Condominium Accounting
Condominium Accounting
Condominium Accounting
These Guidelines suggest accounting principles, reporting practices, audit procedures and tax
considerations specific to Ontario condominium corporations as well as recommendations for
best practices that are in addition to the requirements of the CPA Canada Handbook and the
Condominium Act, 1998. They update the guidelines issued by the Committee on Accounting
and Auditing Guidelines for Ontario Condominium Corporations (the Committee) in November
They reflect the Condominium Act, 1998 (the Act), Part III - Canadian accounting standards for
not-for-profit organizations of the CPA Canada Handbook - Accounting (Handbook) and
Canadian Auditing Standards (CAS) of the CPA Canada Handbook Assurance (Handbook), all
as of October, 2013. (The CICA Handbook published by the Chartered Professional Accountants
of Canada (CPA Canada), which was formerly known as the Canadian Institute of Chartered
Accountants (CICA), is changing its name to the CPA Canada Handbook effective November 1,
I wish to thank my fellow Committee members who have given extensively of their time and
efforts to this project so that we can ensure that the public and all other users of condominium
financial statements will be well served by our profession.
Finally, our thanks for the assistance and support provided by Louis Kan of CPA Ontario during
preparation of these Guidelines. His insights and guidance were most helpful.
John Warren, Chair
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
These Guidelines represent the collective views of the Committee members. Individual members
may hold alternate views on a number of matters or interpretations such as on financial
statements presentation and note disclosure, depending on the particular facts and circumstances
of the engagement. These Guidelines do not constitute an official Chartered Professional
Accountants of Ontario position.
These Guidelines are provided for general information and educational purposes only, and do not
constitute legal or professional advice. It is the responsibility of each auditor to be fully informed
of the particular circumstances of each engagement and assistance provided by these Guidelines
shall not be substituted for the auditors obligation to exercise due diligence and professional
These Guidelines provide guidance as of October, 2013, but readers are cautioned that
subsequent amendments to, or interpretations of accounting and auditing standards may affect
the validity or applicability of the comments in these Guidelines.
References to the CPA Canada Handbook, to our CPA Ontarios Members handbook, and to the
Condominium Act, 1998 and related regulations are not all-inclusive. Readers should refer to the
complete texts to obtain an understanding of all applicable standards and ethical and other
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Financial statements
History of condominiums
Shared facilities
Accounting Considerations
Audit Considerations
Statutory audits
Audit risks
Fund accounting
Engagement letter
Representation letter
Turnover audit
Budget information
Reserve fund
Non-profit status
Filing requirements
Additional Resources
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Financial statements
Section 66 of the Act and related regulations specify that the corporation shall prepare its
financial statements in accordance with the accounting principles contained in the Handbook and
further that certain reserve fund information shall be disclosed therein. The Committee has
concluded that general-purpose financial statements that comply with Canadian accounting
standards for not-for-profit organizations as set out in Part III of the Handbook and that meet the
disclosure requirements of the Act should be prepared for presentation to owners at the Annual
General Meeting.
An auditor who accepts an appointment under Section 67 of the Act accepts three
responsibilities, as set out in more detail in the section on audit considerations. Briefly, they are:
To make an examination in accordance with Canadian Auditing Standards (CAS).
Under CAS 700, to add one or more paragraphs to the audit report after the opinion
paragraph when the corporations financial statements are not in accordance with the
requirements of the Act and the Regulations, and;
Under CAS 700, to add a paragraph to the audit report after the opinion paragraph when the
statement of reserve fund operations and other prescribed information contained in the
financial statements do not fairly present the information contained in the reserve fund
studies the auditor has received.
Auditors should obtain a copy of the Act and Regulations and review in detail Sections 60 to 71
and Regulation 48/01 Sections 16 and 27 to 33 relating to auditors, financial statements and
reserve fund studies. Certain of the significant sections of the Act and Regulations are referenced
later in these Guidelines.
History of condominiums
The condominium concept is not new; the existence of housing arrangements similar to
condominiums is reported by scholars in early civilizations. For example, the Romans, from
whose language the word condominium was derived, used this form of housing. Condominium
living later appeared in medieval Europe, found its way to South America and in the last century
gained strong support in Europe and North America. Historically, condominiums have gained
popularity when the cost of urban land has risen disproportionately, generally as a result of
increases in population density arising from migration to cities.
Condominiums came into existence in Ontario in the latter half of the 20th century. They are
corporations created by developers through legally registered declarations pursuant to enabling
provincial statutes. The first Ontario statute in 1967 basically allowed for a form of land
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
registration. It was less than 15 pages in length and contained few requirements as to how a
condominium should be operated. Amendments were made in 1970, 1972, 1973 and 1974, and
the first mention of financial statements and auditors appeared in the 1978 Act. The need for
modernization led to major reform of the legislation culminating in proclamation of the
Condominium Act, 1998 on May 5, 2001.
These Guidelines apply to the following types of condominiums: Standard, Common Elements,
Leasehold and Vacant Land.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
for the collection of assessments, staff supervision, payment of expenses, inside and outside
maintenance and repair, assisting owners in resolving matters relating to the affairs of the
condominium and accounting for financial transactions. Managers operate under the authority of
the board and are responsible to it, but management activities do not relieve the board of their
Owners have the right to elect directors to manage the affairs of the corporation and to appoint
its auditors.
Owners are responsible to comply with the requirements of the Act, declaration, bylaws and
rules of the corporation as well as applicable requirements of other government bodies and for
contributing to the common expenses in the proportions specified in the declaration.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Fund accounting
The Act requires that condominium corporations must have at least two funds, an operating fund
and a reserve fund. Therefore fund accounting as set out in Part III, Section 4400 of the
Handbook may be an appropriate method of presentation. Expenses for the major repair and
replacement of the common elements and assets of the corporation should only be charged to the
reserve fund.
The Committee also strongly recommends that a fund be set up to reflect the equity in capital
assets, if any, so that owners do not conclude that the total operating fund is available to be
contributed to the reserve fund or to offset future assessment increases. Additional funds are also
common, such as contingency or other funds set up at the discretion of the board for specific
purposes and funds related to debt and capital lease obligations, as discussed below.
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2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
A first year deficit recovery should not be set up as a receivable unless collection is certain,
generally evidenced by payment.
Capital assets
Condominiums may limit the application of Handbook Part III Section 4431 if the average of
annual gross revenue for the current and preceding period is less than $500,000. Corporations
with gross revenue below the threshold may choose not to capitalize. The disclosure
requirements of Section 4431.38 would then apply, as follows:
Disclosure of the accounting policy followed for capital assets;
Information about major categories of capital assets not recorded in the statement of financial
position, including a description of the assets; and
If capital assets are expensed when acquired, the amount expensed in the current period.
Expenses for the major repair or replacement of the common elements of the corporation are not
capital costs of the corporation and should be charged to the reserve fund.
As discussed above, when assets are capitalized, the Committee recommends that a Capital Asset
Fund (or other name descriptive of the assets) be established to reflect the equity in these assets
and that amortization of these assets, if any, be charged to this fund.
Real property directly associated with the units
The entire property built by the developer, both units and undivided interest in the common
elements and assets, were purchased by the first owners. Each successive purchaser acquires that
undivided interest in the common elements. As the units and common elements built by the
developer have never been owned by the corporation, it follows that they should not be
Real property directly associated with the units includes land, buildings including shared
facilities, landscaping, roads, fences and similar features, but does not include residential,
commercial, service or superintendent and guest suite units.
The Committee recommends that expenditures made after the date of registration for real
property directly associated with the units also not be capitalized, but instead be expensed.
Real property not directly associated with the units
Real property not directly associated with the units such as superintendent, guest suites and other
units should only be recognized as capital assets when the condominium corporation:
Has paid for the property; and
Has title or other evidence of ownership of the property; and
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Can dispose of the property with the approval of the board, or where required, the approval
of the owners, for cash or claims to cash and can retain the proceeds.
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2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
statement of financial position. If these major repair or replacement costs were charged to the
reserve fund, it would create a deficit balance in that fund which may not be easy for owners to
understand and reconcile to the reserve investments held to fund planned reserve expenditures
contained in the reserve fund study. As the Act permits the creation of more than one reserve
fund, to avoid this confusion, the Committee recommends that the corporation set up an
additional reserve fund which is charged with these costs. This fund will carry an initial debit
balance after the payment of these reserve costs.
Subsequent to payment of these reserve costs, the corporations budget and statement of
operations of the operating fund should include a separate line allocating to this additional
reserve fund an amount from owners assessments equal to the total annual debt payments,
including interest and principal (this disclosure may be required by the lender). As debt
payments are made, the interest portion is charged to the statement of operations of this
additional reserve fund and the principal portion reduces the debt. The deficit balance in the fund
will be reduced over time by the allocations from the operating fund, net of the interest
principal (this disclosure may be required by the lessor). As lease payments are made, the
interest portion is charged to the statement of operations of the leased equipment fund and the
principal portion reduces the capital lease obligations. The deficit balance in the fund will be
reduced over time by the allocations from the operating fund, net of the interest component.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
an addition, alteration or improvement. Some professionals believe that a legislated change, for
example, installation of roof anchors where there were none, means that these items are part of
current construction standards and thus the costs are eligible to be charged to the reserve fund;
others disagree.
The Committee recommends that, where there is doubt, the board should consider seeking advice
from the corporations reserve fund study provider or legal counsel on these matters.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
All existing common elements and assets must be considered in the reserve fund study. The
common elements are defined by the Act as all the property except the units. The declaration
defines the unit boundaries and by exclusion, the corporations common elements and assets.
Each declaration may also impose upon owners the responsibility for repair and replacement of
specific common elements such as doors and windows. Such items, if so defined, should not be
included in the reserve fund study. Common element components generally include:
Land, landscaping, fences, walkways and roadways;
Foundations, walls, roofs, windows, stairways, hallways and other parts of the structure;
Mechanical, plumbing and electrical equipment;
Recreational and other facilities.
Notice of Future Funding of The Reserve Fund
The board is responsible for developing and implementing a plan for the future funding of the
reserve fund that will ensure that the fund will be adequate, and for issuing a Notice of Future
Funding of The Reserve Fund to communicate their plan to the owners. The funding plan is
normally provided by the reserve fund study consultant. Section 94(8) of the Act does not
stipulate that the board must follow any of the funding plans provided in the reserve fund study;
however, they must ensure that any funding plan they implement ensures that the reserve fund
will be adequate within the times set out above.
Where the board decides not to follow any of the funding plans contained in the study, the
financial statements must disclose this fact in the notes, and include a statement of differences
between the reserve fund study and the Notice of Future Funding of the Reserve Fund.
Reserve fund disclosures
Regulation 48/01, Section 16 of the Act requires that the corporations annual financial
statements disclose a comparison between the actual reserve fund allocations to, and expenses
from, the reserve fund and the comparable amounts contained in most recent Notice of Future
Funding of the Reserve Fund distributed to owners.
The Committee recommends that the financial statements also disclose the year-end balance of
the reserve fund contained in the Notice of Future Funding of The Reserve Fund and a
comparison to the actual year-end balance. It is also common practice to disclose proposed future
allocations to the reserve fund.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Restrictions on the use of operating and reserve funds (Act Section 84)
Section 84(2) of the Act specifies that the operating fund surplus in a corporation must either be
applied against future common expenses or paid into the reserve fund, but shall not, except on
termination of the condominium, be distributed to the owners. Section 95(3) of the Act specifies
that reserve funds shall not be distributed to owners except on termination of the corporation.
Since the distribution of operating and reserve funds to owners is specifically prohibited by the
Act, using terminology such as owners equity or members surplus should be avoided. The
Committee recommends the terms operating fund balance and reserve fund balance.
Budgets promote planning, and are a reflection of the level of service that owners may expect.
They also promote communication both at the board and owner levels. Budgets are the
responsibility of the board and represent an approved plan of financial resource allocation. They
provide a means for the owners to evaluate stewardship, and are useful tools for the board to
evaluate performance on a month-to-month basis.
Owners are concerned with the budget and the information it provides because it determines the
amounts to be assessed and paid by the owners and also sets out the proposed basis of operations
for the ensuing fiscal period. The financial statements reflect the actual performance which may
be evaluated against the budget. The Committee recommends that audited year-end financial
statements include, for comparison purposes, the budget figures for the year being reported upon.
Owners assessments
Use of the term contributions in the Act has led to confusion. Owners assessments, though
referred to as contributions in the Act, do not meet the definition of contributions contained in
Handbook Section 4410. A contribution for the purpose of the Handbook is defined as a nonreciprocal transfer of cash or other assets. Owners assessments fail to meet that definition as
owners expect to receive full personal value for every dollar they provide to the corporation. To
avoid confusion, financial statements should not use the term contribution, notwithstanding
that this term is used in the Act.
As owners assessments do not meet the Handbook definition of contributions, the deferral or
restricted fund method of accounting for contributions is not relevant to condominiums and it is
not appropriate for the notes to financial statements to refer to these accounting principles.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Special assessments
It is generally held that special assessments are levied in the year to which they relate and not all
in the year in which plans for a series of special assessments are announced. Subsequent years
assessments, being subject to change by the board, are not revenue nor a receivable to be
recorded, but rather a series of projected future assessments to be disclosed in the notes to
financial statements. The Committee has concluded that revenue and a receivable should only be
recorded when assessments are levied and legally enforceable and subject to the lien provisions
of the Act.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
are repeated below and some which have been included elsewhere in these Guidelines), the
following information be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements:
The date of registration of the corporation and total number of dwelling or other units;
A description of the functions of the corporation including the name, not-for-profit status,
and date of registration;
A description of the fund accounting policies adopted by the corporation;
Reserve fund information prescribed by the Act, including a comparison of actual reserve
fund allocations and expenses to the planned amounts according to the latest Notice of Future
Funding of the Reserve Fund issued to owners;
Details of any cost sharing or reciprocal agreements (if not otherwise covered by related
party transaction disclosure requirements).
This list is not intended to be exhaustive. Other disclosures may also be required. The board
should carefully review the financial statements to ensure that all required disclosures are made.
Shared facilities
Many condominium developments consist of more than one corporation and they share facilities
such as the recreational facilities, driveway, parking garage, certain amenities and other services.
Operation of these facilities is typically governed by a committee comprised of members
representing all participants. A separate agreement or bylaw sets out what costs are shared, who
is responsible, and the cost sharing ratios. As these shared assets are part of the common
elements owned jointly by the unit owners of the corporation in conjunction with the unit owners
of the other condominium corporation(s), they are not reflected in the condominium
corporations financial statements. The corporations shared facilities costs are recorded monthly
based on the shared facilities annual budget and are almost always adjusted at year end to reflect
the corporations share of the shared facilities surplus or deficit.
Separate audited financial statements are usually prepared for these shared facilities entities
although in some smaller shared arrangements, the activities of the shared facilities may not be
accounted for in a separate statement. In these instances, invoices may be paid by one
corporation and charged back to the other(s) or split with each condominium paying its share
directly to each supplier.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Statutory audits
The statutory responsibilities of the auditor are set out in Section 67 of the Act as follows:
Section 67(1) stipulates that the auditor shall, every year, make the examination that is
necessary in order to make an annual report on the financial statements to the corporation on
behalf of the owners.
Section 67(3) sets out that the auditors report shall be prepared in the prescribed manner
and in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards as are prescribed; the
prescribed standards being those specified in the Handbook of the Canadian Institute of
Chartered Accountants.
Section 67(4) stipulates that The auditor shall include in the report the statements that the
auditor considers necessary if the corporations financial statements are not in accordance
with the requirements of this Act and the regulations made under it.
Section 67(5) stipulates that The auditor shall state in the report whether the statement of
reserve fund operations and any other prescribed information relating to the operation of the
reserve fund and contained in the financial statements do not fairly present the information
contained in the reserve fund studies that the auditor has received.
Regulation 48/01 Section 16 sets out the prescribed information being:
o a comparison between, the amount of contributions to the reserve fund that the
corporation has collected, and the amount that, according to the boards plan for
funding of the reserve fund under subsection 94 (8) of the Act, the corporation was
required to collect as contributions to the reserve fund; and
o a comparison between, the amount of expenditures from the reserve fund that the
corporation has made, and the amount of proposed expenditures that, according to the
boards plan for funding of the reserve fund under subsection 94 (8) of the Act, the
corporation was to have made from the reserve fund.
Simply put, auditors are required to conduct their audits in accordance with CAS and to report to
the owners whether, in their opinion, the financial statements are presented fairly in accordance
with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations (Part III of the Handbook)
and to report whether the requirements of the Act have been met (CAS 700 and other CASs as
An audit is required for all condominium corporations with one exemption. Condominiums with
less than 25 units can be exempt from the audit requirement provided all owners consent in
writing each year.
If the financial statements include supplementary schedules that are unaudited, they should be
clearly marked as such.
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2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
The reserve allocation in the statement of operations and fund balances operating fund must
be at least the amount for that year in the Notice of Future Funding of The Reserve Fund
issued to owners. (Section 94(8));
The corporation must have an investment plan for reserve monies. (Section 115(8));
Reserve fund studies must be updated every three years. (Section 94(1) and Regulation 48/01
Section 31);
Future reserve fund allocations in the Notice of Future Funding of The Reserve Fund must be
sufficient so that the projected balance at any year end is not negative. (Section 94(1));
Reserve fund expenses must qualify as major repairs or replacements. (Section 93(2));
The corporations officers must disclose material conflicts of interest (Sections 40 and 41);
The corporation must pass a bylaw prior to paying remuneration to directors and officers and
the bylaw may not exceed three years (Section 56(2));
The corporation must pass a bylaw prior to incurring debt (Section 56(3)).
Suggested wording for common deficiencies that may require an additional paragraph are
provided below. Changes should be made to the wording as appropriate to the circumstances of
each audit.
No reserve bank account
As required by Section 67(4) of the Condominium Act, 1998, we report that the corporation does
not have a reserve bank account to deposit monies received from owners and allocated to the
reserve fund. This is not in accordance with the requirements of Section 115(4) of the Act which
requires such an account.
Bank/investment accounts not solely in name of corporation
As required by Section 67(4) of the Condominium Act, 1998, we report that the corporations
(bank and/or investment accounts or certificates) are in the name of [the name on the banking or
investment documents]. This is not in accordance with the requirements of Section 115(2) of the
Act which prohibits accounts in any name other than that of the corporation.
Ineligible investments
As required by Section 67(4) of the Condominium Act, 1998, we report that the corporation has
investments in [a description of the securities] which are not eligible securities under the
requirement of Section 115(5) of the Act as they are not guaranteed by Canada, a Province or
insurable under the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation [as applicable].
Deficient reserve cash/investments
As required by Section 67(4) of the Condominium Act, 1998, we report that the corporation has
not deposited all monies received from owners to be allocated to the reserve fund into a reserve
bank account or reserve investments and, as a consequence, has $
in its reserve bank
and investments which is less than the amount necessary to fund the reserve fund of
. This is not in accordance with the requirements of Section 115(4) of the Act.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Audit risks
Some audit risks to consider for condominiums include:
Unrecorded liabilities
Some suppliers to the condominium industry, even large suppliers, do not invoice on a timely
basis. Care should be taken to ensure all liabilities are recorded, including construction
Accounts receivable collection
Owners assessments supported by a properly registered lien enjoy priority in collection and are
generally collectable. Auditors should evaluate the collectability of owners assessments
outstanding greater than 90 days without a properly registered lien. Other receivables, such as
charge-backs to owners, may not enjoy priority lien rights and collectability should be evaluated
in the normal manner.
Contributed assets
Occasionally, settlement of the corporation's claim for reimbursement of the first year deficit
may consist, at least in part, of a transfer to the corporation of assets such as parking or locker
units for which fair market value may or may not be readily determinable. Auditors should
review Handbook section 4431 for guidance on the accounting methods available and the
determination of fair value if recorded.
Capital asset impairment loss
The auditor should review, on an annual basis, the reasonableness of the boards assessment of
whether a write down of the carrying amount is required. Where impairment is the case, the
auditor should ask the board to calculate and record an impairment loss.
Long term payables
The Act states that a corporation shall not borrow money unless the owners have passed a
borrowing bylaw. The auditor should consider if this requirement applies to indebtedness such
as a contractor providing extended payment terms, or to a capital lease. If in doubt, the board
should obtain a legal opinion to ensure the corporation is in compliance with the Act.
Co-mingling owners assessments
Section 115(1) of the Act requires the person who receives money on behalf of or for the benefit
of the corporation to hold the money in trust. Certain management companies have concluded
that this allows them to accumulate preauthorized payments of owners assessments for all the
condominiums they manage in one bank account in the name of the management company and
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
to subsequently transfer the amount due to each condominium to a bank account in that
condominiums name. This arrangement is often promoted as reducing costs, as bank charges
that would be charged to each condominium are levied only on this one account and are typically
absorbed by the management company.
This arrangement increases the risk of fraud as the corporation has no control over its funds until
they are transferred into bank accounts in its name. This arrangement is also subject to abuse if
funds are not transferred on a timely basis as interest, if any, will not earned by the condominium
until funds are transferred into a bank account in its name.
Section 115(4) of the Act requires the person who receives money on behalf of or for the benefit
of the corporation to pay the money into a general account or a reserve fund account of the
corporation. The Committee has concluded that the intent of this section is that condominium
funds should be deposited solely into bank accounts that are in the name of the corporation, and
that any co-mingling of funds contravenes the requirements of the Act (as well as being an
indication of weak internal controls).
Auditors should determine whether such an arrangement exists and if so, to expand their audit
procedures as appropriate to respond to the increased risk. Auditors should consider disclosure of
this contravention of the requirements of the Act in an additional paragraph to their audit report
after the opinion paragraph.
Reserve fund adequacy
The Act contains a number of references to the adequacy of the reserve fund. The Committee
has concluded that an adequate reserve fund does not have deficits at any year end in the 30 year
time period covered by the Notice of Future Funding of The Reserve Fund issued to owners.
As happens occasionally, where the Notice for Future Funding of The Reserve Fund distributed
to owners contains a funding plan that includes a negative balance in a future year, the
Committee has concluded that the requirements of Section 93(6) have not been met and the
auditor should disclose this contravention of the requirements of the Act in an additional
paragraph to their audit report after the opinion paragraph.
Engagement letter
While CAS 210 does not require the auditor to obtain a new audit engagement letter each period,
changes in circumstances may make it appropriate to revise the terms of the audit engagement or
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
remind the entity of existing terms. In the case of condominium corporations, auditors should
consider obtaining a new audit engagement letter when there is a change in board composition.
Representation letter
The board is responsible for the governance of the corporation and for financial reporting though
they normally delegate many of their day-to-day responsibilities to a manager or management
company, including responsibility for financial statement preparation. Although receipt of a
representation letter does not relieve the auditor of his or her responsibilities, its signing reminds
the board and management of their responsibility for the financial statements and accounting
policies and provides them with the opportunity to raise questions and to reflect on events of the
accounting period under audit that may require disclosure.
As much of the accounting and administration is normally delegated to management, the
Committee strongly recommends that representatives of both the board and management sign the
representation letter.
In addition to other requirements in CAS 580, auditors may wish to include additional
paragraphs, when applicable, as follows:
The corporation has complied with all requirements of the Condominium Act, 1998 and the
corporations declarations, bylaws and rules;
Management, in addition to fees, is reimbursed for office costs and charges owners,
purchasers and others for issuing statutory notices;
The corporation is following the Notice of Future Funding of The Reserve Fund issued to
owners on
All disbursements from the reserve fund are for the major repair and replacement of the
common elements and assets of the corporation and are properly charged to the reserve fund;
Owners assessments amount to $
for the year as contained in the budget for the
year approved by the directors on
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Audit committee
Though not often encountered in practice, Section 68 of the Act permits boards of directors with
more than six members to select an audit committee. The auditor has the right to appear at any
meeting of the audit committee and can cause a meeting to be convened to consider matters he or
she believes should be brought to the attention of the committee. The audit committee can
require the attendance of the auditor at any meeting.
Where there is no audit committee, the board is deemed to be the audit committee.
Budget information
Budget amounts should be included in the financial statements, as discussed in the accounting
section of these Guidelines. Disclosure of budget amounts is important to enable owners and
others to assess the performance of the board and management and refusal to disclose budget
amounts should heighten the skepticism with which the auditor approaches the audit, and should
be cause to evaluate the integrity of the board and management, and to evaluate whether or not to
seek re-appointment.
The auditor should ensure that budget amounts are marked unaudited or that the unaudited
nature of budget amounts is disclosed in a note to financial statements.
Minutes of directors and owners meetings should be read to identify: conflicts of interest,
commitments, special assessments, legal issues, large contracts and expense authorizations, and
remuneration that may require disclosure.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
statements as these are properly the responsibility of the board and management. When making
comments at the AGM, auditors must ensure they meet the requirements of the Independence Rule
of Professional Conduct (Rule 204 of the CPA Ontarios Members handbook).
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Non-profit status
Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in technical bulletin IT-304R2 states that, subject to unique
factual circumstances, residential condominium corporations will be considered not-for-profit
organizations (NPO) for the purposes of paragraph 149(1) (l) of the Income Tax Act. It further
advised that where there is minor commercial ownership within a small portion of the
condominium property, the same principles would apply as if the entire project were residential.
CRA has thus far been silent on the subject of commercial condominium corporations. It is the
view of most professionals that if the sole purpose of the commercial condominium corporation
is to deal with the common expenses of the owners and is not accumulating large surpluses
beyond those funds appropriate to enable it to carry out its functions, it too should be
characterized as an NPO for tax purposes.
Accordingly, all investment income earned would not be subject to taxation unless the funds
invested are held at unreasonably high levels.
CRA has recently been auditing NPOs, including condominium corporations, to determine
whether they meet the requirements to be an NPO under the Income Tax Act. CRA is looking at
"other" types of income that condominiums earn such as rentals of their common elements to
third parties for day care operations, tuck shops and roof-top communication antennas. CRA has
issued reporting letters with warnings where condominium corporations do not meet their
interpretation of the requirements of paragraph 149(1) (l) and has indicated that these activities
may disqualify the condominium as an NPO. The Committee is not aware of any assessments for
income tax on these revenues at the time of these Guidelines.
Auditors should monitor developments in this area and adjust audit procedures accordingly.
Filing requirements
All condominium corporations must file a T-2 Corporate Income Tax Return annually within six
months after year end.
T-1044 Non-Profit Organization Information Returns must be filed within 6 months after yearend when:
The corporation earned or received dividends, interest, rentals, or royalties of more than
$10,000 in the current year; or
The corporation has total assets greater than $200,000 at the end of the immediately
preceding fiscal year; or
A Form T-1044 was filed at any time previously.
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Failure to file the T-1044 return within the six-month deadline may result in penalties of $25 for
each day late to a maximum penalty of $2,500. Interest may also be charged. These penalties are
regularly imposed by CRA, increasingly without relief for first time late filers.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
While these Guidelines provide guidance as to best practices as of October 2013, accounting and
auditing standards continue to evolve. Accordingly, readers are encouraged to avail themselves
of other publications, especially those from Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada
(formerly the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants or CICA) that are updated on a
periodic basis.
Other reference publications specific to condominium corporations include:
The Condominium Act, 1998 and Regulation 48/01.
Condominiums in Ontario A Practical Analysis of the New Legislation by Harry
Herskowitz, LLB and Mark F. Freedman, LLB, FCCI - published by the Law Society of
Upper Canada, Department of Education;
The Condominium Act, 1998 A Practical Guide by J. Robert Gardiner, LLB, ACCI, FCCI
published by Canada Law Book Inc.
Condominium Handbook (Ontario) for Directors, Managers, Owners and Purchasers
(Seventh Edition) by Gerry Hyman Q.C., LL.M, F.C.C.I. - published by the Canadian
Condominium Institute;
The Condominium Act: A Users Manual, 3rd Edition by Audrey Loeb, LL.M published by
Carswell, a Thomson Company.
As well, auditors should consider joining the local chapter of the Canadian Condominium
Institute (CCI) and the Association of Condominium Managers of Ontario (ACMO) as their
services and publications are useful to auditors of condominium corporations.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
* The CICA Handbook is changing its name to the CPA Canada Handbook effective November 1, 2013.
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2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
1. Did the corporation maintain:
(a) insurance against major perils to the units and common elements ? (Act Section 99)
(b) liability insurance? (Act Section 102)
1. Have the requirements for HST registration been considered?
2. Have the following been prepared:
(a) T-2 Federal Income Tax Return?
(b) T-1044 Non-Profit Organization Information Return, if applicable?
1. Has the effect on the corporations financial statements been considered for:
(a) its declarations, bylaws and rules?
(b) the most recent status certificate?
(c) the Act and any deviations from its requirements?
2. (a) Has the aggregate remuneration of directors and officers, if any, been disclosed in the
financial statements?
(b) Is directors remuneration supported by a bylaw under Subsection 56(2) and does the
period specified therein include the year under audit?
(c) Has management been included in the disclosure of related parties?
3. Does the corporation follow a sealed bid procedure in awarding major contracts? If not,
suggest this procedure to the board.
4. Have minutes of directors meetings, the Annual General Meeting, other owners meetings
and any property managers reports been read?
5. Has the effect of reciprocal and/or shared facilities agreements been considered and has the
corporations percentage of any shared operating fund been appropriately recorded?
6. Has a letter of representations been obtained that is signed by:
(a) A director?
(b) A representative of management?
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
These excerpts contain only those sections of the Act and Regulations that the Committee
considers most important and that are not outlined elsewhere in these guidelines. They do not
include all sections relevant to the financial statements and the audit.
The Committee recommends that auditors of condominium corporations obtain a copy of the Act
and its Regulations and review them in detail to ensure that all relevant provisions have been
17(1) Objects
The objects of the corporation are to manage the property and the
assets, if any, of the corporation on behalf of the owners.
17(2) Duties
17(3) Compliance
The declarant shall deliver to the board within 60 days after the
meeting audited financial statements of corporation prepared by the
auditor, on behalf of the owners and at the expense of the
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
The board shall hold a general meeting of owners not more than
three months after the registration of the declaration and description
and subsequently within six months of the end of each fiscal year
of the corporation.
56(2) Remuneration
56(3) Borrowing
The auditor shall include in the report the statements that the
auditor considers necessary if the corporations financial statements
are not in accordance with the requirements of this Act and the
regulations made under it.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
A reserve fund shall be used solely for the purpose of major repair
and replacement of the common elements and assets of the
95(3) No distribution
97(1) Changes
Subject to subsections (6) and (7), the person who receives money
on behalf of or for the benefit of the corporation shall pay the
money, together with interest and other proceeds earned from
investing it, into,
(a) a general account of the corporation, if the money was not
received as contributions from owners to the reserve fund; or
(b) a reserve fund account of the corporation, if the money was
received as contributions from owners to the reserve fund.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Financial Statements
Year ended June 30, 20X1
Note: These sample financial statements are for illustrative purposes only and represent only one of
the formats available for financial statement presentation. They should not be used as a substitute
for referring to the relevant disclosure standards and interpretations.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in
the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors judgment, including the
assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or
error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the
Corporation's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit
procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion
on the effectiveness of the Corporation's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the
appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by
management and directors, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements presently fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of
Ontario Condominium Corporation No. XX as at June 30, 20X1, the results of its operations and its cash
flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Operating fund cash
Operating fund investments (Note 2)
Owners assessments receivable
Prepaid expenses
Operating trade payables
Current portion of mortgages (Note 3)
Current portion of capital lease obligation (Note 4)
Superintendent and guest suites
Reserve fund trade payables
Fund Balances
Long term
Mortgages (Note 3)
Equipment lease obligation (Note 4)
$ 1,914,000
$ 1,914,000
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Allocation from operating fund
Interest earned
Carpet and flooring
Excess of revenue over expenses
Fund Balance, beginning of year
Fund Balance, end of year
Mortgage interest
Excess of revenue over expenses
Fund Balance, beginning of year
Fund Balance, end of year
Allocation from operating fund
Lease interest
Excess of revenue over expenses
Deficit, beginning of year
Deficit, end of year
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
(Note 10)
Owners assessments
Less allocations to:
Reserve fund
Superintendent and guest suites fund
Leased equipment fund
Utilities (see Schedule)
Contracted services (see Schedule)
Repair and maintenance (see Schedule)
Shared facilities (Note 6)
Administration (see Schedule)
Interest earned
The accompanying notes and schedule to the financial statements form an integral part of these statements.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Cash provided by (used in)
Operating activities
Excess of revenue over expenses
Operating fund
Reserve fund
Superintendent and guest suite fund
Leased equipment fund
Changes in working capital
Owners assessments receivable
Prepaid expenses
Operating trade payables
Reserve fund trade payables
Financing activities
Mortgage principal payments
Equipment lease obligation principal payments
Investing activities
Operating fund investments, net
Reserve fund investments, net
The accompanying notes and schedule to the financial statements form an integral part of these statements.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Contracted services
(Note 10)
The accompanying notes and schedule to the financial statements form an integral part of these statements.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Nature of operations
Ontario Condominium Corporation No. XX (The Corporation) was registered without share capital in
May 20XX under the Condominium Act, 1998 and is a non-profit organization that is exempt from taxes
under the Income Tax Act. Its purpose is to manage and maintain the common elements (as defined in the
Corporation's Declaration and By-laws) and to provide common services for the benefit of a 350 unit
residential condominium located at 123 Anywhere Street in Any City, Ontario, known as Happy Towers.
Common elements
The common elements of the condominium are owned proportionately by the owners and consequently
are not reflected as assets in these financial statements.
Fund accounting
Reserve fund - Externally restricted
The Corporation is required by the Condominium Act, 1998 to establish a reserve fund to be used solely
for the purpose of major repair and replacement of common elements and assets of the condominium.
The Corporation allocates to the reserve fund amounts that, calculated from expected repair and
replacement costs and life expectancies of the common elements and assets of the Corporation, are
reasonably expected to provide sufficient funds to repair and replace the common elements and assets.
Revenue and costs related to such major repairs and replacements are accounted for in the Reserve fund.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Capital assets
Units and any real property directly associated with the units, which were purchased by unit holders
initially from the developer, are not recognized as capital assets of the Corporation since they are owned
by the unit owners.
Real property purchases made after the date of registration are recognized as capital assets of the
Corporation when the Corporation has paid for them as the owner; they can be disposed of at the
discretion of the board, or where required, with the approval of the owners, and any consideration
received can be retained by the Corporation. Purchases which do not meet these criteria are expensed.
The operations of the shared facilities are governed by a committee comprised of members representing
both corporations and are accounted for as a separate entity. The corporations payments to the shared
facilities are budgeted and accounted for in the operating fund and are adjusted to reflect the corporations
share of the shared facilities surplus or deficit.
Financial instruments
All assets and liabilities, with the exception of prepaid expenses and superintendent and guest suites, are
financial instruments, and are initially recorded at fair market value and are subsequently recorded at
amortized cost.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Revenue recognition
Owners' assessments are recognized as revenue based on the budget distributed to the owners each year.
The Corporation recognizes revenue at the first of each month when assessments are due and collection is
reasonably assured. Interest and other revenue are recognized as revenue of the related fund when earned.
Contributed services
Directors, committee members and owners volunteer their time to assist in the Corporation's activities.
These services materially benefit the Corporation, however a reasonable estimate of the time spent and its
fair market value cannot be made and accordingly, these contributed services are not recognized in the
financial statements.
Use of estimates
The preparation of financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-forprofit organizations requires the Corporation's management and directors to make estimates and
assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets, liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and
liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amount of revenue and expenses during
the year. These estimates and assumptions are reviewed periodically and adjustments are reported in the
year in which they become known.
2. Investments
Operating investments consist of Government of Canada deposits and guaranteed investment certificates
with terms of less than 90 days.
Reserve investments consist of bonds and guaranteed investment certificates that mature from June 20X3
to May 20X6, earning interest at rates between 2.00% and 4.00%. Cash is held with ABC Bank, earning
variable rate interest.
3. Mortgages payable
The mortgages are secured by the superintendent and
guest suites, bear interest at 8% and are repayable in
blended monthly installments of $2,542, maturing in
Less current portion
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2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
5. Reserve fund
The Directors have used the report of Forecast Reserve Fund Study provider dated June 20XO and such
other information as was available to them to evaluate the adequacy of the reserve fund. That report
proposed allocations of $267,500 for 20X1; costs of $48,000 and a year-end balance as at June 30, 20X1
of $1,533,000. Actual amounts were allocations of $267,500; costs of $4,000 and a year-end balance of
$1,571,000. Reserve fund allocations are proposed to increase by 14.75% in 20X2 and increase annually
by 2% thereafter.
Any evaluation of the adequacy of the reserve fund is based upon assumptions as to future interest and
inflation rates and estimates of the life expectancy of the building components and their replacement
costs. These factors are subject to change over time and the changes may be material; accordingly the
Condominium Act, 1998 requires reserve fund studies to be updated every three years.
6. Shared facilities
The operations of the shared facilities are covered under the terms of a reciprocal agreement contained in
the declaration of each condominium. The Corporation is responsible for 50% of the costs of the facilities
and 40% of the other shared costs.
The shared facilities do not have any accumulated surplus or deficit at June 30, 20X1.
7. Related party transactions
During the year, the directors did not receive any remuneration.
8. Financial instruments risk management
Interest rate risk
Interest rate risk is the risk of potential financial loss caused by fluctuations in fair value of future cash
flow of financial instruments due to changes in market interest rates. The Corporation is exposed to this
risk through its interest bearing investments and mortgages. The Corporation manages this risk through
investing in fixed-rate securities of short to medium term maturity and plans to hold the securities to
maturity, as well as entering into fixed-rate mortgages.
Credit risk
Credit risk is the potential for financial loss should a counter-party in a transaction fail to meet its
obligations. The Corporation places its operating and reserve cash and investments with high quality
institutions and believes its exposure is not significant. The Corporations credit risk from owners
assessments receivable is also not significant given the ability of the Corporation to place a lien on a unit
for outstanding fees and limited financial exposure in a multi-unit condominium.
2013 Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario
Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Corporation will not able to meet its obligation as they become due. The
Corporation manages this risk by establishing budgets and funding plans and by levying sufficient
owners assessments to fund its operating expenses, debt payments and the necessary contributions to the
reserve and other funds. Cash is held in an interest bearing account which provides a rate of return as well
as liquidity
9. Commitments
The Corporation has contractual obligations for various expenses including cleaning, security services,
management, mechanical service and snow plowing. All contracts have short-term cancellation clauses
with the exception of the elevator and mechanical services contracts, which expire in 20X6 with a current
annual cost of approximately $54,000.
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