4 Capp
4 Capp
4 Capp
What is CAPP
Variant CAPP
Variant CAPP
Variant CAPP
CAPP Model
CAD system
Planning rules
CAPP Model
Production planning and
They rely less on group technology code numbers since the process, usually uses
decision tree to categorize parts into families.
Maintenance and updating of stored process plans are largely unnecessary. Since,
any plan may be quickly regenerated by processing through the tree.
Variant or Generative?
A variant system is better for manufacturing setting where similar parts are
manufactured repetitively. Because parts are similar, Group Technology can easily be
implemented and shows quick and significant return on investment (ROI). Because
similar parts are produced repetitively, process plan can be retrieved, slightly modified
and used, without going through too much trouble.
A Generative process planning is better suited for a manufacturing environment in
which part does not exhibit too much similarity and new part are introduced on a
regular basis. In this case, benefits cannot be gained from Group Technology due to
dissimilarity of parts. Because, new parts are regularly introduced, historical data does
not have too much value to the process planner.
Material Flow
Order Release:
The purpose of the order release module is to provide the necessary document
that accompanies an order as it is processed through the shop. These are referred
to collectively as the shop packet
1.Route sheet-listing the operation sequence and tools needed
2. Material requisitions-to draw the necessary raw material from stock
3. Job Cards-enough job cards to report the labor for each operation on the route sheet
4. Move tickets-to move the parts between work centers
5. Parts list-for assembly jobs
Order Scheduling:
The purpose of order scheduling is to make assignments of the orders to the
various machines in the factory.
Inputs to this module consist of the order release and priority control.
The basic document prepared by the order scheduling module is the dispatch list.
It reports the jobs that should be done at each work center and certain details
about the routing of the part.
Order Progress:
The order scheduling module satisfies the first function of shop floor control. The
purpose of the order release module is to accomplish the remaining three
functions of SFC.
The order progress module maintains a file of the transactions reported on each of
the uncompleted jobs. This file is called the open order file, and it contains the
latest status of each job order in the factory. The types of reports that can be
generated from the open order file include the following:
1. Work order status report
2. Exception Report
1) Encoded data
2) Machine reader or scanner
3) Decoder
Bar codes
The symbol consists of bars and spaces of varying width. The pattern of
bars and spaces is coded to represent numeric or alphanumeric charecters.
- The light reflections are sensed by a photoconductor, which converts the spaces into
an electrical signal and the bars into absence of an electrical signal.
- The width of the bars and spaces is indicated by the duration of the corresponding
- The decoder analyzes the pulse train to validate and interpret the corresponding data
Magnetic stripes
Optical character recognition
Machine vision system