Ayanamsa Issue
Ayanamsa Issue
Ayanamsa Issue
Chandra Hari
Article By Sreenadh
Chandra-Hari is an Indian Astrologer (job: ONGC Engineer),
and is a true researcher on the ancient Indian astrology
astronomy. This article tries to present the core ideas of
Hari in a
comprehensible way.
He has written 3 books on Ayanamsa. 1) A small book in
English with the name "True Ayanamsa" published around
1994 when the
idea originated. 2) A Book named "Rasichakram" in
published in 1996. 3) A very big book named "Hindu
Zodiac and Ancient
Astronomy" in English published around 2003 (Sri
Publications, Kadapra PO, Kumbanadu, Pin-689547 Price:
In book named Rasichakram he postulates: Zero
Ayanamsa year AD.238; Ayanamsa - 46 min more than Lahari. But in his
book "Hindu
Zodiac and Ancient Astronomy" he modifies his arguments
postulates: Zero Ayanamsa year - AD.231; Ayanamsa - 44
min more than
Rahu-Sikhi. i.e.
Nirayana revolution period of Rahu = 6792.977 days]
Theoretically, or by intuition, he gives the following
maths: Rate of precession (of equinox) per year = 360 deg/25758
= 120
deg/8556=50.31446541 sec
He says that, this (the importance of these numbers) can
be proved, considering the modern values of Nirayana and
years. For example:
Nirayana Year = 365.2563625 (Modern value)
Sayana Year = 365.24219 (Modern value)
The difference between 8586 sayana days and 8586
= -121.684 days
i.e. precession of equinox in 8586 years = 119 deg 56 min
120 deg
[This also indicates that the year length used in oldsuryasidhantha
is little different. The year-length considered in oldsuryasidhantha
is 365.25875 days. The "why" of it would be explained in
Rationale 4]
Using the above method we can also prove that 25758
years is equal to 25759 sayana years.
Basic Rationale 2:
-----------------The importance of yuga numbers is that they are
seconds (in precession circle).
Kali-yuga = 432,000 sec = 120 x 3600 sec = 120 deg =
This holds good if and only if, this period contains the
complete revolutions of the 7 planets and the nodes
(Rahu-Sikhi). To
prove it he gives the following table. The importance of
the number
8586 is emphasized.
------------Complete-revolution & Nirayana-revolution Period
------------Planet In Quarter Yuga In Maha Yuga Kalpa Nirayana rev.
(8586 years) (85860 years) (86546880 years)
(Modern Value)
------------Sun 8586 85860 86546880
365.2563624 365.2563624 365.2563624 365.2563624
------------Moon 114784 1147840 157023263
27.32167486 27.32167486 27.32166204 27.3216615
(27 d 07 h 43 m11.6 s) (27 d 07 h 43 m 11.55
------------Mars 4565 45650 46015614
Dwapara-yuga = 864,000 sec = 240 deg precession =
17172 years
Tretha-yuga = 1,296,000 sec = 360 deg precession =
Kritha-yuga = 1,728,000 sec = 480 deg Deg precession =
34344 years
Maha-yuga = 4,320,000 sec = 1200 deg precession =
nirayana years
Manuvanthara = 86400 deg precession
Kalpa = 3360 deg precession
According to Vedic astrology the Kalpa began on a newmoon
day/Sunday/first day of Aris (mesha)/and the planetary
(sputa) of all the planets were zero. Thus, theoretically all
means that, each yuga-pada (8586 years) starts and ends
in a new-moon
day, and that at the start and end of each yuga-pada a
solar eclipse
occurs. (It is a pre-supposition put forward by oldSuryasidhantha
and the above maths. It must be theoretical reasoning
followed by oldSuryasidhantha) But it actually does not happen. The
"why" of it
would become clear when we see rational 4)
Basic Rationale 3:
Basic Rationale 4:
-----------------(i) Zodiac is considered and presented as a mathematical
model in old-suryasidhantha, trying to comprehend the
perfect rhythm
of the universe.
(ii) Even though the creator of Surya-sidhantha (i.e.
knew about the actual vernal equinox at Kali-yugadi (i.e.
46 deg 40
min), Kali-yugadi-Ayanamsa was considered as 60 deg (in
oldSuryasidhantha), for the perfection of this mathematical
According to the precession considered in oldsuryasidhantha: Precessional Cycle = 21600 years (instead of 25758 years)
If we relate this to yuga years 432000 (Kali-yuga) = 21600 x 20
4,320,000 (Maha-yuga) = 21600 x 200
Maha-yuga = 200 x 360 deg = 72000 years
120 deg precession = 4320000/600 = 7200 years (instead
8586 Years)
If we divide the number of revolution of planets in a
mahayuga with 600, we could get the number of
revolutions of planets
per 7200 years. Thus we get Sun = 4,320,000/ 600 = 7200.00
Mars = 296824/600 = 3828.04
Jupiter = 364200/600 = 607.033
Venus = 7022388/600 = 11703.98
1000 heads
and 1000 eyes and 1000 legs is mentioned. But really, as
knows, 1000 heads needs 2000 eyes and 2000 legs. i.e.,
the meaning of
the word Sahasra = 1000, does not fit well. (We may
escape the
confusion by saying that Sahasra means `many'). But
based on
sathapatha brahmana, KR Krishnamoorthi says that,
means `Great circle that divides a glob into two equal
parts'. This
is note worthy. Then suddenly we become aware that
many astronomical
terms are used in the hymn. The following picture clarifies
point. Now we could see that:Seersha Circle (Sahasra seersha purusha) = Prime
Aksha Circle (Sahasraksha) = Celestrial Equator (also
as Nakshathra vritha in sanskrit)
Patha Circle (Sahasrapath) = Nodal Circle (also known as
Vikshepa vritha in sanskrit)
Bhoomi Circle (Sa-Bhoomim) = Horizon (also known as
in sanskrit)
Viswa Circle (Viswatho vrithva) = Ecliptic (also known as
Apamandala vritha in sanskrit)
Now, if this interpretation by Hari is right, we gets ample
proof for the fact that, Vedic Knowledge is really amazing.
Note: - Hari is a genuine genius, who argues vigorously
about the
concepts he believes in, and his language is rude. (Those
who readhis-book / speak-with-him, can understand my point) His
ideas are
stunning and capture our attention. We should admit his
dedication towards astrological research. We are all
searching for
the truth of astrology, and are trying to be sincere as
much as
possible. I am not trying to become an advocate of
While predicting using the Vimsothari desa system, I also
feel (As
Guru Sanjay Datt pointed out) that, at times LahariAyanamsa is
better than Chandra-Hari's to arrive at correct results. But
still, I
feel passionate towards his mathematical concepts, and
there in the path, the truth and the trustworthiness of the
ayanamsa hides.
Do you want to contact Chandra-Hari? Use this email
But be at your own risk!! Beware of what I said about his
Astrological Research Center