The Little Prince Summary
The Little Prince Summary
The Little Prince Summary
walk through the starry night. On the verge of collapse, the pilot carries his
little friend, not knowing whether they are even headed in the right direction.
At dawn, when it is almost too late to save their lives, they find a deep, old
well. The stars shimmer on the surface of the water. They drink, and the
water tastes unusually sweet to them. Both the man and the boy sense the
value of that moment. The pilot is sad; the prince feels fear mixed with joy,
because of his decision to go home. The water feels like an earned gift. The
prince comments that the beauty of the desert is in the knowledge that it
hides such a well.
The prince tells his friend that he will be leaving the next day. Neither
mentions the snake. When the little prince laughs to cheer his friend up, the
laughter sounds like the jingle of a million little bells. He offers the pilot a
farewell gift: From now on, when the pilot looks up on starry nights, he and
only he will hear the little princes laughter. It will be comforting for both of
them to know that they have each other.
The next day, on the one-year anniversary of the little princes arrival on
Earth, the pilot comes to the same spot where he met the boy. There he
glimpses the yellow flash of the snake as it bites the ankle of his little friend,
and the boy falls quietly and gently onto the sand. Later, the little princes
body is nowhere to be found. The pilot finally fixes his engine and leaves for
home, hoping that his friend is safely back at his home, too. In the years
afterward, on starry nights the pilot hears the little princes laugh and feels
warm in his heart: Love is a powerful, invisible thread connecting people no
matter how far apart in space and time they may be. Antoine de Saint
Exupry was born in France but wrote and illustrated The Little Princeduring
a self-imposed exile in America. This childrens book was published in 1943;
a year later, the author was presumably shot down while flying a
reconnaissance mission over the Mediterranean for his French air squadron.
When he was six, the narrator read a book about jungles and was fascinated
with the fact that a boa constructor swallows its prey whole and then sleeps
for six months while the meal digests. He drew a picture of the boa in this
state; it looked kind of like a lumpy hat. When he showed it to adults, they all
thought it was a lumpy hat and told him to study the...