ICTold Scheme GOI
ICTold Scheme GOI
ICTold Scheme GOI
Information & Communication Technology (ICT) is
universally acknowledged as an important catalyst for social
transformation and national progress. However, disparities in
the levels of ICT readiness and use could translate into
disparities in levels of productivities and hence, could
influence a countrys rate of economic growth. Understanding
and leveraging ICT is, therefore, critical for countries striving
for continued social and economic progress.
India shows enormous geographic and demographic
disparity in ICT use. India has one of the largest ICT
workforce in the world. One can find intense ICT use in
technology clusters such as Bangalore and Gurgaon or
amongst the upper middle brackets of incomes. The other side
of the story is that large parts of the country lack even
telephone connectivity.
India recognized the importance of ICT in education as
early as 1984-85 when the Computer Literacy and Studies
in Schools (CLASS) was initially introduced as a pilot
Project with the introduction of BBC micro-computers. A
total of 12,000 such computers were received and
distributed to Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools
through State Governments. The project was subsequently
adopted as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme during the 8th
Plan (1993-98). During the 8th Five Year Plan the Scheme
1) To establish an enabling environment to promote the usage
of ICT especially in Higher Secondary and Secondary
Government Schools in rural areas. Critical factors of such
an enabling environment include widespread availability of
access devices, connectivity to the Internet and promotion
of ICT literacy.
2) To ensure the availability of quality content on-line and
through access devices both in the private sector and by
3) Enrichment of existing curriculum and pedagogy by
employing ICT tools for teaching and learning.
The present scheme has essentially four components. The
first one is the partnership with State Governments and
Union Territories Administrations for providing
computer-aided education to Secondary & Higher
Secondary Government Schools. The second is the
establishment of SMART schools which shall be
technology demonstrators. Universalisation of Computer
Literacy through the network of KVS and NVS to
neighbouring schools is the third component and the
fourth components relates to the activities of SIETs.
(In Rupees)
The provision for software shall include learning
Management System & curriculum based course-ware apart
from operating systems & other application software.
An amount of Rs. 1.00 crore would be kept aside
annually for the Department of Secondary and Higher
Education for development of software, teaching tools,
designing training models, evaluation, monitoring and other
contingent expenditure.
Ministry of Human Resource Development shall
endeavour to institutionalize content development through
National education portal.
The British Educational
Communications & Technology Agency (BECTA), UK could
be considered as a modal incorporating elements of public
private partnership.
KVS and NVS each would convert one school per
State/UT into a SMART school subject to availability of
funds. A grant of not more than Rs. 25 lakhs would be given
per SMART school. This limit may be reviewed in the future,
if needed. A sum of Rs. 2.5 lakhs shall be provided as
recurring costs which includes maintenance, consumable,
Internet usage & monitoring costs.
In SMART Schools the emphasis would not only be
on the use of Information Technology but also on the use of
skills and values that will be important in the next millennium.
It is hoped that at least one section (of 40 students) in each of
the class IX XII will be fully computerized. Thus, a school
having 160 computers @ 40 computers for each IX to XII
classes may be called a SMART school under the scheme.
However, keeping in view the fact that this target cannot be
achieved in one go, it is proposed to provide 40 computers to
Expenditure limit
Programme production
expenses Rs. 3 lakhs per annum.
telephone/internet /Fax
hospitality, liveries, TA
/DA and contingencies
& Rs. 50,000/periodicals, CD Rom
/Studio 100% basis through PWD or Open
Maintenance (Electrical Tender, whichever is less.
& Civil)
and Actual Expenditure but with approval
Printing of Brochure of MHRD.
and pamphlets