Media Psychology Notes
Media Psychology Notes
Media Psychology Notes
Media psychology
Media influences on antisocial behaviour
Observational learning
Antisocial behaviour stands out on television, therefore, children take more notice of such
behaviour, making children more likely to learn and imitate it. For example, fight scenes in movies
may stand out in contrast with other scenes that involve only talking between characters. Children
may focus more on such fighting, enhancing their memory for such behaviour, thereby making it
easier to imitate.
Cognitive priming
Observations of behaviour allow children to learn problem-solving scripts, which involve the
memorization of sequences of behaviours that can be performed in particular situations. Specifically,
frequent exposure to scenes of violence may lead children to store scripts for antisocial behaviour in
their memory. Aspects of the original situation may then act as a prime to retrieve the script in a
later situation. For example, if a child is watching TV and sees a character starting a fight after
someone bumping into them, then later, if someone bumps into that child (an aspect of the original
situation), such incident may prime the problem-solving script and cause them to react by initiating a
People typically experience anxiety when thinking about engaging in antisocial behaviour and this
anxiety inhibits such behaviour. Frequent exposure to media violence makes violent events seem
more commonplace and may cause viewers to become progressively less anxious about violence and
therefore more likely to engage in antisocial behaviour.
Previous research did not take account of personality traits, such as sensation seeking, which can
lead to both selective exposure to media violence and increased aggressive behaviour (Slater et al.,
2003). In other words, it may be the individuals personality that leads them to expose themselves to
more TV violence as well as making them behave more aggressively.
Most of the previous research is limited because it considered only fictional media violence but did
not consider the role of non-fictional violence e.g. in documentaries and the news.
Presenters characteristics
Hovland et al. (1953): experts e.g. scientists in lab coats, are more persuasive than non-experts.
Bochner and Inski (1966): found that experts were effective at persuading an audience even when
the persuasive message was largely different from what the audience believed e.g. a scientist
claiming that 1 hour of sleep per night is enough.
Message content
Arkes et al. (1991): repeated exposure to an argument can make it more liked and feel more true,
thus increasing its persuasiveness.
Witte et al. (1998): messages that arouse fear e.g. describing the harmful effects of unprotected sex,
are more persuasive if they also include an effective way of coping with the danger e.g. stating that
condoms can be freely obtained from a doctor.
Audience characteristics
Rhodes and Wood (1992): meta-analysis found that people higher in intelligence are more difficult
to persuade. This is because they are more likely to critically evaluate a persuasive message.
McGuire et al. (1968): people with low or high self-esteem are less easily persuaded than those with
moderate levels of self-esteem. Those with low self-esteem are less attentive and more anxious
when processing a message, and therefore are difficult to persuade. Those with high self-esteem
would be more difficult to persuade because they are more confident in their current beliefs.
Eagly (1978): women may be more easily persuaded than men, likely because of their greater
tendency to conform and greater susceptibility to social influence.
Central route
In the central route, the message itself is most important. Arguments are followed closely and have
to be convincing. If an individual finds a persuasive message personally relevant or important (e.g.
lowering the legal age for alcohol), and if they have the ability to understand the arguments being
used, then it is likely that they will process the message through the central route.
Peripheral route
If an individual does not consider a persuasive message to be personally relevant or important, then
they are likely to process it through the peripheral route, in which they are more easily influenced by
contextual cues e.g. a car with a background of a sunset may have emotional cues of freedom and
relaxation. Attitudes acquired via the peripheral route are more susceptible to persuasion than
those acquired via the central route.
Need for cognition
Cacioppo and Petty (1982): individuals vary in their need for cognition (NC) i.e. the degree to which
they search for, scrutinize and reflect upon information, and how much they enjoy analysing
Haugtvedt et al. (1992): NC levels influence how an individual processes a persuasive message. High
NC individuals were found to be more easily persuaded by product attributes (central route) in
adverts than low NC individuals, who were more easily persuaded by simple peripheral cues
(peripheral route) e.g. the mood of an advert.
Lin et al. (2011): when deciding what products to buy in an online virtual shop, high NC individuals
were more persuaded by high review quality, which involved reviews that were mainly supported by
facts (central route).
Vidrine et al. (2007): for higher NC participants, a fact-based (central route) message concerning
smoking risk was most persuasive in increasing the attitude that smoking is a major health risk,
whereas among participants with lower NC, the emotion-based (peripheral route) message was
most persuasive.
Celebrity endorsement
Celebrity endorsement of a product can change the image of a product by allowing the viewer to
form an association between the product and a particular celebrity.
Walker et al. (1992): participants provided different ratings of their liking for an advertised product
depending on who endorsed it e.g. Madonna compared to a model.
However, a study of 5000 TV adverts found that celebrity endorsement did not enhance the adverts
persuasive effects (Hume, 1992).
Previous research measured the effects of persuasion only on preferences based on questionnaire
responses, therefore, it is unclear whether persuasion influences behaviour e.g. the likelihood of
actually purchasing the advertised product. Future research should use observations to determine
whether consumer behaviour is effectively influenced by adverts.
Evolutionary explanation
Human beings have a natural desire and love for novelty, known as neophilia. Before modern media,
the main form of entertainment for our ancestors involved direct interactions with one another.
Neophilia led to ever-more creative displays from potential mates, such as music, art, and humour,
where individuals who were most creative were considered the most attractive. In recent times,
people are repeatedly exposed by the media to celebrity displays of creative characteristics and due
to neophilia people then become attracted to celebrities.
Darwin (1871): female birds are attracted to males who display the most complex and creative
songs, indicating the importance of neophilia for attraction in non-human animals.
Duck (1982): boredom i.e. a lack of novelty, is often reported as a reason for ending romantic
relationships. This highlights the importance of neophilia for attraction between humans.
Barkow (1992): in the environment of our ancestors, any person about whom intimate details of
their private life was known, because it was shared, was regarded a socially important member of a
group. Evolution did not prepare people to distinguish between members of their own community,
who have genuine effects on their lives, and celebrities, who do not directly affect their lives, but to
whom they are repeatedly exposed to. Intense familiarity and exposure to celebrities and details of
their private life causes them to be perceived as socially important individuals, leading the public to
develop an attraction to celebrities.
De Backer et al. (2007): based on interviews, it was found that media exposure was a strong
predictor of interest in celebrities.
De Backer (2005): celebrity gossip initiates and maintains alliances and allows social networks to
form e.g. fan clubs, which further enhance the attraction of the celebrity.
Celebrity stalking
Robert Hoskins was sentenced to 10 years in prison for stalking and terrorising Madonna,
threatening to cut her throat if she did not agree to marry him.
Jack Jordan stalked Uma Thurman for 2 years and sent her a letter claiming that he would kill himself
if he saw her on a date with another man.
James et al. (2008): reported that, of the individuals who have attempted to stalk and attack British
royalty, more than 2/3 were mentally ill, most of whom were exhibiting symptoms of schizophrenia.
Celebrity stalkers often suffer from delusional thought patterns. Since they may be unable to
develop normal personal relationships, they retreat into a life of fantasy relationships with
individuals they hardly know. In support of this, Tonin (2004) found that stalkers had significantly
more evidence of insecure adult attachment styles than a control group.