Allison Genealogy
Allison Genealogy
Allison Genealogy
m.1. ?
2. Alice ______
will 15 July 1589 Ramshaw, Durham
Ramshaw was a small estate in the parish of St. Helen. In his will he left all of his property to Alice and to
three of his children John, Francis and Mary. He also stated that the rest of his children should not molest
these four implying that he was cutting off the children of a first wife who may have been previously
provided for. As Francis Allanson's oldest child was baptized in 1601 it is not improbable that an elder
half-brother Michael was already a married man with children of his own.
II. John-
III. Francis-
IV. Mary-
Issue- all bpt. at St. Helen, Auckland
Before 1665 Ralph, his wife, children, and his mother- in-law Anne Dixon along with Joseph Oliver came
to America to join Anne Dixon's brother Henry Watts on his plantation at Scarborough.(1) Ralph was
evidently a new arrival in Scarborough when the court 7 Nov 1665 and again in 1671 dealt with the
absence from the meeting of "Mrs. Dixon, sister to Mr. Henry Watts" and "Mr. Ralph Allison and his wife"
and his children.(2,3) On 10 Apr 1673 Ralph received half of Henry Watts' estate stating that the other half
would be given to him at Henry's death.(4)
Ralph signed the petition of 1666 asking for a settled government directed against the Massachusetts
authorities.(1) He was the Clerk of the Writs in 1674 and on the Grand Jury in 1675.(2) Ralph was listed as
"Living muskett shot from the garison" at Black Point on 12 Oct 1676 during the Indian War.(1,5) The
Allisons probably found refuge with some other family as their homestead was on the edge of town farther
up the Scarborough River. The Algers of Dunstan remained behind and Joseph Oliver and Ralph went to
Mr. Scottow and told him that help should be sent to Dunstan and volunteered themselves to go. Mr.
Scottow replied by asking who would take care of their families if they were killed on this expedition and
added that the Algers had the opportunity to flee to the garrison at the first alarm and if they preferred to
remain on their land they must take the consequences. To this Oliver "replied that it was a sorry and
inhuman thing that men should be in distress and wee should not relieve them". Dunstan was attacked on 9
Oct.(1) Not long afterwards a party of Englishmen were attacked by the Indians across the bay from Black
Point. Mr. Scottow was asked if they could send aid by boat as the quickest means of reaching the scene of
the action, but he refused, however he allowed a company to go by foot. Henry Williams who was
wounded at the garrison said that: "he who was sent to command that party, being named Ralph Allanson,
informed (me), upon his return, that they having two rivers to pass and the tide being about three parts in,
they could not come to their timely relief."(1) Henry Watts, Oliver and Ralph signed the petition to the
General Court stating that: "hitherto... preserved from the rage and fury of the heathen... the subscribers do
intend not a man of us to leave our station without a special order from the General Court or our
commanders" and praying for soldiers or ships to transport them and their families to safety. Soldiers came
but Oliver and Ralph protested against being taxed for their pay inasmuch as Mr. Scottow used them to
relieve from garrison duty his servants whom he sent to sea for the fishing season and also to move his barn
and repair his property.(6) On 12 Oct 1676 the Indians attacked and the settlers escaped by sea and Ralph
disappears from the records with the administration of his estate being granted to Anne 6 Apr 1680 at
Kittery. This is the last record of her.(1)
I. Matthew- d.s.p.
II. Jane- b.c.1650, m.1. before 1676 Peter Shaw, 2. after 1694 William Bradford of Beverly, 3. 13 Mar
1717/8 Robert Leach of Manchester. Jane was a widow in Beverly in 1734.
6III. ANNE- m. ANDREW (3) BROWN (b.1658, m.2.23 Jan. 1709/10 Mrs. Sarah (Hill) Fletcher
Priest, d. 4 July 1725 Scarborough)