Eczema, How To Remove
Eczema, How To Remove
Eczema, How To Remove
the trap which is supplements and colloidal metals. When you first make the move to alternative
health it is almost always going to be supplement based. The problem is that we are so
indoctrinated into taking a pill for this and for that. The supplement and general allopathic
crowd are no different. Its just another profit hungry industry mostly craving off symptoms
(disease management) and not the true root causes (healing). To be honest for the majority of
people hoodwinked by the medical mafia system, it is the only way you will transcend into the
alternative health arena. Unfortunately people then tend to believe they know it all and never
really progress further, they never end up learning truth health.
I was taking many supplements and I was strict with my protocols making sure they were
completed everyday. Whenever I came across another so-called amazing supplement, I would
quickly purchase some and I would take the maximum permissible dosages. One of the first
products I used for my health was colloidal ionic silver. Many people are being drawn to this
metallic based product, especially with all the scare mongering of viruses these days. I had read a
lot of information on this product and felt it was perfectly safe. I would take anything up to a litre
a day, once I took two litres in a single day. It was generally a dosage of 300-500ml a day that I
would be taking regular. I did this level of dosage for a few years. I took other colloidal metals
such as platinum & gold too.
Do not get me wrong, there is no denying the power of colloidal silver but there are alternatives
which have been found to be much better in many cases and certainly not as dangerous longterm. These include citricidal, Wild Oregano oil and so forth. Many people take colloidal silver
when they have cold and flu symptoms. I found it was not that great for these types of health
symptoms. I have found a good quality Echinecea or Boneset herb to be far superior than
colloidal silver against infections. Colloidal silver cannot regulate a cytokine storm from a
pandemic flu like Boneset can. The body is not supposed to take in metallic metals, it is made to
take only plant converted metals and that is it. The size of the particle of metal is not the issue its
the plant conversion which is. This is why genetically-modified food against pests is so dangerous.
The inbuilt pesticide will now become fully assimilated and highly dangerous in comparison to
the petrochemical version.
If you intake metals they will clog the system and destroy your friendly bacteria not to mention
give you mental problems and far more health troubles. We have to be very careful about taking
all these supplements and initially feeling excellent and not seeing any illness for a while. Really
what is happening is you are totally damaging your body and over time serious disease will
manifest and you will no longer feel well. Vitamin C, especially ascorbic acid is another one to
watch out for as it is highly acidic and will destroy you very quickly. Once you get on this product
it fools you that you are feeling well and full of energy. Once again you will over time destroy
your body and then end up finding out the hard way. Nothing should enter the human body that
is made by man and not natural.
After about two years of taking supplements and colloidal silver daily I noticed I kept having a
split inside my nostril which was at times very sore. It would scab and I would keep picking at it
and making it much worse. It would go away and then be back quickly. The next thing I noticed
was I kept getting what initially I thought was cold-sores. I then thought I just had drying skin.
The problem was at either end of my mouth where the lips join. This was just like the nostril keep
coming and going very regular.
I received a Nikola Tesla Violet Ray system and began to regularly use this as instructed for
general health. I used it on my eyes a lot as well as my head and legs. Now bare in mind that
putting up to 30,000 volts of harmonic frequencies through the body is not exactly natural either.
These machines will quickly highlight any problems lingering within your body. The problem will
arise to the surface (Herings Law in Homoeopathy) and then it is up to you to treat it. This is
why I no longer advise people to rush into high powered frequency work if they are not prepared
for what may arise. Not long after using this, the next and bigger problem arose with my eyes.
These would swell all around and become very sore and red with heat. I would regularly have to
burn them with the hot shower head to get relief. This was again constant and chronic whilst very
depressing at times.
I found relief utilizing Cayenne pepper and dabbing it on the inflamed area. I had read that
vitamin C was helpful with eczema and utilized this which helped quite a bit at the time if I am
honest. I had learned about the Dr Hulda Clarks liver flushing and how this should help my
condition. I proceeded to do two liver flushes in the span of two weeks as advised by an ozone
doctor I conferred with. This miraculously stopped the eye problem completely which was very
exciting indeed. I still had the nostril and lip problems though.
One day I damaged my three fingers whilst in a temper. I fixed these fingers pretty quickly
utilizing the Violet Ray and some now dreaded supplements. All was fine and I continued with
vitamin C after reading all the data from Linus Pauling, Klenner and other authorities on the
subject. After a while I noticed one of my fingertips was very dry indeed and it was progressing
each week. Then my worst nightmare started and that was very chronic eczema on the exact
three fingers I had previously damaged but thought I have repaired.
I tried everything you could imagine to help my hand but nothing was working. The hand got so
bad at times it would drip like a tap with a faulty washer. I utilized a positive square wave
frequency electronic output device to the area but this only aided in allowing the eczema to
spread to the top of the hand and also in a little additional patch. I regularly had to use kitchen
roll tissue to stop the dripping. The hand would be red with gross yellow dead skin, swollen and
split. The splits were terrible and so painful. The only way I ever got relief was again with really
hot water out of a shower head. This went on for almost two years until now. I tried everything
including the water/salt protocol following Dr Fereydoon Batmanghelidj and many others, but
with no luck.
I then came across fasting as I started to move away from the supplement death health and onto
natural pure life herbal medicine healing. I fasted for three days and noticed all the inflammation
and symptoms I had were disappearing. This showed to me that someone I had read about could
be correct on the source of my problem. Once I started eating again the symptoms quickly came
back. I did a few small fasts and of course the same would happen when I ate food again. I did a
five day water fast and in-fact my hand got worse when I ate. I did an eight day water fast but
again the eczema symptoms were still there. The nose problem had cleared up no problem but the
lips and hand were still the same. Another symptom I did get which was cleared up quickly by the
fasting was an arthritic type problem of the knee. Something in my gut feeling told me that
fasting was the key and I never forgot this.
I can also tell you that if you attempt to utilize blood electrification to Robert C Becks
specifications and protocols you will just help flare the situation up even more. I tried this route
as part of many options I utilized in desperation.
I had came across a being called Edgar Cayce a good time ago on my quest for health knowledge.
I had tried his wart removal protocol on my mothers very nasty and persistent wart. His wart
method worked very well indeed and I kept my eyes on his work. In-fact I had read his eczema
protocol before but for some reason I just kept trying everything else. Eventually I attempted his
protocol utilizing Slippery Elm bark, Marshmellow root just as he directed although I added Pau
DArco tea and a herbal De-parasite program based on the herbs which Dr Hulda Clark
promoted to tackle parasites (Wormwood, Cloves and Blackwalnut). From Edgar Cayce I
learned that eczema and psoriasis and in-fact most problems arise from gut trouble and in this
case leaky gut syndrome. I followed his advise except I made Slippery Elm gruels rather than
teas, making my protocol that much more powerful. Within days I saw a major difference. My
hand was going back to normal like when I fasted except not quite as quick.
Suspecting supplement abuse along with overuse of metallic colloids as the cause, I still obviously
was not one-hundred percent well. I proceeded to check out what could cause a leaky gut and
found parasites amongst other things. This is why I employed a De-parasite program and kept a
maintenance of this going. I had seriously helped my condition and stomach by doing this for
some time. I would still get problems though if I did not keep up with the Slippery Elm and If I
had certain foods especially fruit, soups and juices. These seemed to easily enter my bloodstream
in large particles through the leaks in the gut wall. I believe my gut must have been in terrible
I then proceeded to find a quality local herbalist who I could utilize for quality tinctures of herbal
medicines to maybe increase the speed of healing. I also started a light jogging routine which
aided my liver nicely and helped well. I utilized a combination tincture containing Thyme,
Calendula and two Chinese liver boosting herbs. Eventually I found I could lower my amount of
Slippery Elm and have less negative effects compared to previously. If I had juices or similar
though I would eventually get the problem back as usual.
Again my mind and gut feeling kept telling me to fast and I will be healed. I had read about
people finally curing themselves of a disease whilst doing lengthy water fasts of twelve to thirty
days in duration. I just knew I had to do a long lengthy water fast in order to heal my gut once
and for all. I embarked on this task recently and completed a sixteen day long water Fast. The
result is that I am totally cured of my chronic long term eczema and feeling so amazingly new,
fresh and wonderful like a new born baby (similar to the lightness from homoeopathic sulphur). I
cannot stress enough how important fasting is for health if done correctly. But be aware that
fasting whilst aiding the body in one way, it will also hinder Kidney Qi and essence.
Now remember on that fasting is free and was given to us all by our creator as a way of healing us
all and allowing long disease free lives. My hunch was correct after all and now I am a very
happy being indeed. I was very depressed at times over my problem especially with all the
knowledge I had gained and yet for so long struggled with health. I thought I should be one of the
healthiest around and this had not be the case. I know what made me ill and hurt my poor
intestines and it was this false science, chemical ridden alternative supplement based health rip
off. Believe me I have done almost all of what you can do in that area and defended it many times
against Herbalists in the past.
I now realize that the herbalists were correct all along and only these people along with the
Chinese TCM doctors and homoeopaths truly understand health and the human body especially
the latter two. I have learned that not only is the medical mafia an obvious scam, but even most
of the alternative health arena is too. Due to the severe conditioning & indoctrination from an
early age to the allopathic system we then find the supplement route is the only way out for most
Herbalism can turn almost everything the medical mafia cliques claim totally upside down. It is a
shame that the alternative health arena has now become so money driven and chemical based
just like the medical industry. Dr John Ray Christopher the Worlds greatest publicly known
herbalist was booed off stages at alternative conferences because he showed people how easy it
was to create good health without paying for useless supplements and gadgets sold at those
conferences. Do you think the medical mafia or supplement sellers want someone coming on and
telling people they can cure themselves within a few days fasting on water? Of course not! True
herbalism is almost having to go underground as the FDA and others try to destroy the real
information being presented to the public.
-= Leaky Gut =What happen with a leaky gut is the intestinal walls thin and large particles of food can then
enter the bloodstream which would not normally be able to occur. This then puts a burden on the
governor organ known as the liver which then has a knock on effect with the spleen that controls
the stomach and digestive system. The symptoms of eczema and allergies etc is due to this very
problem. So what do you need to do to correct this? The answer is simple, repair the leaky gut
but in the mean time boost your liver and spleen function to cope with any large particles still
getting through.
In order to repair the gut you need to eat less which will obviously rest the intestines. You need to
coat the intestines with a mucilage as a protectant barrier from large particles of food getting
through the walls but also a soothing restorative barrier to allow healing. The best mucilage
protectant herbs are Slipper Elm and Marshmallow root without a shadow of doubt. You should
get these in powder form to mix into gruels with warm water and some added virgin coconut oil.
This gruel should be made by adding tablespoons of the Slippery Elm in a 50:50 mix with
Marshmallow root to a small amount of hot water with one tablespoon of virgin coconut oil.
Make the consistency so that you have a watery but thick like porridge type gruel. This should be
eaten three times a day and thirty minutes before food.
You should cut out all nightshade foods such as white potatoes & tomatoes and certainly no
intake of peppers or spices. I found that Ginseng I had from Turkey wreaked havoc with my
eczema due to its heat properties. You need to be very strict on what you eat. I found brown rice
worked well with eczema. I would also advise you have a regular intake of fish namely salmon
because you are after the omega 3 fatty acid in the oils which do help quite a bit in some cases of
eczema. If you can take three days out from eating foods and just start eating masses of Slippery
Elm gruel this will aid in the healing of your stomach dramatically with its deep coverage and
penetration of the intestines.
I would highly recommend you source some quality Calendula and Thyme combination herbs in
tincture form and take 5ml of each 3x a day also around forty minutes before food. Keep this up
for some time and start doing some form of exercise for twenty minutes a day to help detox the
liver quicker, ideally try Qi-Gong. You should source liver boosting herbal tinctures such as Milk
Thistle, Liquorice root and Artichoke etc. There are some excellent Chinese herbal tinctures
which boost the liver well too. Take 5ml of these tinctures up to three times a day or whatever
your professional herbalist recommends for you personally. Keep this up for as long as it takes
and occasionally lower your dosages and see how long before any symptoms arise again. This will
allow you to see how well you are doing in repairing the gut.
There are other products which people utilize to help repair the gut such as amino acid LGlutamine but I do not promote this from health food stores. Glutamine acts like MSG as in an
excitotoxin and excites the neurons in the brain when it converts to glutamic acid. Leaky gut can
be a very dangerous condition and many believe the side-effects of L-Glutamine are worth it
rather than the possible brain and other organ damage from the leaky gut if bad enough. You can
utilize Glutamine in a perfect natural source via your own urine. Glutamine lengthens intestinal
villi and increases IgA secretion. You can also utilize green barley and oat bran to supply NButyrate. People utilize a pro-biotic to increase good intestinal flora, I only promote this via
Unpasteurized Kombucha Tea or Kefir.
Water fasting is very very powerful indeed and must be executed properly otherwise you could
get seriously sick or even die. I believe the quickest way to remove eczema is water fasting but it
will take a lengthy fast after a few smaller ones which condition your body for the task ahead. I
cured my eczema completely by doing a sixteen day pure water fast and nothing else. This is the
equivalent of a minimum forty-eight day orange juice fast. In-fact in reality it is far more than
that as nothing compares to a water fast for health and do not believe it when juice fasters claim
juicing is superior, it is not and it is not natural to juice fast using concentrates without pulp for
buffering. You could of course Juice fast but juice will normally give you bad eczema symptoms
so you could be in agony with this problem for a while before the juice fast starts to work. Stick
to water fasting if you are serious about sorting your problem out and have gone into the
necessary detail needed before practicing this free miracle health method.
I Was Poisoned By My Body by Gloria Gilbere
Leaky Gut Syndrome by Elizabeth Lipski
Leaky gut syndrome (LGS) by Tamara Schryver
Your Wakeup Call To Health: Part 1 The Leaky Gut Syndrome by Peggy J Locke
What is Leaky Gut Syndrome? (
Altered Immunity & Leaky Gut Syndrome
Leaky Gut Syndrome (
Basic repair and relief Protocol
* Hulda Clark herbal parasite protocol and maintenance
(Wormwood, Green Black Walnut hull and Cloves)
* No spices, white potatoes, acids, metals, tomatoes, alcohol, meat or dairy
* Unfortunately it is essential to cut back on all fruit intake till you are cured and then only small
amounts as fruit is a cleanser not a builder like vegetables.
Herbal tinctures such as Calendula and liver boosters mixed and take 5ml
20 mins 500ml of Pau D Arco tea (simmered for 10-20 minutes)
40-60 minutes later take Slippery Elm gruel
30 minutes later eat some food (still try whole foods more than juices/soups)
Herbal tinctures such as Calendula and liver boosters mixed and take 5ml
20 mins 500ml of Pau D Arco tea (simmered for 10-20 minutes)
40-60 minutes later take Slippery Elm gruel
30 minutes later eat some food (still try whole foods more than juices/soups)
Herbal tinctures such as Calendula and Liver boosters mixed and take 5ml
20 mins 500ml of Pau D Arco tea (simmered for 10-20 minutes)
40-60 minutes later take Slippery Elm gruel
30 minutes later eat some food (still try whole foods more than juices/soups)
Eventually you can scale down the Pau D Arco tea and Slippery Elm. You can trial this and
gradually taper off and test if your gut is repairing by seeing how long it takes for your eczema to
flare etc. I also occasionally used Green Nettle tea. I have also found that Dandelion
tea/coffee/tincture helps eczema as it is a great detoxification and liver herb as well as cooling.
Hardcore Cure Protocol
I highly recommend the use of a professional chiropractor in order to have around five weekly
treatments on the mid-thoracic region of the spine. This will allow the impulse from the brain to
the stomach to take place. If this impulse does not reach the stomach correctly then problems
with the intestines will arise. This can be one of the main causes of this problem. If you sit down
regular to drive, work or use computers then you must visit a chiropractor four times a year for
maintenance on the spine.
The addition of Lugols iodine or a high quality/potency iodine food like seaweed daily. This will
help more than you can imagine and quite quickly. People with leaky gut usually suffer from
fungus problems which Lugols iodine will destroy very quickly whilst aiding the functioning of
your body more efficiently. Look into the protocol for Lugols iodine as you build up to saturation
over a period of three months and then continue with a lower dose as daily maintenance. You
may get the same results by using a homoeopathic Iodium remedy but I have no experience of
this myself to pass on to you. If you want to try Iodium start with the LM potency range first
then increase in case of aggravation.
Then you have this amazingly powerful healing treatment known as fasting. fasting means you go
without food for a period of time and only live in this case on pure water and nothing else. I have
explained how I would keep having a gut feeling fasting was the key to my chronic depressing
eczema problem. I just knew I could not do a really long water fast straight away. The first time I
fasted I had breathing problems early on in the second and third days. I had similar again the
next time on the second fast. Eventually I could increase the length of fast with less and less side
effects. My sixteen day fast cured me completely of my eczema and this may be all the time most
people need. I did an eight day fast once but it never stopped the eczema so I presume that is just
the start time for the real intestinal healing to begin.
Water only fasting can be very harsh and very dangerous, especially on fasts of this sort of length.
I do not promote it to people who are amateurs at true healing knowledge. Fasting is certainly
not advised for diabetics and people with hypoglycemia etc. I do not advise anyone with any fears
on this subject to fast as you will simply worry yourself into possible complications or over stress
yourself. You need to understand every single aspect of fasting, from how to start the fast and
then how to break the fast safely so that you do not comatose yourself which ultimately leads to
death pretty quickly. I suggest you study the following research on fasting:
The Principles and Practice of Fasting by John L Fielder
Scientific Fasting by Linda B Hazzard
The Hygienic System by Herbert M Shelton (Fasting and Sunbathing)
Fasting, Hydropathy and Exercise by Bernarr Macfadden
Related posts:
6. Prevent and Defeat Flu the homoepathic way
10.The scaremongering and treatment for the Ebola virus
Category: HEALTH Tags: 2tuff, alternative health, artichoke, ascorbic acid, batmanghelidj, big pharma,
blood electrification, bob beck, boneset, calendula, cayce, chiropracting, chiropractor, CHRONIC
ECZEMA, chronic illness, codex, colloidal silver, cure, CURED, deparasite, dr batman, dr hulda clark,
dr john ray christopher, DR RICHARD SCHULZE, dr stanley bass, echinacea, eczema, eczema
chiropractor, edgar cayce, fast, fasting, gruel, healed, healing, health readings, herbal medicine,
herbalist, herballegacy, herbology, hulda clark, inflammed skin, itch, itching, itchy, klenner, lapacho,
leaky gut, leaky gut syndrome, linus pauling, LONG BATTLE, marshmallow root, medical mafia, milk
thistle, multiple wave oscillator, nikola tesla, pau d'arco, porious gut, pus, qi-gong, red skin, schulze,
scratching, skin pus, skin rash, skin sores, slippery elm, sore, soreness, supplements, the unhived mind,
thyme, toxic, toxicity, truth, UHM, unhived mind, violet ray, vitamin c, vitamins, water fast, water
fasting, water protocol, weeping skin
May 19, 2013 at 6:22 pm
stayceemarion on March 11, 2013 at 10:57 pm said: Edit
Very interesting article. We are currently on Dr. Christophers Leaky Gut and Yeast Protocol,
and this falls along the same sort of lines, with just a few variations. I have done 2 30 day juice
fasts previously, but both done incorrectly as I was more trying to get through them rather
than focused on the goal. I have hpv, leaky gut, candida and have been successful in reducing
symptoms, but not completely healing and recently its making more and more sense why.
My son is 8yrs old and diagnosed with PDD-NOS, with adhd and pragmatic language delays.
He also has the leaky gut and candida, his excema cleared up when he was 3 after we first began
the natural route. His symptoms as well have decreased but not completely healed. Been doing
alot of research on the brain gut connection as the possible link with his autism-related issues.
I obviously cannot put my 8yr old on a fast, and just doing this 25 day protocol is driving him
crazy. What are your thoughts on healing for this age? If I can get him through this leaky gut
and candida issue, I believe hell be well on his way to a total recovery.
I also forgot to mention, we were taking Dr Shulzes tinctures and when my symptoms got
worse, I linked it to those herbs. In reading your article, it is probably the cayenne. We are also
highly acidic and this is after 19 days on the program! I would think by now we would be great.
I thought maybe our bodies are releasing toxins and thats why the strip is 5.5? I just started
taking the lemon bicarbonate to try and balance it out, but thinking it may have been the
cayenne all along because we consume it daily.
We are also on day 4 of the h2o2 therapy using 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. I read that
should kill off candida while the slippery elm heals the gut. Do you believe the h2o2 therapy
would be too intense for leaky gut? Please let me know. Thanks Staycee
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May 19, 2013 at 6:22 pm
I think you have been following a flawed protocol to be honest. You have to be careful of
big claims from supposed masters like Dr Richard Schulze. He will have you compound
your symptoms many folds over with inflammations when he is playing with his large
Cayenne dosages. One of the reasons for inflammation is heat, so why would you want to
add extra heat? If your room was just starting to set on fire would you throw more fire on
the fire or would you use some cooling water or a neutral fire-blanket? This is the problem
with the medical mafia and even much of the Western herbalism. What needs to be done is
for the inflammation to be cooled at the site of visible symptoms and at the root of the
Juice fasts will not heal your leaky gut, they will make the problem far worse including
feeding the Candida issue. In fact no juices or soups will help your condition as you will
notice more symptoms when doing these things since they get through the leaking gut far
easier. It does not matter whether it is fruits or vegetables, juices and soups should not to
be used. If you want to tackle Candida, I would highly advise a good source of iodine. You
want herbs which are cooling or neutral in nature to attack your candida, even Xylitol
sugar kills candida. Candida is bacterial overgrowth which stems from antibiotic use in
the food supply and pharmaceutical arena amongst other reasons. Bacteria only thrives in
a toxic polluted environment. Bacteria is a natural cleanser of filth and thus you are filthy
with metals, coal-tar and chemicals from living in this filthy World. Remove the filth and
then you remove the food for the bacteria to start and thrive upon. You would do well to
supplement with proper natural yogurt loaded with Kefir for awesome bacterial
little herbal medicines at this point in time, in fact I only take Chamomile for now. Please
study the subject of homoeopathy in detail it should excite you and remember Queen
Elizabeth IIs physician is the U.Ks number one homoeopath by the name of Dr Peter
Try looking into homoeopathic candida albicans, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla and Thuja whilst
you take a natural version of Chromium at a potency of 200mcg. These will all aid the
control of sugar issues as well as aiding the digestive system, attacking the candida and
calming the acidity. Homoeopathy is your answer my friend, but be prepared for possible
aggravations as you unravel your disease states one by one until all are removed from your
holographic body. When doing homoeopathy it is your own body that is doing all of the
healing and decisions unlike herbs and acupuncture. Homoeopathy is also the best for
helping to reverse vaccine damage which is a big part of much of the disease today.
-= The Unhived Mind
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May 19, 2013 at 6:23 pm
stayceemarion on March 12, 2013 at 3:17 pm said: Edit
ok, so do you believe I shouldnt do a 16 day water fast then? I was all set to get some more
slippery elm, marshmallow root, and licorice. What about the calendula and thyme you spoke
of? These were all things that made sense to me in regards to your article. We did a series of 2
liver cleanses (Dr shulze) two months in a row last year, and after the 2nd, my son stopped his
verbal stimming and bedwetting. I do have many fillings in my mouth for years and on top of
that my son displayed most symptoms after vaccinations. After years of detox protocols, we
have seen much improvement so I do know we were very weighed down by heavy metals and
countless toxins. So it does make sense a lot of what your saying we are taxing our organs far
too much.
I cant afford a homeopath and a lot of the herbs you suggested Im not sure of the ratios and
how much I should take, how much my son should take, and where to buy good quality. Ive
long since stopped trusting the internet on where to buy supplements there are just tooooo
many 100% guarantees out there.
Can I make teas out of the lemon balm, chamomille, and tarantula or are tinctures better? Weve
been drinking herbal teas for months now and I havent noticed much of a difference. How
much does he need and how much of this should we take? And as far as iodine, is it ok to take it
in the form of Marine Phytoplankton? And where would you suggest buying iodum and these
other items? Do you believe it is too much to be giving him all 5 of these, along with the methyl
b-12, hemp oil, cod liver oil, slippery elm & marshmallow root w/licorice gruel, and the
calendula & thyme? Or should these be adjusted and cut out? Clearly, I have also fallen victim
(a lot over the past 7yrs) of supplement congestion. I am learning as I go by myself with only
the inconsistent tool of the internet to go on. Please let me know of any suggestions you have.
Ive also heard a lot of xylitol in the past week. I previously thought stevia was the way to go. I
read recently that stevia does not help for something. Again, so much conflicting information. Is
stevia ok to use or should I toss it. I also stopped doing milk years ago but recently began with a
coop getting raw milk products. Can you please let me know if raw milk products are
acceptable. Ive heard the live enzymes are good for candida and leaky gut, then I heard no
matter raw or not, dairy shouldnt be consumed.
Also, should we be taking a multivitamin? everything is so very conflicting Im not sure what to
do and what not to do. Thanks in advance for your answers, Staycee
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May 19, 2013 at 6:23 pm
No I do not believe a water fast is beneficial at all due to Kidney essence depletion. I
only spoke of the water fasting earlier because of all the hype for other forms of
fasting which I do not consider anywhere near natural such as juice fasting. If your
problem is stemming from a spinal issue in the mid-thoracic area then a fast is not
going to correct this and you will be back to square one again. I know, I have been
through it and it is very frustrating. I would suggest other methods of cleansing the
body which allow you to intake food.
Yes you can utilize thyme and calendula if you desire as these are fine especially the
later. Slippery Elm can be negative with a few people but not everyone so you can
utilize this and see for yourself. Marshmallow root will be fine and should be mixed
50/50 with the Slippery Elm to make the gruel which will be eaten thirty minutes
prior food which should be all cooked and no raw foods. Never eat raw foods or
cold foods and you should not drink cold fluids either, everything should be warm
in order to please the Spleen.
Liver cleanses are fine especially if you are not taxing the body with Epsom salts
which is a synthetic poison. Problem is that in order to have a really good flush and
a safe flush you need Epsom salts in order to open up the ducts enough to allow
larger stones to pass freely thus cutting back on the risk of blockage. This is why I
find Hulda Clarks flush the superior flush that works best. Liver flushes do have
an effect on your health and if you have certain illnesses you may see how well it
can aid the body. The Liver plays a role in causing bed wetting since the Kidneys
are balanced by the Spleen which itself is balanced by the Liver. You can get heat or
even dampness within the Liver causing this problem. Any problems with the Liver
will cause its mother, the Kidneys to dysfunction and vice-versa. Correcting a Liver
suffering this problem will have a positive knock-on effect with the bedwetting
symptom. The child is suffering from a lack of vital force to the urinary bladder.
This means we would need to focus on the Kidney, Livery and Spleen matrix if it
was still a symptom.
I would recommend you utilize the Chlorella herb like Alexandra did on her
autistic child which has created a different child who is doing quite well these days.
For autistic problems I would highly recommend homoeopathy which seriously
targets the root causes, most of which stem from quack vaccinations as you know
by now. These vaccinations bypass the bodys natural defenses because they are
injected direct into the blood stream as the needle breaks the bodys hermetic
sealing going against natures laws. You know some of the poisons withing these
vaccinations and how they are now directly entering organs they should not be. In
homoeopathy we have what is called nosodes which will do what a vaccination will
do but far better and without any of the side effects of vaccines. An example would
be the flu vaccine, instead we would simple have a homoeopathic Influenzium 30c
once a week and this is the same as having the vaccine without the side effects. At a
higher dosage like 200c this would be once a month and at M dosages it could last
for months.
The mouth is an important area for many meridians attached to various tissue and
organs. If we load up the mouth with metal fillings we are altering the electrical
resistance in the mouth which can have a negative effect on an organ. One of the
exposes of problems with dental work and health is Dr Hulda Clark although she
speaks more on the chemical and radiation exposures rather than electrical
disturbances. It is true that you are better off without the tooth than having a root
filling etc. Today we do have false teeth so you can still eat, years ago people would
not have been able to eat properly so keeping a tooth would have been more
important back then. Worrying about toxins over time when one cannot eat to live
would have been foolish. Yes most dentures give off radiation but you do not have
to wear them all the time and they could be used just to eat if one so desired. Study
the link at the bottom of this writing which will help you with what tooth is
connected with what organ and system within the body.
Homoeopathy is one of the cheapest forms of alternative health and the most
effective. The preparations themselves are very cheap and will last months of
continual use and last themselves indefinitely. Imagine a 30ml bottle and how long
that will last with just two drops at a time. Ive had a Sulphur LM1 now for months
and I am still only less than a quarter of a way through it. In England that Sulphur
cost me just 9. That is an example of how cheap the preparations are. As for the
homoeopath these usually charge here around 40 or less and many even include
the preparations in that cost. You usually do not have to see a homoeopath for
around six weeks or more at a time unless you feel you need to. If a change comes
you usually phone the homoeopath and they will advise and/or send you another
preparation to work on. It is cheaper than you may be thinking, especially when
you add up the costs of all these herbs, supplements and cleanses people are buying
and taking.
When you get a homoeopathic preparation from a registered pharmacy you are
getting quality preparations that are monitored and controlled officially unlike
herbal medicines etc. So you have no problems with quality issues as with other
forms of alternative medicine. It is true that many herbs sold are of poor quality
from start to finish. Some are overgrown using chemicals and not organically, then
there is the gassing of herbs afterwards to think about. I get the highest quality
medicinal herbal tinctures used by the professional herbalists. My herbs are almost
always organic and they are also grown with the seasons and via occult agricultural
practices to aid their medicinal potencies. Finding quality herbs is difficult and
because of this we have some people claiming herbs do not work etc. If you have a
quality herbal medicine it will work unless you have an issue with your digestive
system which may be impairing its abilities or a blockage that herb just cannot get
past. This is where homoeopathy excels because it is vibrational energy medicine.
Homoeopathic preparations get straight into the body via the central nervous
system not the digestive system. They enter very quickly and can blast past and
through blockages when all else has failed.
Dosages depend on the ratio of herb to alcohol used so for instance a dosage of 1:51:2 will be far higher than what you would use with a 1:1 fluid extract. The average
doses recommended for an adult are based upon a weight of one-hundred and fifty
pounds so what you do is weigh you child and then divide this up to find the dosage
for your child. So for example a 50lb child would be a third of the dosage that
would be given to an adult, therefore if the adult dosage was 3ml of tincture then
you would give the child 1ml of tincture and so forth. I can aid you with herbal
dosages if you are stuck. The Slippery elm and Marshmallow powders are simply
50/50 heaped spoons into a gruel for eating. Yes you can infusion quality dried
herbs of Chamomile and Lemon-balm (melissa) no problem at all, in fact I take
Chamomile this way at the moment. You cannot decoct tarantula it is a
homoeopathic preparation only.
Drinking herbal teas in small dosages like tea bags will not cure ailments like a
quality herbal tincture might. You would need many bags and quality herbs to
boot. As I said the true cure is homoeopathic energy medicine. Well I prefer
promoting tinctures usually but all I can say is try him on one lemon-balm tea a
day and see what happens over a week and increase by one extra cup until he is on
say three a day unless he has aggravations of course. Tinctures would be better for
children as they are small and can be taken in seconds, only downside of tinctures is
the alcoholic heat. Do not forget about the power of virgin Coconut oil against
fungus etc, this should aid you well with your overall health and your fight against
candida. You should try taking one tablespoon of VCO daily, this will also aid your
thyroid function as it helps soften the thyroid too.
Iodine will be just fine from marine phytoplankton, seaweeds are a great source of
natural iodine. Dr Christopher always promoted kelp, Iceland moss and so forth as
natural alternatives to Lugols Iodine. I would say that in many ways Lugols is
more effective on certain health issues but overall for natural health purposes the
natural iodine is superior in the long-run. I personally use homoeopathic Iodum
which is basically a preparation based on Lugols iodine (potassium iodide). You
will kill off many invaders in your body when using iodine, it is a great antiinfection compound as well as useful for so many different things. Just do not go
overboard and take it steady, if you do this then Iodine will serve you well. I can
only recommend you get Iodum from a registered homoeopathic pharmacy like
Helios or Galen in the UK or others Worldwide. I do not know where to promote
you get your herbs from in the United States, you will need to find that out. Try
finding a local herbalist and seeing where they get their herbs from or try buying
them from the herbalist once they have seen you once.
Most supplements are a form of coal-tar poison no different to pharmaceuticals
and most are made by pharmaceutical companies. If you look at Holland & Barrett
in the UK this so-called health store is commanded by The Carlyle Group which is
a defense based company closely in bed with the pharmaceutical industry and it is
connected with the vile George H.W Bush. Does this promote wellness in your
mind? I think not. These supplements if placed in the ground will turn to mold and
do nothing. Only things which produce life from planting are of worth and thus are
life. For an example look at mung bean sprouting and how life comes forth.
Imagine a poisonous iron tablet from a health food store doing they? May I remind
all that Iron in supplement form is dangerous, only iron from plant form should be
taken such as Yellowdock, Nettle and blackstrap Molasses etc.
If you find the B12 supplement aids the child then continue, if you suspect it does
not then simply remove it. Hemp oil is fine if quality cold pressed like other quality
oils. Cod Liver Oil is excellent but it can cause throat problems over time and the
quality today is dire so its up to you, it is an excellent source of vitamin A but you
can get this from eating Liver. You cannot put Licorice powder in your gruel, I
would suggest if you want to use licorice root that you decoct the licorice then use
that fluid in your gruel but not the physical licorice itself. What you want to do
with the child is start slowly, if he is used to those other things by now and he is
doing okay then continue with these at the levels you have been. Gradually build
him onto the others so if there are any aggravations you know what is causing the
problem and then you can either lower the dosages or cut it out entirely. If you take
too many things at one time it is hard to work out what is the cause of the problem.
When I mentioned Xylitol I was not promoting it as a sweetener, I was mentioning
it as an anti-fungal for candida. I do not know if Stevia has any anti-fungal
properties but Stevia is a far superior sweetener but must only be ingested in its
natural state meaning it should be green in color not processed and white like we
see sold today. There is no need to take a multivitamin, they are almost useless
except for poisoning the body with coal-tar. A good super-food like Wheat-grass or
Spirulina will do far more for you.
If you have dairy and you do not notice any problems then I suggest you ignore the
hate against dairy, if you suffer with a problem then you keep away from dairy
until you are fixed. There is a lot of hate promoted against saturated fats, dairy and
meat eating, there is a reason for this and it is a nefarious one connected to an
organization at the top called the Club of Rome. Most of what you hear on TV and
even in some of the alternative field is wrong and based on pseudo-science and
outright lies which is ruining modern health today. Did you see so many obese
people when we ate meat rather than soy? Did you see so many obese when we took
sugar (not a good thing but I make the point still) rather than sweeteners? Did you
see so many obese people when we had saturated fats rather than these poisonous
vegetable oils. I rest my case! It is not the meat which is bad, it is the over
consumption and the farming of the meat with chemicals etc. Raw milk is one of
the most nutritious whole foods in existence and will do far more for you than a
vegan diet could ever do.
-= The Unhived Mind
Extensive data on the meridians of the teeth following Chinese medicine