AIMA (Hedge Funds) Journal - Q1 2010
AIMA (Hedge Funds) Journal - Q1 2010
AIMA (Hedge Funds) Journal - Q1 2010
AIMA Journal
The Global Forum for the Global Alternative Investment Management Industry
am delighted that the AIMA Journal, our flagship quarterly
publication, is back at the start of our 20th anniversary year. I
do hope you find it an enjoyable and valuable read.
Our announcement came before the G20 summit in London, and it Finally, I would like to
was gratifying that the path that that summit set for the regulation pay tribute to Florence
of our industry was on these principles. Lombard, who will shortly
be stepping down as
Our work globally since then has been about working with individual Executive Director.
regulators and with supranational bodies to create the right
supervisory framework for the industry. After all, we share their It is Florence who, over
desire for improved financial stability. her many years of service,
has through the strength
Transparency is at the heart not only of the industry’s approach of her personality and the
towards supervision but also its relationship with investors. It is breadth of her vision turned
right that, with the increasing maturity and sophistication of the the association into a truly
industry and with the increasing investment in the industry by global organisation, and
institutional investors, greater transparency is both offered by for this we all owe her an
managers and sought by investors. enormous debt of gratitude.
On a personal note, I will
We believe that institutional investors now account for an absolute greatly miss working with
majority of assets under management by the industry, and that that her and I wish her every Andrew Baker
proportion is steadily increasing. This is a testimony to the success happiness in this next stage
Chief Executive Officer,
of the industry, not least in terms of offering higher returns and of her life.
lower volatility than other asset classes.
Alternative Investment
I very much hope you enjoy Management Association
There is an alignment of interests between investor and manager in reading the new AIMA
our industry that promotes sustainable and successful investment. Journal - and as always, we
With the industry once again receiving net inflows and returns at welcome your feedback.
ADDRESS from the ceo
IMA’s strength is that it is a global disproportionate contributions to the authorities there are nevertheless planning
organisation with representation proposed Systemic Resolution Fund). gradual changes to the regulatory system in
across the world. I wanted to look at 2010. In Hong Kong, of course, mandatory
some of the key challenges we will be facing The House of Representatives voted on a registration and independent administration
globally this year. version of wide-ranging legislation before the are already cornerstones of the jurisdiction’s
end of 2009, while the Senate has just started regulatory system.
EMEA to debate it. Both chambers will eventually
have to agree on a reconciled – third – version In Singapore, there continues to be
So great was our concern about the European of the legislation before it can be sent to considerable interest from allocators.
Commission’s (EC’s) proposed Alternative President Obama for his approval. And we Similarly, start-up activity there has been
Investment Fund Managers (AIFM) Directive await further details about the President’s strong over the last 12-18 months and this
that we mobilised the industry on an banking proposals with interest. ought to improve further in 2010 as capital
unprecedented scale to respond to it. The raising becomes easier. 2010 could also see
original proposal from the EC had provisions In Canada, the implementation of National an even clearer delineation between the
in it that would have adversely impacted the Instrument 31-103 will mean all hedge boutiques and the institutional firms.
industry globally, not just in Europe. I would fund managers will have to register with
just like to take this opportunity once again securities regulators. There are two noteworthy issues on the
to thank all of you who have been involved regulatory front in Australia. First, the
in, or supported, our campaign. It has been Also in Canada, new accounting standards Australian Taxation Office is proposing
extremely gratifying that the industry has and the implementation of International a withholding tax policy that could
responded to this grave threat with such a Financial Reporting Standards will affect both disadvantage foreign purchasers of
display of unity. how hedge funds report their net asset values Australian assets. We submitted a response
and how they determine the values of their to the Australian Tax Office’s Draft Tax
We have made considerable progress since the underlying securities. Determinations of December 2009 (TD 2009/
original draft of the Directive was published D17 and TD 2009/D18) in February 2010.
last April, and it is encouraging that the new Furthermore, a national harmonised sales The main points made in our submission
Spanish Presidency of the EU has said that it tax on all goods and services in Canada concern the potentially negative effect for
will build on the good work of the Swedish will affect the tax treatment of hedge fund the Australian funds industry, with regard
Presidency. But there is still a long way to management fees. to the issues for offshore domiciled hedge
go. We hope that our sensible and moderate funds and for Australian-sourced income for
message – that we support good regulation and Meanwhile, our National Group in the Cayman foreign investors.
are offering our assistance to policymakers to Islands has much to look forward to in 2010. Fresh
help them produce that – will prevail. from the positive reviews the jurisdiction has And second, a short-selling regime will be
received from the IMF and UK government and introduced in Australia on 1 April 2010 that will
For more on our AIFM Directive campaign, after the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority’s see daily disclosures of positions to the regulator
turn to page six. accession to IOSCO last year, Cayman in 2010 and aggregated positions made available to
can be expected to strike yet more bilateral the market after only three days. Last year, a
agreements on co-operation and the exchange working group of the regulatory committee was
The Americas of information with OECD member states. formed when the ban for short selling was first
introduced. The working group has engaged
In the U.S, we support many of the At the same time, AIMA Cayman will continue actively with regulators.
regulatory measures likely to be passed this to support initiatives that enhance the
year. In common with our position elsewhere Cayman Islands’ international reputation for
around the world, we would welcome the openness and transparency. In conclusion
registration of managers and the reporting
of systemically relevant information by These are only some of the likely headlines
larger managers in the U.S.. Asia-Pacific for 2010. But whatever arises, AIMA will
continue to argue that it is in everyone’s
We are, however, also concerned about While Hong Kong’s existing robust set of short- interests, whether they are policymakers who
regulation in the U.S. that could negatively selling rules meant that the jurisdiction was regulate or the market participants who are
impact both the global industry (for one of the few international financial centres regulated, that we are able to produce global
example, through ‘dual’ registration) and in the world not to place a temporary ban on regulation of our industry that is transparent,
the U.S. industry (for example through such activities during the financial crisis, the proportionate, consistent and workable.
9 REGULATORY & TAX Key updates from the Reg & Tax department
14 WORLD VIEW News from our National Groups around the globe
The AIMA Journal is published quarterly by the Alternative Investment Management Association Ltd (AIMA). The views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the
AIMA Membership. AIMA does not accept responsibility for any statements herein. Reproduction of part or all of the contents of this publication is strictly prohibited, unless prior
permission is given by AIMA.
© The Alternative Investment Management Association Ltd (AIMA). All rights reserved.
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aima announcements
IMA celebrates its 20th anniversary in funds globally, managing about $39 billion (about
2010. Formed in 1990, the Association has $64 billion adjusted for inflation) in assets. At the
become the leading global representative time, EMFA was present in five countries. Today,
body for the hedge fund industry. the hedge fund industry is worth more than $1.5
trillion in AUM while our members comprise over
AIMA’s origins date back to the September 1990 1,100 firms (with over 4,500 individual contacts)
founding of the European Managed Futures in more than 40 countries. Our hedge fund
Association (EMFA) during a gathering of 17 manager members manage in excess of 75% of
leading lights of the managed futures industry global hedge fund assets and 70% of global fund
at a lakeside hotel in Switzerland. They were of hedge funds assets.
motivated by a concern that regulators and
policymakers were not sufficiently educated was originally assured it would be only a part- It is one of AIMA’s great strengths that it is able
about this type of assets. They set out with two time job (see below) – to 20 current full-time to speak for the whole industry globally. AIMA’s
principal aims in mind: to campaign for better staff members. members include hedge fund managers, fund
regulation; and to educate investors, regulators of hedge funds managers, prime brokers, legal
and other stakeholders about the industry. These AIMA has continually demonstrated leadership and accounting services, fund administrators
remain among our core missions to this day. and innovation, including creating the AIMA and independent fund directors. They all benefit
Due Diligence Questionnaires, holding the first from our active influence in policy development,
The Association grew steadily, and by 1997 international regulatory forum, developing our leadership in industry initiatives and media
it was re-named the Alternative Investment the series of AIMA Sound Practice Guides, co- engagement and our outstanding reputation
Management Association (AIMA) in a move founding the Chartered Alternative Investment with regulators.
that underscored its broader remit as Analyst Association and launching the Hedge
well as its global ambitions. AIMA now has Fund Matrix and the Roadmap to Hedge Funds. None of what we do would be possible without
representation and offices across the world, the tremendous involvement and support of
in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Much has changed since the Association’s our members, whose selfless leadership and
Africa and Asia-Pacific regions. Its staff has founding. Back in 1990, there were only about dedicated service to the industry over the last
grown from less than one – Florence Lombard 500 hedge funds and about 80 funds of hedge 20 years we salute.
lorence Lombard, AIMA’s employee - “Doing the hard yards (and interminable air
number one in every sense, and former miles) to put Asia on the AIMA map”
Chief Executive Officer, is shortly to step - “Being the sort of person who makes
down after a long and distinguished career. people want to help… and harnessing that
Over the last 16 years, she has worked with goodwill for AIMA”
many of the leading lights of the hedge fund - “Achieving it all with charm in a macho
industry. For this edition of the AIMA Journal, industry”
we asked them to highlight her achievements. Most recently, Florence has served as AIMA’s
Here is a selection of the responses we Executive Director, focusing on the relationship
received: with governments and policy advisers
- “A tireless advocate of a balanced view of internationally. As part of her role, she has
the industry” helped lead our AIFM Directive campaign. She
- “An outstanding contribution to the global will remain as a Non-Executive Director on the
development of AIMA” Council of AIMA as well as on the Board of the
- “Her strategic vision, enlightened leadership CAIA Association. She is also a Director of the
style and strong business and organisational recently-launched Institute for Global Asset
skills have enabled AIMA to emerge as a leading interest” and Risk Management. The hobbies listed on
industry body” - “Showed vision to kick-start CAIA when the her bio may also hint at the next stage of her
- “Demonstrated a wholehearted commitment industry needed it” life – renovating properties, travel, writing,
to the industry and its practitioners” - “Provided members with outstanding value” music and the theatre.
- “Developed outstanding relations with - “Helped to establish the DDQs which became
regulators globally” the template for many companies’ RFPs” Everyone at AIMA – and the global industry
- “Positioned AIMA so it’s respected for its - “Is trusted by key policymakers and regulators that she has represented with such distinction
competence and avoidance of conflicts of around the world” - wishes her a long and happy retirement.
AIMA launched a major campaign to seek Engagement with policymakers can read it here. It was a similar initiative to
substantial revisions to the European the newsletter we produced for UK politicians
Commission’s proposed Alternative Investment We have provided positive, constructive and civil servants earlier in 2009 and was
Fund Managers (AIFM) Directive after the support and specific technical assistance for aimed principally at MEPs. It contained key
draft legislation was published in April 2009. policymakers in the interests of securing the industry facts and figures and addressed some
The following is an overview of the key best possible outcome for our industry. of the main myths about the industry. It also
developments with the campaign. highlighted the social value provided by the
We have stressed our positive vision for industry - citing higher returns for pension
Please note that some of the hyperlinks in this the Directive, focusing on three elements: funds and other institutional investors, job
section are restricted to AIMA members. registration and authorisation, reporting of creation and tax revenues.
systemically relevant data and resolution of
Raising awareness cross border marketing issues. These elements
represented the G20 vision of regulation of the Position Paper
Whilst we support balanced and considered industry, which we support. We argued that if
regulation and indeed the broad principles the Directive featured these elements it would Our signature document on the Directive, our
contained in the Directive, we had reservations create a progressive framework for the industry AIFM Directive Position Paper, was published
regarding many of its proposals and their within the European Union that addressed in September 2009. It was the first document
potential to cause unintended consequences. concerns raised about systemic risk issues. that we provided to Member States who sought
The initial phase of our campaign was built our technical input on the Directive and was
around raising awareness of the provisions a substantial piece of work. You can read the
in the Directive with potentially serious Online Directive Centre Paper here and the Executive Summary here.
consequences for European pensions and
savings, commercial real estate, capital flows, We launched our online Directive Centre in
the competitiveness of EU financial services August 2009. The Directive Centre – intended Directive Rapporteur
and the desirability of Europe as a destination as an important resource for members and the
for international investment. media - contains everything relevant for our The Rapporteur who has been guiding the
campaign, including press releases, guidance Directive through the European Parliament,
Our campaign was a global one and emphasised notes, FAQs and other resource materials Jean-Paul Gauzès of the European People’s
that the draft Directive had ramifications for EU issued by AIMA; speeches and articles on the Party, was appointed in September 2009,
and non-EU fund managers, service providers Directive and links to relevant documents, along with several shadow rapporteurs. We
and investors. As investors such as European including the original draft Directive and details knew it would be vital that we liaise closely
pension funds became more aware of the threats of the legislative process; and a quotes section with M. Gauzès and the shadow rapporteurs,
posed by the Directive, increasing numbers featuring a host of different figures expressing and we issued a press release congratulating
began to come forward to voice their concerns. their opinions. You can access it here. the team on their appointment and saying we
In particular, the series of interventions by were looking forward to working with them on
a group of the largest pension funds in the the Directive. M. Gauzès produced his initial
Netherlands, who sent letters to the European Campaign intensifies report on the Directive in November 2009.
Commission and European Parliament, helped You can read it here, and you can read our
to expand the scope of the debate beyond the Amid our phase of engagement with statement on the report here. We noted that
hedge fund industry alone and gave additional policymakers, we sought to enlist as many while there were some areas of progress which
weight to our arguments. allies as possible. With both the European we welcomed, there were also many others of
Parliament and European Council studying the concern. It was notable at the time that M.
By the autumn of 2009, a broad consensus among proposals in parallel, we undertook intensive Gauzès said that his proposed changes to the
influential policymakers and commentators had meeting programmes with influential officials Directive were a “foundation, not a perfect
emerged that the Directive as originally drafted and policymakers in Brussels and across the finalised” solution and there were still “a lot
was flawed and required substantial revisions. EU. We met with key MEPs on the European of discussions to be had”.
There was a good example of this when Eddy Parliament’s ECON (Economic and Monetary
Wymeersch, Chairman of the Committee of Affairs) Committee and JURI (Legal Affairs)
European Securities Regulators (CESR), which Committee, and a number of Finance Ministers Swedish Presidency
represents the 27 EU regulators, said in October from the EU Member States. AIMA’s Andrew
2009 that the draft Directive was unworkable Baker also gave evidence to the U.K. House Sweden held the rotating Presidency of the EU
and needed a rethink (Reuters reported his of Lords committee looking at the Directive in during the second half of 2009 and invested
comments here). The success of the awareness- October – you can read a transcript of Andrew’s considerable resources in finding a compromise
raising phase of the campaign has meant that testimony here. to the Directive. Building on from the discussions
we have been able to move to a new phase of in the AIFMD Council Working Group, which was
engagement with policymakers in order to offer We also launched a newsletter for European formed in May 2009, the Swedes issued several
concrete, alternative solutions. policymakers in the fourth quarter of 2009. You compromise texts of the Directive. Their initial
text is here. You can read a media statement Interaction with MEPs The Spanish produced their first document on
we issued after the first of these texts here. the Directive, an “issues note”, on 11 January
As part of our continuing dialogue with MEPs, 2010, which listed the remaining issues of
Subsequent compromise texts addressed the Andrew Baker addressed a lunch in Strasbourg contention – in line with those identified by
issue of remuneration. The Swedes initially in January 2010 of the Kangaroo Group of the Swedes at the end of their presidency. The
proposed a requirement to defer 40% or 60% MEPs, which campaigns for a completion of issues note is here. The tone of the document
of any bonus for three years, before amending the single market (see their website for more is noteworthy – they say the Swedish presidency
this to say that bonuses should be deferred information). Andrew stressed that the industry has done a “remarkable” job - something that
“over a period which is appropriate in view was keen to work closely with European concurs with what they have been telling us,
of the life cycle and redemption policy of the policymakers to achieve a positive result on the which is that they intend to continue the work
AIF concerned and is correctly aligned with the Directive, and his speech was well-received. of the Swedish.
nature of the risks of the AIF”. You can read Directive Rapporteur Jean-Paul Gauzès also
their 25 November 2009 text here. The section spoken at the event. On 1 February, the Spanish authorities published
on remuneration was on page 78, section (m). a compromise (found here). We understand that
this will be discussed at a series of meetings
The Swedes issued a progress report on Parliamentary amendments of the AIFMD Council Working Group. The
the Directive during the last days of their negotiations on the Directive are now entering
Presidency, which you can read here. They We produced a list of 80 preferred amendments a critical phase.
said that the four key remaining issues related to the draft Directive and passed them on to
to depositaries, valuation, remuneration and sympathetic MEPs before the 21 January 2010
third country issues. They acknowledged that deadline for submissions in order for them to Campaign contributions
there was a “high degree of convergence” of be proposed to the ECON committee. ECON
views on the rest of the text. They also issued is due to begin discussing the amendments Finally, we have been delighted by the
a final version of their compromise text of the on 22 February. Early indications are that we very positive response to our request
Directive, which you can read here. But they have been successful in having most, if not for voluntary contributions for our AIFM
were not able to reach a final compromise all, submitted to ECON. Directive campaign.
before the end of their term.
This has been the first time in the 20-year
In an update to members at the time, we said Spanish Presidency history of the Association that we have had
we believed that the Swedes had made useful to resort to such a call on our members and
progress during their Presidency but given that We held initial meetings with representatives of we are pleased to say that we are well on
the issues that remain to be resolved were the Spanish EU Presidency, both in Brussels and the way towards our target. It is gratifying
extremely significant for our industry, the in Madrid, before and immediately after the that the global hedge fund industry has
crucial question would be the attitude of the Spanish took over the rotating presidency of the responded to such a grave threat with this
subsequent Spanish Presidency. EU from Sweden at the beginning of 2010. display of unity.
AIFMD - Draft timeline for 2010: European Parliament and European Council
Summit 2010
21-22 April 2010, Palais de la Bourse, Paris
opportunities contact:
James Laight, T: +44 (0) 20 7779 7354
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Press Clippings
AIMA and the global industry we represent - U.K. newspapers the Sunday Telegraph campaign. In October, AIMA Canada’s Gary
receive regular and widespread media and City AM fought a campaign against Ostoich told Reuters that the Directive could
coverage in Europe, the U.S. and around the Directive. In this article to kick off its have a major impact on Canada’s hedge fund
the world. The following are some edited campaign, the Sunday Telegraph quoted industry. This statement came after the release
highlights, with hyerlinks to the relevant Andrew Baker extensively and said that we had of press releases in local markets around the
articles and broadcast clips, of the press led the lobbying effort against the proposal. world that set out the considerable impact of
coverage AIMA and the industry received Telegraph head of business Damian Reece the Directive beyond the EU’s borders.
during the latter part of 2009. called for “reform” here.
- The possible impact of the Directive on
Please note that some of the hyperlinks in this - The then Swedish Presidency of the European the Hong Kong hedge fund industry was
section will be restricted to subscribers of the Union published its proposed compromise reported by China Daily and the Hong Kong
relevant publications. text for the Directive in November 2009. AIMA Economic Journal, while Bloomberg assessed
issued this statement to the global media; we the Directive’s impact on Singapore and Hong
AIFM Directive also then issued a separate comment on the Kong and Super Review magazine of Australia
remuneration annex within the new Swedish reported that the Directive would affect
The Alternative Investment Fund Managers text, expressing our concern. This was Australian fund managers.
(AIFM) Directive dominated much of the reported by the Financial Times, Bloomberg,
coverage of AIMA and the industry during the Reuters and Global Pensions.
latter part of 2009. U.S. media coverage
- Andrew Baker gave evidence about the
The coverage included the following highlights Directive to the U.K. House of Lords, and the The latter part of 2009 was of course marked by
(note: some of the publications listed may full transcript of the hearing was published by a series of proposed legislative changes in the
require subscriptions): the Hedge Fund Journal. U.S.. These proposals culminated in December
2009 with House of Representatives voting in
- AIMA’s Andrew Baker appeared on World - In December 2009, Directive rapporteur support of a wide-ranging Wall Street Reform
Business Report on BBC1 and BBC World in Jean-Paul Gauzes published his proposed Act. The Senate is currently considering its
September 2009 to talk about the Directive. amendments to the draft legislation. AIMA version of the eventual legislation.
And we also recorded a TV clip of Andrew gave its initial response to the report in this
talking about the directive for our Directive media statement. The news was reported by As well as engaging with policymakers in
Centre on our website. You can see it here. a wide range of international and industry the U.S., AIMA released media statements
publications, many of which carried elements relating to the proposals on Capitol Hill. In our
- The results of a survey of AIMA members by of AIMA’s media statement. The coverage communications, such as this press release,
independent think-tank Open Europe drew included Hedge Funds Review, Opalesque, we reiterated our support for the registration
widespread media coverage. The survey Hedge Fund Journal and EurActiv. of U.S.-based hedge fund managers and the
concluded that the Directive could cost of the reporting of systemically relevant data to the
alternative investment industry $2.8 billion in - Even a European Parliament-commissioned SEC. But we made clear that we were worried
its first year and $1.4 billion a year thereafter. study questioned the rationale behind the about the potential for excessive reporting
The news was covered by, among others, Directive and argued that the legislation requirements overwhelming both regulators
Bloomberg, Reuters, the Daily Telegraph, could reduce the annual growth rate of the and managers.
and City AM. EU by as much as 0.2%. The news, including
AIMA’s response, was carried by a number In this media statement, we expressed
- In October 2009, Andrew discussed the of media outlets including the Wall Street concern that the asset threshold for the
progress of the campaign thus far in Hedge Journal and the Financial Times. proposed Systemic Resolution Fund – a pool
magazine and he considered the implications of capital that would be used to rescue firms
of the Directive on pension funds and other - Our campaign drew praise from a variety deemed too big to fail - would be set at $10
institutional investors in Pensions Insight. of quarters, including Hedge Funds billion for hedge funds yet $50 billion for all
The campaign also hit the airwaves, with Review, which said in December 2009 that other financial institutions and we called for
Andrew a regular fixture on TV and radio the association had “risen to new heights” a fairer and more proportionate measure.
reports, including this discussion on BBC and was fighting a “sustained and fairly This was picked up by a number publications
Radio 4’s World At One programme. effective campaign”. including, Hedgeweek, the
Hedge Fund Journal and Opalesque.
- Later in October, HFM Week quoted Andrew - In this article, columnist Simon Osborne of
expressing concern that the hedge fund magazine Asian Investor supported our policy Meanwhile, we conducted a series of
industry would only have a sole representative of constructive engagement with policymakers interviews with U.S. media organisations. The
at an important hearing of the European on the Directive. most extensive of these saw AIMA Chairman
Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Todd Groome interviewed at length by the
Committee on the Directive. - We have fought a global media Directive Hedge Fund Law Report in November 2009.
Todd was invited to discuss some of the big articles by AIMA Hong Kong’s Christophe Lee, world that carried statements by Andrew
issues facing the global industry including Financial Secretary John Tsang, Simon Galpin Baker and AIMA Australia’s Kim Ivey.
regulation, disclosure, dual registration and of InvestHK and Robert Ray of CME Group.
short-selling. Singapore regulation: Hedge funds in Singapore
Hong Kong survey: A survey by AIMA Hong would “almost certainly” need to be licensed as
Kong that found the local hedge fund industry the central bank seeks to tighten regulation of
In brief employed about 4,000 people was reported the industry, AIMA Singapore’s Michael Coleman
by Bloomberg in November 2009. told Bloomberg in October 2009.
Todd Groome profile: Hedge Funds Review
published a profile of AIMA’s Todd Groome, which Hong Kong market: The Asset magazine Post-Madoff: AIMA Canada’s Gary Ostoich
reflected on Todd’s long career, his aspirations carried a lengthy article about the Hong Kong was among the Canadian hedge fund industry
for AIMA and his views on the industry. market based on an interview with AIMA Hong’s professionals quoted in a Reuters piece about
Christophe Lee. how the industry was rebuilding trust with its
Ex-Chairman wins award: Hedge Funds clients after the Madoff affair.
Review reported that AIMA Council member Short selling: The Guardian reported in
and former AIMA Chairman Christopher October 2009 that investors would have to AIMA Canada event: The outcome of an
Fawcett, senior partner at Fauchier Partners, disclose their short-selling positions in every AIMA Canada luncheon event in Toronto was
had won the 2009 European Long-term European company under EU proposals backed reported on by Reuters.
Achievement in Fund of Hedge Funds award. by the FSA. Andrew Baker was quoted as saying
the reporting threshold had been set too low. Cayman seminars: AIMA Cayman’s launch in
Hong Kong anniversary: The Hong Kong November of a number of seminars looking
Economic Times carried a full-page piece And Opalesque in November 2009 published a at the key elements of an investment fund
marking the 10th anniversary of AIMA Hong round-up of reforms to short-selling and other from a director’s perspective was covered by
Kong in November 2009 with messages and regulations in various jurisdictions around the Cayman Net News.
n 1999, there was no global standard of knowledge for the in its efforts to maintain the currency of its program. Candidates
alternative investment industry. AIMA helped change that in 2002 sitting for Level I and Level II exams in March 2010 will be the first
when it joined with CISDM (Center for International Securities to use the newly published CAIA Alternative Investment Knowledge
and Derivatives Markets) to co-found the Chartered Alternative Series. The series covers the information and associated skills
Investment Analyst (CAIA) designation program. required for all professionals working with alternative investments,
while allowing for the inclusion of future updates on a timely basis.
Today, just eight years later, more than 3,500 financial The series is the result of collaborative work with CAIA members,
professionals worldwide, many from AIMA member companies, industry experts, and academics, including Mark Anson, Ernest
have earned their CAIA designation. More will join the CAIA roster Jaffarian, François-Serge Lhabitant, Thomas Meyer, Pierre-Yves
after this year’s two exam cycles – in March and September Mathonet, Richard Spurgin, and David McCarthy.
2010. Members include a variety of professionals such as portfolio
managers, financial planners, institutional investors, consultants A mini quiz on the website allows AI savvy professionals to
and regulators. Their growing interest in creating AI communities test their knowledge before deciding on whether the program will
has helped launch 11 CAIA chapters worldwide, including add to their level of professionalism. Employees of AIMA member
chapters in London, Hong Kong and Germany. companies who are interested in taking the September 2010
exams are encouraged to sign up early in order to secure the early
As membership and reputation grow, the CAIA Association, which registration discount. Registration for the September exams will
is the sponsoring-body of the designation, has reached a milestone open in early April 2010.
As a founding sponsor of the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) Association, AIMA is able to offer member
companies exclusive discounts on CAIA examination and membership fees.
Employees of AIMA member companies are eligible for a 25% discount off the standard CAIA examination fees, and receive 60%
off their first year of CAIA membership. For more information, see here.
WORLD VIEW News round-up from AIMA’s National Groups around the world
AIMA Australia
AIMA submitted a response to the Australian Tax AIMA has branch offices and National Groups around the world
Office’s Draft Tax Determinations (TD 2009/
D17 and TD 2009/D18) in February. The main
points in our submission concern the potentially federal Goods and Services Tax (GST) from 1 Council (Board of Directors). Mr Tye has been
negative effect for the Australian funds industry, July 2010. The result will be an increase in a senior fixture of the Asian finance industry
with regard to the issues for offshore domiciled taxes on fund management fees, rising from for the past 14 years. He co-founded
hedge funds and for Australian-sourced income 5% to 13% and 12% respectively. In addition, DragonBack in 2007 with his two partners.
for foreign investors. We hoped that the new rules came in at the start of 2010 which Previously, he was the Chief Financial Officer
recommendations for change made by the levelled the playing field between funds based of PMA, one of Asia’s biggest hedge fund
Australian Finance Centre Forum in its report in provinces having the higher melded tax rate, managers. He has also held senior positions
released by Ministers on 15 January, including and those having the lower tax rate under the with Credit Suisse.
an ‘investment manager regime’ to provide old provincial systems.
non-resident investors with a tax exemption in Meanwhile, AIMA Hong Kong formally celebrated
respect of investments in foreign assets through Meanwhile, AIMA Canada sponsored the sixth 10 years in the jurisdiction in November 2009
intermediaries, would be taken up. Annual Hedge Funds Care Canada gala at the with a cocktail reception at the Hong Kong
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto in November Club. The event attracted a large gathering of
AIMA Australia also updated members about 2009. The event helped push the charity to participants, including representatives from
a short-selling regime that will be introduced over the $1 million mark in terms of funds the local hedge fund industry and international
on 1 April. The new system will see daily raised to prevent child abuse and neglect. guests, officiated by Financial Secretary John
disclosures of positions to the regulator and Tsang. The event was sponsored by InvestHK,
aggregated positions made available to the CME Group, Thomson Reuters, Prime Fund
market after only three days. AIMA Cayman Solutions and Ernst & Young.
Policymakers looking to improve systemic risk and financial stability Improving transparency
analysis need to identify the key drivers of systemic risk, develop a
practical and effective reporting system for systemically-relevant A fundamental premise underpinning current policy discussions is a
information, and gather such data in an efficient manner from a desire to improve transparency; both at the market and counterparty
targeted group of financial institutions from all sectors. The hedge level, and with and among supervisors. As a matter of principle, this
fund industry is prepared to contribute to that analysis and process. basic premise and goal should be supported.
n the emerging sphere of supranational macro-prudential The global hedge fund industry, through the Alternative Investment
supervision, an important debate is progressing among Management Association (AIMA), its global association, in February
global policymakers. Throughout the G20, policymakers and 2009 (in advance of the G20 Finance Ministers meeting in London),
practitioners are attempting to solve one of the fundamental announced its support for a variety of policy initiatives focused on
challenges posed by the recent crisis: how to construct a global improving transparency, including mandatory manager registration
system of oversight and supervision capable of identifying the build- and the periodic reporting by larger managers of systemically-relevant
up of excesses and stresses in the financial system, and how best to information to supervisors and other macro-prudential authorities.
address such warning signs in a timely and effective manner. The goal
is to mitigate systemic risk and market melt-downs, and the related We understand that this could bring additional challenges, including
negative effects on the real economy. the risk of creating structures that may foster regulatory overload. As
such, it is important that (i) a macro-prudential or financial stability-
What are the key drivers of systemic risk or financial instability? This oriented reporting system be applied consistently on a global basis, (ii)
is an important starting point, and as fundamental as it seems, many only institutions that can practically contribute to this analysis should
policymakers today do not agree on the drivers or how to define be asked to incur the costs of doing so, (iii) supervisory capacity needs
these terms. to exist to effectively use this information, and (iv) all financial sectors
and relevant market participants are required to contribute.
Let’s assume that financial instability is more than market volatility
or individual firm failures, but involves such extreme volatility and Supervisory framework
market disruptions that key markets cease to function, including in
particular the failure of core financial functions such as the provision AIMA has been working with major national and supranational
of liquidity and credit. Such extreme events are often the product authorities to develop such a supervisory framework throughout 2009,
of strong procyclical forces, exacerbating market or economic and most supervisory authorities appreciate the challenges inherent in
adjustments, and the stakes are even higher today given the increased devising a reporting system for systemically-relevant information. The
inter-connectedness of global financial markets and institutions. data gathered needs to be relevant to the risks we seek to mitigate,
and it must be understood that neither the public nor the private sector
Thus, an important policy goal must be to better understand market can draw on infinite resources in this regard. Take a practical example:
dynamics, and to develop policies that reduce or modify a variety supervisors would gain little from scrutinizing every position taken by
of procyclical forces in markets (eg, fair value accounting, over- a hedge fund manager, or any other market participant. A reporting
reliance on risk-based capital and VAR-type models, and increasingly system seeking to gather too much information is more likely to conceal
common risk management models and practices within and across the building-up of risks than to uncover them, since red flags may
sectors), as well as the resulting procyclical behaviour of a broad remain hidden under a mass of data. Indeed, it is important to observe
group of market participants. Policy adjustments can reduce these and understand the larger picture, including market and institutional
procyclical drivers and facilitate more diverse market behaviour, and linkages, in order to evaluate systemic risks.
thus improve financial stability by reducing the “crowded response”
to market shocks. The primary goal of such reporting is to improve the supervisory
understanding of market dynamics, not to interfere in markets or to
It is widely acknowledged today that hedge funds were not a cause seek a “zero-failure” regime. However, the crisis has again raised
or a contributor to the systemic events of 2008. Indeed, hedge funds, questions over one of the guiding principles of prudential supervision,
as an important contributor to market liquidity and price discovery, that of “non-zero failure.” Policy-makers should recognize that they
typically provide important stabilizing and counter-cyclical influences to will not be able to prevent all failures; nor is that a desirable goal. In
a variety of markets. The diversity of investment strategies and trading an efficient and functioning market, some firms will fail, so the focus
styles evident in the hedge fund industry provide important market should be on creating brakes, buffers, or barriers in the system to
stability to the frequent herding behaviour evident in many traditional prevent cascading failures, as well as the means to efficiently reallocate
investment management and banking activities. capital to more productive uses. As a practical matter, based on a
variety of growing fiscal pressures, many governments may also be
For these same reasons, it is quite logical, even necessary, that increasingly unable or unwilling to pursue large bailouts and related
hedge funds contribute to the supervisory analysis of markets and stimulus programs.
systemic risk.
(Continued on page 16)
A few statistics may be instructive. The entire hedge fund industry During 2007 and 2008, the average leverage employed by hedge
manages assets worth about $1.5 trillion today. It may seem a funds was much lower. To better understand market and system
large number, but the broader asset management industry is vast risks, supervisors need to evaluate a variety of risk factors, such as
– around $62 trillion in assets under management by some estimates. (i) portfolio or balance sheet concentrations, (ii) historic and current
By that measure, hedge fund firms manage a little over 2% of all volatility levels across markets, (iii) very importantly, liquidity
professionally-managed assets. Of course, some banks manage more conditions on both sides of the balance sheet, and (iv) leverage
assets than the entire hedge fund industry, and do so with much levels, on and off-balance sheet, across institutions and sectors.
greater leverage. Understanding these risk factors, especially liquidity conditions,
should be of primary importance and produce a better analysis
Nevertheless, hedge funds should not – and do not - fly under the of systemic risk. This is also the type of risk analysis (in general
radar. Improving financial stability means empowering supervisors to terms) that major hedge fund managers conduct on a regular basis,
take a holistic view of the financial system. While hedge funds – and and possibly why numerous observers have concluded that risk
this is an important distinction - are not systemically “important” management systems at major hedge funds are typically of the
institutions based on the risk they pose to the financial system or the highest standard.
core services they provide, as mature market participants our industry
can and should contribute to financial stability analysis by providing Policymakers and regulators are not alone in the desire for
public authorities with systemically “relevant” information. It should greater financial stability; it is in the interests of everyone
also be noted that many of the largest hedge fund managers have operating in financial markets and the broader economy, including
been voluntarily sharing market and risk management information the alternative investment community. The G20, the FSB, the
with national and international authorities for many years. International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
and national supervisors have made a significant commitment to
Which hedge fund managers should be asked to provide such improve financial stability.
information to supervisors? One criteria (not the only one) should be
assets under management – with managers having more than $1 billion As part of the new regulatory framework, the hedge fund industry and
in AUM, for example, required to comply with enhanced reporting AIMA are working closely with national and international supervisory
requirements. This would capture about 325 managers and about authorities, and fully support their efforts to create an effective
80% of assets managed by the global hedge fund industry; providing global macro-prudential system and reduce systemic risk. Otherwise,
both practical and relevant coverage. In this way, supervisors should we could all be left in the dark... again.
gain a useful view of market activity via the window of hedge fund
managers, including market trends and the possible build-up of various An abridged version of this article appeared in the Financial
types of risks across the financial system and sectors. Times’ FTfm supplement
aolo Cristofolini, a veteran of the the first ever European fund of hedge funds, the industry and how several years ago he
European hedge fund industry and a incorporated in Guernsey. Paolo went on had beaten a cancer scare with good humour.
member of AIMA for many years, was to set up Commodities Corporation, which Our sincere condolences go to Paolo’s family
killed by an avalanche in Verbier, Switzerland became the Geneva arm of Goldman Sachs and his many friends.
on 3 January 2010. Asset Management, then Agora Capital
Management. He also created a wine It has been a sad year for the European
Paolo was a personal friend of mine of more investment fund and was on the board of, or hedge fund industry, which has lost several
than 25 years. Together in 1989, before AIMA advised, several of our member companies. other ‘old’ friends, including Gilles Halna
was even thought of, under a joint venture He will be missed by all those who knew him. du Frètay, Tony Stocks, Thierry de la Ville
between Bearbull Asset Management and Personally, I will always remember him for Huchet, Jean-Pierre Aguilar and Steven
Elders Finance Group, we had established his extraordinary energy, passion for life and Krampf to name but a few.
IRISH OPPORTUNITY New Irish legislation will enable offshore fund companies
to migrate into Ireland
By Brian McDermott and Nollaig Greene, A&L Goodbody
reland has enacted new legislation to enable fund companies to - Minimise delays and unnecessary paperwork;
migrate into Ireland and be registered as Irish regulated funds
without any change in the legal entity. The process aims to - Make it easier to use the track record of the fund for marketing
maximise efficiency and to minimise any regulatory, tax or other purposes.
burdens on the migrating company.
The Irish limb of the process will be quite streamlined. It should, in
This new procedure will enable funds structured as companies to summary, involve a single filing of registration documentation with
convert to EU regulated funds, enjoying the market advantage of each of the Irish Companies Registration Office and the Irish Financial
recognised investor protection safeguards (such as independent Regulator.
custody and administration, including valuation). Migrating funds
will have the flexibility to structure as UCITS (with the benefit of the The following are the key steps and requirements:
UCITS passport), or as Irish Qualifying Investor Funds (with the benefit
of greater flexibility in investment options). Other reasons why funds - The migrating fund will apply to the Irish Registrar of Companies to
may migrate to Ireland would be to position themselves to deal with be registered in Ireland by way of continuation of existence.
the potential challenges presented by both the AIFM Directive (such
as the marketing of non EU funds in the EU) and OECD and EU tax - The application will be signed by a director of the migrating fund
initiatives affecting traditional offshore fund domiciles. and will be accompanied by the prescribed registration documents
(which will include a director’s statutory declaration in respect of
Ireland is estimated to service over 40% of global alternative the migrating fund and a declaration as to its solvency) as well as a
investment funds as at October 2009. As at June 2009, Ireland had further declaration as to compliance with the Act’s requirements by a
€1.4 trillion in total fund assets under administration, €650 billion solicitor or director.
of which are in non-domiciled funds and €703 billion in domiciled
funds, according to the Irish Funds Industry Association. Many offshore - The migrating fund must have obtained confirmation from the
funds are already serviced in Ireland and many fund promoters and Irish Financial Regulator that it proposes to authorise the applicant
investment managers may already have established funds in Ireland (whether as a UCITS or a non UCITS). This will mean that any migrating
and will be familiar, and comfortable, with the jurisdiction. fund will have to comply with all of the relevant requirements of
the Irish Financial Regulator. We anticipate that the finalisation of
To facilitate the migration of fund companies into Ireland, the documentation for the Irish Financial Regulator and the Irish Registrar
Companies (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 (the Act) was signed of Companies will run in parallel.
into law on 23 December 2009. It includes provisions which will enable
existing offshore fund companies to re-domicile to Ireland. This will be - The migrating fund must be solvent with no action pending to wind it
an alternative to such companies merging, or entering into a formal up or to appoint a liquidator to it.
scheme of amalgamation, with a successor Irish fund company (which
has, up until now, been the preferred method for fund companies to - Notice of redomiciliation must be served on the creditors of the
move to Ireland). The new process ensures that there is no change in migrating fund.
the legal entity and thus investors remain shareholders in the same
entity. This should: - Any necessary contractual consents must be obtained by the
migrating fund.
- Ensure there is no chargeable event for the fund or its investors as a
result of the migration as it will not involve a sale or transfer of assets - The migration process will be subject to compliance with the
or shares; relevant legislative and regulatory requirements in the country of
origin of the migrating fund and to compliance with the requirements
- Eliminate or significantly reduce stamp duties, other taxes and of the constitution of the migrating fund.
other costs relating to the migration as there will be no change in the
beneficial ownership of the fund’s assets;
(Continued on page 18)
Introduction Analysis
s a result of declining stock prices and increased volatility To test the null hypothesis of a statistically insignificant relationship
on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), the Australian between short selling and abnormal stock price movement, a linear
Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) placed a regression model is created with the following specifications:
temporary ban on both naked and covered short selling of securities,
effective 22 September 20081. The ban was subsequently lifted on Model 1: Daily Returnt = α + β (Gross Short Salest) + εt.
non-financial stocks on 19 November 20082, on the condition that
brokers report their gross short sale positions to the ASX, which is Where:
subsequently released to the public at 9am the following day in the Daily Return6 = Daily stock price return adjusted for dividends (the
form of a Daily Gross Short Sales Report. Throughout the period of the dependent variable);
ban, restricted stocks were shorted as allowed by limited, authorised α = Intercept term;
market-makers. Following numerous reviews of the short selling β = Sensitivity of Daily Return to Gross Short Sales;
restrictions, which resulted in maintaining the ban on restricted stocks Gross Short Sales7 = Daily gross short sales as a percentage of shares
due to continued market volatility3, ASIC finally lifted the ban on the on issue (the independent variable);
remaining financial and selected stocks on 25 May 2009. ε = Error term.
Australia was one of the few developed countries to have continued The focus of the modelling is the estimated value for β, the sensitivity
to impose short selling restrictions on financial stocks and the only of a stock’s daily return to gross short sales, using a 5% level of
major developed market to have imposed a short selling ban on both significance.
financial and non-financial stocks . The restrictions were placed with
limited available evidence on the impact of short selling on stock In order to adjust the stock returns for movements in the overall
prices. market, a second linear regression model was created for each using
the relative daily return of the stocks (relative daily return) as the
The following examines whether, over the period that the ban was dependent variable, calculated as the stock’s daily return (adjusted
partially lifted, there is a relationship between reported short selling for dividends) less the daily return on the All Ordinaries Accumulation
and stock price movements. The models developed are intended to Index. The independent variable remained the same as in Model 1; the
be explanatory as opposed to predictive models, designed to explore reported gross short sales as a percentage of shares on issue:
whether there is any support for the populist argument that short
selling has affected stock price declines.
Method 1
D’Aloisio, T 08-205 Covered Short Selling not Permitted September 21, 2008.
Five additional non-financial securities remained subject to the short selling ban: Calliden
Data sample: Group Limited, Futuris Corporation Limited, The Rock Building Society Limited, Wesfarmers
November 2008. The S&P/ASX 20 represents the 20 largest stocks by Hamson et. al Has the Short Selling Ban Reduced Liquidity in the Australian Stock Market?
market capitalisation, which as at 19 November 2008 constituted 58% December 22, 2008 for analyses on volatility and the short selling restrictions.
S&P/ASX 20 represents a 50/50 split of stocks that were released from 2008.
the provisions of the ban on 19 November 2008 (shortable stocks) and Figures obtained from IRESS Market Technology database and Standard and Poor’s.
those that remained under the restrictions of the short selling ban Data sourced from IRESS Market Technology (IRESS)
until 22 May 2009 (non-shortable stocks). The period covered is from Data sourced from the Daily Gross Short Sales report as published on
19 November 2008 to 22 May 2009; a total of 127 observations. Data sourced from IRESS
Stock Company name Industry group Gross short sales coefficient R
(ASX code) estimate (p-value)
AMP AMP Limited Insurance 17.33 (0.057) * 0.03
ANZ Australia and New Zealand Banks 4.47 (0.243) 0.01
Banking Group Limited
CBA Commonwealth Bank Banks -0.77 (0.903) 0.00
of Australia
MQG Macquarie Group Limited Diversified Financials 15.39 (0.140) 0.02
NAB National Australia Bank Ltd Banks 4.69 (0.260) 0.01
QBE QBE Insurance Group Limited Insurance 5.81 (0.249) 0.01
SUN Suncorp-Metway Limited Insurance 1.89 (0.620) 0.00
WBC Westpac Banking Corporation Banks 1.18 (0.710) 0.00
WDC Westfield Group Real Estate -6.00 (0.478) 0.00
WES Wesfarmers Limited Food & Staples 4.02 (0.126) 0.02
Model 2: Relative Daily Returnt = α + β (Gross Short Salest) + εt. indicating that share prices increased as gross short sales increased.
TLS, however, returned a negative gross short sales coefficient
Where: estimate, indicating that prices decreased with an increase in gross
Relative Daily Return8 = Daily stock price return adjusted for short sales. Using a one-tailed test, AMP, NCM and RIO produced a
dividends, less the daily return on the All Ordinaries Accumulation statistically significant relationship. AMP and NCM had positive short
Index (the dependent variable); sales coefficient estimates, while RIO returned a negative gross short
α = Intercept term; sales coefficient estimate.
β = Sensitivity of Relative Daily Return to Gross Short Sales;
Gross Short Sales = Daily gross short sales as a percentage of shares on Model 2 (turn to page 20), using relative share price returns as the
issue (the independent variable); dependent variable, produced statistically significant results using
ε = Error term. a two-tailed test for BHP and NAB. These stocks returned positive
gross short sales coefficient estimates, indicating relative share prices
Results increased as gross short sales increased. In the context of a one-
tailed test, MQG returned a statistically significant result, also with a
Model 1 produced three statistically significant relationships using a positive gross short sales coefficient estimate.
two-tailed test, namely BHP, FGL and TLS. Two of the three stocks,
BHP and FGL, had positive gross short sales coefficient estimates, (Continued on page 20)
Stock Company name Industry group Gross short sales coefficient R
(ASX code) estimate (p-value)
AMP AMP Limited Insurance 10.79 (0.165) 0.02
ANZ Australia and New Zealand Banking Banks 1.88 (0.507) 0.00
Group Limited
CBA Commonwealth Bank of Australia Banks -0.94 (0.841) 0.00
MQG Macquarie Group Limited Diversified Financials 15.92 (0.075)* 0.03
NAB National Australia Bank Limited Banks 6.22 (0.039)** 0.03
QBE QBE Insurance Group Limited Insurance 0.34 (0.938) 0.00
SUN Suncorp-Metway Limited Insurance 2.12 (0.528) 0.00
WBC Westpac Banking Corporation Banks -0.11 (0.961) 0.00
WDC Westfield Group Real Estate -4.05 (0.587) 0.00
WES Wesfarmers Limited Food & Staples 3.24 (0.138) 0.02
In summary, only one out of the 20 stocks analysed returned results ASIC Extends Ban on Covered Short Selling of Financial Securities
indicating a statistically significant negative relationship between, 5 March 2009
stock price returns and gross short sales, using a two-tailed test. One
out of the 20 stocks analysed returned similar results using a one- D’Aloisio, T. and ASIC
tailed test. Where the dependent variable was relative stock price 08-205 Covered Short Selling not Permitted
returns, there was no statistically significant negative relationship, 21 September 2005
using either two or one-tailed tests. In both models there were, in
fact, more instances of statistically significant positive relationships. Gardner, P. Hamson, D. Smith, G. and Wanzare, M.
This study should encourage further analyses as the results are Has the Short Selling Ban Reduced Liquidity in the Australian
inconsistent with the conventional wisdom that declining share prices Stock Market?
are associated with short selling. JASSA, The FINSIA Journal of Applied Finance, Issue 4, 2008 pp14-20
The authors are Emily Stewart, Rick Steele, Ashley Young, TechInvest Marsh, W. and Neimer, N.
Pty Limited ( The Impact of Short Sales Restrictions
17 December 2008
TechInvest is a member firm of AIMA Australia
Standard and Poor’s
Bibliography S&P/ASX All Ordinaries
19 November 2008
Australian Securities and Investment Commission
or over 20 years, the Cayman Islands has been a leading the opportunity of investing in the best offshore hedge funds and
jurisdiction for the establishment of hedge funds. But in the it looks likely that existing private placement rules will remain to
wake of the financial crisis, and the subsequent political allow offshore funds to be marketed in the EU. On the other side of
backlash and various proposed regulatory reforms for the hedge fund the Atlantic, the Obama Administration has introduced legislation
industry, it has been suggested that this position is being challenged. designed to attack so called “tax havens”; but the proposed US draft
This article analyses the recent statistics for fund launches in the legislation now looks a more proportional response and should not
Cayman Islands in order to identify any trend away from Cayman. The impact the Cayman model. The G20 and the OECD have committed to
results make for interesting reading. a global approach to the regulation of hedge funds and harmful tax
competition; Cayman has responded by agreeing to tax information
Statistics exchange agreements with major G20/EU nations. In addition, Cayman
has received positive reviews from the IMF and the UK Treasury.
At the end of December 2007, when the full extent of the credit Also last year, the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority became a
crunch and political response was yet to be realised, there were full member of IOSCO - acknowledgement that it is recognised by a
9,413 registered funds in the Cayman Islands. The vast majority of number of international bodies as meeting international standards.
these were hedge funds. Go forward two years, and substitute a
nascent economic crisis for a nascent economic recovery and many There has been investor pressure too. Some risk-averse investors
commentators would have you believe that the landscape has shifted have a preference for conservative strategies better suited to more
dramatically. Do the statistics bear them out? regulated products, such as UCITS funds. There are also certain
investors who, for political reasons, require an EU vehicle in which
According to the statistics available at the time of writing, there are to invest. But such regulation comes at a cost, restricting investment
9,862 investment funds established in the Cayman Islands. In other strategy and leverage flexibility and hampering performance.
words, the Cayman Islands has increased its total number of funds by Conversely, sophisticated investors and innovative managers often
449 (or 4.6%) since the economic crisis began. During this period, the prefer the Cayman model which allows for investment strategies
Cayman Islands has continued to launch in excess of 100 funds per which produce better risk adjusted returns. And Cayman embraces
month, with 1,365 new funds being launched during 2008 and 1,150 transparency – it was the first offshore hedge fund jurisdiction, for
new funds being launched in 2009. example, to introduce know-your-customer and anti-money laundering
rules and collect and publish statistical information on its industry.
Reasons for trend
There has also been domestic pressure. The Cayman Islands, like many
The Cayman Islands enjoys a position of dominance by virtue of a other nations, incurred a domestic deficit as a result of the global
combination of good luck and good judgement. Proximity to the USA economic crisis. However, the Cayman Islands acted quickly to address
certainly helped, but the Cayman Islands are by no means alone in the deficit, cutting expenditure and raising money through innovative
being in the right place at the right time. Perhaps more importantly, and incremental measures that will not impact on its vital offshore
the Cayman Islands implemented early on a regulatory regime that industry. It has also implemented initiatives to attract hedge fund
struck the right balance between flexibility and prudence and then managers and other foreign entrepreneurs to establish offices in the
applied an approach of, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Cayman Islands to further bolster the economy into the future.
The Cayman Islands has also remained cost efficient, having increased Finally, most of the pressure felt by the Cayman Islands applies equally
its annual fees this year by a small amount; the first increase in to the alternative jurisdictions. All of the offshore jurisdictions,
over five years. As a result of years of gaining expertise in this field, and several onshore ones, have been subject to global pressure on
Cayman is now recognised as possessing vast experience in the hedge tax reform. Many of the regulatory initiatives will impact on them as
fund space which is difficult to replicate elsewhere. The Cayman well, even the AIFM Directive. And investors have been hurt badly in
hedge fund model, based on tax neutrality and professional efficiency, supposedly highly-regulated onshore jurisdictions.
has been reviewed extensively by counsel for managers and investors
and is regarded as a tried and tested model; robust enough to Conclusions
withstand the challenge of the credit crisis.
The choice of domicile for a new hedge fund is perhaps not as obvious
That is not to say that the inertia in favour of the Cayman Islands as it once was. However, the Cayman Islands continues to be the
has not been under pressure; but the offshore hedge fund industry preferred home for new and existing hedge funds. Investor appetite
has responded. for regulated products has fuelled an increase in activity in some
onshore centres, but on the whole for products that complement,
Firstly, there has been regulatory pressure. Certain drafts of the now rather than replace, an offshore hedge fund offering. Regulatory
notorious EU AIFM Directive include provisions designed to favour developments, particularly within the EU, may well change the
the distribution of EU domiciled funds within Europe - although landscape in the future. But for now, for most hedge fund managers,
European investors have lobbied hard to ensure they are not denied the status quo prevails.
Membership of AIMA is corporate, thereby entitling all of your company’s principals to enjoy the many benefits.
For further details, please telephone John Stephens on +44 (0)20 7822 8380. Alternatively, you can email John at We look forward to speaking with you.
All information supplied in the following member profiles has been provided by the member company and its accuracy is not
guaranteed by AIMA.
The Alternative Investment Management Association Ltd,
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