Schrodt Etal ISA03

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Evaluating Ripeness and Hurting Stalemate in Mediated

International Conflicts:
An Event Data Study of the Middle East, Balkans,
and West Africa

Philip A. Schrodt, mr Yilmaz, and Deborah J. Gerner

Center for International Political Analysis

Department of Political Science
University of Kansas
1541 Lilac Lane, 5th floor
Lawrence, KS 66044-3177 USA,;
project web site:
phone: +1.785.864.3523
fax: +1.785.864.5700

Paper prepared for delivery at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association,
Portland, Oregon, USA, February 2003.
This research was supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation grant SES0096086, by the Swiss Peace Foundation FAST Project, and by the General Research Fund of
the University of Kansas. Bradley Lewis and Joseph Pull assisted in the updating of the
CAMEO event data sets.
The data sets, and software discussed in this paper, as well as a pdf version of the paper with color
graphics, can be downloaded from the KEDS project web site:
2003 by the authors


"The contemporary literature on international mediation places a great deal of emphasis on the
concept of a conflict being "ripe" for mediation, This in turn is determined in part by the parties
being in a "hurting stalemate." While these concepts are attractive as metaphors, it is less than
obvious whether they can be operationalized in a manner that enables either to be clearly
determined ex ante (that is, prior to the success of a mediation). After reviewing the existing
literature on ripeness and hurting stalemates, we examine the Israel-Lebanon, Israel-Palestine,
former Yugoslavia, and the civil wars in Liberia, and Sierra Leone for empirical regularities prior
to negotiation that differentiates whether parties will undertake negotiation , and whether the
negotiation succeeds. Our analysis uses a new event data coding scheme called CAMEO
(Conflict and Mediation Events Observations), which is optimized for the study of mediation
behavior." We find that while ripeness can be measured using indicators of the level of conflict,
hurting stalemate is more effectively measured as the long-term change in the amount of
conflict measured across a number of months than in the levels of conflict. This measure of
hurting stalemate correlates both with the onset of negotiation among the antagonists in the
conflict, and significantly declines following negotiation. The Israel-Palestine case behaves
differently than the remaining three, with much longer lag times for both the onset and effect of
negotiation. The analysis shows potentially counter-intuitive results on the effects of negotiation
on changes in cooperation, although it is likely that these are explained at least in part by
inconsistencies in media coverage over time.

Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner

In an ideal world, mediators would be able to facilitate negotiations and get antagonists to
settle their differences away from the battlefield through peaceful means anytime they choose to
intervene. This is clearly not the case in reality. Once violence takes over parties tend to exhaust
other means designed to secure unilateral victories before they engage in bilateral or mediated
negotiations and agree to settle their dispute. Is there a certain time or phase in the life of a
conflict when it is more amenable to mediation and peaceful settlement? This has emerged as one
of the more extensively examined questions in the field of mediation and conflict resolution. The
contemporary literature places a great deal on emphasis specifically on the concept of conflict
ripeness, which refers to a set of conditions that makes conflict resolution possible (Coleman
2000; Haass 1990; Stedman 1991; Stover 2002; Zartman 1985/1989, 1986, 2000; Touval and
Zartman 1985). This approach is different from a number of other studies that focus on the issue
as a concept of calendar timing (i.e. the length of timedays, months, yearsit takes a conflict
to mature into peaceful resolution) (Bercovitch 1984, 1986; Edmead 1971; Northedge and
Donelan 1971; Ott 1972; Pruitt 1981; Regan and Stam 2000).1 While this latter line of theories on
the timing of third party initiatives has been subject to empirical tests and analyses, ripeness
still suffers from the lack of precise definition and satisfactory operationalization. 2
A ripe moment is one at which the parties motivation to settle the conflict is at its
highest (Zartman 2000: 228). This moment is not necessarily a function of the duration of the
conflict. Rather it is characterized with circumstances conducive for negotiated progress or even
solution (Haass 1990: 6). In this notion, time matters in the sequencing of events that must
take place over the life of a conflict. According to ripeness scholars, disputes cannot end until
certain stages of conflict development have been passed through (Regan and Stam 2000: 243). In
other words, parties are most likely to accept mediation and cooperate for a peaceful resolution
only after certain conditions are met: when the parties find themselves locked in a conflict from
which they cannot escalate to [unilateral] victory and this deadlock is painful to both of them
(although not necessarily in equal degrees or for the same reasons), they seek a way out
(Zartman 2000: 228). This refers to the famous concept of mutually hurting stalemate
(Zartman 1985/1989; Touval and Zartman 1985). The dynamics of the conflict change in a way
that results in the transformation of antagonists cost-benefit calculations and/or goals, and the
strategies they choose to pursue.
Perhaps owing to its attractiveness as an easy to understand metaphor, scholars and
practitioners alike have widely used ripeness as tool for explaining in retrospect why third
parties could manage some conflicts more successfully than others. As Stedman Stephan
expresses, however, to improve the usefulness of the concepts, we need to bring more precision
to it, so that ripeness becomes more than a tautology and subject to more rigorous definition
(1991: 240). This is crucial if our objective is to assess ex-ante conditions that render a conflict
conducive to mediated-resolution and to predict when parties are most likely to accept mediation.
In order to be used as a prescriptive tool, third parties should be able to identify these conditions
as they develop, if not before. Otherwise, the notion of ripeness is not any different from that of

Duration analysis in Schrodt et al. (2001) followed a similar approach.

Some recent attempts to better identify and examine at least some components of this concept include Greig
(2001), Mooradian and Druckman (1999), and Assal et al. (2002).

Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner

pornography as Justice Potter Stewart described it: I know it when I see it (cited in Stedman
1991: 240).
The way ripeness has typically been used reduces the concept to a mere tautology, and
theories that relate to it end up being unfalsifiable claims. It is hard to differentiate the concept
from parties consent to mediation and successful mediation outcomes. Ripeness is a necessary,
if not sufficient, factor for initiation and success of negotiations (Zartman 2000: 226). If
mediation was successfully initiated or finalized, in other words, the moment had to be ripe.
Unsuccessful attempts, on the other hand, are results of timing errors (Kriesberg 1991). As a
result, a ripe moment exists, by definition, when efforts at de-escalation are successful! (Rubin
1991; also see Kleiboer 1994).
Recognizing these problems surrounding the concept, Zartman affirms that conflict
ripeness is not tautological:
It has its own identifying characteristics that can be found through research independent
of the possible subsequent resolution or of efforts toward it. It also follows that ripeness
theory is not predictive in the sense that it can tell when a ripe moment will appear in a
given situation. It is predictive, however, in identifying the elements necessary (even if
not sufficient) for the productive inauguration of negotiations (Zartman 2000, 228).
Regardless of whether the object is to predict when a ripe moment will occur or to
recognize components of ripeness as they come about, it is imperative that we clearly identify
those components, operationalize them, and examine howif at allthey affect the initiation
and outcome of mediated negotiations.
Zartman identifies three main elements of ripeness: a mutually hurting stalemate; an
impending, recently experienced, or recently avoided catastrophe; and an alternative way out
(1985; 2000). A hurting stalemate is essentially a painful deadlock, while an imminent
catastrophe resembles a deadline, which the parties would be afraid to miss as they fear that their
situation might further deteriorate.
The point when conflict is ripe for resolution is associated with two different sorts of
intensitycalled here plateaus and the precipicewhich produce different sorts of
pressurecalled respectively deadlocks and deadlines. A plateau and its deadlock begin
when one side is unable to achieve its aims, to resolve the problem, or to win the conflict
by itself, and they are completed when the other side arrives at a similar perception. Each
party must begin to feel uncomfortable in the costly dead-end into which it has gotten
itself. A plateau must be perceived by both not as a momentary resting ground, but as a
hurting stalemate, a flat, unpleasant terrain stretching into the future providing no later
possibilities for decisive escalation or for graceful escape (Zartman 1989: 267).
While he does invoke the notion of ripeness specifically, Bercovitch and Houstons
explanation for when mediation is most likely to occur resonates with Zartmans approach:
(1) a conflict has gone for some time, (2) the efforts of the individuals or actors involved
have reached an impasse, (3) neither actor is prepared to countenance further costs or
escalation of the dispute, and (4) both parties welcome some form of mediation and are
ready to engage in direct or indirect dialogue (1996: 12).

Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner

Mutually hurting stalemates, which arguably provide the necessary incentives for parties
to move their struggle from the battlefield to the negotiation table, are in short characterized by
lengthy periods of violence, from which neither of the fighting parties are likely to get out of
through a unilateral victory. They are military stalemates,3 typified with persistent levels of
conflictual behavior between the parties, and as such it should be possible to operationalize these
either in terms of the levels of violence or the duration of persistently violent phases. We can
similarly examine the effects of catastrophes by analyzing the change in parties behavior
following a significant hike in the level of conflict and/or casualties. Moordian and Druckman
(1999) follow this approach and find that in the case of the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh,
mediation attempts became effective only after the 11-month period of high-casualty fighting
which started in 1993 between Armenians and Azerbaijanis.
The presence of willing and resourceful mediators, who possible bring to the table
concrete plans for getting out of the status quo situation, fulfills the condition which Zartman
calls a way out. This alternative path, however, can be created by internal actors as well; Karen
Rasler (2000) found that policy entrepreneurship of such actors, coupled with
shocksinternal or external, both of which serve to disrupt the routinized expectations and
strategies of adversariesand third-party pressure, could play a role in the de-escalation of
protracted conflicts. Stedman (1991) also emphasizes that internal political changes could expose
strategies and ways out of the situation, which might have been overlooked or ignored by the
previous leadership.
The literature also emphasizes the role that mediators can play in facilitating the
maturation of conflicts to make them ripe for mediation and resolution (Haass 1990; Rubin 1991;
Stover 2002; Zartman 2000; Zartman and Aurik 1991): Only time resolves conflict but time
needs some help (Zartman 1985: 256). Although this might initially seem to be counter-intuitive
(i.e. in order for parties to accept the services of a mediator, mediation must first create the
conditions that would make the parties likely to accept mediation), it actually is not so. What is
argued is that mediators can use leverage (in form of carrots, sticks, or other tools of persuasion)
to either change the objective conditions on the field or the perceptions of the parties before they
push for a negotiated resolution. The absence of this first step could explain the failure to
implement negotiated agreements, the 1993 Oslo agreements for instance. The trick is to use
manipulative strategies in a way that makes the situation painful, and unilateral victory unlikely,
for all parties involved in the conflict. This idea is supported by our prior work, where we found
that conflictual interactionuse of sticksbetween the mediator on the one hand, and both the
powerful and the weaker antagonist on the other hand, was usually followed by reduced levels of
conflict between the antagonists (Schrodt et al. 2001).

Zartman further asserts that these painful stalemates occur at the presence of rough power parity between the
parties: upper hand slips and the lower hand rises, both parties moving toward equality, with both
movements carrying pain for the parties (Zartman 2000: 228). This is not necessarily so, as Zartman himself
recognizes even on the very same page that this deadlock is painful to both of them (although not necessarily
in equal degrees or for the same reasons) . This could be interpreted as the case in the Israel-Palestinian
conflict today: while the Palestinians are definitely not anywhere close to Israel in terms of military power, the
second Intifada has clearly brought high casualtiesalbeit in unequal degrees and due to different forms of

Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner

Finally, a component of ripeness that is emphasized by many in the field is the subjective
element: the objective condition of a violent stalemate has to be accompanied by perception
among parties that they are unlikely to unilaterally escape from the painful status quo without
worsening their own positions (Cohen 1991; Haass 1990; Kleiboer 1994; Stedman 1991; Zartman
1985/1989, 1986, 2000). Furthermore, they both need to perceive that the situation is a painful
impasse, continuation of which would only bring more pain and no desirable change. It is
conceivable that in some instances leaders persistently pursue unilateral victories even after
objective and measurable costs mount to seemingly unbearable levels; they may identify every
additional cost or casualty as a new investment in the cause that cannot be relinquished; growing
costs, in other words, become reasons to continue fighting rather than settle for an agreement that
falls short of whatever they perceive to be a complete victory (Edmead 1971; Teger 1980).
While ex-ante identification and analysis of such psychological elements is not feasible,
measurable and observable objective components constitute a reasonable basis in general for
identifying and testing ripeness, as long as we do not seek out deterministic conclusions. In this
paper, we will test a number of possible formulations of these measures that are based on
international event data. We disagree in this regard with Zartman as he argues that because of the
role of perceptions, while the theory indicates than an MHS [mutually hurting stalemate] is a
necessary and identifiable element, nothing (other than tautological definitions) indicates when it
will occur (Zartman 2000, 238).

Event Data Sets

Table 1 shows the coverage of the four data sets we will be analyzing. The source texts were
from the Reuters files on the NEXIS data service prior to 10 June 1997, Reuters Business Briefing
for 11 June 1997 to 31 May 1999, and Agence France Presse (AFP) on the NEXIS data service
after 1 June 1999.4 The listed states in each data set correspond to the terms used in the NEXIS
(or Reuters) search to find the texts to be coded. Data were coded with version 0.4.04B2of
TABARI, an open source automated coding program that we have developed. The coding
program, data sets, and the dictionaries used to code them, are available at .

The Balkans and West Africa data sets are the same those analyzed in Gerner et al 2002. The Israel-Palestine and
Israel-Lebanon data are taken from a data set covering the Levant that we have been updating quarterly with
funding from the Swiss Peace Foundation FAST project. For this analysis, the Israel-Palestine set was
terminated at December 1998 due to a clear discontinuity at the splice between the Reuters and AFP data that was
affecting the time series analysis. While there the Reuters-AFP splice may also be causing some problems in the
remaining sets, the problems do not appear severein other words, results without the AFP data look similar to
those that include the AFP data.

Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner

Table 1. Data Sets




Apr-89 to Feb-02

Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Serbia

EU, France, Germany, Italy


Apr-79 to Dec-98

Israel, Palestine

EU, France, Germany, Italy


Apr-79 to Dec-02

Israel, Lebanon

EU, France, Germany, Italy


West Africa
Jan-89 to Feb-02

Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria5

ECOWAS, France, OAU, UK,


Events are coded using the Conflict and Mediation Event Observations (CAMEO) coding
scheme, which is discussed in detail in Gerner et al. 2002; the full coding framework is presented
in the Appendix. The main distinguishing feature of CAMEO is its incorporation of mediation
related event codes. The extended Consult (02) category includes specific codes for events that
are identified as mediation and negotiation. Engage in mediation (025) is used when a party
meets with others explicitly to play the role of a mediator. Engage in negotiation (026) is used
when parties come together to negotiate, potentially to arrive at a settlement on particular
issue(s). Rather than assuming that all visits and meetings constitute negotiation or mediation
events, or trying somehow to infer from codes of visits and meetings when events of mediation
occuras we did in Schrodt et al 2001 and Schrodt & Gerner 2001 CAMEO enables a precise
distinction between mere visits and meetings and those that represent cases of mediation or
negotiation when this is made explicit in the news lead.
Following the lead of the IDEA coding scheme being developed by Bond et al (1997), we
initially started creation of CAMEO just as an extension of the widely used World Events
Interaction Survey (WEIS; McClelland 1976) coding scheme. The first phase of CAMEOs
development involved the addition of cue and sub-categories that we found theoretically
necessary for the study of mediation and conflict, while keeping most of the WEIS cue categories
intact. The next phase involved looking for example leads and writing definitions for the
codebook. A thorough examination of a large number of leads with the new framework in mind
enabled us to see how some of the distinctions we would have liked to make theoretically were
not possible to make given the nature of the news leads. A Promise (WEIS 07), for example, is

Nigeria was included for two reasons. First, Nigerian troops are involved in most ECOWAS military actions in
Liberal and Sierra Leone and so this will pick up most of the ECOWAS intervention. Second, the data set
contains quite a few reports of ethnic conflict within Nigeria. The difference in the start of the coverage of the
Balkans and West Africa data is due to the separate national groups in the former Yugoslavia not appearing in
news report leads until April 1989.

Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner

almost indistinguishable from an Agree (WEIS 08) unless the word promise is used in the
lead. Therefore, we eventually ended up merging the two into an Agree cue category, which
includes codes representing all forms of future commitments. In addition, an examination of the
conceptual difference between Propose and Request has brought to light the practical
difficulty of distinguishing these two concepts from each other. Verbs such as call or ask for,
propose, appeal, petition, suggest, offer, and urge are used interchangeably in news
leads to refer to similar if not the same activities. Hence comes the decision to combine
Propose and Request in one cue category. Similar decisions have been made in regard to
other WEIS cue categories such as Grant and Reward, Deny and Reject, and Warn and
While developing CAMEO, we also paid significant attention to achieving consistency in
our new additions and/or combination of older WEIS categories. In other words, having an
Approve cue category required the addition of a new Disapprove cue category. The new
CAMEO Disapprove category incorporated the older WEIS Accuse cue category and
included a new Official protest subcategory. WEISs Reduce Relations also directed us to
create CAMEOs Cooperate (04) under which grants of diplomatic recognition, apologies, and
forgiveness are coded. Furthermore, CAMEO is highly consistent in regard to the order of its
main cue categories. Unlike WEIS and IDEA, we started with the most neutral/cooperative
category Comment and moved gradually from cooperation to conflict categories. While the
initial coding category in WEIS and IDEA is Yield, CAMEO starts with Comment and
locates Yield between Provide Aid (07) and Investigate (09). Technically, all three of
these systems provide only nominal categories, and the placement of each category is arbitrary,
but in fact the categories are often treated as ordinal or even interval variables. To the extent that
one wishes to do that, CAMEOs categories have an ordinal increase in cooperation as one goes
from category 01 to 09, and an ordinal increase in conflict as one goes from 10 to 20.
Our analysis uses monthly event counts aggregated according to the event categories listed
in Table 2. Almost all of our analysis looks at the total number of events in these categories
involving any of the actors listed in the antagonist column in Table 1. In other words, we are
looking at the total activity in the conflict, not the behavior of individual dyads.6 Our actors
dictionaries code for a number of internal actorsnotably ethnic groups in the Balkans and
various rebel factions in West Africabut the aggregations look only at the 3-character national
code.7 So, for example, conflict between government and rebel groups in Liberia will have a LBR
code as both source and target and therefore will be counted in the conflict set.

Aggregation was done using a short C program that is available from the authors. The decision to look at events
in the total system was made in part because the number of dyadic combinations in the Balkans system is
difficult, and in West Africa it is nearly impossible. Note that in contrast to much of our earlier work, we are
using event counts as the measure, not scaled totals.

In our dictionaries, internal actors are coded using a three-character state code followed by a three-character code
identifying the internal actor. For example, Liberian government is coded LBRGOV whereas armed Liberian
rebels not identified with a specific group are coded LBRREB. These identifications are particularly complicated
using machine coding, the actors dictionaries are, in effect, the codebook for determining how various actors were

Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner

Table 2. Event category aggregations


CAMEO Events

Verbal cooperation

Cue categories 01, 02, 03, 04, 05

Material cooperation

Cue categories 06, 07, 08

Verbal conflict

Cue categories 09, 10, 11, 12, 13

Material conflict

Cue categories 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Mediation and negotiation

025, 026, 056, 057, 058, 059, 065, 066, 068, 105, 108

Our analytical method is cross-correlation, which is useful in determining if a behavior has a

long-term effect when the likely timing of that effect is not specified by the theory. The
technique is not a widely used technique in political science but is similarbut not identicalto
computing the Pearson product moment r between x t and y k for various values of k; both
statistics have the form


In a cross-correlation, Var(x) and Var(y) are estimated from the entire sample, whereas in a
Pearson product moment these variances are computed only on the cases that were used to
compute the covariance.. Note that the cross-correlograms are not a time series giving the effect
of a single mediation on subsequent behavior; they are a correlation of the negotiation with prior
and future behavior for the entire time period. For additional information on cross-correlation,
see Kendall 1973: 129; Chatfield 1989: 136; and Gottman 1981: 318. Unless otherwise noted,
all statistical calculations were done using Stata 6.0.
Under the assumption that the two series have neither trend nor autocorrelation (see
Chatfield 1989: 137-140), the approximate critical value of the cross-correlation coefficient at the
5% two-tailed significance level is 2/ N , which is roughly 0.13 for the Levant cases and 0.18
for the Balkans and West Africa cases. While the series we are studying do not have significant
trend, they are highly autocorrelated, so these standard approximations will underestimate the
true critical values. As an alternative, we established the critical values numerically using Monte
Carlo simulation for two series that were uncorrelated but had approximately the same
autocorrelation structure as observed in the data as estimated from the using OLS regression
Xt = b1 Xt-1 + b2 Xt-2 + b3 Xt-3 + c
Table 3 gives the critical values for a two-tailed significance test at the 5% and 10% levels for the
series analyzed in Figure 4. Because the critical values can differ substantially depending on the
autocorrelation, and we only computed the Monte Carlo estimates for these figure, the cross
correlation statistics should be interpreted as primarily descriptive rather than inferential.

Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner

Table 3. Critical values of two-tailed significance for cross-correlation of

mediation and seasonal difference in conflict

p = 5%























West Africa








p =10%

In the cross-correlation diagram, the values to the left of zero (the center of the graph) are
the correlations with negotiation activity and conflict between the antagonists prior to the
negotiation; the values to the right of zero are the correlations with negotiation activity and
conflict following the mediation. If the presence of a hurting stalemate leads to negotiation ,
and that negotiation in turn leads to a reduction in the conflict that is causing the stalemate to
hurt, we would expect to see a positive correlation between negotiation events at time t and
conflict at time t-k, followed by a negative correlation between negotiation events at time t and
conflict at time t+k in these figures.

Because of the ambiguity in the theoretical literature about exactly what constitutes
ripeness and hurting stalemate, we first experimented with a number of different indicators
that might capture these concepts. We used the Israel-Palestine case to test these, and then did
spot-checks on the other data sets to confirm that the behaviors found in that case were generally
true of the other cases.
Figure 1 shows the cross-correlations involving a variety of indicator of the level of conflict
intensity. We experimented with the following operationalizations: the event counts for verbal
conflict, material conflict, the minimum and maximum level of material conflict over a six-month
period, the total level of material conflict over a six-month period, and the total level of verbal and
material conflict over a six-month period.
The cross-correlations of all of these measures are quite highwell above the 5% critical
values for cross-correlation, even accounting for the autocorrelation in the seriesand all of the
measures show generally similar patterns. Given that the most common argument with ripeness
is that parties begin to negotiate after a conflict is ripe, the results in Figure 1 support this for a
variety of indicators.
However, none of these indicators show the pattern we expected for a symmetric
ripeness indicator based on the resolution of the hurting stalemate: positive correlations of

Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner

the indicator prior to negotiation, and negative indicators sometime after it. The indicators tend
to correlate more highly prior to negotiation , but they remain high following it as well.
Operationalizations of hurting stalemate: based on absolute levels of violencewhether
contemporaneous or persistent, at least out to six months8, do not seem to work.
(The cross-correlations in Figure 1 and all subsequent figures used negotiation between the
antagonists as the dependent variable. We ran several spot-checks using mediation between the
mediating groups listed in Table 1 and the antagonists, and the patterns of cross-correlation were
similar. Experiments with the various indicators of conflict intensity showed similar patterns for
the Israel-Lebanon and Balkans cases, and only a very weak pattern (probably not significant for
most lags) for West Africa.)
Figure 1. Cross-correlation of antagonist negotiation with indicators of conflict
intensity, Israel-Palestine

-20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10


















Sum of verbal and material conflict in [t, t-5]

Material conflict at t
Verbal conflict at t
Maximum material conflict in [t, t-5]
Minimum material conflict in [t, t-5]
Sum of material conflict in [t, t-5]

Using totals over three months provides results similar to six months; we have not experimented with periods
longer than six months.

Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner


While the measurement of levels does not work, other literature suggested that the change
in the amount of conflict was the critical indicator for ripeness. We operationalized this by
looking at the seasonal difference in the sum of verbal and material conflict in two six month
periods separated by an interval k:



kSt = Xt-i - Xt-i-k

In other words, this is a measure of the overall level of change in conflictit would have a large
positive value if conflict had been escalating, and a large negative value if conflict had been
The cross-correlations of these conflict indicators are shown in Figures 2 and 3 for various
values of k for the two Levant cases. In contrast to the level indicators, the conflict indicator is
generally giving the desired behavior, but with a relatively long lag time. In both cases, the
maximum strength of the correlation increases with the increasing length as the seasonal
differencing lag k is increased from 2 months to 10 months, although the curves are similar where
the correlations are near zero (we have not examined differencing lags of k > 10). The theoretical
literature suggests that the effects of mediation and negotiation could facilitate the creation of
"ripeness," which would then pave the way for cooperation. In some cases at least, we see that
correlations remain highif not grow furtherafter negotiation, which could be interpreted as
further ripening. These results are also generally consistent with the results of Moordian and
Druckman (1999) who found that in the case of the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh there was an
11-month lag between the high levels of conflict and mediation
In both of these cases, the maximum effects of the negotiation on the conflict indicators
occur several months following the negotiation activity: this interval is about 12 to 14 months for
the Israel-Palestine case and 8 to 12 months in the Lebanon case. The two cases differ
substantially, however, in the extent to which the conflict change leads the onset of the
negotiation. In the Israel-Palestine case, the lead time is very long, around 14 to 12 months. In
the Israel-Lebanon case, the strongest correlation is contemporaneous: negotiation is most likely
to occur at the same time that the level of conflict has increased from the level observed k months
Figure 4 shows the cross-correlations of the k=8 measure for all four cases, which shows
that the extended interval seen in Israel-Palestine case between ripeness as measured by the
difference in conflict and the level of negotiation appears to be the exception. The Balkans case
shows a pattern very similar to that found in the Israel-Lebanon cases. In the West Africa case,
the positive peak in the correlation between negotiation and the difference in conflict level
actually occurs after the mediation, meaning that in general negotiation would make the conflict
level somewhat worse. This result is consistent with Huxtables (1997) findingwhich used an
entirely different data setthat international intervention in the West Africa had the effect of
increasing conflict in the short term. However, in all four cases there is a significant reduction in

We are using total conflict as a measure. One could as easily use a moving averagethis would simply divide
the total by a constant and therefore would make no difference in the cross-correlation pattern.

Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner


Figure 2. Cross-correlation of antagonist negotiation with lagged difference in

summed material conflict, Israel-Palestine



-20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10












lag 2

lag 4

lag 6

lag 8

lag 10

Figure 3. Cross-correlation of antagonist mediation with lagged difference in

summed material conflict, Israel-Lebanon
-20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10




-2 0


lag 2

lag 4

lag 6

lag 8

lag 10






Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner


the relative level of conflict in an interval following the mediation: this is consistently 8 to 12
months in the Balkan, Lebanon, and West Africa cases; and the aforementioned 12 to 16 months
in the Palestine case.10
At this point we seem to have a reasonably good indicator. However, as a check on the
robustness of this resultand mindful of the general problem that event data tend to measure
overall activity in an international subsystem rather than cleanly differentiating conflict from
cooperationwe also computed the same seasonal difference (k = 8) on the total of verbal and
material cooperation over a six-month period. Figure 5 shows these cross-correlations for the
four cases; Figures 6 and 7 show a direct comparison between the conflict and cooperation
measures for Israel-Palestine and the Balkans. Note in particular that the cross-correlation
patterns following mediation are almost identical for the Israel-Palestine, Israel-Lebanon and
Balkans cases.
The Israel-Palestine case (Figure 6) shows a clear distinction between the conflict and
cooperation measures. There is a very low correlation for cooperation in the months prior to
mediation11, and then as expected this peaks contemporaneously with mediation. The change in
the level of cooperation also declines following negotiationmore rapidly than the decline in
conflictand this is not what one would expect in a situation where negotiation was actually
leading to conflict resolution in the sense of increasing cooperation as well as reducing conflict.
The coincidence of the two cross-correlation patterns from the Balkans case, shown in
Figure 7, is even more problematic, and this similarity is also found in the Lebanon and West
Africa cases. In all three of these, the cross-correlation of negotiation with the change in
cooperation is generally the same as the cross-correlation of negotiation with the change in
conflict, though there remain a few differencesof a month or twoin timing. In all cases, the
change in cooperation shows a negative correlation with negotiation that is substantially higher
than the change in conflict.
There are two possible explanations for this. Based on our prior experience with event
data, our immediate suspicion is that this is an artifact of media fatiguethe tendency of the
international media to pay attention to events in an area only when there is blood in the streets
(Gerner and Schrodt 1998). As the level of conflict declines, the level of media coverage
declines, and consequently the measured level of cooperation appears to decline, even though in
fact cooperation, probably at a relatively low level, has actually increased. Two features of the
event data sets would support this explanation. First, there is a strong negative correlation
between the event counts and the conflict measures: the correlations (r) between total event count
and the material event count by month are Israel-Palestine 0.758; Israel-Lebanon 0.877; Balkans


The choice of k = 8 was somewhat arbitrary, since the k = 10 pattern actually has stronger correlations, and even
higher correlations might be found for k>10. The choice of k = 8 was based in part on a chance remark that
journalist Robert Kaplan made at a recent talk at the University of Kansas, noting Diplomacy doesnt have an
immediate effect; diplomacy takes around 8 months to work. We originally used this to establish the
differencing lagthat is, assume that diplomacy will kick in when the situation has been deteriorating for eight
monthsbut in fact it is best reflected in the lag between mediation and the reduction in conflict. In three of the
four cases, Kaplans rule of thumb appears quite accurate.


There is a peak at a very long lag of 20 months. We have not looked at cross-correlations beyond 20 months
and this might be worth further exploration, as it could reflect a cyclical pattern of mediation efforts at a period of
two years.

Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner


0.840 and West Africa 0.686. Second, we know that the Israel-Palestine case is the most
intensely and consistently covered of the four cases, and it is the one showing the greatest
differentiation, at least in the period prior to conflict.
Figure 4. Cross-correlation of negotiation with 8-month difference in conflict



-20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10
















Figure 5. Cross-correlation of negotiation with 8-month difference in cooperation


-20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10















Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner


Figure 6. Cross-correlation of negotiation with 8-month difference in cooperation

and conflict, Israel-Palestine

-20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10




-2 0









Figure 7. Cross-correlation of antagonist negotiation with 8-month difference in

cooperation and conflict, Balkans



-20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10














Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner


The second explanation would note that the change in the level of cooperation may not be
the relevant indicator. The leading cross-correlation with the level of cooperation is positive in all
of the cases. In the three non-African cases the pattern is similar to the slightly convex curves
significant for the entire 20 month to +20 month interval seen in Figure 1, while for West Africa
the significant positive correlations occur only in the interval of zero to +7 months. In no
instances are there significant negative correlations at any lag. Negotiation is therefore not
actually correlating with a decline the absolute level of cooperation, despite the negative
correlation with the relative level.

Given the centrality of the ripeness and hurting stalemate concepts in the literature on
international mediation, the objective of this paper has been to determine whether we could
actually detect these phenomena using an international event data set that has been specifically
designed for the analysis of mediation. This would move these concepts from being either posthoc tautologies or hopelessly subjective I know it when I see it to a level where they could be
studied using objective measures derived from news reports.12 We regard the efforts presented in
this paper as a mixed success.
First, there is it seems quite clear that while a measure of ripeness could be based on the
level of conflict, measures of a hurting stalemate that is resolved by negotiation need to be
based on the change, rather than the level, of conflict. Both formulations have been suggested in
the theoretical literature; the empirical evidence clearly points to change as the more effective
measure. Alternatively, one might see this distinction between levels and differences (change) as
empirically differentiating ripeness from hurting stalemate. The seasonal difference measure
that we studied here is not the only possible measureand it might also be usefully studied at
longer lags than we studiedbut it works fairly. The various measures of conflict levels, in
contrast, only show a simple positive concave contemporaneous response pattern.
Second, this analysis, like our earlier study in Schrodt et al 2001, seems to indicate that the
cases cluster into three categories, but these categories are plausible given what we know about
the underlying political situation. The Israel-Lebanon and Balkans cases behave very similarly.
These were both situations that involved a combination of civil and interstate war (the interstate
component of the Balkans varying depending on who was specifying the states involved) and
were generally resolved during the periods under study. Israel-Palestine, in contrast, remains an
unresolved conflict, and responds much more slowly than the others; it probably also is least
affected by media fatigue effects. The fact that we did most of the exploratory analysis on the
Israel-Palestine case was, in retrospect, possibly a mistake. Finally, the West Africa case is
generally similar to the Israel-Lebanon and Balkans cases, but seems to show the anomalous
behavior of an initially positive correlation between negotiation and conflict levels; it is probably
also the case most affected by media fatigue.


Lest this point be misinterpreted, we would reiterate that we are fully aware that the news reports themselves
have a subjective componentin fact elements of that subjectivity such as media fatigue cause substantial
problems for event data analysis. However, if the news reports are taken a given, the subsequent generation of the
event data by fully-automated methods is entirely objective. This is quite different than a human analyst
subjectively interpreting those news reports for signs of ripeness.

Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner


In this discussion we have not considered the effects of external mediation activities as
either an independent or dependent variable. As would be expected, there is a correlation
between these counts and the count events for negotiation between the antagonists
themselvesthe correlations (r) are Israel-Palestine 0.419; Israel-Lebanon 0.466; Balkans 0.646
and West Africa 0.381. While these are statistically significant, they are sufficiently low that we
might expect to see different patterns. Depending on the extent (and consistency) of media
coverage of events prior to formal mediation, we might also be able to get some indication, using
the CAMEO coding framework, of whether the external mediators are exercising
entrepeneurship and the extent to which the antagonists are responding favorably to these
efforts. This will, however, be substantially more difficult than detecting overt activities such as
meetings between mediators and antagonists.
While the primary focus of this paper is on the study of mediation and negotiation rather
than on event data analysis, we will conclude with four observations about where this study fits
in our ongoing efforts to refine methods of analyzing event data. First, the CAMEO coding
scheme appears to be working in the sense of producing credible results. Given the high
correlation between CAMEO and WEIS event counts at the high levels of aggregation we are
using (Gerner et al 2002), this is not surprising, but nonetheless this work is our first analytical
effort with CAMEO. Second, the use of event countsas distinct from scaled aggregations of
eventscontinues to function reasonably well; continuing the analytical approach we started
with Schrodt et al 2001. We regard both of these as positive developments.
On the negative side, we are seeing continued problems in the inability of event data to
clearly differentiate the effects of cooperative and conflictual interaction. In all likelihood this is
due to the effects of media fatigue and the disproportionate coverage of violent events: the
WIBIL effectwhen it bleeds, it leads. While this cynical statement was originally formulated
by journalists to describe the sensationalist crime and accident coverage by local newspapersa
pattern later copied enthusiastically by television news programsit also appears to apply to
much of the international newswire coverage of Reuters and Agence France Presse. Finding a
means of calibrating event measures to account for this remains, in our opinion, an open question.
Finally, the initial analysis of the Israel-Palestine data highlighted again the problem of the
Reuters/AFP splice, at least for this case. Since there is no evidence that Reuters will again
become available to the academic community, even when funds are available to purchase the
service, we will need to gradually move to multiple NEXIS-based sources (which are also readily
accessible and inexpensive at most North American research institutions). If the general problem
of splicing could be solved (see, for example, Reuveny & Kang. 1996), it would be possible to get
much longer time series than are currently availablefor example the NEXIS Information
Bulletin Abstracts source, based on The New York Times, now goes back to 1969, a decade
earlier than the start of our Reuters-based data. Multiple-source splicing might also allow for
greater incorporation of regional and local news sources, which might significantly reduce the
media fatigue problem. However, at present splicing is still an unsolved problem.

Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner


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web site,
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Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner


Appendix: Conflict and Mediation Event Observations (CAMEO)

010: Comment, not specified below
011: Decline comment
012: Make pessimistic comment
013: Make optimistic comment
014: Consider policy option
015: Acknowledge or claim responsibility
016: Make empathetic comment
017: Symbolic act
018: Announce routine activity
020: Consult, not specified below
021: Discuss by telephone
022: Make a visit
023: Host a visit
024: Meet in a third location
025: Engage in mediation
026: Engage in negotiation
030: Approve, not specified below
031: Praise or endorse
032: Defend policy or action
033: Civilian support
040:Copperate, not specified below
041: Grant diplomatic recognition
042: Apologize
043: Forgive
050: Request or propose, not specified below
051: Ask for information, investigation
052: Ask for policy support
053: Ask for material aid, not specified below
0531: Ask for economic aid
0532: Ask for military aid
0533: Ask for humanitarian aid
054: Ask for protection or peacekeeping
055: Request mediation
056: Request withdrawal or ceasefire
057: Request settlement
058: Request to meet or negotiate
059: Propose to mediate

060: Agree, not specified below
061: Sign formal agreement
062: Agree to policy support
063: Agree to provide material support, not
specified below
0631: Agree to provide economic support
0632: Agree to provide military support
0633: Agree to provide humanitarian
064: Agree to peacekeeping
065: Agree to mediation
066: Agree to mediate
067: Agree to yield
068: Agree to meet or negotiate
069: Agree to settlement
070: Provide aid, not specified below
071: Provide economic aid
072: Provide military aid
073: Provide humanitarian aid
074:Grant asylum
080: Yield, not specified below
081: Ease non-force sanctions, not specified below
0811: Ease administrative sanctions
0812: Ease economic boycott or sanctions
0813: Ease civilian boycott or strike
082: Ease, stop military blockade
083: Return, release, not specified below
0831: Return, release person(s)
0832: Return, release property
084: Ceasefire, observe truce
085: Demobilize armed forces
086: Military retreat or surrender
090: Investigate, not specified below
091: Investigate crime, corruption
092: Investigate human rights abuses
093: Investigate military action or war crimes
100: Demand, not specified below
101: Demand information, investigation
102: Demand policy support
103: Demand aid
104: Demand protection, peacekeeping
105: Demand mediation
106: Demand withdrawal
107: Demand ceasefire
108: Demand meeting, negotiation
109: Demand rights

Schrodt, Yilmaz and Gerner

110: Disapprove, not specified below
111: Criticize or denounce
112: Accuse
113: Official protest
120: Reject, not specified below
121: Reject proposal, not specified below
1211: Reject ceasefire
1212: Reject peacekeeping
1213: Reject settlement
122: Reject request for material aid
123: Reject proposal to meet, discuss, negotiate
124: Reject mediation
125: Defy norms, law
126: Reject accusation, deny responsibility
127: Veto
130: Threaten, not specified below
131: Threaten non-force, not specified below
1311: Threaten to halt negotiations
1312: Threaten to halt mediation
1313: Threaten to reduce or stop aid
1314: Threaten to boycott or embargo
1315: Threaten to reduce or break relations
132: Give ultimatum
133: Threaten blockade
134: Threaten occupation
135: Threaten conventional attack
136: Threaten unconventional attack
137: Threaten massive unconventional attack
140: Civilian direct action, not specified below
141: Demonstration
142: Hunger strike
143: Strike/boycott
144: Physical obstruction
145: Violent protest, riot
150: Military posturing, not specified below
151: Military demonstration, display
152: Military alert
153: Military mobilization

160: Reduce relations, not specified below
161: Reduce or break diplomatic relations
162: Reduce or stop aid, not specified below
1621: Reduce or stop economic assistance
1622: Reduce or stop humanitarian
1623: Reduce or stop military assistance
1624: Reduce or stop peacekeeping
163: Halt negotiations
164: Halt mediation
165: Impose embargo, boycott
170: Use of structural violence, not specified below
171: Violence against property, not specified below
1711: Confiscate property
1712: Destroy property
172: Administrative sanctions, not specified below
1721: Impose curfew
1722: Impose censorship
173: Arrest and detention
174: Expel, not specified below
1741: Expel diplomat(s)
1742: Expel group(s)
180: Use of unconventional violence, not
specified below
181: Abduct, hijack
182: Non-lethal physical assault, not specified
1821: Sexual assault
1822: Torture
183: Suicide, car, and other bombing
184: Murder or political assassination
190: Use of conventional force, not specified below
191: Military closure or blockade
192: Military occupation of territory
193: Small arms and light weapons attack
194: Artillery and tank attack
195: Aerial attack
200: Massive unconventional force, not specified
201: CBR attack
202: Nuclear attack

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