Reporting Statistics in APA Format
Reporting Statistics in APA Format
Reporting Statistics in APA Format
PSYC 330LBurnham
When reporting the a posterior probability you can report the p-value as being equal to the probability, as in the example here, or less than the probability when
rounded to three places. In this case, the p-value would be written as p < .006.
PSYC 330LBurnham
Reporting a significant one-sample t-test:
The number of hours spent watching Family Guy per week (M = 11.00, SD = 2.00) was significantly
different from 10.00 hours per week, t(49) = 2.36, SEM = 0.42, p < .05.
Reporting a significant independent-samples (independent-groups) t-test:
Results show that students in the basic study group (M = 2.70, SD = 0.47) had a significantly lower GPA
at the end of their freshman year than students in the group study condition (M = 2.93, SD = 0.23), t(18) = 2.81,
SEM = 0.081, p < .05.
Reporting a significant correlated-samples (dependent groups) t-test:
The results suggested a statistically significant preference for bread with the butter side down (M = 6.75,
SD = 1.45) than bread with the butter-side up (M = 3.25, SD = 1.10), t(19) = 3.15, SEM = 1.11, p = .005.
Reporting a significant Pearson correlation:
There was a significant correlation between percent of a nation's gross domestic product spent on the
military and percentage of a nation's population that believes in the Theory of Evolution, r(31) = -0.63, p < .001.
Reporting an omnibus oneway ANOVA, with post-hoc tests:
The analysis of variances showed that the effect of group significantly influenced anxiety, F(2, 57) =
5.00, MSE = 100.25, p = .009. Post hoc analyses were conducted using Tukey's post-hoc test. Based on a
Tukey's value of CD = 2.50, the anxiety in the drug group (M = 5.25, SD = 1.80) was significantly less than in
the placebo group (M = 8.35, SD = 2.68) and the control group (M = 8.10, SD = 1.69). The anxiety in the
placebo group and the drug group did not differ significantly.
Reporting multiple a priori comparisons:
Tests of three a prior hypotheses were assessed using three independent groups t-Tests with a Bonferroni
adjusted alpha level of .016 per test (.05/3). Results suggest that the anxiety that was experienced in the drug
group (M = 5.25, SD = 1.80) was significantly less than the anxiety experienced in the placebo group (M = 8.35,
SD = 2.68), t(38) = 3.25, SEM = 0.95, p = .002, and control group (M = 8.10, SD = 1.69), t(38) = 2.72, SEM =
1.05, p = .009. However, the placebo group and the control group did not significantly differ in anxiety, t(38) =
0.65, SEM = 0.38, p = .519.
Normally, Results sections are double-spaced, the pages have 1 margins, and the section begins with the title 'Results'. For brevity, this formatting is not included
here and these examples should be viewed as reporting only the inferential statistics (not the hypotheses).
PSYC 330LBurnham