Nestle HRM Report
Nestle HRM Report
Nestle HRM Report
All the approbation and admiration is for Almighty Allah the most generous, gracious and
beneficent who is intact source of all the knowledge and wisdom endowed to mankind. All
the prayers are forever in the name of Almighty Allah, who helped us in setting goals and
objectives and blessed us to reach the destination. Without His assistance none is capable of
We would be doing injustice without mentioning the name of the person who helped us
throughout the project. We think of it as our extreme pleasure to avail this opportunity to
express gratitude and deep sense of obligations to Prof.Hina Ali for her valuable and
unprecedented guidance, untiring help, kind behavior and moral support. So our special
thanks go to her.
Company name
: Nestle
: Food Processing
Nestle was formed in 1905 by the merger of the Anglo-Swiss Milk Company, established in
1866 by brothers George Page and Charles Page, and Farine Lacte Henri Nestl, founded in
1866 by Henri Nestl. Nestle has been serving this world for over one hundred and
thirty years. I t h a s differentiated itself through its high quality product mix and
positioned i t s e l f a s h e a l t h a n d N u t r i t i o n C o mp a n y w h i l e targeting the health
conscious people throughout the world. Nestle started its operations in Pakistan
back in1 9 8 8 , b y a c q u i r i n g a d i a r y c o m p a n y M I L K PAK LTD , w h e n p e o p l e
o f P a k i s t a n actually needed it. Since Pakistan is the fifth worlds largest milk producing
country therefore nestle deals mainly in dairy products. Moreover it also sells juices,
chocolates, prepared f o o d l i k e n o o d l e s , b a b y f o o d , i n f a n t f o r m u l a m i l k
a n d b r e a k f a s t c e r e a l s i n Pakistan. N e s t l e i s a l o w c o s t l e a d e r w i t h i t s
e ff i c i e n t o p e r a t i o n s h e n c e i t p r o v i d e s i t s c u s t o m e r s w i t h h i g h q u a l i t y
p r o d u c t s a n d s e l l s t h e m a t a p r e m i u m p r i c e . Therefore it is earning good
profits. N e s t l h a s s e t i t s m a n u f a c t u r i n g p l a n t s a t i n K a r a c h i , L a h o r e a n d
I s l a m a b a d . Nestle, the largest FMCG Company is working all over the world with more
than 500 factories in 86 countries making up of most of the continents. Henri Nestle set up
Nestle in Switzerland. Customers are provided with more than 500 products by Nestle. Nestle
was entitled by Henri Nestle. The logo of the company consists of his family coat of arms,
the nest with a mother bird protecting her young. The symbol of the company is associated
with its care and attitude to lifelong nutrition. The Nestle nest bears the meaning of
nourishment, security and sense of family that are important to life. NESTL EVERYDAY
dairy tea whiter, made from pure fresh milk gives you that perfect rich taste that
only specialized milk can, so you can enjoy the same delicious cup of tea each
time! Initiatives taken were focused towards enhancing performance principles, leadership
development, and career growth, attracting right talent and providing avenues for learning.
Additionally, Human Resource team has been thoroughly involved in the progress of the
Nestl Continuous Excellence journey, by providing its support and guidance in maintaining
employee engagement, people development processes and appropriate goal alignment. With a
mindset towards achieving sustainable excellence, a comprehensive learning programmed
surrounding concepts of coaching and feedback was rolled-out to targeted groups of existing
and upcoming leadership. With blended learning approach and meticulous evaluation
technique, the program was well-received and laid foundations for a community dedicated to
drive the desired mindset to all levels within the organization. To facilitate our commitment
towards eradication of disparity, special initiatives were taken to align and improve the
employee benefits across the organization. Furthermore, our recognition program Maan
Hamara Tum Se continues to mature by becoming a major platform for recognizing
extraordinary achievements on a company-wide scale.
HR activities at Nestle:
Performance Appraisal: Setting work standards, assessing performance, and
providing feedback to employees to motivate, correct, and continue their
performance. The corresponding manager or supervisor evaluate or Judge the Job
performance of an employee by a method like performance appraisal, employee
appraisal, and performance review or development discussion. The employees are
given importance at their work place as the Nestle Company is absolutely dependent
on the quality of its employees performance. Nestle use the graphic rating scale to
appraise its employees. The company pays incentives to its employees to encourage
them to give better performance.
Compensation Benefit: Compensation is a main thing of Nestle Real Rewards
package, which forces the top performers to give their best. The philosophy of Nestle
is to afford and keep up disciplined compensation programs that keep up a long term
relationship with employees at the time of judging their performance. Nestle promise
to offer compensation packages including base pay, short and long term incentives
and benefits,. Now a day they are competitive in market.
Performance Management:
The function of performance management is to ensure the fulfillment of
goals in an effective and efficient manner. Moreover, it watches performance of organization
and process of production, employees etc.
Line managers and HR assess formally once in a year and get feedback.
Subordinate managers can interrogate for an unfair evaluation.
The HR department has enlisted specific key performance indicators.
Remuneration structure and promotion criteria consider individual performance. HR
staff must help the management in elaborating training programs. Sufficient training
programs are developed at the level of every working company that capitalizes on the
availability of local regional or global resources of the group.
Some training programs improve the language skills of the employees. These
programs also try to consolidate corporate cohesion as well as to promote networking
throughout the group. They develop and share best practices of the different
management disciplines practiced in the group.
E-learning programs are alternative to formal training programs.
working environment for all their employees, contractors and visitors and they are trying to
implement Health and safety practices and programs at all working places objectives of the
organization are
We provide a safe work place to owe employees.
We lessen risks of our employees and contractors and visitors and take care of their
injury or illness.
We meet all requirements like health, safety, legislative etc.
We establish and monitor new purposes to decrease work related injury or illness.
We develop an efficient injury management system which helps the affected
employees return to work.
We supply information, provide training to employees and contractors to make them
aware of their roles and responsibilities in decreasing the risk of work place injury or
We are encouraged a safety and Health management from our suppliers and
We discuss on Health and safety matters with employees and other stakeholders.
career that helps them develop their skills over a long-term period within the area of
economic reality and a changing environment.
The act of mentor is done by each manager for his employees.
Formal assessment of Nestle is done once a year on a standard basis. It gives feedback
on past performance and future potential. Other related aspects concerning a staff
members performance are provided feedback.