Accident Detection and Notification System Using Android
Accident Detection and Notification System Using Android
Accident Detection and Notification System Using Android
Volume: 3 Issue: 3
ISSN: 2321-8169
1084 - 1086
Laxminanda A. Mahant2
Information Technology
SSBT COET, Bambhori
Jalgaon, India
Information Technology
SSBT COET, Bambhori
Jalgaon, India
Priyanka A. Dhanrale3
Information Technology
SSBT COET, Bambhori
Jalgaon, India
Information Technology
SSBT COET, Bambhori
Jalgaon, India
Abstract Now a day it is seen that there are number of vehicle and accident causing due to it is increasing day by day. Many people get injured
and some of them even die due to unavailability of emergency facilities. The emergency responders take much long time to reach the spot which
some time fail to save the lives. So to reduce this scenario there is need to decrease the time between the accidents occurre d and the emergency
facility provided to them. With the help of android phone which will detect the accident through collision detection circuit and notification will
be sent to the known people using GSM which can be already noted and alert to hospital system and police station with alert message along with
the link of map using GPS which will address the exact place of accident.
Keywords- Accident detection, Android, GPS, GSM, Notification.
hospital and police station along with map link to help the
victims to save their lives.
A collision detection circuit is used in the car which gets
activated when any fluctuation created. The android device
which is connected through power cable will receive the
generated frequency. There will be an infinite loop which
work at android device and respond only when any fluctuation
detected. LDR and photodiode are used as a sensor for
collision detection. HTTP-are used for transmission of data to
web service. Google API and Web services are used for other
transmission to Hospital System and Police Station
ISSN: 2321-8169
1084 - 1086
system to inform third parties about historic data of speed,
acceleration and braking. Hernandez et al. [3] developed a
prototype of an on-board unit that allows the driver to
communicate with his vehicle, as well as with other available
devices (PDAs, cellular, sensor networks, and so on and with
the road infrastructure) in order to consume intelligent
transport services.
The work by Hampton C. Gabler [4] reports the research effort
which search to dramatically reduce Emergency Medical
Services response time by developing and testing an
Automated Crash Notification System which automatically
transmits the location and severity of a crash to EMS
personnel. Chen et al. proposed a vehicular Android/OSGi
platform that allows diagnosing or managing the system status
of a vehicular platform remotely and also to use visual
intelligence to continually update their application services
based on context awareness without user intervention.
A. Android Application
C. Hospital system
This is a swing java based desktop application which will
receive the notification when any accident occurs. The
ISSN: 2321-8169
1084 - 1086
Hospital System will get an alert siren if accident detected
along with the map link which will contain the exact latitude
and longitude details of the location. It will also receive the
IMEI number along with the victim contact number for cross
checking the reality of accident. With the help of these details
the ambulance can be discharged to the accident location and
reduce the time to save the victim which needs the emergency
Our application will use a common android phone which will
immediately notify the concerned people about the accident.
Our aim is to detect accident in any type of vehicle. Because
of the android platform, our system will be available at low
cost and even low end vehicle owners can afford to use it. As
the application will be released in Android Market the scope
will extend to users worldwide.
IJRITCC | March 2015, Available @