Dispute Settlement in Wto
Dispute Settlement in Wto
Dispute Settlement in Wto
States. The final outcome of the negotiations was the DSU which
dealt with many of the perceived weaknesses of the GATT
system as well as, at least partially, satisfying the differing
objectives of its leading members.
The new negative consensus requirement means that the
implementation of panel findings can no longer be blocked by
respondents, so triggering the right of plaintiffs to retaliate.
Automaticity is a pivotal element of the DSU, which includes a
clearly stipulated timetable for the dispute settlement procedures
and limited potential for cross-retaliation between sectors.
Unilateral action is constrained by the requirements that
Members abide by the rules and procedures of the DSU and that
their national laws comply with their obligations under the WTO.
The introduction of the DSU must also be viewed as having
been a necessary condition for the successful implementation of
the range of revised and new trade rules, known collectively as
the Uruguay Round Agreements. The more substantial legal
framework of the DSU is capable of enforcing the complex rules
of these agreements but this would not have been possible under
the previous GATT system.
The DSU is an integral part of the Uruguay Agreements, running
to 27 Articles and four Appendices. This Section outlines the
principal operating procedures of the WTO dispute settlement
system with respect to the key articles of the DSU.
The Grounds for a Complaint Under the WTO DSU
GATT Article XXIII, Nullification or Impairment, stood at the
centre of the GATT dispute settlement system and its paragraphs
continue to define the conditions under which violation of the
WTO rules permit Members to seek redress and their means of
so doing. There are three specific circumstances identified in
GATT Article XXIII under which WTO Members are permitted
to make a complaint under the DSU. The standard case is where
increased tariff revenue but its consumers will face higher prices
such that neither side is better off as a result of permitted
In some cases, a respondent may choose not to withdraw an
illegal trade measure, whether for logistical or other reasons.
Instead, the provision of compensation is permitted as a
temporary measure pending the withdrawal of the measure that
is inconsistent. In the dispute over beef produced with growth
hormones brought by Canada and the United States, the EU has
refused to remove its import restrictions in spite of their being
found to be illegal by a WTO panel. Instead, the EU has willingly
accepted retaliation on the grounds that its import restrictions are
justified by health fears over the long-term effects on consumers.
An important procedural dispute arose in the second WTO
banana case between the EU and the United States over the
relative primacy and sequencing of compliance and compensation
(Articles 21 and 22 of the DSU). The United States wished to
retaliate immediately while the EU argued that this could only be
done if its new trade measures for bananas were found not to
comply with the WTO rules. This matter was eventually referred
to the WTO General Council for clarification. An arbitration
panel however, ruled that an Article 21.5 ruling was not a prerequisite for action under Article 22.6. This decision has never
been adopted since neither the EU nor the United States desired
this legal precedent to become established in WTO case law
because of its broader implications for dispute settlement.
The Magnitude of Compensation, the Suspension of
Concessions & Retaliation
The magnitude of any compensation or suspension of
concessions is required to be equivalent to the level of harm
(nullification or impairment) that is caused by any illegal
measure. The DSB authorises the suspension of concessions
automatically under the negative consensus rule unless the
respondent objects, in which case the matter is referred to
arbitration, normally to the original panel.
the products on its retaliatory list every 180 days. This would
increase the uncertainty faced by EU exporters to the United
States. Carouseling is not illegal under the WTO rules but its use
would be expected to result in legal action by the EU. In the
banana dispute, the United States made it known that it
retaliatory targets included exports of luxury cashmere products
from Scotland. In the recent steel dispute, the EU proposed a
short retaliatory list worth some $390 million and a long list
worth $625 million. In addition to targeting imports of US steel
products, these lists targeted sensitive exports from politically
key marginal states in the 2004 US Presidential Election.
Further Reading on the DSU and WTO Trade Disputes
The best source of information about the WTO DSU is A
Handbook on the WTO Dispute Settlement System (2004). This
provides a full discussion of the procedures and operation of the
DSU, the interpretation of its articles and recent developments. A
comparative overview of the performance of the GATT and
WTO dispute settlement systems can be found in Trade Dispute
Settlement Mechanisms: the WTO Dispute Settlement
Understanding in the Wake of the GATT (Read, 2005). More
general analyses of the WTO, including the DSU, can be found in
The Political Economy of the World Trading System (Hoekman
and Kostecki, 2001) and The Regulation of International Trade
(Trebilcock and Howse, 1999).
Up to date documentation for every case dealt with under
the DSU is available on the WTO web-site at
Information and documentation about WTO trade disputes
involving the EU can be found on its web-site at http://tradeinfo.cec.eu.int/wtodispute/search.cfm. Details and publications
relating to investigations by the US International Trade
http://www.usitc.gov/webinv.htm. In depth discussions of several
recent trade disputes, including bananas, beef hormones and steel
can be found in The WTO & the Regulation of International
Trade: Recent Trade Disputes Between the European Union &
the United States (Perdikis and Read, 2005). The banana and
beef hormones cases are also discussed in Transatlantic
Economic Disputes: the EU, the US & the WTO (Petersmann
and Pollack, 2003).
Almost all of the 300-plus trade disputes that have arisen since
the inception of the DSU have been resolved in accord with
WTO disciplines. The number of completed cases is now
sufficient for several critical issues of concern to be identified
relating the operation and application of the WTO dispute
settlement system.
The willingness of the worlds strongest and most influential
economies to adhere to an agreed set of multilateral trade rules
must be seen as a positive indication of not only the health of the
global economy but also of the effectiveness of the DSU and
international economic relations in general. This view is
supported by the leading role played by the DSU in resolving
recent major trade disputes between the EU and the United
States in bananas and steel. Nevertheless, questions still remain
concerning the scope of the WTO trade rules and the
effectiveness of the DSU.
Bias in the Use & Outcomes of the DSU
The WTO dispute settlement system has been accused of being
biased against developing countries in that it favours the leading
industrialised countries. The EU and the United States, in
particular, are seen as having created and using the DSU to
achieve their own objectives by virtue of their international
economic and political leverage, greater resources and retaliatory
power. The DSU however, is a more effective system for settling
disputes because the dependence of the GATT system on positive
consensus was vulnerable to pressure.
Empirical analyses of WTO dispute cases indicate that the
industrialised countries have been the primary complainants and
There is a concern, arising partly as a consequence of the
misgivings about panellists, that panels and the WTO Appellate
Body are exceeding the scope of their remit. That is, that they
are interpreting some of the WTO Agreements in a manner that
affects the rights of Members, positively or negatively, without
their consent.
The Transparency of the Panel and Appellate Systems
A further concern relating partly to automaticity and the
functions of panels and the Appellate Body is that their
procedures lack transparency. Because evidence and written
submissions to panels are generally confidential until the
publication of Panel Reports, the WTO system has been accused
of excessive secrecy. Greater transparency is unlikely to have an
adverse impact upon the system although it is opposed by many
developing countries.
The Implementation of Panel Recommendations and
There is some debate about the relative primacy of Articles 21.5
and 22.6 of the DSU, highlighted by the WTO banana case. The
former provides for referral back to a panel where there is
disagreement about compliance with a ruling while the latter
provides for automatic retaliation in such a case. The DSU
currently provides no indication of which Article should take
precedence although logic suggests that the suspension of
concessions should await a decision on the consistency of a
revised measure.
The Participation of Developing Countries in the DSU
Although the DSU Articles pay special attention to the needs of
developing countries, their participation continues to be
constrained by a lack of financial and intellectual resources
necessary to fight dispute cases, whether as plaintiffs or
WTO (1999), The Legal Texts: the Results of the Uruguay Round of
Multilateral Trade Negotiations, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
WTO (2004), A Handbook on the WTO Dispute Settlement System,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.