Csc-Master-Ver5 1-10 7 2014
Csc-Master-Ver5 1-10 7 2014
Csc-Master-Ver5 1-10 7 2014
Effective Cyber Defense
Version 5.1
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................3
CSC 1: Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Devices ..............................................................................9
CSC 2: Inventory of Authorized and Unauthorized Software ........................................................................ 15
CSC 3: Secure Configurations for Hardware and Software on Mobile Devices, Laptops,
Workstations, and Servers .......................................................................................................................................... 20
CSC 4: Continuous Vulnerability Assessment and Remediation .................................................................. 28
CSC 5: Malware Defenses ............................................................................................................................................ 34
CSC 6: Application Software Security ..................................................................................................................... 39
CSC 7: Wireless Access Control ................................................................................................................................. 44
CSC 8: Data Recovery Capability .............................................................................................................................. 49
CSC 9: Security Skills Assessment and Appropriate Training to Fill Gaps ................................................ 52
CSC 10: Secure Configurations for Network Devices such as Firewalls, Routers, and Switches....... 55
CSC 11: Limitation and Control of Network Ports, Protocols, and Services ............................................. 59
CSC 12: Controlled Use of Administrative Privileges ....................................................................................... 63
CSC 13: Boundary Defense ......................................................................................................................................... 69
CSC 14: Maintenance, Monitoring, and Analysis of Audit Logs ..................................................................... 76
CSC 15: Controlled Access Based on the Need to Know ................................................................................... 81
CSC 16: Account Monitoring and Control .............................................................................................................. 85
CSC 17: Data Protection ............................................................................................................................................... 90
CSC 18: Incident Response and Management....................................................................................................... 96
CSC 19: Secure Network Engineering ..................................................................................................................... 99
CSC 20: Penetration Tests and Red Team Exercises ...................................................................................... 102
Appendix A: Attack Types ........................................................................................................................................ 106
We are at a fascinating point in the evolution of what we now call cyber defense.
Massive data losses, theft of intellectual property, credit card breaches, identity theft,
threats to our privacy, denial of service these have become a way of life for all of us in
Ironically, as defenders we have access to an extraordinary array of security tools and
technology, security standards, training and classes, certifications, vulnerability
databases, guidance, best practices, catalogs of security controls, and countless security
checklists, benchmarks, and recommendations. To help us understand the threat, weve
seen the emergence of threat information feeds, reports, tools, alert services, standards,
and threat sharing schemes. And to tie it all together, we are surrounded by security
requirements, risk management frameworks, compliance regimes, regulatory
mandates, and so forth. There is no shortage of information available to security
practitioners on how they should secure their infrastructure.
But all of this technology, information, and oversight has become a veritable Fog of
More: competing options, priorities, opinions, and claims that can paralyze or distract
an enterprise from vital action. The threats have evolved, the actors have become
smarter, and our users have become more mobile. Our data is now distributed across
multiple locations, many of which are not within our organizations infrastructure
anymore. With more reliance on clouds, our data and even our applications are
becoming more distributed. The organizational network is now just one of the locations
for users to access applications and data. And since in our complex, interconnected
world, no enterprise can think of its security as a standalone problem, this situation
makes collective action nearly impossible.
So how can we as a community the community at large, as well as within industries,
sectors, partnerships, and coalitions - band together to establish priority of action,
support each other, and keep our knowledge and technology current in the face of a
rapidly evolving problem and an apparently infinite number of possible solutions?
What are the most critical areas we need to address, how should an enterprise take the
first step to maturing their risk management program? Rather than chase every new
exceptional threat and neglect the fundamentals, how can we get on track with a
roadmap of fundamentals, and guidance to measure and improve? Which defensive
steps have the greatest value?
These are the kinds of issues that led to and now drive the Critical Security Controls.
They started as a grass-roots activity to cut through the Fog of More and focus on the
most fundamental and valuable actions that every enterprise should take. And value
here is determined by knowledge and data the ability to prevent, alert, and respond to
the attacks that are plaguing enterprises today.
The Critical Security Controls have matured into an international community activity to
create, adopt, and support the Critical Security Controls. As a community, these
individuals and institutions:
share insight into attacks and attackers, identify root causes, and translate that
into classes of defensive action;
document stories of adoption and the use of tools to solve problems;
track the evolution of threats, the capabilities of adversaries, and current vectors
of intrusions;
map the Controls to regulatory and compliance frameworks and bring collective
priority and focus to them;
share tools, working aids, and translations; and
identify common problems (like initial assessment, building implementation
roadmaps) and solve them as a community instead of alone.
The activities ensure that the Critical Security Controls are not just another list of good
things to do, but a prioritized, highly focused set of actions that have a community-wide
support network to make them implementable, usable, scalable, and compliant with all
industry or government security requirements.
Why the Critical Security Controls Work: Methodology and Contributors
The Critical Security Controls reflect the combined knowledge of actual attacks and
effective defenses of experts that include: every part of the ecosystem (companies,
governments, individuals); with every role (threat responders and analysts,
technologists, vulnerability-finders, tool makers, solution providers, defenders, users,
policy-makers, auditors, etc.); and within many sectors (government, power, defense,
finance, transportation, academia, consulting, security, IT) who have banded together to
create, adopt, and support the Controls. Top experts from all these organizations pool
their extensive first-hand knowledge from defending against actual cyber-attacks and
develop a consensus list of the best defensive techniques to prevent or track them. This
ensures that the Critical Security Controls are the most effective and specific set of
technical measures available to detect, prevent,
The Council on CyberSecurity was
respond, and mitigate damage from the most common
established in 2013 as an
to the most advanced of those attacks.
independent, expert, not-for-profit
The Controls are not limited to blocking the initial
compromise of systems, but also address detecting
already-compromised machines and preventing or
disrupting attackers follow-on actions. The defenses
identified through these Controls deal with reducing the
initial attack surface by hardening device
configurations, identifying compromised machines to
address long-term threats inside an organizations
network, disrupting attackers command-and-control of
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST); the Australian Signals Directorates Top
35 Strategies to Mitigate Targeted Cyber Intrusions; and the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO)/ International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) 27002:2013 Information technology Security techniques Code of practice
for information security controls. References and mappings to these can be found at
How to get started
The Critical Security Controls are a relatively small number of prioritized, well-vetted,
and supported set of security actions that organizations can take to assess and improve
their current security state. It also changes the discussion from what should my
enterprise do to what should we ALL be doing to improve security across a broad
But it is not a one-size-fits-all solution, in either content or priority. You must still
understand what is critical to your business, data, systems, networks, and
infrastructures, and you must consider the adversary actions that could impact your
ability to be successful in the business or operations. And even a relatively small
number of Controls cannot be executed all at once, so you will need to develop a plan
for assessment, implementation, and process management.
Some of the Critical Security Controls, in particular CSC 1 through CSC 5, are
foundational to success, and should be considered as the first things to be done. This is
the approach taken by, for example, the DHS Continuous Diagnostic and Mitigation
(CDM) Program, one of the partners in the Critical Security Controls.
For those wanting a highly focused and direct starting point, we have emphasized the
First Five Quick Wins: sub-controls that have the most immediate impact on
preventing attacks. These actions are specially noted in the Controls listings, and
consist of:
CSC 1-2
Deploy an automated asset inventory discovery tool and use it Quick win
to build a preliminary asset inventory of systems connected to
an organizations public and private network(s). Both active
tools that scan through network address ranges and passive
tools that identify hosts based on analyzing their traffic
should be employed.
Deploy dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) server
Quick win
logging, and utilize a system to improve the asset inventory
and help detect unknown systems through this DHCP
CSC 1-3
CSC 1-4
CSC 1-5
CSC 1-6
CSC 1-7
Quick win
scanning can take place, organizations should verify that they have adequate bandwidth
for such periodic scans by consulting load history and capacities for their networks. In
conducting inventory scans, scanning tools could send traditional ping packets (ICMP
Echo Request) looking for ping responses to identify a system at a given IP address.
Because some systems block inbound ping packets, in addition to traditional pings,
scanners can also identify devices on the network using transmission control protocol
(TCP) synchronize (SYN) or acknowledge (ACK) packets. Once they have identified IP
addresses of devices on the network, some scanners provide robust fingerprinting
features to determine the operating system type of the discovered machine.
In addition to active scanning tools that sweep the network, other asset identification
tools passively listen on network interfaces looking for devices to announce their
presence by sending traffic. Such passive tools can be connected to switch span ports at
critical places in the network to view all data flowing through such switches,
maximizing the chance of identifying systems communicating through those switches.
Many organizations also pull information from network assets such as switches and
routers regarding the machines connected to the network. Using securely authenticated
and encrypted network management protocols, tools can retrieve MAC addresses and
other information from network devices that can be reconciled with the organizations
asset inventory of servers, workstations, laptops, and other devices. Once MAC
addresses are confirmed, switches should implement 802.1x and NAC to only allow
authorized systems that are properly configured to connect to the network.
Wireless devices (and wired laptops) may periodically join a network and then
disappear, making the inventory of currently available systems churn significantly.
Likewise, virtual machines can be difficult to track in asset inventories when they are
shut down or paused. Additionally, remote machines accessing the network using
virtual private network (VPN) technology may appear on the network for a time, and
then be disconnected from it. Whether physical or virtual, each machine using an IP
address should be included in an organizations asset inventory.
CSC 1 Effectiveness Metrics
In order to test the effectiveness of the automated implementation of this control,
organizations should measure the following:
1. How long does it take to detect new devices added to the organizations network
(time in minutes)?
2. How long does it take the scanners to alert the organizations administrators
that an unauthorized device is on the network (time in minutes)?
3. How long does it take to isolate/remove unauthorized devices from the
organizations network (time in minutes)?
4. Are the scanners able to identify the location, department, and other critical
details about the unauthorized system that is detected (yes or no)?
Deploy application whitelisting technology that allows
systems to run software only if it is included on the whitelist
and prevents execution of all other software on the system.
The whitelist may be very extensive (as is available from
commercial whitelist vendors), so that users are not
inconvenienced when using common software. Or, for some
special-purpose systems (which require only a small number
Quick win (One
of the First
CSC 2-2
CSC 2-3
CSC 2-4
CSC 2-5
CSC 2-6
CSC 2-7
CSC 2-8
CSC 2-9
Quick win
Quick win
ID #
CSC 3-1
CSC 3-2
CSC 3-3
CSC 3-4
CSC 3-5
CSC 3-6
CSC 3-7
CSC 3-8
Quick win
Quick win
CSC 3-9
CSC 3-10
Organizations should augment or adjust these baselines to satisfy local policies and
requirements, but deviations and rationale should be documented to facilitate later
reviews or audits.
For a complex enterprise, the establishment of a single security baseline configuration
(for example, a single installation image for all workstations across the entire
enterprise) is sometimes not practical or deemed unacceptable. It is likely that you will
need to support different standardized images, based on the proper hardening to
address risks and needed functionality of the intended deployment (example, a web
server in the DMZ vs. an email or other application server in the internal network). The
number of variations should be kept to a minimum in order to better understand and
manage the security properties of each, but organizations then must be prepared to
manage multiple baselines.
Commercial and/or free configuration management tools can then be employed to
measure the settings of operating systems and applications of managed machines to
look for deviations from the standard image configurations. Typical configuration
management tools use some combination of: an agent installed on each managed
system, or agentless inspection of systems by remotely logging in to each managed
machine using administrator credentials. Additionally, a hybrid approach is sometimes
used whereby a remote session is initiated, a temporary or dynamic agent is deployed
on the target system for the scan, and then the agent is removed.
CSC 3 Effectiveness Metrics
In order to test the effectiveness of the automated implementation of this control,
organizations should measure the following:
1. How long does it take to detect configuration changes to a network system (time
in minutes)?
2. How long does it take the scanners to alert the organizations administrators
that an unauthorized configuration change has occurred (time in minutes)?
3. How long does it take to block/quarantine unauthorized changes on network
systems (time in minutes)?
4. Are the scanners able to identify the location, department, and other critical
details about the systems where unauthorized changes occurred (yes or no)?
5. Are the scanners able to trigger different notifications / workflows based on the
severity of the configuration variance detected?
For all of the above, consider that system priority, service level commitments, system
role, and other factors may drive varying objectives for scan frequency and alert time
frames on different systems. Ensure that the rationale for these classifications is clear,
consistent, documented, and consistently applied. Verify that target detection and
notification results are aligned with service level commitments and policies for each
class of system.
CSC 3 Automation Metrics
In order to automate the collection of relevant data from these systems, the
organization should gather the following information with automated technical
1. What is the percentage of business systems that are not currently configured
with a security configuration that matches the organizations approved
configuration standard (by business unit)?
2. What is the percentage of business systems whose security configuration is not
enforced by the organizations technical configuration management applications
(by business unit)?
3. What is the percentage of business systems that are not up to date with the latest
available operating system software security patches (by business unit)?
4. What is the percentage of business systems that are not up to date with the latest
available business software application security patches (by business unit)?
5. What is the percentage of business systems not protected by file integrity
assessment software applications (by business unit)?
6. What is the percentage of unauthorized or undocumented changes with security
impact (by business unit)?
CSC 3 Effectiveness Test
To evaluate the implementation of Control 3 on a periodic basis, an evaluation team
must move a benign test system that does not contain the official hardened image, but
that does contain additional services, ports, and configuration file changes, onto the
network. This must be performed on 10 different random segments using either real or
virtual systems. The evaluation team must then verify that the systems generate an
alert regarding the changes to the software within the target service window, or within
24 hours whichever is less. It is important that the evaluation team verify that all
unauthorized changes have been detected. The team must also verify that the alert or email is received within one additional hour indicating that the software has been
blocked or quarantined. The evaluation team must verify that the system provides
details of the location of each machine with the unauthorized changes, including
information about the asset owner.
The evaluation team must also introduce undocumented / out-of-band configuration
settings and binaries using real or virtual systems on 10 random segments. The test
should include making a non-persistent change, in which a change is introduced to the
primary program location (/bin, Program Files, etc.), left in place for 30-60 minutes,
then reverted to the original configuration.
The evaluation team must verify that all configuration changes and binaries are
detected, and that there is a record of the non-persistent changes mentioned above.
The detection data should include the nature of the change made (addition, removal,
alteration, owner, permissions, contents, etc.), as well as the user account that made the
The evaluation team must also verify that unauthorized software is blocked by
attempting to execute it and verifying that it is not allowed to run. On systems where
blocking is not allowed or blocking functionality is not available, the team must verify
that the execution of unauthorized software is detected and results in a notification to
alert the security team that unauthorized software is being used.
In addition to these tests, the following tests must be performed:
1. File integrity checking tools must be run on a regular basis. Any changes to
critical operating system, services, and configuration files must be checked on an
hourly basis. Any changes must be detected and either blocked or trigger an
alert that follows the above notification process.
2. Detection software must detect the disabling of system logging, as well as the
truncation, modification or deletion of log files. Note that growth of logs should
not trigger notifications, but suspicious changes associated with malicious
activities should; examples include deletion or truncation of logs, modification of
past log events, owner or permission changes, etc. Any inappropriate changes to
logs must trigger an alert that follows the above notification process.
3. System scanning tools that check for software version, patch levels, and
configuration files must be run on a daily basis. Any changes must be detected
and either blocked or trigger an alert that follows the above notification process.
CSC 3 System Entity Relationship Diagram
Organizations will find that by diagramming the entities necessary to fully meet the goals
defined in this control, it will be easier to identify how to implement them, test the controls,
and identify where potential failures in the system might occur. As with any configurations,
all changes must be approved and managed by a change control process.
A control system is a device or set of devices to manage, command, direct, or regulate the
behavior of other devices or systems. In this case, we are examining the devices, software,
and entities used to manage and implement consistent configuration settings to workstations,
laptops, and servers on the network. The following list of the steps in the above diagram
shows how the entities work together to meet the business goal defined in this control. The
list also delineates each of the process steps in order to help identify potential failure points
in the overall control.
Step 1: Secured system images applied to computer systems
Step 2: Secured system images stored in a secure manner
Step 3: Configuration management system validates and checks system images
Step 4: Configuration policy enforcement system actively scans production systems for
misconfigurations or deviations from baselines
Step 5: File integrity assessment systems monitor critical system binaries and data sets
Step 6: Whitelisting tool monitors systems configurations and software
ID #
CSC 4-1
Quick win
(Supports the
First Five)
CSC 4-2
Quick win
CSC 4-3
CSC 4-4
CSC 4-5
CSC 4-6
CSC 4-7
CSC 4-8
CSC 4-9
Quick win
Quick win
CSC 4-10
changed over time. Security personnel use these features to conduct vulnerability
trending from month to month.
As vulnerabilities related to unpatched systems are discovered by scanning tools,
security personnel should determine and document the amount of time that elapses
between the public release of a patch for the system and the occurrence of the
vulnerability scan. If this time window exceeds the organizations benchmarks for
deployment of the given patchs criticality level, security personnel should note the
delay and determine if a deviation was formally documented for the system and its
patch. If not, the security team should work with management to improve the patching
Additionally, some automated patching tools may not detect or install certain patches
due to an error by the vendor or administrator. Because of this, all patch checks should
reconcile system patches with a list of patches each vendor has announced on its
CSC 4 Effectiveness Metrics
In order to test the effectiveness of the automated implementation of this control,
organizations should measure the following:
1. How long does it take vulnerability scanning systems, if they detect
unauthorized devices on the network, to generate an alert (time in minutes)?
2. How long after a scan successfully completes does it take to generate an alert
indicating that it completed (time in minutes)?
3. If a scan does not complete, how long does it take to generate an alert that the
scan failed to run (time in minutes)?
4. How long does it take automated patch management tools to alert or send e-mail
to administrative personnel regarding the successful installation of new patches
(time in minutes)?
For all of the above, consider that system priority, service level commitments, system
role, and other factors may drive varying objectives for scan frequency and alert time
frames on different systems. Ensure that the rationale for these classifications is clear,
consistent, documented, and consistently applied. Verify that target detection and
notification results are aligned with service level commitments and policies for each
class of system.
CSC 4 Automation Metrics
In order to automate the collection of relevant data from these systems, organizations
should gather the following information with automated technical sensors:
1. What is the percentage of the organizations business systems that have not
recently been scanned by the organizations approved, SCAP compliant,
vulnerability management system (by business unit)?
2. What is the average SCAP vulnerability score of each of the organizations
business systems (by business unit)?
3. What is the total SCAP vulnerability score of each of the organizations business
systems (by business unit)?
4. How long does it take, on average, to completely deploy operating system
software updates to a business system (by business unit)?
5. How long does it take, on average, to completely deploy application software
updates to a business system (by business unit)?
CSC 4 Effectiveness Test
To evaluate the implementation of Control 4 on a periodic basis, the evaluation team
must verify that scanning tools have successfully completed their weekly or daily scans
for the previous 30 cycles of scanning by reviewing archived alerts and reports to
ensure that the scan was completed. If a scan could not be completed in that timeframe,
the evaluation team must verify that an alert or e-mail was generated indicating that
the scan did not finish.
CSC 4 System Entity Relationship Diagram
Organizations will find that by diagramming the entities necessary to fully meet the
goals defined in this control, it will be easier to identify how to implement them, test the
controls, and identify where potential failures in the system might occur.
ID #
CSC 5-1
Quick win
CSC 5-2
CSC 5-3
CSC 5-4
Quick win
Quick win
Quick win
CSC 5-5
CSC 5-6
CSC 5-7
CSC 5-8
CSC 5-9
CSC 5-10
CSC 5-11
Quick win
Quick win
Quick win
When they identify such events, these personnel should gather the source address from
which this traffic originates and other details associated with the attack for follow-on
CSC 5 Effectiveness Metrics
In order to test the effectiveness of the automated implementation of this control,
organizations should measure the following:
1. How long does it take the system to identify any malicious software that is
installed, attempted to be installed, executed, or attempted to be executed on a
computer system (time in minutes)?
2. How long does it take the system to send e-mail notification to a list of enterprise
personnel via their centralized anti-malware console or event log system after
malicious code has been identified (time in minutes)?
3. Does the system have the ability to block installation, prevent execution, or
quarantine malicious software (yes or no)?
4. Does the system have the ability to identify the business unit in the organization
where the malicious software was identified (yes or no)?
5. How long does it take the organization to completely remove the malicious code
from the system after it has been identified (time in minutes)?
CSC 5 Automation Metrics
In order to automate the collection of relevant data from these systems, organizations
should gather the following information with automated technical sensors:
1. How many instances of malicious code have been detected within a period of
time by host based anti-malware systems (by business unit)?
2. How many instances of malicious code that were detected within a period of
time were automatically remediated by the organizations host based antimalware systems (by business unit)?
3. How many instances of malicious code have been detected within a period of
time by network based anti-malware systems (by business unit)?
4. How many instances of malicious code that were detected within a period of
time were automatically remediated by the organizations network based antimalware systems (by business unit)?
5. Percentage of applications on a system that are not utilizing application
sandboxing products (by business unit)?
6. Percentage of systems with anti-malware systems deployed, enabled, and up-todate (by business unit)?
ID #
CSC 6-1
CSC 6-2
CSC 6-3
CSC 6-4
CSC 6-5
CSC 6-6
CSC 6-7
CSC 6-8
CSC 6-9
CSC 6-10
CSC 6-11
A comprehensive treatment of this topic is beyond the scope of the Critical Security
Controls. However, the actions in CSC 6 provide specific, high-priority steps that can
improve Application Software Security. In addition, we recommend use of the many
excellent comprehensive resources dedicated to this topic. Examples include: the DHS
Build Security In Program < >, and The Open Web
Application Security Project (OWASP) < >.
CSC 6 Effectiveness Metrics
In order to test the effectiveness of the automated implementation of this control,
organizations should measure the following:
1. Can the application system detect attacks & block them within 24 hours of being
detected (yes or no)?
2. Are all Internet facing applications scanned by web application vulnerability
scanners at least weekly (yes or no)?
3. How long does it take for alerts to be generated & sent to system administrators
that a vulnerability scan has or has not completed (time in minutes)?
4. Are all vulnerabilities detected by the scanning tools fixed or remediated within
15 days of detection (yes or no)?
CSC 6 Automation Metrics
In order to automate the collection of relevant data from these systems, organizations
should gather the following information with automated technical sensors:
1. What percentage of the organizations custom applications have not been
recently scanned by an application security code scanner (by business unit)?
2. What percentage of the organizations database systems have not been recently
scanned by a database specific vulnerability scanner (by business unit)?
3. What is the aggregate vulnerability rating for all application and database
system in the organization (by business unit)?
CSC 6 Effectiveness Test
To evaluate the implementation of Control 6 on a monthly basis, an evaluation team
must use a web application vulnerability scanner to test for each relevant type of flaw
identified in the regularly updated list of the "25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors"
by MITRE and the SANS Institute. The scanner must be configured to assess all of the
organization's Internet-accessible web applications to identify such errors. The
evaluation team must verify that the scan is detected within 24 hours and that an alert
is generated.
In addition to the web application vulnerability scanner, the evaluation team must also
run static code analysis tools and database configuration review tools against Internetaccessible applications to identify security flaws on a monthly basis.
The evaluation team must verify that all high-risk vulnerabilities identified by the
automated vulnerability scanning tools or static code analysis tools have been
remediated or addressed through a compensating control (such as a web application
firewall) within 15 days of discovery.
The evaluation team must verify that application vulnerability scanning tools have
successfully completed their regular scans for the previous 30 cycles of scanning by
reviewing archived alerts and reports to ensure that the scan was completed. If a scan
was not completed successfully, the system must alert or send e-mail to enterprise
administrative personnel indicating what happened. If a scan could not be completed in
that timeframe, the evaluation team must verify that an alert or e-mail was generated
indicating that the scan did not finish.
CSC 6 System Entity Relationship Diagram
Organizations will find that by diagramming the entities necessary to fully meet the
goals defined in this control, it will be easier to identify how to implement them, test the
controls, and identify where potential failures in the system might occur.
ID #
CSC 7-1
Quick win
CSC 7-2
CSC 7-3
CSC 7-4
CSC 7-5
Quick win
CSC 7-6
CSC 7-7
CSC 7-8
CSC 7-9
CSC 7-10
When any of the above-noted systems attempt to connect to the wireless network, an
alert must be generated and enterprise staff must respond to the alerts to isolate the
detected device or remove the device from the network.
CSC 7 System Entity Relationship Diagram
Organizations will find that by diagramming the entities necessary to fully meet the
goals defined in this control, it will be easier to identify how to implement them, test the
controls, and identify where potential failures in the system might occur.
ID #
CSC 8-1
Quick win
CSC 8-2
CSC 8-3
CSC 8-4
Quick win
ID #
CSC 9-1
Quick win
CSC 9-2
Quick win
CSC 9-3
CSC 9-4
CSC 9-5
Quick win
Education (NICE) framework, and with the needs of many enterprises in government
and industry. Training for these mission critical roles should be supplemented with
foundational security training for all users.
General awareness training for all users also plays an important role. But even this
training should be tailored to functional roles and focused on specific actions that put
the organization at risk, and measured in order to drive remediation.
The key to upgrading skills is measurement through assessments that show both the
employee and the employer where knowledge is sufficient and where there are gaps.
Once the gaps have been identified, those employees who have the requisite skills and
knowledge can be called upon to mentor employees who need to improve their skills. In
addition, the organization can develop training plans to fill the gaps and maintain
employee readiness.
A full treatment of this topic is beyond the scope of the Critical Security Controls.
However, the actions in CSC 9 provide specific, high-priority steps that can improve
enterprise security, and should be a part of any comprehensive security training
Control 9 Effectiveness Metrics
1. Participation rate for online training courses percentage of staff completing
security training (by business unit)
2. Average scores of online tests, compared to baseline (previous tests, industry
data if available, etc.) by business unit
3. Average scores of periodic tests (e.g. click rates for test phishing emails) by
business unit
4. Individual scores on skill assessment tests for individual mission critical roles by
business unit
5. Retention (or job opening fill rate) of mission critical roles (org/unit metric)
CSC 9 Automation Metrics
CSC 9 Effectiveness Test
ID #
CSC 10-1
Quick win
CSC 10-2
CSC 10-3
CSC 10-4
CSC 10-5
CSC 10-6
CSC 11: Limitation and Control of Network Ports, Protocols, and Services
Manage (track/control/correct) the ongoing operational use of ports, protocols,
and services on networked devices in order to minimize windows of vulnerability
available to attackers.
Why Is This Control Critical?
Attackers search for remotely accessible network services that are vulnerable to
exploitation. Common examples include poorly configured web servers, mail servers,
file and print services, and domain name system (DNS) servers installed by default on a
variety of different device types, often without a business need for the given service.
Many software packages automatically install services and turn them on as part of the
installation of the main software package without informing a user or administrator
that the services have been enabled. Attackers scan for such issues and attempt to
exploit these services, often attempting default user IDs and passwords or widely
available exploitation code.
How to Implement This Control
ID #
CSC 11-1
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CSC 11-2
CSC 11-3
CSC 11-4
CSC 11-5
CSC 11-6
CSC 11-7
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Quick win
Step 3: Active scanner validates which ports, protocols, and services are blocked or allowed
by the application firewall
Step 4: Active scanner validates which ports, protocols, and services are accessible on
business systems protected with host-based firewalls.
ID #
CSC 12-1
CSC 12-2
CSC 12-3
Quick win
Quick win
CSC 12-4
CSC 12-5
CSC 12-6
CSC 12-7
CSC 12-8
CSC 12-9
CSC 12-10
CSC 12-11
Quick win
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Quick win
Quick win
Quick win
Quick win
CSC 12-12
CSC 12-13
CSC 12-14
Attempt to gain access to a cross section of devices within the system, using
default administrative passwords.
Attempt to log-in remotely to machines using administrative accounts directly.
Verify that this is disallowed by policy.
Attempt to log-in directly to a workstation or server with root or administrator
accounts. Verify that this is disallowed by policy.
Attempt to gain access to password files within the system using unauthorized
accounts. Verify that access is disallowed and that attempts are logged and
Attempt to elevate to a privileged account on the system. Verify that the
administrator password is required to perform the elevation and that the
elevation is logged and reported by the system. Verify that traceability within
the audit logs is provided to detail the user account that performed the elevation.
Attempt to configure weak administrator passwords that are non-compliant
with established policy. Verify that the system does not allow weak passwords
to be used.
Attempt to re-use an administrator password that was previously used for the
account. Verify that the system requires unique new passwords during each
Each of these tests must be performed from multiple, widely distributed systems on the
organization's network in order to test the effectiveness of administrator controls.
CSC 12 System Entity Relationship Diagram
Organizations will find that by diagramming the entities necessary to fully meet the
goals defined in this control, it will be easier to identify how to implement them, test the
controls, and identify where potential failures in the system might occur.
Password Assessment
User Accounts
User Groups
Production Business
Systems with ACLs
User Accounts
Log Management
System / SIEM
ID #
CSC 13-1
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CSC 13-2
CSC 13-3
CSC 13-4
CSC 13-5
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CSC 13-6
CSC 13-7
CSC 13-8
CSC 13-9
CSC 13-10
CSC 13-11
CSC 13-12
CSC 13-13
now being blocked is received within one hour. The evaluation team must verify that
the system provides details of the location of each machine with this new test software,
including information about the asset owner. It is also important that the evaluation
team test to ensure that the device fails in a state where it does not forward traffic when
it crashes or becomes flooded.
CSC 13 System Entity Relationship Diagram
Organizations will find that by diagramming the entities necessary to fully meet the
goals defined in this control, it will be easier to identify how to implement them, test the
controls, and identify where potential failures in the system might occur.
ID #
CSC 14-1
CSC 14-2
CSC 14-3
Quick win
Quick win
CSC 14-7
CSC 14-8
CSC 14-4
CSC 14-5
CSC 14-6
CSC 14-9
Quick win
CSC 14-10
Ensure that the log collection system does not lose events Advanced
during peak activity, and that the system detects and
alerts if event loss occurs (such as when volume exceeds
the capacity of a log collection system). This includes
ensuring that the log collection system can accommodate
intermittent or restricted-bandwidth connectivity through
the use of handshaking / flow control.
4. If a system fails to log properly, how long does it take for enterprise personnel to
receive the alert about the failure (time in minutes)?
CSC 14 Automation Metrics
In order to automate the collection of relevant data from these systems, organizations
should gather the following information with automated technical sensors:
1. What percentage of the organizations systems do not currently have
comprehensive logging enabled in accordance with the organizations standard
(by business unit)?
2. What percentage of the organizations systems are not currently configured to
centralize their logs to a central log management system (by business unit)?
3. How many anomalies / events of interest have been discovered in the
organizations logs recently (by business unit)?
CSC 14 Effectiveness Test
To evaluate the implementation of Control 14 on a periodic basis, an evaluation team
must review the security logs of various network devices, servers, and hosts. At a
minimum the following devices must be tested: two routers, two firewalls, two
switches, 10 servers, and 10 client systems. The testing team should use trafficgenerating tools to send packets through the systems under analysis to verify that the
traffic is logged. This analysis is done by creating controlled, benign events and
determining if the information is properly recorded in the logs with key information,
including a date, timestamp, source address, destination address, and other details
about the packet. The evaluation team must verify that the system generates audit logs
and, if not, an alert or e-mail notice regarding the failed logging must be sent within 24
hours. It is important that the team verify that all activity has been detected. The
evaluation team must verify that the system provides details of the location of each
machine, including information about the asset owner.
CSC 14 System Entity Relationship Diagram
Organizations will find that by diagramming the entities necessary to fully meet the
goals defined in this control, it will be easier to identify how to implement them, test the
controls, and identify where potential failures in the system might occur.
ID #
CSC 15-1
Quick win
CSC 15-2
CSC 15-3
CSC 15-4
2. What percentage of sensitive data sets are not configured to require logging of
access to the data set (by business unit)?
3. What percentage of the organizations business systems are not utilizing host
based Data Loss Prevention (DLP) software applications (by business unit)?
CSC 15 Effectiveness Test
To evaluate the implementation of Control 15 on a periodic basis, the evaluation team
must create two test accounts each on 10 representative systems in the enterprise: five
server machines and five client systems. For each system evaluated, one account must
have limited privileges, while the other must have privileges necessary to create files on
the systems. The evaluation team must then verify that the non-privileged account is
unable to access the files created for the other account on the system. The team must
also verify that an alert or e-mail is generated based on the attempted unsuccessful
access within 24 hours. Upon completion of the test, these accounts must be removed.
CSC 15 System Entity Relationship Diagram
Organizations will find that by diagramming the entities necessary to fully meet the
goals defined in this control, it will be easier to identify how to implement them, test the
controls, and identify where potential failures in the system might occur.
delineates each of the process steps in order to help identify potential failure points in
the overall control.
Step 1: An appropriate data classification system and permissions baseline applied to
production data systems
Step 2: Access appropriately logged to a log management system
Step 3: Proper access control applied to portable media/USB drives
Step 4: Active scanner validates, checks access, and checks data classification
Step 5: Host-based encryption and data-loss prevention validates and checks all access
ID #
CSC 16-1
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Quick win
CSC 16-2
CSC 16-3
CSC 16-4
CSC 16-5
CSC 16-6
CSC 16-7
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Quick win
Quick win
Quick win
Quick win
CSC 16-8
CSC 16-9
CSC 16-10
CSC 16-11
CSC 16-12
CSC 16-13
CSC 16-14
CSC 16-15
CSC 16-16
CSC 16-17
Quick win
Quick win
3. How many attempts to gain access to password files in the system have been
detected within a period of time?
4. Perform authorized password cracking against password files and identify the
number of administrator account passwords that are cracked during the
attempt. Remediate any compromised passwords immediately.
5. Is an automated list of user accounts on the system created daily & compared to
a baseline (yes or no)?
6. How long does it take to send an alert or e-mail to administrative personnel that
the comparison report has been created (time in minutes)?
CSC 16 Effectiveness Test
To evaluate the implementation of Control 16 on a periodic basis, the evaluation team
must attempt a variety of techniques to gain access to user accounts within the system.
Each of the following tests must be performed at least three times:
1. Attempt to configure weak user account passwords that are non-compliant with
established policy. Verify that the system does not allow weak passwords to be
2. Attempt to re-use a user account password that was previously used for the
account. Verify that the system requires unique new passwords during each
3. Attempt to capture passwords by monitoring network traffic to server
resources. Remediate any instances where passwords are transmitted in clear
4. Attempt to gain access to password files stored on the system. If successful,
identify whether passwords are cryptographically secured.
Each of these tests must be performed from multiple, widely distributed systems on the
organization's network in order to test the effectiveness of user account controls.
CSC 16 System Entity Relationship Diagram
Organizations will find that by diagramming the entities necessary to fully meet the
goals defined in this control, it will be easier to identify how to implement them, test the
controls, and identify where potential failures in the system might occur.
result from poorly understood data practices, a lack of effective policy architectures,
and user error. Data loss can even occur as a result of legitimate activities such as eDiscovery during litigation, particularly when records retention practices are
ineffective or nonexistent.
Data loss prevention (DLP) refers to a comprehensive approach covering people,
processes, and systems that identify, monitor, and protect data in use (e.g., endpoint
actions), data in motion (e.g., network actions), and data at rest (e.g., data storage)
through deep content inspection and with a centralized management framework. Over
the last several years, there has been a noticeable shift in attention and investment from
securing the network to securing systems within the network, and to securing the data
itself. DLP controls are based on policy, and include classifying sensitive data,
discovering that data across an enterprise, enforcing controls, and reporting and
auditing to ensure policy compliance.
How to Implement This Control
ID #
CSC 17-1
Quick win
Quick win
CSC 17-2
CSC 17-3
CSC 17-4
CSC 17-5
CSC 17-6
Quick win
Quick Win
CSC 17-7
CSC 17-8
CSC 17-9
CSC 17-10
CSC 17-11
CSC 17-12
CSC 17-13
CSC 17-14
CSC 17-15
Definition of lifecycle processes and roles and responsibilities associated with key
management should be undertaken by each organization.
Commercial DLP solutions are available to look for exfiltration attempts and detect
other suspicious activities associated with a protected network holding sensitive
information. Organizations deploying such tools should carefully inspect their logs and
follow up on any discovered attempts, even those that are successfully blocked, to
transmit sensitive information out of the organization without authorization.
CSC 17 Effectiveness Metrics
In order to test the effectiveness of the automated implementation of this control,
organizations should measure the following:
1. Does the system identify and report on unauthorized data being exfiltrated,
whether via network file transfers or removable media?
2. Does the system identify the attachment of unencrypted USB tokens and require
encryption of tokens?
3. Does the system store cryptographic key material securely?
4. Does the system use only NIST approved encryption algorithms?
5. Within one hour of a data exfiltration event or attempt, enterprise
administrative personnel must be alerted by the appropriate monitoring system.
6. Do alerts notifying of data exfiltration also note the system and location where
the event or attempt occurred?
7. Are the systems able to identify the location, department, and other critical
details about where the sensitive data originated from (yes or no)?
8. How long does it take before a data leakage risk has been remediated from the
time it was detected (time in minutes)?
CSC 17 Automation Metrics
In order to automate the protection of data using cryptography and DLP functions,
organizations should gather the following information with automated technical
1. How many unauthorized data exfiltration attempts have been detected within a
period of time by DLP software?
2. How many plaintext instances of sensitive data have been detected within a
period by automated scanning software?
3. How many attempts to access known file transfer and e-mail exfiltration
websites have been detected within a period of time?
Attempt to transfer large data sets across network boundaries from an internal
Attempt to transfer plaintext test data sets of personally identifiable information
(that trigger DLP systems but do not contain sensitive data) across network
boundaries from an internal system (using multiple keywords specific to the
Attempt to transfer encrypted test data sets across network boundaries from an
internal system to identify if the exfiltration is reported.
Attempt to maintain a persistent network connection for at least 10 hours across
network boundaries between an internal and external system, even though little
data may be exchanged.
Attempt to maintain a network connection across network boundaries using an
anomalous service port number between an internal and external system.
Insert a USB token into an organization system and attempt to transfer example
test data to the USB device.
Each of these tests must be performed from multiple, widely distributed systems on the
organization's network in order to test the effectiveness of the monitoring systems.
Once each of these events has occurred, the time it takes for enterprise staff to respond
to the event must be recorded.
A control system is a device or set of devices used to manage, command, direct, or regulate
the behavior of other devices or systems. In this case, we are examining the flow of
information in and out of the organization in an attempt to limit potential data loss via
network or removable media sources. The following list of the steps in the above diagram
shows how the entities work together to meet the business goal defined in this control. It
also delineates each of the process steps in order to help identify potential failure points in
the overall control.
Step 1: Data encryption system ensures that appropriate hard disks are encrypted
Step 2: Sensitive network traffic encrypted
Step 3: Data connections monitored at the networks perimeter by monitoring systems
Step 4: Stored data scanned to identify where sensitive information is stored
Step 5: Offline media encrypted.
ID #
CSC 18-1
Quick win
CSC 18-2
CSC 18-3
CSC 18-4
Quick win
Quick win
Quick win
CSC 18-5
CSC 18-6
CSC 18-7
Quick win
Quick win
A control system is a device or set of devices used to manage, command, direct, or regulate
the behavior of other devices or systems. In this case, we are examining the incident
handling process and how prepared organizations are in the event that an incident occurs.
The following list of the steps in the above diagram shows how the entities work together
to meet the business goal defined in this control. The list also delineates each of the process
steps in order to help identify potential failure points in the overall control.
Step 1: Incident handling policies and procedures educate workforce members as to their
responsibilities during an incident
Step 2: Some workforce members designated as incident handlers
Step 3: Incident handling policies and procedures educate management as to their
responsibilities during an incident
Step 4: Incident handlers participate in incident handling scenario tests
Step 5: Incident handlers report incidents to management
Step 6: The organizations management reports incidents to outside law enforcement and the
appropriate computer emergency response team, if necessary.
ID #
CSC 19-1
Quick win
CSC 19-2
CSC 19-3
CSC 19-4
A control system is a device or set of devices used to manage, command, direct, or regulate
the behavior of other devices or systems. In this case, we are examining the network
engineering process and evaluating the controls that work together in order to create a
secure and robust network architecture. The following list of the steps in the above
diagram shows how the entities work together to meet the business goal defined in this
control. The list also delineates each of the process steps in order to help identify potential
failure points in the overall control.
Step 1: Network engineering policies and procedures dictate how network systems function to
include dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) servers
Step 2: DHCP servers provide IP addresses to systems on the network
Step 3: Network devices perform DNS lookups to internal DNS servers
Step 4: Internal DNS servers perform DNS lookups to external DNS servers
Step 5: Network engineering policies and procedures dictate how a central network management
system functions
Step 6: Central network management systems configure network devices.
ID #
CSC 20-1
Quick win
CSC 20-2
CSC 20-3
CSC 20-4
CSC 20-5
CSC 20-6
CSC 20-7
CSC 20-8
Quick win
functionality. Other lower-value systems may also be tested to see if they can be used as
pivot points to compromise higher-value targets. The rules of engagement for penetration
tests and Red Team analyses should describe, at a minimum, times of day for testing,
duration of tests, and the overall test approach.
A full treatment of this topic is beyond the scope of the Critical Security Controls. However,
the actions in CSC 20 provide specific, high-priority steps that can improve enterprise
security, and should be a part of any comprehensive penetration testing and Red Team
CSC 20 Effectiveness Metrics
CSC 20 Automation Metrics
CSC 20 Effectiveness Test
CSC 20 Entity Relationship Diagram
Organizations will find that by diagramming the entities necessary to fully meet the goals
defined in this control, it will be easier to identify how to implement them, test the controls,
and identify where potential failures in the system might occur.
A control system is a device or set of devices used to manage, command, direct, or regulate
the behavior of other devices or systems. In this case, we are examining red team and
penetration exercises and how those efforts can be valuable to enterprise personnel when
identifying which vulnerabilities are present in the organization. The following list of the
steps in the above diagram shows how the entities work together to meet the business goal
defined in this control. The list also delineates each of the process steps in order to help
identify potential failure points in the overall control.
Step 1: Penetration testers perform penetration tests of production systems
Step 2: Automated pen-testing tools perform penetration tests of production systems
Step 3: Automated pen-testing tools inform penetration tester of vulnerabilities discovered
Step 4: Penetration testers perform more extensive penetration tests of test lab systems
Step 5: Auditors evaluate and inspect the work performed by automated pen-testing tools
Step 6: Auditors evaluate and inspect the work performed by penetration testers
Step 7: Penetration testers generate reports and statistics about the vulnerabilities that have
been discovered.
Attack Summary
Attackers continually scan for new, unprotected systems, including test or
experimental systems, and exploit such systems to gain control of them.
2, 3
Attackers continually scan for vulnerable software and exploit it to gain control
of target machines.
2, 4
2, 10
Attackers exploit weak default configurations of systems that are more geared to
ease of use than security.
3, 10
4, 5
4, 5, 11, 20
Attackers use malicious code to gain and maintain control of target machines,
capture sensitive data, and then spread it to other systems, sometimes wielding
code that disables or dodges signature-based anti-virus tools.
5, 15, 17
Attackers scan for remotely accessible services on target systems that are often
unneeded for business activities, but provide an avenue of attack and
compromise of the organization.
5, 10, 11
6, 20
9, 12, 16
10, 13
9, 12
13, 19
13, 19
15, 17
12, 16
15, 17
Attackers operate undiscovered in organizations without effective incidentresponse capabilities, and when the attackers are discovered, the
organizations often cannot properly contain the attack, eradicate the
attackers presence, or recover to a secure production state.