DrainageDesignManual Chapter06 DataCollection
DrainageDesignManual Chapter06 DataCollection
DrainageDesignManual Chapter06 DataCollection
Data Collection
OVERVIEW....................................................................................................................................... 3
SOURCES OF DATA........................................................................................................................ 4
Introduction................................................................................................................................... 3
Data Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 3
Survey Methods/Computation Accuracy ...................................................................................... 3
Objectives ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Sources.......................................................................................................................................... 4
General ........................................................................................................................................ 10
CDOT Requirements................................................................................................................... 10
On-Site Inspection....................................................................................................................... 13
Data Collection
Checklist ..................................................................................................................................... 13
Objective ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Evaluation ................................................................................................................................... 14
Sensitivity ................................................................................................................................... 14
Data Collection
6.1.1 Introduction
It is necessary to identify the types of data that will be required prior to conducting the engineering
analysis. The effort necessary for data collection and compilation shall be tailored to the importance of
the project. Not all the data discussed in this chapter will be needed for every project. A well-planned data
collection program leads to a more orderly and effective analysis and design that is commensurate with:
project scope;
project cost;
regulatory requirements.
site conditions;
regulatory requirements.
Uniform or standardized survey requirements for all projects may prove uneconomical or data deficient
for a specific project. Special instructions outlining data requirements may have to be provided to the
survey party by the hydraulic designer for unique sites.
6.1.2 Data Requirements
The purpose of this chapter is to outline the types of data that are normally required for drainage analysis
and design, possible sources, and other aspects of data collection. The following subjects are presented in
this chapter.
Sources of Data;
Types of Data;
Survey Information;
Field Reviews;
Data Evaluation;
Survey technology and accuracy employed for determining stream crosssectional geometry;
The report also presents methods for determining the upstream and downstream limits of data collection
for a hydraulic study requiring a specified degree of accuracy.
Data Collection
Computer software has been developed to perform the calculations for the various routines presented in
this manual. HY-11, Survey Accuracy, is available from the McTrans Center.
Rely on CDOT experience as to which sources will most likely yield desired data;
Acquaint the designer with available data and CDOT procedures for acquiring the information.
6.2.2 Sources
Much of the data and information necessary for the design of highway drainage facilities may be obtained
from some combination of the sources listed in Appendix A of this chapter. The following information is
given for each data source on the list:
type of data;
comments on data.
permit requirements;
watershed characteristics;
other physical data in the general vicinity of the facility such as utilities or easements;
hydrologic and meteorologic data (streamflow and rainfall data related to maximum or historical
peak as well as low flow discharges and hydrographs applicable to the site);
existing and proposed landuse data in the subject drainage area and in the general vicinity of the
Watershed, stream reach and site characteristic data, as well as data on other physical characteristics, can
be obtained from a field reconnaissance of the site. Examination of available maps and aerial photographs
of the watershed is also an excellent means of defining physical characteristics of the watershed.
6.3.2 Drainage Surveys
A complete field or aerial drainage survey of the site and its contributing watershed should always be
undertaken as part of the hydraulic analysis and design. Survey requirements for small drainage facilities
Data Collection
such as 36-inch culverts are less extensive than those for major facilities such as bridges. However, the
purpose of each survey is to provide an accurate picture of the conditions within the zone of hydraulic
influence of the facility. Appendix B contains instructions for field survey for hydraulic structures.
Following are the data that can be obtained or verified:
existing structures;
location and survey for development, existing structures, etc., that may affect the determination of
allowable flood levels, capacity of proposed drainage facilities, or acceptable outlet velocities;
drift/debris characteristics;
general ecological information about the drainage area and adjacent lands, and
Much of these data must be obtained from an on-site inspection. It is often much easier to interpret
published sources of data after the on-site inspection. Only after a thorough study of the area and a
complete collection of all required information, should the designer proceed with the design of the
hydraulic facility. All pertinent data and facts gathered through the survey shall be documented as
explained in Chapter 4 - Documentation.
6.3.3 Watershed Characteristics
The following is a brief description of the major data topics that relate to drainage facility analysis and
Physical Characteristics
Contributing Size. The size of the contributing drainage area expressed in acres or square miles, is
determined from some or all of the following.
Use of topographic maps together with field checks to determine any changes in the contributing
drainage area such as may be caused by:
Irrigation diversions.
USGS topographic maps are available for most areas of the State. Topographic maps might also be
obtained from municipal and county entities.
In determining the size of the contributing drainage area, any subterranean flow or any areas outside the
physical boundaries of the drainage area that have runoff diverted into the drainage area being analyzed
Data Collection
shall be included in the total contributing drainage area. In addition, it must be determined if flood waters
can be diverted out of the basin before reaching the site.
Slopes - The slope of the stream, the average slope of the watershed (basin slope), should be determined.
Hydrologic and hydraulic procedures in other chapters of this manual are dependent on watershed slopes
and other physical characteristics.
Watershed Landuse
Define and document the present and expected future landuse, particularly the location, degree of
anticipated urbanization, and the data source.
field review;
Specific information about particular tracks of land can often be obtained from owners, developers,
realtors, and local residents. Care should be exercised in using data from these sources since their
reliability may be questionable and since these sources may not be aware of future development
plans within the watershed that might affect specific land uses.
Existing landuse data for small watersheds can best be determined or verified from a field survey.
Field surveys shall also be used to update information on maps and aerial photographs, especially in
basins that have experienced changes in development since the maps or photos were prepared.
Infrared aerial photographs may be particularly useful in identifying types of urbanization at a point
in time.
Detailed description of any natural or manmade spillway or outlet works including dimensions,
elevations, and operational characteristics;
Detailed description of any emergency spillway works including dimensions and elevations;
Profile along the top of any dam and a typical cross-section of the dam;
Use of the water resources (stock water, fish, recreation, power, irrigation, municipal or industrial
water supply, etc.);
Existing conditions of the stream, river, pond, lake or wetlands as to turbidity and silt; and
These data are essential in determining the expected hydrology and may be needed for regulatory permits.
Data Collection
Environmental Considerations
The need for environmental data in the engineering analysis and design stems from the need to investigate
and mitigate possible impacts due to specific design configurations. Environmental data needs may be
summarized as follows:
Information necessary to define the environmental sensitivity of the facility's site relative to
impacted surface waters, e.g., water use, water quality and standards, aquatic and riparian wildlife
biology, and wetlands information.
Physical, chemical and biological data for many streams are also available from the Environmental
Protection Agency, the USGS and from municipalities, water districts and industries that use
surface waters as a source of water supply. In unique instances, a data collection program possibly
lasting several years and tailored to the site may be required.
Information necessary to determine the most environmentally compatible design, e.g., circulation
patterns and sediment transport data. Data on circulation, water velocity, water quality and wetlands
are available from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, universities, state, federal, and local
agencies. Information on sediment transport is vital in defining the suitability of a stream for most
beneficial uses including fish habitat, recreation and water supply. It may be essential for projects in
critical water use areas such as near municipal or industrial water supply intakes.
Information necessary to define the need for and design of mitigation measures shall be obtained,
e.g., fish characteristics (type, size, migratory habits), fish habitat (depth, cover, pool-riffle
relationship), sediment analysis, water use and quality standards. Fish and fish habitat information
is available from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Colorado Division of Wildlife.
Wetlands are unique and data needs can be identified through coordination with the Corp of
Engineers, Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Colorado
Division of Wildlife.
narrow or wide;
shallow or deep;
rapid or sluggish;
Geomorphological data are important in the analysis of channel stability and scour. Types of needed data
sediment transport and related information;
Data Collection
Roughness Coefficients
Roughness coefficients, ordinarily in the form of Manning's n values shall be estimated for the entire
flood limits of the stream. A tabulation of Manning's n values with descriptions of their applications can
be found in Chapter 8 - Channels.
Stream Profile
Stream bed profile data shall be obtained and these data should extend sufficiently upstream and
downstream to determine the average slope and to encompass any proposed construction or aberrations.
Identification of "headcuts" which could migrate to the site under consideration is particularly important.
Profile data on live streams shall be obtained from the water surface. Where there is a stream gage
relatively close, the discharge, date and hour of the reading shall be obtained.
Stream Cross-Sections
Stream cross-section data shall be obtained that will represent the typical conditions at the structure site as
well as other locations where stage discharge and related calculations will be necessary.
Existing Structures
The location, size, description, condition, observed flood stages, and channel section relative to existing
structures on the stream reach and near the site shall be secured to determine their capacity and effect on
the stream flow. Any structures, downstream or upstreamthat may cause backwater or retard stream flow
shall be investigated. Also, the manner in which existing structures have been functioning with regard to
such things as scour, overtopping, debris and ice passage, or fish passage shall be noted. With bridges,
these data shall include span lengths, type of piers, and substructure orientation which usually can be
obtained from existing structure plans. The necessary culvert data includes other things such as size, inlet
and outlet geometry, slope, end treatment, culvert material, and flow line profile. Photographs and highwater profiles or marks of flood events at the structure and past flood scour data can be valuable in
assessing the hydraulic performance of the existing facility.
Allowable High Water
Improvements, property use, and other developments adjacent to the proposed site both upstream and
downstream may determine allowable high water. Incipient inundation elevations of these improvements
or fixtures shall be noted. In the absence of upstream development, acceptable flood levels may be based
on freeboard requirements to the highway itself. In these instances, the presence of downstream
development becomes particularly important as it relates to potential overflow points along the road
Flood History
The history of past floods and their effect on existing structures are of exceptional value in making flood
hazard evaluation studies, as well as needed information for sizing structures. Information may be
obtained from CDOT Hydraulic units, Maintenance sections, newspaper accounts, local residents, flood
marks or other positive evidence of the height of historical floods. Changes in channel and watershed
conditions since the occurrence of the flood shall be evaluated in relating historical floods to present
Recorded flood data are available from agencies such as:
Data Collection
Data Collection
6.4.1 General
Complete and accurate survey information is necessary to develop a design that will best serve the
requirements of a site. The Project Manager in charge of the drainage survey shall have a general
knowledge of drainage design and as such shall coordinate the data collection with the designer. The
amount of survey data gathered shall be commensurate with the importance and cost of the proposed
structure and the expected flood hazard.
At some sites, photogrammetry is an excellent method of securing the topographical components of
drainage surveys. Planimetric and topographic data covering a wide area are easily and cost-effectively
obtained in many geographic areas. A supplemental field survey is required to provide data in areas
obscured on the aerial photos (underwater, under trees, etc.).
To avoid repeated visits, data collection shall be as complete as possible during the initial survey. Data
needs must be identified and tailored to satisfy the requirements of the specific location and size of the
project early in the project design phase. Coordination by the Project Manager with the Hydraulics
Engineer before the initial field work is conducted will help ensure the acquisition of sufficient, but not
excessive, survey data.
6.4.2 CDOT Requirements
The CDOT instructions for hydraulic surveys are contained in the Survey Manual. An outline of these
requirements is presented in Appendix B of this chapter. Example forms and checklists are provided in
Appendix C.
elevation data;
features (e.g., streams and roadways);
landuse; and
soils and infiltration.
Some of the electronic data is readily available, though not always with the desired resolution. Elevation
data is available from the USGS in Digital Elevation Models (DEM) format. The data is normally
available in UTM coordinates and in 16.5 ft (5-m) to 300 ft (90-m) resolution, depending on the location.
NRCS also maintains soil and land-use data basis in GIS formats in certain areas. Detailed hydraulic and
hydrologic studies may require higher resolution elevation data than is normally available through USGS
and NRCS. Higher resolution data is sometimes available through local municipalities.
Satellite imagery is available through commercial vendors. However, high-resolution elevation data is not
normally available through these sources, and the technology to extract it is not yet available. Satellite
imagery can be used to determine land uses. Due to the scarcity or obsolescence of elevation data, the
normal approach is to develop topographic surveys for a project. There are two basic methods to develop
topographic surveys:
Data Collection
Aerial Photogrammetry
Under this method, topographic mapping is developed using pictures of the ground taken from an aircraft
or satellite. Ground controls are established using field survey methods and contours are developed.
Aircraft used for taking photographs can be fixed wing (airplane) or helicopter. Fixed wing still is the
most economical method; however, helicopter based surveys offer low altitude flights, resulting in much
higher accuracy. The pictures taken can also be used as data for hydraulic investigations and studies.
High-resolution satellite and multi-spectral imagery is available and may be substituted for other methods
if necessary. Because satellite data is stored for a period of time, multi-spectral satellite imagery can also
be used to investigate flooding, actually after an event has occurred. Potentially, the technology can be
used to develop before-and-after images and topography to investigate a flood event or other significant
change in an area of interest.
A new method of aerial topographic generation is using laser or radar beams from an aircraft carrying
differential GPS. The laser based method is called Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR). LIDAR or
radar generated data have the advantage of being inexpensive when compared to traditional
photogrammetry. However, the accuracy is highly dependent on the technology available to the vendor in
aerial equipment and available software to filter trees and other covered land areas.
Field Data Collection
Field data collection is normally accomplished using electronic survey equipment such as Total Station
and Global Positioning System (GPS).
Using Total Station as a data collection tool, the engineer can develop topographic mapping directly from
the fieldwork, with little additional processing. This information can be directly used in certain highway
or hydraulics software, saving time and resources in the tedious process of survey decoding and data
entry. Digital Elevation Models or Digital Surface Models can be developed using the data collected
using this method. Other feature data (e.g., flood limits, bank full indicators, vegetation markers, point
bars, flow boundaries) can also be located by a surveyor and automatically decoded along with the
elevation data. The accuracy of this method can be very high and is dependent on the experience of the
field personnel.
GPS based surveying is still less accurate because it depends on many factors such as location of the
survey reach and time of day. Hand-held GPS units that have sub-meter horizontal precision are available.
Vertical precision to collect elevation data is not sufficiently accurate for many design functions.
However, this method makes a one-person survey crew possible with minimal training. GPS data can be
obtained by a hydraulics engineer during a field visit. This facilitates rapid development of field data,
especially location data, and quick office evaluations.
6.5.2 Data Merging
Merging of electronic surface data is common during highway design. Better data is usually collected
within the highway area, while the data for the area outside the expected cut/fill lines is less precise.
Because watershed limits fall well outside the highway cut/fill lines, hydraulics engineers must negotiate
with the data that has multiple resolutions.
Electronic data is available in various forms differentiated by software products, type of data structure
(DEMs and TINs), coordinate systems (UTM, State Plane, Latitude-Longitude), units (feet or meters),
resolution and datums. While merging data in different forms, care must be taken to ensure proper
conversion prior to merging. Standardizing all data to the most current format is the best way to ensure
compatibility. There are tools available to accomplish the data translation.
A more serious issue in data merging is caused by differences in data resolution. For example, a digital
surface model developed using a photogrammetric method is typically of a lower resolution compared to
Data Collection
a surface model developed using a field data collection survey. When merging the data, elevation
differences at the boundaries of the different data areas must be carefully reconciled.
There is often a problem with artificial pits (sinks) and peaks due to the creation of DEMs and TINs. The
engineer must evaluate the data and correct these inconsistencies.
6.5.3 Accuracy of Data
In any engineering computations, it is important to understand the limitations of accuracy of the
computations based on the accuracy of the input data. In step-backwater computations utilizing HECRAS, WSPRO, or BRI-STARS there are several factors that have significant effects on the accuracy of
the results accuracy of the survey data, spacing between cross sections, correct establishment of
upstream and downstream study limits, selection of roughness coefficients.
Most field surveys of channel and floodplain cross sections are recorded to an accuracy of 0.1 ft. If the
survey truly represents the cross sections of the reach of the stream being studied to a 0.1 ft accuracy, the
greatest accuracy that would result from a step-backwater computation could be no more than 0.1 ft. Any
results expressed more precisely than 0.1 ft are simply due to the mathematics.
The accuracy of aerial survey technology for generating cross sectional coordinate data is governed by
mapping industry standards. Cross sections obtained from contours of topographic maps developed by
photogrammetric methods are generally not as accurate as those generated from field data collection
methods. Aerial photography can supplement field survey cross sections. The use of aerial elevation
survey technology permits additional coordinate points and cross sections to be obtained at small
incremental cost, and the coordinate points may be formatted for direct input into commonly used water
surface profile computer programs such as HEC-RAS, WSPRO, and BRI-STARS.
For further information on determining the relationships between (1) survey technology and accuracy
employed for determining stream cross sectional geometry, (2) degree of confidence in selecting
Mannings roughness coefficients and (3) the resulting accuracy of hydraulic computations, refer to the
US Army Corps of Engineers publication Technical Paper No. 114. This publication also presents
methods of determining the upstream and downstream limits of data collection for a hydraulic study
requiring a specified degree of accuracy. Computer software has been developed to perform the
calculations for the various routines presented in these publications. Preliminary Analysis System
(PAS) is available from the McTrans Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
flow concentration;
Data Collection
geomorphic relationships;
bank erosion;
debris problems;
scour; and
existence of wetlands.
An actual visit to the site where the project will be constructed shall be made before any detailed
hydraulic design is undertaken. This may be combined with the visit by others, such as the roadway and
structural designers, maintenance personnel, environmental reviewers, and local officials.
Before making the field visit, the designer should determine if the magnitude of the project warrants an
inspection or if the same information be obtained from maps, aerial photos, or by telephone calls.
The designer needs to consider the kind of equipment that will be needed, and most importantly, critical
items at this site.
As a minimum, photos shall be taken looking upstream and downstream from the site as well as along the
contemplated highway centerline in both directions. Details of the streambed and banks should also be
photographed along with structures in the vicinity both upstream and downstream. Close-up photographs
complete with a scale or grid shall be taken to facilitate estimates of the streambed gradation.
6.6.2 Checklist
The forms to be used by the CDOT in identifying and cataloging field information are shown in
Appendix C.
Data Collection
and any inconsistencies resolved. General references shall be consulted to help define the hydrologic
character of the site or region under study and to aid in the analysis and evaluation of data.
6.7.3 Sensitivity
Sensitivity studies can be used to evaluate data and the importance of specific items to the final design.
Sensitivity studies consist of conducting a design with a range of values for specific data items. The effect
on the final design can then be established. This is useful in determining what specific data items have
major effects on the final design and the importance of possible data errors. Time and effort shall then be
spent on the more sensitive data items making sure these data are as accurate as possible. This does not
mean that inaccurate data are accepted for less sensitive data items, but it allows prioritization of the data
collection process given a limited budget and time allocation.
The results of this type of data evaluation shall be used so that as reliable a description as possible of the
site can be made within the allotted time and available resources. The effort of data collection and
evaluation shall be commensurate with the importance and extent of the project and/or facility.
Data Collection
Meteorological Data;
US National Oceanography and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA)
National Climatic Data Center
37 Battery Park Avenue
Federal Building
Asheville, North Carolina 28801
(704) 271-4800
Data Collection
Federal Registers
Superintendent of Documents
US Printing Office
Washington, D.C. 20402
(202) 783-3238
Colorado Laws;
Federal Registers
Superintendent of Documents
U.S. Printing Office
Washington, D.C. 20402
(202) 783-3238
Data Collection
Data Collection
Data Collection
a. The survey shall extend 100 feet upsteam and 100 feet downstream from the roadway
b. Survey data must be taken at the each end of the culvert to determine the structure
centerline, depth of sediment, and headwall dimensions.
c. CDOT form 283 shall be completed for each culvert, except for side drains smaller than
1.5 ft. A sketch of the existing culvert should be included
5. For irrigation canals:
a. The water surface profile and the channel invert must both be surveyed. This may result
in two separate surveys, unless the surveyor could mark the water surface during flow and
take the measurements at a later date when the canal is not in operation.
b. The survey shall extend 1000 feet upstream and 2000 feet downstream from the roadway
centerline. The downstream portion of the survey will not need to extend the full 2000
feet if a difference in water surface elevation of 0.5 feet is achieved. Measurements of the
water surface profile shall be taken at 100 feet intervals to an accuracy of 0.05 feet. The
date and time of the water surface profile shall be recorded.
c. The name and address of the owner of the ditch should be noted. Inquiries regarding the
discharge at the time of the water surface profile should be made from the ditch rider.
d. Irrigation control structures such as turnouts, check structures, etc. within the survey
limits should be identified and detailed.
e. Water rights shall be delineated.
6. For storm drains:
a. Survey data must be taken of the profile grade and gutter flow line elevations of the main
roadway. The survey must cover all areas of the roadway which contribute drainage. This
may entail surveying beyond the project limits. For example, if the project ends in the
middle of a crest vertical curve the survey must continue to the top of the curve.
b. Survey data must be taken of the profile grade and gutter flowline elevations of all cross
streets or road approaches. The survey shall extend up the road approach 500 feet or to its
highest point, whichever is less.
c. The location of all curbs, gutters, inlets, culverts and manholes must be determined. Inlet
and pipe depths and sizes (rim and invert elevations) must be indicated and the direction
of flow in the pipes must be noted.
d. The location of all utilities must be determined. The size, type and depth of the utilities
must be indicated.
7. For existing detention ponds:
a. Detention pond surveys must be accurate enough to draw a contour map with three to five
b. The survey data shall extend up to an elevation equal to the pond overflow elevation.
c. Any significant topography within the potential ponding area, such as building
foundations, ground floor elevations, and outlet structures must be shown.
Data Collection
d. In case of concrete structure, a detailed survey is needed to identify the details of the
entire structure.
The terrain and topography data will be taken using current CDOT survey methodologies using the
coordinate system of the project control survey.
If photographs are deemed necessary by the Hydraulics Engineer, they will be requested in the Hydraulics
survey Requirements transmittal. When requested, photographs shall show existing inlet and outlet
configurations, areas of erosion, structures that experience distress during flooding, and natural features
of the drainage basin. Photographs shall be labeled with the project number, date of photo, description of
photo, orientation of the camera, and the photographer's name.
Direct contact with the Hydraulic's Engineer should be made before starting any drainage survey.
A. For CBC pipe culverts the following photos are required:
1. Looking upstream from the structure inlet.
2. Looking downstream into the entrance of the structure.
3. Looking downstream from the structure outlet.
4. Looking into the structure outlet.
5. Roadway in the direction of inclined station.
B. For bridges the following photos are required:
1. Piers;
2. Abutments; and
3. Minor drainage, rundowns
Data Collection
Size or Span:
No. of Barrels or Spans:
Clearance Height:
Abutment Types:
Inlet Type:
Existing Waterway Cover:
Overflow Begins at Elv.:
Maximum AHW (ft):
Percent Grade of Road:
Percent Grade of Stream:
Length of Overflow:
Check for Debris:
Side Slopes:
Height of Banks:
Up or Downstream Restriction:
Outlet Channel, Base:
Mannings n Value:
Type of Material in Stream:
Check Bridges Upstream And Downstream:
Check Land Use Upstream And Downstream:
Survey Required? YES
Data Collection
Form 2
Hydraulic Survey Field Inspection Check List
2. County: ______________
Site Description: ( ) Cross drain, ( ) Irrigation, ( ) Storm Drain, ( ) Long. Encroach. ( ) Ch. Ch.,( ) Other
Aerial Photos ( ) Yes, Photo Nos. ______________, ( ) None Available
Mapping/Maps ( ) Yes, Map Nos.______________, ( ) None Available
Reports ( ) Yes, ( ) No, ( ) None available at this time
CDOT Permanent File ( ) Yes, ( ) No, ( ) No file data found
( )
( )
( )
( )
Other _________________________________
( )
Adverse Channel Stability and Alignment History Check for headcutting, bank caving, braiding,
increased meander activity
( )
Structure Scour check flow alignment, scour at culvert outlet or evidence of bridge scour.
Obtain bed/bank material samples at ______________________________________________
The following details obtained at the site are annotated on the Drainage Survey
Flooding Apparent? ( ) No, ( ) Yes, HW marks obtained, ( ) Yes but HW marks not obtained because
Do all Floods Reach Site? ( ) Yes, ( ) No and details obtained, ( ) No but details not obtained because
Data Collection
Do Floodwaters Enter Irrigation Ditch ? ( ) N/A, ( ) No, ( ) Yes and details obtained, ( ) Yes but details
not obtained because _____________________________
Structure Scour in Evidence? ( ) No, ( ) Minor, ( ) Yes and ( ) obtained bed/bank samples and ( ) noted
any flow alignment problems, ( )Yes and ( ) bed/bank material samples not obtained and ( ) flow alignment
not noted because ______________________________________________________________
Irrigation facility? ( ) No, ( ) Yes and several water right related depths obtained, ( ) Yes and No water
right related depths obtained because _______________________________________________________
Property damage due to BW? ( ) No ( ) Yes and elevation/property type checked, ( ) Yes but
elevation/property type not obtained because _________________________________________________
Environmental Hazards Present? ( ) No, ( ) Yes, details obtained, ( ) Yes, details not obtained because
Ground Photos Taken?( ) Upstream floodplain and all property, ( ) Downstream floodplain and all
property, ( ) Site looking from downstream, ( ) Site looking from upstream, ( ) Channel Material w/scale, (
) Evidence of channel instability, ( ) Evidence of scour, ( ) Existing structure inlet/outlet, ( ) Other
Section II Findings annotated on survey? ( ) Yes, ( ) No and see section attached (attach typed
explanation by site station and site name, and check list section and number).
Survey Originals and check lists forwarded to CDOT's Roadway Unit,___ - ea, and the CDOT's Hydraulic
Unit, ____ea. for hydraulic design.
Designer Making Inspection