Insulin Administration
Insulin Administration
Insulin Administration
7/91; 7/92; 3/96; 6/98; 11/00; 7/04; 02/07; 11/09 LSUHSC Shreveport, LA
Rewritten: 5/94
To assure proper administration of subcutaneous and intramuscular insulin.
To define the guidelines for administration of constant infusion Insulin therapy on the general
care units when no Intensive Care Unit bed is available.
1. Syringe Use
All insulin shall be drawn up with an insulin syringe.
4. Labeling
The nurse shall label the insulin bottle with a date and initials upon opening.
Insulin may be kept refrigerated or stored at room temperature.
5. Discarding
The nurse shall dispose of the insulin bottle after 28 days from the date labeled on the
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6. Routes of Administration
A. Subcutaneous Insulin Injections
1. Sites for subcutaneous injections of routine insulin are shown in the diagram
2. Recent research indicates that insulin injections into the abdomen give the most
consistent absorption rate, and the abdomen is the site of choice if the person is
going to be exercising the extremity.
3. Vigorous exercise of the extremity leads to increased blood flow through the site,
Which results in more rapid absorption and shorter duration of action of the
NOTE: Routine subcutaneous insulin injections should not be given into the
deltoid area because in the average sized to thin person this would result
in an intramuscular injection.
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B. Intramuscular Injections
1. Occasionally the physician may order an IM insulin injection in order to increase the
absorption rate of the insulin.
3. Since the length of the needle on an insulin syringe is not sufficient to administer insulin
intramuscularly, the following procedure shall be utilized:
b. Transfer the insulin to a tuberculin syringe, and attach a 5/8" to l" needle.
(The needles on insulin syringes are not removable because they are attached
directly to the syringe to eliminate the dead space in the needle hub).
c. 1. When transferring the insulin from the insulin syringe to the tuberculin
syringe with a detachable needle that has a needle hub space, it is important to
have enough air in the syringe to clear the hub of the needle.
2. The needle hub and needle hold from 3-5 units of insulin. Once the insulin is
transferred to the tuberculin syringe, pull down on the plunger so that when
the insulin is injected, the air will clear the needle and needle hub and all the
insulin will be injected.
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2. Constant IV Insulin infusions shall not be placed on the general care units if a bed is
available in an appropriate Intensive Care Unit.
3. The physician shall notify the Unit Manager/Administrative House Manager of the need for
placement of a patient on a continuous insulin infusion on a general care unit while awaiting
transfer to an ICU.
4. A patient with a constant Insulin IV infusion shall have a written a physician’s order as well
as a separate specific order for each rate change based on laboratory results.
5. A patient with a constant insulin infusion shall have blood glucose monitoring at least
every hour with the medical staff assuming responsibility for blood glucose monitoring and
lab work required more frequently than every two hours.
6. The RN shall assess the patient with a constant insulin infusion at least every two hours
a. Level of consciousness (LOC),
b. Signs and symptoms of hypo-hyperglycemia and
c. To assure blood glucose monitoring is completed appropriately.
7. The medical staff shall be responsible for documentation of information relative to the
administration of constant Insulin infusion.
8. Continuous Insulin IV infusions shall be administered via a volumetric infusion pump at all
9. The Pharmacy shall be responsible for mixing Insulin IVPB's. The standard mixture shall
be as follows unless otherwise ordered by the physician:
Exception: Nurses in the ECC and the ICUs may mix the insulin in urgent and emergent
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MD 1. Notifies Unit Manager/Administrative House Manager of need for
placement of a patient with an insulin infusion on general care units
while awaiting transfer to an ICU.
Medical Staff 7. Evaluates patient at least hourly and performs blood glucose
monitoring and lab required more frequently than every two hours.
9. Writes a specific order for each rate change based on lab results.
RN, RN Applicant, 12 Assesses patient at least every two hours to assure that blood
LPN glucose monitoring and lab have been completed and documents:
a. Patient’s LOC
b. Any sign and symptoms of hypo-hyperglycemia
c. Blood glucose monitoring completed by nursing and medical
d. Any other pertinent patient parameters
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RN, RN Applicant, 13. Notifies physician of changes in patient's status and documents as
LPN appropriate.
Fundamentals of Nursing Made Incredibly Easy (2007) Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins:
Ambler, Pennsylvania.
Karch, A. (2005) 2005 Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins:
Ambler, Pennsylvania.
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_______________________________________ ____________________
Jamie Jett, MBA, RN Date
Administrative Nursing Director
Psychiatry, Coordinated Care and Professional Practice
_______________________________________ ____________________
Jean DiGrazia, MBA, RN Date
Assistant Hospital Administrator and CNO
Patient Care Services
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Appendix A
Insulin Reference Guide
Humalog 75/25 = Humalog protamine that is 75% intermediate-acting insulin + 25% Humalog (lispro)
Novolog Mix 70/30 = Novolog protamine that is 70% intermediate-acting insulin + 30% Novolog (aspart)