Labsguru Technologie S: Express PCB
Labsguru Technologie S: Express PCB
Labsguru Technologie S: Express PCB
Table of Contents
Table of Contents............................................................................................... 1
Express PCB...................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction....................................................................................................... 2
2. The side toolbar................................................................................................ 3
3. The top toolbar.................................................................................................. 3
4. Beginning a new layout..................................................................................... 4
5. Placing the component...................................................................................... 4
Copyright @ LabsGuru Technologies Private Limited
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A PCB layout is required to place components on the PCB so that the component area
can be minimized and the components can be placed in an efficient manner. The
components can be placed in two ways, either manually or by software. The manual
procedure is quiet cumbersome and is very inefficient. The other method is by the
use of computer software. This method is advantageous as it saves time and valuable
copper area. There are various softwares available for this purpose like
Express PCB
Protel PCB
PCB design
Many of them are loaded with auto routing and auto placement facility. The software
that we have used here is EXPRESS PCB. This software has a good interface, easy
editing options and a wide range of components.
Express P.C.B.
Express PCB is a very easy to use
Windows application for laying out
printed circuit boards. There are
two parts to Express PCB, Express
SCH for drawing schematics and
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In the main window, the yellow rectangle defines the perimeter of the PC board. Set
the size of your board by moving three of its four corners (the upper left corner is
fixed at 0, 0). Move the corners by dragging them with the mouse, or by doubleclicking them and entering coordinates.
Zooming and Panning: The easiest way to move around your layout is with the
scroll wheel on the mouse. Turning the wheel zooms in and out. Pressing the wheel
and dragging the mouse pans.
components - Components that are included with the program Custom components
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between layers. Regular pads differ from via pads in that Express PCB may eliminate
a via. If the traces connecting to it are all on the same layer.
3. To place the pad, click on your layout at the desired location.
These are the steps to add traces to your layout. If you have drawn a schematic for
your circuit, be sure to read the section Linking the Schematic and PCB before you
1. From the side toolbar, select or press the T shortcut key.
2. Select the trace width from the drop down list box on the top toolbar: A width of
0.010" is a
good default for digital and analog signals. For power lines, use traces
0.05" or wider.
3. Select the layer by clicking or by pressing the L shortcut key.
4. Move the mouse to the trace's first end point and click. Drag the trace to the second
end point, and then click again. Continue placing trace segments (use the L key to
change layers) until you have reached the final end point.
Tip: Keep an eye on the status bar when connecting traces to components. It will
display the pin and part number to which the trace is connected.
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straight line between its two connections. Therefore, to move a trace, you need to
connect it to something different or to move what it is connected to. Corners in traces
allow them to bend. They are displayed as small square blocks at the ends of traces.
In your final PC board layout, the corners will not be included.
Corners can be dragged, inserted or deleted to change the trace's path. To insert a
corner, select the required tab then click to choose the layer on which the corner will
be placed then click on the trace at the point where you want to insert the corner. To
disconnect a trace and reconnect it elsewhere, select desired tab from the side
toolbar. Next, click on the trace near the point you want to disconnect, and then drag
the trace to a new pin.
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dragging them. They can also be moved with the arrow keys by selecting them and
then pressing Ctrl-right, Ctrl-left, Ctrl-up or Ctrl-down. Alternately, an item can be
moved by changing the coordinates set in its properties dialog box.
Tip: To copy a group of items from one layout file to another, select and copy the
items of interest into the clipboard. Load the second file into Express PCB and paste.
It is not possible to copy items between two programs running at the same time.
schematic. Assign pin numbers by selecting and then double clicking on each pad to
display its Pad Properties dialog box. In the Pin number field, enter the pin number.
3. Draw the component outline for the new part on the silkscreen layer. Draw straight
lines by selecting or circles and arcs using. Be sure to select the silkscreen layer
before drawing the outline by clicking.
component outlines is 0.012".
From the Component menu, choose the command Group to make PCB
component. Next, double click the new component to assign its Part ID (i.e. U12).
5. Save the component to add it to the Custom components list. Do this by selecting
the part with the mouse and then choosing save custom component from the
Component menu.
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