Cadence Lab Manual

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The key takeaways are how to use Cadence for schematic capture and simulation to implement logic designs such as an 8-bit pipelined adder. Individual components like a full adder and 4-bit register are designed and then combined to form the overall design.

The steps to create a new library in Cadence are to open the Library Manager, click File > New > Library, type in a name for the library, choose to attach an existing technology library, and select the appropriate technology file.

The steps to create a schematic in Cadence are to open the library containing the desired technology file, click File > New > Schematic, type in a name for the schematic, and begin adding components from the library and connecting them.

ECEN 454 Lab1: Introduction to Cadence Schematic Capture &

We will now begin the design by implementing the logic design of the 8-bit Pipelined adder. The
following sections introduce you to the procedures to use Cadence for schematic capture and
simulation which you will use to implement the required logic design.\]
1. Introduction to Cadence tool
If you see ***/xlsfonts: not found, disregard it. You can also see two pop-up windows
telling you whats new about this version of Cadence. Click ok. At the same time, a
small rectangular window will pop up. This is called Command Interpreter Window
(CIW). This is where virtuso will display all the messages about your commands. Do
not close this window (except when quitting!) and always keep this window visible.
CIW displays all the error and warning messages, so please look into this whenever
possible. Also it will guide you what to do next. A window called Library Manager will
also pop up.
The heading of the CIW is Virtuoso - Log: /homes/xxxx/CDS.log and has four menus
File, Tools, Options and Help. The lower left corner has the virtuoso prompt which
displays ">", when it awaits next action.
We can now create designs in virtuoso. It stores all data in a library. A library can
contain one or more designs. Designs in a library use a technology file, which describes
the rules associated with the fabrication processes. So when we create a new library, the
first thing which should be done is to attach a technology file to a new library. To create
a new library, open Library Manager thru Tools > Library Manager in CIW, then
choose File > New. You will see three items when you do left click on New: Library,
Cellview, and Category. Library is the top concept in hierarchical structure. And below
are cells with several different properties. For physical layout design, the Cellview
name is layout. If it is a gate level design, the Cellview name is schematic. For
transistor level design, we use cmos.sch. We have also extracted, and symbol
which will be used in the following labs.
Virtuoso uses Library Manager for browsing through all the libraries. The Library
Manager has several libraries including any designs created by you. Several other predesigned libraries are also required before your own design. This is why file cds.lib
was copied to your directory when you start cadence, make sure it exists under your
current running directory. In the Library Manager window, select Edit > Library Path,
and you will see the Library Path Editor window pops up. In the window, select File >
Open to find and select the cds.lib file just saved in your cadence directory, click it,
and press OK. You can simply ignore warning messages about unlocked file. If the
cds.lib file is well launched, you will see the Library path Editor window as below.

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Figure 1. Library management

At the Library Manager window, click File > New > Library and type in name Design
as shown below. Click OK.

Figure 2. New library

Next, you will find a menu for technology file. Choose Attach to an existing
technology library and click OK. Then choose NCSU_TechLib_tsmc02 as shown
below. It means from now when you design a device, you will do it according to the
rules related to this technology.
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Figure 3. Attach library to tsmc02 tech

2. Schematic of the Fulladder Circuit.
The full adder is the basic building block of the 4-bit adder block that we need to design which
we will eventually use to create the 8-bit Pipelined adder. The method is to create the design
(schematic in this case) of the lowest building block (fulladder) and create a symbol of this
design which can be reused in some other design (we would be using it in a higher level design
to create a 4-bit adder)
In this lab we will design a one-bit adder. So lets create a new cell called "fulladder".
For this click on the Design library in the Library Manager window and choose File
New > Cell view. Type cell name and view name. (Figures are just reference only. Do
type as it shows)

Figure 4. Creating a schematic for fulladder

In the Cell Name field, type "fulladder". As mentioned, above there can be several
designs in a library and cadence stores each design as a cell. Also each cell can be
represented in many ways for example as gate level or transistor level schematics,
layouts, SPICE netlists or verilog etc. virtuoso calls these representations as cellviews.
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Since a design can be represented in many ways i.e. there can be many cellviews for a
For the adder design we will create a gate level schematic. This is called a "schematic
view". In the view name field, type "schematic". Click OK on the form and a schematic
view is created.
Click on the fulladder cell in the Library Manager and you can see the schematic cell
view ("fulladder schematic"). By now you should be clear with cells and cell views, if
not ask your TA. Also look back and see the procedure for creating cells and cell views.
This is the general procedure and you must remember it.
We can now create the first design - a gate-level schematic of 1-bit full adder. The adder
will take three inputs: A, B and C (carry-in). The output will be two bits: SUM and
CARRY. If you are not aware of the truth table for the adder, ask your TA.
From the truth table the SUM and the CARRY functions can be generated. This can be
simplified to CARRY = AB + (A XOR B) C and SUM = (A) XOR (B) XOR (C).
To start the Cadence schematic editor, called Virtuoso, (if it is not already open), hold
the middle mouse button on the schematic cellview of fulladder in the library Manager,
scroll down and choose "Open". At most of time the editor will pop up automatically
when you add the new cell. This is where you design your schematic. To create an
instance of a gate, choose Create Instance from the editor menu. Component
Browser (CB) and Add Instance window pops up.

Figure 5. Add instance for schematic view

Choose library NCSU_Digital_Parts in CB. You will see lots of items like And, Flipflops, etc. You can choose any gate you want from this list. If you want OR gate, click
OR in CB. You will see OR2, OR3 OR6. Choose OR2 if you want 2 inputs OR
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gate. If you click OR2, the Add Instance window will be automatically filled. Move
your mouse to Virtuoso window and click at the point where you want to place the OR
gate. One more click you will have one more OR gate. Press ESC if you do not want
OR gate any more.
NOTE: Use only XOR and NAND2 (you will have to figure out how to replace the AND and OR
gates with only NAND2 gates) for the full adder. This is to maintain consistency among all
students and it also means you have to implement only the XOR and NAND2 layouts.
(Remember: step 2 in section 2 of Lab0 will ask you to implement layouts of all the logic gates
you used in the schematic design. Not only will you have to design fewer layouts (NAND2 instead
of AND and OR) but also the implementation of a NAND2 layout can be easier than that of an
AND or OR layout as you will find in the following weeks).
Also, try to minimize the number of gates used in your design. A fulladder circuit can be
composed of totally 5 gates of XOR and NAND2.
Place as many instances of this gate as required. When you finish press ESC key. If you
have placed some extra instances then go to Edit > Delete in the Composer menu and
click on the instance to delete. To exit from the Delete mode press ESC. To save the
design click on File > Check and Save. Always save your work when you finish some
important operations.
Place instances of all the gates required and make you familiar with Add Instance and
Delete Instance functions. Make sure you have plenty of space left for wiring your
schematic. You can Zoom In and out to fit a part or whole of your design using View
Zoom In and Zoom Out respectively.
We now have to wire the design. Before that we need to place input and output pins. The
pins are for the input output connection of this design and also help for the simulation.
We need five pins, three input pins A, B, C and two output pins SUM and CARRY.
Select Create Pin in the Virtuoso menu. Add Pin form pops up. Type A B C in the
Pin Names field. Make sure that the Direction of the pin is input. Go to the schematic
window and place the three input pins wherever you feel appropriate. (You might have
to zoom).

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Figure 6. Add pin for schematic view

Note that the pins A, B and C are different from the A, B and C you see on the instances
of the gates. These (the later) are for the gates themselves, one level below the
hierarchy. In the same way, create the output pins SUM and CARRY but remember
to change the direction field in the Add Pin form to output.
Before wiring lets see some Composer functions. You can move and copy the instances
using Edit > Move and Edit > Copy functions. Also you can undo the changes made
using Edit > Undo. The CIW and the lower corner of the Composer will guide you.
Finally lets wire the schematic. Choose Create> Wire (narrow) in the window. Click
on the A pin, a wire follows you. Take it to the point you want it to go and notice that
the editor does automatic routing for you. Place it at the output of the proper gate.
Similarly wire the rest of the circuit. Note that the wires can overlap without making
contacts unless you explicitly do so. To make sure you wire to the exact place you want,
notice that there is a diamond appearing when you wire to some place.
You can connect up to 3 wires at one branch of wire. Pins are to be connected to
instances thru wires, and if you just put the Pins on the input/output pins of a gate
instance, they are not actually connected. Always use wires to make connections
between instances. For example, your input is A[3:0], you could use bus pin option to
connect your input A[3],A[2],A[1],A[0] independently like belows;

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Figure 7. Add bus pin independently

Or you could use regular pin combined with bus wire name to implement the same
function (select Creat->Wire Name)

Figure 8. Add regular pin with bus wire name

Wire the rest of the circuit on your own. To save the design click on File > Check and
Save. Look in the CDS.log Window for error messages. If there were errors, there
would also be cross markers blinking on the schematic window. Try to correct the
errors and ask your TA if you need help.
We next create a symbol view of the schematic. Choose Create > Cellview > From

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Figure 9. Creating a symbol for schematic view

This creates a symbol view of the fulladder in the Library. This can be observed in the
Library manager. Observe Design > fulladder > symbol. This symbol consists of the
fulladder block along with ports standing for the pins that were used in the design (in
this case them being A, B, C as inputs and SUM, Carry as outputs). You could also edit
it to make it look much better.
3. Simulation
To make sure the schematic we just completed works properly, we will simulate it using
NC-Verilog logic simulator. Note that this is just the logic simulation of schematic and
it does not give out accurate timing information (in fact, assuming zero gate delay
model here).
To invoke the NC-Verilog simulator select Launch> Simulation > NC-Verilog in the
schematic window. The Setup Environment window appears. Make sure the Run
Directory (it will be fulladder_run1 or xxxx_run1 if you give different name of the
cell), Library, View and Cell fields are filled correctly. First click Commands ->
Initialize Design. If error happened, click Setup -> Simulation, change the path of NCVerilog Executable as belows. Then click initialize again. Next, click Commands>Generate Netlist.

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Figure 10. Simulation configuration

We first need to edit a test fixture where we specify the test vectors, which NC-Verilog
uses to simulate. We will use all the eight possible input combinations as test vectors to
validate your design. Note that in real design; generally we cannot afford the time and
memory to do test on all input combinations. To edit test fixture, select Commands>Edit Test Fixture, You would find testfixture.verilog is the stimulus file. You can
use any text editors (e.g., gedit, gvim, etc.) you prefer to edit it, its path should be >
cadence > fulladder_run1 > testfixture.verilog

Figure 11. Edit test fixture

The test fixture, which appears is the default test fixture in Verilog Hardware
Description Language. A Hardware Description language (HDL) is used to describe a
hardware circuit. At present we will just see very basics of Verilog HDL and study it in
more detail in other labs.
The default test fixture consists of some Verilog code and comments, which start with
// (as in C++, in fact Verilog is similar to C). Anything following // is commented
out. Next is an initial statement. This tells Verilog to perform the following task at start
up. A begin and end tell Verilog to perform the following lines in the initial block.
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The three statements tell Verilog to set the three inputs to zero. The 1'b0 means one bit,
binary zero. A 3-bit representation of decimal four would be 3'b100 or 3'd4 (d denotes
decimal). Similarly hexadecimal can be specified as h. Note that since no timing
information is associated with the assignment statements, all the three statements are
executed in parallel. That is, all three bits are set to zero at time t = 0.
We will add timing information right now. Here it works like a clock. Since we do not
extract timing information from the circuit and this is still just logic simulation, we
would feed different input signals at different time that can be seen as delay of input.
The Verilog uses #time directive to add delay, which means halt time nsec and then
proceed. The second test vector could then be #50 C = 1'b1; //ABC = 001. Note that
we are just changing the value of C, as A ad B remain the same. Similarly add all the
eight possible test vectors for the three inputs. You can add comments for each
statement also to make it clear. When two statements are to be executed in parallel then
use the same #time directive for two assignments. For example to produce vector 011 at
50 ns (if A = 0, B = 0 and C = 0 at 0ns) use #50 B = 1'b1; C = 1'b1.
To observe the simulation results, add several lines at the end of your test fixture file as
the following:
$monitor ($time," A=%b, B=%b, C=%b, SUM=%b, CARRY=%b", A, B, C, SUM, CARRY);
Make sure the signal name is exactly same as you used in the schematic.
Then remember to use Edit Test Fixture->Stimulus->Check Syntax to make sure your
stimulus does not have any syntax error.
After finish stimulus file, choose Commands->Simulate in the NC-Verilog Integration
window and two SimVision window will pop out. On Design Browser window, click
Simulation->run, which stimulate the actual simulation, then open file named
simout.tmp under directory fulladder_run1, check whether logic is correct or not.

Figure 12. Check simulation result

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If there is any error you will have to change the test fixture or the design and run the
simulation again. Ask your TA if you are stuck.
4. Complete logic Simulation
The above sections contained instructions on how to capture a schematic and perform logic
simulation. Now we have to follow these instructions to complete the entire design (keep figure
1 of Lab 0 in mind...that is what we have to build and simulate to verify) of the pipelined
adder. Make sure you name the schematics and other files you use appropriately so that you
may look back anytime.
The next step would be to design the 4-bit adder. For this, we use a new schematic
window. Open a new schematic (preferably in the same library to maintain hierarchy)
according to the procedures described in the above sections. We can now add instances
of the fulladder by choosing the Design library in the component browser where we
can select the fulladder as the component to be inserted. We can see that the symbol
of the fulladder that was created previously appears as the component with 3 input
pins (A,B,C) and 2 output pins(SUM, CARRY).
Connect 4 such full adders in series to form the 4-bit adders. This forms the carry-ripple
adder. After completion of wiring, generate a symbol for the schematic since it will
further be used to obtain the 8-bit pipelined adder.
Perform stimulation for this circuit to verify its operation. It helps to check each block
individually since we will be using it in a larger design.
Note: Although the adder can be implemented using various other styles such as the carry-look ahead
adder, carry-select adder which can compute the results in a quicker fashion, we will still use the carryripple adder to maintain simplicity in the basic design and consistency among students.
After completing the 4-bit adder, we design another building block, the 4-bit register.
The register is basically a 4-bit memory element and we would use 4-FF's to build it.
We provide its inputs from 4 pins and tap its outputs through 4-other pins (be careful of
the direction of signal when adding a pin). Apart from these we also provide a clock
and _clock (_clock stands for inverted clock signal) input to the Flip-Flops.
Create symbol for the circuit after wiring and simulate the circuit to verify its operation.
Now, after completing all the individual building blocks to design the 8-bit pipelined
adder using these building blocks in the same manner. Use the 4-bit adder, 4-bit register
that you have designed and FF's to complete the design as shown in Fig 1 from Lab0.
Simulate the circuit by giving the appropriate inputs to verify the operation of the
circuit (a subset of test cases is enough). (The output will appear at the immediate rising
clock edge following the input).
5. Lab Report
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1. Take a plot of all the schematic designs and symbols (fulladder, 4bit adder, and 8bit adder).
Please clearly mention the schematic or symbol name on the plot.
2. Print out the respective simulation results for all designs. The simulation must display the
inputs and the corresponding outputs along with the time at which these signals are monitored.
Points will be taken off if the results are not presented clearly. Required input vector for
each design is given below. Please initialize all inputs to zero.
a. Fulladder : all available input combinations.
b. 4bit adder
i. 1111 + 1111 + 0 (Carry In)
ii. 1010 + 1010 + 1 (Carry In)
iii. 0101 + 0101 + 1 (Carry In)
c. 8bit adder
i. 01111110 +11100111 + 0 (Carry In)
ii. 11111111 + 00000000 + 1 (Carry In)
iii. 10101010 + 01010101 + 0 (Carry In)
iv. 10101010 + 01010101 + 1 (Carry In)
v. 11001100 + 00110011 + 0 (Carry In)
vi. 11001100 + 00110011 + 1 (Carry In)
Please be cautious to clearly see when the correct outputs are generated in accordance
with clock input signal. Verify this in your lab report obviously.
3. Printing Tips : For schematic plot choose File > Export Image in the schematic Editor window.
Choose white as Background, choose proper file name, type as well as location. Then print this
exported schematic Figure. For simulation results, output file is saved in **_run1/simout.tmp.
Go to related directory and print out this log file using the command in your terminal lp d
zec-213a o media=letter filename.
4. Report is due by the next lab (if your lab is on Wednesday, then your due date is next
Wednesday, late submission for more than one week cannot be accepted any more).
6. Cadence Tips
1. DO NOT KILL cadence process if the machine hangs. This generates view locks, which won't
allow you to open the views in edit mode. Inform your TA if cadence has crashed and your
standard locks would be cleared.
2. Always SAVE your work. Whenever working continuously, do not wait till end to save. If
cadence crashes your work will be lost.
3. Please make sure you log off using exit when you leave since other students cannot access the
machine if you do not log off and leave.
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