Wilcock 17
Wilcock 17
Wilcock 17
Our collective financial and industrial base -- the value we built as a human race -- provided the seed-money
investment to build this vast infrastructure.
Investors are entitled to a return -- at least within a fair and equitable system.
Yet, we are still driving hundred-year-old gasoline-burning technology on a crumbling infrastructure of paved
gravel roads -- choking out nature wherever they roam.
"Electric Vehicle Charging Stations" can still be seen scattered throughout Southern California. I just passed one
of them yesterday while walking in to LAX airport.
They are a pathetic reminder of another positive, planet-healing initiative that was crushed by Big Industry.
Once you understand "vertical integration," you realize that the same cabal owns Big Industry, Big Agriculture, Big
Finance, Big Media and Big Government.
This is not a "conspiracy theory." The proof is absolutely irrefutable -- and is so widely available that everyone is
talking about it now.
Its true that there was always the big one which wasnt quite so easily dismissed.
This was the Kennedy assassination -- but here you could be fairly sure that the whole thing was a
terrible, impenetrable murky morass.
You knew that some things never would be known (or would be released, partially redacted by the CIA,
200 years in the future).
And you knew that whatever the truth was, it was probably a bit dull compared to your mates flights of
fantasy involving the KGB, the Mafia and the military-industrial complex.
Besides, it all made for a lot of very entertaining films and books.
This nice, cozy state of affairs lasted until the early 2000s. But then something changed.
These days conspiracy theories dont look so crazy and conspiracy theorists dont look like crackpots.
In fact, todays conspiracy theory is tomorrows news headlines.
Its tempting, I suppose, to say we live in a golden age of conspiracy theories, although its only really
golden for the architects of the conspiracies.
From the Iraq war to Fifa to the banking crisis, the truth is not only out there, but its more outlandish
than anything we could have made up.
Of course, our real-life conspiracies arent much like The X-Files theyre disappointingly short on aliens
and the supernatural. [DW: So far.]
Rather, theyre more like John Le Carre books. Shady dealings by powerful people who want nothing
more than to line their profits at the expense of others.
The abuse of power. Crazy ideologues who try and create their own facts for fun and profit.
Corporations supplanting governments via regulatory capture.
If you have done your homework, you know these billionaires are part of a multi-generational organized crime
syndicate that effectively seized power over much of the world.
People are conditioned to laugh at labels like "The Illuminati" -- but the underlying fact that "secret earth
governments" are running things cannot be denied.
All over the world right now, regardless of which country you live in, you are hearing "There is no money left. All
the money is gone."
Everyone is hurting -- badly.
It is amazing that the controlled media can still get away with calling this Greater Depression a "recovery." Or the
equally silly "Great Recession."
Not one bit of its dividends have been shared with humanity on earth.
A vastly superior race of benevolent ETs have made themselves formally known to the Secret Space Program
since 2012.
They demonstrated quite a show of force, arriving in 100-plus spheres ranging in size from the Moon to Jupiter.
The "Sphere Alliance" contacted a breakaway faction of the Secret Space Program known as Solar Warden.
Together, they are now pushing to peacefully, gradually and effectively relinquish the lies and secrecy.
The Cabal would never have handed over this technology and revealed any of these secrets unless they were
forced to -- by a bigger kid on the playground.
And there are many, many more who they are in contact with on a less-frequent basis.
We are finally here at Gaiam Studios to "do it right" -- on a professional level -- capturing and releasing this vast,
epic narrative in a series of episodes.
This will be in addition to whatever I do with our original footage that we shot in my home back in April -- and
which I am in the final stages of learning enough to be able to self-produce.
We are discussing how to make this content as readily accessible to everyone as possible. It will probably be
featured in a show we will call Disclosure: Special Edition.
Corey Goode has now met with the CEO, the president, the director, the head of production and several other key
staff in the Gaiam production crew.
This is an important point. Corey just went through an entire day of being (excitedly) interrogated by the highestlevel staff in the company.
Every time we asked him a question, the answers tumbled out like a waterfall.
No matter how specific and idiosyncratic the question might be, his answers are remarkably detailed.
Best of all, they all thread beautifully with what I have heard from so many others.
I woke up at a little after 3 AM on Saturday June the 20th and was a bit anxious about this
conference. I had spent the previous day at the swimming pool with my wife and two children and
was pretty wiped out from one of the very few sunny days we have had in N.Texas this season. I
was quite sun burned to the point where even my scalp was in pain. I was informed of the
previous afternoon that the final negotiations for the joint SSP Alliance, Sphere Alliance and ICC
Leadership Conference had been completed and to expect the normal pickup method during a
time window between 3:30 and 4 AM the following morning.
I knew this was going to be an interesting and possibly long conference and being so tired from
that days activities I decided to go to bed good and early. I turned in a little after 7 PM when it
was still daylight outside and was soon asleep. I woke up at 11:30 and thought it was much later,
this meeting was very much on my mind and the fact that it was going to be at a Mars Colony
under the control of the ICC had my mind running non-stop.
I was finally able to get back to sleep around 12:20. I woke up again a little after 3 AM and
decided to go to the kitchen to get a drink before I changed and got ready for my little blue/indigo
orb friend to zip through the wall of my bed room. I had just barely made it into the living room
when the little orb decided to mix things up and zipped into the room through the closed patio
door. I decided that I didnt have time to go back to my room and change and come back so I put
on the Flip-Flops (Type of Sandal Foot Wear) that I had worn to the pool the day before and
gave the orb the signal that I was ready to be transported.
Before I knew it I was standing in the familiar room that I am usually transported to in the VIP
Conference area of the LOC. I was wearing shorts, a tee shirt and the loose fitting flip flops and
not at all looking prepared for a diplomatic excursion to a Mars facility. One of the LOC personnel
came into the room and asked me if there was anything I needed. I asked for something to wear
and some boots, he asked my size and left the room. Within about 10 minutes he returned with a
light blue jump suit with the SSP Alliance Mission Patch on the left shoulder with the places for a
unit and name patch left blank (velcro patch areas with no patches). I put on the jumpsuit and
boots that had laces and a zipper on the side (different than I normally received) that actually
looked as if they had not been worn before. The same was the case with the jumpsuit.
When I was ready I was escorted down the narrow halls of the common area of the LOC to one of
the larger hangar areas where there was a good sized group of people standing in a semi-circle
beside one of the 50 Modular Transport Vessels that I had traveled in prior and had been picked
up from my home in to be scanned for nanites and AI infections after an unpleasant encounter
with opposition elements in a previous encounter.
I saw Gonzales the SSP Alliance Delegate and he acknowledged my presence and started the
introductions. There was an ICC Representative that looked extremely familiar to me. I still cannot
place where I have seen him before. He appeared to be in his late 40s, about 511, 200 lbs with
blue/grey eyes and mostly white hair cut short. He was wearing a very nice suit that I had seen
the Committee of 200 members wearing at the Super Federation Conferences. It was of a
different cut and looked futuristic a bit and kind of like the style you see business men and
politicians wear in India.
Lt. Col. Gonzales then introduced the 4 SSP Alliance Security Team Members to me who were
also IEs (Intuitive Empaths). Two of them would accompany me at all times and 2 would be
assigned to Gonzales. There were also 4 crew members of the craft that we would be traveling to
Mars in who were introduced as a group. The rest of the people present were members of the
SSP Alliance Council who then wished everyone luck and a productive meeting as we boarded
the vessel.
Being modular these vessels are always in different configurations on the inside depending on
the mission they are on. I have seen them setup as troop transports, mobile medical treatment
centers and VIP for meetings and transports. This time there were seats for all present. We were
informed that this trip would take close to half an hour because Mars was just on the other side of
the sun so it added time to the trip for a reason that was not explained. These vessels usually
make trips of these distances in just a few minutes or less. I do not know if this was a way to
spend extra time with the ICC Representative or was in fact truly a technical issue having to do
with the position of Mars being behind the sun compared to the position of the earth and moon.
As we lifted off and flew through the bay doors that opened we could see the surface of the moon
grow distant quickly and then the earth through the transparent panels in the walls of the vessel.
We then went to speed and the panels changed to an opaque color. Gonzales and the ICC
Representative began to talk about the conference and all who would be there. Gonzales again
told the ICC Representative that we appreciated them agreeing to the terms of allowing us to
bring the armed security, choosing the site of the conference once in orbit, the tours and allowing
us to bring one family of our choosing back with us to question and to either provide sanctuary to
or allow to return to their home colony depending on the families wishes. I sat and listened since I
had not been a part of the negotiations and hoped to overhear something new from the process.
Once we arrived in outer orbit of Mars the panels in the walls went transparent again and a larger
version of the smart-glass pads lowered from the ceiling. It was about 70 across diagonally and
had a real time display of Mars with icons where there were ICC Colonies and industrial
complexes in the northern hemisphere. The ICC Representative stood up and began pointing at
each and giving his recommendations of the best facility to tour and hold the conference would
be. Gonzales interrupted and stated that he had already come up with a location based on the
SSP Alliance Council's request and the information was based on intelligence from an ICC
The ICC Representative immediately looked concerned and that look intensified when the plus
sign icon popped up on the coordinates that were already in the system. It marked a place that
was in the southern polar region. The ICC representative stated that this was an old Industrial
plant and that there wasnt a colony there. Gonzales stated that our intelligence was fresh and
that indeed there was a moderate sized colony there and that a recent ICC defector had lived
there and provided a detailed report.
The ICC representative stated that he would have to contact his superiors to get clearance.
Gonzales reminded him that we were promised access to any facility and colony that we
requested for this conference and tour. The ICC representative excused himself and went into a
small room to use a communication device. He emerged a short time later and stated that it
would take about an hour before we were granted clearance to land but that the locations was
approved. It was obvious that this was a stalling tactic for the unexpected choice in locations to
give the facility time for some very quick preparations for our unanticipated arrival.
After about 50 very long minutes we heard an announcement that the crew had received
communication for clearance to land. As we moved in closer we could see some thin wispy ice
clouds in the upper atmosphere and some rolling dust storms much further to the north of our
trajectory. We then saw the beautiful blue and bright pinkish discharges on the shielding all
around the vessel as it entered the atmosphere at speed. There was no sound or turbulence in
the entry of the atmosphere.
We then headed directly towards one area of the ground that was hilly and rocky with snow and
ice in low lying areas. We made a quick turn with no inertial or G-force effects on the passengers.
Our vessel hugged the terrain at high speed for a few kilometers until we came to a small canyon
looking area. It was not like the canyons toward the equator and in the northern hemisphere but
was described as a canyon none the less. It looked more like an ancient washed out river bed
between larger rock outcroppings.
We began to slow down as we were headed toward a flat rocky outcropping and as we did a
turret looking cylinder structure rose out the top of the rocks and there was windows around the
structure. It appeared to be an observation deck or air traffic control tower. A large bay door then
opened below and we slowed down quite a bit more as we entered. We were then inside a
square tunnel hewn out of the rock with bays on either side of us as we continued through. As I
looked through the rectangular doors I could see two teardrop-shaped craft in each bay.
These craft appeared unusual to me in that I had not seen SSP craft that had a shiny chromed
metal finish. They always seemed to have a black or grey coloring much like the stealth
bombers that most people are now familiar with. The third bay on the right was the one we were
directed to and there was one of the tear-shaped vessels inside and an empty bay that barely
accommodated our vessel. We landed on the platform and powered down our vessel. I sat back
in my chair and the reality hit me that we had arrived at an opposition stronghold on Mars.
I made note of a catwalk that went out between the two vessels in the double bay. The catwalk
went to a wide walkway and staging area where there were crates and instruments on carts.
About a dozen of the facilities security team immediately came out onto the staging area wearing
the uniforms that I had seen before. They were a digi-camo (pixilated pattern) that were made
up of the colors black, rusty red and dark tan. They were carrying rifles that looked much like
our security teams. The ICC representative stated that he should go and smooth the road for us
and Gonzales agreed ordering the doors to be opened so he could exit.
We observed the ICC representative speak to the security personnel, and then went through the
check point returning a short time later holding both hands in the air with the thumbs up signal.
He sort of half jogged to the vessel where he met us at the open doors and stated that everything
was on schedule, the ICC leaders participating in the conference had been informed of the
location and were on the way. He stated that we needed to go through the security checkpoint
and meet the facility commander who wanted to talk to us.
The ICC representative then told us what the subject of that conversation was going to be. He
was carefully watching our reactions as he gave us a summary of what to expect from the base
commander. He stated that the people at this facility were here for generations and that they were
under the impression for decades now that the earth had been through some sort of cataclysm
and was no longer inhabitable. He said that we are being asked to not throw off the social
dynamics of the facility by revealing that this was not the case or that any of us were from the
surface of Earth. He then turned around and did the same half jog back towards the facility
security team while we looked at each other wide-eyed regarding what he had just said. Gonzales
said You heard the man lets not have any incidents here if we can avoid it.
We then filed out of the SSP Alliance vessel and headed towards the security checkpoint. We
were stopped immediately when a very cold looking security personnel looked at our security
contingent and said Absolutely NO weapons past this point! We stopped and Gonzales looked
at the ICC representative and stated, You know that is a deal breaker, Id hate for things to end
before they got started here wouldnt you? The ICC representative walked past the checkpoint
and down the hall a ways and spoke to the base commander. The base commander was visibly
agitated from the beginning and this did not make him any happier. The base commander called
to his security and waved us through. This was another obstacle overcome by Gonzales, so far
so good.
As we entered, the base commander gave us the storyline about the people not knowing that the
earth was still thriving and that this wasnt anything to do with any slavery theories being
promoted by the SSP Alliance but was a complex social experiment. It was stressed that we
needed to be careful not to contaminate a multi-decades long experiment that will help humanity.
I looked at Gonzales and he rolled his eyes at me as this was being said. The base commander
then stated that the main hall was being setup for the conference and that we would be taken on
a tour of the industrial plant first that was 8 kilometers away via an underground train. He said
after the conference we would then tour the colony and meet the people, see their living
conditions and ask a family if they would be willing to leave with us.
We were walked through an area of the colony that had obviously been cleared of people for us
to walk through. The area was a ghost town and that much usable space is not wasted in these
facilities. We made our way to another area that was also cut out of the rocks and unfinished.
There was a single monorail track going in one side and out the other of a tube that was glasslike but not smooth or polished. It was ribbed or bubbled it seemed. It was possibly vitrified rock?
A very thin train then arrived and we were told to load up.
The way we entered caused us to be seated in a strange order. The seats were two by two and
facing each other. I ended up being several people down from Gonzales and had one of our
security personnel on either side of me. There was a solid row of the facilities security personnel
across from me. I noticed one of them kept whispering to the other and finally asked me as we
were traveling down the tunnel Where are you from, I responded without thinking Texas and
received a very shocked look on the 3 faces that I could see in front of me. I knew immediately
that I had already screwed up.
The facility security began to immediately talk among themselves and I could feel the eyes of our
security team (IEs) on me and within a few seconds could see an outstretched neck and a head
turned my way from the general area that Gonzales was sitting. Yea, I screwed up big time. I
didnt want to look at anyone else from my team and just kind of looked out the window behind
the facility security team and watched the blurry wall until we arrived at the industrial plant.
As we disembarked from the train, the murmurs were growing louder among the facility security
personnel. I then came face-to-face with Gonzales who had a smart ass look on his face and a
smirk. I looked at him and said Yea, I screwed up. I then told him what happened and he said
that he had heard them discussing the way he and I smelled and the fact that I was sun burned
and that I didnt look like someone that has been on a colony or stationed on a vessel. He went
on to say that people in these closed environments can tell each other apart. When someone like
us comes in smelling like hair gel, deodorant and coconut scented tanning oils and aloe vera sun
burn cream we reek of Earth and smell very alien and out of place to them. These people all use
the exact same toiletry products and even the smells of the foods that come out of the pores in
our skin are a dead giveaway.
He said it certainly doesnt help when one of us says we are from Texas. He said he was
brainstorming on coming up with an off the books facility or other vessels or locations that he
could say were code named Texas but he thought the damage was done. This proved to be
correct half way through our tour of the industrial complex. It was obvious that the talk was
spreading through this facility security team very quickly and the ICC representative was very
aware of it. He was making sure we saw him glancing back and forth between the people
chattering and our group with a disapproving look on his face.
We were all walking in a close group as one of the residents was explaining what each of the
robotic machines did and along the conveyor systems what each of the people did at the work
stations in the process of producing the various shaped panels that were optical and neurological
relays and displays. We were seeing a version that was a slightly curved panel of one size but
they stated down the tunnel system there were other rooms where the same panels were
produced in various configurations and for various other types of biological neurological interfaces
(non-human customers).
It was at about this time that another monorail train arrived with many more security personnel.
They told us to halt and they separated the security team that was with us, disarmed them and
escorted them to the trains and left. A new security team was assigned to us and the ICC
representative that obviously had an ear wig (communication device in his ear) told us that we
were not to communicate with the security team unless it was to do with something security
related. They then brought over a metal cylinder that had a spray atomizer on it and told us to
spray it on our bodies and rub it into our faces and hair. It was an odor neutralizer and it didnt
have a scent of its own.
I was worried that it had something in it but Gonzales said its okay and I unzipped my jumpsuit
and pulled it down to rub the solution into my arms, shoulders, neck, hair and face. We then
ended the tour early because the ICC representative stated that the other ICC leadership had
arrived and were setting up for their presentation in the main hall. We waited for the monorail
train to arrive back, piled back on it and headed back to the colony. On the way back one of our
security/IE personnel leaned over to Gonzales and I heard him say Somethings not right.
Gonzales nodded to him and said keep me informed. IEs get false hits often and its good to
have at least 3 present to triangulate any threats. When we would point out a possible feeling we
were always told to stay on the scent and report any new hits.
When we arrived at the colony there was a completely different energy. There were people
everywhere that all appeared between the ages of 8 years of age and about 60 (at the oldest)
bustling around in one piece suits that were obviously their Sunday best. They were also all
trying to look like they were going about their business while trying to sneak a peek at the new
arrivals and seemed to be trying to make eye contact. It seemed that they had been told that we
would be touring the facility and asking one family to leave with us to give a report about the
facility and how it is ran and what its like to live there.
We were brought into the main hall that looked like an area that people are brought in for daily
propaganda and there were a large number of ICC leadership members present who were
bustling about as well and it was difficult to count how many were there. They sat us down and
put on a Dog and Pony Show on a large smart-glass screen that showed all sorts of
technologies that they produce, what they procure in trade for those technologies and stated that
they had ongoing trade agreements with almost 900 civilizations and did occasional trade with far
more than that.
They showed all sorts of spacecraft and spacecraft components that some groups integrate into
their own technologies and also discussed the exopolitical agreements they had made with
groups that pass through our sector on a regular basis using the nearby natural portal systems
that are a part of the cosmic web. After this presentation we were taken on a tour of the colony.
People were very eager to please and show us their dwellings that were the size of my dining
room and housed a family of 4. They had very little in the form of physical possessions and there
seemed to be a cast system that ironically was similar to the movie Divergent but on more of a
micro level.
We had gotten to the end of the tour where we had seen their environmental control system and
their laundry and recycling system (everything is recycled) and community centers. It was now
time for Gonzales to give the ICC representative the choice of the family we were to take back
with us. He gave the number of a certain family's dwelling that was an alpha numeric number
outside their door and 15 minutes later a man, woman, teenage son and pre-teen daughter
showed up with a small bag in each of their hands. They seemed kind of stoic and nervous. This
was to be expected but they seemed off to me. I didnt say anything at the time. One of the
IE/Security Personnel leaned over to Gonzales and whispered to him and Gonzales ordered us
all to our vessel.
When the door was closed Gonzales turned to the people and told them they were safe and that
he would not betray their good faith. He said that We know that there is another member of your
family that is not present, the father said How could you know that? Gonzales motioned to our
security personnel and said that our people have abilities. The family then clammed up and
would not talk. Gonzales became upset and said he would straighten this out and he and the two
security personnel assigned to him left the vessel.
We sat in uncomfortable silence for about 10 minutes and then all 4 of the crew came out and
said We have over a dozen of the facilities security personnel coming out fast with weapons high
towards the craft. They asked me What should we do? I asked if they saw Gonzales and they
said no, he was not out there. I told them to open the doors and to stand down. The crew enacted
security measures that wiped the systems of information that would be helpful to the enemy.
When the doors to our vessel opened the facility security personnel then entered and disarmed
our security personnel and took us into custody. I had that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach
knowing that something had gone wrong and wondering if Gonzales and the others were okay.
The facility security team walked us in, straight past the base commander that was in a very
heated conversation with the ICC representative. Something had gone very wrong and his ego
was bruised or his authority was challenged in front of his men. He was extremely upset and was
no longer listening to the ICC representative who outranked him.
We were walked to a wall that suddenly had a double door where there was none before. They
opened it and we were then walked into a detention facility that was conspicuously absent on the
previous tour. As we walked back through the rows of cells we saw quite a lot of people in various
psychological stages of psychological distress locked up. When we reached the back cell where
Gonzales and the two other security personnel were detained I was relieved to see them alive.
We were all locked up and left without a word spoken to us in the same cell.
Gonzales said that the base commander was a tyrant and a total megalomaniac who was not
used to people challenging him diplomatically or otherwise on his base. He said that the recent
attack that the rogue SSP Alliance Forces had done on Mars had come up in the argument and
was obviously a point of contention that the base commander used to toss him in the brig. I asked
what was going to happen and he said that from the way the base commander was talking it
didnt sound good, which then left all of us thinking the worse.
It wasnt a minute later that we saw our blue/indigo orb friends zipping through the walls of the
cell, one for each of us. They danced around for a couple seconds and the other SSP personnel
who had never traveled this way backed against the wall. Gonzales explained how the
transportation works and then we each followed the SOP and were soon back at the LOC room
where I was transported at the beginning of this journey. Upon our unexpected arrival there was
an intrusion alarm going off at the LOC and armed security came into the room very quickly.
Gonzales told the SSP Alliance personnel to report to their units for debriefs. They left the room
with the armed security teams and the door was closed leaving Gonzales and myself alone in the
Gonzales then said We lost a vessel but didnt leave any team members behind, thats
something. He stated that we received quite a lot of good intelligence which was the real goal of
this mission. He stated that the ICCs goal was propaganda and that since the recent reports that
were released to the public about the slave trade and labor going on by the ICC that they have
been extremely upset and worked-up about information being public that was never supposed to
be so. He told me to continue doing what I am doing and that he didnt know where I was going
from here. He said he didnt know if I was going to visit Raw-Tear-Eir or be taken back home. We
said our goodbye's and he left to begin his debrief process.
I was extremely exhausted from the 14 hour ordeal and the stress from the adrenaline highs and
lows and was ready to just go back to bed. I removed the borrowed jumpsuit and boots and
placed them on the table that used to be in the middle of the room where my flip flops were
setting. Since that room had become so popular as a drop off and pickup area the large wooden
conference table had long since been slid against a wall to the side of the room to make more
room for foot traffic. I was once again standing alone in the room in my night time tee shirt and
shorts looking around at the walls.
Soon enough the blue/indigo orb zipped into the room and transported me back to the same point
in the living room that I had been picked up from. As usual only a few minutes had passed local
time and I tried to go back to bed to sleep. I really had a lot racing through my head at that point
so I laid in bed staring at the ceiling and finally got up and did a small update on Facebook and
gave David Wilcock a small update on Skype. I then began to type out the details of the
conference so that I would have them outlined for this longer report.
This ends the report of this particular conference. Im now in Boulder, Co at the Gaiam TV HQ
shooting 5 episodes of Disclosure with David Wilcock. So far, I have not been informed of any
upcoming SSP/Sphere Alliance Conferences and hope to have some downtime to spend with my
family and recover from the recent high activity period of meetings.
Thank you for all of the moral and other support that has been offered. It is much appreciated and
is vital to assisting me continue this work. Gonzales has a very nice support structure of both
funds and technologies through the SSP Alliance. As I have been reminded several times by the
SSP Alliance Council, I do not work for them. I work for the Sphere Alliance who see things on a
different level. They are great about working with peoples hearts to make sure we have what we
need and nothing more. They certainly want to keep me humble and dependent on maintaining a
positive karma. I have chosen this path and will continue to travel it as difficult as it is at times.
Thank you for the love and positive energy.
As one of many examples, California's water crisis should be solvable within a matter of a few months once we
get disclosure.
In fact, water could quickly become California's most profitable export, sending it to parched regions all throughout
Middle America and beyond.
Multiple technologies already exist that can easily de-salinate ocean water. California is right next to an ocean.
There is water everywhere! What is the problem?
"Water, water everywhere, and not a drop to drink" may have been true in the pirate era, but we do have the
means to alleviate those problems today.
One of the technologies we are directly aware of will desalinate ocean water, generate free energy and produce
any element in the Periodic Table as a by-product.
This technology already has the quiet support of one of the most prestigious universities in the country. I have
heard about it from more than one independent source.
On a personal level, knowing these technologies exist and that they have not been released yet is extremely
For now, I continue to be almost ridiculously over-conservative with my water usage. Days without showering and
the yellow toilet. Good thing I live alone. :)
It is interesting to simultaneously reflect on the fact that "the darkest hour is before the dawn," and we are far
closer to it than most people could ever imagine.
There are at least 40 different humanoid extraterrestrial groups that have tinkered around with our DNA -- for
many thousands of years.
We have a much broader spectrum of emotions than most other human species out there.
It is both our single greatest weakness and our most powerful strength -- once we learn how to harness its power
for the positive.
Like being surrounded by a drowning ocean of "useless" sea water, once we learn the command we have over
reality, our thirst for the Beyond will be slaked.
Bottom line: there are good guys and bad guys in the universe. Both are allowed to present their messages to us.
The future we experience is the result of the choices we make.
Our natural destiny is to go through moments of quantum change -- where the ground state of reality itself, and all
the assumptions that go along with it, is fundamentally and suddenly altered.
We are not protected from negativity any more than our collective free will decides. When we act in selfish,
manipulative, controlling and violent ways, that in turn allows elite controllers to do the same things to us on a
larger scale.
"You are blaming ME for this problem? F- you, David! I haven't done anything wrong! I am frickin' awesome!"
Not you per se, my friend. Humanity as a collective has created these problems. Some of them have built up from
thousands of years of karmic patterns.
That being said, figuring out how to properly investigate and write about these cycles of history, making them
understandable, is probably my headiest achievement yet.
The benevolent ETs I so often talk about in Ancient Aliens on History Channel (I am a regular, featured in over 35
episodes) seeded the "cycle numbers" in multiple cultures around the world.
This area of study was so arcane that in order to rescue it for our time, it required incredible effort -- pulling
together tiny threads of data I encountered over 20 years of time.
It also is not conducive to a show like Ancient Aliens, due to its complexity, and thus no episodes have been
made about this phenomenon at this time.
Now we have a solid body of evidence that history is programmed by a greater cosmic intelligence to guide us
through an intelligently-defined "script" for spiritual enlightenment.
In order to be a true Christian, it is necessary to understand and accept the reality of reincarnation. According to
the direct inheritors of the original teachings, this was the greatest secret of Christ.
The term "burn in hell" (Gehenna) really means to alleviate (burn off) karma. The word we now call "eternity"
(Aion) simply means a cycle of time.
The "eternal hell" we were warned about is not some cosmic purgatory we experience after death. It is happening
now -- and the flames are hotter than ever.
It has been truly surreal to hear the new updates from him as he has been pulled into well over a dozen different
off-planet meetings since that time.
The Cabal's plan was to release this plague, bring about the deaths of millions to achieve their depopulation
goals, and then shut off the plague with the aerosol.
At that point, they had intended for us to have descended into mass starvation, rioting, anarchy and chaos,
leading to martial law and internment camps (which people would flock to in fear of "zombies.")
The technology was in place to generate this "zombie apocalypse" all the way back in the 1960s.
The "Night of the Living Dead" was the first major movie to try to use social engineering to get this apocalypse to
be "authorized" by the benevolent ETs.
If enough of us saw these movies and really believed that zombies would attack us on a mass level, then thanks
to the Prime Directive, the benevolent ETs would be forced to let it happen.
I have been waylaid by a very busy schedule, as we will discuss, but I am definitely continuing the fight to write
articles and produce videos about all of this.
I discussed the zombie program in my last talk at the recent Contact in the Desert conference, having no idea
how a live audience, including one 8-year-old child, would respond.
Given that the kid was in the audience, certain details were definitely not shared that I might have done otherwise.
Quite to my surprise, everyone seemed perfectly OK with it. They were very grateful to finally hear the truth, and
not have me censor things I thought were too intense for us to hear.
That is another unpleasant truth we will soon be confronted with. The movie "Guardians of the Galaxy" was
intended to help soften the blow.
Supposedly there is more than enough technology and capability in place to recover all surviving captives in the
post-Disclosure world.
Here is the brand-new show on Canada Talks / Sirius XM where you can hear my surprise in the aftermath of this
highly strange synchronicity:
Richard Garner has been a good friend of mine and an associate for years now. I appreciate the quality and
consistency of his work.
Many people are out there saying they are radio show hosts, but I am very choosy about who I work with. Richard
always does a great job.
We actually didn't get that much into the Secret Space Program in this show, but I still think you will find it well
worth your time.
Synchronicity and mass, spontaneous human evolution were both major topics we covered.
We taped it on Tuesday, May 26th, at 12 noon California time -- and it aired on the evening of Thursday, May
Jimmy Church: Did the Annunaki and Dracos trick the Atlanteans into a soul-trap reincarnation cycle
here on earth to strand DNA and amnesia?
David Wilcock: That is what the Cabals disinformation agents are trying to tell us happened.
That's actually not true. Reincarnation is not a trap and the earth is not a prison.
And, again, this type of a question requires a lot of filling in of cracks for people who don't already
know what we're talking about.
DW: So I'll do that because, obviously, these questions are very deep and we've got to start
JC: You know, let's start there. You know what, there's so much . . .
You and I were talking earlier today about our time constraints and how we were possibly going to
try to squeeze everything in tonight.
Yeah, so, you know, let's just go deep now. Let's just go deep now.
So let's just first finish setting out the palette that I was establishing before, which is [this.]
You have a universe which started as a oneness. It divided itself into what we think of now as
The intention behind this was that oneness was originally a singular consciousness.
It got bored and lonely. These are the closest emotions that we could think of [in our terms.]
It had all of this creative potential, but it had no friends. It had nothing to look at. Nothing changed. It
was just always the same.
What we think of as galaxies are actually intelligent super beings. Stars are intelligent super beings.
Planets are intelligent super beings.
And as you step down from galaxy to star to planet, you've got a hierarchy of beings. These are
intelligent beings. They are extremely powerful. They are extremely creative.
And then the next stage down from that is sentient beings that live on the planets. So those sentient
beings are beings like us.
That setup of sentient beings on planets then plays out in a structure that has seven levels seven
grades that we evolve through.
And the first grade is mineral life like earth, air, fire and water.
It's not really even microbes. That doesn't come until the second level, or what in the Law of One is
called the second density.
That goes all the way up through all the animals, the whales, the dogs and cats and everything except
Then you have fourth density. At that stage you could have positive or negative beings.
Fifth density can have positive or negative beings. Then you have sixth and seventh.
At the sixth level you have to go positive or else you will dissolve back into the background energy in
the universe. You literally cannot survive.
7D is a very, very advanced level where all they really do is sort of create a virtual Internet.
They kind of go back through all the experiences they've had in all the previous levels.
They create this living database that 6D beings can analyze to help people.
That's the last gift they have to give before they get to reunify with this oneness that they came
So with all that being said as back story, the beings that are actually running the show here and
making sure that the earth doesn't blow up, literally, would be sixth density.
The Draco would be what you'd call probably a fourth density or possibly, but unlikely, possibly fifthdensity negative. They may actually be 5D negative. I don't really know.
What we do know about these guys is that they were humans that evolved out of reptilian life.
About 40% of the universe is populated with human or hominid-type life, meaning it walks on two
legs and it's got two arms, or maybe sometimes more usually just two.
The planets that these beings incarnate on are very similar to ours in the vast majority of cases.
This means they have microbes. They have algae. They have plants. They have mammals. They have
birds. They have reptiles.
JC: Breathing oxygen. (DW: Yes.) Carbon dioxide. (Yeah.) Plant life. (Yep.)
DW: There are some variations, of course. You might have a planet that is predominantly ocean.
In those cases, sentient hominid life will evolve out of whales or fish or something like that. There are
lots of those out there.
You might have a planet where the bird actually becomes the prevalent form of life that then
becomes human or hominid.
And in certain cases, you have reptilians reptiles where reptile life becomes human-looking.
[They were only interested in] other reptilians that had evolved independently from reptilian life on
other planets and they were out there looking at a lot of different planets.
So what they've done is they've gone around in the last 700,000 years or so and found all the other
reptilians. They've merged their genetic material with them and conquered them.
So they have their own little negative group that you could call the Draco, because they apparently
originated in the Draco constellation.
They are also dragon-like. The word 'draco' also means 'dragon'.
When I'm telling you this, I'm combining this from several different highly credible insider sources.
I'm seeing commonalities between what different people tell me independently, and were in a
position to know this is what is going on.
JC: Okay.
DW: And this is more information than most people have ever been able to get about these guys
before. A lot of this stuff is new.
What we find out is that they were going around conquering worlds.
This pissed off a lot of people and they really got their butts kicked.
They got their butts kicked badly enough that most of their attempts have failed. They have been
basically beaten back into one little corner of our galaxy.
That corner happens to be some of the stars that are near to us, such as the stars in the constellation
Orion, the stars in the constellation Draco, and a few other places like that.
They also have settled in our solar system in fairly recent terms.
Apparently they got to our solar system somewhere in the neighborhood of 375,000 years ago.
DW: That's just the figure that our new insider, Corey Goode, gave.
JC: Okay.
DW: Wow. I just turned my volume up and your voice exploded in my ears. Hello, Jimmy! (JC: Ha, ha,
DW: And when I reel my brains back into my eardrums . . . (JC: Ha, ha, ha.) Okay? (Laughs)
What are they doing? What are they doing out there? What do they want? Right?
You've got to look at these beings . . . And I'm not saying this to be derogatory. It's going to sound
this way, but.
When your dog leaves doggie doo in the forest, it's not just going to sit there indefinitely.
Nature has made certain species, such as little bugs, that will come up and they love that stuff.
JC: Uh-huh.
DW: Okay. The universe has designed itself so that there are intelligent life forms that absolutely are
dependent upon our jealousy, our anger, our sadness and our fear.
The more amoral, chaotic, violent, ruthless and selfish they can make us, the more energy they get.
It's more important to them than what we would think of as money or food or water or any of the
basic essentials for life.
When you become a being that feeds on loosh, if your loosh supply is interrupted for even one day,
you will die.
If we were to have even one day on earth one single day where a preponderance of people on
earth had something to feel good about, most of these beings would die.
In less than 24 hours they would be dead gone forever. It's THAT serious. They are THAT dependent
on our fear.
So what you need to understand then is that these beings deliberately custom-designed a planet
they could use for FEAR FARMING.
They require fear just like we require money in the bank if we want to go to the grocery store to get
something to eat.
JC: Right.
DW: So they actually did intermingle their genetic material with our own. And this goes back to what
Zecharia Sitchin was talking about.
Sitchin tried to blame everything on the Annunaki. So you've got to look at his material as a
suggestion, but not in any way iron-clad truth.
There're a lot of distortions in Sitchin's stuff. But the basic ideas are correct.
There was a reptilian king called Anu. He did have two sons Enlil and Enki.
Apparently, Enlil was the bad guy and Enki was the good guy.
[Enlil would be the] bad guy for us, meaning that Enlil supposedly was the one who genetically
engineered humans [and did not want us to be more than a slave race of clones.]
Enki was the one who then gave us the ability to reproduce because [the Anunnaki] made us to be
It's very likely that the planet Nibiru was actually Mars.
And it's very likely that what they were doing was to get us to mine gold.
When you spray that gold in the atmosphere, it helps to keep the atmosphere from escaping.
At the time that they were doing this, the earth was really kind of unpleasant. It was swampy.
It didn't have the kinds of oceans that we know now. It was hotter. It wasn't as nice as it is now.
So they didn't really want to live here as much as they took the indigenous ape man they found and
upgraded it.
Hence, [we see] the missing link in our fossil record where our brain suddenly doubled in size.
JC: Right.
DW: We have a lot of problems that are because of them tinkering with our DNA.
That includes the fact that we have bad backs, the fact that we get sunburns, and the fact that the
sun is bad for our eyes.
There are lots and lots of strange things that we have that are because our genetics have been
tampered with.
It turns out that there's over 40 different ET groups that have spliced their DNA with our own.
JC: Well, the Nibiru-Mars connection makes sense, because, you know, the Martian atmosphere is
blown away by solar wind constantly.
And there isn't any atmosphere there or very little atmosphere there. That would make a lot of
sense. It would definitely connect those dots.
DW: Well, you've also got to expand your mind a little bit and realize that these people have
extremely highly advanced technology.
You get these little nanites that shake hands. When you get enough of them, you can build this
virtual skin around the planet's atmosphere.
JC: Sure.
DW: It's not just like there are little particles of gold that are floating around, dumb, in the air.
JC: And you had mentioned earlier the Ancient Aliens [television show] and angels and the nonconnecting dots there.
DW: Actually, if you get into alchemical writings, the word 'Archon' refers to humans on earth who
act as agents for these negative extraterrestrials.
JC: Right.
DW: That's a commonly misperceived term, because most people think Archons refer to the
extraterrestrials themselves and it doesn't.
In order to successfully fear-farm the earth, they did need to elicit the cooperation of people here on
That's where you get into this very exciting new subject that we only learned about recently: the socalled Parents of the Illuminati.
JC: I was going there right now. I don't mean to cut you off, but that's exactly where I wanted to take
In that, the fear, the negativity that they are feeding off of that very energy.
If it is in their DNA, then that is were the lack of morals come from, from the Illuminati and Cabal
where we constantly ask ourselves, David, How can they do this crap?
I mean, where is the moral structure? Where is the moral fiber? How can they do . . . Well, is it
because they need it to feed off of?
DW: Let me tell you something very bizarre that I heard from one of the new insiders.
He, for a while, worked for the World Wrestling Entertainment WWE.
Every single time they do a major event when there's a big stadium of people, they have all these big
screen TVs at the event.
And most, if not all of those big screen TVs, quote-unquote, Mysteriously go missing after the
JC: What?
JC: Okay.
The crystalline structure of these television screens picks up enough of the loosh that the Draco want
those TV screens after an event, because it helps keep them going.
DW: Yes! Now see, that's stuff I would never have thought of.
It's so weird that people are going to laugh at me, but yet this is the stuff that you start to hear from
This energy that we make actually gets imprinted into the crystals within the monitor within the
LCD, the liquid-crystal display.
DW: Every event. That's in the budget. They've got to buy new monitors. Yep.
JC: That's interesting. Well, that's some serious Big Brother stuff.
You know, when you look at the screens over the crowds and the fear is just pumping and the energy
is there and then it's a sponge.
DW: I'll give you another secret. They set these monitors up in the shape of, guess what? A
DW: They put them in a pentagonal shape, because that's the magic circle.
I don't like to talk about this stuff, but it seems like it's fallen on my shoulders to leak a lot of
unpleasant things to people.
Let's not stay in this place: Oh, my gosh. The Illuminati are real and they're just going to wipe us
Look, they've been trying to ever since they got their hands on the bomb.
Back in the Trinity test, [The Trinity Test was the first test of a nuclear bomb on July 16, 1945, as a
part of the Manhattan Project] you have Robert Oppenheimer saying,
He had read the Hindu Vedas where they very clearly describe the use of a thermonuclear weapon
all the same stuff.
JC: Yeah. What would happen if we created a monitor that didn't absorb and then they went to . . .
(DW: Laughs)
You know what I mean? That would certainly shut them down.
Another thing, again this is a little disturbing, but what the hell.
Remember when there was that genocide in Rwanda? [This was a mass slaughter of around 1 million
Tutsis and Hutu moderates by the Hutu majority in 1994.]
Youve got the Hutus and the Tutsis and they're going around chopping each other up with axes? And
it was happening on a massive scale?
They will literally cloak their ship, fly into our atmosphere, and park the ship over the battlefield as
these people are dying and just soak it up.
That's what they've been doing for thousands and thousands of years.
They need to keep creating wars so they can keep soaking it up.
JC: Is that what's going on in Syria and Iraq with ISIS? Are they soaking that up?
DW: Absolutely. They're doing whatever they can. And they are having a harder and harder time
getting loosh.
Robin Williams apparently did not commit suicide on his own. He was pushed into it.
They tried to get loosh from Paul Walker's death the guy that was in Fast and Furious and it didn't
generate enough.
And that worked well for them. They got a lot of loosh off of Robin Williams.
The next big thing that they did involving a celebrity on that scale was leaking the Cosby rape
They've gotten a lot of loosh off of that. That was something they had saved up for when they
needed it.
But there are not very many of these left that they can pull. That's the thing.
They're running out of time. They're running out of energy. And they are in serious, serious trouble
All the great religious prophecies the Bible is only one example.
There are 34 others that all say the same thing that we go into this glorious golden age.
And for those extraterrestrials, these reptilians we're talking about are literally no bigger than little
sand lizards in a sandbox.
They can watch what's going on in the sandbox, but they can't intervene in our sandbox more than
we invite them.
[This is] because the universe is governed by the principle of free will.
And believe it or not, Gene Roddenberry [the creator of the Star Trek movie series] was involved in
some of these same channeling groups that were in Joshua Tree.
[Joshua Tree monument is a U.S. National Park in the desert about 80 miles east of Los Angeles. It
was where the original Giant Rock UFO conferences took place in the 1950s.]
That's where the whole story concept and the architecture of Star Trek came from.
The whole prime directive that Capt. Kirk and Spock and they all had to work off of that is
absolutely what is going on.
JC: The concept of Star Trek was way too ahead of its time.
DW: Absolutely.
JC: It seems to have come out of nowhere -- that and, of course, 2001: A Space Odyssey.
When we went from just juvenile science fiction and storytelling, we just leapfrogged right into, in
the middle of the 60s, into 2001 and Star Trek.
Twilight Zone a lot of Disclosure got pushed out through that show.
The Outer Limits is another show that a lot of Disclosure got pushed out through.
JC: Right.
There was a little show for a while called The Time Tunnel that had lots of stuff in it.
They've done a lot of movies: The Day the Earth Stood Still, various other UFO movies.
There's been a very consistent effort to tell us what's really going on.
[They hope] that once we find out that there are thousands of different extraterrestrials that we've
interacted with, it's not going to come as a big surprise.
JC: You know what I just finished this week? And I was kind of bummed out about it.
I finished Space 1999 [British-Italian TV series that had two seasons from 1975-77.] Both seasons.
DW: Yeah!
JC: Yeah, man, I got to the last episode of season 2 and it was pretty melancholy.
You know, I was kind of bummed. What a great series that was too.
Buck Rogers was loaded with Disclosure. Battlestar Galactica [TV series originally in the mid-1970s
and launched again between 2004~2009.]
They never got to finish the thought in the original one. They rebooted it and actually did finish the
If you watch all the recent Battlestar Galactica, they end up landing here when their fleet is literally
down to the very last limping ship.
All they could do is crash land here. And they had no ability to get off the planet once they arrived.
JC: Do you know where I think a lot of information was? And don't laugh, man. Just stay with me on
I remember that the first time I saw it I thought, You know, this is a pretty cool movie. A nice little B
movie under the radar. Pretty cool.
I watch it now and it's a frickin horror flick. It scares the crap out of me.
DW: (Laughs)
DW: And at the end, when you see that portal open up underground, it literally is a gate into the
It is a stargate! They have a stargate in the movie. It's right there. It's amazing. That scene is amazing.
JC: For everybody listening, if you have not seen They Live, that's your homework tonight after the
show. Just go and peep that out.
JC: Unless it was done for a reason. That's all I've got to say. But there are elements of it that just
scare the crap out of me.
Let's talk about your current research before, once again, David, we run out of time.
JC: You know what's funny? If you remember back when you were on with us, it was Christmas Eve.
We got to the end of the show and, man, if they didn't shut us down. That was messed up. That was
so messed up.
DW: Some sort of force majeure [superior force] technological interference with your ability to do
the show.
JC: Right at the peak. Right at the . . . Okay, Jimmy, I'm going to drop a bomb.
DW: I wanted to kind of round out this thought, because we were heading somewhere and we never
quite got there.
DW: One of the big things we need to talk about is the Secret Space Program.
That is where it goes back again to these Draco. And it goes back to where I was discussing the
This is brand new information, but I believe that it is coming from a highly credible source.
I've now actually been able to vet out some of it with other sources.
The Draco have the ability to give you some kind of nanotechnology injection. What happens is that
your flesh becomes essentially robotic.
You're still technically human, but only in the way that you look. Your body works in an entirely
different way now.
You can take out a pocket knife and slice a big hole in your palm, and the nanites will just close it
right back up for you.
So they have used this in various things like the television show Heroes, and the character Wolverine
in X-Men. It's rapid healing.
JC: Right.
DW: There are 21 people on earth that have this. And they are called The Parents.
This goes all the way back to the oldest one of these people. Apparently he's 13,000 years old.
[This] dates back to the time of Atlantis before the big catastrophic event that sank the continent.
This person was already given this technology.
These 21 Parents are immortal. In practical terms, they can live for thousands of years.
They were assigned to find the people who are making the most money and have the most power,
and seduce them into their group.
Those were the people who, simply through a basic Darwinian survival of the fittest mentality, came
to the top of the food chain.
[They] made the money, got the power, and took over the control of governments and religions.
[They] were seduced by these Parents who had all the advanced Draco technology.
And part of the deal the Parents had [from the Draco] is working star gates [they could use] this
whole time.
So they could go out into space. There are plenty of other places they could go. They are not stuck
here on earth.
That technology was not shared with the Illuminati bloodline families.
Now the Illuminati bloodline families have found out the Parents had this the whole time, and
they're really upset about it.
And what's interesting is that the alliance amongst these Illuminati folks is fracturing and now the
Draco have betrayed everybody.
The Parents have actually turned against all the 13 bloodlines below them. They now have their own
Several of these 21 people apparently are really tired of immortality, and they don't want to be alive
any more.
There is a way that they can die, which is to have the brain stem separated from the neck.
That also has been depicted in fictional works including the movie Highlander, where you chop off
this guys head and then you absorb his power.
JC: Right.
Now, people then say, Well, wait a minute. If they want to screw us over, why are they telling us
what they're doing? Why do they make all these movies about it?
The magic requires them to tell us what they are doing. [That way,] the enslaved are actually being
enslaved through their own free will.
[This is] one of the things that you hear Illuminati people say and this is more the card-carrying
kind, not the kind that has defected.
They say, If people are too afraid to see the obvious when we're shoving it in their faces, then they
deserve to be slaves.
DW: That's true. I think what's happened is that they skewed far from the idea of it truly being free
will enslavement.
They've used trickery more and more. And they've lied more and more.
And as a result, these governing beings these seraphim and cherubim, or 6th density beings in Law
of One terms the 'management', if you will, the good guys are now able to bring them down, and
defeat them.
So to get back to the Space Program, what's happened is The Parents knew the Draco existed.
The higher level bloodline Illuminati people knew the Draco existed.
They basically realized that even though they had this cult that saw them as gods, they're not in
They're just licking the boot heels of these 12-foot tall, essentially demon-looking beings.
[The Draco] literally have vertically-slit pupils, reptile skin and are massively strong.
They have a 5-foot-wide shoulder span and weigh three thousand pounds.
You can't shoot them with conventional bullets. They'll just ping off of them. They're very, very
tough. They're very strong.
They're telepathic. They're telekinetic. They can remote-influence people and make you walk around
like a robot under their command.
[If you think about it,] all the stuff that the Illuminati [is supposedly] doing doesn't make any sense.
You guys are human beings. You live here on earth. Why do you want to kill the planet?
See, they don't. Their bosses do. The people that they are under the control of do.
Its the Draco who have been gaming out our planet as a fear factory. We are generating fear for
If a whole bunch of us die, that would be like a big prosperity bonus for them.
JC: Is that why the Rothschilds bank both sides of every war?
This is a Luciferian belief system. And Lucifer, in this term you could think of Lucifer as one of the
DW: Yes. If you've got to talk about something that is disturbing, you've got to balance it with
something positive.
Roswell was not the first UFO crash. They had stuff that they found that went all the way back to the
Apparently out there in the Southwest they dug up this craft that was very aerodynamic. It was all
gold in color.
We had one insider that came forward and told us that. So they've had the stuff for a long time.
There were ancient crashes they were able to go dig up. There's all kinds of cool stuff they found. [It
has] all [been] kept hidden from us.
By the late 1930s, the Germans were the first to develop flying saucer technology.
The Vril Society was doing this. It's called the Hanebu or the Bell craft. Kronos is another secret name
for the project.
They flew out into space and then that's where they [made an incredible discovery.]
Wow! There are a lot of people that have colonized the solar system before us. They left some really
cool stuff behind.
That's what they did on the moon and on Mars [as well as in Antarctica.]
So when you get into the history of the space program, you have the Nazis colonizing the moon and
They lost World War 2, but they came back and basically took over the military-industrial-complex
through trickery and through having better technology.
They blackmailed the U.S., because the U.S. did not want to kick loose the secrets of Roswell.
The Nazis started overflying the U.S. capitol in 1952 with their Bell craft, and essentially forced the
U.S. to join them in a partnership.
This is where you get the militarization of our space and our solar system.
In the 1950s and early 1960s there was something called the brain drain.
Approximately 60 million people were recruited from countries all over the world.
So you still have to this day plenty of Latinos, plenty of blacks, plenty of people who look like they're
from India or Pakistan, plenty of Asians, and plenty of Caucasians that have lived generations out in
If you've got 60 million people in the 1950s and they are specifically told to have as many children as
possible, you're now dealing with a large population.
They also continue to recruit people from our planet and bring them up there as much as they can.
So this is ongoing.
JC: Did they recruit brains or did they also recruit brawn?
There are various movies that tell this story, such as When Worlds Collide.
If you want to go back and do research, go watch that film. That's Disclosure.
Only the cream of the crop were picked. It's like Noah's Ark all over again.
That's part of what these people are told. Something big and disastrous is going to happen on earth.
You're going to get to live in a Jetsons, Star Trek-type reality. It's going to be amazing.
Then when these people actually go out there, many of them are treated like slaves. They have a
very deplorably poor existence.
They're totally monitored and they just work their whole life.
They're told who they're going to marry and they're told how many kids they can have and all this
kind of stuff.
DW: I already am in contact with a group that has been part of the space program and has broken
It's called the Solar Warden faction. There are five factions of the space program.
Solar Warden was the first one. They're like the planetary police force.
Then you have the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, or ICC, that has guys like Boeing and
They're out there building all kinds of advanced technology and selling it to various extraterrestrials
that come in here to check out what they've got.
Apparently, their technology is some of the best in our part of the galaxy.
This is odd because we are considered very primitive in terms of our spiritual levels of advancement,
but we're really good at building stuff.
Then you've got the Global Galactic League of Nations, which is sort of a UN in space. Then you have
a Military faction.
And actually there are several sub-groups in the Global Galactic League of Nations, as we have now
found out.
The Military faction essentially acts as a police force and logistical support for these other factions.
And then last, but not least, you have the Dark Fleet.
That is the faction that is run by the Draco, where you can see the Reptilians.
You're going to see mantis-looking people. You're going to see ant-looking people.
You [also] see certain humans who work with them that wear black uniforms that look like Nazi
Their technology is no newer than what we were building in the early 80s.
This is still really frickin amazing, but it is way less [advanced] than the other factions.
They broke away. They got tired of being treated like the mushroom kept in the dark and fed a lot
of BS.
Solar Warden has now sided with new beings that have showed up in our solar system.
[These new beings have] technology way in advance of anything they thought was out there.
We're talking about spheres that in some cases are as large as the planet Jupiter.
One of them came into our solar system in the 1980s, and it was the size of Neptune.
My insider Pete Peterson was there working with Ronald Reagan while this was happening.
[It] freaked everybody out, because they saw this huge orb coming in.
It circled Pluto, circled Neptune, circled Uranus and then came in to Saturn.
It was cloaked, but they could very easily detect it with [the technology] they had at the time.
The beings inside just said, We're peaceful explorers taking a cruise around the galaxy.
Then they [the Secret Space Program personnel] said, 'GTFO', basically. [Get the f- out of here.]
Then, right around 1999, 1998 or thereabouts, you start to have over a hundred, actually hundreds
of spheres like this coming into our solar system.
[DW: Kent Steadman of cyberspaceorbit.com was the main researcher who tracked this
phenomenon for years.
On Kents site, it appears to have started with his Sun Cruiser post, describing an anomalous object
that first appeared around the sun on May 3, 1998.
Kent interviewed various astronomers and got differing opinions about what this huge, fast-moving
object was.
I was very captivated by this at the time and consistently checked Kents site for the latest updates.
There were many, many subsequent articles revealing dozens of additional anomalies photographed
by the SOHO solar observer website.
One of the earlier and more interesting phenomena was what appeared to be two spheres hitting
the sun and portaling out on June 1st and 2nd, 1998, causing a huge CME in the process:
NASA dismissed this as nothing more than a comet hit but the objects were as large as planets in
their apparent size.
Kents work on this phenomenon from the 1998-2002 timeframe is a vast study that would take
months to properly review and summarize.
It would take would take quite some time to assemble a chronological gallery of all the solar
anomalies seen between 1998 and 2002.
As it says in this next article, the apparent straight lines seen along these spheres is the result of
pixel bloom.
The extreme brightness of the spheres overloaded the CCD sensor on SOHO, causing the lines:
DW: They wouldn't respond to hailing signals. Nobody knew what this was.
The Illuminati folks in the Pentagon thought, Oh my gosh. This is the return of the Sumerian gods.
They've come to help us usher in our New World Order.
They know we're going to do this 9/11 thing. And we're really excited they want to help us.
So these spheres have just been hanging around. They've just spent time, but nobody could talk to
them. Nobody could figure out what was going on.
Then, cut to the Mayan Calendar end date around the year 2012.
In August 2011, approximately 26 underground facilities, that we know of, were actually portaled out
by some super intelligence.
Then, after all the people were removed and all the goods were removed, the buildings and the
whole place was actually imploded.
[This was done] through some sort of air pressure differential where the air was portaled in.
The air pressure went up super high, cracked all the land and then it subsided and crushed in and fell
in on itself.
This was done to at least 26 underground facilities. And that's just what we know of.
It appears that some sort of treaty was struck at the end of this series of events in late December
2011. That's when it stopped.
It appears that the Cabal was trying to fight this from happening by turning on HAARP at maximum
That's where you get your fish deaths and bird deaths.
If you go back to right around the end of December 2011, birds were just falling out of the sky dead
with traumatic injuries.
[DW: I misspoke about this. It had been some time since I had reviewed this data.
The bird deaths culminated at the end of December 2010, in the aftermath of a series of strange EMP
attacks against visible, public targets:
None of these attacks killed anyone. They were covered in our Chinas October Surprise article
series, linked in the above article.
Interestingly, when I went back to this article to get the link, its hit counter was at 333,088 another
example of numerical synchronicity, where repeating digits appear as I am doing this work.
There did appear to be a treaty that stopped the EMP attacks in January 2011, but the treaty was
violated by the Cabal.
This seems to have been what triggered the underground cities being portaled out from August to
December of 2011.]
DW: Jimmy, you were probably covering this back when it happened.
JC: Yeah.
DW: And the fish were all washing up. Hundreds of thousands of dead fish were washing up.
DW: Just falling out dead. And they were too crushed up by the time they hit the ground. Their bones
had already been crushed.
That was because [the Cabal was] using HAARP to try to defend against the destruction of these
underground facilities and it wasn't working.
So they apparently made a treaty sometime at the end of 2011, saying, Please don't destroy our
underground facilities any more. We'll do what you want.
Then in 2012, you get what ends up becoming approximately 100 gigantic spheres coming into our
solar system.
One of them is around the size of the moon, like the ones from 1999 to 2001 that came in.
Then you've got another size that's around (the size) of Neptune.
Then you've got another one that's around the size of Jupiter.
It turns out that there are a lot more than 100 of them.
We could only see 100 with our ability to detect cloaked spheres. There are a lot more than that.
Everybody in the Space Program on the inside knows this [next data point].
Our solar system is transitioning into a zone of heightened energetic strength in the galaxy.
If you take a pan and you put it on your stovetop and you don't put any heat under it, and you drop a
drop of water in the middle of the pan, what's it going to do?
JC: Evaporate.
DW: It's just going to sit there. Actually, eventually it will evaporate, but it's just going to sit there.
If you get that pan nice and red hot and you drop that same drop of water in it, what's going to
It's going to go zig-zig-zig-zig-zig, and zig all over the inside of that pan.
JC: Interesting.
DW: Imagine now that the same thing happens to matter, AND to consciousness, AND to the actual
signature of biological life that is our DNA.
Ultimately what appears to be coming our way is some sort of decisive shift in the way that matter
and energy and consciousness itself functions.
That's how they call it in the Bible, but there's many other prophecies that talk about this.
Take your pick. Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Native American, Celtic, Druidic, you name it. It's all there.
We go through this time of extreme suffering where people have fallen from spiritual teachings more
than ever before.
There's greater amounts of violence, greater amounts of illicit behaviors, selfishness, jealousy, rage, a
great amount of depression and sadness.
That all is part of what you could think of as like kinetic energy.
[DW: Here I meant to say potential energy, which stores up. Kinetic energy is what happens when
the potential is released.]
But you can only push the spring down so far. Then what happens when you let go of the pressure?
JC: Boom.
JC: Right.
I mean, Jimmy.
I was out there trying to see any discussion whatsoever of the Illuminati online. I'm talking now back
roughly 2003, 2004.
This included Henry Makow and Greg Szymanski, who was doing a radio show. Henry Makow was a
popular guest on these radio shows.
I farmed them information about the Illuminati through this whistleblower called Svali, who originally
had come out in 2000. I'd been following her work.
So I had a lot to do with reintroducing that when it had kind of all died out.
Nobody was reading Robert Anton Wilson or any of that old stuff any more.
So what's happened is now it's common knowledge. You've got the Snowden disclosures. People are
waking up.
What we don't realize is that the awakening is an energetically driven function. The energy is
cranking up.
[This affects] our apparent free will decisions of how we live our lives and what we choose to learn
Are we listening to Fade to Black, and are we reading these books, and are we going to these
We think that this is something like, Oh, I just stumbled over it on the Internet.
Supremely high-level intelligence uses synchronicity to direct us to the sources of information that
feed us this awakening.
We are all going through this at our own speed, through our own free will.
[This way,] we can veto it and take it in digestible chunks at the speed we want to learn.
We're learning what's really going on here. And it is ultimately a very, very highly positive thing.
When we go through this shift, if you have done your homework, [you will be fine.]
If you have followed the great spiritual teachings that these 35 ancient cultures were all trying to
teach us about being a good person, being a loving person service to others, forgiveness,
[Then,] you're right back in to the realm of what happens to these 160,000 people in Tibet where
they practiced these spiritual teachings.
They don't die. They transform into a light being. This is the next stage of what human evolution is
built to do.
We're built to go in to this super-hero-type of character. It was all laid out for us in the story of Jesus
and the resurrection.
That is only one of many examples. You have it in other cultures as well.
We just happen to have a celebrity worship thing where people get all hung up on Jesus having done
They don't realize that many others have accomplished this as well.
That does piss some people off. I understand that. But look.
Youve got these Tibetans who are following exactly what the teachings of Christ are.
And if they can attain that level of self-perfection, then they graduate into this higher level of
What appears to be happening is that the people who are ready for it [will Ascend] when this spring
When this energetic springboard takes off, you'll be able to levitate. You'll be able to have telekinesis.
You'll have telepathic contact with other people all the Jesus miracles.
Pretty quickly if you start trying, you'll discover that you'll be able to do this.
That means there are a lot of people who have generated very seriously bad karma for themselves.
They've gone around raping people. They're pedophiles. They've tortured people. They've killed
If you're sufficiently on that side of the coin, then the way the universe is built is that timelines
They experience a pole shift. They experience super-volcanoes which bury everything in about 30 to
100 feet of rocks.
JC: Right.
DW: And you just die with rocks falling on your head, basically. [DW: Some would experience this.
Others would die of a mega-tsunami or massive earthquake damage.]
JC: That's a good spot to take a break. Let's take a break. We're at the top of the hour.
When I come back after the break, David, I'm going to share with you the first time I heard the word
'Illuminati'. It's fascinating. I want your comment.
This is Fade to Black. Tonight David Wilcock. Bespoke radio for the masses. I'm your host Jimmy
JC: Hey, David. I got a couple of emails during the break. One of them is from Renee.
She says, There appear to be an increasing number of people all around the planet who are
channeling ETs.
Do you believe that this is a concerted effort on the part of various ET races to prepare us for their
open interaction with humans in the very near future?
DW: Yes. I'll step in dog doo again and get myself in trouble with the Cabal. And we'll see if they leave
us on the air for me saying this.
One of the things that the Cabal apparently believes is that people who are the starseeds, who are
getting this ET contact, are going to develop ascended powers before everybody else does.
And so they are making a very strong effort now to try to find the people who are getting this ET
contact and to corrupt them through their own free will.
[This would be done through techniques] such as getting them to think in a more negative mindset,
getting them to give messages of doom and fear, getting them to potentially be bought or bribed,
that kind of stuff.
JC: Back in February, you were on Coast to Coast, and you said that, and I'm quoting here,
If there is even one person who has ascended, he's going to be able to drive away all of these bad
guys. And they see it coming.
It's only about a year and a half away for them. They know it's going to be . . . They know it's going to
hit and there's nothing they can do about it.
And you were saying that there was going to be a small number of people who will have superhuman abilities.
DW: That is a date that is sort of the best guesstimate based on a variety of different factors, none of
which totally resolve.
It could be anywhere between the end of summer 2016 through 2017 to 2018. So, again, it's not like
you can just pinpoint a window.
What you have to do is look at is the current of events that are taking place on earth and how fast
are people awakening.
This is very important. This quantum leap is not some event that takes place at a pre-described time.
It is an event in which the human consciousness, reaching a critical minimum stage of awakening,
releases the pressure on the spring.
That's the key. When do we grow up enough that it's time for the quantum leap?
I was told [about this] all the way back in 2009 by this high-level insider, very high-level insider, who I
call Jacob.
He told me that the event I thought was going to happen at the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012
was actually going to happen in 2017.
I hid that data because, unfortunately, part of what happens is that if I say something publicly, many
people who are allegedly channeling will very quickly co-opt my information.
And so it then very quickly reaches a point where you can't tell the difference, or it becomes harder
to tell the difference between who's real and who's just parroting your information.
I sailed right through 2012 and never said anything about 2017. I figured, Hey, maybe it's going to
happen in 2012 after all.
There was a lot of good [scientific] evidence to point to that [which I extensively detailed in The
Source Field Investigations.]
2012 came and went, but since that time, man, it is ramping up.
You don't have to be that ignorant. You don't have to be that intelligent either.
It is smack-in-your-face obvious that we are building up to something very, very huge here.
JC: What were some of the abilities that you were referring to?
DW: Well, if you go back to the Hindu scriptures, they talk about the eight talents of Krishna. [DW:
Look up the "eight superhuman faculties" of Kalki.]
You know there are different Messianic stories from religious traditions.
We're talking about stuff that you would see in some of the best sci-fi and fantasy movies.
So we're talking about one person being able to instantaneously transform a landscape. We're
talking about stuff even at that level of significance.
Somebody who would have the power to be able to levitate multiple automobiles at once and throw
them in a direction, for example.
Somebody who would be able to create any of the elements, like in The Last Airbender.
I know people said, Oh, it was a terrible movie, but it was interesting to see all of the abilities these
folks had.
Some people can throw water. Some people can throw fire, air, earth, et cetera.
I don't think that necessarily all of us get this kind of large-scale super-duper telekinesis right away.
But it is true that if you go back to Tibet, there's all kinds of reports of these yogis flying around like
flocks of birds in the air.
They would push their hand or foot into a stone. They could liquefy the stone and leave a very nice
footprint or handprint behind.
There's lots of examples of that on my show, Wisdom Teachings. You can go check that out
I have a whole 8 episode mini-series just on the Tibetan Rainbow Body, where I show all these
pictures of the handprints, the footprints.
I give all of the teachings of how they got to this Rainbow Body.
And, again, basically, you have to meditate all of the time. You have to have every thought be a
loving thought.
That does not mean you have to be that good as a meditator. It's like the Olympics of spirituality to
go that far.
What it says in the Law of One, which is where I believe the truth can be found, is all you have to be
is slightly more than 50% good Service to Others.
You can still be 49% selfish, manipulative, jealous, conniving and controlling and you're still good to
go for this ascension.
So it's not something that only the elite are going to go through. It's not like if you occasionally have
marshmallows or a cigarette that youre not going to ascend.
[Nor is it that if] you get drunk once in a while or you do drugs, you're not going to ascend. It's not
like that.
What really counts is character: how you treat people and what kind of thoughts are going through
your mind.
JC: This takes us back to Allison's question at the beginning of the show. What happens to the little
ones the cats and the dogs and the horses?
DW: This is something very interesting that I learned through one of the new insiders.
If you have human beings and you portal a human being forward in time, we have something called a
zero-time reference.
If you move that physical body forward in time, it will automatically progress or regress to the
appropriate age that it would be at that time in history.
So if you're going to move a human in time, you actually have to change this zero-time reference to
shift it.
There's a variety of vortex points on earth where that will happen in the right planetary alignments at
the right time of the year.
[In such a case,] you can end up portaled 300 years into the future.
What will happen is very quickly you'll become a feeble old man or woman and you'll die unless
you have the right ZTR (zero-time reference) [shifting] capability.
Now, the funny part is, and I only learned this recently, animals do not have a ZTR.
You can portal animals forward in time and they'll live out their lives just fine.
There have been multiple cases of lake monsters and pterodactyls that have flown in or swum in to a
portal, and portaled into our time.
What we are calling the Cabal or Illuminati, the military-industrial-complex, would [pick them up
with] an advanced craft that we would think of as a UFO.
I [was told that at] some time in the early 1970s they picked up Nessie. They took Nessie out of Loch
They've picked up a bunch of these monsters that come through dinosaurs that portal through. And
they've stored them in various facilities.
So what's happening now is that in reference to your question, we have a situation where
benevolent extraterrestrials will portal the life on earth forward in time to when it is safe again.
It's not like some big global catastrophe. That's a common misperception.
It only happens to the people who have invited that type of balancing karma.
If you stay on earth and you go through the shift, even if you're not really a very nice person, you're
Only the most evil, negative people are ever going to see this negative timeline.
It's possible that the positive people for a while won't even realize that this thing has happened.
Only the most negative people are actually going to see this type of disaster.
They [the Cabal] have seen within their time viewing technologies that this is coming.
Look at a movie like Interstellar. There are all kinds of movies that [lay out this prophecy.]
The new Mad Max movie that's out right now [Mad Max: Fury Road] [is another example.]
[There are] so many films describing this post-apocalyptic world because they see that it's coming for
them, but not for everybody else.
So if you are not one of those types of people, you will go through this event.
If you're not actually going to ascend, then probably what will happen is that you live out your
normal life.
You'll die normally. And then when you next reincarnate, you'll just reincarnate on a different planet.
DW: Well, I don't know if you could boil it down to something that simple.
I do think that there are elements of the Chinese government that are controlled by the Cabal.
But, yeah, the Chinese government did go around [looking for people with advanced abilities.]
There's a really great book called China's Super Psychics by Paul Dong.
Interestingly enough, when you have people that grow up in extreme poverty, in many cases that
hardship makes you more apt to develop these types of ascended abilities.
So there are these kids in China [with ascended-type abilities already] and this was documented.
In fact, US oil executives went to China and witnessed [these types of phenomena.]
One of the most stunning ones is a little girl who can wave her hands in front of a whole room full of
people holding flowers that haven't bloomed yet.
She time-accelerates the blossoms, and the flower literally opens up right in front of your eyes as you
are holding it in your hand.
DW: Yeah. And there's kids that can teleport pills out of bottles that are sealed. The seal is still good,
but the pills end up outside the bottle.
JC: Hey, man. Have you picked out your wardrobe for this weekend?
I've got to get you a Fade to Black shirt. You've got to wear it.
JC: Oh, no, no, no. I'm just saying . . . I'm just saying that you've got to wear a Fade to Black shirt at
Contact in the Desert.
Have your girl call my girl. We'll get that all set up.
Oh, I meant to tell you before the break. Check this out. You're going to love this and I want your
Back in the early 70s, I suppose . . . Let's just say I'm 10 years old 10, 11, right around in that area,
72, 73, I'm like 10 or 11 years old.
I would dial in these crazy late-night guys. I would get no sleep, and I would go to school in the
morning, you know, transformed.
So anyway, late night, you know it's 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning in the middle of the week.
I'm listening to this late-night AM radio guy and he says this. This is what he says.
He goes, Okay, man. You don't know this, but the Illuminati are running the world.
JC: You know, this is like 1972, 73. And I guarantee you my eyes popped open. You know my room is
dark. The Illuminati?
So I roll over and I write it down. I write down 'The Illuminati.' I don't know if I spelled it right, but I
wrote it down.
He said, They go back to the cave man days. They were the strongest tribes back then. Ever since
back with the Neanderthals.
They were the strongest tribe. They ran governments. They ran Egypt and they ran Greece and they
ran Rome and the United Kingdom and China.
You know throughout history the Illuminati has been the strongest tribe. And today they are
running the world. It's a secret government.
And so I wake up in the morning, and I've had nightmares now. I wake up and I go to my parents.
I go to school. I go to my 6th grade teacher, whatever his name was. It's escaping me now. I go to
him. . . Mr. McWilliams.
Have you ever heard of the Illuminati? No, never heard of them.
DW: (Laughs)
JC: And it was crazy to me that I got this secret information from AM radio overnight that I never
forgot to this day.
I never forgot his description, the way that he laid it out there. That was in the early 1970s.
I went around and quizzed everybody throughout life after that. I couldn't get information out of
Nobody had heard of it, which to me confirmed what he was trying to say that night back in 1973.
And particularly the amount to which they are jamming out propaganda through pop music now is
Madonna has come out and openly admitted If there is something called the Illuminati, I want to be
in it.
And I know who the Illuminati is. The Illuminati are the good guys. And they are all the smartest
people throughout history.
JC: Why would she, David, why would she come out when you have everything on the Internet and
different fringe shows and websites and so forth that have been talking about this?
[It is] not only Madonna, but you know JayZ, Beyonce, what have you, you know, pick a star Lady
The finger's [been] pointed at Madonna like that for so long. Then she turns around and comes out
with a song called Illuminati.
DW: Yeah. And she sings, The all seeing eye' is watching tonight. That's what it is, the Truth and the
Light. Unbelievable!
JC: Yeah. Why would she do that? Was she told to do it? That's the only thing I can think of.
DW: Yeah. These folks in pop music, they don't rank very high in the Order. They're not running the
That is why I also pulled Kanye West's quote where he got all excited about Madonna's song,
Yes, yes! He was jumping up and down on the soundboard. He got so excited about it.
And he's now come out and said, People think we're running the world. We're just hired talent.
They just tell us what to do. And if we don't go along with it, we don't have a job.
So you've got to realize that the pop music big people are just playing along to a script.
You have the artist Kesha who came out and actually had this song called 'Die Young' right before
the Sandy Hook school shootings.
She's basically saying, Let's just party and die young. Then in the video she's dancing in front of an
illuminated pentagram.
It's unbelievable!
And then she comes out and says that she was raped by this guy that she was working with.
She was forced to sing those lyrics and she didn't want to.
DW: (Laughs)
DW: Look. The shapeshifting reptilians thing is a meme that David Icke introduced and he since has
altered it.
He's said he thinks these people have a spiritual reptilian influence, but are not physically
I don't believe that there is any such thing as shapeshifting biological material. It just doesn't work
that way. We all have the same basic laws.
I really encourage folks to try not to go on a witch hunt here. Madonna is basically doing what she
has been told.
People like Madonna, JayZ, Beyonce, Nikki Minaj, name 'em, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry.
These people are tortured by the Illuminati so fiercely. Many of them would do anything to get out if
they could.
They have had to watch violence and death be done in front of them in satanic rituals. It's horrible.
We should not be hating these people. We should be trying to help these people get free.
Most of the people who are stuck in this horrible cult do not want to be in it.
JC: Well, are they in the cult? And look. Since I arrived in Hollywood in 1983, I've heard rumors about
It's like 'urban legend' in Hollywood. You hear about it everywhere you go in the music business and
the movie business.
And for those people that are not in Hollywood, that are listening now from another part of the
country and are rolling their eyes and going, 'Oh, come on.'
No. You know what? Live here. Move here and certainly become part of the industry in some way.
DW: Yep.
JC: You're going to hear these rumors. And this is nothing that David or myself have made up.
This is a sub-culture that you kind of learn to accept because you hear it nearly daily.
Whether it's somebody like Corey Haim, God rest his soul. He was great. But you hear about these
stories all the time.
DW: Bryan Singer? [Who was accused of pedophilia by a boy who worked on one of his projects.]
JC: Yeah, Bryan Singer and his family. He's one of the most . . . Now look, I want to back up and use
the word 'allegedly'.
DW: (Laughs)
But you hear about guys like him and other directors and producers and influential people
throughout the industry.
This is stuff that happens on a daily basis out here in Hollywood and it's crazy. I know it sounds nutty
DW: It is horrible.
JC: Yeah. You hear about it every single day. There are . . . You know, you hear about....
JC: This thing with Bill Cosby. Thats just the public version of things.
JC: What has been going on in this subculture, these rumors, Ive heard about it since the day I set
foot in Hollywood.
There are some people who have really plotted for the deaths of millions and millions of people.
[They say] that they will be defiant until the quick drop and the sudden stop. And thats hanging.
DW: . . . when the ground falls out from under you with a noose on your neck.
So they will be laughing. They will be saying f- you and You're a bunch of useless eaters right up
to the moment
JC: Were going to be, again, about 2 minutes up against our last break. And then Im going to ask
you, please indulge me and hang out for another 15 minutes.
JC: . . . and his story and his involvement with you. It is all over the Internet.
There's been a lot of leaks. There's been a lot of disinfo on both sides of the fence.
So I want to talk about Corey when we come back. How did you meet Corey? And how far along are
you with your research?
If it's okay I don't know if I'm throwing you under the bus. You guys have shot some video. Are you
going to present some of that stuff too?
DW: Not at Contact in the Desert. It probably won't be ready by then, but it's going to be ready soon
DW: He emailed me beginning in 2009 and shared some insider data with me.
He saw a malfunctioning flying black triangle that was actually like a blimp held on a tether.
It hadn't quite inflated properly. It was a thing like a gigantic triangular blimp.
He shared this story with me in confidence, and I said, Wow, that's amazing.
We talked off and on. I knew he was a supporter of my work and he'd write me from time to time.
DW: He wrote me about this in 2009. I think the event happened in the 1990s.
JC: Check this out. In the last couple of weeks, I was with somebody that told me this story.
And this is somebody I trust like a brother, like a family member. Okay, without going any further.
He said that he witnessed up in northern California in 2009 a craft that was being towed across the
valley in northern-northern California, in the remote part of northern California, where there is
And he said that it was being pulled at, and it looked like a dragon on the end of a long cable.
It was moving like a snake. And the craft at the end was a ball with a long tubular structure with long
tubes on the end.
It was being escorted by a couple of aircraft and helicopters across this large mountain range, where
there are no airports.
There is no civilization. There are no towns. There is nothing. And there were a few witnesses that
saw this. But it was being towed.
DW: That's probably a test of one of the types of technologies that they have.
They were going to use [these technologies] to try to fake either an alien invasion or a biblical
[It would be something like the] rapture, [or] demons in the sky. That kind of thing.
JC: He said the ball in the front of the craft that was being towed . . . By the way, it was like . . . It was
hundreds of yards long. This wasn't some small craft.
JC: It's huge. And he said the ball in the front had a windshield.
He said it was so close to them that if there had been somebody standing in windows, he would have
been able to see them.
He said he didn't know if it was damaged or it was being tested, but it didn't have wings. It was
metallic. And it was interesting.
And the drawing that he drew, which I have with me now, it'll blow your mind. It looks . . . It is Buck
Rogers, man.
It's not Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars, no. This is like backwards looking. It's more Buck Rogers-ish.
Let's take a quick break. When we come back, I want to talk more about Corey and take some phone
calls. Let's do it.
This is Fade to Black. Tonight David Wilcock. Always great stuff when David is on with us.
This is the Bespoke Radio for the Masses. I'm your host Jimmy Church.
Let's go straight to the phones. Hi, you're live on Fade to Black. Say 'Hi' to David Wilcock. Who's
JC: Hey, Walt. How are you man? Are we going to see you in a couple of days?
Walt: Oh, no. I got a private invitation, but no. I just don't have time.
But listen. I want to thank you Jim. David, I got your book. I read it. Wow! What a guest tonight and
what an interview.
Walt: David, you know so much. And you talk to so many people that are in the know.
A lot of them, I guess, keep themselves private to the general public. But for some reason they talk to
And you've been protected, I guess, because you're a hot item with the people that don't want you
to talk.
I think I know who's protecting you. You're not going to believe this. My guess, okay?
DW: Okay.
Walt: I think it is relatives from your future. I think they're coming back and they're going to keep an
eye on you and keep you safe.
DW: I would actually agree with you. I think that's exactly correct. So wherever you got that from, a
high-five, buddy. You're right.
DW: Let me just add one little thing here. These people don't come to me as much as . . . are we still
DW: I'm waiting for it at this point. I'm thinking, If we get through this, it's going to be amazing.
People say to me, David, you know so much. You have all this information. You're so intelligent.
Blah, blah, blah.
I don't think of myself as a smart person. To me, everything I talk about is very basic and very
You know, I've been through the wringer. I've done the homework.
I would not say the things I say unless I absolutely believed with every fiber of my being that I'm
telling you the truth.
As crazy as some of this stuff sounds, I have gone through and I have vetted it out. I've done the
scientific research.
And I have worked very hard to find these insiders. They don't just come to me. I have to go seek
them out.
That's a big difference from what he was saying. That's the only thing I wanted to add.
JC: I'm going to . . . I don't really want a comment from you on this, because it's getting into
dangerous territory and you'll understand why after you hear what I have.
Cortana says, Is Scientology all part of this cult of Hollywood's loosh junkies?
And I'm going to say this. Although Scientology scares the crap out of me, and there's a lot to be said
about it, I'd rather just research and not comment.
You know what? They're too vicious and I don't want them coming after me, coming after you.
DW: (Laughs) Well, I had a orthodontist in Louisville, Kentucky who was a Scientologist.
We got talking about the Illuminati. He definitely knew about it, but in his mind, they were the
And Tom Cruise obviously is known as a Scientologist. And yet, if you look at either of his two most
recent movies, which would be the Live, Die, Repeat.
I forget what the rest of it was actually called. [Edge of Tomorrow.] That's what they ended up using
as the main thing on the title.
The other one was Oblivion. Holy smokes! I've done articles just on those movies.
It does appear that at the top levels of Scientology there is some penetration from the Illuminati
but that group, per se, is not an Illuminati group.
JC: Interesting. I . . . You know what, I . . . and let it lie right there. I have no issues with Scientology.
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
DW: (Laughs)
I'll say this. L. Ron Hubbard with all that money, David, all that money, and he never got his teeth
I just don't get that. I don't get that. I mean why not get your teeth cleaned? I guess there's no
dentist in Scientology.
DW: (Laughs)
JC: All right. Moving on. This question just came in. Scientology, we kid. No, we don't, but we do.
When you started the interview, David stated that the aliens are no longer taking people on board
their ships. Please ask why.
Also, has he ever heard of real robots working with the aliens?
Interesting question. And I think he's referring to robots like Robbie the Robot.
DW: Yes, I get it. Okay, so, question number one I already did explain.
We'll probably have this transcribed because I've leaked a lot of new stuff. So we'll get this typed up.
I've also got to post a transcript of the one I did with George. I've been so busy with this video, I
haven't had time to actually post these things.
The reason why, as I said, people were not being contacted and actually brought on board the ships
[after the early 1960s by the benevolent ETs] was because of two things.
Number one, they were being worshipped by fans and followers as if they were different and more
special than everyone else.
And number two, they started doing things like womanizing, developing egos and doing illicit
financial things [such as] profiting too much off of their services. That kind of stuff.
So the ETs are very strict about all this stuff the good guys at least.
They are very strict on that you have to live your life as an ethical person.
The way the Illuminati would be able to take down somebody like me is if I actually had a breach in
I'm not saying that the average person has to try to live as perfect of a life as I do, in terms of the
amount of diet perfection that I try to go for.
[Nor is it necessary to do] the jogging, the exercise, [or] the complete lack of any intoxicating
substances or drugs whatsoever.
I've been sober ever since September 21, 1992, and I intend to stay that way. I'm not saying you have
to be sober to ascend.
If you want to do what I'm doing and not get whacked, you absolutely have to be an Olympic athlete.
You've got to be in it 100%.
JC: Yeah, not only that, David. You've got to . . . If anything did happen to you, you'd become a
Let's knock on wood here. But then that just means everything that you said, now people have to sit
up and listen to it.
DW: You can pull Obi-Wan's quote right out of Star Wars: If you kill me, I'll become more powerful
than you can imagine. (Laughs)
DW: See, because then . . . I've got about 130 episodes I've done with Gaiam TV now on
WisdomTeachings.com, as I said.
People can go watch that for US$9.95 a month. You get this little Roku stick and you can watch it on
your TV.
There's [the] Amazon Fire [stick]. There's Google Play. Cable is obsolete now. And you can watch
whatever you want.
They do not want to make me into a martyr, because I've been able to release so much of the
material that I want to tell the world [on my shows.]
It's [all] going to become far more significant if something happened to me.
I know they've tried other [ideas.] There are various plans of how they could try to take me down.
One of the plans I've heard is they've actually cooked up apparently some very fake audio of me,
where it appears that I'm saying very disparaging things.
So if that ever happens, if people apparently have leaked information where I'm saying something on
the phone and it sounds like I'm a Luciferian, or that I'm very disparaging, or I'm saying racist things,
or whatever, it's not true.
I really do appreciate all types of people. I have not womanized. I've had just five girlfriends in my
life. I am not a homosexual.
Take your pick. I know they're going to try a lot of stuff, apparently, as this all goes big.
[DW: I am not attacking homosexuals here. I have been told that accusing me of homosexuality is
simply another way to try to stigmatize and slander my work.]
We are going to get Disclosure pretty soon. And that's the next stage of this.
We're facing [a situation] now [where] Greece is going to default on June 6th.
When they do, it very likely could take the euro down. And then when the euro goes down, the
dollar's going to go down.
[DW: The payment was not made. Only an IOU that they may pay it later on, even though they have
no money.
Insiders have told us that this whole sequence of events is being delayed until early autumn.]
The US is already functionally bankrupt. They haven't announced this to the public yet.
There are already laws on the books right now that say, Your money in the bank already belongs to
the federal government.
They did the same thing in 1934 when they recalled everybody's gold in the midst of the Great
JC: Yeah, I'm a firm believer in one thing a safe in your house.
DW: Yeah!
DW: (Laughs)
JC: Your grandparents had it right when they were putting everything underneath their mattress.
DW: Let me just finish that thought really quickly by saying that they apparently are going to try to do
these bail-ins.
They are expecting that the public is going to get really angry.
This is probably going to be the trigger that will lead to this mass arrest scenario I've been talking
When that happens, it's going to be one of the biggest shocks and surprises.
I know there are a lot of people that are pissed off, because I've been talking about this since
probably 2011.
It hasn't happened yet, but the more I've learned, I can tell you that absolutely it is real.
This includes the fact that there is one type of Alliance that's here on earth and they have goals.
Then there's another Alliance that's actually working in the Space Program.
Many of the things that the Alliance on earth is trying to do are ultimately going to be relatively
obsolete, or only short-term transitional stages.
Once the Space Program's stuff comes into view, we're going to have technologies that are so far
beyond what we have right now.
That alone is going to be the biggest quantum leap in society that we have ever had in recorded
JC: What do you think about Jade Helm? Is that part of what's going on?
DW: What I heard from Pete Peterson, who I trust, and his sources I trust, is that it is largely not true.
They have been using that to try to inspire preppers to get more prepared, because they are
expecting the U.S. to announce that it's bankrupt.
Congress is not going to approve any more debt ceiling raising. The rest of the world is not going to
tolerate it any more.
Apparently, since January of this year, Saudi Arabia is not accepting dollars as payment for oil. They
are only accepting gold.
That has not been publicly reported. That's one thing that could get me in a lot of trouble for saying,
but it is apparently true.
As I said in my show that I did in San Mateo, California, the New Living Expo, the NSA good guys
[made Bitcoin.]
[The NSA good guys] did make Bitcoin to have a backup so that if the Federal Reserve tries to crash
the dollar, we can reboot our currency off of Bitcoins.
Goldman recently bought a bunch of Bitcoins. They see the writing on the wall.
Let's back up. I have a couple of questions. Now we're about out of time, so I've got to get these in.
With your knowledge of DNA manipulation, do you think that all of the critical leaps of knowledge
throughout history [were programmed?]
Were all of these predestined and preprogrammed in our DNA? [Do you think] that knowledge was
set to happen on a set date?
DW: I think we worship DNA too much. DNA is sort of like the antenna. Then the question is, who is
actually making the broadcast?
JC: Right.
DW: Walt was giving me compliments about the last book I wrote, Synchronicity Key. I think that's
what he was talking about.
In the whole second half of that book, I talk about how history is cyclical. The same things keep
Synchronicity and forces of dreams and visions [drive us along,] and spontaneous inventors come up
with things seemingly on their own.
There are cases in history where all over the world, simultaneously or almost simultaneously, the
same technologies are developed.
[It] is steered to make sure that we all go through this collective initiation.
We [needed to] have a suitable type of technology to mimic the telepathy that we're going to have
when we go through this quantum leap.
Of course, I'm talking about the Internet, where everybody is now connected to everybody with this
little gizmo that they carry around in their pocket.
That is sort of like the training wheels to get us ready for this telepathic new reality we're going to be
This new reality is also not going to have money. And we're already seeing everything going in that
As I said, Solar Warden was the breakaway faction amongst these five space program factions.
The Blue Avians are apparently one of five types of beings that are in these spheres.
We're talking now [about] humanoids that have bird-like heads. They are sort of a morph between a
bird and a human face.
They are 8 feet tall. (2.7 meters.)
They have indigo-blue feathers mixed with some purple-type feathers, depending on which being
you are talking to.
These beings have now given Solar Warden the most advanced technology on the block.
Solar Warden is now enforcing a no-fly zone around the earth. Nobody can fly in or out of the earth
anymore unless they are permitted to.
Something has been put around our solar system [that they] call the Barrier.
This means that nobody can get in. Nobody can get out. And communications cannot get in and out.
One of the interesting things is that when the Barrier was put up, the vast majority of all the
reptilians in their so-called Dark Fleet were outside the solar system.
And they cannot get back in.
You're going to see heads of state, major celebrities, major world leaders, as well as shadowy
international bankers being brought out on trial.
Many of the top level witnesses, who are the people who can bring down the Cabal, have already
been brought off planet.
They are in such danger from the Cabal and from the angry public that they are being held off planet.
[That way,] when these mass arrests and the tribunals take place, they will be testifying from a
secure location meaning not on earth.
JC: Well, I can live without Lady Gaga, but I kind of like Katy Perry.
DW: Yeah. These people earned the right to be famous by being talented.
And, again, they are being tortured. They're victims.
JC: Right. Right.
DW: They're being raped. They're being abused. They are not happy people.
That's why you've got guys like Kurt Cobain killing themselves. It's horrible to have a career [in these
It's funny, because you'd think, I want to be famous. I want everybody to know my name.
If you do it through film acting or you do it through being a music star, good God. It's not the life you
thought you were going to have.
We are up against it. I have got to roll credits. Thank you, David. That was not the Cabal. That was my
I don't want anybody to freak out. Thank you, David. David Wilcock.
This weekend we'll be hanging out at Contact in the Desert and so should you. (Credits.)
Bear in mind that the vast majority of all this work is being done all by myself. I have had to learn a
staggering amount of new software to do this properly.
Furthermore, I have spent at least 45 hours just fixing ambient noise in the audio track due to having
a new microphone and not monitoring our audio.
The mic was constantly scratching against my shirt. I have fixed almost everything, but it has been
toweringly frustrating and difficult.
For those who are already clamoring for it, bear in mind that quality is much more important than
speed with something this significant.
With that being said, the Alliance is urging us to finish it as soon as possible. :)
Many aspects of our society, including popular movies and music, will be forever altered in the eyes
of the public.
We will learn that the same group has been covertly manipulating our society and creating wars
since at least the times of the Roman Empire.
There will be a tremendous amount of shock and surprise -- but also relief that the torture finally
came to an end.
The people who risked their lives to tell others the truth will suddenly go from zeroes to heroes.
The paparazzi will have a whole new slew of public figures to start shoving their cameras and
microphones at.
Additionally, once this process begins, it won't take long before we hear absolute proof that we are
"not alone."
In Part Two we will survey multiple, interlocking pieces of evidence in favor of near-term disclosure -far more dramatic than most people are expecting.
The rewards of this happening are so huge that it is well worth the effort to track the astonishing
evidence we see as it gets closer and closer.
You will also find a link to an epic, three-hour conference we just held a little over a week ago, on
April 26th, where these and many other data points were covered, forming a grand overview.
This conference was practically bursting with new information, slides and animations detailing this
coming event -- and was completely different from February's talk! The buzz has been tremendous.
Great risks were taken in doing this. As usual, we followed the protocol of leaking highly sensitive
new information live and on stage for our own protection.
This is the perfect sequel to "A Brief, Five Million-Year History of the Colonization of Our Solar
System," and is "required viewing" for all those who saw the original.
The video is now available for immediate viewing at streamingforthesoul.tv, under the VODs tab.
Specific instructions on how to navigate the site will be featured at the end.
Worldwide ancient prophecies describing a "Golden Age" -- remarkably different than what we have
right now -- will soon be fulfilled.
Our planet will become the peaceful oasis that we always wanted it to be -- without having to
indulge in increasingly escapist "wishful thinking" to imagine.
The universe is not built for intelligent civilizations to live in as much fear and pain as we have been
doing here.
That is a very transient phase that usually passes by quickly -- in the grand scheme of things.
Now it is almost time for us to leave the nest, and join a greater community of peaceful interstellar
explorers helping others.
It is amazing that I have been able to say and do whatever I want on these shows, with no restrictions
except for avoiding gratuitous sex or violence.
I am actually naked in every show, but this is not considered gratuitous -- as so far it has always been
underneath my clothes.
Thanks to streaming technology, the whole "user experience" is exactly the same as watching
anything else you would like to see on cable TV.
Roku also has Amazon Instant Video for 48-hour movie rentals, and a huge array of channels that
allow you to cut the cords to cable and still watch what you want.
So yes. You can now binge-watch Wisdom Teachings and Disclosure on the couch for an entire month
for 41 bucks, and have Roku forever even if you cancel.
We won't pop the popcorn, but we'll certainly keep your brain cells firing in amazement.
If you have a Playstation or Xbox, you don't even need to buy any additional equipment -- you are
good to go. Or you can watch it on your laptop, tablet or smartphone.
And if you need sex and violence, mixed in with a healthy dollop of covert Luciferian propaganda,
(LOL), just watch a movie or Game of Thrones episode in between.
The Illuminati Tribunals will be the greatest, most watched TV event in the history of broadcast
They will be extremely unexpected and revealing, and bursting with new information.
Some of the most famous faces on earth will be directly involved -- and we will see a side of them no
one ever would have expected.
Everything we thought we knew about our world -- as well as almost all of recorded history -- will
have changed instantly. Overnight.
Information will start coming at us so quickly that the "learning curve" will be staggering -- even for
those who thought they knew it all.
Absolute video proof that 9/11 was a staged, self-inflicted wound by the American leadership
structure will only be the very beginning of what we see.
The clues of an epic change are out there, and have become increasingly obvious -- but for many, no
level of proof will ever convince them.
It will only be once the mega-event starts happening -- probably every bit as jarring and unexpected
as 9/11 in the early stages -- that most people will be forced to acknowledge it.
The trigger for these epic changes will apparently be a major economic upheaval, including Uncle
Sam asking to steal your wallet so he can pay for his Rolls-Royces.
"Bail-ins," where the government forcibly robs your bank account to pay off its own bad debts, will
likely be the final spark that leads to the Tribunals.
There are plans in place to restore and greatly improve the financial system, so this "all is lost"
moment would be extremely frustrating, but also temporary.
No one within the Alliance is going to "flip the switch" on the final stage of this plan until the public is
angry enough that they want to see it happen.
Update: Please bear in mind that we cannot solve this problem by ignoring it. This will be a very
positive change. We will get our money back, and much, much more.
The rest of Part One is material the Alliance has specifically requested that we share with you, as it is
utterly essential that we all "wake up" and see the truth in order to heal.
Yeah. If you haven't seen this before, your first impulse is probably the same one I had. What the f-?
And wait till you see the pictures of Nicki Minaj or Katy Perry in flat-out Luciferian rituals, complete
with licking flames and Baphomet-horned dancers.
Sidebar from Daily Mail Describing Nicki Minaj Grammys Ritual With Childish Glee
Nicki Minaj Levitating Amidst Flames and Hooded Dancers at the Grammys, Seen by Almost 40M
Katy Perry Performing "Dark Horse" at the Grammys A Year Later. Look Familiar?
Kesha in Her "Die Young" Video -- Which She Said She Was "Forced" To Do
One example is to create an ongoing series of violent events, and cover up what really happened so
everyone rushes to investigate them.
Then we are in this constant cycle of analyzing new atrocities, and getting buried in the details,
instead of putting together a Grand Overview.
Update: Your willingness to face the truth, and accept that the Universe is still a loving and positive
place, will directly help save the lives of others.
Hyper-powerful angelic presences have appeared, particularly in the last three years, to guarantee
our safety. The Cabal has been utterly shocked by this.
We will reveal astonishing new specifics about the nature and power of this "Divine Intervention" in
Part Two, as well as many links revealing imminent ET disclosure.
I would highly recommend reading last October's Cosmic Perspective on the Defeat of the Cabal for
our most recent major information release on this subject.
Despite this being a literally deadly business, not to mention extremely draining to the body, mind
and spirit, we have continued to fight.
Without the very real spiritual protection granted to those who truly follow the positive path,
including avoiding countless temptations, this work would never have been possible.
In Defeat of the Cabal, we revealed that the iconic image of the Ebola virus used by almost every
media outlet was in fact a Luciferian symbol known as TUBAL CAIN.
Obviously the similarity is not 100-percent exact, but it's about as close as they could get with a
picture of a real virus.
Literally the day after we exposed this, the whole Ebola campaign mysteriously and suddenly came to
an end.
No one outside of the original (and deliberately) infected areas died. It was over... just like that. It
was as if the "spell" had been broken.
This was tangible proof that this group can be successfully opposed. Our voice was one of many that
were exposing the truth of this designer-made weapon.
What may surprise you is that the "Illuminati" is no longer hiding. Madonna actually came right out
and wrote a song about them late last year.
An unexpected, high-level hacking caused the song to surface earlier than was intended -- and
created genuine turbulence.
We have been sitting on this story until the right time. It recently became obvious that the time is
As you are about to see, the lyrics for this song openly acknowledge the existence of the Illuminati -and defend it!
Why would Madonna bother to write a song like this if she were not defending a group that really
And why would she go to such great lengths to denounce "conspiracy theories" about the Illuminati - while doing very little to say what, exactly, it really is?
As a bonus, she had a cage-like mesh over her face on the album cover, in the shape of the pyramid
with the All-Seeing Eye, and then superimposed it over classic heroes' faces.
Her ad campaign for this album placed this cage-like Illuminati symbol over the faces of great civil
rights leaders such as Mandela and Martin Luther King.
And notice how she is obviously responding to the hundreds of thousands of anti-Illuminati videos
out there, many of which have millions of hits.
It's like
It's like
It's like everybody in this party's shining like Illuminati
It's like everybody in this party's shining like Illuminati (6x)
Seeing the lyrics in writing makes the words seem a lot stronger than if you hear them being sung.
Clearly this song makes an effort to name as many of the top targets of Illuminati expose' videos and
articles as possible.
Most of the artists she name-calls have done so many Illuminati propaganda videos and
performances that people have every reason to suspect something.
The term "Illuminati" is definitely being used in a favorable context here, to indicate a group of
people she feels have attained spiritual enlightenment.
If we simply re-arrange a few of the lyrics, we can deduce the message of what exactly she is saying:
Behind the curtain of the New World Order, the All-Seeing Eye is watching tonight. That's what it is.
Truth and the Light. Let the fire burn. Nothing to hide.
It's the Enlightenment that started it all. The Founding Fathers wrote it down on the wall. And now
the media's misleading us all, turned right into wrong.
It's time to dance and turn this dark into somethin'. So let the fire burn, this music is bumpin'. We're
gonna live forever.
It's time to feel it in your body and soul. The secret's inside. Everybody is shining like Illuminati.
Never before has there been such an in-your-face, direct admission of the existence of the Illuminati
by a major talent who has been advertising their existence, through symbolism, for years now.
Yet, the controlled mainstream media did not touch this story with a ten-foot pole. The whole thing
just went right on by.
The vast majority of the people in this group would leave it if they could.
There are references to "turning the dark into something" and "letting the fire burn" while dancing,
which could be nods to ritual ceremonies.
Also, the statement "We're gonna live forever" suggests that Madonna feels the all-seeing eye of the
New World Order will continue to dominate our planet indefinitely.
I do want to point out that I fully support personal and religious freedom. If such a group were not
trying to harm others, I would have no problem with them having unusual beliefs.
There is also tangible evidence that of the millions of people involved in this, many, if not most of
them would love to get out if they felt they could.
We will review that proof a bit later. My point is that we should never go into a genocidal, "kill 'em
all" mentality and repeat the atrocities of history.
The six songs from Rebel Heart released thus far do not shy away from controversy: one, Illuminati,
mocks the various conspiracy theories on the internet that implicate a variety of entertainers
including Jay-Z and Lady Gaga in membership of a shadowy ruling elite.
Theres a lot of talk in pop music right now about people saying, Oh, this persons a member of the
Illuminati, or theyre Illuminati, or youre Illuminati, and peoples idea that theres a group of
entertainers or very wealthy people, theyre referred to as the Illuminati.
"They work behind the scenes and they control things and theyre very powerful, and theres possibly
a reference to something dark, or black magic, or something like that.
"And I have to say I laugh at all of those things.
I think there are some people who dont mind being referred to as that, but I know who the real
Illuminati are, and where that word came from.
"The root of the word is illuminate, and that means The enlightened ones.
"It came from the Age of Enlightenment, when a lot of arts and creativity flourished, from
Shakespeare to Isaac Newton, to Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo: the philosophers, artists,
scientists were all engaged in a kind of high level of consciousness through their work.
"They were enlightening and inspiring people around the world. And those are the true Illuminati.
"So the purpose for writing that song was really in a way, So, if you think Im the Illuminati, then
thank you very much.
"[That is] a compliment, because I would like very much to be part of that group, the real Illuminati,
and this is what its not.
The Alliance I have been referring to includes many high-level defectors within the military-industrial
complex and governments around the world.
Each person is an individual with complex emotions. Many Illuminati members have already left and
are now working to protect the rest of us.
There are many others who were never in the Illuminati to begin with, but worked for intelligence
services or military, and are now fighting for freedom.
The Snowden leaks were part of a much larger team that Snowden took the blame for. He himself
was unaware of how comprehensive it really was.
So, it is interesting that Madonna's hack was done on such a sophisticated level that she was really
freaked out by it, as this part of the interview reveals:
But Madonna suggested the leak of her demos differed from previous security breaches frequently
traced back to employees of record companies or recording studios because other non-musical
material appeared online at the same time.
It wasnt just music, she said. Images were coming out that Id never seen before. It was then I
started to think ok, whats happening? What is the source of the leak?
"Its not just one person, or someone sitting next to me in an office, or someone in a recording
studio. Ive had leaks before, a couple of weeks before an album was released, a lot of other artists
have too, we all have to deal with that.
"But to have songs in the earliest demo form, from last March, thats extremely disturbing to me.
The singer said that the leak had forced her to reconsider her working practices, and, in the wake of
the Sony Pictures hacking scandal, posed wider questions for the entertainment industry as a whole.
You have to rethink your approach to making music, how to get the information back and forth to
people, how to work in a more secure environment. Its alarming."
The singer's rendition of "Living for Love" found her being handed off among a mosaic of men
dressed as bulls, destroying some '80s-throwback choreography and still hitting every word during
the six-minute performance (atop a recorded vocal track, of course).
Bulls would not normally have blanked-out masks over their faces like these dancers did. This next
image is from a subsequent performance at the Brit Awards:
Yes, these could be nothing more than men dressed as bulls. However, this is also very clearly
demonic / Luciferian imagery. It could easily be both.
The "blank face" is a well-known Illuminati motif, seen in many music videos, referring to people
suffering the effects of deep, trauma-driven hypnosis.
These people can be used as a "blank slate" and not be aware that they are under any sort of
programmed influence.
Sadly, once you start investigating the Illuminati, you find out that everyone in the lower and middle
levels -- i.e. the vast majority -- has to go through this.
The Illuminati also believe they have done this to all of us -- by "hiding out in the open" and using
fear and terror to obstruct us from seeing the truth.
The "epic symbolic event" I am referring to only occurred seventeen days later, in a repeat
performance of this routine at the UK's own Brit Awards.
Update: This symbol was an undeniably powerful, easy-to-understand synchronicity, telling us that
the "New World Order" plans of this group will not succeed.
This was obviously a painful accident and I am glad she wasn't seriously hurt. She appears to have
landed safely on her left leg and buttock.
The comments sections in the articles about this performance neatly divide between strong believers
in the Illuminati, and mocking "haters" who vehemently disagree: "They're just bulls!"
Bear in mind that matadors do not come out wearing long, dark capes that look like something worn
by the evil Emperor in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.
This was yet another of many hundreds of examples of a public ceremony -- an Illuminati ritual.
However, it did not work out as it was intended to.
Madonna took a nasty spill during her performance on the U.K.'s Brit Awards Wednesday evening.
The singer was accidentally pulled backward down a flight of stairs. It appears that a dancer was
trying to remove her cape.
The performance of her song "Living for Love," off her new Rebel Heart album, was the big finale at
the end of the awards show.
Funny coincidence, the song contains the lyrics, "lifted me up and watched me stumble" and "took
me to heaven and let me fall down."
Madonna dropped her mic as a result of the fall and missed a few subsequent lines. Once she got
back up, she looked visibly upset, but continued the song without further disruption.
This was Madonna's first Brit Awards performance in 20 years. Her appearance was hyped several
times throughout the awards broadcast.
Shortly after the performance, Madonna blamed her cape for the mishap, writing on Instagram, "My
beautiful cape was tied too tight!"
Seen alone, then yes. It's just a dress. You have to look at the overall context of the song Illuminati,
the performances and the symbolism that was conveyed.
I do not feel we should hate or blame Taylor Swift or anyone else for advertising these symbols. I
want to help these people get free, not hurt them.
Based on credible insider testimony, as we are about to review, these people have been tortured and
threatened in ways most of us could never imagine.
Madonna collaborated with Kanye for "Illuminati." She said that she wrote the song because people
kept saying that she was a part of the Illuminati, without fully understanding what that means.
She said that when she played some songs for Kanye, "Illuminati" was the song that connected with
him the most.
Madonna revealed that Kanye was so excited that he was actually "jumping up and down on the
soundboard" and "literally stood on top of the mixing board."
She said that he "elevated the lyrics with the music," which she loves.
Also notice the surprising 7X repetition of the word "fashion" -- which may be a technique known as
"psychic driving" to try to convince you that this is all it is:
Gossip Columnist Gushes Over Kanye's "Yeezus" Routine
You do remember that Kanye West has haute fashion ambitions, right? In order to achieve his
fashion superstar status, he has to make some controversial choices, pull some stunning style aces
from his fashion sleeves and turn into a fashion fairy overnight....
But Yeezus is his own fashion enigma and as such, he decided to collaborate with one of fashions
most emblematic houses, Maison Martin Margiela, on a special edition of stage outfits designed for
his Yeezusness.
Ah, yes, Im talking about the Face Masks. Of which he worn no less than four as reported by people.
Four bedazzled face masks worn by Kanye while hell perform the concerts in his tour until December
7 (his last concert this year, in Huston). How hes seeing and singing through those things, is simply
beyond my understanding.
But theres only one Yeezus, so I guess everything goes for him: dancing with his mask on, showing a
Jeesus lookalike on stage, singing atop of a mountain, jumping up and down and ripping his leather
fancy pants Even marrying Kim Kardashian.
Hes the fashion redemption, hes the style knowledge and the couture master!
I shouldn't even have to say this, but the way Kanye is shrouded in beams of light, much brighter
than the Jesus figure, clearly shows the religious beliefs being espoused here.
On July 7, 2014, Kanye was continuing to wear the full-face masks in his performances -- and was
asked about it in an interview.
It is entirely possible that he has suffered traumatic hypnosis and was trained, on a deep level, to
believe that hiding his face under the masks was a good thing:
7/7/14: Kanye Responds to Why He Wears Masks: "F-k My Face!"
"Thats why I got this f-cking mask on. Cause I aint worried about saving face. F-ck my face! That
sounded wrong. Pause. They finally got a headline.
But f-ck whatever my face is supposed to mean and f-ck whatever the name Kanye is supposed to
mean. Its about my dreams!
Its about anybodys dreams. Its about creating."
Kanye West has revealed that he is sick of the notion that celebrities are controlling society as
members of the secret group The Illuminati, in an essay that he penned for Paper magazine's
American Dream issue.
Less than a year after his wife Kim Kardashian posed nude for the magazine, the 37-year-old rapper
stars on Paper's latest cover....
In the April issue, Kayne explained his 'world dream' and noted that if there was an actual Illuminati,
'it would be more like the energy companies' - not Hollywood stars.
'I am tired of people pinpointing musicians as the Illuminati. That's ridiculous,' he said.
'We dont run anything; were celebrities. Were the face of brands.'
To me, this is a strong sign of how close we are to the end -- where the cover-up collapses and the
truth comes out.
For Kanye to say all of this, and have it picked up by the mainstream media, it sure looks like a
bonafide case of "damage control."
After it was announced last month that Kanye, Madonna, Beyonce and other famous musicians were
all co-owners of Jay Zs new Tidal streaming service, rumors began to swirl online that everyone in
involved in the project is a member of the the top-secret Illuminati.
Kanye noted that musicians don't have that kind of power.
He explained that celebrities don't even get the freedom to say and do exactly what they want, let
alone 'run anything':
'We have to compromise what we say in lyrics so we dont lose money on a contract.
'Madonna is in her 50s and gave everything she had to go up on an award show and get choked by
her cape,' Kanye added, referencing Madonna's recent fall at the Brit Awards in February.
He went on to say that the 56-year-old legend even gets 'judged for who she adopts', adding: 'F***
all of this sensationalism.'
While I can agree that most of Hollywood are not the political elite, they are their propaganda tools
If Kanye doesn't recognize that all the television and it's increased nudity and sex have played a role
in putting the average American into a coma that makes them unaware of real important decisions,
then he is living in a fantasy land.
Second, Jay-Z and Kanye both display many occult gestures in their merchandise and in hand
gestures they display such as the all-seeing eye, so he has in essence created the Illuminati storyline
he is now so upset about, what an ignorant fool he is.....
In the early days of the Internet, back before most people had any idea what the Illuminati was, a
woman named Svali came forward.
She wrote an entire book detailing the methods of trauma-based mind control -- which is extremely
disturbing -- between October 24th and December 14, 2000.
We are not going to cover any of the details of this. Compared to what many others have written,
this will be a very light treatment of the subject.
From December 18, 2000 to July 12, 2001, Svali granted a series of groundbreaking interviews for the
Centrex News website, run by HJ Springer.
I was on the edge of my seat for each new update, having found her work late in 2000, right as it was
all starting to be written.
I had already been reading about the Illuminati since 1994, and was particularly impressed by New
World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies by William T. Still, which I read in 1995-96.
There are countless stories of synchronicity in how I was led to certain books and certain topics at
certain times. I am very glad to have had a "head start."
Anyone who reads Still's book with an open mind has to conclude that the Illuminati is very real. Fear
is what stands in the way of it being more widely accepted.
Here is a link that takes you to the first complete version of the Svali archive page, where all of her
material was located:
Archive.org Link to Complete Svali Article Collection on CentrexNews.com
Be aware that the top article on this list is very upsetting. I would skip it and start with the first part
of the interview series, and then work backwards up the list from there, since it is in reverse order.
Everyone who wants to investigate, explore and publicize the secrets of the Illuminati would be very
well served by studying the Svali material thoroughly.
Bear in mind, however, that in order to do so, you have to take it in small sips, and balance yourself
out with positive, uplifting material.
In order to learn about the Illuminati, it is best to take it in small doses and balance it out with
positive material.
No matter how motivated you might be to learn everything, you will quickly find yourself depressed
and paranoid if you try to take it too fast.
The descriptions of ritual abuse and what the Illuminati do to their people can be very triggering -- no
matter how tough you think you are.
Most people are not strong enough to go through this material. They typically read a little bit, get
very freaked out and drop the whole thing. This is a perfectly normal and acceptable defense
I will spare you from discussing any of the things that were so upsetting in the material -- but they
are there if you go looking for them.
Nestled in amongst some very upsetting stuff is an incredible treasure-trove of disclosure -- which is
more relevant and needed now than ever.
I did the work back in 2000 and 2001. By the time 9/11 came along I was not at all surprised. It fit
right in with the plans I was reading about.
One new high-level insider told me he knew there had been "some big leak" during this time that
forced many changes, but was never told what or where it was.
Centrex News was a robust, fascinating site that mysteriously disappeared from the internet in 2003 - and Svali's testimony was the strongest part of it.
So let's break the juiciest bits down piece-by-piece. Wherever possible, I am linking to the Svali
Speaks site that is still online and available through search engines.
I already had empirical research in hand, such as through Still's book, to back up many of these
claims -- and found much, much more as the years went by.
Once again, these [Illuminati] leaders are heads in the financial world, OLD banking money.
The Rothschild family in England, and in France, have ruling seats. A descendant of the Hapsburg
dynasty has a generational seat. A descendant of the ruling families of England and France have a
generational seat. The Rockefeller family in the US holds a seat.
This is one reason that the Illuminati have been pretty untouchable over the years. The ruling
members are very, very, very wealthy and powerful.
I hope this information is helpful.
How do I know this? I was on a local leadership council (a head trainer), but I talked to those on
Also, every Illuminati child is taught who their leaders are, and told to take an oath of allegiance to
them and the New Order to come....
Q: Svali, I think our readers are wondering Is the Illuminati a religion, secret society, satanism or is it
a combination of it, or something different all together, or more sinister?
A: The Illuminati is a group that practices a form of faith known as enlightenment.
It is Luciferian, and they teach their followers that their roots go back to the ancient mystery religions
of Babylon, Egypt, and Celtic druidism.
They have taken what they consider the best of each, the foundational practices, and joined them
together into a strongly occult discipline.
Many groups at the local level worship ancient deities such as El, Baal, and Ashtarte, as well as
Isis and Osiris and Set....
Svali had some very interesting things to say on this, which I will now include since hardly anyone has
seen her perspective on the relationship between Jews and the Illuminati.
Q: What are the plans of the Illuminati for the Middle East and how will it affect the rest of the
world? Will we see WWIII?
A: The conflict in the middle east is only to the advantage of the Illuminists. They HATE Israel, and
hope one day to see it destroyed, and are biding their time.
One of the olive branches offered by the UN when it takes over is that they will prevent war in the
middle east, and this will be greeted with joy by many.
At the same time, the Illuminati covertly supply guns and funds to BOTH sides to keep the conflict
fueled. They are very duplicious people.
Q: The way you describe the Illuminati it sounds like the Third Reich Revival. I can certainly see the
Nazi traits in their behavior and goals.
It seems like Germany is taking the lead, yet again, in uniting the EU, we see the setting up of a
European Army, the Rapid Reaction Force, and a World Court.
How is this ultimately going to play out?
A: Actually, they have a name for the New World Order. One of the synonyms used is the "Fourth
Reich". I'm serious.
Lots of Illuminists have Fourth Reich programming inside.
Yep, Germany, and the EU, will dominate the world economy. The US economy will go down for
awhile, then restore with the help of Europe.
Interestingly, Germany, France and the UK have now overthrown the Cabal in their governments at
the highest levels -- in some cases partially and in other cases almost completely.
More on that later.
Illuminati Whistleblower Svali: The Illuminati Despise The Jews For Fighting Against Their Gods
In this next key quote, we find out that the Illuminati does need to cooperate with non-white races in
order to try to ensure that their plans will succeed.
The German branch of the Illuminati is more racist than the other branches.
Illuminati Whistleblower Svali: The Illuminati Need the Cooperation of Non-White Races
Q: Are the non-German Illuminists not Nazis, racist white supremacists, or genocidal maniacs?
And, if the leadership in all countries is Illuminati, that must mean they're of all races, which seems to
mean the white supremacists oppose the non-white Illuminati. Is this right?
A: Not all Illuminist groups are as fanatically anti-racial as the German branch is, although many are.
These people are racist in the extreme, but they are also very practical, and realize that world
domination is not possible without the aid of non-white races.
That is why loyal figures in these countries are being promised leadership positions for their area,
under the supervision of Illuminist commanders.
They also view Orientals differently than other nonwhite races, because of the long history of occult
mysticism in many countries (such as Tibet, for example), the long history of culture, and the high
This is why the Oriental branches are highly regarded, even in Europe. But they do believe that
Europe will be the center of world government and leadership.
Even in non-white countries, the top leadership is still white, or nearly so.
For example, in South America, the top leaders are European in descent, with less of the mestizo
In Africa, many of the leaders behind the scenes are whites, although there are local black leaders
who have demonstrated extreme loyalty.
They are using them, though, since these members will never be able to hold top leadership in the
world. (Those positions are already taken).
All this said, I believe that the racist and hateful policies of the Illuminati are despicable in the
One of my biggest quarrels with leadership was this position, among others. I hope this has answered
some of your questions.
Illuminati Whistleblower Svali: The Illuminati See Their Gods As Granting Them Wealth and Power
Q: Do they consider their own god a liar, even if for "good"? If so, how do they trust their god?
A: They do not consider their gods (they have several) as liars. These "gods" have given them power,
wealth, status, and everything that they have asked for.
Yes, at a price, a horrible price, but they believe that nothing comes cheaply, and the higher the price
they have paid, the more they value the gift.
It is hard to explain this type to thinking to someone outside the group, because mainstream society
wants to see them as evil satanists, and opposed to Christianity.
They themselves wouldn't put it quite that way. Oh, they will mock and downgrade Christianity, but
only because they want its followers to see that they are the 'deceived ones".
The god of this world has truly blinded their eyes. Do they "trust" their gods? As much as they trust
Remember, trust is not a concept in this group, where "betrayal is the greatest good" is a maxim
taught since childhood.
If you asked them, do you "trust" your deity, they would look puzzled, and say, "Only a foolish person
trusts what they cannot know," or some other maxim.
Q: If they use torture and terror on those they love who are of lower rank, how do they distinguish
between love and hate?
A: They don't. They tell their children as they are torturing them, "I am doing this because I love you."
To them, the greatest love is to make a child strong, and fit to lead or to move higher in the group, by
whatever means it takes.
If a leader sees a child, and wants it as a prostitute, the loving parents will give it away, happy that
their child will rise in status.
Also, again, they view betrayal as the greatest good. They will do set up after set up to teach their
children to never openly trust others.
The Illuminati teach their children that powerful occultists who were enlightened have been secretly
behind the thrones of Europe, and down the ages behind the kingdoms of this world, since time
True or propaganda? I don't know.
They teach their children that underneath Stonehenge there is a great room filled with the skeletons
of sacrifices.
Fact or fiction? I don't know, and cannot fund the archeological expedition it would take to verify this
or not.
Illuminati Whistleblower Svali: The Illuminati Claim to Be Descendants of the Roman Empire
Q: The dream of someone wanting to rule the world is nothing new, obviously.
History is littered with failed attempts to conquer the world and subjugate the population. How old is
the dream for the 'NEW WORLD ORDER' per se, by the Illuminati?
Svali: The Illuminati themselves teach that they have been around for centuries and centuries, even
during Roman times.
[They also teach] that Alexander the Great was one of their "prototypes" in the ancient world, as was
Hitler in modern times.
But the Illuminati as we know it today was formed in the 17th century (out of Catholic roots, ie. the
Templar Knights and Rosicrucianism).
The idea of a modern 'One World Order' became popular in the 1700's with the ideas of [Adam]
Weishaupt and others, and they have been working towards this goal since the mid-18th century.
Here, Svali echoes what other insiders have said -- namely that the most extreme elements of the
Illuminati overtook the group as a whole, beginning in the mid-1700s and particularly in the 1800s.
There were many elements within the older groups that were far more moderate and peaceful, and
did not want to hurt others.
There is a huge resurgence of this sentiment now -- particularly in the younger members of the
group. More and more of them are diverging from the script.
Illuminati Whistleblower Svali: The Illuminati Claim to Be Descendants of the Roman Empire
Q: Did the Illuminati manipulate societies throughout history, such as the Egyptian, Roman, British
Empire, etc.?
How far back does the history of the Illuminati stretch? And were they always known as the
Illuminati, or did they at times operate under different covers with the same goals?
Svali: The Illluminati SAY they date back to ancient Babylon on the Fields of Shinar around 3,900 B.C.,
give or take.
But this is probably cult programming and boasting.
They state that they are founded on the occult base of all ancient mystery religions and occult
But they actually seem to be descended from the Knights Templar during the medieval ages, and the
Rosicrucians who were also founded back then.
I myself have trouble knowing how much of the "cult history" I was taught as a child by my
scholarship teachers was merely programming, and how much is accurate truth, so I cannot really be
an objective source of information.
Like any group, they tend to want to "idealize" their roots.
Illuminati Whistleblower Svali: The Illuminati Claim to Have Manipulated History for 2,000 Years
Q: Being as intelligent as they are, the Illuminati must know that empires and societies throughout
history only lasted about 200 years, on average.
Is this a natural life cycle, or was that duration and final downfall of empires coordinated?
In other words, were the Illuminati responsible for failed empires?
Did they purposely destroy societies and create new ones with the intention of securing a tighter grip
on future governments?
Svali: During historical ''set ups'' that I saw as a child, [that were] used to teach the history of the
group, supposedly behind the throne of all ancient and modern monarchies, [there] were Illuminist
advisors and financing.
They CLAIM to have manipulated history for the past 2,000 years.
But I also believe that people have free choice, and that no one person or group can truly take into
account the unpredictable: human nature, and how they will respond.
I don't really believe they did all that they have claimed to.
At the same time, in the last 200 years, they have certainly had a profound influence at the
international and governmental level, based on what I saw and heard when in the group.
Elsewhere on this same page, Svali says there are six branches to the Illuminati, each forming a key
part of their plans to control society:
The Illuminati have 6 chairs on their ascended masters council, [which are also the six branches of
the group]:
Sciences, Government, Leadership, Scholarship, Spiritual, and Military.
The really upsetting stuff doesn't come until the chapters on mind control programming, beginning
with Chapter 4.
Again, you might think it's no big deal, but the key is to take your time. If you read too much of it at
once you will get overwhelmed.
This is where you will be able to help others once the Illuminati Tribunals get started. It will be a very
difficult "growing up" experience for everyone.
However, by collectively moving through this grief process, we will be healing our planet and paving
the way for an amazing new Star Trek reality.
The Illuminati is the secret group that has been holding all this advanced technology and information
back from us, because they feel we are unworthy.
Almost everyone will be dazzled by the scope of the cover-up once it is revealed, as it will completely
dwarf the Snowden NSA disclosures.
Q: What are some of the major Illuminati inspired shows running on TV, or the ones carrying an
Illuminati message and what clues identify them as such?
Svali: The media is so infiltrated, a better question is which ones DON'T promote their agenda?
I personally don't watch much TV, for this very reason.
I might watch a National Geographic special once in awhile, or rarely a movie on the Comedy
channel, but otherwise, I avoid it.
I heard too many discussions during leadership meetings and with other behaviourists in the group
about how it was being used to subtly influence the masses without their even suspecting it.
I choose to step away from this influence. Look at what TV depicted in the 1940s and 1950s, and
what is accepted now as okay, to chronicle the slow moral decline of our society.
Q: How about the influence of pop music? Does it pose a danger, is it used as a mind-control
I believe Cathy O'Brien, a CIA mind-control slave and survivor, implicated the country music scene
and a number of singers as being mind-control slaves, and names Nashville, Ten. as the center.
Svali: Country music may have some, but the rock music industry is much more heavily controlled.
I once watched some MTV and could NOT believe what was on it. My mouth fell open from shock.
There is a song/video that is very popular right now by CrazyTown, that shows butterfly tattoos all
over the people (a sign of Monarch mind control) while he sings "Come my butterfly"... later he sings
about her escaping to a better world, etc.
This song is FILLED with programming images.
I believe that Brittany Spears, Eminem, and others are being used by them to sing lyrics they like
(ever notice that he wears a Neo-Nazi look and sings hate lyrics? This is NOT by chance).
In fact, many of the top pop singers come from an internship with the "Mickey Mouse Club" (yep,
good old Walt the Illuminist's Empire.)
I believe they are offered stardom in exchange for allegiance or mind control.
Q: Is this the same Illuminati that was created by Adam Weishaupt in Germany?
A: Weishaupt did not create the Illuminati. They chose him as a figurehead and told him what to
write about.
The financiers, dating back to the bankers during the times of the Templar Knights who financed the
early kings in Europe, created the Illuminati.
Weishaupt was their go fer, who did their bidding.
Q: Take the lead and tell me about issues you may not have covered in your articles or in this
interview. perhaps some issues I have missed in regards to the New World Order/ global
government and such
A: 1. These people are pedophiliacs, they abuse and torture small children and teach them under
duress to become perpetrators themselves from earliest infancy. This alone means they should be
They run the porn industry, along with other groups such as the Mafia.
They make enormous amounts of money from drug smuggling, gun running, and human slavery (oh,
yes, the buying and selling of human beings is alive and well in the 21st century).
They are involved in evil and money making in the extreme. If a profit is being made off of human
suffering, you can trace the chain back somewhere to these people.
2. They have money and lawyers that could blast anyone confronting them out of the water.
3. They have infiltrated our government, and the governments of every country in the world, and
well as the judicial and legal systems.
4. The media as well.
5. They run our financial institutions.
6. They are ruthless, ambitious, and will not stop at killing those they oppose. They invented MKUltra with the help of the CIA.
Still want to take them on? Sorry, just letting you know what they are like.
7. They are working towards bringing in a new leader, who will usher in a Luciferian reign of joy,
prosperity, and rewards to the faithful. Almost an Elysian-type paradise.
Of course, the brutality would continue, and those who oppose his reign are to be hunted down and
converted or destroyed, but the followers will be so happy and content that they believe these
holdouts will want to come over to their side.
Sounds unbelievable, but true....
Remember that what you are about to read was written back in early 2001. At the time, the idea of a
"Greater Depression" was almost unthinkable.
Illuminati Whistleblower Svali: How Do The Illuminati Plan on Creating a New World Order?
Want to hear the end of the world scenario the Illuminati taught me? It was cult propaganda, but this
is how they believed the New Order would be ushered in:
There will be continued conflict in the mideast, with a severe threat of nuclear war being the
culmination of these hostilities.
An economic collapse that will devastate the economy of the US and Europe, much like the Great
One reason that our economy continues limping along is the artificial supports that the Federal
Reserve had given it, manipulating interest rates, etc.
But one day, this wont work (or this leverage will be withdrawn on purpose) and the next Great
Depression will hit.
The government will call in its bonds and loans, and credit card debts will be called in. There will be
massive bankruptcies nationwide.
Europe will stabilize first, and Germany, France and England (surprise) will have the strongest
economies, and will institute through the UN an international currency.
Japan will also pull out, although their economy will be weakened.
Peacekeeping forces will be sent out by the UN and local bases to prevent riots [i.e. martial law].
The leaders will reveal themselves, and people will be asked to make a pledge of loyalty during a
time of chaos and financial devastation....
Interestingly enough, a counter-coup against the Illuminati has now occurred in Germany, France and
a good part of the elected government of England.
These countries have not yet officially sided with BRICS (Brazi, Russia, India, China and South
America) and their Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), but they soon will.
This is why we are seeing massive disclosures of pedophilia within the British ruling elite, among
many other intertwining elements.
Recent plane crashes, such as Germanwings, were only one part of terrorist efforts used to punish
the leaders of these countries for defecting from the group.
1. They are arrogant, and this could be their downfall. They view the common man as sheep with
no intelligence.
They are full of pride, believe they are invulnerable... and that any press about them is the equivalent
of a gnat to be swatted.
Arrogant people make mistakes, and they are becoming more blatant and open in recent years.
3. Most of them are wounded, abused victims, who dont realize that it is possible to leave the group.
There is a lot of discontent in the ranks, and there would be a mass exodus if the members believed
it were really possible to get out (and live).
Many of the trainers I knew (I know, wicked, torturing pedophiles) were NOT happy with what they
They would whisper quietly, or give a look, to show that they disagreed with what they had to do.
They would resignedly do their jobs, in the hope of advancement.
Know what one of the biggest carrots offered to those who advance up in the group is?
That you dont have to hurt people anymore, and that you cant be abused.
(Its true: only those higher than you in the group can abuse you, so everyone wants to move up,
where the pool of candidates becomes smaller).
Of course, people can choose to abuse anyone beneath them, and that motivates some (but not all!)
to move up.
Number 3 in the above list has haunted and fascinated me ever since I first read this back in 2001. A
mass exodus.
At the time, there was no clear evidence that a major opposition group had formed against them.
Now it is very obvious that there is.
I spent tremendous time and energy laying out the proof of this in many prior articles. One early
example was Part 3 of Disclosure Endgame, from 2009.
Some people have asked for suggestions on what to watch or where to start. If you are after this sort
of exposure material, start with Episode 82 first.
I wouldn't at all be surprised if some of these episodes are far more widely seen once the arrests take
place. The truth is very liberating and the info is quite fascinating.
In some ways I wish these were all free videos online -- but in order to run this service we have to
charge for it.
OK, yes, it is not free, but you can see it all for 99 cents over the course of a month.
So come on. Everybody cool is doing it!
Now it appears that we are finally about to see some major action -- after all these years of hard
When Svali was in the group, Russia was still in the hands of the Illuminati -- but as we have discussed
in Disclosure Endgame and in episodes 82 through 97, a resistance column has existed since the late
The resistance was eventually able to overthrow the Cabal-controlled Russian government.
Vladimir Putin waged a brilliant campaign to kick the Cabal out of Russia and is a key figure in the
Vladimir Putin is the central political figure who made this possible.
Therefore, it is no surprise that the Western media is constantly trying to make him look bad -- even
as official Russian media increasingly discloses the truth.
Russia Today (RT) has put out so much disclosure that the break between Russia and the Cabal is
Russian television made two three-hour specials out of our epic Financial Tyranny, which I starred in,
and each was seen by well over 20 million people.
Russia has also worked with BRICS to create an alternative to the Cabal-controlled Federal Reserve
banking system.
I contacted and befriended Svali after reading her material, through participating in her online
discussion forum, Lion and Lamb Ministries.
At the time I did not have a radio show, nor the ability or financing to generate one.
So when she said she wanted to come forward in December 2005, I worked as a producer and got
her hooked up with a popular radio talent at the time.
The radio show was called Arctic Beacon and the host was Greg Szymanski. I introduced him to Svali
and she agreed to go on his radio program on January 17, 2006.
When you listen to this show, you can tell that you are hearing the words of a truthful person, not a
phony. That's what makes it so revealing.
This is still one of the most powerful recorded insider testimonies about the Illuminati to ever see the
light of day.
I appear as a call-in guest on the show towards the end and thank her for her bravery. I deliberately
misspelled my own last name when typing up the transcript to make it less obvious that I had helped
orchestrate this.
Svali never again made a public statement after this show aired in January, 2006. We thought she
was alive but no one has heard from her for years now. She did reveal to a friend that she was
severely tortured for doing this show.
Another point of clarification needs to be raised based on the tone of some of the most sarcastic,
mocking and hateful comments that people try to post here.
The Illuminati's plans have been consistently opposed by benevolent ETs, or what many would refer
to as angels and archangels.
Nuclear weapons have never been permitted to be used on any large scale.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the only two examples ever allowed, and those weapons were much
smaller than what was later developed.
Furthermore, our new insiders revealed that the Illuminati have been fighting this whole time to try
to get plans to work, and have been consistently opposed.
The reason why they have not been entirely stopped, up until now, is the Prime Directive.
The benevolent ETs have not been allowed to stop them completely. The Illuminati are allowed to
interfere with us as much as our collective free will permits them to.
The "good guys" in our script, on the angelic level, gave us the world's great religious and spiritual
teachings to urge us to focus on love, peace and forgiveness.
Since this is ultimately a loving Universe, we are granted the free will to make our own decisions.
Negative events are allowed to occur to help trigger our mass awakening.
Thankfully, it appears that enough people have awakened now that the torture, pain and fear is
almost over.
Here, let me help you, since we've heard the same thing for 20 years: Oh my God, David is making
MONEY! And what a HUGE EGO he has!
It is true that we make enough to pay a small crew of staff, rent a house and have one old car. And it
is true that I talk fast and am confident on stage.
I also have an offbeat sense of humor and sometimes like to make crude jokes to show people that I
am not trying to come across as something I'm not.
However, I was so hypnotized by seeing these types of comments, over and over again, that I did not
protect myself, and was repeatedly taken advantage of.
The amount of humility I have had in my personal life has led to profound suffering at the hands of
others again and again, as well as major financial losses.
It has been quite a learning curve for me to be able to set healthy boundaries. I absolutely agree that
humility is important -- and so is self-acceptance and self-preservation.
First, go to streamingforthesoul.tv and you will see this page:
The fastest way to get going is to click on "Create Login", and then fill out the information that comes
up on the following screen:
Then, after clicking "Register" you click the Login link, and fill in your email and password on the
following screen:
This pulls up the main window with the video player. Where the video will soon appear, you will see
To the right-hand side, you see this window. Click on the VODs (Videos On Demand) tab.
Many different archived shows from the Conscious Life Expo and New Living Expo will then show up
in a long list that appears in the window seen here:
You have to scroll a little over halfway down to find my first talk, The Five Million-Year History of the
Colonization of our Solar System.
Scroll all the way to the bottom to find the sequel I just gave on April 26th. It is the third video up
from the bottom:
Once you purchase the video, you then have to scroll all the way back up to the top of the page. The
video-player window will now have the video in it, ready to start streaming.
Sit back and enjoy the ride! This is likely to become a "drop everything you're doing" situation, so
make sure you've got three hours!
I try to make all of my events unique and different from the others, so there is no repeated material.
Tickets are still available, and this is the only confirmed speaking engagement left on my schedule at
this point -- so don't miss it!
This event has an all-star cast of the biggest and brightest UFO scholars out there -- and the private
desert campus in Joshua Tree is beautiful and epic.
I have a total of five events at this conference -- all different and all amazing. Thousands of people
are expected to be there, so it's quite a party!
The Law of One series is the spiritual foundation of everything we do here. On April 1, 2015, the
woman who offered herself as the "instrument" for the Law of One material graduated into larger
Perhaps as a final testament to the power of synchronicity, her own witty personality and the reality
of life after death, she left her physical body on April Fool's Day.
Even more intriguingly, the logo for her surviving organization, L/L Research, is a sketch of Don
Quixote, the classic "fool" in literature and music theater.
This notice is not intended to share grief and pain, but rather to celebrate the light and life of this
highly gifted soul and the work she helped to create.
Since I lived and worked in her house for two years and on her land for another year after that, it is
also a very personal story for me.
The Law of One has gotten much more interesting in the last five months, and we are only just
starting to share all the details of what is going on.
Carla's transition has become another facet of this continually-evolving storyline. We are happy that
she is finally free of the pain she was suffering from.
The Law of One series (1981-84) is arguably the platinum standard by which all other modern
channeling must be judged.
Carla Rueckert was the "instrument" for this work -- a series of 106 question-and-answer sessions
with a Ph.D. physicist, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty as the transcriber.
Carla was completely unconscious as her body spoke the words on behalf of a positive, spiritual
presence. She did not remember anything she had said upon awakening.
In her everyday life, she was a devout Christian, attending services and singing in the choir at the
local Episcopal church in Anchorage, Kentucky.
The source itself claimed to be an entire planet worth of people like us that had fused into a "social
memory complex" and was now in "sixth density", as opposed to our own 3D reality.
The source named itself as Ra. They explained that they gave positively-oriented esoteric material to
the Egyptians that was quickly distorted to the negative.
This was a terrible misunderstanding that bound this group to the earth in service -- and
inadvertently created what we now call the Illuminati.
Many of the Illuminati symbols we now see, including the All-Seeing Eye, were originally given to us
by Ra, and were intended for positive purposes.
The All-Seeing Eye represents the pineal gland or "third eye" that I discuss in The Source Field
Investigations and my classic video 2012 Enigma.
There is nothing inherently negative about the pineal gland. It is our body's own physiological
stargate -- an organ that opens trans-dimensional portals.
The "priests and peoples of the era" quickly distorted the positive message that Ra had given us,
which also included the construction of the Great Pyramid.
Dramatic, even astonishing new developments have appeared, just since December 2014, suggesting
Ra has returned to help us defeat this "negative elite" or "Cabal."
My own dreams asked me to personally take on the fight against the Cabal in a very public way since
October 2011, earning numerous death threats.
This included writing a full-length, free online book, Financial Tyranny, exposing their deepest
secrets, with 1,926,160 unique views and 17,119 Facebook Likes as of this writing.
Financial Tyranny included the seemingly "unimaginable" idea that the same secretive group of Wall
Street bankers owned and financed both sides of World Wars I and II.
Their purpose, apparently, was to create a "New World Order" where we would all serve them as
mindless, robotic slaves -- with a much smaller population.
A year after Financial Tyranny was published, I was invited to star in two different three-hour Russian
documentaries based on this same material.
These shows had estimated audiences of 23 million people each, and were very popular throughout
all the Russian-speaking countries.
Some people know me predominantly for this work. Some wish I would do more of it, whereas
others want me to stop doing it altogether.
A combined total of over 1,700 documented academic references, between the two volumes, fleshes
out the Law of One model in extensive, user-friendly detail.
The books are available in 12 different languages, making it far more accessible than anything we
have ever written on this site.
There are now over 100 episodes of Wisdom Teachings, a half-hour-a-week TV show, that explore
these Law of One concepts even further, presenting a variety of data that is unavailable anywhere
A second show recently launched on the same network, entitled Disclosure with David Wilcock,
where I am interviewing top scholars in ancient civilizations, UFOs and conspiracy analysis such as
Graham Hancock, John Anthony West, Robert Bauval and Andrew Collins.
You can sign up now and watch as much as you want for 99 cents for the first 30 days, with no
cancellation fees. New episodes appear every Monday and Thursday.
It then goes up to 9.95 per month if you decide that you like it. This provides us with critically-needed
funds and your support is greatly appreciated.
The collection of videos on Gaiam TV is ever-increasing and now numbers well over six thousand,
including a new "Seeking Truth" section. Subscribers have access to everything!
I appear to have received contact from this same Law of One ET group throughout my life, as have
many others who are receptive to their messages.
By the time I read the Law of One material, I'd already lived an entire childhood and adolescence
studying and preparing for the information.
I began writing my dreams down at age 19, on September 21, 1992. This was the morning after I
finally decided to get sober and go to AA meetings.
We have an unbroken 23-year journal of dreams from almost every morning since then, beginning
with a stack of spiral-bound notebooks.
I began writing the dreams into the computer as of mid-November 1996, and broke the journal into
two sections a month. On April 1st, 2015 I hit section 440.
Using Jungian concepts as well as data from a variety of other dream-analysis books, I was able to
learn their language and understand the messages.
Many astonishing future prophecies came through -- including dreams predicting my car would break
down the same day it did, and showing me what to do.
There are so many examples of this that it cannot be explained by any "skeptical" view. I learned to
trust in the process over the years.
This material started to give me remarkably clear and unambiguous future prophecies, as well as a
huge amount of spiritual advice, coaching and mentorship.
Unlike many other stories I have read of people claiming to have this ability, it was not all light and
love. I was chastised when I did not live up to the teachings.
This included being criticized in later sessions if I interfered with the flow of information and started
inserting my own words into what the source wanted to say.
One of the important points my source made in the early days was that with the right training and a
pure, loving heart, anyone could receive this type of a contact.
I had already read over 300 books on UFOs and ancient civilizations by the time this happened. Day
in and day out, I was a seeker, with very consistent focus.
I was told that this is a skill just like learning to play the piano.
The main reason more people aren't doing it is that they don't believe it is possible, and there is very
little training available on how to do it properly.
Our thoughts are extremely powerful -- far more than most of us realize. Once we harness the
awesome potential of the mind and heart, we can achieve incredible feats.
Time is non-linear in the greater spiritual reality around us. Nonetheless, I am still very impressed
when the future is predicted accurately.
It is easier and less intrusive for most people to simply write this off as BS and think I am lying or just
trying to profit off of this.
However, doing this work full-time instead of a "regular job" caused me to suffer extreme poverty for
many years.
I never once took a credit card, fearing unpayable debts. As a result, almost every month I got hit
with unexpected 30-dollar bank bouncing fees.
Despite the financial difficulties involved, I was so captivated by the desire to help others, through
sharing what I was learning, that I kept on going.
I had read books on channeling, such as the Jane Roberts volumes featuring Seth, and realized that I
was now experiencing a similar phenomenon.
There are at least five full-length books' worth of this material in the Readings section of this website.
Much of it was posted in 1999 -- and there is a variety of prophetic data from that time that is only
starting to come true now.
Ultimately I lived with Carla and L/L Research for three years in 2003-2005, and have continued to
help promote their material ever since.
This was as close as I could possibly get to the material I knew and loved so well -- to actually move in
with the people who helped to facilitate its creation.
By the time I had arrived there, I had already been a scholar of the Law of One for seven years, and in
contact with my own "higher self" for six years.
Admittedly, it was quite profound to finally meet the people behind the work, after all those years of
only dealing with the Law of One as a hyper-complex written text.
Carla often said that people expected some sort of savior or Godlike figure when they met her. I
went in with some degree of a similar feeling.
I discovered that Carla was very much a "real person", with strengths and weaknesses like we all
have. And in a way, that was very freeing.
It gives the readers of the Law of One permission to be themselves, and to have that be enough. Each
of us is ultimately the Creator, exactly as we are now.
Nonetheless, to me, losing Carla is the spiritual equivalent of losing one of the Beatles.
So bear with me as I gather my thoughts in the wake of this sad and pivotal event in my own life and
the lives of Law of One scholars worldwide.
After living at L/L and becoming far more public online, I spent many years trying to act like I had
never done any channeling.
I hardly ever even thought about it unless I was on the air with George Noory, who would invariably
bring it up every time I was on his show.
Certain people I trusted had told me I should try to build myself up strictly as a scientist and scholar,
and ditch the channeling entirely.
This advice became much stronger once I moved out to Los Angeles to begin work on a filmic
adaptation of my scientific investigations.
Now I have appeared in almost every episode of Ancient Aliens on History Channel over the last two
and a half years.
As is the case for TV in general these days, the pay for being a talking head on the show is surprisingly
My other two shows help make up for that, but when attackers say I am making lots of money from
doing this work, they are mistaken. No one in this field is.
I think most of our audience understands that, but the attackers continue to recycle the same tropes
we have seen online for the last 20 years.
The sad irony is that many of the strongest "haters" are actually paid government trolls who make
more money than the people they are attacking.
In one of his earlier jobs, our new insider Luke helped set up the facilities in which these paid stooges
would do their work infiltrating comments sections and forums.
I have since had to spend a great deal of time healing from the damage the preceding 18 years of
battle had caused me.
Carla's transition has added additional melancholy energy to the strange ups and downs of the times
we are living in these days.
However, considering she had a severe degenerative condition that weakened her over many years, I
am glad that her pain has finally ended.
Jim would always write about every new health challenge in a very positive light, as if Carla's healing
was right around the corner.
At times this made it even harder to read, since her steady decline was increasingly obvious with
each new development, particularly in the last year and a half.
The details are not important, other than to say that reading of how much she was suffering was a
truly heartbreaking experience.
The group had asked that I not publicize this process, for their own peace and privacy, so it was
something I lived and dealt with alone.
A dream told me she was about to go. I emailed Jim and said "Tell Carla I love her very much." A few
hours later she was gone.
Part of why I am spelling this all out is that our work is changing dramatically. This article is partly
intended to help usher in our next phase.
The Law of One teaches us that we live in a reality where we must choose a path -- service to others
(positive) or service to self (negative).
Or, if you are clever enough to find door number 3, you can just decide to go live in Uruguay, or a
small militarized base in Brazil.
[Kidding... just kidding.]
The level we currently live in, "Third Density," is then followed by fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh -the so-called "true color" densities of green, blue, indigo and violet -- before returning to "intelligent
infinity" once more.
These colors are not physical colors, but represent vibrational frequencies that actually create
habitable planes of existence that overlap with our own.
Our earth is now very, very close to its own "graduation" into fourth density -- an event the Law of
One series referred to as Harvest.
Before I ever found the Law of One material, for years I had been having remarkable dreams about
some sort of mega-event happening on Earth within my lifetime.
This was always phrased as a profound spiritual metamorphosis, changing who and what we are in
an instant -- very much like the Biblical concept of "Rapture."
This was also invariably associated with some sort of spectacular, unexpected light phenomenon that
seemed to emanate from the sun.
These repeating visions led to me researching the subject of "Ascension," and eventually discovering
that many different ancient cultures predicted that an event like this would happen.
I first learned of this worldwide prophecy while reading Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock
after its epic release in 1995.
The Law of One clearly spells out that channeling is very easily tainted. Without proper training and
discipline, negative entities can manipulate the words.
For this same reason, it is very important that we exercise discernment at all times, and throw away
anything that doesn't agree with what we feel is right.
The Law of One series refers to the negative group as the Orion Confederacy. Space program people
call them the Draco, though other groups are part of it as well.
The Draco do have several outposts on planets around some of the stars in Orion, which are right
nearby us -- hence the Law of One's classification.
One of my favorite quotes Carla used to say is "It is very, very easy to do channeling. It is very, very
difficult to do channeling well."
Here is where this pivotal discussion began in the Law of One series:
12.15 Questioner: Is it possible for an entity here on Earth to be so confused as to call both the
Confederation and the Orion group in [an] alternating way, one, then the other, [inaudible] back to
Ra: I am Ra. It is entirely possible for the untuned channel, as you call that service, to receive both
positive and negative communications.
If the entity at the base of its confusion is oriented towards service to others, the entity will begin to
receive messages of doom.
If the entity at the base of the complex of beingness is oriented towards service to self, the
crusaders, who in this case, do not find it necessary to lie, will simply begin to give the philosophy
they are here to give.
Many of your so-called contacts among your people have been confused and self-destructive
because the channels were oriented towards service to others but, in the desire for proof, were open
to the lying information of the crusaders who then were able to neutralize the effectiveness of the
Once you start wanting to get into all the details of cosmic battles and warring ET factions, you
quickly open yourself up to negative influence.
In fact, if you focus too much on this type of information rather than just spiritual growth philosophy,
the positive beings are required to let a negaitve entity take over.
Once this happens, the negative entity will "masquerade as positive" while putting out as much "fear
porn" as possible. Prophecies then fail, discrediting the channel.
Once that aspect is introduced, and we get into the notion of why the negative is allowed to do what
it does, we are back on track with useful wisdom teachings.
Most importantly, the negative will not be allowed to win this war -- but they certainly can do
The main thing that hardly any Illuminati scholars realize is that this same group has extensively
colonized our solar system. That's where all of our money has gone.
Since the 1930s, our governments have been ever-increasingly involved with a far-ranging cast of ET
Preparing for an eventual disclosure of the truth, they have been leaking information and
disinformation in movies and TV shows all along.
I have been astonished, many hundreds of times, to find out that deeply-placed insiders in UFO and
space-related "black projects" have firsthand knowledge of a remarkable number of specifics from
the Law of One series.
In fact, I recently found out that the group behind the secret space program, i.e. the "Cabal",
military-industrial complex or "Illuminati," is very well aware of how accurate the Law of One really
Luke identified another very high-level insider we have named Harry. They have information that
overlaps as well as unique things the other one does not know.
Recently Harry was threatened with death if he continued talking to me, so our connection has
effectively dried out. Luke is still talking.
Harry revealed that there has been an ongoing effort, ever since the 1990s, to disinform the public
about the Law of One material.
They want to make it appear to be negative and threatening. Certain books and websites have been
put out to confuse and terrify the public.
They also apparently have rigged search engines to make it much harder to find anything substantial
about the material.
In order to help counteract that influence, I will tell you that you can order the books at the Law of
One group's website, www.llresearch.org.
You can read the entire series for free and search for keywords at www.lawofone.info. This is now
my go-to place for any needed references.
The Space Program also asks people to read the first volume of the Law of One as a sort of entrance
exam, since it is so precisely descriptive of the truth.
If people's imagination is not expansive enough to take it in or understand it, they are not invited to
proceed any further in the program.
That means you could see beings that evolved into humanlike form out of various types of insects,
fish, mammals, birds or reptiles.
Most often, this means you will have beings with two arms and two legs but a head that looks similar
to an insect, fish, mammal, bird or reptile.
This phenomenon is well known and widely experienced within the space program. There are
countless numbers of humanlike ETs out there for us to meet.
Years before I ever heard about what ET life actually looked like from insiders, this prophecy was
already waiting to be discovered in the Law of One series.
The answer is that they can project themselves into whatever form they choose, and therefore
appear in a way that gives us the greatest comfort:
90.6 Questioner: Well, If the population of this planet presently looks similar to the fifth-density
entities I was wondering why this is?
If I understand you correctly the process of evolution would normally be the third density resembling
that from which it evolved in second density [the ape] and then refining in fourth and then again in
fifth, becoming what the population of this planet looks like on third....
Ra: I am Ra. Your query is based upon a misconception. Do you wish us to comment or do you wish
to re-question?
90.7 Questioner: Please comment on my misconception if that is possible.
Ra: I am Ra. In fifth density the manifestation of the physical complex is more and more under the
control of the conscious mind complex.
Therefore, the fifth-density entity may dissolve one manifestation and create another.
Consequently, the choice of a fifth-density entity or complex of entities wishing to communicate with
your peoples would choose to resemble your peoples physical-complex, chemical, yellow-ray
As our quote goes on into the next question, Don starts asking for specifics about how many others
are out there who look just like us.
90.8 Questioner: I see. Very roughly, if you were to move a third-density entity from some other
planet to this planet, roughly what percentage of all of those within the knowledge of Ra would look
enough like those entities of Earth so that they would go unnoticed in a crowd?
Ra: I am Ra. Perhaps five percent.
90.9 Questioner: Then there is an extreme variation in the form of the physical vehicle in third
density in the universe. I assume this is also true of fourth density. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is so.
We remind you that it is a great theoretical distance between demanding that the creatures of an
infinite creation be unnoticeably similar to oneself and observing those signs which may be called
human which denote the third-density characteristics of self-consciousness.
[This includes] the grouping into pairs, societal groups, and races, and the further characteristic
means of using self-consciousness to refine and search for the meaning of the milieu.
90.10 Questioner: Well, within Ras knowledge of third-density physical forms, what percentage
would be similar enough to this planets physical form that we would assume the entity to be human
even though they were a bit different? This would have to be very rough because of my definition
being very rough.
Ra: I am Ra. This percentage is still small; perhaps thirteen to fifteen percent due to the capabilities
of various second-density life forms to carry out each necessary function for third-density work.
Thusly to be observed would be behavior indicating self-consciousness and purposeful interaction
with a sentient ambiance about the entity rather than those characteristics which familiarly connote
to your peoples the humanity of your third-density form.
Skipping ahead now from question 11 to question 12, we are told that our own local planetary
system [Logos] and several others nearby chose the ape body as the template for conscious soul
evolution, instead of other types of second-density forms that then reached a hominid appearance.
It is up to each star, or Logos, as to which second-density creature it will "invest" with sentience, and
upgrade into the hominid, third and fourth-density form.
The source then speculates as to why the ape body may have been chosen for this locally:
90.12 Questioner: Was there a reason for choosing the forms that have evolved upon this planet and,
if so, what was it?
Ra: I am Ra. We are not entirely sure why our Logos and several neighboring Logoi of approximately
the same space/time of flowering chose the bipedal, erect form of the second-density apes to invest.
It has been our supposition, which we share with you as long as you are aware that this is mere
opinion, that our Logos was interested in, shall we say, further intensifying the veiling process by
offering to the third-density form the near complete probability for the development of speech
taking complete precedence over concept communication or telepathy.
We also have the supposition that the so-called opposable thumb was looked upon as an excellent
means of intensifying the veiling process so that rather than rediscovering the powers of the mind
the third-density entity would, by the form of its physical manifestation, be drawn to the making,
holding, and using of physical tools.
This is all pretty mind-blowing stuff -- and it took nearly twenty years of scholarship for me to
discover how accurate it really is for people in the space program.
The Law of One also has many, many points of "direct contact" with the Edgar Cayce Readings of the
early 20th century, which is arguably the most documented and validated intuitive work in modern
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) went into a deep, unconscious trance state and spoke with seeming
ominiscience when he performed "psychic readings."
Over 14,000 of these readings are on record, where he was able to diagnose people's medical
problems and prescribe treatments with nothing more than a name and address.
Like Carla, Cayce was unaware of anything that he had said when he woke up -- but the work was
extremely effective.
There was a strong focus on the power and presence of Christ, but with interesting twists -- including
the notion of reincarnation and Atlantis.
Cayce often wrestled greatly with whether his work was genuinely positive or not. What kept him "in
the game" was the fact that it was helping people.
The third of the "three Georges" in Law of One history, George Hunt Williamson, wrote a book about
the UFO contacts surrounding Smith and certain others.
The ETs used Morse code, broadcast over ham radio, to communicate messages to people who they
felt were of the right "vibration" to listen to them.
According to Williamson's debut book The Saucers Speak, twelve different groups were contacted
this way by the ETs.
All but one of them, apparently, were identified and intimidated into silence by government stooges
intent on keeping UFO secrecy alive and well.
Smith and Williamson first wrote about what happened in 1956, and it caused a sensation. Smith's
identity was hidden in the original book but later came forward in 1958 at a Canadian UFO
Although many people have successfully contacted 4D and 5D beings, true 6D work like the Law of
One series is exceedingly rare and precious.
Furthermore, we were only three months away from 1998, when Cayce's own readings had
predicted that he would return to Virginia Beach.
I asked my readings if this was true and was told the answer was yes. By this point I'd had over a year
of trust built up with them, and it was very upsetting to hear.
I did not want to reveal myself as a reincarnation of someone else. Yet I was told it would be a
"spiritual felony" if I refused.
Even worse, my readings urged me to contact Cayce's organization, the Association for Research and
Enlightenment, which I eventually did in May 1998.
The senior staff excitedly photocopied and distributed my astrological chart combined with Cayce's,
which showed many astonishing overlaps.
In fact, I was born on the single best year, month, day and hour in a 127-year period after Cayce's
death to have a precise alignment with his astrology.
Several of my closest family members and friends were also precise reincarnations of Cayce's
I wrote this all up here, in the inaugural article for this site: Intro to the Wilcock / Cayce / Ra
He refused to look me in the eye, at all, throughout our entire conversation. He hunched forward and
kept his hand over his eyes the whole time.
He bombarded me with questions and then refused to let me answer them. As soon as I started to
answer, and he saw I had a good answer, he'd just ask another.
However, he did tell me that I had a far, far better case than anyone else he had ever met who was
claiming to be Cayce's reincarnation.
Only the highest levels of the A.R.E. had a problem with this. Everyone at the middle and lower levels
who found out about it was thrilled, as were others I met.
The only offer I was given by the higher levels of the A.R.E. was to volunteer to sell candy bars at all
12 showings of Man of La Mancha, their play that was about to debut.
I didn't find out until years later that L/L Research had chosen a stylized illustration of Don Quixote as
their logo.
Chris Van Cleave played Don Quixote, the main character with lots of singing parts, and he was really
The above photo is a younger version of how he looked at the time.
Chris Van Cleave Bio Page
Chris took his harmless stage sword and put it near the actor's face, saying he will "shave the rest of
that 'stache clean off", working it beautifully into his existing lines.
This was a great source of entertainment for everyone there and got huge laughs.
Later, when Chris had to move out of his house very suddenly, I put in a full day of back-breaking
labor to help him out.
Other guys broke a huge sweat lifting the heaviest stuff and had to quit early. I managed to put in
about 12 hours in one day.
Chris asked me why I did it. I told him "I just love your work, man, and I want to repay you
I joked that I might have screwed him over somehow in a past life. Once you get into the Cayce stuff
you find out hardly any relationship is "new," and there is always karma.
Some people might think I made this all up, so to help settle the score, I did some research.
Virginia Beach Sun Announcement of Man of La Mancha 12-Performance Run
Van Cleave will soon be seen as Don Quixote in "Man of La Mancha" for a 12-performance run at the
ARE beginning May 29.
The Association for Research and Enlightenment production of ``Man of La Mancha'' is one of the
better sung amateur theatricals of the sort that display scenery of crudely cartooned rock walls and
lighting that bisects featured players head to foot with sharp lines of shadow.
Whether one chooses to ignore details of staging is probably a matter of one's willingness to suspend
After all, the effort put forth by earnest volunteers may be more important than the easy legibility of
the words ``Harley-Davidson'' on vests worn by 16th century peasants.
The incongruity of gold wedding rings and other jewelry sported by destitute victims of the Spanish
Inquisition likewise may bother some viewers more than it bothers others.
Read more: Linda Eder - Man Of La Mancha (I, Don Quixote) Lyrics | MetroLyrics
I honestly didn't think a whole lot about this connection when I saw the L/L Research logo.
However, when Carla passed away on April Fool's Day, I couldn't help but feel like this was a
profound synchronicity linking our lives and work together even more.
I thought my other links defaulted to the offer now, but apparently not yet. This one definitely works.
I just tested it myself. I also replaced every link in the article I could find.
Furthermore, I had originally intended to get this entire article written the day after Carla passed on,
but I just wasn't fast enough.
Even with the poison oak raging (it has since gotten much less severe,) I took my dog for a walk and
went on a new and very beautiful trail I was guided to go to.
Right as I pulled into the parking spot, I was dazzled. There was a perfect four-digit alignment in the
car's odometer and a three-digit alignment in the clock at the same time.
I rushed for the phone to photograph it. I did catch it, but unfortunately not precisely at 5:55 -- only
one minute later. Argh! Here it is:
The timing for this to have worked was extremely precise. Just seconds later it had already gone up
to 11,345, but here it is:
I will, of course, try to get all of this out in my own way, on my own time -- but the "learning curve" is
extreme even for those who are very interested.
We do have over five hours of video footage "in the can" and I am in the process of preparing it for
YouTube distribution.
Both of us are getting inundated with interview requests about all of this but we've got to get the
video and Noory transcript out before anything else.
If you live in the Los Angeles area and are a whiz with Adobe After Effects and the top plug-ins, let us
The interesting accounts I am about to share with you are the result of many ongoing, multi-hour briefings from
very highly-positioned insiders.
These are people who work for various "government" (military-industrial complex) groups in what they would call
the "Space Program."
These people have repeatedly proven their bonafides through a variety of means.
We have been compiling and cataloging their data, and scientificaly verifying it whenever possible, since this
website launched in 1999.
Our circle of trusted contacts keeps growing. There are many contenders who spout disinformation, but there are
genuine sources as well.
We have had two major new sources come to the forefront in the last four months, creating a dramatic expansion
in the knowledge base.
Hundreds of specific data points have been cross-verified -- information that had never been published on this
website or anywhere else, but that other vetted-out insiders revealed independently, over the last 20 years.
The truth is far, far stranger than fiction. For safety, we have held much of this back until the new data can be
absorbed, cataloged and integrated.
There was open speculation that this was "a UFO crashing, ejecting a miniature spacecraft."
Watch the video yourself. See how the second object doesn't fall down with gravity.
It shoots in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION from the meteor, at a good clip -- possibly even accelerating as it travels.
Basic laws of physics say this object should not have enough intertia to travel in a gravity-defying orbit -- in the
direct opposite direction of the "meteor."
What the hell was it, then?
A mysterious glowing orb has been filmed breaking away from an unidentified meteorite-like
object as it streaked across the sky above California.
The unusual object can be seen moving through the sky leaving a long tail behind that is characteristic of
space debris or a meteorite burning up in the atmosphere.
But after a few seconds a second round object separates from the main fireball and moves off in
the opposite direction.
UFO hunters have claimed the bright orb may have been some sort of escape pod from a crashing ship.
However, others have said it is more likely to have been a meteorite breaking apart in the atmosphere.
Skywatchers in northern Florida got a thrill on Saturday when a brilliant fireball streaked across the night
sky. And one Jacksonville resident who didn't get to see the bolide in person was lucky enough to catch
it on her backyard security camera (see video above).
"It's an awe-striking
situation when you can kind of see those things," Kandace Gaddie
told local television station WJXT after watching her video. "You feel like the little ant on the planet,
Over 230 people, from West Palm Beach to Augusta, Ga., reported spotting the fireball--and nearly 50
of those people reported hearing a loud
An explosion
of orange, blue and white lit up the skies over New Zealand
Shortly after the explosion, hundreds of eyewitness accounts of the blinding light began flooding news
stations and social media. WeatherWatch in New Zealand said that they were receiving reports
of the
likely a meteor."
Fletcher Hodge was in the car with a friend in the city of Rotorua when they noticed the sky turning a
bright blue, he told The New Zealand Herald. "The
Seismologist Lara Bland of the research institute GNS Science told local news site Stuff that the meteor
appeared to shake the ground for about 14 to 15 seconds. At around 9:59 p.m.
she recorded a "small increase in higher frequency energy," she said.
Social media reports of a possible UFO sighting last night near Jackhead, Man., are not true, says the
Canadian Forces, which attributed the bright light people saw to an airplane from a training exercise.
On Wednesday night, several people said on Twitter and Facebook that they saw a bright light in
the sky, fuelling speculation that it may have been an unidentified flying object.
The rumour became stronger when photos were posted of Canadian Forces vehicles in the area, with
some people claiming the military was there to contain a UFO crash site.
But it was not a UFO at all, says Lt.-Col. Paul Davies, commanding officer 38 Territorial Battalion Group,
which is involved in an Arctic Response Company Group training exercise on Lake Winnipeg this week.
"There's no aliens, just my friends in the air force who are out there helping us on this exercise," Davies
told CBC News on Thursday.
"I have the commander of that air force contingent sitting right beside me and, you know, he assures us
that that was not a UFO, but that was him."
About 150 military personnel are taking part in Exercise Arctic Bison 2015, which includes the 38
Canadian Brigade Group, the 2nd Battalion of the Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry, the 4th
Canadian Ranger Patrol Group, and 440 Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
Davies said soldiers are training to deal with a plane crash and provide ground search and rescue support
in the Arctic.
The bright light that people saw, he explained, came from an airplane that takes off very quickly.
"From a distance it may have looked like it was going straight up in the air, but it wasn't," he said. "It was
just us out there playing our games."
In a very sad turn of events, the Nazis cut a deal with the nastiest ETs on the block for protection -- a group of
reptilian humanoids called the Dracos.
This group is known in the Law of One series as the Orion Confederacy -- and they do have several systems
under their control within that constellation.
The Nazis found advanced ancient ruins in Antarctica, on the Moon and on Mars, and re-occupied them, building
them out with new construction while having a healthy head-start from what was already there.
Two and a half weeks ago now, I announced that I was going to be leaking a vast
treasure-trove of insider information on this very subject, live on stage at the
Conscious Life Expo.
I did not telegraph it until the day of the event itself, for security purposes.
The scope and depth of formerly-classified info that I revealed in that show has sent seismic shockwaves through
the insider community.
The event itself was wildly popular, with a standing-room-only crowd that stretched through five hallways in the
hotel before everyone was let in.
This was a tour-de-force of never-before-revealed insider info -- including two videos of "stasis beings" in their
sarcophagi and many pictures of likely ruins throughout our solar system.
We have already had one person get very aggressively threatened as a result of these leaks -- even though he
himself was not responsible for the majority of the information.
I also found out that some of this data was intended for "controlled release" in smaller packets, probably with
disinfo included, and this has thrown all of those plans into total disarray.
The streaming video, available now for 45 dollars, also has sold well -- and we anticipate some much-needed
funds from it soon enough.
I insisted that we have a hand-held cameraman for audience reaction shots, and he did a great job. We've never
had a live video come out this well before.
In the future we will open-source this information more and more, and tonight's show is the first step of that
In the meantime, you can see the entire conference now by ordering it at
The majority of revenue goes straight to helping this work, so if you have the means, please help us out and
David Wilcock on Coast, February 25th: Ancient ETs & Spiritual Evolution
civilizations and ETs, the secret space program, Genesis & End Times, as well as spiritual information
about soul growth, ascension, and the evolution of consciousness.
According to his "insider" contacts, the secret space program has conducted missions not known by the
public, including a visit to the rings of Saturn, which are a kind of ruins.
What they found there were the remains of gigantic rooms made out of glass-like material that were
designed for people 70-100 ft. tall, he revealed.
The aliens that built these rooms, along with a massive ring-like project around Saturn, were descendants
of a prison colony that were banished to our solar system millions of years ago, he explained.
Their enemies became concerned that the rings they were constructing could be used as a resonancewave weapon to destroy any planet in the galaxy, so they ended up demolishing their project, Wilcock
Back on Earth, according to Wilcock's contacts, there are many covered-up mound builder sites in Canada
that contain secret research-- including stasis bubbles with 24 ft. tall beings, some of whom have recently
Further, Wilcock reported that around 100 enormous spherical ships around the size of Neptune have
recently come into our solar system.
It appears that four different types of beings from the ships have had contact with Earth's cabal, most
prominently the Blue Avians-- who are 8 ft. tall, have bird-like heads, and bodies covered with bright
feathers, he said.
Yet, Wilcock reported that intelligent alien life is essentially human, with their DNA differing at most 4%
from ours.
on Gaiam TV.
There are already two episodes posted -- interviews I conducted with Graham Hancock and John Anthony West,
two of the top scholars in the field of ancient civilizations.
We've been developing this show and interviewing the best people for almost a year now -- but we had to wait
until everything was in proper position to launch.
We have interviews coming up with luminaries such as Robert Bauval, Andrew Collins, Laird Scranton, Rupert
Sheldrake, Rich Dolan and many more.
Now, if you are a subscriber to Gaiam TV, you can catch a new half hour of Wisdom Teachings every Monday,
and a new half hour of Disclosure every Thursday.
It takes a lot of work to host, produce and develop two weekly shows -- not to mention that I also star in almost
every episode of Ancient Aliens and contribute heavily in the research department.
In the future, if insiders want to come forward and be in the show, we now have a quality production that will allow
this to happen.
All the "heavy lifting" for other devices, including smartphones and tablets, both Apple and Android, as well as
Playstation, Xbox and others, has now been done.
I now have a really cool "mothership" set -- a significant upgrade from the original -- and the picture quality is
I have already transformed a significant amount of my very best conference material, that people used to pay 295
to see on a 16-hour weekend, into these 100-plus half-hour episodes.
I find it almost impossible to see a movie or TV show anymore that isn't painful, jarring and upsetting to watch -but I am very proud of the quality of these shows.
To help launch the show, Gaiam has created a one-time offer that works for everyone who clicks on this link:
If you sign up between now and Monday, March 2nd, you can watch as much as you want, for a month, and
spend only 99 cents.
There are no cancellation fees or hidden charges whatsoever. It is quick and easy to cancel if you decide to.
If you choose to stay on, the price is comparable to other streaming video services at 9.95 a month -- and that
gets you an all-access pass to everything.
It has been a wonderful thing for me to be forced to produce so much content to keep the show going -- and to
finally have a steady job!
It's a lot of work to produce two weekly shows, but I have been able to do it in a way that provides consistent
quality and amazement -- and have at least another year's worth of material ready to produce.
I have expanded way beyond everything I covered in my books and conferences as a result.
Many of the things I shared in passing are explained in much more detail. I really had to "drop the ego" and just
trust that it was OK to release all of this material at such a low cost.
It has taken time, but as the "tree" keeps shaking, a wealth of material is appearing as gift-wrapped presents, all
shiny and colorful!
Furthermore, pending a few final nips and tucks -- including deciding what exactly I am going to be speaking
about -- I am going to be speaking at the Contact in the Desert event as well.
This is a very fresh announcement, so it's not on the website yet -- but I did send in a signed contract today, so
we're almost there!
This event will take place on the weekend
In addition to visiting the website at contactinthedesert.net, you can email Crystal Fonoti at
This time it was in the article right before this one -- in the editing window for this site as I came in to do the work.
Exactly 85,777 hits.
This happens time and time again when I am posting. No work is required -- it just shows up.
I do believe this synchronicity is intentional, and shows us there is "more going on here" than we usually think.
I wrote a whole book about it -- The Synchronicity Key -- now in twelve different foreign languages as well!
Extraterrestrials have been visiting and settling on Earth for millions of years.
Functional portals have existed on earth, both natural and artificial, allowing ETs to visit earth humans at various
times. These legends have since become myths of phenomena like "fairy rings."
Our own people have had alliances with various ET groups for millennia -- but up until the 20th century it was only
a one-way street. They visited us but would not bring us home.
The Germans were the first to secretly develop space travel capability beginning in the 1930s, thanks in part to a
newly-minted alliance with certain ET groups that most would consider highly negative.
Once the Germans found out what kind of neighborhood it was, they wanted to side with the toughest kid on the
block for protection.
Arguably, the greatest secret of the Illuminati is that they consider themselves to be the descendants of certain ET
human groups that arrived in the fairly recent past.
Originally, their descendants were the giants -- and the knowledge and scholarship on this subject is growing
exponentially thanks to the Internet.
The amount of evidence for giant skeletons -- ranging from a 9-foot group to a 12-foot group to a 25-to-30-foot
group -- is quite significant.
Much of it has been suppressed in order for this secretive organization to hide its true nature from the public.
However, thanks to a variety of new leaks, we are learning much more.
I hope to get back to more regular posting and "long form" content creation in the near future!
What if our world is a vast, spiritual illusion, inviting you to penetrate its mysteries and evolve into an entirely new
and higher form of life?
This is not speculation, nor superstition. Join double New York Times best-selling author David Wilcock
(divinecosmos.com) on a spellbinding journey of the mind and heart. Learn your true potential and unmask the
villains who have been working for thousands of years to keep you ignorant and terrified.
Over 30 ancient prophecies from around the world revealed that this time in our history is the culmination of a
25,920-year cycle. The events we are seeing on earth are all part of a structured, marvelous process whose
purpose is to springboard us into the next level of human evolution.
Quantum threshold effects could fundamentally change the nature of reality as we know it and the mystery
begins and ends with you. Simply exposing yourself to this living information can be enough to propel you into
the truth of who and what you are.
This talk was received incredibly well and has created a huge buzz at the Expo. Many people are waiting to see
the archived version of the video.
Before the event started, a Livestream pass -- to watch it in real time as it was happening -- could be purchased.
Now, we are waiting for the AV crew to finish post-producing an archived version of the video.
I don't think they ever expected this much demand, so they are all a bit overwhelmed at the moment. I apologize
for that. They are working as fast as they can.
Once the video is up, you will be able to watch it whenever you want, within the 10-day period, if you have already
purchased it or if you buy it now.
Since there has been confusion around this, we will probably make another new post once we know it is up there
and available for you to watch.
The visuals and videos were sensational enough that many people are waiting to grab it once it comes out.
We are sorry about the delay. I thought the archive would be viewable as soon as the event was over, but it does
take time to process and upload it.
Not surprisingly, when I came in here to post this update, the hit counter again had a set of repeating digits in it.
This is the classic "calling card" of synchronicity that has happened so many times here.
It always just occurs, without any conscious effort... but after all this time it still impresses me:
In the meantime I have to finish production work on tonight's talk on Ascension. This one is not going to be
Livestreamed or made available in the video archive but it will still be great.
It feels good to be "back in the saddle." I haven't done an event in a while -- not since October in Sedona -- and I
really enjoyed this one.
The new information is coming in fast and furious, and it's always exciting to take what I get and work it into public
talks like this. I hope you enjoy it!
Whereas there used to be perhaps 3 highly noteworthy stories to track per week, and they would
nicely add up over a month's time into an obvious direction, that number is now up to 20 to 40 per
Although each of these stories are vitally important, when seen as a whole they add up to something
much, much bigger.
We no longer have enough time to cover them all individually -- so it is necessary to synergize the
effort and look at the Big Picture.
As you may know, I have been remembering and writing down my dreams every morning since
September 1992, and have found the guidance extremely reliable.
This includes an ongoing number of prophetic dreams that prove to reveal future events with
remarkable clarity and precision.
Well before I wrote our last mega-article, Cosmic Perspective on the Defeat of the Cabal, on October
27th, almost every morning I have been getting the same message:
"Drop everything and work on learning high-end video production. Do it now. Nothing is more
important. Go! Go! Go!"
Then, even once you get a basic working knowledge of After Effects, in order to do anything
significant you also need to learn and master the top plug-ins.
This includes classics like Trapcode Particular and Element 3D, as well as a variety of others. They all
require additional investment as well.
I am happy to say that after extraordinary effort, I am finally reaching a point where I am starting to
do great stuff.
I'm not going to go too crazy for the first video. The key is to get a sustainable workflow going -- and
post the results here for you to enjoy.
If this works the way I intend it to, it will be as if I got a mainstream TV deal -- but am doing all the
work here at our headquarters by myself.
Currently there is an epic miniseries on disclosure going on that has been extremely popular -- with
many new and mind-blowing data points in each episode.
In fact, many things I probably should have written about here are in those shows -- I just haven't had
time to do anything else right now.
What I am planning on doing with my YouTube videos is high-end, rapid-reaction videos to
newsworthy events.
The intent is not to overshadow or replace my show on Gaiam, soon to become two shows in
February -- but to add to them, and stay extremely current.
Still to this day, when I am spotted in public it is usually because people have seen my YouTube
videos. They are at least 10 times more popular than these articles.
Then again... why the urgency? Why not do this at a relaxed pace? Why not take the time to even
write one article along the way?
This opposition is occurring from a vast international alliance -- which I discuss in the show -- as well
as a huge coalition of benevolent ET humans.
We were one of only very few sites talking about the terrestrial side of this effort, and facing lethal
threats to leak critical data about it, long before it became as obvious as it is now.
There are so many complex, multifaceted and interconnected storylines here that it is absolutely
mind-boggling. This radio show touches on a few of them.
Additionally, it has never been more dangerous to discuss this subject than it is now -- since it seems
that a major police action is imminent.
Our first home-grown video with all the new bells and whistles should be out fairly soon -- and it
should be awesome.
In the meantime, let's hit the ground running as I pulled away from the editing desk long enough to
do this show with Jimmy Church -- just in time for Christmas.
This is about as deep and cosmic as my material ever gets... so if you like sci-fact that reads like sci-fi,
this should be right up your alley!
I have written my own acoustic guitar arrangement of the song that I am very proud of -- and sounds
J: You know what? Hes one of the unspoken guitar greats. You know, the thing about Jim Croce, he
was unbelievable when you watch him Oh man
The thing is about Croce, and we don't have to spend a lot of time on this, but youre hitting me right
in my heart right now.
The songs are so good, and they are so singable. That's because theyre well written.
What you don't realize is that what's going on underneath that, as far as guitar goes, is about as
complicated as it gets.
You are biting off the big one right there, man. That's tough.
D: It's modern classical as far as I'm concerned.
J: Absolutely. You know, I'd rather learn some Randy Rhodes! (laughing) It's easier than Jim Croce
I went through a Jim Croce phase and I almost gave up. This is almost too much.
And then when you go and watch some of the old Jim Croce videos, those guys are singing and
playing at the same time, and getting it done.
That's some rough stuff. Good for you.
D: That's what I'm doing, buddy. And I'm playing Maury's parts, not Jim's parts.
J: That's what I'm talking about! (laughing) Oh man! Impressed, man, I'm impressed, I'm impressed.
D: Thank you. It is very difficult. Ill spend countless numbers of hours on one song, just working it
J: One song, one chorus. Countless hours on one chorus!
J: I just said this to Micha. It's really true. I think ten years from now we're going to look back at 2014
as being a pretty crazy, significant year for us all.
We have a lot of unanswered questions going into 2015.
D: Youve got to understand the full scope of what is truth, what is knowledge and what is happening
to us to really grasp why things are so bizarre and why everybody is suffering.
In order to do that, we've got to go down the rabbit hole really fast and really deep but I know your
listeners can handle that.
J: Yep. Absolutely, absolutely.
One of the big things that happened this year was that a cube was put up there that was on the top
of the stone that's in English.
The cube had a cipher in it that described that these guys who built it, which I do believe is the cabal,
intended to achieve their goals in 2014.
We can discuss how this cube was deciphered, but it gave us 2 dates.
One date was the day that the government shut down in 2013 the exact date that it shut down.
The second date was the exact day that the Ferguson riots got their most violent.
[We have about three recent episodes of Wisdom Teachings you can see now, on a free trial, where I
break this all down.]
So when you see that the cube was dated 2014, it seems clear that they were hoping to create largescale riots and a government shutdown.
That was the symbolism of the cube. Yet, we're now through 2014, there's only a week left, and
those goals did not happen.
J: Who stopped it?
There's a whole lot of very interesting stuff going on if you have contact with the type of insiders I
Unfortunately, very, very few people are in contact with these guys. I'm one of the only people that
can actually leak this kind of information to the public.
You have to remember that the universe is not built to be staggeringly complex. The answers are
The good guys are ultimately working off of a cosmic free will principle. That means that what really
matters is how we choose to think and act towards others.
That allows the positive guys to do more when we act more positively.
Now the FEMA zones are all overgrown by tress and vines and stuff, but they show you this
throughout the whole movie.
They show you houses that have X's on the windows because the people in there were dead but it's
all long gone now.
So what they're doing when they put stuff like that out there is predictive programming.
They want you to load that hologram in your mind and believe this is what's going to happen.
Then they fire emotional energy into it when they create false flag events.
The false flag events create trauma, which make people think about the things they saw like in
those movies.
Then when we start putting our creative power into those thoughts and believe them, that allows
the negative to accomplish more of these goals.
It's very important for us to focus on positive outcomes, and really emphasize what we can do to
create harmony in our own lives and for others.
As I said with the meditation effect, that has a very strong effect on people's free will and on how
things turn out on earth.
I do believe that's why we haven't seen any major wars or massive fatalities this year.
J: I agree with you on that. I'll tell you something else that's interesting, that I would like your answer
We have so many films that always show the apocalypse, the end whether its a zombie or ET
How come, or maybe we should Why don't we make a movie that shows how we're being fed the
lifelike hologram of the apocalypse that is being fed?
The one singular movie that comes out that lays it out in that respect
D: Well, Amy Berg tried to release a movie that was documenting pedophilia in Hollywood.
She got one premiere showing in New York, and we haven't seen or heard anything more about that
movie ever since.
J: Right. What was the one with Keanu Reeves? The remake? Oh, The Day The Earth Stood Still.
D: Even that film had some very upsetting and disturbing images.
J: Back to the point that we were making earlier, all of the events over the last (century) All of the
seminal events.
Whether it was the kickoff of World War I, World War II, the events that led up to that, the Korean
War, the Gulf of Tonkin, Cuba, going into Iraq the first and the second time, Syria
Everything seems to have some kind of crazy false flag event tied into it.
It goes all the way into Crimea, and what we're dealing with regarding North Korea.
Is each one of these a situation in which we're pawns in chess?
Is there a big chess board out there and the game is being played right in front of us?
D: That statement would imply that we don't have any power to affect the outcome.
J: Yes.
J: Check this out. This question just came in via email, and it says:
A while back I saw a YouTube video where David Wilcock was talking about the fall of the Illuminati,
literally tons of gold bullion hidden underwater, and a plan to arrest heads of state, top anchors and
their cronies.
We haven't heard an update on that. Can you please ask him? Please, please, please?"
D: Sure! This is a very complicated subject. I'm happy to give information within a certain range of
Part of the problem is actually people like me.
I have to apologize to humanity right up front in saying that in some cases internet journalists such as
myself, in our zeal to try to get too specific.
(Certain) information, unbeknownst to me, was too precise.
It got people killed in commanding positions who were trying to get this mass arrest to happen.
Sometimes in the past we have naively given away too much.
Entire command structures that were trying to pull this off have gotten fragged and killed.
So this is a very, very serious war. It's very real.
There are some things I can say that are not going to get anybody killed.
One of them is, number one: this is going to happen.
Once it does, people are going to be listening to this show by the millions, and other shows like this
where I (and others) have talked about it.
[As we've revealed in other articles, the first insider to leak this plan was Sherman Skolnick, circa
1999-2000. Then Benjamin Fulford picked up the story beginning in about 2008.]
There are groups that were in alignment with the Rothschilds that broke away.
There are groups that were in alignment with the Vatican and broke away.
There are all these players involved. They all have different wants and needs and they all had to
come to a consensus.
Now, some of the groups wanted there to be complete amnesty, and wanted there to not be any
fatalities as this process takes place.
That decision has been vetoed.
There are going to be spontaneous assassinations that take place. There is going to be some violence
when this starts to happen.
It's going to freak people out. It is going to be very controversial.
I may have to garrison in my house for a while once this happens.
J: When you talk about assassinations, are you talking about heads of state, or bankers?
D: I don't think Obama is going to get shot. Hell probably get brought into a tribunal.
Hes probably going to end up crying and testifying all the stuff that happened and the stuff that
they made him do.
[We have heard that there are daily shouting matches in the White House and Obama has been told
to "shut the f- up and let us do what we're going to do."]
And theres probably going to be -- most of the heads of state will probably be fine.
Beginning a few years ago, all soldiers were asked if they would fire on unarmed civilians, violating
their Oath of Enlistment.
All those who said they would not were transferred to certain bases, which were then intentionally
planned to be phased out over the next 2-3 years.
The equipment that is being shipped out is all coming from these bases. Nothing is being removed
from the bases where the loyalists still reside.
This suggests that an epic maneuver is being made to attempt to stop the patriotic US military from
having the equipment to fight with the Alliance once this starts.
Like the Sony hack and so many other events, this is another indicator that the changes we are
discussing are expected to happen soon.]
One of the things you see in (Captain America) is that a Nazi group called Hydra took over the
American intelligence apparatus.
This happened after the Nazis were brought here after World War II in something called "Project
They talk about this in the movie!
And this was the second biggest movie of this year, other than, I think Hunger Games exceeded it.
The movie is telling you what they're going to do. The leader of Hydra is shot to death at the end of
the movie.
So they're telling you that there are going to be probably a certain number of targeted
Now again, nobody's asking me how to handle this.
It would also be extremely presumptuous for me to assume that I understand what the tactical
significance of those assassinations are, or why that would be necessary.
I am really not in any type of role to understand what they are facing or what is going on.
The more bloodless they could do this, (the better.) If they could do it in a peaceful way, that would
be ideal.
Maybe there will still be some sort of divine intervention where events will take place in a certain
way, where it doesnt have to be bloody.
I certainly hope thats going to happen.
D: So whats happened is that this group got together and created the most incredibly vast,
systematic plan to plunder the worlds wealth that has ever been contrived.
That was World War I and World War II.
What they did is they used these invasions of countries as a cover.
The war was bloody. Yes, thats true.
Everybody talks about how Prescott Bush, George Bush Seniors father, was Hitlers banker.
What you may not realize is that Prescotts father, Samuel Bush, was the owner of the Remington
gun company.
Remington sold over 90 percent of all the guns to both sides of World War I. Think about that.
You can make money on selling the weapons, but that wasnt the main issue.
The real thing was that when you get into the country as a military invasion, you invade their central
bank and take their gold.
What happened is very secretly, throughout the early 20th century, and especially in the 1930s and
a lot of it was done by Japan, which at the time was totally fascist and working with (what became)
the Nazis
Japan was part of the axis. They bombed us in Pearl Harbor.
J: Right.
D: They went through all of Southeast Asia and China and robbed everybodys gold.
Nobody ever did it on such an industrial scale as Japan.
They did horrible atrocities, including something called the Rape of Nanking in China, which is one of
the greatest mass atrocities in human history.
J: Thats right.
J: And its never been found. That gold, not an ounce of it has surfaced.
D: Thats not true. Thats not true.
J: Okay.
D: It has. I have one insider who worked for Reagan. In fact, Reagans code name for him was "Mr.
J: I guess what Im saying is that officially, not one ounce has ever been found. Lets make that clear.
D: Its all documented. There are people who have written about this before. There are books before
Financial Tyranny that I draw from that talk about this.
It is all actually quite well documented.
I have insiders who have been inside these bunkers.
[I was thinking of Episode 17 of Season 1 of "Thundercats", where they see gold as worthless junk
and dump it over a cliff, when I used this visual reference.
You can watch the episode here.]
D: And that hasnt been told to us.
That same vein ultimately runs down into Australia, and that has been kept secret as well.
Plus, in the space program there are asteroids they could go out and mine that are absolutely solid
We do not have a gold scarcity.
A lot of that gold that I said you could bulldoze out boulders worth of it has been mined,
smelted, refined and turned into actual bars.
It was held in some very vast private collections.
The main group that was doing this is called the Dragon Family.
It is actually ultimately a group of humans who immigrated here and were not natively born on earth.
One of the oddities about this group is that their genome is such that they have a lifespan of
between 200 to 300 years for the average person.
They are Asians. They are Asian looking, and they are living in exile. They are very secretive.
There is a whole lot of story we can talk about with them.
When they got here, they formed China. They are the Qing dynasty, the original Dragon Emperors.
They built about 135 pyramids in the Xian province of China, and the pyramids are still there.
[Here is a high-quality National Geographic 44-minute program on "China's Lost Pyramids."]
And interestingly, the pyramids still have a piping system that allows water to be piped into the top
of each of these pyramids.
[According to one insider, the full extent of the piping systems that have been identified is much
greater than what has been disclosed to the public.
The conventional view is that these "pipes" are fossilized tree roots, but they do contain 8 percent
unknown materials.]
What they would do is park their ships, which were called fiery metallic dragons they werent really
dragons, obviously.
J: Mm hm.
D: They would park their ships on top of these pyramids, and its like a trailer park.
You hook up the water hitch and you could live in your ship for years at a time.
Okay. ETs. Bottom line. Most of them well, not all of them, but a lot of them are human.
We have been severely, severely misled.
I now have found out there is a group that looks like black people. They look like the Zulu tribe, that
type of a physique, except that they are really tall and really skinny. (They also apparently are very
friendly and smile frequently.)
So all the different types of people who are on earth have extraterrestrial families. All the different
races have extraterrestrial families.
On a secret level, all these different groups there are about 40 of them altogether have presented
to us, meaning our secret government, genetic evidence, physical evidence, holographic evidence on
these little Ipads that they have that they show us movies on.
[This evidence states] that they are the guys that made us.
And they cant all be right.
Theres a range of 12 to 13 feet that is fairly common. There is a range of about eight to nine feet
that is fairly common.
We are actually among the taller groups.
Can you equate it to, is there a good race of ET that is maybe controlling a country like the United
States, and they are pitting us against China, so to speak?
Or, is it more inside, where the infighting is on both sides of the Obama administration, pulling back
and forth?
D: Its a very good question.
There are multiple ET groups.
Its not like the Lone Ranger, where, OK, he wears the white mask and hes the good guy. The other
guy wears the black costume and hes the bad guy. (Laughs)
J: I got you.
D: Within the ET groups that look human, they have competing agendas and competing needs.
Even within these societies, of course, you are going to have certain people who are divergent
Youll have your criminals. Youll have your murderers. Youll have your crooks who are going to try
to steal something.
So you cant just say, Oh, these are the blue aliens. And the blue aliens are the good guys. And the
red aliens are the bad guys.
It doesnt work like that. It is a very vast and complex sociological problem to solve.
What I can say is that there are alliances with different factions of ETs working with different factions
on earth.
And the good guys are winning now by a significant degree.
It is building up to something.
It is going to be like a geopolitical, worldwide moment of truth.
Were probably not going to get disclosure immediately when this happens, but it probably wont
take very long once it does.
D: I will say truthfully that as far as I know, no visible elected leaders who are heads of state are
extraterrestrial humans.
That being said, my knowledge is that there are about 10,000 to 18,000 of them at any one time on
And I do have some information that suggests that some people who work in the governments are in
fact extraterrestrial humans.
But they are not reptilians and they are not shape-shifters.
Nobodys biology can do that.
The only type of shape-shifter that Ive ever been aware of, from all the different people I have
spoken to, is AI.
D: You have to understand that there are (laughs) there are a lot of people who make money off of
doing this stuff, and theyre probably paid better than any of us are.
If I even got a ten-percent credit for the amount of jobs that Ive created, just by myself, I would be
far, far better off (laughs) than I am.
J: You could get another Martin D-45 (guitar).
D: (Laughs)
J: That was between you and I. Nobody else got it.
D: (Laughs)
One of the types of reptilians does have a head that looks exactly like a Komodo dragon or the head
of any of a number of reptiles, like maybe an iguana (minus the spikes on top.)
J: Right.
D: Not quite like an iguana. But OK.
If you go and look at this movie that was made by the guys (who did the Matrix) the movie trailer
that was made by the Wachowskis.
I cant really say guys anymore, but (laughs)
J: (Laughs) Right.
D: They have this movie coming out in the Spring called Jupiter Ascending.
If you watch the movie trailer, its very edgy how much theyre disclosing in that trailer.
And one of the things you see in that trailer is a reptilian, where you take a reptile head and stick it
on a hominid body.
Now there are people who look just like that, except that they dont have wings.
The wings thing is a misperception.
J: (Exhales loudly)
D: They dont have any type of human-looking nose and mouth as we normally would think of it.
This is a group that looks like the Grays, but theyre actually very positive and loving people.
That is an authentic photograph. If you go dig that reference up, and I will try to find it for you, I have
it in my notes
J: Okay.
[The eyes and skin in the image are heavily sunken in compared to what they normally look like. This
race has very animated, expressive and loving eyes.]
And, the people who are off-planet do not have access to our internet. They do not have access to
any news from the earth.
They dont know anything about what is happening on earth.
They are kept in the strictest secrecy.
And, people from Earth who interact with them are not allowed to tell them anything about anything
that is going on.
[They do get access to some of our movies and TV shows, but it is all strictly controlled.]
J: Ive said that so much. Well come back to that if we have time.
D: You have this Sumerian sculpture of this mother suckling an infant, and her head looks like a
reptile head.
This is not stuff that was done randomly. This is because these people were here.
J: The Garden of Eden?
D: The Garden of Eden, same thing.
It is a clich, but it is true that there are negative ETs that would look like what we would think of as
They do not understand that they cannot win this.
They are very mocking and sarcastic about the Bible. They think its a joke.
They think its no better than toilet paper you would wipe your butt with.
In fact, the Bible and other great religious works are sort of like thumbnail sketches of what were
now going through.
The prophecies in the Bible and other works are essentially accurate.
They are just very simplified for people from two thousand years ago, with the level of knowledge
and vocabulary that they had available to them at that time.
The core, essential nature of what the great religions teach us is the key of what all the benevolent
ETs are still trying to do.
They are still trying to get us these principles. They are still trying to help us transform into a more
loving society.
And they work in a very strange reality where they are not allowed to directly intervene.
They have to work on our free will. They can only give us clues and trails of bread crumbs.
They cant just show up in the sky and show us religious icons for whatever culture is appropriate,
and say Here we are.
We are the ones youve been reading about for the last two thousand years, and were back.
They cant do that.
D: Weve had some very, very real people show up who know a heck of a lot at the very highest level.
I have learned a lot more.
One of the things I know now is that the top third of Africa, the Sahara Desert, was all a vast
Were guessing it was probably that way about 50,000 years ago and it was all wiped out in a
massive, massive attack.
The Giza plateau in Egypt is only the highest portion of a civilization that is still very real.
It is all waiting for us under the sand, anywhere between about 40 feet to 100 to 400 feet down in
the Sahara Desert.
If we started just digging out the whole Sahara Desert, it would be the ultimate extraterrestrial
artifact playground.
You just cant imagine. So many buildings, so many technological artifacts down there. It is just
totally mind-blowing.
Scene from "Alien Vs. Predator," picturing pyramid under Antarctic ice as a form of disclosure.
There are also very significant underground bases below the surface of these areas as well.
Actually, the Nazis in World War II were the first ones to go to Antarctica.
They went into some of these pockets and cavities and found some of these places.
They basically re-occupied it and took it over.
That was the New Berlin base that they then transferred their operations to at the end of World
War II when they realized they were losing.
They dont use it anymore, but it is a swastika-shaped building on the moon believe it or not.
D: Those books were stored in the Library of Alexandria.
Then when they allegedly burned the Library of Alexandria, that was a false flag.
All they actually let burn was census documents and tax forms.
They took all the good stuff and relocated it to, guess what? The Vatican Library, where it still is
There are ancient toys all over the place in our solar system. They are everywhere!
If people start freaking out about this stuff, and they get all paranoid, look.
These are ordinary flesh-and-blood beings. If you shot them with a gun, they are going to blow up
just like anybody else.
J: Right.
D: They dont have any special capabilities.
They may have certain types of weapons, but they are not allowed to bring those weapons here.
They really do not they are at a total disadvantage. There is no advantage to these people telling us
who they are.
Like for example, it didnt happen, but there was a plan on the table that Obama was going to tell us,
in November 2009, that there were five different extraterrestrial human groups that have been
working with the United States government for a century.
It didnt start with Roswell. Its a lot older than that.
He was going to introduce us to these people on live television in a two-hour special on every
network, all over TV.
He was going to say, These people are here to help us. Please dont shoot them.
That would have been mind-blowing. It didnt happen, but it could have happened.
It was thwarted by five different factions that made sure he wasnt going to do that.
There was a backup plan that Obama was going to make the announcement when he got the Nobel
The night before he got the Nobel prize, they generated the Norway Spiral.
He was told by someone who was compromised and close to him in his security detachment, By the
way, Mr. Obama, if you decide to say anything tomorrow, you wouldnt like it if Air Force One
happened to fly through one of these, would you?
J: Wow!
D: Yeah. Thats what that was. It was a massive, ballsy, masculine, incredibly aggressive threat:
Dont you dare do disclosure when you get the Nobel prize.
And he didnt.
D: I essentially keep myself really isolated, because there are threats against me. I have to be
extremely limited in how much I leave my house.
I do have various forms of security that I have in the house, including a dog that is one of the breeds
that you want to have.
J: Right. Its not a schnauzer.
There are also Divine protections. Some people are going to laugh their ass off when I say this.
This is a spiritual war, and as I said on your show, I think last time, there is a spiritual law that says
that the bad guys are not allowed to shoot the Red Cross workers.
J: Yeah.
D: That is an absolute reality. So as long as I dont do anything corrupt, in a spiritual, moral, ethical
I havent ripped anybody off. I havent banged any female fans that would love to bang me and
there are plenty of them.
J: (Laughs)
D: Believe me, dude. Its like, you want to talk rock star, its the same thing when it comes to this
J: Sure.
D: Especially when you go up on stage in front of two or three hundred people, you get all kinds of
crazy stuff that happens.
J: Yep.
D: Just in trying to get from the stage to the bathroom, twenty or thirty people try to stop you.
This may not seem like much, but I have thought quite a bit lately about the anniversary of 12/21/12
-- the Mayan Calendar's end-date.
It does appear that it represented a shift point that has been most notable by the rapid moves
towards the defeat of the Cabal and disclosure.
After I finished my edits and posted them just now, we had repeating digits on the hit counter, as so
often happens. This time it was 2111.
In case you are new to this, much of my journey into discovering this information came through
synchronicity -- hence the title of my latest book.
It appears that seemingly random free-will decisions are actually being precisely synchronized -- so as
to convey meaningful information.
I see it as a slap on the back -- a guided way of saying thank-you and "good job" from our own soul. A
nice little star for our Christmas tree!
After a much-needed ten-week sabbatical, here we are -- with a message of hope, positivity and a
future far greater than our wildest expectations.
In spite of the headlines we are now seeing, is it possible that we are witnessing the fulfillment of a
vast, cosmic plan -- with a remarkably positive outcome?
Hollywood movies are exposing the Cabal like never before -- suggesting a highly positive change is
coming. Strap in and prepare for takeoff!
[PLEASE NOTE: You can post excerpts on your site providing you give a workable link. Please do not
"mirror" the entire piece.
Sidebar "pullquotes" will continue to be added until Monday night, so the first 24 hours will involve
slight edits to improve the overall look -- but that's all.]
[UPDATE, MONDAY AFTERNOON: New photographic evidence and links of classic reincarnation cases
in Part Three.]
[UPDATE, MONDAY, 10:40 PM PST: Article is now page-locked and complete, as-is.]
[Click here to go directly to information about David's all-day event this Saturday, November 1st, in
Guess what? You are about to read a message of hope -- not of fear and doom.
If you want "fear porn," you came to the wrong place.
There's plenty of it out there if that's what you're looking for.
Just read the headlines -- or watch cable news!
They will certainly thank you for it. They need the money!
There most definitely appears to be a shadow government working behind the scenes through
controlling the financial system, the media, corporations, military and elected officials.
Words like the Bilderbergers, the New World Order, the Illuminati and the Cabal all seem to be fairly
interchangeable at this point -- for an ever-increasing number of people.
Hitler was perhaps the most visible proponent of this sort of an agenda -- but the infrastructure
behind him didn't simply disappear after World War II.
The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one. -- Adolf
This "big lie" has become something we cannot ignore -- unless we wall ourselves off from
conventional society altogether.
I celebrated 22 years of sobriety on September 21st. It's not always easy but I am much happier this
In order to heal and release an addiction, you first have to acknowledge the problem. Then you need
to fearlessly take steps to alleviate it.
What luck for the rulers that men do not think. -- Adolf Hitler
There are countless numbers of YouTube videos exposing the Cabal that have racked up millions of
Think about that for a minute. TV is no longer getting those numbers. The truth is.
Kesha in Her "Die Young" Video -- Which She Said She Was "Forced" To Do
One of the things you find out when you start talking to insiders who have direct access to high-level
secrets is that this plan has been going on for a long time.
According to NPR, Sherwood Schwartz, the creator of the 1965 classic series Gilligan's Island,
patterned the characters off of the Seven Deadly Sins:
Was "Gilligan's Island" a Metaphor of Hell?
Poor castaways. Each week they would devise a way off the island. Each week Gilligan would thwart
their escape -- usually with the best of intentions.
Years after the show ended, its creator, Sherwood Schwartz, admitted that each of the characters
represented one of the seven deadly sins -- Pride (the Professor), Anger (Skipper), Lust, (Ginger),
and the rest. Gilligan was supposed to be Sloth.
But a closer viewing indicates that the island may well have been Hell and the red-clad Gilligan the
devil who kept them on his island.
[Most people who write about this theorize that the Skipper does double duty as Anger and
Gluttony. Remember, this is NPR!]
In 1965, the American public was first treated to the whimsical story of Gilligan and six other hapless
castaways, trapped on a small Pacific island after their pleasure cruise ends in a violent shipwreck.
During the show's three-year run (ninety-eight episodes), the island's inhabitants attempted to leave
the island by broadcasting radio messages, sending smoke signals, repairing the Minnow, building a
raft, and fixing a deep diving suit to permit Gilligan to walk along the ocean floor back to Hawaii.
The island was a Sartre-like nether-world where everyone is a "sinner" and Gilligan is Lucifer, always
wearing red and sabotaging every escape attempt they make.
They were visited by headhunters, a wayward trans-atlantic stunt pilot, and astronauts in a returning
moon capsule. A television special brought the entire Harlem Globe Trotters to the island.
Yet the castaways were strangely unable to get off the island, apparently doomed to spend eternity
in each other's company.
In fact, what seemed to be perfectly disarming, if somewhat frustrating, situation comedy was a
representation of a Sartre-like nether-world in which the characters represent the Seven Deadly Sins,
forced in the days after Armageddon (in the form of the Flood) to live in unceasing torment with
each other.
The viewers witness the characters' eternal damnation through Gilligan, a name derived from the
Scottish "gillie", a hunting or fishing guide.
Also symbolizing the sin of Sloth, Gilligan has fallen among the other sinners through his own inability
or unwillingness to escape.
In the show, it is almost always Gilligan who unwittingly sabotages the castaways' attempts at
Things are getting very, very surreal these days. Everything we thought we knew is being rewritten -week after week.
There is no such thing as "the average person" anymore. Each person is waking up very quickly to a
greater reality. It is quite amazing to behold.
Once the largest arrests happen and the tribunals begin, everyone will be saying the same three
The more the Cabal is exposed, the harder they seem to be working to create a non-stop epidemic of
hyperventilating fear-mongering in the corporate media.
The final stages in the exposure and defeat of the negative agenda are moving into position. They are
becoming very clear, obvious and undeniable.
You may not see it yet. You may not dare to believe there is a way out.
By design, the whole situation appears to be seemingly impossible to fix -- thus requiring the
exercising of faith to see any positive path through this.
Nonetheless, the words everyone will be using once this globalist agenda finally crumbles apart are
only three. They are very simple:
"We All Knew."
How can these pop-music artists be out there advertising Luciferian imagery so blatantly? Do they
know what they are doing? And why is this happening?
There is a common link between all the artists displaying this imagery -- including Lady Gaga, Katy
Perry, Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, Nicki Minaj and Rhianna.
This should grab everyone's attention. While everyone is innocent until proven guilty, witness
testimony can also be used to establish proof.
The singer specifically identifies the 41-year-old music mogul as her abuser by writing [to a fan]: 'Dr.
Luke has tortured me & my family he did do what people know about + SO much more terrible
The duo are currently embroiled in a nasty legal battle after Kesha claimed in a lawsuit that she was
'sexually, physically, verbally and emotionally abused' by the prolific producer over a period of 10
Meanwhile, in an email obtained by TMZ, Kesha's mother allegedly writes: 'We, me and Kesha and
her friends... like Lady Gaga, are going to make all of this Really PUBLIC, in the next few days. Luke
date raped Kesha when she was 18....
Kesha claims that the alleged abuse started early on when she signed her deal with the hitmaker,
who is known for producing some of the biggest hits in pop music for the likes of Katy Perry and
Britney Spears.
Dr. Luke allegedly made 'repeated sexual advances' towards her and 'would use drugs and alcohol to
remove her defences'....
Kesha claims that Dr. Luke reportedly 'threatened that if she ever mentioned the rape to anyone, he
would shut her career down, take away all her publishing and recording rights, and otherwise destroy
not only her life but her entire familys lives as well'.
The lawsuit also alleges that he also 'threatened her and her familys physical safety'.
Kesha's lawyer, Mark Geragos, told TMZ... 'The facts presented in our lawsuit paint a picture of a man
who is controlling and willing to commit horrible acts of abuse in an attempt to intimidate an
impressionable, talented, young female artist into submission for his personal gain....
Dr. Luke has produced all of Kesha's big hits including, TiK ToK, We R Who We R and Your Love Is My
He has also produced hundreds of hits for other artists, including Roar, California Gurls and Teenage
Dream by Katy Perry, as well as Till The World Ends and Hold It Against Me by Britney Spears.
He's also worked with Taio Cruz, B.o.B, Jessie J, Flo Rida, Miley Cyrus, T.I., Nicki Minaj, Juicy J, Rihanna
and Shakira.
He was nominated for a Grammy Award for Producer of the Year at the 53rd Grammy Awards for his
work on Katy Perry's Teenage Dream album.
Instead of unicorns, glitter and James Van Der Beek, this time shes enlisted a band of spookily
attractive dancers to writhe around the desertwhile K$ poses on a mattress and dances in front of a
It. Is. Awesome.
Is Ke$ha part of the Illuminati? Is she involved in some sort of witchcraft? Or is she just super trendy?
Well never truly know, but the new video for Super Earworm Die Young features an overwhelming
amount of geometryeverything from the magic triangle to the mystical pentagram And all the
Seeing Eyes in between:
All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least
intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach. -- Adolf Hitler
Ke$ha has attempted to distance herself from her own song Die Young in the wake of the Sandy
Hook Elementary School massacre.
The outspoken singer has blasted her hit song Die Young -- which was pulled from a huge number of
radio playlists following the shooting last week -- claiming she was forced to sing the controversial
words and always thought the content was inappropriate.
Writing a message on her Twitter page on Monday, the 25-year-old hitmaker said: 'I had my very
own issues with 'die young' for this reason. I did NOT want to sing those lyrics and I was FORCED TO.'
When mainstream culture -- such as movies and the pop music -- features this imagery so blatantly,
wealthy individuals must be involved.
It costs millions of dollars to build these artists into superstars. The promotion of these symbols and
themes is obviously intentional.
There is undeniable evidence that great, epic truths are being hidden from us.
As we wrote in Financial Tyranny, this imagery has also appeared in the most-viewed public
ceremonies on earth -- including the Olympics, the Super Bowl halftime show and the Grammys.
This may seem terrifying to you. I understand that. As Hitler said, the "big lie" is actually the safest
bet, because no one can believe it's really true.
However, I feel it is necessary, and liberating, to expose the truth.
I recommend stepping back and viewing it as information -- a puzzle to be solved -- and giving
yourself permission not to be afraid of it.
From an impartial perspective, what we are seeing is undeniable evidence that there are great, epic
truths being hidden from us.
The best part, as far as I'm concerned, is that the hidden information about the positive side of this
global drama is much greater than the negative.
Nothing that is happening right now is random. We are not about to see an epic-scale loss of life. This
is all part of a perfect plan.
Forgiveness and understanding is the way through this -- not replaying the same old cycles of labeling
others as sub-human monsters worthy only of death.
According to various insiders, there appear to be over a million people who are directly involved in
this group in some way.
If some of them do want to come forward and stop the violence, they need to be given a chance.
I do feel there is a greater cosmic plan at work here. If we unilaterally dehumanize them as nonpersons, then we will have failed that test.
This test is built into the ebb and flow of history itself. Nothing is random. There is a story written
into history.
Every major event we go through is intelligently structured, for our own spiritual evolution -- and has
its place within the Story.
It seems impossible to believe. It is most definitely a non-mainstream view -- but the evidence is
overwhelming, and supported by the great religious traditions.
This can occur across historical gulfs of time that are quite vast in scope -- including cycles of 539 and
2,160 years.
Even the same people are reincarnating, doing very similar things, and having very similar faces -including Hitler, Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter.
Hannibal and Hitler: Same Faces, Same Invasions, Same Lands, Same Events, Exactly 2,160 Years
Other precise examples for which facial resemblances have not yet been established include Joan of
Arc and Johannes von Baysen, who later became Bill Clinton.
In the case of Hitler, Nixon and Carter, their actions repeat with astonishing precision across one Age
of the Zodiac -- namely 2,160 years.
The 12 zodiac ages add up to the Great Year of 25,920 earth years. This cycle is of extreme
significance in understanding the cosmic Big Picture.
Human civilization appears to evolve in sudden bursts at the end of these roughly 25,000-year units
of time. And the next mega-event is happening right now.
This may not be going exactly the way we had expected, but we're in it.
In the reincarnation cases of Joan of Arc, Bill Clinton and others, they have re-appeared very precisely
in one quarter of an Age of the Zodiac.
As we will argue a bit later, this is very likely happening to everyone -- not just influential world
The Battle of Swiecino was the defining struggle for the future of Europe in its own time.
This is only one of a cluster of events that are so similar to each other, in time and content, it beggars
belief to try to write it off as a coincidence or "conspiracy theory."
I discovered it by simply taking 9/11 and rewinding 539 years into the past, giving the window of
September 1462.
Once I figured out who Clinton, Bush and Congress had been in the previous cycle, many
interconnecting pieces fit together beautifully.
This is far too complex to go into in one article. It does take a 500-page book to properly explain all of
this -- and an entire chapter is focused just on 9/11.
Ironman 3 was the second-biggest movie of 2013, after The Hunger Games.
Captain America: TWS is still the second biggest movie of 2014, after Guardians of the Galaxy.
Seen together, these two Marvel / Stan Lee movies give a remarkable and undeniable window into
the alliance that is working to defeat the Cabal.
Though the alliance cannot yet make itself openly public, both of these movies are very strong
revelations of what they are building up to.
In both cases I feel we are seeing well-financed operations by the alliance, some of which is working
from within the US military, to tell us what is going on behind the scenes.
What happens is very surprising -- considering the Mandarin has been interrupting broadcast
television and coming across as the ultimate terrorist of our time.
The art of leadership... consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary
and taking care that nothing will split up that attention. -- Adolf Hitler
It is amazing to watch the ISIS media bonanza blazing forward after Ironman 3 outed the whole
agenda in the dialogue you are about to read -- just a year before.
No one in the corporate media has dared to mention the astonishing similarity between the ISIS
storyline and "The Mandarin" in Ironman 3.
TS: Hey!
M: Bloody hell, bloody hell!
TS: Dont move.
M: You want something, take it, although the guns are all fake, because those wankers wouldnt trust
me with the real ones.
TS: What?
M: Hey, do you fancy either of the birds [women in the room]?
TS: Ive heard enough. Youre not him. The Mandarin. The real guy. Where? Wheres the Mandarin?
Where is he?
M: Whoa! Hes here. Hes here but hes not here. Hes here but hes not here.
TS: What do you mean?
M: Its complicated. Hey. Its complicated!
TS: It is?
M: Its complicated.
TS: Its complicated. Ladies out. Out of the bed. Get in the bathroom. [To Mandarin:] Sit.
[Mandarin tries to crawl away. Tony shoots at where hes going. Mandarin sits up.]
M: My names Trevor. Trevor Clattery.
TS: What are you? What are you, youre a decoy or a double, right?
M: Im not an understudy. Absolutely not. [Tony points the gun at him even closer.] Dont hurt the
face! Im an actor.
TS: Youve got a minute to live. Fill it with words.
M: They said theyd give me more! They gave me things. They gave me this palace. They gave me
plastic surgery. They gave me things. [Falls asleep, snores]
TS: Did you just nod off? Hey! [Kicks him]
M: No, and a lovely speedboat! And the thing was, he needed someone. To take credit for some
accidental explosions.
TS: He? Killian?
M: Killian.
TS: He created you.
M: He created me.
TS: Custom-made terror threat.
M: Yes! Yes. His think tank thinked it up. The pathology of a serial killer. The manipulation of Western
iconography. "Ready for another lesson." Blah blah blah. [Hands Tony a beer. Tony rejects.]
Because of my performance, I brought the Mandarin to life.
I was never able to move quickly enough to see any but the first of these videos -- but apparently
each of them are similar, wherein it fades to black before any blood is seen.
In this case there is obviously no "green screen," but many people have questioned whether the
knife allegedly being used even has a sharp edge.
Just like "the Mandarin" indicated in Ironman 3, the guy doing the beheading in this video may well
be an actor who is not actually murdering anyone.
The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect.
Men may hate us. But, we don't ask for their love; only for their fear. -- Heinrich Himmler
Most astonishingly, the Vice President of the United States ends up being the main employer of the
The VP is arrested and frog-marched out of the White House at the end of the film!
This was the climax of the entire movie.
It definitely adds weight to what various insiders have told us for years now -- namely that Pentagon
insiders are working to create high-level arrests.
The actor playing the Vice President bears a more-than-passing similarity, in his look and overall
"vibe," to Dick Cheney.
The whole movie is essentially the story of a small group of insider allies working to bring down a
secretive Nazi cabal that has taken over the American intelligence apparatus.
The negative group calls itself "Hydra" -- and the "big reveal" comes from 1:01:21 to 1:06:31 in the
The Hydra logo bears an undeniable resemblance to the Skull and Bones Society symbol, which in
turn is a derivation of the Skull and Crossbones symbol.
The Skull and Crossbones "black flag" was flown on pirate ships that were actually owned and run by
the Knight Templars.
The interdiction and theft of the gold coming out of Mesoamerica provided the Templars -- an earlier
incarnation of the Cabal -- with vast sums of capital.
Considering how many hours can be spent fine-tuning film dialogue to say as much as possible in as
few words as possible, I am confident this was very well thought out.
The computer also shows a wealth of fast-moving visuals to support the dialogue -- so to get the full
effect, you do have to see the movie.
C: Cut off one head, two more shall take its place.
CA: Prove it.
C: Accessing archive. [Images]
C: Hydra was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom. What
we did not realize was that if you try to take that freedom, they resist.
The war taught us much. Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly.
After the war, SHIELD was founded and I was recruited.
The new Hydra grew a beautiful parasite inside SHIELD.
For 70 years, Hydra has been secretly feeding crisis. Breeding war.
And when history did not cooperate, history was changed.
C: I am afraid I have been stalling, Captain. Admit it. Its better this way.
[CA pulls a grate off of the floor, revealing a pit to jump into.] We are -- both of us -- out of time.
[Missile hits! CA and SJ jump into the pit just in time.]
A computer-controlled system targets many thousands of people per second for instant death by
particle-beam weaponry.
Hydra believes this will help them to achieve their goals by destroying everyone who resists them in
one single, stunning blow.
The montage of targets for Project Insight includes multiple staff in the Pentagon, as well as the
White House -- including the President of the United States.
We quickly find out that the first area the three carriers are about to start "cleaning up" is much of
the Northeast United States.
One of our highest-positioned insiders was absolutely stunned when he saw this movie.
He said that the aircraft carriers in this film are precisely identical to what the US military actually
possesses in secret.
I was told that these carriers have a light-bending technology called "masking", but that the military
does occasionally allow them to be seen.
From the ground, they will usually just appear as a group of lights in the night sky, and will be written
off as "another UFO sighting."
All of the jets in the movie are genuine, classified aircraft as well -- and date back to the 1980s, if not
Furthermore, these aircraft carriers typically travel in groups of three -- just like we see in the movie.
In the real world, one of the three craft will be a flying black triangle -- the TR-3B -- that carries larger
aircraft than the other two can hold.
This next image of an alleged black triangle over Paris is probably a fake, but it is a good
approximation of what the TR-3B looks like.
The slightly-smaller aircraft carriers, just like we see in Captain America and The Avengers, provide
defensive perimeter support for the larger triangle craft.
Our insider also said that the gun turrets for Project Insight at the base of the carriers are called
"heads," and are precisely what these weapons really look like.
The technology described as "Project Insight" in Captain America: TWS is absolutely real -- and highly
In short, the technology described as "Project Insight" in this movie is absolutely real -- and highly
There are other ways these weapons can go airborne besides through the use of aircraft carriers, but
this is a legitimate scenario.
I was told about this technology at least three years ago now -- and never, ever expected to see it in
a mainstream film. It was very surreal.
I never said a word about it due to the threat, the level of secrecy and my firm belief that it would
never be used -- but now it's out there in a very popular movie.
This system would have already been used, in a faked alien invasion, were it not for ongoing "divine
intervention" from high-level, positive ETs -- and diligent police work by the alliance.
Before we get to Scarlett Johansson's trial at the end of the film, two other scenes are worth
At 1:12:44, a scene begins where Garry Shandling, playing a US senator, meets with a top SHIELD
In a shocking moment, Shandling shakes the agent's hand and whispers Heil Hydra into his ear at
This nausea-inducing scene reveals how the penetration of this cabal goes all the way up through the
elected government and intelligence apparatus.
The other pivotal scene is after Captain America and his allies have successfully destroyed all three
aircraft carriers at the last minute.
At 1:55:04 Robert Redfords character Pierce, the apparent head of Hydra, dies of bloody gunshot
wounds after his cover has been blown.
Although I do not in any way advocate violence, this could indicate that certain high-level operatives
within the Cabal may be assassinated, rather than given an open, public trial.
My guess is that if this happens at all, it will only be for the most extreme, threatening cases.
This cabal is so secretive that even the top-level people know a lot less about them than we would
expect -- but their stories will be extremely poignant.
The collective walls of denial will break down. We will all be forced to move out of our "comfort
zone" and accept new truths as self-evident facts.
Many people will be very, very upset by this. It's akin to that moment where you walk into the room
and find your loved one in bed with someone else.
Our entire sense of God, and the goodness of the universe and of life on earth, will be challenged -and new insights will be required.
Not everyone believes we were created equal. The leaders of a small group have considered
humanity to be a cancer on the earth that must be exterminated.
SJ: Youre not going to put me in a prison. Youre not going to put any of us in a prison. You know
G2: Do enlighten us.
SJ: Because you need us. Yes, the world is a vulnerable place. And yes, we helped make it that way.
But were also the ones best qualified to defend it.
So if you want to arrest me, arrest me. Youll know where to find me. [She leaves.]
NF: Weve been data-mining Hydras files. Looks like a lot of rats didnt go down with the ship.
Im headed to Europe tonight. I wanted to ask if youd come.
In it, the last surviving members of humanity are trapped together on a train -- which becomes a
metaphor of how the Cabal treats humanity in the present.
A deliberate war is created to reduce and maintain population -- with Evans' character ultimately
being thanked for the violent revolution he helped to create.
Giant ships are removing all the water from the oceans -- ostensibly because earth has "died" and the
water is needed for the colony.
A small group of survivors are treated as villains, even aliens -- and drones are used to take them out.
Tom Cruise's character lives in a futuristic, floating paradise with his wife, working as a soldier
apparently for the human survivors out in space.
He is there to repair the drones, which go around killing anyone else left behind but him. His job is to
make sure they still function.
He is taught to only act within a certain area, as everything outside that area is apparently
Without giving away a variety of plot twists, Cruise's character ends up facing off against the
artificially intelligent menace directly.
What he sees is a gigantic upside-down triangle with a red dot -- an eye -- in the middle.
It is an absolutely undeniable symbol of the Illuminati All-Seeing Eye in the triangle, atop the pyramid
on the Great Seal of the United States.
The message is only very thinly veiled by turning the triangle upside down and clipping off the
Cruise's character is a high-ranking military official who gets framed and thrown into active duty as a
grunt soldier.
He is outfitted with an advanced battle-robot system that enhances his own body movements, and
he gets rushed into combat against terrifying aliens.
The aliens ambush the military's position almost immediately. He barely makes it to the ground in his
parachute, kills one of them, and dies right aftewards.
He then is reborn -- over and over again. Each time he dies, he just starts over from the same day
again, like Groundhog Day.
My interest and intrigue skyrocketed when I saw that the "brain" was a spherical mass of tentacles
contained within a very obvious pyramid shape.
This is much clearer in the film than any single, still image can convey.
It gets even more fascinating when we realize where this brain is located.
At first, it appears to be in Germany -- hiding in the remains of a Nazi military facility.
We already saw that Hydra in Captain America: TWS was a Nazi group. Now Edge of Tomorrow
seems to be conveying exactly the same message.
However, once they finally fight their way there, it's a dead end.
The brain has been disguising its true identity -- putting out false signals about its true identity and
Only then do the allies push even harder -- and figure out the actual location of the brain.
I was shocked when the film placed the final location of the brain as being directly beneath the glass
pyramid in the Louvre.
Why does this matter? This is the exact same location where the body of Mary Magdalene is buried
at the end of The Da Vinci Code.
It cannot be an accident that the hive-mind of the invading aliens in Edge of Tomorrow was located
in the exact same place as Mary Magdalene's body was buried in The Da Vinci Code.
I had a dentist who was a Scientologist, like Cruise.
I routinely talk to people about these things and gently see how much they can handle.
I quickly found out that Scientologists are very well aware of the Cabal -- much more than most
The topic of bloodlines is very interesting -- and we will get back to that in Part Two.
Like so many things, it turns out that what the Cabal believes at the highest levels is the mirroropposite of what they were presenting in films like Da Vinci Code.
9/11 also is one of a series of at least six different events in the late 1990s and early 2000s that are
profound, precise repetitions of what happened in 1400s European history -- in and around 1462.
If you view history as cyclical, not linear, these events are overlapping each other on the same 539year wheel -- and the same influences affect us again.
As one example, Clinton suffered an 850,000-dollar fine in the Paula Jones scandal within four days
of when his cycle equivalent, Johannes von Baysen, died in the previous cycle.
By itself, this wouldn't mean anything. It's only once you see how von Baysen did very similar things,
at very similar times, exactly 539 years apart that it makes a lot more sense.
Again... that's why this takes 500 pages to properly explain. It was impossible to make a sufficient
scientific argument about it any shorter than that.
This same Creator is ultimately the same identity we all share. The destination of all worldly
experience is ultimately to reunite with that essence.
Along the way, the cycles reveal how some of us are influenced to play negative roles, whereas most
are intrinsically positive.
Nonetheless, all of us must eventually turn positive in our journey back to Oneness. It is as inevitable
and unstoppable as the law of gravity.
We keep reincarnating, again and again, from one cycle to the next -- retaining the same facial
features and character attributes.
If we learn from our mistakes, we can achieve spiritual growth -- ultimately leading to a graduation
into the next level of human evolution known as Ascension.
All of recorded history, going back to the dawn of Sumerian culture in Mesopotamia, follows these
same patterns -- according to the scientific research of Dr. Anatoly Fomenko.
Interestingly, Dr. Fomenko didn't even realize that the "sacred cycle numbers" were appearing in the
time intervals he found -- even though they were evident.
The full story only appears when we combine Fomenko's data with the work of French astrologers
such as Michel Helmer and Francois Masson.
In time, I feel this knowledge of basic natural laws will be as common and everyday as the discoveries
of Galileo, Copernicus and Newton.
Other civilizations may have already reached that point -- and left clues behind for us in a variety of
different ways.
If "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence," this is a case where that evidence has been
Now that The Synchronicity Key is in paperback, it's not at all expensive to explore these mysteries.
Some people automatically hate anything that isn't free. They think authors get rich from doing this
work -- but I don't know anyone who is.
However, writing a book like this generates enough money to keep the lights on, and makes the
words available in multiple foreign language versions.
The evidence is so vast, multidimensional and interconnected that there is no way for skeptics to
attack it other than dodging the data through character assassination.
If the skeptics' Carl Sagan mantra is "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence," then this
is a case where extraordinary evidence has been provided.
The number code "seven times seventy-seven" is strongly implied in the Bible when Jesus utters this
mysterious parable:
"[Forgive thy brother...] not seven times, but seventy-seven times." -- Matthew 18:22
The code of seven times seventy-seven also appears in the book of Genesis:
"If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times." -- Genesis 4:24
The death-metal band Avenged Sevenfold took their name from this quote in the Book of Genesis.
There are two similar versions of Lamech in the Bible. One Lamech, the one being spoken of in this
quote, is the father of Noah.
The other version of Lamech is the sixth-generation son of Cain. And Cain may well be the son of
Lucifer, as we are about to see.
The names of each line are so similar, only off by phonetic spelling in several cases, that it is very
likely the same Lamech in both lines:
Creation line:
Cain line:
This raises a puzzling mystery. Actually several of them. What we end up with is a remarkably clearer
view of the Cabal than we had before.
Hence airplanes and flying machines are routinely used as symbols for Lucifer by the Cabal.
Go back and check out Olympics 2012: A Mithraic Illuminati Ritual? for much more information on
that point -- including monuments such as "Angel of the North," pictured here.
The offspring of this reptilian-type human life did not look like them. Many of their unique
characteristics were lost in the Mendelian genetic intermixing.
The Olympics ceremony also featured a dancer who was half-reptilian, half-human -- suggesting the
origins they believe we all have had.
The Cabal's story is precisely retold in the newer Battlestar Galactica series.
At the very end, the battered survivors of a lost civilization crash-land on Earth -- fulfilling their own
ancient religious prophecies.
The indigenous humans on earth are only at a caveman level when they arrive, already possessing
advanced scientific knowledge.
The members of the Cabal see themselves as the visiting, godlike humans -- and the rest of us as
inferior apes who have built up cult religions.
The 2001 reboot had a very intriguing scene at the end after Mark Wahlberg's character seemingly
returned to Earth safely.
All the timelines had changed. Humanity was now portrayed as apes -- and Mark, the man who
emerged from a spacecraft, was the only person like us.
The makers of this film made a very edgy statement by then portraying Lincoln, seated on the Lincoln
Memorial, as an ape himself -- just like the police.
Films like this convey inside messages to Cabal members, reinforcing the idea that they are Gods
living amongst sub-human animals.
Lincoln trying to free the slaves becomes just one ape trying to liberate others of his own kind.
Many Cabal members do not believe the propaganda -- but as the whistleblower Svali indicated, they
would be killed if they ever tried to escape the group.
Nonetheless, according to Svali, there would be a "mass exodus" out of the group if they ever had a
chance to be free.
As we have been reporting for years now, at the higher levels, everyone in the military-industrial
complex knows a great secret.
There are humans everywhere, all over the galaxy.
They haven't openly announced themselves to us yet because they must follow a "Prime Directive."
Nonetheless, they have been coming and going, off and on, ever since we first got here.
Though there is no overt disclosure in it, Guardians of the Galaxy is another Marvel film, with
stunning visuals, getting us acclimated to the bigger picture.
Ultimately, once we get the truth, we will learn that everyone on earth is a hybrid being with mixed
human DNA.
This is one of the biggest "learning curves" we will have to adjust to as we go through the disclosure
process -- which does appear to be ramping up quickly.
Humans from other worlds -- even those seemingly quite different from us -- can still interbreed with
us, and have on many occasions.
This is extensively discussed, with a variety of scientific data points including skeletal remains, in my
on-demand TV show Wisdom Teachings.
Our DNA does appear to be a universal blueprint, as I have argued scientifically in both of my books
and in Wisdom Teachings.
Again, this is an extraordinary claim -- and the scientific evidence is equally as extraordinary and
The human form is known to be a galactic standard amongst high-level insiders who work for what
some call the Secret Space Program.
Part of why the Cabal may be resisting Disclosure is it would destroy the myth that the only ETs who
ever made it here are the "fallen angels" in their storyline.
The movie Noah is a very literal accounting of how the Cabal sees history through their own unique
Scene from the movie "Noah" -- intercutting an apple that "breathes" on the vine with serpent
According to insider sources as well as some in the public domain, Eve's sin of "biting the apple" was
a polite allegory for having sex with Lucifer.
Though this whole idea sounds crazy, once you realize the Cabal considers themselves the progeny of
extraterrestrial human life, it explains many things.
Noah believes this so strongly that he ultimately feels all human life must die -- including his own
family and children.
It's only Tubal Cain who argues that humanity should survive -- and "subdue the earth."
Noahs third act character turn that probably caused Paramount to be somewhat squeamish about
press screenings.
The film is at its best when it is presenting Noah as a genuine fanatic, sure in his belief that all of
humanity, even himself and his family, must be punished for their sins.
That he may in fact be talking to God doesnt negate the insanity of his logic and his choices.
Major Plot hole: How can Noah transfer his godly powers to his granddaughters at the end of the
movie with the foreskin of the Eden snake around his arm when his own father didn't get to finish
the same ritual on him when he was a boy?
Those girls got a light transfer on them but Noah never did.
And why is this Snake necessary? Isn't it supposed to represent the Devil?
Why would God want his chosen one to use Satan imagery in his rituals?
Because Illuminati of course!
This is very unsettling. I do not support these beliefs and only include this to show you that some
people definitely do.
Not all spiritual information is bad. There are a variety of loving beings out there who have given
positive "revealed teachings" to every culture.
Some of these words have become great religious texts that have inspired and uplifted millions
throughout the ages.
That being said, I most definitely wouldn't want to mess around with trying to get Cain and
Baphomet on the line -- but that's just a personal preference.
We all have the ability to communicate with other people at other levels of existence. It is a basic
talent that most of us have lost.
Whether the orientation of the people we reach out to is positive or negative is up to us.
One of the Cabal's greatest tricks has been to deny us any direct access to the Christ within -- and
demonize anyone who experiences such dreams and visions.
The first and most important secret phrase heard by Freemasons as they work their way up the
ladder is TUBAL CAIN.
You have to make it a very long way -- usually to at least 32nd degree -- to have any chance of
understanding what this really means.
Ultimately, this refers to the Cain bloodline and is also a crude joke -- as the "two-ball cane" is the
male genitalia of Lucifer, who they believe impregnated Eve.
Notice "Two-Ball Cane" symbolism in image of Ebola released to every media outlet for weeks after it
I had wondered why all the media kept using this one, single image of the Ebola virus.
Though it is not precisely identical to the "Two-Ball Cane" image, it is definitely close enough to
suggest it may have been deliberately chosen.
Many independent journalists are arguing that Ebola was deliberately released.
Whether this is true or not, the Cabal does seem to be attempting to maximize the fear they can milk
out of this.
It's so much bordering on complete hysteria that it seems quite foolish -- and hardly anyone seems to
be playing along.
I have been through multiple airports in the last 3 months and I didn't see one person wearing a
mask, talking about it or acting concerned.
In Cabal history, the first "OO7" was Queen Elizabeth's personal astrologer, John Dee.
Though this next quote is from a Christian website that demonizes the Cabal and all its people as subhuman, which is not the message presented by Jesus and other great spiritual teachers, certain
quotes are worth repeating.
We have lightly edited basic syntax and grammar to enhance readability, as well as added a few new
The Monas Heiroglyphica is a symbol created by Dee, which he believed was the ultimate symbol of
occult knowledge. The following year he published Di Trigono.
In 1581, using his knowledge of these ancient practices, Dee began a series of attempts to
communicate with 'higher beings'. His channel in this capacity was one Sir Edward Kelly..."
The 007 was the insignia number that Elizabeth was to use for private communiques between her
Court and Dee.
Dee signed his letters with two circles (zeros) and a seven: 007". Dee was the man whom Ian
Fleming modeled his 007 James Bond character after.
[End excerpt]
Once we become familiar with the idea that good ETs (Angels) and bad ETs exist, and are involved in
our affairs, we can see what might have happened.
It may be that Dee facilitated a new alliance with negative extraterrestrial groups that promised
support to the British Empire -- but at a terrible cost.
These same ET groups may very well be still working through the Cabal today -- as films like Oblivion,
Edge of Tomorrow and many other sources now imply.
Thankfully, these ETs are being opposed by a much greater number of positive groups, both here on
the ground and from elsewhere.
As this front-page headline of the Drudge Report revealed, "the Queen" parachuted into the
Olympics -- with none other than OO7 himself.
This all plays out in a six-and-a-half-minute, Hollywood-quality short film starring the Queen and
Daniel Craig as OO7.
Most people who found this amusing had no idea that there was greater symbolism at work here.
The helicopter she and OO7 travel in, being waved at by everyone, apparently represents the original
spacecraft that the "fallen angels" arrived in.
Their final parachuting into the Olympic arena was meant to represent the "fall" -- as in the Fallen
The idea that Lucifer is an extraterrestrial, and Cabal members are his oppressed descendants, gives
them a sense of group cohesiveness and unity against common oppressors -- namely everyone else
on earth.
They are taught that the Christian "God" wants them all dead -- to preserve those who are the "seeds
of Adam" while wiping them out at the same time.
This is a great misunderstanding, in my opinion -- but it fuels much of their anger and hatred on the
inside, according to multiple sources.
Here is an image of Noah facing off against Tubal Cain from this year's Noah movie:
Insiders also told me to look at the second-to-last US Presidential Election for another sign:
It is intriguing to consider that if we are dealing with highly intelligent negative ETs, they may have
deliberately designed opposing religious philosophies.
If the Roman Empire and its supporters designed Christianity, as well as the Cabal, the goal could be
to get both groups turned against each other.
Their strategy would be to create one spiritual philosophy for the 'elite' and another diametrically
opposite one for the 'commoners.'
You get the 'elite' believing they are all condemned to burn in hell for all eternity by the god of the
commoners. This causes the elite to fear them greatly.
Then you get the commoners believing the same things about the elite -- that they are the
embodiment of pure evil.
The negative influence does not care about the people in the elite. They are betrayed and sacrificed
whenever required. There is no loyalty there.
It takes ongoing massive, public displays of symbolism to keep any level of morale alive in the Cabal
whatsoever -- but at this point there is very little left.
I touched on this data at my Los Angeles conference in August and will be covering it in even more
detail in Sedona this Saturday, November 1st.
These numbers may be encoded references revealing the fact that this battle between "good and
evil" keeps re-iterating in multiple cycles -- with the 7x77-year cycle being the most significant of all.
At least six different direct correspondences have been found between European history in the 1400s
and American history both pre and post-911, 7x77 years later, as we revealed in The Synchronicity
Again, the presence of these codes in the Bible may well be the work of benevolent angelic ETs.
By encoding the same cycle in a passage about the "seeds of Cain" and the "seeds of Adam" in Jesus'
quote, it implies that both sides are playing out these same cycles.
No crimes against others are unforgivable -- no matter how upsetting and difficult they may be.
Everything we do to others, we must pay back, by law.
We are accountable for the harm we create others through the Law of Karma -- "as you sow, so shall
you reap" -- but within that law lies forgiveness.
Once we atone for what we have done, and pay off the debts we incurred to others, we have
restored our own positive spiritual nature once more.
Scipio Africanus and Richard Nixon: Same Faces, Same Politics, Same Scandals, Exactly 2160 Years
Watergate is an almost pitch-perfect repetition of a scandal 2160 years earlier in Rome, where Scipio
Africanus was caught in an act of treason and resigned.
One of the only criticisms of The Synchronicity Key, for a few people who read and understood it,
was this:
"Why is this mass reincarnation only happening to world leaders? Is this some elite thing? What
about the rest of us?"
Though we can't prove it yet, it is very likely that everyone is reincarnating in these same historical
Dr. Ian Stevenson and Dr. Jim Tucker have studied over 3000 cases of children who remembered
having been someone else before.
Dr. Stevenson focused on meticulously proving the memories the children had were correct -- and
the results were undeniable.
Shanti Devi was the most amazing example in Dr. Stevenson's research -- even attracting the
attention of Mahatma Gandhi.
At least 24 highly specific memories of her past life were accurately recovered. This article by the
Edgar Cayce association is well worth your time to read.
Probably the single best online summary of the Leininger case, complete with pictures and very
specific details, can be found at this link.
This new, ever-increasing body of data implies that the soul has far more of an effect on facial
structure than we normally think.
The scientific knowledge to support this idea is presented in both The Source Field and The
Synchronicity Key.
Just because this is a new science, that doesn't mean it is incorrect.
Time and time again, we learn new laws of nature that come to us as remarkable technological
This could well be another example.
There is a growing groundswell of interest in trying to find reincarnation cases through facematching.
Another example is John Lennon and Branwell Bronte, and in this case Bronte was a poet and
[End excerpt]
There was a site with many, many more examples of reincarnated Classical musicians I found in
about 2000, and I have not yet been able to re-locate it.
The people of this planet are finally rising up against a secretive, occult power group that has been
enslaving us since well before the time of Christ.
Many elements of the "Mass Arrests" scenario -- i.e. arrests of top people in the Cabal -- have come
true since we first began writing about this in 2011.
The movies we discussed in Part One provide compelling proof that such an alliance exists -- and is
working hard to promote freedom.
Disclosure is a critical element in a mass, relatively spontaneous human evolution and awakening
process that we have called Ascension.
Many ancient prophecies -- from over 30 ancient cultures -- prognosticated the exact conditions and
concerns that we are now finding ourselves in.
Most importantly, they do not speak of doom and gloom. They say all of this apparently insoluble
mess will usher in a marvelous "Golden Age".
Ever since I started writing online in 1996, I have been making this case -- and doing the best I can to
help co-create that new reality.
Edgar Cayce
Since this time, four more cases have appeared that are equally astonishing and precise in the facial
similarities and karmic connections.
In fact, two of the new cases have facial similarities that are so close to each other they are nearly
identical-looking -- and many other details match perfectly.
This has become so much a part of my life that I have been forced to examine it deeply. That is what
ultimately led to the writing of The Synchronicity Key.
I have not publicized any of the new cases at this time since we have far more exposure now.
In general, there is a great deal more stalking and hate going on with any public figures -- and I don't
want to put my friends through that.
Our first published book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? gives the full, elaborate backstory -- and I
was heavily involved in editing and adding content to it.
For years now, I have been so conflicted about this whole thing that I usually never discuss any of it -and feel better that way.
Many people I trusted told me I would destroy my credibility if I ever even mentioned it at all -- so
apart from George Noory's questions, I usually don't.
Yet after 22 years of writing my dreams down every morning and gaining benefit from their
guidance, I was told it would be a "spiritual felony" if I didn't share it.
I occasionally get a check for a couple hundred bucks for having co-authored this book.
Even though it's quite thorough, I've completely avoided publicizing it.
My co-author literally had to betray me and trick me by getting a publishing deal behind my back,
because I had fully intended to sabotage the project.
I am glad he did it, ultimately, because without that type of intervention it never would have
Due to this sense of extreme, ongoing public scorn, coupled with the basic stresses of life, I stopped
doing readings for over a decade.
I knew that I had to be in a place of true clarity, peace and freedom from stress, anger and frustration
in order to do it properly.
As the Cabal became increasingly aggressive and visible, this state of mind became harder and harder
to achieve.
I didn't trust myself to get good work -- and I did not want to do it at all unless I could be certain.
Only in the last week was I told in dreams, after this long sabbatical, that I should do it again.
The results are soon to follow in this section -- and have direct relevance to everything going on right
now, including the Ebola scare.
I will never forget November 10, 1996, the day it all started. It still ranks as the finest day of my life.
We all have a Higher Self -- the Christ within -- guiding us behind the scenes through dreams and
synchronicity. Some seers have made direct, accurate contact.
The future was predicted with remarkable clarity almost immediately -- and many more astonishing
examples soon followed.
I came face-to-face with increasingly undeniable proof that I had a "Higher Self" that was guiding and
protecting me.
My mind was continuously blown by what was happening -- including hundreds of remarkable future
The guidance consistently humbled me and challenged my ego and self-defeating behaviors -- but I
listened and learned.
More and more, I was being steered into an increasingly positive, spiritual perspective -- and to do
more and more research to validate my discoveries.
Eventually I was guided to pick up and move to Virginia Beach, Cayce's final homeland and the
location of his surviving organization.
At that point I had only just started seeing that there might be a connection between us -- after an
entire year of doing readings almost every morning.
Up until a few weeks before I moved, I had never seen a photo of Cayce at my own age -- and I was
This is Robert Smith, the editor-in-chief of the Association for Research and Enlightenment's official
Venture Inward magazine.
Robert Smith
Bob had just been looking at this picture of Edgar Cayce as a young man for inclusion in the
magazine, right before meeting me in 1998:
We met at the Nawab, a popular Indian restaurant in Virginia Beach on 756 Colonial Road, thanks to
his friend Francis Sporer, who was the art editor for the magazine.
Although Bob was cool when he met me, he later revealed he "nearly fell over backwards" when he
first walked in.
I had been seated in the same relative position as in this photograph -- and when I turned to look at
him as he came in, I looked exactly the same as Cayce did in the picture.
Many other key people involved in Cayce's work in Virginia Beach had similar reactions.
The greatest similarities lie in the eyes, the shape of the brow, the lips and the chin. Though it is not
exactly the same face, there is an undeniable resemblance.
I expected this wouldn't last -- but as I started doing the Convergence film in 2008, and then had
book deals, conferences and more web articles, I got increasingly stressed out.
Only recently did I finally get tired enough that I had to take a break from everything -- and just focus
on relaxing.
I wasn't sure what this would bring, but I began having multiple dreams strongly encouraging me to
do more readings -- that now was the time.
This "reboot" may have been helped by the fact that I now jog a half-hour a day and have stopped
eating all sweetened food -- in addition to my already fine-tuned diet.
The first of these two new readings came in this past Wednesday, and the second one the morning
On a personal level, the Wednesday reading already predicted the future so astonishingly that it
actually saved the relationship of two close friends of mine.
This past Wednesday's reading predicted the future so breathtakingly well that it saved the
relationship of David's close friend.
My friend, who we'll call Bill, had his girlfriend show up on Thursday with all of his stuff from her
house in a box. She said she was done... that's it.
She gave no real explanation, and no opportunity to discuss her decision. It was a sudden, clean
break -- over and out. Bill was quite distraught.
Amazingly, the first reading came in the day before this happened -- and precisely spelled out exactly
what she was about to do.
It even called her a "coward" for doing it -- not once, but twice.
That reading will be featured in our next update. It goes into a variety of useful spiritual concepts
that can be applied to our everyday lives.
As soon as he started telling me what had happened, I realized the reading had nailed it.
The reading didn't 'order' her to do this. Instead, it helped her understand that she was acting out of
fear and powerlessness rather than trust and confidence.
This is news I just found out about a couple of hours ago -- and was the final trigger to writing this
entire article.
Even before they reconciled, Bill realized it was so precisely accurate and calibrated to his situation
that it helped him build confidence and trust in the positive.
This condition has continued in some fashion for quite some of your years, as you measure time.
It is a cycle, built into the harmonic wheelwork of Creation itself.
It produces individual Heros Journey storylines, as well as a global struggle akin to the Heros
Journey in its own, distinctive right.
You are engaged in the story whether you like it or not.
It speaks to you from every corner now.
The simple joy of a life lived in solitude and isolation from the global stage is being continuously
the fact that your journey need not take thousands or millions of years of reincarnation to complete
There is an agenda for your life.
And in these times of great change, you can come into direct contact with your true nature as a
spiritual being, and as Oneness, like never before.
The path is so much easier than you may realize, because as we said before, it is primarily about
feeling good.
Struggle is not a requirement; good humor is.
And the enslavement that occurs does, in a sense, create organization and a great story of struggle
against seemingly impossible adversaries.
In these cases, people who had become extremely negative are then given a direct opportunity to
pool their resources together, often under the greatest terms of secrecy imaginable, to rise up
against their oppressors and reclaim their sovereignty.
In the midst of such a noble quest, many layers of negativity are purged and healed and there even
can be a shift back into the positive in the course of this process.
There have been dozens of peer-reviewed clinical studies proving that relatively small groups of
people meditating together, and performing a reunion with unity consciousness, can have a
profoundly positive effect upon the outcomes and circumstances on your planet.
This is not a subject of speculation. It is pure science.
And regardless of how you think this message is getting to you, and whether you believe in its
credibility or not, this much is certain:
The meditation effect is absolutely real. And it is an invitation to mystery.
If seven thousand people meditating in unison can reduce global acts of terrorism by seventy-two
percent, as was documented, then clearly we have a tool for promoting peace and ending conflict
worldwide that is of far greater usefulness than any military expenditures currently being made, or
which ever have been made.
The voting for the outcome on your planet occurs moment by moment.
You are still ensconced within the illusion in physical form.
You have a physical body and you exist in what appears to be a universe of matter.
Therefore, it is very compelling to believe that the laws of cause and effect are as fixed as Keplers
laws of planetary motion, or Newtons law of gravity.
From our perspective, our jobs are to exist outside your illusion and help those who need the help
the most which at this point is everyone.
The more we are called upon to help you, the more help we can provide.
It is as simple as that.
We wish to cause you no harm only to empower you to help yourselves.
We see the beauty of humanity; the nobility.
We do not view you with a sarcastic disdain, as a cancer upon the earth.
This is not our way.
Though their thorns may seem to be snagging more than ever, this is only by design.
As the denial breaks down and the villain is seen for what it is, it will appear bigger and more
powerful than ever.
But this is simply a collective effect caused by the focus of attention.
As you begin realizing what the problem is on a collective level, it seems to have become even more
accentuated than ever.
Know that in the denial finally breaking down, you move much closer to reconciliation.
Join noted lecturer, researcher and TV host David Wilcock in a breathtaking journey of the mind and
heart. The events we are now seeing on earth are literally the culmination of a five million-year-old
war for humanitys future. Our solar system is littered with artifacts telling the tale.
Positive ETs contacted every major ancient culture on earth and gave us the spiritual keys we need to
achieve Ascension.
Negative ETs have been fighting to keep us down and actually fell to earth and embodied in
physical form, becoming a race of red-haired, white-skinned giants seen worldwide in reports as
recent as the 1700s.
See the artifacts, the skeletons and the history and marvel at this brilliant reconstruction of an
ongoing battle whose outcome has yet to be decided.
Hear up-to-date information on the Rainbow Body practices from ancient Tibet, and the positive ETs
who contacted them to give us this precious knowledge.
By learning and applying these teachings, you can help turn the tides in this cosmic battle.
Once even a small number of us achieve Ascension, the negative agenda will be permanently and
irretrievably defeated on Earth and throughout much of the galaxy, according to some of Davids
top insiders.
Click here to lock in your seat now!
I recommend jumping in and watching the new shows as they arrive, and then going back and
watching older ones that catch your interest as time permits.
I am now heavily involved in detailing the buildup to open, public disclosure -- and the insider war
going on behind the scenes.
We also have a new, second show coming up, perhaps in late December, where I will be interviewing
people to help Disclosure along.
This is another major reason why I fell off on posting. I've barely been home since August in grabbing
all these interviews.
Everything is included in the basic subscription price. You can now download episodes for later
viewing as well.
Don't miss it -- and we thank you for your support!
As always, people who experience synchronicity for themselves can easily see what is happening
It is ultimately a more intense means of proving that we do all share a greater connectedness than
we currently realize.
For those who are unwilling to see it, I'm just "obsessed with numbers" and "seeing patterns where
none exist."
That might be perhaps the most polite of the types of responses that are generated.
Regardless of what you believe, it happened yet again -- and this phenomenon continues to impress
I wish you peace and happiness in these ever-changing times. The next reading will be arriving soon!
It is very interesting to see this happen. It is completely effortless. It just works. These are only minor
examples compared to what has happened.
Years ago I concluded that this phenomenon of synchronicity must involve a direct, benevolent
telepathic influence of exactly when we do things.
Interestingly, the more you open your mind to the possibility, the more it is allowed to happen in
your life -- and it certainly will, in ways that cannot be disputed.
As the moderator sent me this comment, the hit counter on the last article was about to hit 100K -and was at a "full alignment" of 99999.
Immediately after posting this picture, it happened again -- where the Facebook Like counter for this
article was at the symbolic number 1776, indicating the American Revolution.
Like many, if not most people, I was shocked and deeply saddened by the news of Robin's loss.
This is no ordinary tragedy. It strikes to the heart of everyone. Robin's presence lives on in so many wonderful
creative works that have touched our lives.
He brought us happiness, laughter and deep insight. The pain and triumph he could convey as a character was
utterly believable and in the moment.
You always felt, when seeing him in a film, that everything he was feeling was absolutely real. He threw himself
into each role utterly and completely.
As far as film actors go, he was a true legend -- a star among stars. And he had managed to completely avoid the
paparazzi hate machine tearing him down in public.
One central theme that keeps coming up is "Everbody loved him. How could a person loved by so many want to
take his own life?"
Even now, two days after hearing about it, I still feel a variety of different emotions. I spent a good bit of time
yesterday reading many different articles about him.
In this role-play, his character was a man who had the opportunity to save his severely disabled sister from a
house fire, but let her burn to death.
He was savaged by his own guilt. He let her burn because he didn't want to take care of her anymore -- as it had
been ruining his life.
We had a whole formula of what you were supposed to do in a role-play -- and we always followed it.
Every role-play ended in us running through the ten Suicide Assessment questions in some order, and then
moving the caller in to Stage 3, where you make a referral to get them more help.
Every role-play ended in the would-be caller deciding not to commit suicide and accepting the referral. That was
the script. That was what we did.
No one ever even imagined that there would be a role-play in which this formula wasn't satisfied.
It was always just a question of how long you would take to "get to stage 3" -- and how well you got there.
Normally a role play was about 10 to 15 minutes. A long role-play was 20 minutes. This one went on for an entire
hour -- and it was absolutely horrible.
The fact that I was going through this in front of a huge group of people, without enough air, feeling utterly
humiliated in the process, only made it worse.
They erupted into a cacophony of shocked chatter as soon as it was over. Everyone was moving, talking,
gesticulating and freaking out.
Whatever precious quantity of oxygen was still left in the room by that point was quickly being consumed in a
furious eruption.
What the hell just happened?
The volume level in the room skyrocketed. Everyone was talking, all at the same time. No one could understand
what the heck had just happened.
The director -- already a big and tall guy as he was -- suddenly jumped up on a table, ducking his head to avoid
hitting the ceiling.
He shot both of his arms out to the sides like an umpire making a bad call that everyone hated... and said,
[90 percent of the students in my school were from New York -- so "dropping the f bomb" was a fairly common
occurrence in private conversation.]
It was quite shocking for the director of our program to jump up, flag us all down, scream and curse at us -- with
the F word, no less -- after this grueling ordeal.
Although watching the role-play in that environment couldn't have been enjoyable, being the subject of the whole
ordeal was undoubtedly far worse.
I was completely wasted, emotionally and physically -- and now he was up there screaming.
Everyone did indeed "shut the f- up." What was he going to say?