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Living Healthier Through Natural Technologies

The last few decades have witnessed a major shift from a reliance on drugs to a demand for natural alternatives. What
has spurred this change is an increasingly overburdened, expensive and often inaccessible medical system that has been
so busy taking care of the sick, that wellness has been left to unconventional medicine. More and more of us are now
moving from a reactive to a proactive approach to maintaining health and well-being, and this includes lifestyle changes,
exercise, nutrition and natural supplements.
Until recently, many medical professionals have been somewhat wary of natural supplements, worried about quality,
consistency and efficacy of what was being sold to the public. In the world of science, it is research that represents the
gold standard, and without the funding available to drug manufacturers, natural products have historically fallen short of
the rigor required in investigating new medications.
Until recently...
Both in the United States and in Canada, federal agencies (the NIH1 CAM2 initiative and Health Canada’s NHPD3) have
taken strides to promote the use of natural products, but only if they meet the standards of validation through appropriate
1. NIH - National Institutes of Health
2. NCCAM - National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
3. NHPD - Natural Health Products Directorate
Immunotec has taken full advantage of this opportunity, and with some ease. Immunocal , its cornerstone product, has
been studied extensively with numerous medical and scientific articles written in peer-reviewed journals. Research on this
natural product has existed for over three decades.
Currently, people are looking for clinically proven, natural products that will help to improve health and help them feel
younger and more energetic. As the leader in the field of natural immune-enhancing products, Immunotec with its
cornerstone product, Immunocal, offers you tremendous benefits.
Improve Your Immune System and Optimize Your Quality of Life
Immunocal is a natural protein that addresses several critical factors affecting your quality of life. Immunocal can:
 increase your body’s ability to fight off free radicals by optimizing its antioxidant production;
 maintain your immune defenses;
 help properly deal with pollutants and toxins in your body; and
 enhance your energy and sense of well-being.
It is easy to explain how Immunocal does this.
What Is Immunocal?
Immunocal is a patented natural nutritional supplement that is over 90% pure protein and has a biological value higher
than any other protein supplement or food available. The term “biological value” (BV) is a ranking of important edible
proteins in your body.
Taken daily, Immunocal will raise your body’s concentration of glutathione (abbreviated as GSH), a molecule referred to
as “Your Body’s Most Important Protector”. Most individuals have never heard of glutathione; however given the huge
amount of research publications on the subject and the large impact it will have in future health care, the term glutathione
will shortly become part of our everyday language, the same way as we use the words “antioxidant” or “cholesterol”. To
date, there have been over 80,000 published articles on glutathione in the medical literature.
Immunocal Can Help the Problem
Immunocal is proven and patented to raise glutathione. It is a natural source of the glutathione building block called
cysteine, for the maintenance of a strong immune system.
There are other synthetic ways in which glutathione levels may be raised, but the high level of side effects and short
duration of action limits their usefulness. In contrast, Immunocal is extremely effective and has negligible known side
effects when used as directed. It is a protein isolate from milk, but has an insignificant amount of lactose (<1%); therefore,
it is easily tolerated by lactose intolerant individuals.
Immunocal is patent-protected worldwide and has several important high-level acknowledgments:
 listed in the U.S. Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR) and the Pharmacist’s Red Book; and
 part of a select group of nutritional products eligible for reimbursement coverage under Medicare/Medicaid in
the United States.
Immunocal holds a Health Canada Natural Product Number.
Give Your Body What it Needs to Perform Optimally
Most of us know it’s a good idea to eat well, exercise and get a good night’s sleep. We might also know that it’s a good
idea to take some vitamins and minerals.
But if you are seeking a way to give your body an extra edge in a world where we are constantly bombarded with
environmental stressors, then supporting your immune system is key. And typical vitamin and mineral supplements aren’t
enough to do the job.
Taking Immunocal on a regular basis will give you more control over your health, vitality, and well-being.
At only $2.40 a day, Immunocal® enables you to be pro-active in your choice for maintaining good health through the
support of a strong immune system. Click here for a better perspective on what the REAL value of $2.40 is and what it
can do for you and your family.
Complementary Products
Daily Essentials Pack. Your Daily Essentials Pack supplies you with optimized levels of vitamins, minerals and fatty
acids for the support of good health and well-being. You need all your essential nutrients each and every day to maintain
healthy cellular function. These nutrients also serve to enhance the effect of glutathione.
Immunocal Science
The human body is one of nature’s finest miracles and researchers are still unlocking many of its secrets. Recent
discoveries have shed important light on the role that glutathione plays in maintaining health and fighting disease.
What Is Glutathione?
Glutathione (GSH) is the body’s own health “AID to Energy”– Antioxidant, Immune Booster, Detoxifier, and Energy
enhancer. This small protein, produced naturally in the body, supports these four crucial functions. In fact, your life
depends upon glutathione. Without it, your cells would disintegrate from unrestrained oxidation, your body would have
little resistance to bacteria, viruses and cancer, and your liver would cease functioning from the accumulation of toxins.
The Role of Glutathione
Medical science has described literally dozens of roles that glutathione plays in your body. However, the four most
important roles of glutathione can be summarized by the acronym:
These letters stand for:
 Antioxidant
 Immune support
 Detoxifier
 Energy
Let’s look at these four critical processes driven by glutathione:
A – “Your Master Antioxidant”
Over the past thirty years, advances in the study of antioxidants have grown to the point that a whole new branch of
medicine has developed called “Free Radical Biology” which focuses on oxidant/antioxidant balance. Scientists have
elaborated upon several hundred different disease processes where antioxidants play a vital role. The shelves of natural
food stores and pharmacies are laden with a large array of different antioxidants offered. However, although these
antioxidants, including vitamin C and vitamin E, are usually “natural”, they are not natural to your body. If you do not
ingest these vitamins, they will not be found in your cells naturally. Given the importance of antioxidation in hundreds of
different disease processes, one poses the question – “What antioxidant does the body manufacture to ward off these
processes?” Glutathione is the most abundantly produced antioxidant in the body. In fact, the presence of this small
protein is crucial for the functioning of all of the other known antioxidants, gaining the title “Master Antioxidant”.
I – “Food for the I mmune System”
Your immune system is constantly on the prowl for pathogens and foreign antigens—agents of cellular damage, toxicity
and disease. These antigens include viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi and even pre-cancerous cells. To neutralize these
pathogens, the body needs a ready supply of glutathione. If it doesn’t have enough, some of the invaders will get through,
infecting the body and/or contributing to aging, long-term accumulative damage—even eventual cancers. We can’t avoid
illness and aging altogether, but by keeping our intracellular glutathione levels elevated, we also keep our immune system
on full alert and fully armed. Dr. Gustavo Bounous, discoverer of Immunocal, has focused on glutathione as support for
the immune system. “ The limiting factor for the proper activity and multiplication of our lymphocytes (white blood cells) is
the availability of glutathione”, he states. Dr. Bounous’ research at McGill University has spawned countless other
research papers worldwide examining this phenomenon.
D – “D etoxification System”
Hundreds of toxins are eliminated by the GSH enzyme system, including drug breakdown products, pollutants,
carcinogens, and radiation damage. It’s no surprise that GSH concentrations are highest in the liver, the body’s major
detoxifying organ. We inhale and ingest natural and synthetic toxins every day of our lives and can’t possibly avoid them,
especially in our technological era with congested and polluted cities and bio-engineered food supplies. Experimental
studies have shown that low glutathione levels lead to poor liver and kidney function, and result in unnecessarily large
quantities of toxins circulating through the body. There, they continuously damage individual cells and organs. The list of
toxins eliminated include cigarette smoke, automobile exhaust, and heavy metals. Physicians regularly use drugs to
elevate glutathione levels in critical illnesses like acetaminophen overdose and severe liver failure.
E 2-“E nergize Yourself”
Our cells are like little machines, running 24 hours a day. Where does the energy to fuel this constant activity come from?
The answer is quite complicated but science had identified tiny structures within our cells called “mitochondria” which
serve as tiny batteries inside the cell. Like any source of fuel, inevitably burning and waste products are a result. The
mitochondria literally burn up oxygen and as a result are prone to overload and damage and are limited in their ability to
continue working unless these breakdown products like oxyradicals are removed. The major substance produced by the
cell to keep these mitochondria “cool” and efficient is glutathione. This translates into more energy and more strength.
Raising glutathione has become a focus for many studies from sports medicine to anti-aging for this reason.
What Causes Us to LOSE Glutathione (GSH)?
Every day our bodies are exposed to factors that drain our levels of glutathione: Stress, pollution, radiation, infection,
drugs, poor diet, aging, injury, and fatigue. These all contribute to glutathione depletion which, in turn, leads to cellular
aging, disease and death. “Concern about maintaining one’s glutathione level will eventually be on par with other health
maintenance issues.” says Dr. Bounous.
Glutathione Research
In the last twenty years the volume of research into GSH has grown immensely. A huge variety of theoretical papers,
bench-top laboratory experiments, epidemiological studies, animal projects, and – most importantly – clinical trials on
humans, has linked glutathione to an extraordinary variety of illnesses. Skeptics might doubt the length of the list were it
not for the strength and credibility of the research.
Glutathione Pioneers
Much of the research on glutathione and the immune system was pioneered by Dr. Gustavo Bounous (the discoverer of
Immunocal) and Dr. Wulf Dröge (developer of Immunocal Platinum ) who combined, have published hundreds of medical
articles. A significant number of these papers have served as the foundation for many other studies and clinical trials on
glutathione and immunology.
Eating Glutathione Will NOT Raise Your Body’s Glutathione Level
It is vital to clarify one particular aspect of the glutathione story. When people find out about GSH, they want to go to their
health store, buy some and “take” it. Although it can be purchased as a supplement, eating glutathione has negligible
effects on your health. It is quickly broken down in your digestive tract and eliminated. GSH must be manufactured within
your cells, which is exactly where it is found—in every cell of your body. The only way to accomplish this effectively is to
give your body the building blocks (precursors) it needs to manufacture glutathione for itself.
How to Raise Glutathione
Some pharmaceutical drugs such as N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) have been developed to provide these precursors but there
are also natural ways to raise glutathione levels. Vitamin C, E, and selenium indirectly support glutathione function. Milk
thistle (silymarin), alpha-lipoic acid, and L-cysteine may have moderate effects. However, medical research indicates that
the most effective natural way to raise glutathione is by feeding the individual specific cysteine and cystine-rich proteins as
found in undenatured whey protein isolates. Through its unique formulation and proprietary manufacturing process,
Immunocal is a nutraceutical containing undenatured whey proteins designed to raise glutathione. In fact, it is the only
protein patented to raise glutathione levels naturally.
This type of natural approach to addressing health concerns is a welcome complement to conventional medicine, which
has historically marginalized nutritional therapy. The key in bridging this gap between traditional medicine and natural
medicine lies in appropriately formulating supplements based on solid research.
Meet the Scientists Behind Immunotec
Behind Immunotec and Immunocal is a stellar team of researchers and doctors, including world-renowned scientists Dr.
Gustavo Bounous and Dr. Wulf Dröge, who are internationally respected and recognized as the top in their fields of study.
Along with them is a team that insures that Immunotec’s products are tested and proven to give you the benefits you want
and need.
Dr. Gustavo Bounous, MD
Educated at the University of Turin and the University of Genoa in his native Italy, Dr. Gustavo Bounous’ distinguished
career in medical research began as a Research Fellow in surgery at the Indiana Medical Center, Indianapolis. In 1963,
he moved to Canada and began an academic career that led him to become Professor of Surgery, first at the University of
Sherbrooke (1973 – 1985) and then at McGill University (1985 – 1993).
Dr. Bounous was awarded the 1965 medal of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. He pioneered
the use of elemental diets in the prophylaxis and treatment of intestinal lesions associated with shock, intestinal ischemia,
radiation, cancer chemotherapy, and Crohn’s disease. In 1968, he was named Career Investigator of the Medical
Research Council, an award that was reconfirmed until 1993, the year of his retirement from McGill University.
In 1978, Dr. Bounous initiated a novel research program in conjunction with a colleague from the McGill University Faculty
of Medicine to search for a dietary protein source that would boost the immune system. Their research led to the
discovery of an undenatured serum milk concentrate that sustains normal glutathione levels and promotes
immuno-enhancing and anti-carcinogenic activity. Subsequent identification of the active ingredients present in this
protein mixture led to the development of a high-quality bioactive product given the name and trademark Immunocal in
Dr. Wulf Dröge, Ph.D.
Dr. Wulf Dröge is actively engaged in the design of clinical studies and organizes research activities in cooperation with
colleagues at McGill University and other leading scientific institutions. He continues to write articles in the field of redox
physiology, cancer, and aging research and teaches at McGill.
After his doctorate at the University of Freiburg, Dr. Dröge conducted research at the Max-Planck Institute of
Immunobiology in Freiburg, Germany, and the University of Minnesota, with renowned immunologist Dr. R.A. Good.
Afterwards, he served for three years as a research fellow at Harvard University and for four years as a scientific member
at the world-renowned Basel Institute for Immunology.
What followed was an almost thirty-year career as a professor of immunology and cell biology at the University of
Heidelberg and head of the Department of Immunochemistry at the National Cancer Center of Germany (Deutsches
Krebsforschungszentrum). His international reputation in the field of redox physiology and aging research is based on
more than 250 publications in international scientific journals. His research has been focused on the areas of redox
regulation and signaling pathways, pathogenesis of HIV infection, the mechanisms of disease-related wasting and aging,
and the action of tumor necrosis factor.
Immunocal is a patented, GRAS-approved, whey protein isolate designed to optimize glutathione levels. It has been
awarded an NPN (Natural Product Number) by Health Canada as a natural source of the glutathione building block called
cysteine, towards the maintenance of a strong immune system.
This isolate has been the subject of over 35 years of research with studies demonstrating its efficacy and is protected by
numerous North American and international patents. Eligible for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement in the U.S., it is
listed in the U.S. Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR) and the U.S. Pharmacist’s Red Book. Safe and natural, Immunocal
has less than 1% lactose.
You may want to add Immunocal to your daily health regime if:
 you want the health-supportive benefit of having optimal antioxidant function;
 you seek to maintain a healthy immune system;
 you desire to support the detoxification ability of your body; and
 you wish to have a heightened sense of energy and well-being.
Highlight Ingredients
Immunocal is not just any whey protein product. This patented isolate from whey is specially prepared to provide a rich
source of bioavailable cysteine. Following digestion, the cysteine remains as the stable form cystine
(2 molecules of cysteine linked by a disulfide bond) and glutamylcystine. In common processing these molecules are
destroyed causing the cysteine availability to be greatly decreased, preventing the product from having the desired effect.
Immunocal has been extensively studied to effectively deliver cysteine and naturally boost glutathione levels.
Nutrition Facts
 Serving Size: 1 Pouch (10 g)
 Servings Per Container: 30

Amount Per Serving

Whey protein isolate (Cow's milk) 10 g

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