Essence of Dharma Sindhu
Essence of Dharma Sindhu
Essence of Dharma Sindhu
In the process of Learning with the intense desire to experience the ripples of the
endless Ocean of Hindu Dharma, a venture has been made to present a Summary of
Dharma Sindhu so exhaustively scripted by Maha Panditha Kashinatha Upadhyaya
in 1790 AD. The Pandita himself stated that while the doyens of Dharma Shastra should
readily appreciate the nuances of his Treatise on Dharma, the Commoners and Students
would have an opportunity to acquire the rudimentary know-how on the Subject. This
Summary seeks to make an honest effort in that direction.
This swifty Digest on the Practice of Dharma opens up with the basics of
Kaalamaana or Time Calulations ranging from Tritis to Yugas; the Tithi-VaaraPaksha-Maasa-Ayana-Samvatsara Nirnayas; the influence of Solar-Lunar-PlanetaryNakshatras on Humanity and the Highlights of the Occasions that all Hindus tend to
observe. Such opportunities include Social-Family-Individual Occurrences; they are also
outlets for recalling the Almighty by way of Stotra- Japa- Keertana- Vrata-Homa-Tirtha
Yatra Practices as are enabled by Mantra- Tantra-Yoga means. The next Subject of
Coverage deals with Samskaraas or Rituals signifying the milestones of Human Life
from Births to Bereavements; these Ceremonials reflect the Character of the Society and
normal compliance of Formalities as interpreted by distinct Sections of Hindu Dharma.
The Samskaaras that constitute the way of Hindu Life range from Garbha Daana,
Pumsavana, Janma Shanti, Nama Karana, Anna Prashana, Chooda Karma,
Vidyaarambha, Upanayana and Vivaha. Brahmacharis and Grihastas enter into
Ahnika Karya Krama from Sandhyopaasana, Homa Prakriyas, Tarpanaas,
Prayaschittas, Vaishwa Devas, Yagnaas, Daanas, Nitya-Naimittika-Kaamya Vratas, Murti
Pratishtha Karyas for Societal Benefits and so on. In fact, these major components
establish the Core of Dharma or the Unique Approach to Virtue, keeping in view the high
pedestals of the foregone Yugas vis-a-vis the diluted and disillusioned Kali Yuga. The
Uttara Bhaga handles the inevitable part of mortal Life and its Termination. Its coverage
ranges from Preta Samskaraas, Antya Kriyas, Dina-Paksha-Maasa-Abdika Vithis etc.
which need to be carried out in favour of the Pitru Devatas as one expects that his / her
sons should perform too for the Peace and Liberation to the Departed Souls like they did
themselves. The Extra-Terrestrial Duties are strongly beholden as the Relieving Points to
redeem the Departed Ones as also to bestow gratification to the Performers.
Appropriately enough, the essence of Human Life leads to the final conviction of
Vairagya or the Other-Worldliness and the chapter on Sanyasa fits in well as the last
portion of Dharma Sindhu.
The thought of concising and editing Dharma Sindhu in English occurred since such
works have not been identified easily. Also, this desire was overdue but the last few
years of mine were over-crowded
with the preparation of concising some twenty Puranas in English all of which were
released by the website of Kanchi Shankara Matha viz. in the Articles
Section. Indeed I am highly indebted to the grace of HH Vijayendra Saraswati for his
inspiration and pro-active guidance.
I dedicate my efforts in this venture to my parents Shri Vemuri Narayana Murti and Smt.
Sita Ravamma and seek their blessings from Heavens.
3 Kaala-Maasa-Paksha-Tithi Nirnaya
Kaalamaana or the Calculations of Time are based (ref. Maha Bhagavata
Purana) on Tritis-hundred Tritis or one Vedha-three Vedhaas one Lava-three
Lavaas one nimesha-three nimeshaas one kshana-five nimeshas one kashtha or
eight seconds - fifteen kaashthas one laghu or two minutes- fifteen laghus one
danda-two dandas one muhutra and six/seven dandas one fourth of a day or
night-four praharaas or yamaas [ a day or night has eight yaamaas and each
yaama has seven and half ghadis]- one Paksha has a fortnight-two Pakshas or
fortnights one Maasa or month-six maasaas one Ritu or Season- two Seasons one
Ayana viz. Uttaraayana / Dakshinaayana- two Ayanaas one Varsha/ Samvatsara /
Year. Each Year has five methods of calculations viz. Chaandra-Soura-SaavanaNaakshatra-Baarhaspatya. In Chandra Varsha: Beginning from Shukla Pratipaada
Tithi upto Amavasya (viz. Prathama- Dwiteeya, Triteeya, Chaturthi-PanchamiShashthi-Saptami-Ashtami-Navami-Dashami-Ekaadashi, Dwaadashi-Trayodasi-
continued unless there are unvoidable exigencies; Sandhya, Agnihotra, and such
other normal karmas are nitya karmaas while grahana snaanaas and such
occasional karmas are naimittika karmas and kaamya karmaas are those to ward
off evils as also drishti-related tasks; indeed all such tasks should not be
disturbed. However Jyotishtomas, Jyateshti and Putra Kaamekshi karmas should
be postponed to Shudda Maasaas. Naveena Karmaas ( Fresh Intiatives) and
Samaapti or Conclusive Karmas be avoided in the Mala Maasas. Yet, those tasks
like Punah-Pratishtha of a Murti which need to be necessarily followed up by a
Murti already set up as also tasks ranging from Garbhaadaana , Annaprasana, and
such tasks need not be postponed. Jwara roga Shantis, Nitya-UnmaashikaAmavasya Shraddhas too should not be disturbed. However in respect of those
who die in Mala Maasa , the Pratyaabhika be performed on the respective Tithis
after the Mala Maasas. The Shraaddha of those who die in Shudda Maasaas
should not be done in Mala Maasa but should be done in the following Shudda
Maasa only. But if the Prathamaabdika falls in Mala Maasa, then it should be
done in the Mala Maasa itself since the Samvatsara Purthi occurs then. The
Dwiteeya Shraaddas would however resume again on the concerned Tithis of the
Shuddha Maasaas in the subsequent years. Again, twelve days after the death of a
person requiring obsequies ought be executed even in a Mala Masa. If the
dwiteeya Maasika falls in Mala Maasa again, the same should be repeated twice
over. In that case, the Unaabdika be done and the dwiteeyaabdika be pushed
forward and the Saamvatsarika Shraddha be performed in fourteen Maasaas. In
the Mala Maasas, following tasks must not be resorted to viz. Upakarma,
Utsarjana, Ashtka Shraadha, Griha Pravesha, Chudaakarana, Yagnopaveeta,
Vivaaha, Tirtha Yatras, Griha Nirmaana, Devataa Pratishtha, renovation of wells
and gardens, wearing of new clothes and tasks involving decoration of self or
surroundings, Mahaa Danaas, Yagna Karmas, Darshan of Apurva Devata and
Annapraashana, Nama Karmaadi Samskara, Pavitraaropana, Damanaarpana,
Shravanaakarma, Sarpabali, Shayana-Parivartaadi Utsavaas, Shapadha-Divyaadi
Tithi Nirnaya in Saamaaya Paribhaasha: Tithis are of two kinds viz. Purna and
Sakhanda. Purna Tithi is called what obtains upto sixty ghadis after Sun Rise.
Sakhanda Tithi is what obtains less than that time. Akhanda is divided in two
parts viz. Shuddhaa and Viddha. Shuddha is the period of time occuring from
Suryodaya to Suryaastama; however on Shiva Ratris the time from Sun Rise to
Midnight past Sun Set is noted as Shuddha Khanda. The rest is called Viddha.
Now the term Vedha - which means protrusion of one Tithi into another-is also of
two kinds viz. Praatah -Vedha and Saayam Vedha. The duration from Suryodaya
upto six ghadis later is called Praatarvedha and the subsequent six ghadis after
Suryaasta and before the commencement of the next Tithi is called Saayam
Vedha. In respect of certain Tithis, the Vedha is of longer duration; for instance,
Shashthis Panchami Vedha is of twelve ghadis; Ekaashis Dashami Vedha is
fifteen ghadiyaas; Pournamis Chaturdashi Vedha is eighteen ghadiyas. Now,
this Vedha is applicable to different karmas as they could be nishiddhaas or
graahyaas, ie. acceptable or not. In any case, application of approval for a
Karma Visesha Nirnaya: Karma is of two types: Daiva and Pitravya. Daiva Karma
is related to six kinds of Bhojana viz. Eka bhukta (eating on mid-day once) Nakta
(eating at the pradosha time in the night ie three muhurtaas following Suryasta),
Ayaachita bhukta (unsolicited and unscheduled fasting or carry forward meal of
previous day), Upavaasa (day and night fasting), Vrata or fasting on account of
performing a Vrata and Daana ( restraint of bhojan on account of providing
charity). Additionally, fasting due to regular Ekaashi Tithi or on specified days is
also observed by ones own volition; such fastings could be at the hours of
individual choice say as per the five parts of a day viz. Pratah kaala, Sangava,
Madhyahna, Aparaahna and Pradosha. Eka Bhukta or one meal a day is relevant
to Madhyahnika Tithi or of the Tithi of the half day past thirty Ghadiyas and
thereafter the time upto Sunset is called Gaula kaala. Nakta vrata is to consume a
single meal three muhurtas after Sunset called Pradosha kaala; after the Nakta
Bhojana, and there after there would be no futher eating, sleep, sangama and
reading; this kind of Nakta Vrata is normally observed by Yatis, Putraheenaas,
widows and widowers. Ayaachita bhukta is related to the different situations like
Upavaasa is restricted maximum to two nights for women . Without the
permission of husband, no house wife can observe Vratas and Upavasa. On the
days of Upavasa or the Shraddha days, house wives are forbidden of teethcleaning with kaashtha or ash of firewood as on normal days and danta
dhaavanashould be done with neemtwigs or leaves. On the Upavaasa or
Vrata days, Sankalpa or Invocation should be performed in the early morning
using with water filled in copper vessels by Uttaraabhi mukha or facing
northward. Newly initiated Vratas or Udyaapanas of Vratas should not be
performed in Mala Maasaas, Amavasyaas, or khanda tithis or of carry forward
thithis. Khanda Tithi is denoted by the same tithi of the pratha kaala which lasts
at least upto the madhyaahna. Also, the commencement of a Vrata and its
termination on the same Tithi is called Satya Vrata. The common and dharmaas
to perform a Vrata involve Kshama, Satya, Daya, Daana, Shoucha, Indriya
nigraha, Deva Puja-Japa-Dhyaana-Kathaa Shravana-Samkeertana and Havana of
that particular Deva targetted, Santosha, self-discipline and Bahyaantara Shuchi
are normal expectations.
coconut kernel, peepul, jeera, plantains, Amla, Imli, sea salt, cow-products like ghee,
milk, curd, and such havishya vastus used for Agni Homa are consumable.
In the context of Kaamya Vrataas where there are no specified limitations of maasa
and tithis as Pratimas made of gold, silver etc.are worshipped. In the connected tasks,
perfomance of ghee homaas are included. Even if specific Mantraas are chanted, there
are no restricions of number; one could perform hundred and eight times, or twenty
five types or atleast even eight homaas. But Upavaasa and Brahmana Bhojana would
be included. The Udyaapana or termination of such Vrataas would include Daanaas,
preferably go-daana and Brahmana Ashirvaada and bhojana- dakshinaas. But once a
Vrata is taken up, it must be concluded formally lest it would be counted as a
Chaandaala Vrata. Widows performing any Vrata must wear white clothes only and
not coloured vastra. In Kaamya Vrataas, only those individuals concerned are to be
performed but not proxies in respect of mantra vidhi pujaas, homa-japa-daanaUdyaapanaas. In other words, nakta bhojana-upavaasa kaaryas have to be executed by
the Karta alone though other Karyaas might be performed by representatives. That is
why, women folk must ensure that there would be no limitations like
Rajaswalaavastha ( menses period) or prolonged illness coming in the way. When
more than one Vrata are performed at the same time then the order of Karmas like
daana-homa and so on may be adjusted to Avirudha karma krama or the normal
order of kamya karmas. Chaturdashi, Ashtami and such other Vrataas require that day
meal is not permitted. Chandraayan Vrata should be continued even if there are
intervening Ekadasaadi requirements of Ratri bhojanaas are prescribed; the
prescribed units of fistfull bhojana has to be observed only. However, it is reiterated
that no new Kamya Vrata could be taken up when a person is during Ashoucha
period even by proxy; there cannot be a proxy where Mantra, Deva Karya or Agni
Karma are involved. Proxies are allowed only nitya-naimittika karmas if inevitable.
However the specific place where Sankalpa /Dharana or Intiation of Upavasa and
Vrata is performed, Paarana or Udyapana should be the same too.
Ocean of Milk, ornamented by all Devas, worshipped by Devas and Danavas alike;
kindly accept this Arghya followed by Puja and Nivedana.On this day of
Govatsa Dwadashi, devotees should avoid oil-fried items, Cow-milk, curd, ghee etc. On
Margasirsha Shukla Dwadashi, Sadhya Vrata is performed by assuming the
Twelve Sadhya Ganaas, Viz. Manobhava, Praana, Nara, Apaana, Veeryavan, Chiti,
Haya, Naya, Hamsa, Narayana, Vibhu and Prabhu. The Ganaas are invoked into a rice
spreading and worshipped, after which request Lord Narayana to be pleased. On this
very day, a Dwadasha -aditya Vrata be also performed by doing Puja to Dhata,
Mitra, Aryama, Pusha, Shakra, Amsha, Varuna, Bhaga, Twashta, Viviswaan, Savita and
Vishnu. Trayodashi Tithis are well-known for Maha Vaaruni Vrata in Chaitra
Krishna paksha, if possibly coinciding with Saturdays/ Shatabhisha Nakshatra and if
lucky futher along with a bath in River Ganga. On Jyeshtha Shuka Trayodasi, a Vrata
for Dourbhagya Shamana (pacifying the trends of misfortune) is performed with
the Puja of Mandara, Karaveera and Arka flowers to Narayana, while Goraatra
Vrata is observed on Bhadrapada Shukla Trayodashi by performing
Pradakshinas and giving away charity to Veda Pandit. The Pradakshina should
accompany the recitation of: Gavo mamaagratah santu gaavo may santu pustatah,
Gaavo mey paasravatah santu Gavaam Madhey vasaamyaham/ (Cow is ahead of me,
behind me, by my side and I reside among Cows!). On Ashwin Shukla Trayodashi, a
three-night long Ashok Vrata is performed by praying to Shakara Maha Deva kept
under an Ashoka Tree; the person who performs the worship gives away a Pratima as
daan, along with dakshina. Nrisimha Vrata is well known on Vaishkha Shukla
Chaturdashi, when a devotee requires to keep day-long fast and worships the Deity
with shodasho-pacharas and recites the Kshama Prarthana Mantra again and
again: Taptahaataka keshaanta Jalatpaavaka lochana, Vajraadi nakha sparsha Divya
Simha Namostutey/ (Divya Simha! Your mane is shining like molten gold and eyes are
glowing like fire balls; the slightest touch of your diamond-strong nails are
excruciating; my salutations to you!). After the Puja, the devotee should sleep on bare
earth, with full control of body parts. The Vrata is to be performed a few years to
secure high contentment and fulfillment of earthly desires as also salvation after
lifes termination. On this very date of Vaishakha Shukla Chaturdashi, Omkareshwar
Linga Vrata is to be observed for demolition of all past sins. On Jyeshtha Shukla
Chaturdashi, Rudra Vratais to be performed for securing unimaginable results by
observing Panchagni Yogic Tapasya. Bhadrapada Shukla Chaturdashi is
earmarked for executing Ananta Vrata, while Kartika Shukla Chaturdashi, observance
of Pashupat Vrata has far reaching impact. However the most outstanding Vrata of the
day/night is stated to be on Shiva Raatri on Phalguna Krishna Chaturdashi, when
Nirjala Upavas, Bilwa patra puja, high concentration, Night-long Jaagaran, StotraPaath, three-hourly Abhisheka and detailed Puja and japa, purifies a devotee with
fulfillment and Shiva Darshan. On Purnimas, Anna-daana would please Chandra Deva
in Chaitra month and any kind of charities on Vaishaka purnima would have
multiplier-effect; Dharmaraja Vrata on the latter Purnima would please him with GoDaan, Swarna Daan and Bhojan Daan. Vata Savitri Vrata would certainly please
Devi Savitri who conquered Lord Yama for the sake of her husband with the prayer of
a devotee by reciting: Jagat pujye Jagan -matah Savitri pati devatey, patya
sahaviyogam mey vatasthey kuru tey namah/ ( Jaganmata Savitri, You are
worshippable to the entire Universe as you are the unique Pativrata. You reside in the
Vata Vriksha and as such, I pray to the Vata Tree; do bless me to ensure that I am
never separated from my husband). Any woman who prays to Savitri and worships her
and treats virtuous women with food and gifts would never lose her husband till she
dies herself. Shravana Purnima is the day of Upa Karma of Vedas, when Yajurvedi
Brahmanas should perform Tarpana to Devas, Rishis and Pitras; the Rishis whom
Tarpana are to be offered would be of ones own Shakha. Rigvedis on
Chaturdashi day of Shravana month and Sama Vedis on Bhadrapada Hasta Star
should observe Raksha Vidhana. Uma Maheswara Vrata is scheduled on
Bhadrapada Purnima, which requires total abstinence, Upavas on the previous and on
the day proper, Jaagaran on the previous night and fast till the dusk time of the day,
Pujas on the previous night, on the day and night proper would be compulsory as per
shodasopacharas as described in the previous pages of this write-up. This Vrata is
expected to be performed for fifteen years, whereafter the Udyapan function
should be concluded with full formalities of Mantras, homas, and celerbrations. Shakra
Vrata is also scheduled on the same day of Bhadrapada Purnima addressed to Indra
Deva for Dhana-Dhanya Vriddhi or all round prosperity. Kartika Purnima
Vrata is intended to attain/ retain Brahmatva in the next birth as also to demolish
enemies and the Deity to be worshipped is Kartika Deva. On this day of Kartika
Purnima at the Pradosha Time, organisation of Tripurotsava and Deepa Daana
are considered propitious; display of illuminations, especially in the vicinity of a river
or a water-body would help light up krimi-keetas, flies, mosquitos, trees, water,
etc and would enable Punarjanmas (rebirths) as human beings since the
upgradation of such Praaniswould indeed be a welcome step for such praanis.
As regards, the Amavasya Vratas, Sanatana Kumara explained to Narada Maharshi
that Chaitra and Vaishakha Amavasyas were extremely significant since these days
were very dear to Pitras for their Puja, Shraddha by way of offering Pindas(cooked
rice) prepared by the paarana vidhi, Brahmana Bhojana, especially daanas of
cows etc. In Jyeshtha month Brahma Savitri Vrata was stated to be imperative on
Amavasya. In Ashaadha, Shravana, and Bhadrapada months, Amavasyas are essential
for Pitru shraddas, Daanas, homas, and Deva Pujas. On Ashwin Amavasya, it would be
good to perform Shraadha Tarpan to Pitaras in River Ganga or more ideally at Gaya.
On Kartika Amavasya Deepa daangiven in a temple, or home, near a river, a
garden, go-shaala or at a public Place is commendable; on this very day, Lakshmi Puja
would be beneficial. Organising Brahmana Bhojan on a Margasirsha Amavasya or
better still performing Shraddha on that day would be useful. In fact, Pitru Shraaddhas
on Pousha, Magha and Phalguna Amavasyas would be effective] .
for some reason or another, the same be performed by the concerned persons
wife, or son, or daughter, or a Brahmana Purohita or even a friend and the Vrata
Phala would still accrue to the Karta. During the Upavaasa time, one should not
take water too many times, should not chew betel leaves/nuts, should not leep,
nor resort to Ashtavidha Mithuna ie. think of sex, hear procavative songs,
viewing objectionable material, secret gossip, take vows and decisions and refrain
from acts other than related to devotion. However, taking water once or twice in
unavoidable situations is pardonable. But drinks, milk of any kind except of cows,
masoor or lentils, Jambeera Phalam , Shakti churnaas etc. are avoidable. Tila or
Sesame and Moong or Green gram may be eaten but Mulika, Kshaara Vastu,
Honey, Meat etc. are prohibited. Tears, anger, desire infatuation of any kind,
feelings of envy or sorrow, are to be refrained from. Wheat, barley, mango fruit,
coconut kernel, peepul, jeera, plantains, Amla, Imli, sea salt, cow-products like
ghee, milk, curd, and such havishya vastus used for Agni Homa are consumable.
In the context of Kaamya Vrataas where there are no specified limitations of
maasa and tithis as Pratimas made of gold, silver etc.are worshipped. In the
connected tasks, perfomance of ghee homaas are included. Even if specific
Mantraas are chanted, there are no restricions of number; one could perform
hundred and eight times, or twenty five types or atleast even eight homaas. But
Upavaasa and Brahmana Bhojana would be included. The Udyaapana or
termination of such Vrataas would include Daanaas, preferably go-daana and
Brahmana Ashirvaada and bhojana- dakshinaas. But once a Vrata is taken up, it
must be concluded formally lest it would be counted as a Chaandaala Vrata.
Widows performing any Vrata must wear white clothes only and not coloured
vastra. In Kaamya Vrataas, only those individuals concerned are to be performed
but not proxies in respect of mantra vidhi pujaas, homa-japa-daanaUdyaapanaas. In other words, nakta bhojana-upavaasa kaaryas have to be
executed by the Karta alone though other Karyaas might be performed by
representatives. That is why, women folk must ensure that there would be no
limitations like Rajaswalaavastha ( menses period) or prolonged illness
coming in the way. When more than one Vrata are performed at the same time
then the order of Karmas like daana-homa and so on may be adjusted to
Avirudha karma krama or the normal order of kamya karmas. Chaturdashi,
Ashtami and such other Vrataas require that day meal is not permitted.
Chandraayan Vrata should be continued even if there are intervening Ekadasaadi
requirements of Ratri bhojanaas are prescribed; the prescribed units of fistfull
bhojana has to be observed only. However, it is reiterated that no new Kamya
Vrata could be taken up when a person is during Ashoucha period even by
proxy; there cannot be a proxy where Mantra, Deva Karya or Agni Karma are
involved. Proxies are allowed only nitya-naimittika karmas if inevitable. However
the specific place where Sankalpa /Dharana or Intiation of Upavasa and Vrata is
performed, Paarana or Udyapana should be the same too.
day; but observed most importantly as the popular Maha- Navami during Aswin
Shukla Paksha worshipping Devi Parvati. Bhadrapada Shukla Navami is known as
Nanda Navami to worship Devi Durga and Kartika Shukla Namvami is Akshaya
Navami when a devotee should perform Tarpana to Devas, Rishis and Pitras.
As regards Dashami Tithi, Chaitra Shukla is stated to be a day which Dharma Raja
is fond of and after fasting till the evening, worship of the Deity with flowers,
fruits, Gandha etc. should be observed and at the end of the Vrata, bhojan
and dakshina is to be provided to fourteen Brahmanas. Jyeshtha Shukla Dashami
is the day of Gangavataran and is reckoned as Dasaharaor destroyer of
Ten Sins when Ganga Snaan is highly recommended; this is the day when ten
yogas coincided viz. Jyeshtha Maasa, Shuka Paksha, Hasta Nakshatra, Budha day,
Dashami Tithi, Gara karana, Ananda Yoga, Vyatipaata, Kanya Rashis
Chandra and Vrisha Raasi Surya. Shravana Shukla Dashami is marked for
Shankara Puja when Nakta Vrata, Japa, Brahmana Bhojana and suvarna daana
are commended. Bhadrapada Shukla Dashami is to observe Dashavatara Vrata to
worship the Ten Incarnations of Vishnu viz. Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Nrisimha,
Trivikrama /Vamana, Parashu Rama, Rama, Krishna, Buddha and Kalki by daylong fasting and Brahmana Bhojana etc. Ashwayuja Shukla Dashami is the muchcelebrated Vijaya Dashami when the Dussehra Festival of Nava Rathras get
terminated to mark the killing of Mahishasura by Devi Durga as also to symbolise
the Ramleela celebration as Shri Rama killed Ravana and brought back Devi Sita
from Lanka. Margasirsha Shukla Dashami is the Arogya Vrata day when ten
Brahmanas are to be treated with bhojan and dakshina, while ten Vishwa devas
viz. Kratu, Daksha, Vasu, Satya, Kaala, Kaama, Muni, Guru, Vipra, and Rama are
to be worshipped. Magha Sukla Dashami is the Day for Angira Vrata to meditate
ten Angira Devas, viz. Atma, Vayu, Manah, Daksha, Mada, Praana, Barhishmaan,
Gavishtha, Dutta and Satya, where as Phalguna Shukla Dashami, fourteen Yama
Devas are worshipped viz, Yama, Dharma Raja, Mrityu, Antaka, Vaivaswata,
Kaala, Sarva Bhuta Kshaya, Aoudumbara, Dadhna, Neela, Parameshthi,
Vrikodara, Chitra and Chitragupta. Ekadashi has a special significance among all
the Tithis as the Shukla and Krishna Paksha Ekadashis are invariably observed
with Upavaasa, Japa, Homa, Pradakshina, Stotra Paatha, Dandavat- Pranama and
Ratri-Jaagaranas followed by Dwadashis Brahmana Bhojanas and dakshinas.
Chaitra Shukla Ekadashi is called Kamada or the Fullfiller of Purusharthas
and Sin-destroyer. Vaishakha Shula Ekadashi is known as Mohiniand
Krishna Ekadashi is known as Varuthini when Purushottama and
Madhusudhana are worshipped. Jyeshtha Krishna Ekadashi is called Apara
to worship Trivikrama, whereas the Jyeshtha Shukla is Nirjala which is
observed with fasting without water from dawn to dusk, and thereafter treat
Brahmanas with Bhojan. Ashadha Krishna Ekadashi is called Yoginiand is
observed with day-night fast / puja and bhojan to Brahmanas on the following
Dwadashi. Ashadha Shukla is ShayaniEkadashi, Shravana Krishna is
Kamika Ekadashi, Shravana Shukla is Putrada Ekadashi, Bhadrapada
Krishna is Aja Ekadashi, Bhadrapada Shukla is Padma Ekadashi, Aswin
Shukla is Papankusha Ekadashi, Aswin Krishna is Indira Ekadashi,
Karik Krishna is Rama Ekadashi, Kartik Shukla is Pabodhini,
Divya Simha Namostutey/ (Divya Simha! Your mane is shining like molten gold
and eyes are glowing like fire balls; the slightest touch of your diamond-strong
nails are excruciating; my salutations to you!). After the Puja, the devotee should
sleep on bare earth, with full control of body parts. The Vrata is to be performed a
few years to secure high contentment and fulfillment of earthly desires as also
salvation after lifes termination. On this very date of Vaishakha Shukla
Chaturdashi, Omkareshwar Linga Vrata is to be observed for demolition of all
past sins. On Jyeshtha Shukla Chaturdashi, Rudra Vratais to be performed
for securing unimaginable results by observing Panchagni Yogic Tapasya.
Bhadrapada Shukla Chaturdashi is earmarked for executing Ananta Vrata, while
Kartika Shukla Chaturdashi, observance of Pashupat Vrata has far reaching
impact. However the most outstanding Vrata of the day/night is stated to be on
Shiva Raatri on Phalguna Krishna Chaturdashi, when Nirjala Upavas, Bilwa patra
puja, high concentration, Night-long Jaagaran, Stotra-Paath, three-hourly
Abhisheka and detailed Puja and japa, purifies a devotee with fulfillment and
Shiva Darshan. On Purnimas, Anna-daana would please Chandra Deva in Chaitra
month and any kind of charities on Vaishaka purnima would have multipliereffect; Dharmaraja Vrata on the latter Purnima would please him with Go-Daan,
Swarna Daan and Bhojan Daan. Vata Savitri Vrata would certainly please
Devi Savitri who conquered Lord Yama for the sake of her husband with the
prayer of a devotee by reciting: Jagat pujye Jagan -matah Savitri pati devatey,
patya sahaviyogam mey vatasthey kuru tey namah/ ( Jaganmata Savitri, You are
worshippable to the entire Universe as you are the unique Pativrata. You reside in
the Vata Vriksha and as such, I pray to the Vata Tree; do bless me to ensure that I
am never separated from my husband). Any woman who prays to Savitri and
worships her and treats virtuous women with food and gifts would never lose her
husband till she dies herself. Shravana Purnima is the day of Upa Karma of
Vedas, when Yajurvedi Brahmanas should perform Tarpana to Devas, Rishis
and Pitras; the Rishis whom Tarpana are to be offered would be of ones own
Shakha. Rigvedis on Chaturdashi day of Shravana month and Sama Vedis on
Bhadrapada Hasta Star should observe Raksha Vidhana. Uma Maheswara
Vrata is scheduled on Bhadrapada Purnima, which requires total abstinence,
Upavas on the previous and on the day proper, Jaagaran on the previous night
and fast till the dusk time of the day, Pujas on the previous night, on the day and
night proper would be compulsory as per shodasopacharas as described in the
previous pages of this write-up. This Vrata is expected to be performed for fifteen
years, whereafter the Udyapan function should be concluded with full
formalities of Mantras, homas, and celerbrations. Shakra Vrata is also scheduled
on the same day of Bhadrapada Purnima addressed to Indra Deva for DhanaDhanya Vriddhi or all round prosperity. Kartika Purnima Vrata is intended
to attain/ retain Brahmatva in the next birth as also to demolish enemies and the
Deity to be worshipped is Kartika Deva. On this day of Kartika Purnima at the
Pradosha Time, organisation of Tripurotsava and Deepa Daana are
considered propitious; display of illuminations, especially in the vicinity of a river
or a water-body would help light up krimi-keetas, flies, mosquitos, trees,
water, etc and would enable Punarjanmas (rebirths) as human beings since
In the earlier Chapter, common Tithi Nirnayaas were outlined but specific
details of Maasa-Tithi Nirnayaas were not described in detail. It is possible
that there might have been some repetition but the following pages provide
explanations in details and highlight certain facts more comprehensively.
Chaitra Maasa
Chaitra Shukla Pratipaada heralds the New Year. In Mesha Sankranti, the
first and previous ten ghadis are considered as Punyakaala. If the
Samkramana starts before the previous midnight, then the Punyakaala is
stated to commence on the previous night and otherwise then the
Uttaraartha Punya kaala is considered as on the following day. In case the
Sankramana is exactly on the midnight then both the days are deemed as of
Punyakaala. Even if Chaitra Maasa happens to be an Adhika Maasa / Mala
Maasa, then also the Tailaabhyangana / oily head bath and other formal
duties need to be performed and the New Year is declared as has begun.
Each house-hold would then have a festive look and the Praatipada Morning
should witness freshness with Nimba Patra Bhakshama with gud /jaggery
and raw Mango pieces signifying equanimity of the mixed tastes of the New
Year. That indeed announces the Vasanta Nava Rathris or the Devi
Sharannava Raatris (Nine Nights).
[ Parameswari is stated
Vrata has to be observed on the next day itself. On the Triteeya itself Shri
Ramachandra Dolotsavashould begin and the Puja should continue till the
end of the entire Chaitra Maasa. On the Chaitra Shukla Triteeya itself the
Manvaadis or the beginning of reign of Fourteen Manus; in fact the
Manvaadis are celebrated on Chaitra Shukla Triteeya and Purnima,
Jyeshtha Purnima, Ashadha Shukla Dashami and Purnima, Shraavana
Krishnaashtami, Bhadrapada Shukla Triteeya, Ashvayuja Shukla Navami,
Kartika Shukla Dwadashi and Pournamaasi, Pousha Shuklaikaadashi,
Maagha Shukla Saptami and Phalguna Purnima and Amavaashya.
the Fourteen
Manus are:
Aouttama,Tamasa, Raivata, Chakshusa,Vaiwasvanta, Savarni, Daksha
Savarni, Brahma Savarni, Dharma Savarni, Rudra Savarni, Rouchya, and
Indra Savarni. On all these Manvaadis, one is required to perform
Pindarahita Shraaddhaas. In fact in each year there are ninety six
Shraaddhas to be performed and these are: twelve Amavasyas, four
yugaadis, fourteen Manvantaraas, Twelve Kranthis, Twelve Vaidhritis, twelve
Vyatipaataas, Mahalayaas fifteen , Ashtaka-ashaadhas as five, Anvashtakas
Shraaddhaas. Dashaavatara Jayantis: On Chaitra Shukla Triteeya there
was the Origin of Matsya-Avatara; at the evening of Vaishakha Purnima was
of the Kurmaavatara; Varahaavataara at the Aparaahna of Bhadrapada
Shuklka Triteeya; Nrisimaavataara at the evening of Vaishakha Shuka
Chaturdashi; Vaamanaavataara in the Madhyaahna of Chaitra Shukla
Dwaadashi; Parashu Rama at the Madhyaahna on Vaishakha Shukla
Triteeya ; Chaitra Shukla Madhyaahna Shri Rama; Shri Krishna at the
midnight of Shravana Krishnaashtami; Buddhaavataara in the evening of
Ashviyuja Shukla Dashami; and on Kalkyaavataara on Sharavana Shukala
Ganesha Damana Puja is performed all over Bharata Varsha on Chaitra
Shukla Chaturthi for Vighna
Sarvakaamaapnuyaat or
overcoming all difficulties and fulfilling all kinds of desires. Any Puja or
auspicious tasks should be initiated only after Ganesha Puja
always.Panchami naaga Puja is observed in Chaitra Shukla Paksha by
offering Ksheera- Ghrita to Naaga Devataas / Serpent Gods. Also this
Panchami is the day of re-incarnation of Goddess of Wealth Lakshmi Devi
pursuant to the Ksheera Mathana or the churning of the Ocean of Milk by
Deva-Daityas as also of the emergence of Ucchaaishravaas or the Divine
Horses and thus Lakshmi worship and Haya Vrata are observed on the
same day. Chaitra Shukla Shasthi is the Skanda Shashthi and worship of
Shiva Kumara Skanda. Chaitra Shukla Ashtami is the day of Bhavani Devis
Puja. On the same day, if Punarvasu Nakshatra coincides too that
auspicious day is to observed as of the worship of Ashvatha (Peepal) Tree
by consuming eight tender buds of the flowers of the tree for fulfillment of
human desires. Again, Punarvasu Budhopetaa Chaitrey Maasi sitaashami,
Praatastu Vidhivatsnaatvaa Vaajapeya phalam labhet/ ( If formal bathing is
done on the early morning of Wednesday coinciding with Punarvasu
Nakshatra of Chaitra Shukla Ashtami followed by the worship of Ishta
Devata, then that auspicious act would bestow the fruit of executing
Vaajapeya Yagna!)
Shri Rama Vrata on Chaitra Shukla Navami: Lord Shri Rama assumed the
incarnation of Bhagavan Vishnu on Chaitra Shukla Navamis Madhyaahna,
during the Punarvasu Nakshatra in the Karkataka Lagna when Surya Deva
was in Mesha Raasi as five Grahas / Planets were in ascendencyor
predominance. As such, persons dedicated to Shri Rama Vrata should
initiate their Upavaasas morning on the presumption of Navami extending
upto the afternoon but if Navami arrived on the previous day and extends on
the next afternoon, then the Sankalpa of Upavasa should be on the previous
day itself and the Upavasa would be for two days. The Vrata Sankalpa
commences with Shri Rama Pratimaa Daana to the Acharya, by reciting the
Shri Rama Pratimaa Daanam -kareshyam Dwijottama,
Tatraachaaryo Bhava preeta sshreemaarosi twamevamey/ ( I pray to Shri
Rama and offer the Shri Rama Pratima presuming th Acharya is Shri Rama
himself); the Karta should further take a vow: Navamyaa anga bhutena eka
bhavapriya/ (As part of the Navami Vrata, I do resolve hereby that I will fast
till the end of the Vrata; Shri Ragava! The jewel of the Ikshwaku Vamsha!
Shiva Priya!). There after, Puja Vedika / Platform is made, take the vow to
keep fast for eight yaamas, and recite :Shri Rama Navami Vrataangabhuta
Shodashopachaara Pujaam karishye/ and intiate the Puja comprising sixteen
services like Aavahana- Shuddhodaka Snaana-Vastra- Gandha-PushpaPhala-Naivedyaadis.
Mantra: Raamasya jananichaasi Raamatmakamidam Jagat/ Then worship
Dasharatha saying Om Namo Dasharadhaaya./ This would be followed by
Shanka Puja with the recital:Dashaanana Vadhaarthaaya Dharma
Samshaapanaaya cha, Daanavaanaam Vinaashaaya Daityaanaam
nithanaaya cha/ Paritraanaaya Saadhunaam jaato Raamasswayam harih,
Damanotsava (
ShuklaChaturdashi: Damana literally means self- restraint and conquering
Evil Forces. Observing Upavasa and Nitya Puja on this occasion, the Karta
of Festival enters the Damana Sthaana, cleans it up with Pancha Gavyas
(Five products of Cow viz. milk, curd, ghee, dung and urine), decorates it
with Chandana-Pushpa-Phalaas, initiates puja with the invocation of Shri
Krishna Pujaartham twaam nesheye, meditate Sarva Devatas and performs
Puja to Kama Devata with the Mantra: Namostu Pushpa baanaaya
priyaayatey/ (I greet Manmatha Deva-the carrier of Flowery Arrows to
bestow happiness of the entire Universe, the Saviour of all Beings in the
Lords Creation and the beloved of Rati Devi ). Then at the Damana
Sthaana, instal a Kalasha/ vessel in the center of a Square over a white
cloth and propitiate Damana Devata with the Prayer: Pujaartham Deva
saannidhyam kurutey namah/ (May I greet Lakshmi Pati Vishnu before I
invoke Damana Devata from the Ashta Diks or the Eight Directions) with
the Mantras: Kleem Kama Devaaya Namah, Hreem Ratyai Namah, Kleem
Bhasma Shareeraaya Namah, Hreem Ratyai Namah, Kleem Anangaaya
Namah, Hreem Ratyai Namah, Kleem Manmadhaaya Namah, Kleem
Vasanta Sukhaaya Namah, Kleem Smaraaya Namah, Kleem Ikshu
chaapaaya Namah, Kleem Pushpa Baanaaya Nama etc.and Gayatri
Damana Mantra viz. Tatpurushaaya Vidmahey, Kaama Devaaya dheemahi,
Tannanangah prachodayaat. Subsequently, the Karta greets Bhagavan
Vishnu as follows: Ksheerodadhi Maha Naaga shayyaavasthita Vigraha,
Praatastwaam pujayishyaami sannidhou bhavatey namah/ ( Parameswara
who is resting on the Sesha Talpa! May I offer my Morning Puja; do
provide my nearness to you!) and observes Ekaadasha Jaagarana or Night
Vigil all through the Ekaadashi. Next Morning after performing Nitya Puja ,
execute worship to Damana Devata and after reciting Mula Mantra, pray to
Paramatma with the Stanza: Deva Deva Jagannatha vaanchitaartha
pradaayaka, Hruthpaan purayamey Vishno kaamaan Kameshwari Priya/
Idam damanakam Deva grihana madanugrahaat, Imaam Saam vatsaram
Pujaam Bhagavan Paripuraya/ (Deva Deva Jagannaatha! Parameswara! As
you always fulfill every bodys desires, do grant my wishes too and accept
Nrisimha Dolotsava again on Chaitra Shukla Chaturdashi is a Damana Puja
to Parama Shiva, Ekaveera Devi and Bhairava. This Chaturdashi has to
extend upto the noon if commenced on the previous day itself. If not, it
should be considered as Chaitra Purnima in which case, Damana Puja has
to be performed to all Devas. If Chaitra Purnima coincides with Chitra
Nakshatra, Chitra Vastra Daana would bestow excellent prosperity. If that
day falls on Sunday-Thursday- Saturday then Praatahsnaana-Shraaddaas
would grant the Punya of performing Ashwamedha yagna.
Vaishaakha Maasa
the offerings, the Devotee should pray to say: Mad Vamshey ye Naraa
jaataa ye janishyanti chaaparey, Taan Samuddhara Devesha dusshaad
bhava Saagaraat/ Paatakaarnava magnasya vyaadhi duhkhaambu
Vaaridheyh, Neechaischa paribhutasya Mahaa Duhkhagatasyamey/
Karaavakambanam dehi Sesha shaayin agatpatey, Shri Nrisimha
nivaasastwam Chakrapaaney Janaardana Vratenaanena Devesha Bhukti
Muktiprado bhava! (Sesha shaayi! Jagannatha! Shri Nrisimha! Lakshi Priya!
and the Resident of the Ocean of Milk ! Do please save and protect those
who were born or would be born in future in my Vamsha from the tortures of
Samsara- Samudra from their sins, diseases, and banes as they are often
subjected with insults and annoyances; do always lend them with your
helping hand, accept my Vrata and bestow to me fruits of Bhoga-Mokshaas).
The following steps in the Nrisimha Vrata include Paarana/ brahmana
Bhojana and daanas of Kumbha- Go- Suvarna- Krishnajina and Bhu Daana ;
Madhu- Tila Taila and Ghee etc. Also TilaSnaana, Tila Homa; Tilataila
Deepa Daana, Tila Pitru Tarpana, Tila-Madhu Daana and so on are executed
to secure Maha Phala.
Mithuna Sankranti Punya kaala is stated to arrive sixteen ghadiyas after the
Jyeshta Shukla Pratipada. In case the Punya Kaala commences on that
night, Brahma Devas Pratima is made of Wheat flour and worshipped with
Vastra-Pushpaas to reap Suryaloka Prapti.In this Jyeshtha Maasa, Jala
Dhenu daana is prescribed. On this Pratipada Tithi, Karaveera Vrata is
scheduled. On Jyeshta Shukla Triteeya, Rambha Vrata is an important Vrata
which is observed only those men and women performing Panchaagni
Tapas are qualified; they make a Swarna Pratima of Devi Parvati and
execute formal worship by way of Homaas and offer the Pratima finally
donate it to a virtuous Brahmana couple to whom a self-contained house is
to be given away as Daana. Jyeshtha ShuklaChaturdashi happens to be the
birth day of Uma Devi and hence her worship is significant on that Tithi. On
that Ashtami Shukla Devi is to be worshipped and on the following Navami
Upavaasa is prescribed and repeat puja is to be performed on Dashami.
clothing, perform Nitya Karma, Tirtha Puja, Pitru/ Tila Tarpana by taking ten
handfuls of Ghee and jaggery mixed Pindas in favour of Pitru devataas and
finally invoke Ganga stating: Namo Bhagavatyai Dasha Paapa haraayai
Gangaayai Naraayanyai Revathai Shivaayai Dakshaayai Amritaayai Vishwa
Rupinyai nandinyai tey Namo Namah/ After the invocation as above, render
Aavaahana Mantra viz. Om Namasshivaayai Narayanyai Dasha Paapa
haraayai Gangaayai swaaha, thus inviting Narayana, Rudra, Brahma, Surya,
Himavan, Bhagiratha and execute Shodashopachaaraas. Pujaanantara
Stotra addressing Ganga as given in Skanda Purana after the Puja is as
follows:Namasshivayai Gangaayai Shivadaayai Namo Namah, Namastey
Rudra Rupinyai Shaankaryetey Namo Namah/ Sarva Deva Swarupinyai
Namo Bheshaja Murtaye, Sarvaswa Sarva Vyaadheenam Bhishak
Shreshthyai Namo namah/ Sthaanu jangama sambhutaVisha hantrai
namonamah, Bhogopabhoga daayinyai Bhogha Vatyai namonamah/ --( Devi Ganga! You are the auspicious Form of Rudra, Vishwa Swarupa,
Brahma Murti and Sarva Deva Swarupa, the Curer of all kinds of ailments
and diseases; the destroyer of pousons of animate and inanimate beings;
the bestower of all kinds of happiness; Bhogavati! Mandakini! Swarna
Daata or the giver of gold and precious Stones; you are the Triloka Maata!
Your unique presence at Gangaa Dwaara, Prayaga and Saagara Sangama
grants immense joy to us; I greet you with several titles as Nanda, Loka
Dhatri, Linga Dharini, Narayani, Vishwa Mukhya, Revati, Brihati, Tejovati,
Vishwa Mitra, Prithvi, Shiva, Amrita, Suvrusha, Shanta, Varishtha,Varada,
Usra, Sukhadrogi, Sanjeevani, Brahmishtha, Brahmada, Duritaghni,
Pranataarti bhanjani, Jaganmata, and the extinguisher of all possible
difficulties and Mangala! Devi Ganga! Kindly stay secure and firm always by
my sides ahead and behind as my very existence in your waters is solely
due to your courtesy; in fact, your presence in Srishti-Sthiti-Laya is a known
realism as you are the Mula Prakriti, Narayana, Shiva, Paramatma. Those
who recite your Stotra with faith and devotion by the means of hearing or
pronouncing or by mental concentration should definitely extinguish all kinds
of sins and fulfill any type of desires.) Among the tangible sins the ten
prominent ones area: acceptance of others material without permission;
commit acts of violence disapproved by Shastras and other Scriptures; and
desire for other women : these are by way of Physical acts; Parusha
Bhashana or Utterances of Unsavoury language, lies, gossip, etc. are of
Vaachaka or vocal-based; Paradravyaabhilaasha or interest in others
money-property-belongings; thinking of and doing acts that hurt others; and
useless ego problems which are all mind-based. Devi Ganga! You have the
unique distinction of redeeming the Souls of Three thousand thirty three Pitru
to sleep, the whole Universe falls in slumber and if you are out of your yoga
nidra the World is active too. Be kind to me! I resolve hereby to observe the
regulation of Chaturmaasyaas follows: Chaturo Vaarshikaan maasaan
Bhadrapadey tathaa/ Dugdhamaashwayuje maasi Kartikey dwidalam tathaa,
Imam Karishye niyamam nirvighnam kurumeychyuta! (In the Years four
months, I will not eat vegetables during Shravana Month, nor consume curds
during Bhadrapada month, milk on Aswayuja, and dwidalam (Pulses) during
Karthika maasa; may I be blessed to observe the regulations as above and
be ensured that no obstacles should stop me from being strictly adhered to).
Bhagavan! in the event of my death during this Chaaturmaasya Vrata, then
may I be considered as eligible to have succsessfully completed the Vrata;
so saying the Karta would offer Shankhu Tirtha to Bhagavan. On the same
lines as the Chaaturmasya Vrata, similar resolutions could be made in other
Vrataas as well. For instance, resolves be made about Gudaannadharana
or Varjana and so on as applicablein relevant resolutions: Varjayashey
gudam Deva Madhura swara siddhaye, Varjyayishye tailamaham
sundaraangatwa siddhaye/ Yogaabhaasi Bhavishyaami praaptum Brahma
siddhaye/Ekaantaropavaasi cha praaptum Brahmaputam param/----Iti
sankalpah/ ( There might be similar Resolutions: Avoiding Jaggery eating
would improve sweet voice; evading oil consumption would enhance
phycical charm; Yogaabhyaasa will be observed to facilitate Brahma pada
prapti; Mouna Vrata will be followed to enable me self control; fasting of
alternate days should help secure Brahma pada and so on). There area also
some nishiddha or avoidable materials and actions in th course of
Chaaturmaasa Vrata: no material should be offered as Naivedya as water in
leather sachets, the burnt ash of dead animals or flies collected from Agni,
Yagnas left over cooked rice, burnt food, Masura or Meat products, seedless
or of too many seed vegetables, Mulaka or Mulis, Kushmanda / pumpkin ,
sugar cane, black gram, brinjal, snake gourd, tamarind , salt , honey etc. are
strictly forbidden. Vrintaaka bilvodumbara kalinga bhissataastu Vaishnavaih
sarvamaaseshu varjyayaah/ (Brinjal, bilwa, udumbara, Kalinga, bhissata are
forbidden by Vaishnavaites always.) Milk and products of any animal
excepting cows, buffalos or goats are not worthy of offering as Naivedya to
Bhagavan. During the entire Chaaturmaasaas, those who consume
Havishya bhojana are commended. Those who refrain from eating jaggery
would have soft voices; avoiding oils would help develop attractive body
parts; refrain from eating taamboola would possess sweet voice; ghee
consumption spoils skin; avoiding milkand curd leads to Vishnu loka; those
Shraavana Maasa
Upaakarma Vidhi: Among the formal and initial Veda Karmas is the
Upaakarma . Bhavishya Purana stated: Sampraaptey Shravanasyaantey
Pournimaasyaam Dinodaye, Snaanam kurvaanti Matimaan Smriti Shruti
Vidhaanatah/ Upaakarmaadikam proktamrusheenaam chiva Tarpanam,
Shudraanaam Mantra rahitam snaanam daanam cha shyaashyatey/
Upaakarmaani kartavyamrusheenam chaiva pujanam/ ( On the arrival of
Shraavana Krishna Ashtami: The Ashtami is of two kinds viz. Shudda and
Viddha. When there is no Saptami Yoga then Ashtami is Shudda and it could
occur during the day or night. But the Viddha is determined by the extent to
which Ashtami Yoga is affected by the Saptami sesha. Again the
permutations of Rohini Nakshatra and Krishna Ashtami are several and
Dharma Sindhu offers hair- splitting juxtapositions of Saptami-Ashtami and
Krittika-Rohini. Added to this is the interpretation by Koustubha Grandhas as
per Madhwaacharya followers that Krishnaashtami by itself is the
Janmaashtami and the one with Rohini Nakshatra is Krishna Jayanti. Other
followers of Madhwacharya assert that Janmaashtami on Shukla Ashtami is
significant for the Vrata and if there is no coincidence with Rohini, Jayanti
need to be observed. Another interpration is that if need be both the Vratas
be duplicated or observed twice. Vrata Vidhana: In any case, the
Janmaashtami Vrata be performed on a day when Ashtami is predominant.
In the morning of that main Ashtami after Nitya Karmaas, the Kartha should
resolve: Shri
karishye/ Alternativly the Sankalpa might be Janmaashtami Vratam/ Jayanti
Vratam karishye/ Then sip spoonful water thrice from a Copper Vessel and
state: Vaasu Devam samuddisya Sarva Paaoa prashantaye, Upavaasam
karishyaami Janmaashtamyaam Nabhasyaham; in case of incompetence of
observing fast, then one might imply Phalaani bhakshaishyaam/ Afterwards,
yaavadyanmayaa dushkrutam kritam, Tatpranaashaaya Govinda praseeda
Purushottama ( Purushottama! Do destroy the sins that got accumulated in
the past from my birth and might be committed in my future till my death as I
am now observing the Sacred Vrata on this most propitious day of your
mortal bitrh and save me). Then after purifying with a bath at midnight, the
Karta who pre-arranged - as per ones own capacity and devotion, a Platform