QNX Meeting Early Boot Requirements

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Meeting Early Boot Requirements

with the QNX Neutrino RTOS

Andy Gryc
Senior Product Marketing Manager
QNX Software Systems
Email contact: agryc@qnx.com

Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems

Many embedded applications must perform a set of actions within a strict timeframe after the
system boots. Meeting these deadlines can be a challenge, and the system architect must
design the system with early boot requirements in mind.
From a software perspective, the boot process consists of several stages:
1. The RTOS must load from nonvolatile storage, either flash or hard disk.
2. The RTOS must initialize itself, as well as any device drivers and peripherals.
3. The application software must load, initialize, and start running.
These tasks all take time, and to ensure that software and hardware components are
initialized and ready when needed, the system architect or designer must think through each
of these stages.
Early boot requirements are especially prevalent in automotive systems. Typically, an
automotive system must receive and respond to vehicle bus messages within 50 milliseconds
after power is applied. Radio systems must also meet early audio requirements, which is
the time permitted between ignition on (when the system boots) and when the passengers
hear the radio. These times can vary, but normally range from 1 to 4 seconds after boot. A
more sophisticated radio may have to meet multiple early audio requirements; for instance,
playing FM radio within 1 second, playing satellite radio within 3 seconds, and playing MP3s
from a USB stick within 4 seconds. In addition, systems with screens also have early video
requirements to support backup cameras, navigation applications, or splash screens.

Scope of the discussion

Typically, a full-featured RTOS cannot load and initialize quickly enough to handle early boot
deadlines of 100 milliseconds or less. For such deadlines, system designers need a solution

such as the QNX instant device activation technology. This paper doesnt cover instant
device activation except in areas where it impacts the central discussion of startup
Rather, this paper focuses on longer timelines in the order of one second or more. Applicationlevel code typically handles these events, and therefore must run after the RTOS has booted.
The emphasis of this paper, then, is on optimizing your RTOS and application startup to boot
as quickly and efficiently as possible. The techniques and strategies discussed focus on the

QNX Neutrino RTOS, though some of these will apply to other operating systems as well. It is
hoped that system architects will find the suggestions presented here useful, and that they will
be able to use them as a springboard for developing their own optimizations.

Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems

Startup sequence
Like most operating systems, the QNX Neutrino RTOS boots in several stages. See Figure 1.
Power on Reset
38 ms

X+30 ms

32 ms



X ms


Build Script


Figure 1 QNX Neutrino boot process (durations not to scale).

Here is a brief description of each stage:

PLL (phase locked loop) In this paper, PLL refers to how long it takes for the first
instruction to begin executing after power is applied to the processor. Most CPUs have a
PLL that divides the main crystal frequency into all the timers used by the chip. The time
that the PLL takes to settle to the desired frequencies often represents the largest portion
of the chips startup time. The PLL stage is independent of any OS, and varies from CPU
to CPU; in some cases, it takes as long as 32 milliseconds. Consult your CPU user
manual for the exact timing.

IPL (initial program load) The bootloader. QNX provides a standard, bare-bones IPL
that performs the fewest steps necessary to set up memory, initialize chip selects, and
configure other required CPU settings. Once these steps are complete, the IPL copies
Startup into RAM and jumps to it to continue execution.
Typically, the bootloader executes for at least 6 milliseconds before it starts to load the
OS image. The actual amount of time depends on the CPU architecture, what the board
requires for minimal configuration, and what the chosen bootloader does before it passes
control to the OS.
You can replace the standard QNX IPL with another bootloader. Choices include fullfeatured products like U-Boot or RedBoot, which provide a TFTP client to transfer a new
boot image and burn it into flash.

Startup Copies the OS image from flash into RAM and executes the image. This
copying phase constitutes the longest part of the QNX Neutrino kernel boot process.
That said, the system architect can exercise a great deal of control over the length of this
phase, albeit indirectly.

Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems

In QNX Neutrino, the image file system (IFS) contains both the OS image and Startup
(which the IPL copies into RAM). The OS image consists of the kernel, the build script,
and any other drivers, applications, and binaries that the system requires. Because you
can control what the IFS contains, the time for this stage is variable and listed as X in
Figure 1. This time can be as short as 200 milliseconds or as long as 2 to 3 seconds. In
extreme cases where the system contains a very large image and has no file system other
than the IFS, this stage may take much longer (10 seconds or more).
To add, remove, or configure files stored in the IFS, you can edit the build script or use
the system builder tool in the QNX Momentics IDE.

Kernel During startup, the kernel initializes the memory management unit (MMU);
creates structures to handle paging, processes and exceptions; and enables interrupts.
Once this phase is complete, the kernel is fully operational and can begin to load and run
user processes from the build script.

Build script Lets you specify which drivers and applications to start, and in what order.
Because the QNX Neutrino RTOS is a microkernel OS, every driver, server, and application (App1, App2, etc. in Figure 1) runs as a separately loadable user-level process. This
approach offers a major benefit: you dont have to wait for the kernel and a full set of drivers
to load and initialize before you get control. Once the microkernel is running, you can interleave drivers and applications to achieve the fastest possible system startup. More on this

Measuring bootup time

To optimize any boot stage, you must measure its duration, modify the code, then measure
again to see how much timing has improved. Some basic techniques exist for measuring time,
and their applicability depends on the starting point of the measurement. If you look at Figure 1,
youll see three key points represented by circled numbers:

Times measured before  occur before the CPU executes instructions and require
hardware assistance.

Software can run during points between  and , but not always with the same APIs.
For example, Startup code cannot use most RTOS services, including POSIX timers. It
supports only a limited subset of functions such as memcpy(), strcpy(), printf(), and
kprintf() to perform rudimentary operations.

When optimizing times after point , you can access any OS feature, run all programs,
and connect to the QNX Momentics IDE with its assortment of tools.

Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems

Start Time








Uses the instrumented kernel

(procnto-instr) and collects
data with tracelogger or the
QNX Momentics system profiler.
Customer code is sprinkled with
calls to the TraceEvent() API.

Can graphically display

when your process is
executing, as well as all
other system activity.
Developer must set up
the instrumented kernel.




Command-line utility gives

approximate execution time
of a process.

Measurement unavailable
until the process in
question terminates.




System API that uses a highspeed CPU counter to determine

the number of clock cycles from
power on to the point when
ClockCycles() is called.

Measures absolute time.

Doesnt necessarily
reflect time spent in the
measured process, since
kernel may have scheduled other threads during
time of measurement.


slogf() /


System logger API, used with


Inaccurate timing; used

mainly to determine
sequence of events.




Not an API, but a macro that

reads the CPUs hardware
counter directly. Gives the same
result as the OS-level API of the
same name, which is available
after kernel boot.

Not supported on all

architectures; works only
if ClockCycles() is read
directly from a hardware
register, and not a derived


GPIO and


The customer code switches a

GPIO pin on and off at various
points in the code. A digital
oscilloscope measures these level
changes or pulses to determine
the time between events.

Distinguishing different
points is impossible.
Requires a free GPIO in
the hardware design, as
well as a digital scope
and significant setup.


lines and


Measures hardware lines (like

CPU reset) and GPIO.

Same as above.

Table 1 Techniques for measuring bootup time.

Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems

For the TraceEvent() technique, you must use the instrumented kernel and load tracelogger
early in the boot script. For instance, to log the first ten seconds of boot time, you would use
this command:
tracelogger n0 -s10
See the QNX tracelogger documentation for details on how to analyze the resulting .kev
(kernel event trace) file.
To measure the absolute time since reset at various points in your boot script, simply print out
the ClockCycles() value; see the code in Listing 1. This technique lets you measure how long
it takes your code to execute the IPL and Startup phases. Normally, you would use the
ClockCycles() value to measure relative time: you record the value of ClockCycles() at two
points, then subtract the first value from the second value to get the duration of an event. In
this case, however, were using ClockCycles() to measure the absolute time that has elapsed
since the CPU power was applied.
This approach comes with some caveats:

The high-speed counter counts very quickly and can wrap, so its best to apply this technique during the first several seconds after the CPU has been reset.

Depending on how the BSP implements reset, a shutdown command to reset the target
may fail to clear the ClockCycles() value. If so, you might have to power-cycle the device.

This technique applies only to systems that have a high-speed counter. Systems where
the OS emulates ClockCycles() and the CPU has no high-speed counter wont give an
absolute time since reset.



int main( int argc, char *argv[])

uint64_t timesinceboot_ms;
timesinceboot_ms = (ClockCycles() /
printf( "ClockCycles()=%llu ms\n", timesinceboot_ms);

Listing 1 Using ClockCycles() to measure time elapsed since reset.

Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems

Bootloader optimizations
Once developers get the system to boot for the first time, bootloader development often goes
on the backburner. Here are a few techniques that sometimes get overlooked:

Enable data and instruction cache as early as possible This sounds obvious, but
some of the tight copy loops used in the bootloader benefit immensely from having the
instruction cache enabled.

Minimize or eliminate the boot script timeout Bootloaders like RedBoot and U-Boot,
which run a script, typically contain an automatic timeout that lets you abort the OS load
and load a new OS. This timeout is convenient during development, but should be removed
for production. Also, the bootloader might print messages (for instance, help messages
or welcome messages) to the serial port; you can suppress these. To modify the timeout
in U-Boot, use the bootdelay, bootcmd, and preboot environment variables. For
RedBoot, use fconfig to change the value for Boot script timeout.

Dont scan for the OS image If the system uses a default QNX IPL, you should look
at the code in main() within main.c and remove anything unnecessary. In particular, look
for code that calls image_scan() and replace it with the OS images hardcoded address.
Hint: If you pad the IPL to a fixed size, you will always know where the OS image begins.

Eliminate bootup checksum In most cases, the system has a single OS image.
Consequently, performing a checksum to ensure the images validity has little value,
as you cant perform a recovery if the image has failed. Also, the checksum take time;
removing it allows your important code to start running sooner.

Copying from flash to RAM

In the IPL and Startup stages, code is copied from flash into RAM and then executed. How
long this takes depends on the speed of the CPU and the speed to the flash chip. To measure
the duration of the copy operation, you can use the code in Listing 2.


#define MEGABYTE (1024*1024)

#define BLOCK_SIZE 16384
#define LOOP_RUNS 10
char *ram_destination;
char *ram_block;
char *flash_block;

Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems

unsigned long flash_addr;

uint64_t cycles_per_sec;
double CopyTest(const char *msg, char *source, char *dest)
uint64_t accum = 0, start, stop;
double t;
int i;
for (i=0; i<LOOP_RUNS; i++)
start = ClockCycles();
memcpy(dest, source, BLOCK_SIZE);
stop = ClockCycles();
accum += (stop - start);
accum /= LOOP_RUNS;
t = accum*(MEGABYTE/BLOCK_SIZE); // t = cycles per MB
// t = seconds per 1MB
t = t / cycles_per_sec;
printf("\nTo copy %s to RAM takes:\n",msg);
%llu clock cycles for %u bytes\n", accum, BLOCK_SIZE);
%f milliseconds per 1MB bytes\n", t*1000);
%f microseconds per 1KB bytes\n", t*1000);
return t;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
double flashtime, ramtime;
if (argc<1) {
printf("%s requires address of flash (any 16K block will do)\n", argv[0]);
flash_addr = strtoul(argv[1], 0, 16);
printf("Using flash physical address at %lx\n", flash_addr);
ram_block = malloc(BLOCK_SIZE);
ram_destination = malloc(BLOCK_SIZE);
flash_block = mmap(0, BLOCK_SIZE, PROT_READ,MAP_PHYS|MAP_SHARED, NOFD,flash_addr);
if (flash_block == MAP_FAILED) {
printf("Unable to map block at %lx\n", flash_addr);
cycles_per_sec = SYSPAGE_ENTRY(qtime)->cycles_per_sec;
flashtime = CopyTest("flash", flash_block, ram_destination);
ramtime = CopyTest("RAM", ram_block, ram_destination);
printf("\nFlash is %f times slower than RAM\n", flashtime/ramtime);

Listing 2 Code to measure flash copy time.

Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems

To get reasonably accurate results, you should run the code in Listing 2 either at a high
priority (using the on p command) or when little else is running in the system.
A key factor that affects flash copy time is the bus interface to the flash. As Table 2 shows,
fast CPUs can lose their advantage to their slower competitors if the system has a slow bus
architecture or too many wait states.

Clock speed

Measured flash copy speed (per Kbyte)



59 s



93 s



514 s

Table 2 Sample flash copy times.

Why not execute directly out of flash and skip the copy step altogether? Because reading from
flash is very slow and should be avoided. Forcing the CPU to continually read code from flash
would save some time initially, but the abysmally slow performance that would result far outweighs any benefit. To make this strategy even worth considering, the CPU instruction cache
would have to be larger than the OS image.

Reduce Startup Size

Startup is small (roughly 45K), so its difficult to trim much fat from it. If you use the QNX
instant device activation technology, your mini-drivers will be linked to Startup and will
consequently add to its load time. So make sure that your mini-drivers are as small as
possible dont clutter them up with lots of unused debug or kprintf() calls.

Remove unnecessary debug printing

Callouts in either IPL or Startup handle any debug printing that happens early in the system
boot (prior to the serial driver being loaded). These callout routines normally write directly
to the registers of the first UART. But before stage  in the boot process, no interrupts are
available. So, if the UART FIFO is full, the callouts cant insert a character until another
character leaves the FIFO. With a standard UART, a blazingly fast startup can slow to a crawl
if you burden the boot process with too many messages.

Comment out unneeded kprintf() statements In IPL or Startup, look for unneeded
kprintf() statements in main() and comment them out.

Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems

Reduce -v options In the build script, find the line that launches the kernel (procnto)
and reduce the -v options. For instance, if the line looks like this:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=:/proc/boot:/lib:/usr/lib:/lib/dll procnto vvvv

you can replace -vvvv with -v or simply remove it altogether.

Remove display_msg calls In the build script, remove any display_msg calls that use
the startup callouts. These include all display_msg statements that occur before the
following sequence:
waitfor /dev/ser1
reopen /dev/ser1
These statements redirect the serial output to the newly loaded serial driver (typically right
above the waitfor), which will be interrupt driven and wont need to wait.

Avoid a slow baud rate Dont use a console baud rate less than 115,200 unless you
absolutely must. Otherwise, youll potentially spin longer in a loop in the kernel printf(),
waiting for the UART FIFO to have enough space to send characters out. Chances are,
you wont do this, for the simple reason that its inconveniently slow. But in systems with
few UARTs, its tempting to share a 9600 baud GPS device with the default serial console.
If you do this and still have some serial debug output in the kernel or startup, you could
end up severely throttling back the code to keep pace with the slow baud rate.

Reduce size of IFS

As mentioned earlier, Startup copies the image file system (IFS) from flash into RAM. The
kernel and the applications can begin running only after this copy operation is complete. So
the smaller you make the IFS, the sooner those components can run.

Remove unused executables Remove any unused executables from IFS, starting
with the larger ones. Before you cut to the bone and remove anything that could help
debug the target, you should measure your targets flash-to-RAM copy speed (see
Listing 2). If it takes 100 s per Kbyte to copy, then a 40K executable will take four
milliseconds to copy. Remove executables from the image only if the benefits of doing so
outweigh the loss of useful tools.
Note that you dont have to manually strip executables of their debug information; mkifs
takes care of that automatically. Note that mkefs doesnt automatically strip binaries
you should do this in your makefile.


Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems

Use symbolic links Shared libraries in POSIX systems, including QNX Neutrino,
typically have two representations in the file system: a regular file name (with a version
number) and a symbolic link (without a version number). For instance, libc.so.2 and
libc.so. The target system should contain both representations; thus, code that requires a
specific version of the shared library can link to that version, and code that doesnt care
can link to the generic version. Under Windows, which doesnt support true symbolic links,
the QNX Momentics installation creates duplicates of linked files, instead of symbolic
If you use both versioned and non-versioned representations of shared objects on your
target, take the time to make one a symbolic link to the other, either in the IDE or in the
build script. Otherwise, you risk ending up with two distinct copies of the executable in
the IFS. Since many shared libraries can be rather large (libc.so, for instance, ranges
from 600K to 700K), taking this step can reduce the IFS significantly.

Move selected files into an EFS If any file doesnt need to start early in the boot
process, move it into a flash external file system (EFS). The smallest image file system
(IFS) consists of the kernel, libc, a UART driver, a flash driver, and not much else. After
the flash driver loads, it can automount the EFS partitions, and you can start running the
remainder of your drivers or applications files out of the EFS.
There is a tradeoff here, of course. The IFS is completely loaded from flash into RAM as
one big chunk. Once loaded into the IFS, any executables that you run out of IFS will load
from RAM into RAM. For EFS, the files are loaded out of flash into RAM each time theyre
needed. So if you need to load an executable multiple times during bootup, it may be
better to leave it in IFS since you pay the flash copying penalty only the first time.

Use the system optimizer to remove unreferenced libraries and functions In many
cases, you can shrink the IFS significantly by using the system optimizer (aka dietician)
in the QNX Momentics system builder. The system optimizer finds any non-referenced
libraries and removes them completely; see Figure 2. It can also remove functions from
shared objects if those functions arent referenced anywhere in the IFS; see Figure 3. The
system optimizer will create special reduced versions of the shared objects that the IDE
builds for the target. The IDE places these smaller libraries in the Reductions subfolder
of your system builder project.
Some caveats:

You can use this tool only from within the QNX Momentics IDE; there is no commandline equivalent if you build your IFS outside of the IDE.

The reduced versions of the shared objects will contain only the functions required to
run the files within your IFS. If you subsequently add a binary outside of the IFS, that
binary will fail to load if it relies on any of the removed functions.


Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems

The system optimizer wont find code that uses dlsym() to dynamically load function
addresses. To work around this, you can: a) create a stub library that references the
required functions, thereby forcing them to be included, or b) skip running the system
optimizer on a shared object if you will be dynamically loading the object with dlopen().

You will generate new versions of the shared objects every time you run the system
optimizer. This may require more configuration management for your project to keep
track of the extra, reduced copies of the libraries.

You wont be using the QNX-blessed versions of the libraries.

Despite these caveats, the system optimizer offers a very useful and relatively effortless
way to shrink the IFS. The savings will directly translate into shorter boot times. See Table 3
for an example of how the actions chosen in Figures 2 and 3 reduced the size of a typical
IFS. This IFS contained the full set of files needed for the BSP, but no application code.
Of course, your mileage will vary, depending on how fully the code in your IFS binaries
utilizes functions within shared libraries. The more functions you call, the fewer objects
can be removed, and the smaller the resultant savings.

Figure 2 Using the system optimizer to remove

unused libraries.

Figure 3 Using the system optimizer to remove

functions from libraries.


Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems


Original size

Reduced size

Bytes removed



















0 (removed)








Table 3 Example system optimizer reductions.

Compression strategies
You can either compress the entire IFS or compress individual files in the EFS. (If youre using
the QNX Instant Device Activation TDK, you cannot compress the IFS.) Besides saving flash
memory, compression can also speed up boot time. In systems with very slow flash access,
it often takes less time to decompress files out of flash than to do a straight copy of the larger
uncompressed file. If your systems flash timing is on the slow side with regard to Table 2, try
using compression; the decompression code might be able to run completely out of the CPU
instruction cache. Of course, this depends on what else the system is doing during the boot;
youll need to try both approaches and measure which is quicker.

Default build script

The build files that QNX provides normally have many components commented out for a
minimal system. Uncomment these components as required, but first determine what you
actually need:

slogger The system logger, which allows QNX components to report errors, is useful
during development. However, your production systems may not have any way to access
the errors reported. If so, you dont need slogger (or sloginfo for that matter) in the
final build. You can also remove slogger if you use your own logging subsystem.

pipe Supports the POSIX pipe facility (for instance, ls | more). You can also use
pipes programmatically, without resorting to scripting. Many embedded systems dont use
pipes, so you might be able to remove this.

devc-pty and qconn Also needed for debugging and development, these could be
removed for production systems.


Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems

Waitfor placement
The build script contains multiple calls to waitfor, which ensure that a resource manager is
loaded before any of the programs that might use it. This is a very good practice, since the
programs that follow may fail if they dont find the resource they require. However, in the default
build script, these waitfors are grouped to make sense, rather than to ensure maximum
performance. For example, look at Listing 3.
# Starting PCI driver
waitfor /dev/pci 4
# Starting Network driver
io-net -dmpc5200 verbose -ptcpip
waitfor /dev/io-net/en0 10
ifconfig en0
# Starting Flash driver...
devf-mgt5200 -s0xfe000000,32M
waitfor /fs0p1
/fs0p1/dumper &
# Starting USB driver...
io-usb -dohci-mgt5200 ioport=0xf0001000,irq=70
waitfor /dev/io-usb/io-usb 4

Listing 3 Build script sequence with original waitfor placement.

This script does the reasonable thing of starting each driver, then waiting for it to finish loading
before continuing. Some of these drivers require hardware initialization. If a driver is waiting
on the hardware, then waitfor can prevent the next program from loading prematurely.
The behavior of waitfor is very simple: it polls the device, and if the device isnt found, it
sleeps for 100 milliseconds and tries again. It terminates when either the device is found or
the timeout is reached, whichever happens first. As a result, each waitfor might do nothing
except poll and hold up the rest of the show. You want the CPU 100% utilized during the boot
any idle time adds to the total boot duration. Ideally, then, each waitfor would do a single
device check that succeeds and then continues. An ordering that breaks the logical grouping
can minimize unwanted sleeps by using other program loads to introduce any required delay.
For instance, lets say you need to start an IDE driver in your boot process. That driver must
wait for the hardware to initialize, an operation that always takes 100 milliseconds. Thats what
waitfor does: It waits until your driver has the hardware initialized before proceeding. But
why waste that 100 milliseconds? After starting the IDE driver, start your USB driver (or any
other software) that can effectively utilize that time. If your USB driver takes 100 milliseconds


Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems

to prepare the hardware, youve gotten some extra time for free. Then, when you actually
need the IDE device, the waitfor test will succeed immediately. And youve managed to
shorten the total boot time.
For an example of modifying the script in this way, see Listing 4.
# Starting PCI driver
# Starting Network driver
io-net -dmpc5200 verbose -ptcpip
# Starting Flash driver...
devf-mgt5200 -s0xfe000000,32M
# Starting USB driver...
io-usb -dohci-mgt5200 ioport=0xf0001000,irq=70
# Move these after other driver launches
# to make sure hardware has had enough delay
waitfor /fs0p1
/fs0p1/dumper &
waitfor /dev/io-net/en0 10
ifconfig en0
# Nothing utilizes these devices within this block,
# so these waitfors have been moved to the bottom.
# The intervening code has taken the place of any
# needed delays.
waitfor /dev/pci 4
waitfor /dev/io-usb/io-usb 4

Listing 4 Build script sequence with reordered waitfor placement.

Figures 4 and 5 illustrate the benefits of optimized waitfor placement. This technique has a
potential drawback, however: the driver might not be waiting on the hardware,
but rather, using the processor to do real work. In that case, the reordering will cause all the
drivers to load at once, which will make the task scheduler continually switch between all the
active threads. This can be less efficient than the first method.
To determine whether reordering will improve boot performance, use tracelogger to capture
a system profiler snapshot during boot. If the snapshot shows blocks of time where the CPU is
idle after a driver load and indicates that calls are being made into the kernel every 100 milliseconds, then that driver is a reasonable target for this technique.


Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems

Default waitfor placement

0 ms

100 ms

200 ms

300 ms



400 ms


500 ms


waitfor io-net

waitfor eide

Figure 4 Default waitfor placement. At point A, the EIDE driver starts waiting for a
hardware interrupt. Since the named resource isnt available when the waitfor starts, the
waitfor sleeps for 100 milliseconds. In the meantime, the hardware finishes and the EIDE
driver completes. But because the waitfor is still completing its 100 millisecond sleep, there
is a delay in launching app1 off of the hard disk. At point B, the io-net networking manager
puts itself into the background as a server. As a result, the next line in the script, a waitfor,
begins to execute. Again, the resource isnt immediately available, so the waitfor sleeps.
Io-net finishes without having to wait for hardware, but because the waitfor was timed
poorly, the system sits idle and wastes time before starting ifconfig.

Optimized waitfor placement

0 ms

100 ms

200 ms


300 ms


400 ms

500 ms

waitfor io-net


waitfor eide

Figure 5 Optimized waitfor placement. At point A, the script starts io-net to take
advantage of the EIDE drivers idle time and doesnt use waitfor until its actually needed.
At point B, the system is ready to launch app1, and the waitfor completes immediately
since there has been enough time for the driver to finish. /hd/app1 starts slightly later than
in the default waitfor scenario, but the overall boot time is significantly faster.

Microkernel versus monolithic kernel

If youre used to working with a monolithic kernel like Linux or Windows CE, you might be
inclined to start all your drivers before you start any applications. With a microkernel OS like
the QNX Neutrino RTOS, you have more flexibility and can reorder some of your startup to
take advantage of any idle time. That includes starting applications before starting drivers,
wherever it makes sense.


Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems

For instance, your system may need to play a jingle within a second after power on. To
achieve this, you could easily reorder the startup so that a jingle playback utility runs immediately after the audio driver loads. You could also move the audio driver so that it loads before
most other drivers. (The flash and serial drivers will probably start first, however.)
With this approach, audio-file playback can start while the rest of the system continues to
load. In other words, you dont do the playback in the main() of your normal applications
startup. The audio playback can be a small throwaway utility that terminates as soon as it is
finished. This approach lets you load the rest of the drivers and applications while the jingle is

Modular versus monolithic application design

If you design a system with a single main application, none of the application logic can run
until the entire application is loaded into memory. The larger the application, the more of a
problem this becomes. Consequently, it often makes sense to break your software system into
several logical modules that run as separate processes. Those processes can communicate
via any number of interprocess communication (IPC) mechanisms. Having separate processes also gives you more flexibility in load order, provided theyre not fully dependent on one
another. As a side benefit, you gain protection from memory isolation between those

Library load time

Shared libraries take time to load. When an application is linked to a shared object, the
process loader will first check whether that shared object is already loaded. If it isnt, the
loader must load the object out of permanent storage first (IFS, EFS, or elsewhere). The
process of loading the various ELF sections from the file can take time. Even if the shared
object is already in memory, the application must have fixups applied. The dynamic linker
must look up the symbol names to get the appropriate addresses.
For a large shared object, it can be significantly quicker to statically link the application with
the biggest libraries. That way, you pay for the linker lookup penalties at compile time rather
than at runtime. Of course, statically linking an executable will consume more flash memory
if multiple applications call from that library. Also, this practice may introduce version incompatibilities between applications if the shared library changes and you dont rebuild everything
its linked against. But for some systems, the performance benefits will outweigh the drawbacks.

Language choice
Chances are, you wouldnt use Java to meet early boot requirements. The Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) and class libraries must load before applications can do anything, an
operation that can add seconds to the boot time.


Meeting early boot requirements

QNX Software Systems

Likewise, if you use C++ and have a serious need for early boot speed, you will want to think
through your design. Careful use of C++ isnt a problem. But C++ applications tend to be larger
than their C counterparts, especially when they use frameworks like the Standard Template
Library (STL). They can also use a lot of dynamic memory allocation, which takes time. In
addition, C++ uses large shared object libraries like libcpp.so, which can contribute to longer
load times.
When using C++, try to design components that need quick booting to be very small, with as
few templates, frameworks, and global constructors as possible.

Establishing a baseline
Developers and system designers can employ many techniques to meet early boot requirements. However, before applying any of the techniques described here, always remember to
get a stable baseline measurement of system boot speed. That way, when you start making
changes, you can ensure that youre making real progress towards meeting your requirements.


About QNX Software Systems

QNX Software Systems is the leading global provider of innovative embedded technologies, including

middleware, development tools, and operating systems. The component-based architectures of the QNX

Neutrino RTOS, QNX Momentics Tool Suite, and QNX Aviage middleware family together provide the
industrys most reliable and scalable framework for building high-performance embedded systems. Global
leaders such as Cisco, Daimler, General Electric, Lockheed Martin, and Siemens depend on QNX technology
for vehicle telematics and infotainment systems, industrial robotics, network routers, medical instruments,
security and defense systems, and other mission- or life-critical applications. The company is headquartered in
Ottawa, Canada, and distributes products in over 100 countries worldwide.


2009 QNX Software Systems GmbH & Co. KG. , a subsidiary of Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved. QNX, Momentics, Neutrino, Aviage, Photon
and Photon microGUI are trademarks of QNX Software Systems GmbH & Co. KG, which are registered trademarks and/or used in certain jurisdictions, and are
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