Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System
Cardiovascular System
The heart also has four chambers- two atria and two ventricles
- The Left atrium and the right atrium
- The left ventricle and the right ventricle
- Blood pressure
- Hormones- ADH, Adrenergic hormones, Aldosterone and
The Heart sounds ADH increases water retention
1. S1- due to closure of the AV valves Aldosterone increases sodium retention and water
2. S2- due to the closure of the semi-lunar valves retention secondarily
3. S3- due to increased ventricular filling Epinephrine and NE increase HR and BP
4. S4- due to forceful atrial contraction ANP= causes sodium excretion
Blood pressure
- Control is neural (central and peripheral) and hormonal
- Baroreceptors in the carotid and aorta
- Hormones - ADH, Adrenergic hormones, Aldosterone and
- The arteries are vessels that carry blood away from the
heart to the periphery
- The veins are the vessels that carry blood to the heart
- The capillaries are lined with squamos cells, they connect
the veins and arteries
- The lymphatic system also is part of the vascular system
and the function of this system is to collect the
extravasated fluid from the tissues and returns it to the
- A positive chronotropic effect
refers to an increase in heart rate
- A negative chronotropic effect
refers to a decrease in heart rate
DROMOTROPIC - Refers to a change in the speed of
EFFECT conduction through the AV
- A positive dromotropic effect
results in an increase in AV
conduction velocity
- A negative dromotropic effect
results in a decrease in AV
conduction velocity
- Oxygen binding protein
- Found in both skeletal and cardiac
- Level rises 1 hour after cell death
- Peaks in 4-6 hours
- Returns to normal w/in 24-36 hours
- Not used alone
- Muscular and RENAL disease can have elevated myoglobin
Troponin I and T
- Troponin I has a high affinity for myocardial injury
- Elevates within 3-4 hours, peaks in 4-24 hours and
persists for 7 days to 3 weeks!
- Troponin I - <0.6 ng/mL
- Troponin T – 0-0.2ng/mL
- REMEMBER to AVOID IM injections before obtaining blood
Holter Monitoring
- Early and late diagnosis can be made!
- A non-invasive test in which the client wears a Holter
monitor and an ECG tracing recorded continuously over a
period of 24 hours
- Lipid profile measures the serum cholesterol, triglycerides - Instruct the client to resume normal activities and
and lipoprotein levels
maintain a diary of activities and any symptoms that may
- Cholesterol= 200 mg/dL develop
- Triglycerides- 40- 150 mg/dL
- LDL- 130 mg/dL
- HDL- 30-70- mg/dL
- NPO post midnight (usually 12 hours)
- A non-invasive procedure that evaluates the electrical
activity of the heart
- Electrodes and wires are attached to the patient
- Tell the patient that there is no risk of electrocution
- Avoid muscular contraction/movement
– Non-invasive test that studies the structural and functional
changes of the heart with the use of ultrasound
– No special preparation is needed
Monitor VS and cardiac rhythm
Monitor dysrrhytmia and chest pain
Monitor peripheral pulses, color and warmth and
sensation of the extremity distal to insertion site
Apply sandbag or compression device to insertion site if Cardiac Implementation
required to maintain pressure 1. Assess the cardio-pulmonary status
Maintain strict bed rest for 6-12 hours - VS, BP, Cardiac assessment
Client may turn from side to side but bed should not be 2. Enhance cardiac output
elevated more than 15 degrees - Establish IV line to administer fluids
Notify physician if client complains of tingling, cool, pale, 3. Promote gas exchange
cyanosis and loss of peripheral pulses
- There is decreased perfusion of myocardial tissue and
inadequate myocardial oxygen supply
- If 50% of the left coronary arterial lumen is reduced or
75% of the other coronary artery, this becomes significant
- Potential for Thrombosis and embolism
Artery walls have three layers.
1. The inner layer provides a slippery surface.
2. The middle layer is strong, elastic and muscular.
3. The outer, fibrous, layer adds strength and contains
tiny blood vessels that supply blood to the arteries
- Coronary angioplasty involves inserting a balloon into a
diseased (blocked/narrowed) coronary artery through an
artery in the groin or arm.
- Commonly a metal support (stent) is inserted into the
artery to help keep it open.
A close up of a Stent.
C. A. B. G.
- Veins and sometimes arteries are grafted from the aorta
to a point on the coronary artery beyond the area of
disease. This enables an adequate blood supply to reach
those parts of the heart suffering from ischaemia
Artificial Valves
Tissue Valves
Mitral Valves
Valve Replacements
- Aortic Valve Replacement (AVR)
- Mitral Valve Replacement (MVR)
Angina Pectoris
- Chest pain resulting from coronary atherosclerosis or
myocardial ischemia
1. ECG may show normal tracing if patient is pain-free.
Ischemic changes may show ST depression and T wave
Assessment Findings
1. Chest Pain
- Chest pain is described as severe, persistent, crushing
substernal discomfort
- Radiates to the neck, arm, jaw and back
- Occurs without cause, primarily early morning
- NOT relieved by rest or nitroglycerin
- Lasts 30 minutes or longer
2. Dyspnea
3. Diaphoresis
4. cold clammy skin
5. N/V
6. restlessness, sense of doom
7. tachycardia or bradycardia
8. hypotension
9. S3 and dysrhythmias
Laboratory Findings
1. ECG- the ST segment is ELEVATED, T wave inversion,
Myocardial infarction presence of Q wave
- Death of myocardial tissue in regions of the heart with 2. Myocardial enzymes- elevated CK-MB, LDH and
abrupt interruption of coronary blood supply Troponin levels
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Associated factors:
1. Genetic
2. Idiopathic
Increased size of myocardium reduced ventricular
volume increased resistance to ventricular filling
diastolic dysfunction
Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
Associated factors
1. Infiltrative diseases like AMYLOIDOSIS
2. Idiopathic
Rigid ventricular wall impaired stretch and diastolic
filling decreased output
Medical Management
Diastolic dysfunction
1. Analgesic
- The choice is MORPHINE
- It reduces pain and anxiety Assessment findings
- Relaxes bronchioles to enhance oxygenation 1. PND
2. ACE inhibitors 2. Orthopnea
3. Edema
- Prevents formation of angiotensin II
4. Chest pain
- Limits the area of infarction 5. Palpitations
3. Thrombolytic therapy
6. Dizziness
- Streptokinase, Alteplase 7. Syncope with exertion
- Dissolve clots in the coronary artery allowing blood to
Laboratory Findings
Nursing Interventions After Acute Episode CXR- may reveal cardiomegaly
1. Maintain bed rest for the first 3 days Echocardiogram
2. Provide passive ROM exercises ECG
3. Progress with dangling of the feet at side of bed
4. Proceed with sitting out of bed, on the chair for 30
Myocardial Biopsy
minutes TID
Medical Management
5. Proceed with ambulation in the room toilet 1. Surgery - heart transplant
hallway TID 2. Pacemaker insertion
6. Cardiac rehabilitation 3. Pharmacological drugs for symptom relief
- To extend and improve quality of life
- Physical conditioning Nursing Management
1. Improve cardiac output
- Patients who are able to walk 3-4 mph are usually
ready to resume sexual activities - Adequate rest
- Oxygen therapy
Cardiomyopathies - Low sodium diet
- Heart muscle disease associated with cardiac dysfunction 2. Increase patient tolerance
1. Dilated Cardiomyopathy - Schedule activities with rest periods in between
2. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy 3. Reduce patient anxiety
3. Restrictive cardiomyopathy
- Support patient
Dilated Cardiomyopathy - Offer information about transplantations
Associated Factors - Support family in anticipatory grieving
1. Heavy alcohol intake
Infective endocarditis
2. Pregnancy
- Infection of the heart valves and the endothelial surface
3. Viral infection
of the heart
4. Idiopathic Can be acute, sub-acute or chronic
Risk factors
Classified according to the major ventricular
1. Prosthetic valves dysfunction
2. Congenital malformation 1. Left Ventricular failure
3. Cardiomyopathy 2. Right ventricular failure
4. IV drug users
5. Valvular dysfunctions
Direct invasion of microbes
microbes adhere to damaged valve surface and proliferate
damage attracts platelets causing clot formation
erosion of valvular leaflets and the clot and vegetation can
Assessment findings
1. Intermittent high grade fever
2. anorexia, weight loss
3. cough, back pain and joint pain
4. splinter hemorrhages under nails
5. Osler’s nodes- painful nodules on fingerpads
6. Roth’s spots- pale hemorrhages in the retina
7. Heart murmurs
8. Heart failure= usually acute heart failure
Etiology of CHF
- Antibiotic prophylaxis if patient is undergoing 1. CAD
procedures like dental extractions, bronchoscopy,
2. Valvular heart diseases
surgery, etc.
3. Hypertension
- Any invasive procedure that is associated with transient 4. MI
bacteremia may cause the microrganism to lodge in the 5. Cardiomyopathy
damaged, irregular valves 6. Lung diseases
7. Post-partum
Laboratory Exam 8. Pericarditis and cardiac tamponade
- Blood Cultures to determine the exact organism
Usually, 3 culture specimens are obtained and New York Heart Association
antibiotic sensitivity done Class 1
- Ordinary physical activity does NOT cause chest pain
Nursing management and fatigue
1. Regular monitoring of temperature, heart sounds - No pulmonary congestion
2. Manage infection
3. Long-term antibiotic therapy is given to ensure - Asymptomatic
eradication of bacteria - NO limitation of ADLs
Laboratory Findings
- Increased CVP due to pooling of blood in the venous Vascular Diseases
Normal is 4-10 cmH2O
- Metabolic acidosis
Nursing Interventions
1. Place patient in a modified Trendelenburg (shock )
2. Administer IVF, vasopressors and inotropics such as
3. Administer O2
4. Morphine is administered to decreased pulmonary
congestion and to relieve pain, relieve anxiety
5. Assist in intubation, mechanical ventilation, PTCA,
CABG, insertion of Swan-Ganz cath and IABP
6. Monitor urinary output, BP and pulses
7. Cautiously administer diuretics and nitrates
General Measures to Improve Peripheral Circulation
- A condition where the heart is unable to pump blood due 1. Implement Regular Physical Activity – to facilitate
to accumulation of fluid in the pericardial sac (pericardial movement of venous blood
effusion) 2. Eliminate cigarette smoking- to prevent vasoconstriction
- This condition restricts ventricular filling resulting to 3. Control hyperlipidemia and cholesterol levels- to prevent
decreased cardiac output the progression of atherosclerosis
- Acute tamponade may happen when there is a sudden 4. Avoid cold environmental temperature
accumulation of more than 50 ml fluid in the pericardial 5. Teach clients to assess fingers and toes daily for
sac circulatory adequacy: Check the peripheral pulses,
capillary refill and temp
Causative factors 6. Report break in the skin
1. Cardiac trauma
2. Complication of Myocardial infarction Hypertension
3. Pericarditis - A systolic BP greater than 140 mmHg and a diastolic
4. Cancer metastasis pressure greater than 90 mmHg over a sustained period,
based on two or more BP measurements.
Assessment Findings
1. BECK’s Triad- Jugular vein distention, hypotension and Types of Hypertension
distant/muffled heart sound 1. Primary or Essential
2. Pulsus paradoxus
- Most common type
3. Increased CVP
2. Secondary
4. decreased cardiac output
5. Syncope - Due to other conditions like Pheochromocytoma,
6. anxiety renovascular hypertension, Cushing’s, Conn’s , SIADH
7. dyspnea
8. Percussion- Flatness across the anterior chest Classification Of Hypertension By Jnc-Vii
Laboratory Findings
1. Echocardiogram= shows accumulate fluid in the
pericardial sac
2. Chest X-ray
Nursing Interventions
2. Administer IVF
3. Monitor ECG, urine output and BP
4. Monitor for recurrence of tamponade
- Patient is monitored by ECG
- Maintain emergency equipments
3. chest pain
4. dizziness
5. N/V
Diagnostic Studies
1. Health history and PE
2. Routine laboratory- urinalysis, ECG, lipid profile, BUN,
serum creatinine , FBS
3. Other lab- CXR, creatinine clearance, 24-huour urine
Medical Management
1. Lifestyle modification
2. Diet therapy
3. Drug therapy
Drug therapy
- Diuretics
- Beta blockers
- Calcium channel blockers
- ACE inhibitors
- A2 Receptor blockers
Pathophysiology -
- Multi-factorial etiology Nursing Interventions
o BP= CO (SV X HR) x TPR 1. Provide health teaching to patient
Any increase in the above parameters will increase BP - Teach about the disease process
- Elaborate on lifestyle changes
Risk factors for Cardiovascular Problems in - Assist in meal planning to lose weight
Hypertensive patients
Major Risk factors - Provide list of LOW fat , LOW sodium diet of less than 2-
1. Smoking 3 grams of Na/day
2. Hyperlipidemia - Limit alcohol intake to 30 ml/day
3. DM - Regular aerobic exercise
4. Age older than 60 - Advise to completely Stop smoking
5. Gender- Male and post menopausal women
6. Family History 2. Provide information about anti-hypertensive drugs
- Instruct proper compliance and not abrupt cessation of
drugs even if pt becomes asymptomatic/ improved
- Instruct to avoid over-the-counter drugs that may
interfere with the current medication
- Dilation involving an artery formed at a weak point in the
vessel wall
- Saccular= when one side of the vessel is affected
- Fusiform= when the entire segment becomes dilated
Any increase in the above parameters will increase BP
1. Increased sympathetic activity Risk Factors
2. Increased absorption of Sodium, and water in the 1. Atherosclerosis
kidney 2. Infection= syphilis
3. Increased activity of the RAAS 3. Connective tissue disorder
4. Increased vasoconstriction of the peripheral vessels 4. Genetic disorder= Marfan’s Syndrome
5. Insulin resistance
Assessment Findings - Damage to the intima and media weakness
1. Headache outpouching of vessel wall
2. Visual changes
- Dissecting aneurysm tear in the intima and media with Medical Management
dissection of blood through the layers 1. Drug therapy
- Pentoxyfylline (Trental) reduces blood viscosity and improves
Assessment supply of O2 blood to muscles
1. Asymptomatic - Cilostazol (Pletaal) inhibits platelet aggregation and increases
2. Pulsatile sensation on the abdomen vasodilatation
3. Palpable bruit 2. Surgery- Bypass graft and anastomoses
Diagnostic Findings
1. Unequal pulses between the extremities
2. Duplex ultrasonography Assessment Findings
3. Doppler flow studies 1. Leg PAIN
- Foot cramps in the arch
- (INSTEP CLAUDICATION) after exercise 1. Instruct patient to avoid situations that may be
- Relieved by rest stressful
- Aggravated by smoking, emotional disturbance and cold 2. Instruct to avoid exposure to cold and remain indoors
chilling when the climate is cold
3. Instruct to avoid all kinds of nicotine
2. Digital rest pain not changed by activity or rest
4. Instruct about safety. Careful handling of sharp objects
3. Intense RUBOR (reddish-blue discoloration),
progresses to CYANOSIS as disease advances Venous diseases
4. Paresthesias
Diagnostic Studies
1. Duplex ultrasonography
2. Contrast angiography
Nursing Interventions
1. Assist in the medical and surgical management
- Bypass graft
- amputation
2. Strongly advise to AVOID smoking
3. Manage complications appropriately
Factors venous stasis increased hydrostatic
pressure edema
Assessment findings
- Tortuous superficial veins on the legs
- Leg pain and Heaviness
- Dependent edema
Assessment Findings
1. Raynaud’s phenomenon Laboratory findings
- A localized episode of vasoconstriction of the small arteries of - Venography
the hands and feet that causes color and temperature changes - Duplex scan pletysmography
W-B-R is the acronym for the color change
- Pallor- due to vasoconstriction, then Medical management
- Blue- due to pooling of Deoxygenated blood - Pharmacological therapy
- Red- due to exaggerated reflow or hyperemia - Leg vein stripping and ligation
2. Tingling sensation - Anti-embolic stockings
3. Burning pain on the hands and feet
Nursing management
Medical management 1. Advise patient to elevate the legs with pillow to increase
- Drug therapy with the use of CALCIUM channel blockers venous return
2. Caution patient to avoid prolonged standing or sitting
To prevent vasospasms 3. Provide high-fiber foods to prevent constipation
4. Teach simple exercise to promote venous return
Nursing Interventions 5. Caution patient to avoid constrictive clothing
6. Apply anti-embolic stockings as directed
2. Administer iron
- Oral preparations tablets- Fe fumarate, sulfate and
- Advise to take iron ONE hour before meals
- Take it with vitamin C
- Continue taking it for several months
Blood disorders
- Oral preparations- liquid
- It stains teeth ↓
Impaired RBC development, impaired nuclear maturation but
- Drink it with a straw
CYTOplasmic maturation continues
- Stool may turn blackish- dark in color ↓
- Advise to eat high-fiber diet to counteract constipation large size
- IM preparation
- Administer DEEP IM using the Z-track method
Vitamin B12 deficiency
- Avoid vigorous rubbing Causative factors
- Can cause local pain and staining 1. Strict vegetarian diet
2. Gastrointestinal mal-absorption
Aplastic Anemia 3. Crohn's disease
- A condition characterized by decreased number of RBC 4. Gastrectomy
as well as WBC and platelets Vitamin B12 deficiency: Pernicious Anemia
- Due to the absence of intrinsic factor secreted by the
Causative Factors parietal cells
1. Environmental toxins- pesticides, benzene - Intrinsic factor binds with Vit. B12 to promote
2. Certain drugs- Chemotherapeutic agents, absorption
chloramphenicol, phenothiazines, Sulfonamides
3. Heavy metals Assessment findings
4. Radiation 1. weakness
2. fatigue
Pathophysiology 3. listless
Toxins cause a direct bone marrow depression 4. neurologic manifestations are present only in Vit.
↓ B12 deficiency
Acellular bone marrow
↓ Assessment findings
decreased production of blood elements Pernicious Anemia
- Beefy, red, swollen tongue
Assessment Findings - Mild diarrhea
- fatigue - Extreme pallor
- pallor - Paresthesias in the extremities
- dyspnea
- bruising
- splenomegaly
- retinal hemorrhages Laboratory findings
1. Peripheral blood smear- shows giant RBCs, WBCs with
Laboratory Findings giant hyper-segmented nuclei
1. CBC- decreased blood cell numbers 2. Very high MCV
3. Schilling’s test
2. Bone marrow aspiration confirms the anemia- 4. Intrinsic factor antibody test
hypoplastic or acellular marrow replaced by fats
Medical Management
Medical Management
1. Vitamin supplementation
1. Bone marrow transplantation
2. Folic acid 1 mg daily
2. Immunosupressant drugs
3. Diet supplementation
3. Rarely, steroids
4. Vegetarians should have vitamin intake
4. Blood transfusion
5. Lifetime monthly injection of IM Vit B12
Nursing management
1. Assess for signs of bleeding and infection
2. Instruct to avoid exposure to offending agents
Nursing Management
1. Monitor patient
Megaloblastic Anemias
2. Provide assistance in ambulation
- Anemias characterized by abnormally large RBC 3. Oral care for tongue sore
secondary to impaired DNA synthesis due to deficiency 4. Explain the need for lifetime IM injection of vit B12
of Folic acid and/or vitamin B12
Folic Acid deficiency Hemolytic Anemia: Sickle Cell
Causative factors
- A severe chronic incurable hemolytic anemia that
1. Alcoholism
results from heritance of the sickle hemoglobin gene.
2. Mal-absorption
Causative factor
3. Diet deficient in uncooked vegetables - Genetic inheritance of the sickle gene- HbS gene
Pathophysiology of Folic acid deficiency Decreased O2, Cold, Vasoconstriction can precipitate
Decreased folic acid sickling process
Factors cause defective hemoglobin to acquire a
impaired DNA synthesis in the bone marrow
rigid, crystal-like C-shaped configuration Sickled
RBCs will adhere to endothelium pile up and plug - Blood becomes thick and viscous causing sluggish
the vessels ischemia results pain, swelling and circulation
fever - Overtime, the bone marrow becomes fibrotic
Assessment Findings
Assessment findings
1. jaundice (hemolytic jaundice)
2. enlarged skull and facial bones - Skin is ruddy
3. tachycardia, murmurs and cardiomegaly - Splenomegaly
- Primary sites of thrombotic occlusion: spleen, lungs - headache
and CNS - dizziness, blurred vision
- Chest pain, dyspnea - Angina, dyspnea and thrombophlebitis
- Infectious agents
- Genetic
Assessment Findings
Acute Leukemia
- Pallor
- Fatigue
- Dyspnea
- Hemorrhages
- Organomegaly
- Headache
- vomiting
- Leukemia
Chronic Leukemia
- Less severe symptoms
- Organomegaly
- Leukemia
Laboratory Findings
- Peripheral WBC count varies widely
- Bone marrow aspiration biopsy reveals a large
percentage of immature cells- BLASTS
- Erythrocytes and platelets are decreased
Medical Management
1. Chemotherapy
2. Bone marrow transplantation
Nursing Management
1. Manage AND prevent infection
- Monitor temperature
- Assess for signs of infection
Be alert if the neutrophil count drops below 1,000
2. Maintain skin integrity
3. Provide pain relief
4. Provide information as to therapy- chemo and
bone marrow transplantation