ANSYS CFX-Pre User's Guide
ANSYS CFX-Pre User's Guide
ANSYS CFX-Pre User's Guide
275 Technology Drive
Canonsburg, PA 15317
(T) 724-746-3304
(F) 724-514-9494
Release 12.1
November 2009
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Published in the U.S.A.
Table of Contents
1. CFX-Pre Basics ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Starting CFX-Pre ............................................................................................................................. 1
CFX-Pre Modes of Operation ............................................................................................................ 2
Working with the CFX-Pre Interface ................................................................................................... 3
Viewer ........................................................................................................................................... 3
CFX-Pre Workspace ......................................................................................................................... 4
Physics Message Window .................................................................................................................. 9
Menu Bar ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Toolbar ........................................................................................................................................ 12
CFX-Pre File Types ........................................................................................................................ 12
2. CFX-Pre 3D Viewer .................................................................................................................................... 15
Object Visibility ............................................................................................................................. 15
3D Viewer Modes and Commands ..................................................................................................... 16
3D Viewer Toolbar ......................................................................................................................... 16
Shortcut Menus ............................................................................................................................. 18
Viewer Keys ................................................................................................................................. 20
Mouse Button Mapping ................................................................................................................... 21
Picking Mode ................................................................................................................................ 22
Boundary Markers and Labels .......................................................................................................... 23
Views and Figures .......................................................................................................................... 23
Switching to a View or Figure .......................................................................................................... 24
Changing the Definition of a View or Figure ....................................................................................... 24
3. CFX-Pre File Menu ..................................................................................................................................... 25
New Case Command ...................................................................................................................... 25
Open Case Command ..................................................................................................................... 25
Recover Original Session ................................................................................................................. 26
Opening Case (.cfx) Files ................................................................................................................ 26
Opening CFX-Solver Input (.def, .mdef), Results (.res), Transient (.trn) or Backup (.bak) Files ..................... 26
Opening CCL (.ccl) Files ................................................................................................................. 27
Opening Meshing (.cmdb or .dsdb) Files ............................................................................................ 27
Opening CFX-Mesh (.gtm) Files ....................................................................................................... 27
Close Command ............................................................................................................................ 27
Save Case Command ...................................................................................................................... 27
Save Project Command ................................................................................................................... 27
Refresh Command (ANSYS Workbench only) ..................................................................................... 27
Save Case As Command .................................................................................................................. 27
Import Mesh Command .................................................................................................................. 28
Reload Mesh Files Command ........................................................................................................... 28
Import CCL Command ................................................................................................................... 28
Append or Replace ......................................................................................................................... 29
Export CCL Command ................................................................................................................... 29
Save All Objects ............................................................................................................................ 29
Save Picture Command ................................................................................................................... 30
Recent Case Files Submenu ............................................................................................................. 31
Recent CCL Files Submenu ............................................................................................................. 31
Recent Session Files Submenu ......................................................................................................... 31
Quit Command .............................................................................................................................. 31
4. CFX-Pre Edit Menu .................................................................................................................................... 33
Undo and Redo .............................................................................................................................. 33
Options ........................................................................................................................................ 33
CFX-Pre Options ........................................................................................................................... 33
Common Options ........................................................................................................................... 37
5. CFX-Pre Session Menu ................................................................................................................................ 41
New Session Command ................................................................................................................... 41
Start Recording and Stop Recording Commands .................................................................................. 41
Release 12.1 - 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
List of Figures
1.1. The New Case Dialog Box ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Sample CFX-Pre Interface ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.3. Sample CFX-Pre Details View ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.1. Mouse Mapping using Workbench Defaults ................................................................................................... 21
2.2. Viewport Control ...................................................................................................................................... 23
21.1. Mesh Adaption Process .......................................................................................................................... 176
26.1. Sample Expressions Workspace ............................................................................................................... 206
List of Tables
2.1. Mouse Operations and Shortcuts ................................................................................................................. 22
12.1. Domain Motion Settings .......................................................................................................................... 86
31.1. Reload Options ..................................................................................................................................... 225
31.2. Scalar Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 227
If you want to start using CFX-Pre immediately, refer to the following ANSYS CFX Tutorials (p. 1):
Starting CFX-Pre
When starting CFX-Pre for the first time, the default system font is obtained and, if it is deemed inappropriate for
CFX-Pre, a dialog box appears that enables you to choose a new font. When a new font is selected, it is stored for
future sessions. For details, see Appearance (p. 38).
CFX-Pre can be started in different ways:
From within ANSYS Workbench choose Fluid Flow (CFX) from Toolbox > Analysis Systems or CFX from
Toolbox > Component Systems. In the Project Schematic, right-click on the Setup cell and select Edit.
From the ANSYS CFX Launcher: set the working directory and then click CFX-Pre 12.1.
Append the path to the ANSYS CFX executables (<CFXROOT>/bin/) to your PATH.
On Windows, right-click the My Computer icon and select Properties. Click the Advanced tab, then click
Environment Variables. In the System variables section, edit PATH to include the path to the ANSYS
CFX executables; typically this will be something like:
C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v121\CFX\bin;
On Linux/UNIX, edit your .<window_manager>rc file to include the path to the ANSYS CFX
Once the PATH has been updated, the basic command is simply:
Run the executable from the ANSYS CFX Launcher Tools > Command Line (which has the path to the ANSYS
CFX executables built-in).
There are a number of optional command line flags, some of which are summarized in the following table:
For details on physical models, see Physical Models (p. 2) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
-batch <filename.pre>
-display <display>
-graphics ogl
-gr ogl
-graphics mesa
-gr mesa
Loads the named CFX-Solver input file after starting.
-def <file>
-session <file>
-cfx <file>
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
General Mode is the general-purpose mode for defining all types of CFD simulation. This mode uses the general
CFX-Pre interface, which is described in Working with the CFX-Pre Interface (p. 3).
Turbomachinery Mode is a customized mode for defining turbomachinery simulations. For details, see
Turbomachinery Mode (p. 237).
Quick Setup Mode greatly simplifies the physics setup for a simulation. Quick Setup mode is limited to a
single-domain and single-phase problems; more complex physics, such as multiphase, combustion, radiation,
advanced turbulence models, etc., are not available. You can, however, use Quick Setup mode to get started,
and then add more physics details later. For details, see Quick Setup Mode (p. 233).
Library Template Mode provides a set of library files that are available with templates for specific physical
problem definitions. In this mode you can easily define a complex physics problem by loading a template file,
importing a mesh, and defining specific problem data. For details, see Library Objects (p. 245).
The viewer displays imported geometries and meshes and enables manipulations and transformations to be viewed.
Information about boundary conditions, domains, point sources, etc., is also displayed, and items can be picked
directly from the Viewer.
CFX-Pre uses the same viewer as CFD-Post. Information on the generic CFX-Pre/CFD-Post viewer is available in
CFX-Pre 3D Viewer (p. 15). Many aspects of the viewer appearance can be customized, as described in
Options (p. 33).
CFX-Pre Workspace
CFX-Pre Workspace
The CFX-Pre workspace contains a tree view as well as various details views that are used during the specification
of mesh import, mesh transformation, physics, regions, materials, and expressions.
A powerful feature of CFX-Pre is automatic physics checking. Objects that contain inconsistent or incorrect settings
are highlighted in red. Detailed error messages are shown in the physics validation summary window. For details,
see Physics Message Window (p. 9).
Typing Ctrl +F activates the search facility, which can be used to quickly locate an item in the tree.
Note that the search is case-sensitive and that the text box disappears after a few seconds of inactivity.
General Considerations
When working with the tree view, consider the following:
Clicking on any object that is applied to a region will highlight that region in the viewer when highlighting is
enabled (that is, when the Highlighting icon
Toolbar (p. 16).
Right-click on an object (or group selection of objects) to display the shortcut menu.
For details, see Outline Tree View Shortcut Menu Commands (p. 6).
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CFX-Pre Workspace
Analysis Type
Enables the specification of an analysis as steady state or transient, and whether it requires coupling to an external
solver. For details, see Analysis Type (p. 79).
Enables you to define and edit the type, properties and region of the fluid, porous or solid. For details, see
Domains (p. 81), Boundary Conditions (p. 111), Subdomains (p. 137) and Source Points (p. 133).
Domain Interfaces
Enables you to define and edit the method of connecting meshes or domains together. For details, see Domain
Interfaces (p. 105).
Global Initialization
Enables you to set global initial conditions (across all domains). Domain specific initialization is set through the
domain forms. For details, see Initialization (p. 125).
Enables the defining and editing of Solution Units (p. 145), Solver Control (p. 147), Solver: Expert Parameter (p. 46),
Output Control (p. 155) and Mesh Adaption (p. 175).
Coordinate Frame
Creates and edits coordinate frames. A Cartesian coordinate frame exists by default, but other Cartesian coordinate
frames can be made. For details, see Coordinate Frames (p. 21) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide and
Coordinate Frames (p. 183).
Materials / Reactions
Creates, edits, and displays materials and reactions. Many different material types can be defined, edited or imported.
Specialist materials and reactions can be imported from external files, such as the RGP (Real Gas Properties) file
and Flamelet reaction files.
For details, see Materials and Reactions (p. 187).
Expressions, Functions, and Variables
Used to create, edit and plot expressions, user functions, user routines, and Additional Variables. For details, refer
to the following sections:
Simulation Control
Enables you to set up the control of analyses in the simulation. This control is facilitated by defining and editing
one or more configurations as well as global solver execution control.
Case Options
The Graphics Style, Labels and Markers, and General options enable you to override the defaults for the current
simulation only. The default settings for CFX-Pre are set in the Edit > Options dialog. See CFX-Pre Options (p. 33)
for a description of these settings.
Enables you to access to any customized extensions available to CFX-Pre. For details, see CFX-Pre Extensions
Menu (p. 49).
CFX-Pre Workspace
Outline Tree View Shortcut Menu Commands
Right-clicking on any object in the tree view displays a shortcut menu. Double-clicking on an object performs the
default action for that object. Shortcut menu command descriptions follow:
Simulation Control > Configurations > Insert > Configuration opens the Configuration
The Copy command is usually combined with Paste to quickly replicate objects.
Define Connection
Deletes the selected object. The physics for the simulation are checked after objects are
deleted. Objects containing invalid parameters are highlighted in red in the tree view.
Deletes the mesh, but not the named areas in the Outline view. When this happens, the Physics
Message Window will show errors that say the named objects cannot be found. If you then
import a new mesh that uses the same names for objects, the names will be resolved and the
errors will disappear.
Copies the definition of the selected object to a new one. You will be required to enter a
name for the duplicated object, which will then be created at the same level (that is, for a
boundary condition, the new boundary will be created in the same domain as the initial
Opens the relevant tab where new parameters for the object can be entered. In most cases,
you can also edit an object by double-clicking it in the tree view.
Edit In Command
Opens the Command Editor dialog box and displays the CCL definition for the highlighted
object. You can edit the CCL directly to change the object definition. For details, see Command
Editor Dialog Box (p. 249).
Export CCL
Opens the Export CCL dialog box, which is similar to the dialog box described in Export
Region Data, below.
Export Region Data Opens the Export Region CCL dialog box, used to save the region data to a .ccl file.
Glue Adjacent
If there are multiple mesh assemblies that have matched meshes, you can use this option to
try to glue them together. Select the assemblies in the tree view (while holding down the Ctrl
Gluing can be useful to avoid setting up a GGI interface within a domain, but does require
that the meshes match exactly on the surfaces that are to be glued. When you transform or
copy multiple assemblies, each copy is not only glued to its original assembly or to other
copies, but also to any other assemblies that are transformed or created. For more information,
see Gluing Meshes Together (p. 69).
Makes the active object invisible in the viewer. Hide has the same effect as clearing the check
box next to an object in the tree view.
Hide Interface
Import CCL
Opens the Import CCL dialog box, which is similar to the dialog box described in Import
Region Data, below.
Import Mesh
Opens the Import Mesh dialog box. This is used to import a new mesh using an appropriate
file. For details, see Importing Meshes (p. 51).
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CFX-Pre Workspace
Import Library Data This command, available from the Materials branch in the tree view, is used to add a
new material to the simulation. Examples of such a material include Methanol CH4O,
Rubber, Water at 25 C, and many more.
Import Region Data Opens the Import Region CCL dialog box. This is used to load region data from a .ccl
Various objects are available for insertion, depending on which object is highlighted. All of
the options available from this menu can also be accessed from the Insert menu. For details,
see CFX-Pre Insert Menu (p. 43).
Mesh Statistics
Opens the Mesh Statistics dialog box and provides a detailed information about the active
mesh. The Mesh Statistics dialog box can be invoked for one or more assemblies and/or
primitive 3D/2D regions. The data displayed includes the number of nodes, elements, the
number of each element type, and physical extents of the mesh. The Maximum Edge
Length Ratio is also calculated.
The Paste command is available when you have already used the Copy command on an
To avoid producing objects with the same name, you are prompted to provide a name when
you paste the new object. For objects that contain a location parameter (such as domains and
boundary conditions), you will usually need to edit the new object after pasting it to avoid
multiple objects that reference the same location.
If you are pasting a domain object, then you will need to edit each child object in the domain
that references a location. For example, you will need to change the locations that boundary
conditions reference so that they point to locations in the new domain. You can simply delete
a default domain boundary in this situation; this will allow CFX-Pre to create a new default
boundary for the domain that references the correct locations.
If any of the mesh regions become corrupted or are accidentally deleted, selecting Reload
Mesh Files reloads all mesh files used in the simulation. This command cannot be used to
insert a new mesh; do to so, select Import Mesh. For details, see Reload Mesh Files
Command (p. 28).
Enables you to change the appearance of almost any object. For example, a boundary condition
or domain interface can be displayed with a solid color, the transparency of a domain can be
altered, and so on.
Report Interface
Invokes a message box that shows a summary of the interfaces and their types. For details,
see Mesh Connection Options (p. 132) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Makes the active object either visible (Show) or invisible (Hide) in the viewer. Show and
Hide have the same respective effects as selecting and clearing the check box next to a
specific object in the tree view.
Show Interface
Start Solver
Enables you to access the Define Run, Run Solver, and Run Solver and Monitor commands.
These commands are also available from the main toolbar.
Transform Mesh
Opens the Mesh Transformation Editor dialog box, allowing you to modify the location
of the active mesh through rotation, translation, or reflection. The mesh can also be resized
using a scaling method. For details, see Transform Mesh Command (p. 64).
Use as Workbench
Input Parameter
Available when an expression is selected, this command allows the expression to be used as
a workbench input parameter.
CFX-Pre Workspace
View By
This command, available for the Mesh object, opens a new tab that presents a detailed mesh
information in one of two ways. Selecting View By > Source File displays the mesh regions
based on the mesh file provided, whereas View By > Region Type organizes the areas of
the mesh based on the defined 2D regions.
Simulation > View in New Tab enables you to view a copy of the contents of the Simulation
branch in a separate tab.
View in CFD-Post
Prompts you to save a DEF file, then automatically starts CFD-Post with that file loaded.
Details View
Details view is a generic term for the editor pane that opens when you edit an object in the Outline tree view. These
editors appear on tabs beside the Outline tab and present the fields and controls that define the object.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The optional toggles provide you with the opportunity to view and, if desired, to override CFX-Pre default settings.
In the example above, selecting the Upper Courant Number option has made it possible to see the default value
for that setting; the white background indicates that you can the edit that value.
Most CFX-Pre settings have default values that will enable you to define an object or set a control as easily as
possible. If there is a setting that requires you to set a value, basic physics checking occurs when you click OK or
Apply on a details view and most missing settings are detected then. Complete physics checking takes place when
you attempt to write a solver file and all missing settings are detected and reported at that time.
Specific physics errors appear in red text. You can double-click on these to edit the object containing the error.
There are two common situations when you are likely to encounter physics errors:
CFX-Pre defines some objects, such as the Solver Control settings, by default. If you create a new object that
is not compatible with the default objects settings, the physics validation summary window will show errors
in the default object. This occurs when creating a solid domain because the default Solver Control settings
do not contain a solid time scale. These errors will disappear when you define the Solver Control settings.
When changing the physics of an existing model. There are many instances where you might want to change
the description of your simulation. One particular situation is when you want to use the values in a results file
as the initial field for another run with different physics.
When a domain is modified, perhaps with new model options, you will receive errors or warnings in the physics
validation summary window if existing boundary conditions, initialization, solver control, etc., need to be
revisited and updated. This happens, for example, when the turbulence model is changed from the laminar
model to the k model and the boundary conditions for the laminar case do not contain turbulence data (for
example, at an Inlet). You should fix any such errors before writing a CFX-Solver input file.
You should update boundary conditions if the number of Additional Variables has been increased, or if the
units for Additional Variable specifications have been changed.
If the simulation is set up correctly, there will not be any physics errors when you are ready to write the CFX-Solver
input file.
Copy: This enables you to copy the text of the selected message.
Edit: So that you can edit the object generating the error in the Details View.
Auto Fix Physics: This enables you to attempt to correct inconsistent physics automatically. In many cases,
you will find that this fixes the problem without a need to change any settings on the form. Alternatively you
can edit the object generating the error in the Details View.
Viewing the type of error before performing auto fix is strongly recommended. For example, auto fix cannot
fix a domain with an incorrectly specified location. In effect, auto fix opens the default layout of the panel and
performs an apply. If you are unsure about auto fix, you should subsequently open the form and verify that the
settings are still valid for your problem. You should fix all physics validation errors to ensure that the CFX-Solver
Release 12.1 - 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Bar
input file runs in the solver. If any errors are found when you attempt to write the CFX-Solver input file, a
warning message is displayed giving you the option to write the file anyway or cancel the operation.
Auto Fix All: So that you can run auto-fix on all objects that have physics validation errors.
Suppress this message: You select this option to suppress the selected message. A message summary is displayed
Suppress all messages: To enable you to suppress all messages. A message summary is displayed instead. Note
that all messages generated subsequently will not be suppressed.
Menu Bar
The menu bar provides access to CFX-Pre functions. Some of these functions are also available from the
Toolbar (p. 12).
File Menu
The File menu provides access to file operations including opening and saving simulations, as well as importing or
exporting CCL. For details, see CFX-Pre File Menu (p. 25).
Edit Menu
The Edit menu enables you to change the default options used by ANSYS CFX and undo/redo actions. For details,
see CFX-Pre Edit Menu (p. 33).
Some options can be overridden for the current simulation; see Case Options (p. 5) for details.
Session Menu
The Session menu controls the recording and playing of session files. Session files are used to record a set of
operations. You can then play back a session file to quickly reproduce the same operations. For details, see CFX-Pre
Session Menu (p. 41).
Insert Menu
The Insert menu enables you to create new objects such as domains or boundary conditions, or edit existing objects
of that type. For details, see CFX-Pre Insert Menu (p. 43).
Tools Menu
The Tools menu provides access to tools such as command editor, macro calculator as well as quick setup and turbo
modes. For details, see CFX-Pre Tools Menu (p. 47)
Extensions Menu
The Extensions menu provides access to any customized extensions available to CFX-Pre. For details, see CFX-Pre
Extensions Menu (p. 49).
Help Menu
The Help menu provides access to the ANSYS CFX online help. You can access commonly used help pages directly
including the Master Contents and the global search facility. For details, see Help On Help (p. 73) in the ANSYS
CFX Introduction.
The toolbar provides quick access to commonly used menu items. The toolbar contains the most common menu
items and viewer controls. Holding the mouse pointer over a toolbar icon for short periods of time will display the
icon's function.
Mesh Files
There are many types of mesh files that can be imported into CFX-Pre. For details, see Supported Mesh File
Types (p. 52).
Are located in a subdirectory that is named according to the base name of the input file
Use the -norun command line option (described inCommand-Line Options and Keywords for cfx5solve
(p. 111) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide) to merge global information into the
configuration definition files, and produce a CFX-Solver input file (.def) file that can be run by the
You can load a CFX-Solver input file back into CFX-Pre to recreate a simulation. CFX-Solver input files from
previous releases of ANSYS CFX can be loaded into CFX-Pre, although the physics definition may have to be
updated for such files. For details, see Physics Errors from Old .def/.res Files (p. 10).
Intermediate results files, which include transient and backup files (.trn and .bak, respectively) are created
while running an analysis.
Final results files for single and multi-configuration simulations (.res and .mres, respectively) are written
at the end of the simulations execution. For multi-configuration simulations, a configuration result file (.res)
is also created at the end of each configurations execution.
Each results file contains the following information as of the iteration or time step at which it is written:
The physics data (that is, the CFX Command Language specifications)
Release 12.1 - 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CFX-Solver results files can also be used for CFX-Mesh imports.
In order to see correct colors and accurately displayed objects in the 3D Viewer, some combinations of
ATI video cards and ATI graphics drivers on Windows XP require that you set the environment variable
Right-click on My Computer and select Properties. The System Properties dialog appears.
Click OK.
Regions around the circles are incorrect (rendered as yellow areas marked with blue)
Mesh lines not displayed properly and with dark patches showing.
Object Visibility
The visibility of each object can be turned on and off using the check boxes in the tree view, as described in Object
Visibility (p. 13). However, you can also hide objects by right-clicking on them and selecting Hide. The right-click
menu has a title that indicates the object that will be acted upon so that you do not accidentally hide the wrong
object. In the figure that follows, the user right-clicked on an object named Primitive 2D A.
Once an object has been hidden, you can show it again by selecting that object's check box in the Outline view.
3D Viewer Toolbar
The 3D Viewer toolbar has the following tools:
Makes one of the picking tools active.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
3D Viewer Toolbar
Selects objects using an enclosed polygon. Click to drop points
around the objects. Double-click to complete the selection.
Polygon Select mode will not allow you to create an
invalid region, such as would occur if you attempted
to move a point such that the resulting line would cross
an existing line in the polygon.
When you select Insert > Primitive Region, the paint can icon
causes the all the mesh elements on the selected face (that are not
currently part of a primitive region) to be selected for a new
primitive region. The counter widget enables you to change the
crease angle in degrees used to decide where the flood-pick
algorithm will stop.
When you select Insert > Primitive Region, this feature controls
which objects you can select.
Select Visible Only treats the contents of the Viewer as opaque
and enables you to select only the top mesh elements at any point.
Select Any Depth treats the contents of the Viewer as
transparent and enables you to select any of the mesh elements
that you would encounter if you drilled through the object at a
given point. You use this option with the depth indicator in the
bottom-left of the Viewer.
When you select Insert > Primitive Region, this feature controls
which mesh elements you can select with a box or enclosed
Choose Fully Enclosed selects only the mesh elements that have
boundaries that are completely within the box or polygon you
Choose Enclosed and Touching selects both the mesh elements
that are completely within the box or polygon you draw as well
as any mesh elements of which any part is within that area.
These icons allow primitives to be chosen over composites or vice
versa. This feature is enabled only when you are in the single-select
picking mode.
Shortcut Menus
Toggles highlighting according to the highlighting preferences
(select Edit > Options, then look in the Viewer section).
Highlighting is active only when the viewer is set to Picking Mode.
For details, see Picking Mode (p. 22).
Enables you to select mesh nodes. When picking a point from the
viewer to populate a widget that defines a coordinate, the point
can either be a point in space or a mesh node. This tool allows
you to select the mesh node nearest to the location you click.
Displays the Labels and Markers dialog box which is used to
select/clear the display of named regions and markers in the
viewer. For details, see Boundary Markers and Labels (p. 23).
Selects the viewport arrangement. CFX-Pre supports the use of
multiple viewports. Independent zoom, rotation and translate
options can be carried out in each viewport.
Shortcut Menus
You can access the shortcut menu by right-clicking anywhere on the viewer. The shortcut menu is different depending
on where you right-click.
Opens the Select Library Data to Import dialog box so that you can add a new material
to the simulation. Examples of such materials include Methanol CH4O, Rubber,
Water at 25 C, and many more.
This option is the same as right-clicking on Materials in the tree view and selecting
Import Library Data.
The same as selecting Tools > Solve > Write Solver Input File. For details, see Write
Solver Input File Command (p. 48).
Creates a new view. The new view will become the current view. For more information
about views, see Views and Figures (p. 23).
Release 12.1 - 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Shortcut Menus
Delete View
Predefined Camera
Fit View
Centers all visible objects in the viewer. This is equivalent to clicking the
Default Legend
Shows or hides the axis orientation indicator (triad) in the bottom-right corner of the
Controls the display of labels. For more information, see Boundary Markers and
Labels (p. 23).
Controls the display and properties of boundary markers. For more information, see
Boundary Markers and Labels (p. 23).
Save Picture
Same as selecting File > Save Picture. For details, see Save Picture Command (p. 30).
Viewer Options
Opens the Options dialog box with the viewer options displayed. For details, see
Graphics Style (p. 35).
Opens the details view for the selected object so that you can edit its properties.
Mesh Statistics
Shows basic information about mesh regions including node count and maximum
element edge length ratio. This command is also available by right-clicking a region
selection in the tree view. For details, see Mesh Statistics (p. 35).
Enables you to insert a boundary, interface, subdomain, or source point. For details,
see Boundary Conditions (p. 111), Domain Interfaces (p. 105), Subdomains (p. 137), or
Source Points (p. 133).
Edit in Command Editor Opens the Command Editor dialog box, displaying the CEL for the selected object.
For details, see Using the Command Editor (p. 249).
Viewer Keys
Transparency enables you to set the transparency levels of the domain. The choices
are Opaque, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, or Fully Transparent.
Properties invokes the Render Options dialog box. For details, see Render
Options (p. 69).
When you right-click a location in the viewer, CFX-Pre presents a shortcut menu for
one object at that location. Shortcut menus for the other objects at the same location
are accessible as submenus under the Alternatives heading.
Viewer Keys
A number of shortcut keys are available to carry out common viewer tasks. These can be carried out by clicking in
the viewer window and pressing the associated key.
arrow keys
Undoes transformation
Shift + U
Redoes transformation
Shift + x
Shift + y
Shift + z
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The information in this table is accessible by clicking the Show Help Dialog
Picking Mode
To zoom out, drag the pointer up; to zoom Shift + middle mouse
in, drag the pointer down.
Workbench Mode
Camera Zoom
Zoom Box
Rotate the view about the pivot point (if no Middle mouse button
pivot point is visible, the rotation point will
be the center of the object).
Move Light
Move the lighting angle for the 3D Viewer. Ctrl + right mouse button Ctrl + right mouse button
Drag the mouse left or right to move the
horizontal lighting source and up or down
to move the vertical lighting source. The
light angle hold two angular values between
0 - 180.
Picking Mode
Picking Mode
Picking mode is used to select and drag objects in the viewer. The mesh faces must be visible on an object or region
to allow it to be picked. Enter picking mode by selecting the Single Select
viewer toolbar. If the Single Select
icon is already visible, you can simply click the New Selection
You can also pick objects while still in viewing mode by holding down the Ctrl and Shift keys as you click in the
Selecting Objects
Use the mouse to select objects (for example, points and boundaries) from the viewer. When a number of objects
overlap, the one closest to the camera is picked.
You can change the picking mode by selecting one of the toolbar icons:
Single Select
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Box Select
Polygon Select
For details on the operation of the toolbar icons, see 3D Viewer Toolbar (p. 16).
Label Options
Select the options to enable label visibility. To disable all labels, clear the Show Labels option. The first three
options refer to primitive and composite regions. For details, see Assemblies, Primitive Regions, and Composite
Regions (p. 71).
Boundary Markers
The Show Boundary Markers option turns on boundary condition symbols such as arrows indicating flow direction
at an inlet.
The Marker Quantity slider controls the number of markers displayed. Moving the slider to the right increases
the number.
The Marker Length slider controls the size of the markers displayed. Moving the slider to the right increases the
Boundary Vectors
The Vector Quantity slider controls the number of vectors displayed. Moving the slider to the right increases the
The Vector Length slider controls the size of the vectors displayed. Moving the slider to the right increases the
See Boundary Plot Options Tab (p. 121) for a discussion of displaying boundary vectors.
The contents of a viewport are a view, which is a CCL object that contains the camera angle, zoom level, lighting,
and visibility setting of each object in the tree view.
For figures only: Double-click the figure in the tree view (under the Report object).
For figures only: Right-click the figure in the tree view (under the Report object), then select Edit from the
shortcut menu.
View and figure objects are saved automatically when you switch to a different view or figure.
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General Mode makes use of all features in CFX-Pre. This is the most common mode of operation.
Turbomachinery Mode is used specifically for turbomachinery applications and allows quick setup in
such cases. For details, see Turbomachinery Mode (p. 237).
Quick Setup Mode provides fewer model options and is suitable for simple physics setup. It is useful as
a tool to learn the basic paradigms of CFX-Pre before using General Mode. For details, see Quick Setup
Mode (p. 233).
Library Template Mode allows a CCL physics definition to be imported for use on a mesh. For details,
see Library Objects (p. 245).
If a case is already open, Open case is not available. To open cases, ensure that all open cases are saved
(if required) and closed.
Case files can be selected. CFX case files (*.cfx) contain all of the physics, region, and mesh information
for your case. For details, see Opening Case (.cfx) Files (p. 26).
CFX-Solver input or result files can be selected. For details, see Opening CFX-Solver Input (.def, .mdef),
Results (.res), Transient (.trn) or Backup (.bak) Files (p. 26).
CCL files can be selected. For details, see Opening CCL (.ccl) Files (p. 27).
Mesh or Simulation Database files can be selected. For details, see Opening Meshing (.cmdb or .dsdb)
Files (p. 27).
GTM Database files can be selected. For details, see Opening CFX-Mesh (.gtm) Files (p. 27).
When CFX-Solver input or results files from a previous release of CFX are opened in CFX-Pre, physics
errors are highlighted in red in the message area. If these errors are ignored, a case can still run in the
CFX-Solver in many cases, but it is recommend that the errors be fixed. This ensures CCL is updated
to the current version. These errors are usually fixed easily by right-clicking on the object and selecting
Auto Fix Physics. Also, double-clicking on the error in the message area opens the details view in which
the error was made. For details, see Physics Errors from Old .def/.res Files (p. 10). Also, the Command
Editor can be used to correct CCL. For details, see Command Editor Dialog Box (p. 249).
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
If a Release 11.0 .def file containing automatically generated interfaces is loaded into CFX-Pre,
and these interfaces were generated as a result of 'contact' information in the original .cmdb file,
these interfaces may be removed by CFX-Pre. This is a problem only when loading Release 11.0
.def files, and will occur only in a small percentage of cases. Loading a .cfx file will work
.cmdb and .dsdb files require the cfxacmo library, which is supplied with ANSYS Workbench. If
you are unable to load such files into CFX-Pre, one solution is to install ANSYS Workbench to make
those library files available.
Close Command
Closes the existing case, prompting to save if appropriate.
Under File name, type the name to save the file as.
Click Save.
A new file is saved and is kept open in CFX-Pre.
Select or clear the mesh files to replace the ones that were previously imported.
Click OK.
You can also import expressions and regions using the Import CCL command.
To import composite region definitions from older versions of CCL, use the Import CCL command
found in the File menu, rather than the import command found in the Regions workspace.
A useful application of importing CCL is to apply the same pre-processing data to a number of different meshes.
In such a case, the following general workflow may be ensued:
The benefit of using this workflow is that there would be no need to specify all of the pre-processing data again.
Importing a set of commonly used customized material or reaction definitions is also possible by importing a CCL
file. A useful application of the import CCL feature is demonstrated when using Library Mode. For details, see
Library Objects (p. 245).
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Append or Replace
Append or Replace
This option never deletes existing objects such as domains, boundary conditions, initialization, etc. Objects with a
different name than existing objects are added. If an object of the same name and type already exists, parameters
within the object that are unique to the imported CCL file are added to the existing object. When the imported CCL
file contains parameter definitions that already exist within existing objects, they will replace the existing definitions.
This option overwrites, in full, existing objects of the same name and type. Since boundary conditions, subdomains
and so on are defined within a domain, if that domain is replaced, these objects are lost if not defined in the imported
CCL file. Objects with a unique name are added to the existing case.
Auto-load materials
When Replace is selected, the Auto-load materials check box is made available. When a file is imported with the
Auto-load materials check box selected, any materials and reactions that are missing from the problem setup being
imported, and that are not defined in the case already, will be loaded automatically. These added materials and
reactions can be found in the standard materials and reactions library files.
Click Save.
To export the physics definition for a problem, select all the FLOW objects. Additional Variables, CEL expressions,
User Functions and material definitions are stored in LIBRARY objects; these will need to be included if you want
to export these objects.
Expand CEL.
Click Save.
Click Browse
Click Save.
The Save Picture dialog displays the path and name of the file. The default extension changes if a new format
is selected.
Portable Network Graphics (*.png) is a file format intended to replace the GIF format. It was designed
for use on the World Wide Web and retains many of the features of GIF with new features added.
JPEG (*.jpg) is a compressed file format developed for compressing raw digital information. File sizes
are small but it is not recommended for line drawings.
Bitmap (*.bmp) files are usually large and do not adjust well to resizing or editing. They do retain all of
the quality of the original image and can be easily converted to other formats.
PostScript (*.ps) and Encapsulated PostScript (*.eps) are recommended for output to a printer or line
Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML, *.wrl) is used to present interactive three-dimensional
views and can be delivered across the World Wide Web. The only supported VRML viewer is Cortona
from Parallel Graphics (see
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
When a clip plane is coincident with regions, boundaries, or interfaces that are planes, the results of a
Save Picture command may not match what you see in the 3D Viewer (depending on the orientation
of the case). In this situation, select the Use Screen Capture check box.
Quit Command
Quit is available only in the Standalone version of the software.
To quit CFX-Pre, select File > Quit. If the case is not already saved, there will be a prompt as to whether a save
should be done.
Undo and Redo commands are available in the Edit menu. Additionally, there are a variety of options that can be
set to customize the software.
Click Undo
Press Ctrl + Z
on the toolbar.
Some commands that you issue have multiple components. For example, when you create some
objects the software creates the object and sets the visibility of the object on (in two separate
operations). Thus, when you perform an undo operation in such a situation, you are setting the
visibility of the object off; you must choose undo a second time to uncreate the object.
The redo feature is used to do an action that you have just undone using the Undo command. Issue the Redo
command by doing any of the following:
Click Redo
Press Ctrl + Y
on the toolbar.
The Options dialog enables you to set various general preferences. Settings are retained per user.
Set options as required. If desired, select CFX Defaults to use all of the default settings.
If you are using ANSYS Workbench and want to use its default settings, select Workbench Defaults.
For descriptions of the available options, see:
Click OK.
CFX-Pre Options
When the Options dialog box appears, the CFX-Pre options can be configured under CFX-Pre.
Release 12.1 - 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CFX-Pre Options
Report CCL Update Summary produces an information window when you load a file that contains CCL from
a previous version of CFX-Pre. This window describes the updates that were made to the CCL to make it
compatible with the current software release.
Settings made here set the default operation for CFX-Pre; however, you can override these settings for your current
simulation by going to the Outline tree view and editing Case Options > General.
Auto Generation
Interface Method
When Automatic Default Interfaces has been selected, the Interface Method can be set to one of the following
to control how interfaces are automatically generated between domains where regions are found to be connected:
A default boundary condition is created that covers all primitive regions that are not assigned to any boundary
condition in the current domain. The default boundary is modified dynamically when other boundary
Release 12.1 - 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CFX-Pre Options
conditions are subsequently added or deleted such that it includes all regions not assigned to any other
boundary condition.
Graphics Style
Settings made here set the default operation for CFX-Pre; however, you can override these settings for your current
simulation by going to the Outline tree view and editing Case Options > Graphics Style.
Object Highlighting
Controls how an object that is generated after a change to the setting of this option is highlighted in the viewer.
Such highlighting occurs when in picking mode, when selecting a region in a list, or when selecting items in the
tree view.
Under Type, select one of the following:
Surface Mesh: Displays the surface mesh for selected regions using lines.
When you load a case, the highlighting is dictated by the setting that is stored in the case, rather than by
the current preferences setting.
Set Mode to Color or Image.
Release 12.1 - 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
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CFX-Pre Options
Use Color Type to set either a solid color or a gradient of colors; use Color to set the color (and Color2 for gradients).
Select one of a list of predefined images or a custom image.
If selecting a custom image, choose an image file and a type of mapping. Image types that are supported include
*.bmp, *.jpg, *.png, and *.ppm. Mapping options are Flat and Spherical. Flat maps are stationary while
spherical maps surround the virtual environment and rotate with the objects in the viewer.
Custom images have some restrictions: all background images and textures sent to the viewer must be square and
must have dimensions that are powers of 2 (for example, 512 x 512 or 1024 x 1024).
If the dimensions of your background image is not a power of 2, the viewer sizes the image to be a power of 2 by
doing bicubic resampling.
To make the background image square, transparent pixels are added to the smaller dimension to make it the same
as the larger dimension. The transparent pixels enable you to see the regular viewer background, which gives you
control over what fill color your background has.
Set the labels to be bright or dark.
Legend Text and Turbo Axis
Select a color by clicking in the box, or clicking the Ellipsis
Axis and Ruler Visibility
Select or clear Axis Visibility or Ruler Visibility to show or hide the axis indicator or ruler in the viewer.
These settings are used to control the display properties of faces and lines. For details, see Render Options (p. 69).
Mesh Match Tolerance is used when creating domain interfaces. It is used to determine whether a one-to-one
connection can be made at a domain interface. The tolerance is relative to the local mesh length scale; the default
value is 0.005 (or 0.5%) of the local edge length on the first side of the interface. A node on the second side must
be within this tolerance to a node on the first side for the two to be considered coincident.
These settings are used in the recognition of turbo regions when importing a mesh using Turbo mode.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Common Options
The Show Labels option controls whether any labels are displayed; when enabled, the remaining options control
whether particular types of labels are displayed.
Boundary Markers
When Show Boundary Markers is enabled, the check boxes in that panel control which markers are displayed.
The Marker Quantity slider controls the number of markers displayed. Moving the slider to the right increases
the number.
The Marker Length slider controls the size of the markers displayed. Moving the slider to the right increases the
Boundary Vectors
The Vector Quantity slider controls the number of vectors displayed. Moving the slider to the right increases the
The Vector Length slider controls the size of the vectors displayed. Moving the slider to the right increases the
See Boundary Plot Options Tab (p. 121) for a discussion of displaying boundary vectors.
When Include Installed Extension Files is enabled, you have the option of creating a comma-separated list of file
to exclude.
The Use Custom Files setting enables the creation of special-purpose interfaces that extend the functionality of
CFX-Pre for your environment. Contact your Customer Support representative for more information.
The Force generation of rules files an advanced setting used to maintain synchronization of customized RULES
files. This option is useful during the development of customized RULES files and is available only when Use
Custom Files is enabled.
The Definition File Timeout setting controls how long CFX-Pre will wait in seconds while attempting to obtain
enough data from the CFX-Solver in order to spawn a CFX-Solver Manager to monitor an existing batch run. This
parameter is used when employing the Simulation Control > Start Solver > Run Solver and Monitor command
to start the CFX-Solver Manager. See Simulation Control (p. 5) for details on monitoring a running solver batch
Common Options
Auto Save
Select the time between automatic saves.
To turn off automatic saves, set Auto Save to Never.
This option affects more than one CFX product.
Temporary directory
To set a temporary directory, click Browse
save state files.
Common Options
The appearance of the GUI can be controlled from the Appearance options. The default GUI style will be set to
that of your machine. For example, on Windows, the GUI has a Windows look to it. If, for example, a Motif
appearance to the GUI is preferred, select to use this instead of the Windows style.
For Font and Formatted Font, specify the fonts to use in the application.
It is important not to set the font size too high (over 24 pt. is not recommended) or the dialog boxes
may become difficult to read. Setting the font size too small may cause some portions of the text
to not be visible on monitors set at low resolutions. It is also important not to set the font to a family
such as Webdings, Wingdings, Symbols, or similar type faces, or the dialog boxes become illegible.
Viewer Setup
If you have complicated simulations that feature many overlapping lines, you can specify a Picking Tolerance
that will increase the resolution for picking operations. Values must be between 1 (low resolution) and 0 (very
high resolution); the default value is 0.1. Note that increasing the resolution will slow printing times.
Select Double Buffering to use two color buffers for improved visualization. For details, see Double
Buffering (p. 38).
Select or clear Unlimited Zoom. For details, see Unlimited Zoom (p. 38).
Double Buffering
Double Buffering is a feature supported by most OpenGL implementations. It provides two complete color buffers
that swap between each other to animate graphics smoothly. If your implementation of OpenGL does not support
double buffering, you can clear this check box.
Unlimited Zoom
By default, zoom is restricted to prevent graphics problems related to depth sorting. Selecting Unlimited Zoom
allows an unrestricted zoom.
Mouse Mapping
The mouse-mapping options allow you to assign viewer actions to mouse clicks and keyboard/mouse combinations.
These options are available when running in standalone mode. To adjust or view the mouse mapping options, select
Edit > Options, then Viewer Setup > Mouse Mapping. For details, see Mouse Button Mapping (p. 49).
Under System, select the unit system to use. Unit systems are sets of quantity types for mass, length, time, and
so on.
The options under System include SI, CGS, English Engineering, British Technical, US
Customary, US Engineering, or Custom. Only Custom enables you to redefine a quantity type (for
example, to use inches for the dimensions in a file that otherwise used SI units).
The most common quantity types appear on the main Options dialog; to see all quantity types, click More
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Common Options
The two sets of units are:
The units presented on this dialog box, which control the default units presented in the GUI as well as the units
used for mesh transformation.
The solution units. For details, see Solution Units (p. 145).
Viewer manipulation performed using the commands available by right-clicking in the viewer window.
Creation of expressions.
Creation of new objects and changes to an object committed by clicking OK or Apply on any of the panels
available from the Tools and Insert menus/toolbars.
Browse to the directory in which you wish to create the session file, and then enter a name for the file ending
with a .pre (CFX-Pre) extension.
Session files must not contain > undo commands. These commands would produce errors when playing
back the session file.
If you create more than one session file during a CFX-Pre session, the most recently created file is the current session
file by default. You can set a different file to be the current session file by selecting an existing file from the New
Session > Set Session File window and then clicking Save Because the file exists, a warning dialog box appears:
If you select Overwrite, the existing session file is deleted and a new file is created in its place.
If you select Append, commands will be added to the end of the existing session file when recording begins.
By default, CFX-Pre does not continuously write commands to a session file while you are working on
your simulation. You can change a setting in Edit > Options so that a session file is recorded by default.
If a session file is being recorded by CFX-Pre, whether by default or intentionally, a new session file
cannot be recorded. You can stop the recording of the current session file by selecting Session > Stop
If a session file is played while a current simulation is open, existing data will be lost in the following
If the session file starts a new simulation (that is, if it contains a >load command), then the current
simulation is closed without saving.
If the session file does not contain a >load command, the behavior is the same as importing a CCL
file using the Append option. For details, see Append or Replace (p. 29). Existing objects with the
same name as objects defined in the session file are replaced by those in the session file.
Browse to the directory containing the session file and select the file you want to play.
You can play session files in standalone CFX-Pre, but not in CFX-Pre in ANSYS Workbench.
You can play tutorial session files in standalone CFX-Pre, but not in CFX-Pre in ANSYS Workbench.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creates a new Flow Analysis in the Outline tree under Simulation. This would enable you to define a steady-state
analysis and a transient analysis.
Analysis Type
Analysis Type
Specifies a steady-state or a transient analysis (in the analysis you select, when multiple analyses are available).
Steady-state analyses are used to model flows that do not change over time, while transient analyses model flows
that are time-dependent. For details, see Analysis Type (p. 79).
Creates new fluid and solid domains (in the analysis you select, when multiple analyses are available). These are
the bounding volumes within which your CFD analysis is performed. You can create many domains in CFX-Pre
and each can be stationary or rotate at its own rate, using different mesh element types. For details, see
Domains (p. 81).
Sets the conditions on the external boundaries of a specified domain in a selected analysis. In CFX-Pre, boundary
conditions are applied to existing 2D mesh regions. For details, see Boundary Conditions (p. 111).
Creates subdomains, which are volumes within a specified domain in a selected analysis that are used to create
volumetric sources. For details, see Subdomains (p. 137).
Source Point
Creates sources of quantities at a point location within a specified domain in a selected analysis. For details, see
Source Points (p. 133).
Domain Interface
Connects fluid domains together (in the analysis you select, when multiple analyses are available). If a frame change
occurs across the interface, you have the choice of using a frozen rotor, stage or transient rotor-stator model to
account for the frame change. You can also take advantage of domain interfaces to produce periodic connections
between dissimilar meshes. For details, see Domain Interfaces (p. 105).
Global Initialization
Sets values or expressions for the global initial conditions (across all domains in the analysis you select, when
multiple analyses are available). Domain specific initialization is set through the domain forms. In CFX-Pre, you
can set linearly varying conditions from inlet to outlet using the initialization forms. For details, see
Initialization (p. 125).
Coordinate Frame
Creates and edits coordinate frames. A Cartesian coordinate frame exists by default, but other Cartesian frames can
be made. For details, see Coordinate Frames (p. 21) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide and Coordinate
Frames (p. 183).
Material / Reaction
Creates and modifies materials and reactions. For details, see Materials and Reactions (p. 187).
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Inserts a flamelet library defined using CFX-RIF, a type of library generation software. For details, see CFX-RIF
(p. 243) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Additional Variable
Under Expressions, Function and Variables, Additional Variable creates and modifies additional solution
variables. For details, see Additional Variables (p. 199).
Under Expressions, Function and Variables, Expression creates and generates expressions using the CFX
Expression Language (CEL). For details, see Expressions (p. 205).
User Function
Under Expressions, Function and Variables, User Function creates 1D and cloud of points interpolation functions.
The interpolation functions are typically used to set boundary and initialization values in addition to profile data
interpolation functions. For details, see User Functions (p. 209).
User Routine
Under Expressions, Function and Variables, User Routine creates User CEL, Junction Box, and Particle User
Routines. For details, see User Routines (p. 213).
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Command Editor
Displays and edits the CCL definition of objects, and as well issues commands directly to CFX-Pre. For details,
see Command Editor Dialog Box (p. 249).
Macro Calculator
The macro calculator in CFX-Pre is very similar to the one in CFD-Post. For details, see Macro Calculator (p. 167)
in the ANSYS CFD-Post User's Guide. There are some minor differences between the two, however. For instance,
an additional widget type, Location, is available in the CFX-Pre macro calculator. This allows the selection of
mesh regions within the macro. An example of how to use this widget type is:
A number of standard lists are available for this widget. The valid value list entries are as follows:
internal 2d primitives: all primitive 2D regions that are internal to the model
Also, predefined macros are not supplied for CFX-Pre the way they are in CFD-Post. For details, see Predefined
Macros (p. 167) in the ANSYS CFD-Post User's Guide.
Available in Standalone mode for the current definition of the case, you can use the Solve option to:
select Define Run to write the CFX-Solver input file and start the CFX-Solver Manager,
select Run Solver to write the CFX-Solver input file and start the CFX-Solver,
select Run Solver and Monitor to write the CFX-Solver input file and start both the CFX-Solver and the
CFX-Solver Manager
from View in CFD-Post, write the CFX-Solver input file and start CFD-Post
from Write Solver Input File, write the CFX-Solver input file.
Select Tools > Solve > Write Solver Input File from the menu bar or click Write Input Solver File
Click Save.
If the file name assigned is the same as an existing file name in the same location, select Overwrite to overwrite
the original file, Re-select to specify a new file name, or Cancel to cancel the writing of the .def file.
Available in Standalone mode, these commands immediately load CFX-Solver Manager or CFD-Post.
Turbo Mode
Set up certain turbomachinery cases quickly and easily using Turbo mode. For details, see Turbomachinery
Mode (p. 237).
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Deleting Meshes and Mesh Components from the Tree View (p. 64)
Additional information on assemblies, primitive regions, composite regions, and the regions that are created when
importing meshes is available in Mesh Topology in CFX-Pre (p. 71).
Importing Meshes
Meshes are imported via the Import Mesh dialog box, which is accessible in several ways:
By right-clicking the Mesh branch in the tree view and selecting Import Mesh from the shortcut menu
By selecting Browse
when setting the file name for a mesh (for example, in Turbomachinery mode).
You can multi-select mesh files by holding the Ctrl key while you click on the file names.
Import options may appear on the Import Mesh dialog box, depending on the type of mesh being imported. Some
common import options are described next. Other options that are specific to particular mesh formats are discussed
in Supported Mesh File Types (p. 52).
CFX-Pre will attempt to determine the units used in a mesh file and convert them to the specified units during
import. For example, a mesh of 1000 units long, with units in the mesh file of mm, will appear in CFX-Pre as 1 m
long, if units of m are set on the Import Mesh dialog box. If CFX-Pre cannot determine the units used in the mesh
file, then in this example the mesh would appear as 1000 m long.
Assembly Prefix
This is the name used to prefix the assemblies that are created when the mesh is imported. A number suffix is added
to the second, and any subsequent meshes, using the same assembly prefix, so that each assembly is named uniquely.
Primitive Strategy
This setting allows you to control the names of split regions.
The following options are available:
Standard - Select this option so that the name of each split region starts with Primitive 2D or Primitive 3D.
For example, this option splits My Region Name into Primitive 2D A and Primitive 2D B.
Derived - Select this option so that the name of each split region is derived from the name of the region that is
being split. For example, this option splits My Region Name into My Region Name A and My Region Name
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Users of the DesignModeler, Meshing Application, and ANSYS CFX products should refer to Meshing
Help > Named Selections and Regions for CFX Products in the ANSYS Workbench online help for
important information about region definitions.
You must have ANSYS Workbench installed in order to import ANSYS Meshing files (.cmdb and
.dsdb) into CFX-Pre or CFD-Post.
CFX-Pre does not support importing meshes from .cmdb files generated by the Meshing Application
prior to Release 11.0.
You can specify an assembly prefix. For details, see Common Import Options (p. 52).
There are import settings that are specific to ANSYS Meshing files.
The Model(s) To Read setting defaults to All, which specifies that all models are to be imported from the ANSYS
Meshing file. However, if you load a cmdb/dsdb file that has multiple models in it, you can specify which models
to load.
Named Selections
Named selections are aliases for collections of regions. When importing a mesh, you can preserve these named
selections based on where they were created:
Simulation Names for named selections generated in the Mechanical application and ANSYS Workbench
Symmetry Names for named selections of 2D symmetry and periodic regions generated in the Mechanical
application and ANSYS Workbench Meshing.
Part Manager Names for named selections generated in DesignModeler or other CAD systems that are not
written to the .cmdb file by the meshing application.
Fall Back to Part Manager Names for using named selections generated directly by DesignModeler or other
CAD systems as a fall back if no CFX-Mesh, Simulation or Symmetry named selections are found.
CFX-Mesh Files
The CFX-Mesh (.gtm, .cfx) files are native for CFX-Pre; therefore, all information in such a file is read in by
the import process. There are no options needed to control the reading of these files.
Only .cfx files that are version 11.0 or newer are supported.
ANSYS files are of the form .cdb or .inp. There are no import options specific to ANSYS files; however the
Common Import Options (p. 52) apply.
Only .cdb files can be imported into CFX-Pre. If you have an ANSYS .db file, you can convert it to a .cdb file
in ANSYS by:
To get a list of all element types (ET)/keyops(KEYOP) that are supported by mesh import, you can run the
following from the operating system command line:
<CFXROOT>/bin/<OS>/ImportANSYS.exe -S
Before executing the CDWRITE command, verify that the data base has a separate named component
of 2D MESH200 elements for each surface that will require a boundary condition. Delete any MESH200
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
When importing meshes from ANSYS FLUENT files in CFX-Pre, Release 12.0 (or later), the topology
and naming of regions may not be the same as those generated by importing these meshes into previous
releases. As a result, session files generated in CFX-Pre Release, 11.0 (or earlier) that import meshes
from ANSYS FLUENT files may generate errors when loaded into CFX-Pre, Release 12.0 (or later).
CGNS Files
CGNS files are of the form: .cgns. Applicable import options are:
Zones may be specified in Cartesian or Cylindrical coordinates. Other coordinate systems are not currently
Elements (ElementSection_t)
Element sections can be imported as regions of interest or ignored. How this is done is controlled by the user interface
- you must understand which behavior you want to see. It may be useful to import the element sections, for example,
if the file has been written with all faces (2D elements) in a boundary patch as a separate element section, which
could be useful for setting up the problem in CFX-Pre. Similar scenarios can be imagined in 3D element sections
or even mixed element sections.
Element Types Supported
Supported 3D elements (TETRA_4, PYRA_5, PENTA_6 and HEXA_8). Other 3D elements can be read but are
reduced to the lower order elements (that is, TETRA_10 is translated to TETRA_4 and then this is imported).
Supported 2D elements (TRI_3 and QUAD_4). Other 2D elements can be read but are reduced to the lower order
elements (that is, TRI_6 is translated to TRI_3 and then is imported).
The vertices of 2D elements should ideally be based on the node indices as are used for to define the 3D elements.
It is preferable to define 2D elements with parent information so that mapping from 2D elements to 3D elements
does not have to be determined by the process, thus, reducing import times.
Boundary Conditions (BC_t)
Boundary conditions are processed but physical setup information (equations, etc.) is ignored. The facility for
importing the CGNS files into CFX (CFX-Pre) is a mesh (grid) importer, not a physics importer.
No physics information is imported. Boundary condition locations are read because the collections (regions) of
mesh elements the condition is defined upon are required for ease of use and correct physics setup in CFX.
It is quicker to read boundary conditions when they are defined as a range of elements (ElementRange) or a list
of elements (ElementList), rather than a range of nodes (PointRange) or a list of nodes (PointList). The
latter may also be read, but the nodes referenced must also be used by higher-dimension elements (for example, 3D
elements) for correct interpretation.
Families (Family_t, FamilyBC_t, FamilyName_t)
Families are read and, in general, imported as composite regions (groupings) of underlying primitive regions.
Grid Connectivity (GridConnectivity_t and GridConnectivity1to1_t)
Grid connectivity can be read but with certain restrictions.
If the node mapping cannot be established or the user requests that the two sides of the interface are imported
as separate regions.
Simulation Type
Physical Data
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Auxiliary Data
Solution Data
Equation specification
CFX-TASCflow Files
CFX-TASCflow mesh files are of the form .grd or are simply named grd. You may receive warning messages
when importing a CFX-TASCflow mesh file: these will usually tell you which regions have not been imported. The
sections below indicate the situations when a warning message may occur.
If Convert 3D Region Labels to Regions is selected, then the 3D Region labels in the .grd file are imported
as individual 3D Regions. The default setting omits all 3D Region labels.
If Ignore One-to-One Connections is selected, then one-to-one contiguous grid connections are deleted on import.
You would then have to recreate the connections in CFX-Pre. There are very few cases when you would want
to enable this toggle.
Select the file type for the imported mesh from the GRD File Format Type drop down. You can select from
Formatted, Unformatted or Unknown. If you select Unknown, CFX attempts to determine the file format
before importing the mesh.
If Retain Block Off is selected, then user defined elements that are blocked off in the mesh file are not
imported into CFX-Pre. If not selected, then user defined objects are ignored and the elements are included
in the imported mesh (rarely desired).
Some ANSYS TurboGrid grids contain many-to-one node groupings. These will not be imported into
CFX-Pre. You need to know if your grid contains these connections and then recreate them in CFX-Pre
using Fluid-Fluid Domain Interfaces.
Many-to-one periodic topology connections are always removed with a warning message issued. You should
recreate the connections using a periodic domain interface. For details, see Creating and Editing a Domain Interface
(p. 105).
The regions associated with periodic boundary conditions are imported, but you will need to assign the regions to
a periodic domain interface.
Grid Embedding
Embedded grids, along with the parent grid, are automatically imported into separate assemblies in CFX-Pre. The
many-to-one topology connections on the interface between the embedded grid and the parent grid will be removed
Release 12.1 - 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Retain Block-off
The Retain BlockOff toggle is enabled by default. There is no harm in leaving this on, but it is not required unless
user defined block-off is defined in the .bcf the file, and you want it to remain blocked-off (ignored).
Porous and CHT objects in the .bcf file are ignored, and must be manually created in CFX-Pre after importing
the grid. You should make sure that a 3D volume region was defined in the grd file for the porous or CHT object
location prior to import.
By default, CFX-Pre will look in the same directory as the .grd file to locate the .bcf file. If the .bcf file is
located elsewhere, you can browse and select the file.
A wall boundary condition using the Free Slip option for curved surfaces.
Parameter File
CFX-TASCflow does not have units checking, whereas CFX-Pre does. Grid numbers will be imported using the
units specified on the Import Mesh dialog box. You should convert all units in the properties and parameter files
within TASCflow into SI units (kg, meter, second) prior to import.
Select Split Symmetry Planes to split symmetry planes that exist in more than one region. For details, see Split
Symmetry Planes (p. 60).
Select Import from Cylindrical Coordinates to transform a problem defined in cylindrical coordinates into
Cartesian coordinates for use in CFX-Pre. It should be enabled for all CFX-4 problems that use cylindrical
coordinates. For details, see Import from Cylindrical Coordinates (p. 60).
Select Block Interfaces to create 2D regions in CFX-Pre on block interfaces. For details, see Create 2D Regions
on (p. 60).
Import 2D axisymmetric mesh. For details, see Import 2D Axisymmetric Mesh (p. 61).
This is not the same as an axisymmetric problem. For details, see Import 2D Axisymmetric Mesh (p.
Create 2D Regions on
Block Interfaces
When this option is selected, named regions will be created on the interfaces between mesh blocks. This can
produce many regions in CFX-Pre, so it is usually better to define all the regions you require as patches in
Create 3D Regions on
Fluid Regions (USER3D, POROUS)
In CFX-4, most 3D regions are classified as USER3D patches. Porous regions are treated in the same way as
USER3D regions when importing them into CFX-Pre. When the Fluid Regions (USER3D, POROUS) toggle
is not selected, these regions are not imported. When the toggle is selected, they are imported as separate 3D
regions. This toggle should be selected if you need the USER3D regions to create domains and subdomains.
You should disable it to simplify the regions created in CFX-Pre. If, in CFX-4, you have created a USER3D
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If Fluid Regions (USER3D, POROUS) is not selected, and Blocked Off Regions (SOLIDs) is not selected,
then SOLID regions are blocked-off (that is, this part of the mesh is not imported).
If Fluid Regions (USER3D, POROUS) is not selected, and Blocked Off Regions (SOLIDs) is selected, then
SOLID regions are imported into the default 3D region created by the import process.
If Fluid Regions (USER3D, POROUS) is selected, and Import SOLID regions is toggled OFF, then SOLID
regions become blocked-off (that is, this part of the mesh is not imported).
If Fluid Regions (USER3D, POROUS) is selected, and Import SOLID regions is toggled ON, then SOLID
regions are imported as separate 3D regions (which can be useful for CHT simulations).
These are regions defined as conducting solid regions in CFX-4. There is no way to completely ignore SOLCON
regions, they are always imported as either a separate region or as part of the parent region. If you want to ignore
these regions (that is, so that there is no flow), then they should be removed from the CFX-4 mesh file using
CFX-4 or with manual editing. Alternatively they can be imported but simply not used to define a subdomain
in CFX-Pre. The import behavior is described below:
If Fluid Regions (USER3D, POROUS) is not selected, and Conducting Solid Regions (SOLCONs) is
not selected, then SOLCON regions are imported as part of the Assembly 3D region.
If Fluid Regions (USER3D, POROUS) is not selected, and Conducting Solid Regions (SOLCONs) is
selected, then SOLCON regions are imported as separate 3D regions.
If Fluid Regions (USER3D, POROUS) is selected, and Conducting Solid Regions (SOLCONs) is not
selected, then SOLCON regions are imported as part of the regions in which they appear.
If Fluid Regions (USER3D, POROUS) is selected, and Conducting Solid Regions (SOLCONs) is selected,
then SOLCON regions are imported as separate 3D regions and will be cut out of the parent regions.
CFX-BladeGenPlus Files
CFX-BladeGenPlus files are of the form .bg+. There are no options specific to importing CFX-BladeGenPlus
files. For details, see Common Import Options (p. 52).
Select Import Distributed Loads as 2D Regions to convert predefined distributed loads as 2D primitives within
Select the entities, under IDEAS Universal Specific Options, to import from Permanent Groups.
Only permanent groups of the selected types are imported into CFX-Pre. If overlapping regions are imported,
CFX-Pre will split them into distinct regions; therefore, you may not want to import all permanent group types.
Select Include Periodic Regions to convert predefined periodic boundaries into 2D primitives on import.
Select Ignore Connectivity to import grid blocks as unconnected 3D primitives. Ignoring connectivity does
not equivalence nodes at grid block interfaces.
Select Import Grid Blocks as Subdomains so that for each predefined grid block, a separate 3D primitive is
Selecting Ignore Properties causes data in the properties file to be ignored. This includes boundary conditions,
2D and 3D regions, and other data.
NASTRAN files can be imported.
When Include Subdomains is cleared, all mesh elements are merged into a single 3D primitive.
Distributed loads are pressure boundaries that, if imported, are used to generate 2D primitives in CFX-Pre.
Select Import Loads as 2D Regions to import distributed loads.
User Import
If you should require facilities for importing a mesh other than those available through the standard Mesh Import
forms, you can create your own customized mesh import program and make it available through the Import Mesh
forms. For details, see Volume Mesh Import API (p. 9) in the ANSYS CFX Reference Guide. If you have created
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Click Browse
Under Exec Arguments, enter the command-line arguments that should be passed to the import program.
to browse to the location of the user executable file or enter its name under Exec Location.
Click Open.
CFX-Pre calls the custom import program with a command line that has the following form:
<user import executable> <executable arguments> <mesh file>
It is important therefore that the executable handles any arguments that are specified.
If you usually use a particular import program, you can set it as the default import program by any one of the
following methods:
Specify the full path name of the import program, and other settings, in the Options dialog box.
Deleting Meshes and Mesh Components from the Tree View (p. 64)
If Highlighting
is selected (from the viewer toolbar), mesh entities will be highlighted in the viewer
when you select them in the tree view.
Delete All Mesh: Available when you right-click on Mesh. When selected this option deletes all meshes currently
Delete Mesh: Available when you right-click on individual meshes themselves or Composite 3D Regions or
Primitive 3D Regions that map directly and entirely to one or more assemblies. When selected, this option
deletes all mesh associated with the selected assemblies.
Delete Definition: Available when you right-click on a composite region. When selected this option deletes the
definition of the composite region name but not the underlying mesh.
Target Location
Select the assemblies and/or other regions to transform from the Target Assemblies drop down box. Click the
icon to access the full list of available regions.
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Transformation: Rotation
Use the Rotation transformation to rotate an assembly about an axis defined by two points or a principal axis.
The Specified option simply rotates the assembly by the specified angle. When looking from the start point to the
end point of the axis, a positive angle will produce a rotation in the clockwise direction.
Full Circle
The Full Circle option should be used in conjunction with Multiple Copy, otherwise, the assembly will simply be
transformed back to its original position. The effect this has is described more fully in Multiple Copy.
Two Points
The Two Points option calculates an angle using the axis of rotation and the two points specified, as shown in the
following figure. The two points and the start point of the axis define a plane with a normal direction pointing
towards the end point of the axis. The angle proceeds in the clockwise direction from the Start to the End point
when looking from the start point to the end point of the axis. When picking points from the Viewer, the Show
Faces render option must be selected to allow a point on a region to be picked. It may also be useful to have Snap
to Node enabled (on by default in the Viewer toolbar).
Transformation: Translation
Transformation: Translation
Use the translation transformation to move an assembly in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Method: Deltas
The Deltas method moves the mesh by the Dx, Dy, Dz values entered. Enter the Dx, Dy, Dz values with which
to translate the mesh. This is equivalent to a vector translation, using the origin as the start point of the vector and
the point entered as the end point. A point can be entered manually or selected in the Viewer after clicking any
coordinate box.
Method: Vectors
The Vector option moves the assembly by the vector described by the From and To points.
Enter From and To points to describe the translation. These points can be entered manually or selected in the Viewer
after clicking any coordinate box.
Transformation: Scale
The Scale method is used to scale an assembly by a scale factor.
Method: Uniform
The Uniform option uses the same scale factor for all coordinate directions, thus scaling the size of the assembly
while maintaining the same aspect ratio. Specify the scale factor by entering a value for Uniform Scale (which
must be greater than zero).
Scale Origin
Scaling is achieved by multiplying the location of each mesh node relative to the Scale Origin by the scaling factor.
Enter the Scale Origin as a Cartesian coordinate (for example, [0 0 0]), or click any Cartesian coordinate box
then pick a point from the Viewer. When you are in Picking mode, the Cartesian coordinate boxes turn yellow. To
manipulate the object in the viewer while in this state you have to click on the viewer icons (rotate, pan, zoom) in
the toolbar. You can turn off Picking mode by changing the keyboard focus (by clicking on another field, for
Apply Scale To
This setting controls whether the transformation is applied to the original mesh or to a copy of the mesh. If you
have set up physics locations on the original mesh, such locations are retained after the transformation.
The following options are available:
Original (No Copy)
Transforms the original mesh without making a copy.
Copy (Keep Original)
Copies the original mesh before applying the transformation. In this case, the original mesh remains in its
current location.
Transformation: Reflection
The Reflection method is used to mirror a mesh in a specified plane. Apart from using the principal planes (for
example, the XY plane), arbitrary planes can be created with the Three Points and the Point and Normal methods.
These are the same plane definition methods that are available in CFD-Post.
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The options available are YZ Plane, XZ Plane, XY Plane, Three Points and Point and Normal.
When using the YZ Plane, XZ Plane, or XY Plane method, an offset, X, Y, and Z respectively, can be applied
by entering a value in the X, Y, Z offset box.
If you use the Three Points or Point and Normal method, the points can be manually entered or selected
in the Viewer after you click in any coordinate field.
Apply Reflection To
This setting controls whether the transformation is applied to the original mesh or to a copy of the mesh. If you
have set up physics locations on the original mesh, such locations are retained after the transformation.
The following options are available:
Original (No Copy)
Transforms the original mesh without making a copy.
Copy (Keep Original)
Copies the original mesh before applying the transformation. In this case, the original mesh remains in its
current location.
Multiple Copies
When the Multiple Copies toggle is disabled, then the assembly is simply transformed to the new location, without
retaining a copy of the assembly at the original location. You can enable the Multiple Copies toggle to allow
Advanced Options
multiple copies of an assembly to be made during the transformation. It should be noted that this section is not
available for Scale Transformations.
In general, the multiple copies will be evenly spaced throughout the transformation. For rotational transformations
copies will appear at evenly spaced angles, while for translational transformations copies will appear at evenly
spaced intervals along the vector describing the translation. For example, if you have a mesh for a single blade
passage, you can make copies of it using the rotation transformation. If your full machine has 60 blades and you
want to reproduce the full geometry, you should use the Full Circle option for the Angle and select to make 59
copies (the original copy is the 60th).
# of Copies
Enter the number of copies for the assembly to make. This number does not include the original copy.
Delete Original
Controls whether the original copy is retained or deleted after the transformation. Composite regions associated
with the original mesh are not deleted during this operation.
Advanced Options
The Advanced Options control your mesh-gluing strategy as described below.
Location and Transformed causes CFX-Pre to try to create connections automatically between the selected
location being transformed and any copies that are made.
Location and Transformed and Touching requests that CFX-Pre tries to glue the transformed locations
with any copies made and also with any other mesh locations that are in contact with the transformed
location or transformed copies.
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Existing: assembly names specified before the transformation takes place are preserved
Existing and Intermediate: the names of assemblies prior to the transformation and also any intermediate
assembly names created during the transformation process will be preserved.
Another way to glue two meshes together is to select Connectivity > Define Connection from the tree
view. In the Mesh Connections Editor that appears, click
regions to choose for Side One and Side Two. If
as you highlight regions in the Selection Dialog.
If a pair of meshes cannot be glued together, you can use a domain interface instead. For details, see Domain
Interfaces (p. 105).
There is limited checking of the validity of GGI connections created by gluing meshes together.
When you transform or copy multiple assemblies, it is possible to have each copy glued to its original
assembly or to other copies made. For details, see Advanced Options (p. 68) in the Transform Mesh
Command (p. 64) section.
For more information on mesh connection types, see Mesh Connection Options (p. 132) in the
ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Mesh Editor
The mesh editor is described in Editing Regions in CFX-Pre (p. 76).
Render Options
The Render Options dialog box controls how 2D objects will appear in the Viewer, such as visibility, line width,
line color, etc. Rendering for individual 2D Primitives, or any composite regions that resolve to only one 2D
Primitive, is set on the Render Options dialog box for 2D Primitives. For details, see Render Options Dialog Box
(p. 69).
Render Options for any regions that are made up of more than one 2D primitive (such as a 3D region or a composite
2D region consisting of more than one 2D primitive) can be set on a global basis for all 2D primitives within the
particular region. For details, see Render Options - Multiple 2D Regions (p. 71).
You can access the Render Options dialog box by right-clicking on a region in the tree view and then selecting
Render > Properties from the shortcut menu.
Draw Faces
Shows the faces of the mesh elements on 2D primitives. Show Faces should be selected if the effect of changing
the face options is to be seen.
Face Color
The color used for the mesh faces drawn on the 2D primitives. Pick a Face Color by clicking on the color box to
cycle through common colors or click
Select a Transparency level from 0 to 1, where 0 is opaque and 1 is transparent.
Flat Shading
Each element is colored a constant color. Color interpolation is not used across or between elements.
Smooth Shading
Color interpolation is applied, which results in color variation across an element based on the color of surrounding
Face Culling
This controls the visibility for element faces of objects that either face the Viewer or point away from the Viewer.
Domain boundaries always have a normal vector that points out of the domain. The two sides of a thin surface have
normal vectors that point towards each other.
Face Culling affects printouts performed using the Screen Capture method only.
Front Faces
Clears visibility for all outward-facing element faces (the faces on the same side as the normal vector).
Back Faces
Clears visibility for inward-facing element faces (the faces on the opposite side to the normal vector).
No Culling
Shows element faces when viewed from either side.
Toggle the lighting source on or off.
When enabled, treats the object as a reflector of light.
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Draw Lines
Shows the lines of the surface mesh elements on 2D primitives.
Line Width
The line width can be changed by entering a value in the Line Width text box corresponding to the pixel width of
the line. When the box is active, the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard can be used to increment the value.
Line Color
Pick a Line Color by clicking on the color box to cycle through common colors or click
Set the visibility for the primitives in the Viewer. Clearing the visibility may improve the Viewer performance for
complex meshes.
Because CFX-Pre can recognize underlying CAD surfaces from CFX GTM Files, it is not necessary to
create composite regions, although it will often make selecting locations easier in CFX-Pre. Other mesh
types may or may not require the definition of composite regions within CFX-Pre.
New composite regions can be created in CFX-Pre using the Regions details view. However, the topology of the
existing primitives limits the scope of composite region creation and it is not possible to create any new primitives
in CFX-Pre. For details, see Defining and Editing Composite Regions (p. 77).
The number and location of 2D primitives and 3D primitives is defined by the software that generated the mesh.
You should consider your domain, boundary condition, domain interface and subdomain requirements when creating
the mesh and create appropriate regions that can be used in CFX-Pre. You will need to create each region explicitly
in the mesh generation software if your mesh file does not contain data that references the underlying CAD faces.
If primitives reference the underlying CAD faces, it does not mean that the exact CAD geometry is recovered. The
mesh simply references all the CAD faces and makes the mesh associated with them available in CFX-Pre.
In CFX-Pre 3D primitives are always distinct, as such a mesh element is always contained in a single 3D primitive.
All regions in the mesh file that define a set of 3D elements are imported into CFX-Pre. If any element exists in
more than one grouping of elements, the import process will split the groupings so that each element is contained
within a single 3D primitive. Composite regions will be defined that group the 3D primitives into the topology that
the original mesh file represented. Depending on your mesh file, this could include 3D subregions, solid regions,
block-off regions, user defined 3D regions, porous regions, etc.
If a 2D primitive spans more than one 3D primitive, it will be split into multiple 2D primitives on import, so that
each 2D primitive is part of only one 3D primitive. All overlapping 2D primitives are also split into distinct primitives
upon import and composite regions are created to represent the original regions read from the mesh file. When a
2D primitive forms a boundary between 3D primitives, it will be split into two sides, such that a 2D primitive is
associated with each 3D primitive. When a 2D primitive is split, a suffix is added to the name so that the resulting
2D primitives are named uniquely. For example, a 2D primitive called Solid 1.2 would be split into Solid
1.2A and Solid 1.2B.
Composite Regions
Composite regions are defined as combinations of one or more 2D primitive, 3D primitive or other composite
regions. New composite regions created in CFX-Pre must therefore be defined by a combination of at least one
other region, however it is possible that a composite region can be defined that resolves to nothing.
Composite regions that are specified in the original mesh file imported into CFX-Pre will be imported into the
application if the import format can be translated into one that CFX-Pre can use. The composite regions imported
into CFX-Pre can be selected, modified and deleted in the same way as composite regions defined in the application.
Additional information on primitive and composite regions is available in Assemblies, Primitive Regions, and
Composite Regions (p. 71).
For details about creating regions, see Regions (p. 75).
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Additional information on primitive and composite regions is available. For details, see Mesh Topology in
CFX-Pre (p. 71).
Primitive Regions
Primitive regions are a unique selection of 2D faces or 3D elements that define a location in the model.
A model containing a mesh will have at least one 2D primitive region and one 3D primitive region.
It is not possible for a primitive region to contain 2D faces and 3D elements.
Composite Regions
Composite regions are regions defined in terms of other regions. For example:
Faces can be moved or copied from one or more 2D primitive regions into a new or an existing 2D primitive region.
The Region Filter allows you to modify the source from which faces will be picked. Select All Regions from the
drop-down list if faces are to be selected from anywhere in the model, or any number of regions if you want to
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To set the pick mode to single face selection, click this button. Clicking in the viewer will select the first
face to move.
To flood fill an area, click on this button and then click in the viewer. Changing the crease angle will
control how far the flood will extend. The angle indicates that any face which bounds the face first selected and
has a normal that is within the angle will be selected. The same angle is then used again on any faces selected
by the algorithm until no more faces can be reached using this method.
To select all faces within a rectangle, click on this button and then click in the viewer and drag the box to
perform the selection. The option to the left of Pick All indicates whether the selection only includes fully
enclosed faces or any touching or enclosed faces.
To select all faces within a polygon, click on this button and then click multiple times in the viewer finishing
with a double click to perform the selection. The option to the left of Pick All indicates whether the selection
only includes fully enclosed faces or any touching or enclosed faces.
Appending further faces to the current selection is performed in the same way as above, but by using Ctrl and click
to pick the faces in the viewer. All operations can use this method.
The names of the 2D primitive regions from which faces have been selected are shown in the Mesh Face Selection
tree. The number of faces selected from each 2D primitive is also shown. The set of faces associated with a single
2D primitive can be removed by right-clicking the 2D primitive in the tree.
Faces are moved or copied to a destination region; the action can be selected from those shown in Destination box.
You can select the destination for the faces from the list to the right of the Move Faces To field, or you can type a
new name into the field.
Clicking Apply performs the operation; OK performs the operation and closes the form; Close discards the settings
and closes the form; Reset resets the settings on the form.
Unexpected results may occur if the topology of the current model is altered in some way during the
course of the edit. For example adding a new composite region or deleting an existing one or importing
or deleting a mesh may alter how the editor acts. In a similar way, performing an Undo or Redo when
faces are selected may change the topology. If any of these operations are performed, click Reset and
re-pick the faces as required.
Advanced Options
At the bottom of the form, the Options box can be expanded and Remove Invalid Components from Composite
Definitions can be selected. Selecting this option will remove any references to primitives that are completely
removed by the operation. If this is not done, composite regions that reference a removed primitive region will
become unresolved.
The Regions details view allows you to restrict the regions available for selection by limiting them by
Dimension(Filter). Selecting 2D will cause the Region List to only display 2D regions and selecting
3D will cause the Region List to only select 3D regions. Regions of mixed dimensionality are always
A Combination setting of Union combines the area or volume of the selected regions to create a new region. The
new region will include all the regions from which it is constructed. For example, two or more 3D regions can be
combined to create a new region, which can then be used as the location for a domain.
A Combination setting of Alias is used to produce a composite region that when resolved is based upon the same
set of primitive regions as the region it is defined on. A composite region with a Combination of Alias may only
reference a single region (this may be a composite or primitive region). The new composite region may, however,
resolve to more than one primitive region. This feature is useful to assign recognizable names to regions with
non-intuitive names.
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Steady State Time Scale Control (p. 327) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Transient Timestep Control (p. 330) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Overview of Pre-Processing for ANSYS Multi-field Simulations (p. 298) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling
Steady State
No further settings are required for the Steady State option.
Time Duration
Set Option to determine the length of the transient analysis:
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Total Time
For details, see Time Duration (p. 331) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Time Steps
Set Option to determine the size of timesteps for the run:
Coupling Timesteps
The Timesteps and Timesteps for the Run parameters can take single value or lists. If a list is entered, it should
be comma separated, for example, 2, 1.2, 2.4. If an expression is used, you must associate units with each
item in the list, for example 2 [s], 1.2 [s], 2.4 [s]. In addition, it is possible to define multiples of a
timestep value in the user interface when not using the expression method. For example, you could enter 5*0.1,
2*0.5, 10*1 as a list of values, and set the units to [s] separately. The corresponding CCL that would be
generated would be:
0.1 [s], 0.1 [s], 0.1 [s], 0.1 [s], 0.1 [s], 0.5 [s], 0.5 [s], 1 [s], 1 [s],
1 [s], 1 [s], 1 [s], 1 [s], 1 [s], 1 [s], 1 [s], 1 [s]
If you accidentally enter 5*0.1 [s], 2*0.5 [s], 10*1 [s] as an expression, the multiplication would
be carried out, and the corresponding CCL that would be generated would be:
0.5 [s], 1.0 [s], 10.0 [s]
For details, see Transient Timestep Control (p. 330) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
When Adaptive time is selected, set one of the following three conditions for Timestep Adaption to automate
the calculation of timestep size:
For details, see Timesteps: Adaptive (p. 332) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Initial Time
Set the Option to specify the Initial Time for a transient analysis.
For details, see Initial Time (p. 332) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
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CFX-Pre uses the concept of domains to define the type, properties and region of the fluid, porous or solid. Domains
are regions of space in which the equations of fluid flow or heat transfer are solved. This section describes how to
use the domain details view to define the physics of fluid, porous or solid domains in your simulation. This includes
selecting the 3D bounding regions and choosing appropriate physical models.
A list of the physical models available in CFX, as well as additional information on the physical meaning of the
models used, is available. For details, see Physical Models (p. 2) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Domains are created from a list of Assemblies, 3D primitive regions and/or 3D composite regions which are
associated with a volume of an imported mesh. A discussion of these objects can be found in CFX-Pre. For details,
see Mesh Topology in CFX-Pre (p. 71).
In some cases, separate domains will need to be connected via a domain interface, while in other cases, no interface
is required or a default interface is created and is suitable. For details, see Domain Interfaces (p. 105).
Within fluid, porous, and solid domains, internal 3D regions can be assigned to a subdomain. These are used to
create volumetric sources of mass, momentum, energy, etc. For details, see Subdomains (p. 137).
Boundary conditions can be applied to any bounding surface of a 3D primitive that is included in a domain (that is,
including internal surfaces). For details, see Boundary Conditions (p. 111).
domains from the menu bar or toolbar may subsequently require selection of the appropriate analysis type. Domains
can also be created by right-clicking the appropriate analysis type in the Outline view.
Creating a new domain will present a dialog box where a unique name for the domain should be entered.
Additional information on valid names is available in Valid Syntax for Named Objects (p. 43). Existing domains
may be edited by double-clicking the domain in the Outline view, or by right-clicking the domain and selecting
Edit. For details, see Outline Tree View (p. 4).
Basic Settings: Sets the location and type of domains, as well as the fluid, porous or solid, used in the domain.
The reference pressure, buoyancy options and domain motion are also set here. For details, see Basic Settings
Tab (p. 83).
Porosity Settings: Only available for porous domains. Set the general description of a porous domain.
Fluid Models: Only available for fluid domains. Sets the physical models that apply to all domain fluids. For
details, see Fluid Models Tab (p. 88).
Fluid Specific Models (for example, Water at RTP): Only available for fluid or porous domains when more
than one fluid is selected, or for a single phase case when particles are included. A separate tab is used for each
fluid in the domain and uses the fluid name as the name for the tab. This sets physical model options that are
specific to each domain fluid. For details, see Fluid Specific Models Tab (p. 92).
Fluid Pair Models: Only available for fluid domains using multiple fluids or when particles are included. This
sets options that depend on the interaction between fluid pairs, such as transfer options. For details, see Fluid
Pair Models Tab (p. 94).
Solid Models: Only available for solid domains. Sets the physical models that apply to the solid. For details,
see Solid Models Tab (p. 99).
Particle Injection Regions: When a particle tracking simulation is used, custom injection regions can be created
using this tab. For details, see Particle Injection Regions Tab (p. 100).
Initialization: Sets initial conditions on a domain basis. For details, see Initialization Tab (p. 103). This is optional
since global initialization can also be performed, but is essential for solid domains.
Solver Control: Sets solver control settings on a domain basis. For details, see Solver Control Tab (p. 103).
Some exceptions exist when using fluid and solid domains together and also to allow MFR (multiple frame of
reference) simulations to be defined.
If a domain interface is required, refer to Using Domain Interfaces (p. 135) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling
Guide for information on the correct use of interfaces.
Coordinate Frame: Each domain can use a different reference local coordinate frame.
Domain Motion: Each domain can be independently stationary or rotating. For rotating domains, the angular
velocity and axis of rotating can be different for each domain. This allows MFR simulations to be set up.
Note that these parameters are all set on the Basic Settings tab on the Domains form.
Fluid and Solid Domains: Settings are not copied between fluid and solid domains with the exception of Thermal
Radiation Model. If any solid domain uses the Monte Carlo radiation model, then all fluid domains must also
model radiation and must use the Monte Carlo model. If no solid domain has radiation modeling (that is, Option
= None), then the fluid domains can use any radiation model.
User Interface
The following topics will be discussed:
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drop-down list can be used to pick locations from an expanded list. Alternatively, clicking a location in the viewer
displays a small box containing the available locations.
For details, see Domain and Subdomain Locations (p. 72).
Domain Type
The Domain Type setting can be set to one of the following:
Fluid Domain
Fluid domains are used to model one fluid or a combination of fluids, with a wide range of modeling options.
It is possible to deform the mesh to simulate movement of the boundaries of the domain; for details, see Mesh
Deformation (p. 87).
Solid Domain
Solid domains are used to model regions that contain no fluid or porous flow. Several modeling options are
available, including heat transfer (see Conjugate Heat Transfer (p. 7) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling
Guide), radiation (see Radiation Modeling (p. 259) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide), and Additional
Variables (see Additional Variables (p. 199) and Additional Variables (p. 16) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling
Guide). In addition, you can model the motion of a solid that moves relative to its reference frame; for details,
see Solid Motion (p. 100).
Porous Domain
Porous domains are similar to fluid domains, but are used to model flows where the geometry is too complex
to resolve with a grid. For details, see Flow in Porous Media (p. 49) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide.
Immersed Solid
Immersed Solid domains can be used in transient simulations to model rigid solid objects that move through
fluid domains; for details, see Domain Motion (p. 85) and Immersed Solids (p. 11) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide.
Coordinate Frame
By default in a fluid domain, Coordinate Frame is set to the default Cartesian frame, Coord 0, but you can select
any predefined coordinate frame. To create a new coordinate frame, select Insert > Coordinate Frame from the
menu bar. For details, see Coordinate Frames (p. 183) and Coordinate Frames (p. 21) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide.
The coordinate frame set for a domain is local to only that domain and is used to interpret all x, y and z component
values set in the domain details view. This includes the gravity components in a buoyant flow and the rotation axis
definition in a rotating domain. The coordinate frame set here has no influence on boundary conditions for the
domain. For details, see Global Coordinate Frame (Coord 0) (p. 21) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
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to the right of the definition list, type a name for the definition and
click OK. For multiphase simulation, more than one fluid is required. For details, see Multiphase Flow Modeling
(p. 141) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
For the definition Option select Material Library (the default) to enable choosing a material from a
supplied or user defined library or Material Definition for Reacting Mixtures.
For the definition Material select from the drop-down list for some commonly used materials or click Select
from extended list
After clicking
The specification of material properties (for example, density and viscosity) and the creation of custom materials
is performed in the Materials details view. For details, see Materials (p. 187). New materials are added to the relevant
drop-down list.
A solid domain must be made from a single solid material.
Which morphology options are available depends on whether you are setting fluid-specific details for an Eulerian
phase or for a particle phase. For Eulerian phases, the options are:
Continuous Fluid
Dispersed Fluid
Dispersed Solid
Polydispersed Fluid
For details, see Morphology (p. 145) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
For a particle phase, the options are:
For details, see Particle Morphology Options (p. 181) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Mean Diameter
For Dispersed Fluid and Dispersed Solid phases, a mean diameter is required. For details, see Mean
Diameter (p. 145) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Minimum Volume Fraction
This is available for dispersed phases, but you will not usually need to set a value. For details, see Minimum Volume
Fraction (p. 145) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Maximum Packing
This is available for the Dispersed Fluid and Dispersed Solid phases. For details, see Maximum Packing
(p. 153) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Restitution Coefficient
This restitution coefficient setting holds a value from 0 to 1 that indicates the degree of elasticity of a collision
between a pair of particles. For such a collision, the restitution coefficient is the ratio of separation speed to closing
speed. This restitution coefficient setting is used only for the kinetic theory model. For details, see Kinetic Theory
Models for Solids Pressure (p. 117).
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Particle Tracking
To include particles in the domain, define a particle in Fluid and Particle Definitions..., select the particle material
and select the Particle Transport Fluid or Particle Transport Solid option for Fluid and Particle Definitions...
> <particle definition> > Morphology on the Basic Settings tab. For details, see Particle Transport Modeling (p.
179) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Domain Models
Pressure: Reference Pressure
This sets the absolute pressure level to which all other relative pressure set in a simulation are measured. For details,
see Setting a Reference Pressure (p. 8) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Buoyancy: Option
For flows in which gravity is important, you should include the buoyancy term. Gravity components in the x, y and
z directions should be entered; these are interpreted in the coordinate frame for the domain. For details, see Coordinate
Frames (p. 21) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
There are two different buoyancy models in CFX: the one used depends upon the properties of the selected fluid(s).
Depending on the types of fluid selected, a Buoyancy Reference Temperature and / or a Buoyancy Reference
Density must be set. This is because different fluids use either the full or Boussinesq buoyancy model. In multiphase
flows, the reference density can have a significant effect.
The Buoyancy Reference Location can be set automatically, or to a specific location with X/Y/Z coordinates. For
details, see:
Domain Motion
The available Domain Motion options depend on the type of domain, and are described in Table 12.1, Domain
Motion Settings (p. 86):
Speed and
General Motion
Details of some of the settings mentioned in Table 12.1, Domain Motion Settings (p. 86):
Angular Velocity: The angular velocity gives the rotation rate of the domain, which can be a function of time.
Axis Definition: The axis of rotation can be a coordinate axis of the local coordinate frame or a local cylindrical
axis defined by two points.
If Coordinate Axis is selected, the available axes are all local and global coordinate axes. Coord 0
is the global coordinate frame, and its axes are referred to as Global X, Global Y and Global Z. A
local coordinate frame's axes are referred to as myCoord.1, myCoord.2, myCoord.3 where 1,2,3
represent the local X,Y,Z directions.
If Two Points is selected, Rotation Axis From and Rotation Axis To must be set. The points are
interpreted in the coordinate frame for the domain. If the coordinate frame is cylindrical, then the components
correspond to the r, , z directions. For details, see Coordinate Frames (p. 21) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide.
Rotational Offset: This setting transforms the domain by the specified rotation angle. The rotation axis used
for this transformation is specified by the Axis Definition settings.
Alternate Rotation Model: For details, see Alternate Rotation Model (p. 22) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide.
Reference Location: The reference location is an origin point that should be defined to conveniently describe
the body rotation of the immersed solid domain. When Body Rotation > Option is set to None, the reference
location will be neglected. Specify the reference location by choosing an existing coordinate frame origin, or
by specifying Cartesian coordinates.
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Origin Motion: The origin motion can be specified in any of the ways that the domain motion can be specified
(not counting the General Motion option for domain motion), and by Specified Velocity, which
accepts Cartesian components of velocity.
Specify an angular velocity and the instantaneous axis of rotation.
CEL expressions used to define domain motion can be functions of time only.
If you create two or more fluid domains and modify a model setting of one of the domains, that setting
is generally copied to all other fluid domains in the simulation. An exception to this is that if you edit
the Domain Motion settings of a domain, those settings are not copied to any other domains; this enables
each domain to rotate or remain stationary independently of the other domains.
Mesh Deformation
Mesh deformation can be used to model flows with a varying geometry, for both transient and steady-state simulations.
There are three options for the specification of mesh deformation for a domain:
Regions of Motion Specified: permits wall boundaries and subdomains to move, and makes mesh
motion settings available. These include a mesh motion option (which must be set to Displacement
Diffusion) and mesh stiffness settings. For details, see Regions of Motion Specified (p. 3) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Junction Box Routine: reads mesh coordinate datasets from a file into the CFX-Solver as the solution proceeds.
This step requires the specification of a series of meshes and User Fortran routine(s). For details, see Junction
Box Routine (p. 6) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Area Porosity
Area Porosity represents the fraction of physical area that is available for the flow to go through. The default setting
is Isotropic.
Volume Porosity
Volume Porosity is the local ratio of the volume of fluid to the total physical volume.
Loss Models
Porous losses can be included using an isotropic or directional loss model. In each case, the loss is specified using
either linear and quadratic coefficients, or permeability and loss coefficients. When specifying the loss coefficients,
it is important to properly set the Loss Velocity Type. For details, see Porous Momentum Loss Models (p. 50) in
the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide.
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In a multiphase simulation, the options that are allowed to vary between fluids will appear on the Fluid Specific
Models tab instead. For details, see Fluid Specific Models Tab (p. 92).
Some fluid models can apply to all fluids or can be set on a fluid-specific basis, these models will appear on the
Fluid Models section with a Fluid Dependent option. If this is selected, then the model appears on the Fluid
Specific Models tab.
The options available on the Fluid Specific Models tab depends on the simulation set up (including the type and
number of fluids used in the simulation (such as single or multicomponent, single or multiphase, reacting or
non-reacting)) and whether Additional Variables have been created.
All details related to Particle Tracking are set on the General Settings tab and the models chosen on the Fluid
Models tab do not apply to the particle phase.
Radiation with multiphase is not supported. However, it is allowed for single Eulerian particle tracking cases on
the Fluid Specific Models tab.
The available settings depend on the physical models chosen in your simulation.
Multiphase Options
These options are only applicable to multiphase simulations.
Homogeneous Model
Inhomogeneous is the general case of multiphase flow, where each fluid has its own velocity field, turbulence field,
and so on. You can select the Homogeneous Model check box to switch to this model, where all fluids share a
velocity field, turbulence field, etc. For details, see The Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Models (p. 146) in the
ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide. Both the inhomogeneous and homogeneous models have a Free Surface
Model option.
Multiphase Reactions
Multiphase Reactions are available when any reactions have been defined with type Multiphase. For details, see
Multiphase: Basic Settings (p. 197). Any reactions that are to be included in the simulation should be selected from
the drop-down list. For details, see Multiphase Reactions (p. 220) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Heat Transfer
Homogeneous Model
For details, see Homogeneous Heat Transfer in Multiphase Flow (p. 155) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling
None: Not available for compressible fluids, since a temperature is required at which to evaluate the fluid
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Thermal Energy: Models the transport of enthalpy through the fluid and is suitable for modeling heat transfer
in low-speed flows. For details, see The Thermal Energy Equation (p. 18) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory
Total Energy: Includes high-speed energy effects. You can include the Viscous Work Term in the energy
equation. For details, see The Total Energy Equation (p. 18) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide.
Fluid Dependent: Is used to set different heat transfer models for each fluid in a multiphase simulation.
A heat transfer model is then set for each fluid on the Fluid Specific Models tab. This option cannot be used
when Homogeneous Model is selected.
Advice on which turbulence model is appropriate for your simulation and a description of each model can be
reviewed. For details, see:
Turbulence and Near-Wall Modeling (p. 97) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Turbulence Modeling in Multiphase Flow (p. 157) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Homogeneous Model
If you have not selected Homogeneous Model under Multiphase Options, then Homogeneous Model under
Turbulence frame will be available.
If selected, this will solve a single turbulence field for an inhomogeneous simulation. There will be no fluid-specific
turbulence data to set. For details, see Homogeneous Turbulence in Inhomogeneous Flow (p. 157) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
If you do not enable this check box, then you will usually select Fluid Dependent and specify turbulence data
on the fluid-specific tabs. Alternatively, the Laminar model can be picked to apply to all fluids (this is not
homogeneous turbulence).
Homogeneous multiphase flow always uses homogeneous turbulence; therefore, you only need select the turbulence
model to use.
Turbulence: Option
You can select one of the following turbulence models:
None (Laminar): Turbulence is not modeled. This should only be used for laminar flow. Of the combustion
models, only Finite Rate Chemistry is available for laminar flow. For details, see The Laminar Model (p. 98)
in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
k-Epsilon: A standard fluid model that is suitable for a wide range of simulations. For details, see The
k-epsilon Model (p. 98) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Fluid Dependent: Allows you to set different turbulence models for each fluid in the domain. If this option
is selected, the turbulence model for each fluid is set in the Fluid Specific Models tab. This is only available
for multiphase simulations when Homogeneous Model is not selected.
Shear Stress Transport: Recommended for accurate boundary layer simulations. For details, see The
k-omega and SST Models (p. 99) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Omega Reynolds Stress / BSL Reynolds Stress: For details, see Omega-Based Reynolds Stress
Models (p. 101) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
QI / SSG / LRR Reynolds Stress: Provides high accuracy for some complex flows. For details, see
Reynolds Stress Turbulence Models (p. 65) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide.
Zero Equation: Only the Finite Rate Chemistry combustion model is available when using the zero equation
turbulence model. For details, see The Zero Equation Model (p. 98) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
k epsilon EARSM / BSL EARSM: These models are a simplified version of the Reynolds Stress models
with application to problems with secondary flows as well as flows with streamline curvature and/or system
rotation. For details, see Explicit Algebraic Reynolds Stress Model (p. 71) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory
LES Smagorinsky / LES WALE / LES Dynamic Model: Available for transient simulation only.
For details, see The Large Eddy Simulation Model (LES) (p. 107) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Detached Eddy Simulation: Available for transient simulation only. For details, see The Detached Eddy
Simulation Model (DES) (p. 111) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
The available Advanced Turbulence Control settings for turbulence modeling depend on the turbulence model.
For details, please refer to the appropriate sections of the Turbulence and Near-Wall Modeling (p. 97) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide and Turbulence and Wall Function Theory (p. 53) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory
Buoyancy Turbulence
Buoyancy Turbulence is available for two (or more) equation turbulence models. For details, see Buoyancy Turbulence
(p. 117) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Wall Function
The wall function is automatically set depending on the turbulence model selected. Therefore, you will not need to
change this setting. For multiphase flow, if the fluid dependent turbulence model option is selected, the wall function
option appears on the fluid- specific tabs. The Laminar and zero equation turbulence models do not use wall functions.
For details, see Modeling Flow Near the Wall (p. 117) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Eddy Dissipation
PDF Flamelet
Only Finite Rate Chemistry is available when Laminar or Zero Equation turbulence model is used.
In multiphase simulations, when Fluid Dependent is selected, a different combustion model can be used for
each reacting fluid in the simulation. If the homogeneous multiphase model is used, all fluids must be reacting
mixtures that include reactions to allow a combustion to be modeled.
If the fluid material is defined as a reacting mixture from the material library, then the available combustion models
are filtered in order to be compatible with the reactions specified in the reacting material.
If the fluid material is defined as Option is Material Definition and Composition Option is Reacting
Mixture, then the complete list of combustion models is presented and the reactions list for the mixture has to be
specified. Only those reactions from the material library will be available that are compatible with the selected
combustion model.
Depending on the selected combustion model, additional options (such as Autoignition Model, NO Model,
and Chemistry Post-Processing) and parameters may be available. For details, see Combustion Modeling
(p. 227) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
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Soot Model
When a combustion model is selected, you can optionally enable the Magnussen soot model to account for the
formation of soot. In multiphase simulations, this model appears on the fluid-specific tab for each fluid that uses a
combustion model.
A Fuel and Soot Material is required, and the following optional parameters can also be set:
Soot Density
For details, see Soot Model (p. 255) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Discrete Transfer
Monte Carlo
A Spectral Model can be selected for all radiation models. If the Multigray or Weighted Sum of Gray
Gases representation is selected for the Spectral Model, then you should create the required number of gray gases.
to add a new gray gas. (You can click Delete
Set the Weight and Absorption Coefficient for each gray gas.
For details, see Multigray/Weighted Sum of Gray Gases (p. 268) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Alternatively, if the Multiband representation is selected, you should create Spectral Bands:
Electromagnetic Model
The Electromagnetic Model enables you to define:
Electric Field Model
Option can be set to None, Electric Potential, or User Defined.
Magnetic Field Model
Option can be set to None, Magnetic Vector Potential, or User Defined.
If a user-defined model is selected, you must make sure that the electromagnetic properties have been set in the
Material details view. For details, see Material Properties Tab (p. 190). Electromagnetic models are supported for
multiphase simulations only if homogeneous.
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Component Details
If your fluid contains more than one component (that is, you are using a variable composition or reacting mixture,
or HCF fuel, created in the Material details view), then Component Details will need to be set on the Fluid Models
tab. If using the Algebraic Slip Multiphase model (ASM), the settings are specified in this view as well. For details,
see Algebraic Slip Model (ASM) (p. 177) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide. When a non-ASM multiphase
model is used, the Component Details form appears on the fluid-specific tabs.
Select the type of equation to solve for this component as Automatic, Transport Equation,
Constraint, Algebraic Equation or Algebraic Slip. A description of the multiphase model is
available in:
Algebraic Slip Model (ASM) (p. 177) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Component Domain Settings (p. 14) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
If you have selected to solve a transport equation for the component, you can optionally enter a value for
Kinematic Diffusivity. If you do not set Kinematic Diffusivity, then the Bulk Viscosity value is used.
The Component Details specify the model used to calculate the mass fraction of each component throughout the
domain. For details, see Component Domain Settings (p. 14) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
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Kinetic Theory
The Kinetic Theory settings control the solid particle collision model. When you set Kinetic Theory to Kinetic
Theory, you should set the granular temperature model and radial distribution function. CFX-Pre will also set the
Solid Pressure Model, Solid Bulk Viscosity, and the Solid Shear Viscosity settings to Kinetic Theory.
For details on these settings:
For modeling information about solid particle collision models, see Solid Particle Collision Models (p. 152) in the
ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
For theoretical information about solid particle collision models, see Solid Particle Collision Models (p. 116) in the
ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide.
Heat Transfer
If you have set Heat Transfer to Fluid Dependent on the Fluid Models tab, the Heat Transfer options appear
on the fluid-specific tabs for each Eulerian phase. The available options are similar to in the single-phase case. For
details, see Heat Transfer (p. 88). If the heat transfer occurs between two fluids, then additional information must
be entered on the Fluid Pairs tab.
The Total Energy heat transfer model is not available for multiphase simulations since high speed compressible
multiphase flow is not supported. For details, see Heat Transfer (p. 7) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Additional information on heat transfer between phases is available in Interphase Heat Transfer (p. 153) in the
ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Turbulence Model
If you have set Turbulence to Fluid Dependent on the Fluid Models tab, the Turbulence Model option
appears on the fluid-specific tabs for each Eulerian phase. The models available are similar to those available in
single-phase simulations, with the following exceptions:
For dispersed fluid, or dispersed/polydispersed solid phases, only the Dispersed Phase Zero Equation,
Laminar or Zero Equation models are available. The Dispersed Phase Zero Equation model is the
recommended choice. For details, see Phase-Dependent Turbulence Models (p. 157) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide.
The LES and DES models are available for transient simulations for the continuous phase.
Combustion Model
If you have set the reaction or combustion model to Fluid Dependent on the Fluid Models tab, the Reaction or
Combustion Model option can appear on the Fluid Specific Models tab for each Eulerian phase. You will only
be able to pick a combustion model for fluids that are reacting mixtures. The models available are similar to those
available in single-phase simulations. For details, see:
Erosion Model
The erosion properties specified on this form are applied to all wall boundaries. The wall boundaries can also have
erosion properties set to override the global settings specified here. For details, see Erosion (p. 186) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Component Details
This is available for each Eulerian phase in the simulation that is a mixture of more than one component. It does
not apply to fluids or solids using the particle tracking model. The options available are the same as those on the
Fluid Models tab in a single-phase simulation. For details, see Component Details (p. 92).
If the component transfer occurs between two fluids, then additional information must be entered on the Fluid Pairs
tab. This is only possible when more than one multicomponent fluid exists in a simulation. For details, see Interphase
Species Mass Transfer (p. 165) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
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Particle Coupling
This only applies to Continuous Fluid | Particle pairs. For details, see Particle Fluid Pair Coupling Options (p.
189) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
For a Continuous Fluid | Dispersed Fluid pair when you want to model the Drag Force using either the Grace
or Ishii Zuber models. The flow must also be Buoyant to allow these models to be selected. For details,
see Interphase Drag for the Particle Model (p. 148) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
When you want to use the surface tension model. This model is only available when Standard has been
selected as the Free Surface Model on the Fluid Models tab.
You can set a Surface Tension Coefficient in other cases, but it will not be used in your simulation. It does not
apply to Continuous Fluid | Particle pairs.
For details, see Surface Tension (p. 174) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Particle Model
This model assumes a continuous phase fluid containing particles of a dispersed phase fluid or solid. It is available
when the morphology of the pair is Continuous Fluid | Dispersed Fluid or Continuous Fluid | Dispersed Solid.
For details, see The Particle Model (p. 146) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Mixture Model
This model is only available when the morphology of the pair is Continuous Fluid | Continuous Fluid. An Interface
Length Scale is required. It is usually used as a first approximation or combined with a custom interface transfer
model. For details, see The Mixture Model (p. 146) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
For homogeneous multiphase flow in which there is no interphase transfer of any type, the interphase transfer model
is not relevant and None may be selected.
Momentum Transfer
There are a variety of momentum transfer that can be modeled, including the drag force and non-drag forces, which
include lift force, virtual mass force, wall lubrication force and turbulent dispersion force.
Drag Force
This option applies to all morphology pair combinations including Continuous Fluid | Particle pairs, but does not
apply when the Homogeneous multiphase model is active.
There are many drag force models available in CFX, but most are only applicable to certain morphology combinations.
For Continuous Fluid | Particle pairs, the available options are:
Particle User Sources (p. 195) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Lift Force
The lift force is only applicable to the Particle Model, which is active for Continuous Fluid | Dispersed
(Fluid, Solid) and Continuous Fluid | Polydispersed Fluid. For details, see Lift Force (p. 150) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
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Turbulence Transfer
This model is available for Continuous Fluid | Dispersed Fluid, Continuous Fluid | Polydispersed Fluid and
Continuous Fluid | Dispersed Solid pair combinations for Eulerian | Eulerian pairs, but does not apply when the
Homogeneous multiphase model is active and is not available for Continuous Fluid | Particle pairs. For details,
see Turbulence Enhancement (p. 158) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Heat Transfer
This applies to all morphology combinations for Eulerian | Eulerian and Continuous Fluid | Particle pairs, but
does not apply when the Homogeneous multiphase model is active.
For details, see Interphase Heat Transfer (p. 153) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide for multiphase
applications and Interphase Heat Transfer (p. 193) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide for particle transport
Mass Transfer
Mass transfer can occur in homogeneous and inhomogeneous Eulerian multiphase flows. For such flows, you can
set the Mass Transfer option to one of the following:
Phase Change
This models mass transfer due to phase change, such as boiling, condensation, melting or solidification. For
details, see Thermal Phase Change Model (p. 160) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Vapor formation in low pressure regions of a liquid flow (cavitation) can be modeled using the Rayleigh Plesset
model or, for advanced users, a user-defined model. For details, see Cavitation Model (p. 163) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
AV1 uses a Transport Equation with diffusion in Phase A and is unused in Phase B.
AV2 uses an Algebraic Equation in Phase A and uses a Transport Equation with diffusion in Phase B.
Additional Variable interphase transfer can only occur between Phase A / AV1 and Phase B / AV2.
For details, see Additional Variables in Multiphase Flow (p. 158) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Component Pairs
Eulerian | Eulerian Pairs
You can model transfer of components between phases for Eulerian | Eulerian pairs, when both fluids are
multicomponent mixtures of any type (except fixed composition mixtures). Mixtures are created in the Material
details view. For example, to create a Variable Composition Mixture, see Material Details View: Variable
Composition Mixture (p. 193). Component (or species) transfer allows you to model processes such as evaporation,
absorption and dissolution.
To specify the component transfer model, you should select the component pair from the list on the Fluid Pairs
tab and then select the associated toggle. The first component of the component pair corresponds to the first fluid
in the fluid pairs list.
Option can be set to Two Resistance or Ranz Marshall. For details, see:
Two Resistance Model (p. 166) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
The choice of interfacial equilibrium model depends on the process that you are modeling. For details, see Interfacial
Equilibrium Models (p. 166) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
The Fluid1 and Fluid2 Species Mass Transfer options are used to choose a correlation to model the
mass transfer coefficient on each side on the interface. For details, see Species Mass Transfer Coefficients (p. 167)
in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Ranz Marshall. For details, see Ranz Marshall (p. 194) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Liquid Evaporation Model. For details, see Liquid Evaporation Model (p. 194) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide. For oil evaporation, the Light Oil check box should be selected. For details, see
Liquid Evaporation Model: Oil Evaporation/Combustion (p. 195) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Particle User Source (p. 193) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
The drop-down list will contain any User Particle Routines you have created. For details, see Particle User
Routines (p. 214).
Mass transfer between a species in a particle phase and a species in the continuous phase is possible. For example,
consider liquid water from a particle evaporating into gaseous H20 in a continuous phase mixture. The particle can
be a pure substance or variable composition mixture.
Particle Breakup
The Particle Breakup models allow you to simulate the breakup of droplets due to external aerodynamic forces.
The droplet breakup models are set on a per fluid-pair basis. By default, the Use Liu Dynamic Drag Modification
option is activated for the TAB, ETAB and CAB breakup models, whereas the Use Schmehl Dynamic Drag Law
option is activated for the Schmehl breakup model. See Particle Breakup Model (p. 187) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide for details on the available particle breakup models.
Particle Collision
The particle collision model allows you to simulate dense gas-solid flows with high mass-loading while the particle
volume fraction is still low. Select either Sommerfeld Collision Model or User Defined and specify
values for the particle collision parameters outlined below:
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Coefficient of Restitution: Enter a numerical quantity or CEL based expression to specify the
value of coefficient of restitution for inter-particle collisions. A value of 1.0 means a fully elastic collision,
while a value of 0.0 would result in an inelastic collision.
User Defined
This option is available only if you have created a particle user routine to set up the model. Specify the name
of Particle User Routine and select input arguments and type of particle variables returned to the user routine
from the Arguments and Variable List drop-down list, respectively. See Particle User Routines (p. 214) for
information on setting up a particle user routine.
For additional information, see Particle Collision Model (p. 188) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide and
the following topics available under Particle Collision Model (p. 179) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide:
Implementation of a Stochastic Particle-Particle Collision Model in ANSYS CFX (p. 180) (includes the discussion
on the implementation theory, particle variables, and virtual collision partner)
Particle Collision Coefficients Used for Particle-Particle Collision Model (p. 181)
Heat Transfer
The Thermal Energy model and Isothermal model are available for the solid domain. If you do not want
to model heat transfer for that domain, then set Heat Transfer > Option to None.
For details, see Conjugate Heat Transfer (p. 7) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Electromagnetic Model
The Electromagnetic Model enables you to define:
Electric Field Model
Option can be set to None, Electric Potential, or User Defined.
For a User Defined setting, you have to specify the electric field strength for the X, Y, and Z directions.
Magnetic Field Model
Option can be set to None, Magnetic Vector Potential, or User Defined.
For the Magnetic Vector Potential option, you can specify External Magnetic Field settings using
Cartesian or cylindrical components. Using the User Defined option will enable you to specify the induced
magnetic field model in the X, Y, and Z directions.
Solid Motion
You can model the motion of a solid that moves relative to its reference frame by selecting the Solid Motion option
and specifying a velocity.
Examples of such motions include:
You can specify the velocity using one of the following methods:
Specify an Angular Velocity and an Axis Definition.
The velocity that you specify is interpreted as being relative to the domain motion which is, in turn, relative to the
coordinate frame; both of these are specified on the Basic Settings tab for the domain.
The solid motion model does not involve changing the mesh. Instead, motion of the solid is simulated by imposing
a velocity field in the solid domain. The velocity field causes the advection of energy and Additional Variables as
On interfaces to other domains (fluid-solid or solid-solid interfaces) the solid must move only tangentially to its
surface. On an external boundary, if the solid has a velocity component normal to the surface, then consider activating
the advection term(s) on the boundary condition for that surface, by visiting the Boundary Details tab and selecting
Solid Motion > Boundary Advection. For details on setting up boundary advection on a wall, see Solid Motion:
Wall (p. 116).
Most solid motion cases will involve setting either non-stationary domain motion (on the Basic
Settings tab) or activating the Solid Motion setting (on the Solid Models tab) but NOT both.
If you have a solid with Solid Motion activated that meets a fluid domain at a fluid-solid interface,
then you must explicitly set the wall boundary condition applied to the fluid side of the interface to
have a wall velocity corresponding to the solid motion, as required.
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Injection Method
The following table outlines various settings available on Particle Injection Regions tab. The settings are marked
as required or optional based on the type of injection method chosen.
Injection Method
Settings for Injection Method
Injection Center
Cone Definition
For details, see Settings for Cone Definition (p. 102).
Injection Direction
Nozzle Definition b
For details, see the following topics in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide:
Number of Positions
Point Cone
Hollow Cone
Cone Angle a
Ring Cone
Full Cone
Dispersion Angle a
For details, see Cone (p. 207) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Settings for Particle Primary Breakup
Cone Angle a b
Enhanced Blob
Coefficient of Contraction a
Lisa Model
Turbulence Induced
C1 Constant
C2 Constant
C3 Constant
C4 Constant
CA1 Constant
K1 Constant
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Initialization Tab
Enhanced Blob
Lisa Model
Turbulence Induced
For details, see Cone with Primary Breakup (p. 209) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Initialization Tab
Initialization can be set on a domain or global basis; the available options are the same. For details, see
Initialization (p. 125).
The Initialization tab for the domain sets domain initial conditions. These will override any settings made in the
Global Initialization details view. Any domain for which initialization is not set will use the global initial conditions.
Interface boundaries are created automatically for each domain interface. For details, see Interface Boundary
Conditions (p. 122).
Additional information about domain interfaces is provided in Overview of Domain Interfaces (p. 123) in the
ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
If you are running a simulation with ANSYS Multi-field coupling to the ANSYS solver, you will need
to create fluid-solid interfaces with the fluid side in CFX and the solid side in ANSYS. Such an interface
is actually an external boundary so far as CFX-Solver is concerned, as it lies on the boundary of the CFX
domain(s). You should create a Boundary Condition, not a Domain Interface, when setting up such an
Select Insert > Domain Interface from the main menu or by clicking Domain Interface
on the main
Enter a new name, if required, using the rules described in Valid Syntax for Named Objects (p. 43) and click
Select Edit. The Details view for the domain interface appears.
For more information on the edit command, see Outline Tree View (p. 4).
The Details view describes the characteristics of a domain interface on a series of tabs:
Interface Type
Fluid Fluid
Connects two fluid domains or makes a periodic connection between two regions in a fluid domain.
Fluid Porous
Connects a fluid domain to a porous domain.
Fluid Solid
Connects a fluid domain to a solid domain.
Porous Porous
Connects two porous domains or makes a periodic connection between two regions in a porous domain.
Solid Porous
Connects a solid domain to a porous domain.
Solid Solid
Connects two solid domains or makes a periodic connection between two regions in a solid domain.
The interface type you select controls the domains that are available for Interface Side 1/2.
Region List
Region List 1 and Region List 2 allow selection of regions that form each side of the interface.
Interface Models
The interface model options (Translational Periodicity, Rotational Periodicity, and General Connection) each require
that you specify a mesh connection method as well as specialized settings for some model options.
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Frozen Rotor
Transient Rotor-Stator
For details, see Frame Change/Mixing Model (p. 126) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Frozen Rotor: Rotational Offset Check Box
This check box determines whether or not to apply a rotational offset for one side of the interface. For details, see
Rotational Offset (p. 126) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
When set, enter a Rotational Offset for one side of the interface.
Stage: Pressure Profile Decay Check Box
This option affects solution stability. For details, see Pressure Profile Decay (p. 127) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide.
When set, enter a Pressure Profile Decay numerical quantity or CEL expression that specifies the rate of decay of
the pressure profile.
Stage: Constant Total Pressure Check Box
For details, see Downstream Velocity Constraint (p. 127) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Pitch Change Options
The Pitch Change options are:
A pitch change option of None cannot be used for a stage interface.
(applies only when Interface Models: Frame Change/Mixing Model: Option is not set to None)
(applies only when Interface Models: Frame Change/Mixing Model: Option is not set to None)
For details, see Pitch Change (p. 128) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Pitch Change: Value: Pitch Ratio
Enter the pitch ratio. For details, see Value (p. 130) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Pitch Change: Specified Pitch Angles: Pitch Angle Side 1/2
Enter pitch angle for each side of the interface. For details, see Specified Pitch Angles (p. 130) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
For details on these options, see Mesh Connection Options (p. 132) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Intersection Control
This check box controls access to the intersection control options.
Intersection Control: Option
The Intersection Control options are:
No Slip Wall
Side Dependent
When imposing a mass flow rate at a domain interface, the CFX-Solver updates the pressure change to
drive the mass flow rate toward the specified value. The update is based on an internally-estimated
coefficient, which may not be optimal. The Pressure Update Multiplier provides user control to tune
convergence behavior. The default value is 0.25. If convergence is slow (as may occur for low Reynolds
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No Slip Wall
For a description of the options that influence flow on a wall boundary, see Mass and Momentum (p. 60) in the
ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
No Slip Wall: Wall Velocity
When set, this option enables you to specify the following:
Wall Velocity Option: Cylindrical Components (Axial Component, Radial Component, Theta Component),
Axis Definition: Option: Coordinate Axis and Rotational Axis
Wall Velocity Option: Rotating Wall (Angular Velocity), Axis Definition: Option: Coordinate Axis and
Rotational Axis
Side Dependent
Side Dependent has no suboptions.
Heat Transfer
Determines whether or not heat transfer models are applied between the sides of the interface.
The options are:
Side Dependent
Side Dependent
Side Dependent has no suboptions.
Electric Field
Determines whether or not electric field models are applied between the sides of the interface.
The options are:
Side Dependent
Side Dependent
Side Dependent has no suboptions.
Additional Variable
Determines whether or not additional variable models are applied between the sides of the interface.
The options are:
Side Dependent
Side Dependent
Side Dependent has no suboptions.
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The Purpose of Boundary Conditions (p. 41) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Available Boundary Conditions (p. 42) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Using Boundary Conditions (p. 42) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Internal 2D Regions
Any 2D regions that lie within a domain are ignored unless a boundary condition is explicitly assigned (these are
treated as thin surfaces). Each side of a fluid-fluid 2D primitive can have a different boundary condition, but most
often both sides will be a wall. Thin surfaces are created by assigning a wall boundary condition to each side of a
fluid-fluid 2D region. You can specify physics (such as thermal conduction) across thin surfaces in CFX-Pre by
defining a domain interface. For details, see Defining Domain Interfaces as Thin Surfaces (p. 134) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Select Insert > Boundary from the main menu or by clicking Boundary
Enter a new name, if required, using the rules described in Valid Syntax for Named Objects (p. 43) and click
The Details view describes the characteristics of a boundary condition on a series of tabs:
Boundary Type
Inlet, outlet, opening, wall, and symmetry boundary conditions can be selected. Interface boundaries can be edited,
but not created. For details, see Available Boundary Conditions (p. 42) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
You can choose the location of a boundary condition from a list containing all 2D composite and primitive regions.
For details, refer to the following sections:
The drop-down list contains commonly used regions (all composite names and primitive names that are not referenced
by any composites) and the extended list (displayed when clicking the Ellipsis
With the Location drop-down list active, you can select regions by clicking them in the viewer with
the mouse. This will display a small box containing the names of the regions that are available for
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Coord Frame
Coordinate frames are used to determine the principal reference directions of specified and solved vector quantities
in your domain, and to specify reference directions when creating boundary conditions or setting initial values. By
default, CFX-Pre uses Coord 0 as the reference coordinate frame for all specifications in the model, but this can
be changed to any valid CFX-Pre coordinate frame. For details, see Coordinate Frames (p. 183) and Coordinate
Frames (p. 21) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Frame Type
CFX-Pre treats boundary conditions differently when a rotating frame of reference has been specified for the domain.
Under these circumstances, the option to set Frame Type to Rotating or Stationary appears on the Basic
Settings tab.
The term rotating frame is the rotating frame of reference itself. Selecting Rotating sets all values relative to the
rotating frame. An inlet boundary condition prescribed using Rotating rotates about the same axis as the domain.
For details, refer to the following sections:
Cartesian Velocity Components (p. 47) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Click Browse.
Click Open. The profile data is loaded and the profile data name, coordinates, variable names and units are
Note that if the path or filename are altered by typing in Data File the OK and Apply buttons will become
unavailable. You must then click Reload to read the specified file and update the contents in the displayed
profile data information.
Click OK.
Under the library section of the object tree, a new User Function object is generated for this profile function.
Mass and Momentum (p. 47) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Various settings are available on the Boundary Details tab, depending on the type of boundary condition:
Inlet (Mixed Subsonic-Supersonic) (p. 52) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
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Turbulence: Opening
For details, see Turbulence (p. 59) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Wall Roughness
For details, see Wall Roughness (p. 61) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
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Conservative Interface Flux implies that the quantity in question will flow between the
current boundary and the boundary on the other side of the interface. This means that Conservative
Interface Flux must also be used on the boundary on the other side of the interface. Accordingly,
the CFX-Solver will not be able to handle cases where Conservative Interface Flux is set
on just one side of the interface, or where the quantity being transferred does not exist on the other side.
CFX-Pre will issue a warning if either of these cases exist.
For details on Nonoverlap Conditions, refer to Non-overlap Boundary Conditions (p. 133).
Mesh Motion
When mesh deformation is selected for the domain that contains a boundary condition, mesh motion can be specified
for the boundary on the Boundary Details tab.
The available options are:
Specified Displacement
Specified Location
ANSYS MultiField
For details, see Mesh Deformation (p. 3) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide. (See Mesh Deformation (p. 87)
for information about activating mesh deformation for the domain.)
k and Epsilon
For details, see k and Epsilon (p. 118).
k and Omega
Zero Gradient
k and Epsilon
Specify a turbulent kinetic energy value and a turbulent eddy dissipation value.
If set to Value, you must enter a numeric value or an expression for the volume fraction for each fluid. Note
that the total volume fractions of the fluids in the list box must be equal to 1.
Zero Gradient
The volume fraction can also be set to Zero Gradient, which implies that the volume fraction gradient
perpendicular to the boundary is zero. This setting can be useful for subcritical free surface flow when the free
surface elevation is specified (via a pressure profile) at the outlet.
Normal Speed
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For details, see Mass and Momentum (p. 47) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Normal to Boundary
Directional Components
For details, see Mass and Momentum (p. 47) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
If one of the fluids is a variable composition mixture, specify the mass fractions of each of the components.
For details, see Component Details: Opening (p. 115).
MUSIG settings
When the fluid selected in the list box at the top of the Fluid Values tab has a morphology of Polydispersed
Fluid, size fractions must be specified for each of the size groups. The size fractions can be set to Value or
Automatic. All size fractions set to Automatic are calculated to have the same value such that the overall
sum of size fractions (including those that are specified by value) is unity. If all size fractions are set to Value,
you must ensure that the specified size fractions sum to unity.
Normal Speed
For details, see Mass and Momentum (p. 54) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Select a particle-wall interaction option - For details, see Settings for Particle-Wall Interaction (p. 120).
Specify an erosion model - For details, see Erosion Model (p. 204) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Specify the amount of mass absorbed at a wall - For details, see Mass Flow Absorption (p. 204) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Define the particle behavior - Select this option to control the entry of particles and to specify particle properties
at wall boundaries. The settings for this option are similar to those available for inlets and openings. For details,
see Particle Tracking Settings for Inlets and Openings (p. 119).
Equation Dependent - This is the default option in ANSYS CFX and requires the specification of the
following Velocity settings:
Restitution Coefficient - The droplet reflection at the wall can be controlled by specifying the
values for Perpendicular Coefficient and Parallel Coefficient.
The impact of droplet collision and the resulting momentum change across the collision can be described
by specifying the perpendicular and parallel coefficients of restitution. For details, see Restitution Coefficients
for Particles (p. 203) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Minimum Impact Angle - Select this check box if you want to specify the minimum impact angle. Below
this impact angle, particles will be stopped with the fate Sliding along walls.
Wall Film - When Wall Interaction is set to Wall Film, then the following Wall Film Interaction models
can be selected:
Stick to Wall - This model enforces all particles that hit a wall to become part of the wall film. This
option does not require any further settings.
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User Defined - The settings for this option are similar to those described for User Wall Interaction.
For details on various wall interaction options, see Wall Interaction (p. 202) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling
User Wall Interaction - This option is available when a Particle User Routine has been created. For details, refer
to the following sections:
For additional modeling information on particle transport, see Particle Transport Modeling (p. 179) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Restitution Coefficients for Particles (p. 203) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Mass Flow Absorption (p. 204) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Particles are introduced into the domain from this boundary. For details, see Fluid Values for Inlets and
Openings (p. 118).
Boundary Contour
Selecting this option and choosing a Profile Variable draws the boundary surface colored by the selected variable.
The available variables depend on the settings on the Boundary Details and Sources tabs, as applicable. A legend
appears by default showing the variable plotted on the boundary with a local range. You can clear visibility for the
legend and the plots by clearing the check box next to the boundary contour object associated with your boundary
Boundary Vector
Selecting this option draws vectors at the nodes of the boundary surface, pointing in the direction specified by the
Profile Vector Component setting. The availability of vectors (and this option) depends on the settings on the
Boundary Details and Basic Settings tabs. For example, vector plots are available if you specify Basic Settings
> Boundary Type as Inlet and the Boundary Details > Mass and Momentum option as velocity components.
Symbols for the boundary conditions are displayed in the viewer, based on type. The visibility of these symbols
is determined by the Label and Marker control form. For details, see Boundary Markers and Labels (p. 23).
Regions comprising the boundary condition are highlighted according to settings specified under Edit > Options.
For details, see 3D Viewer Toolbar (p. 16).
If multiple boundary conditions are defined on a region of mesh, an error appears in the physics validation window
below the viewer.
Inlets, outlets, and openings use arrow symbols that are locally normal to the boundary surface, irrespective
of the actual direction specified for the boundary condition. It is possible to show arrows pointing in the
specified direction by creating a Boundary Vector object. You can optionally turn off the default arrow
symbols by clearing the check boxes on Label and Marker control form (see above). Also see Boundary
Vector (p. 122) and Boundary Markers (p. 23) for more details.
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1D profile uses one spatial coordinate to define the data position; for example, x, y, z, or a cylindrical value.
This could be used to describe the axisymmetric flow down a cylindrical pipe (that is, the data values for a value
of r').
2D profile uses two spatial coordinates (Cartesian or polar); for example, (x, y), (x, z), (r, t), (a, t), etc. If you
are importing the data from a 2D code on a planar boundary, you may want to use this as a boundary condition
in a 3D case in CFX.
3D profile uses three spatial coordinates; for example, (x, y, z) or (r, t, a). Among various uses of 3D Profile
Data are boundary conditions, spatially varying fluid properties, Additional Variables, or equation sources.
The names of the fields are case-insensitive (that is, [data] and [Data] are acceptable).
The names of variables used in the data fields are case sensitive.
For example, u [m] is a valid x velocity component, whereas U [m] is an unrecognized field name. You have
to map this unrecognized field name with a valid variable name when loading into CFX-Pre. This is consistent
with the use of CEL elsewhere.
Comments in the file are preceded by # (or ## for the CFX polyline format) and can appear anywhere in the
Commas must separate all fields in the profile. Any trailing commas at the end of a line are ignored. Any
additional commas within a line of data will be a syntax error.
Blank lines are ignored and can appear anywhere in the file (except between the [<data>] and first data line,
where <data> is one of the key words in square brackets shown in the data format).
If any lines with text are included above the keyword [Name], a syntax error will occur. Such lines should be
preceded by # character to convert them into comments.
Multiple data sets are permitted within the same file by repeating the sequence of profiles; each profile begins
with keyword [Name].
Point coordinates and the corresponding variable values are stored in the [Data] section.
The data file has a .csv extension for compatibility with other software packages.
When this data file is read in, it is checked for any format violations; physics errors are shown for such situations.
Files exported from CFD-Post in a user-specified coordinate system will contain a coordinate frame
([CoordFrame]) section. The coordinate frame definition is written to the profile file; CFX-Pre will
define that coordinate frame for you when you initialize the data.
Additional information on profile data is available:
RULES and VARIABLES Files (p. 82) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide
Profile Boundary Conditions (p. 66) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The Global Settings and Fluid Settings tabs for the global initialization object (listed as Initialization under
Simulation in the tree view) contain settings that specify how initial values are to be determined, and, in some
cases, the initial values themselves. They are accessible by clicking Global Initialization
, by selecting Insert
> Global Initialization, or by editing the initialization object listed in the tree view under Simulation.
Domain Initialization
This check box determines whether or not the domain is initialized based on its own settings or based on global
initialization settings. When this check box is selected, an interface that is essentially the same as that for global
initialization is displayed. Any initialization values defined on a per-domain basis will override values defined at
the global level. For details, see Global Settings and Fluid Settings Tabs (p. 125). After specifying and applying
domain initialization, an entry called Initialization is listed in the tree view under the applicable domain.
Frame Type
The frame of reference used to interpret initial values of velocity is the stationary frame of reference. For example,
if the initial velocity throughout a domain is parallel to the rotation axis of the domain, the flow will initially
have no swirl in the stationary frame of reference, even if the domain is rotating.
The frame of reference used to interpret initial values of velocity is that of the associated domain. For example,
if the initial velocity throughout a domain is specified as being parallel to the rotation axis of the domain, and
if the domain is rotating, the flow will have swirl in the stationary frame of reference.
For details, see Frame Type (p. 73) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
For details, see Velocity Type (p. 74) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
The initial velocity field is loaded from an initial values file, if one is available. If an initial values file is not
available, the initial velocity field is computed from built-in algorithms. For details, see Automatic (p. 72) in
the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
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U, V, W
(applies only when Option is set to Automatic with Value)
Enter a numerical quantity or CEL expression for each Cartesian velocity component. For details, see Cartesian
Velocity Components (p. 74) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
The initial static pressure field is loaded from an initial values file, if one is available. If an initial values file is
not available, the initial static pressure field is computed from built-in algorithms.
For details, see Static Pressure (p. 77) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Relative Pressure
(applies only when Option is set to Automatic with Value)
Enter a numerical quantity or CEL expression for the relative pressure.
For details, see Static Pressure (p. 77) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Low Intensity and Eddy Viscosity Ratio: This sets intensity to 1% and viscosity ratio to 1.
Medium Intensity and Eddy Viscosity Ratio: This sets intensity to 5% and viscosity ratio to
High Intensity and Eddy Viscosity Ratio: This sets intensity to 10% and viscosity ratio to 100.
Intensity and Eddy Viscosity Ratio: Use this option to specify fractional intensity and eddy
viscosity ratio.
Intensity and Length Scale: Use this option to specify fractional intensity and length scale.
k and Epsilon: Use this option to specify turbulence kinetic energy and turbulence eddy dissipation.
k and Omega: Use this option to specify turbulence kinetic energy and turbulence eddy frequency.
k and Eddy Viscosity Ratio: Use this option to specify turbulence kinetic energy and eddy viscosity
k and Length Scale: Use this option to specify turbulence kinetic energy and length scale.
Reynolds Stresses and Epsilon: Use this option to specify Reynolds Stresses and turbulence eddy
Reynolds Stresses and Omega: Use this option to specify Reynolds Stresses and turbulence eddy
Reynolds Stresses and Eddy Viscosity Ratio: Use this option to specify Reynolds Stresses
and eddy viscosity ratio.
Reynolds Stresses and Length Scale: Use this option to specify Reynolds Stresses and length
For additional details, see K (Turbulent Kinetic Energy) (p. 77), Epsilon (Turbulence Eddy Dissipation) (p. 78),
and Reynolds Stress Components (p. 79) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Fractional Intensity
Option: Automatic
The fractional intensity field is loaded from an initial values file, if one is available. If an initial values file is
not available, the fractional intensity field is computed automatically.
Option: Automatic
The eddy viscosity ratio field is loaded from an initial values file, if one is available. If an initial values file is
not available, the eddy viscosity ratio field is computed automatically.
Option: Automatic
The eddy length scale field is loaded from an initial values file, if one is available. If an initial values file is not
available, the eddy length scale field is computed automatically.
Option: Automatic
The turbulence kinetic energy field is loaded from an initial values file, if one is available. If an initial values
file is not available, the turbulence kinetic energy field is computed automatically.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Option: Automatic
The turbulence eddy dissipation field is loaded from an initial values file, if one is available. If an initial values
file is not available, the turbulence eddy dissipation field is computed automatically.
Option: Automatic
The turbulence eddy frequency field is loaded from an initial values file, if one is available. If an initial values
file is not available, the turbulence eddy frequency field is computed automatically.
Option: Automatic
The Reynolds stress components fields are loaded from an initial values file, if one is available. If an initial
values file is not available, the Reynolds stress components fields are computed automatically.
The initial radiation intensity field and blackbody temperature field are loaded from an initial values file, if one
is available. If an initial values file is not available, the initial radiation intensity field and blackbody temperature
field are computed from built-in algorithms.
For details, see Radiation Intensity (p. 79) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
The initial mixture fraction field is loaded from an initial values file, if one is available. If an initial values file
is not available, the initial mixture fraction field is computed from built-in algorithms.
Mixture Fraction
Enter a numerical quantity or CEL expression that specifies the value of the mixture fraction throughout the domain.
The initial mixture fraction variance field is loaded from an initial values file if, one is available. If an initial
values file is not available, the initial mixture fraction variance field is computed from built-in algorithms.
List Box
This list box is used to select a component (of a fluid that is a variable composition mixture) in order to set its
fluid-specific initialization options.
The initial mass fraction field is loaded from an initial values file, if one is available. If an initial values file is
not available, the initial mass fraction field is computed from built-in algorithms.
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Velocity Type
The velocity type can be either Cartesian or Cylindrical. For details, see Velocity Type (p. 74) in the
ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
The initial volume fraction field is loaded from an initial values file, if one is available. If an initial values file
is not available, the initial volume fraction field is computed from built-in algorithms.
Sources are specified in a way similar to subdomain sources with the exceptions that momentum and radiation
sources cannot be specified and only Total Source values can be entered. For details, see Subdomains (p. 137).
The visibility of source points can be turned on and off using the check box in the tree view. For details, see Object
Visibility (p. 15) and Outline Tree View (p. 4).
Additional information on sources is available in Sources (p. 23) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Use the default coordinate frame or a user-specified coordinate frame. For details, see:
The default coordinate frame Coord 0 will be used as the basis for the entered Cartesian coordinates, unless you
have created your own coordinate frame and have selected it from the drop-down list.
Sources Tab
The point sources that can be set depend on the physical models used in the simulation. Sources of mass (continuity),
energy, radiation, Additional Variables, component mass fractions, and turbulence are all possible.
Select the Sources check box to specify sources for the point.
Select the Continuity check box to set sources for the continuity equation.
For details, see Mass (Continuity) Sources (p. 26) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Additional Variables
Set the Total Source for the Additional Variable and an optional Total Source Coefficient. A source for an
Additional Variable can be set only if it is solved for.
Continuity sources differ from other sources because you are introducing new fluid into the domain. Properties
that are required of the fluid, which is entering the domain, appear in the Variables section of the form. These
values are not used if the source is negative, since no new fluid is introduced into the subdomain. For details, see
Mass (Continuity) Sources (p. 26) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Continuity Option
The value of the mass source is set using the Total Fluid Mass Source option. For details, see Mass (Continuity)
Sources (p. 26) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Additional Variables
Set a value for any Additional Variables that are introduced with the mass source. For details, see Mass (Continuity)
Sources (p. 26) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Enter the temperature for the mass source.
Set velocity components for the mass source.
A total source for the energy equation can be set. The optional Total Source Coefficient provides improved
convergence for strongly varying sources. An energy source can set specified when the parent domain models heat
transfer using the thermal energy or total energy models.
Select Bulk Sources to specify bulk sources. Bulk sources apply to all fluids in a multiphase simulation.
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Select the fluid from the Fluid Specific Source Point Sources list
Select the check box next to the selected variable to enter a source, then select the Continuity check box.
Optionally, enter a total mass source coefficient for either pressure or volume fraction.
For details, see Source Coefficient / Total Source Coefficient (p. 24) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling
A domain must be created before a subdomain can be created. The location of a subdomain must be a 3D region
that is part of a single parent domain. 3D primitives are implicitly included in a parent domain if 3D composites or
assemblies are used in the domain location. A subdomain cannot span more than one domain, but you can create
many subdomains in each domain. You should consider subdomain requirements when you generate a mesh, since
subdomains must be created on existing 3D regions. Definitions for primitive and composite regions are available
in Mesh Topology in CFX-Pre (p. 71).
Additional information on the physical interpretation of subdomain sources and modeling advice is available, as
well as additional information on the mathematical implementation of sources, is available in Sources (p. 23) in the
ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
The CFX Expression Language (CEL) can be used to define sources by creating functions of any CFX System
Variables. For details, see CEL Operators, Constants, and Expressions (p. 135) in the ANSYS CFX Reference
Enter a new name using the syntax described below or pick an existing subdomain to edit.
Additional information on valid names is available in Valid Syntax for Named Objects (p. 43). You can also edit
an existing subdomain by selecting its name from the drop down list. Existing subdomains can also be edited from
the Outline view using the usual methods; for details, see Outline Tree View (p. 4).
Fluid sources are on their own tab.
Basic Settings: Sets the location and the coordinate frame for the subdomain. For details, see Basic Settings
Tab (p. 138).
Sources: Defines volumetric source terms in the subdomain for single-phase simulations, or volumetric source
terms that apply to all fluids in a multiphase simulation. For details, see Sources Tab (p. 138).
Fluid Sources: Defines volumetric source terms that apply to individual fluid in a multiphase simulation.
Select the region name that the subdomain will occupy. The location can be defined as multiple regions, assemblies
and/or user 3D Regions. For details, see Mesh Topology in CFX-Pre (p. 71).
Coordinate Frame
By default, Coordinate Frame is set to Coord 0. You may use alternative coordinate frames. To create a new
coordinate frame, select Insert > Coordinate Frame from the main menu. For details, see:
Sources Tab
The volumetric sources that can be set in a subdomain depend on the physical models used in the simulation. Sources
of mass (continuity), momentum, energy, radiation, Additional Variables, component mass fractions, and turbulence
are all possible.
Select the Sources check box to specify sources for the subdomain.
Select the Momentum Source/Porous Loss check box to specify a momentum source.
For details, see Momentum Source/Porous Loss (p. 138).
Source Coefficient / Total Source Coefficient (p. 24) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
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Equation Sources
Equation Sources introduces source terms to a particular scalar equation.
In the Option and Source fields, set a component source term for a mixture.
This can be an expression or value for the total source or the source per unit volume. For details, see General
Sources (p. 24) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Additional Variables
A source for an Additional Variable can be set only if it is included in the parent domain and solved for using a
transport equation. (Poisson and Diffusive transports can also have sources.) A Source per unit volume or a Total
Source can be used. The optional Source Coefficient or Total Source Coefficient provides improved convergence
for nonlinear sources. For details, see General Sources (p. 24) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
In the Option and Source fields, set an Additional Variable Source term.
For details, see General Sources (p. 24) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Continuity sources differ from other sources because you are introducing new fluid into the domain. Properties
of the fluid entering the domain are required and appear in the Variables frame under the Continuity section. For
details on the following settings, see Mass (Continuity) Sources (p. 26) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Continuity > Source: Set a mass source value for the continuity equation.
Continuity > Option: Set the Fluid Mass Source per unit volume or the Total Fluid Mass Source.
MCF/Energy Sink Option: Select the appropriate sink option from Local Mass Fractions and
Temperature, Specified Mass Fractions and Local Temperature, or Specified Mass
Fractions and Temperature, as appropriate.
Set a value for the Mass Flux Pressure Coefficient, Total Mass Source Pressure Coefficient or Mass Source
Pressure Coefficient, as appropriate.
Set a value for the Mass Flux Volume Fraction Coefficient, Total Mass Source Volume Fraction Coefficient
or Mass Source Volume Fraction Coefficient, as appropriate.
Set the variable values for the fluid that is introduced into the domain. The options available on this section
depend on the physical models used in the simulation. If the continuity source is negative, then these parameters
are not relevant except in the case when either Specified Mass Fractions and Local
Temperature, or Specified Mass Fractions and Temperature have been selected for the
MCF/Energy Sink Option.
Additional Variables: Set a value for each Additional Variables that is introduced with the mass source.
Component Mass Fractions: Set the mass fraction for each of the components in the mass source.
Set the mass source turbulence quantities as required by the selected turbulence model such as Turbulence
Eddy Dissipation and Turbulence Kinetic Energy.
Turbulence Quantities
When the flow is turbulent, sources can be specified for the required turbulence quantities such as Turbulence
Eddy Dissipation and Turbulence Kinetic Energy. A Source per unit volume or a Total
Source can be used. The optional Source Coefficient or Total Source Coefficient provides improved convergence
for nonlinear sources. For details, see General Sources (p. 24) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
An Energy source can be specified when the parent domain models heat transfer using the Thermal Energy or
Total Energy model. A Source per unit volume or a Total Source can be used. The optional Source Coefficient
or Total Source Coefficient provides improved convergence for nonlinear sources. For details, see General Sources
(p. 24) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Sources are set in the same way as for single phase simulations. For details, see Single-Phase Fluid
Sources (p. 138).
Fluids Tab
Fluid sources are used in an Eulerian multiphase simulation to apply volumetric source terms to individual fluids,
and in particle transport to model absorption of particles in the subdomain. For details, see Particle Absorption (p. 140).
Toggle on the check box next to the fluid to expand the options.
Sources are set in the same way as for single phase simulations. For details, see Single-Phase Fluid
Sources (p. 138).
It is important to note that these source terms are not automatically multiplied by the fluid volume fraction (that is,
do not automatically reduce to zero as the volume fraction goes to zero). For details, see Fluid-Specific Sources (p.
159) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Particle Absorption
This setting is available when particle tracking is modeled. For details, see Subdomains (p. 206) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Mesh Motion
When mesh deformation is selected for the domain that contains a subdomain (See Mesh Deformation (p. 87) for
information about activating mesh deformation for the domain.) the Mesh Motion tab is available for the subdomain.
The available options are:
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Mesh Motion
Specified Displacement
Specified Location
For details, see Mesh Deformation (p. 3) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Units Syntax
Dimensional quantities are defined in units which are a combination of one or more separate units. For example,
mass can have units of [kg], [g] or [lb] (and many others); pressure can have units of [atm], [N m^-2] and [Pa] (and
many others).
The general units syntax in CFX is defined as [multiplier|unit|^power] where multiplier is a multiplying quantity
(such as mega, pico, centi, etc.), unit is the unit string (kg, m, J, etc.), and power is the power to which the unit is
raised. When typing units in expression, they must be enclosed by square braces, [...]. You will usually not see the
braces when selecting units from a list of commonly used units. In general, units declarations must obey the following
A units string consists of one or more units quantities, each with an optional multiplier and optional power.
Each separate units quantity is separated by one or more spaces.
Short forms of the multiplier are usually used. n stands for nano, stands for micro, c for centi, k for kilo, m
for milli, M for mega and G for giga.
Powers are denoted by the ^ (caret) symbol. A power of 1 is assumed if no power is given.
The / operator is not supported, so a negative power is used for unit division (for example, [kg m^-3]
corresponds to kilograms per cubic meter).
If you enter units that are inconsistent with the physical quantity being described, then a dialog box will appear
informing you of the error, and the units will revert to the previous units.
Units do not have to be given in terms of the fundamental units (mass, length, time, temperature, angle and solid
angle). For instance, Pa (Pascals) and J (Joules) are both acceptable as parts of unit strings.
Units strings are case sensitive; for example, Kg and KG are both invalid parts of units strings.
To give the units of dynamic viscosity, which has the dimensions of Mass Length-1 Time-1, the unit string [kg
m^-1 s^-1] (or [lb ft^-1 hr^-1]) is valid. The following unit strings are invalid:
[kg/(metre sec)]
[kg/(m s)]
[kg/(m sec)]
[lb/(ft hr)]
Volumetric Flow
Mass Flow
Dynamic Viscosity
Thermal Conductivity
[J kg^-1 K^-1], [cal g^-1 K^-1], [J g^-1 K^-1], [BTU lb^-1 F^-1]
Thermal Expansivity
Kinematic Diffusivity
Mass Concentration
Mass Fraction
Mass Flow in
Volumetric Flow in
[W m^-2 K^-1]
Heat Flux in
[W m^-2]
Energy Source
Momentum Source
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
[kg m^-3 s]
[kg m^-4]
Per Time
[radian], [degree]
Angular Velocity
Specific Enthalpy
for the associated variable and type the value and units into the data area using the syntax. For details,
Solution Units
There are two sets of units in CFX-Pre: the units visible when selecting Edit > Options from the main menu, which
are also used for mesh import and transformation, and the solution units set in the Solution Units details view
(available from the main menu under Insert > Solver). The solution units are the units that the CFX-Solver writes
in the results file. For details, see Units (p. 38).
Setting the solution units does not alter the units you can use to define quantities in CFX-Pre. These are the units
the results file is written in. Additionally, these are the units assumed in the summary at the end of the out file, when
data such as variable range and forces on walls is presented.
When post-processing a results file in CFD-Post, the units used are not necessarily those used in the results file.
CFD-Post will convert to your preferred units.
Most common units can be used for the solution units; however, some important restrictions apply:
The temperature solution units must be an absolute scale; for example, Kelvin [K] or Rankin [R]. Celsius and
Fahrenheit cannot be used. Temperature quantities elsewhere in CFX-Pre can be set in Celsius and Fahrenheit.
The solution units must not be changed when restarting a run. The units in the initial guess file will assume the
units used in the current CFX-Solver definition (.def) file.
You must not change the length units outside of CFX-Pre, for example, by editing the CCL in a CFX-Solver
input file. The mesh is written to the CFX-Solver input file using the length units; therefore, once the CFX-Solver
input file has been written these units should not change.
You can find further help on setting solver parameters in Advice on Flow Modeling (p. 323) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Turbulence Numerics
The Turbulence Numerics options are First Order and High Resolution. The First Order option
uses Upwind advection and the First Order Backward Euler transient scheme. The High Resolution
option uses High Resolution advection and the High Resolution transient scheme.
For details, see Advection Scheme Selection (p. 335) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide and Transient
Scheme (p. 333) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
The Turbulence Numerics settings will override the settings on the Equation Class Settings Tab (p. 149).
Convergence Criteria
For details, see Monitoring and Obtaining Convergence (p. 338) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Conservation Target: optionally specify the fractional imbalance value. The default value is 0.01.
For details, see Conservation Target (p. 340) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Interrupt Control
Interrupt control conditions are used to specify the interrupt criteria for a solver run. These conditions are specified
using logical expressions that are evaluated by CFX-Solver and reported in the CFX output file. After executing
each coefficient iteration and time step (or outer iteration), the solver evaluates all internal termination conditions
and user defined interrupt control conditions. If any of these conditions are true, then solver execution stops and
the outcome is written to the CFX output file.
Typically, interrupt control conditions are defined by single-valued logical expressions. However, single-valued
mathematical expressions can also be used. In this case, a single-valued mathematical expression is considered to
be true if, and only if, the result of the expression is greater than or equal to 0.5. Otherwise it is deemed to have a
value of false. For a discussion of logical expressions, see CFX Expression Language Statements (p. 134) in the
ANSYS CFX Reference Guide.
List Box
The list box is used to select interrupt control conditions for editing or deletion. Interrupt control conditions can be
created or deleted with icons that appear beside the list box.
[Interrupt Condition Name]
Enter a logical expression to specify an interrupt control condition.
Auto Timescale: For details, see Auto Timescale (p. 328) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide and
Automatic Time Scale Calculation (p. 44) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide.
Local Timescale Factor: For details, see Local Time Scale Factor (p. 329) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide.
Physical Timescale: For details, see Physical Time Scale (p. 329) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling
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Solid Timescale Factor: This option is available when Auto Timescale is used as the Solid Timescale.
For details, see Solid Time Scale Control (p. 330) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Convergence Control
You will have already specified the number of timesteps under Analysis Type. For details, see Editing the Analysis
Type (p. 79).
The settings in this tab are a subset of those found on the Basic Settings tab (see Basic Settings: Common (p. 147)).
For details, see Timestep Selection (p. 327) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide and Advection Scheme
Selection (p. 335) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
The settings you specify on this form will override those on the Basic Settings tab. Any equation classes that are
unspecified will use the parameters set on the Basic Settings tab. The number and type of equation classes depends
on the specific physics of the problem.
For a free surface simulation, you cannot set the advection scheme for the volume fraction (vf) equation class since
the CFX-Solver uses a special compressive advection scheme.
For details, see Controlling Timestepping for Each Equation (p. 334) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
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Particle Control
This section is visible when particle tracking has been enabled. For details, see Particle Solver Control (p. 216) in
the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Body Forces
Under this option, Volume-Weighted should be generally used except for free surface cases.
For details, see Body Forces (p. 176) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Interpolation Scheme
For details, see Interpolation Scheme (p. 337) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Automatic: uses unity Lewis number when no component diffusivities specified and no algebraic slip model;
uses generic assembly when necessary
Generic Assembly: sets default component diffusivities to unity Schmidt number Sc = 1; generic treatment
of energy diffusion term with support for user defined component diffusivities and algebraic slip model
Unity Lewis Number: sets Le = 1; single diffusion term, rather than separate term for contribution of every
component, resulting in faster solver runs; the default molecular diffusion coefficient for components is derived
from thermal conductivity
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Temperature Damping
Forcing unity Lewis number mode when not physically valid may lead to inconsistent energy transport.
Therefore this setting is not recommended.
Temperature Damping
For details, see Temperature Damping (p. 338) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Compressibility Control
The following options control parameters that affect solver convergence for compressible flows.
The Total Pressure Option controls the algorithm used for static-to-total conversions (and vice versa). There are
three possible settings:
The incompressible assumption is used in all situations.
The total pressure is calculated depending on the equation of state.
This is equivalent to Automatic when the total energy model is used, and Incompressible otherwise.
For further details, see Total Pressure (p. 12) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide.
The Automatic option may experience robustness problems for slightly compressible fluids (such as compressible
liquids). In such cases, you should consider using the Incompressible option instead.
When the High Speed Numerics option is selected, special numerics are activated to improve solver behavior for
high-speed flow, such as flow with shocks. This setting causes three types of behavior changes. Firstly, it activates
a special type of dissipation at shocks to avoid a transverse shock instability called the carbuncle effect (which may
occur if the mesh is finer in the transverse direction than in the flow direction). Secondly, it activates the High
Resolution Rhie Chow option to reduce pressure wiggles adjacent to shocks. Finally, for steady state flows, it
modifies the default relaxation factors for the advection blend factor and gradients.
The Clip Pressure for Properties option allows the solver to accept negative absolute pressures in the converged
solution. For simulations involving compressible flow, the absolute pressure should not be negative. However, the
pressure field required to satisfy the governing equations on a finite mesh may not necessarily satisfy this condition.
By default, the solver is robust to a pressure field which may want to temporarily lead to negative pressures, but
not if negative pressures are present in the converged solution. The solver can be made robust to negative absolute
pressures in the converged solution by activating this parameter, which clips the absolute pressure to a finite value
when evaluating pressure-dependent properties such as density.
Multiphase Control
The following options handle control of solver details specific to multiphase flows.
When the Volume Fraction Coupling option is set to Segregated, the solver solves equations for velocity and
pressure in a coupled manner, followed by solution of the phasic continuity equations for the volume fractions.
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Intersection Control
With the Coupled option, the solver implicitly couples the equations for velocity, pressure, and volume fraction
in the same matrix. The coupled algorithm is particularly beneficial for buoyancy-dominated flows, such as buoyant
free surface problems.
The Initial Volume Fraction Smoothing option can be set to None or Volume-Weighted. If the initial conditions
for volume fraction have a discontinuity, startup robustness problems may occur. Choosing Volume-Weighted
smoothing of these volume fractions may improve startup robustness.
Intersection Control
The following options can be used to control the intersection of non-matching meshes. CFX provides the so called
GGI (General Grid Interface) capability which determines the connectivity between the meshes on either side of
the interface using an intersection algorithm. In general, two intersection methods are provided:
Direct Intersection:
Two faces on either side of the interface are intersected using the Sutherland-Hodgeman clipping algorithm.
This method computes the exact area fractions using polygon intersection, and is much faster and more accurate
than the bitmap method.
The Bitmap Resolution controls the number of pixels used to fill the 2D pixel map (see description of the bitmap
intersection method above). The higher this number, the more accurate the final calculation of the area fractions.
In general, the default resolution of 100 should be sufficient but large differences in the mesh resolution on both
sides of the interface as well as other mesh anomalies may require the bitmap resolution to be increased. Larger
numbers will cause longer intersection times, for example, doubling the bitmap resolution will approximately
quadruple the GGI intersection time.
When the Permit No Intersection option is set, the solver will run when there is no overlap between the two sides
of an interface. This parameter is mainly useful for transient cases where interface geometry is closing and opening
during the run. For example, transient rotor-stator cases with rotating valves, or moving mesh cases where the GGI
interface changes from overlap to non-overlap during the simulation both can exhibit this type of behavior. This
parameter is not switched on by default.
The Discernible Fraction option controls the minimum area fraction below which partially intersected faces are
discarded. The following default values used by the solver depend on the intersection method:
The idea is that intersection inaccuracies should not lead to tiny area fractions which have no impact on the solution.
The Edge Scale Factor option is used to control the detection of degenerate faces. Degenerate faces are detected
by comparing the face edge lengths with a characteristic length of the volume touching the face. Degenerated faces
will not be intersected and therefore, intersected faces of zero size are discarded so that problems with the 2D
projection of those faces are avoided.
The Periodic Axial Radial Tolerance option is used when determining if the surface represented by the interface
is a constant axial or radial surface. For a rotational periodic GGI interface, the solver ensures that the ratio of the
radial and axial extent compared to the overall extent of each interface side is bigger than the specified value and
therefore, the interface vertices do not have the same radial or axial positions.
The Circumferential Normalized Coordinates Option is used to set the type of normalization applied to the axial
or radial position coordinates (). Mesh coordinate positions on GGI interfaces using pitch change are transformed
into a circumferential () and axial or radial position (). The coordinates span from hub to shroud and are
normalized to values between 0 and 1. In cases where the hub and/or shroud curves do not match on side 1 and side
2, different approaches are available to calculate the normalized coordinates based on side local or global minimum
and maximum values:
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Intersection Control
Mixed (Default for Fluid Fluid interfaces): Normalization of is based on local minimum and maximum
values as well as the range of side 1. This method forces the hub curves on side 1 and 2 to align. Non-overlap
regions adjacent to the shroud may be produced if the shroud curves are not the same.
Global (Default for Fluid Solid Interfaces): Normalization of is based on global minimum and maximum eta
values. This method intersects side 1 and 2 unchanged from their relative positions in physical coordinates. If
the hub and shroud curves do not match then non-overlap regions will be produced.
Local: Normalization of is done locally for each side of the interface. This method will always produce an
intersection of side 1 and 2, but may cause undesirable scaling of the geometry in some cases.
The Face Search Tolerance Factor is a scaling factor applied to the element sized based separation distance used
to find candidates for intersection. For a given face on side 1 of the interface, candidate faces for intersection are
identified on side 2 using an octree search algorithm. The octree search uses this tolerance to increase the sizes of
the bounding boxes used to identify candidates. Making this parameter larger will increase the size of the bounding
boxes, resulting in possible identification of more candidates.
The Face Intersection Depth Factor is a scaling factor applied to the element sized based separation distance used
when performing the direct or bitmap intersection. The final intersection of faces is only applied to those faces
which are closer to each other than a specified distance. This distance is calculated as the sum of the average depth
of the elements on side 1 and side 2 of the interface. This factor is applied as a scaling on the default distance. It
might be necessary to adjust this factor if the normal element depth on the two interfaces sides varies a lot, or side
1 and 2 of the interface are separated by thin regions (for example, thin fin type geometries).
User Interface
The Output Control dialog box is accessible by clicking Output Control
, by selecting Insert > Solver >
Output Control, or by editing the Output Control object listed in the tree view under Simulation >
Solver. You can also edit the CCL directly to change the object definition; for details, see Using the Command
Editor (p. 249).
The topics in this section include:
Results Tab
The Results tab for the Output Control object contains settings that control the content of the results file that
is written at the end of a solver run. In the case of a transient run, the results file contains information from the last
See Option (p. 167).
File Compression
See File Compression (p. 168).
Backup Tab
Backup Tab
The Backup tab contains settings that specify the content of backup files, and the timesteps at which the files are
written. The purpose of the backup file is to ensure that a solver run can be restarted. Backup files can be used to
restart the simulation from the point where the error occurred, saving time and computational resources.
List Box
This list box is used to select Backup Results objects for editing or deletion. Backup Results objects can
be created or deleted with the icons that appear beside the list box.
The union of all requested backup file content, across all Backup Results objects applicable for a given iteration,
is written as a single backup file for that iteration. If no backup file content is specified for a given iteration in any
Backup Results object, then no backup file is written for that iteration.
File Compression
See File Compression (p. 168).
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
List Box
This list box is used to select Transient Results objects for editing or deletion. Transient Results
objects can be created or deleted with the icons that appear beside the list box.
Only one transient results file is written at a given time regardless of how many transient results file objects exist.
Each Transient Results object will add information to the transient results file for that timestep. Thus, the
resulting transient results file is a union of the data requested by all Transient Results objects for that timestep.
File Compression
See File Compression (p. 168).
Include Mesh
When the Selected Variables option is selected, the Include Mesh check box will be enabled, in which case the
mesh data will be written to the results file. Using the Include Mesh option will allow for post processing of the
results file and will make restarting possible.
Output Frequency
See Output Frequency Options (p. 169).
List Box
This list box is used to select Transient Statistics objects for editing or deletion. Transient
Statistics objects can be created or deleted with the icons that appear beside the list box.
Arithmetic Average
Standard Deviation
In the case of restarted transient runs, iteration numbers are interpreted as the total accumulated timestep
index rather than the index for the current run.
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Monitor Tab
In the case of restarted transient runs, start and stop iterations are interpreted as the total accumulated
timestep index rather than the index for the current run.
Monitor Tab
The Monitor tab for the Output Control object contains settings that specify monitor output. The following
types of information can be monitored as a solution proceeds:
Fluid Properties
When monitoring expressions, the expression must evaluate to a single number; for details, see Working with
Monitors (p. 171).
Mass, Momentum, and other balances are written to the solver monitor file.
Forces and moments on wall boundaries are written to the solver monitor file.
It is important to note that these forces and moments do not include reference pressure effects. You can include
reference pressure effects in the force calculation by setting the expert parameter
include pref in forces = t.
It is also important to note that for rotating domains in a transient run, forces and moments on wall boundaries
are evaluated in the reference frame fixed to the initial domain orientation. These quantities are not influenced
by any rotation that might occur during a transient run or when a rotational offset is specified. However, results
for rotating domains in a transient run may be in the rotated position (depending on the setting of Options in
CFD-Post) when they are subsequently loaded into CFD-Post for post-processing.
Monitor Tab
RMS/max residuals are written to the solver monitor file.
Flow and source totals (integrals over boundaries) are written to the solver monitor file.
If Lagrangian Particle Tracking information is included in the simulation, force, momentum, and source data
for particles are written to the solver monitor file.
Cartesian Coordinates
Monitor point data includes variable values at the node closest to the specified point. A crosshair will be displayed
in the viewer to indicate the monitored node.
An expression is monitored.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Monitor Tab
Select the variables to monitor.
Hold the Ctrl key when clicking to select multiple variables.
Monitor Points and Expressions: [Monitor Name]: Cartesian Coordinates
(applies only when Option is set to Cartesian Coordinates)
Enter coordinates for the point location to monitor.
After you click a coordinate entry area, they turn yellow to show that you are in Picking mode. You can
then select locations from the viewer using the mouse. To manipulate the object in the viewer while in
Picking mode, use the viewer icons (rotate, pan, zoom) in the toolbar. You can end Picking mode by
changing the keyboard focus (by clicking in another field, for example).
Monitor Points and Expressions: [Monitor Name]: Expression Value
(applies only when Option is set to Expression)
Enter a CEL expression that evaluates to a single number which is to be monitored.
Monitor Points and Expressions: [Monitor Name]: Coord Frame Check Box
Determines whether the coordinate frame used to interpret the specified Cartesian coordinates, or the coordinate
frame of any CEL function returning the component of a vector (for example, force_x()) appearing in the
specified expression will be specified or left at the default of Coord 0.
Monitor Points and Expressions: [Monitor Name]: Coord Frame Check Box: Coord Frame
Set the coordinate frame used for the monitor point or expression; for details, see Coordinate Frames (p. 21) in the
ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Monitor Points and Expressions: [Monitor Name]: Domain Name Check Box
Determines whether the specified Cartesian coordinates are restricted to a particular domain.
Monitor Points and Expressions: [Monitor Name]: Domain Name Check Box: Domain Name
Set the domain name to which the specified Cartesian coordinates will be restricted.
Cartesian Coordinates
Particles Tab
Radiometer: [Radiometer Name]: Temperature
Enter the temperature of the radiometer.
Radiometer: [Radiometer Name]: Quadrature Points
Enter the number of rays used for ray tracing from the radiometer.
Radiometer: [Radiometer Name]: Coord Frame Check Box
This check box determines whether the coordinate frame used to interpret the location and direction specifications
of the radiometer will be specified or left at the default of Coord 0.
Radiometer: [Radiometer Name]: Coord Frame Check Box: Coord Frame
Select a coordinate frame to interpret location and direction specifications of the radiometer. For details, see
Coordinate Frames (p. 183) and also Coordinate Frames (p. 21) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Radiometer: [Radiometer Name]: Diagnostic Output Level Check Box
This check box determines whether the diagnostic output level will be specified or left at the default of 0.
Radiometer: [Radiometer Name]: Diagnostic Output Level Check Box: Diagnostic Output Level
Enter a number greater than zero. The CFX-Solver will write the ray traces to a series of polylines in a .csv file
which can be visualized in CFD-Post. This can be used to determine if the number of quadrature points is optimal.
Radiometer: [Radiometer Name]: Direction: Option
Cartesian Components
Particles Tab
The Particles tab for the Output Control object contains settings that specify whether the particle data is
recorded, and details of how the data is collected and recorded.
This tab is available only when the morphology option is set to Particle Transport Fluid or Particle
Transport Solid in CFX-Pre; for details, see Basic Settings Tab (p. 83).
The particle data is initially written to particle track files, which contain a specified level of detail about particles
involved in your simulation. The files are written to the directory with the same name as your current run. An option
on the Particles tab controls whether or not the track files are retained after their data is copied into the final results
file (and any backup results files).
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Particles Tab
This option can be used to avoid writing any track information. This might be useful if you are not interested
in particle tracks or want to avoid the additional disk space required to store the tracks. If this option is set, no
tracks will be available in CFD-Post. In contrast to the track file information, sources are required for a clean
re-start of a particle case and must be written to the results file.
For a transient run, final particle positions are always added to the track information, and thus can be
seen at the end of a run.
Element Faces
Points are written to the track file each time a particle crosses the boundary of an element.
(applies only when Particle Track File Check Box: Option is set to Specified Position Interval)
Enter an integer that specifies the spacing (in terms of points) between points along the tracks.
Particles Tab
Formatted track files are in human-readable ASCII format but take up much more disk space than unformatted
track files.
The general structure of formatted ASCII track files will print the Number of Particle Positions in a Block at
the top of the file preceding repetitions of the following:
Particle Track Number
X Position
Y Position
Z Position
Traveling Time
Traveling Distance
Particle Diameter
Particle Number Rate
Particle Mass Fraction Component 1
Particle Mass Fraction Component 2
Particle Mass Fraction Component n
Particle U Velocity
Particle V Velocity
Particle W Velocity
Particle Temperature
Particle Mass
Particle Mass Fraction Component 1- n only appear for multi-component particle materials and
Particle Temperature only appears when heat transfer is activated.
Unformatted track files are written in a non-readable, binary, format.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Particles Tab
Particle Penetration
User Defined - This option can be used to specify a user-defined Diagnostic Routine to evaluate the diagnostics
information based on particle variables specified in Particle Variables List. Optionally, you can also select the
Monitored Values List check box and specify a comma-separated list of names for monitored values. For
details, see User Diagnostics Routine (p. 211) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Particles List
Select particles to be used for output from the drop down list, or click
Cartesian Components
Specify the Cartesian components (Direction X Comp., Direction YComp., and Direction Z Comp.) of the
injection direction.
Axial Penetration
See Figure 7.8, Spray Penetration in Transient Particle Diagnostics (p. 210) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide for details.
Radial Penetration
See Figure 7.8, Spray Penetration in Transient Particle Diagnostics (p. 210) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide for details.
Normal Penetration
See Figure 7.8, Spray Penetration in Transient Particle Diagnostics (p. 210) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide for details.
Spray Angle
See Figure 7.8, Spray Penetration in Transient Particle Diagnostics (p. 210) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide for details.
The flow solver Export Results supports "Stationary" wall boundary conditions only when mesh motion
is activated.
List Box
This list box is used to select Export Results objects for editing or deletion. Export Results objects can
be created or deleted with the icons that appear beside the list box.
A CGNS valid file can be written in ADF or HDF5 format, though CFX currently only supports ADF
base files.
Time List
Release 12.1 - 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Common Settings
See Time List (p. 169).
Time Interval
See Time Interval (p. 169).
Iteration List
See Iteration List (p. 169).
Iteration Interval
See Iteration Interval (p. 169).
Every Iteration
Selected Variables
Common Settings
Selected Variables
Selected vertex fields are written to the results file. The fields are chosen from the Output Variables List. No
restart is possible from these files.
Mesh data and all solution vertex fields are written. A restart is possible from these files, but the restart will not
be clean (you can expect a temporary increase in residual values).
The smallest file that preserves a clean restart is written. This includes data written in the Smallest category and
the following:
Common Settings
This contains data written in the Essential category and the following:
Hybrid fields
Used when no output of results is required (for example, during solver performance benchmarking).
File Compression
This offers no compression.
This is a compromise between disk space and processing load.
You may wish to increase the compression level for large backup files, or if you do not have much disk space.
icon to select from a list of all variables. Output Variable List is only available when Selected
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Common Settings
For transient cases, the following additional boundary vertex fields are written:
For additional details, see Particle Boundary Vertex Variables (p. 189) in the ANSYS CFX Reference Guide
Timestep Interval
Enter a number that specifies the number of timesteps between the writing of each results file.
Timestep List
Enter a comma-separated list of timestep numbers that specifies the timesteps at which files are written.
Time Interval
Enter a number that specifies the simulation time interval between the writing of each file. The simulation time
interval is added to a running total that starts at the simulation start time. An iteration within half a timestep of the
current total has a file written.
Time List
Enter a comma-separated list of simulation times that specifies the iterations at which files are written.
Every Timestep
No further input is needed. A backup or transient results file is written for every timestep in a transient simulation.
Every Iteration
No further input is needed. A backup or transient results file is written for every iteration.
Iteration Interval
Enter a number that specifies the number of iterations between the writing of each file.
Iteration List
Enter a comma-separated list of iteration numbers that specifies the iterations at which files are written.
No results files will be written. You might choose this option to temporarily turn off writing backup or transient
files but keeping the definition of what to include in the files so that you can easily re-enable them.
u u = u u u u = ( RMS ( u ) RMS ( u ) ) u u
The required RMS and arithmetic average statistics are automatically activated when the standard deviation is
requested. It is also important to note that an error may be introduced in evaluating the standard deviation if it is
calculated before either of the mean or RMS statistics. This error varies approximately with the inverse of the
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Trnmin (Minimum)
Trnmax (Maximum)
To output transient statistics for intermediate results, be sure to select the Output Variable Operators
check box on the Transient Results tab.
Choose the Full option if all variable operators are desired.
A significant consequence of treating transient statistics as operators is that only one instance of a
<variable>.<statistic> exists during the entire simulation. For example, even if multiple transient statistics
objects containing the arithmetic average of velocity are requested, only one statistic will ever exist. The potential
for specifying different start (stop) iterations for these transient statistics objects is addressed by using the earliest
(latest) value specified; that is, statistics are accumulated over the largest range of timesteps possible as defined by
the start and stop iterations for all transient statistics objects.
If you wish to re-initialize a given statistic (that is, remove the history from the statistic), you must shut
down and restart the simulation with a new start (stop) iteration. This step is required to ensure that the
new statistic accumulation interval is not included when searching for the earliest and latest start and
stop iteration values, respectively.
or select Insert > Solver > Output Control from the main menu.
The Monitor Points and Expressions dialog box pops up to ask for the name of a new monitor point object.
Enter a name, or accept the default name, and then click OK.
The [Monitor Name] frame expands to show a set of input fields.
Click OK or Apply to set the definitions of all of the monitor objects. All monitor points will be displayed in
the viewer.
Output Information
Information on the variables to be monitored is given near the start of the .out file. In the following example the
variables Velocity and Pressure were requested for the Output Variables List in the .ccl file.
User Defined Monitor Points
Monitor Point: my monitor point
Domain: rotor
Monitor vertex location (x,y,z):
4.101E-01, 5.703E-02, 5.263E-02
User specified location (x,y,z):
4.100E-01, 5.618E-02, 4.951E-02
Distance to user specified location:
Valid variables from output variable list:
Air Ideal Gas.Velocity u
Air Ideal Gas.Velocity v
Air Ideal Gas.Velocity w
The Monitor vertex location shows the actual location which is being monitored (the closest vertex to the User
specified location). The Distance to user specified location shows the difference between the specified and actual
monitoring location.
The Output variable list shows the full name of all variables that will be monitored.
When using the Expression option, the results of the evaluated expression are output at each iteration. Enter an
expression which evaluates to a single value at each timestep. The following are examples of expressions that could
be monitored:
volumeAve( 1
The variable names should be preceded with the fluid name when applicable. You can view a list of variable names
in the Expression details view by right-clicking in the Definition window when editing an expression.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
<prefix> defaults to the Export Results object name unless you override this with the parameter
Filename Prefix
The mesh information (mesh coordinates and nodal area vectors if applicable) is written into a separate file to save
disk space, since the mesh information does not change with time. The mesh file name is of the form:
A link is created for each solution file (<prefix>_<timestep>.cgns) to map the mesh coordinates to the
mesh file (<prefix>_mesh.cgns). If you write your own reader, you need not open the mesh file separately
to read in the mesh coordinates for each solution file.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The following will take place when CFX-Solver is run (on steady-state problems). The process is shown in the
diagrammatic form below (Figure 21.1, Mesh Adaption Process (p. 176)).
The CFX-Solver solves for solution variables using the mesh that is contained in the CFX-Solver input file,
or specified using an initial values file. The CFX-Solver uses Convergence Criteria that have been specified
on the Basic Settings tab of the Mesh Adaption form; the Convergence Criteria specified on the Solver
Control form is not used at this stage.
A Mesh Adaption Step (one loop of the adapt-solve cycle) takes place. Using the solution calculated in this
first step, together with the Adaption Criteria specified on the Mesh Adaption Basic Settings form, the mesh
is refined in selected areas. For details, see Mesh Adaption (p. 45) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide.
The CFX-Solver solves for solution variables using the mesh created by the Mesh Adaption step. The
CFX-Solver uses the Convergence Criteria specified on the Basic Settings tab of the Mesh Adaption form;
the Convergence Criteria specified on the Solver Control form is not used at this stage.
Steps 2 and 3 are repeated until the Max. Num. Steps (specified on the Basic Settings of the Mesh Adaption
form) is reached.
Finally, CFX-Solver solves for solution variables using the mesh that was created by the final Mesh Adaption
step. The Convergence Criteria used by the CFX-Solver at this stage are those specified on the Solver Control
The Adaption Criteria are applied to each edge of each element in the mesh.
Nodes are added to the existing mesh according to the Adaption Criteria. The number of nodes added is
dependent on the total number of nodes to be added and the node allocation parameter.
The solution already calculated on the older mesh is linearly interpolated onto the new mesh.
If the CFX-Solver is being run in parallel, then each Solve step is preceded by a mesh partitioning step.
Additional information on how elements are selected for adaption, how elements are divided, and the limitations
of mesh adaption in CFX is available in Mesh Adaption (p. 45) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Enter the Maximum Number of Adaption Steps (Max. Num. Steps ) allowed.
The default is 3. For details, see Max. Num. Steps (p. 178).
10. Select how many nodes should be present in the adapted mesh. Options are:
Region List
Region List contains the names of all 3D Regions and Assemblies in the problem. Select any or all of the 3D regions
to be used for mesh adaption.
Mesh adaption cannot be used in multidomain simulations or in cases with external solver coupling.
Mesh adaption also cannot be used for transient, mesh-motion, radiative-tracking, or particle-transport
Adaption Criteria
For each adaption step, and for each mesh element, the adaption criteria are applied, and mesh elements meeting
the adaption criteria are refined. There are two methods of specifying how the adaption criteria are specified. For
details, see Adaption Method (p. 178).
Variables List
The Variables List is used to select the variables that make up part of the Adaption Criteria.
During the adaption process, if only one variable is selected, the value of the variable is observed for each element
defining the selected regions specified by the Region List. The maximum variation in value of the variable along
any edge of an element is used to decided whether the element is to be modified. If multiple variables are selected,
the maximum of variation of all the variables for a given element is used to decide whether or not an element should
be modified.
To save unnecessary processing, it is important to ensure that variables selected will vary during the calculation.
For instance, do not select Density as a variable for an incompressible flow calculation.
If CFX-Solver runs on the CFX-Solver input file and finishes normally, this number of Adaption Steps
will take place. If CFX-Solver is stopped and then restarted from the results file produced, only the
remaining number of Adaption Steps will take place in the restarted run.
The number of nodes in the final mesh generated by the adaption process is controlled by the value selected in
Select Final Number of Nodes, to specify the number of nodes in the final mesh, or Multiple of Initial Mesh,
which allows specification of the number of nodes in the final mesh as a multiple of the initial mesh.
If Multiple of Initial Mesh is selected , it is also necessary to specify a Node Factor multiplier greater than 1.2.
If Final Number of Nodes is selected, then specify the number of Nodes in Adaption Mesh that is no more than a
factor of five greater than the number of nodes in the initial mesh.
The final mesh will not contain exactly the number of nodes specified in either case. For details, see
Mesh Adaption (p. 45) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide.
Adaption Method
The Adaption Method used by the adaption process to apply the Adaption Criteria is controlled by the options
specified in the Adaption Method section of the form.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The Adaption Method is specified as either Solution Variation, or Solution Variation * Edge Length.
If Solution Variation * Edge Length is selected, the Adaption Criteria takes account of both the variation of the
solution variable over the edge of the element and the length of the edge. The result of having applied the Adaption
Criteria to each edge of an element is then multiplied by the length of the edge. The maximum value of all the
edges of the element is used to decide whether an element is to be refined. This means that in areas of the flow
where the solution variation is similar, adaption will take place preferentially in regions where the mesh length scale
is largest.
Sn =
M n c
nn c
M is the maximum number of nodes that can be added to the original mesh calculated from having applied the
Adaption Criteria to the selected regions and c is the value of Node Alloc. Param.. For details, see Adaption
Criteria (p. 178).
When Node Alloc. Param. is set to 0, then the same number of nodes is added for each adaption step. When Node
Alloc. Param. is negative, more nodes are added in the later adaption steps. When it is positive, more nodes are
added in the earlier adaption steps. The table below shows the percentage of nodes that will be added at each adaption
step when Max. Num. Steps is set to a value of 3 and different values of Node Alloc. Param. are specified.
Node Alloc. Param
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Number of Levels
The value of this parameter specifies the maximum number of times any element of the original mesh can be
subdivided. It must not be greater than Max. Num. Steps.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
All geometry, domain, boundary condition, mesh, initial value and solver parameter information is written to the
CFX-Solver Input (.def) File.
The CFX-Solver input file contains the relevant information required by the CFX-Solver to conduct the CFD
simulation. This information mainly consists of numerical values which set up the simulation, as well as controls
for the CFX-Solver.
Many of these parameters are set in CFX-Pre. For example, on the Solver Control panel, you can set the accuracy
of the numerical discretization. Other settings, particularly those controlling the CFX-Solver, cannot be set in the
normal way through the CFX-Pre interface. These are called Expert Control Parameters and have default values
that do not require modification for the majority of CFD simulations. For details, see When to Use Expert Control
Parameters (p. 365) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide and CFX-Solver Expert Control Parameters (p.
365) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Make changes to the appropriate sections on any of the following tabs: Discretization, Linear Solver, I/O
Control, Convergence Control, Physical Models, Particle Tracking, or Model Overrides.
Making changes requires selecting options and setting specific values. For parameters with a small number of
choices (such as logical parameters), select an option from the drop-down list. Other parameters require data
entry (such as real numbers).
For details on each of the parameters listed on these tabs, see CFX-Solver Expert Control Parameters (p. 365)
in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Click OK.
Click OK.
The coordinate frame details view appears, with the Basic Settings tab visible.
Click OK.
An object named after the coordinate frame is created and listed in the tree view under Simulation.
Axis Points
This method can be used to make Cartesian coordinate frames. The coordinate frame is created by specifying three
points and it is important to understand how these three points are used to create a coordinate frame. For details,
see Coordinate Frame Details (p. 131) in the ANSYS CFD-Post User's Guide.
Hold the Ctrl key when clicking to select multiple regions.
With Single Select
selected, you may click locations in the viewer to make them available for
Centroid Type
(applies only when Option is set to Point and Normal)
The true centroid position is used. If the specified region is not planar, the absolute centroid may not lie on the
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
With Single Select
selected, you may click 2D locations in the viewer to select their corresponding
(applies only when Option is set to Axis Points)
Enter coordinates, in the reference coordinate frame, that define the origin of the present coordinate frame.
With Single Select
selected, you may click 2D locations in the viewer to select their corresponding
Z-Axis Point
(applies only when Option is set to Axis Points)
Enter coordinates, in the reference Coordinate Frame, that define a point on the Z-axis of the present Coordinate
Frame, on the positive side of the axis.
With Single Select
With Single Select
You can set only those material properties that will be used in the CFD model. For example, you can
set the buoyancy properties only if your model involves buoyant flow.
You can use CEL to define fluid property variation through an expression if it is required. For example,
you could define Dynamic Viscosity to be a function of Temperature.
The Material details view, accessible by editing a material from the tree view or by creating a new material, is used
to prepare materials for availability in a simulation.
The following topics will be discussed:
Library Materials
CFX-Pre provides an extensive list of library materials. Properties for these have already been defined and are
known to CFX-Pre. If you modify a library material during a simulation using the Material details view, the modified
definition is stored in the simulation file and is therefore local to your simulation.
On the Outline tab, right-click Materials and select Import Library Data to open the Select Library Data to
Import dialog box. From here, you can select a material to load.
. The dialog box will open with
If necessary, you can open the File to Import dialog box by clicking Browse
the default location: <CFXROOT>/etc/materials-extra/. This directory contains CCL files that can be
used to load additional materials into CFX-Pre (for example, Redlich Kwong, IAPWS, or Interphase Mass Transfer
If you wish to use a material defined in one simulation in another simulation, the recommended method is to use
the Export and Import CCL features to load the material definition from a local file. This is done by exporting CCL
objects of type LIBRARY:LIBRARY/MATERIAL. For details, see Import CCL Command (p. 28) and Export
CCL Command (p. 29).
The Pure Substance option should be used to create a fluid whose properties, such as viscosity, density,
or molar mass, are known. All existing and newly created pure substances appear in the materials list and you
can then create mixtures from them. For details, see Material Details View: Pure Substance (p. 190).
The Fixed Composition Mixture option should be used to create a mixture with fixed mass fractions
of each material. The mass fraction of each material is specified and is not allowed to change during the course
of the simulation in space or time. For details, see Material Details View: Fixed Composition Mixture (p. 192).
The Variable Composition Mixture option should be used to create a mixture whose mass fractions
are allowed to change during the course of a simulation in space and time. The mass fraction of each material
is not specified when defining the fluid. You can use a fixed composition mixture as a material in a variable
composition mixture.
For details, see Material Details View: Variable Composition Mixture (p. 193).
The Homogeneous Binary Mixture option applies to equilibrium phase change calculations. For details,
see Material Details View: Homogeneous Binary Mixture (p. 193).
The Reacting Mixture option is used for a chemical reaction, such as combustion.
For details, see Material Details View: Reacting Mixture (p. 194).
The Hydrocarbon Fuel option. For details, see Material Details View: Hydrocarbon Fuel (p. 195).
Material Group
The Material Group filter is used to group materials by type, as well as restrict what materials can be mixed when
the physical models include reactions or phase change. A material can be a member of more than one material group
if it has a consistent set of properties. Material Group will always be set to at least one of the following:
Any user-defined materials, not assigned to one of the other groups, are shown in or can be added to this group. For
example, materials loaded from a previous CFX-Pre simulation are shown in this group.
Air Data
This group contains Ideal Gas and constant property air. Constant properties are for dry air at both 0 [C], 1 [atm]
(STP) and 25 [C], 1 [atm].
CHT Solids
Contains solid substances that can be used for solid domains when performing conjugate heat transfer modeling.
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Dry/Wet Steam
No materials appear in this group by default, they must also be loaded from a pre-supplied materials file. Materials
in this group use the IAPWS equation of state. Again, the materials are suitable for either dry or wet steam
Particle Solids
Contains a list of solids that can be used in Particle Tracking calculations.
This group contains solid substances that can be used when performing soot calculations.
Water Data
This group contains liquid and vapor water materials with constant properties. The materials in this group can be
combined with NASA SP-273 materials for use in combustion modeling simulations.
Material Description
This parameter can be toggled on to view a detailed description of the substance. Click Edit the Material Description
to edit the description (to a maximum of 120 alphanumeric characters).
Thermodynamic State
This parameter sets the state of a substance to solid, liquid or gas. There are certain limitations imposed by selecting
a particular state. For example, a solid must always have at least density, specific heat capacity and thermal
conductivity specified.
Coord Frame
For material properties that are set using expressions containing X, Y, or Z, you may want to supply a custom
coordinate frame as the basis for evaluation of such properties. For details, see Coord Frame (p. 190), Coordinate
Frames (p. 183), and Coordinate Frames (p. 21) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Optionally set a custom coordinate frame for any material properties that depend on expressions in X, Y, or
For details, see Coord Frame (p. 190), Coordinate Frames (p. 183), and Coordinate Frames (p. 21) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
General Material
General Materials can have their Equation of State set to the following options:
For details on equations of state, see Equation of State (p. 28) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Equation of State - Value
The following tab appears when Equation of State is set to Value. Value uses whichever model for density that
is supplied by the user. For example, the equation of state model could be a constant or a CEL expression.
Equation of State > Option. For details, see Option (p. 28) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Specify the Density and Molar Mass. An expression can be used for Density which depends on temperature
and/or pressure. In this case the CFX-Solver may build property tables in order to calculate enthalpy and entropy.
Please check the table generation settings if you use this option.
Specific Heat Capacity (p. 30) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
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If you set the specific heat capacity using a CEL expression, the solver will build tables for enthalpy and entropy.
If you use this option, check the table generation settings.
For an ideal gas, specify the Molar Mass. For details, see Molar Mass (p. 29) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide.
Reference State Properties (p. 31) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
All of the data fields must be completed to use a Real Gas equation of state.
Specific Heat Capacity (p. 30) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Table uses a CFX-TASCflow real gas property (RGP) file to load real fluid property data. For details, see Real
Fluid Properties (p. 271) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide. You can load all of the RGP files that are
supplied with CFX quickly by following the instructions given in Solver Modeling. For details, see Loading an .rgp
file (p. 280) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide. When defining materials that use data in tables not supplied
with CFX, the definition is carried out separately by specifying the filename and component name for each material
in turn. When Table is selected, the following form appears:
TASCflow RGP file Table Format is the only type supported for CFX.
Click Browse
beside Table Name to browse to the file containing the Real Gas Property Table data.
Enter the Component Name (as an RGP file can contain many components).
The component name corresponds to the name of a component in an RGP file. You may need to open the RGP
file in a text editor to discover the exact name of the component you wish to select. For details, see Detailed
.rgp File Format (p. 287) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Table Generation
For some equation of state and specific heat capacity settings (such as Redlich Kwong, IAPWS, and general materials
having variable density and specific heat set with CEL expressions), the CFX-Solver builds internal property tables
for efficient property evaluation. The most commonly required table is enthalpy as a function of temperature and
possibly pressure. This table is built if the specific heat capacity is a function of temperature, and, possibly pressure.
Entropy tables are also used to convert static and total pressure (or vice versa). For example, at a boundary condition
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If the error tolerance cannot be met with the specified maximum number of points, the CFX-Solver will
revert to a uniform table with a resolution set to the maximum number of points.
Pressure/Temperature Extrapolation
This controls the solver behavior when evaluating properties at temperatures or pressures beyond the table range.
If extrapolation is activated, the property will be extrapolated based on its slope at the table boundary; otherwise,
the value at the table boundary will be used. In either case, a message is written to the output file that an out-of-bounds
has occurred. If this happens, you should consider increasing the table range accordingly.
Optionally set a custom coordinate frame for any material properties that depend on expressions in X, Y or Z.
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Enter the fixed Mass Fraction of the material within the mixture.
The sum of the mass fractions for all the materials in a mixture must be 1.
Optionally set a custom coordinate frame for any material properties that depend on expressions in X, Y or Z.
For details, see Coord Frame (p. 190), Coordinate Frames (p. 183), and Coordinate Frames (p. 21) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Files of type (*.rgp) are filtered from the list of files in the current directory.
Real Gas
When Real Gas is chosen, the saturation properties are calculated using the material properties specified for the
constituent components, and there is no need to set any values. As a consequence, the material properties for
components in the mixture must all use the same Real Gas equation of state. For details, see Using a Real Gas
Equation of State (p. 279) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Table Generation
For details, see Table Generation (p. 191).
Optionally set a custom coordinate frame for any material properties that depend on expressions in X, Y, or
For details, see Coord Frame (p. 190), Coordinate Frames (p. 183), and Coordinate Frames (p. 21) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
From Additional Materials List, select any additional inert materials (which do not take part in any reaction).
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More information about hydrocarbon fuel models is available in Hydrocarbon Fuel Model Setup (p. 221) in the
ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide and in Hydrocarbon Fuel Analysis Model (p. 163) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Theory Guide.
Mixture asks for the name of the associated gas-phase material (reacting mixture) and provides parameters
to identify the components of the gas phase, which are relevant for the hydrocarbon fuel model.
Mixture with HCN NO additionally allows entering the names for the gas components involved in the
fuel-nitrogen model.
Note that here the components of the gas phase are identified only for the hydrocarbon fuel model. The reacting
mixture material still needs to be created with all its components in the same way as for gaseous combustion. It
may have additional components in addition to those identified here.
Binary Mixture is for defining the homogeneous binary mixture material, which describes the heat transfer between
the particle and the fluid mixture. For the two materials in the binary mixture you should specify the raw combustible
material for the particle and the volatiles fuel for the gas phase.
The Reaction details view, accessible by editing a reaction from the tree view or by creating a new reaction, is used
to prepare reactions for availability in a simulation.
Once a reaction is created, it is available for inclusion in a fluid that is a reacting mixture or a variable composition
mixture. For details, see:
Single Step
Single Step
This option displays three other tabs in addition to Basic Settings. One of them is a Reactants tab, displaying a list
of reactants and specifying the ratio with which they react together and the order of the reaction. A list of products
is also set on the Products tab and includes the ratio with which they are produced. Reaction Rates has optional
forward and backward reaction rates and third body terms can be applied.
Optionally, select Reaction Description to enter a description for the reaction (to a maximum of 120
alphanumeric characters).
Optionally, specify any additional materials for this reaction using the Additional Materials List.
This is implemented to allow reaction-step specific combustion modeling for multi-step reactions. For details, see
Reaction-Step Specific Combustion Model Control (p. 234) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Option assumes the value Child Materials when creating a reaction involving one phase.
Enter the Stoichiometric Coefficient for the each of the selected components.
For each of Forward Reaction Rate and Backward Reaction Rate, Option defines the reaction rate
dependency. Select from:
Arrhenius with Temperature PDF (p. 229) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
The Pre Exponential Factor and Temperature Exponent are required elements for the Arrhenius reaction
The temperature limit list (Lower Temperature and Upper Temperature) is required for the Arrhenius
with Temperature PDF reaction type.
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Multiple Step
For details, see Reaction Rate Types (p. 228) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Multiple Step
A list of Single Step reactions is required to define a Multi Step reaction.
Flamelet Library
A flamelet library is imported with optional customization of the Laminar Burning Velocity.
Click Browse
to browse to the flamelet library file. The file which contains your flamelet library should
be selected. Flamelet libraries can be created by library generation software, such as CFX-RIF. For details,
see CFX-RIF (p. 243) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Select Laminar Burning Velocity to specify an expression for the laminar flame speed definition.
When using a flamelet library, the definition for the library is specified in the Reaction details view. The name,
library file and, optionally, laminar flame speed definition is specified. The reaction can then be used in a fluid that
is a variable composition mixture. For details, see Material Details View: Variable Composition Mixture (p. 193).
and Laminar Flamelet with PDF Model (p. 235) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
This option is used to create reactions between more than one phase. For details, see Reaction Models (p. 228) in
the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
For multiphase reactions the only option available for the Material Amount Option is Mass Coefficient.
Multiphase: Reactants
Multiphase reactions are specified in terms of Parent Materials (the phase containing a reacting material),
and Child Materials (the reacting materials themselves).
The Parent Materials List contains the phases from which reacting materials are selected.
For the currently selected parent material, (such as Coal), select the reactant materials from that phase from
the materials list (for example, Coal > Materials List).
If a participating phase is a pure substance, it should be selected as both a parent and child material.
Multiphase: Products
The setup on the Products tab is identical to the Reactants tab. For details, see Multiphase: Reactants (p. 197).
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Mass Arrhenius (p. 220) (described in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide)
Gibb Char Oxidation Model (p. 221) (described in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide)
Field Char Oxidation Model (p. 220) (described in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide).
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Additional Variables in Multiphase Flow (p. 158) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Additional Variables in Multiphase Flow (p. 133) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide
This chapter describes the procedure for creating an Additional Variable and the user interfaces used to define and
apply Additional Variables:
User Interface
The following topics are discussed:
Fluid Models and Fluid Specific Models Tabs for Domain Objects (p. 200)
Boundary Details and Fluid Values Tabs for Boundary Condition Objects (p. 202)
Variable Type
The Additional Variable is solved on a per-unit-mass basis. For details, see Volumetric and Specific Additional
Variable (p. 17) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
The Additional Variable is solved on a per-unit-volume basis. For details, see Volumetric and Specific Additional
Variable (p. 17) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
The Additional Variable is defined in terms of an algebraic expression using CEL. For details, see Unspecified
Additional Variables (p. 17) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Specify the units that describe the Additional Variable. For details, see Additional Variables (p. 16) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
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Fluid Models and Fluid Specific Models Tabs for Domain Objects
Tensor Type
The Additional Variable's Tensor Type can be set to Scalar or Vector. If an Additional Variable is defined as
type Vector, the components of a vector algebraic equation can be defined at the domain level.
Vector Additional Variables cannot be directly referenced in CEL expressions. The syntax for referencing a component
of a vector Additional Variable is as follows:
<Component Name>.<Additional Variable Name>_x
Transport Equation
The transport of the Additional Variable of type Volumetric is modeled by a transport equation. For details, see
Additional Variables (p. 31) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide.
Diffusive Transport Equation
The transport of the Additional Variable is modeled by a transport equation. The advection term is dropped from
the transport equation. For details, see Additional Variables (p. 31) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide.
Homogeneous Transport Equation
The transport of the Additional Variable is modeled by a transport equation. This option is available only on the
Fluid Models tab and only for multiphase flows (that is, only for homogeneous applications). For details, see:
Homogeneous Additional Variables in Multiphase Flow (p. 159) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Homogeneous Additional Variables in Multiphase Flow (p. 135) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide.
Homogeneous Additional Variables in Multiphase Flow (p. 159) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Homogeneous Additional Variables in Multiphase Flow (p. 135) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide.
Poisson Equation
The transport of the Additional Variable is modeled by a transport equation. The transient and advection terms are
dropped from the transport equation. For details, see Additional Variables (p. 31) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory
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Fluid Models and Fluid Specific Models Tabs for Domain Objects
Homogeneous Poisson Equation
The transport of the Additional Variable is modeled by a transport equation. The transient and advection terms are
dropped from the transport equation. This option is available only on the Fluid Models tab and only for multiphase
flows (that is, only for homogeneous applications). For details, see:
Homogeneous Additional Variables in Multiphase Flow (p. 159) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Homogeneous Additional Variables in Multiphase Flow (p. 135) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Theory Guide.
Fluid Dependent
When the Fluid Dependent option is selected, the Additional Variable model details can be set for each fluid
on the Fluid Specific Models tab.
Algebraic Equation
A given quantity or CEL expression specifies the value of the Additional Variable throughout the domain. Application
of this option is, in the context of the fluids to which the Additional Variable is applied, effectively the same as
setting the Additional Variable type to Unspecified.
Vector Algebraic Equation
A total of three given quantities, CEL expressions, or both, specifies the vector value of the Additional Variable
throughout the domain. Application of this option is, in the context of the fluids to which the Additional Variable
is applied, effectively the same as setting the Additional Variable type to Unspecified.
(applies only when Additional Variable Details: [Additional Variable name] Check Box: Option is set to
Algebraic Equation)
Enter a numerical quantity or CEL expression that specifies the value of the Additional Variable throughout the
Boundary Details and Fluid Values Tabs for Boundary Condition Objects
Zero Flux
Flux in
This option is applicable for Wall boundary conditions and, for Poisson and Diffusive transport models, Inlet
boundary conditions.
Transfer Coefficient
Wall Flux In
This option is applicable for multiphase flow only.
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(applies when Additional Variables: [Additional Variable Name]: Option is set to Value or Transfer Coefficient)
(applies when Additional Variables: [Additional Variable Name]: Option is set to Flux in)
Transfer Coefficient
(applies when Additional Variables: [Additional Variable Name]: Option is set to Transfer Coefficient)
or select Insert > Expressions, Functions and Variables > Additional Variable.
Set Name to a unique name for the new Additional Variable. For details, see Valid Syntax for Named
Objects (p. 43).
Click OK.
The Additional Variable details view opens on the Basic Settings tab.
Specify the basic settings. For details, see Basic Settings Tab for Additional Variable Objects (p. 199).
Click OK.
An object named after the Additional Variable is created and listed in the tree view under Expressions,
Functions and Variables > Additional Variables.
There is some CEL that works in CFX-Pre and CFX-Solver, but not in CFD-Post. Any expression created
in CFX-Pre and used as a Design Exploration output parameter could potentially cause fatal errors during
the Design Exploration run, so you should create all expressions for Design Exploration output parameters
in CFD-Post.
This chapter describes:
Expressions Workspace
By double-clicking Expressions in the Outline workspace, or by inserting or editing an existing expression, the
Expressions workspace opens in a new tab (see Figure 26.1, Sample Expressions Workspace (p. 206)). This
workspace consists of a tree view and a Details view. The following tabs are available in the Details view:
Definition, used to edit the definition of an expression selected in the Expressions tree view. For details, see
Definition (p. 206).
Plot, used to plot an expression versus a variable. For details, see Plot (p. 206).
Evaluate, used to evaluate an expression when all quantities on which it depends are given. This is useful for
verifying that an expression is correctly specified. For details, see Evaluate (p. 207).
CEL expressions can be defined using any combination of constants, variables, mathematical functions and other
CEL expressions. For details, see CFX Expression Language (CEL) (p. 133) in the ANSYS CFX Reference Guide.
Right-clicking in the Definition window provides access to a list of all available variables, expressions,
locators, functions and constants. Although valid values can be chosen from each of the various lists,
the validity of the expression itself is not checked until you click Apply.
Additional Variables can be used in expressions as soon as they have been completely specified. After
they have been created, they appear in the list of available variables when right-clicking in the Definition
window. For details, see:
CFX Expression Language (CEL) (p. 133) in the ANSYS CFX Reference Guide
CEL Operators, Constants, and Expressions (p. 135) in the ANSYS CFX Reference Guide.
Click Reset to undo changes made after opening the CEL expression for editing.
The Plot tab is used to plot the selected expression against one variable. CFX-Pre automatically finds the variables
associated with an expression, even if the expression depends on another expression.
For example, when previewing the expression halfRadius, defined as 0.5*radius, where radius is an
expression that depends on the variables x and y, CFX-Pre presents x and y as the variables upon which
halfRadius depends.
Set up an expression in the Definition tab, or open an existing expression. Click the Plot tab.
Under Number of Points, set the number of sample data points for the plot.
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Sample points are connected by line segments to approximate the functional relationship.
The Evaluate tab is used to evaluate an expression when all variables upon which the equation depends are specified.
CFX-Pre automatically finds the variables associated with an expression, even if the expression depends on another
For example, when previewing the expression halfRadius, defined as 0.5*radius, where radius is an
expression that depends on the variables x and y, CFX-Pre presents x and y as the variables upon which
halfRadius depends.
Creating an Expression
On the Outline tab, right-click Expressions and select Insert > Expression.
Click Expression
Select Insert > Expressions, Functions and Variables > Expression from the menu bar.
Whichever method you choose, the Insert Expression dialog box appears.
Click OK.
In the Expressions details view, under Definition, enter an expression. For details on using the Definition
area, see Definition (p. 206).
Click Apply.
Modifying an Expression
In the Expressions tree view, double-click any expression, or right-click an expression and select Edit.
The Expression details view displays the definition of the expression.
Under Definition, modify the expression. For details on using the Definition area, see Definition (p. 206).
Any number of CCL objects can be exported; this section describes exporting only expressions to a file.
Click Open.
Take care when importing CCL files because data can be overwritten.
Select File > Export > CCL from the main menu bar.
Under Save All Objects, select LIBRARY > CEL > EXPRESSIONS.
Click Save.
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Interpolation Function
This section describes:
Click Add to add the point value to the list (or Remove to remove a highlighted value from the list).
For details on the Extend Min and Extend Max options, see Extended Minimum and Maximum (p. 210).
Enter a unique function name that you will use when setting the value of a quantity using an expression.
Argument Units: Enter a comma separated list of the units used for the coordinates.
These will usually be coordinate axis dimensions (for example, [m], [cm], etc.).
Click Add to add the point to the list (or Remove to remove a highlighted value from the list).
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Coordinate and Value appear under Column Selection for 1D data. You can select which column of data in
your import file is appropriate for the coordinates and values. For three-dimensional interpolations, columns
are selected in the same way, with X, Y, and Z columns all required.
Select the User CEL Routine name (user routine name) from the dropdown list that the function will apply to.
For details, see Function Name (p. 211).
Function Name
The function name is assigned when you create a new User CEL Function, and is equivalent to the name you would
set for an expression. You use this name, together with the input arguments, when setting the expression for the
quantity of interest. For details, see Defining Quantities with User CEL Functions (p. 211). The function name should
follow usual naming rules (it may contain spaces but should not include underscores).
inletvelocity(MaxVel, r, 0.2[m])
where inletvelocity is the function name of the User CEL Function, MaxVel is an existing expression or
value, r is a system variable and 0.2[m] corresponds to the pipe diameter.
You would enter the above expression as one of the velocity components at the inlet boundary condition (you may
also want to use it as a velocity component of the initial guess).
Argument Units
You should enter the units of each argument that you will be passing to the Subroutine. Units should be comma
separated and correspond to the order used when setting the expression for a quantity in CFX-Pre. For example,
enter [m], [m s^-1], [Pa] if you are passing a length, velocity and pressure value to the subroutine. The values of
arguments passed to a Subroutine are specified when you set an expression for a quantity in CFX-Pre. For details,
see Defining Quantities with User CEL Functions (p. 211).
Result Units
The result argument units are the units of the return arguments from the Subroutine. Units should be comma
separated and correspond to a valid unit for the quantity that you are specifying.
Once your User Routines have been created and linked, they appear in the tree view under Simulation > Expressions,
Functions and Variables > User Routines.
For details on the fourth user-routine option, Transient Particle Diagnostics Routine, refer to
User Diagnostics Routine (p. 211) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Enter the Calling Name (p. 213) of the subroutine within the subroutine file.
You should always use lowercase letters for this even when the subroutine name in the Fortran file is in
User CEL Functions are created after the associated routine has been defined. For details, see:
User CEL Functions and Routines (p. 382) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Calling Name
The Calling Name is the name of the subroutine within a Fortran file. This name appears immediately after the
SUBROUTINE statement in a Fortran file. It is usually in upper case in the Fortran file, but should always be entered
in lower case. It must not include spaces but may contain underscores (this is different from the usual naming rules).
If you did not specify a -name option when running the cfx5mkext command, the file name will be the name
of your shared library. For details, see Shared Libraries (p. 388) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
If you did specify the -name option when running the cfx5mkext command, the file name will be the name
you specified.
If you did not specify a -dest option when running the cfx5mkext command, this will be the path to the
directory in which the cfx5mkext command was executed. For details, see Shared Libraries (p. 388) in the
ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
If you did specify the -dest option when running the cfx5mkext command, the path name will be the
name you specified.
The first three parameters are identical to those described for the User Function option, under Calling
Name (p. 213) and Library Name and Library Path (p. 213).
Enter the Junction Box Location at which to call the subroutine. For details, see Junction Box Routine Options
and Parameters (p. 384) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Junction box routines appear in the LIBRARY section of a CCL file. You can create many junction box routines in
CFX-Pre, but only call the required routines during execution of the CFX-Solver. This enables you to read in a CCL
file containing a list of junction box routines and then select only those that you wish to call. This selection is made
on the Solver Control tab. For details, see Basic Settings Tab (p. 147).
Particle User Sources (p. 195) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Execution Control (p. 217): procedures for defining how the CFX-Solver is to be started for a simulation.
Termination Control (p. 221): procedures for defining when a simulation should be terminated.
Execution Control
The Execution Control settings described below apply to all configurations in the simulation. You can override
these settings for any configuration from the Run Definition tab on the details view of the Configuration (for
details, see Run Definition Tab (p. 227)) or the Define Run dialog box in the CFX-Solver Manager (for details, see
The Define Run Dialog Box (p. 7) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide).
This section describes:
In some cases, you need to specify only the name of a CFX-Solver input file (*.def or *.mdef). For cases
that require initialization from previous results, you also need to specify the name of a results file (*.res).
Serial run is the default way of running a CFD case. During a serial run, all computation is done by a single
process running on one processor.
Parallel run partitions the computation into more than one process and is done on more than one processor
in a single machine (local parallel processing) or on more than one machine (distributed parallel processing).
You also have the option of specifying how the computation is partitioned for a parallel run.
You can optionally select the system priority for the interpolator and solver computation as well as settings such
as precision and memory allocation.
When you have finished defining how CFX-Solver will start, click OK or Apply to save the settings.
Details of the above steps are described in the next section.
Select Initial Values Specification so that you can specify one or more sources of initial values. Note that for
cases with multiple configurations, initial values specifications are not valid for Global Settings. For each
source of initial values (most runs only require one), do the following:
Click New
Select an initial values object from the list and select either the Results File or Configuration Results
option for Initial Values > Option.
If you selected the Results File option, then specify the file name of a file from which initial values
should be used.
If you selected the Configuration Results option, then specify the name of the configuration from
which initial values should be used. Note that this option is only available in the context of
multi-configuration simulations. It allows the introduction of dependencies on initial values that will
become available at run time.
The Use Mesh From setting determines which mesh is used for the analysis: the one specified in the
Solver Input File option, or the one in the Initial Values. The mesh from the Initial Values File can only
be used in a limited set of circumstances. See Using the Mesh from the Initial Values File (p. 84) in the
ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide for details.
Select Continue History From if you want to continue the run history (convergence history, monitor
plots, time and time step counters, etc) and use the smoothest restart possible from the selected Initial
Values File. The run will continue from the one contained the specified initial values object. Note that
the run history will reset if Continue History From is not selected.
Full details of the settings can be found in Reading the Initial Conditions from a File (p. 81) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Partitioner Only is used for parallel runs only and does not run Solver. This writes a .par file.
Select or clear Double Precision or Executable Selection > Double Precision. This setting will determine
the default (single or double) precision of the partitioner, solver and interpolator executables. For details on
the precision of executables, see Double-Precision Executables (p. 125) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager
User's Guide. The precision of the solver and interpolator executables can be set individually on the Solver
and Interpolator tabs.
Additional information is provided in the next section, Parallel Environment, and in Initial Condition Modeling (p.
71) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Parallel Environment
For a distributed parallel setup, specify the number of partitions assigned to each host. If choosing a specified
partition weighting (under Partitioner), click directly on the partition weight number to edit it. There should be one
weight entry per partition.
To learn how to configure a parallel run, see Parallel Run (p. 14) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager
User's Guide.
Release 12.1 - 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Partitioner Tab
Use the Partitioner tab to configure the mesh partitioning options.
An existing partition file cannot be used if the simulation involves either the Monte Carlo or Discrete
Transfer radiation models.
Partitions may be viewed prior to running CFX-Solver. For details, see CFX Partition File (p. 64) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
The *.par file is only required if a model has already been partitioned. The number of partitions in the
partitioning file must be the same as that selected on the Run Definition tab.
A partition file generated in ANSYS CFX 11.0 or earlier versions is not supported in ANSYS CFX
12.0. If such a file is used in ANSYS CFX 12.0, then an error message is generated.
Under Run Priority, select Idle, Low, Standard or High. For a discussion of these priorities, see The
cfx5control Application (p. 131) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
If required, select the Use Large Problem Partitioner option, which is available on 64-bit platforms only.
This option starts the large problem partitioner which can partition problems up to 2^31-1 elements. This
partitioner uses 64-bit integer and logical variables so it will allocate more memory than the default partitioning
executable. For details, see Large Problem Partitioner Executables (p. 125) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager
User's Guide.
Multilevel Graph Partitioning Software - MeTiS (p. 349) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
When first running in parallel, it is recommended that Partition Type be set to MeTiS.
Recursive Coordinate Bisection (p. 349) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Optimized Recursive Coordinate Bisection (p. 349) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Directional Recursive Coordinate Bisection (p. 350) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
User Specified Direction (p. 350) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
If required, configure the Multidomain Option. You can select from the following options:
Independent Partitioning: Each domain is partitioned independently into the specified number
of partitions.
Coupled Partitioning: All domains that are connected together are partitioned together. Note that
solid domains are still partitioned separately from fluid/porous domains. Coupled partitioning often leads
to better scalability, reduced memory requirements, and sometimes better robustness, than independent
partitioning because there are fewer partition boundaries.
For details, see Selection of the Partitioning Mode for Multi-Domain Cases (p. 361) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
When the coupled partitioning option is activated, you can further choose to set the Multipass Partitioning
option. The Transient Rotor Stator option is relevant only for simulations having transient rotor
stator interfaces. It uses a special multipass algorithm to further optimize the partition boundaries. This
approach generates circumferentially-banded partitions adjacent to each transient rotor stator interface,
which ensures that interface nodes remain in the same partition as the two domains slide relative to each
other. Away from the interface, the partitioning is handled using whichever method is specified for the
Partition Type.
If required, under Partitioner Memory, adjust the memory configuration. For details, see Configuring Memory
for the CFX-Solver (p. 13) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
Partitioning Weighting
As discussed below, partitions can be weighted in different ways. The default setting is Automatic.
Assigns equal-sized partitions to each process.
Requires Run Definition to be configured with individual partition weights.
Partition Weights is added to the parallel environment. This allows partition weights to be entered. When more
than one partition is assigned to any machine, the number of partition weight entries must equal the number of
partitions. The partition weight entries should be entered as a comma-separated list. For a distributed run like the
# of Partitions
Partition Weights
2, 1.5
Sys01 is therefore a single partition and the weight is 2. Sys02 has two partitions and they are individually
weighted at 2 and 1.5. The final system has a single partition with a weight of 1.
If partition weight factors are used, the ratio of partition weights assigned to each partition controls the partition
Once started, the run progresses through the partitioning, and then into the solution of the CFD problem. Extra
information is stored in the CFX output file for a parallel run. For details, see Partitioning Information (p. 48) in
the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
Calculates partition sizes based on the Relative Speed entry specified for each machine in the hostinfo.ccl
Release 12.1 - 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Termination Control
Machines with a faster relative speed than others are assigned proportionally larger partition sizes. The entry of
relative speed values is usually carried out during the CFX installation process, and accurate entries for relative
speed can significantly optimize parallel performance.
Solver Tab
Under Run Priority, select Idle, Low, Standard or High. For a discussion of these priorities as well as
how you can change them after the execution of the solver has started, see The cfx5control Application (p.
131) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
If required, from Double Precision Override or Executable Settings > Double Precision Override, select
or clear Double Precision. This setting for the solver will override the corresponding specification, if set, on
the Run Definition tab.
For details, see Double-Precision Executables (p. 125) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
If required, under Solver Memory, adjust the memory configuration. For details, see Configuring Memory
for the CFX-Solver (p. 13) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
This is done when using a custom solver executable. In addition, any command line arguments that must be
supplied to the program can be entered under Solver Arguments.
Interpolator Tab
Under Run Priority, select Idle, Low, Standard or High. For a discussion of these priorities, see The
cfx5control Application (p. 131) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
If required, from Double Precision Override or Executable Settings > Double Precision Override, select
or clear Double Precision. This setting for the interpolator will override the corresponding specification, if
set, on the Run Definition tab.
For details, see Double-Precision Executables (p. 125) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
If required, under Interpolator Memory, adjust the memory configuration. For details, see Configuring
Memory for the CFX-Solver (p. 13) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
Termination Control
The Termination Control settings apply to the simulations with one or more configurations. This section describes:
For each Control Condition, select the appropriate termination control Option.
For each Control Condition set the Configuration Name appropriate for the termination control condition.
For each Control Condition, set the appropriate Number of Steps or Condition Name(s).
When you have finished defining how the simulation will terminate, click OK or Apply to save the settings. Details
of the above steps are described in the next section.
control condition. To change its settings, the termination control condition must be highlighted. You can
highlight a condition by selecting it from the displayed list. Click Delete
control condition.
Control Condition: Options
The options for termination control are either Max. Configuration Steps or Solver Interrupt Conditions.
The former setting is used to terminate a simulations after a selected configuration has been executed the
prescribed number of times. The latter setting is used to terminate a simulation whenever the named CFX-Solver
interrupt conditions for the selected configurations have been satisfied. Note that the latter option is only valid
if CFX-Solver interrupt conditions have been defined. For details, see Interrupt Control (p. 148).
Control Condition: Configuration Name
Choose the configuration for which the termination control is to be applied.
Control Condition: Number of Steps
This setting is used to set to the maximum number of times the specified configuration is to be executed in the
course of the simulation.
Control Condition: Condition Name(s)
This setting is used to identify the names of the solver interrupt condition for the specified configuration to be
used to terminate the simulation.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Set the activation control option to activate the configuration at the start of the simulation or following the
completion of another configuration.
Note that it is possible to have more than one configuration activated at the start of the simulation. You also have
the option of specifying more than one activation condition for a configuration (for example, a configuration can
be activated at the start of the simulation as well as at the completion of another configuration).
To control when remeshing is to occur, you are required to:
To define how a CFX-Solver can be started, the number of settings that you need to define for Configuration
depends on the case:
In some cases, you need only to specify the name of a CFX-Solver input file (*.def or *.mdef). For cases
that require initialization from previous results, you also need to specify the name of a results file (*.res).
Serial run is the default way of running a CFD case. During a serial run, all computation is done by a single
process running on one processor.
Parallel run partitions the computation into more than one process and is done on more than one processor
in a single machine (local parallel processing) or on more than one machine (distributed parallel processing).
You also have the option of specifying how the computation is partitioned for a parallel run.
You can optionally select the system priority for the interpolator and solver computation as well as settings such
as precision and memory allocation.
When you have finished setting the parameters for the configuration, click OK or Apply to save the settings.
Details of the above steps are described in the next section.
Define at least one Activation Condition. There are two Option values available for each Activation Condition:
End of Configuration to activate the configuration whenever any one of a prescribed configuration
One activation condition is automatically generated for you and the default Option is set to Start of Simulation.
If required, create additional activation conditions by clicking New
condition or to delete a condition (by clicking Delete
displayed list.
Remeshing Tab
The Remeshing tab allows to you introduce one or more remeshing definitions within the configuration being
edited. To create a remeshing definition, click New
ANSYS CFX Reference Guide.
Select either the User Defined or ICEM CFD Replay value for the Option setting. Additional settings, which
depend on the option selected, are described in the sections User Defined Remeshing (p. 225) and ANSYS
ICEM CFD Replay Remeshing (p. 226), presented below.
Select one or more activation condition(s) to be used to activate the remeshing object during the configurations
execution. This selection is made from a list of the solver Interrupt Control conditions (for details, see
Interrupt Control (p. 148)) that were defined for the Flow Analysis specified in the General Settings tab.
Select the mesh Location that will be replaced by remeshing. This selection is made from a list of the 3D mesh
regions that are used in the Flow Analysis specified in the General Settings tab.
Each remeshing definition also allows you to specify a comma separated list of Mesh Reload Options that control
how the new mesh replaces the previous one. The new mesh could, for example, be reloaded as a .gtm file using
[mm] length units and all relevant mesh transformations by specifying:
Mesh Reload Options = replacetype=gtm,replaceunits=mm,notransform=false
These and other options are summarized in the table below.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Remeshing Tab
True (default) ensures mesh transformations are not performed on mesh reload.
True or False
Interpolate solution data from the previous mesh onto the new mesh
In addition to the required and optional general settings described above, the User Defined option requires
specification of:
Remeshing Tab
The External Command is submitted to the operating system for execution. This may be a command to start a
mesh (re)generation executable directly with certain inputs, or a shell script that executes several commands. It is
important to note that this command is submitted from the current run directory (for example case_001.dir),
so care is required when using relative paths to files during remeshing.
Useful inputs to the remeshing process may be extracted from the most recently generated CFX-Solver Results file.
For details, see Remeshing Guide (p. 65) in the ANSYS CFX Reference Guide. This file is located in the run
directory, and is simply called res (no prefix or suffix) at the time of submitting the External Command to the
operating system.
For additional details, see User Defined Remeshing (p. ) in the ANSYS CFX Reference Guide.
Compile a comprehensive remeshing replay file from a combination of provided and user-specified replay files
Execute the ANSYS ICEM CFD mesh generator in batch mode, using the remeshing replay file
Interpolate solution data from the previous mesh onto the new mesh
In addition to the required and optional general settings described above, the ICEM CFD Replay option requires
specification of:
An ANSYS ICEM CFD Geometry File (with a tin extension) that contains the reference geometry
A Mesh Replay File (with an rpl extension) that contains a recording of the steps (that is, the commands)
used to generate the mesh in the ANSYS ICEM CFD application.
For additional details, see ICEM CFD Replay Remeshing (p. ) in the ANSYS CFX Reference Guide.
An ICEM CFD Parts List, which is a list of parts (or families) defined in the referenced Geometry File
These definitions are applied, in conjunction with the default geometry control replay file
(icemcfd_GeomCtrl.rpl contained the <CFXROOT>/etc/Remeshing directory), to modify the reference
geometry prior to regenerating the mesh. If the geometry control option is set to User Defined Replay File, then a
File Name is required and the specified file is used instead of the default geometry control replay file.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
An ICEM CFD Parts List, which is a list of parts (or families) defined in the referenced Geometry File
These definitions are applied in conjunction with the default mesh control replay file (icemcfd_MeshCtrl.rpl
contained the <CFXROOT>/etc/Remeshing directory), to modify the reference geometry prior to regenerating
the mesh. If the mesh control option is set to User Defined Replay File, then a File Name is required and the
specified file is used instead of the default mesh control replay file.
Scalar Parameter
Scalar Parameter definitions are used to set values of additional pre- or user-defined parameters referenced in any
of the replay files used by ANSYS ICEM CFD during remeshing. Each definition provides a mapping between a
scalar parameter used during remeshing (with the same name as the Scalar Parameter definition) and a Monitor
Point defined in the Flow Analysis.
The parameters listed in the table below are used in the default geometry control replay file, and become relevant
if a Scalar Parameter definition is created with the same name.
The specified scale is used to address length unit differences between the
geometry contained in the specified ANSYS ICEM CFD Geometry File
and the mesh contained in the CFX-Solver Input file. For example, if the
length unit is [mm] in the ANSYS ICEM CFD geometry and [m] in the
CFX-Solver InputCFX-Solver Input file, then the geometry scale should
be set to 0.001.
The specified offset values are added to the centroid displacements (see
the discussion on ICEM CFD Geometry Control presented above) that
are applied for the part (or family) named PartName. Note that the ICEM
CFD Geometry Scale is also applied to the offset specified offset.
Select Initial Values Specification so that you can specify one or more sources of initial values. Note that for
cases with multiple configurations, initial values specifications are not valid for Global Settings. For each
source of initial values (most runs only require one), do the following:
to create an initial values object.
Click New
Select an initial values object from the list and select either the Results File or Configuration Results
option for Initial Values > Option.
If you selected the Results File option, then specify the file name of a file from which initial values
should be used.
If you selected the Configuration Results option, then specify the name of the configuration from
which initial values should be used. Note that this option is only available in the context of
multi-configuration simulations. It allows the introduction of dependencies on initial values that will
become available at run time.
The Use Mesh From setting determines which mesh is used for the analysis: the one specified in the
Solver Input File option, or the one in the Initial Values. The mesh from the Initial Values File can only
Partitioner Tab
be used in a limited set of circumstances. See Using the Mesh from the Initial Values File (p. 84) in the
ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide for details.
Select Continue History From if you want to continue the run history (convergence history, monitor
plots, time and time step counters, etc) and use the smoothest restart possible from the selected Initial
Values File. The run will continue from the one contained the specified initial values object. Note that
the run history will reset if Continue History From is not selected.
Full details of the settings can be found in Reading the Initial Conditions from a File (p. 81) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Partitioner Only is used for parallel runs only and does not run Solver. This writes a .par file.
Select or clear Double Precision or Executable Selection > Double Precision. This setting will determine
the default (single or double) precision of the partitioner, solver and interpolator executables. For details on
the precision of executables, see Double-Precision Executables (p. 125) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager
User's Guide. The precision of the solver and interpolator executables can be set individually on the Solver
and Interpolator tabs.
Additional information is provided in the next section, Parallel Environment, and in Initial Condition Modeling (p.
71) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Parallel Environment
For a distributed parallel setup, specify the number of partitions assigned to each host. If choosing a specified
partition weighting (under Partitioner), click directly on the partition weight number to edit it. There should be one
weight entry per partition.
To learn how to configure a parallel run, see Parallel Run (p. 14) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager
User's Guide.
Partitioner Tab
The Partitioner Tab settings described below apply to a specified configuration in the simulation. You can override
these settings for the specific configuration from the Define Run dialog box in the CFX-Solver Manager (for details,
see The Define Run Dialog Box (p. 7) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide).
Use the Partitioner tab to configure the mesh partitioning options.
An existing partition file cannot be used if the simulation involves either the Monte Carlo or Discrete
Transfer radiation models.
Partitions may be viewed prior to running CFX-Solver. For details, see CFX Partition File (p. 64) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Partitioner Tab
The *.par file is only required if a model has already been partitioned. The number of partitions in the
partitioning file must be the same as that selected on the Run Definition tab.
A partition file generated in ANSYS CFX 11.0 or earlier versions is not supported in ANSYS CFX
12.0. If such a file is used in ANSYS CFX 12.0, then an error message is generated.
Under Run Priority, select Idle, Low, Standard or High. For a discussion of these priorities, see The
cfx5control Application (p. 131) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
If required, select the Use Large Problem Partitioner option, which is available on 64-bit platforms only.
This option starts the large problem partitioner which can partition problems up to 2^31-1 elements. This
partitioner uses 64-bit integer and logical variables so it will allocate more memory than the default partitioning
executable. For details, see Large Problem Partitioner Executables (p. 125) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager
User's Guide.
Multilevel Graph Partitioning Software - MeTiS (p. 349) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
When first running in parallel, it is recommended that Partition Type be set to MeTiS.
Recursive Coordinate Bisection (p. 349) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Optimized Recursive Coordinate Bisection (p. 349) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Directional Recursive Coordinate Bisection (p. 350) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
User Specified Direction (p. 350) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
If required, configure the Multidomain Option. You can select from the following options:
Independent Partitioning: Each domain is partitioned independently into the specified number
of partitions.
Coupled Partitioning: All domains that are connected together are partitioned together. Note that
solid domains are still partitioned separately from fluid/porous domains. Coupled partitioning often leads
to better scalability, reduced memory requirements, and sometimes better robustness, than independent
partitioning because there are fewer partition boundaries.
For details, see Selection of the Partitioning Mode for Multi-Domain Cases (p. 361) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
When the coupled partitioning option is activated, you can further choose to set the Multipass Partitioning
option. The Transient Rotor Stator option is relevant only for simulations having transient rotor
stator interfaces. It uses a special multipass algorithm to further optimize the partition boundaries. This
approach generates circumferentially-banded partitions adjacent to each transient rotor stator interface,
which ensures that interface nodes remain in the same partition as the two domains slide relative to each
other. Away from the interface, the partitioning is handled using whichever method is specified for the
Partition Type.
If required, under Partitioner Memory, adjust the memory configuration. For details, see Configuring Memory
for the CFX-Solver (p. 13) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
Solver Tab
Partitioning Weighting
As discussed below, partitions can be weighted in different ways. The default setting is Automatic.
Assigns equal-sized partitions to each process.
Requires Run Definition to be configured with individual partition weights.
Partition Weights is added to the parallel environment. This allows partition weights to be entered. When more
than one partition is assigned to any machine, the number of partition weight entries must equal the number of
partitions. The partition weight entries should be entered as a comma-separated list. For a distributed run like the
# of Partitions
Partition Weights
2, 1.5
Sys01 is therefore a single partition and the weight is 2. Sys02 has two partitions and they are individually
weighted at 2 and 1.5. The final system has a single partition with a weight of 1.
If partition weight factors are used, the ratio of partition weights assigned to each partition controls the partition
Once started, the run progresses through the partitioning, and then into the solution of the CFD problem. Extra
information is stored in the CFX output file for a parallel run. For details, see Partitioning Information (p. 48) in
the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
Calculates partition sizes based on the Relative Speed entry specified for each machine in the hostinfo.ccl
Machines with a faster relative speed than others are assigned proportionally larger partition sizes. The entry of
relative speed values is usually carried out during the CFX installation process, and accurate entries for relative
speed can significantly optimize parallel performance.
Solver Tab
The Solver Tab settings described below apply to a specified configuration in the simulation. You can override
these settings for the specific configuration from the Define Run dialog box in the CFX-Solver Manager (for details,
see The Define Run Dialog Box (p. 7) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide).
Under Run Priority, select Idle, Low, Standard or High. For a discussion of these priorities as well as
how you can change them after the execution of the solver has started, see The cfx5control Application (p.
131) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
If required, from Double Precision Override or Executable Settings > Double Precision Override, select
or clear Double Precision. This setting for the solver will override the corresponding specification, if set, on
the Run Definition tab.
Release 12.1 - 2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved.
Contains proprietary and confidential information of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Interpolator Tab
For details, see Double-Precision Executables (p. 125) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
If required, under Solver Memory, adjust the memory configuration. For details, see Configuring Memory
for the CFX-Solver (p. 13) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
This is done when using a custom solver executable. In addition, any command line arguments that must be
supplied to the program can be entered under Solver Arguments.
Interpolator Tab
The Interpolator Tab settings described below apply to a specified configuration in the simulation. You can override
these settings for the specific flow configuration from the Define Run dialog box in the CFX-Solver Manager (for
details, see The Define Run Dialog Box (p. 7) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide).
Under Run Priority, select Idle, Low, Standard or High. For a discussion of these priorities, see The
cfx5control Application (p. 131) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
If required, from Double Precision Override or Executable Settings > Double Precision Override, select
or clear Double Precision. This setting for the interpolator will override the corresponding specification, if
set, on the Run Definition tab.
For details, see Double-Precision Executables (p. 125) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
If required, under Interpolator Memory, adjust the memory configuration. For details, see Configuring
Memory for the CFX-Solver (p. 13) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Manager User's Guide.
You can switch to Quick Setup mode by selecting Tools > Quick Setup Mode from the main menu.
This chapter describes:
Start CFX-Pre.
Simulation Data
A short description of each of the Problem Type options are displayed in CFX-Pre.
Problem Type
Problem Type can be set to any of the following:
Single Phase
Only one fluid is present in a single phase simulation, and it is usually a pure substance.
If this option is selected, the simulation is used to model the average properties of a mixture of chemical species.
This option contains more than one fluid, each of which is modeled separately. In general, unlike multi-component
simulations, the fluids are of different chemical species.
Working Fluid
Working Fluid
Under Working Fluid, you select the fluids for use in the domain.
If Analysis Type is set to Single Phase, you may select only one fluid for the domain. If Multi-Phase
was chosen, you may select at least two fluids.
If you are defining a multi-component simulation, you must provide a name for your custom material, which is
defined by the fluids specified under Components.
Select the fluids you plan to use in the simulation from this drop-down menu. At least two fluids are required.
Mesh Data
Mesh File
Click Browse
to open the Import Mesh dialog box and search for the mesh file to import.
The most common mesh file formats can be imported in Quick Setup mode. If other mesh formats, advanced
options or user import methods are required, General Mode should be used.
For details, see Importing and Transforming Meshes (p. 51).
Physics Definition
Under Physics Definition, you will set the type of simulation and specify model data such as the pressure, heat
transfer, and turbulence options.
Analysis Type
Select the analysis type: Steady State or Transient.
Steady State
No further settings are required.
If Transient is selected, set the Total Time and Time Step values for the transient simulation.
Model Data
Reference Pressure
Set a value for the reference pressure. For details, see Setting a Reference Pressure (p. 8) in the ANSYS
CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Heat Transfer
Select the heat transfer model. For details, see Heat Transfer: Option (p. 88).
Select the turbulence model. For details, see Turbulence: Option (p. 89).
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Boundary Definition
Boundary Definition
CFX-Pre will automatically create boundary conditions based on name matching criteria, but you can define your
own as follows:
Right-click in the blank area and select New to create a new boundary condition.
A dialog box will pop up and ask for the name of the boundary condition you want to create.
Click OK.
Repeat the preceding steps for each remaining boundary condition you wish to create.
You may delete any boundary conditions that are not required for the simulation simply by right-clicking the
boundary condition in the list and selecting Delete from the shortcut menu.
A default boundary condition will be created automatically for any 2D regions on the boundary of the domain,
which have not been assigned a boundary condition. By default, the default boundary condition is a no-slip
adiabatic wall.
Final Operations
The final step allows you to select from various options.
If there are additional settings you need to address that are not covered in Quick Setup mode, you must
select Enter General Mode. The other two options will automatically write a solver (.def) file
based on the settings defined in Quick Setup mode.
Start Solver enters General Mode, writes the solver (.def) file, and passes it to the CFX-Solver
Start Solver and Quit (available in Standalone mode) writes the solver (.def) file, passes it to
the CFX-Solver Manager, and then shuts down CFX-Pre.
You can switch to Turbo mode when working on a general simulation by selecting Tools > Turbo
Mode at any time during the simulation.
Turbo Mode is designed specifically for the setup of Turbo cases, so if it is used for unsuitable cases
some data may be lost.
After setting up a turbomachinery simulation in a CFX component system, if you change topology
or number of blades in the mesh, then refreshing or updating the CFX Setup cell (directly or indirectly)
will fail to propagate the new information correctly. This will lead to incorrect results. To compensate,
you can manually correct the number of blades in CFX-Pre by re-entering Turbo Mode (available
from the Tools menu). In addition, the boundaries may need to be manually corrected in CFX-Pre.
You do not need to specify a file name until the end of Turbo mode, as you will either specify the name
for the .def file on the Final Operations panel, or you will return to General mode and make any
further required changes to your simulation definition.
Basic Settings
When Turbo mode is first entered, the Basic Settings panel appears.
Machine Type
The machine type can be any one of Pump, Fan, Axial Compressor, Centrifugal Compressor, Axial
Turbine, Radial Turbine, or Other. In all cases, as part of the Turbo System functionality, the machine
type will be part of the data passed between CFX-Pre and CFD-Post in order to aid workflow.
The axis of rotation for the turbo component is set relative to the Global Coordinate frame (Coord 0) by default.
You can choose a user-specified coordinate frame from the drop-down list or create a new one by selecting
For details, see Coordinate Frames (p. 183). For details, see Coordinate Frames (p. 21) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide.
Coordinate Frame
Choose a Coordinate Frame or click the
Frames (p. 183). For details, see Coordinate Frames (p. 21) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Rotational Axis
Select the rotational axis relative to the chosen coordinate frame.
Axis Visibility
Toggle to select the visibility of the axis.
Component Definition
The Component Definition panel is used to set up the component names, and import and/or transform the meshes
used in the simulation.
Component Selector
Displays the components currently being used in the simulation. Components can be added, removed and altered
using the commands available through right-clicking in the component selector area.
New Component
Move Component Up
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Component Type
Move Component Down Moves the selected component down in the component list.
Axial Alignment
You must ensure that the components are ordered correctly in the selector from top (inlet end) to bottom (outlet
Component Type
If the component is rotating, the angular speed is required under Value. The rotation axis is defined on the Basic
Settings panel. For details, see Rotational Axis (p. 238).
Mesh File
Click Browse
to assign a mesh file to the selected component. The Import Mesh dialog box will appear
requesting the file name, location, and file type. For some file types, the mesh units must be specified; this is indicated
by the presence of a Mesh Units dropdown menu. If a mesh file has previously been specified, selecting a new
mesh file will result in the original file being deleted and the new mesh being imported. In addition to this, the
Reload Mesh feature is available in General Mode which allows multiple mesh files to be replaced at once. For
details, see Reload Mesh Files Command (p. 28).
If you wish to use a mesh volume that has already been imported as part of another component, do not specify a
mesh file here and set Available Volumes > Volumes to the appropriate region.
Passages Per Mesh is an indication of the number of blade passages that exist in the selected mesh file. The value
will normally be 1.
Passages to Model
This parameter is optional and is used to specify the number of passages in the section being modeled. This value
is used in CFD-Post.
Passages in 360
This parameter is optional and is used to specify the number of passages in the machine. This value is used in
If this value is not specified it is automatically calculated based on how many copies of the mesh are required for
modeling a full 360 degree section.
Theta Offset
Rotates the selected mesh, about the rotational axis, through an angle theta. The offset can be a single value or set
to an expression by clicking
Available Volumes
Available Volumes
Set Volumes to the 3D region(s) that apply for the selected component.
Normally this will not be required - it simply contains all of the mesh volumes for the mesh file specified above.
However, if you wish to set up a case where a single mesh file contains the meshes for multiple components, select
the appropriate mesh volume here.
Region Information
This section shows the names of the mesh regions that have been recognized as potential boundaries and interfaces.
This name matching is done using the template names provided, which can be configured for your particular mesh
files as appropriate. If the list of names that is shown is incorrect or incomplete, these can be modified accordingly.
In the default case, this data should not need changing.
Wall Configuration
This option is for rotating components only and allows you to model a tip clearance at either the current shroud or
hub location (Tip Clearance at Shroud or Tip Clearance at Hub). If activated by selecting Yes, then a Counter
Rotating Wall option is set for the required boundary. The default setting for No is a No Slip wall boundary
Physics Definition
Properties of the fluid domain and solver parameters are specified on the Physics Definition panel.
Choose a Fluid from the list. Only one is permitted.
Analysis Type
The analysis type determines whether your problem is steady-state or transient. If the problem is transient, set Total
Time to the total simulation time and Time Steps to the timestep increment. For example, to study 10 timesteps
over 0.1 seconds, set Total Time to 0.1 [s] and Time Steps to 0.01 [s].
For details, see Analysis Type (p. 79).
Model Data
Reference Pressure
This is used to set the absolute pressure level that all other relative pressure set in a simulation are measured relative
to. For details, see Setting a Reference Pressure (p. 8) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Heat Transfer
This model selection will depend upon the type of fluid you have chosen. For details, see Heat Transfer (p. 7) in
the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
The models available will depend upon the fluid which has been chosen. For details, see Turbulence and Near-Wall
Modeling (p. 97) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Boundary Templates
Select from one of the commonly used configurations of boundary conditions or choose None. The configurations
are listed from the least robust option to the most robust. For details, see Recommended Configurations of Boundary
Conditions (p. 43) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
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Select a default interface type that will be applied to components. This can be modified later on a per-component
Solver Parameters
Advection Scheme
For details, see Advection Scheme Selection (p. 335) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Convergence Control
This option is only available for steady state simulations and determines how the timestep size is used to aid
convergence. You can select Automatic (timestep size controlled by the solver) or Physical Timescale
(enter a timestep value).
Interface Definition
Domain interfaces are used to connect multiple assemblies together, to model frame change between domains, and
to create periodic regions within and between domains. Domain interfaces are automatically generated based on
the region information.
The list box shows the existing interfaces. You can right-click and select New to create a new interface or Delete
to delete an existing one.
Clicking on an interface from the list allows for the viewing and editing of its properties, including Side 1, Side
2 and Type. For details, see Type (p. 241).
CFX-Pre will automatically attempt to determine the frame change and periodic regions. For details, see Type (p. 241).
Such interfaces are named according to the following: for two domains, A and B:
The frame change interfaces model the interface between a rotating assembly and a stationary assembly. For details,
see Frame Change/Mixing Model (p. 126) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide. When the analysis type is
steady state, four options are available to model frame change:
Stage: For details, see Stage (p. 127) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Boundary Definition
Frozen Rotor: For details, see Frozen Rotor (p. 126) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Stage: For details, see Stage (p. 127) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Transient Rotor-Stator: For details, see Transient Rotor-Stator (p. 128) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide.
In addition, a frame change interface of type None is created for tip clearance regions and disconnected regions of
mesh within a component (for example between an inlet section and a blade section). Periodic interfaces are used
in regions where a portion of the flow field is repeated in many identical regions. The flow around a single turbine
blade in a rotating machine, or around a single louvre in a whole array in a heat exchanger fin are such examples.
Boundary Definition
The Boundary Definition panel is used to set boundary conditions for the remaining surfaces in the simulation.
The list box shows the existing interfaces. You can right-click and select New to create a new interface or Delete
to delete an existing one.
The Flow Specification options (Wall Influence On Flow) vary with the boundary type. For details, see Flow
Specification/Wall Influence on Flow (p. 242).
CFX-Pre uses the information gained from domain interfaces and region specification to automatically create the
required boundary condition locations, in addition to any template boundary configuration that you have chosen.
You can check the definition for each one by clicking on a boundary and viewing the properties displayed. You can
change the properties of any of the automatic boundary conditions. You should ensure that you set the parameter
values for the inlet and outlet boundary conditions since they will assume default values.
Boundary Data
Specify the boundary type and select the location from the drop-down list. Alternatively, while the Location list is
active, click in the viewer to directly select the surface.
Final Operations
Start Solver enters General mode, writes the solver (.def) file with the specified name and passes
it to the CFX-Solver Manager.
Start Solver and Quit writes the solver (.def) file with the specified name, passes it to the
CFX-Solver Manager and shuts down CFX-Pre. This option is not available when running CFX in ANSYS
Enter General Mode simply enters General mode without writing any files.
If you are running CFX-Pre in ANSYS Workbench, the only available option is Enter General Mode.
In this case, the solver can be started from ANSYS Workbench.
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Final Operations
Evaporating Drops (see Liquid Evaporation Model (p. 194) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide)
Oil Combustion (see Liquid Evaporation Model: Oil Evaporation/Combustion (p. 195) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide)
Spray Dryer (see Liquid Evaporation Model: Spray Dryer with Droplets Containing a Solid Substrate (p. 195)
in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide)
Boiling Water
The boiling water model template contains domain settings for a simulation modeling the boiling of water. The
domain boiling device is specified with two fluids: Water at 100 C and Water Vapour at 100
C. Water at 100 C is the continuous phase and Water Vapour at 100 C is the dispersed phase. The
inhomogeneous multiphase model is employed. For details, see The Inhomogeneous (Interfluid Transfer) Model
(p. 146) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Boiling is modeled by setting the Mass Transfer option on the Fluid Pair Models tab to Phase Change (which
uses the Thermal Phase Change model and requires a saturation temperature).
Review all settings applied to the simulation and create suitable boundary conditions. For details, see Thermal Phase
Change Model (p. 160) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide. Initialization data must also be set. For details,
see Initial Conditions for a Multiphase Simulation (p. 80) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Cavitating Water
The cavitation model template contains domain settings and fluid models for a cavitating flow. The domain
cavitating device is specified with two fluids, Water at 25 C and Water Vapour at 25 C. The
homogeneous multiphase model is employed. The Homogeneous Model (p. 146) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver
Modeling Guide.
The Rayleigh Plesset model is used to model cavitation in the domain. For details, see Rayleigh Plesset
Model (p. 164) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Boiling is modeled by setting the Mass Transfer option on the Fluid Pair Models tab to Phase Change (which
uses the Thermal Phase Change model and requires a saturation temperature).
Review all settings applied to the simulation and create suitable boundary conditions. For details, see Cavitation
Model (p. 163) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling GuideInitialization data must also be set. For details, see
Initial Conditions for a Multiphase Simulation (p. 80) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Coal Combustion
Coal Combustion
The coal combustion analysis template contains all the material definitions to perform a coal calculation using
proximate/ultimate input data. Analysis data is provided for a commonly used coal. The template includes a global
single-step devolatilization mechanism, together with materials and reactions for performing NOx calculations,
including fuel NOx generation and NO reburn.
Further information on proximate/ultimate analysis is available. For details, see Hydrocarbon Fuel Model Setup (p.
221) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
Comfort Factors
There are expressions for calculating Mean Radiant Temperature and Resultant Temperature for use in HVAC
simulations. Resultant Temperature is a comfort factor defined in [92 (p. 285)]. Two options are available:
Most users are likely to prefer the first option, but sometimes the second option will be required, for example when
the model simulates a ventilation system in which the control system depends dynamically on derived comfort
The model library template creates two Additional Variables: PMV (Predicted Mean Vote) and PPD (Predicted
Percentage of Dissatisfied), which are comfort factors defined in [93 (p. 285)].
A User Fortran routine named usr_pmvppd.F has been developed for computing the values of PMV, and can be
found in the etc/model-templates/ directory of your ANSYS CFX installation. The template contains a
CCL definition for the user routine named pmvppd, which calls the Fortran routine. Values for U, V, W, temperature
and radiation intensity are passed to the routine and the dimensionless value of PMV is returned. The value is then
used to calculate PPD based on the formula:
(Eq. 34.1)
Only a fixed value for humidity for PMV and PPD can be used at the present time. The values should be supplied
as partial pressure of water vapor.
Radiation and the ISO tables for metabolic rate and clothing thermal resistance are included in the template file,
which can be accessed by opening the following file in a text editor:
You can also use customized values pertinent to your simulation. Full details are given in the template file itself.
Compiling the routine requires the use of the cfx5mkext utility. For details, see Creating the Shared Libraries (p.
388) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide.
It is required that an absolute Library Path must be explicitly set to the User Routine. For details, see User CEL
Routines (p. 213).
Multigrey Radiation
The multigrey radiation template contains domain settings for a simulation modeling combustion. The domain
combustor is specified with a methane/air burning mixture. It is solved using the Eddy Dissipation
combustion model, the Discrete Transfer thermal radiation model and the Multigrey spectral model.
Review all settings applied to the simulation and create suitable boundary conditions. For details, see:
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Multigrey Radiation
Eddy Dissipation Model (p. 230) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
The Discrete Transfer Model (p. 263) in the ANSYS CFX-Solver Modeling Guide
Select Tools > Command Editor. Alternatively, right-click any object that can be modified using the Command
Editor and select Edit in Command Editor.
If you select Tools > Command Editor, the Command Editor opens and displays the current state
regardless of any selection.
If the Command Editor dialog box has not been used previously, it will be blank.
If the Command Editor dialog box has been used previously, it will contain CCL commands. If you
do not want to edit the CCL that appears, click Clear to erase all content.
If you right-click an object and select Edit in Command Editor, the CCL definition of the specific object
populates the Command Editor automatically. Modify or add parameters as required, then process the
new object definition to apply the changes.
Prepare the content of the Command Editor by adding new content, modifying the existing content, or both.
The types of content that may be prepared are CCL, action commands, and power syntax. Combinations of
these types of content are allowed. For details, see:
Right-click in the Command Editor to access basic editing functions. These functions include Find, which
makes a search tool appear at the bottom of the Command Editor dialog box. Enter a search term and click
either Next or Previous to search upwards or downwards from the insertion point or text selection. To hide
the search tool, press Esc.
Click Process.
The contents are processed: CCL changes will affect CCL object definitions, actions will be carried out, and
power syntax will be executed.
To replace the CCL currently displayed in the Command Editor with CCL in a file:
From the Command Editor, right-click Import. The Import CCL dialog is displayed. For details, see Import
CCL Command (p. 28)
Click Open. Note that independent of the Import Method selection on the Import CCL dialog, the CCL in
the Command Editor is always replaced by the CCL loaded from the file.
Click Process.
Command actions are preceded by a prompt consisting of a right angle bracket (>). For details, see Command
Actions (p. 249) in the ANSYS CFX Reference Guide.
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