Industrial Pollution and Control
Industrial Pollution and Control
Industrial Pollution and Control
Semester: 5th
Faculty: Mr. Vikram Singh Nanda
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Qualitative pollutant- The substances which are not normally present in the
environment and are added by human beings and are pollutants by nature. Eg.
insecticides, pesticides
Primary Pollutants- The substances which are directly emitted from the source and
remain in that form are termed as primary pollutants eg, smoke, fumes, ash, dust,
nitric oxide and sulphur dioxide
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Biodegradable pollutants
Pollutants that can be used and decomposed by microbes, insects or other animals
and birds are called biodegradable pollutants. Examples of biodegradable pollutants
are excreta [Waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially stool) discharged from
the body], organic wastes, paper, leftover food etc. Biodegradable pollutants can be
converted into harmless products through biological activities.
Biodegradable means that by microorganisms something must turn back into
naturally occurring minerals, usually co2, ch4, dirt (humus - Partially decomposed
organic matter; the organic component of soil) water.
Biodegradable waste can be commonly found in municipal solid waste (sometimes
called biodegradable municipal waste, or BMW) as green waste, food waste, paper
waste, and biodegradable plastics. Other biodegradable wastes include human
waste, manure, sewage, slaughterhouse waste. In the absence of oxygen much of
this waste will decay to methane by anaerobic digestion.
The main environmental threat from biodegradable waste is the production of
methane in landfills. Methane is 21 times as potent a greenhouse gas as carbon
dioxide and accounted for some 3% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the EU-15
in 1995.
There is concern that greenhouse gas, methane, might be released when any
biodegradable material, including truly biodegradable plastics, degrades in an
anaerobic [Living or active in the absence of free oxygen] or landfill environment.
Methane production from landfills is rarely captured or burned, but it rather enters the
atmosphere, where it is a potent greenhouse gas.
Methane production from specially managed landfill environments is captured and
used for energy or burnt off to reduce the release of methane in the environment.
Most landfills today capture the methane biogas for use in clean inexpensive energy.
Of course, incinerating non-biodegradable plastics will release carbon dioxide as
well. Disposing of biodegradable plastics made from natural materials in anaerobic
(landfill) environments will result in the plastic lasting for hundreds of years.
Is cloth biodegradable or non-biodegradable? : - It depends on what the cloth is
made of.
Non-Biodegradable pollutants:
Pollutants that cannot be converted to harmless products through natural activities
are called Non- Biodegradable pollutants. Examples of Non-Biodegradable pollutants
are plastic, polythene etc. Depending on physical state, these Non-Biodegradable
pollutants can be (1) gaseous (2) solid (3) liquid or (4) suspended substances.
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Non-biodegradable implies that the material is totally immune from attack by any
biological/natural elements and therefore, will exist forever in essentially the same
form for ever.
Bio-degradable pollutants can be broken down by living organisms where as nonbiodegradable cannot be broken down back into the soil.
In general, differences are based on whether or not the action of "a biological agent"
can cause the waste in question to be "degraded" to some acceptable level.
Biodegradable means that natural processes can break down the material into their
natural components. Whereas, non-biodegradable materials would not be affected
by natural processes that would break the material down. Plastic usually is nonbiodegradable, because there are very few natural processes that could break the
plastic down into smaller elements, whereas something like wood will rot and decay
and be recycled back into the soil.
Biodegradable implies that the material will be destroyed / dissembled by biological
and/or natural elements. Nitric Acid rain manufactured in thunderstorms , Oxygen in
the air, ultraviolet light in sunlight, and all kinds of microscopic "critters [creature
especially living-organisms] in the atmosphere and soil which "chomp [chewing off]
on all kinds of materials [including some petroleum products].
Biodegradable wastes decompose into soil.
metal cans
toxic chemicals
plastic products
metal scraps
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
not include industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, and sewage sludge. The collection
is performed by the municipality within a given area. They are in either solid or
semisolid form. The term residual waste relates to waste left from household sources
containing materials that have not been separated out or sent for reprocessing.
Following are the different types of wastes.
Biodegradable waste: food and kitchen waste, green waste, paper (can also
be recycled).
Recyclable material: paper, glass, bottles, cans, metals, certain plastics, etc.
Inert waste: construction and demolition waste, dirt, rocks, debris.
Composite wastes: waste clothing, Tetra Packs, waste plastics such as toys.
Domestic hazardous waste (also called "household hazardous waste") & toxic
waste: medication, e-waste, paints, chemicals, light bulbs, fluorescent tubes,
spray cans, fertilizer and pesticide containers, batteries, shoe polish.
Destruction of natural habitat of wild life. For example, cutting of forests have
resulted in the disappearance of Cheetah, and a falling number of tigers in India.
Addition of various chemicals from industries in the Kalu River near Bombay
has resulted in extinction of the Bombay duck, a favorite fish of the people living in
this area.
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Environment has the potential to replenish most of its resources in a certain period of
time. However, over-exploitation of resources and human activities have altered it
leading to many environmental problems, such as:
Destruction of wild life,
Air, water and land pollution,
Diminishing fossil fuels (oil, coal and natural gas),
Concentration of pesticides in alarming proportions in organisms, and
Depletion of ozone layer and global warming.
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
The 20th century was the warmest century in the past 1000 years.
2005 was the warmest year on record
Mean global temperature rose about C (1 F) in past 100 years
Increased frequency of hurricanes
Methane levels have risen 145 % [Fig 1 below]
Figure 1: Global concentration of methane gas over the past 1000 years indicates a dramatic increase
beginning about 100 years ago. The data was obtained from air bubbles trapped in ice in Greenland.
Figure2 : Annual per capita carbon dioxide (CO2) releases for the 15 countries with the highest total
emissions, 2000. (1 metric ton = 1000 kg
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Landfills are running out of room. Landfills are becoming "landfulls". Each day
Americans throw away 400 million pounds of food, junk 20,000 cars and
discard 18,000 TV's. The United States has 5% of the world population, but it
produces 30% of the world's garbage.
Leaks from landfills can contaminate groundwater. These are called leachates,
which are liquid wastes and can be formed when water mixes with buried waste.
Leachates may contain a variety of hazardous materials, including household
hazardous wastes.
Incineration (the burning of waste) reduces the amount of waste by about 30
40%. With recycling, incineration can at best reduce the amount of waste by
about 80%. Incinerators can also be used to produce lasting electricity, by
generating steam with the burning waste, and using the steam to turn turbines.
There are concerns about the need for air pollution controls to keep particulate
matter from escaping into the air. Also, the ash remaining must be buried in a
landfill, and this residue often contains toxic metals and dioxins, which are
classified as hazardous wastes.
Recycling and the Need for Resource Recovery
Natural resources contained in wastes are growing more limited and more
expensive. We can no longer afford to waste energy or to discard valuable
resources that are still usable.
The Three R's
Reduce. Everyone can help reduce the amount of waste produced in this
country. Buy products that last longer, and only buy the amount of a product
needed for the job. Support businesses that use less packaging.
Reuse. Reuse products instead of buying new ones, and swap with others
products that are no longer being used.
Recycle. Take paper, cardboard, used motor oil, batteries, certain plastics,
construction materials, etc. to recycling centers. Compost [collect and convert to
fertilizer] kitchen scraps and yard wastes.
Recycling Paper
Recycling old paper uses 50% less energy compared to making paper from
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Fig: Materials in US MSW (2007) (254 million tons or 230 million tonnes before recycling)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Litter at the roadside is ugly, and dangerous to some wildlife. How long will it
stay before decaying may be an ugly surprise as shown in above figure.
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Increases the metabolic rate of fish, which increases their need for oxygen
Biotic Effects of Thermal Pollution
Changes in the environment may also result in a migration of organisms
to another, more suitable environment and to in-migration of organisms
that normally only live in warmer waters elsewhere. As a result one has
the problem of compromising food chains of the old and new
environments. Biodiversity can be decreased as a result.
Changes of even one to two degrees Celsius can cause significant
changes in organism metabolism and other adverse cellular biology
effects. Principal adverse changes can include rendering cell walls less
permeable to necessary osmosis, coagulation of cell proteins, and
alteration of enzyme metabolism. These cellular level effects can
adversely affect mortality and reproduction.
Growth & reproduction very sensitive to temperature
Under Drought Conditions
The decrease in vegetation increases the amount of light that hits the
water, which increases the temperature of the water
Deforestation also increases Soil Erosion. Erosion makes the water
muddy, which decreases the light absorbed.
Possible Solutions of Thermal Pollution
Energy alternatives
Desalination plants
Less nuclear power
End shoreline deforestation
Prevent soil erosion
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Alpha radiation
Beta radiation
Gamma radiation
Units of Measurement
The unit used to measure radiation dosage is the rem, which stands
for roentgen equivalent in man. It represents the amount of radiation
needed to produce a particular amount of damage to living tissue. The
total dose of rems determines how much harm a person suffers. At
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, people received a dose of rems at the
instant of the explosions, then more from the surroundings and, in
limited areas, from fallout. Fallout is composed of radioactive
particles that are carried into the upper atmosphere by a nuclear
explosion and that eventually fall back to the earth's surface.
some loss of white blood cells
Doses of 300 rems or more cause temporary hair loss, but also more
significant internal harm, including damage to nerve cells and the
cells that line the digestive tract. Severe loss of white blood cells,
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
which are the body's main defense against infection, makes radiation
victims highly vulnerable to disease. Radiation also reduces
production of blood platelets, which aid blood clotting, so victims of
radiation sickness are also vulnerable to hemorrhaging. Half of all
people exposed to 450 rems die, and doses of 800 rems or more are
always fatal. Besides the symptoms mentioned above, these people
also suffer from fever and diarrhea. As of yet, there is no effective
treatment--so death occurs within two to fourteen days.
In time, for survivors, diseases such as leukemia (cancer of the
blood), lung cancer, thyroid cancer, breast cancer, and cancers of
other organs can appear due to the radiation received.
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Groundwater pollution
Interactions between groundwater and surface water are complex.
Consequently, groundwater pollution, sometimes referred to as groundwater
contamination, is not as easily classified as surface water pollution. By its very
nature, groundwater aquifers are susceptible to contamination from sources that
may not directly affect surface water bodies, and the distinction of point vs.
non-point source may be irrelevant. A spill or ongoing releases of chemical or
radionuclide contaminants into soil (located away from a surface water body)
may not create point source or non-point source pollution, but can contaminate
the aquifer below, defined as a toxin plume. The movement of the plume, a
plume front, can be part of a Hydrological transport model or Groundwater
model. Analysis of groundwater contamination may focus on the soil
characteristics and site geology, hydrogeology, hydrology, and the nature of the
Measurement of water pollution
Water pollution may be analyzed through several broad categories of methods:
physical, chemical and biological. Most involve collection of samples, followed
by specialized analytical tests. Some methods may be conducted in situ, without
sampling, such as temperature. Government agencies and research organizations
have published standardized, validated analytical test methods to facilitate the
comparability of results from disparate testing events.
Physical testing
Common physical tests of water include temperature, solids concentration like
total suspended solids (TSS) and turbidity.
Chemical testing
Water samples may be examined using the principles of analytical chemistry.
Many published test methods are available for both organic and inorganic
compounds. Frequently used methods include pH, biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), nutrients (nitrate and phosphorus
compounds), metals (including copper, zinc, cadmium, lead and mercury), oil
and grease, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), and pesticides.
Biological testing
Biological testing involves the use of plant, animal, and/or microbial indicators
to monitor the health of an aquatic ecosystem.
Debate: Waste is actually waste or waste is valuable?
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)
Branch: Metallurgy
Code: 338512 (38)