Stray Loss Evaluation in Power Transformers
Stray Loss Evaluation in Power Transformers
Stray Loss Evaluation in Power Transformers
Transformer Division
Crompton Greaves Ltd., Mumbai, India
Mumbai, India
(c) 2000 IEEE
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(c) 2000 LEEE
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E Frame Loss
Frames (yoke beams), serving to clamp the yoke and
support the windings. are in a vicinity of stray magnetic field
of windings. Due to large surface area and efficient cooling,
hot-spots seldom develop. Losses in frames have been
calculated by Finite Difference Method (FDM) and
analytically, and loss in frames made up of mild steel,
aluminium and non-magnetic steel are compared in [23].
Loss in frames can also be calculated efficiently by 3-D
Reluctance Network Method (RNM) [24], but may not be as
accurately as that by FEM [25]. The loss in frames can be
reduced by either aluminium shielding or by use of nonmetallic platforms for supporting the windings.
F. Tank Loss
Valkovic has [26] presented an analytical method in which
current sheet, a sum of trigonometric functions in between
core and tank (two half spaces), represents "f of winding.
The method can only be applied for a particular tank shape
and effect of shields on tank wall may not be easily
estimated. Szabados et al. [27] have formulated analytical
approach, which requires the knowledge of incident flux
density on tank wall obtamed by any other method. The
incident flux density is expressed in terms of double Fourier
sixies. Since 1960s. the research reported for calculatlon of
tank loss has been mainly concentrating on vanous analytical
methods mvolving complex mathematics, which are mostly
based on approxlmation of 3-phase transformer geometry.
Turowski's 3-D Reluctance Network Method [283 fulfills
designers' requirements of quick estimatlon of tank loss.
Reluctances for conductive tank parts are calculated
analytically by taking into account the skin effect, eddy
current reactlons with phase shift, non-linear permeability
inside solid metals and effect of eddy current shield, The
designer can define locations of magnetic and I or eddycurrent shield on the tank wall. The RNM3D approach for
tank loss estimabon has been verified [29] on various ratmgs
of power transformers.
Karsai et al. [11] have almost analyzed all the above
mentioned stray loss components. In addition to describlng
2-D and 3-D analytical methods for loss calculation, practical
guidelines are given for reducing losses due to leakage and
high-current fields. Performances of various shieldmg
arrangements are compared. Turowski [24] has also covered
number of topics useful to practicing transformer engmeers,
and useful formulae, thumb-rules. curves are given to take
quick and reasonably accurate decisions in the area of stray
loss esnmation and control.
A. Two-dimensionalMethodr
Boyajian [31] has given a method for estimating leakage
field, in which any kind of current density distribution can be
resolved into space harmonics by a double Fourier series,
The method is very useful, mathematically less complex and
can be used for calculation of eddy loss and circulating
current loss in windings. Sat0 et al. [32] have presented
analogy between magnetic field equations for twodimensional Cartesian and axi-symmetric problems, and
usefulness of this analogy for numerical calculation has been
mentioned. Komulainen and Nordman [33] have used 2-D
FEM to get static magnetic field solution, and losses in tank
are calculated by analytical formulae. The paper contains test
results of tank loss with magnetic and eddy-current shielding.
Geometric parameters affecting tank loss are explained
through graphs. Pavlik et al. [2S] have emphasized the need
of analyzing the eddy and stray losses as a complete system
and not on an individual component basis. The authors have
done a number of 2-DFEM simulations to understand the
effect of magnetideddy-current shields, placed to cover tank
wall, on the other stray loss components (winding, flitch
plate, frame and core edge losses). Effect of change in
permeability of magnetic shunts on the tank loss has been
analyzed. It can be concluded that even in this era of 3-D
calculations, two-dimensional methods are preferred for
routine calculations of stray losses.
B. Three-dimensional Formulations
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C Tliree-niwie~uionalFEM Analysis
Haack and Girgis [36] have verified 3-D FEM calculations
of flux densities along the height and breadth of the windings
on experimental shell type transformer. Subsequently, Girgis
et al. [37] have assessed the need and estimated the benefits
of using 3-D magnetic field calculations, particularly for
eddy and circulatmg current losses in windings. Dexin et al.
[38] have presented three-dimensional FEM analysis of eddy
current problems using the complex magnetic vector
potential. Eddy current losses in steel materials are computed
by combining numencal method with analytical formulation
because of problem of discrehation due to very thm skin
depth of about 1 mm. A power transformer has dimensions in
few meters, whereas skin depths are in millimeters resulting
into errors due to poor aspect ratio of elements. Holland et al.
[39] have outlined the method of modeling tank wall and
other fittings with surface elements removing the need of
complex layers of brick elements to account for skin effects
and this. in turn,reduces the complexity and size of models.
Many commercial 3-D FEM softwares now have the feature
of this surface impedance element modeling, and thus p e m t
designers to calculate tank losses efficiently and accurately.
The 3-D FEM analysis, which started gaining importance in
1980s. is being constantly upgraded to improve its modeling
capabilitles and accuracy for eddy current analysis.
A . Magiretic Shielding
(c) 2000 IEEE
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(c) 2000 IEEE
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