Gold Deportment
Gold Deportment
Gold Deportment
Modern gold deportment studies include physical, chemical and
mineralogical assessments, combined to obtain a full understanding of
the nature and variability of gold in a resource. The objective is to
provide information which will allow cost effective and practical
processing by informing decisions regarding resource evaluation, mining
method and extraction process optimization.
The distribution of gold, based on speciation, grain size and mode of
occurrence (liberation, exposure, and mineral association) is
quantitatively determined by means of automated Scanning Electron
Microscopic Techniques (QEMSCAN/MLA). Furthermore, general
mineralogical characterization is undertaken in order to characterize the
gangue components; with special emphasis on deleterious
characteristics of the ore (e.g. cyanide consumers such as secondary
Cu-species, preg-robbers/borrowers, passivation due to Sb-minerals or
As-minerals and oxygen consumers such as pyrrhotite/marcasite).
Predictions based on the mineralogical observations are confirmed by
physical and chemical testwork. These include grading analyses, gravity
separation, direct cyanidation, and diagnostic (sequential) leach tests.
The most efficient gold extraction processing route is directly related to
the inherent mineralogical features of the gold ore being processed. The
mineral assemblage determines the performance of all chemical and
physical processes involved in gold extraction (e.g. Chryssoulis and
Cabri, 1990; Marsden and House, 1992; Chryssoulis and McMullen,
2005). It is therefore crucial to accurately characterize the mineralogical
nature of the ore to be processed; i.e. characterization of the precious
metal phases (gold deportment) and gangue minerals. In the past,
mineralogical testwork was often time-consuming, relatively expensive
and the data obtained was qualitative rather than quantitative.
Advances in automated mineralogy, by Scanning Electron Microscopy,
revolutionized this field of study as the data became comprehensive and
quantitative. Various examples of the use of automated analysis
systems for gold deportment studies are found in the literature (e.g.
Gottlieb et al., 2000; Butcher et al., 2000; Chryssoulis, 2001; Gu, 2003;
Goodall et al., 2005; Goodall, 2008). It is therefore inexcusable for
mineralogical factors to be overlooked by project metallurgists, resulting
a. To quantify the gold that can be extracted via direct cyanidation (i.e.
free and exposed gold), a sub-sample is cyanided.
b. To quantify the gold that is preg-robbed, but which should be
recoverable via CIL processing, a second sub-sample is cyanided in the
presence of activated carbon.
c. To quantify the gold liberated by mild oxidative pre-treatment
(occluded in carbonates, pyrrhotite, magnetite, etc.), the CIL residue is
subjected to hot HCl followed by CIL dissolution of the acid-treated
d. To quantify the gold occluded within sulphide minerals, the residue
from the previous step is subjected to a severe oxidative pre-treatment
using hot HNO3 followed by CIL dissolution of the acid-treated residue.
e. To quantify the gold associated with carbonaceous material such as
kerogen, the subsequent residue sample is subjected to complete
oxidation via roasting, followed by CIL dissolution of the calcine product.
The gold remaining in the final residue is assumed to be occluded within
silicate gangue.
The interpretation of the diagnostic leach results is sometimes difficult,
especially if mineralogical data is not taken into consideration. For
example, diagnostic leach tests on a recently studied sample indicated
low direct cyanidation recoveries (65%). An additional 25% gold became
available to cyanidation after mild oxidative pre-treatment (hot HCl),
and it was assumed that this gold was locked in pyrrhotite and
carbonate. However, the gold deportment analysis indicated that <1%
of the particulate gold was locked in pyrrhotite or carbonates. In fact the
particulate gold was very well exposed (>90%). Further investigation
showed that the sample contains significant amounts of aurostibite,
arsenic- and antimony-sulphide minerals as well as oxygen consuming
marcasite and pyrrhotite. These sulphides interfered with the
cyanidation chemistry by consuming cyanide and oxygen and forming
passivation rims around gold grains during cyanidation. Thus, the HCl
pre-treatment really only acted as a washing step and some of the
passivation rims may have been dissolved. As a consequence of all this,
the cyanidation chemistry was subsequently changed by adding lead
nitrate and kerosene and the direct cyanidation recoveries improved
dramatically (90%). If the mineralogy was ignored, a considerable
amount of money would have been wasted on a testwork program to
recover the locked gold (flotation, ultra-fine grinding and even high
pressure leaching).
Cyanidation is the most commonly used technique for extracting gold
from ore by converting the gold to water soluble aurocyanide metallic
complex ions (Marsden and House, 1992). The dissolved gold is usually
also other minerals that would pose difficulties during processing (such
as natural floaters and clay minerals).
The presence of significant (often as low as <100 ppm) cyanide
consumers, such as secondary copper minerals (e.g. chalcocite,
covellite, malachite, azurite, etc.), could result in very high cyanide
consumption. High cyanide consumption often results in low or inhibited
gold recoveries, as the cyanide is preferably consumed by the more
abundant copper phases before it can dissolve the gold. Copper forms
stronger complexes with cyanide than gold and as a rule a five-to-one
molar ratio of cyanide to soluble copper is required to leach gold (Venter
et al., 2004). Precipitation of the Cu and Au as insoluble cyanide salts
may also be the cause of lower gold recoveries. Higher levels of cyanide
consumption may sway the economic viability of a project.
Oxygen is one of the reagents consumed during cyanidation, and a
deficiency of dissolved oxygen in the leach solution will slow down the
cyanidation reaction. Oxygen consumers, such as pyrrhotite and
marcasite, can have a detrimental effect on cyanidation. The oxidation
state of the leach, and a need for oxygen addition, should then be
closely monitored to optimize the leach performance. Pre-oxidation is a
common step, where oxygen consumers are abundant. Air or pure
oxygen gas can be bubbled through the pulp to increase the dissolved
oxygen concentration.
If gold concentration by flotation is considered, the presence of natural
floating minerals like pyrophyllite and talc becomes important
(Chryssoulis, 2001). These minerals, if present in significantquantities,
will report to the flotation concentrate, increase the mass pull and dilute
the gold grade.
If clay minerals, like montmorillonite, are present in significant amounts,
then problems related to solidliquid separation will be encountered.
Lower sold-liquid ratios may be required, which lowers the throughput of
a processing plant. Clay minerals also reduce permeability in heap-leach
Sulphide minerals further interfere by providing sulphide,
arsenite/arsenate and antimonite/antimonate ions that form insoluble
species on gold grain surfaces (Venter et al., 2004; Deschenes, 2005;
Deschenes et al., 2009; Karimi et al., in press).
The presence of coarse gold is indicated by the following results,
obtained during the testwork program:
a. High assay variability (triplicate gold assay).
b. Gold upgrades into the coarser fractions during the grading analysis
a. High gold recovery by HLS and gravity (>40%).
b. Large portion of the gold grains >25 m Equivalent Circular Diameter
Table 2: Head grades of the six composite samples from an East African
gold deposit.
Coarse gold results in large assay uncertainties due to the nugget
effect, which influences the mine call and plant call factors.
Furthermore, coarse gold requires longer retention times during
cyanidation in order to achieve full dissolution. Incomplete dissolution of
coarse gold leads to gold losses to the tailings. Investigation of various
tailings samples from South African Witwatersrand ores indicated that
tailings from certain reefs may contain relatively large liberated gold
grains. These grains are rare and sporadic and normally unaccounted
for when small tailings samples are assayed, resulting in an
underestimation of the tailings grade.