Arxiv 1998 Redshift
Arxiv 1998 Redshift
Arxiv 1998 Redshift
A nonhomogeneous universe with vacuum energy, but without
spacetime expansion, is utilized together with gravitational and Doppler
redshifts as the basis for proposing a new interpretation of the Hubble
relation and the 2.7K Cosmic Blackbody Radiation.
Hans-Dieter Radecke recently noted1 that modern cosmologys dependence on interpretations of interpretations of observations means that We
should not to fall victim to cosmological hubris, but stay open for any surprise. We now report what seems a major surprisenamely, the discovery of
a New Redshift Interpretation (NRI) of the Hubble redshift relation and 2.7K
Cosmic Blackbody Radiation (CBR) without assuming either the FriedmannLemaitre wavelength expansion hypothesis or the Cosmological Principle, the
latter being long acknowledged as the great uncertainty that hangs
like a dark cloud over the standard model.2 Whereas the standard model and
the NRI both interpret nearby galactic redshifts as Doppler shifts, they differ
significantly in their interpretation of distant redshifts. This difference can
be traced to two fundamentally different views of the universe. The standard
model utilizes a universe governed by expanding-spacetime general relativity whereas the NRI is based on a universe governed by static-spacetime
general relativity. A brief review of early twentieth-century astronomy and
cosmology assists in focusing more precisely on the nature of this difference.
In 1917 Einstein applied his newly developed static-spacetime general
theory of relativity to cosmology,3 and introduced a cosmological constant to
maintain the universe in what was then thought to be a static condition. But
Edwin Hubbles momentous 1929 discovery4 that galactic redshifts increase
in proportion to their distance challenged the static universe concept. His
discovery confronted cosmologists with two surprises, and they were initially
unprepared to deal with either. First, they were unaware of any staticspacetime redshift interpretation which could account for increasing galactic
redshifts in a real, finite-density universe. Secondly, if Hubbles results were
interpreted as Doppler shifts they implied omnidirectional galactic recession,
which in turn implied the existence of a universal center near the Galaxy.
In any event, whatever efforts cosmologists might have put forth to obtain a static-spacetime interpretation of Hubbles discovery were effectively
cut short when their attention was soon directed to the potential cosmological implications of the hitherto virtually unnoticed results of Alexander
Friedmann5 and Georges Lemaitre,6 both of whom had found expandingspacetime solutions of the Einstein field equations in the early and mid-1920s.
Their results were attractive for two reasons. First, uniform spacetime expansion showed promise for eliminating the implication of the Galaxy occupying
a preferred position in the universe. Hubble spoke for most cosmologists
of his time when he forthrightly admitted an extreme distaste for such a
possibility, saying it should be accepted only as a last resort.7
Second, Lemaitre hypothesized that, apart from the well-known redshift
due relative motion of source and observer, expanding-spacetime should cause
photons everywhere to experience continuous, in-flight wavelength expansion
proportional to the expansion itself.6 Thus was born the concept of spacetime
expansion redshifts, given by zexp = <o /<e 1, where <o and <e represent
the magnitudes of the postulated Friedmann-Lemaitre spacetime expansion
factors at observation and emission.6
Despite its critical role in standard model theory, the foregoing expression for zexp is unique in that the physical existence of < has never been
verified by experiment; the reason is that no method has yet been proposed
to measure <, either past or present. Even so, expansion redshifts have become the cornerstone of the standard model for two reasonsnamely, (1)
because the experimentally determined Hubble redshift relation, z = Hr/c,
can be developed as a theoretical consequence of spacetime expansion theory
if the hypothesized expansion redshifts, zexp = <o /<e 1, are assumed to
be identical with zobs = o /e 1, the observed redshifts of distant galaxies, and (2) because of their key role in providing what has previously been
thought to be a unique interpretation of the 2.7K CBR. That interpretation
assumes the much earlier existence of a primeval fireball radiation wherein
matter/radiation decoupling occurred at about 3000K when the expansion
redshift was about 1000 compared to the present. It follows that a 1000-fold
redshifting of such a radiation by spacetime expansion would result in the
presently observed 2.7K CBR. The Hubble relation and 2.7K CBR scenarios are widely understood as confirming the existence of expansion redshifts.
Such a conclusion may be premature, however, seeing that the crucially important expansion factor, <, has yet to be experimentally verified.
This brings us to the standard models second fundamental assumption
known as the Cosmological Principlenamely, that in the large scale the universe is homogeneous and isotropic, or put in simpler terms, it is everywhere
alike. This Principle was earlier noted to be the great uncertainty
that hangs like a dark cloud over the standard model.2 Uncertainty exists
because, even though the Hubble relation is powerful evidence for large-scale
isotropy about the Galaxy, we simply cannot confirm universal homogeneity
because we lack knowing whether the Hubble relation would result if redshift
measurements were made from points of observation on other galaxies.
Nevertheless the standard model requires homogeneity because in it galaxies are assumed to be comoving bodies in expanding spacetime. That is, since
spacetime expansion is assumed to be uniform, comoving galactic separation
must likewise be uniform, which implies that all observers, regardless of location, should see the same general picture of the universe. This is what the
standard model requires, and it is observationally unprovable.
z = [1 ~v k/c]
1 + 2(0)/c2 / 1 + 2(r)/c2 v 2/c2 1
which describes how light emitted from a distant galaxy moving at velocity
~vwith the unit vector k pointing from source to observerwill be redshifted
4( 2v )r2 dr) +
4( 2v )r dr + MS /R] (3)
To obtain the Hubble relation from Eq. (4) we note that if 2v > , then
the ( 2v ) density factor will cause any galaxy located at a distance r from
C to experience an outward radial acceleration, r = GM/r2 , due to the
enclosed negative mass M = 4r3 ( 2v )/3. This leads to the
r = br, where b = 4G(2v )/3. Its solution is r = rg exp bt, where
rg is a galaxy-specific, initial condition parameter.
Taking its proper time
discussion in the next paragraph.) This means the results already obtained,
as well as those that now follow, apply equally to a universe with or without
the assumption of dark matter.
Further interpretation of Eq. (4) requires evaluating the v 2/c2 = (vr2 +
term. The most general case assumes a possible transverse velocity
component such that v = ug vr where ug is an undetermined, galacticspecific parameter constrained only by the v < c condition thus leading to
v 2/c2 = (1 + u2g )vr2/c2 = (1 + u2g )(Hr/c)2 . Thus, Eq. (4) can be rewritten as,
For small r, Eq. (5) reduces to the Hubble redshift relation, z = Hr/c,
which means the NRI framework successfully interprets both it and the 2.7K
CBR. Even the latters microtemperature variations11 can be interpreted as
temperature variations in the 5400K outer shell. Going further, the equation, r = br, with b as given above, essentially duplicates12 the inflationary
= {8Gf /3}<.
expansion relation, <
The NRI framework also succeeds in interpreting the observed variation
of CBR temperature with redshift. When Songaila et al.13 investigated this
topic, their measurement yielded a CBR temperature of 7.4 0.8 K for
z = 1.776. The NRI frameworks prediction is obtained by substituting r for
R in Eq. (1), from which it follows that
the CBR temperature should vary
spatially with r and z as Tz = TC / 1 + 2(r)/c2 = (z + 1)TC . For TC =
2.726K, then T1.776 = 7.57K, which agrees with experiment and duplicates
the standard cosmologys prediction, but without employing the expansion
hypothesis, inflationary or otherwise.
Can the NRI framework also be applied to the interpretation of quasar
redshifts? Perhaps so if we focus on the recent confirmation of the paucity
of quasars with z > 4, and their near absence for z > 5.14 If, for example,
we assume u2g ' 0.5 and v = 0.7c might apply to some of the most distant
quasars, then Eq. (5) reveals that z increases from 4.3 at 8.8 109 ly to
534 at 9.1263 109 ly. Could such a rapid increase in z be interpreted as
one reason for the sparsity of very high redshift quasars? If so, quasars with
[1] Hans-Dieter Radecke, Science 275, 603 (1997).
[2] S. Weinberg, The First Three Minutes, Bantam Books 1977, p. 111.
[3] A. Einstein, Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, Sitsber. 142 (1917). English
reprint in The Principle of Relativity, Dover Publications, pp. 177-198.
[4] E. P. Hubble, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 15, 168 (1929).