HID CRRT Device Class API 0.06
HID CRRT Device Class API 0.06
HID CRRT Device Class API 0.06
The HID CRRT device API sends the following events to the application callback function:
To add a USB HID interface to USB application using the HID Device Class Driver,
following steps are taken:
1. Adding the following header les to the source le(s) which are to support USB:
#include "src/usb.h"
#include "usblib/usblib.h"
#include "usblib/usbhid.h"
#include "usblib/device/usbdevice.h"
#include "usblib/device/usbdhid.h"
2. Dening the string table which is used to describe various features of USB device to
the host system
// The languages supported by this device.
const uint8_t g_pui8LangDescriptor[] =
// The manufacturer string.
const uint8_t g_pui8ManufacturerString[] =
(17 + 1) * 2,
T, 0, e, 0, x, 0, a, 0, s, 0, , 0, I, 0, n, 0, s, 0, t, 0, r, 0, u, 0, m, 0,
e, 0, n, 0, t, 0, s, 0,
// The product string.
const uint8_t g_pui8ProductString[] =
(12 + 1) * 2,
C, 0, R, 0, R, 0, T, 0, , 0, E, 0, x, 0, a, 0, m, 0, p, 0, l, 0, e, 0
}; // CRRT Example
// The serial number string.
const uint8_t g_pui8SerialNumberString[] =
(8 + 1) * 2,
1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 5, 0, 6, 0, 7, 0, 8, 0
// The interface description string.
const uint8_t g_pui8HIDInterfaceString[] =
(18 + 1) * 2,
H, 0, I, 0, D, 0, , 0, C, 0, R, 0, R, 0, T, 0, , 0, I, 0, n, 0, t, 0, e, 0,
r, 0, f, 0, a, 0, c, 0, e, 0
}; //HID CRRT interface
// The configuration description string.
const uint8_t g_pui8ConfigString[] =
(23 + 1) * 2,
H, 0, I, 0, D, 0, , 0, C, 0, R, 0, R, 0, T, 0, , 0, C, 0, o, 0, n, 0, f,
0, i, 0, g, 0, u, 0, r, 0, a, 0, t, 0, i, 0, o, 0, n, 0
}; // HID CRRT Configuration
// The descriptor string table.
const uint8_t * const g_pStringDescriptors[] =
#define NUM_STRING_DESCRIPTORS (sizeof(g_pStringDescriptors) / sizeof(uint8_t *))
// The HID class descriptor table. For the CRRT class, we have only a
// single report descriptor.
static const uint8_t * const g_pCRRTClassDescriptors[] =
// The HID descriptor for the CRRT device.
static const tHIDDescriptor g_sCRRTHIDDescriptor =
// bLength
// bDescriptorType
// bcdHID (version 1.11 compliant)
// bCountryCode (not localized)
// bNumDescriptors
// Report descriptor
sizeof(g_puCRRTReportDescriptor) // Size of report descriptor
4. Dening an array of tHIDReportIdle structures in RAM with one entry for each
input report CRRT device supports. Initializing the ucDuration4mS and ucReportID
elds in each of the entries to set the default idle report time for each input report. The
times dened in these structures are used to determine how often a given input report
is resent to the host in the absence of any device state change.
tHIDReportIdle g_psReportIdle[2] =
{ 125, 1, 0, 0 }, // Report 1 polled every 500mS (4 * 125).
{ 0, 2, 0, 0} // Report 2 is not polled (0mS timeout)
9. Assuming pvDevice returned is not NULL, your device is now ready to communicate
with a USB host.
10. Once the host connects, your control event handler is sent
USB_EVENT_CONNECTED and the rst input report may be sent to the host using
USBDHIDReportWrite() with following packets transmitted as soon as
USB_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE is received via the transmit event handler.
Initialization flowchart
uint32_t SysCtlClockFreqSet(uint32_t ui32Config, uint32_t ui32SysClock);
This function configures the system clocking to 120 MHz with a 480 MHz PLL.
param ui32Config = 480MHz
param ui32SysClock = 120MHz
Return: The actual configured system clock frequency in Hz or zero if the value could not be
changed due to a parameter error or PLL lock failure.
Void PinoutSet(void)
This function enables the GPIO modules and configures the device pins for USB operation.
Used to configures PL6 as DP and PL7 as DM.
USBStackModeSet ( );
Void USBStackModeSet(uint32_t ui32Index, tUSBMode iUSBMode, tUSBModeCallback
Allows dual mode application to switch to device modes.
Param ui32Index = 0, specifies the USB controller whose mode of operation is to be set.
Param iUSBMode = 0, indicates the mode that the application wishes to operate = 0, for
device mode
Param pfnCallback is a pointer to a function which the USB library will call each time the
mode is changed to indicate the new operating mode.
USBDHIDMouseInit ( );
USBDHIDMouseInit(uint32_t ui32Index, tUSBDHIDMouseDevice *psMouseDevice)
Initialize the USB controller and attach the device to the USB bus. This function performs all
required USB initialization.
Param ui32Index=0, the index of the USB controller which is to be initialized for HID
mouse device operation.
Param psMouseDevice = &g_sHIDCRRTDevice, points to a structure containing
parameters customizing the operation of the HID device.
Transmits a HID device report to the USB host via the HID interrupt IN endpoint.
pvHIDInstance = &g_sHIDCRRTDevice, is the pointer to the device instance
structure as returned by USBDHIDInit().
pi8Data = ptrTxBuff, points to the rst byte of data which is to be transmitted.
ui32Length = BUFF_SIZE = 64 bytes, is the number of bytes of data to transmit.
USBDHIDPacketRead( )
Reads a packet of data received from the USB host via the interrupt OUT endpoint.
pvHIDInstance=&g_sHIDCRRTDevice, is the pointer to the device instance
structure as returned by USBDHIDInit().
pi8Data= HostRxBuffx, points to a buffer into which the received data will be
ui32Length= sizeof(HostRxBuff1), is the size of the buffer pointed to by pi8Data.
bLast = 0, indicates whether the client will make a further call to read additional data
from the packet.
USBDHIDCompositeInit( );
void * USBDHIDCompositeInit(uint32_t ui32Index, tUSBDHIDDevice
*psHIDKbDevice, tCompositeEntry *psCompEntry)
Initializes HID device operation.
Param ui32Index = 0, is the index of the USB controller which is to be initialized for HID
device operation.
Param psHIDKbDevice = descriptors, points to a structure containing device, configuration,
interface and endpoint descriptors customizing the operation of the HID device.
Param psCompEntry=0, is the composite device entry to initialize when creating a
composite device.
Returns zero on failure or a non-zero instance value that should be used with the remaining
USBDCDConfigGetInterfaceEndpoint( );
tEndpointDescriptor *USBDCDConfigGetInterfaceEndpoint(const tConfigHeader
*psConfig, uint32_t ui32InterfaceNumber, uint32_t ui32Index)
Return a pointer to the n-th endpoint descriptor in a particular interface within a configuration
Param psConfig= pointer to descriptor, points to the header structure for the configuration
descriptor that is to be searched.
Param ui32InterfaceNumber = ptr to device information, is the interface number whose
endpoint is to be found.
Param ui32Index = 0 for device descriptor and 1 for other descriptor, is the zero based index
of the endpoint that is to be found within the appropriate alternate setting for the interface.
Returns a pointer to the requested endpoint descriptor if found or NULL otherwise.
USBDCDDeviceInfoInit( );
Void USBDCDDeviceInfoInit(uint32_t ui32Index, tDeviceInfo *psDeviceInfo)
Initialize an instance of the tDeviceInfo structure.
Param ui32Index = 0, is the index of the USB controller which is to be initialized.
Param psDeviceInfo = pointer to descriptors.
Void SysCtlPeripheralReset(uint32_t ui32Peripheral).
Performs a software reset of a peripheral.
Param ui32Peripheral = 0xf0002800 for USB 0, is the peripheral to reset.
USBDevLPMDisable( );
Void USBDevLPMDisable(uint32_t ui32Base)
Disables the USB controller from responding to LPM suspend requests.
Param ui32Base = 0x40050000 for USB 0, specifies the USB module base address.
USBLibDMAInit( );
tUSBDMAInstance *USBLibDMAInit(uint32_t ui32Index)
This function is used to initialize the DMA interface for a USB instance.
param ui32Index = 0, is the index of the USB controller for this instance.
USBDevConnect( );
Void USBDevConnect(uint32_t ui32Base)
Connects the USB controller to the bus in device mode.
Param ui32Base = 0x40050000 for USB 0, specifies the USB module base address.
IntEnable( );
IntEnable(uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
The specified interrupt is enabled in the interrupt controller.
Param ui32Interrupt = MemManage, bus fault, usage fault, or general interrupt to be