Cadence Lab Manual
Cadence Lab Manual
Cadence Lab Manual
We will now begin the design by implementing the logic design of the 8-bit Pipelined adder. The
following sections introduce you to the procedures to use Cadence for schematic capture and
simulation which you will use to implement the required logic design.\]
1. Introduction to Cadence tool
If you see ***/xlsfonts: not found, disregard it. You can also see two pop-up windows
telling you whats new about this version of Cadence. Click ok. At the same time, a
small rectangular window will pop up. This is called Command Interpreter Window
(CIW). This is where virtuso will display all the messages about your commands. Do
not close this window (except when quitting!) and always keep this window visible.
CIW displays all the error and warning messages, so please look into this whenever
possible. Also it will guide you what to do next. A window called Library Manager will
also pop up.
The heading of the CIW is Virtuoso - Log: /homes/xxxx/CDS.log and has four menus
File, Tools, Options and Help. The lower left corner has the virtuoso prompt which
displays ">", when it awaits next action.
We can now create designs in virtuoso. It stores all data in a library. A library can
contain one or more designs. Designs in a library use a technology file, which describes
the rules associated with the fabrication processes. So when we create a new library, the
first thing which should be done is to attach a technology file to a new library. To create
a new library, open Library Manager thru Tools > Library Manager in CIW, then
choose File > New. You will see three items when you do left click on New: Library,
Cellview, and Category. Library is the top concept in hierarchical structure. And below
are cells with several different properties. For physical layout design, the Cellview
name is layout. If it is a gate level design, the Cellview name is schematic. For
transistor level design, we use cmos.sch. We have also extracted, and symbol
which will be used in the following labs.
Virtuoso uses Library Manager for browsing through all the libraries. The Library
Manager has several libraries including any designs created by you. Several other predesigned libraries are also required before your own design. This is why file cds.lib
was copied to your directory when you start cadence, make sure it exists under your
current running directory. In the Library Manager window, select Edit > Library Path,
and you will see the Library Path Editor window pops up. In the window, select File >
Open to find and select the cds.lib file just saved in your cadence directory, click it,
and press OK. You can simply ignore warning messages about unlocked file. If the
cds.lib file is well launched, you will see the Library path Editor window as below.
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