Transilvania University of BRA Ş OV: Hybrid Implementation in Urban Transport
Transilvania University of BRA Ş OV: Hybrid Implementation in Urban Transport
Transilvania University of BRA Ş OV: Hybrid Implementation in Urban Transport
Faculty of Mechanical Ingineering
Automotive Ingineering
: Hybrid implementation
in urban transport
IV. CONCLUSION....pag.27
In the last hundred years we have made monumental advances in our
transportation technologies. Wonderful inventions such as the train, bus and
airplane have allowed us the freedom to travel and explore this great planet for a
lower price. Industrialization gave us the ability to mass produce public transit
vehicles so that everyone could be free to move. Unfortunately we are still using
primitive and environmentally harmful petroluem fuels to propel our mass transit
services. This page expores alternative methods of public transporation that seek to
lessen the environmental impact of public transit.
conditioning and wireless connectivity equipment. This will facilitate the bus
companies to meet anti-idling standards without putting passengers to discomfort.
Dan Jaeger, president and co-founder of SunPods expresses his thoughts, We are
really pleased to collaborate with an innovative company like Bauer IT. As a
company, our focus is on reducing installation costs to make solar power more
cost-effective and, thereby, increase adoption. With Bauer ITs support, we have
created a solar power assist system for luxury buses across the US.
Bauer IT is an environmentally friendly transportation company. They have already
taken many steps to reduce pollution. They possess a fleet of bio-diesel, EGR and
propane vehicles. Bauer IT has installed in its buses the clean burning Series 60
engines. Series 60 engines use exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) technology and
diesel particulates filters. They way they fully fulfill all EPA emission
requirements. The requirements laid down conditions for a 90% reduction in
particulate matter. Another condition is they should observe more than 50%
reduction in nitrogen oxide (NOx). EGR technology circulates cooled exhaust gas
back into the engine air intake. This helps in lowering combustion temperatures
and ultimately reducing the formation of NOx.
The buses have another mechanism working for them i.e. ZF Astronic
transmission. It is a 12-speed manual transmission but its beauty is it behaves like
an automatic version. ZF Astronic transmission takes into account the load, speed
and road conditions. Then it analyzes these parameters and the transmission
decides which is appropriate shifting. Fuel economy tests demonstrate a more
than 6% increase in performance
And, unlike pure electric vehicles, they could provide a sufficient driving range
without needing downtime for recharging. Most important, the use of fuel cells for
an application as complex and demanding as vehicles would portend a major
paradigm shift in global energy consumption and supply. The potential would exist
to create new industries and allow people throughout the global community to
enjoy the benefits of access to an efficient, cost-effective, and reliable energy
source. Thus, the new hydrogen automotive future could have a global economic
impact far beyond the automotive sector itself, both in terms of the automotive
industrys effect on overall economic world growth and as the driver of an enabling
technology applicable to many sectors and industries.
The first fuel cell vehicles became available for commercial lease in late
2002 in Japan and the United States. It is highly unlikely, however, that fuel cell
vehicles will be truly affordable, durable, and available to average consumers until
the 20102020 time frame. Significant technical and infrastructure barriers must be
overcome. And it will be many more years after those barriers fall before the
worlds automotive fleets can turn over and accommodate substantial numbers of
fuel cell vehicles. In the interim and in parallel, companies and governments are
investing in other technologies for highly efficient, clean vehicles, including clean
diesels and electric hybrids. They are doing so to maintain medium-term market
share and profits, lower harmful emissions, and decrease petroleum use in the
transportation sector. Many of these technologies will also be applicable to future
fuel cell vehicles.
The major automotive manufacturers have been pouring resources into their
own fuel cell laboratories since the early 1990s. In 2000, DaimlerChrysler invested
approximately $900 million in hybrid and fuel cell research and development
(R&D) and, in June 2002, successfully drove its latest fuel cell-powered vehicle,
the NECAR 5, across the United States. Every major vehicle company as joined
forces in some manner with other companies and with governments to push the
technology further and faster.
The larger vehicle companies have all displayed fuel cell concept cars.
Toyota and Honda have announced plans for limited, controlled leases of firstgeneration fuel cell vehicles using hydrogen in high-pressure insulated tanks in late
2002. They will be followed closely by other companies planning initial sales
within the 20032004 time frame. Companies are busy preparing for more
demonstrations of test vehicles at the California Fuel Cell Partnership, with more
demonstrations being planned throughout the worldincluding in Europe, China,
and Australia. Other companies are planning to use fuel cells first on city buses that
can use a central refueling facility and have less stringent technical and size
requirements. DaimlerChrysler, for example, delivered its first city buses with fuel
cells in 2002. Still other vehicle companies and suppliers have announced plans to
build fuel cell stationary power sources, which will give them experience in fuel
cell technology, earlier return on investment, and manufacturing expertise in a
product area with less stringent operational requirements than automobiles.
Another major market driver is fuel supply. First, petroleum in the form of
gasoline and diesel is still easily available. Second, it is uncertain how the
proposed alternative, hydrogen, will be delivered to vehicles. Delivering the
hydrogen (or other fuels such as natural gas, from which hydrogen will be
reformed on board vehicles in the shorter term) will involve creating a large and
expensive infrastructure. Many have termed this issue a classic chicken and egg
problem. Vehicle companies will not want to invest large amounts to mass produce
the vehicles because consumers will not want to buy automobiles for which no
easily accessible refueling structure exists.
Energy companies do not want to build a costly infrastructure until there are
fleets of vehicles to use it. According to the results of the National Hydrogen
Vision Meeting in November 2001, some automakers estimate that hydrogen
would have to be available in at least 30 percent of the nations fueling stations for
a viable hydrogen-based transportation sector to emerge. While estimates of the
cost to build a hydrogen infrastructure for vehicles vary enormously, one detailed
analysis suggests that with current technologies, a hydrogen delivery infrastructure
to serve 40 percent of the light vehicle fleet is likely to cost more than $500 billion.
A final major market driver is consumer preference, which reflects fuel
supply and fuel prices, as well as differing transportation needs, in various world
markets. Will the public want to buy the vehicles? According to a 2001 survey by
Opinion Research Corporation International for the U.S. Department of Energy,
consumers most value safety and dependability (30 percent), followed by quality
(22 percent), fuel economy (11 percent), and low vehicle price (8 percent).
While fuel economy does appear as a preference in this survey, it is low
compared with other attributes. A low-emission vehicle does not appear among the
top desired attributes. Most consumers are not yet willing to sacrifice other
attributes for efficiency and cleanliness. Therefore, many in government and
industry around the world foresee a need for increased public education and
outreach if consumers are to understand and switch to fuel cell vehicles. These
experts also anticipate a need to provide vehicles that do not require sacrifices in
current levels of dependability, mobility, and affordability. In addition to public
policy drivers related to technology and economic growth, there are equally strong
drivers for fuel cell technology related to national security and environmental
protection. In terms of national security, in 1975 the United States imported 36
percent of the oil it used. By 2000, net oil imports at 10.4 thousand barrels were
slightly over 50 percent of U.S. consumption. In 2000, transportation oil use was
over 147 percent of U.S. oil production and accounted for about 67 percent of U.S.
oil consumption.
Chart 4 shows actual and projected petroleum use by motor vehicles in the
United States. When all these public policy drivers are viewed together
technology development, economic growth, national security, and a healthy, clean
environmentthere is a clear role for public policies that accelerate the adoption
of fuel cell technology. The race to the new automotive future is indeed heating up.
It is clear that fuel cell technology presents the potential to create such
unprecedented change in the transportation market that no major automobile
producing nation or company wants to risk being left behind. As a result,
government and corporate fuel cell R&D funding is growing swiftly around the
globe, and industry alliances are rapidly emerging. The winners will be determined
by who is best at generating and deploying new technologies, creating long-term
competitive advantage by successfully marketing vehicles that use advanced
technologies such as fuel cells, and forming successful global alliances.
The transition will also affect different industries at different stages of the
transition. Chart 6 shows what these changes could be and when they might occur
by looking at the major processes involved.
Chart 6.
A major issue in the transition is hydrogen production. Because hydrogen
does not exist on Earth in its elemental form, it has to be produced by separating it
from compounds in which it is found abundantly ( fossil fuels, water, biomass).
Most hydrogen currently is produced from fossil fuels such as natural gas, from
which it can be derived in a more cost- and energy-effective manner than from
water or other renewable sources. Therefore, many companies and governments
are conducting research into how to produce hydrogen more cost-effectively in
ways that do not require large amounts of energy for the production process itself
and that would be offset by the energy saved in the end-use applications such as
fuel cell vehicles.
In addition, the process of converting hydrogen to heat or electricity is a
major issue in the creation of a hydrogen economy. Conversion can be done either
This explosion in the developing regions of the world has major implications
not just for the automobile industrys global economic impact, but also for its
impact on energy use and emissions. Rapid economic growth generates demand for
personal mobility and transport of goods. While mobility and transportation
infrastructure are essential to continued economic growth, the potential growth
could be negatively affected by the cost of increased energy use and harmful
environmental effects. Therefore, while the introduction of fuel cell technology
certainly will occur significantly later than in the industrialized countries because
of cost and infrastructure issues, its deployment in developing regions could result
in even greater potential benefits in terms of both lifestyle and economic growth.
Market Projections
While it is difficult to project what future market value and share of the
transportation market will be accounted for by fuel cell technology, the potential
exists for large impacts across the economy. Again, a significant market for fuel
cell vehicles will not occur until major technical, policy related, and infrastructure
challenges are resolved. Fuel cell technology must be competitive with both
gasoline and diesel ICE vehicles, which themselves continue to improve
Estimates of potential market size for fuel cells in the transportation market
vary enormously in terms of both value and number. In terms of value, market
estimates range from around $10 billion in 2010, growing to $60 to $600 billion by
2020. Estimates of the number of fuel cell vehicles range from 1 to 2 million in
2010 to 10 to 30 million in 2030.
Market penetration of fuel cells likely will begin in markets where cost
sensitivity is not as large an issue as it is for passenger vehicles. These new
markets will include stationary distributed power units for commercial and
residential electricity and micro-fuel cells for portable electronic equipment (e.g.,
laptop computers and mobile phones). Fuel cell technology has the potential not
only to transform the automotive industry but to help meet the increasing
electricity demands of the twenty-first century.
General Motors/Toyota
General Motors/Opel/Suzuki
Nissan/PSA Peugeot Citron/Renault
United Technologies/Hyundai
The alliances and partnerships are occurring not just within industry, but
also between governments and industry. The FreedomCAR Partnership announced
by U.S. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham and senior executives from General
Motors, Ford, and DaimlerChrysler in January 2002 is the most visible example of
this trend. The FreedomCAR Partnership reflects major objectives in President
Bushs National Energy Policy to improve energy efficiency and propose R&D
programs that are performance based and modeled as public-private partnerships.
FreedomCAR seeks to provide Americans with
Freedom from petroleum dependence
Freedom from pollutant emissions
Freedom to choose the vehicles they want
Freedom to drive where they want, when they want
Freedom to obtain fuel more affordably and conveniently
The FreedomCAR Partnership sees efficient fuel cell technology as the most
promising long-term pathway to achieving these goals. It is driven by the facts that
Americas transportation sector depends on petroleum for 95 percent of its fuel,
and that transportation accounts for 67 percent of U.S. petroleum use. The steady
growth of imported oil to meet these requirements is not seen as sustainable in the
long term.
Japan is clear in its vision to remain one of the worlds most competitive
nations. Even in the wake of its financial downturn, the Japanese government and
its multinational companies are strongly committed to science and technology and
to improved domestic innovation capacity. Japan continues to account for close to
20 percent of the worlds R&D, about 54 percent the amount spent by the United
States and 2.5 times more than third-place Germany. It is also restructuring its
science establishment and making other investments critical to improving and
maintaining its relative standing as a global innovator.
The automotive industry remains a critical component of this strong
foundation for economic growth role it has played since the early 1960s. The
business sector is responsible for about 72 percent of Japanese R&D expenditures.
Japanese industry is well known for creating new markets by providing products
and services that incorporate leading-edge technology. In terms of business
expenditure on R&D per capita, Japan outspends every nation except Switzerland
and Sweden, at close to $700. Chart 18 reveals that the large Japanese vehicle
companies fit this pattern and continue to invest. After a dip in the early 1990s
This amount is equal to about 6.8 percent of sales, the highest R&D
investment ever for the industry as a whole. Japanese automotive suppliers spend
about another $555.8 million on R&D. The automotive industry is also investing
and driving new business in hot sectors such as fuel cells and nanotechnology.
Because of the large number of vehicle companies in Japan and the diversity
among them, there is an understandable difference in any given year or set of years
in individual company R&D budgets. Toyota Motor Company has consistently
been the largest Japanese vehicle company in terms of R&D expenditures in recent
years, followed by Honda Motor Company and Nissan Motor Corporation. The
smaller vehicle companies also spend significant amounts on research, with
significant impacts in specific technologies (e.g., Isuzus diesel technology and
Mazdas manufacturing technology). This pattern persisted in the fiscal year
ending March 2002, as shown in chart 20.
Western Europe
The European Union (EU) and its constituent governments are committed
to strengthening European competitiveness and hope to make Europe the most
dynamic economy in the world by 2010. The current economic slowdown will
make it more difficult to achieve these goals. In 2000 and 2001, Europe saw its
average economic growth halved to 1.6 percent. In 2002, average unemployment
rose to 8.5 percent, and in the past decade R&D has declined relative to GDP.
International trade also failed to increase in 2001 for the first time in two decades.
The EU hopes to help reverse these trends by supporting emerging
technologies such as fuel cells, creating a network of centers of excellence,
encouraging researcher mobility, and promoting technology transfer and venture
capital. One of the major mechanisms is the creation of a European Research Area
to better coordinate what many see as a fragmented research effort. Another
important mechanism is EU joint research activity, including the Sixth Framework
scheduled to begin in 2003. While Western Europe makes significant R&D
expenditures, its major countries trail the United States and Japan.
European automobile sales have been stagnant, with some companies, such
as Fiat and Volkswagen, hit harder than others. Some countries, such as Germany,
forecast a future decline in vehicle sales because of declining populations. Similar
challenges to those facing other regionsover capacity , for exampleexist and
are being sorted out.
According to the European Council for Automotive R&D (EUCAR), the
automotive sectors R&D expenditures amount to about 12 percent of the
European total. EUCAR was established in May 1994 to foster strategic
cooperation in research and technological development (R&TD) activities. It
developed an Automotive R&TD Master Plan to define a European approach to
technologies for automotive development. The members of EUCAR are the BMW
Group, DaimlerChrysler, Fiat, Ford in Europe, Opel, Porsche, PSA PeugeotCitron, Renault, the Volkswagen Group, and Volvo.
The European Unions Car of Tomorrow initiative, which ran from 1995
to 1998, provided substantial funding to EUCAR and others. The initiative sought
to identify all needs, priorities, and actions to be addressed at the European level in
terms of research, technology development, demonstration, and validation
necessary for ensuring market acceptance of a new generation of competitive ultralow and zero-emission vehicles. Starting under this initiative, EUCAR had a fiveyear government-funded budget of $2.3 billion, and its program plan, goals, and
objectives mirrored those of PNGV in the United States.
similar to those in the U.S. PNGV, including energy storage and propulsion,
especially battery technology; power electronics; lightweight materials; computeraided systems; and hybrid technology.
The EUs Fifth Framework Program, running from 1999 to 2002, sponsored
10 fuel cell projects, with a total budget of just under $30 million $12.4 million
of which was for vehicle projects. As in Japan, government funding is largest for
PEMFCs (about $46 million), with about $16 million for both planar-solid-oxide
fuel cells (PSOFCs) and molten-carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs). Several of these
projects will extend one to two years beyond the Fifth Framework. Of special
interest is the Fifth Frameworks FUERO (Fuel Cell Systems and Components
General Research for Vehicle Applications) Project, which has sought to develop a
PEMFC vehicle fueled by commercially available gasoline and bio-ethanol.
Companies involved include PSA Peugeot Citron, Volkswagen, Volvo, and
Renault. DaimlerChrysler pursued research both on its own and in conjunction
with the PNGV.
The EU is also increasingly active in fuel cell vehicle demonstration
projects. Unlike the United States and Japan, which are heavily focused on
passenger vehicle demonstrations, the EU has chosen to stress mass transit
applications in which it could be competitive earlier than in passenger vehicles.
The EU is providing a total of 18.5 million for the CUTE (Clean Urban
Transport for Europe) project, which will operate 30 fuel cell buses in nine
European cities (Amsterdam, Barcelona, Hamburg, London, Luxemburg, Madrid,
Porto, Stockholm, and Stuttgart). The first will be delivered to Madrid in 2003.
DaimlerChrysler will supply the buses. Each of the nine cities will demonstrate a
different type of hydrogen-fueling infrastructure. The project seeks to show the
viability of zero-emission buses for use in urban transport.
According to the European Commission, the main areas of fuel cell research
funded under the EU Energy Research Program are as follows:
Fuel cell and related technologies for both stationary and transport applications
Cost reduction of PEMFC and DMFC components (e.g., stacks, reformers)
and systems (e.g., high temperature PEMFC)
Development of cost-effective hydrogen production, storage, and
Fuel cell systems for stationary applications
Domestic and commercial stationary co-generation in the 10 and 100 kW
It is apparent that most nations have accepted that support for and
acceleration of the adoption of fuel cell technologies is in the public interest. The
most common reasons cited for believing that fuel cell development is in the public
interest are the possibilities of cutting CO2 and other harmful emissions, reducing
dependency on petroleum, and enhancing industrial competitiveness. Despite the
public need for a cleaner environment, less dependency on petroleum, and the
economic benefits derived from a strong automotive sector, however, the market
will not be able to make the transition by itself, given current fuel prices and
infrastructure requirements. Accordingly, there is also a consensus that a public
policy role exists.
For the most part, public policies are geared toward helping domestic
companiesvehicle manufacturers and component suppliersbe ready to
commercially produce mass transit vehicles (buses), niche market vehicles
(scooters), and light vehicles (cars and light trucks) and play a role in a globally
competitive market by around 2010 to 2015. Emphasis is on PEMFCs, with some
work on SOFCs for auxiliary power units. Considerably less attention has been
paid to issues relating to the hydrogen infrastructure needed to supply the vehicles,
although demonstrations of fueling stations are beginning and strategic planning is
under way. These efforts are expanding in terms of scope, size, and the number
of countries involved. There are 12 major approaches that nations are taking or
considering to position themselves and their companies to play a role in this new
energy paradigm.
1. Developing codes and standards related to hydrogen storage and distribution
2. Developing codes and standards related to fuel cell vehicles
3. Funding and validating R&D to overcome final cost and performance barriers
for fuel cells, hydrogen storage, and hydrogen production
4. Funding and validating R&D to accelerate the adoption of interim energy
efficient and environmentally friendly technologies
5. Running demonstration projects of fuel cell vehicles, hydrogen fueling stations,
and hydrogen production facilities
6. Beginning public awareness and educational activities on fuel cells and
hydrogen safety issues
7. Beginning to consider workforce training needs
8. Using targeted tax credits and other financial incentives for manufacturers
and consumers
9. Creating and coordinating networks of universities, companies, and research
10. Building and expanding centers of excellence
11. Increasing involvement of state and local governments
12. Increasing international and regional cooperation
The Current Global Situation
The current global situation is extremely competitive. Because of the
continuing importance of the automotive industry to the economies of many
countries, it is seen as a necessary large investment that appears, however, to be
sensible. No one wants to be left out, and many perceive opportunities to gain a
place in what is essentially a new competitive environment from which no one is
yet excluded and in which no one is yet the winner.
None of the national efforts would have been as effective, nor will they be
so in the future, without the investment of hundreds of millions of dollars by the
private companies involved. These corporations, in turn, can invest more because
the government programs both help to lower the risks involved and leverage and
network resources that the companies cannot influence by themselves. These risks
are particularly large in the transportation sector: While conventional vehicles and
the existing infrastructure to support them are convenient and economical, the cost
of replacing the infrastructure and developing commercially viable fuel cell
vehicles is enormous and long-term. The rewards, however, are particularly large
in light of the size and impact of the potential global market and the potential gains
in environmental preservation and energy efficiency. It is also apparent that
national efforts to develop fuel cell technology are taking place in an increasingly
globalized industry. Many multinational companies are taking part in more than
one national program. For example, DaimlerChrysler participates to some degree
in programs in Germany, the United States, the EU, Singapore, and Japan.
Companies allied with each other, such as Renault and Nissan, are sharing
expertise and coordinating R&D work. Other companies are doing research in
more than one regionFord, for example, in its German R&D center in Aachen, as
well as in its U.S. facilities.
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