Bulk Solids Handling
Bulk Solids Handling
Bulk Solids Handling
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Throughout the world, the handling and processing of powders and bulk materials are key operations in a great number
and variety of industries. Such industries include those associated with mining, mineral processing, chemical processing,
agriculture, power generation, food processing, manufacturing and pharmaceutical production. While the nature of the
handling and processing tasks and scale of operation vary
from one industry to another and, on the international scene,
from one country to another according to the industrial and
economic base, the relative costs of processing, storing, handling and transporting bulk materials are, in the majority of
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1796, just 8 years following the establishment of the First Settlement by the English in Sydney in 1788. The rst export of
coal occurred from the port city of Newcastle in 1801, a load of
some 600 tonnes bound for India. Newcastle, situated some
160 km north of Sydney, became an active bulk export port
during the nineteenth century, increasing in tonnage capacity
throughout the 20th and now 21st centuries. It is now the
worlds largest coal exporting port with annual tonnages currently in the order of 83x106 tonnes with the project expansion
taking this to over 100x106 tonnes.
Despite the design, engineering and construction of bulk handling port facilities that accompanied these early developments, research publications did not start to appear until towards the end of the 19th century. The need to store grain in
large quantities provided the impetus for research into silo wall
loads with a series of papers on this subject commencing in the
1880s and spanning a period of some thirty years. These papers, reviewed by R [1], emanated mainly from England,
Germany, Canada and the USA, with undoubtedly, the best
known work of this period being that of H.A. J, the German Engineer from Bremen, who published his epic paper on
silo loads in 1895 [2]. The lesser known work of J is of
particular signicance in view of its relevance to silo wall pressures during both symmetric and eccentric discharge [3,4].
2.2 Bulk Solids and Particle Technology Disciplines in their Own Right
The rst half of the 20th century saw increased research in
several aspects of granular and powder mechanics including
such subjects as the ow rates of bulk solids through orices
in the bottom of bins and through transfer chutes. In the area
of powder mechanics, the work of S and E led to a
re-discovery of Janssens equation [5]. The various studies of
granular ows relied heavily on experimental techniques,
with empirical type performance equations being derived
Historical Overview
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to the First Edition, the title Micromeritics was coined to represent the science of small particles. The subject matter included in the text is broad ranging including such subjects as: dynamics; shape and size; particle-size measurement; packings;
behaviour of particles under pressure; diusion; electrical, optical, sonic, surface and chemical, properties; thermodynamics of
particles; ow of uids though packings; inltration and particle-moisture relationships; capillarity; particle surface determination; muds and slurries; transport of particles; dust clouds;
atmospheric and industrial dust; collection and separation of
particulate matter from air; theory of ne grinding; sampling.
D also wrote,
Some users of this text may feel that it touches upon too
many apparently unrelated elds. This may be true, but the
inclusion of such elds was made purposely to indicate the
wide applications of a subject which should receive recognition as deserving a place in the engineering sciences.
Clearly this statement reinforced the interdisciplinary nature
of this new named science. While the name Micromeritics
still remains, it has provided the foundation for what we understand to be been embraced by the title Particle Technology. There can be no doubt that Particle Technology is now
very rmly established amongst the engineering sciences.
2.3 The Inuence of Soil Mechanics
Soil mechanics as a eld of science and technology had already been well developed. Therefore, it is not surprising that
this eld of study had a signicant inuence on the research
into various aspects of bulk solids handling. Since soil mechanics is mainly concerned with retaining walls, buried
structures and foundation design, naturally, the internal
stresses are much higher than those encountered in bulk solids handling. Furthermore the main concern of soil mechanics is with the conditions existing within soil prior to failure,
whereas the primary interest in bulk solids handling is with
the conditions under which failure and ow can occur. Nevertheless, the general similarities between the two elds of
study permit some important comparisons to be made.
The work of H [23] is of particular importance to the
understanding of the mechanism of consolidation and ow
of bulk solids. H, who studied the stress condition in
cohesive soils, showed that the peak shear stress at failure is a
function of the eective normal stress on, and the voids ratio
(or density) in the plane of failure; this condition is independent of the stress history of the sample. The work of H
was further extended by R et al [24], who established
the concept of a failure surface in the three dimensional space
of shear stress, normal stress, and voids ratio. They also
showed the existence of a critical voids ratio boundary at
which unlimited deformation could take place without
change in the stress condition and voids ratio.
2.4 Bulk Solids Handling Technology - The Jenike Era
The ow of cohesive bulk solids from storage bins is a complex
problem and it was not until the mid 1950s before any real
progress into the fundamental behaviour of such materials began to take place. The modern developments are very largely
due to the pioneering work of D. A W. J together
with D. J R. J, who commenced his research as a
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The limited travel of the Jenike type direct shear tester is overcome in the torsional or ring type shear testers which allow
continuous shear strain to occur, making consolidation to critical state conditions easier to achieve. While several torsional
or ring type testers have been developed, the more recent
Schulze Tester is one which is being widely adopted [38].
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From a practical point of view, the application of high frequency (f 100 hz) and low amplitude ( 0.1 mm) vibration
generally produces the best results in promoting ow. Some
studies of the transmission of vibration energy through consolidated bulk solids have also been undertaken [53].
3.3 The Inverted Shear Tester
A disadvantage of the Jenike direct shear tester for wall friction measurement, Fig. 4(a), is the inability to determine the
wall or boundary yield locus in the low pressure and tensile
stress zones. This diculty may be overcome by the inverted
shear tester, Fig. 4(b). In this way the properties of adhesion
and cohesion may be deduced [55-57]. The complete wall
yield locus is depicted in Fig. 5. In the test equipment of Fig.
4(b), the retaining shear cylinder is retracted during each test
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pressures to be achieved, a smaller shear cell of 65 mm diameter is often used. These cell sizes are satisfactory for most
applications particularly for mass-ow design where the focus is on the cohesive arch analysis for ow to occur.
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While the linear action wear tester described above has been
shown to be a very eective wear tester, the disadvantage lies
in the bucket elevator recirculating system which is subject to
equipment wear. To overcome this problem, the circular wear
tester illustrated in Fig. 10 has been developed [59]. In this
tester a plough, followed by a surface levelling and consolidating device, is incorporated to turn over the bulk solid wear
media to present a fresh surface of bulk solid to the test
sample each revolution. The tester has the advantage of allowing two lining samples to be tested at the same time
3.8 Dustiness Tests
For obvious environmental reasons, the control of dust in
bulk solids handling and processing plants has a high priority.
Through proper design, passive (non energy) dust control
can be achieved in process plants such as in conveyor feeding
and transfer operation. In open transport operations such as
rail wagons and large storage systems, notably stockpiles, the
control of dust generation due to windage needs to be
achieved. This is particularly important in the case of the
storage and transport of mineral ores such as coal where the
propensity for dust generation will vary with moisture content and coal type.
Australian Standard AS 4156.6-2000 [61] provides the specication of the test equipment and measurement procedures
for the determination of the dust versus moisture relationship
for coal. The test is also of value for the assessment of surface
sealing surfactants for controlling dust losses due to windage
from open stockpiles. While the Standard refers specically to
coal, it is equally useful as a test for virtually all bulk solids.
The test equipment is shown in Fig. 11. It consists of a rotating
drum tted with eight longitudinal vanes or lifters to assist the
dust dispersion. The test sample is placed in this drum and air
is drawn through the sample as it rotates carrying dust particles to the stationary lter collection bag held within the
sealed stationary compartment. The specic details of the test
procedure are given in the Standard. Besides this particular
test, wind tunnel tests are also used for dustiness tests.
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b) Elevation of Tester
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A subject of importance to the mining and mineral processing industries concerns the design of gravity reclaim stockpiles. It involves the determination of live capacity, loads on
The recent research conrming the existence of the M-distribureclaim tunnels and the loads on reclaim hoppers and feeders.
tion by MB [102] is quite comprehensive and worthy of
Typically stockpiles range in
particular note. MB conducted exheight from 20 to 40 metres, Fig. 16: Load-out bin for lling iron ore rail wagons
periments on 2m high pilot scale conical
with one known copper ore
stockpiles formed by gravel. An example
stockpile in Irian Jaya having a
of his results is shown in Fig. 18(a). He also
height of 70 metres. On such a
established a limit slope theory to predict
scale, the consequence of failM-distribution of stockpiles of conical and
ure of the reclaim tunnel due to
other geometries. H Y J conthe high base pressures may
well be catastrophic, so the
temptation is to err on the conservative side in the design. Yet,
the cost of being too conservative cannot be sustained on
economic grounds. Hence, the
need to be able to predict the
base pressures under all loading
conditions is strongly emphasised.
5.1 Base Pressures
By way of background, the fundamental research into the pressure distributions under small
heaps or piles formed by free
owing materials is reviewed.
This research has been approached, essentially,
on three fronts, experimentally, analytically and
numerically using Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
and Discrete Element Modelling (DEM), [94-98].
Intuitively, it would seem that the pressures exerted at the base would be hydrostatic, the distribution mirroring the conical shape of the pile
with the maximum pressure occurring at the mid
point directly under the apex. It is now known
that the pressure distribution is M-shaped with
the maximum pressure occurring away from the
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The humble sand pile is to granular mechan
ducted extensive numerical simulations using a special FEA
package [103]. He also assumed axi-symmetry to accommodate
the 2-dimensional stress eld. As shown in Fig. 18(b), H
Y prediction of MB results show close agreement.
In both cases the pressures, as plotted, are normalised.
Thee humble sand pile is to granular mechanics
mats Last Th
eorem was to number theory:
as Fermats
a tantalising simple problem that stubbornly
eludes solution.
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There are many types of feeders such as belt, apron, oscillating plate, screw, vibratory, rotary table, plough and rotary
valve and their selection is based on the particular process
requirements and properties of the powder or bulk solid. In
general, the subject of feeder loads and feeder design and
performance has been researched in some detail [105-120].
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Current advances in continuum and discrete element mechanics, and their associated computational methods FEA
and DEM respectively, are also helping push the frontiers of
particle and bulk solids technology forward at an impressive
rate. Such advances have been made possible through the
rapid developments of modern computing systems. Even so,
the simulation of bulk granular solids by FEA and DEM can be
costly in terms of computer time. While, for example, DEM is
currently limited by the number, size range and shape of particles to be handled, the method is particularly useful for
studying localised ow behaviour such as the interface zones
of hoppers and feeders. For such modelling to be accurate,
the need for research into the constitutive relationships to
describe the bulk material assumes a high priority.
There is much to learn from the physics of particle interactions and considerable work has been done on this subject.
As an example, the work of D [121] and of T [122] is mentioned, as is the work of the author in the
examination of the energy losses due to boundary and intergranular friction in chute ow [127]. There are many others,
including those involved in the sixties with the gravity ow of
spheres in hoppers as part of the work at that time in nuclear
science when pebble bed reactors were in vogue. There are
now numerous papers showing DEM applied to a wide range
of bulk solids handling problems. As an example, the work of
C [123] in simulating the operation of a ball mill is cited.
A critical review of DEM has been presented by T [124].
In acknowledging the developments in numerical simulation,
it is important not to neglect the old and tried method of
experimental simulation employing dimensional analysis and
dynamic similarity. These procedures have been successfully
adapted in model testing and prototype performance prediction of a range of bulk solids handling equipment and operations. These include gravity discharge from bins and bulk rail
wagons, stockpiles, screw conveyors for grain handling and
large feeding equipment for handling run-of-mine (R.O.M.)
prior to the primary crushing operation [125,126]. As an illustration, the simulation of the ROM feeder shown in Fig. 28
is briey reviewed.
The mechanics of such feeders as described in the cited references is based on several industrial projects performed at the
University of Newcastle. The feeding action is made possible
by the geometry of the hopper, which should be of mass-ow
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parabolic and optimum [135]. The optimum prole is determined using an evolutionally computational technique that
mimics the process of biological natural selection based on
the work of W [136]. The particular case concerns the
transfer of Bauxite at a feed rate of 300 t/h from the belt feeder with an eective width of 1.0 and speed of 0.1 m/s. The
drop height HT = 2.5 m and the receiving belt speed is travelling at a speed of vb = 4 m/s. The bulk density of the bauxite is
1.4 t/m3. The friction angle for the bauxite on the chute surface is = 25o and the chute cut-o angle = 35o for which o
= 55o. Since the feeder speed is quite small, it is assumed that
the initial chute velocity Vo 0. Based on the measured wall
friction angle and ow pattern, an average value of the equivalent friction coecient e = 0.5 is assumed.
Chute geometry has an important inuence on the performance and wear. This is illustrated in the case shown in Fig. 30 in
which three chute proles are compared, constant curvature,
Fig. 30: Chute proles
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b) Installation on
ship loader
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Belt cleaning including carry back measurement and development of improved cleaning eciencies.
Economic analysis applied to conveyor design.
Booster drives to reduce belt tensions and permit longer
individual ight length.
Design of horizontal curves.
Improved quality control in belt and component manufacture.
Special belt conveyors such as the pipe belts, aero belt and
Sicon belt
It is beyond the scope of this paper to review the various aspects of the foregoing developments. In keeping with the focus on the handling of bulk solids, the area of belt conveyor of
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Fig. 38: Belt velocities for slip and lift o as function of sag
conveyor slope = 10o; E = 0.5; o = 0
During running, after the load has settled, the bulk density
corresponds to the dynamic major consolidation pressure
1D dened as
belt velocity
sag ratio
idler spacing
average height of bulk solid on belt
As an example, Fig. 37 shows the belt velocities for slip and lift-o as a function of
conveying inclination angle for belt sag ratios of 0.2% and 0.5%, idler spacing of 1.0 m
and an equivalent friction factor of 0.5 for
the bulk solid in contact with the troughed
belt. The adhesive stress between the bulk
solid and belt surface is taken to be zero.
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Figure 40. Dynamic Stress Sates in Bulk Solids During Belt Conveying (Wheeler [140]).
11 Concluding Remarks
The past 125 years has seen a remarkable
growth in the knowledge of the way powders and bulk solids behave during the
variety of processing and handling operations occurring in practice. In particular,
the expansion of the knowledge base over
the past 50 years has been very signicant
indeed and there is absolutely no doubt
that the discipline of Bulk Solids Handling
is now rmly established as a professional
discipline in its own right. So much has
been achieved that it has been only possible in this review paper to outline some
salient developments.
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limited; Creativity is unlimited
are limited;
Creativity is unlimited
J, H.A.: Versuche ber Getreidedruck in Silozellen (On the Measurement of Pressures in Grain Silos).
Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure (1895)
pp. 1045-1049.
J, J.A.: Grain Pressures in Deep Bins; Engineering News, Vol. LI (1904) No.10, pp. 236-243
R, H.F., and T. T: Rate of Discharge of Granular Materials from Bins and Hoppers; The Engineer,
Vol. 208 (1959).
A. W. Roberts
Emeritus Professor Alan Roberts AM,
holds BE and PhD degrees from the
University of NSW, Australia, as well
as two honorary doctoratesand is a
Fellow of the Australian Academy of
Technological Sciences and Engineering. He has had over
40 years experience in bulk materials handling research
and consulting. After retiring from the University of
Newcastle, where he was Dean of the Faculty of Engineering for just on 20 years, he remains as Director of the
Universitys R&D company, TUNRA Bulk Solids which
he established 31 years ago and which is currently averaging around 130 projects a year for industry. He is the
author of numerous publications and has received several honours and awards.
BSH-08-06-Roberts-final.indd 412
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R, A.W.: Shock Loads in Silos - The Silo Quaking Problem; bulk solids handling Vol. 16 (1996) No.
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T, O.F.: Failure of Reinforced Concrete Grain Silos; Trans. ASME., Jnl. of Engng. for Industry. Series B.
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L, E. and D.F. B: An Idealised Three-Dimensional Model of Heaped Granular Material; Powder Technology 74 (1993), pp. 271-276.
W, J.P., P. C, M.E. C, and J.-P. B: An Explanation for the Central Stress Minimum in
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R, A.W.: Some Aspects of Grain Silo Wall Pressure Research - Inuence of Moisture Content on
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Australian Standard AS3774-1990. Loads on Bulk Solids Containers. Standards Association of Australia.
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(;3(5,(1&( ,1
5(6($5&+ &2168/7,1*
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04.10.2006 13:36:07