PVAAS Data Tools
PVAAS Data Tools
PVAAS Data Tools
Purpose of Matrix
The purpose of this document is to provide a side-by-side comparison of
data tools available to local districts. Each data tool offers unique features and
information for local decision-making. The decision about which data tool(s) to
use for decision-making is based on the question(s) that a teacher, administrator,
or data team wants to answer. Decisions should not be made based on one piece
of information. The integration of multiple sources of meaningful information into
data-informed decisions will result in higher-quality decisions.
Sys t e m - L e v e l I n f o r m at io n
The National Assessment of Educational
Progress (NAEP), also known as “The
SchoolDataDirect Nation’s Report Card,” is the only nationally
Public AYP Site Public source of information and analy- representative and continuing assessment
District and school reports that contain: sis about our nation’s public schools. of what America’s students know and can
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) targets SchoolDataDirect provides rich information do in various subject areas. Since 1969,
and results for the most recent year, the and powerful search and comparison tools assessments have been conducted
last two years, and next year’s targets; and to help uncover the stories behind the periodically in reading, mathematics,
discussion of results for parents and numbers, and further the discussion about science, writing, U.S. history, civics,
educators. how to improve student performance. geography, and the arts.
a cc e ss t o / p r e s e n tat i o n o f d ata
Access to Information Web-Based — Open to Public Web-Based — Open to Public Web-Based — Open to Public
Data Presentation Tables, Text, Interactive Maps (w/widgets), Tables, Text and Graphs Tables and Text
Interactive Graphics
Cut and Paste Cut and Paste Cut and Paste
Downloadable Files Downloadable Files No Export Capability
d ata
Years of Data Available Most Recent Year, Last Two Years Multiple Years Multiple Years
Levels of Data State, District , School, Subgroups State, District, School State
Content Areas Reading, Math Reading, Math Reading, Math, Other Content Areas
a cc e ss t o / p r e s e n tat i o n o f d ata
Internet; Electronically Secure Internet; User Names and Passwords from Internet; Electronically Secure
Access to Information User Name and Password eMetric. For assistance, contact: User Name and Password
E-Mailed to Superintendent snovakovic@state.pa.us
Can be Delineated by Role Can be Delineated by Role Can be delineated by Role
Levels of User Access Multiple User Access Levels—District, Three User Access Levels or Specific Staff Member
Building, and Groups of Students Full Access or Teacher Access
Querying/Custom Yes
Yes Yes Filter selections are available
Reporting Capabilities for all reports
Data Presentation Charts, Graphs Charts, Graphs Tables, Text, and Graphs
https://pvaas.sas.com https://solutions1.emetric.net/pssa
Demo Site Available http://demo.successforall.net
User Name: PVAAS.Training User Name: d9999
for Preview of Tool Password: PVAAS Password: emetric 800-548-4998 ext. 2563
d ata
Achievement/Proficiency Status
Progress/Growth, • N Count for Each Performance Level
Projections of Future • Demographics Proficiency Level Percents,
Types of Data Performance on PSSA, Reporting Categories/Anchors, Subscale Scores, Predicted State Scaled
Achievement/Proficiency Status, Raw Scores; Percentages Scores, Item Analysis
Multiple Years
Statewide Implementation
Years of Data Available in 2005-06 Multiple Years Multiple Years
Reporting in Fall
Levels of Data District, School, Subgroup, Student District, School, Subgroup, Student District, School, Grade,
Classroom, Student
Math, Reading (grades 4-8 and 11)
Content Areas Science (grades 4, 8 and 11) Math, Reading, Science Math, Reading
Writing (grades 5, 8 and 11)
Progress/Growth, 4-8 and 11; 3-8, 11 3-11
Grade Levels Projections, 4-8 and 11
Data By Standards/ No Yes Yes
Reporting Category
PSSA Scaled Scores; PSSA Raw and Scaled Scores;
Assessment Data Available PSSA Used for Statistical PSSA Performance Levels 4Sight Benchmark Assessment
Analysis for Value-Added Open-Ended and Multiple Choice
What skills are needed to maximize the use of these data tools for
As district administrators and teachers learn to use data tools, they progress through stages from learning to use one new
tool in isolation to integrating multiple data sources into the process. This progression includes three stages, each of which
have beliefs, knowledge, and skills specific to the particular stage.
1. Information Stage
At this level, users gain an overall awareness of the data tool and its features. Users may not have access to their
own data at this stage.
2. Implementation Stage
At this level, users have access to their own data. They gain an increased understanding of the data tool, its intent,
and apply it to local decision-making. They analyze the data in the one source to identify strengths and weaknesses.
They begin to recognize that this data raises questions that need to be answered using other data sources.
3. Integration Stage
At this level, users integrate the data with other data sources into data-informed decision-making. The development
of a data-informed decision-making culture emerges when integration of multiple data tools is realized.
The framework offered for these data tools are designed to support educators as they work to develop a data-informed
culture in classrooms, schools, and districts. As schools integrate multiple sources of information into decisions, the quality
of decisions may be enhanced resulting in increased quality of learning opportunities for students.
What data do we have What do the data tell us about the areas What are we going to do about
regarding achievement, of strength and areas of concern? And, it all? Which evidence-based
growth, and positive results why do the data look that way? What strategies must we consider in
for students? are the “root causes?” our improvement plan?
Rev. 10/09