Am1146 4
Am1146 4
Am1146 4
1. Introduction
The theory of modular spaces was initiated by Nakano [15] in 1950 in connection
with the theory of order spaces and redefined and generalized by Musielak and
Orlicz [14] in 1959. It is well known that one of the standard proof of Banachs
fixed point theorem is based on Cantors theorem in complete metric spaces [5, 6].
To this end, using some convenient constants in the contraction assumption, we
present a generalization of Banachs fixed point theorem in some classes of modular
In this paper, we extend many concepts and results in normed spaces to modular
2. Preliminaries
We start by reviewing some basic facts about modular spaces as formulated by
Musielak and Orlicz [14]. For more details the reader is refered to [7, 9, 10] and
Definition 2.1 (cf. [7]). Let X be an arbitrary vector space.
(a) A function : X [0, ] is called a modular on X if for arbitrary x, y in
(i) (x) = 0 if and only if x = 0,
(ii) (x) = (x) for every scalar with | |= 1, and
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 46B20, 46E30, 47H10.
Key words and phrases: fixed point, modular spaces, -nonexpansive mapping, -normal
structure, -uniform normal structure, r -uniformly convex.
Received November 7, 2002.
Namely, if is convex, then the functional k|xk| = inf > 0; x 1 is a
norm in X which is equivalent to the F -norm k.k .
Definition 2.2 (cf. [7, 8]). Let X be a modular space.
(a) A sequence (xn ) X is said to be -convergent to x X and write
xn x, if (xn x) 0 as n .
(b) A sequence (xn ) is called -Cauchy whenever (xn xm ) 0 as n, m .
(c) The modular is called -complete if any -Cauchy sequence is -convergent.
(d) A subset B X is called -closed if for any sequence (xn ) B convergent to x X , we have x B.
(e) A -closed subset B X is called -compact if any sequence (xn ) B has
a -convergent subsequence.
(f) is said to satisfy the 2 -condition if (2xn ) 0 whenever (xn ) 0 as
n .
(g) We say that has the Fatou property if (x) lim inf n (xn ) whenever
xn x.
(h) A subset B X is said to be -bounded if
diam (B) < ,
where diam (B) = sup{(x y); x, y B} is called the -diameter of B.
(i) Define the -distance between x X and B X as
dis (x, B) = inf{(x y); y B} .
(j) Define the -Ball, B (x, r), centered at x X with radius r as
B (x, r) = {y X ; (x y) r} .
Let (X, k.k) be a normed space. Then (x) = kxk is a convex modular on X.
One can check that -balls are -closed if and only if has the Fatou property
(cf. [8]).
Example 2.3.
(1) The Orlicz modular is defined for every measurable real function f by the
(f ) =
(|f (t)|) dm(t) ,
Definition 2.4 (cf. [8]). A modular space X is said to have -normal structure
if for any nonempty -bounded -closed convex subset C of X not reduced to a
one point, there exists a point x C such that
r (x, C) := sup{(x y); y C} < diam (C) .
A modular space X is said to have -uniformly normal structure if there exists
a constant c (0, 1) such that for any subset C as above, there exists x C such
r (x, C) < c diam (C) .
Clearly -uniformly normal structure is -normal structure.
Let X be a modular space and let C be a nonempty -bounded and -closed
convex subset C of X . We will say that C has the fixed point property (fpp) if every
-nonexpansive selfmap defined on C (i.e.,T : C C, (T (x) T (y)) (x y)
for every x, y C) has a fixed point, that is, there eists x C such that T (x) = x.
Also, a modular space X is said to have the fixed point property (fpp) if every
nonempty -bounded -closed convex subset of X has the fixed point property.
In Banach spaces, when we think about reflexivity automatically the dual space
is present in our taught. But in modular spaces, it is very hard to conceive the dual
space. To circumvent the problem, we use some characterization of reflexivity.
2.5 (Smulian 1939, cf. [12]). A normed space X is reflexive if and only
if n Cn 6= whenever (Cn ) is a sequence of nonempty, closed bounded and convex
subsets of X such that Cn Cn+1 for each n N.
Definition 2.6 (cf. [8]). Let X be a modular space. We will say that X or
satisfies the property (R) if every decreasing sequence of nonempty -closed and
-bounded convex subsets of X , has a nonempty intersection.
The following theorem is known.
Theorem 2.7 (cf. [8]). Let X be a -complete modular space. Assume that
is convex and satisfies the Fatou property. Moreover, assume that X has the normal structure and has the property (R) and C is any -closed -bounded convex
nonempty subset of X . Then any -nonexpansive mapping T : C C has a fixed
point in C.
3. Results
We start this chapter with generalizations as well as their corresponding results
of uniform convexity and normal structure coefficients in modular spaces.
Definition 3.1. For r > 0, a modular space X is said to be r -uniformly convex
if for each > 0, there exists > 0 such that for any x, y X , the conditions
(x) r, (y) r and (x y) r imply
x + y
(1 )r .
Definition 3.2. Let X be a Modular space. For any 0 and r > 0, the
modulus of r -uniform convexity of X is defined by
1 x + y
(r, ) = inf 1
: (x) r, (y) r, (x y) r .
Definition 3.3. The normal structure coefficient of X is the number
n diam (C)
: C X C is -closed convex,
N (X ) = inf
R (C)
-bounded and diam (C) > 0 ,
Remark 3.4.
(1) It is not hard to show that R (C) 6= 0. Indeed, suppose R (C) = 0 and let,
x0 , y0 C be such that x0 6= y0 . Since R (C) = inf yC r (x, C) = 0, so
there exists a sequence (xn ) in C such that limn r (xn , C) = 0. Thus
x y
(x0 xn ) + (xn y0 )
(x0 xn ) + (xn y0 ) 0
as n . Therefore x0 = y0 , a contradiction.
(2) For any x C we have R (C) r (x, C) diam (C).
(3) It is obvious form the definition that X has -uniform normal structure if
and only if N (X ) > 1 (see [11]).
Lemma 3.5. Let r > 0. A modular space X is r -uniformly convex if and only
if (r, ) > 0 for all > 0.
Proof. Let > 0. If X is r -uniformly convex, then there exists > 0 such
that for
y) r. we have
any x, y X with (x) r, (y) r, and1 (xx+y
. Hence (r, )
> 0. Conversely, suppose (r, ) > 0 for some > 0 and > 0. Take any
x, y X such that (x)
r, (y) r and (x y) r. By definition of , we
get (r, ) 1 1r x+y
. Hence
1 x + y
1 (r, ) 1 .
Therefore X is r -uniformly convex.
Lemma 3.6. The modulus (r, .) of uniform convexity of X is increasing on
[0, ).
Proof. Let r > 0 and 1 > 2 0. Let x, y X be such that (x) r and
(y) r. If (x y) 1 r, then (x y) 2 r. This show that
1 x + y
: (x) r, (y) r, (x y) r1
1 x + y
: (x) r, (y) r, (x y) r2 .
This implies that (r, 1 ) (r, 2 ).
Theorem 3.7. If the modulus of convexity of a modular space X satisfies
(d, ) > 0 for all d, > 0, then X has -normal structure.
Proof. Let C be a nonempty -bounded -closed convex subset of X with
diam (C) = d > 0. Let (0, 1) there exist x, y C such that
(x y) d .
Let z = x+y
and w C. Thus, z C, (w x) d, (w y) d and
((w x) (w y)) = (x y) d.
x + y
(w x) + (w y)
(1 (d, ))d .
sup (w z) 1 (d, ) d .
Since this is true for any C, this proves that X has -normal structure.
Lemma 3.5 and Theorem 3.7 give us immediately
Corollary 3.8. For a modular space X , if X is r -uniformly convex for all
r > 0, then X has -normally structure.
Corollary 3.9 (cf. [4]). Closed bounded convex subsets of uniformly convex Banach spaces have normal structure.
dn r n
1 r,
dis (z, Cn ) z
1 1
Consequently, limn0 (r, arn0 ) = 0. Since an0 % d and (r, ) > 0 for all > 0,
we have d = limn dn = 0 as well. Thus, there exists a -Cauchy sequence
(xn ), where xn Dn for each n. Since X is -complete, (xn )-converges to some
x0 X . Using the -closeness of Dn , we deduce that x0 Dn for all n 1.
This implies that nN Dn 6= and so nN Cn 6= as well. The proof is therefore
Corollary 3.11 (cf. [4]). Let X be a -complete modular space with convex
and satisfying the Fatou property. If X is r -uniformly convex for all r > 0, then
X has the fixed point property.
Proof. By Corollary 3.8 and Theorem 3.10, X has -normal structure and property (R). Consequently, Theorem 2.7 can be applied to conclude that X has the
fixed point property.
Corollary 3.12 (cf. [4]). If C is a nonempty closed bounded convex subset of a
uniformly convex Banach space, then every nonexpansive mapping T : C C has
a fixed point in C.
Theorem 3.13. Let X be a modular space with modulus of convexity (1, ) 6= 1
for some (0, 1). If we assume that (x) = (x) for all > 0, then
N (X )
1 (1, )
= (x y) .
diam (C)
R (C)
1 (1, )
N (X )
1 (1, )
Remark 3.14. If we assume that in Colloray3.8 (x) = (x) for all > 0,
then X will have -uniformly normal structure.
Corollary 3.15. If X is a modular space with the modulus of convexity (1, )
(0, 1) for some (0, 1), then X has -uniformly normal structure.
Proof. By Theorem 3.13 we have N (X ) > 1. Thus, by Remarks 3.4 (3), X has
-uniformly normal structure.
Corollary 3.16. If X is a Banach space space with modulus of convexity X ()
(0, 1) for some (0, 1) and we put (x) = kxk, then we get that X has uniformly
normal structure.
Corollary 3.16 strongly improves [1] which states that any uniformly convex
Banach space has uniformly normal structure.
Note that a Banach space X is uniformly convex if and only if its modulus of
convexity satisfies X () > 0 for all > 0 (see [5]).
Acknowlegement. The author is grateful to Prof. Sompong Dhompongsa for
many helpful comments and suggestions. The author also wishes thanks to an
anonymous referee for his/her suggestions which led to substantial improvements
of this paper. Last but not least, I would like to thank Prof. Henryk Hudzik to
his English suggestions and correction.
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