13 Moon Tutorial

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The key takeaways are that the 13 Moon calendar corresponds the 13 galactic tones of creation to the 13 moons, each with their own meaning. It provides an alternative structure to the Gregorian calendar that is meant to raise one's frequency.

The document lists the full names and Gregorian date ranges of each of the 13 moons, along with a brief description of their meanings based on the three key words associated with their galactic tone number.

In the 13 Moon calendar, the days of the week and days of the moon (month) line up perfectly, with each week and moon starting on the same day. This makes it a perpetual calendar.

In the 13 Moon calendar the names of the 13 moons correspond to the thirteen galactic tones of

creation. Each of the 13 moons is saturated with meaning and altogether they form a whole vision
sequence of cosmic order. Each year also serves as a planetary service wavespell. Before we
introduce the names of the thirteen moons, please consider the meanings of the 12 months of the
Gregorian calendar:
January is the God of the Doorway.
February is an obscure reference to a type of entrails used in a form of divination.
March is named after Mars, the God of War.
April and May are named after obscure floral goddesses of the springtime.
June is named after Juno, the wife of Jupiter.
July is named after Julius Caesar.
August is named after Augustus Caesar. August used to be the month called Sextile, which
means 6, and Augustus Caesar figured that if Julius had a month named after him, then
Augustus also wanted a month named after himself. So he changed Sextile to August and at
that time it only had 30 days, February had 29, so he took the 29th day from February and
added it to August so it would have 31 just like Julius did with July.
September means 7 (sept) but is the ninth month.
October means 8, but is the 10th month.
November, which means 9, is the 11th month.
December, the 12th month, means 10.
In the 13 Moon calendar, the meaning of each of the 13 moons corresponds to that particular
number frequency having three key words. These numbers are known as the thirteen galactic tones
of creation that together form the cosmology of movement. These 13 Moons can be put into the
format of a wavespell:
Moon 1: Magnetic

Unify purpose


Moon 2: Lunar

Polarize challenge


Moon 3: Electric

Active service


Moon 4: Self-existing

Define form


Moon 5: Overtone

Empower radiance


Moon 6: Rhythmic

Organize equality


Moon 7: Resonant

Channel attunement


Moon 8: Galactic

Harmonize integrity


Moon 9: Solar

Pulse intention


Moon 10: Planetary

Perfect manifestation


Moon 11: Spectral

Dissolve liberation


Moon 12: Crystal

Dedicate cooperation


Moon 13: Cosmic

Endure presence


Here are the full names and Gregorian dates of the 13 Moons:
1. Magnetic Bat Moon (July 26-August 22)
2. Lunar Scorpion Moon (August 23-September 19)
3. Electric Deer Moon (September 20-October 17)
4. Self-existing Owl Moon (October 18-November 14)
5. Overtone Peacock Moon (November 15-December 12)
6. Rhythmic Lizard Moon (December 13-January 9)
7. Resonant Monkey Moon (January 10-February 6)
8. Galactic Hawk Moon (February 7-March 6)
9. Solar Jaguar Moon (March 7-April 3)
10. Planetary Dog Moon (April 4-May 1)
11. Spectral Serpent Moon (May 2-May 29)
12. Crystal Rabbit Moon (May 30-June 26)
13. Cosmic Turtle Moon (June 27-July 24)
Day Out of Time (July 25)

The coming new era on our planet has everything to do with a change of timing frequency. The 13
Moon-28-day calendar is a simple tool that helps us to raise our frequency and gives us a new lens
to view both our day-to-day and planetary events.
Because both the Gregorian and 13 Moon calendars operate with 52 seven-day weeks annually (364
days), the 13 Moon calendar provides a perfect daily transition tool for hooking back up with the
higher-dimensional order! It is simple to follow day-to-day as it is marked with the dates of the
Gregorian calendar.

13 Moon Calendar - Simple Cycles

The 13 Moon calendar is comprised of elegantly simple cycles. Namely: The 7-day week and 28day moon. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, the days of the moon (month) and the days of the week
line up perfectly, week-to-week and moon-to-moon. This makes the 13 Moon/28-day calendar a
perpetual calendar. Lets go into detail and youll see what we mean.

This is the seven-day week, every week in the 13 Moon calendar is exactly the same,
a cycle of 7 days, which is also called a heptad.
Each moon (or month) on the 13 Moon calendar contains exactly four seven-day weeks or heptads.
7 x 4 = 28.
Each of the four weeks has a unique power:
Week 1: (Red) Knowledge Initiates View
Week 2: (White) Humility Refines Meditation
Week 3: (Blue) Patience Transforms Conduct
Week 4: (Yellow) Power Ripens Fruit

At the top what you see are the new names and symbols for the days of the week (Dali, Seli,
Gamma, Kali, Alpha, Limi and Silio) - you'll learn more about this below. For now this graphic is
simply to illustrate to you that this structure of 28 days, and four perfect 7-day weeks is exactly the
same for all 13 moons of the 13 Moon calendar.
The 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd days of the moon will ALWAYS be "Dali" days.
The 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd days of the moon will ALWAYS be "Seli" days.
and so on...
So when you repeat this 13 times you get all 13 Moons of the 13 Moon calendar:

13 Moons x 28 days = 364 days = 52 seven-day weeks. The 365th day of the year is called the Day
Out of Time, a day to celebrate peace through culture, time is art and practice universal forgiveness
so that everyone can start the next year fresh!

In the graphic above, the small numbers at the bottom of each square are the 12 Month/Gregorian
calendar dates. For example, find the very first day of the 13 Moon calendar - do you see below
where it says "7-26" - this is the Gregorian date July 26! Every day on the 13 Moon calendar
includes the Gregorian date - this is so we don't get lost in this time of transition.
Now find your birthday on the 13 Moon calendar. For example, if your birthday is October 13, look
for the day on the calendar that is marked "10-13". Note that October 13 is the 24th day of the
Electric Moon. Electric Moon is the third moon of the 13 moons. You can write this date as 3.24.
Now find todays date on the 13 Moon calendar. Note the moon and day of the moon it falls on.
This is all you need to know to begin following this basic 13 Moon Cycle! No need to memorize
obscure rhymes like "30 days hath September,..." because every moon is exactly 28 days - the first
day of the moon is always the first day of the week, the last day of the moon is always the last day
of the week!
This consistent regularity is what makes the 13 Moon calendar a harmonic timespace matrix. This is
just the tip of the iceberg of fourth-dimensional time...
Congratulations! You've now learned how to keep time within a harmonic matrix!

13 Moon Calendar - Every day is a Galactic Gateway

So you've seen the tip of the iceberg now. The 28-day cycle makes calculating the year extremely
easy. You always know that, for example, five moons from now it will be the same day of the moon,
and the same day of the week. You can see that if you were to calculate something far into the future
it would still be the same calendar year. What's more, this calendar, as a harmonic matrix, is a
perfect reflection of higher-dimensional time.
Now you're ready to learn about the 260 Galactic Gateways of the Harmonic Module or Tzolkin.

This is the Harmonic Module, called Tzolkin by the Maya which means "sacred count". This is a
perfect 13:20 matrix (13 x 20 = 260). If you've already learned about the Law of Time then you
know that this is the perfect cycle of the 13:20 frequency of synchronization.
The Tzolkin is read from top to bottom, left to right. Start in the upper left-hand corner and count
downward until you reach 20, then 21 will be at the top of the next column, and so on.
Each day is a combination of one of 20 symbols (Solar Seals) and 13 numbers (Galactic Tones).
This makes a total of 260 (20 x 13) combinations of seals and tones.
For example, here are the first five units on the Tzolkin:

You'll learn more about the 13 Galactic Tones and 20 Solar Seals in the next section
The 260-day cycle is the rough measure of the human gestation period, and is also a perfect fractal
of the galactic 26,000-year cycle which we will be completing on December 21, 2012, which is why

it is also called the Galactic Spin.

This 260-day cycle proceeds daily, every day for every 13 Moon calendar year. In combination with
the 364 + 1 days of the 13 Moon calendar, a vast permutation matrix is established. This creates a
52-year cycle - 18,980 days (= 260 x 365) - where no two days are the same, so that you have an
ever changing pattern of moving symbols for every day!
In the next section of this tutorial we'll show you a complete sample moon of the 13 Moon calendar
so you can see how all of the pieces fit together.

Putting it all Together - Welcome to a New Time!

What you see here is one Moon/month of the 13 Moon calendar:

There are a lot of new symbols and signs here, but it's simple to follow. Once you've learned the
codes for these signs and symbols, just follow them day-by-day.
Let's take it one step at a time ...

In the 13 Moon Calendar the seven days

of the week are the Seven Radial Plasmas

The images above are the names and seven seals for the Seven
Radial plasmas: electrical fluids that are the primary building
blocks of creation (even before quarks!). These plasmas
stream out from the center of the galaxy - they also are
absorbed into and radiated out from the seven chakras. These
plasmas are the basis of a new telepathic technology, by which
we can even create the Rainbow Bridge around the Earth ...
Each of the Seven Radial Plasmas has its own unique

Dali - thermic force (target)

Seli - luminic force (flow)

Gamma - luminic-thermic force (pacify)

Kali - catalytic agent (establish)

Alpha - double-extended electron (release)

Limi - mental electron (purify)

Silio - mental electron neutron (discharge)

So in the 13 Moon calendar every day of the week corresponds to one of

these Radial Plasmas which then corresponds to one of your chakras! Each day you can visualize
the Plasma Seal in the chakra and repeat the affirmations, listed below.

Dali - "My father is intrinsic awareness. I feel the heat."

Seli - "My mother is the ultimate sphere. I see the light"

Gamma - "My lineage is the union of intrinsic awareness and the ultimate sphere. I
attain the power of peace.

Kali - "My name is the glorious lotus born. I catalyze the light-heat within."

Alpha - "My country is the unborn ultimate sphere. I release the double extended

electron at the south pole."

Limi - "I consume dualistic thoughts as food. I purify the mental electron at the north

Silio - "My role is to accomplish the actions of the Buddha. I discharge the mental
electron neutron at the center of the earth"

More information on the science of the Radial Plasmas is contained in the 7:7::7:7 Telektonon
Revelation kit, as well as its free companion guide.

13 Moon Date

On the 13 Moon calendar, the big numbers 1 through 28 are the day of the Moon/month. Every
moon in the 13 Moon calendar has exactly 4 seven-day weeks which is 28 days! This makes it very
simple to plan ahead into the future. The 28-day cycle is actually a Matrix of 28 - also called
Galactic Standard Time, a reflection of the higher-dimensional order.

The 13 Moon calendar is a tool for harmonizing with the higher-dimensional order. The highest use
of what we call "calendar" is actually to be a measure of synchronicity - this is why we call the 13
Moon calendar a 13 Moon Synchronometer!
For more information on Galactic Standard Time see Rinri Newsletter "Remembering the Sacred
Way - Galactic Standard Time (GST): The Root Meaning of the Thirteen Moon/28-day Calendar"

Gregorian Date

Did you know the calendar that we all know ("30 days hath September, etc. etc.") is called the
Gregorian Calendar? This is because it is the calendar established by Pope Gregory XIII of the
These dates are included on every 13 Moon calendar so that you don't get "lost in time" - We are all
in middle time, that is, when you're setting your appointments you can't tell your doctor: "Fine. I'll
be there on Galactic Moon Limi 13" - At least not yet you can't. So while the 12 Month calendar is
still in use, these dates are included so you can stay on track with the world at large.

While we're on the subject, let's cover some of the origins of this Gregorian calendar.
This calendar is actually the one that started us using the word "calendar" for date-keeping devices.
The word "calendar" comes from the root word "calends", which means account book! This is
because the primary use of this calendar for the common man was to know the dates to pay taxes. In
fact this calendar was imposed upon the disposessed indigenous people of the "New World" under
the Doctrine of Discovery of 1582...
After learning about the Radial Plasmas and Matrix of 28 you can see how magical a
synchronometer can be - this is in stark contrast to saying "Today is Friday, October 2nd".
Visit our Free Downloads section for a free perpetual 13 Moon Wavespell Calendar.
To learn more about the origins of the 12 Month calendar, read "Stopping Time and Getting on With
the Second Creation" by Jos Argelles/Valum Votan

The 20 Solar Seals and 13 Galactic Tones,

when combined, make the Galactic Signature of every day!

Every day there is a Solar Seal and a Galactic Tone, this combination is called the Galactic

Signature or Galactic Gateway of the day! This gives you something very interesting to meditate
upon in the morning when you check your calendar synchronometer!
The 20 Solar Seals and 13 Galactic Tones describe processes of cosmic creation. You can practice
drawing these archetypal symbols, they are inspiring and activating on many levels. They are
described in the Cosmic History Chronicles as follows:
"The galactic tones can be thought of as radio-pulses that are akin to the pulsations of
radio waves from the dense core of the pulsar or quasar. The solar seals represent the
cycle of frequency-range possibilities for transformation or evolution that each of these
radio-pulses may undergo."
The 13 Galactic Tones

























































The 20 Solar Seals























Life Force
















Universal Water












Free Will
































Universal Fire



The galactic gateway is always read "Color, Tone, Seal". For example, a Red Dragon day, with the
Magnetic tone is read: "Red Magnetic Dragon". The keywords for Red Dragon are: nurture,
birth, being - The key words for the Magnetic tone are: unify, attract, purpose.
Now let's try today's galactic gateway. Today is Yellow Self-Existing Star - Now study the key
words for the Yellow Star seal and Self-Existing tone...
Pretty fascinating isn't it?
There is no comparison between this experience and saying: "Today is Monday, July 20, 2015 ."

Lunar Phases
Last but not least - the Lunar Phases - a great third-dimensional presentation of the harmonic cycles
of time. The 28-day cycle which is the base of the 13 Moon calendar is both Galactic Standard
Time, and the mean lunar cycle: the average between the moon's synodic cycle of 29.5 days and the
sidereal cycle of just over 27 days.
The synodic cycle is the cycle of the moon's phases (new moon, full moon, waning, etc.)
The sidereal cycle is the measure taken from where the moon appears at the same place in the sky.
Look at how the lunar phases are shown in your Gregorian calendar, and compare it with how they
appear in the 13 Moon calendar - you will notice that the harmonic regularity of the lunar phases is
much more apparent on the 13 Moon calendar's Matrix of 28.
A New Moon rises with the Sun
Her waxing half at midday shows
The Full Moon climbs at sunset hour
And waning half the midnight knows

The Fifth Force Oracle

So now that you've learned how to follow the 13 Moon Calendar day-by-day, let's go a bit further
down this galactic rabbit hole!
Within the daily galactic signature (also called galactic gateway) is also the Fifth Force Oracle. One
metaphor to describe the fifth force oracle is that if the galactic signature is the fourth-dimensional
flower bud, then the Fifth Force Oracle is the shimmering flower blossom.

What is the Fifth Force?

Contemporary science describes four major forces in the universe: strong, weak, electromagnetic
and gravitational. The Fifth Force, then, is the one that binds them all together, it is the synchronic
G-Force, sometimes called the ether, or akasha. It is the force which synchronizes the universe!
Every galactic gateway as you know has a solar seal and galactic tone, but also packed inside is the
dense synchronic power of the G-Force - it is the purpose of the Fifth Force Oracle to tap into this
deeper cyclical pattern and to amp up the level of meaning that can be gleaned from each galactic
gateway, and more!

If the Fifth Force Oracle is our blossomed fourth-dimensional flower, then the Oracle Board is the
flower garden of galactic g-force! The complete Oracle Board (shown above) consists of four leaves
plus a central "matrix" core - these leaves contain the basic fifth force oracle for four of the twenty
solar seals. Study the image above and become familiar with its parts.
Four Leaves plus the Central Matrix
The Oracle Board is read East (red), North (white), West (blue), South (yellow), Center
Beginning with the East (right-hand Red leaf) find the fifth force oracle with the Red
Dragon Solar Seal in the center, this is the Red Dragon Oracle. This is the beginning. Now
find the White Wind Oracle; next is the Blue Night Oracle; then the Yellow Seed Oracle.
After the Yellow Seed Oracle you move to the White Northern (top) leaf to find the Red
Serpent Oracle; continue following the sequence through all twenty oracles.

The pattern always follows the four-part harmonic: Red, White, Blue, Yellow - once you've
reached the end of the fourth Yellow Southern leaf you enter the Green Central Matrix
region, which contains the oracles for the Red Earth, White Mirror, Blue Storm and Yellow
The Oracles
The graphic below is the key to understanding the oracles as seen in the Oracle Board graphic

Every solar seal has:

1. An analog kin or support power;
2. An antipode kin or challenge/strengthening power;
3. An occult kin or hidden unexpected power;
These three are all constants for each solar seal, as shown in the Oracle Board graphic above.The
blank spot at the top of each oracle layout represents the fifth force outcome, called the
4. guide kin or higher-self power, which is always the same color as the Solar Seal in the center.
The Destiny Oracle key graphic above shows you how to calculate the Guide for any given galactic
signature (galactic gateway). To summarize:
For galactic
with tones:

Then the Guide Kin is:

1, 6 or 11:
2, 7 or 12:
3, 8 or 13:
4 or 9:
5 or 10:

the same solar seal as destiny

kin seal
12 seals ahead (or 8 seals
back) of destiny seal
4 seals ahead (or 16 seals
back) of destiny seal
4 seals back (or 16 seals
ahead) of destiny seal
8 seals ahead (or 12 seals
back) of destiny seal

For example:
Kin 1, Red Magnetic Dragon has tone number 1 (Magnetic) so Red Magnetic Dragon is guided by
its own power doubled.
Kin 2, White Lunar Wind has tone number 2 (Lunar). For tone Beginner's
The following is a step-by-step guide for navigating your way through the synchronic order, the
exciting realm of universal synchronicity.
You can start to experience the magic of the synchronic order by finding your galactic signature.
Your galactic signature is your code name for your mythic or fourth-dimensional self. Each galactic
signature is a gateway or portal that can be used to discover different aspects of your being.
Your specific galactic signature corresponds with a number, color, Earth family, chakra, planet, and
much more. Through the synchronic order, events and people in our lives can be viewed from a
higher-dimensional vantage point revealing ever-deepening patterns of meaning.
Note: Your galactic signature occurs once every 260 days. Likewise, each day contains a specific
galactic signature that can be read through the lens of the synchronic order.
Use your galactic signature to find yourself in the Book of Kin. Note that your particular
signature correlates to an affirmation. This affirmation is meant to be meditated on. It is derived
from a mathematical code representing a stage of galactic consciousness. Also note that your
galactic signature in the Book of Kin occurs within a particular harmonic. A harmonic is always a
color-coded set of four signatures that follows the sequence: red, white, blue, yellow.
Find and note your solar seal on the planet holon and the human holon. A holon refers to the
holographic essence of any given form: human, planet, star, galaxy.

Find your Earth Family. The four seals of your earth family recur every four years. This
creates a pattern that repeats 13 times in a 52-year cycle. There are five earth families: Polar,
Cardinal, Core, Signal and Gateway. Each Earth family corresponds to a specific chakra. Note that
the Earth families also code the planet holon in five horizontal rows.
Find your corresponding planetary orbit. In the synchronic order the purpose of a planet is to
hold its orbit in relation to the other planetary orbits and altogether in relation to the Sun or stellar
unit of the evolving star system. The frequencies of the planets in relationship to each other account
for the creation of different stages or aspects of consciousness.

Find your Destiny Oracle. Each galactic signature is defined by a five-part structure called
the Destiny Oracle.

On the graphic above, each five-part cross is a Destiny Oracle. To find your oracle, locate the cross
which has your Solar Seal in the center. For example if you are a White Dog, find the cross with the
White Dog solar seal in the center.
Then use the chart below to find your guide Solar Seal (the blank square at the top of the five-part
cross). The graphic below also describes the powers of the individual pieces of the oracle.

Locate your kin number on the Tzolkin/Harmonic module. Note that the 52 shaded units are
known as galactic activation portals. These are days of extra high frequency. On the Tzolkin locate
your birth wavespell. A wavespell is a cycle of 13 days, moons, years, baktuns, etc.


Chart your Destiny Castle. The Destiny castle defines the sequence of 52 annual signatures

that occur from the time you are born up to your 52nd birthday. Beginning with your 52nd birthday,
the cycle repeats. The basis of the Destiny Castle is the repeating pattern of four seals that constitute
your Earth family. Every year the galactic tones advance by one. Since there are 13 tones and 4
seals per Earth family, this creates the cycle of 52. The Destiny castle can be used to find different
patterns in your life and to find higher meaning in our experiences, events and people in our lives.
More information on the Destiny Castle coming soon ...

This completes Level I of Exploring the Synchronic Order (for now)!

Proceed to Level II -Telektonon
2 the guide is 12 seals ahead, so White Lunar Wind is guided by White Lunar Wizard.
Study the patterns of the oracle board and become familiar with the method of calculating the guide,
and you can cast the Fifth Force Oracle for every day.
The fifth force oracle is a fascinating meditation. For example, note that the Wind and the Storm are
occult/hidden powers of each other; that the Warrior (whose power is fearlessness) and
Worldbridger (whose power is death) are antipode/challenge partners. Contemplate the relations
between all the Solar Seals and see what you can find in their codes ...
Your own fifth force oracle can reveal many levels of synchronically-charged meaning. Meditate on
the patterns and feel the g-force lights come on!
The Fifth Force Oracle and NET Time
A further application of the Fifth Force Oracle is that it divides the daily cycle into four sub-cycles,
called watches. This is called NET Time - Noospheric Earth Time.
In NET Time, for each daily kin, you utilize the fifth force oracle to find out what the four watches
of the day are.
First Watch: Midnight to Dawn (Analog kin)
Second Watch: Dawn to Noon (Guide kin)
Third Watch: Noon to Dusk (Antipode kin)
Fourth Watch: Dusk to Midnight (Occult kin)

By following the pattern of NET Time each day becomes a mandala of synchronicity. Follow the
shifting watches of the NET Time Fifth Force Oracle for deeper insight to the flow of your day-today reality!
We hope this Tutorial has helped you to begin using the 13 Moon calenda

The coming new era on our planet has everything to do with a change of timing frequency. The 13
Moon-28-day calendar is a simple tool that helps us to raise our frequency and gives us a new lens
to view both our day-to-day and planetary events.
Because both the Gregorian and 13 Moon calendars operate with 52 seven-day weeks annually (364
days), the 13 Moon calendar provides a perfect daily transition tool for hooking back up with the
higher-dimensional order! It is simple to follow day-to-day as it is marked with the dates of the
Gregorian calendar.

13 Moon Calendar - Simple Cycles

The 13 Moon calendar is comprised of elegantly simple cycles. Namely: The 7-day week and 28day moon. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, the days of the moon (month) and the days of the week
line up perfectly, week-to-week and moon-to-moon. This makes the 13 Moon/28-day calendar a
perpetual calendar. Lets go into detail and youll see what we mean.

This is the seven-day week, every week in the 13 Moon calendar is exactly the same,
a cycle of 7 days, which is also called a heptad.
Each moon (or month) on the 13 Moon calendar contains exactly four seven-day weeks or heptads.

7 x 4 = 28.
Each of the four weeks has a unique power:
Week 1: (Red) Knowledge Initiates View
Week 2: (White) Humility Refines Meditation
Week 3: (Blue) Patience Transforms Conduct
Week 4: (Yellow) Power Ripens Fruit

At the top what you see are the new names and symbols for the days of the week (Dali, Seli,
Gamma, Kali, Alpha, Limi and Silio) - you'll learn more about this below. For now this graphic is
simply to illustrate to you that this structure of 28 days, and four perfect 7-day weeks is exactly the
same for all 13 moons of the 13 Moon calendar.
The 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd days of the moon will ALWAYS be "Dali" days.
The 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd days of the moon will ALWAYS be "Seli" days.
and so on...
So when you repeat this 13 times you get all 13 Moons of the 13 Moon calendar:

13 Moons x 28 days = 364 days = 52 seven-day weeks. The 365th day of the year is called the Day
Out of Time, a day to celebrate peace through culture, time is art and practice universal forgiveness
so that everyone can start the next year fresh!
In the graphic above, the small numbers at the bottom of each square are the 12 Month/Gregorian
calendar dates. For example, find the very first day of the 13 Moon calendar - do you see below
where it says "7-26" - this is the Gregorian date July 26! Every day on the 13 Moon calendar
includes the Gregorian date - this is so we don't get lost in this time of transition.
Now find your birthday on the 13 Moon calendar. For example, if your birthday is October 13, look
for the day on the calendar that is marked "10-13". Note that October 13 is the 24th day of the
Electric Moon. Electric Moon is the third moon of the 13 moons. You can write this date as 3.24.
Now find todays date on the 13 Moon calendar. Note the moon and day of the moon it falls on.
This is all you need to know to begin following this basic 13 Moon Cycle! No need to memorize
obscure rhymes like "30 days hath September,..." because every moon is exactly 28 days - the first
day of the moon is always the first day of the week, the last day of the moon is always the last day
of the week!
This consistent regularity is what makes the 13 Moon calendar a harmonic timespace matrix. This is
just the tip of the iceberg of fourth-dimensional time...
Congratulations! You've now learned how to keep time within a harmonic matrix!

13 Moon Calendar - Every day is a Galactic Gateway

So you've seen the tip of the iceberg now. The 28-day cycle makes calculating the year extremely
easy. You always know that, for example, five moons from now it will be the same day of the moon,
and the same day of the week. You can see that if you were to calculate something far into the future
it would still be the same calendar year. What's more, this calendar, as a harmonic matrix, is a
perfect reflection of higher-dimensional time.
Now you're ready to learn about the 260 Galactic Gateways of the Harmonic Module or Tzolkin.

This is the Harmonic Module, called Tzolkin by the Maya which means "sacred count". This is a
perfect 13:20 matrix (13 x 20 = 260). If you've already learned about the Law of Time then you
know that this is the perfect cycle of the 13:20 frequency of synchronization.
The Tzolkin is read from top to bottom, left to right. Start in the upper left-hand corner and count
downward until you reach 20, then 21 will be at the top of the next column, and so on.
Each day is a combination of one of 20 symbols (Solar Seals) and 13 numbers (Galactic Tones).
This makes a total of 260 (20 x 13) combinations of seals and tones.
For example, here are the first five units on the Tzolkin:

You'll learn more about the 13 Galactic Tones and 20 Solar Seals in the next section
The 260-day cycle is the rough measure of the human gestation period, and is also a perfect fractal
of the galactic 26,000-year cycle which we will be completing on December 21, 2012, which is why

it is also called the Galactic Spin.

This 260-day cycle proceeds daily, every day for every 13 Moon calendar year. In combination with
the 364 + 1 days of the 13 Moon calendar, a vast permutation matrix is established. This creates a
52-year cycle - 18,980 days (= 260 x 365) - where no two days are the same, so that you have an
ever changing pattern of moving symbols for every day!
In the next section of this tutorial we'll show you a complete sample moon of the 13 Moon calendar
so you can see how all of the pieces fit together.

Putting it all Together - Welcome to a New Time!

What you see here is one Moon/month of the 13 Moon calendar:

There are a lot of new symbols and signs here, but it's simple to follow. Once you've learned the
codes for these signs and symbols, just follow them day-by-day.
Let's take it one step at a time ...

In the 13 Moon Calendar the seven days

of the week are the Seven Radial Plasmas

The images above are the names and seven seals for the Seven
Radial plasmas: electrical fluids that are the primary building
blocks of creation (even before quarks!). These plasmas
stream out from the center of the galaxy - they also are
absorbed into and radiated out from the seven chakras. These
plasmas are the basis of a new telepathic technology, by which
we can even create the Rainbow Bridge around the Earth ...
Each of the Seven Radial Plasmas has its own unique

Dali - thermic force (target)

Seli - luminic force (flow)

Gamma - luminic-thermic force (pacify)

Kali - catalytic agent (establish)

Alpha - double-extended electron (release)

Limi - mental electron (purify)

Silio - mental electron neutron (discharge)

So in the 13 Moon calendar every day of the week corresponds to one of

these Radial Plasmas which then corresponds to one of your chakras! Each day you can visualize
the Plasma Seal in the chakra and repeat the affirmations, listed below.

Dali - "My father is intrinsic awareness. I feel the heat."

Seli - "My mother is the ultimate sphere. I see the light"

Gamma - "My lineage is the union of intrinsic awareness and the ultimate sphere. I
attain the power of peace.

Kali - "My name is the glorious lotus born. I catalyze the light-heat within."

Alpha - "My country is the unborn ultimate sphere. I release the double extended

electron at the south pole."

Limi - "I consume dualistic thoughts as food. I purify the mental electron at the north

Silio - "My role is to accomplish the actions of the Buddha. I discharge the mental
electron neutron at the center of the earth"

More information on the science of the Radial Plasmas is contained in the 7:7::7:7 Telektonon
Revelation kit, as well as its free companion guide.

13 Moon Date
On the 13 Moon calendar, the big numbers 1 through 28 are the day of the Moon/month. Every
moon in the 13 Moon calendar has exactly 4 seven-day weeks which is 28 days! This makes it very
simple to plan ahead into the future. The 28-day cycle is actually a Matrix of 28 - also called
Galactic Standard Time, a reflection of the higher-dimensional order.
The 13 Moon calendar is a tool for harmonizing with the higher-dimensional order. The highest use
of what we call "calendar" is actually to be a measure of synchronicity - this is why we call the 13
Moon calendar a 13 Moon Synchronometer!
For more information on Galactic Standard Time see Rinri Newsletter "Remembering the Sacred
Way - Galactic Standard Time (GST): The Root Meaning of the Thirteen Moon/28-day Calendar"

Gregorian Date

Did you know the calendar that we all know ("30 days hath September, etc. etc.") is called the
Gregorian Calendar? This is because it is the calendar established by Pope Gregory XIII of the
These dates are included on every 13 Moon calendar so that you don't get "lost in time" - We are all
in middle time, that is, when you're setting your appointments you can't tell your doctor: "Fine. I'll
be there on Galactic Moon Limi 13" - At least not yet you can't. So while the 12 Month calendar is
still in use, these dates are included so you can stay on track with the world at large.
While we're on the subject, let's cover some of the origins of this Gregorian calendar.
This calendar is actually the one that started us using the word "calendar" for date-keeping devices.
The word "calendar" comes from the root word "calends", which means account book! This is
because the primary use of this calendar for the common man was to know the dates to pay taxes. In
fact this calendar was imposed upon the disposessed indigenous people of the "New World" under
the Doctrine of Discovery of 1582...
After learning about the Radial Plasmas and Matrix of 28 you can see how magical a

synchronometer can be - this is in stark contrast to saying "Today is Friday, October 2nd".
Visit our Free Downloads section for a free perpetual 13 Moon Wavespell Calendar.
To learn more about the origins of the 12 Month calendar, read "Stopping Time and Getting on With
the Second Creation" by Jos Argelles/Valum Votan

The 20 Solar Seals and 13 Galactic Tones,

when combined, make the Galactic Signature of every day!

Every day there is a Solar Seal and a Galactic Tone, this combination is called the Galactic
Signature or Galactic Gateway of the day! This gives you something very interesting to meditate
upon in the morning when you check your calendar synchronometer!
The 20 Solar Seals and 13 Galactic Tones describe processes of cosmic creation. You can practice
drawing these archetypal symbols, they are inspiring and activating on many levels. They are
described in the Cosmic History Chronicles as follows:
"The galactic tones can be thought of as radio-pulses that are akin to the pulsations of
radio waves from the dense core of the pulsar or quasar. The solar seals represent the

cycle of frequency-range possibilities for transformation or evolution that each of these

radio-pulses may undergo."
The 13 Galactic Tones

























































The 20 Solar Seals























Life Force
















Universal Water












Free Will
































Universal Fire



The galactic gateway is always read "Color, Tone, Seal". For example, a Red Dragon day, with the
Magnetic tone is read: "Red Magnetic Dragon". The keywords for Red Dragon are: nurture,
birth, being - The key words for the Magnetic tone are: unify, attract, purpose.
Now let's try today's galactic gateway. Today is Yellow Self-Existing Star - Now study the key
words for the Yellow Star seal and Self-Existing tone...
Pretty fascinating isn't it?
There is no comparison between this experience and saying: "Today is Monday, July 20, 2015 ."

Lunar Phases

Last but not least - the Lunar Phases - a great third-dimensional presentation of the harmonic cycles
of time. The 28-day cycle which is the base of the 13 Moon calendar is both Galactic Standard
Time, and the mean lunar cycle: the average between the moon's synodic cycle of 29.5 days and the
sidereal cycle of just over 27 days.
The synodic cycle is the cycle of the moon's phases (new moon, full moon, waning, etc.)

The sidereal cycle is the measure taken from where the moon appears at the same place in the sky.
Look at how the lunar phases are shown in your Gregorian calendar, and compare it with how they
appear in the 13 Moon calendar - you will notice that the harmonic regularity of the lunar phases is
much more apparent on the 13 Moon calendar's Matrix of 28.
A New Moon rises with the Sun
Her waxing half at midday shows
The Full Moon climbs at sunset hour
And waning half the midnight knows

The Fifth Force Oracle

So now that you've learned how to follow the 13 Moon Calendar day-by-day, let's go a bit further
down this galactic rabbit hole!
Within the daily galactic signature (also called galactic gateway) is also the Fifth Force Oracle. One
metaphor to describe the fifth force oracle is that if the galactic signature is the fourth-dimensional
flower bud, then the Fifth Force Oracle is the shimmering flower blossom.
What is the Fifth Force?
Contemporary science describes four major forces in the universe: strong, weak, electromagnetic
and gravitational. The Fifth Force, then, is the one that binds them all together, it is the synchronic
G-Force, sometimes called the ether, or akasha. It is the force which synchronizes the universe!
Every galactic gateway as you know has a solar seal and galactic tone, but also packed inside is the
dense synchronic power of the G-Force - it is the purpose of the Fifth Force Oracle to tap into this
deeper cyclical pattern and to amp up the level of meaning that can be gleaned from each galactic
gateway, and more!

If the Fifth Force Oracle is our blossomed fourth-dimensional flower, then the Oracle Board is the
flower garden of galactic g-force! The complete Oracle Board (shown above) consists of four leaves
plus a central "matrix" core - these leaves contain the basic fifth force oracle for four of the twenty
solar seals. Study the image above and become familiar with its parts.
Four Leaves plus the Central Matrix
The Oracle Board is read East (red), North (white), West (blue), South (yellow), Center
Beginning with the East (right-hand Red leaf) find the fifth force oracle with the Red
Dragon Solar Seal in the center, this is the Red Dragon Oracle. This is the beginning. Now
find the White Wind Oracle; next is the Blue Night Oracle; then the Yellow Seed Oracle.
After the Yellow Seed Oracle you move to the White Northern (top) leaf to find the Red
Serpent Oracle; continue following the sequence through all twenty oracles.
The pattern always follows the four-part harmonic: Red, White, Blue, Yellow - once you've
reached the end of the fourth Yellow Southern leaf you enter the Green Central Matrix
region, which contains the oracles for the Red Earth, White Mirror, Blue Storm and Yellow
The Oracles
The graphic below is the key to understanding the oracles as seen in the Oracle Board graphic

Every solar seal has:

1. An analog kin or support power;
2. An antipode kin or challenge/strengthening power;
3. An occult kin or hidden unexpected power;
These three are all constants for each solar seal, as shown in the Oracle Board graphic above.The
blank spot at the top of each oracle layout represents the fifth force outcome, called the
4. guide kin or higher-self power, which is always the same color as the Solar Seal in the center.
The Destiny Oracle key graphic above shows you how to calculate the Guide for any given galactic
signature (galactic gateway). To summarize:
For galactic
with tones:
1, 6 or 11:
2, 7 or 12:
3, 8 or 13:
4 or 9:
5 or 10:

Then the Guide Kin is:

the same solar seal as destiny
kin seal
12 seals ahead (or 8 seals
back) of destiny seal
4 seals ahead (or 16 seals
back) of destiny seal
4 seals back (or 16 seals
ahead) of destiny seal
8 seals ahead (or 12 seals

back) of destiny seal

For example:
Kin 1, Red Magnetic Dragon has tone number 1 (Magnetic) so Red Magnetic Dragon is guided by
its own power doubled.
Kin 2, White Lunar Wind has tone number 2 (Lunar). For tone 2 the guide is 12 seals ahead, so
White Lunar Wind is guided by White Lunar Wizard.
Study the patterns of the oracle board and become familiar with the method of calculating the guide,
and you can cast the Fifth Force Oracle for every day.
The fifth force oracle is a fascinating meditation. For example, note that the Wind and the Storm are
occult/hidden powers of each other; that the Warrior (whose power is fearlessness) and
Worldbridger (whose power is death) are antipode/challenge partners. Contemplate the relations
between all the Solar Seals and see what you can find in their codes ...
Your own fifth force oracle can reveal many levels of synchronically-charged meaning. Meditate on
the patterns and feel the g-force lights come on!
The Fifth Force Oracle and NET Time
A further application of the Fifth Force Oracle is that it divides the daily cycle into four sub-cycles,
called watches. This is called NET Time - Noospheric Earth Time.
In NET Time, for each daily kin, you utilize the fifth force oracle to find out what the four watches
of the day are.
First Watch: Midnight to Dawn (Analog kin)
Second Watch: Dawn to Noon (Guide kin)
Third Watch: Noon to Dusk (Antipode kin)
Fourth Watch: Dusk to Midnight (Occult kin)

By following the pattern of NET Time each day becomes a mandala of synchronicity. Follow the
shifting watches of the NET Time Fifth Force Oracle for deeper insight to the flow of your day-today reality!
We hope this Tutorial has helped you to begin using the 13 Moon calendar on a daily basis and so
entering a whole new experience of Time! You can request a 13 Moon Pocket calendar here which
is also available as a free download.
This tutorial will be coninuously updated to describe the more advanced or deeper levels of the 13
Moon calendar ... in the meantime, if you have any questions feel free to contact us.
r on a daily basis and so entering a whole new experience of Time! You can request a 13 Moon
Pocket calendar here which is also available as a free download.
This tutorial will be coninuously updated to describe the more advanced or deeper levels of the 13
Moon calendar ... in the meantime, if you have any questions feel free to contact us.

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