JDW 26jan11
JDW 26jan11
JDW 26jan11
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4 TriStar upgrade delay is widening 'capability (laP'
5 Airbus considers lOwer-cosl A-400M 10 rival
34 JDWtalks to Dmitri
A1perovitcll, VicePresident 01 Threat
Researcil at McAfee
18 South Korea seeks industry consolidation
The Americas
10 HASC to review US programme terminations
Eagle UAVs
US Air National Guard trials podded DtRCM lor
KC-U5 Heet
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Forces Updale
Middle EasUAfrica
16 Iraq and Ukraine reach agreement over BTR-4Es
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Editor Peter Felstead
Industry Editor
Guy Anderson
Industry Reporters Matthew Bell,
Keri Wagstaff-Smith, Jon Gravatt
Production Martyn Buchanan
e-Publishing Edward Al len,
Richard Freeman
Direclor, EMEA Editing and Design
Sara Morgan
Diredor, News and Analysis James Green
Managing Diredor Michael Dell
Group Publilhing Director Sean Howe
The Americas: Diego Gonzalez;
scon Gourley; Inigo Guevara; Caitlin
Harrington; Jose Higuera; Sharon Hobson;
Joshua Kucera; Jeremy McDermon; Pedro
Paulo Rezende; Cesar Cruz Tantalean
AsIa;1'atillt: Iqbal Athas; Rahul Bedi;
Farhan Bokhari; Sebastien Falletti;
Julian Kerr; DZirhan MahadZir;
Phillip Mckinnon; Trelor Moss;
Gavin Phipps; Raym und Cuilop;
Kosuke Takahashi
Europe: Vidor Sarreira; John Berg; Piotr
Butowski; Thomas Dodd; Tim Glogan; Denise
Hammick; G~orz Hojdanowicz; David log;
Vladimir Petrov; Jiri Kominek; J A Clewis;
Georg Mader; Nikolai Novichkov; Tim Ripley;
lale Sariibrahimoglu; Sebastian Schulte;
Menno Steketee; Radu Tudor,
Theodore Valmas; Paojo Valpohni
Middle East/Alrlea: Segun Adeyemi;
Mohamed AreZki Himeur; Alon BenDavid;
Nicholas Blanford; Helmoed-Romer
Heitman, Mohammed Najib
NATO and EU Anal,,: Nicholas Fiorenza,
Brooks TIgner
UN: Thalil Deen
emalllheedlto .. :ldw@janes.com
Airbus considers
lower-cost A400M
to rival KC-390
Seoul agrees to
military talks
with North Korea
South Koreas Ministry 01 Defence
has agreed to hold milltaryto
mllllary talks with North Korea, It
conlirmed on 20 January. Seoul
was responding to an oller by the
North to hold highlevel military
talks and has accoldingly ploposed
preparatory Working-le vel meetings,
Citing the South's Unification Ministry, Yonhap News Agency leporte<!
that North Korea has agrood to dis
cuss the sinking of the South Korean
corvette Chon An in March 2010
and the 23 November artillery attack
on Yeonpyeong Is~nd. The North's
relusal to take responsibility lor either
incident, which caused a total of 50
South Korean deaths, had been a
major impediment to any discussions.
Yonhap a~o reported that Seoul
proposed talks regalding the No rth 's
nuclear programme among highranking ollicials from both governments
North Korea began 2011 with a
charm offenSive, saying that it was
ready to hold a "dialogue without condition attached" with Seoul
On 18January South Korean Un i
fication Minister Hyun In-tack said
North Koreas offer was "insincere"
and analysts told Jane'sthat agreeing
to talks would be politically difficult
At this stage, the South Korean governmentcannotaf1ord talks because
of public opinion," said Jono Kun Choi
of Yonsei University.
Sebastien Fallenl
JOWCorrespondenl. Seoul
James Hardy
JDWAsia-Pacific Editor. London
Eurofighter resubmits
Brazilian fighter bid
.~!l.~~.~.~ ..
Although the
Eurofighter failed
10 make the F-X2
downselecl in 2Q08, a
renewed bid may see it
secure the 36aircraft
tender for the FAB
IHS I_ '-'Goo>< . .........
-1 -
pre-registered visitors
and OshKosh
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Europe's defence
giants target
in Japan
Europe's leading delence companies
have lormed a business grou p in
Japan 10 encourage collaboralion
wilh domeslic industry on mil itary
procuremenl programmes.
Tile European Business CounCil
(EBC) Defence and Secur~y Commillee was launched on 14 January
and includes BAE Systems, EADS,
Finmeccanica, RollsRoyce, Salran,
Thales and Arianespace. The chair 01
thecommiUoo is Tony Ennis, BAE Systems' North East Asia president
The setting up of the committee is
considered timely, said Ennis, coming
one month after Japan published its
National Oelence Programme Guidelines (NOPG). which oullinea nood for
efficiencies in Japan's procurement
system and an intention to review
the country's ban on exports, which
preclude Japanese industries' involvement in international programmes.
Additionally, Jane's notes that the
commillee was launched just two
weeks after Tokyoestablished a
project team to seleclthe Japan Air
Se~-Defence Force's next-generation
(FX) fighter belorethe end 012011.
Aleading contender lor the FX programme is Ihe Eurolighler Typhoon
Ennis said: 'The aim 01 the new
committee is to promote dialogue
and mutually beneficial collaboration
between the Japanese and the European defence industries. which invest
around EUR9 billion [USDI2 billion)
annually on R&D per year."
He also highlighted what he said
were the "similar challenges" that
faced Ihe EU and Japan, such as
shrinking defence budgets and
maintaining sovereignty over defence
equipment. He said: "Combining our
strengths helps us both respond better to these challenges:
Ennis said a relaxalion 01 tile Three
Ptincipkls ban on e x~ort$ would
provide more opportunities for collaboration. He called the Three Principles
a "major impediment" for the Japa
nese defence industry and welcomed
the NDPGs move to promote debate
on theluture ollhe ban
Jon Grevatt Jane's Asia-Pacific
Industry Reporter, Bangkok
USAF unveils
technology plan
J!~.I.~ ~.~ .O!<.~!l: ,.o!<.I ~.~~.~
............................. .
vehicle' by 20\9.
European Land Systems
In Brief
Bolivia poised tor K8 jellrainers
The Bolwian Air Forc~ (Fuem Aerea
Boliviana - FAB) is to receive six China
rtItional Aero-Technology Import &
Export Corporation K8 Karakorum
armed jet trainers by Apri12011.
according to Gen~ral Tito Gandarilla,
commander 01 the FAB. The aircraU
will begin operations with the 34th
Fighter Group out 01 Cochabamba and
will be deployed throughout the couo
try alter reaching their initial operating
capabil~y. The jet trainers will be the
lirst newly buiR combat aircraft lor
the FAB in its history and will allow
a partial replacement olthe ageing
T-33 Ileet. The K-8s will be employed
maioly in aoti-oarcotics operations
Peruvian F28 crashes during training
A Peruvian Army Aviation Enstrom
f28training helicopter crashed on lB
January. injuring its two crew members. The accident occurred during a
training sortie over Estuquiiia, MOQuegua. The F28 was one ollive olthe
type in service with the Army Aviation
Schoollrom the CesarTorque Podesta
airport io Moquegua.
Paraguay eyes 3D radars
The Paraguayan Ministry 01 Delence
(MoD) has conlirmed plans to procure
two oew mobile 3D radars during
2011 as partol a modernisation effort
that will involve investing US043 million in equipment during 2011 . The
MoD declined an offer lor two secondhand 20 radars as it wants modern,
military-grade systems. accordiog
to sources in Asuncion. The Naliooal
Directorate lor Civil Aeronautics had
previously been in charge 01 airspace
Peruvian Army helicopter modified
Peruvian company Oiseiios Casanave
has modified an Army Aviation Mi17-1 B with its HMP-250Al-AE-DICSA
krt, allowing the Russian-built helicopter to operate the NATO-staodard
FN Herstal HMP-250 gun pod with
an 1.13 121 mm machine guo (MG)
The helicopter is also fitted with the
FN MAG MG and will be deployed to
support operations in the VRAE region
against Sendero Luminoso insurgents
and olhercriminal groups. The HMP250 gun pods were originally acquired
to arm the AI 09K Hirundo helicopters
delivered in 1991.
HASC to review
US programme
.q ...................................
nwe r ful
cnngressinnlll commitlee pilins
to hold hearings lind
dirt!Ct owrsight on sevral major Pentagon
aC(luisition elTorts, including the
cancellation of the US Marine
Corps' (USMC 's) ne xt- geneflltion IImphibious IIssault vehicle
and elements of the Joint Strike
Fighter (J SF) programme,
On 17 January the House Armcd
Serv il:es Comm iltee ( HASC),
whi l: h has some new members
and leadership followin g the
November 2010 eleelion, released
a preliminary plan out lining ils
oversight priorities. Among other
things, the panel said il 'wil l consider recomme nda tions' from
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates
to cancel the USMC's Expedition-
Embraer's latest
AMX upgrade
contract will
complete a
programme lor the
aircratt that began
in 2003.
.~.~H~.~~.I . !j ~.r.~~.r)..'!1.~.rxl.~~.~ ..
Th l! us Arm y is I!x pl!c ting tu
r ecei ve a rundin g htHls t fur its
MQI C G rey E a gle unm a nned
a l! rial sys tem (UAS ) li S the
Department of Defense r ealign s
its budget tu , amongotherthin gs,
lmgm e nt intellige nce, sur ve illance and r&onnaissance (ISR)
in theatre.
Starting in Fiscal Year 2012
(FYI2), the army expects to accel er.lte the Grey Eag le progr.lmme to
produce three syste m i per year.
Eal.:h sys tem indude s 12
unmanned aerial vehicles (U AYs)
and five ground control stations,
Tim Ow ings, the army'S de puty
programme manager for UASs,
told reporters on 13 January. This
Sl.: hedule would allow the army
FN Herstal to
supply machine
guns to France
The French delence procuremenl
agency (Direction Gell8rale pour
I'Armement; DGA) has awarded Ihe
Belg lumbased FN Herstal a conlract
to supply il with MAG 58 7.62 x
51 mm light machine guns (LMGs).
The contract was signed on 15
December but not revealed by the DGA
untilt9 January. The MAG 58lMGs
will replace the armed forces' current
AN Fl weapons. Delillery olthe first
500 unils to Ihe French Army will take
place during 201 1.
The weapons can be used on
vehicles or bydismounted soldiers
The package afso includes training
services and spare parts. It is the lirst
slage 01 a wider procurement 01 aboul
10,000 MGs forthe army, navy and
air lorce. The value 01 the deal was
The army's MGs could be lined
onlo the Weapon under Armour lor
l:hemil:al SUbstances".
The second
of Malaysia's
submarines, KD
Tun Razak, was
Spain's single
largest defeoce
sale in the lirst hall
Go 10 jdw.janes.comlor more
. 13
India issues Rfl
for waterproof
assault rifle
The Indian Army dispalched a global
raquesllor Informallon (All) on 17
January lor a 7.62 x 51 mm assault
rille capable 01 operaUng In a
maritime environmenllor ils special
lorces and commando inlantry units.
The All, issued by the army'slnlantry Directorale in New Delhi, requires
a rifle weighing less than 3.5 kg and
lor its accessories and attachments
to become operational immed~tely
upon resurfacing following extended
periods underwater.
The RII also stalesa requirement
lor Picatinny rails , reflexJholographic/
n~ht sights, tactical lights and suppressors. Potential vendors are
required to submit details wrthin
30 days, alter which a request for
proposals (RIP) willtle issued for an
as-yet-unspec~ied nllmber of rilles
Military olfic~ls said the eventual
underwater rifle procurement would
also "factor in" the requirements of
lhe Indian Navys spec~llorces, which
recently began inducting Israelibuilt
Tavor-21 5.56 mmassault rilles. The
army acquired Tavor-21s for its spec~1 forces in 2002 but only received
them live years later.
Meanwhile, the Indian Navy, which
has begun inducting Israel"s Gali17.62
x S4 mm sniper rilles into service lor
rts Marine Commandos, has issued a
gkJbal Rillor addiliorlal "long-range"
sniper r~les.
JOW Correspondent, New Delhi
US gears up to
deliver Taiwan
F-16 upgrades
A... MIM23
HAWK medium
range surface-toair missile is fire<!
from Jeouperlg
military base in
Pingtung County,
Taiwan, on 18
sually public display was part of the US. MND prcss officer Chou
ongoing moves by Taipei to pUSll Wci -kurl said the dare ofthc exercise
Wash ington 10 sell it morc advanced was set before eithe r Washington
",capon systems.
or Beijing announced the timing of
Both the government and the Hu's Slate visit.
MND denied the missile test was
Gavin Phipps
limed to coincide wi th H u's visit to
JDWCurre~pundel1f. TlIipei
. 15
RUAG 's conve rg ence of thei r highly- renowned com pete nce in the fields of Ae rospace and
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In Brief
Middle Easl situallon lemains
jdw.jancs.wm JD W . 26 January 20 II
. 17
.. as Malaysia-bound
munitions ship is seized
The Danish mercllant ship Mil Leopard, whose
six crew were ca ptured on 12 Janpary by Somali
pirates, was carrying a consignment 01mu nit ions
tor ille Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) when it
was aHa eked, Jane'shas learnt.
Published reports sugGested that the Ship was
carrying weapons. bulll1e exact inventory was
unknown. Sources in the Malays~n militarylold
Jane'stllal Ihe cargo included 60 GBUl 0 Mk 84
2,000 Ib and GBU-12 Mk 82 500 Ib bombs purchased
under the US Foreign Military Sales programme last
year. Tile shipment was said to consist of the bomb
units minus Ihe luses and electronics for the bombs,
which are used by the RMAF'slloot at eight Boeing
F/A-18 Homel multirole fighter aircraft.
The US has sought to determine whether the munitions have been seized by the pirates as spoils from
the hijacking - tile lalest attack by Somatiabased
pirates deeper into the Indian Ocean and away Irom
Somali shores. It is the second attack by Somali
pirates on a ship known to be carrying weapons.
Dziman Mahadzir JDWGorrespondent, Kuala Lumpur
The week
in figures
The value placed on German
robot makerTelerob, which
Cobham announced on 19
January it had agreed to buy.
South Korea
seeks industry
JON GREVA" hines A,iuPuciji<- IIkllmrv Reporta
excessive competition.
TIle mcasure stcms from the
recommendat io ns made by a
pres ident ial comm ittee in 2010.
Announcing the finding s in October, South Korean President Lee
Myung bak said: 'Defence indus
try deve lopment and expansion
is essential for South Korea whcn
taking the security situation of our
country into consideration .
" But it is diffi cult for the govern
ment to support and maintain the
defencc industry through intcrnal
''11lc Sooth Korean defence indus-
India to establish
unified body to
manage offsets
20 261anuary 2011
lDW jdw.janes.eom
ould any ' fa\'uur ' given Iu Ii fureign public officilll to encour1lge the
placing of a large order for military
JOWwetcomes receiving the opinions 01 tis readers which may be considered lor publication Please write to Peter Fetstead, Editor, JOw. Senti net House 1G3 Brighton Road ,
Cou tsdon, Surrey, CR5 2YH, UK or a-mal t )dw@Janescom JOW reserves the nght to amend pubhshe~ tetters l or reasons 01 space, styte or lor tegat eonSldel"lltlOns
Views elpressfd In Opinion articles are those held by the writer and Should not be taken as a reflection of the editorial stance ollHS Jane's
jdwJanes.com JDW 26 January 2011 21
Assessing the
threat to a
nation's security
and defence
is challenging
because of the
classified nature of
these attacks
1m rove
Fully tracked IFVs are undergoing
upgrades to provide more protection
against a continually evolving range of
weapons, reports Christopher F Foss
targets wit h a high first-round probabil ity while enables hunterlkiller target engagements to take
the platform is moving .
place . The sigh t usuall y has day/thermal chan Another improvement has been the replace- nels and a laser rangefinder.
me nt of image intensification (II) sights for the
commander and gunner, which have g iven way
to stabilised day/thennal sights that also include
lase r rangefinders . These allow targe ts to be Since 1971 Germany's Rhe inmeta ll Landsysdetected , identified and engaged over lo nger teme Marder I infan try combat vehicle ( ICV)
has formed the backbone of th e army's Panmn ges and in a variety of weather conditions.
Additionally, recent upgraded tracked IFVs zergrenadier units, willI 2 . 136 vcllicles built
have a commander's sta bilised panoramic sight between 1971 and 1975. Tile original Ma rder 1
similar to that installed on some MBTs, which IFV has since undergone a num ber of upgrJdes.
veh icles were upgraded. The latest Marder 1AS production of the Puma A IFV w ill ,'ontinuc
features an integ rated mine-protection syStem throug h to 2020, which means tllat the Mardcr I
Iha! Rheinmetal1 Landsyslcmc claims provides series will be in service fur sume years tu cu me.
a higl1 level of protection against anti-tank I! remai ns to be seen wllcthcr tllcre wi ll be any
mines and other ba!t1cficld threats.
further upgrades to the Mardcr.
Meanw hi le. wit h Germany look ing to
The IFV also featu res spall li neTS, redesigned
seating arrangements, re located batteries and decrease the size of its anny, a large number of
fuel stuwage.
Marder I IFVs have becume surplus tu require From 2010 Projekt System and Manage- ments, mak ing exporting them a financially
ment's Puma armoure d infantry f igh ting desirable solUlion. Chile has become the firs t
vehicle (A lrV) rep lacement for the Marder eustomcr for thc velliclc, taking delivcry of 317
I ICY began to ro ll off the production line in Mardcr I A3s to ojX:rate alongsidc the recent ly
Germany. Huwever, under current plans the acquired ex-Ge rman Army Leupard 2 MBTs.
T he Marder I A3s were refurb ished prior tu
de li very by Rheinmetall La.ndsysleme.
Thc company is also offering to upgradc surplus Mardcr Is prior to dclivcry. with enllanccd
annour, newcommunk"at ion systcms and BMSs
and a ncw turret typicall y armed with a Mauser
30 mm MK 30-2 cannun that can fire ABMs.
This du al-feed cannon is ins ta lled in the Puma
AIrY and has also been adopted by a number of
other countries.
Russian BMp3
T he Russian Kurganmashzavod 10int Stock
Company (lSC) BMP-3 IFV has been one of the
best-sell ing Russian AFVs in recent yearS, with
expurt custumers including Cyprus, Indones ia,
Kuwa it, South Kurea and the Un ited Arab Emirates . Algeria and Syria are also unconfirmed
BMP-3 users.
The popularity of the BMP-3 "an be attr ibuted
tu the fact that it is the most well-armed veh icle of its type in the wor ld and is fi tted with a
two-person turret anned wi th a 100 mm gun. In
addition to firing conventional projectiles, the
d iesel coupled to a new Renk automat ic transmission and new cooling system . is to be
installed in tile forward part of tile hull with a
new driver s position to the left.
The upgraded BMP-2M showing both pods containing two Korrlet-E laser-guide<! ATGWs, which havea range of
Romanian upgrades
The MLl -R4 fFV has been the stalwart of the
Rumanian Anny for many years and the vehicle
is essentially a modified Russian 8 MP-1 manufactured in Roman ia.
Upgrades to the velliele have included the
installation of a 12.7 mm MG above the rear
troop compartment on the left side and the
installation of a more powerful diesel engine.
Fitted with a one-person tUITel, the IrY is also
armed with a 73 mm 2A28 gun . 7.62 111m PKT
MG and a launcher for a first-generation 9 K I 1
Malyutka wire-guided ATGW positioned over
the 73 rom gun.
Romania has further upgraded these ve hicles
to the MLI-84M standard in a bid to ex tend the ir
opcr.ltional life and, accordingly, the original turAn upgraded Romanian Ml-84M IFV eQuipped w~h Rafael Advanced Defense Systems OWS 25 armed wrth a dual- ret has tx:en removed and rep laced by a Rafael
feed 25 mm cannon and 7.62 mm co-axial MG.
""" """'"'". "".,..". Advanced Defense Systems OWS 25. Th is is
anncd wilh an Oerlikon 25 mm KB A dual-feed
gun can fire a laser-guided projectile oUi to a AFYs. such as the T-90 MBT. For the BMP-3 cannon, a 7.62 mm co-axial PKT MG and a
range of more than 4,Q1Xl m. Mounted coax ially and MBT applications the Shtom-! is installed launcher for Spike-LR ATGWs.
with the 100 mm gun is a 30 mm 2A72 cannon on the front of the turret to protect the frontal arc
The upgrade also includes a fire detection and
suppression system for the crew compartment.
and a 7.62 mm PKT MG ; another 7.62 mm PKT of the platform.
Originall y the BMP-3 was litted with the Harris com municat ions equipment and a laser
MG is located on e ither side of the hull .
To enhance its export potential, the BMP-3 lITD-29M diesel developing 500 hp, but the lat- and infrared (fR) warning system . The origiis available wit h a number of enhancements. est BMP-3M has a more powerful 650 hp engine nal engine has been rep laced by a UK-supplied
including additiona.1 passive or ERA protection. that can also be back-fitted to the earlier vctlicle. Caterpillar C9 diesel rated at 400 hp and a new
One of the drawbacks of the BMP-3 is that cooli ng system.
air conditioning and a BMS. TIle UAE's BMP-3s
arc. for example, fiUed with a Sagem/Pclang- the troop compart ment is very cramped duc to
Bclemo Athos the rmal sight for the gllnner to the powcrpad: being installcd under the floor at
replace the ori g inal II sight. This new sighting the rear of the vehicle. To overcome thi s probsystem is mounted externally on the left-hand lem, German company fndustriewerke Saar is The BAE Systems Global Combat Systems
rear side of the turret and the gunner is provided working on a major upgrade that includes tile CV90 Try was originally developed to meet
with a monitor screen.
rcmoval of this powerpa,'k to incrcasc space in the specific requirements of the Swedish Army
For trial s the BMP-3 has been disp layed in the vehicle. Six troops are meant to be seated in using the former Hagglunds chassis and Bofors
the Middle East fitted with the Arena-E hard-kill the rear of the ve hicle. with three personnel on two-person turret and 40 rom U70 cannon.
DAS and the Shtora- I soft-kill DAS, the latter either side facing in wards.
The army took delivery of 509 vehicles and
A new powerpad:, consisting of an MTU 40 chassis between 1993 and 2002 with later
of which is already installed on some Russian
Swedish CV9D
An upgraded BAE
Systems CV9035
Mk III showing
including thermal
co~ering and
bar armour.
Warrior IFV
Lockheed Martin UK's entry in the WCSPcompetition is fitted with an enhanced armour package and upgraded
turret armed with a 40 mm CTCA alld 7.62 mm co-axial MG
Lrl".... """"' UJ< '''''.' '''
jdw.jancs.wm JDW . 26 January 20 II 27
Bradley upgrades
ersonlc oom
Beyond the recent focus on counter-insurgency methods, US
aHention is slowly shifting to hypersonics technologies and
emerging long-range threats, reports Caitlin Harrington lee
rendering 01 the
Falcon HTV2
vehicle, which
is designed lor
Mach 6.
DARPA, "111,,
High-speed strike
The HIT 's position paper warns of threats
induding Russian salcs of the S-300 and S-400
fami lies of integr.lted ai r defence systems. The
neweSt S-4OO (SA-21 ' Growler') boasts a range
of up to 250 km against aerodynamic targets and
a target velocity of up to 4,800 m/s. The paper,
which was released before the latest pictures of
China's 1-20 aircraft emerged, also warns that
thc ncw stealtl1 fightcr "may be intcnded for
long-range interdiction and strike ... conforming
to China's strategy of blunting US forces at long
range from mainland China"'.
In thcir position paper. HIT members have
committcd to an ambitious set of goals including the deve lopment by 2019 of "operational
hi gh-speed weapons" for prom pt global strike
in areas denied by SAMs or other technology.
A scL"Ond goal is the deve lopment of a "'reusable
high-speed flight research vehiclc" by 2019.
This test vehicle could lead to the development
of a successor to the Lockh!.:ed SR-7 1 Blackbird,
accurding to an HIT White Paper.
Although it is not addressed in the HIT's
wrincn documcnts, there is an ovcrall sense
in thc group that an 'SR-72'-type high-specd
strikelintclligencc surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) platfonn might be feasible by 2025,
according to Leon McKinney, an eng ineering
consultant who hcads the group.
Although overall HIT investmcnts in hypersonics rCSearcll have not been quantified.
McKinney said the consensus of the group is that
hypersonics is a Small investment area now, but
that it has majur growth potential.
"It's nOi a huge multibillion market right there,
right now, for any ofthcse high-speed applications, but you have to plan now for the fUlUre;'
explained McKinney, who said he has tx:en hin..d
by several HIT member companies tu perfurm
hypersonics wurk.
"A long ti me ago , stealth technology was just
somc tcehnical papers by Lockhced Manin engiworldmags
The X-S1A
which is
Pratt & Whitney
SJY61 scramjet
engine and is
designed to
ride on its own
acceleratiflg to
about Mach 6.
USA'" '' ' '' ')
penetrating bomber.
The USAf has also shown a renewed interest
in hypersonics technology. recent ly unveiling
a new technology road map that ellv isions the
development of a Iligh-spccd weapon in the ncar
tenn and the devclopment of a '"Mach 4 rcusable
platfonn'" in thc mid tenll.
Wllat is more, unde r Gates' watell three
government-funded hype rson ics programmes
completed significant !light-tests in 201O.1ncsc
flight-tests yielded mixed results, but overall they
)Xlint to a fundamenta l net.-d for more testing. So
far thc Obama administration has continucd to
support the projects with modest funding.
In May 2010 the X-5IA Wa ve Rider, an air
vehicle that re lics on air-breathing propulsion
technology. completed a large ly successful
flight -test which was sponsorcd by the USA F.
Built by Boeing Phantom Works and engine
manufacturer Prall & Whitney Rocketdyne, the
ClUJ.., '-nglll:
Iii Inches
tcchnology has the potential to achieve a mnge of
OVlrall Slac k ""'lIlh:
30t IlKh
up to 1,QCKl n miles .
Clulsel",U w ldlh :
23 Inch..
Current and former USAf officials Ilave told
Janes that X-5IA research and development
is closely linked to the arrival of an in-theatre
hypersonic cruise missile and, later, possibly a
re-usable Ilypersonic aircmft that can return from
Tunfls ten
its nigln rather than self-destructing.
"X-51 is the first vellicle I can look at and say
I sec a clear patll from tllis to a practical, deployScratriet Enfli"" Module
ab le hyperson ic w<:apon or cruise missile," said
fonner USAF chief scientist Mark Lewis.
Sl;oc:k G'O.. l.MJn~ h W, lght: ).8'" Un ,
During its fli ght-test, the X-5 1A's supersonic
Cl ul.., Laun~ h W tlght: 1. 26 lin.
combustion ramjet (seramjet) engine burned for
JP_7 Fuel Wl tllhl: 270 lb .
200 seconds , aecclemti ng the air vehicle to Mach
5. First, a so lid rocket booster was llsed to accelerate the ve hicle to superson ic speeds and then
the scramjet kicked in to accelerate the vehicle to
intercontinental ballistic missiles (TCBMs) .
hypcrsonic spceds.
The fi rs t HTY-2 veh icle , built by Lockheed
Martin's Skunk Works , tlew in April 2010 and
it is e xpected to tly again in 201 L The conThe flight -test suffered some prob lems: cept behind the HTY-2 is to llSC a Minotaur IY
Lewis said a seal was losl on th e engine noz- lau ncher to boost a re -entry vehicle into the
zle , prompting a premature shut-down of the upper atmosphere: the re-entry vehicle then se pengine. HO\\'eve r, it still set a re('ord for tile arates from the launc her and descends to eart h at
longes t ni ght-test of an air-breat hi ng hydro- spceds above Mach t7.
The ve hicle has nav iga tion controls but no
carbon-fuelled air vellicle des igned to achieve
hypersonic nigh!. There arc three more X-51 engine, instead relying on the rocket launc her
vehicles awaiting fli ght-testing and Lewis said and then grav ity to achieve hi gh hypersonic
those tests will likcly involve attempting to fly speeds. Theoretically, the vehicle is expeclcd to
at hypersonic speeds at longer durations lasting bleed off speed and then g lide thousands of miles
to hit its target.
several minutes.
A key advantage of the system is that its trajecAnot her USA F test programme that cou ld
scn'e as a building b lock for a hypersonic weapon tory looks noth ing like that ofa ballistie missi le
is the Hypersonic Technology Yehicle-2 (HTY- because the hypersonic glider prototype se pa2). TIle HTV-2 is the eomcrstoneof DoD attempts rates from its Minotaur IV rocket booster at a
to develop a conve ntional prompt global strike lower altit ude (30 k111 to 40 km) than an ICBM
capabil ity as an a ltern ative to nuclear-tip ped wo uld . The diffe rence in trajectory could thus
Testing times
sm ",lIIlon
$ ", lnut, n lghll
, .. Fllghl20I O
The specificatioflS
Wave Rider, which, ~
testing is successful,
could evenlually lead
to the construction of
a hypersonic cruise
jdw.jancs.wm JD W . 26 January 2011 31
The remarkable aspect of the X-37B fli ghttest was that the vehicle was ab le to land itself
at Vandenberg Air Fo rce Base in California
autonomously without human intervention. It
was ('arried into low ea rtll orbit by an At las V
rocket and, wilen it was ('o mmanded to re -enter
the eart h's atmosphere, it fo llowed a pre-planned
patll to do its re-entry burn (at speeds up to Mach
24 ), allowing it 10 re-orient itself to the right
position to survive the heat during re-entry.
Winged advantages
In Brief
Enterprise deployment delayed
The world's oldest nuclear-powered
aircraft carrier set sail on ils penultimate deployment on 13 January:a
number of monlhs later than planned
due 10 engineering detays. Accompanied byescort units. Ihe 49-year-okt
Nimitz-class carrier USS Enterprise
(CVN 65) departed Norfolk Naval
Station for the US Navy's 5th amI 6th
fleet areas of responsibility (AORs)
in the Mediterranean and the Middle
East. The ship's last two-year-Iong
dry-dock availability concluded in
April2010, eight months behind
schedule. Following the maintenance
period, several additional contracts
were awarded to Nort hrop Grumman
Shipbuilding to fix additional unspecified problems in the ship, including
USD115 million in contracts issued in
October and November.
Second Indian UAV squadron
The Ind~n Navycommissioned its
second UAV Squadron, INAS 343
'Frontier Formidables', at Porbandar
in the Western stale ofGujarat on
17 January. The squadron has two
Searcher Mk II and two Heron UAVs
and is responsible for surveillance of
the northern Arab~n Sea, including
sea lanes of communication to and
from the Arabian Gulf. The navy first
procured Searcher Mk lis and Heron
UAVs hom Israel in 2002. Alter
operators completed training in Israel,
in 2003 an Intensive Flying Tr~1 Unit
(IFTU) was stood up in Kochi, southern India. II is believed that a total of
eight Searcher Mk lis and lour to six
Herons are in service.
UK retires Dominie tnl ner aircraft
The UK Royal Air Force (RM) marked
the retirement 01 its Hawker Siddeley
(now BAE Systems) Dominie r 1
aircrew training fleet with a six-ship
flypast of RAF Cranwell, lincolnshire,
on 20 January. The fIypast overthe
RAF"s training college and the fleet's
main operating base marked the end
01 46years ot operational service lor
the Dominie, which entered service
as a weapon systems operator train
ing aircraft in 1965. Operated by 55
(Reserve R) Squadron, tile Dominie
was earmarked lor retirement in the
retent UK Strategic Defence and
Security Review. The 55 (R) Squadron
will now diSband.
NATO deploys
first AWACS to
The US Air Fnrce (USAF) hits statinncd fnur Lockheed Martin F-16 Fighting Falcons at Eglin Air
Force Ba ~ (AFB), Florida, 10 provide a reltlislic
operating and training environment in a nticipation
of the arrival of the Lockheed Martin F-35 at the
ba~ over t he coming years.
T he F- t6 deployment, which was announced by
the air force on 14 January, saw four aircraft from the
56th Fighter Wing (FW) at Luke AFB , Arizona, transfer to Ihe 33rd FW at Eglin ArB to 'help establish a
'bail ie rhythm as the wing stands up the fi rst joint
training centre for Ihe fi nh-generalion F-35 Joint Strike
Fighler", lire USAF said.
According 10 the USAF the move will sce the F-16s
regularly visit local dive11 bases, such as Tyndall AFB
and Pensacola Naval Air Statiol1 . to familiarise thcm
wilh receiving fast jets from Egli n AFB.
Wit h Egli n ArB sct to beCllme the hub of USAF, US
Navy (USN). US Mari ne Corps (USMC) and some
international F-35 training, air force officials decided to
station Ihe F-16s at the base as Iheir s ingle engines wil l
better help wing personnel get used to aircraft operations again (the 33rd FW lost its Boeing F- 15 Eag les
when it transitioned to Air Education and Training
Command in October 2009).
The arrival oflhe F- 16s will also help the 33rd FW
hone its Support co-ordination wit h the 961h Air BaSe
Wing and air spal:e and scheduling co-ordination with
the 46th Test Wing. An initial cadre of F-35 USAF
and US MC instructor pilots will fly Ihe F- 16s OUI of
Eglin AFB for about onc year to validate processes and
'warm up the r,lInp", lhe air force said. In addition to
tire aircraft, aboUl50 maintainers ffilm Luke ArB will
stay to work on the aircraft during the year.
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At the lower end of the scale you have (he hackt iv ists and
grou ps that do not have significant eyber-warfare capabilities
and are more of a nuisance," he ex.plained. "The attacks are
not very sophisticated and are fairly easy to stop: at worst,
you may have sli ght downtime on your public facing web ,
si te or perhaps some defacement of the web page wit h political
"Further up the ladder, you have eyber-criminal organisations that range in their abilities and capabi lities.
For example . some organisations can rival
nation states in their tt'dmica l abil ities but you also have a lot of what
arc known as 'script kiddies' - people who re -use code wri tten by
others and arc easy to detect and
block," he said.
"\Vhen you move further up, you
have what is knuwn as advanced
persistent threats: a term used to
describe nation state-sponsored
cyber-espionage activity. Most
of these attacks arc pervasive,
so - unlike cybcr criminals - [the
attackers] rea ll y know what they
are after and wi II not stop until they
reach a set goa l," he ,'Ontinucd. " In
the past you didn't Imve to outrun
the bear, you just had to outrun the
guy runn ing ne}!.t to you. If the bcar
really wanL~ you, it dues not matter who else is running.
" Finally, at the very tup end of the ladder,you have the overt nation statesponsored attack acts that are combining kinetic and cyber capabiliti es
in order to essent ially be a force multipli er in a traditional conflict." Th is
OCCUlTt-d in 2008 when Georgia was hit by a barrage of so-called distributt-d
denial uf service attacks that brought down presidential and governmental
websites prior to the country's war with Russia.
"We arc very lucky that terrorist groops, such as A[ -Qacda. do not have
significant cyber warfare capabi lities and that they primari ly usc the internet for reconnaissance and distribution of propaganda:' Alpcrovitch addcd.
To combat ,'yber threats, McAfee has c reated the Gtoba l Threat Intelligence capability, which harnesses 'cloud' techno logy (internet-based
computing that uses shared se rvers to provide resources and data) to col [ate suspicious activity and provide situational awareness of the threats
that cou ld be launched against a particular device. "We enable most of our
products to get rea l-time information d irect ly from the cloud," A lperovitch
said. "$0 instead of checking a new programme being installed on a ternl inal aga inst a known set of signatures, we will ask the cloud for everything
that is known about that particular application before we allow it to run.
"TImt allows us to obtain information from sys tems around the world,
giving us instant visibility into new applications that are being run. new
attacks that are being discovered and new vu lnenibilit ies that arc being uti lised through the cloud-based mechanism," he continued. " In return, we
providecustumcrs with an answer instantl y, before the applicatiun is run, to
shrink the chance of being infected with malwarc."
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