CCNA Router Lab Topology
CCNA Router Lab Topology
CCNA Router Lab Topology
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
S1 Lab_D
Lab_A S0(DCE)
E0 net net net net
Match devices and terminology to the various layers of the OSI model
Match OSI layers with those of the TCP/IP model
Identify TCP/IP protocols and utilities that operate at each layer
This lab will serve as a refresher to reinforce understanding of the seven layers
of the OSI model as they relate to the TCP/IP model. Focus is on where terms
and devices fit in the OSI model. This lab can be a fun collaborative knowledge
competition activity.
Tools / Preparation:
Create a group competition! Count off and divide into teams of 2 to 4 people
each. Without looking at your notes or answers, see how accurately your team
can fill in the OSI table in the worksheet. The team with the most correct entries
(points) in the table at the end of the specified time (e.g. 10 min.) wins. If another
team questions a term or table entry, they may challenge and receive the points
if agreed upon by the review committee (made up of one member from each
Before beginning this lab you should read the Networking Academy Second Year
Companion Guide, Chapter 1 and chapters 1, 9 and 10 of the First year
Companion guide. You should also review semester 3 on-line Lesson 1. The
following resources will be required:
Step 1 The OSI model and associated TCP/IP protocol stack layers.
Task: Fill out the following chart based on your knowledge of the OSI and
TCP/IP models.
Explanation: Your understanding of the OSI model as it relates to the TCP/IP
model will greatly increase your ability to absorb and categorize networking
information as you learn it.
Given the OSI layer number fill in the chart below. Compete with other teams
if possible and try to think of as many protocols, standards, utilities, terms
and devices as possible without looking at your notes. Note: TCP/IP layers
will relate to more than one OSI layer.
OSI model and TCP/IP Protocol Stack
OSI # OSI Layer
Name (and
Devices and
with this
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
S1 Lab_D
Lab_A S0(DCE)
E0 net net net net
This lab will serve as a refresher for how the Cisco lab routers are set up and
connected for the Semester 2 topology (see diagram above). This is a review of
the semester 2 network topology. You will setup and document the physical
connections between these routers and the other lab hardware components such
as hubs, switches and workstations. If it is not possible to start with the
equipment disconnected, document an existing lab setup. This lab will utilize the
standard setup consisting of 5 routers, 4 hubs, 1 switch and at least 5
workstations plus all associated cabling and adapters.
It is a good idea to work on this lab and the next one ( simultaneously if
possible. The next lab will give you an opportunity to develop an IP addressing
scheme based on multiple Class B subnet addresses. You may work in teams or
3 to 5 and while one group is configuring the router lab physical setup the other
can be designing the class B addressing scheme on the board.
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting this lab you will need to have the equipment from the standard 5router lab available (routers, hubs, Switch etc.). The routers and hubs should be
disconnected and stacked. Each cabling type (WAN, LAN, console, power)
should be grouped together. If it is not possible to start with equipment
disconnected, you should review the steps of the lab with the equipment already
connected. This will reinforce knowledge of the physical connections and device
Start with the routers, switches, hubs and cabling disconnected if possible. Your
team will need to connect them according to the topology diagram in the
overview at the beginning of this lab and then document you findings. This lab
requires that you assemble the routers into the standard lab topology or as close
as possible depending on the equipment you have. The next lab will
provide instructions for configuring the routers and workstations using Class B
network address with subnets. Work in teams of 3 or more. Before beginning this
lab you should review Chapter 1 in the Cisco Networking Academy Second-Year
Companion Guide and Semester 3 On-line Chapter 1.
The following resources will be required:
5 Cisco Routers (model 1600 series or 2500 series with IOS 11.2 or
3 Sets of V.35 WAN serial cables (DTE male/ DCE female) to connect
from router to router.
WAN link. The DCE cable has a large female V.35 (34-pin) connector on one end
and a DB-60 connector on the other end which attaches to the router serial
interface. Interface serial 1 (S1) is connected to the DTE (Data Terminal
Equipment) cable. The DTE cable has a large male V.35 connector on one end
and a DB60 on the other end which attaches to the router serial interface. Cables
are also labeled as DCE or DTE.
Examine the cables and connections on the routers and document the connections in the
From Router Name Interface
To Router Name
Record the router Ethernet interfaces in use and which hub (or switch) they attach to in
the table:
From Router Name
Router Interface
Step 5 - Connect the Workstation Ethernet Cabling.
Place the PC's at their planned locations and label them (WS-1, WS-2) from
left to right according to the diagram. Run straight-through CAT 5 cables from
each PC to where the switch and hubs are located. Connect the Ethernet cabling
as indicated and then label the cables at each end depending on what device
and interface they connect to. The following table shows the connections for all
10 workstations. Connect at least one workstation to each hub or switch.
Indicated which Ethernet device each workstation connects to in the table below:
From Workstation
Step 6 - Connect the Console Workstations to Routers.
Connect one end of the rollover cables from workstations 4, 6, 8, 9, and 10 to the
console interface of routers Lab-A, B, C, D and E. Connect the other end of each
of the rollover cables to an RJ-45-to-DB-9 serial connector. Connect the serial
connector to the serial ports of the 5 workstations. Label the cables at each end.
Are the link lights for the switch, the hubs and the Network Interface Cards (NICs) in the
workstations on?
Use ConfigMaker to redraw the router lab diagram to match your physical setup (routers,
switches, hubs, workstations etc). This will step you though the process of hooking up all
the lab equipment and specifying all IP addressing for all equipment and interfaces.
ConfigMaker will also generate the actual config files which you can use for reference or
to configure the router. Be sure to label all equipment (e.g. Lab-A, Lab-B etc.). A
ConfigMaker introduction Lab can be found in the semester 2 labs and you can also run
the tutorial if you are not familiar with the product. When you finish your ConfigMaker
diagram, keep a copy in your workbook or journal.
Note: If you do not have access to ConfigMaker contact your instructor or download it
from the Cisco web site listed in Web Site Resources in the Overview section of this lab.
You may use the space below to sketch your lab setup or for your notes.
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
S1 Lab_D
Lab_A S0(DCE)
E0 net net net net
Develop a Class B addressing scheme with subnets for the 5-router lab setup
Assign IP Network numbers, Interfaces, IP addresses and subnet mask information for
the Local Area Networks (LANS) and Wide Area Networks in use.
Use the Control Panel / Network icon or winipcfg.exe utility at each workstation to verify
IP address, subnet mask and default gateway settings.
Use the Ping command to test the router and workstation connections.
This is an important lab that will demonstrate your understanding of how the
Cisco lab is setup (see diagram above) and how subnetting applies to multiple
routers. You will develop an addressing scheme based on a Class B network
address and then subnet it to accommodate your current physical network with
room for growth. You should be able to configure the routers and workstations
without looking at your notes and using only the IOS help facility.
The prior lab 1.2 provided an opportunity to setup the physical lab configuration.
You may work in teams or 3 to 5 and while one group is configuring the router lab
physical setup the other can be designing the class B addressing scheme and
assigning IP address to devices.
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting this lab you will need to have the equipment for the standard 5router lab available (routers, hubs, Switch, cables etc.). This lab assumes that
you have completed the prior lab 1.2 and that the lab equipment (routers, hub,
workstations etc.) are assembled and connected in the standard lab topology.
Work in teams of 3 or more. Before beginning this lab you should review Chapter
1 in the Cisco Networking Academy Second-Year Companion Guide and
Semester 3 On-line Chapter 1.
The following resources will be required:
(5) Cisco Routers (model 1600 series or 2500 series with IOS 11.2 or
(3) Sets of V.35 WAN serial cables (DTE male/ DCE female) to connect
from router to router.
Fill in the table below with information about the first 10 subnets (do not
use the zero subnet when assigning subnets to the lab diagram)
Subnet #
Subnet Address
0 (not used
Subnet Broadcast
Host Address
7. Fill in the table below with IP interface information for each of the five
Cisco Lab Class B Subnet Router IP Configuration
Router Name
Interface E0
IP Address
Interface E0
Subnet Mask
Interface E1
IP Address
Interface E1
Subnet Mask
Interface S0
IP Address
Interface S0
Subnet Mask
Interface S0
Clock Rate
Interface S1
IP Address
Interface S1
Subnet Mask
Workstation IP
1 (Lab-A E1)
2 (Lab-A E1)
3 (Lab-A E0)
4 (Lab-A E0)
5 (Lab-B E0)
6 (Lab-B E0)
7 (Lab-C E0)
8 (Lab-C E0)
9 (Lab-D E0)
10 (Lab-E E0)
Step 5 - Test the router lab connectivity.
B. Ping from router to router.
Begin with router Lab-A and use the console workstation connection to it. Start the
HyperTerminal program and ping the S1 interface of router Lab-B. This will verify that the
WAN link between Lab-A and Lab-B is OK. Ping the serial interfaces of the other routers.
Lab-A> ping (S1 interface of Lab-B)
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
E0 net net net net
Use a TFTP Server to backup a router's existing IOS image from Flash
As new versions of the Cisco IOS software become available, it is necessary to
periodically update the existing IOS image to support the latest features and
improvements. In this lab you will determine what version and IOS your router is
currently running and become familiar with the requirements for updating to a
newer version. You will check to see how much flash memory the router has and
how much of it is currently used by IOS image and how much is free. You will
always want to backup your current IOS before upgrading to a newer version. It
is a good idea to keep a backup copy of the IOS image file for each router. The
process of downloading a new IOS image from Cisco Connection Online (CCO)
will be also be reviewed. The TFTP server method of updating your IOS will be
covered in this lab. The primary goal of this lab is to get your router updated to
IOS 12.0.
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting the lab you will need to connect a PC workstation with
HyperTerminal to a router using the routers console Interface with a roll-over
cable. You will also need an Ethernet connection to the router. The instructor or
lab assistant should have a Windows 9x PC with a TFTP server installed and
have the latest downloaded IOS 12.0 image on the PC hard drive. Verify that the
TFTP server is accessible by the router. The Cisco TFTP server and latest IOS
updates can be downloaded from the web sites listed below. Although the
instructions in this lab for downloading the IOS image software can only be done
by someone with a CCO account, you should read through them to become
familiar with the process.
You should review Chapter 16 in the Cisco Networking Academy First-Year
Companion Guide and review semester 3 online curriculum lesson 1 prior to
starting this lab. Work individually or in teams.
Resources Required:
IOS Version /
Feature Set
11.2(21) **IP/IPX
C2500-d**IP/IPX/AT/DEC l.120-10.bin
Image Size
Reqd. DRAM
Notes: * The last character of the feature portion of the IOS image name
(e.g. C1600-ny-l) is a lower case letter L not a number 1. ** Feature sets: IP
= TCP/IP protocol, IPX = Novell IPX protocol, AT = AppleTalk protocol, DEC
= DecNet protocol.
All images shown above run from Flash memory
Step 5 - Review options for obtaining the IOS image file.
You may obtain an IOS image by purchasing an IOS Software Feature Pack
(SFP) or by downloading the IOS from the Cisco web site. You may also be able
to use a backup image from another router if it has a newer version. All options
must be in accordance with the IOS software licensing agreement.
A. Software Feature Pack (SFP)
The SFP typically comes in a package for a specific router series such as a 2500
and includes instructions, release notes and a CD with several IOS versions, the
Cisco TFTP server for Win 9x and the Router Software Loader (RSL). RSL is a
Windows 9x software application utility that helps with loading new IOS images
and it will be covered later in this lab. SFPs can be obtained from Cisco or an
authorized reseller. If you do not have an SFP with RSL you will need to
download the IOS image from the Cisco web site and use the TFTP method. The
RSL method of router IOS update will be covered in the next lab using the
Software Feature Pack
B. Cisco web site
The latest IOS versions can be downloaded from the Cisco web site
( and you can choose from several different feature sets for
different router series (1600, 2500 etc.). There is also an abundance of
information on IOS versions, feature sets, capabilities and requirements. Once
you download the image you can use it to update the router using TFTP. The
TFTP procedure will be covered in this lab. You will need a Cisco SmartNet
Service agreement and a Cisco Connection Online (CCO) login account in order
to download IOS files.
E. Start IOS image download Confirm the IOS image information displayed (see
below) and click on the File Name to start the download. Read the Software
License Agreement and then click YES that you agree. Select the HTTP (or FTP)
download site. Click the "Save to Disk" button and then select the local directory
where you want the IOS image file to be downloaded.
File name
Size 'Bytes'
Once the download is complete you can load the IOS image into the router using
Step 7 Verify connection between router and TFTP server.
From the router you are going to update, enter ping (the
IP address of the workstation running the TFTP server.
3. What was the result of the ping command?
6. What was the file that was written to the TFTP server?
Step 10 Verify the backup IOS file copied to the TFTP server.
Check the TFTP server using Windows Explorer, the DIR command or ls UNIX
command for the file you just wrote.
8. What is the size of the file that was written in bytes?
Step 11 - Load the new downloaded IOS image from the TFTP server..
Enter copy tftp flash at the router prompt. The router will ask for the IP address
or hostname of the tftp host. Enter the IP address of the tftp server. Enter the
name of the new IOS image that was previously downloaded when prompted.
You will also be prompted to erase flash before starting. This process will copy
the new IOS software from a tftp host to router flash.
9. Write down some of the prompts and responses you saw on the router screen.
Note: You can use HyperTerminal or Windows copy / paste to capture the
copy process as it progresses.
Step 13 - Check the IOS image file and flash memory after the update.
Use the show flash command to obtain information about Flash memory and
the IOS image.
11. Document the following information from the show flash command after
the IOS update.
a. How much flash memory is used and available?
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
S1 Lab_D
Lab_A S0(DCE)
E0 net net net net
In this lab you will determine what version and IOS your router is currently
running and become familiar with the requirements for updating to a newer
version. You will check to see how much flash memory the router has and how
much of it is currently used by the IOS image (system code) and how much is
free. You will also check the amount of DRAM (Dynamic Random Access
With Cisco 1600 and 2500 routers and most IOS images, the IOS usually runs
from flash memory. If you determine that you do not have enough flash memory
to update to a newer larger IOS image, you will need to perform a flash memory
upgrade. You also might need to upgrade the DRAM SIMM if you upgrade the
Cisco IOS feature set or release or if your router maintains large routing tables or
other memory-intensive features, such as spoofing or protocol translations. If a
2500 series router does NOT have 8MB Flash AND 4MB RAM, you will need to
obtain and install additional memory modules. The procedure for upgrading the
DRAM and flash SIMMs (Simple In-line Memory Modules) for a Cisco 2500 is
outlined in this lab.
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting the lab you will need to connect a PC workstation with
HyperTerminal to a router using the router's console Interface with a roll-over
cable. You will also need an Ethernet connection to the router. A TFTP server
should also be available to back up the IOS prior to replacing the flash SIMMs.
Although the instructions in this lab for upgrading router flash memory may not
be required for your lab setup, you should read through them to become familiar
with the process.
You should review Chapter 16 in the Cisco Networking Academy First-Year
Companion Guide and review semester 3 online curriculum lesson 1 prior to
starting this lab. Work in teams. Note that detailed instructions can be found at
the web site listed below. A PDF file can be downloaded.
Resources Required:
IOS Version /
Feature Set
1.2(21) **IP/IPX
Image Size
C1600-nyl.112-21.P.bin 3,729KB
Notes: * The last character of the feature portion of the IOS image name
(e.g. C1600-ny-l) is a lower case letter L not a number 1. ** Feature sets: IP
= TCP/IP protocol, IPX = Novell IPX protocol, AT = AppleTalk protocol, DEC
= DecNet protocol. All images shown above run from Flash memory
Primary Memory
Shared Memory
Boo1 ROMs
Serial 0
Serial 1
Console Aux
Boot ROM Jumper
Ethernet 1
Ethernet 1
Serial 0
Serial 1
Console Aux
Connect edge of
the system card
Polarization notch
B. Erase Flash, including both partitions. Caution: You will need to have a
backup IOS image already stored on our tftp server as this will erase all Flash
files - and Flash is where a 2500 stores IOS by default!
Router(boot)#erase flash
The router will prompt you through erasing both partitions (you will need to
confirm overwrite and erasure of flash).
C. Repartition Flash
Now you must repartition the flash into one partition with a size of 8MB (if you
have installed two 4MB SIMMs).
Router(boot)#configure t
Router(boot)(config)#partition flash 1 8
D. Copy the stored IOS image back into flash
Use the command copy tftp flash to retrieve the backed up IOS image back into
flash memory. The TFTP server backup / restore procedure is described in a
prior lab.
E. Change the config-register to boot from Flash
Change the config register to cause the router to examine NVRAM for boot
system commands ("config-register 0x2102") which will load the IOS image from
flash. Exit and reload; the router should now read "8192k bytes of processor
board System flash
Router(boot)(config)#config-register 0x2102
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
S1 Lab_D
Lab_A S0(DCE)
E0 net net net net
Determine the model number of an Ethernet switch and what physical interfaces (ports) it
Identify the cables, connections and devices that can attach to a switch
Check and/or modify HyperTerminal configuration parameters
Connect to the switch through its console using the PC and HyperTerminal
In this lab you will examine an Ethernet Switch to gather information about its
physical characteristics and begin to appreciate the function of switches in a
network. You will determine the model number and features of a specific switch
including which interfaces are present and to which cabling and devices they are
A switch is a Layer 2 (data link) network device that acts as the concentration
point for the attachment of workstations, servers, routers, hubs and other
switches. A "hub" is an earlier type of concentration device that provides multiple
ports similar to a switch except that with a hub all workstations share the
bandwidth (10Mbps with Standard Ethernet) and collisions will occur. Hubs
operate at half-duplex (can only send or receive) since they must be able to
detect the collisions. A switch provides a dedicated point-to-point connection
(virtual circuit) between two networking devices (such as workstations, servers
and routers) so there are no collisions. Since they do not have to detect
collisions, they can operate in full-duplex mode (simultaneous send and receive)
which effectively doubles throughput. Ethernet switches are available in several
speeds including 10Mbps (standard Ethernet), 100Mbps (Fast Ethernet) and
1000Mbps (Gigabit Ethernet).
Switches are sometimes referred to as multi-port bridges and are the newest
technology for today's Ethernet star-wired Local Area Networks (LANs). Like
routers, switches are dedicated PCs which contain a CPU, RAM and an
operating system (IOS). As with a router, a switch can be managed by
connecting to the console port to allow you to view and make changes to the
configuration. Many of the newer switches have a web (HTTP) server built in and
can also be managed via their IP address using a PC and a browser interface
such as Netscape or Internet Explorer. The ability to understand and configure
switches is essential for network support.
Tools / Preparation:
A switch should be available with a PC workstation, connected as a console, with
HyperTerminal installed and properly configured to access the switch. The switch
should be exposed with all sides clearly vi sible so that all physical connections
and cables can be inspected. Since there may be only one switch available, the
instructor should demonstrate this lab at a minimum and students should work in
larger teams to get hands on. While one team is doing switch labs the others
could be doing web-based research on switches at the Cisco web site URLs
listed below. Before beginning this lab you should read the Networking Academy
Second Year Companion Guide, Chapter 2 on LAN Switching. You should also
review semester 3 On-line Lesson 2. The following is a list of equipment
4. What type of cable is the console cable (roll-over, cross-connect or straightthrough cable)?
What does AUI mean and what could this port be used for?
6. What type of cable or adapter could be used with the AUI port?
8. What is the total number of ports on the front of the switch for connection of
workstations, servers, routers, hubs or other switches?
15. What indicator lights (LEDs) are on the front of the switch?
Current Setting(s)
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
S1 Lab_D
E0 net net net net
This lab will help develop a basic understanding of Ethernet switch management
and will help prepare for more advanced switching lessons such as VLANs. You
will work with the Switch Management Console User Interface Menus to
configure some basic switch options. Switch management can be done through a
menu-driven interface such as the Management Console or through a command
line interface (CLI) as with most routers.
In this lab, you will console into the switch and view the menu options available
with the User Interface Menu to become familiar with the types of settings and
actions that can be performed when configuring a switch. You will also set the IP
address of the switch using the Management Console and will use Control Panel
/ Networks utility on the workstation to verify that its IP address settings are
compatible with the switch IP address. Familiarity with switches and their
management is critical to the successful support of today's Ethernet networks.
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting the lab, the teacher or lab assistant should have a switch
available with the default VLAN settings. A workstation with HyperTerminal
should be available to console into the switch and an Ethernet connection should
be available to Telnet into the switch. Since there may be only one switch
available, the instructor should demonstrate this lab at a minimum and students
should work in larger teams to get hands on. While one team is doing switch
labs the others could be doing web-based research on switches at the Cisco web
site URLs listed below. Before beginning this lab you may want to read the
Networking Academy Second Year Companion Guide, Chapter 2 on LAN
Switching. You should also review semester 3 On-line Lesson 2. The following is
a list of equipment required.
Step 1 - Connect the workstation to the switch console port and turn the switch on.
Wait a few minutes for the switch to "boot up" and it will display a menu of
options known as the "Management Console" (1900 version). This exercise will
help you become familiar with the various menu options available.
3. Fill in the following table with the Main Menu options available. (Answers will
vary depending on the switch model and firmware)
Menu Options from a Cisco Catalyst 1924 (10 Mbps) Ethernet Switch
Menu Opt.
Menu Options from a Cisco Catalyst 1912 (10 Mbps) Ethernet Switch
Subnet mask
Default Gateway
Management VLAN
Setting Value
Subnet Mask:
6. Verify that all ports are assigned to VLAN 1. List the ports that are currently
assigned to default VLAN 1:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
Lab_A S0(DCE)
E0 net net net net
Work with the Management Console User Interface Menus to determine the switch model
number, MAC address and firmware revision
In this lab you will work with the Management Console interface menus to
configure a switch to operate in Fragment-Free switching mode. You will also
configure a port to enable FULL DUPLEX and Port Fast operation. Most switches
can be configured with these options.
Fragment-Free Operation
There are 3 modes switches can operate in; 1) Cut-through or Fast-Forward, 2)
Store-and-Forward and 3) Fragment-Free. In Fast-Forward mode, the switch only
reads the destination MAC address of the Frame header and then immediately
forwards the frame. This mode is the fastest but can also forward collision
fragments of less than 64 bytes (a runt). Store-and forward waits for the entire
frame to be received (up to 1,518 bytes) before forwarding the frame. It is the
slowest switching mode but results in the fewest errors. Fragment-free mode
reduces delay by making the forwarding decision after the first 64 bytes have
been received. This means that no runts will be forwarded which is the most
common type of bad Ethernet frame. Fragment-free is the best compromise
between speed and errors. Cisco switches can be set to operate in Store-and
forward, Fragment-free or Fast Forward modes depending on the model.
Full Duplex Operation
When Full Duplex is enabled on a port it can double the bandwidth by allowing it
to simultaneously transmit and receive. This means that a 10Mbps Ethernet port
can operate at 20Mbps as long as the network interface of the attached device
(NIC or router interface) can also support Full Duplex operation. Since a switch
provides virtual circuit to the device with no collisions, this is dedicated bandwidth
to the device. A 100Mbps Fast Ethernet port can operate at 200Mbps dedicated
bandwidth. Full Duplex operation must be set for each port.
Port Fast Operation
When a switch port comes up it normally goes thru the normal 802.1d Spanning
Tree states of Blocking, Listening, Learning, and then Forwarding. This process
can take from up to 45 seconds to occur. When Port fast mode (spanning tree) is
enabled, the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) can transition the port's state from
Blocking to Forwarding without going through the intermediate states of Listening
and Learning. This can be beneficial especially in Novell Network IPX
environments where the client request can sometimes timeout due to the time it
takes for a switch port to respond.
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting the lab, the teacher or lab assistant should have a switch
available with the default VLAN settings. A workstation with HyperTerminal
should be available to console into the switch and an Ethernet connection should
be available to Telnet into the switch. Since there may be only one switch
available, the instructor should demonstrate this lab at a minimum and students
should work in larger teams to get hands on. While one team is doing switch labs
the others could be doing web-based research on switches at the Cisco web site
URLs listed below. Before beginning this lab you should read the Networking
Academy Second Year Companion Guide, Chapter 2 -LAN Switching. You
should also review semester 3 On-line Lesson 2. The following is a list of
equipment required.
Step 1 - Connect the workstation to the switch console port and turn the switch on.
Wait a few minutes for the switch to "boot up" and it will display a menu of
options known as the "Management Console" (1900 version).
1. What is the model number for the switch?
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
E0 net net net net
Use the Management Console menus to view and configure switch IP address settings
Check workstation network settings to verify compatibility with switch and router settings
Test cabling and IP connectivity from workstation to switch using the Ping and Telnet
Use a workstation with browser software to connect to the switch and check port status
This lab will provide an opportunity to configure a switch for IP and HTTP
(Hypertext Transfer Protocol) access. By assigning an IP address to the switch
you will be able to ping it and Telnet to it. You will also be able to use your
workstation browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer) to connect to the switch and
check switch settings and port statistics. The browser will provide a graphical
interface showing a frontal view of the switch and allow you to select any port to
check out its statistics and characteristics. Many newer switches have HTTP web
server software built in to support browser-based switch management. With
Cisco switch clustering technology, you can manage up to 16 switches with one
IP address. It is very important to assign a password to the switch if you are
going to assign an IP address.
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting the lab, the teacher or lab assistant should have a switch
available with the default VLAN settings. A workstation with HyperTerminal
should be available to console into the switch and an Ethernet connection to
Telnet and browser into the switch. Since there may be only one switch
available, the instructor should demonstrate this lab at a minimum and students
should work in larger teams to get hands on. While one team is doing switch
labs the others could be doing web-based research on switches at the Cisco web
site URLs listed below. Before beginning this lab you may want to read the
Networking Academy Second Year Companion Guide, Chapter 2 LAN
Switching. You should also review semester 3 On-line Lesson 2. The following
is a list of equipment required.
Step 1- Connect the workstation to the switch console port and turn the switch on.
Depending on the switch you will need either a rollover RJ45 cable with a DB9
adapter (on the PC end) or a DB9 to DB9 null modem (modem eliminator) cable.
Wait a few minutes for the switch to boot up and it will display a menu of options
known as the Management Console.
Subnet Mask:
4. Select [V] Virtual LAN from the menu and verify that all ports are assigned to
VLAN 1. List the ports that are currently assigned to default VLAN 1:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Step 8 Make some configuration changes to the switch using the browser interface.
10.Enter a name for the switch:
12. What color will the port be if the link is faulty or the port is disabled?
13. Select the port where your workstation is connected (port 1) and click on it
with the mouse. Scroll down the port table until you get to port 0/1. What is the
current actual duplex mode?
Change the mode from Half Duplex to Full Duplex. (The NIC in
your workstation may not support full duplex operation).
14. Check the port statistics for frames received and transmitted by clicking on
the Stats button. Enter the number of packets below:
Good Frames Received:
Packets Transmitted:
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
S1 Lab_D
Lab_A S0(DCE)
E0 net net net net
In this lab you will work with Ethernet Virtual Local Area Networks or VLANs.
VLANs can be used to separate groups of users based on function rather than
physical location. Normally all of the ports on a switch are in the same default
VLAN 1. A Network Administrator can create additional VLANs and move some
ports into those VLANs to create isolated groups of users regardless of where
they are physically located. This creates smaller broadcast domains which helps
to reduce and localize network traffic. If a switch with 24 ports is divided into 2
VLANs of 12 ports each, the users on one VLAN will not be able to access
resources (such as servers or printers) on the other VLAN. VLANs can also be
created using ports from multiple switches that are trunked together on a
backbone. In order for two VLANs to communicate they must be connected by a
router. Security can be controlled using router Access Control Lists (ACLs) which
will be covered in a future lab.
You will console into the switch and use the Management Console User Interface
menus to view the options available to manage VLANs and will check the current
VLAN configuration. You will also use Telnet to access the switch and check
some settings as well as move your connection from one VLAN to another to
determine the affects of the "Management Domain". When managing a switch,
the Management Domain is always VLAN 1. The Network Administrator's
workstation must have access to a port in the VLAN 1 Management Domain. All
ports are assigned to VLAN 1 by default. This lab will also help demonstrate how
VLANs can be used to separate traffic and reduce broadcast domains.
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting the lab, the teacher or lab assistant should have a switch
available with the default VLAN settings. A workstation with HyperTerminal
should be available to console into the switch and an Ethernet connection should
be available to Telnet into the switch. Since there may be only one switch
available, the instructor should demonstrate this lab at a minimum and students
should work in larger teams to get hands on. While one team is doing switch labs
the others could be doing web-based research on switches at the Cisco web site
URLs listed below. Before beginning this lab you should read the Networking
Academy Second Year Companion Guide, Chapter 3 - VLANs. You should also
review Semester 3 On-line Lesson 3. Following is a list of equipment required.
Step 2 - Check the IP address of the router, the switch and the attached workstations.
5. Check the IP address and subnet mask of the router, switch and workstations
to verify that they are compatible and on the same network. If the switch is
connected to Router Lab-A, Interface E1 as shown in the standard lab setup
diagram then assign IP addresses, subnet masks and default gateways as
appropriate. Record your settings below:
Wkstn 1
Wkstn 2
7. Select the [L] List VLANs option from the submenu and then enter the word
ALL. What VLANS are currently listed?
8. List the options on the VLAN configuration menu and sub-menus in the
following table:
VLAN Menu Options from a Cisco Catalyst 1912 (10Mbps) Ethernet Switch
Menu Opt.
10. Create a new Ethernet VLAN and name it. Give it a name (eg: your last name
plus an number: smith1). What name did you give it?
12. List the steps required to create and name the new VLAN:
13. Assign ports 7 thru 12 and port B to the your new VLAN: List the steps
required to do this:
16. Now take Workstation 2's Ethernet port from the switch and plug it into one of
the ports on VLAN 2 (ports 7-12). Ping each workstation again. Was the ping
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
S1 Lab_D
Lab_A S0(DCE)
E0 net net net net
In this lab you will work with Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs). You will
console into the switch and view the menu options available to manage VLANs
and will check the current VLAN configuration. You will also use Telnet to access
the switch and check some settings as well as move your connection from one
VLAN to another to determine the affects of the "Management Domain". When
8. Verify that all ports are assigned to VLAN 1. List the ports that are currently
assigned to VLAN1.
9. List the first three "Actions" that are available on the VLAN submenu. Which
menu option is used to move a port to a different VLAN?
Menu Opt.
12. With the workstation attached to port 12 on VLAN 2 can you still manage the
15. Move your workstation connection to port 11 on the switch. Can you Telnet to
the switch now?
17. Explain why your Telnet session failed when you move your workstation from
port 11 (VLAN 1) to port 12 (VLAN 2) on the switch.
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
S1 Lab_D
Lab_A S0(DCE)
E0 net net net net
As new versions of the Cisco switch Firmware software become available, it is
necessary to periodically update the existing Firmware image to support the
latest features and improvements. In this lab you will determine what version of
Firmware your switch is currently running and become familiar with the
requirements for updating to a newer version. The process of downloading a new
switch firmware image from Cisco Connection Online (CCO) will be also be
reviewed. The TFTP server method of updating your firmware will be covered in
this lab. The primary goal of this lab is to get your switch updated to Enterprise
If your switch currently has an older version of the standard edition
firmware, you must update to the newest version of the standard edition
first and then you can update to the enterprise edition.
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting the lab you will need to connect a PC workstation with
HyperTerminal to a Switch using the Switch's console Interface with a roll-over
cable. You will also need an Ethernet connection to the Switch. The instructor or
lab assistant should have a Windows 9x PC with a TFTP server installed and
have the latest downloaded firmware image on the PC hard drive. Verify that the
TFTP server is accessible by the Switch. The Cisco TFTP server and latest
firmware updates can be downloaded from the web sites listed below. Since
there may be only one switch available, the instructor should demonstrate this
lab at a minimum and students should work in larger teams to get hands on.
While one team is doing switch labs the others could be doing web-based
research on switches at the Cisco web site URLs listed below.
You should review Chapters 2 and 3 in the Cisco Networking Academy SecondYear Companion Guide and review semester 3 online curriculum lesson 3 prior
to starting this lab. Although the instructions in this lab for downloading the
firmware image software can only be done by someone with a CCO account, you
should read through them to become familiar with the process.
Resources Required:
Set the IP address of the TFTP server using option [S] TFTP server
name or IP address.
Set the File name of the upgrade using [F] Filename for firmware
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
S1 Lab_D
Lab_A S0(DCE)
E0 net net net net
In this lab you will work with Ethernet Virtual Local Area Networks or VLANs.
VLANs can be used to separate groups of users based on function rather than
physical location. Normally all of the ports on a switch are in the same default
VLAN 1. A Network Administrator can create additional VLANs and move some
ports into those VLANs to create isolated groups of users regardless of where
they are physically located. This creates smaller broadcast domains which helps
to reduce and localize network traffic. If a switch with 24 ports is divided into 2
VLANs of 12 ports each, the users on one VLAN will not be able to access
resources (such as servers or printers) on the other VLAN. VLANs can also be
created using ports from multiple switches that are "trunked" together on a
backbone. In order for two VLANs to communicate they must be connected by a
router. Security can be controlled with router Access Control Lists (ACLs) which
will be covered in a future lab.
You will console into the switch and use the Management Console User Interface
menus to view the options available to manage VLANs and will check the current
VLAN configuration. You will also use Telnet to access the switch and check
some settings as well as move your connection from one VLAN to another to
determine the affects of the "Management Domain". When managing a switch,
the Management Domain is always VLAN 1. The Network Administrator's
workstation must have access to a port in the VLAN 1 Management Domain. All
ports are assigned to VLAN 1 by default. This lab will also help demonstrate how
VLANs can be used to separate traffic and reduce broadcast domains.
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting the lab, the teacher or lab assistant should have two switches
available with the default VLAN settings and each switch must be running the
Enterprise Edition firmware. If your switches are not, then the Enterprise Edition
firmware must be downloaded from the Cisco web site by a person with a CCO
login account (your academy contact or instructor). The procedure for upgrading
switch firmware was covered in the prior lab (3.4.4 Lab 1). A workstation with
HyperTerminal should be available as a console and for Telnetting into the
switch. Since there may be only a couple of switches available, the instructor
should demonstrate this lab at a minimum and students should work in larger
teams to get hands on. While one team is doing switch labs the others could be
doing web-based research on switches at the Cisco web site URLs listed below.
Before beginning this lab you should read the Networking Academy Second Year
Companion Guide, Chapter 3 - VLANs. You should also review semester 3 Online Lesson 3. The following is a list of equipment required.
Step 2. Check the IP address of the switch and the attached workstations.
5. Check the IP address and subnet mask of the switch and workstations to verify
that they are compatible and on the same network. Record your settings below:
Switch B IP: ________________
Switch A IP: ________________
Wkstn 2 IP: ________________
Wkstn 1 IP ________________
7. Select the [L] List VLANs option from the submenu and then enter the word
ALL. What VLANS are currently listed?
8. List the options on the VLAN configuration menu and sub-menus in the
following table:
VLAN Menu Options from a Cisco Catalyst 1912 (10 Mbps) Ethernet Switch
Menu Opt.
10. Create two new Ethernet VLANs and name them. Give each one a name (eg:
your last name plus the number of the VLAN: smith10 or smith20). What names
did you give them?
For the two VLANs you create use numbers 10 and 20. Assign a SAID to each
VLAN using the [I] 802.10 SAID VLANs option. Use SAID 10 and 20 for VLAN 10
and 20. Assign the first half of the ports to VLAN 10 and the second half to VLAN
20. Repeat this on Switch-B using the same names, VLAN number and same
Step 5. Enable "Trunking" on port B of both Switch-A and Switch-B.
Under VLAN configuration select [T] Trunk Configuration and select port B. In the
Trunk B Configuration Menu select [T] Trunking then select 1 to turn trunking on.
Repeat for Switch-A and Switch-B. By default 1-1005 VLANs are allowed to use
the trunk port.
NOTE: You need to use a CAT 5 crossover cable to connect Switch-A port
B to Switch-B port B. This assumes that each of your switches has at least
one 100Base -TX (CAT 5 copper) trunk or backbone port (port A or B). Some
switches have one 100Base -TX and one 100Base -FX (fiber) trunk port and
some have two 100Base -FX ports depending on the model.
Analyze requirements for a simple Local Area Network with Internet access.
Design a Layer 1 and 2 topology based on switched Ethernet and given requirements
Determine the type, number and location of Ethernet switches and cabling required
based on wiring closet locations for MDF and multiple IDFs based and a simple floor plan
Research the Cisco web site and those of Cisco vendors for models and costs
This lab will help prepare for the Case Study. In this lab you will be given some
basic requirements for a small LAN that spans multiple buildings. Your focus is
on the physical topology and Data link layer components. The goal is to replace
an aging 10Base2 thinnet Ethernet network with current technology Ethernet
switches and cabling based on structured cabling standards and the extended
star topology. You will decide which type of Ethernet switches to use and where
to place them. You will also determine which type of cabling to use based on the
requirements given. Your users will need access to several servers and they will
need to be placed in the most effective locations. You will use vendor catalogs
and web based research to find out the model numbers and costs of various
switched Ethernet solutions.
Tools / Preparation:
This is a research lab and will not require a physical lab setup. You will need
access to data communications equipment catalogs and web access for
research. Use the Cisco web site URLs listed below. Work in teams of 3 or more.
Before beginning this lab you should read the Networking Academy Second Year
Companion Guide, Chapter 4 LAN Design. You should also review semester 3
On-line Lesson 4. The following is a list of equipment required.
Manufacturing Bldg C
(20 data drops rqd.)
350 ft.
Engineering Bldg B
(30 data drops rqd.)
Eng. Server
250 ft.
Admin Bldg A
(40 data drops rqd.)
2 central Servers
Description/Function Cost
Description/Function Cost
Description/Function Cost
What type of cabling will you run from the switches in the wiring closets
to the users desktop workstations and why?
What type of cabling will you run from the MDF/POP in building A to
buildings B and C and why?
10. Why is the wiring closet in the Admin building the best place for the
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
S1 Lab_D
Lab_A S0(DCE)
E0 net net net net
Compare the characteristics of routed and routing protocols and cite examples of each
Examine a router to determine which routed and routing protocols are active
Practice commands to determine which routed and routing protocols are supported
(show IP route, show protocols, show running config, router ?)
Diagram the relationship between: routed & routing protocols, dynamic & static protocols,
interior vs exterior protocols, distance vector, link state & hybrid routing protocols
This lab will reinforce your knowledge and understanding of routed and routing
protocols, the primary protocols that enable a router to function. You will review
examples of each type of protocol and use various IOS commands at the router
to discover which routed and routing protocols are currently running or active on
the router. You will also use the help facility to explore what protocols the router
could support that may not be currently running. Understanding the distinction
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting the lab, the teacher or lab assistant should have the standard
router lab with all 5 routers set up and have a routing protocol enabled (RIP or
IGRP). Workstations with HyperTerminal should be available to console into the
routers. Work individually or in teams. Before beginning this lab you may want to
read the Networking Academy Second Year Companion Guide, Chapter 5
Routing Protocols: IGRP. You should also review Semester 3 On-line Lesson 5.
The following is a list of equipment required.
Routing basics
RIP routing protocol
IGRP routing protocol
EIGRP routing protocol
OSPF routing protocol
BGP routing protocol
EGP routing protocol
Tech tips for IGRP and EIGRP routing protocol
Configuring IP routing protocols
Basic IP addressing and Troubleshooting guide
The following table lists some of the most common interior routing
protocols. Fill in the table with the information requested based on your
knowledge. You may look up answers in the text or online or use the web
site resources.
Protocol Type:
(distance vector,
link state, hybrid)
Developed by:
(Vendor /
IP route
Step 4 - Check to see which ROUTED protocols the router can understand.
Routed (or routable) protocols enable packets to move from one network to
another. To see the list of routed protocols supported, enter privileged mode,
then config mode and use the help by typing ?. You will see many commands but
you should be able to pick out the routed protocols.
Routed and
Routing Protocols
IP = Internet Protocol, IPX = Internetwork Packet Exchange, A/T = AppleTalk, D.V.
= Distance Vector, L.S. = Link State, HYB = Hybrid, BGP = Border Gateway
Protocol, EGP = Exterior Gateway Protocol, RIP = Routing Information Protocol,
IGRP = Interior Gateway Routing Protocol, OSPF = Open Shortest Path First,
EIGRP = Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol, INTERIOR, EXTERIOR
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
S1 Lab_D
Lab_A S0(DCE)
E0 net net net net
In this lab you will work with two dynamic interior routing protocols - Router
Information Protocol (RIP) and Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP).
Routing protocols are used by routers to communicate between themselves in
order to dynamically exchange information about the networks they can reach
and the desirability of the routes available. Routed protocols (such as IP and IPX)
are those protocols that can be routed between networks to enable packets to
get from one location to another. Routers can run multiple routing and routed
Both RIP and IGRP are distance-vector routing protocols. RIP is the oldest
routing protocol and uses only hop count as a metric to determine the best path
or route. IGRP is a Cisco proprietary protocol that uses metrics such as
bandwidth and delay to determine the best path. It may be desirable for a router
network using RIP to convert to IGRP because IGRP has a much higher hop
count limitation and uses bandwidth as a metric, thus bringing about better
routing decisions when working with an internetwork that has alternative paths.
You will console into the router and check the status of the IP routing table and
verify the networks that are reachable by each router. You will add IGRP to a
router that has only RIP on it and then remove RIP. The ability to apply and
interpret routing protocols is essential to maintaining internetworks.
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting the lab, the teacher or lab assistant should have the standard
router lab with all 5 routers set up with RIP enabled. Workstations with
HyperTerminal should be available to console into the routers. Work individually
or in teams. Before beginning this lab you may want to read the Networking
Academy Second Year Companion Guide, Chapter 5 - Routing Protocols: IGRP.
You should also review Semester 3 On-line Lesson 5. The following is a list of
equipment required.
Web Resources:
Routing basics
General information on routers
2500 series routers
1600 series routers
Terms and acronyms
IP routing protocol IOS command summary
Step 1. Verify the routers have learned about the other networks in the lab.
1. To display the routing table and see the routing updates that have occurred
and the networks the router knows about, issue the following command:
router> show
2. What letter appears in the first column of the routing table for any
network/subnet directly connected to the router?
3. What letter(s) might appear in the first column of the routing table for any other
networks NOT directly connected to the router? (refer to the legend at the top of
the display from the show IP route command)
Step 3. Determine if there are static routes and remove them.
1. What letter would appear in the first column of the routing table for any
network/subnet for which there is a static route?
2. If there any static routes configured on the routers in this lab they need to be
removed, since our goal here is for the routers to learn all routes via the IGRP
routing protocol. To find the configuration statements for the static routes, issue
the following command. Are there any static routes?
router#show running-config
(notice any command of the form "IP route ", they would be
near the end of the output)
3. Enter config mode and remove any static routes with the command:
router#config term
4. Remove each of the static routes with a NO command of the form:
router(config)#no IP route
(be sure to enter exactly what you found in the show runningconfig, but with a "no" in front.)
Step 4. Routes learned with RIP and IGRP.
1. What letter appears in the first column of the routing table for any
network/subnet learned via RIP?
Once you have successfully and completely converted to IGRP, each of the
entries learned via RIP should be replaced with a similar entry.
2. What will the letter in the first column be when the network/subnet is being
learned via IGRP?
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
S1 Lab_D
Lab_A S0(DCE)
E0 net net net net
In this lab you will work with Cisco's Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP).
Routing protocols are used by routers to communicate between themselves in
order to exchange information about the networks they can reach and the
desirability of the routes available. Routed protocols (such as IP and IPX) are
those protocols that can be routed between networks to enable packets to get
from one location to another. Routers can run multiple routing and routed
IGRP is a dynamic distance-vector routing protocol developed by Cisco in the
mid-1980s for routing in an autonomous system that contains large, complex
networks with diverse bandwidth and delay characteristics. Your school district
has decided to implement IGRP as the routing protocol. Several requests were
made to InterNIC and they have issued an Autonomous System number of 100
to your District Office.
Web Resources:
Routing basics
General information on routers
2500 series routers
1600 series routers
Terms and acronyms
IP routing protocol IOS command summary
Perform the following steps using one of the 5 lab routers. The router prompt
shown here is the default prompt of "Router" assuming no host name has been
assigned to the router. The actual prompt will vary (eg: LAB-A or LAB-B etc.)
Step 1 - Enter the user exec mode.
Step 2 - Ping all IP interfaces on your router and all interfaces on the directly connected
neighboring routers.
Document in your Lab Engineering Journal what the responses were from ICMP
Ping command.
Which router interfaces respond with a successful ping?
Step 3 - Display the current routing protocols in use with the following command:
Router>show ip protocols
Are there any routing protocols defined?
(If there are they should be removed and then repeat steps 1 and 2 - refer to lab
5.4.3 for removal)
Step 4 - Enter privileged exec mode with the class password using the following
Password: class
Step 5 - Display the current running configuration in RAM with the following command:
Router#show running-config
Are there static routes defined?
Step 8. - Define which networks are to use IGRP by entering the following command:
(Where is the IP address of one of the networks directly
connected to the router.)
1. What was the router response?
Step 9 - Repeat step 8 for all of the networks directly connected to the router.
Step 14 - Display the current routing protocols in use with the following command:
Router#show ip protocols
Enter in your Lab Engineering Journal any important information you have
received from issuing this command. What routing protocol was shown?
Step 15 - Display the IP routing table to show what networks are known to this router.
Router#show ip route
Enter in your Lab Engineering Journal any important information you have
received from issuing this command. What networks were listed?
Step 18 - Check the current default basic settings for the timers with the following
Router#show ip protocol
What is the current setting for the four basic timers?
Hold Down:
Step 19 - Reset the IGRP network timers with the following series of commands:
Router#config term
Router(config)#router igrp 100
Router(config-router)#no timers basic
What is the purpose of this command?
Step 20 Check to see that the router is no longer receiving routes with the following
Router#show ip route
Step 21 - Adjust the network timers using the following command.
All devices in an IGRP autonomous system must be consistent in their use of
timers. Consistency is important with regard to how often they send updates and
the length of the hold down. Use the following series of commands to adjust the
timers to different settings than the default ones in step 18:
Router#config term
Router(config)#router igrp 100
Router(config-router)#timers basic update invalid
holddown flush [sleeptime] (replace each of the
italicized words with a number in seconds)
Enter in your Lab Engineering Journal any important information you have
received from issuing this command and the significance of issuing this
Step 22 - Enforce a maximum network diameter of 2 hops with the following series of
Router#config term
Router(config)#router igrp 100
Router(config-router)#metric maximum-hops 2
Step 23 - Turn off IP protocol debugging with the following command:
Router#no debug ip igrp transactions
Enter in your Lab Engineering Journal any important information you have
received from issuing this command.
Lab_B S0(DCE)
Lab_C net
S1 Lab_D
Lab_A S0(DCE)
E0 net net net net
In a previous lab, you saw how to set up the RIP routing protocol on Cisco
routers. In this lab you will configure the routers to use IGRP and see how IGRP
uses metrics to select the best path.
Initially, a router must refer to entries about networks or subnets that are directly
connected to it. Each interface must be configured with an IP address and a
subnet mask. The initial source of this information is from the user who types it
into a configuration file. IGRP (Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) is a distancevector routing protocol developed by Cisco to address problems associated with
routing in large, heterogeneous networks.
RIP sends out routing updates every 30 seconds and uses only hop count to
determine the best path. IGRP sends routing updates at 90 second intervals and
uses a combination of variables in determining the best path to route packets.
The variables that make up this composite metric include bandwidth, delay, load,
reliability and MTU (maximum transmission unit). Detailed information on how
IGRP calculates the best path can be found at the Introduction to IGRP site
listed in the Web Site Resources section of this lab.
IGRP takes a more intelligent approach to determining the best route than RIP
does. RIP only counts the number of routers (hops) from point A to point B,
whereas IGRP looks at, among other factors, the speed of the various links
before it determines the best path.
In this lab you will add a WAN link between Lab-A and Lab-E. This link will be
configured for 56Kbps speed. The other WAN links are configured for 1,544 Kbps
(T1 speed) by default. You will examine the routing tables and determine what
path the data will take. Finally, you will take down one of the fast links between
routers and force the data to be routed through the 56Kbps WAN link.
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting this lab you will need to have the equipment for the standard 5router lab available. The routers and workstations should be pre-configured by
the instructor or lab assistant with the correct IP settings prior to starting the lab.
Work in teams of 3 or more. Before beginning this lab you may want to review
Chapter 5 in the Cisco Networking Academy Second-Year Companion Guide
and Semester 3 On-line Chapter 5.
Resources Required:
(5) PC workstations (min.) with Windows operating system and HyperTerminal installed.
(5) Cisco Routers (model 1600 series or 2500 series with IOS 12.0.9. or later)
(5) serial console cables to connect workstation to router console port (with RJ45 to DB9
(4) Sets of V.35 WAN serial cables (DTE male/ DCE female) to connect from router to
CAT5 Ethernet Cables wired straight through to connect routers and workstations to hubs
and switches.
AUI (DB15) to RJ45 Ethernet transceivers (Quantity depends on the number of routers
with AUI ports) to convert router AUI interfaces to 10Base-T RJ45
Web Resources:
Routing basics
General information on routers
2500 series routers
1600 series routers
Terms and acronyms
IP routing protocol IOS command summary
Introduction to IGRP
IGRP Metrics
You will note that a "C" in the first column indicates that the network is directly
connected to the router. An "I" in the first column indicates that the network was
learned via IGRP. The first number in the square brackets indicate the calculated
distance to the particular router. The second number indicates the calculated
metric to the particular router.
Step 7 - Examine the path that data travels.
From Lab-C, follow the path that data travels to reach interface S0 on Lab-E.
Issue the command traceroute (abbreviated tr
3. What path does the data travel?
Step 8 - Examine the path that data travels between two different routers.
Log onto Lab-E. Trace from Lab-E to the Ethernet 1 interface of the Lab-A router
by entering the command traceroute (abbreviated tr
4. What path did the traceroute command follow?
Disconnect the cable from Lab-E's Ethernet 0 interface. The output of the show ip
route command (above) indicated that all traffic from Lab-E was being routed
through the Ethernet 0 interface.
Entering the command traceroute (abbreviated tr
7. What path does the traceroute command now follow?
Note that the IGRP metric (the second number in the square brackets) on each
route has increased significantly from the results you recorded in question 6. This
indicates that the 56Kbps WAN link, between Lab-E and Lab-A, is slower. Even
though it is slower, this is the only way to route traffic out of Lab-E.
Step 10 - Examine the routing of traffic from another router. Log onto Lab-C.
Note that it takes time for the network to converge between steps 9 and 10. Enter
the command clear ip route * to force the router to clear all routing table
information and obtain new information from the other routers, via a broadcast.
Issue the command show ip route, and compare the results to those you
recorded in question 2.
Examine the path data now takes to go to interface Serial 0 on Lab-E. Enter the
command traceroute (abbreviated tr
11. What path does the traceroute command now follow?
Use the shareware program NeoTrace to verify the network path from source router to
destination router with a graphical display.
Verify that the network-layer between source, destination and each router along the way
is working properly. Retrieve information to evaluate the end-to-end path reliability.
Determine delays at each point over the path and whether the host can be reached.
In this lab you will use the shareware utility NeoTrace to determine the path that
data travels through an Internetwork. In semester 2 you completed a lab using
the Cisco IOS traceroute command. NeoTrace uses graphics to depict the
results of the traceroute command. Additionally, NeoTrace displays the "Whois"
information for each router, by looking up the domain name owner and labeling
this information for each router on the data path.
The traceroute command uses ICMP packets and the error message generated
by routers when the packet exceeds its Time To Live (TTL). When you initiate
the traceroute command to a target host the router sends an ICMP echo-request
packet with the TTL set to one (1). The first router in the path to the target host
receives the ICMP echo-request packet and sets the TTL to zero (0). The first
router then sends an ICMP Time-exceeded message back to the source. The
source router then sends an ICMP echo-request packet with the TTL set to two
(2). The first router receives the ICMP echo-request and sets the TTL to one (1)
and sends it to the next router in the path to the target host. The second router
receives the ICMP echo-request and sets the TTL to zero (0) then sends an
ICMP Time-exceeded message back to the source. The source then sends an
ICMP echo-request with a TTL set to 3. This cycle continues until an ICMP echoreply is received from the target host or until a ICMP destination-unreachable
message is received. This allows you to determine the last router to be reached
in the path to the target host. This is a troubleshooting technique called fault
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting the lab you will need a PC workstation with Internet access and
NeoTrace installed. You will be able to download an evaluation version of
NeoTrace. Please review the license provided with NeoTrace to ensure that you
are abiding by the rules of its shareware use. The location of the NeoTrace
program can be found below in Web Site Resources.
Resources Required:
Web Resources:
Routing basics
General information on routers
2500 series routers
1600 series routers
Terms and acronyms
IP routing protocol IOS command summary
Internet RFCs
Step 1 - Run the NeoTrace program.
Start the NeoTrace program by clicking on the Windows Start button, then
Programs. Click the NeoTrace program group and then click the NeoTrace icon.
If NeoTrace needs to be installed, download it from the web site listed above.
If this is the first time the program has been run, you will need to fill in the blanks
on the Home Location screen. This allows the program to look up the latitude and
longitude for your location. Click the "Try NeoTrace" button to continue.
Step 2 - Enter the address of an Internet resource to trace to.
In the address field, type and press enter. This address of the
site you are tracing to could be any IP address or computer that is accessible
from your location, either on the Internet or on your private LAN/WAN.
You will notice that as the process of tracing takes place, a series of dots and line
segments are displayed. Once the traceroute command is completed, the display
shows a map with the approximate locations of the routers between your location
and Cisco's web site.
Place the mouse pointer near the green dot near San Jose, California. Clicking
the left mouse button will zoom in, and clicking the right mouse button will zoom
out. Zoom in until you see the green circular dot with only one line segment
connecting to it. Place the mouse pointer on this dot.
1. What information is displayed? (answers may vary)
In this lab you will work with Standard Access Control Lists (ACLs) to regulate
the traffic that is allowed to pass through a router based on the source, either a
specific host (typically a workstation or server) or an entire network (any host or
server on that network). A Standard ACL is a simple and effective tool to control
which packets should be allowed to pass through a router from one network to
another. Standard ACLs are a basic form of control with limited capabilities. They
can filter (permit or deny) packets coming into or going out of a router interface
based only on the IP address of the source network or host. As a result, they
should be applied near the destination address since you cannot specify the
destination address.
Other routed (or routable) protocols such as IPX or AppleTalk can also have
ACLs or filters but this lab will focus on IP ACLs. When a standard IP ACL is
applied, it will filter (permit or deny) the entire IP protocol suite (IP, TCP, SMTP,
HTTP, Telnet etc.). When creating Standard IP ACLs they are numbered from 1
to 99. In the next lab you will work with Extended IP ACLs which are numbered
from 100 to 199. Refer to the text or online lesson for IPX and AppleTalk ACL
These are the steps necessary to use ACLs effectively:
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting the lab, the teacher or lab assistant should have the standard
router lab with all 5 routers set up. Work individually or in teams. Before
beginning this lab you should read the Networking Academy Second Year
Companion Guide, Chapter 6 - ACLs. You should also review semester 3 On-line
Chapter 6. The following is a list of equipment required.
In this lab you will construct, apply and test a standard IP ACL. Exercise A
is required and B is optional but recommended. Exercise A is intended to
block packets from a specific host on one network from getting to any host
on another network. Exercise B will block traffic from all hosts on a specific
network from getting to any host on an entire network. Answers are
provided for both exercises. Refer to the standard lab diagram in the
overview section.
Exercise A (required).
ACL 1 prevents IP traffic from a specific host (workstation with IP
address) attached to the Ethernet hub off Router LAB-A interface E0, from
reaching an entire network (, the network between Routers LAB-D &
Exercise B (optional)
ACL 2 prevents IP traffic from all hosts on a specific network (an
Ethernet network off Router LAB-B) from reaching an entire network
(an Ethernet network off router LAB-C)
2. How many bits does each decimal zero in the wildcard mask above represent?
5. Since ACLs always end with an implicit "deny any", using just one of the
statements above would cause this list to deny a single source address, but then
implicitly deny any other source address too. Our objective is to only deny access
from a single host, so you need to add a second statement to allow all other
traffic. Enter the second ACL statement that would allow all other traffic (the
same statement would be used for exercise A or B:
6. Why are both statements using the same ACL number (1) ?
7. What would be happen if the 1st statement was "Access-list 1" and the 2nd
"Access-list 2"?
IP host or network Network to
Router where where ACL
keep packets ACL will be will be
Exercise to be Denied
out of
applied (S0,
S1, E0, etc)
(ACL 1)
(ACL 2)
(IN or
( off router
( off router
(219.17.100.X) off
Router LAB-B
(219.17.100.X) off
Router LAB-B
(219.17.100.X) off
Router LAB-B
offrouter LAB-E
Router LAB-C
Interface S0
Router LAB-E
Interface E0
( or
Router LAB-C
Interface E0
( off router
Should be
Extended ACLs are a more advanced form of control with more flexibility in the
way packets are controlled. Extended ACLs can filter (permit or deny) packets
based on source or destination address and on the type of traffic (e.g. FTP,
Telnet, HTTP etc.). Since extended ACLs can block traffic based on destination
address, they can be placed near the source which helps to reduce network
In this lab you will work with Extended ACLs to regulate the traffic that is allowed
to pass through the router based on the source and type of traffic. ACLs are an
important tool to control which packets and what type of packets should be
allowed to pass through a router from one network to another.
There are different types of ACLs for different routed protocols such as IP, Novell
IPX and AppleTalk. With this lab, you will work only with Extended IP ACLs which
are created with a number from 100 to 199.
These are the steps necessary to use ACLs effectively:
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting the lab, the teacher or lab assistant should have the standard
router lab with all 5 routers set up. Work individually or in teams. Before
beginning this lab you should read the Networking Academy Second Year
Companion Guide, Chapter 6 - ACLs. You should also review semester 3 On-line
Chapter 6. The following is a list of equipment required.
In this lab you will construct, apply and test an extended IP ACL using the
following standard lab setup. You may do either Exercise A or exercise B
outlined in Step 1 below.
Step 1 - Determine the ACL Requirements.
Which traffic (packets) will be blocked (denied) or allowed (permitted)? Since you
will use an extended IP ACL, you can control not only the source address but
also the destination address. You can also pick and choose the specific protocols
in the IP protocol suite that you want to allow or prevent from entering the
destination network (e.g. TCP. UDP, ICMP, HTTP, Telnet etc.).
Exercise A: Prevent Telnet traffic from a specific host (a workstation
off router LAB-A) from reaching an entire network (the network
between Routers LAB-D & LAB-E)
Exercise B: Prevent Telnet traffic from a specific host (a
workstation off router LAB-E) from reaching an entire network (off
Router LAB-A).
5. Since ACLs always end with an implicit "deny any", using just one of the
statements above would cause this list to deny a single source address, but then
implicitly deny any other source address too. Our objective is to only deny access
to a single host, so you need to add a second statement to allow all other traffic.
Enter the second ACL statement that would allow all other traffic (the same
statement would be used for exercise A or B):
3. Complete the commands that would apply this list to that interface:
Router(config)# ___________________________
Router(config-if)# __________________________
Exercise B.
1. On which router, lab-b or lab-d, would you apply the filter that would prevent
router LAB-E's packets from being transmitted to the A LAN (network
3. Complete the commands that would apply this list to that interface:
Step 5 - Verify the ACL is Applied to the Correct Interface:
Use the following command to check to see that the ACL is applied to the correct
interface on the correct router:
Router#show running-config
1. What results were displayed that proves that the ACL is applied correctly?
NOTE: To remove an ACL from an interface, first configure the interface as with
step 4 and then repeat the second command with the word NO in front (no ip
access-group 101 in).
Telnet from
Should be Was
successful? it?
Workstation( off
router Lab-A
offrouter Lan-E
Workstation( off
router Lab-A
offrouter Lab-C
Should be
Telnet from
successful? it?
Workstation( Workstation(192.5.5.
offrouter Lab-E
2) off router Lab-A
off router Lab-E
offrouter Lab-B
Use the following command with one of the routers where the ACL was applied
to verify that packets are being blocked:
Router#show access-list 101
1. What was the result of the command? How could you tell the ACL was
This lab is a practice exercise which simulates a real-world example. You will
work with multiple Extended Access Control Lists (ACLs) to simulate regulating
the traffic that is allowed to pass through multiple routers to various servers and
the Internet. This is primarily a paper-based exercise to practice the analysis of
security requirements and design an ACL plan. You can configure the most of
the ACLs on the routers indicated in the answer section but you may not be able
actually test some of the ACLs filtering capabilities in some cases
Extended ACLs provide a more advanced form of filtering with more flexibility in
the way packets are controlled. Extended ACLs can filter (permit or deny)
packets based on source or destination address and on the type of traffic (e.g.
FTP, Telnet, HTTP etc.). Since extended ACLs can block based on destination
address, they can be placed near the source which helps to reduce network
In this lab you will work with multiple Extended Access Control Lists (ACLs) to
regulate the traffic that is allowed to pass through multiple routers based on the
source, destination and type of traffic.
These are the steps necessary to use ACLs effectively:
Tools / Preparation:
This is primarily a paper-based practice exercise but access to the 5 router labs
is desirable. A white board should be available to brainstorm the different ways to
provide the required security. Work in teams of 2 or 3. Before beginning this lab
you should read the Networking Academy Second Year Companion Guide,
Chapter 6 - ACLs. You should also review semester 3 On-line Chapter 6. The
following is a list of equipment required.
In this lab you will design a security plan using multiple extended ACLs
and determine where they should be applied based on the following
standard router lab setup below. There is more than one correct answer.
Start with the standard lab setup shown in the overview and then draw a detailed
diagram of all routers, servers and networks to help work out the requirements.
Use the space provided on the next page to diagram the requirements listed
below and help determine what ACLs are needed and where they should go.
Step 1 - Define the ACL Requirements:
The requirements and some assumptions for this lab are given below. In general
it is best to try to use the fewest access-lists possible while minimizing network
traffic and allowing for potential network growth. You will use extended ACLs for
this exercise.
Diagram the routers and servers and show the location of ACLs (router and
interface, in or out) based on the security requirement.
To become familiar with Novell NetWare IPX protocol and its use in
To configure the lab routers to route the Novell IPX protocol as well as
To provide support for NetWare clients and servers which are running
In previous labs you have been working with the TCP/IP routed protocol or the
Internet Protocol (IP). In this lab you will work with Novells Internetwork Packet
Exchange (IPX) routed protocol. OSI layer 3 protocols such as IP and IPX
contain information in their packets to indicate what network the packet came
from and what network it is going to. Routable protocols (such as IP and IPX)
are those protocols that are capable of allowing packets to be routed between
networks and enable them to get from one location to another. Routers can run
multiple routing (e.g. RIP or IGRP) and routed (IP and IPX) protocols. In order to
be able to route both IP and IPX the router must maintain multiple routing tables,
one for each type of routed protocol being supported.
Novell's IPX/SPX Implementation
IPX is a proprietary routed protocol developed by Novell Inc. for use with its
NetWare Network Operating System. It is very widely used with private Local and
Wide Area Networks having Novell NetWare servers. Earlier versions of NetWare
(3.x and most 4.x versions) used IPX as their primary protocol. In order to
support these servers it is necessary to run the IPX protocol on routers, servers
and workstations. Newer versions such as NetWare 5.0 can use IP natively. It is
possible to have a multi-router Novell network using only the IPX protocol but IP
is still required to access the Internet. IPX does not support subnets and cannot
be routed over the Internet
The Novell network operating system uses 2 main protocols, IPX and SPX, to
help ensure delivery of packets. IPX is responsible for layer 3 routing to get
packets from one network to another. Sequential Packet Exchange or SPX is a
connection oriented packet delivery protocol similar to TCP. There are 2 parts to
an IPX address; a network portion and a host portion. The network portion of the
IPX address is a 32 bit hexadecimal number and the host portion is the 48-bit
MAC address of the NIC (for the server, workstation etc). Since the host or node
address is its MAC address, it is not necessary to assign a host address as with
IP. ARP is not required since the MAC address is known
Tools / Preparation:
Prior to starting the lab, the teacher or lab assistant should have the standard
router lab with all 5 routers set up. Before beginning this lab you should read the
Networking Academy Second Year Companion Guide, Chapter 7 - Novell IPX.
You should also review semester 3 On-line Chapter 7. The following is a list of
equipment required:
(Refer to the standard 5-router diagram. How many IP networks are there?)
Step 2 - Review Proper IPX Addressing.
Review the structure of the IPX addressing scheme and answer the following
1) Would 6F be a valid IPX network number?
Why or why not?
(hint: how long are IPX network numbers? How many bits? How many hex digits
is that?)
Step 3 - Enable IPX Routing.
Use the following command to enable IPX routing for each router. This enables
IPX RIP and SAP. After enabling IPX on the router and while still in IPX
configuration mode, go to step 4 and select the interfaces that will route IPX and
assign them network numbers.
Router(config)# ipx routing
Model Number
Ethernet 0
IPX Network
Ethernet 1
IPX Network
Serial 0
IPX Address
2) If there are redundant paths (2), and you want IPX traffic load sharing over
those 2 possible paths, you need to tell the router to accept multiple paths.
Complete the command you would use:
Router(config)# ipx
Serial 1
IPX Address
Step 10 - Reflection:
In your journal write about the differences between IPX and IP routing tables.