A Shadow Handler in A Video-Based Real-Time Monitoring System

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A Shadow Handler in a Video-based Real-time Traffic Monitoring System

M. Kilger
Siemens AG, Corporate Research and Development, ZFE ST SN 3
Otto-Hahn-Ring 6, D-8000 Munich 83
extremly difficult. The approach described in [9] also
doesnt classify the vehicles. Furthermore it requires a
manual initialisation of the background image and the
operating window. In [6] a quite different approach for
detecting the vehicles is used. The whole region of
interest is searched for regions of constant grey values. If
this grey value is different from the one of the road,
which was detected before, it is assumed that it is vehicle.
The system detects vehicles well, but with this approach
no real-time detection is possible with lowcost hardware
until now. In [8] the vehicle is detected by subtracting
two subsequent frames. The camera is positioned
vertically above the road, therefore the range of view is
limited. The detected vehicles are classified and their
position and velocity calculated. In [7] the classification
is made by matching the outlines of the detected vehicles
with templates. The calculation is done in real-time by
special purpose hardware.
Obviously the above mentioned work has only been
applied to scenes with ambient illumination. No results
have been reported for scenes with bright sunlight and
corresponding shadows.
In general, the shape of the vehicles has been modelled
by complex wire frame models, which dont allow for
real-time processing on lowcost hardware. On the other
hand classification by the bounding box is
computationally feasible, but is only robust, if the vehicle
can be reliably separated from its shadow.
In this paper a video-based traffic monitoring system is
presented which includes a shadow handling algorithm.
It is shown that traffic monitoring is possible even with
lowcost hardware and under difficult illumination
conditions. Furthermore it is also shown that a high-level
description of the observed scene can be built up with the
information obtained from all moving objects. From this
description expected results of low-level image routines
(such as tracks etc.) can be computed. The difference
between the actual results and the expected results can be
used to optimise low-level processing parameters or to
select among different altemative routines, depending on
the situation. Thus far the framework of this on-line

A video-based system for traflc monitoring is presented.
The objective of the system is to set up a high-level

description of the traflc scene comprising the position,

speed and class of the vehicles. Algorithms for detecting
moving objects, separating the vehicles from their
shadows, tracking and classification are presented
Especially the classification of the vehicles under sunny
illumination conditions is very diflcult, if the shadow
isnt separatedfrom the vehicles. Our novel approachfor
classification runs in real-time on a low-cost hardware.
The shadow can be separated from the vehicle and the
knowledge about the shape of the shadow can be
eficiently used The shadow analysis algorithm itself
uses high-level knowledge about the geometry of the
scene (heading of the observed road) and about global
data (date and time).

1. Introduction
Ever increasing traffic volumes demand more efficient
and intelligent management and control strategies. As a
prerequisite, on-line traffic data acquisition is necessary.
Typical requirements are [8]:
A wide range of view of at least lOOm should be
The speed and position of each vehicle should be
reported exactly,
Vehicles should be counted, tracked and classified.
Several authors [5]..[9] have presented similar work, but
no one has yet met these requirements under difficult
illumination conditions typically found on a sunny day.
In [5] the vehicles are counted and the position and the
velocity of the vehicles are calculated. A wide area can be
monitored and the algorithms run in real-time. However
this p i a l model-based approach makes classification


0-8186-2840-5/92$03.00 0 1992 IEEE

adaptive system has been established and its validity has

been demonstrated. This basic set of routines is now
extended by the shadow handling algorithm.
In this paper the algorithms of the real-time traffic
monitoring system are presented. Tests with the shadow
analysis algorithm have yielded good results.
In chapter 2.1. the whole system architecture with its five
levels is presented. In the following chapters the
algorithms used, are discussed, in 2.2. the detection of
the moving objects, in 2.3. the shadow analysis, in 2.4.
the occlusion analysis, in 2.5. the tracking and in 2.6. the
classification. In chapter 3. the implementation is
introduced. In chapter 4. the results of the shadow
handler applied to several image sequences are shown. In
chapter 5. some conclusions are drawn and in chapter 6.
an outlook for future work is given.

2. Algorithms in the Video-based System

2.1 System Architecture
The whole real-time video-based system is devided into
five levels (shown in Fig.1). The lowest level H1
contains all the low-level image processing routines.
Their use is controlled by the algorithms of level H2.
Therefore a special module choice of algorithms is
defined. It chooses, depending on the situation, the best
suited algorithm, e.g. the use of the shadow separation
algorithm. All parameters, e.g. all threshold values, are
saved in the operating point module. The results of the
low-level algorithms are stored in the tracks module,
where the class, position and speed of each vehicle are
gathered. These results are continuously evaluated and if
necessary the parameters of the algorithms are adapted.
As a result the background image is obtained, which can
be used for further static scene analysis.


A robust and a good approach is based upon subtracting

the current image (shown in Fig.2) from the background
image (shown in Fig.5) [1]..[4].
The equations for subtracting the background image from
the current image are given by

In the next level H3 the traffic flow parameters are

calculated. This level also contains the slowly changing
parameters, like the current illumination. These current
illumination parameters influence the choice of
algorithms and the parameters of the operating point,
where the fast changing parameters are stored.
A higher level H4 provides information such as the
daytime (e.g. night or sunlight), which controls the
current illumination.
In the highest level H5 the slowest or quasi static
parameters are stored, like the vehicle models, the scene
geometry or the camera model.
To demonstrate the efficient feedback from the highlevel knowledge to the low-level algorithms, the shadow
handler was implemented in the real-time system. The
parameters of the system are adaptive and so ensure a
more efficient calculation in further analysis stages.

where I is the current image, B is the background image,

M is the object image and T is the threshold at time k

and pixel p.
A threshold decision on the difference image is made
which separates the image into regions of fast motion and
slow, or no motion. The result is a binary object image as
shown in Fig.3.

2.2. Detection of Moving Objects


Fig.2 Current image

Fig.3: object image

2.2.1. Building up a Binary Object Image

Several approaches for detecting moving objects have
been discussed in the literature [5]..[9]. The simplest of
all comprises the differencing of two successive frames
[8]. All the motion is detected, but this algorithm lacks
robustness [4]. Another approach is based upon the
calculation of the optical flow [12], but it is
computationally expensive and therefore not practicable

However the quality of the object image depends

critically on the chosen threshold value. If the threshold
is too high, the image is too fragmented. In the opposite
case, lots of uninteresting motion like the rustling of
leaves will be detected. This problem can be overcome by
continuously adapting the threshold T.This adaptation is
performed by the operating point module of the system,
where all parameters are stored. A high-level routine is
set up to evaluate the quality of the current threshold

for real-time systemsbased on a lowcost hardware.


value and adapts it, if necessary. Instead of one global

threshold for the entire image several local thresholds are
used which can be adapted more precisely to the current

2.2.4. Background Adaptation [4]

The background image (see Fig.5) is adapted
continuously by masking the regions of motion, using
recursive filtering with variable coefficients.
The equation for the background adaptation is given by

2.2.2. Segmentation of the Object Mask

For each connected component (segment) in the image
the bounding box, the area in the image and an
estimation of the corresponding area in the world are
computed. The latter is derived from the inverse
perspective mapping under the assumption that vehicles
move on height zero. The segmentation algorithm itself
is controlled by the parameters provided by the operating
point module. The bounding box turns out to be a
sufficient description of the vehicles, if counting,
tracking and a rough classification are required. Other
authors use model-based approaches with wire-frame
models [ll], but they haven't met the real-time
requirements yet.

where the update coefficients aI,a2 start with a fmed

value. These two coefficients are adapted together with
the threshold value T of equ (1).

2.2.3. Segment filtering

The bounding boxes whose estimated area in world C(F
ordinates is too small and which are unlikely to
correspond to a vehicle are removed (e.g. off the road, or
behave irregularly). The result of the segmentation is
shown in Fig.4. A black rectangle shows the detected
moving objects.

Fig.5: Background image

2.3. Occlusion Analysis

In heavy traffic the detection of a single vehicle is very
difficult. Vehicles may partially occlude each other and
can therefore be detected as a vehicle cluster. In order to
count all vehicles and classify them, these clusters have
to be resolved.
In this approach the first edges of the vehicles are
extracted and matched with a geometric model. The
bounding box tums out to be sufficient in this case. A
detailed discussion can be found in [lo].

Fig.4 Detected objects


the right hand side or in front of the vehicle. Both lateral

directions can be combined with the direction in front of
the vehicle.
In case of the directions being to the side of the vehicle
the vertical edge image of the current image is calculated.
Otherwise the horizontal edge image is computed. The
Sobel operator is used as edge detector. Thereafter the
histogram of the image is computed. However for
efficiency reasons the edge histograms are not computed
over the whole detected moving region of the image. For
instance, if it is known that the shadow of the vehicle is
on its right hand side, the edge detection algorithm starts
from that end of the segment and builds up the edge
histogram of the current image.
In general it can be said that a shadow is edge-less, but
the vehicles have significant edges especially at their
borders. However in the case of the shadow falling on the
middle line of the road, the edge histogram of the current
image produces a lot of edges in the region of the
shadow. Therefore the first significant edge of the vehicle
cannot be detected and the correct shadow detection and
separation is not possible. However these edges also
occur in the background image. Therefore the
corresponding edge histogram of the background image
is calculated.

2.4. Shadow Analysis

2.4.1. Shadow Detection Algorithm
The shadow detection algorithm is integrated into the
hierarchical system architecture, see Fig.1. In level H4
the knowledge of the date and time is stored. This
knowledge determines the plausibility of shadows
occurring. If the time excludes the appearance of
shadows (e.g. during the night), the detected objects do
not have to be analysed for shadows which saves
processing time. Therefore the module choice of
algorithms excludes the use of the shadow separating
If shadows are possible the detected moving objects must
be analysed for typical attributes, such as an abnormal
width or height. The expected direction and the possible
shape of the shadow are used to direct the search. For
detection of the shadow the shadow separating algorithm
is applied.
In a set-up phase all possible directions (left hand side,
right hand side and in front of the vehicle) are searched
for shadows. If the shadow is detected, its direction
together with the time of occurrence, is saved in the
scene geometry module of level H5.This knowledge is
now used for further analysis. Therefore it isnt necessary
to look for shadows in each direction every time.
Once a shadow has been detected, the shadow detection
continues for several frames in order to increase the
plausibility of the shadows. In case of the plausibility
being greater than a threshold, it is recorded in the
choice of algorithms module. Now each frame is
analysed for shadows until no shadow is detected for a
certain period of time. If this happens the entry in the
choice of algorithms is deleted again.

2.43. Shadow Separating Algorithm

For correct separation of the shadows from the
corresponding objects, the knowledge about the direction
of the shadow is used. This knowledge is obtained from
the date, time (in H4) and heading of the road (in H5
scene geometry). Furthermore the knowledge about the
motionless scene (in H2) is embedded in the algorithm. A
real-time clock found nowadays in every PC-system,
provides date and time. The heading of the road is
obtained by the set-up phase and entered in the scene
geometry module. The background image is provided in
each frame by the detection and background update
All analysis is based upon the bounding box of the
detected moving object. Therefore the region of interest is
limited, which saves processing time.

Fig.6 Resulting histograms

Subtracting the two histograms yields the resulting
histogram (in Fig.6 the vertical edge histogram is
overlaid on the current image) whose structure is
significant for a detected vehicle. A threshold decision is
made to obtain the significant first edges of the vehicle.
This threshold is normalised by the height of the detected

The knowledge about the expected shadow directs the

search for shadows. It starts either on the left hand side,


segment. In future this threshold should be adapted

similarly to the parameters of the background adaptation.
This adapted threshold could be entered in a high-level
module and used for further analysis.
For efficiency reasons the algorithm is stopped after
obtaining the first significant edge of the vehicle. Now it
is assumed that this edge is the border of the vehicle,
which is sufficient in most cases.
In Fig.7 the segments after shadow separation are shown.
It can be seen that the shadows are separated well from
the corresponding vehicles.

2.5. Tracking
The main purpose of the tracking algorithm is to track
the detected objects and to predict their respective
positions based on a state model [131. The results of this
algorithm provide the following attributes for each
detected object:
Current position,
Predicted position for the next image frame,
Predicted speed for the next image frame,
Width and
Our implementation uses a constant velocity state model,
where the middle of the front edge is tracked. The whole
filtering and prediction is based on real world c e
ordinates [2].
In Fig.8 the current image with overlaid track numbers is
shown, where the track number identifies each vehicle.
Thereafter a classification of each vehicle can be made.

Information Obtained from the Shadow

As a direct result of the shadow analysis, both the shape
of the vehicle and the shape of the corresponding shadow
are obtained. A correct classification of the vehicle can be
made. Additionally the shape of the shadow can be used
to calculate the height of the vehicle and improve
classification. Furthermore a high-level geometric
description of the scene can be built up. From the
direction of the shadow, the heading of the observed road
can be calculated and used for further analysis.
Finally all shadow analysis and camera parameters can
be adapted by using the knowledge that vehicles cannot
be deformed on their way from the background to the
foreground of the image.


Fig.8: Numbered tracks

2.6. Classif--ation
The vehicles have to be classified according to:
motorcycles, bicycles.
The selection of the features best suited for the
classification depends on each situation. If the vehicle is
moving towards the camera, the first feature to evaluate

Fig.7: Detected objects after shadow analysis


is the width of the bounding box. This width is tracked

over several frames and estimated.
If a rotation of the vehicle is detected the front edge is
used as a suitable feature.
Another useful evaluation feature is the height and length
of the detected object. Therefore the height of the
bounding box is tracked by a Kalman filter.

3. Implementation
The high-level algorithms (tracking, classification and
communication) are implemented on a PC with an Intel
i486 processor. The low-level routines (detection and
shadow separating algorithm) are implemented on a DSP
(Motorolas DSP96002). The high-level algorithms are
written in C and the time-critical low-level algorithms
are written in the assembler of the DSP.
The resolution of the image is 256x256 pixels with 256
grey levels. The frame rate (with full shadow separation)
is 5 Hz (without code optimisations).

4. Results
The algorithms were tested under normal traffic and
daylight conditions for several image sequences lasting
several hours. The vehicle detection rate was over 99%.
In the set-up phase with no a priori knowledge about the
observed scene the shadow detection rate was 95%. In
this case the shadow was detected correctly. In the
remaining 5 46 of the cases, the shadow was rejected after
several minutes in 90% of these cases, because the
shadow separating algorithm could not find shadows in
this direction. The knowledge about the possible shadow
during the daytime is saved and used for further shadow
analysis. If shadow appears in these cases, which is
normal for the monitoring system, the possible direction
of the shadow is well-known. Therefore the detection rate
increases to 98%.If the direction was found correctly the
shadow could be separated from the vehicles in 90% of
these cases. After filtering the width of the vehicle over
time the classification success rate was more than 95 %.

5. Summary and Conclusions

A real-time traffic monitoring system has been presented
and its system architecture described. The algorithms for
detection of moving vehicles, tracking and classification
have been presented. In sunlight conditions the
classification based upon the width of the detected
moving objects wasnt satisfactory. Therefore a shadow
handler was integrated into the system architecture. This
shadow handler operates upon the current and the

l -

background image. It detects the edges of these images

and calculates their histograms, based upon the regions
of detected motion. It could be seen that the vehicle has
significant edges, however the corresponding shadow is
generally edge-less.
This shadow handling algorithm was tested on a image
sequence of several hours. The results have shown that
this algorithm has separated the objects from their
shadows very robustly.
The bounding box, especially the width of this box tums
out to be a good geometric model for classification of the
vehicles in a real-time application. Furthermore it is
shown that traffic monitoring is possible with a lowcost

6. Outlook
Work is currently in progress which extends the
approach as follows:
Switching between various algorithms depending on
the i1lumination conditions,
Adapting low-level image processing parameters by
using the knowledge of high-level routines,
Adapting high-level scene description parameters by
using the information obtained from a sequence of
images over several hours.
Adaptation of the whole system (continuous
parameter adaptation and choosing the best suited
algorithms depending on the observed scene).

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