodies. If an
antibody is detected, the specicity should be identied
and its clinical signicance determined.
3. Computer or manual check of previous records.
These three elements constitute a group and screen.
ABO and D compatible donor blood should be selected
wherever possible and a crossmatch performed. The
crossmatch is a procedure to exclude incompatibility
between donor and recipient and may include serological
tests or electronic (computer) crossmatching. Serological
tests, in which the prospective donor cells are matched
against the patients plasma, are carried out by the IAGT
to detect IgG antibodies or immediate spin to detect
directly agglutinating antibodies. The computer crossmatch should only be used when several strict criteria are in
place. These criteria include, among others, more than one
record of the patients ABO and RhD type on le,
validation of the ABO and RhD type of the donor blood,
and known absence of clinically signicant antibodies in
the patients plasma. In certain emergencies the recipients
need for immediate red cell support may dictate that
pretransfusion testing is abbreviated.
If ABO-identical blood is not available, group O blood
may be used provided it is plasma-depleted or does not
contain high levels of anti-A and anti-B agglutinins. Group
AB blood should be used for AB patients but if it is not
available group A or B blood may be used. If supplies of
RhD-negative blood are limited, RhD-positive blood may
be used for RhD-negative recipients; however, it is
important that RhD-positive blood is not given to RhDnegative premenopausal females. If patients are found to
have a clinically signicant antibody in their plasma, blood
should be selected which has been tested and found
negative for the relevant antigen.
Technical errors and/or inappropriate test systems or
administrative errors may result in immediate or delayed
haemolytic transfusion reactions. It is extremely important, therefore, that the recommended compatibility
procedures are adhered to and adequate quality assurance
of those procedures are in place.

Further Reading
Daniels G (1995) Human Blood Groups. Oxford: Blackwell Science.

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LIFE SCIENCES / & 2001 Nature Publishing Group /

Blood Group Incompatibility

Issitt PD and Anstee DJ (1998) Applied Blood Group Serology, 4th edn,
chaps 3, 6, 35, 36. North Carolina: Montgomery Scientic.
Mollison PL, Engelfriet CP and Contreras M (1997) Blood Transfusion in
Clinical Medicine, 10th edn, chaps 3, 8, 1012. Oxford: Blackwell

United Kingdom Blood Transfusion Services in the United Kingdom

(2000) Guidelines for the Blood Transfusion Services in the United
Kingdom, 4th edn. Norwich: The Stationary Oce Ltd.
Vengelen-Tyler V (ed.) (1999) The AABB Technical Manual, 13th edn.
Bethesda, MD: American Association of Blood Banks.

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