Ascendant Calculation
Ascendant Calculation
Ascendant Calculation
Ascendant Calculation
The Ascendant, from an astronomical point of view, is the value of the ecliptical
geocentric longitude (aka Celestial Longitude ) of the point of the ecliptic which is
easterly on the horizon.
where A is the local sidereal time in degrees, E is the inclination of Earth's equatorial
plane to the ecliptic or obliquity of the ecliptic. For values referred to the standard
equinox J2000.0 use 23.4392911, for J1950.0 use 23.4457889. L is the local
latitude (Southern latitudes are negative, Northern positive). The Ascendant is then
found in the correct quadrant (0 to 360 degrees) by using the 2 rules:[4]
If (x < 0)
then Ascendant = Ascendant + 180
else if
then Ascendant = Ascendant + 360
By definition of Ascendant, we have to take the point easterly (the rising one) by
using a final rule:
if (Ascendant < 180)
then Ascendant = Ascendant + 180
then Ascendant = Ascendant - 180
Otherwise a direct result in the correct quadrant can be determined if calculator or
programming software has the atan2(y,x) math function and then using the last rule.
[edit]Long and short ascension
Because the Earth's axis (see axial tilt) is tilted relative to the ecliptic, the twelve
signs do not take the same amount of time to cross the eastern horizon. At the
equator, there is very little difference (Pisces, Aries, Virgo and Libra take slightly less
time than the other signs) but as one moves from the equator, larger and larger
differences emerge.
In the northern hemisphere, the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus and Gemini
take much less time than the theoretical two hours to cross the eastern horizon,
whilst the signs of Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius take much
longer than two hours to do so. For example, at the latitude of Paris, France:
Pisces, Aries and Gemini take only about fifty-five minutes to cross the
eastern horizon (this is referred to as the length of ascension or simply as the
sign's ascension)
At higher latitudes, these differences become even more marked. At the latitude
of St. Petersburg, Russia:
Pisces and Aries ascend in only thirty minutes
Aquarius and Taurus ascend in only forty-five minutes
Capricorn and Gemini ascend in an hour and a half
Astrologers consider the differences between the rate at which the signs ascend to
be of importance. In many house systems, houses can become very large when they
cover Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Taurus because these signs are seen to be much
smaller from the perspective of a northern hemisphere observer.
Some astrologers, such as Richard Nolle, consider the preponderance of
Ascendants in signs from Cancer through Sagittarius (known as the western signs)
to be symbolic of the highly relationship-oriented character inherent in a complex or
civilized society as found today in the northern hemisphere but never developed in
equatorial or south temperate latitudes where eastern (Capricorn through Gemini),
individual-oriented Ascendants are equally or more common.[5]
In the southern hemisphere, long and short ascension are reversed. For instance, at
the latitude of Concepcin, Chile:
Pisces and Aries ascend in two hours twenty minutes
Aquarius and Taurus ascend in two and a half hours (see note about
ascension in low latitudes above)
At the Arctic and Antarctic circles, at roughly 66 North and South latitude
respectively, a degree of the ecliptic becomes circumpolar. If the sun for example
occupies that degree, it will neither rise nor set, but will lie upon the horizon for 24
hours. As we move into higher latitudes, more and more degrees of the ecliptic will
neither rise nor set, until at the north pole half of the ecliptic degrees will not rise
above the horizon and can never become the ascendant. There of the omission of
extreme latitudes from most house tables due to the added complexity of calculating
the ascendant, that there is no ascendant at these latitudes. This is of course untrue,
yet there is a limitation on the degrees that can ascend at extreme latitudes and a
further restriction on degrees that can form house cusps in time-based house
systems. The simpler and earlier ecliptic-based house systems can form house
and midheaven degrees.
[edit]Effects of the Ascendant
There are a couple of factors that influence how strong or weak a force in the chart
the ascendant may be.[7] Firstly, it is generally believed that the closer towards the
beginning of the sign the ascendant falls, the stronger it will be. This is because most
of the first house will fall into that sign. If the ascendant falls late in a sign, most of
the first house will fall into the following sign, and thus weaken the effect of the
ascendant's power. In addition the ascendant is thought to be stronger in influence
when the sun is in a weak position in the chart. For example, it is traditionally
believed that the sun is in a weaker position when it is placed at the bottom of the
chart, near the immum coeli or IC. This is because the sun was literally on the other
side of the earth when the subject was born, hidden from view. The sun may also be
weaker in influence if it is unaspected, in other words if it forms no strong aspects or
connections to the other planets.
Another factor concerning the effect of the ascendant is the theory that people
become more like their sun sign after around 29 years old, as they grow older and
more confident and thus have less of a need to present a public face to others. It is
also theorised that when the progressed ascendant moves into the following sign, it
weakens the influence of the natal ascendant.
[edit]Planets and the ascendant
Planets can assume added importance in the birth chart due to their relationship to
the ascendant.[8] The planet that rules the astrological sign of the ascendant is called
the chart ruler, and is said to be of particular importance. So for example, if the
ascendant sign is Libra, Venus will be the chart ruler, and so 'set the tone' for the
chart in many ways. In addition, the planet nearest the ascendant in the first house is
usually called the rising planet and has a particular importance in the chart.
However, if a planet in the twelfth house is very close (within one or two degrees) to
the ascendant, then it can be taken to be the rising planet instead. If a planet is
actually in conjunction with the ascendant it then becomes vitally important in its
effect on the personality, to the extent of being almost as important as the sun in
some cases. Finally, any planets in the first house will always have an added
emphasis to them.
[edit]Ascendants in the zodiac signs
The effect of the ascendant varies according to the zodiac sign in which it is
[edit]Ascendant fire signs
The fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are noted for their energy, enthusiasm
and optimism. When a fire sign is on the ascendant the outer manner is friendly,
uncritical and non-hostile, which makes such people good mixers and public
relations executives. They typically send out friendly, but professionally competent
signals which draw out a friendly and rather respectful response from others. Aries
rising gives out a well-organized, slightly military bearing which makes them fit for
any kind of military or civil service organization. Leo rising subjects have a dignified
and rather formal manner which inspires confidence; while Sagittarius risers have a
cheerful, pleasant and rather witty outer manner which suits all kinds of teaching,
training and public speaking situations.
[edit]Ascendant earth signs
The earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are noted for their practicality and
security. When an earth sign is on the ascendant the outer manner is shy, serious
and cautious. Taurus risers are the most sociable of the three and are often musical
or artistic. Virgo risers look for mental stimulation in others, while Capricorn risers
enjoy both work and social pursuits. People with these ascendants send out signals
which are pleasant and tactful suggesting that they prefer to form part of a team - at
least to begin with - than to push themselves immediately to the front.
[edit]Ascendant air signs
The air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are noted for their communication skills.
When an air sign is on the ascendant the subject is friendly and sociable, but also
independent and somewhat detached. The Gemini riser is constantly busy, fully
engaged in a kind of juggling act, with at least a dozen activities on the go at any one
time. The Libra riser occupies him or herself with business schemes which often
need the aid of a more earthy partner to make them come into fruition. The Aquarius
riser makes wonderful plans for himself and others and may even carry some of
them out.
[edit]Ascendant water signs
The water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are noted for their emotion, intuition
and feeling. When a water sign is on the ascendant the subject will hide their true
feelings and have a strong need to protect themselves from the world around them.
What you see is often not what you get with water ascendants. In other words, the
signals they send out are consciously or unconsciously chosen for effect. Cancerians
appear chatty and helpful and they do well in any situation that requires tact. Scorpio
risers can use many different forms of camouflage with people they do not know, one
of their favourites being offensiveness and an off-putting manner. Pisces risers
appear soft, gentle, self-sacrificing and sometimes even helpless, but this is
misleading, as they will fight strongly for what they think is right.
Rajeev Jhanji
The most important point in the construction of a horoscope is the Ascendant. The
ascendant is the point of cutting of the ecliptic by the eastern horizon of a place.
The earth spinning on its axis in a linear movement takes 24 hours to complete one
rotation. But what exactly is the duration of a day? There are many types of days
Sidereal day: The time taken by earth to spin one complete rotation of 360 degrees
on its axis. Average duration of one sidereal day is 23 hrs, 56 min, 4.091 sec.
Savana day: The duration of time between one sunrise to another sunrise is a
Savana day. For people living in northern hemisphere, from winter solstice day
onwards, the sunshine hours (dinamana) increases and night hours (ratrimana)
decreases. As the sunrise every day is earlier than the previous day, the duration of
the savana day is less than 24 hours till the Sun reaches its maximum declination at
summer solstice. After that the dinamana reduces and the ratrimana increases.
Since the sunrise of every day is later than the previous day, the duration of the
savana day is more than 24 hours till it reaches the winter solstice again.
Mean Solar Day: The average of all the days of a year. Its duration is equal to 24
The Vedic system recognises a day as the duration of time from one sunrise to the
next sunrise. This span, known as a Savana day, is measured in units of ghatis. One
Savana day is equal to 60 ghatis and each ghati is divisible into 60 palas or vighatis.
The earth continuously spins on its axis in a west to east direction. For a person
situated on the surface of the earth, different signs of the zodiac appear to rise in the
eastern horizon and set in the western horizon. With the completion of one rotation
of the earth, all the twelve signs of the zodiac rise and set during one sidereal day.
Rashimana (Oblique Ascension)
Rashimana is the rising periods of signs of the zodiac. As there are twelve equally
divided signs of the zodiac and it takes approximately 24 hours for all the signs to
rise, therefore, one sign should take about two hours to rise in the eastern horizon.
But its not so. As the plane of the ecliptic is inclined at an angle of 23.5 degrees to
the plane of the celestial equator, the rising time of different signs is not uniform. The
time taken by different groups of signs at the equator is given in Table 1.
to rise at the Equator
Rashimana in
Aries Virgo Libra
Pisces 1674
Scorpio Aquarius 1795
Gemin Cance Sagittariu Capricor
Rashimana values are calculated for Sayana signs and are measured in units of
Asus. One unit of Asu is equivalent to 4 seconds of sidereal time. Rashimana values
vary from one latitude to another. These values once calculated for any place do not
change from year to year.
Charakhandas (Ascensional Differences)
Variations in the rising of different signs at different latitudes can be calculated with
the help of Charakhandas or ascensional differences for those latitudes.
To know the Charakhandas of a particular place with the help of Hindu Dial,
measure the length of the mid-day shadow, on the day of the equinox, of a shanku of
12 units length (please refer to Astrology Primer # 5, Vol.1, No.5). Put this figure at
three places and multiply the first figure with 10; second with 8 and; third with 10
divided by 3. This gives the Charakhandas for I, II, and III groups of signs
respectively. These Charakhanda values are in palas or vighaties. To convert these
values to asus, multiply the charakhandas by six.
Signs of Long Ascension and Short Ascension
For people living in the northern hemisphere of the earth, on the day of winter
solstice, when the Sun is at zero degrees Sayana Capricorn, the sunshine hours are
the shortest. With the rising of the Sun, sign Capricorn rises in the eastern horizon
followed by other signs in sequence. At the time of sunset, the point rising at the
eastern horizon would be 180 opposite the Suns longitude (thus zero degrees
Cancer). Therefore, during the daytime signs Capricorn to Gemini rise in the shortest
duration of time, while at night the signs Cancer to Sagittarius take the longest
duration of time.
Signs of
Capricorn 4
Aquarius 5
Pisces 6
Aries 7
Taurus 8
3 - Gemini
9 - Sagittarius
This identifiable point could be a star or a planet or the vernal equinox (zero degrees
Sayana Aries point) of the zodiac. When we observe the passing of the Vernal
Equinox on the meridian of a place, it is zero hours Sidereal time for that place.
Sidereal time at any given moment indicates the time elapsed since the vernal
equinox crossed the meridian of that place.
The Indian system makes use of the position of the Sun in the zodiac to establish a
link between the earth and the zodiac. At the time of sunrise, the centre of the Sun is
touching the eastern horizon. Sunrise is considered to be the beginning to the day
and that day remains in force till the next sunrise. The duration of this day is
considered to be equal to sixty ghatis. One ghati is roughly equal to 24 minues of
The longitude of the Sun is identical with the cusp of the sign rising at the time of
sunrise. A track of the number of ghatis and palas passed since sunrise is kept and
is called Ishtakaala.
Since the rashimana values are for Sayana signs, the longitude of the Sun is also
considered in Sayana values.
Inputs to calculate the Ascendant
In order to calculate the cusp of the ascendant, we need the following:
1. The time of sunrise at the required place on the relevant day.
2. The Sayana position of the Sun at the time of sunrise at the place in question. In
case the available ephe-meris provides the nirayana position of the Sun, the Sayana
position may be obtained by adding to it the appropriate ayanamsha.
3. The ishtakala or the duration of time elapsed from the time of sunrise.
4. Rashimana or the duration of the rising of different signs at the particular latitude
of the place.
Steps to Calculate the Ascendant
The following steps describe the method of calculation of the ascendant for a given
place at a given date and time. For example, lets calculate the ascendant rising at
Gurdaspur, India (latitude 32N02' longitude 75E31') on April 1, 1997 at 12.00 hours
7.5 x 10
= 75 palas
7.5 x 8
= 60 palas
7.5 x 10/3
= 25 palas
75 palas x 6
= 450 asus
60 palas x 6
= 360 asus
25 palas x 6
= 150 asus
The derived values of 450, 360 and 150 are the charakhandas for I, II and III groups
of signs respectively.
1, 6, 7, 12
1674 asus
2, 5, 8, 11
1795 asus
3, 4, 9, 10
1931 asus
Short Ascension
1, 12
1674 450
= 1224
2, 11
1795 360
= 1435
3, 10
1931 150
= 1781
Long Ascension
4, 9
1931 + 150
= 2081
5, 8
1795 + 360
= 2155
6, 7
1674 + 450
= 2124
Step 5. Find out the Ishtakala
Ishtakala is the time elapsed since the time of sunrise to the time of birth.
Traditionally the time of birth is recorded in ishtakala only. Since in our example the
time of birth is in hours-minutes, etc., it can be converted to ishtakala by subtracting
the time of sunrise from the time of birth.
Ishtakala in hrs. : 05h:39m:20s
= 0s1120'22"
= 1h:21m:36s (Step 2)
= 0h:50m:45s
After 50m:45s of sunrise (i.e. from 7h:11m:25s onwards), the sign Taurus will start
and last for 1h:35m:40s (i.e., upto 8h:47m:05s). The next sign Gemini (with a
duration of 1h:58m:44s) lasts until 10h:45m:49s. Cancer (duration of 2h:18m:44s)
lasts until 13h:04m:33s which includes our time of birth (12 noon). Thus we have
Cancer rising at 12 noon.
Time elapsed from the onset of Cancer lagna
= 1h:14m:11s
upto the time of birth (12:00:00 10:45:49)
Arc of Cancer rising in 2h:18m:44s
Arc of Cancer rising
(30 / 2:18:44) x 1:14:11
= 30
= 1602'30"
Thus we get the cusp of ascendant at 12 noon as Cancer 1602'30". This is the
Sayana value. Reduce the ayanamsha from this value to obtain the cusp of the
ascendant in nirayana value. Thus the nirayana ascendant would be:
3s1602'30" 2349'06" = 2s2213'24" or Gemini rising at 2213'24".
How to Calculate Topocentric House Cusps
The method of calculating house cusps for Topocentric house system remains unchanged.
The only difference in the new progressive method is that a new value of the pole of the
Ascendant is used. The formula for the proposed modification, as represented by the
Proposed curve on the above graph, is simple and straightforward:
The following table indicates values of L and L from 0 to 90, along with the
corresponding Poles of the intermediate Topocentric houses. The pole is the latitude for
calculating the Ascendant using a normal Table of Ascendants (such as Placidus). As usual,
the Pole of the 11th and 3rd houses = arctan (1/3 tan L ), and the Pole of 12th and 2nd
houses = arctan (2/3 tan L ).
Intermediate cusps in the Topocentric House System are calculated from a normal Table of
Houses by simply finding the Ascendant at the pole, at the time listed for the house. For
example, for a birth at Sidereal Time 3.0h at latitude 50N, calculate the Midheaven and
Ascendant for 3h, 49.49455N. Then the 11th house cusp is the Ascendant at 23h, 21.316N,
the 12th cusp is the Ascendant at 1h, 37.969N, the 2nd cusp is the Ascendant at 5h,
37.969N, and the 3rd cusp is the Ascendant at 7h, 21.316N. These calculations yield:
For an event at polar latitudes, simply follow the same procedure using the above table (or
formulas). For a birth at 3h S.T. at latitude 70N, the following values are obtained:
Data Requested: Now that there is a house system that can actually construct charts for polar
latitudes, data is needed for research purposes. Anyone who might be able to help gather birth
data is graciously invited to contact the author by e-mail listed below. Fluency in Russian
would be especially valuable since Murmansk, Russia, should be a good source. Data for
people who are alive and willing to answer questions is preferred. Data for birth twins, born
anywhere, is also requested.
Theoretical Note
Constructing a house system for all latitudes that uses the traditional Ascendant and
Midheaven, which have been found empirically to be significant, is not a simple matter.(6)
The Topocentric House System is empirical, its geometrical theory somewhat unusual, so the
present empirical proposal does not represent a serious theoretical divergence and may in fact
strengthen the fundamental topocentric approach if it proves useful. Experiment is the
ultimate test. The Topocentric House System works well, is one of the few for which polar
horoscopes are possible, and its empirical success at lower latitudes inspirednay,
necessitatedthe present work.
Notice that the formula proposed for the Topocentric Pole of the Ascendant would also work
if the Earth were inclined at other angles. If the Earths inclination were 10, the Pole of the
Ascendant between 70 and 90 would go smoothly from 70 to 80, and if the Earths
inclination were 40, the Pole of the Ascendant between 10 and 90 would go smoothly
from 10 to 50.
Day-for-a-year predictive techniques in any house system, including the common Solar
progression, seem to be useful in some non-polar cases, but fail completely in other cases.
Transits, on the other hand, are found by both Western and traditional Indian astrologers to be
always involved in the timing of events, even though they are not in themselves sufficient for
prediction. In fact, if any purely astrological or mathematical system were sufficient for
prediction, then all events would be pre-determined, and such is certainly not the case. When
a House System is found that work for all latitudes, then and only then can we test predictive
techniques involving its house cusps