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Chapter: 1

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1.1 Background of the study

After the end of Second World-war in fact to say the world is involved in another war
called the trade war of achieving superiority over other countries through implementing the
strategies of free market economy. The conference of GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade) to W.T.O. (World Trade Organization) with adopting new policies, the emergence
of various region oriented economic organizations like NAFTA, SAFTA, ASEAN, APEC, G8 etc. indicates that the 21st century will be the century of economic and business challenge.
Commercial Banks are one of the key contributors to the Bangladesh economy. The
process of economic development requires the banking sector to operate efficiently and
distribute the capital resources to the proper development agencies. People and the
government itself are very much dependent on the services provided by these banks in the
financial market. Commercial banks act as financial intermediaries by performing the
function of mobilization the funds from one group and lending the same to another for the
purpose of a reasonable amount of profit after meeting the cost of funding. So the objectives
of a Bank can be looked at from three different perspectives of the key parties to the banking
activities, these are the Bank owner, the Govt. and the bank customer.
Among other banks and as government owned bank Sonali Bank Limited is playing a
good role in our economy through its various operations. Its general banking services,
investment in several specified sectors and foreign exchange business is notable.
From the modest beginning, with an increase of responsibility and virtue of
performance, Sonali Bank Limited, within a few years, emerged as the largest Nationalized
Commercial Bank (NCB) in the country. The principal activities of the bank are providing all
kinds of commercial banking services to the customers. It also performs Government
Treasury functions as an agent of the Bangladesh Bank.

Definition of bank:
Generally bank is refers to an organization that deals with money. The definition of
Bank may be as follows:
As per Bank companies act 1991:
Banking Company means any company which transacts the business of banking in
Bangladesh and includes a new bank and specialized bank.
Banking means the accepting for the purpose of lending or institute of deposit of
money from public repayable on demand or otherwise and withdraw able by draft, order or
Provided by Banking Institutes:
A bank performs an essentially distributive task, service or acts as an intermediary
between borrowers & lenders. In broader sense, however, a bank can be considered the heart
of a complex financial structure.
American Institute of Banking

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1.2 Rationale of the study

Banks are important financial institutions in the economy. They play an important
role in the development of a country. So the present economic state of Bangladesh demands
immediate development of the financial institutions. To build up potential future of a banker,
practical orientation program on banks is necessary. This report is a requisite of the practical
orientation program. The report helps to build up a perception about day-to-day affairs of the
Internship program is a part of our academic structure and it implies practical
knowledge about some things. I have tried my best to be oriented with the practice of banking
in real life.

1.3 Scope of the study

The scope of the report is limited to facilities provided by Mirpur Cantonment
Branch of Sonali Bank Limited. Sonali Bank provides a wide range of facilities to its
customers. Employees are very much caring to their customers. But the scope of the report
can be described in terms of two grounds likeOrganizational Scope: I have worked in all the desks of general banking division of
Sonali Bank Limited. I could not get the opportunity to work in Foreign Exchange
Department, Credit Department and Cash Department.
Periodical Scope: Practical Orientation in bank has started from the 6 th August, 2014
and the duration of this internship was 90 days.
The report is confined to explain the detailed explanation of other Department, such
as, credit department foreign exchange department, card division, cash department. Credit
related to foreign exchange transactions (L/C, LTR, etc.) were excluded. Consumer Credit or
retail credit facilities and Credit provided against Share have also been excluded from the
scope of this report. Various types of credit provided to the staffs of Sonali Bank has also
been ignored, as they are special types of credit provided as a motivating tool for the
employees with special terms and conditions.

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1.4 Objective of the Study

Primary Objective:
The primary objective of this report is to analyze the general banking activities of Sonali
Bank Limited.
Secondary objective:
To achieve practical knowledge of banking side of SBL.
To identify problems (if any) relating to general banking operation of SBL.
To gain practical experiences and apply the theoretical knowledge in real
To suggest any recommendation if necessary.

1.5 Methodology of the study

The study is descriptive in nature where both primary and secondary data were used. The
required data were collected mainly through personal observations and informal interviews.
The sources of information were as under:
Primary data was collected through:

Observing the day-to-day activities of the bank.

Interviewing the bank officials.
Interviewing the customers of the Bank.
Informal conversation with clients.
Practical work experience from the desk.

Secondary data was collected from:

The annual report of the bank.

The Scheduled Bank Statement reports generated for Bangladesh bank.
General Banking Operational Manual
Banks website and other publications.

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1.6 Limitations of the study

In spite of related peoples willingness I could not avail the full concentration as I
supposed to have. The officers are extremely busy with their assigned jobs. And even I had to
perform the internship while doing the job. On the way of my study, I have faced the
following problems that may be termed as the limitations/shortcoming of the study. The main
limitations encountered in producing this report are:
I have to work as a full-time employee of Sonali Bank Limited. It was difficult for me to
allocate enough time to prepare the report. For an analytical purpose adequate time is
required. Due to the time limit, the scope and dimension of the study has been curtailed.
The study is constructed with some limitations. These are given bellow:
The main limitation of this report is the internship program is time, because this is
very short span of time to make an extensive report on the total banking activities,
which consists of various things.
The employees of Sonali Bank Ltd remain so much busy with their own work that it is
quite tough to provide time for making concept clear in a particular area.
Every organization has their own secrecy that is not revealed to others.
Lack of knowledge, experience and expertise in banking field thats why it becomes
hard to understand each and everything during practical program.
At the time of preparing my report I tried to gather every details of process but the major
limitation is lack of adequate information.

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Chapter: 2
Overview of SBL

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2.1 An Overview of SBL

Sonali Bank Limited (SBL) started its operation on 17 th April 1995 with an
Authorized Capital of TK. 1000 million and Paid-up capital of TK. 200 million. Its Paid-up
Capital was raised at Tk.700 million as on December 31, 2003. SBL is a fourth generation
commercial bank in the banking arena of Bangladesh. The Bank was promoted by a group of
highly successful entrepreneurs from various fields of economic activities such as shipping,
finance, petroleum, textile and insurance. The Bank has made significant progress within a
very short period due to its highly competent Board of Directors, dynamic Management and
introduction of various innovative and customer friendly Deposit and Loan Schemes.
SBL was incorporated under the Companies Act, 1994 on February 12, 1995 and on
that day, filed a duly verified declaration in the prescribed form that the condition of section
150(l)(a) to (d) of the said Act, have been compiled with, is entitled to commence business as
a public limited company.
Sonali Bank Ltd. being a banking company has been registered under the Companies
Act 1913 with its registered office at 5, Rajuk Avenue, Motijheel commercial area, Dhaka
1000. Later it was shifted to Adamjee Court Annex building, 119-120, Motijheel Commercial
Area, Dhaka-1000.
The bank operates as a scheduled bank under banking license issued by Bangladesh
Bank, the central bank of the country on April 17, 1995 through the opening of its Motijheel
Branch at Adamjee Court Annex Building, Motijheel commercial area, Dhaka-1000. The
bank is having an authorized capital of Tk. 1000 million and paid up capital Tk.700 million
sponsored by 22 members of board of directors.

2.2 Role of Sonali bank limited in the national economy

Economy and banking Industry go together and are inseparable. Sonali Bank has been
playing an important role in the economic development of the country. As many as 23,383
people are in the employment of the Bank as on December 31, 2013. Besides, Sonali Bank
has generated employments for hundreds of people in the projects and industries established
under finance. The Bank has been financing the trade and commerce of the country since
inception of the Bank in 1997.
We have handled a big volume of countries exports and imports. The deposits our
Bank mobilized through the outlets of branches helped in the formation of capital in the
country. Our lending to borrowers reached Tk. 34345.05 million as on June 30, 2013. It has
contributed to the industrialization and improvement of trade and commerce of the country
which ultimately accelerated economic growth and national welfare through multiplying
We have collected VAT and tax on interest / profit earnings of customers of the Bank.
For relief and rehabilitation of natural calamity-hit people of the country in 2014 the bank has
donated a denotable amount of money.

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2.3 Management
The management of the bank is vested on a board of directors, subject to overall
supervision and directions on policy matters by the board which is constituted in terms of
Bangladesh bank (Nationalization) Order 1972 (Figure-2.1). Board of directors, constituted
by seven members has authority to organize, operate and manage its affairs on commercial
consideration within the board policy of government.
There are directors appointed by the government. Other members of the board
including MD are also government appointed out of that at least three have the experience in
the field of Finance, Banking, Trade, Commerce, Industry and Agriculture. The managing
director is the Chief Executive of bank. He executes all the activities under the direction of
board. All line and staff personnel of banks are own recruitment except member of board of

Management Hierarchy of Sonali Bank Limited:

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Mission statement
Dedicated to extend a whole range of quality products that support divergent needs of people
aiming at enriching their lives, creating value for the stakeholders and contributing towards
socio-economic development of the country.
Vision statement
Socially committed leading banking institution with global presence.
Our Slogan: Your trusted partner in innovating banking.

2.4 Organization
Sonali Bank is the largest nationalized commercial bank of the country. It has
extended 1181 branches through out the country and abroad to serve the nation. There are
two; Sonali Exchange Company incorporations (SECI) in UAS and others are in planning
stage. The head office of the bank is located at motijheel commercial Area, Dhaka that is the
controlling Headquarter (Figure-2.2). It has eight GM officers in six Divisional Headquarters
and twenty six principle Officers and thirty two headed by Regional Officers. Principle
Officers is headed by DGM and each Department is headed by AGM. Different grade officers
depending on the size and nature of branch head the branches.
Principal office Headquarter has jurisdiction over the entire area of a District i.e. the
principle office is the local point of the banks administrative zone of the District. The
regional officer is situated in the Thana level within the district, is under control and
supervision of the principle office of the district. Regional officer are responsible for their
activities to the principle office.
Regional heads exercise control and supervision overall the branches within their
jurisdiction and keep the head of principle office informed the progress of their respective
areas form time to time.

Head Office
G.M Office
Principle office
Regional Office

[Figure-2.2: Functional Hierarchy]

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2.5 Government Intervention

Financial services have traditionally been the subject of close government scrutiny
and it is to be expected that exchange rates, interest rates and terms of credit should be
closely monitored in the public interest. In the recent years, however, governments have tried
to use interest rates, credit regulations and informal controls on banks as a means of
managing the supply of money in the economy in an effort to increase or reduce consumer
spending and to hold back or promote investment by business. During the 1976 to now, the
effect of these policies has been to add a new dimension of risk and uncertainty to financial
markets which were already fluctuation wildly because of the oil crisis, the commodity boom,
increasing inflation and controlled exchange rates.
Besides government is a big problem for the nationalized bank in Bangladesh.
Government forces to the nationalized bank to insider lending, lend to governments priority
sector, state-owned enterprises, sick industries, borrowers with political influence as well as
provide exemption schemes to fulfill its pre-election commitment. The loan exemption
program of 1986-87 and 1991-92 exempted 11.37 percent and 25.56 percent respectively of
total bank loan outstanding. As a result, nationalized commercial banks are burdened with
very large classified loans (32 percent of total loans) against which very large provisions had
to be made which affected profit position adversely. Classified loans in the countrys banking
sectors on June 30, 1996 amount to 33.0 percent of total loans. It was 34.9 percent as on
December 31, 1993. However, net income of local banks is drastically reduced, as the
required to maintain very large provisions for bed debts and interest suspense accounts.

2.6 Corporate profile of Sonali bank limited

Name of the Company

Sonali Bank Limited

Managing Director and CEO
Company Secretary
Legal Status

DR. A. H. M.N Habibur Rahman

Md. Nazibar Rahman (Current Charge)
Zaheed Hossain
Public Limited Company

Date of Incorporation
Date of Vendors Agreement
Registered Office
Authorized Capital
Paid-up Capital
Number of Employee
Number of Branches

03 June, 2007
15 November, 2007
35-42, 44 Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Taka 28.00 billion
Taka 11.00 billion
Your Trusted Partner in Innovative Banking.
9550426-31, 33, 34, 9552924
88-02-9561410, 9552007

Emarged as Nationalised Commercial Bank in 1972, following the Bangladesh

Bank (Nationalization) Order No. 1972(PO No.26 of 1972)

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2.7 Sonali Bank at a glance

Serial No.




(taka in core)

(taka in core)


Authorized capital
Paid up capital
Reserve capital






Loan and advance

Total Investment
Total income
Total Expense
Foreign exchange business:










[Source: annual report of Sonali Bank on 2014]

Table-2.1: Highlights on overall activities of the bank

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2.8 Organogram of Sonali bank

Organogram of Sonali Bank as follows-

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Chapter: 3

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3.1 General Banking

General banking is the side where banking offer different alternatives to the
clients to deposit and remit their money. To encourage the clients, bank offers different
options in front of their clients. Most of these options are very much similar between the
banks, but the customer services and facilities may not be the same. Every branch of
every bank has to maintain the General Banking department. It takes care of lot of
important banking activities mainly collecting the deposit from customers. General
Banking department is mostly expected to maximize the number of customers. It is the
introductory department of the Bank to its customers.
Sonali bank, principal branch has all the required sections of General Banking.
Such as

Accounts Opening Section

Cash Section
Deposit Section
Bills and Clearing Section
Remittance Section
Accounts Section
Loan and Advance Section
Foreign Exchange Section

3.1.1 Accounts Opening Section

Account Opening is the gateway for clients to enter into transaction with the bank.
It is the foundation of banker-customer relationship. A customer can open different types
of accounts through this department. So, the bank takes extremely cautions measure in its
selection of customers.

3.1.2 Cash Section

Bank as a financial institution, accept surplus money from the people as deposit
and give them opportunity to withdrawn the same by cheque or by any other instrument.
Among the banking activities, cash department plays a vital role. It does the main
function of a commercial bank e.g. receiving the deposit and paying the cash on demand.

3.1.3 Deposit Section

Deposit is the lifeblood of the bank. From the history and origin of the banking
system, we know that deposit collection is the main function of a bank. The officer of the
deposit section maintains account number of all the customers of the bank. They use
different code number for different account. The officer makes position three types of
transactions such as cash, clearing and transfer section. This section performs the
following takes:

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Post kind of transactions.

Provide on demand report.
Cheque maintenance.
Preparation of day transaction position.
Preparation of closing monthly transaction position.

3.1.4 Bills and Clearing Section

For safety and security in financial transaction people use financial instrument like
DD, PO, and cheque etc. commercial banks collect these financial instruments on behalf
of their customers. This process that the bank use to collect and clear on behalf their of
their customers account, is known as clearing and collection. At Dhaka Bangladesh
Bank plays the role of Clearing House for all banks. The area where Bangladesh bank is
not available sonali bank plays the role of clearing house on behalf of Bangladesh bank.
The main function of this section is to collection instrument on behalf of the customers
through Bangladesh bank clearing house, outside bank clearing (OBC), Inter branch
clearing (IBC). Upon receipt of the instruments this section examines the following
Whether the paying bank within the Dhaka city.
Whether the paying bank out side of Dhaka city.
Whether the paying bank is its own branch.

3.1.5. Remittance through a Foreign Bank

The remitter can send money through any financial institution which branches in
both countries. In this case, the bank in Bangladesh receives the amount from its foreign
branches and then transfers it to the bank where the client wishes to draw the money.
Here the bank needs to fill up a C from if the amount of money is $2,000 or more. It is
done for the declaration for remittance received from foreign country in the amount of
$2,000 or more.

3.1.6 Account Section

This is a very much crucial section for each business concern. As such this is a
crucial department for a commercial bank. Records of all the transactions of every
department are maintained here. Accounts section verifies all financial amounts and
contents of transactions. Every working day all the account is balanced and reconciled to
remove any discrepancy.

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The overall activities of account section are as follows:

Record all transaction in the cash book.

Record all transaction in general and subsidiary ledger.
Prepare daily fund function, weekly position, periodic statement of affairs etc.
Prepare necessary statement for reporting purpose.
Make salary statement and pay salary.
Pay all expenditures on behalf of the branch.
Branch to branch fund remittance and support for account treatment
Budgeting for branch.
Make charge for different type of duties.

3.1.7 Customer Service

To ensure qualified customer service sonali bank has started in addition to
computerization corporate client service and one stop service. To facilitate the foreign
exchange activities Sonali bank has launched SWIFT (Society for Worldwide inter bank
Finance and Telecommunication) system in its 12 branches. The bank has launched
website, Reuter service, Internet service, and Ready cash service. The bank has taken a
plan to launch shared ATM system in various important places. Already, it has given work
order for this.

3.1.8 Computerization
Sonali Bank starts its computerization process at December, 1989. After that it
expands its computerization process by establishing RISE system (RS 16000) OS/2, LAN
etc. up to this time 113 branches are under computerization system. Beside this one
stop is begin given in its 56 branches. Moreover,
Foreign exchange business and standard of customer services is begin increased
and speed up of information flow by using the computerization system LAN (Local Area
Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network).
It has established 7 subsidiary companies in United States named Sonali Exchange
Company Incorporated (SECI) and 5 officers of Sonali Bank, UK Ltd. Establish with
49% share with govt. in UK so that Non-Resident Bangladesh can send their money to
Bangladesh through a vital channel as fast as possible.
Recently SECI established a web based Remittance Software in United States.
Sonali Bank Wage Earners Corporate Branch established electronic link with its branch in
Middle East Branch through which remittance is to be sent. Besides this 5 electronic link
is in implementation process in Oman, Qatar and Bahrain.
IFRMS (Instant Financial Reconciliation and Messaging System) has enabled the
bank to remit fund by DD, TT, Inter branch Debit/ Credit advice. This has been started as
an experimental but this system will be started among 300 branches soon.

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3.1.9 Loan and Advance Section

For any commercial bank deposit and loan are two important sections. To service
in the market banks have deal with the deposited money. They have to use the deposit
efficiently in profitable sector. So dealing with the loan is very crucial for the bank. Up to
30th June, 2006, sonali bank had 645643 million taka distributed loan and by that time it
recovered 91205 million taka. If we analyze sector wise loan, we can see that up to 30 th
June 2006 sonali bank distributed loan on agricultural sector Tk.2850 million and
recovered 2870 million. In industrial sector, it distributed Tk.2057 million and recovered
Tk. 2031. And in other sectors it had distributed loan of Tk. 640736 and recovered Tk.
For economic development of the country, reduction of unemployment, reduction
of import dependency and to be self sufficient sonali bank continued to distribute loan in
this sector. From 1st January to June 30th the bank had 36 projects in this sector the
monetary value of which is Tk. 1425 million.
From 1973-74 sonali bank has been providing agricultural loan in rural areas. The
bank is distribution this loan through its 707 branches in 1639 unions allover the country.
From 1977 beside krishi bank, sonali bank is also distributing special agriculture loan. Up
to this sonali bank has distributed Tk. 24868 million of which Tk. 15782 is still due.

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Chapter: 4

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As I have worked Sonali bank Ltd. At Mirpur Cantonment Branch for

three months in general Banking Department, I have worked the following
sections. I have taken help in making report from the following sections
officers with whom I work and from my knowledge I gathered during
Internship period. The sections are given bellow:

Accounts Opening Section

Cash Section

Deposit Section

Bills and Clearing Section

Remittance Section

Accounts Section

Loan and Advance Section

Foreign Exchange Section

4.1 Accounts Opening Section

Account Opening is the gateway for clients to enter into transaction with the bank.
It is the foundation of banker-customer relationship. A customer can open different types
of accounts through this department. Such as Current account.
Savings account.
Short Term Deposit Account (STD).
Fixed Deposit Receipts (FDR).
Special Deposit Pension Scheme (SDPS).
Sonali Deposit Scheme (SDS).
Education Deposit Scheme (EDS).
Medical Deposit Scheme (MDS).

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4.1.1 Current Account

Current account is an account where the account holders can make numerous
transactions within a working day. There is no transaction on the number of deposit and
withdrawals from the current account within availability of funds. As the bank is under
the obligation to repay this deposit on demand, on interest is paid in this account.
Generally, current account is opened for businessmen and trades for easy transaction.

4.1.2 Requirements of Opening an Account

There are some requirements that have to be completed for opening an account.
Proprietorship Firm
There is account opening form for proprietorship firm provided by Sonali Bank. For
this account, a customer must need to submit the following papers with the form:
Introduction of the account.
Two photographs of the signatories duty attested by the introducer.
Copy of trade license.
Seal of concern.
Partnership Firm
There is account opening form for partnership firm provided by Sonali Bank.
Introduction for running an account is given in this form.
Enclose Documents for partnership account:
Introduction of the account.
Two photographs of the signatories duty attested by the introducer.
Partnership letter duty signed by all partners.
Partnership Deed duty certified by Notary Public.
Copy of Registration (if any).
Seal of the concern.
Update Trade License.

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Limited Company
There is an account opening form used for limited company. There are two kinds
of limited company. The bank always takes precautions for opening this type of accounts.
Several documents submitted by the clients should be checked carefully by bank to be
legally in safe position.
Enclosed Document for Limited Co. Account:
Introduction of the account.
Two photographs of the signatories duty attested by the introducer.
Signature and seal of the client.
Trade license.
Certified copy of memorandum and articles of association.
Certificate of incorporation.
Broad resolution for opening account duty certified by the chairman/
managing director.
List of directors along with designation and specimen signature.
Certificate from the registrar of join stock company is entitled to commence
business (in case of public Ltd. Company.)
Certificate from broad of investment (incase of joint venture or foreign Co.)
Work permit order from ministry of industry. (Incase of foreign nation.)
Join venture agreement (incase of join venture.)

4.1.3 Savings Account (Individual/Join)

Savings account (SB) is means for the people of the people lower and middle classes,
who wish to save part of their incomes to meet their future needs and intended to earn an
income from their savings. From savings account the account holder can deposit money
so many times the holder wishes. But the holder can not withdraw money more that two
times in a week. Also the holder can not withdraw money more than 20,000 tk at a time
without any permission of the bank. The holder is given an interest on their deposited
amount after a certain period at a certain rate. The holders of this type of account are
mainly students,

teachers, employees, householders. For opening of this type of

accounts, the following requirements are necessary:

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Photograph attested by the introducer.
An introducer of Sonali Bank.
For joint accounts, signatures of all the account holders are necessary.

4.1.4 Short Term Deposit (STD)

STD account is same as current account. Here money is kept for a very short time.
A notice is needed prior for withdrawal of money. Sonali Bank offers short time deposit
to its valued customers. Short-term deposit is the deposit where the interest is paid on
monthly basis.

4.1.5 Issuing Cheque Book

The following procedures are maintained to provide a cheque book.
At first the customer will fill up a requisition form.
The pages of the cheque book under issue shall be counted to ensure that
all the pages and bank requisition slip are intact. The name and account
number shall be written on the cover page of the cheque book and its
requisition slip.
The name and account number of the customer shall be entered in the
cheque book register against the particular cheque book series.
Then the officer in charge signs the register, cheque book and the
requisition slip.
The cheque book is handed over to the customer after taking
acknowledgement on the requisition slip and the register book.

A cover file containing the requisition slip shall be effectively preserver as

vouchers. If the ledger keeper notices any defect, he/she will make a remarked to that on
the requisition slip and forwarding it to the cancellation officer to decide whether a new
cheque book should be issued or not.

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4.1.6. Procedure of Closing an Account

A customer may close his/her account ant time by submitting an application to the
branch. The customer should be asked to draw the final check for the amounts standing to
the credit of his/her account less the amount of closing and other incidental charge and
surrender the unused cheque leaves. The account should be debited for the amount of
closing charge etc. And the authorized officer of the bank should destroy unused cheque
leaves. In case of join account the application for the account should be signed by the
joint account holder.

4.2 Deposit Screams

Sonali bank deposits against many accounts. They are Fixed Deposit
Receipts(FDR), Sonali Deposit Account(SDS), Residential Deposit Scheme(RDS,
Education Deposit Scheme(EDS),Medical Deposit Scheme (MDS),Double Benefit
Scheme(DBS).The Principal and interest payable of different Deposit Schemes are
outlined below:
A. Fixed Deposit Receipts (FDR)
The amount of interest at different time interval of the principal amount which are
applied from 09 Feb 2012 onwards is as follow

Particulars of Fixed Deposit

Fixed Deposit: Below tk.25 lac
1 month < 2 months


2 months < 3 months


3 months < 6 months


6 months < 1 year


1 year

Present interest Rate

< 2 years

2 year < 3 years

Tk.25 lac or more


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B. Sonali Deposit Scheme (SDS)

Scream Maturity


5 Years



Time period of Amount



principal+ bonus
amount at maturity
at a time










16th to 25th per 3000
























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C. Education Deposit Scheme (EDS)




10 Years



Time period of

10th to 15th per




principal+ bonus
amount at maturity
at a time


































D. Residential Deposit Scheme (RDS)

8% interest is paid on taka 500 up to tk10,000 deposited at 10 years maturity.

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E. Medical Deposit Scheme (MDS)
8% interest is paid on taka 500 up to tk10,000 deposited at 10 years maturity.




10 Years



Time period of

10th to 20th per




principal+ bonus
amount at maturity
at a time


































4.3.1Cash Section
Bank as a financial institution, accept surplus money from the people as deposit
and give them opportunity to withdrawn the same by cheque or by any other instrument.
Among the banking activities, cash department plays a vital role. It does the main
function of a commercial bank e.g. receiving the deposit and paying the cash on demand.

4.3.2 Cash Receiving Procedures

The work of cash receiving counter is to examine the deposit slip. Depositor uses
the prescribed deposit slip supplying by the bank for depositing cash, cheque, draft; pay
order etc. in all types of deposit the teller must cheque the following things:

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The slip has been properly filled up.
The title of the account and its number.
The amount in figure and in words is same.
Instrument signed by the depositor.
Data of the instrument.
After checking all these things the teller will accept cash, cheque, draft, pay order
etc. against deposit slip. The teller will place the cash in cash drawer according to
denominations. The teller will place signature and affix cash received and record in the
cash received register book against the account number. At the end of this procedure, the
cash officer passes the deposit slip to the computer section for posting purpose and
returns the customers copy.

Cash A/C
Customers A/C


Dr. (Tk.)


4.3.3 Cash Payment Procedures

In order to safeguard the position the banker has to observe the following
precaution before honoring a cheque:
A cheque must be locked whether it is an incomplete cheque.
The playing officer should see whether the cheque is drawn on his/her
He must see whether the cheque is post dated or pre dated. A letter must not
pay any post-dated cheque.
The officer must carefully see the apparent tenor of the cheque. If it is
mutilated or martially altered then the officer must not honor it.
The officer must compare the signature of the cheque with the signature on
the specimen card.
The officer must verify the regularity of the endorsement.

The officer may allow overdue against a cheque if prior arrangement is

done with the bank.

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4.3.4 Passing the Cheque

After verifying the above-mentioned things the officer passes it to computer
section for more verification. After that it is passed to the cash to make payment. By
putting pay cash seal the cash officer make it clean to pay. The cash officer gives the
cash amount to the holder and record in the paid register.

Customers A/C
Cash A/C


Dr. (Tk.)


4.3.5 Dishonor of Cheque

A banker can dishonor a cheque in the following situation:
Insufficient fund.
Payment stopped by drawer.
Alternation require in drawer signature.
Effect not clear in the cheque.
Exceed arrangement in cheque.
Fill cover note received.
Payees endorsement irregular/illegible/required.
Drawer signature different and required.
Cheque is postdate/mutilated/out of date.
Clearing stamp required cancellation.
Cheque crossed accounts payee only.
Collecting banks discharge irregular/ required.


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4.4 Deposit Section

Deposit is the lifeblood of the bank. From the history and origin of the banking
system, we know that deposit collection is the main function of a bank. The officer of the
deposit section maintains account number of all the customers of the bank. They use
different code number for different account. The officer makes position three types of
transactions such as cash, clearing and transfer section. This section performs the
following takes:
Post kind of transactions.
Provide on demand report.
Cheque maintenance.
Preparation of day transaction position.
Preparation of closing monthly transaction position.

4.5 Bills and Clearing Section

For safety and security in financial transaction people use financial instrument
like DD, PO, and cheque etc. commercial banks collect these financial instruments on
behalf of their customers. This process that the bank use to collect and clear on behalf
their of their customers account, is known as clearing and collection. At Dhaka
Bangladesh Bank plays the role of Clearing House for all banks. The area where
Bangladesh bank is not available sonali bank plays the role of clearing house on behalf of
Bangladesh bank. The main function of this section is to collection instrument on behalf
of the customers through Bangladesh bank clearing house, outside bank clearing (OBC),
Inter branch clearing (IBC). Upon receipt of the instruments this section examines the
following things:
Whether the paying bank within the Dhaka city.
Whether the paying bank out side of Dhaka city.
Whether the paying bank is its own branch.

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4.5.1 Outward Clearing

Outward clearing held if the instruments are to collect by specified branch within
the Dhaka city and not for their own branch. Here the following procedures are followed:
Receive of the client duty signed instruments.
Checking for any apparent discrepancy.
Clearing stamps are affixed on the instrument and on the deposit slip.
Branch code number also affixed on the instruments
The authorized signature endorses instruments.
Particulars of the instruments and vouchers are recorded in the outward
cleaning register.

4.6. Remittance through a Foreign Bank

The remitter can send money through any financial institution which branches in
both countries. In this case, the bank in Bangladesh receives the amount from its foreign
branches and then transfers it to the bank where the client wishes to draw the money.
Here the bank needs to fill up a C from if the amount of money is $2,000 or more. It is
done for the declaration for remittance received from foreign country in the amount of
$2,000 or more.

4.6.1 Local Remittance

When money is transferred through one place to another place within the country,
it is called local remittance. Sonali Bank has highest number of branches all over the
country and offers various kinds of remittance facilities to the public. The main
instruments issued by sonali bank for remitting funds are:
Pay-Order (PO).
Demand Draft (DD).
Telegraphic Transfer (TT).
Mail Transfer (MT).

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4.6.2 Pay- Order (PO)

Payment order is an instrument that is used to remit fund within a local area i.e.
within the same clearing house area. For example, if we want to remit fund from one
place of Dhaka to another place, we generally use payment order.

Accounting treatment: PO by Cash:


Cash A/C




Bill payable (PO)



PO commission



Accounting treatment: PO by Cheque:


Cheque (A/C No.) A/C




Bill payable (PO)



PO commission


.. Demand Draft (DD)

It is an instrument that is drawn on one banker office to another or other bankers
branch to pay certain sum of money to the named person. It is generally used to remit
fund from one corner of the country to another. For example, if we want to remit fund
from Dhaka to khulna we use DD. DD is very popular instrument for remitting money
from one corner of the country to another.
Difference between Pay- Order and Demand Draft:
There are some differences between pay order and demand draft. These are given below In case of demand draft both the payer and payee need to have accounts. But
there is no certain rule for pay order.
PO is used in the same clearing areas; DD is used for all kinds. DD can not
be done in the same clearing area.
DD is drawn on a certain bank office. But there is no certain rule for pay
order (PO). Telegraphic Transfer (TT)

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Some times the remitter of the fund wants the money to be available to the
receivers account immediately. In that case bankers arrange to remit fund telegraphically.
Here the remitter bears the additional charge for telex/telephone.
Accounting treatment for (TT):

Cash A/C






TT Commission A/C



TT Charge A/C


.. Mail Transfer (MT)

It is an instrument that is drawn by one banker office on another or other bankers
branch to pay certain sum of money to the named person. This instrument is not given to
the holder but the bank carries it and a message is sent to the particular branch. It is
generally used to remit fund from one corner of the country to another.

4.7 Account Section

This is a very much crucial section for each business concern. As such this is a
crucial department for a commercial bank. Records of all the transactions of every
department are maintained here. Accounts section verifies all financial amounts and
contents of transactions. Every working day all the account is balanced and reconciled to
remove any discrepancy.
The overall activities of account section are as follows:
Record all transaction in the cash book.
Record all transaction in general and subsidiary ledger.
Prepare daily fund function, weekly position, periodic statement of affairs etc.
Prepare necessary statement for reporting purpose.
Make salary statement and pay salary.
Pay all expenditures on behalf of the branch.
Branch to branch fund remittance and support for account treatment

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Budgeting for branch.
Make charge for different type of duties.

4.8 Customer Service

To ensure qualified customer service sonali bank has started in addition to
computerization corporate client service and one stop service. To facilitate the foreign
exchange activities Sonali bank has launched SWIFT (Society for Worldwide inter bank
Finance and Telecommunication) system in its 12 branches. The bank has launched
website, Reuter service, Internet service, and Ready cash service. The bank has taken a
plan to launch shared ATM system in various important places. Already, it has given work
order for this.

4.9 Computerization
Sonali Bank starts its computerization process at December, 1989. After that it
expands its computerization process by establishing RISE system (RS 16000) OS/2, LAN
etc. up to this time 113 branches are under computerization system. Beside this one
stop is begin given in its 56 branches. Moreover,
Foreign exchange business and standard of customer services is begin increased
and speed up of information flow by using the computerization system LAN
(Local Area Network) and WAN (Wide Area Network).
It has established 7 subsidiary companies in United States named Sonali Exchange
Company Incorporated (SECI) and 5 officers of Sonali Bank, UK Ltd. Establish
with 49% share with govt. in UK so that Non-Resident Bangladesh can send their
money to Bangladesh through a vital channel as fast as possible.
Recently SECI established a web based Remittance Software in United States.
Sonali Bank Wage Earners Corporate Branch established electronic link with its
branch in Middle East Branch through which remittance is to be sent. Besides this
5 electronic link is in implementation process in Oman, Qatar and Bahrain.

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IFRMS (Instant Financial Reconciliation and Messaging System) has enabled the
bank to remit fund by DD, TT, Inter branch Debit/ Credit advice. This has been started as
an experimental but this system will be started among 300 branches soon.
General Advance is as follows:

4.10. Cash credit (CC)

I Hypothecation: here, the goods are available in the shop.
II Pledge: here the goods are available in the godown.
If the party is disabling to pay the loan then the bank can take those goods which are
available in the shop or in the godown.
Security: these are two types of security. These are given below:-

a Collateral security or sohayok jamanath. In this case, land building; showroom

etc is the registered mortgage.

b Primary security: here, the goods of the show room or products of the mills,
factory etc are the security in this bank.
If the parties are disable to pay the loan then the bank at first take the primary
security. If the primary security cannot fulfill the banks need then bank take the collateral
security. Any one who wants to take any loan must open an account in that branch.
Two system of cash credit (CC)

1 Trading concern and

2 Manufacturing.
4.11. Over draft (OD)
The person who has an account like FDR, DPS, and SDPS etc he can take loan
against this account in this bank. The person has to pay his money with in one year. His
can take 80 percent loan of the total amount of FDR and DPS and 90 percent of SDPS. In
this case FDR, DPS, SDPS treated as a bank security.

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4.12. Consumer credit

In consumer credit bank provide at least one lack taka. As a loan bank provide this
consumer credit loan to buy home furniture to the party. In this case, the parties who take
this loan make a grantor. The grantor work as a security of the bank the grantor must be a
government employee and a known person of the party.

4.13. Sonali bank staff loan

Staff of sonali bank can take this type of loan. Sonali bank provide staff loan in
various purpose among the sonali bank staff.
These are given below:
I SH& BL or sonali bank house building loan. Sonali bank also provide loan
for flat.
II MCL loan or motor cycle loan.
III Computer loan.
Here, interest rate of loan is very small. Interest rate is 5 percent. Bangladesh bank
set up the interest rest. Security of house building or flat is land the amount of computer
loan is 75 thousand taka. In any staff is disable to pay his loan then the bank taking it
from his provident fund.

4.14. Bank grantee

If any party wants to take gas line in his industry from titas gas then titas gas want
a bank grantee from the party. sonali bank also provide service as a bank grantor. In the
party is disabling to pay money to the titas gas then titas gas collect money from that
grantor bank and the bank has to pay that money to titas gas. After that the bank collects
that amount of money from that party. sonili bank also service as a bank grantor in
custom duty.

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4.15 General House Building (GBL)

GBL means general house building loan. It is open for the general people. Any
one can get this type of loan. In this case, the party has to mortgage his land as a security
of the loan. Now a days sonali bank doesnt provide this type of loan.

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Chapter: 5
Recommendations &

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I have found out some points by screening the whole study, which is expressed as
major findings. The findings are given below:
As a commercial bank, Sonali Bank still follows the traditional banking.
There is a training institution and a human resource division of Sonali Bank to run
the activities of human resources.
It provides compensation according to the government pay scale
Sometimes inefficient allocations of resources have created a huge amount of Bad
Lack of adequate, update, and accurate information from the management
information system.
There is lack of modern technological advances to provide better service to
respective customers.
There is a limitation of trained personnel.
There is limitation of technological support such as available ATM booths at
different places.

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5.2 Recommendations
Keeping pace with the findings, recommendations has been described for the progress
of SBL

Online banking should be provided for fast service.

The branch is mostly dependent on deposit. The dependency of any bank in any
specific sector is not wise for competition. So, emphasis should be given to
develop and increase dependency in other department.
The bank has not enough ATM booths in our country. They should take necessary
step to increase the number of ATM booths.
The bank should make more customer relationship to acquire the goal.
Sonali Banks needs to properly assess the customer to operate its operation
efficiently and also take needs to take action on those customers.
The bank should increase employment in the different branches for fulfilling
vacancy of the post, especially cash section.
The loan section process should be easier that the clients can feel convenient to
take loan from the bank.
The number of computer is not sufficient, especially every desk need one

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5.3 Conclusion
Sonali Bank is the largest bank as well as the largest employer in both the public and
private sectors in Bangladesh. The bank is playing an important role in the socio-economic
development through the development of industrial sectors by providing all the conventional
banking services as well as some specialized financing activities to the economy.
So in conclusion it can be said that every organization has its positive as well as
negative consequences and in case of sonali bank existence of the later one is less than the
earlier one and as the management is determined to reach the pick of success it seems that in
near future the negative will be eliminated.

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5.4 References


General Banking Management policy Manual of Sonali Bank Limited.

Banking regulation & policy Department of Bangladesh Bank.
Different working reports on General Banking activities.
Sonali Bank annual report-2013/2014
Website :

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