Plastic Limit Plasticity Indext 090
Plastic Limit Plasticity Indext 090
Plastic Limit Plasticity Indext 090
The plastic limit of a soil is the lowest water content determined in accordance with the following
procedure at which the soil remains plastic. The plasticity index of a soil is the range in water
content, expressed as a percentage of the mass of the oven-dried soil, within which the material is
in a plastic state. It is the numerical difference between the liquid limit and plastic limit of the soil.
The following applies to all specified limits in this standard: For the purpose of determining
conformance with these specifications, an observed value or a calculated value shall be rounded
off to the nearest unit in the last right-hand place of figures used in expressing the limiting
value, in accordance with ASTM E 29.
AASHTO Standard:
M 231, Weighing Devices Used in the Testing of Materials
R 58, Dry Preparation of Disturbed Soil and Soil-Aggregate Samples for Test
T 89, Determining the Liquid Limit of Soils
T 146, Wet Preparation of Disturbed Soil Samples for Test
T 265, Laboratory Determination of Moisture Content of Soils
ASTM Standard:
E 29, Standard Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance
with Specifications
DishA porcelain evaporating dish or similar mixing dish about 115 mm in diameter.
SpatulaA spatula or pill knife having a blade about 75 mm in length and about 20 mm in width.
Surface for RollingA ground glass plate or piece of smooth, unglazed paper on which to roll
the sample.
Plastic Limit Rolling Device 1,2 (optional)A device made of acrylic conforming to the
dimensions shown in Figure 1.
T 90-1
The tolerance between the width of the top plate (W) and the inside width of the bottom plate (IW) shall be such that the top plate
slides freely on the rails without wobbling.
The top plate shall be rigid enough so that the thickness of the soil threads is not influenced by flexure of the top plate.
The width of the side rails shall be between 3 and 6 mm.
Paper for Rolling DeviceUnglazed paper that does not add foreign matter (fibers, paper
fragments, etc.) to the soil during the rolling process. Such paper shall be attached to the top and
bottom plates of the device either by a spray-on adhesive or by a self-adhesive backing.
Note 1Take special care to remove the adhesive that remains on the plastic limit rolling device
after testing. Repeated tests without such removal will result in a buildup of the residual adhesive
and a decreased soil thread diameter.
ContainersSuitable containers made of material resistant to corrosion and not subject to change
in mass or disintegration on repeated heating and cooling. Containers shall have close-fitting lids
to prevent loss of moisture from samples before initial mass determination and to prevent
absorption of moisture from the atmosphere following drying and before final mass determination.
One container is needed for each moisture content determination.
BalanceThe balance shall have sufficient capacity and conform to M 231, Class G 1.
If the plastic limit only is required, take a quantity of soil with a mass of about 20 g from the
thoroughly mixed portion of the material passing the 0.425-mm sieve, obtained in accordance with
R 58 or T 146. Place the air-dried soil in a mixing dish and thoroughly mix with distilled or
demineralized water until the mass becomes plastic enough to be easily shaped into a ball. Take a
portion of this ball with a mass of about 8 g for the test sample.
T 90-2
Note 2Tap water may be used for routine testing if comparative tests indicate no differences in
results between using tap water and distilled or demineralized water. However, referee or disputed
tests shall be performed using distilled or demineralized water.
If both the liquid and plastic limits are required, take a test sample with a mass of about 8 g from
the thoroughly wet and mixed portion of the soil prepared in accordance with T 89. Take the
sample at any stage of the mixing process at which the mass becomes plastic enough to be easily
shaped into a ball without sticking to the fingers excessively when squeezed. If the sample is taken
before completion of the liquid limit test, set it aside and allow to season in air until the liquid
limit test has been completed. If the sample taken during the liquid limit test is too dry to permit
rolling to a 3-mm thread, add more water and remix.
Select a 1.5- to 2.0-g portion from the mass of soil taken in accordance with Section 4. Form the
selected portion into an ellipsoidal mass.
Use one of the following methods to roll the soil mass into a 3-mm diameter thread at a rate of 80
to 90 strokes per minute, counting a stroke as one complete motion of the hand forward and back
to the starting position again.
Hand Rolling MethodRoll the mass between the palm or fingers and the ground-glass plate (or a
piece of paper laying on a smooth horizontal surface) with just sufficient pressure to roll the mass
into a thread of uniform diameter throughout its length. The thread shall be further deformed on
each stroke so that its diameter reaches 3 mm, taking no more than 2 min. The amount of hand or
finger pressure required will vary greatly, according to the soil. Fragile soils of low plasticity are
best rolled under the outer edge of the palm or at the base of the thumb.
Alternate Procedure, Plastic Limit Device MethodPlace the soil mass on the bottom plate. Place
the top plate in contact with the soil mass. Simultaneously apply a slight downward force and back
and forth motion to the top plate so the plate comes in contact with the side rails within 2 min.
During this rolling process, do not allow the soil thread to contact the side rails.
Note 3In most cases, more than one soil mass (thread) can be rolled simultaneously in the
plastic limit rolling device.
When the diameter of the thread becomes 3 mm, break the thread into six or eight pieces. Squeeze
the pieces together between the thumbs and fingers of both hands into a uniform mass roughly
ellipsoidal in shape and then reroll. Continue this alternate rolling to a thread 3 mm in diameter,
gathering together, kneading, and rerolling, until the thread crumbles under the pressure required
for rolling and the soil can no longer be rolled into a thread. The crumbling may occur when the
thread has a diameter greater than 3 mm. This shall be considered a satisfactory end point,
provided the solid has been previously rolled into a thread 3 mm in diameter. The crumbling will
manifest itself differently with various types of soil. Some soils fall apart in numerous small
aggregations of particles; others may form an outside tubular layer that starts splitting at both
ends. The splitting progresses toward the middle, and finally the thread falls apart in many small
platy particles. Heavy clay soils require much pressure to deform the thread, particularly as they
approach the plastic limit, and finally, the thread breaks into a series of barrel-shaped segments
each about 6 to 9 mm in length. At no time shall the operator attempt to produce failure at exactly
3-mm diameter by allowing the thread to reach 3 mm, then reducing the rate of rolling or the hand
pressure, or both, and continuing the rolling without further deformation until the thread falls
apart. It is permissible, however, to reduce the total amount of deformation for feebly plastic soils
by making the initial diameter of the ellipsoidal-shaped mass nearer to the required 3-mm
final diameter.
T 90-3
Gather the portions of the crumbled soil together and place in a weighed container. Immediately
cover the container.
Repeat the operations described in Sections 5.1 through 5.4 until the 8-g specimen is completely
tested. Determine the moisture content of the soil in the container in accordance with T 265, and
record the results.
Calculate the plastic limit, expressed as the water content in percentage of the mass of the ovendry soil, as follows:
Plastic Limit =
mass of water
mass of oven-dry soil
Calculate the plasticity index of a soil as the difference between its liquid limit and its plastic
limit, as follows:
Plasticity Index = liquid limit plastic limit
Report the difference calculated as indicated in Section 6.2 as the plasticity index, except under
the following conditions:
When the liquid limit or plastic limit cannot be determined, report the plasticity index as NP
When the plastic limit is equal to, or greater than, the liquid limit, report the plasticity index
as NP.
This precision statement applies to soils with a plastic limit range between 15 and 32, tested using
the hand rolling method.
Repeatability (Single Operator)Two results obtained by the same operator on the same sample
in the same laboratory using the same apparatus should be considered suspect if they differ by
more than 10 percent of their mean.
The plastic limit rolling device is covered by a patent (U.S. Patent No. 5,027,660). Interested parties are invited to
submit information regarding the identification of an alternative(s) to this patent to AASHTO Headquarters. Your
comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of AASHTO Technical Section 1a on Soil Materials Tests.
Bobrowski, L. J., Jr. and D. M. Griekspoor, Determination of the Plastic Limit of a Soil by Means of a Rolling
Device, Geotechnical Testing Journal, GTJODJ, Vol. 15, No. 3, September 1992, pp. 284287.
T 90-4