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DX-32 Start Up Procedures PDF

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Bridgeport V2XT or Explorer with DX-32 Control

Machine Start up Procedures

1) At the back or side of the machine is the main disconnect handle.
Turn the handle to the on position.
2) Make sure that the air pressure is on and at about 80 psi.
3) Wait until the multi-colored menu appears on the screen. ( Select
basic menu's will appear in the "0" box).
4) If you see an Emergency Stop error message one of the
Emergency stop buttons is pushed in. Release all of the Emergency
Stop buttons, (some machines have two E-stop buttons, others have
one). Press the ESC key to clear the error message.
5) The screen should now say Drives off.
6) At this time push "7" on the keyboard ( AXSDRV ENABLE ) to start
the axis drives.
7) After the drives off message disappears, push "8" ( HOME AXES ),
then press "ENTER" to position all three axes and the tool changer to
their machine X,Y,Z home positions. ( Pushing "ESC" will cancel ).
8) The last program used will appear on the screen and the control
will show
LOAD PARTPGM from FILE (last file name) to CNC OVERWRITE
Existing PARTPGM in CNC?? <Y> or <ESC>= CANCEL Normally
press the Y key for yes.
9) The menu screen will change and "EXIT BASIC MENU'S" will
appear in the "0" box.

Machine Shut Down

It is not recommended that the machine be shut down when the
Editor is open. Other than that the machine may be shut down at any
point in the software.
1) Press the Emergency Stop button
2) Turn off the main power disconnect switch

3) For machining centers, if the air supply tends to be moist, shut-off

the air supply.

Bridgeport V2XT or Explorer with DX-32 Control

Preparing to run a program

1) Push "0" Until "EXIT BASIC MENU'S" appears in the "0" box.
2) Push "F3" ( SETUP ). This page allows for setting a safe tool change or load/unload
position using "5" ( SET CLRPT ), and for moving to a safe tool change manually
or using "6" ( GOTOCLRPT ).
2a) This page also allows another way to set X0, Y0, Z0 using "1" ( SET X_Y_Z_ ).
2b) Using "3" ( JOG ), the jog page may be accessed from this location also.
3) To load the program to be run, push "F7" ( LOAD ). A new screen appears which
lists all of the text ( .TXT ) files available on the work directory for running. Use
the up or down arrow key's on the keyboard to highlight the desired file in red, or
select a different directory. Push "ENTER".
3a) A new screen will appear and ask a question at the top of the page inside the red
box. Push "Y". The setup menu page will re-appear. The file ( Program ) is now
loaded from the diskette into memory. Push "0" ( EXIT SETUP MENU ).
4) Push "F4" ( RUN ). The run menu now appears on the screen.
4a) Push "5" ( RESET PROGRM ). This will reset or rewind the program to the top.
Push "1" ( AUTO ). This will place the control in the run mode which enables the
4b) Push the "START" button.
NOTE : When first starting any program, always place a finger ( or thumb ) over the
feed hold button. This simple act will enable the operator to respond quickly to
any unanticipated movements of the machine, ( i.e. A crash, crunch, oops, or
misjudgment in work or tool length offsets) which could save the operator from
embarrassment and or cost of repairs. It may also be advisable to Press the "3"
Feed Override button to enable adjusting the feed rates during the initial run.

Bridgeport V2XT or Explorer with DX-32 Control

Setting X0 Y0
1) Push "0" until " EXIT BASIC MENU'S" appears in the "0" box.
2) Push "9" ( JOG ). This menu allows for movement of each axis.
3) Select "1" ( JOG X ) or "4" ( JOG Y ) and the use the jog button(s) to move the
machine near the point of the part to be designated as "X0", "Y0", ( i.e. often the
back left hand corner of the material ).
4) Using an edge finder or pointer or indicator and the corresponding jog knobs,
touch the side of the material in or along the X axis.
5) Push "F6" ( SET X ). The message (SET X) appears in the upper left hand corner of
the screen ( i.e. SET X ). If a .200 diameter edge finder is used, enter half of that
value ( i.e. -.100, including the decimal point ). Push "ENTER". X0 is now set.
6) Follow the same example as no. 5 above to find "Y", only the "F7" is pushed to set
7) Push "F9" ( QU UP ) to move the head ( Z axis ) to it's highest position.

Bridgeport V2XT or Explorer with DX-32 Control

Setting Tool Length Offsets
Each of the 24 tool numbers has it's own tool file that contains the tool length
offset and the diameter. These offsets are automatically loaded when the tool is
selected using an M6. If the tool number is in the program without the M6, only the tool
diameter will be loaded.

Setting the Tool Length Reference

It is recommended that the Part Coordinate System be set to Z 0 at the Quill up
or F9 position. This is the Z home position. All tool length offsets will then be the
distance from this position to the part Z0

To set the Z0 at Quill up

1) From the basic menu press 6 (STM) to change to a tool with a 0 tool length offset.
If none of the tools have a 0 tool length Press 7 (Set T//), enter the tool number
desired and enter the tool length and diameter as 0, then press ESC to exit menu.
This can be done either before or after the tool has been loaded.
2) Press F3 (SETUP)
3) Press F9 (QU/UP)
4) Press 1 (SET XYZ)
5) Entry boxes appear for the X Y and Z values. Press the enter key twice to skip the X
and Y values then type 0 and enter for the Z value. The read out on the screen
should now say Z 0.
6) Press ESC to escape this menu and 0 to exit the SETUP menu.

Setting the Tool Length

1) From the Basic Menu press 6 (STM) to change to the desired tool.
2) Press 9 (JOG)
3) Use the Jog buttons and Rotary switch to move the tool tip to the Z0 surface
4) Press F8 (TLO=Z)
5) The dialog box at the top of the screen asks for the tool number, type the tool
number and press enter.
6) Type the tool diameter and press enter. The Z axis readout should now show 0
7) Repeat for each tool
If the tool is to be touched off from a surface other than Z0 press the * instead of the tool
number in step 5. Then type the gage height, the distance the surface is from Z0, and
press ENTER. Now enter the tool number as in step 5. After step 6 the readout should
show the Z to be at the gage height.

Bridgeport V2XT or Explorer with DX-32 Control

Basic Program Structure
Program Start

Optional program number

Optional initialization

Tool Change

Tool change at the XY location

Spindle on at RPM
Move to part, coolant on


Tool change at the clear point

Spindle on at RPM
Move to part, coolant on

Program End
N___G0 X____Y____M2

Z to clearance plane, coolant off

End of program at XY location


Z to clearance plane, coolant off

End of program at clear point

Sequence numbers are always optional, except loop end block
Program could begin with the tool change

Bridgeport BPC-MC and DX-32 Control

Cutter Compensation Rules
G41 - Cutter comp on, left; Climb mill for right hand cutters.
G42 - Cutter comp on, right; Conventional mill for right hand cutters.
G40 - Cutter comp cancel


Rules for Cutter Compensation

Program collinear moves.
Program steps less than the cutter radius without G48.
Program Z only moves with less than two XY moves between them, or
in the first three or last two blocks of a path.
Program M-codes that cause motion.
Program Canned cycles.
Change cutter offset, or side without proper turn off and on.

1) Repeat setup position and turn on comp; G41G1X_Y_F_ . This will not cause
any machine movement.
2) Make a perpendicular move to the part path. This move must be mathematically
greater than the comp radius. The actual movement must be
at least .0001".
3) Program using the actual part dimensions.
4) Make a perpendicular move away from the part and cancel comp;
G40G1X_Y_ . This move must be mathematically greater than the comp
radius. The actual motion must be at least .0001".
The minimum offset diameter value is 0.0002
G45 Cutter comp feed modify, provides the programmed feed rate at the
cutter edge. This is the on condition.
G44 Cancel G45
G49 Auto Rounding, provides zero radius arcs around corners. This is the on
G48 Cancel G49
While in cutter comp, block deceleration is automatically overridden.

Cutter Compensation Example 1

This example climbmills around a 5" square block with 1/2" radii in the corners. X0Y0 is
located at the upper, left corner.

Move to start position, center of swing on arc

"Do rule 1"
"Do rule 2", move to swing on arc
Swing onto part
"Do rule 3"

Swing off of part

"Do rule 4", move to center of swing off arc

Cutter Compensation Example 2

Using multiple diameters
g0t6m6;1" endmill

Macro definition line

Rule 1
Rule 2
Swing on move

Swing off move

Rule 4

Sets and activates 1.05 diameter for t23, value is active now
Defines f1 as 10. ipm
Calls macro 1 with 1.05 dia offset active leaving .025 on part
Defines and activates 1.01 diameter for t23, value active now
Calls macro 1 with 1.025 dia offset active leaving .005 on part
Activates table diameter value of t6
Defines f1 as 15. ipm
Calls macro 1 with actual diameter offset active

Bridgeport BPC-MC and DX-32 Control

Basic Four G-Codes
Rapid Travel
Linear Interpolation
Clockwise Circular Interpolation
Counter clockwise Circular Interpolation
In all cases, the G-code, axis words and the feedrate are modal and only need to be
entered if they are new values.
* Rapid blocks are split Z moves with the XY portion of the move always occurring at
the higher of the two Z values, either the start Z or the end Z value.
** It is recommended that all G-code and axis data for circular blocks be entered.
*** If the R or I and J in polar circular blocks are in the previous block it is acceptable to
leave them out of the circular block, (G2A___).

Bridgeport V2XT or Explorer with DX-32 Control

Drilling, Boring & Reaming Canned Cycles

G81= Standard Drill; Feed in-Rapid out
G82= Spot Drill; Feed in, Dwell, Rapid out
G83= Peck Drill; Feed in, Full retract, Rapid in, Feed in, Full retract, Rapid in,
Feed in,...., Rapid out
G85= Bore/Ream; Feed in-Feed out
G86= Bore with dead retract; Feed in, Orient spindle, Rapid out, restart spindle.
G87= Chip Break; Feed in, Short retract, Feed in, Short retract,...., Rapid out

G89= Bore/Ream with dwell; Feed in, Dwell, Feed out


1) The tool tip must located at the Z clearance position prior to the G8_ block.
2) XY values- if an X or Y value is not present in the block it is a definition only and
drilling will not occur until an XY location is given.
3) Z values- the first Z is the unsigned, incremental depth. The second Z is the length
of the first peck in a G83 or G87 cycle. The third Z is length of all subsequent pecks
in a G83 or G87 cycle.
4) Q value- is the dwell time in seconds.
5) Unless the last hole operation is followed by a G0 it should be followed by a G80.

Tapping Cycles
G84= Tension/Compression Tapping; Feed in-Reverse spindle & Feed out
Usually used for moderate numbers of holes, or holes to large for available selfreversing tap heads. Faster than Solid tapping and easier to set up than Self reversing
If G94; F=.98 * RPM / Threads per Inch
If G95; F=.98 * 1/ Threads per Inch.
The .98 may be increased towards 1 as the hole gets deeper.

G85= Self-reversing Tap Head; Feed in, Feed out

Usually used for production runs, especially of small holes. Takes the most time to set
up but taps many times faster than other methods.
If G94; F=.95 * RPM / Threads per Inch
If G95; F=.95 * 1/ Threads per Inch.
The .95 may vary by hole depth and Tap head type.
Rigid or Solid Tapping is not available on these machines

Advanced Z-Axis Canned Cycles

The advanced drilling cycles are multiple hole cycles that 'drill' bolt circles, rows or
rectangular frames of holes. The last digit of the three digit G-code selects which of the
standard G80 cycles will produce the holes, e.g., G193 produces a rectangular frame of
holes drilled with the G83 cycle.

Bolt Circles & Arcs

G18?R__A__I__J__Z__A__P__- - - - ? = the last digit of the G80 cycle desired
R = the bolt circle radius
A = the polar angle of the first hole to be drilled
I = the X axis center of the bolt circle
J = the y axis center of the bolt circle
Z = the Z axis clearance plane
A = the signed, incremental angle from the first hole to the last hole
P = the number of holes in the pattern, requires decimal point
- - - - - = the Z axis depths, dwells and feedrates used by the G80 cycle selected
Produces half a 1-1/2" diameter bolt circle around X1.5Y1.5, starting at polar angle 90
degrees with 5 holes equally spaced in the counterclockwise direction to polar angle
170 degrees. The holes are drilled with a G83 cycle, starting at Z0.1 and going 1.1
deep with a first step of 0.5 and subsequent steps of 0.2 at a feedrate of 20 IPM.

G18?X__Y__Z__X__Y__P__- - - - ? = the last digit of the G80 cycle desired
X = the X location of the first hole in the row
Y = the Y location of the first hole in the row
Z = the Z axis clearance plane
X = the signed, incremental X distance to the last hole from the first hole
Y = the signed, incremental Y distance to the last hole from the first hole
P = the number of holes in the row, requires a decimal point
- - - - - = the Z axis depths, dwells and feedrates used by the G80 cycle selected
Produces a row of holes starting at X1.5Y5. and ending at X3.5Y3. with 4 equally
spaced holes. The holes are drilled with a G83 cycle, starting at Z0.1 and going 1.1
deep with a first step of 0.5 and subsequent steps of 0.2 at a feedrate of 20 IPM.

Rectangular Frame
G19?X__Y__Z__X__Y__P__P__- - - - ? = the last digit of the G80 cycle desired
X = the X location of a corner hole in the frame
Y = the Y location of the same corner hole in the frame
Z = the Z axis clearance plane
X = the signed, incremental X distance to the opposite corner hole from the first hole
Y = the signed, incremental Y distance to the opposite corner hole from the first hole
P = the number of holes in the X direction, including the corners, with decimal point
P = the number of holes in the Y direction, including the corners, with decimal point
- - - - - = the Z axis depths, dwells and feedrates used by the G80 cycle selected
Produces a rectangular frame of holes starting at X1.5Y5. with the opposite corner at
X3.5Y3. with 5equally spaced holes in the X axis and 4 equally spaced holes in the Y
axis. The corner holes are counted for both axes. The holes are drilled with a G83
cycle, starting at Z0.1 and going 1.1 deep with a first step of 0.5 and subsequent steps
of 0.2 at a feedrate of 20 IPM.

Bridgeport BPC-MC and DX-32 Control

Loops are sections of program that have been marked in a way that allows them to
be repeated a specified number of times in a program. They are usually used to
shorten a program or to make it easier to modify a program. The drawback to using
loops is that a program cannot be restarted from inside a loop. The loop must be run in
its entirety.
Typical Loop Format



Example Loop

Set-up position that allows the first incremental move in the

loop to move the feature to its first position. Not always
Loop call where N___ is the sequence number that marks
the end of the loop and /__ is the number, without decimal
point, of times to run the loop. This block cannot have a
sequence number.
Move within the loop, usually an incremental move that
causes the feature to move to its new location.
Loop motions

End of loop. The Naaa must match the loop call block.
This block may have a motion command in it. This block
cannot be immediately preceded by a macro call.
This cuts a 2" square(less tool dia) .5" deep in four passes
Set-up position
Repeat through N30 4 times
Return to XY position with an incremental Z move of -.125
N15 thru N30 cut a square

End of loop, return to loop call unless last repeat, then go

to next block.

Example 2
Example 2, Center drill only, format for machining centers
G0T1M6; 90 deg spot drill


Characters after a semi-colon are a note only

Setup position to allow incremental move to first hole
Decimal point as first character makes this a definition
block, see manual page 6. Because there is no XY, this
block does not cause cycle execution.
Repeat thru line N200 three times
Incremental Y move to drill first hole in the row
Repeat thru line N100 eleven times
Incremental X move to drill 11 holes in the row
Incremental Y move to last hole in next row
Repeat thru line N101 eleven times
Incremental X move to drill 11 holes in the row
End of repeat for =N200
Continue the program.

For expansion of this example see Handout 9

Macros or Subroutines
Macros or subroutines are sections of program that have been defined in a way
that allows them to be used repeatedly in a program. They are usually used to shorten
a program or to make it easier to modify a program. When combined with variables
they are a very powerful programming tool. The drawback to using macros is that a
program cannot be restarted from inside a macro. The macro must be run in its
entirety. The macro definition must be programmed before the macro call in the
program since the control only looks back to find a macro.

Example 2

Example 2, Center drill only, format for machining centers

G0T1M6;90 deg spot drill Characters after a semi-colon are a note only
Setup position to allow incremental move to first hole
Decimal point as first character makes this a definition block,
see manual page 6. Because there is no XY, this block
does not cause cycle execution.
Start of macro 1
Repeat thru line N200 three times
Incremental Y move to drill first hole in the row
Repeat thru line N100 eleven times
Incremental X move to drill 11 holes in the row
Incremental Y move to last hole in next row
Repeat thru line N101 eleven times
Incremental X move to drill 11 holes in the row
End of repeat for =N200/3
The end of repeat block must not be the last block before the
$ or the $ will not be seen by the control
End of macro 1
Call macro 1
Cancel drilling cycle. This should be a definition block since
the cycle was turned on with a definition block.
G0T2M6; .210 drill
Setup position to allow incremental move to first hole
Decimal point as first character makes this a definition block,
see manual page 6. Because there is no XY, this block
does not cause cycle execution.
G0T3M6; -20 tap
Setup position to allow incremental move to first hole
Enable rigid tapping
Decimal point as first character makes this a definition block,
see manual page 6. Because there is no XY, this block
does not cause cycle execution.
Cancels rigid tapping

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