Comandos y Funciones de Promodel
Comandos y Funciones de Promodel
Comandos y Funciones de Promodel
Assignment Statement
Jointly Get
Move For
Move On
Move With
Reset Stats
Split As
Wait Until
Accum ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Activate ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Animate ........................................................................................................................................... 8
rrayDims() ........................................................................................................................................ 9
ArrayDimSize()............................................................................................................................... 10
Assignment Statement .................................................................................................................. 11
Begin.............................................................................................................................................. 12
Break ............................................................................................................................................. 13
BreakBlk......................................................................................................................................... 14
CalDay() ......................................................................................................................................... 15
CalDOM() ....................................................................................................................................... 16
CalHour() ....................................................................................................................................... 17
CalMin() ......................................................................................................................................... 18
CalMonth() .................................................................................................................................... 19
CalYear() ........................................................................................................................................ 20
Cap() ............................................................................................................................................. 21
Char() ............................................................................................................................................. 22
Clock()............................................................................................................................................ 23
Close .............................................................................................................................................. 24
Combine ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Comments ..................................................................................................................................... 26
Contents()...................................................................................................................................... 27
Create ............................................................................................................................................ 28
Debug ............................................................................................................................................ 30
Dec................................................................................................................................................. 31
Display ........................................................................................................................................... 32
Do...Until ....................................................................................................................................... 33
Do...While...................................................................................................................................... 34
Down ............................................................................................................................................. 35
DownQty() ..................................................................................................................................... 36
DTDelay() ....................................................................................................................................... 37
DTLeft().......................................................................................................................................... 38
DynPlot()........................................................................................................................................ 39
End................................................................................................................................................. 40
Ent() ............................................................................................................................................... 41
Entity() ........................................................................................................................................... 42
Entries() ......................................................................................................................................... 43
Exp()............................................................................................................................................... 44
ForLocation() ................................................................................................................................. 45
Format()......................................................................................................................................... 46
ForResource() ................................................................................................................................ 47
Free................................................................................................................................................ 48
FreeCap() ....................................................................................................................................... 49
FreeUnits()..................................................................................................................................... 50
Get ................................................................................................................................................. 51
GetCost() ....................................................................................................................................... 53
GetReplicationNum() .................................................................................................................... 54
GetResRate() ................................................................................................................................. 55
Goto............................................................................................................................................... 56
Graphic .......................................................................................................................................... 57
Group............................................................................................................................................. 58
GroupQty() .................................................................................................................................... 60
If...Then...Else ................................................................................................................................ 61
Inc .................................................................................................................................................. 63
IncEntCost ..................................................................................................................................... 64
IncLocCost ..................................................................................................................................... 65
IncResCost ..................................................................................................................................... 66
Int .................................................................................................................................................. 67
Join ................................................................................................................................................ 68
Jointly Get...................................................................................................................................... 70
Last() .............................................................................................................................................. 71
Ln()................................................................................................................................................. 72
Load ............................................................................................................................................... 73
Loc() ............................................................................................................................................... 75
LocState() ...................................................................................................................................... 76
Location() ...................................................................................................................................... 77
Log ................................................................................................................................................. 78
MapArr .......................................................................................................................................... 79
Match ............................................................................................................................................ 81
Move ............................................................................................................................................. 82
Move For ....................................................................................................................................... 84
Move On ........................................................................................................................................ 85
Move With..................................................................................................................................... 86
Next()............................................................................................................................................. 88
Order ............................................................................................................................................. 89
OwnedResource().......................................................................................................................... 90
Pause ............................................................................................................................................. 91
PercentOp() ................................................................................................................................... 92
PercentUtil() .................................................................................................................................. 93
Preemptor() ................................................................................................................................... 94
Priority ........................................................................................................................................... 95
Prompt........................................................................................................................................... 96
Rand() ............................................................................................................................................ 97
Read............................................................................................................................................... 98
Real ................................................................................................................................................ 99
Real() ........................................................................................................................................... 100
Rename ....................................................................................................................................... 101
Report.......................................................................................................................................... 102
Res()............................................................................................................................................. 103
Reset............................................................................................................................................ 104
Reset Stats ................................................................................................................................... 105
Resource() ................................................................................................................................... 106
ResourceUnit() ............................................................................................................................ 107
Entity-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
ACCUM <expression>
Accumulates, without consolidating, the specified quantity of entities at a location. ACCUM works like a gate
that prevents entities from processing until a certain number arrive. Once the specified number of entities
have accumulated, they will go through the gate and begin processing individually, independent of each other.
ACCUM can be used to model situations where several entities should be accumulated before they get
processed. For example, when a resource processes orders at a work station, it may be more efficient to
accumulate several orders before requesting the resource.
If you specify an ACCUM operation in a process for an individual entity, accumulation will occur by
individual entity type. However, if you specify ALL as the processing entity, all entity types at that location
will participate in the same accumulation.
Valid In
The operation column of process edit tables only. ACCUM must be used at a location with enough capacity to
accumulate the specified quantity.
The number of entities to accumulate. If this expression results in zero or one, it is ignored. If it results in a number greater
than the locations capacity or a negative number, the simulation will stop with an error.
This expression is evaluated every time an entity to be accumulated arrives, so the quantity to be accumulated can vary as
the entities to be accumulated arrive. If an entity arrives that changes this expression to a number lower than the number
of entities already accumulated, all of the accumulated entities begin to process.
Entities named "Pallet" arrive at a location named "Loading" and accumulate in batches of 20. Entities named "Box" also
arrive at Loading and accumulate in batches of 10. Only after the right number of boxes or pallets accumulates does
ProModel request the forklift. The accumulation of Boxes and Pallets at Loading is entirely independent because the
accumulation statements are in different records. Note that the forklift is used for two minutes per pallet or box, because
each pallet and box process individually after accumulating all of them. While the accumulation of entities at Loading is
by entity type, the accumulation at the location, "Storage" is independent of entity type since the ALL keyword denotes
common processing for all entities at this location.
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
ACTIVATE <subroutine>({parameter1>,<parameter2>...})
Starts an independent subroutine. The calling logic then continues without waiting for the called subroutine to
finish. Therefore, independent subroutines can run in parallel with the logic that called them. Independent
subroutines are not entity or location dependent and run without regard to what happens inside the logic that
called them.
Use ACTIVATE to process logic that has WAIT or WAIT...UNTIL statements when you do not want to use
an entity to process the WAIT or WAIT...UNTIL statements. For example, an ACTIVATE in the
initialization logic could call a subroutine that adjusts the arrival frequency for a type of entity depending on
the time of day.
Independent subroutines called with ACTIVATE cannot use entity-specific or location-specific system
functions. If the subroutine has a return value, then that value is ignored. External subroutines cannot be
called with ACTIVATE, although they may be called from within an activated subroutine.
Valid In
Any logic.
The name of the subroutine to run. This name should appear exactly as if the subroutine were being called normally. Any
return value for this function is ignored. See Subroutines.
The parameters that the subroutine normally takes.
This example uses ACTIVATE in a models initialization logic to start a subroutine named Res_Log(). Res_Log() is a
user-defined subroutine that logs every time that all units of a resource named Worker are in use. After it logs the time
that all units were busy, it waits ten minutes to check again. Note that the WHILE...DO loop in the subroutine is never
exited. This technique allows the subroutine to run during the entire simulation.
Initialization Logic:
Activate Res_Log()
INT X = 1
THEN LOG "All workers busy at ",0
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
ANIMATE <expression>
Sets the simulations animation speed. The higher the value, the faster the animation. ANIMATE is used
primarily to speed up or slow down a model for cursory or detailed observation whenever a particular
condition is encountered. Another common use is to set the animation speed to one-hundred in the
Initialization Logic to rapidly advance the simulation to some point in time.
Valid In
Any logic.
The new speed of the animation. This expression can be any number from 0 to 100 and is evaluated every time the
ANIMATE statement is encountered. The default speed is 56.
This example shows the use of the ANIMATE statement in the downtime logic for the location Press. Whenever Press
goes down for service, the animation speed is slowed to 30 percent of maximum. This allows the modeler to more easily
view which resource (RES1 or RES2) is captured to service the location.
See Also
General System Function
Syntax samples
Returns the number of dimensions in an array.
Valid In
Any Logic
The name of the array for which you wish to know the number of dimensions.
See Also
General System Function
Syntax samples
ARRAYDIMSIZE(<arrayname>, <dim_num>)
Returns the size of a dimension in an array. You must provide the name of the array and the particular
dimension of the array for which you want to know the size.
Valid In
Any Logic
The name of the array.
The number of the dimension for which you wish to know the size.
See Also
Assignment Statement
Syntax samples
<variable, array element, or attribute> = <numeric expression>
Assigns the value of a numeric expression to a designated variable, array element, or attribute.
Valid In
Any Logic
Var1 = 300
Attr2 = Clock(hr) - Attr3
Please Note
If you assign an expression that evaluates to a real number to a variable, array, or attribute of type integer,
the number truncates unless you use the ROUND() function.
General Control Statement
Syntax samples
BEGIN or {
Defines a statement block with a corresponding END statement. BEGIN and END are almost always used in
conjunction with other control statements such as IF...THEN and DO...WHILE. Every BEGIN statement must
pair with an END statement.
Valid In
Any logic.
Compare the following logic examples:
The example below includes a BEGIN and END statement. In this logic, if the attribute Attr1 equals one, ten entities are
ordered and the variable Var1 increments. ProModel executes the statements within the BEGIN and END only if Attr1
equals one.
IF Attr1 = 1 THEN
INC Var1
Just as in the logic above, if Attr1 in the following example equals one, ten entities are ordered. However, Var1
increments regardless of the value of Attr1. The IF...THEN applies only to the very next statement, no matter how you
format the logic.
IF Attr1 = 1 THEN
INC Var1
See Also
General Control Statement
Syntax samples
Exits the innermost WHILE...DO, DO...WHILE, or DO...UNTIL loop. The next statement to be executed will
be the one immediately following the END statement associated with the innermost loop. If a BREAK is
encountered outside any loop, then ProModel exits the entire logic.
Valid In
Any logic.
Normally, a WHILE...DO loop repeats a statement block until a certain condition becomes false. This example shows the
use of a BREAK statement to exit the loop based on a condition not included in the WHILE...DO loop. As long as the
variable V1 is less than three and the variable V3 is less than or equal to five, both the three-minute wait and the fiveminute wait will be executed for a total of eight minutes. However, if V3 becomes greater than five, the total wait will be
six minutes: three minutes in the main part of the loop and another three minutes inside the IF...THEN statement block.
The five minute wait will not be executed because the BREAK statement exits the loop entirely.
The line "//Break to here" is a comment that marks the next line of logic executed after the BREAK.
General Control Statement
Syntax samples
Exits from the innermost statement block. The next statement to be executed will be the one immediately
following the END statement of the innermost statement block. If a BREAKBLK is executed outside any
statement block, ProModel will exit the logic completely.
Valid In
Any logic.
This example uses BREAKBLK in the logic for a shipping department that handles two types of entities, Letters and
Packages. Both packages and letters need to be addressed, but packages may need to be wrapped before they are
addressed. When a package arrives, shipping increments the variable No_of_Pkg to keep track of the number of packages
it ships. Attr1 is then checked to see if the package has been wrapped. If the package has been wrapped (if Attr1 = 1), the
BREAKBLK statement exits the statement block that wraps packages. If the package has not been wrapped, a resource,
Wrapper, wraps the package. Finally, all entities that Shipping processes are addressed by the same statement and routed
to the location Post_Office. The line
"// Breakblk to here" is a comment which marks the next statement executed after the BREAKBLK.
General System Function
Syntax samples
The CALDAY() function corresponds to the weekday of the calendar date you defined as part of the warm-up
period or simulation begin date under simulation options. Since CALDAY() resets with the advent of a new
week, every weekday will return the same value (i.e., Wednesday will always return a value of 3).
Valid In
Any logic.
Please note
CALDAY() works only when you select calendar date in the simulation options dialog.
Suppose that shipment arrival types vary from day to day. Since Mondays Shipment_Type_A arrival patterns are unique,
you will need to use a distribution specific to those patterns.
Shipment_Type_A =
USE Forklift FOR Unload_Time
See Also
General System Function
Syntax samples
The CALDOM() function corresponds to the calendar day of the month you defined as part of the warm-up
period or simulation begin date under simulation options. Values returned by this function will be integers in
the range of 1 to 31.
Valid In
Any logic.
Please note
CALDOM() works only when you select calendar date in the simulation options dialog.
See Also
General System Function
Syntax samples
The CALHOUR() function corresponds to the hour of the calendar date you defined as part of the warm-up
period or simulation begin date under simulation options. Since this function ties directly to the 24-hour clock
displayed on the screen during simulation, CALHOUR() will never return a value higher than 23.
Valid In
Any logic.
Please note
CALHOUR() works only when you select calendar date in the simulation options dialog.
The following example implements a change in personnel used to perform an operation. After the simulation runs for 18
hours, the technician becomes available to perform the activity.
USE Worker FOR N(10,4)
ELSE USE Technician FOR N(8,2)
See Also
General System Function
Syntax samples
The CALMIN() function corresponds to the minute of the calendar date you defined as part of the warm-up
period or simulation begin date under simulation options. Since this function ties directly to the 24-hour clock
displayed during simulation, CALMIN() will never return a value higher than 59.
Valid In
Any logic.
Please note
CALMIN() works only when you select calendar date in the simulation options dialog.
Suppose parts have a fixed shipping time of 4:30 PM. The following logic would order parts to the shipping area.
ORDER 1 Part TO Shipping_Area
See Also
General System Function
Syntax samples
The CALMONTH() function corresponds to the month of the year you defined as part of the warm-up period
or simulation begin date under simulation options. Values returned by this function will be integers in the
range of 1 to 12.
Valid In
Any logic.
Please note
CALMONTH() works only when you select calendar date in the simulation options dialog.
If CalMonth()=12 THEN WAIT 20
Else Wait 10
See Also
General System Function
Syntax samples
The CALYEAR() function corresponds to the year of the calendar date you defined as part of the warm-up
period or simulation begin date under simulation options.
Valid In
Any logic.
Please note
CALYEAR() works only when you select calendar date in the simulation options dialog.
See Also
General System Function
Syntax samples
CAP (<location>)
Returns the total capacity of a location. CAP() can be used to prepare a batch of entities to fill a location.
Valid In
Any logic and any expression evaluated after translation. For a list of expressions evaluated after translation,
see the Appendix A.
The name of the location to examine. If this component is the name of a multi-unit location, CAP() will return the
capacity of the entire location. For example, if each unit of a five-unit location has a capacity of five, CAP() will return
twenty-five. This component can also be the name of an individual unit in a multi-unit location.
The individual ovens of a ceramics plant have different capacities, but otherwise they are exactly the same. While each
oven could be modeled as an individual location, it would be easier to model this situation as a multi-unit location. This
example uses CAP() in the processing logic of the parent location to accumulate enough Sinks to fill each oven. The
LOCATION() function returns the value of the current location.
Process Table
Operation (min)
Routing Table
Move Logic
See Also
String Function
Syntax samples
Returns the ASCII character for the number that the expression evaluates to. This function is most useful for
outputting ASCII characters that cannot be typed, such as accented characters. This function is most often
used in conjunction with a string expression and the concatenation ("$") operator.
The number corresponding to the ASCII character varies with each computer depending on the character set
specified in the config.sys file of your computer. To determine the number corresponding to the ASCII
character at your computer, run the model CHAR.MOD found in the MODELS\REFS directory. View the file
this model generates called CHAR.TXT found in the same directory as the model.
Valid In
Any string expression.
Any expression that evaluates to a number between 0 and 255. The expression is evaluated every time the CHAR()
function is encountered.
The logic below displays the combined cost of all the Parts ordered through a particular service center. The simulation has
kept a tally of all the parts it has ordered in the variable Parts, and each part cost 25 English pounds. The logic displays the
cost of the parts with the pound symbol (), which is ASCII code 156.
DISPLAY "Total cost of parts:" $ CHAR(156) $ Parts * 25
See Also
String Expressions.
General System Function
Syntax samples
CLOCK({<time unit>})
Attr1 = CLOCK()
Returns value of the elapsed simulation time in the units specified. Clock units should be kept consistent
when comparing values. If an attribute has been assigned a time in minutes, any time value compared with
that attribute should also be in minutes.
When no units are specified in the parentheses in the clock function, ProModel returns the default time unit
specified in the General Information.
Valid In
Any logic and most fields, except those fields evaluated at translation. For a list of fields evaluated at
translation, see the Appendix A.
<time unit>
The elapsed simulation time will be returned in this unit. This may be HR, MIN, SEC, DAY, WK. If omitted, the value
returned will be in the default time units as specified in the General Information dialog box. When using CLOCK() to
capture a time for later use with the LOG statement, the units should be omitted.
See Also
General Information and Time Expressions.
General Operation Statement
Syntax samples
CLOSE <file ID>
CLOSE Arrival_File
Closes a file that has previously been written to with WRITE, WRITELINE, XWRITE, or read with READ.
Use CLOSE when finished with a file to free system resources. A file will automatically be re-opened to be
read or written if it has been closed. All opened files are automatically closed at the end of a simulation.
When you are using many external files and you want to conserve system resources, this statement is
especially helpful.
Valid In
Any logic.
<file ID>
The file ID of the desired file as defined in the External Files editor.
See Also
Entity-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
COMBINE <expression> {AS <new entity name>}
COMBINE Var1 as ENT(Attr1)
Accumulates and consolidates a specified quantity of entities into an entity, optionally with a different name.
Unlike the GROUP statement, combined entities lose their identities and attributes and cannot be ungrouped
later. Use COMBINE when several entities need to be combined, such as when eight spark plugs are
combined in a box. Note that after several entities have been combined at a location, no additional statistics
will be collected for any of the combined entities at that location.
When specifying COMBINE <expression> AS <new entity name> in the operation logic, there must be
another operating block at the same location. In this case, the incoming entity at the new operating block is
the new entity name specified in the COMBINE statement.
Valid In
Operation logic only. COMBINE may not be used in combination with CREATE, GROUP, UNGROUP,
LOAD, UNLOAD, SPLIT AS, or other combine statements in the same process logic.
The number of entities to combine. Negative values generate an error message. If this expression evaluates to zero, it is
ignored. If it evaluates to one, then no entities are actually combined, but the entity that encountered the combine
statement is renamed (if the AS option has been specified).
This expression is evaluated every time an entity encounters the COMBINE statement, so the amount of entities to be
combined can vary as the simulation progresses. If an entity arrives that changes this expression to a number lower than
the number of entities already waiting to be combined, all of the entities waiting to be combined are combined, including
the entity that just arrived.
AS <new entity name>
The optional name of the resulting entity. If left off, the new entity will have the same name as the last combined entity or
the output entity name.
A manufacturing plant makes computer motherboards. After manufacture and inspection, when the motherboards are
ready for shipping, workers combine them into sets of twenty to distribute to the companys customers. A COMBINE
statement will work well for this example, because workers do not inspect or use the individual motherboards again. At
the final assembly location, workers group motherboards into totes of twenty, and route the totes to the shipping
Documentation Symbols
Syntax samples
The pound sign signals the start of a one-line comment. ProModel will ignore any characters on the rest of the line.
Two forward slashes signal the start of a one-line comment. ProModel will ignore any characters on the rest of the line.
This symbol works exactly the same as the # sign.
A slash followed by an asterisk signals the start of a multi-line comment. ProModel will ignore all characters after the "/*"
until it finds an asterisk followed by a slash, "*/". Use this type of comment for long explanations and to prevent
ProModel from executing long portions of logic during debugging. Comments using // or # may be nested inside multiline comments.
Comments are notes to the modeler inside blocks of logic. ProModel ignores them, but they can be
particularly useful to explain logic when more than one person will be using a model.
Valid In
Any logic.
The logic below has several notes to explain it. Additionally, ProModel ignores the ELSE statement and the ELSE
statements block.
IF Parts_Available > Attr2 THEN
//Parts needed is stored in attribute 2
JOIN Attr2 #Join the number of parts
# needed only if there are
# enough parts available.
WAIT Attr1
BEGIN //Start operation
INC Var1
WAIT Attr3
END */
General System Function
Syntax samples
CONTENTS(<location>{,<entity type>})
Returns either the total number of entities at a location or the number of a certain type of entity at a location.
Use CONTENTS() to make decisions based on how busy a location is. Using CONTENTS() to keep track of
the number of entities at a location requires fewer steps and allows more flexibility than using variables to
count the number of entities that enter and exit a location. For example, the second syntax does in one
statement what would require several statements without the CONTENTS() function.
Valid In
Any logic and all fields except those fields evaluated at translation only. For a list of the fields evaluated only
at translation, see the Appendix A.
The name of the location to examine.
<entity type>
The optional name of the type of entity to look for. If omitted, CONTENTS() will return the total of all entities at the
An assembly line has a location called Clean that often gets too busy for one operator to handle and the supervisor then
comes to help. The processing logic below models this situation with an IF...THEN statement and the CONTENTS()
function. As long as the location contains fewer than five entities, a worker processes any arriving entities. However, if
the locations contents are greater than five, the Supervisor processes them.
Entity-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
CREATE <expression1> {AS <entity name>}
{TAKE {<expression2>} <resource>,...}
CREATE 2 AS EntB TAKE 1 Res1, 2 Res2
CREATE Var1 AS Ent(Var2) TAKE Var3 Res(Var4)
Creates a specified number of entities in addition to the original entity and copies all attributes of the original
entity to each new entity. The first entity created can optionally take any of the resources owned by the parent
entity. The newly created entities require no additional capacity at the location and are processed
The CREATE statement can simulate the creation of paperwork that needs to be hand-carried to another
location to be approved while the base entity continues to process. Before the base entity can exit the location,
the paperwork must be approved and routed back to the original location where it is joined to the base entity.
Valid In
The operation column of process edit tables only. CREATE may not be used in combination with LOAD,
UNLOAD, GROUP, UNGROUP, SPLIT AS, or other CREATE statements in the same processing logic.
The number of new entities to create. This expression is evaluated every time the create statement is encountered.
AS <entity name>
The name of the new entities. ProModel will search the process list for the new entity type and begin processing them
before it finishes processing the entity that created them. If omitted, the entities will be named the same as the currently
processing entity.
TAKE <expression2>
The first created entity will take any resources listed here from the parent entity. This component is optional.
The second syntax example above creates two EntBs. The first of the two will own one unit of Res1 and two
units of Res2.
The name of the resource whose ownership should be transferred to the first new entity. Using the keyword ALL here will
take all resources owned by the parent entity.
ProModel allows you to use the CREATE statement implicitly as part of the routing definition. To do this,
define a route block and check the New Entity option. ProModel does NOT add an initial cost to implicitly
created entities.
The following example shows how one entity, Record, creates two new entities. Note that there is no routing defined in
this process for the new entities, Copy. The new entities are handled according to the logic defined in the subsequent
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
Brings up ProModels debugger. Use DEBUG to step through logic one statement at a time and examine
variable and attribute values while developing a model. After a model is working, DEBUG statements are
generally removed.
Valid In
Any logic.
If you were
General Operation Statement
Syntax samples
DEC <name>{, <expression>}
DEC Var1
DEC Attr1, 5
Decrements a variable, array element, or attribute by the value of a specified numeric expression. To
decrement a variable, attribute, or array element when the current entity actually leaves a location, use DEC in
the move logic.
Valid In
Any logic.
Any variable, array element, or attribute.
The amount to decrement the value. If this expression is omitted, the value will be decremented by one. This can be a
negative number.
The example below shows two variables decremented in exit logic. The variable Num_in_system is decremented by one,
while variable Var3 is decremented by 20.
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
DISPLAY <string expression>
DISPLAY "Var1 =" $ Var1 $ "and Attr1 =" $ Attr1
DISPLAY "Now beginning 100th process"
DISPLAY Number_in_Queue
Pauses the simulation and displays a message. The simulation will resume when the user selects OK. The
concatenation operator ($) should be used to combine a numeric value into the string (as in the first syntax
example above). Using the ENT(), LOC(), and RES() functions will display the name of the entity, location,
or resource.
Valid In
Any logic.
<string expression>
The message to be displayed. To display a numeric value, use the concatenation operator ($) as in the first syntax
This simple example displays the value of both Var1 and of Attr1 if Attr2 is 1. This logic will display the dialog box
below if Attr2 is 1. If Attr2 is not 1, an error message will appear.
Operation (min)
IF Attr2=1 THEN
DISPLAY "Var1 =" $ Var1 $ "\nand Attr1 =" $ Attr1
General Control Statement
Syntax samples
DO <statement block> UNTIL <Boolean expression>
INC Var2, 5
WAIT 5 sec
UNTIL FreeCap(Loc1) > 5
Repeats a statement or statement block continuously while a condition remains false. DO...UNTIL is an exitcondition loop, meaning that the loop will always be executed at least once. Use DO...UNTIL when an
operation will always be executed at least one time and possibly more times.
Valid In
Any logic.
<statement block>
The statement or block of statements to execute.
<Boolean expression>
As long as this expression is FALSE, the loop will continue. This expression is evaluated for each iteration of the loop.
A machining station can manufacture parts of increasing complexity from the same entity, called a Blank. When a Blank
arrives at the station, the value stored in Attr1 determines the complexity of the part and the amount of time needed to
create the new part. The following logic models this situation with a DO...UNTIL loop. All blanks that arrive go through a
five minute processing time, and then go through the operation several more times depending on the value of Attr1.
General Control Statement
Syntax samples
DO <statement block> WHILE <Boolean expression>
DO INC Var1 WHILE Array1[Var1] <> 10
INC Var2, 5
WAIT 5 sec
WHILE FreeCap(Loc1) > 5
Repeats a statement or statement block continuously while a condition remains true. DO...WHILE is an exitcondition loop, meaning that the loop will always execute at least once. Use DO...WHILE for processes that
must be executed one time and possibly more.
Please note
Use caution when using a DO...WHILE with a system function (e.g., FREECAP()) to ensure that the system
does not enter an infinite loop. For example, eliminating the "WAIT 5 sec" in the syntax sample will cause the
system to enter an infinite loop because there is no time delay within the loop.
Valid In
Any logic.
<statement block>
The statement or block of statements to execute.
<Boolean expression>
As long as this expression is TRUE, the loop will continue. This expression is evaluated for each iteration of the loop.
The logic below orders a minimum of ten cases to location Receiving every time it is encountered. As long as the location
has a capacity greater than ten, it will send additional sets of ten entities to the location.
ORDER 10 Cases to Receiving
WHILE FREECAP(Receiving) > 10
See Also
Downtime-Specific System Function
Syntax samples
DOWN <dtname>, {<priority>}
Makes a location, with the specified called downtime, attempt to go down.
This statement is used in conjunction with the Called Downtime dialog, where you have previously defined
the called downtimes name, priority, and logic.
When this statement is executed, the called downtime will attempt to execute its logic. The timing of the
execution of the called downtimes logic will depend on the locations state and the called downtimes
Valid In
Any logic, except Initialization and Termination logic.
The name of the called downtime. This name is defined in the Called Downtime dialog, found in the Locations table.
You may optionally define a priority. This will override the priority you defined in the Called Downtime dialog for the
specified called downtime.
Please Note
The DOWN statement does not need to be called from the processing logic at the location that is to go down.
It can be called from any logic in your model, except Initialization and Termination logic, and still cause the
locations Called Downtime to execute.
See Also
Called Downtime Editor, and Location Priorities and Preemption.
General System Function
Syntax samples
DOWNQTY(<location> or <resource>>)
DISPLAY "Total Res1 Down Now:" $ DOWNQTY(Res1)
Returns the number of location or resource units down at the time of the call. Use this function to make
decisions based on how many resource or location units are down. For example, if too many units are down, a
foreman could preempt several units back into service.
Valid In
Any logic and all fields except those fields evaluated at translation only. For a list of the fields evaluated only
at translation, see the Appendix A.
The name of the location to examine. LOC() can be substituted for the name of a location.
The name of the resource to examine. RES() can be substituted for the name of a resource.
Two resources, Welders, weld brackets onto steel frames at a location, Man_Weld, in 6.5 minutes. An automatic welding
machine, Auto_Weld, can perform the same task, but it takes 9.3 minutes. However, if only one Welder is available and
the other Welder is down (e.g., on break), it takes one Welder 13.0 minutes to weld the brackets to the frames. Therefore,
if one Welder is down, the frames should route to the automatic welding machine, Auto_Weld.
Process Table
Downtime-Specific System Function
Syntax samples
DTDELAY(<time unit>)
DISPLAY "The downtime delay was"$DTDelay(DAY)$"days."
Returns the difference between the time when you scheduled a non-preemptive downtime to occur and the
time it actually occurred. Use DTDelay to determine if downtimes are being postponed because of
incompleted work. You can use DTDelay in downtime logic to ensure that a location comes back up at a
specific time.
Also returns the difference between the time when a downtime is preempted and the time it resumes.
Valid In
Any downtime logic including off-shift and break logic. This function returns a real number.
<time unit>
The function will return the downtime delay in any of the following units: SEC, MIN, HR, DAY, and WK.
The following statement models a situation where a location is supposed to go down at 12:00 and always goes back up at
1:00, even if it stays up past 12:00 to finish processing an entity. If the downtime was missed entirely (meaning that the
downtime delay was greater than an hour), then the downtime takes no time at all. If the downtime was not missed
entirely, then it lasts one hour minus the delay.
IF 60 - DTDelay(min) > 0 THEN WAIT (60 - DTDelay(min))
See Also
Shift & Break System Function
Syntax samples
DTLEFT <time units>
Shift_Time = DTLeft()
The DTLEFT function returns the balance of the off-shift or break time remaining for a location or resource
before it resumes normal activities. Unless passed as an argument (e.g., DTLeft(hr)), the return value uses the
time units defined in the General Information Dialog (see General Information).
Valid In
This function can only be referenced in off-shift and break logic (either the pre-start or main logic).
<time units>
The time units, if different from the default found in the General Information dialog, in which you want the return value
Suppose a technician is frequently working on a job when the end of the shift rolls around and that the priority for ending
the shift is not high enough to interrupt the job. To ensure that the technician gets a minimum of 14 hours off before
coming back to work, even though the shift file specified 16 hours between shifts, you could enter the following off-shift
WAIT 14 hr
Please note
In the above example, the SKIP statement is important to skip over the defined time in the shift file.
See Also
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
DYNPLOT "<chart name>"
DYNPLOT "my dynamic plot name"
DYNPLOT "Chart 1"
The DynPlot statement is used to automatically turn on predefined Dynamic Plot windows. Its usage is similar
to that of the View statement. Dynamic Plot windows are predefined during simulation mode. These
predefined Chart views can then be called from any logic statement, invoking the display of the designated
chart during simulation.
Valid In
Any Logic.
<Chart name>
The name of the Dynamic Plot chart as defined in the Dynamic Plots dialog. Enclose the name in quotation marks.
You are giving a presentation to management. Two hours into the simulation, you want a chart to be displayed showing
the value of a WIP variable plotted against average part cost. Four hours into the simulation, you want this chart to
To do this, define a Chart view from the Dynamic Plots dialog, naming your Chart view "WIP vs Cost." Define a
subroutine and call it in the initialization logic using the ACTIVE statement. Enter the following logic in the subroutine:
DYNPLOT "Wip vs Cost"
Wait 2 HR
Please note
Using the statement with a null value (no name defined between the quotation marks) will close all currently
open Dynamic Plot windows.
General Control Statement
Syntax samples
END or }
Defines a statement block along with a corresponding BEGIN statement. BEGIN and END are almost always
used in conjunction with other control statements such as IF...THEN and DO...WHILE. Every END must pair
with a BEGIN.
Valid In
Any logic.
Compare the following examples:
The example below includes a BEGIN and END statement in the form of the "{" and "}" symbols. In this logic, if the
attribute Attr1 equals one, ten Cases are ordered and the variable, Var1, increments. ProModel executes the statements
within the BEGIN and END only if Attr1 equals one.
IF Attr1 = 1 THEN
ORDER 10 Case
INC Var1
Just as in the logic above, if Attr1 in the following example equals one, ten Cases are ordered. However, Var1 increments
no matter what the value of Attr1. Without a statement block, the IF...THEN applies only to the very next statement, no
matter how you format the logic.
IF Attr1 = 1 THEN
ORDER 10 Case
INC Var1
See Also
Type Conversion Function
Syntax samples
ENT(<entity name-index number>)
SEND 10 ENT(Var1) TO Loc1
DISPLAY "Ent A has been combined with" $ ENT(Var1)
Converts a name-index number or integer to an entity name. Use this function when a statement or function
needs the name of an entity whose name index number is stored in an attribute, variable, or some other
expression. ENT() can also be used to vary the entity that a statement references by using an expression for
the name-index number. When used in an expression expecting a string, such as in the second syntax example
above, ProModel will convert the name-index number to the actual name of the entity.
Valid In
Any logic where an entity name is normally used.
<entity name-index number>
The name-index number of the entity desired. This component may be an expression which allows the referenced entity to
change as the simulation progresses. Real numbers will be treated as integers.
The logic below orders three batches of five different entity types to a location, Receiving.
Var1 = 1
WHILE Var1 <= 3 DO
ORDER 5 ENT(Var1) TO Receiving
INC Var1
See Also
Entity-Specific System Function
Syntax samples
Returns the name-index number of the current entity or a particular entity in an entity group. This function is
especially useful in macros and subroutines that vary depending on which entity calls them. Use ENTITY() to
determine what type of entity is processing when an entity type of ALL is specified at a location. For
example, if a common area handles several different parts with essentially the same process, use an
IF...THEN statement in conjunction with an ENTITY() to have individual statement blocks handle the details
of the operation. This function returns an integer.
Valid In
Speed fields, traveling time fields, conveyor speed fields, Resource fields, operation logic, routing fields,
arrival logic, debug user-condition field.
The number of the entity in a group to inspect. For example, ENTITY(3) returns the name-index number of the third
entity in the group. If this option is omitted, the name-index number of the calling entity is returned.
All cars from the motor pool must be washed after use. All cars except vans require ten minutes to wash, and vans require
an additional ten minutes. The logic below models this situation.
General System Function
Syntax samples
DISPLAY "LocA has had" $ ENTRIES(LocA) $ "entries."
Returns the total entries to a location. This function returns an integer.
Valid In
Any logic and any field except those evaluated only at translation. For a list of fields evaluated at translation
see the Appendix A.
The location to examine.
A location, Stores, sends entities, Orders, to a location, Shipping. A variable, Batch_Time, tracks the amount of time it
takes to process 50 Orders. After Loc1 processes 50 entities, we want to reset Batch_Time to zero.
Math Function
Syntax samples
Real1 = EXP(Real2)
Returns the exponential of an expression. This function is equivalent to ex.
Valid In
Any expression. This function returns a real number.
EXP() returns the exponential of this expression.
See Also
Shift & Break System Function
Syntax samples
INC Arr1 [1, 2]
INC Arr1 [2, 2]
This function returns TRUE if the object executing the shift or break logic is a location.
Valid In
Shift or break logic.
We assign three resources (Oper1, Oper2, and Oper3) and two locations (Mill1 and Mill2) to a shift. When the locations
go off-shift, the example uses a resource called Maint for 10 minutes to clean up around the machines. Because we
assigned the same shift to locations and resources, we need to check if the object executing the off-shift logic is a location.
We place the following logic in the off-shift logic:
See Also
FORRESOURCE(). Also see Shift & Break Logic.
String Function
Syntax samples
FORMAT(<expression>, <total number of characters in expression> {,<digits after decimal>})
DISPLAY "The value of Var1 is" $ FORMAT(Var1, 5)
Converts a number to a string in the format specified. FORMAT() should most often be used with the
concatenation operator ("$") and another string, as in the syntax example above. Format is often used in
conjunction with the XWRITE statement to produce formatted output.
Valid In
Any string expression.
This expression will be evaluated and converted to a string. If the expression results in an integer, it will be converted to a
<total number of characters in expression>
This expression formats the number so that it occupies a total space equal to the number of digits before + number of
digits after the decimal + one character for the decimal point. For example if you were to do the following logic:
XWRITE file1 Format (10.0 4 1) XWRITE file1 Format (1.0 4 1), it will show up in the file as 10.0 1.0 with a space
before the 1.0.
<digits after decimal>
An expression that evaluates to the maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal. If there are more digits to the
right of the decimal than this number, the excess digits will be truncated. If there are fewer digits, ProModel will pad the
number with zeros.
The logic below writes formatted output to a file with XWRITE and FORMAT.
XWRITE File1, "The variable Var1 is" $ FORMAT(Var1,5,2)
In this example, if the value of Var1 is 378.87654, it would be written to the file as:
The variable Var1 is 378.87
(Two spaces)
See Also
Shift & Break System Function
Syntax samples
This function returns TRUE if the object executing the shift or break logic is a resource.
Valid In
All Shift or Break logic.
A shift called DAYS.SFT has five resources and eight locations assigned to it. When the resources go offshift, it is desired to write the resource name and simulation time to a file called RES_TIME. The following
logic is placed in the off-shift logic.
XWRITE res_time, "Shift for" $ RES(Resource()) $ "ended at" $ Clock(hr) $ "."
See Also
FORLOCATION(). Also see Shift & Break Logic.
Resource-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
FREE {<quantity>} <resource>, {{quantity} <resource>...}
FREE Res1, 2 Res2, 5 Res3A
Frees resources which are currently "owned" by the current entity. These resources must have been captured
through a GET or JOINTLY GET statement.
Valid In
Location processing logic and downtime logic.
The number of the following resource to free. A value of zero is ignored and values less than zero result in an error. This
quantity may be any numeric expression and is evaluated and truncated to an integer every time the FREE statement is
The name of the resource to free. The ALL keyword may be used here to free all resources owned by an entity. Any
resource which is not owned by the entity will be ignored.
In the following example, EntA arrives at Loc1 for a multi-step process requiring the use of resources Res1 and Res2. The
first step requires the simultaneous use of Res1 and Res2 for a normally distributed amount of time. ProModel then frees
Res1while Res2 performs the second step of the process according to a Lognormal distribution.
General System Function
Syntax samples
Returns the available capacity of a location. This function returns an integer.
Valid In
Any logic and any field except those fields evaluated only at translation time. For a list of fields evaluated
only at translation time, see the Appendix A.
The name of the location to examine. The LOC() function may also be used here.
Suppose the entities, Plates and Cams, travel through an assembly line. The location, Assembly (capacity=1) joins Cams
with the Plates. When a Cam finishes processing at Station2, it should not enter Station3 unless a Plate is waiting to join
with it further down the assembly line at Assembly. If there is no Plate at Assembly, another location, Buffer, sends one.
The logic for Cam at Station2 is as follows:
IF FREECAP(Assembly) = 1 THEN
SEND 1 Plate TO Assembly
See Also
General System Function
Syntax samples
FREEUNITS(<location> or <resource>)
USE (FREEUNITS(Res1)) Res1 FOR 5 min
Returns the free units of a location or resource.
Valid In
Any logic and any field except those fields evaluated only at translation time. For a list of fields evaluated
only at translation time, see the Appendix A.
The name of the location to examine.
The name of the resource to examine.
This example uses FREEUNITS() to assign a team of Specialists to rework a problem. The size of the team, stored in the
local variable T_Size, is determined by all the free Specialist units. Team_Time is a table function that varies the amount
of time it takes to solve a problem (the amount of time in the USE statement) based on the number of units on the team.
Resource-Related Operation/Move Logic Statement
Syntax samples
GET {<quantity>} <resource> {,<priority>}
{AND or OR {quantity} <resource> {,<priority>}...}
GET Res1
GET 3 Res1, 5
GET 2 Res1OR 3 Res2
GET Res1, 3 AND (Res2 OR Res3)
GET Res(Skill_required)
Captures a specified number of resources as they become available. If the entity already possesses one of the
requested resources, the entity will still try to capture an additional unit of that resource. When capturing
multiple resources, each resource will be captured as soon as it becomes available until all resources are
A resource captured with the GET statement at one location and then released with a FREE statement at
another location will not be used to move the entity between locations unless it is also specified in a MOVE
WITH statement in the routing move logic. Otherwise, it is the entity that is moving the resource from one
location to the next and the resource will not be visible when moving with the entity.
Resources captured by a GET statement can only be preempted when the entity owning the resource is
undergoing a WAIT or USE time except in move logic. If the resource is preempted during one of those
times, the time will continue where it left off when the resource becomes available.
Every GET must have a corresponding FREE or an error occurs when the entity exits the system. If an entity
owns one or more resources and is subsequently temporarily loaded onto or grouped with another entity, it
cannot free the resource(s) until it is unloaded or ungrouped.
Valid In
Location processing, downtime, move, and shift logic. A GET statement cannot follow a move related
statement in move logic.
The number of resources to get. A value of zero is ignored and values less than zero return an error. This numeric
expression is evaluated and truncated every time the GET statement is encountered.
The name of the resource to GET. You can substitute RES() for the resource name.
When multiple entities are waiting for the same resource to become available, the entity with the highest priority will
capture the resource first. This expression should be a number between 0 and 999.
To start a semi-automatic welding process, we need a static resource named "Operator." Midway through the process, the
Operator tests the weld with a resource named "Tester," shared with other operators. After the test, the operator restarts
the welder. The Operator stays with the welder until he or she completes the last part of the operation. After the welding
process the operator moves the part to the buffing area, completes the buffing operation and then is freed.
Cost Related Function
Syntax samples
Returns the cost of the current entity executing the logic. Use this function to return the entitys actual,
accumulated dollar amount.
Valid In
Operation logic only.
The following example shows how to use the GETCOST() function to generate a Time Series plot that tracks changing
entity cost as entities exit the system. (See table below.)
Create a variable (e.g., Var1), select it to be of type real, and select time series statistics.
For any location where an entity exits the system, place the following as the last line in operation logic:
Var1 = GETCOST()
General System Function
Syntax samples
Returns the number of the currently running replication.
Valid In
Any Logic.
Based on the current replication, you may want to make a decision regarding the exporting of array data.
In this case, you could use an IF THEN statement combined with the GETREPLICATIONNUM() function to decide what
data to export based on the currently running replication.
Cost Related Function
Syntax samples
Returns the cost rate specified in the Cost dialog or through the SETRATE() function for a resource currently
owned by the entity making the function call. When used without the optional <resource> parameter, this
function returns the cost rate of the entitys most recently captured, owned resource.
If an entity owns multiple units of a resource, the function returns the cost rate of the entitys most recently
captured resource unit.
Valid In
Operation and move logic.
A resource currently owned by the entity making the function call. When you use GETRESRATE without this parameter,
this function returns the cost rate of the entitys most recently captured, owned resource.
A clerk normally works an 8-hour shift. However, if the clerk does not finish entering all the orders in his Input_Queue at
the end of the day, he must stay and finish them. Since the clerk is paid time-and-a-half for any overtime, you must
increment the cost of the resource by an additional half of the normal rate to get the overtime rate. To do this, set a
variable equal to 1 in the pre-off-shift logic for the resource, indicating the resource should go off-shift. If the variable is
equal to 1, increment the cost of a resource by half the original rate. (Since each unit of the clerk has a different rate, you
must obtain the cost rate for the resource owned by the entity.)
General Control Statement
Syntax samples
GOTO <label ID>
Jumps to the statement identified by the designated label. A label should follow the normal rules for names
except that it is followed by a colon in the logic. GOTO statements may be replaced by IF...THEN...ELSE
Valid In
Any logic.
<label ID>
The name of the label to switch to. Omit the colon on the label name here.
This example shows how a GOTO statement is used to skip over the first two increment statements based on the value of
an attribute.
General Operation Statement
Syntax samples
GRAPHIC <expression>
Changes the entitys or resources current graphic. Entities and resources are assigned graphics from the
graphics library in the Entity or Resource editor. Use the GRAPHIC to show the result of a process. For
example, when a customer sits down, the graphic could change from a standing person to a sitting person.
Valid In
When used in node entry, node exit, and resource-downtime logic, GRAPHIC changes a resources graphic.
When used in location processing logic, move logic, and arrival logic, GRAPHIC changes an entitys graphic.
The number of the entitys or resources new graphic.
In the example below, EntA arrives at Loc1 for a two step operation. Upon arrival, the graphic icon of the entity changes
to Graphic 2. After the first two minute processing time the icon changes to Graphic 3. Finally, the icon changes to
Graphic 4 after the second two minute processing time. (The difference between the two graphics may only be color, but
the two could be completely different.)
Entity-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
GROUP <expression> {AS <entity name>}
GROUP (Var1+Var2)
Accumulates and temporarily consolidates a specified quantity of entities into a single GROUP shell entity.
The shell entity retains the same attributes as the first entity that was grouped into the shell. However, if the
GROUP AS statement is used, the new shell entity does not retain any attribute values, even if the same name
is used for the GROUP shell entity as the entities that have been grouped.
The individual entities comprising the group retain their identities, attributes, and resources and are divided
from the group when an UNGROUP statement is encountered. The first entity processed from the group takes
any resources the group owns. Entities in a group can be grouped into a larger group at another location.
Valid In
The operation column of process edit tables only. GROUP may not be used in combination with COMBINE,
CREATE, LOAD, UNLOAD, SPLIT AS, other GROUP statements in the same processing logic, or with
conveyors. An exception to this rule is that an UNGROUP statement may follow a GROUP statement in the
same process.
The number of entities to group. If this expression is zero, the statement is ignored. If it is less than zero, it generates an
This expression is evaluated every time an entity encounters the GROUP statement, so the amount of entities to be
combined can vary as the simulation progresses. If it becomes less than or equal to the number of entities already waiting
to be combined, the entity that encountered the GROUP statement will be grouped with all the waiting entities.
AS <new entity name>
The optional name of the resulting entity. If left off, the new entity will have the same name as the last entity to complete
the group.
In this example, Man, Woman, and Child are grouped together at Floor1 before getting on an elevator. The group of entity
types, called Grp_A, is then routed to Floor2 where it will be ungrouped. (See the UNGROUP statement example.)
Entity-Specific System Function
Syntax samples
GROUPQTY({<entity name>})
IF GROUPQTY(Part1) > 5 THEN...
Returns the number of entities of a specified type in a grouped or loaded entity. If no name is specified, it returns the
entire group quantity. If it is a loaded entity, it will only return the number of temporarily loaded entities, not the base
entity. For example, if four Castings are temporarily loaded onto a Pallet and called Batch, the GroupQty() will return the
number of Castings (i.e., 4), which does not include the base entity Pallet.
In the case of hybrid nested groups with several mixed and nested levels of groups and loads, GroupQty() returns the
number of entities in the uppermost level only.
Valid In
Speed fields, traveling-time fields, conveyor-speed fields, Resource fields, operation logic, routing fields,
arrival logic, and debug user-condition fields. This function returns an integer.
<entity name>
The optional specific type of entity to search for in the group.
A group of entities called GRPA arrives at Loc1 and process for some amount of time according to a Normal distribution.
If the group contains three or more entities it routes to Loc2, otherwise it routes to Loc3. Routing requires 1.2 minutes.
General Control Statement
Syntax samples
IF <Boolean expression> THEN <statement 1> {ELSE <statement 2>}
Executes a statement or statement block if the Boolean expression is true. If an ELSE statement is included
and the Boolean expression is false, an alternate statement or statement block is executed. For an IF...THEN
statement to be broken into more than one line, the first item on the next line must be THEN, AND, or OR.
IF...THEN statements only apply to the next statement or statement block in a logic. Any statements outside
of the BEGIN and END will execute normally. See BEGIN and END for examples.
Valid In
Any logic.
<Boolean expression>
The condition to be tested.
THEN <statement 1>
The statement or block to be executed if the condition is true.
ELSE <statement 2>
The statement or block to be executed if the condition is false.
In the following example an IF...THEN...ELSE test is made to see if the simulation clock is less than eight hours. If so,
the Client is routed to Office1, otherwise the Client is routed to Office2.
General Operation Statement
Syntax samples
INC <name>{, <expression>}
INC Var1
INC Attr2, 5+Var1
Increments a variable, array element, or attribute by the value of a specified numeric expression. When
counting the number of entities a location has processed, increment a variable at the end of the processing
Valid In
Any logic.
The name of any variable, array element, or attribute.
The amount to increment the value. If this expression is omitted, the value will be incremented by one. This can be a
negative number.
The following example increments two variables in the exit logic. Num_complete is incremented by one, and Count is
incremented by the expression Attr1*Attr2.
Cost Related Statement
Syntax samples
INCENTCOST <expression>
Enables you to increment the cost (positively or negatively) of the current entity by a given amount. Use this
function to add to the entitys actual, accumulated dollar amount.
Please note
When working with new entities created through a ROUTE statement, use INCENTCOST to assign an initial
cost to entities. Initial entity cost defined for an entity in the cost module applies to entities entering the
system through a scheduled arrival, the CREATE statement, or the ORDER statement.
Valid In
Operation and Move logic.
The positive or negative change to the value of cost.
The logic below allows you to add an initial cost to an entity implicitly created through the ROUTE statement. In the
following example, a Pallet of entities, PalletA, arrives at Unload_Loc where workers unload entities called Box every 20
seconds until the pallet is empty. ProModel determines the number of Boxes unloaded from PalletA by the value of
PalletAs attribute, Qty_Attr. In Move Logic, the statement "IncEntCost 10" adds an initial cost of 10 dollars to each
implicitly created entity, Box.
Cost Related Statement
Syntax samples
INCLOCCOST <expression>
Enables you to increment the cost (positively or negatively) of the current location by a given amount. Use
this function to add to the locations actual, accumulated dollar amount.
Valid In
Operation logic.
The positive or negative change to the value of cost.
The logic below shows how to add a cost per entry to a location for an entering entity. ProModel automatically tracks
operation cost per time unit specified in the cost dialog, however, you may assign a one time cost each time an entity
enters a location.
In the following example, an entity, EntA, arrives for inspection at location Inspect. We define no rate of operation cost
for Inspect because each inspection accrues a one time cost regardless of how long the entity remains at Inspect. At
Inspect, workers inspect EntA. After inspection, ProModel adds the cost to the location through the IncLocCost statement
and then to the entity with the IncEntCost statement.
Cost Related Statement
Syntax samples
INCRESCOST <cost expression> {,<resource>}
INCRESCOST GETRESRATE(Operator1)*20, Operator1
Enables you to increment the cost (positively or negatively) of a resource currently owned by the entity
executing the statement. Use this function to add to the resources actual, accumulated dollar amount. When
used without the optional <resource> parameter, this statement increments the cost rate of the entitys most
recently captured, owned resource.
If an entity owns multiple units of a resource, the cost distributes evenly to each unit.
Valid In
Operation and move logic.
<cost expression>
The positive or negative change to the value of cost.
A resource currently owned by the entity executing the statement. When used without the parameter, this statement
increments the cost rate of the entitys most recently captured, owned resource.
A clerk normally works an 8-hour shift. However, if the clerk does not finish entering all the orders in his Input_Queue at
the end of the day, he must stay and finish them. Since the clerk is paid time-and-a-half for any overtime, you must
increment the cost of the resource by an additional half of the normal rate to get the overtime rate. To do this, set a
variable equal to 1 in the pre-off-shift logic for the resource, indicating the resource should go off-shift. If the variable is
equal to 1, increment the cost of a resource by half the original rate.
Local Variable Declaration Statement
Syntax samples
INT <name1>{= <expression1>, <name2>= <expression2>...)
INT Count
INT Count = 1
INT Count = 1, Test = FREECAP(Loc2)
Creates a local variable of type integer. Local variables work much the same as attributes, except that they
only are available within the logic that declares them. A new variable will be created for each entity that
encounters an INT statement. Local variables are not directly available to subroutines, which have their own
local variables. However, a local variable may be passed to a subroutine as a parameter. Local variables are
available inside referenced macros.
Use local variables where ever possible for the test variable in WHILE...DO, DO...WHILE, and DO...UNTIL
Valid In
Any logic. Variables declared with INT are valid in any expression within the logic where a normal integer
number is valid.
An identifier for the local variable. This identifier must be a valid name.
The variable will initially be assigned this value. This expression is evaluated every time the INT statement is
A plant manufactures pipes of 12 different types, such as 2" steel, 4" aluminum, etc. All workers inspect pipes at a
common inspection station after which they move to a dock where other workers load them into boxes. The boxes are
designed to hold only certain types of pipes. Therefore a box designed to hold 2" steel pipes can only hold 2" steel pipes,
not 4" aluminum pipes.
Suppose a Box, enters a multi-capacity location, Dock. Each Box has a different entity attribute, b_type, describing the
type of pipe it can hold. Workers load pipes into the Box. Workers must load the 2" steel pipes into the box designed to
hold the 2" steel pipes. Therefore, the attribute value of the Pipe, p_type, must match the attribute value of the Box,
b_type. We can use local variables to accomplish this modeling task. In the following example, we defined X as a local
variable and set it equal to b_type:
Entity-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
JOIN <expression> <entity name> {,<priority>}
JOIN Var1 EntA, 1
Joins a specified quantity of a designated entity type to the current entity. The entities joined to the current
entity lose their identities and any resources owned by the joining entities are transferred automatically to the
base entity. Use JOIN to simulate a component being assembled to a main part, such as when wings are
attached to the fuselage of an airplane.
Entities to be joined must be routed to the current location with a JOIN rule. The current entity waits until
enough entities to fill its request have been routed to the current location with a JOIN rule.
The resulting entity retains the attributes and name of the base entity. To transfer attributes from the joining
entity to the current entity, in the exit logic for the joining entity, copy the desired attribute to a global
variable. Then assign the global variable to the attribute of the base entity after the JOIN statement in the
processing logic.
All resources owned by the joining entity are transferred to the base entity.
To JOIN an entity with a specific attribute value to another entity with the same attribute value, use the
LOAD PERM statement .
Valid In
Operation logic only. More than one JOIN statement may be used in the same logic.
The number of entities to be joined. A zero value is ignored and a negative value generates an error. This expression is
evaluated when each entity first encounters it, but is not re-evaluated as the requested entities are joined.
<entity name>
The entity type to be joined to the base entity. Joining entities must come from a JOIN routing and lose their identity once
An entity with a higher priority will have arriving entities joined to it before one with a lower priority. This expression
should be a number between 0 and 999. For more information on priorities, see Priorities, at the beginning of this section.
A certain location on an assembly line manufacturing cars attaches doors built on another assembly line. When the Body
of the car arrives at the Assembly location, we attach a left door, Ldoor, and a right door, Rdoor, with a JOIN statement.
The paint station paints the doors and routes them to Assembly with a JOIN rule. Note that the Body will wait until we
join both doors before routing to the next location.
Jointly Get
Resource-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
JOINTLY GET {<quantity>} <resource>
{AND or OR {<quantity>} <resource> {,<priority>}}
JOINTLY GET 2 Res1 OR 3 Res2
JOINTLY GET Res1,3 AND (Res2 OR Res3)
JOINTLY GET 2 Res(Attribute1)
Captures a specified number of resources when that number of resources is available. When capturing
multiple resources, none of the resources will be captured until all are available. If the entity already possesses
one or more of the requested resources, the entity will still try to capture additional units of the specified
Valid In
Location processing, downtime, move, and shift logic.
The number of resources to get. A value of zero is ignored and values less than zero return an error. This numeric
expression is evaluated and truncated every time the JOINTLY GET statement is encountered.
<resource >
The name of the resource to JOINTLY GET. RES() can be substituted for the resource name.
When multiple entities request a resource, the requests will be filled in order of priority. This expression should be a
number between 0 and 999.
In the following example (which also demonstrates the FREE statement) EntA arrives at Loc1 for a multi-step process.
Because the first step of the process uses Res1 and Res2 simultaneously, a JOINTLY GET statement is issued to ensure
that both resources are available before the process begins. The resources are then freed independently.
Resource-Specific System Function
Syntax samples
IF LAST() = 13 THEN Var3 = 0
IF LAST() = PathNet1.N1 THEN INC Var1
Returns the name-index number of the node from which a resource has just traveled. LAST() can be useful to
choose the appropriate graphic or to reset a variable. You can also check the name-index number of the last
node by specifying <path network name>. <name of the node>. For example, if you wanted to know if the last
node was N5 on the network Net3, you could specify "IF LAST() = Net3.N5 THEN..." in the node entry
Valid In
Node entry logic.
This Entry Logic window shows that whenever a resource enters a particular node a check is made to see if the nameindex number of the last node equals one. If so, the resource graphic is changed to Graphic 2, otherwise it is changed to
Graphic 3.
Math Function
Syntax samples
Real1 = LN(Real2)
Returns the natural logarithm of an expression.
Valid In
Any expression. This function returns a real number.
LN() returns the natural logarithm of this expression.
See Also
Please note
To get a logarithm to a particular base, use the following formula:
logbase<expression> = LN<expression>/LN<base>
Entity-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
LOAD <expression> {PERM}{IFF <Boolean expression>}{IN <time>}{,<priority>}
LOAD 5, 99
LOAD 5 IFF Attr3 > 2 IN 5 min
LOAD Pallet_Capacity LOAD 5 PERM IN 10 min
Loads a specified quantity of entities onto a base entity. Temporarily loaded entities retain their identity and
may be unloaded with an UNLOAD statement. Permanently loaded entities, using the PERM option in the
LOAD statement, do not retain their identity and cannot be unloaded later. Loaded entities must be routed to
the loading location using the LOAD routing rule. Additional entities may be added to an entitys existing
load with additional LOAD statements. Use LOAD to model parts placed into a container or pallet when they
must be removed later. If a base entity owns a resource when the entities are unloaded the resource stays with
the base entity. Any resources owned by permanently loading entities are transferred automatically to the base
entity. Any resources owned by temporary loading entities are kept and cannot be freed until the entities are
Valid In
Operation logic only. A process may contain multiple load statements and no more than one UNLOAD
statement following all LOAD statements. LOAD may not be used in the same process with SPLIT AS,
The number of entities to load onto the base entity. This expression is evaluated at the time the entity encounters the
LOAD request.
This option causes the LOAD to behave the same as the JOIN statement. It will permanently join entities to the base entity
executing the LOAD statement. Any resources owned by the permanently loading entities are transferred automatically to
the base entity.
IFF <Boolean expression>
This option allows the LOAD command to be conditional. Any attributes, entity functions, or location functions apply to
the entity to be loaded, not to the base entity. This technique allows only entities with certain properties to be loaded onto
the base entity. To use attributes, entity functions, and location functions that apply to the base entity, assign the desired
value to a local variable and use the local variable in the Boolean expression.
IN <time>
The entity will load entities up to the specified limit for this amount of time and then go on. Entities loaded with this
option may have a load smaller than the specified amount.
Waiting entities will load arriving entities by priority. This expression should be a number between 0 and 999.
LOAD does not transfer cost or statistics of the loaded entity. However, if the PERM option is used, the cost
of the loading entity does get transferred to the base entity.
In this example, boxes are loaded onto a semi-truck. The quantity is determined by the value of the Trucks attribute,
Attr1. The resulting entity retains the name Truck and is sent on to its final destination, New York, Chicago, or Boston.
Name-Index-Number Conversion Function
Syntax samples
LOC(<location name-index number>)
DISPLAY "EntA arrived at" $ LOC(5)
Converts a name-index number or integer to a location name. Use this function when a statement or function
needs the name of a location but whose name-index number is stored in an attribute, variable, or some other
expression. It can also be used to vary a selected location based on the name-index number stored in the
expression. When used in a string expression, as in the second syntax example above, ProModel will convert
the name-index number to the actual name of the location. If the expression points to a unit of a multi-unit
location, then the LOC() function will return the name of the parent location.
Valid In
Any statement where a location name is normally used, including the Destination field of the Routing edit
table. Also used in string expressions.
<location name-index number>
The name-index number of the desired location. This component may be an expression, allowing the location to vary as
the simulation progresses. Real numbers will be truncated to integers.
Suppose there are five locations which appear one after the other in the Location edit table as follows: Dock1, Dock2,
Dock3, Dock4, Dock5. Shipments could be ordered to each of the five locations in rotation with the following logic. Note
that Dist() is a user-defined distribution that returns an integer value for the number of Shipments to order.
INT Var1 = 1
WHILE Var1 <= 5 DO
ORDER Dist() Shipments TO LOC(Var1)
INC Var1
See Also
ENT(), RES(), and LOCATION().
General System Function
Syntax samples
LOCSTATE (<locationname>)
Returns a value indicating the current state of the specified location. Return values will range from 1-7, which
translate to the following:
1 = idle/empty
2 = setup
3 = operating
4 = blocked
5 = waiting
6 = up (multi-capacity location)
7 = down
Valid In
Any Logic.
The name of the location.
Location-Specific System Function
Syntax samples
Attr1 = LOCATION()
Returns the current locations name-index number. This function is especially useful in macros and
subroutines that vary depending on which locations logic calls them. By using a LOCATION() function with
an IF...THEN statement, the macro or subroutine can act differently depending on the location that called it.
Also, the same technique can be used to determine which location is carrying out a process when ALL is used
as the process location.
Valid In
Any logic.
The individual ovens of a ceramics plant have different capacities, but are otherwise exactly the same. While each oven
could be modeled as an individual location, it would be easier to model this situation as a multi-unit location. This
example uses CAP() and LOCATION() in the processing logic of the parent location to accumulate enough Sinks to fill
each oven.
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
LOG <string>, <expression>
LOG "Activity Time", Attr1
ProModel assumes that the time stored in the expression is in the models default time units set in the General
Information dialog box. Use the LOG statement to record the time from one statement to another statement by
storing the time of the first statement in an attribute, variable, or array element with CLOCK() and using the
same attribute, variable, or array element as the expression in the LOG statement. Use the LOG statement to
determine throughput time or throughput in a particular section of the facility.
Valid In
Downtime logic, location processing logic, node entry and exit logic, and routing exit logic.
This string will be stored in the file before the result of the log expression and may not be a string expression. Use this
string to identify the number that follows.
The result of this expression subtracted from the models current time will be stored in the file <model name>.LAP, after
the string above.
The example below shows a LOG statement used to capture each Clients total throughput time as they travel through the
system. Time starts when the Client arrives at Receptionist and stops when the Client exits through the door. The first
process sets attribute CT equal to the current clock time. Next, Clients are sent randomly to one of three offices. Finally,
when a Client leaves the system at location OutDoor, the LOG statement records the cycle time by subtracting the time
stored in attribute CT from the current simulation time.
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
MAPARR <array name>{TO <variable name>}
MAPARR Array1 TO Var10
Starting with the variable you specify, the MAPARR statement maps each individual cell of an array to a
unique variable (i.e., if you define 12 cells for the array, the array will map to 12 variables). To display the
cell value of a mapped array, create a variable graphic for the variable to which you mapped the array cell.
ProModel collects statistics for an array cell through the variable to which you mapped the cell. (Choose
"Basic" or "Time Series" statistics for a mapped variable, then view the variable in the Statistics Output
If you do not specify the optional variable name in the statement, ProModel will unmap the array from the
variables to which you originally mapped it. You can remap arrays by using the MAPARR statement again.
Valid In
Any logic.
<array name>
Map, unmap, or remap this array. The brackets, [ ], are unnecessary after the array name in the statement.
TO <variable name>
The optional name of the variable to which you map the first cell in the array. If you do not specify a name, ProModel will
unmap the array from the variables.
Suppose you want to dynamically view an array, Storage_Array, during simulation. The array has a dimension of 2x3x2
(a three-dimensional array with 2 cells in the first dimension, 3 cells in the second, and 2 cells in the third) and contains a
total of 12 cells (multiply all the dimensions together).
Since you already used the first 8 of the 30 variables defined in the model, Var1 through Var30, you will start mapping the
array with Var9 and end with Var20 (the 12th variable from Var9 listed in the Variables module). In the initialization
logic, use the following statement:
MAPARR Storage_Array TO Var9
The cells in Storage_Array will map to variables Var9 to Var20 in the following order:
[1,1,1] ... Var9
[1,1,2] ... Var10
[1,2,1] ... Var11
[1,2,2] ... Var12
[1,3,1] ... Var13
[1,3,2] ... Var14
[2,1,1] ... Var15
[2,1,2] ... Var16
[2,2,1] ... Var17
[2,2,2] ... Var18
Please note
Changing the cell value of a mapped array will change the value stored in the array cell AND the value of the
variable to which you mapped the specific cell. Changing the value of a variable (e.g., INC Var12), however,
will change ONLY the variable value and NOT the cell value of the mapped array cell. Also, when you use a
mapped array in an expression, the array returns the value of the variable mapped to it.
Entity-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
MATCH <attribute>
Causes the current entity to wait until the value of the specified attribute matches the value of another entitys
same attribute. Both entities must have a corresponding MATCH statement specified for the same attribute
name. The two entities may be at any location in the model, including the same location and two completely
unrelated locations. Therefore, the value of the attribute to MATCH should almost always be assigned to the
value of a global variable incremented for each entity that will be matched, as in the following example.
Locations using the MATCH statement usually should be multi-capacity because otherwise they would not be
able to process any other entities until the MATCH was made. Additionally, locations using MATCH usually
should be non-queuing to allow the entities to move out of sequence when the MATCH is fulfilled.
Use the MATCH statement to pair two specific parts before assembling them, or to match a work order to a
completed job.
Valid In
The operation column of process edit tables only.
Any attribute associated with the processing entity.
You can use a MATCH to recombine the parts of an entity which has been split using multiple routing blocks. In the
example below, every time an EntAB arrives at the location, the variable Count increments. ProModel assigns Attr1 for
EntAB the value of count, which ensures that each EntAB will have a unique value for Attr1. Additionally, when each
EntAB is split into EntA and EntB, both of the resulting entities, (EntA and EntB) will have the same value for Attr1.
EntA and EntB then travel independently through their respective processing steps, denoted by the ellipses. Finally, EntA
and EntB arrive at Loc10A and Loc10B respectively, where each piece must wait for its matching half to arrive before
consolidating the entities with the JOIN construct.
Entity-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
MOVE {FOR <time expression>}
MOVE FOR .25 min
Moves the entity to the end of a queue or conveyor location. Use the MOVE statement to explicitly control
the movement of an entity through a queue or conveyor.
Please note
If there is no MOVE statement, when an entity enters a queue or conveyor, it executes all the processing logic
defined for the entity at that location and then moves to the end of the queue or conveyor. For queues, its
movement time is based on the entitys speed and the queues length. For conveyors, its movement time is
based on the conveyor speed and length.
If an entity processing at a queue or conveyor encounters a MOVE statement, the entity stops executing the
processing logic, moves to the end of the queue or conveyor in the appropriate amount of time, and then
resumes the processing logic. The move-time for an entity on a conveyor is calculated using the following
Time = (Conveyor Length - Entity Length or Width)/Conveyor Speed
For queues only, a MOVE may optionally be followed by a FOR statement and then a move-time. If a movetime is specified, the entity moves through the queue in the specified amount of time regardless of the entitys
speed and the queues length. Entities with shorter move times will catch up to, but will not pass, entities with
longer move times.
If a queue is not empty when an entity enters the queue, then the move-time will continue to elapse even
though the arriving entitys graphic may have stopped moving. When an entitys move-time has elapsed, an
entity will begin executing any logic following the MOVE statement and then will be available for routing,
even if graphically the entity does not appear to be at the end of the queue.
For a conveyor, if additional logic follows a MOVE statement, the entity must advance to the last position on
the conveyor before the remaining logic is executed.
Valid In
The operation column of process edit tables only, and only if the location is a queue or a conveyor. MOVE
may only be used once per logic.
<time expression>
The amount of time needed for the entity to travel through the queue. This expression is ignored for conveyors. It is
evaluated every time the statement is encountered and should be on the same line as the MOVE command.
The example below shows the processing steps necessary to mimic the behavior of a queue system using MOVE
statements. Locations Queue1, Queue2 and Queue3 should each be represented graphically with a queue symbol. The
time value in the MOVE statement represents the time required to traverse each queue section from beginning to end
when the queue is empty.
Move For
Entity-Related Move Logic Statement
Syntax samples
MOVE FOR <time>
MOVE FOR 2.5 + CleanupTime
MOVE FOR N(8, .5) + 3 sec
Used to specify the amount of time required to move the entity. A move-time of zero may be entered to cause
events for other entities occurring at the same simulation time to be processed before any additional logic is
processed for the current entity. If no move related statement (MOVE FOR, MOVE ON, MOVE WITH) is
specified, the entity instantly enters the next location and immediately begins executing the operation logic
for that location.
Valid In
This statement is valid in Move Logic. MOVE FOR may be encountered only once by an entity in the same
The length of time the system takes to execute the move. This expression is evaluated whenever the statement is
encountered. If no time unit is specified, the default time unit specified in the General Information dialog is applied.
It takes 4 minutes for the entity, Cutter, to move from one location, Grinder, to the next location, Profiler.
Move On
Entity-Related Move Logic Statement
Syntax samples
MOVE ON <path network>
MOVE ON StatPath2
Use this statement to move an entity along a path network.
Valid In
This statement is valid only in Move Logic. MOVE ON may only be encountered once by an entity in the
same move logic.
<path network>
Any valid path network name.
An entity, EntA, moves from StationA to StationB along a network called Net1.
Move With
Entity-Related Move Logic Statement
Syntax samples
MOVE WITH <res1> {,p1}
OR <res2> {,p1}
{FOR <time >} {THEN FREE}
MOVE WITH Technician, 100
MOVE WITH Operator1, 399 FOR 3 min
MOVE WITH Operator1 OR Operator2
This statement is used to move an entity using a designated resource such as a person or forklift. With the OR
operator, you can designate alternative resources for making the move. In this case, the statement captures the
first available resource designated in its expression and makes the move. As soon as the destination becomes
available, the entity implicitly gets the resource. However, if one of the resources is already owned by the
entity, it will use that resource.
It also allows you to set the priority (p1) for accessing the designated resource. If the resource is already
owned by the entity, this priority is ignored.
If the resource is static, you may specify a time (FOR <time expression>) for the move. If a resource is
dynamic, a time (FOR <time expression>) is not valid. If you use "FOR <time>" with a dynamic resource,
ProModel ignores the time. The resource will travel based on either the time or speed/distance defined in the
path networks module.
The resource used to make the move is freed only if the THEN FREE option is used.
Valid In
This statement is valid only in Move Logic. MOVE WITH may only be encountered once by an entity in the
same move logic.
Resource to be captured and used to transport the entity.
Alternate resource to be captured and used to transport the entity.
The priority for accessing the resource. If the resource is already owned by the entity, this priority is ignored.
The length of time the system takes to execute the move. Used only if the resource is static. This expression is evaluated
whenever the statement is encountered. If no time unit is specified, the default time unit specified in the General
Information dialog is applied.
An entity moving from Station A to Station B may use either Tech1 or Tech2 to move the entity depending on which one
is available first. The resource is freed after the move.
See Also
MOVE FOR and MOVE ON. Also see Routing Move Logic.
Resource-Specific System Function
Syntax samples
IF NEXT() = PathNet5.N11 THEN Var5=3
Returns the name-index number of the resources destination node. Use NEXT() to determine the direction an
entity is headed and choose the appropriate graphic. This function can be used to control interference between
multiple transporters on the same path network. You can also check the name-index number of the next node
by specifying <path network name>. <name of the node>. For example, if you wanted to know if the next
node is N5 on the network Net3, you could specify "IF NEXT() = Net3.N5 THEN..." in the node exit logic.
Valid In
Node exit logic. This function returns a name-index number.
This Exit Logic window shows that whenever the resource leaves a node a check is made to see if the name-index number
of the next node equals 1. If so, the resource graphic is changed to Graphic 3. (Otherwise it is changed to Graphic 2.)
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
ORDER <expression> <entity> {TO <location>}
ORDER 10 EntA TO Loc2
ORDER Order_Qty_Attr ENT(Entity_Attr) TO LOC(Loc_Attr)
Causes the specified number of entities to be created and placed into the system at the designated location. If
the location does not have enough capacity for all the new entities, the excess entities will be destroyed.
Attributes from the creating entity will be copied to the resulting entities. Use ORDER to replenish
inventories when a particular condition occurs. Such as when an inventory reaches the minimum level.
Valid In
Any logic.
The number of new entities to be ordered. This field is evaluated every time the ORDER statement is encountered,
allowing the number ordered to vary as the simulation progresses.
The name of the new entities. ENT() may be used for an entity name.
The destination of the new entities. LOC() may be substituted for the names of locations. If no location is specified, the
entities will be ordered to the location of the ORDER statement.
In this example, EntA arrives at LocA1 and triggers an order for 100 EntBs to LocB1.
Resource-Specific System Function
Syntax samples
OWNEDRESOURCE ({<expression >})
Returns the name-index number of the nth resource currently owned by the entity or downtime making the
function call. The function parameter indicates the position of the resource in the chronological list of owned
resources. For example, OwnedResource(1) returns the longest owned resource in the list and so on.
When used without a parameter, this function returns the most recent resource that the entity captured and still
owns. If the parameter value is not within the range of the resource list, or if the entity or downtime currently
does not own a resource, the function will return a 0 (zero) without a warning or error message.
A preempted resource is NOT removed from the list but marked temporarily to indicate that the preemptee
does not own the resource. After the resource resumes the original process after being preempted, it retains its
original rank in the list.
Valid In
Entity speed fields, traveling-time fields, resource fields, resource downtime logic, location processing logic,
location downtime logic, routing fields, arrival logic, debug user-condition fields, and move logic.
The nth resource currently owned by the entity or downtime making the function call. When this parameter is not used,
the function returns the last resource captured that is still owned by the entity.
Suppose an entity owns two resources. The first resource was captured using the statement GET Worker. The second
resource was captured using the statement GET Oper1 OR Oper2. We know the entity owns the resource Worker, but we
do not know if the entity owns Oper1 or Oper2. It is time to release the second resource so we use the following logic:
See Also
RES(), GET, JOINTLY GET, USE, and FREE. Also see Resources.
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
PAUSE {<string expression>}
PAUSE "Var1 =" $ Var1
PAUSE "Reached the midpoint of the simulation."
Pauses the simulation and optionally displays a message at some point of interest. This pause allows the user
to examine the system in detail. An information dialog box will appear on the animation screen when the
pause occurs. The simulation will continue only when the user selects Resume Simulation from the
Simulation menu.
Valid In
Any logic.
<string expression>
The optional message to display.
The simple example below pauses the simulation after the 100th EntA has been processed at Loc1. The purpose for doing
this might be to view the current state of the system at this particular point in time.
General System Function
Syntax samples
PERCENTOP (<locationname>)
Returns the cumulative operation time percentage for the specified, single-capacity location. The value
returned by this function represents the cumulative percentage of time the location was actually processing an
entity up to the point where the function was called.
If PercentOp() is called for a multiple-capacity location, the value returned will always be zero, since
operation time percentage is not calculated for multiple-capacity location
Note: The method used to calculate operation percentage for this function is the same method used in the
output statistics.
Valid In
Any Logic.
The name of the location.
General System Function
Syntax samples
PERCENTUTIL (<locationname>)
Returns the cumulative utilization percentage for the specified location. The value returned by this function
represents the cumulative percentage of capacity occupied at the location, on average, at the time the function
was called.
Cumulative Occupancy Time x 100
Capacity x Scheduled Time
Cumulative Occupancy Time in the above equation refers to the sum of the clock time each entity spends at a
location for processing.
PercentUtil() may be called to return percent utilized for both multi- and single-capacity locations.
Note: The method used to calculate utilization percentage for this function is the same method used in the
output statistics.
Valid In
Any Logic.
The name of the location.
Preemption Logic System Function
Syntax samples
Identifies whether a downtime or entity is making the preemptive request. The function returns the name
index number of the preempting entity; however, it returns a 0 if the preemptor is a downtime.
Valid In
Operation logic defined as a preemptive process.
Workers may process an entity, bracket, at one of two locations, Punch_1 or Punch_2. You may preempt the bracket at
Punch_1 by either an entity with a preemptive priority or a location shift downtime with a preemptive priority. If an entity
preempts the bracket, workers send the bracket to Punch_2 to finish processing. Punch_1 and Punch_2 are on the same
shift, and are scheduled to go off-shift at the same time. Therefore, if a shift downtime preempts the bracket at Punch_1,
the bracket would not be able to go to Punch_2. In this case, the bracket is sent to a location called Punch_Wait where it
waits for Punch_1 to come back on-shift. The PREEMPTOR() function determines whether an entity or shift downtime
preempts the bracket.
Shift & Break Logic Statement
Syntax samples
PRIORITY <expression>
This statement is used to change the priority of the off-line state of the location or resource. If the priority is
less than the value set previously, the system will check if the location or resource can be preempted.
Valid In
Shift and break main logic only. This statement is not valid in pre-off shift or pre-break logic.
Any expression that yields a value between 0 and 999. Standard ProModel priority levels apply.
Suppose you want to insure that the resource is non-preemptable for the first four hours it is off-shift. Simply enter a high
(e.g., 999) off-shift priority value in the priority dialog in the Shift Assignments module. Enter the following off-shift
logic to lower the priority (to 99) four hours into the off-shift period:
WAIT 4 hr
WAIT 4 hr
See Also
Shift & Break Logic.
General Operation Statement
Syntax samples
PROMPT <string expression>, <name>{, <choice1>:<expression1>,
< choice2>:<expression2>, <choice3:<expression3>...}
PROMPT "Enter the number of entities to process:", Var2
PROMPT "Enter the size of batches to accumulate:",Var1, "Large": 20, "Medium": 15, "Small": 10
Pauses the simulation and displays either a message and input field or a menu for selecting a choice. The
value entered or selected is then assigned to the designated variable, array element, or attribute. To have
PROMPT present a menu, specify one or more choices as in the second syntax example above. The value
already in the variable, array element, or attribute is used as the default value in the dialog box. One use of
PROMPT is to give the user the option to change the operation time represented by a variable during a
Valid In
Any logic.
<string expression>
The message to display. This expression should tell the user what value to enter or choose.
The name of the variable, array element, or attribute to give the value. The value already in this item will be used as the
default value.
A string expression identifying the choice. Any number of choices may be specified, and all must have corresponding
The value to assign the variable, array element or attribute if the user selects the corresponding choice from the menu.
The logic below uses PROMPT to let the user select any size of a batch. Attr1 represents the batch size for EntA. If the
batch size has not been set (if Attr1=0), then the user is prompted to enter the batch size. The SPLIT AS statement then
splits the single entity into the number of entities specified in the prompt dialog box. The PROMPT statement in this
example displays the following dialog box.
IF Attr1=0 THEN
PROMPT "Enter the Batch Size", Attr1
Math Function
Syntax samples
RAND(10) min
IF RAND(100) > 45 THEN ROUTE 1
Returns a random value n between 0 and X (0 <= n < X) where X is the result of the expression.
To generate random numbers between the expression and a number other than zero use the expression as the
range between the maximum and minimum values. Then add the minimum to the random number. For
example, the statement Attr1 = 2+RAND(3) generates a random number from two up to, but not including,
five. An alternate method is to use a uniform distribution. Note that the RAND() function works very similar
to a uniform distribution. For more information on Distributions, see Distribution Functions.
This function returns a real number, although the real value may be converted to an integer. To have the
RAND() function generate random integer values between zero and some upper bound, use the formula,
Integer_Value = RAND(X+1), where X is the greatest integer that should be returned by the function. For
example, to generate a random integer value between zero and six, use the formula, Integer_Value =
RAND(7). The RAND(7) part of this formula will actually generate a real value between 0 and 6.999, but will
be truncated to a whole number between 0 and 6 when assigned to an integer value. Therefore, when
generating integer values, make sure that the result of the RAND() function is assigned to an integer value, or
is used in an expression where it will be truncated to an integer.
Valid In
Any expression.
The upper limit of the random value to return. This value will never be returned.
Two resources, Oper_1 and Oper_2, perform the same task at a location, Press. Oper_1 works at several other locations.
As a result, Press only uses him 30% of the time. The other 70% of the time, Oper_2 performs the task.
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
READ <file ID>, <name>
READ File1, Var1
Reads the next numeric value from a general read file and assigns that value to a name. General read files are
defined in the External Files Editor. When reading from a file, ProModel skips all non-numeric data, such as
text, and reads the next numeric value. Thus comments and notes may be included in a read file. Multiple
replications of a model will continue reading from a file where the previous replication left off unless reset
with the RESET statement.
Please note
ProModel reads a period (.) in a General read file as a zero. To avoid this, you should use the comment
symbol (#) in front of notes and comments that contain a period.
READ can read ASCII files. Most spreadsheet programs can convert spreadsheets to ASCII files (.TXT) and
comma-delimited files (.CSV).
If a read statement is not assigning the right values to the proper name, there may be numeric information in
the read-files header information (notes and comments). Additionally, if the values are being read into an
array, the array indices may not be incremented properly between reads.
If a read file should be read more than once in a model, it may need to be reset. One way to tell when a file
needs to be reset is with an end of file marker such as 9999 and the following two lines of logic.
Read File1,Value
IF Value= 9999 then RESET File1
Valid In
Any logic.
<file ID>
The file identifier as defined in the External Files Editor.
The variable, array element, or attribute to be assigned the value.
The example below shows an outside file being read in the Arrival logic for entity type Box. In this case three values
representing the length, width and depth of each Box are listed on each line of a file called "Size.Dat." The File ID for this
file is simply Size. Length, Width, and Depth are all entity attributes.
Local Variable Declaration Statement
Syntax samples
REAL <name1>{= <expression1>, <name2>= <expression2>...)
REAL Counter = 0
REAL Var1 = CLOCK(SEC), Random_Num = RAND(10)
Creates a local variable of type real. Local variables work much the same as attributes, except that they only
are available within the logic that declares them. A local variable will be created for each entity that
encounters a REAL statement. Local variables are not directly available to subroutines, which have their own
local variables. However, a local variable may be passed to a subroutine as a parameter. Local variables are
available to macros.
Valid In
Any logic. Variables declared with REAL are valid in any expression within the logic where a real number is
An identifier for the first local variable. This identifier must be a valid name.
The variable will initially be assigned this value. This expression is evaluated every time the REAL statement is
The example below uses a local real variable to track the total time an entity waits for another entity to be joined to it. A
shipping area has an operation where invoices are joined to boxes to produce packages. The user wants to know exactly
how long an invoice must wait before a box arrives to be joined. By setting the value of a local variable, Start, to the clock
time just before the JOIN statement and using a LOG statement immediately after the JOIN, we can determine how long
each invoice had to wait before a box arrived. A local variable is a better choice here than an entity attribute because the
only place the information is needed is inside this logic.
Type Conversion Function
Syntax sample
Var2 = Var1 + REAL(Var3)
Attr3 = 1.05 * REAL(Var5)
Converts an integer to a real number. ProModel automatically converts integers to real when needed.
Valid In
Any expression.
REAL() converts this expression to a real number.
See Also
ROUND() and TRUNC().
Entity-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
RENAME {AS} <new entity name>
Renames the processing entity to the new entity name. After a RENAME statement is encountered, the entity
then searches forward in the process list and again from the beginning until a process is found at the current
location that has been defined for the new entity type. No further logic will be executed for the entity under its
original name. Use RENAME to start collecting statistics for an entity under a new name. Usually, the easiest
and most efficient way to rename an entity is simply by using the new name as the output entity in the
Valid In
The operation column of process edit tables only.
<new entity name>
The new name of the processing entity. ENT() may be substituted for the entity name.
The following example shows how two entities, EntA and EntB, join together at Loc2. Once the join is complete,
ProModel renames the resulting entity EntC and processes it according to a normal distribution N(9.4,.3). RENAME is the
last statement in the process because as soon as you rename an entity, ProModel searches the processing logic for a
process for the entity with the new name.
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
REPORT {WITH RESET} {AS <string expression>}
IF thruput = 50 THEN REPORT AS "RepOvr50"
Calculates and reports the current statistics to the output database. This is useful to get a snapshot of the
model while it is running.
The REPORT statement may be followed by the WITH RESET option to reset the statistics after the report is
made to the database When you use the WITH RESET option, you generally want to provide some looping or
event creation that will call the report function at the appropriate time.
Used with the AS option, REPORT creates a report with the name specified in the expression that can be
accessed in the Output Program when creating a General Stats report.
Valid In
Any logic.
<string expression>
A unique name given to the report so it can be easily identified in the General Stats dialog in the Output
Program. If any reports have the same name, a number is tacked on the end of the name to make it unique.
To get a snapshot report every 40 hours, enter the following:
WHILE Clock(hr) < 10000 DO
WAIT 40 hr
This results in reports named, 40HOUR, 40HOUR2, 40HOUR3....
Please note
If you use the REPORT statement even once, a final overall report will NOT be created since the report
generated with your use of the statement may be the final report desired. In this case, you must use the
REPORT statement at the end of termination logic in order to create a final report if desired. If a REPORT
statement is never used, a final overall report is created automatically.
Name-Index-Number Conversion Function
Syntax samples
RES(<resource name-index number>)
USE 10 RES(Var1) for 1.5 min
DISPLAY "Now using" $ RES(Var1)
Converts a name-index number or integer to a resource name. Use this function when a statement or function
needs the name of a resource whose name index number is stored in an attribute, variable, or some other
expression. When used in a string expression expecting, such as in the third syntax example above, ProModel
will output the actual name of the resource.
Use RES() to assign a properly skilled operator according to the attribute of the part or to change the duties of
resources as the simulation progresses.
Valid In
Any statement where a resource name is normally used, except in the Move Logic field in the Routing edit
table. Also used in string expressions.
<resource name-index number>
The name-index number of the resource desired. This component may be an expression. Real numbers will be truncated to
The logic below uses five different resource types for ten minutes in rotation.
INT Var1 = 1
WHILE Var1 <= 5 DO
USE RES(Var1) FOR 10 min
INC Var1
See Also
ENT(), LOC(), and GRAPHIC.
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
RESET <file ID>
RESET (Times)
Starts a general read file over from the beginning. RESET is used primarily in the Initialization or
Termination logic to reset a general read or write file at the beginning or end of multiple replications and
single, independent runs. RESET can also be used to re-read cyclic data in the same simulation run. The
parentheses are optional and are included only to insure compatibility with older models.
Valid In
Initialization and termination logic, node entry and exit logic, down-time logic, location processing logic,
routing exit, and arrival logic.
<file ID>
The file identifier as defined in the External Files Editor.
The example below shows how a general read file, Times, is reset in the Initialization logic. Each time a simulation
begins, whether a single replication or one of several multiple replications, the Times file is reset so that calls to the Times
file start at the beginning of the file.
Reset Stats
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
Resets the simulation statistics. Useful in connection with the REPORT statement to manually control
statistics for reporting purposes in case specific or event logic.
Valid In
Any logic.
Suppose you want to generate a new output report for each 20-hour period of the simulation. Enter the following logic in
an independent subroutine which is activated at the beginning of the simulation:
WHILE Clock(hr) < 10000 DO
WAIT 20 hr
See Also
Shift & Break System Function
Syntax samples
Returns the name-index number of the resource currently processing the off-shift or break logic.
Valid In
Off-shift and break logic.
Suppose you have locations and resources as members in a shift file assignment and you want to wait until variable
Parts_To_Process is equal to zero before allowing a particular resource called Operator to go off shift. You would enter
the following pre-off shift logic:
WAIT UNTIL Parts_To_Process = 0
See Also
Shift & Break System Function
Syntax samples
Returns the unit number of the resource being used.
Valid In
Off-shift and break logic.
When a multi-unit resource goes on shift, it is sometimes helpful to know which unit of the resource is going off shift.
Depending on the resource unit you may want to skip the shift or update a variable that is used elsewhere in your model.
Entity-Specific System Function
Syntax samples
RESQTY({<resource name>})
IF RESQTY(Res1) > 5 THEN FREE 5 Res1
Returns the number of units of the specified resource that the current entity owns. RESQTY() can be used to
determine the amount of time necessary to process an entity based on the number of resources an entity owns.
Valid In
Entity speed fields, traveling-time fields, resource fields, location processing logic, routing fields, arrival
logic, debug user-condition fields, and exit logic. This function returns an integer.
<resource name>
The name of the resource to check for. If no resource name is specified, the total number of units of all resource types
owned by the entity is returned. RES() may be substituted for a resource name.
The example below demonstrates the use of RESQTY() to adjust the processing time for an entity based on the number of
resources available to process it. Before EntAs arrive at Loc1, they capture a certain number of resources named Res1.
Processing logic at Loc1 determines how many Res1s each EntA captured and processes it accordingly. The more
resources an entity captures, the more workers available to work on the project, and the less time it takes. ProModel then
routes EntAs on to Loc2. The logic at Loc2 makes sure that no EntA owns more than one Res1.
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
RETURN {<expression>}
RETURN Attr1**Sqrt(Attr2)
Sends a value from a subroutine to the logic that called the subroutine. In the same way that parameters send
information from the calling logic to the subroutine, RETURN sends information from the subroutine to the
calling logic. After the RETURN is executed, no more logic in the subroutine is executed. When subroutines
return values, the RETURN statement must be followed by an expression.
When used in logic that is not a subroutine, RETURN functions like a very powerful BREAK or
BREAKBLK statement. Whereas BREAK and BREAKBLK exit only the innermost loop or statement block,
RETURN exits the logic completely, no matter how deeply nested inside loops and statement blocks.
Valid In
Any logic, but used most often in user-defined subroutines.
The value to return. This expression must be on the same line as the RETURN. If a subroutine was activated, then the
return value is ignored.
The following example uses a subroutine to check the supply of items in a storage location. If the free capacity of the
location is greater than 10, the user is prompted for an order quantity; otherwise no new items will be ordered. If an order
is made, the order time is returned; otherwise the variable OrdTm remains unchanged. The logic for Sub1() appears in the
logic window.
Math Function
Syntax samples
Integer1 = ROUND(3.5)
Rounds the expression to the nearest whole number. Use this function to override ProModels default,
Valid In
Any expression. This function returns an integer.
The expression to be rounded.
See Also
TRUNC() and REAL().
Entity-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
ROUTE <expression>
ROUTE Dist1()
Executes a routing block for the processing entity. The process does not continue until all of the entities being
routed for the particular block have begun executing their move logic. The processing logic may contain
several ROUTE statements. These statements may be selected individually using IF...THEN statements, or
they may be processed sequentially, with or without other process statements in between. If any ROUTE
statement appears in a process logic, then ProModel assumes all routing for that process will be activated by
the user and therefore does no automatic routing. If no ROUTE statement appears in the processing logic,
then all routing blocks will be executed automatically once processing logic has been completed.
The ROUTE Statement is most often used with IF...THEN statements to make routing decisions based on
complex logic that is not available through other ProModel features (such as system functions or the User
Condition routing rule). ROUTE, if used with IF...THEN properly, will insure that only one of the routing
blocks is activated.
This statement can be used to route one or more entities and leave behind a "ghost" entity that will process the
remaining logic after the route statement. The "ghost" entity is also referred to as the parent entity. The child
entity takes the route specified by the ROUTE statement. If the child entity cannot go to the next location and
is blocked, the parent entity is also blocked and will not continue logic execution until the child entity is no
longer blocked. For more information, see Entities.
Valid In
The operation column of process edit tables only.
The integer result of this expression determines the routing block that the entity will take. The expression is evaluated
every time it is encountered, allowing the chosen block to vary during the simulation.
This example illustrates a "nested" probability routing. The initial entity, EntAB, enters Loc1 and ProModel makes a
decision based on the user-defined distribution Dist1() whether to route the resulting entities according to Route 1, Route
2, or Route 3. If ProModel chooses Route 1, it sends an EntA 60% of the time, or an EntB 40% of the time, to Loc2. If
ProModel chooses Route 2, it sends an EntA 20% of the time, or an EntB 80% of the time, to Loc3. If ProModel chooses
Route 3, it sends an EntA 30% of the time, or an EntB 70% of the time, to Loc4.
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
SEND <expression> <entity name> TO <destination>{,<priority>}
SEND 2 EntA TO Loc2
SEND 1 Grp_A TO Grp_A_Processing, 10
Sends the specified number of a particular entity type to the destination. The entities to be sent must be
waiting with a SEND routing rule. The entity that issued the SEND command continues processing whether
or not entities of the type requested are waiting to be sent. If no entities are waiting to be sent, a SEND notice
is automatically posted so that entities will be sent when they become available.
The SEND statement can model a system based on demand, rather than on entity arrival, (called a pull
system). Customer orders cause a SEND to be issued for a main assembly. Main assembly issues SEND
commands for sub-assemblies. The example model SEND has an excellent example of this technique.
The SEND statement can also be used as a control device to limit the amount of work-in-progress (WIP) in
certain critical areas. Quantities are only sent to the production area when the WIP level falls below a certain
Valid In
Any logic.
The number of entities to send to the destination. Negative values will generate an error message.
<entity name>
The type of entity to send to the destination. You may substitute ENT() for an entity name.
The name of the location to which the entities will be sent. You may substitute LOC() for the location name.
Multiple SEND requests for the same entity type are filled according to the longest waiting request having the highest
priority. This expression should be a number between 0 and 999. For more information on priorities, see Priorities, at the
beginning of this section.
In this example, EntAs arrive at LocA1 and trigger the sending of EntBs to LocB2. The value of EntAs Attr2
determines the number of EntBs sent to LocB2.
General Operation Statement
Syntax samples
SETRATE <resource name>, <expression>, <unit #>
SETRATE Operator, 25, 3
Allows you to define the regular rate of cost for resources contained in a model. If you have already defined
the regular rate in the Cost module, this statement will override that rate. You can use SetRate to set different
rates for each unit of a resource.
Valid In
Initialization logic.
<resource name>
The name of the resource whose rate you wish to set.
The rate assigned to the resource.
<unit #>
The unit number of the resource. Where multiple instances of a resource exist, you must specify which instance of the
resource to use (e.g., Tech1, Tech2, Tech3, etc.). The keyword ALL may be used to indicate all instances of a resource.
Please note
SETRATE uses the time units defined for the model. (By default, SETRATE uses hours.)
The logic below displays how you can uniquely assign the regular rate for each unit of a resource, Operator. Operator has
three units, meaning that each unit can perform the same task. However, each of the three Operators has a different hourly
rate. We set these rates in the Initialization logic using the following:
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
SOUND <string expression>
SOUND "Chimes.wav"
SOUND "Tada.wav"
Plays a wavefile. Wavefiles, which have the extension .WAV, may be purchased commercially or created
with a sound card. A few sounds, such as the examples here, come with Windows and are found in the
Windows directory. Use SOUND to alert a models user that some event has taken place.
Valid In
Any logic.
<string expression>
The DOS name of the wavefile to be played. This expression must evaluate to a valid DOS file. It may include a path.
The example below shows an entitys operation logic. A variable called Total is used to keep track of the number of
entities passing through the location. Every 100th entity to pass through the location will cause the sound "Tada" to sound,
thus notifying the user of the 100th entity. In addition, ProModel resets the counter.
Split As
Entity-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
SPLIT <expression> AS <new entity name>
SPLIT 10 AS Entx
Splits an entity into the number of entities you specify, changes the entity names, and divides all cost and time
statistics accrued by the base entity between the new entities. ProModel counts the old entity as an exit and
the resulting entities share the same attribute values as the original entity.
Any entity you wish to split must release all owned resources using the FREE statement. Use SPLIT AS to
divide pieces of raw material into components. The entities formed by the SPLIT AS statement at a location
will not appear in the statistics for this location.
Valid In
The operation column of process edit tables only. ProModel does not allow SPLIT AS on conveyors, and not
at the end of a queue. You also may not use SPLIT AS after a ROUTE statement. Do not use SPLIT AS in
combination with COMBINE, CREATE, GROUP, UNGROUP, LOAD, UNLOAD, or other split statements
in the same process logic.
Split the entity into this number of entities. ProModel evaluates this expression every time it encounters the statement.
<new entity name>
The name of the resulting entities. Each split entity searches forward in the process list, and then from the beginning of the
list, until it finds a process for the new entity type at the current location.
In the following example, a batch of entities, Batch A, arrives at Loc1 for a 2 hour processing time. Once the processing
completes, BatchA splits into individual entities called EntA. ProModel determines the number of EntAs resulting from
the SPLIT AS statement by the value of BatchAs attribute, Attr3.
Math Function
Syntax samples
Real1 = SQRT(Real2)
Returns the square root of an expression.
Valid In
Any expression. This function returns a real number.
SQRT() returns the square root of this expression.
See Also
Please note
To get a root other than the square root, use the exponentiation operator as shown in the following formula:
For example, where Y is the desired root, the formula 9**(1/3) returns the cube root of 9.
General Operation Statement
Syntax samples
STOP {<string expression>}
STOP "Normal termination"
Terminates the current replication and optionally displays a message. The simulation will then continue with
the next replication. Use STOP to end a replication when the simulation has run long enough to provide
sufficient statistical data.
Valid In
Any logic.
<string expression>
An optional message to display when the replication stops.
In the example below, a STOP statement is used in Operation Logic to end the simulation whenever the variable
Total_Complete reaches 100.
General System Function
Syntax samples
Every time any logic is executed, it is executed by a thread which is assigned a unique number.
THREADNUM returns the number of the thread that called the function. This function is most useful in
conjunction with the IF...THEN and DEBUG statements to bring up the debugger at a certain process. See
below for a detailed example. Note that if the model does not change between simulation runs, every thread
will have the same number from run to run, but not from replication to replication. Also, most changes in a
model will cause threads to have different numbers on subsequent runs.
Valid In
Any logic
For example, suppose that when the 50th entity of a certain type arrives at a certain location, the model always crashes. A
DEBUG statement at the beginning of the processing logic would be cumbersome because the debugger would come up
forty-nine times before it was needed. However, when the error occurs, the debugger displays the process and logic that
caused the error, as shown below.
By adding the statement, "IF THREADNUM() = 210 THEN DEBUG" before the statement that causes
the error, the simulation will run until the proper process and then bring up the debugger. The
debugger can then be used to step through the process to find the particular statement causing
the error.
Preemption Logic System Function
Syntax samples
Returns the time remaining if the preemption occurred during a WAIT statement. The value returned is in
default time units and must be checked before any processing delay occurs since the value is updated
whenever a preemption takes place. If the value is referred to later, it should be assigned to the entitys
attribute or to a local variable.
If several entities were preempted at a location, the value returned by the function to each entity will be taken
from whichever entity has the largest time remaining in the WAIT statement.
When no units are specified in the parentheses in this function, it returns the default time unit specified in the
General Information dialog.
Valid In
Operation logic defined as a preemptive process.
You may preempt an entity called Gear while it processes at a location called Lathe1. When you preempt the Gear, it
should go to a location called Wait_Area where it waits to return to Lathe1. When it returns to Lathe1, the lathe should
continue processing the Gear from where it left off when you preempted the Gear. For example, if Lathe1 must process
the Gear for a total of 10 minutes, but it only processes for 8 minutes before you preempt the Gear, Lathe1 should process
it for only 2 additional minutes when it returns to Lathe1. To do this, we assign the remaining process time using
TIMELEFT() to an attribute, Att1. We also check Att1 at Lathe1 to determine if it is greater than 0 to know whether the
Gear was executing the process for the first time or as a preempted entity. Processing should be as follows:
General System Function
Syntax samples
IF TIMESUSED(Res1) > 5 then USE Res2 for 10
Returns the number of times a resource has been used.
Valid In
Any logic and any field evaluated after translation. For a list of fields evaluated after translation, see the
Appendix A.
The name of the resource to examine. RES() may be used here.
In the example below, when an EntA arrives at Loc1, it will only use the resource Res1 if the resource has been used five
or fewer times. If the resource has been used more than five times, EntA will use Res2 instead.
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
TRACE {<message>}{STEP or CONT or OFF or CLOSE}
TRACE "Begin Test for Resource A"
Turns tracing on and off. Trace listings will appear in a separate window on the screen. Use trace to follow
the logical flow of a model.
Valid In
Any logic.
The message to appear in the trace listing when the TRACE statement is encountered. The message can be any string
Makes ProModel wait for the user to click the left mouse button to execute the next statement or trace continuously while
the right mouse button is held down. TRACE statements default to step.
Steps continuously without user intervention. Clicking the right mouse button will step through the logic.
Turns tracing off but does not close the trace listing.
Turns tracing off and closes the trace listing.
In this example, a message will appear in the trace listing whenever Agent1 and Agent2 have been captured and the
downtime for Gate1 begins. Another message will appear in the trace listing at the end of the downtime.
Type Conversion Function
Syntax samples
Returns a real expression truncated to an integer. Any digits to the right of the decimal place will be removed.
When necessary, ProModel automatically converts real values to integers by truncating them. For more
information about ProModel automatically converting between reals and integers, see Converting Between
Numeric Types.
Valid In
Any expression. This function returns an integer.
The expression to be truncated.
See Also
Entity-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
Separates entities that were grouped with the GROUP statement. Each of the resulting entities searches ahead
in the process list and then from the beginning of the list until a process is found that has been defined for that
entity type at the current location. The first entity processed from the group takes any resources the group
owns. If a grouped entity has members that are also grouped entities, only the top level group is ungrouped
with an UNGROUP statement. An additional UNGROUP will ungroup any member groups.
Valid In
The operation column of process edit tables only. You may not use UNGROUP on conveyors nor at the end
of a queue. UNGROUP may not be used in combination with COMBINE, CREATE, UNGROUP, LOAD,
UNLOAD, SPLIT AS or other UNGROUP statements in a processing logic. It may follow a GROUP
statement no more than once in the same processing logic to allow batch processing.
Please note
If you are trying to ungroup an entity that has never been grouped, ProModel ignores the UNGROUP
Last In, First Out. Starts the ungrouped entities processing from last to first, rather than from first to last. If this option is
not specified, the ungrouped entities will be processed FIFO, or First In, First Out.
The example below is the continuation of the GROUP statement example where EntA, EntB and EntC were grouped to
form Grp_A. Now the entities are ungrouped with all of their original properties. (See the GROUP statement example.)
General System Function
Syntax samples
UNITS(<location> or <resource>)
PAUSE "There are" $ UNITS(Res1) $ "Res1's in the system."
Returns the total units of a location or resource.
Valid In
Any logic and any field except those evaluated before translation. For a list of fields evaluated before
translation, see Appendix A.
The name of the location to examine. You may substitute LOC() for the name of a location.
The name of the resource to examine. You may substitute RES() for the name of a resource.
See Also
Entity-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
UNLOAD <expression> {IFF <Boolean expression>}
UNLOAD 5 IFF Entity() = EntA
Unloads a certain quantity of entities, or a certain quantity of those entities depending on a condition. Use
UNLOAD to unload entities from a carrier entity that was previously loaded with LOAD. The unloaded
entities are processed ahead of the entity which unloaded them. Each unloaded entity searches ahead in the
process list, and then from the beginning of the list, until a process is found for that entity type at that
Valid In
The operation column of process edit tables only. UNLOAD is not valid at conveyors, after routing, or at the
end of a queue. You may not use UNLOAD in combination with COMBINE, CREATE, GROUP,
UNGROUP, and SPLIT AS or other UNLOAD in the same process logic. If the process contains LOAD
statements, UNLOAD can only appear once after all of them.
The number of entities to unload. A value of zero is ignored and a negative value produces an error. If the quantity
specified for unloading is greater than the number of entities that have been loaded, the extra quantity is ignored. This
expression is evaluated every time the statement is encountered.
IFF <Boolean expression>
This option allows the UNLOAD command to be conditional. Any attributes, entity functions, and location functions
apply to the entity to be unloaded, not to the base entity. This technique allows only entities with certain properties to be
unloaded from the base entity. To use attributes, entity functions, and location functions that apply to the base entity,
assign the desired value to a local variable and use the local variable in the Boolean expression.
The following example is a continuation of the LOAD statement example and shows how the loaded entity (Truck) is
unloaded, resulting in the original Truck and the boxes that were loaded onto it. Boxes continue to the next location while
Truck is returned to its starting location, Factory. (See the Load statement example.)
Resource-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
USE {<quantity>} <resource> {,<priority>}
FOR <time> {AND or OR {<quantity>}
<resource> {,<priority>} FOR <time>... }
USE 2 Res2, 5 FOR 4:23:03
USE 2 Res1 FOR 2.0 min OR 3 Res2 FOR 1.5 min
USE Res1, 3 FOR 1 hr AND (Res2 FOR 5 OR Res3 FOR 5)
USE Oper_Attr RES(Type_Attr) FOR Time_Var1 Hr
Captures a resource or combination of resources as each resource becomes available. Once the resource has
been captured it is used for the specified amount of time, and then freed when the specified duration is over. If
the entity already possesses one of the specified resources from a previous GET, JOINTLY GET, or MOVE
WITH statement, the entity will still try to capture an additional unit of that resource.
Please note
If an entity uses a USE statement to capture a resource, the resource must complete its operation before you
can preempt the entity. However, if the entity uses a GET, WAIT, FREE sequence, you may preempt the entity
during the WAIT portion of the logic.
Valid In
Location processing logic, downtime logic, and move logic.
The number of resources to get. ProModel ignores a value of zero and values less than zero return an error. ProModel
evaluates and truncates this numeric expression every time it encounters the USE statement.
The name of the resource to USE. You can substitute RES() for the resource name.
When multiple entities request a resource, ProModel fills the requests in order of priority. This expression should be a
number between 0 and 999.
The length of time the entity will tie up the resource. ProModel evaluates this expression whenever it encounters the
statement. If you specify no time unit, ProModel applies the default time unit specified in the General Information dialog.
This simple example shows how Clients arriving at location Reception must USE the Secretary for some amount of time
according to the user-defined distribution, Dist1. Clients are then sent to a waiting area until the desired next location
becomes available.
General System Function
Syntax samples
VARIABLE(<numeric expression>)
VARIABLE(Attr) = 124
Converts a name-index number or integer to a variable name. Use this function when a numeric expression
uses a variable whose name-index number is stored in an attribute, array, or variable.
Valid In
Any logic.
Please note
You cannot use VARIABLE() in a PROMPT, INC, DEC, or READ statement.
<numeric expression>
The name index number for a variable. You can determine the name-index number associated with a particular variable by
the position of the variable record in the Variables module.
.In the example below, parts of different types arrive at location In_Queue. Each entity type has a unique value for Attr1
that corresponds to the name-index number of a variable in the Variables module. Once parts arrive at In_Queue, they
increment the variable specific to that entity type before routing to the location Process_Loc.
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
VIEW "view name"
VIEW "Cell5"
VIEW "View10"
Use this statement to change the view in the Layout window from within your logic. Once the view has been
defined from the View menu in main menu, you can use it in the logic.
Valid In
All logic.
<view name>
The name of the view defined in the Views dialog. Enclose the name in quotation marks.
You are giving a presentation on the use of simulation for airport design. Two hours into the model run, you want to zoom
in on the baggage area to show the activity there. Three hours into the simulation, you want to zoom out to show the entire
airport..You are giving a presentation to management on the factory floor using simulation. Two hours into the simulation,
you want to zoom in on a particular cell in the factory to show the activity there. Three hours into the simulation, you
want to zoom out to show the entire factory.
To do this, define two views called Cell1 and Factory using the Views editor on the View menu. Define an independent
subroutine and call it in the initialization logic using the ACTIVATE statement. Enter the following logic in the
IF CLOCK(hr) = 2 THEN VIEW "Cell1"
IF CLOCK(hr) = 3 THEN VIEW "Factory"
WAIT 1 hr
See Also
Entity-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
WAIT <time expression>
WAIT 3 min
WAIT 2.5 + CleanupTime
WAIT N(8,.5) + 3 sec
Simulates the time it takes to process an entity. WAIT delays further processing of the entity until the
specified time has elapsed. The rest of the model continues to process while an entity waits. If the expression
evaluates to zero, the current entity will not finish processing until all other processes scheduled for that
moment in the simulation have finished.
Please note
You may use the "^" symbol in place of a "WAIT" statement.
Valid In
Location processing, downtime, and move logic. Independent subroutines may also use WAIT statements
which function as timers. (For more information about Independent subroutines, see Subroutines.)
<time expression>
The length of the WAIT. This expression is evaluated whenever the statement is encountered. If no time unit is specified,
the default time unit specified in the General Information Dialog is applied.
In the following example, customers arrive at a fast-food restaurant and place their orders at location Counter. How long
customers wait depends on the type of meal ordered. If they order meal one, two, or three, they wait only 2 minutes.
Otherwise they wait 5 minutes.The example below shows WAIT statements used in an IF...THEN...ELSE expression. If
the value of EntAs attribute, Attr1, is greater than zero, the time delay is 5.0 minutes. Otherwise the delay is 2.5 minutes.
Wait Until
Entity And Resource-Related Operation Statement
Syntax samples
WAIT UNTIL <Boolean expression>
WAIT UNTIL Var1 < Attr3 AND Var2 >= 5
Delays processing of the current logic until the Boolean expression is true. The rest of the model continues to
process during the delay. Note that if the expression is initially evaluated to be false, it is only reevaluated
when a location attribute, variable, or array element in the expression changes. Multiple entities waiting on
the same condition are released one at a time. This allows a released entity to change a variable value that will
prevent the other waiting entities from being released.
Valid In
Node entry and node exit logic delays processing for resources, and location processing logic delays
processing for entities. Independent Subroutines. (See Subroutines.)
<Boolean expression>
The condition that must be satisfied to continue processing the entity or resource. Elements of this expression are limited
to location attributes, variables, and array elements.
The example below uses the WAIT UNTIL statement to group a variable quantity of entities. As each EntA arrives at
Loc1, a variable (Total) is incremented to keep track of the total entities waiting at the location. The WAIT UNTIL
statement causes processing of all EntAs to halt at this point until the variable, Var1, reaches or exceeds 500. Then all of
the waiting EntAs are GROUPed together as a BatchA.
General Action Statement
Syntax samples
IF thruput = 50 THEN WARMUP
Instructs the simulation to end the warmup period by resetting all the statistics and erasing relevant time series
files. Only one WARMUP statement may be used in the simulation.
Please note
If multiple WARMUP statements are encountered or a WARMUP statement is used in addition to the warmup
time specified in the Run Options dialog, ProModel will generate a warning to inform you that this has
occurred. Only the first warmup encountered (the statement or the Run Options setting) will actually be
executed. While the statement will be encountered within the logic, the Run Options setting will be executed at
the specific time indicated in the dialog.
Valid In
Any logic.
Suppose you want to base the warmup period on 2,000 entities being processed rather than on a lapse of time. You could
increment a variable (e.g., Total_Processed) whenever an entity exited the system. Enter the following logic in an
independent subroutine activated from the initialization logic:
WAIT UNTIL Total_Processed = 2000
See Also
See Simulation Options for more information on warm-up periods.
General Control Statement
Syntax samples
WHILE <Boolean expression> DO <statement block>
WHILE Array1[n] <> 10 DO INC n
INC Var2, 5
WAIT 5 sec
Repeats a statement or statement block continuously while a condition remains true. WHILE...DO is an entrycondition loop, meaning that the loop will not be executed once unless the Boolean expression is true.
Valid In
Any logic.
<Boolean expression>
As long as this expression is TRUE, the loop will continue. This expression is evaluated for each iteration of the loop.
<statement block>
The statement or block of statements to execute.
The example below shows the arrival logic window for an entity that arrives every 40 hours to reset the values of Array1
elements 1 through 100 to 0.
General Operation Statement
Syntax samples
WRITE <file ID>, <string or numeric expression>
{,<maximum digits before decimal>,
<digits after decimal>}
Writes information to a general write file. The next item written to the file will appear immediately after this
item. WRITE always appends to the file unless the file is RESET. This holds true for multiple replications as
well as single, independent runs. Any file that is written to with WRITE automatically becomes a text file and
will have an end of file marker attached automatically to the end when it is closed. For more flexible WRITE
capability, use XWRITE.
WRITE and WRITELINE automatically separate values by commas
Valid In
Any logic.
<file ID>
The name of the file as previously defined in the External Files Editor.
<string or numeric expression>
The string or numeric expression to be written to the file. In the output file, quotes will automatically be added to string
expressions so that most spreadsheet programs can easily read the file.
<maximum digits before decimal>
The maximum number of digits before the decimal. This value is used to line up any numeric values into columns on the
decimal point. This value may be any numeric expression.
<digits after decimal>
The number of spaces to save after the decimal point. Use this option to line up any labels appearing after numbers.
The following example uses both WRITE and WRITELINE to record the time when EntA completes processing at Loc1
in a general write file called Rpt.
General Operation Statement
Syntax samples
WRITELINE <file ID>, <string or numeric expression>{,<maximum digits before decimal>, <digits after decimal>}
Writes information to a general write file and starts a new line. WRITELINE always appends to the file unless
the file is RESET. Any file that is written to with WRITELINE automatically becomes a text file and will
have an end of file marker attached to the end when it is closed.
WRITE and WRITELINE automatically separate values by commas
Valid In
Any logic.
<file ID>
The name of the file as previously defined in the External Files Editor.
<string or numeric expression>
The string or numeric expression to be written to the file. In the output file, quotes will automatically be added to string
expressions so that most spreadsheet programs can easily read the file.
<maximum digits before decimal>
When writing real numbers, the maximum number of digits before the decimal. Use this value to line numbers on
different lines up on the decimal.
<digits after decimal>
When writing real numbers, the maximum number of digits after the decimal.
The following example uses both WRITE and WRITELINE to record the time when EntA completes processing at Loc1
in a general write file called Rpt.
External Subroutine Call
Syntax samples
XSUB(<file ID>, <ordinal function number> or <function name> {, <parameter1>, <parameter2>...})
XSUB(Interface,1, 5)
XSUB(LogDLL, "_Log_B_of_X",10,5)
Calls an external subroutine inside a DLL file. XSUB() is perhaps the most powerful statement in ProModel,
because by using it the user can access the entire functionality of any 32-bit Windows programming language
such as C, C++, Delphi, or Visual Basic. XSUB() can be used for sophisticated file IO and to make
simulations interactive. In fact, subroutines called with XSUB() can do anything that the language they were
written in allows. Because of its power, however, XSUB() should be used with caution. When called, the
simulation is suspended until the external subroutine finishes execution.
The subroutine inside the DLL must have been compiled as exportable by a Windows 32-bit compiler and
have a return type of IEEE format double real. XSUB() will copy the parameters following the function name
to a block of memory, then pass the function a pointer to that block of memory.
The function can take only one parameter: a pointer to void. But the function may access any number of
parameters through structure overlaying. The function should define a structure to match the type and order of
the parameters, and assign the pointer just passed to a pointer to that type of structure. The parameters can
then be used through structure overlaying. Integers are passed as four byte values and reals are passed as eight
byte IEEE values.
Please note
For Windows Programmers Only The handle to the run-time simulation frame window will be the last
parameter passed. Most subroutines can completely ignore this parameter, but it will be needed if the
subroutine displays a window.
Valid In
Any expression or logic.
<file ID>
The file ID assigned to an external DLL file as defined in the External Files editor. This file should be a 32-bit Windows
DLL file.
<ordinal function number>
The ordinal number of the function inside the DLL. This function must be exportable. When DLLs are compiled, every
exported function inside them is numbered. The individual functions can then be accessed by calling the program by
number. This field may be an expression that evaluates to an ordinal function number that is valid inside the DLL. Use an
ordinal function number or the function name.
<function name>
The name of the function inside the DLL. This function must be exportable. Note that when most compilers compile
DLLs, they adjust the name of the functions inside them. The function name inside the XSUB statement must be the
adjusted name, not the original name.
Most C compilers add an underscore to the function name; so a function called "Test1" would be compiled as "_Test1."
For most C++ compilers, valid ProModel external function names will be mangled to "@<function name>$pv." Different
compilers will vary, however, so the user should be aware of the particular compilers quirks.
The parameters to pass to the function. These may be any variable, number, or expression. They are only limited by the
type of field or logic that uses the XSUB function. Each parameter should be separated by a comma. See above for how
the external subroutine will access these parameters.
An external function written to the ProModel specification, called Log_B_of_X and written in C, returns the log of a
value to a variable base. The function, reproduced below, has been compiled into the DLL, "XSUB.DLL." The function
itself is reproduced on the left below, and the source code can be found in the file "XSUB.CPP."
The ProModel logic statements assign the base five logarithm of the real variable R1 to the real variable R2. Each
statement assumes that the file XSUB.DLL has been assigned the identifier "Log" in the External Files Editor. The first
statement accesses the function as if the DLL had been compiled in C++ by using the mangled function name. The second
statement accesses the function as if it had been compiled in C by using the C adjusted function name. The third statement
accesses the function using the ordinal function number.
External Subroutine Call
Syntax samples
XSUB(<file ID>, <ordinal function number> or <function name> {, <parameter1>, <parameter2>...})
XSUB(Interface,1, 5)
XSUB(LogDLL, "_Log_B_of_X",10,5)
Calls an external subroutine inside a DLL file. XSUB() is perhaps the most powerful statement in ProModel,
because by using it the user can access the entire functionality of any 32-bit Windows programming language
such as C, C++, Delphi, or Visual Basic. XSUB() can be used for sophisticated file IO and to make
simulations interactive. In fact, subroutines called with XSUB() can do anything that the language they were
written in allows. Because of its power, however, XSUB() should be used with caution. When called, the
simulation is suspended until the external subroutine finishes execution.
The subroutine inside the DLL must have been compiled as exportable by a Windows 32-bit compiler and
have a return type of IEEE format double real. XSUB() will copy the parameters following the function name
to a block of memory, then pass the function a pointer to that block of memory.
The function can take only one parameter: a pointer to void. But the function may access any number of
parameters through structure overlaying. The function should define a structure to match the type and order of
the parameters, and assign the pointer just passed to a pointer to that type of structure. The parameters can
then be used through structure overlaying. Integers are passed as four byte values and reals are passed as eight
byte IEEE values.
Please note
For Windows Programmers Only The handle to the run-time simulation frame window will be the last
parameter passed. Most subroutines can completely ignore this parameter, but it will be needed if the
subroutine displays a window.
Valid In
Any expression or logic.
<file ID>
The file ID assigned to an external DLL file as defined in the External Files editor. This file should be a 32-bit Windows
DLL file.
<ordinal function number>
The ordinal number of the function inside the DLL. This function must be exportable. When DLLs are compiled, every
exported function inside them is numbered. The individual functions can then be accessed by calling the program by
number. This field may be an expression that evaluates to an ordinal function number that is valid inside the DLL. Use an
ordinal function number or the function name.
<function name>
The name of the function inside the DLL. This function must be exportable. Note that when most compilers compile
DLLs, they adjust the name of the functions inside them. The function name inside the XSUB statement must be the
adjusted name, not the original name.
Most C compilers add an underscore to the function name; so a function called "Test1" would be compiled as "_Test1."
For most C++ compilers, valid ProModel external function names will be mangled to "@<function name>$pv." Different
compilers will vary, however, so the user should be aware of the particular compilers quirks.
The parameters to pass to the function. These may be any variable, number, or expression. They are only limited by the
type of field or logic that uses the XSUB function. Each parameter should be separated by a comma. See above for how
the external subroutine will access these parameters.
An external function written to the ProModel specification, called Log_B_of_X and written in C, returns the log of a
value to a variable base. The function, reproduced below, has been compiled into the DLL, "XSUB.DLL." The function
itself is reproduced on the left below, and the source code can be found in the file "XSUB.CPP."
The ProModel logic statements assign the base five logarithm of the real variable R1 to the real variable R2. Each
statement assumes that the file XSUB.DLL has been assigned the identifier "Log" in the External Files Editor. The first
statement accesses the function as if the DLL had been compiled in C++ by using the mangled function name. The second
statement accesses the function as if it had been compiled in C by using the C adjusted function name. The third statement
accesses the function using the ordinal function number.
General Operation Statement
Syntax samples
XWRITE <file ID>, <string or numeric expression>
Writes information to a general write file in any text format the user chooses. XWRITE is for writing userformatted files, while WRITE and WRITELINE are for writing special formatted text files. XWRITE always
appends to a file unless the file is RESET. Note that any time a WRITE or WRITELINE writes to a file, the
file will automatically be a text file. No end of file marker is appended to files written only with XWRITE. In
subsequent replications, additional items are appended to the end of the file unless the file is RESET.
ProModel does not format the string expression, although you can use the FORMAT statement to manually
format data. To add an end of file marker to a user-formatted file, use XWRITE CHAR(26).
Valid In
Any logic.
<file ID>
The name of the file as previously defined in the External Files Editor.
<string or numeric expression>
The string expression to be written to the file.
The following example uses XWRITE to record the time each Box completes processing at location Ship.