The Bad Sides of Istanbul

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The Bad Sides of Istanbul

General Statements: Istanbul is the most important city in Turkey because of not
only its geographical location and its beauty but also the job opportunities it provides.
Because of these factors, millions of people have been migrating to Istanbul. Today,
the population of Istanbul has already exceeded 15 million.Thesis statement: Such
crowds naturally lead to problems like traffic jams and environmental pollution.
Topic Sentence: One negative effect of overcrowding is severe traffic jams in
Istanbul, which makes it very hard to live in this metropolitan city. Supporting Idea 1:
Firstly, people spend a long time on the road.Supporting Detail: For example,
anyone who lives in Maltepe and works in Levent has to set off at six o'clock in the
morning to go to work. Supporting Idea 2: Secondly, people can be aggressive in
traffic jams. Supporting Detail: For instance, taxi drivers suffer from psychological
distress as they are always stuck in traffic, making them behave aggressively. Some
drivers can yell and even start fights. Concluding Sentence: In brief, living in Istanbul
is very difficult because people become agressive and violent due to wasting a lot of
time in traffic.
Topic Sentence: Another effect of overpopulation in Istanbul is environmental
pollution. Supporting Idea 1: Air pollution comes first among the types of pollution in
Istanbul. Supporting Detail: The reason why air pollution is at dangerous levels is
that there thousands of factories and millions of cars without exhaust filters. Factories
emit a high amount of carbon dioxide and other hazardous pollutants, which
contaminate the air of Istanbul. Supporting Idea 2: Moreover, chemical wastes from
chemical plants and industries cause water pollution. Therefore, it is impossible to
have uncontaminated water in homes. Supporting Idea 3: Finally, another
environmental problem in Istanbul is noise pollution. Supporting Detail: According to
statics, extremely high-frequency sounds, which may lead to hearing loss in time,
were measured in some busy streets of Istanbul.
Concluding Sentence: All in all, overpopulation in Istanbul results in unavoidable
traffic jams and environmental contamination at threatening levels. Final Comment: If
we cannot take measures against the rapid rise of Istanbul's population, Istanbul will
eventually become a city impossible to live in.


The question of whether English instruction at university should be obligatory has

been debated for decades.
... is a complex phenomenon.
is a controversial issue. (elikili, tartmal konularda)
has major advantages/effects/results/etc. in terms of (noun) and (noun)
Obesity has two major effects: one on health and the other on social life.
Getting university education at a private university is advantageous (avantajl) for a
variety (eitli) of reasons.
1. The first reason/etc. that is worth mentioning (bahsedilmeye deer) is home
2.The rationale behind(gerisindeki mantk) working from home is to reduce the time
which is
spent in traffic.
3.That is to say/In other words/To put it another way, ...
One significant result/etc. of getting promotion is a higher income.
Another equally(ayn lde) important effect/etc. is ...
A further noteworthy(bahse deer) reason/etc. of ... is ...
Another reason/etc. of why a person should receive education in private school
is related to (alakal) technology.
Result of a survey conducted in various companies(eitli irketlerle yrtlm
aratrma sonular)show that ...
The result of a survey indicate(gstermek) that ...
Polls(anket) show that, ...


All in all, ...
In conclusion, ...
Consequently, ...
As a result of this, ...

In the light of the information given above, ... (yukarda verilen bilgilerin nda)
To summarize all my points that I explained so far, ... (imdiye kadar akladm tm
noktalar zetlersek)
Although (ramen) he wasnt hungry, he ate the sandwiches. +full sentence
Despite (ramen) her sadness, she smiled. +noun
In spite of (ramen) being crowded, dormitories are good for student to socialize. +full
Regardless of the fact that (bu konudan bamsz olarak)
Regardless of their level students makes basic mistakes.
Obese people not only suffer from physical problems but also face social restrictions.
Due to the fact that (because of) +full sentence
Apart from (haricinde)
Unlike (aksine)
Nevertheless(but, however)
Otherwise (aksi takdirde)
Doubtless to say, (phesiz ki/sylemeye gerek bile yok ki)
... indeed (in fact, cmle sonunda kullanlr.)

Whatever it takes (ne gerekirse)

It is certain that ... (u belli ki)
It is a fact that (u bir gerek ki)
When compared to (kyaslandnda)
Whereas (on the other hand)
Particularly (zellikle)
Among others (dierlerinin arasnda)

English has an undeniable (reddedilemez) importance in business life.
Writing essay require (gerektirmek) grammar knowledge.
Everything has its drawbacks. (her eyin sakncalar/dezavantajlar vardr)
Work comprises (oluturmak) an important part of human life.
People work primarily (firstly, ncelikle) for money.
Students who attend office hours are more likely (daha byk olaslkla) to pass than
the ones who dont.
Look/seem worse than it really is. (olduundan daha kt grnyor)
Vocabulary enables (olanak vermek) us to articulate (ifade etmek) ourselves.

What sort of healty problems people may have when they get old if they live an unhealthy life ?

There is no doubt that in todays world more conditions play a serious role on humans health.
However, great deals of people live without thinking about their future into unhealthy conditions. These
conditions cause many sort of health problems such as cardiovascular disease, insomnia, rheumatism
and high cholesterol. Therefore, its possible to claim that lifestyle and nutrition are most significant
factors leading to unhealthy life.
To begin with, lifestyle is one of the key factors that induce health problem because of stress and
sedentary work conditions. Initially, its acknowledged that stressful work conditions lead to stressrelated illnesses because stress reducing brain activity influences almost all areas in body especially
heart which is an integral part of body. Therefore, stress provides a basis for heart attack and,

moreover, it aggravates the existing heart diseases. As an illustration, research conducted in Ankara
University reveals that myriads of people had a heart attack after they had been retired from their
stressful job. Another problem contributed to unhealthy life is sedentary lifestyle. Having a sedentary
lifestyle particularly in business life induces pains in muscle or joints. In other word, these pains called
rheumatism is a miserable outcome of unmoving life. To exemplify, according to scientists studying
with regard to rheumatism, people should avoid sedentary job and take an exercise for muscles and
joints. In conclusion, stressful and sedentary lifestyle is the biggest adversary of healthy life and result
in a lot of health problems.
In addition to lifestyle leading to unhealthy life, it should be mentioned that nutrition and diet has a
profound impact in the formation of some disease owing to junk food and obesity. The first
recognizable problem is about how poor nutrition affects humans life. Fast food consisted of perilous
matters for humans body such as saturated fats leads to an increase in rate of fat in vessels and this
dynamics are called cholesterol. That is, the more fatty food people consume, the higher risk of
cholesterol they have. For instance, research conducted indicates that number of people having high
cholesterol level due to junk food has increased tremendously. Moreover, in tandem with nutrition, one
of the most effective problems of unhealthy life obesity depended on malnutrition. Obesity called as
disease of modern life influences cardiovascular system and thus obesity can result in fatal heart
diseases. For example, heart attack, disease which people are the most afraid of, occurs due to
obesity. As a result, nutrition and obesity depended on malnutrition absolutely has an utmost
significance on unhealthy life.
To sum up, taking into account all considerations and factors, essay can be succinctly summarized in
the light of aforementioned information. The myriad health problems forming unhealthy life emerge
from lifestyle and nutrition. Lifestyle can be separated as a stressful and sedentary job while junk food
and obesity form a basis of unhealthy life from nutrition standpoint. I strongly support that a lot of
diseases will have increased their sphere influence on humans health until the near future because
people do not take care of their health.

what can people do to improve their health ?

In modern life, human-beings are confronted with many drawbacks. There is no doubt that health
problems are one of the most important drawbacks affecting human's life quality. However, health can
be recognizably improved with some consumption and alteration. That is, some consumption such as
taking exercise, giving up smoking and cutting down fatty foods help people to enhance their health.
Therefore, it's impossible to claim that altering lifestyle and giving up bad habits have an utmost
significance for how people can improve their health.

To begin with, in order to improve their health, people must alter their lifestyle. The first observable
alteration in lifestyle is to begin taking an exercise. In other word, people having a sedentary lifestyle
should make the transition from sedentary lifestyle to an active one in that a sedentary lifestyle
induces some health problems such as obesity. Therefore, if human wants to relieve pain in their own
body, they should encourage themselves to take a sport. As an illustration, according to scientific
magazines, substantial numbers of obese people get healthy life by doing exercise regularly. Another
point to improve their health is changing of location related to healthy life. That is, location has
profound impact because life-expectancy depends on location. In addition, the factors such as air

contamination and bad habits influencing humans health rely on location. For instance, myriad of
inhabitants in Mediterranean countries amazingly have a long life-expectancy because of
Mediterraneans nature and diet habits, while city dwellers in industrial city die in early ages owing to
air pollution. As a result, people alter their lifestyle to improve their health.

In addition ways to alter lifestyle, giving up bad habits plays a crucial role a humans health. In first
place, smoking and drinking alcohol are the most perilous enemies of healthy life because smoking
causes heart attack and lung cancer while alcohol gives a huge harm on liver. Therefore, cigarette
should be constrained by government. As an illustration, according to statistic of government, lifeexpectancy of people giving up smoking have recognizably increased. In second place, cutting down
on hazardous food is one of the key factors improving their health. Another mean of this is balanced
diet because the basic necessity of humans body is not only fat but also protein and carbohydrate.
Hence, it people do not have balanced-diet some illnesses may be observed on human. To illustrate,
research conducted by professor of nutrition reveals that a balanced diet increases average life
expectancy while consuming too fatty food and salty food leads to fatal diseases. As a result, giving up
bad habits and cutting down on dangerous food are very crucial opportunities to improve their health.

To sum up, taking into account all consideration and factors, this essay can be summarized in the light
of aforementioned information. Basically, altering lifestyle and giving up bad habits enable people to
improve their health. Altering lifestyle can be separated as a taking exercise and location, while giving
up bad habits such as smoking and cutting down on hazardous food form a basis of healthy life. I
strongly support that the question about how people can improve their health will be persisting their
popularity because humans are the same in every age and think only about their health.

ntoduction Kalb
Bu kalptan daha gzel bir kalp bulmanz mmkn deil nk soru ne olursa olsun kullanlabilir.
Hemde tamamen okulun istedii gibi advanced dzeyi kalp ve kelimelerden olumu, organizasyonu
yine okulun istedii gibi dzgn olan bir kalptr. ntroduction blmn 10-15 dakikada yazmanz body
ksmlar iin mthi bir kolaylk salar. Bu da daha yksek puan alma anlamna gelir dolaysyla.

After decades of debate, one of the most frequently discussed

issue that has a profound place on economic level is
what(how,whether) can be done to solve economic problems in
Turkey. Accordingly, numerous points of view have been
disscussed/ mentioned by Turkish economics. Some argue that rate of
tax should be specified according to people's income. In addition to this
aspect, others buttress that the governments ought to take measures
to solve unemloyment problem because this problem encompasses whole
turkish economy. (As a matter of fact / It can be clearly seen
that) there are certainly many different (points of views/
perspective) in terms of problems that governments should
decipher. Therefore, it's possible to claim that
Idea 1
Idea 2 are most significant factors helping to solve the economic

Sorudaki anahtar kelime ne ise ona gre ekil verirsin.avantaj-problem-faktr-etki gibi... Kaln yerler
kalp niteliinde olan yerler, geri kalan soruya gre doldurun.
what/how ksmn ise yine soruya gre ekillendirirsiniz.

Never, never give up

The expression Never, never give up means to keep trying and
never stop working for your goals. Do you agree or disagree with
this statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support
your answer.
Dont thoughts to live with aimless. I strongly beleive that, people
primarily must be faith inside for goals, that have targets and aims. The
whole them are append to power of human. In my opinion, human grow
with goals due to live for them. Because of always something will be
Firstly, must make habit that to set the goals since childrens age, if want
to be ideal person. Sometimes, children image to be important human
such as doctor or spaceman. If be determined about aims, have
to protect all of typical properties. For instance, a child want to be doctor,
but if was lazy too, should study to this aim for in the future.
However, being a doctor is not easy, must be determined for goals. But if
never try to working, not never will know that what its mean of be
Secondly, give up such as unsuccesful, is trigger that feel more worse. If
feel be unhappy, mustnt focus to targets. For example, be succesful
on another case and then negative events occurred such as less
money or less time. In any case, human never abandon of them. If
abandon to try, worst things will come to overlap with feel in pessimistic.
When everything is taken into consideration, If really want to reality that
imagine to ideal, have to hard working of all life. Contuniously, try and try,
to reach the goal. Briefly, never abandon own aims.

Prefer to spend time

alone or with friends
Some people prefer to spend most of their time alone. Others like
to be with friends most of the time. Do you prefer to spend your
time alone or with friends? Use specific reasons to support your
In our age, people relationships show to changes. There is no doubt that,
trust is very important but also is very rare for everybody. So, search to
realistic friendship for all secret of life, not only internet. I strongly believe
that, people spend most of their time on internet, at work, in bus, even
walking. They suddenly play game, check news and another things, but
never think to moved their head from screens. Maybe if can it, meet new
people and than go to anywhere and add even people on life. However,
knowingly and willingly prefer to be alone.
Initially, believe that if pass the problem of trust and social networks, will
not be necessary stay or prefer be alone. Have plently time on life, why
arent want to use it? For instance, spend time with family even play to
brain teaser instead of play games in social networks. Share more anyting
with family members, like talking or joking. Dont have to stay with lifeless
Secondly, some people tried to work on all day, and they want to escape
from crowds and noises. Therefore, prefered to stay at home with alone
and dont want to think anything. For example, I prefer spend time with
alone on my home, because of work at company all day. As came to home,
want to unloading of my mind from everything. Maybe, everybody view to
anti-social to me, but this calm a solve for me. Reading book, watching tv,
playing with pet and talking friends. In addition, only prefer to spend most
of my time alone at home, also I went to outside that prefer hang out
myself. Finally, I like to take time for myself.
From all reasons above, most of time people prefer to stay with calm and
realistic alone. To demonstrate, brains have full of everything instead of
prefer to want refresh mind.

Look forward to new experiences

Some people enjoy change, and they look forward to new
experiences. Others like their lives to stay the same, and they do
not change their usual habits. Compare these two approaches to
life. Which approach do you prefer? Explain why.
Some people have regular life, they work and earn money all day
than stay monotone for save their money. Therefore were tired, never look
forward to new experiences. Dont want new anything. Because of they
get used to cool life. Also, others have same situation, but crazy to
change for enjoyable time. So they feel repaired of themself. From my
point of me, should change to something on life. Moreover, provide to
better feel day by day.
At the beginning, in my opinion, look forward in terms of people healthy. I
strongly belive that, the change is required, and it is very powerfull for
them. Because of, this situation will direct trigger of people psychology.
The change can give positive energy. For instance, think that person has
normally life, at work all day and then go to home. So, this case
will constantly continues, maybe along of all life. But, this person want to
walk to trekking, as like as not be monotone. It should very big change for
her. Otherwise, it is very important for healthy. But never know that what
is you better for yourself, of course before you have to try.
Secondly, some of them are very afraid from different things. Because of,
different things consist different people, different places, different cultures,
different countries and maybe different experiences. For example, have
to go a new restaurant at first time by friends in another counter, but not
know foods on somewhere and not know that how will they behavior
against you. after have to stay a unknown place maybe a hotel. There are
question marks for afraid to different things by anyone in all.
As a consequence of that, If add new thing on life, have new viewpoints.
However if behavior afraid, stay standart of everything on life. Therefore,
change should be enjoy your life by viewpoints.

Meet a famous person

from history
If you could travel back in time to meet a famous person from
history, what person would you like to meet? Use specific reasons
and examples to support your choice.
In a real life, there is topic to discuss that if you could travel back in time
to meet a famous person from history, who was that? In my opinion,
this was certainly famous people as it should have been Ataturk! In past,
he who was very important for Turkish People, also had been at a lot
of war. I strongly believe that, he was very clever man, because of
otherwise he never managment all of counry, about Turkey. As for as I am
concerned, he was extraordinary creative man, because of he
produced innovation for Turkish citizen and other citizen. If I need to
illustrate, he who made new things facilitated of people life.
To begin with, Ataturk, who was like news, recovered of whole alphabet. He
imagined to freedom of other language, and than arranged to all of letters
on Turkish alphabet. The new alphabet was very clearly and seem to
freedom. It was clearly because of everybody should learn to it basically.
For instance, chinese alphabet was consisted from lot of letters, but
turkish alphabet was consisted from only 29 letters. As a result it was
learned very easily.
Secondly, Ataturk, who has got a modern view, changed all of the wear in
the past. There were lot of bored wear, but now there were very freedom
clothes. For instance, in the past everything of clothes was black color, but
after this change everything was being very colorful. Also, in the past
clothes were closed of whole body, so after this change they would be very
Thirdly, Ataturk, who made war with other country, tried to shape of
Turkeys border. Moreover, he annonced to freedom of Turkey with Turkish
Flag. Because of, many contries has got languages, flags and contries

border of themself. In this direction, He thougt that Turkey needs to have a

flag, a language and borders. For instance, Turkey, which looked like as
rectangle on world map, has got three sea around three sides of land. In
addition that, at the same all of them on world map and Turkish Flag.
Last but not least that, A person considered important along of whole life
that made everything for Turkey and Turkish People. He was Ataturk, and
was a hero for our land. Consequently, I certanly would like to meet with
Ataturk, and I want to listen story of all them.

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