Personal Fitness Business Plan
Personal Fitness Business Plan
Personal Fitness Business Plan
Brian Ortiz and Jake Austin are the founding partners of BuffUp Lake Oswego. They have participated in
other BuffUp franchises for several years, and both are certified as BuffUp trainers. They also have
business backgrounds, as well as a strong network of clients that are interested in the service.
BuffUp will acquire 85 customers in the first year, which will generate approximately $125,000 in
revenue. The business will continue to grow by 100 customers each year until the maximum capacity is
met in year 5. Recurring revenue is a critical part of the business model. The company will be cash flow
positive in the first year.
BuffUp Lake Oswego is seeking $45,000 through a line of credit that will be used to secure a facility,
equipment and for marketing expenses. This line of credit will be paid off within the three years.
Sit-ups/back extensions
There are several national chain gyms in Lake Oswego, but only 24 Hour Fitness is within our immediate
area. BuffUp Lake Oswego will open its doors close to a 24 Hour Fitness location with the intention of
attracting some of its customers.
BuffUp Lake Oswego will eventually shift the way society views fitness. People buy our services
because we capitalize on every flaw a "global gym" has to offer. BuffUp offers real one-on-one
coaching each and every time a person comes into the facility at a fraction of the cost of a "global
gym". Most gyms offer personal training for $50-$100 a session. Our gym charges $150 per month for
unlimited sessions. Our facility creates workouts that compound full body movements. These
workouts are fun, very intense and can be scaled to all ages and experience levels. The typical "global
gym" caters to the bodybuilder types that have no functionality to what life can throw at you. Our gym
doesn't use expensive, useless machines that isolate each muscle, thereby creating uneven muscle
balance. BuffUp gives each individual an opportunity to lose weight, gain muscle mass and regain the
agility and balance once enjoyed a child.
BuffUp Lake Oswego will establish the first BuffUp facility in our city, and we acquired exclusive rights
to open future BuffUp locations in the area.
In the future, BuffUp Lake Oswego will open additional locations to meet the needs of our area.
We are also studying the possibility of expanding into physical education programs and sports programs
in area schools. This would be done as a consulting business or a contract for services.
We also plan to build an online store featuring the merchandise offered at our facility and other items.
We will also host specialty seminars on nutrition, Olympic lifting, etc. These additional revenues will
add to our bottom line.
Age Range 30-60: It is known that in the fitness community, those clients looking for personal
training and willing to spend the money for it, are between the ages of 30-60.
Yearly income of greater than $75,000: Most clients are more willing to pay a premium for oneon-one coaching when they make more than $75,000.
% of population with gym memberships: The latest study shows that 15% of the population has a
gym membership. BuffUp facilities tend to capture 1-3% of the population.
General population within a 5-mile radius of the facility: To run a successful facility, we need
at least 50,000 residents to generate a sufficient number of members for a profitable franchise.
All females: Conversely, BuffUp attracts all types of females. Females are more willing to try
new things and are less worried about failing.
BuffUp appeals to adults in the 30 to 60 year old range, who either live or work in the area. Lake
Oswego has roughly 96,000 people that fall into that range. Of course, BuffUp will attract people
outside this group, but this is our strongest market segment. As stated above, our minimum required
population within 5 miles should be 50,000 people. Our population within 5 miles is 232,647. Average
household income should be $75,000 or higher. 43.6% of the population either meet or exceed $75,000.
More than 15% of the US population has a gym membership, and more than 67% of those with
memberships aren't satisfied with what they have and don't go on a regular basis. BuffUp Lake Oswego
realizes that with quality services and exciting workouts, we can capture at least 1% of the 34,897
people with gym memberships within a 5-mile radius of our location. This equates to 348 new
members, which exceeds our goal of 200 members.
When doing research on the fitness industry, we've found that there is a definite shift from the ordinary
workout session (weights and running) to the increasingly popular group sessions. These workouts have
proven to be more effective and enjoyable for participants.
The SWOT analysis provides us with an opportunity to examine the strengths and weaknesses BuffUp
Lake Oswego must address. It also allows us to examine the opportunities presented to BuffUp Lake
Oswego as well as potential threats.
Knowledgeable and friendly staff: Our staff consists of professionally trained personnel that
have a true passion for helping the community and caring for the needs of its members. This becomes
apparent when you look at our staff's professional background. We have proven that we are willing to
go above and beyond to suit the needs of our customers.
Top of the line equipment: Our customers will enjoy the finest in fitness equipment.
Online presence: Each member will have access to shop, schedule and track fitness progress
online. All scheduling will be automated for fast and efficient communication with our members.
Fun, family ambiance: When you walk into our facility, you will feel the family atmosphere.
Our members will feel comfortable and eager to cheer each other on. Our facility will give the athlete
an old school feeling, making them feel as if they are a part of an early "Rocky" movie. No machines
no mirrors just bumper weights and many Olympic exercises.
Clear vision of the market need: BuffUp Lake Oswego knows what our customers have been
missing at their current gyms. We know what exercises work and we know what keeps people
motivated. In return, we know we will create very loyal, passionate members.
Newness: Although BuffUp has built a loyal following, our brand is not yet a household name.
High membership fees relative to traditional gyms: Our services may not appeal to potential
customers with a limited budget. Of course, our services are more affordable than personal trainers,
but we will need to identify an engage the large mid-range customers.
The growing population interested in group fitness: In the last couple of years, we've found
that there is a huge population of individuals that are more interested in group workouts than going
to the gym alone.
Social bonds fostered by group workouts: Our exercise programs are building personal bonds
and friendships. These bonds have led to an internet-based fitness community covering more than 720
facilities. It has become a viral marketing phenomenon, and members are sharing this excitement
with new people every day.
Growing market: BuffUp is a relatively new brand in the marketplace. We have a foundation
and a reputation within the diehard fitness community, but a significant percentage of our target
market has still not been introduced to our services.
Internet possibilities: We plan to create an online store and build our internet fitness
Declining economy: Many people are becoming increasingly conservative with how their money
is being spent.
Copycat training services by gyms and independent trainers: Certainly other services will try to
mimic the success of BuffUp, but we are confident that our proprietary programs and national
reputation will limit the impact of copycats on our bottom line.
Joining the Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club and other local groups
For the gym goers that aren't satisfied with their fitness routine, BuffUp Lake Oswego provides high
intensity exercise that WORKS! Unlike 24 Hour Fitness or Bally's Total Fitness, BuffUp is fast, fun and
extremely effective.
BuffUp Lake Oswego's promotion strategy consists of word of mouth, email promotions and local
advertising (newspaper, school flyers and non-profit organizations). We will also do regular leadgenerating exercises in local parks.
We will make presentations to athletic directors and coaches of the local high schools and colleges.
Since our background is in public safety, we will also present this program to our local public safety
officers, such as police and fire personnel. We will actively participate in the local Chamber of
Commerce and enter our members in local fitness events.
Our biggest promotional tool besides word of mouth comes from our website. Our website is linked to
the main BuffUp website that generates millions of hits throughout the year. When customers are
looking for fitness programs, they will usually find themselves going through the BuffUp main page and
then searching for a gym near them. If they live in Lake Oswego or nearby, the site will recommend our
website, which gives the customer everything they need to join our club.
Every Saturday, BuffUp Lake Oswego will meet at a park and invite all current members to bring friends
and family to participate in a workout. They will learn the basic moves and complete a WOD or Work
Out of the Day. This gives new individuals a chance to experience what BuffUp is about and shows
them how effective the program is. Guests will fill out a contact card and will be followed up on at a
later date with invites to come down to our facility and a link to our website where they can find
videos and blogs that support our fitness community. This marketing strategy allows us to generate
many leads and gives potential customers a chance to actually try something before they buy. This
strategy will continue for the live of our business. Most current BuffUp businesses have done this and
have found great success doing so.
BuffUp Lake Oswego is affiliated with BuffUp Inc. BuffUp Inc. promotes the fitness programs of all
franchisees. Since 2001, this company has grown tremendously. As a franchise, we are tied into over
720 like-minded facilities throughout the world that are becoming increasingly popular. This internet
community allows thousands of people to become exposed to our program.
Our team will focus on marketing, leading classes and continued education. All staff members will hold
a BuffUp Level 1 certification. This instructor/trainer course insures that all employees have
demonstrated the ability to teach the BuffUp Method. We will constantly improve our teaching
methods through continual participation in certification courses in all aspects of fitness training and
Our primary goal is to create a community committed to eliteFUNCTIONAL FITNESS . Our monthly
objective is to generate at least 20 new members. This will allow us to become a profitable fitness
We aim to open and run a facility at full capacity within the first two years with 150 to 200 members.
Brian Ortiz and Jake Austin have participated in other BuffUp franchises for several years, and both are
certified as BuffUp trainers. They also have business backgrounds, as well as a strong network of clients
that are interested in the service.