Failures in Boiler Tubes

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The document discusses high temperature corrosion problems in coal/oil based power plants, focusing on fireside corrosion of boiler tubes and flyash erosion. It provides statistics on failure rates and discusses factors that influence corrosion.

The main corrosion problems are water/steam side corrosion of inner boiler tube walls and oxidation/sulphidation and hot corrosion of outer tube walls.

Fireside corrosion is influenced by several operating and material variables, including fuel contaminants which form deposits, reducing atmospheres, and the chemical reactions between protective oxide scales and salt deposits.

National Workshop on Boiler Corrosion, 11-121h April, 1995, NhML Jamshedpur, INDIA


Corrosion Science & Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay - 400 076
High temperature corrosion problems in coalloil based
power plants are discussed. The main corrosion problems in
power plants are the waterlsteam side corrosion of the inner
wall tubes of the boiler and the oxidation/sulphidation and hot
corrosion of outer walls of hoiler tubes. The former is well
understood and can he controlled by controlling the chemistry
of the feed water, the fireside corrosion is, however, least
understood and is a function of several variables, both operating and material. These are discussed in detail with some of the
data from the failure of plants as a result of fireside corrosion
and erosion.


activity due to combustion under stoichiometric or sub-stoichiometric conditions)

atmosphere. The reducing atmosphere is
generally more corrosive for corrosion
modes, such as sulphidation, and ash/salt
deposit corrosion. Moreover, the fuel
contaminants can form ash/sal deposits on
metal surfaces during high-temperature
exposure which play significant role in the
corrosion process. For example, sulphur
from the fuel and NaCl from the ingested
air may react during combustion to form
salt vapou r, suc h a s Na2SO4 which at lower
temperatures, deposits on the metal
surfaces, resulting in accelerated corrosion, caused by the chemical reaction between the protective oxide scale and the
salt deposit, leading to the breakdown of
the scale. Such a corrosion process
occurring in the presence of salt deposits is
termed as "Hot Corrosion". The
presence of large particles of quartz, FeS2
or Al203 in the flyash causes yet another

High-temperature corrosion plays

an important role in the selection of
materials for construction of industrial
equipments. The principal modes of
high-temperature corrosion, frequently
responsible for component failure are:
oxidation. sulphidation, nitridation,
carburization, hot corrosion and flyash
erosion. Oxidation most often participates in the high-temperature corrosion
process, regardless of the predominant
mode of corrosion. In fact, alloys often
rely upon oxidation reaction to develop
a protective oxide scale to resist various
high-temperature corrosion. Environment plays an important role in all types
of corrosion attacks. The environments
in coal/oil based power plants contain
several corrosive species which may
result in "oxidizing" (very high oxygen
activity) or "reducing" (very low oxygen



I Ili IV 1111 ,I i 91 I^ 6 fll ^i i i : i I Qil


problem known as "Flyash Erosion".

Fireside oxidation/hot corrosionand flyash
erosion are the major problems incoalfired
boilers. Boiler statistics1'1 for coal-based
power plants indicate that flyash erosion
accounts for about 28% of waterwall tubing failures and about 22% of superheater
and reheater failures; fireside corrosion
causes0.5 and 1% of failures, respectively,
in these areas. Problems with boiler pressure parts account for an equivalent availability loss of around 7.5% (waterwall and
economizer tubes: 4% and superheater/
reheatertubes: 2.2%). However, thedetermination of the availability loss, due to the
causes mentioned above, is currently difficult because boiler tube damage and failure occur essentially in all regions of the
boiler. Waterwall s suffer fai l ures from both
fireside corrosion and flyash erosion, asdo
superheaters and reheaters, where as
economizers usually suffer only erosion
failures because of their position in the
boiler. The objectives of this paper are to
assess the importance, as related to
availability, of boiler tube failues due to
corrosion and to discuss the causes and
mechanisms thereof. Attempts have also
been made to examine the limitations of
the current preventive and control
technologies, and to provide direction for
their improvement, more efficient
implementation , or development of new

exchangers. In the water-steam loop, clean

feedwater is converted into superheated
steam in a boiler, which expands through a
series of turbines, converting its heat into
mechanical energy. In the condensercooling loop, cold water is passed through
the condenser and can be recirculated or
is exhausted back to the source of the
cooling water. Each fluid loop possesses
its unique corrosion problems.
The fossil fuel is burnt in a very large
chamber constructed of water walls
(consisting of vertical or spiral tubes welded
together in a web), where the feedwater is
heated. In subcritical boilers, the saturated
steam is superheated in tubular heat
exchangers. In supercritcal boilers, the
liquid becomes superheated vapour without undergoing a phase change. The boiler
fluid may become acidic or caustic,
depending on the presence of corrosion
deposits and flow interruptions. Under
acidic conditions, the steel boiler tubes
may be hydrogen embrittled; under
caustic conditions, the tubes may be
caustic gouged.
The corrosion in a steam boiler may
be represented by the equation:

3Fe(s) + 4H20(1 or g) = Fe3 04 + 4H2(g).

From the corrosion point of view, a boiler
is nothing but a thin film of magnetic iron
oxide supported by steel . This oxide filmis
continuously damaged and repaired
during boileroperation , with simultaneous
production of hydrogen . The superheater
and reheater tubes suffer from steam
oxidation of the inner surfaces and hot
corrosion of the outer surfaces . The fireside corrosion is a typical problem. In
coal-fired boilers , it exhibits a maximum
rate at 700 to 750C, where the corrodent is

Corrosion Problems in Coal/Oil Based

Power Plants
A fossil-fired steam power plant is
illustrated in Fig. 1. Three fl uid flow loops
circulate through the system: fuel-air,
water-steam, and condenser cooling. In
the fuel-air loop, the fossil fuel is burnt in
air and transfers its heat to a series of heat



a liquid, and decreases to a minimum at

higher temperatures. Fig. 2 shows the main
parts of a boiler susceptible to hot
corrosion problems. There are essentially
three distinct high-temperature corrosion
problems in coal- fired boilers :



< 0.5
> 1.0


A correlation has been found between

the corrosion rate of superheater/reheater
tubes and the chlorine content of thecoal[3).
Chlorine (more than 0.2 wt %) has been
found to promote the release of both Na
and K into the flame , and acts as a strong
catalyst for the molten trisulphate attack.
There is also evidence that HCI formed in
the flame can destroy the Fe2O3 layer on a
steel surface, thereby exposing it to
additonal oxidative attack[41.

a. Fireside Corrosion of Superheater/

Reheater and Waterwalls,
b. Flyash Erosion of Waterwalls and
c. Steamside Oxidation in the Super-

Causes and Mechanisms of HighTemperature Corrosion
When coal particles are introduced into
the flame, the moisture and the volatile

Fireside Corrosion Problems

species are driven off, the fixed carbon in

the individual particles begins to burn.
The contained mineral matter may be
melted or vaporized, and is largely
oxidized. The sulphur-containing
compounds in the coal (such as FeS) are
converted to oxides such as Fe2O3, K2O,
Na2O, SO2 and SO3. The relative
proportions of SO2 and SO3 in the flame
depend on the available oxygen and the
temperature. SO2 is thermodynamically
favoured at higher temperatures (>70('C);
the formation of SO3 can be catalyzed by
certain metal oxides, so that the proportion
of SO3 in flue gas may increase downstream of the burners. Thus the gaseous
species released, as the coal passes through
the flame, contain potential corrodents such
as sulphur, vapour ofalkalimetal salts, and
chlorine compounds (mostly HCI). The
quality of coal used is very important.
Raask^2J has proposed a simple threecategory ranking of the corrosiveness of
coals based on the sum of the percentages of water-soluble sodium and
potassium in the coal:

The fireside corrosion of various components of a coal-tired boilermay be attributed to the following:
1. Reducing (sub-stoichiometric) conditions caused by impingement of incompletely combusted coal particles
and flames,

2. Accelerated oxidation from overheating, and

3. Molten salt or slag-related attack.
The fireside corrosion is generally
localized to regions on the walls near the
burners. The thick, hard, external scales
formed often exhibit cracks which resemble
an alligator hide as shown in the Fig.3.
Reducing atmospheric corrosion can result due to direct reaction of the waterwall
tubes with a sub-stoichiometric gaseous
environment containing sulphur, or with
partially combusted char containing
FeS,. The reducing conditions have two
main effects on corrosion. First, they tend


to lower the melting point of any deposited slag, increasing its ability to dissolve
the normal oxide scales, and second, the
stable gaseous sulphur compounds under
these conditions include H255-'1, which is
more corrosive than SO2 that predominates under oxidizing conditions. Fig.4
shows the cross-section of a 1.25 Cr-alloy
waterwall tube removed from a boiler
where it was exposed to "reducing"
atmosphere corrosion. The scale is a
mixture of sulphide and oxide, which
suggests that the conditions in the
combustion gas at the waterwall were
close to those suggested by the Fe 304/
FeS boundary in the phase stability
diagrams shown in Fig.5.

oxidation/sulphidation attack due to

sulphur species in the slag. Alkali
sulphates deposited on the waterwalls
may react with SO2 or SO3 to form
pyrosulphates such as K2 S207 & Na2S,07,
or possibly complex alkali-iron
trisulphates, the latter compounds being
formed in thicker deposits after long times
at about 482CC81. The K2SO4-K2S2O7 system forms a molten salt mixture at 407C
when the SO3 concentration is 150 ppm.
The above mechanism maybe depicted by
the following sequence of reactions:

K2SO4 + SO4 (or SO) -> K 2S20 7 (407C,

150 ppm SO3)
(K2SO4+K2S2O7) -Molten Salt Mixture,
K2S2O7 + 3Fe -a Fe2O3 +K2SO4

Overheating of the superheater is

related to the poor design of the boiler,
when slagging problems are experienced.
Change in parameters such as the feed rate
of coal to attain the desired steam
temperature can cause overheating.
Overheating of the reheaters can occur
in rapid startup situations, when the
combustion gas temperature at the
reheater reaches its maximum value
before full steam flow through the reheater
is achieved. The overheating leads to
accelerated oxidation of both the fireside
and the steamside surfaces of the tubes to
produce thickened, hard (alligator hide)
scales . Above 570C, a very nonprotective scale of wustite (FeO) can be
formed on iron which leads to the onset of
rapid oxidation.

By such a mechanism, the pyrosulphate

can react aggressively with any protective
iron oxide scales on the tubes, and lead to
accelerated wastage through fluxing of the
oxides and attack of the substrate metal.
The corresponding sodium system can
become liquid at 400C with about 2500
ppm of SO3. Such high concentrations of
SO3 is possible in the stagnant regions
beneath deposits, so a similar attack by
Na2S2O7 may occur when a high-sulfur
coal produces combustion gases containing high levels of sulphur oxides. Rei&1
has pointed, however, that the levels of
SO3 present at this location in a boiler
burning a typical coal are such that K2S2O7
is unlikely to be found at temperatures
above about 510C, and Na2S2O7 only up
to about 400C.

Mechanism of Molten Salt or SlagRelated Attack

Deposit-related molten salt attack of

the pendant tubes concerns the development of conditions beneath a surface
deposit which are conducive to the
formation of a low melting salt of the type

Molten salt or slag-related attack takes

several forms. Local disruption of the
normal oxide film on the wall tubes can
lead to either accelerated oxidation, or to



(Na, K)3 Fe(SO_4)3. Catalytic oxidation of

SO2 in stagnant zones beneath a layer of
deposit can lead to nearly equilibrium
levels of SO3, so that conditions are
favourable forthe formation oftrisulphates
in deposits up to about 704C. Above this
temperature, the required SO3 concentrations cannot be sustained, and the
trisulphates become unstable, decomposing to the alkali sulphates which are solid.
There is wide acceptance that compounds
of this type play a critical role in the
corrosion of superheater tubes.

fested by polishing of the affected surface.

The eroded area is often quite clean and
free of deposits. Thinned and flattened
areas result from more severe erosion.
Erosion tends to be localized to particular
areas of the boiler, and to part icular parts of
a given tube bank . Fig.8 shows the typical
appearance of flyash erosion damage on
all economizer tube.

The factors in coal which contribute to

fireside erosion problems are large
particles of dense minerals such as quartz,
or FeS2, and those mineral constituents
which may be converted during combustion to hard/abrasive compounds such as
alumina and silica based oxides.

Deposits on the superheater tubes are

usually found to be tightly bonded to the
tubes at the room temperature. They typically consist of three distinct layersH"'l:

System variables (such as flyash

particle velocity and the angle of impingement), and operating variables (which
define the size, shape, hardness and
number density of the flyash particles), are
very important. The rate of erosion loss is
usually found to be proportional to:

i. A hard, brittle and porous outer layer,

which is the bulk of the deposit and has
a composition similar to the boiler
ii. A white intermediate layer. When this
layer has a chalky consistency, corrosion is found to be mild or non-existent.
When it is fused and semi-glossy,
corrosion is found to be severe.
Compounds identified in this layer
include complex alkali sulphates, land
the alkali-iron trisulphates.
iii. A black, glossy inner layer, composed
primarily of oxides and sulphides of

Q the impact velocity raised to a power

between 2 and 4, and

0 the number of individual impacts by

the flue gas.
Erosion damage is, therefore , a potential problem at any point on the fireside of
the boiler where the ash -laden flue gas
contacts boiler tubes or internal support
structures at velocities and with particle
loadings above some minimum values.
Flyash erosion of waterwall tubes is
generally encountered in the areas around
the top of the rear wall of the furnace,
where the flue gas is turned to flow through
the rear pass. Erosion results largely from
turbulence created by the change in flow
direction, and by flow around pendant tube

The typical appearance of a corroded

superheater tube is illustrated In Fig.6. Tile
thickened, non-protective scale formed
beneath such deposits comprises of mi xed
layers of iron oxides and sulphides as is
evident from Fig.7.
Fireside Erosion Problems
Light erosion damage is usually main-



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F. r .^t.a,r S^ am.o,r.^s

InO^. ,
ray t

Fig. I : The schematic of a coal-fired power plant


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Fig. 2 : The schematic of a coal-fired boiler showing

the main parts susceptible to hot corrosion



can cause the tube failure in 10,000- 50,000

hrs., which is in good agreement with
practical experiences (usual design velocities are 15-20 m/s). Kratina^121 has proposed an erosion prediction method based
on "Coal Erosiveness Factor (CEF) which
is determined as follows:

Other type of erosion in the regions of

the waterwalls occurs from ash or slag
entrained by wall blowers, or possibly by
direct impingement of the flames.
The erosion is rarely the cause of the
tube fai lures in outlet superheater/reheater
tubes. Erosion can occur in these areas
when the gas velocity is locally increased
above the design level (I 5-20m/s). Blockage of the normal gas flow path by slag or
ash deposits can result in channeling of the
flue gas through the tube banks, with rapid
thinning of the tubes.

= 8.25/HHV x (% ash) x a, (% erodents),,
where 8.25 is a constant related to unit heat
input, HHV is fuel heat value (in B ThU)
and a, is the erosion index of the erodents
present. The erosion index is determined
as follows:

Flyash Properties

a.(% erodents)=a,(%quartz) + a2(%S'02)

Raask1"I developed the concept of an

"Erosive Index" for coals relating the erosivity to the quartz content of the flyash,
which he has defined as:


A12O3) + a4(% Fe2O).

Interpretation of CEF value for tube bank

velocities in the range of 16 to 21 m/s are
as follows :
CEF Predicted Erosion

Erosion by flyash
INDEX(I) = ---------------------------------Erosion by equal weight of
100 m quartz particles.

0 - 0.5 No erosion problem

0.5-1.0 Mild to persistent erosion
1.0-1.5 Serious to very serious erosion
1.5-more Severe erosion

The value of I was found to range from

0.2 to 0.4. From experimental results, erosion rate of mild steel by 100 m quartz
grains is given as:

Control of Hot Corrosion/Erosion

Problems in Coal-Fired Boilers

W =9.5x10-10xW mxU2.5
The complete el i rnination of oxidation
and hot corrosion/erosion problems
encountered in coal-fired boilers is not
possible considering the complexity of the
environments and the mechanisms
involved. However, with proper selection
of contruction materials and design of
components, modification of operating
conditions, use of good quality coals, and
applications of various heat-resistant
coatings, the problems can be effectively
checked to a great extent.

where W = weight of the metal eroded,

Wm = weight of impacting particles (Kg),
U= velocity of the particles ( m/sec).

The corresponding expression for erosion

by flyash is:
W =9.5x 10"xIx W xU2.5
Using these calculations, one can say
that at velocities around 35 m/s, erosion



Fig. 3 : The thick, hard scale on waterwall tubes

showing the cracks which resemble an alligator hide

Fig. 4 : Cross- section of the corroded face of a waterwall tube subjected to a

"reducing" atmosphere . X-ray maps show that the inner scale contain iron and
chromium from the alloy, and sulphur.


I I I . i I i t[ I I


can remove approximately one-half the

sulphur and alkali metal content of the
coal. Blending a known corrosive coal
with another also helps to produce a less
corrosive ash.

From the discussion in preceding

sections, it is clear that waterwalls, superheater/reheater and economizer tubes of
the boiler suffer from the severe attacks of
steam oxidation of the inner surfaces, and
fireside hot corrosion/flyash erosion of
the outer surfaces. To combat these
problems mainly two types of strategies
are adopted: (i) Modifications in
Operation Parameters, (ii) Use of
Corrosion/Erosion-Resistant Materials
and/or Coatings.

The corrosion of superheater/reheater

tubes can be controlled also by limiting the
maximum temperature of steam generated
to 538C or, in some cases, 556C. Moreover, the tube metal temperature should be
maintained in a regime where the rate of
corrosion from alkali-iron sulphate-type
attack is considerably less than the maximum possible; this is illustrated in Fig. 9.

The waterside corrosion problems in

boilers can be controlled mainly by forming a good magnetite coating on the normally used steel walls of the boiler and its
maintenance. The appied coating should
be least permeable to water, because water
is the species responsible for the continuous damage of the thin magnetite film
formed on the steel during the operation.
Purity of feed water is also an important
factor from the corrosion point of view.
Hence, the chemistry of feed water should
be monitored and efforts be made to reduce the quantity of dissolved gases and
salts in it.

However, in normal circumstances freedom to change the operating conditions is

quite limited; and sometimes the changes
are not very effective. Thus the above
modifications in operational parameters
do not provide a long-term solution to
corrosion problems.

Use of More Corrosion Resistant

Direct replacement of tubes or the
application of acorrosion resistant alloy as
a coating on the affected tube are two
approaches. The former is probably the
most satisfactory solution, e.g., replacing
the tubes with high chromium alloys, such
as stainless steels. But it also involves costs
several times those of the original tubes.
Moreover, such a replacement is not very
satisfactory for waterwall corrosion, as
austenitic stainless steels are prone to be
attacked by chlorides. Existing low
chromium ferritic steels are quite satisfactory. Thus a replacement which satisfies the waterwall corrosion and for which
the existing chromium concentration
is sufficient, an outer Cr-rich alloy is
needed to combat fireside corrosion. The

Fireside Corrosion"Reducing" conditions near the water walls can be countered

by adjusting the air and fuel distribution
to burners to promote better mixing of air
and fuel and more uniform combustion
conditions. Air blanketing, that is, introducing flow of air along the walls through
openings in the membrane between
waterwall tubes, can also be effective.
Fireside hot corosion of superheaters and
repeaters can be checked by reducing the
levels of the chemical species in the coal.
This is done by blending of coal types and
coal washing which improve the
stoichiometric balance of the coal and air
flow to each burner. Standard coal washing


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1 .,o. 1 ..,o,

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i! Po 1l...y

Fig. 5 : Phase stability diagrams at 482C indicating the stable corrosion

products as a function of percentage stoichiometric combustion air

Fig. 6 : Typical cross- sectional appearance of a

superheater tube which has fireside corrosion



materials choice is probably between

thicker-walled carbon steel tubes and tubes
with a coextruded outer layer of a high
chromium alloy such as AISI310orlncoloy
671(50Cr-50Ni). Cladding a tube with an
outer layerof acorrosion-resistant alloy by
co-extrusion can provide a more cost-effectivesolution. Forexarnpie, co-extruded
tubes of type 310 SS on mild steel can be
an economically viable replacement for
base-loaded units1' . Increased corrosion
resistance can also be achieved through the
enrichment of surface to be protected with
elements suchaschromium oralurninium.
The use of surface nitriding has also been
proposed, based on laboratory results114'.
Chromized and aluminized tubes made
using pack cementation method are good
options for control of corrosion) 15I.

use of corrosion- resistant alloys for some

of the tube rows in the superheaters and
reheaters is recommended . Composite
materials, where a corrosion resistant alloy
is clad over the load-bearing alloy by coextrusion , have been found to be cost
effective in such applications . Inconel
671(Ni-48Cr) and AISI 310 (Fe-20Ni25Cr) can provide superior corrosion resistance to the other austenitic materials
qualified for use in this applicationst161.

Flame-or plasma-spraying is also used

Very little is known regarding the use

to apply corrosion-resistant alloys into

waterwall tubes. The alloys used are
typically based on aluminium, oron chemistries similar to those of the corrosionresistant alloys with high chromium
contents or chromium and aluminium
contents. Plasma coating of AISI 310
stainless steel powder can be effectively
employed. To encounter corrosion of the
superheaters or reheaters, attachement of
shields to the leading edges of the tube

ofadd 1 tives to combat corrosion in coalfired

boilers. However , Mg-Based additives,
such as, MgO and Mg(OH)2 have been
tried in some cases to prevent corrosion
by sulphuric acid condensation in the
cold end of the boiler . Also, Rahmelt17
reported that addition of either Mg or
Ca-sulphate reduced the corrosion of stainless steels caused by K2SO4 . CaO has also
been used in some cases.

affected, can be an effective measure.

Shields are strips of metal which are
attached to the tube by means of tackwelded straps. The shields must be resistant to high-temperature oxidation, and are
usually made from alloys such as AISI
309(25% Cr). It is also desirable that the
superheater and reheater tubes that have
the highest metal temperature should be
fabricated of stainless steels such as AISI
304, 321, 347.

Flyasla Erosion

Coatings of the type discussed for

waterwall tube protection have not proved
effective in this case. There is little reported experience with coatings on superheaters and reheaters in recent years, even
though some of the modern coatings (such
as FeCrAIY-types) may be effective.

Changes in operational parameters,

such as washing and blending of the coals
to lower the specific ash content of the
coal, changing the fineness of the coal to
decrease erosivity of the coal, and the
regular sootblowing to prevent plugging
of loose deposits can reduce flyash erosion
of the boiler components.
The typical coal fineness specification
is 70 percent passing through 200 mesh.

In boilers operating at 566C steam,

C-1 1


Fig. 7 : Details of the deposit and scale on a

fireside corroded superheater tube

Fig. 8 : Typical appearance of flyash erosion damage on an economizer tube

60 Ch,Cm. 11'. aI
I ev i c SIni


Il C, -h h


: 1001 11 ^(AI i l ^`Cr .1C

34 ^vj


C Il)

Fig. 9 : The bell-shaped curves showing the

effect of metal temperature on corrosion rate


A change in the fineness of the coal to less

than 0.5 percent remaining on a 50 mesh
sieve has been reported to be effective in
reducing erosion ^i81. The effect is possibly
due to adecrease both in the residence time
for complete combustion and the number
of impingement ofchar on thewalls. Other
modifications include: reducing the bulk
gas velocity by use of lower excess air and
operating at reduced load, and control of
the gas flow across the boiler section to
eliminate localized turbulent region. To
reduce local high velocities, baffles have
been used with mixed resultst'91. The other
meausres to combat wastage due to erosion are the attachernent of shields, and
pad-welding. The shields are essentially
the same as those used to combat fireside
corrosion of the superheaters and reheaters.
In general, pad-welding should be
discouraged, since it is one of the causes of
a large number of repeated failures. It
should only be used in an emergency
situation. However, the combined use of
pad-welding and shielding can be a good
approach to protect less accessible areas of
the tube banks in which erosion damage
has occurred.

Use of Materials and Coatings

Materials with demonstrated erosion
resistancecan be used as sleeves or shields
in critical areas, but few instances of the
extensive use of such metallic materials
have been reported. Pourable refractories
are sometimes overlaid on components
such as headers which are exposed to an
erosive gas flow, but the experience
suggests that such coatings must be
renewed at every opportunity. However,
embedding of economizer elbows in
refractory cement has proved effective in
some cases.

The following conclusions are drawn
on the basis of the above discussion:
1. Fireside corrosion and flyash erosion
are the major problems for the power
plants using coal which has high sulphur (> 2.5 wt.%), alkalies(>0.5 wt.%)
and chlorine (>0.2% wt.%), or which
contains high percentage of erosive
minerals such as quartz in the ash.
2. Flyash erosion appears to be more
significant problem than fireside

3. The problems requiring most attention

i. erosion of back pass superheater/
reheater and economizer tube
bundles by flyash, and

ii. corrosion of waterwalls by the low

oxygen, high sulphur conditions.
4. The problems of fireside corrosion and
flyash erosion are mainly tackled by
extensive maintenance; though permanent and long-term measures, such
as the use of more corrosion resistant
alloys or cladding for fireside corrosion, and gas flow modifications by the
use of screens/baffles for flyash erosion, have also been taken at many

5. R & D effort is needed to:


i. incorporate permanent solution to

fireside corrosion problems either
by the application of proper coating of waterwall/superheater tubes
by a high chromium alloy or by


Screens During Combustion of

Anthracite Clum", Teploenerge-tika,
22, 15-18 (1975).

using co- extruded tubes or tubes

of better materials, and
ii. establish correlation from actual
failure analyses.
1. G.C. Thomus, W.H. Clyton and V.
Llinares, Jr., "C.E Availability data
Program", Proc. of the American
Power Conference, 42,86-94 (1980).
2. E. Raask . "Mineral Impurities in
Coal Combustion ", Hemisphere
Publishing Corp. , Washington, D.C.,
342-343 ( 1985).
3. "The Control of High Temperature
Fireside Corrosion", Second Edition , Central Electricity Generating
Board, London (1977).
4. P. Mayer and A.V. Manolescu, "Influence of Hydrogen Chloride on
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9-373 (1980).
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