EMS Prehospital Care Manual
EMS Prehospital Care Manual
EMS Prehospital Care Manual
The format of the Peoria Area EMS System (PAEMS System) Prehospital care manuals
has changed several times throughout the history of the System. The initial protocol
manual (June 1983) consisted of ALS field treatment protocols. Changes in IDPH rules
and regulations resulted in the addition of ILS protocols (July 1990), BLS protocols
(November 1992) and First Responder protocols (April 1998). In 1994 the PAEMS
System Policy Manual was developed to address medical-legal issues and concerns and,
in 1995, procedures were formatted into a Standard Operating Procedure Manual.
With the complexity of a tiered response system and with the growing demand that health
care services are both effective and efficient, the format for providing medical direction
and patient care guidelines changed again in 2002. The separate manuals outlining field
treatment guidelines, policies and procedures were all combined into one manual, the
Prehospital Care Manual. This manual has become the focal point for patient care for
Peoria Area EMS System providers in the Prehospital setting.
In 2006, dramatic changes were made to the protocols to reflect changing national trends
in an effort to provide optimal patient care. This current update reflects changes in AHA
guidelines as well as some other evidence-based information (from local and national
research) that dictates some needed changes to improve patient care.
The intent of this manual is to create a team approach to Prehospital care, resulting in
optimum patient care that is both efficient and effective. The focus of this manual is on
providing safe, well-planned care for the patients we serve as well as maintaining a safe
environment for the Prehospital care provider. This manual is also meant to be used as a
study guide and helpful reference when necessary.
All information contained herein is intended for use within the Peoria Area
EMS System. No other systems protocols, policies, or procedures shall
supersede the guidelines set forth in this manual or be utilized in place of
this manual by a provider in the Peoria Area EMS System without the
approval of the Peoria Area EMS System Medical Director.
The mission of the Peoria Area EMS System is to deliver the highest quality health care
that can be achieved with available resources. A uniform application of the protocols
will ensure that competent and efficient care is provided to our patients. Our mission is
accomplished by pursuing the goals of providing strong Prehospital education and
training. The protocols will help resolve potential problems that may jeopardize the
health and safety of the patient, prehospital healthcare provider or the community.
As your EMS Medical Director, I welcome your input and encourage your suggestions by
promoting an open door atmosphere. The EMS Office is a resource to assist you in
accomplishing the mission of providing emergency medical services to your community.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if we may be of any assistance to you or your agency.
It is my sincere wish that your experience with and service to the Peoria Area EMS
System is both enjoyable and rewarding for you.
Matthew N. Jackson, MD
EMS Medical Director
Peoria Area EMS System
Table of Contents
Hospitals of the Peoria Area EMS System
Levels of Prehospital Care
EMS Services
Prehospital Personnel
Provider Responsibilities
Agency Responsibilities Policy
Professional Conduct & Code of Ethics Policy
Agency Compliance Waiver Policy
Agency Advertising Policy
System Certification Policy
Re-Licensure Policy
EMS Communications & Documentation
Off-Line Medical Control Policy
On-Line Medical Control Policy
Radio Communications Protocol
Patient Right of Refusal Policy
Incident Reporting Policy
EMS Patient Care Reports Policy
Patient Confidentiality & Release of Information Policy
General Patient Assessment & Management/EMS Operations
Patient Destination Policy
Transfer & Termination of Patient Care Policy
Transition of Care Policy
Intercept Policy
Patient Assessment Process & Goals of Patient Care
General Patient Assessment & Initial Care Procedure
Routine (Initial) Patient Care Protocol
Pain Control Protocol
Basic Airway Control Procedure
Airway Obstruction Procedure
Esophageal Tracheal Combitube Procedure
Advanced Airway Control Policy (ILS & ALS only)
Orogastric (OG) Tube Insertion Procedure (ALS only)
Intravenous Cannulation Procedure
Adult Intraosseous Cannulation Procedure (ALS only)
Medication Administration Procedure
Table of Contents
Cardiac Care
Routine Cardiac Care Protocol
Cardiogenic Shock Protocol
Cardiac Arrest Protocol
Resuscitation of Pulseless Rhythms Protocol
Unstable Bradycardia Protocol
Narrow Complex Tachycardia Protocol
Wide Complex Tachycardia Protocol
Implanted Cardiac Defibrillator (AICD) Protocol
Manual Defibrillation Procedure
Automated Defibrillation Procedure
Transition of AED Care Procedure
Cardioversion Procedure
Transcutaneous Pacing (TCP) Procedure
12-Lead EKG Procedure
Medical & Respiratory Protocols
Respiratory Distress Protocol
CPAP Procedure
Altered Level of Consciousness (ALOC) Protocol
Suspected Stroke Protocol
Status Epilepticus/Seizure Protocol
Hypertensive Crisis Protocol
Acute Abdominal Pain Protocol
Acute Nausea & Vomiting Protocol
Allergic/Anaphylactic Reaction Protocol
Drug Overdose and Poisoning Protocol
Central Lines and Fistulas Procedure & Protocol (ALS only)
Blood Glucose Testing Procedure
Environmental Emergencies Protocols
Hazardous Materials Exposure Protocol
Hypothermic Emergencies Protocol
Heat-Related Emergencies Protocol
Burn Protocol
Smoke Inhalation Protocol
Near Drowning Protocol
Trauma Protocols
Routine Trauma Care Protocol
Shock Protocol
Head Trauma Protocol
Spinal Trauma Protocol
Traumatic Arrest Protocol
Table of Contents
Trauma Protocols (continued)
Critical Trauma Procedure / Field Triage Criteria
Extremity Injury Protocol
Spinal Immobilization Procedure
Needle Thoracentesis (Needle Chest Decompression) Procedure
OB/GYN Protocols
Childbirth Protocol
Obstetrical Complications Protocol
Abnormal Delivery Protocol
Rape/Sexual Assault Protocol
Aberrant Situations
Domestic Abuse & Elder Abuse/Neglect Protocol
Behavioral Emergencies/Chemical Restraint Protocol
Petitioning an Emotionally Disturbed Patient Policy
Patient Restraint Policy
Less than Lethal Weapons Protocol
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Policy
Resuscitation vs. Cease Efforts Policy
Coroner Notification Policy
Reporting & Control of Suspected Crime Scenes Policy
Physician (or Other Medical Professional) On Scene Policy
Region 2 School Bus Policy
Well-Being of the EMS Provider
Infectious Disease Control Policy
Latex Allergy Policy
Substance Abuse Policy
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Team Procedure
EMS Supplies
EMS Vehicle Equipment & Supplies Policy
First Responder Supply List
BLS Non-Transport Supply List
ILS Non-Transport Supply List
ALS Non-Transport Supply List
Ambulance Supply List
BLS Medication List
ILS Ambulance Supply List
ILS Medication List
ALS Ambulance Supply List
ALS Medication List
Controlled Substance Policy
Resource Hospital
OSF Saint Francis Medical Center
530 Northeast Glen Oak Avenue
Peoria, Illinois 61637
Medical Control
Emergency Department 309-655-2109
Regional Service
Comprehensive Medical Center
EMS Medical Control
Level 1 Trauma Center
Pediatric and Neonatal Services
Hyperbaric Services
Disaster Medical Services
Associate Hospitals
Methodist Medical Center
221 Northeast Glen Oak Avenue
Peoria, Illinois 61636
Medical Center
Emergency Department 309-672-5500
Proctor Hospital
5409 North Knoxville Avenue
Peoria, Illinois 61614
Hospital Services
Emergency Department 309-691-1069
Hospital Services
Pekin Hospital
600 South 13th Street
Pekin, Illinois 61554
Hospital Services
Emergency Department
Hospital Services
Level 2 Trauma Center
Graham Hospital
210 West Walnut Avenue
Canton, Illinois 61520
Hospital Services
Emergency Department
Hospital Services
Level 2 Trauma Center
Hospital Services
Participating Hospital
Hopedale Medical Complex
107 Tremont Street
Hopedale, Illinois 61747
Hospital Services
Emergency Department
2. A person currently licensed as an EMT-B, EMT-I or EMT-P may only use their
EMT license in prehospital/inter-hospital emergency care settings or nonemergency medical transport situations under the written directions of the EMS
Medical Director.
Provider Responsibilities
Provider Status
Listed below is a summary of the important responsibilities of the provider agencies that
are in the Peoria Area EMS System. This list is based on the System manuals and IDPH
rules and regulations. These responsibilities are categorized into four major areas:
Operational Requirements, Notification Requirements, Training & Education
Requirements and Additional Reports and Records Requirements. Some items have
been repeated to stress the importance of compliance.
Operational Responsibilities
1. A provider agency must comply with minimum staffing requirements for the level
and type of vehicle. Staffing patterns must be in accordance with the providers
approved system plan and in compliance with Section 515.830(f).
2. No agency shall employ or permit any member or employee to perform services
for which he or she is not licensed, certified or otherwise authorized to perform
(Section 515.170).
3. Agencies that utilize First Responders and Emergency Medical Dispatchers shall
cooperate with the System and the Department in developing and implementing
the program (Section 515.170).
4. A provider agency must comply with the Ambulance Report Form Requirements
Policy, including Prehospital patient care reports, refusal forms and any other
required documentation.
5. Agencies with controlled substances must abide by all provisions of the
Controlled Substance Policy including: maintaining a security log, maintaining a
Controlled Substance Usage Form and reporting any discrepancies to the EMS
6. Notify the EMS Office of any incident or unusual occurrence which could or did
adversely affect the patient, co-worker or the System within 24 hours via
incident report form.
Notification Requirements
An agency participating as an EMS provider in the Peoria Area EMS System must notify
the Resource Hospital, OSF Saint Francis Medical Center, of the following:
1. Notify the System in any instance when the agency lacks the appropriately
licensed and System-certified personnel to provide 24-hour coverage.
Transporting agencies must apply for an ambulance staffing waiver if the agency
is aware a staffing shortage is interfering with the ability to provide such
2. Notify the System of agency personnel changes and updates within 10 days. This
includes addition of new personnel and resignations of existing personnel.
Rosters must include: Name/level of provider, license number, expiration date,
current address, phone number, date of birth, and B-med certification status.
3. Notify the System anytime an agency is not able to respond to an emergency call
due to lack of staffing. The report should also include the name of the agency that
was called for mutual aid and responded to the call.
4. Notify the System of any incident, via incident report within 24 hours, which
could or did adversely affect the patient, co-worker or the System.
5. Provide the EMS Office with updated copies of FCC Licenses and Mutual Aid
Agreements upon expiration.
6. Notify the System of any changes in medical equipment or supplies.
7. Notify the System of any changes in vehicles. Vehicles must be inspected by the
System and the appropriate paperwork must be completed prior to the vehicle
being placed into service.
8. Notify the System if the agencys role changes in providing EMS.
The following are guidelines for interaction with patients, other caregivers and the
Code of Ethics
(Applies to ALL Prehospital providers)
The EMT provides services based on human need, with respect for human
dignity, unrestricted by consideration of nationality, race, creed, color or status.
The EMT does not use professional knowledge and skills in any enterprise
detrimental to the public well-being.
The EMT respects and holds in confidence all information of a confidential nature
obtained in the course of professional work unless required by law to divulge such
The EMT, as a citizen, understands and upholds the law and performs the duties
of citizenship; as a professional, the EMT has the never-ending responsibility to
work with concerned citizens and other healthcare professionals in promoting a
high standard of emergency medical care to all people.
The EMT shall maintain professional competence and demonstrate concern for
the competence of other members of the EMS healthcare team.
The EMT has an obligation to protect the public by not delegating to a person less
qualified, any service which requires the professional competence of an EMT.
The EMT will work harmoniously with and sustain confidence in EMT
associates, the nurses, the physicians, and other members of the EMS healthcare
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
EMS agencies are expected to advertise in a responsible manner and in accordance with
applicable legislation to assure the public is protected against misrepresentation.
No agency (public or private) shall advertise or identify their vehicle or agency as an
EMS life support provider unless the agency does, in fact, provide service as defined in
the EMS Act and has been approved by IDPH.
No agency (public or private) shall disseminate information leading the public to believe
that the agency provides EMS life support services unless the agency does, in fact,
provide services as defined in the EMS Act and has been approved by IDPH.
Any person (or persons) who violate the EMS Act, or any rule promulgated pursuant
there to, is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor.
A licensee that advertises its service as operating a specific number of vehicles or more
than one vehicle shall state in such advertisement the hours of operation for those
vehicles, if individual vehicles are not available twenty-four (24) hours a day. Any
advertised vehicle for which hours of operation are not stated shall be required to operate
twenty-four (24) hours a day.
It is the responsibility of all Peoria Area EMS System personnel to report such infractions
of this section to the EMS Medical Director.
1. A System applicant must hold a State of Illinois license or be eligible for State
licensure. EMS providers transferring in from another system or state must have
all clinical and internship requirements completed prior to System certification.
Transferring into the Peoria Area EMS System to complete internship
requirements of an EMT training program is prohibited.
2. The System applicant must be a member of or in the process of applying for
employment with a Peoria Area EMS System provider agency. The System
agency must inform the EMS Office of the applicants potential for hire or
membership to their agency.
3. A Pre-Certification Application must be completed and submitted to the EMS
4. The System applicant must also submit copies of the following:
6. The System applicant must pass the appropriate Peoria Area EMS System
Protocol Exam with a score of 80% or higher. The applicant may retake the
exam with the approval of the EMS Medical Director. A maximum of two (2)
retakes are permitted.
7. Successfully complete any practical skills evaluations required by the EMS
Medical Director.
8. Upon successful completion of the above requirements, the System applicant
must meet with the EMS Medical Director for final approval. Once approval is
granted, the applicant will receive a letter of System certification.
9. Satisfactory completion of a 90-day probationary period is required once Systemcertification is granted.
10. The EMS Medical Director reserves the right to deny System provider status or to
place internship & field skill evaluation requirements on any candidate requesting
System certification at any level.
Note: Peoria Area EMS System applicants from another system or state have a grace
period of 6 months to obtain certification in PEPP or PALS. All other certifications
must be current in order to enter the System.
EMT-Basic (EMT-B)
Active member of PAEMS System
Successfully complete periodic System
protocol testing and skills evaluation
Prehospital RN
Active member of PAEMS System
Successfully complete periodic System
protocol testing and skills evaluation
System Certification
Provider Status
Active Provider A FR-D, EMT or PHRN is considered an active provider if he/she:
Is System-certified at the level of his/her IDPH licensure level.
Is active and functions at his/her certification level with a PAEMS System agency
providing the same level of service.
Maintains all continuing education requirements, certifications, and testing
requirements in accordance with System policy for his/her level of System
Sub-certified Provider An EMT is considered to be a sub-certified provider if he/she:
Is System-certified at a level other than his/her IDPH licensure level.
Is active and functions as a provider with a PAEMS System agency at a level of
service other than his/her IDPH licensure level.
Maintains all continuing education requirements, certifications, and testing
requirements in accordance with System policy for his/her level of System
A sub-certified EMS provider may only function within the scope of
practice of the individuals System certification and the provider level of
the EMS agency.
A sub-certified EMS provider is prohibited from performing skills the
individual is not System-certified to perform regardless of the IDPH
licensure level.
A sub-certified provider is restricted to identifying himself/herself as a
provider at his/her level of System certification when functioning with a
PAEMS System agency (this includes uniform patches and name tags).
A sub-certified provider shall apply for independent re-licensure if System
certifications are not met for the IDPH licensure level.
Provider Status
Inactive (Non-participating) Provider An EMT is considered to be inactive if he/she:
Was System-certified but has not functioned with a PAEMS System agency for
greater than 60 days.
Maintains IDPH continuing education requirements.
An inactive provider is prohibited from identifying himself/herself as an
EMS provider in the Peoria Area EMS System.
An inactive provider is prohibited from performing skills or providing
care that he/she is not System-certified to perform.
An inactive provider must apply for independent re-licensure with IDPH.
Re-Licensure Requirements
Re-Licensure Process
1. To be re-licensed as an EMS provider, the licensee shall submit the required
documentation for renewal with the Resource Hospital (EMS Office) at least 60
days prior to the license expiration date. Failure to complete continuing
education requirements and/or failure to submit the appropriate documentation to
the EMS Office at least 60 days prior to the license expiration date may result in
delay or denial of re-licensure. The licensee will be responsible for any late
fees or class fees incurred as a result.
2. The EMS Office will review the re-licensure applicants continuing education
records. If the individual has met all requirements for re-licensure and approval is
given by the EMS Medical Director, the EMS Office will submit a renewal
request to IDPH.
3. A licensee who has not been recommended for re-licensure by the EMS Medical
Director will be instructed to submit a request for independent renewal directly to
IDPH. The EMS Office will assist the licensee in securing the appropriate
renewal form.
4. IDPH requires the licensee to certify on the renewal application form (Child
Support Statement), under penalty of perjury, that he or she is not more than 30
days delinquent in complying with a child support order (Section 10-65(c) of the
Illinois Administrative Procedure Act [5 ILCS 100/10-65(c)]). The providers
social security number must be provided as well.
5. The license of an EMS provider shall terminate on the day following the
expiration date shown on the license. An EMS provider may NOT function in the
Peoria Area EMS System until a copy of a current license is on file in the EMS
An EMS provider whose license has expired may, within 60 days after license
expiration, submit all re-licensure material and a fee of $50.00 in the form of a
certified check or money order made payable to IDPH (Note: personal checks,
cash or credit cards will NOT be accepted). If all continuing education and
System requirements have been met and there is no disciplinary action pending
against the EMS provider, the Department may re-license the EMS provider.
Re-Licensure Requirements
Re-Licensure Requirements
General Continuing Education Requirements
In conjunction with the Region 2 EMS/Trauma Plan, the Peoria Area EMS System
1. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the didactic continuing education hours required for
re-licensure (as an EMS provider, at any level in the PAEMS System) must be
earned through attendance at System-taught courses, courses sponsored by the
Peoria Area EMS Office at the Resource Hospital, OSF Saint Francis Medical
Center or courses taught by a System-approved instructor.
2. No more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the continuing education hours
required for re-licensure will consist of hours obtained from the same site code.
3. No more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the continuing education hours
required for re-licensure will consist of any single subject area (i.e. shock,
diabetic emergencies, etc.)
4. EMS providers (all levels) must attend at least one (1) continuing education
program that reviews PAEMS System and Regional Policies, Standing Medical
Orders and Operating Procedures as part of the four-year, 25% PAEMS System
continuing education requirements.
5. No more than thirty percent (30%) of on-line CE will be accepted for re-licensure.
6. EMS continuing education credits must have an approved IDPH site code.
7. Continuing education credits approved for EMS Systems within IDPH EMS
Region 2 will be accepted by the Peoria Area EMS System.
8. Prior approval must be obtained from the EMS Medical Director for continuing
education programs from other IDPH regions or from other states, including
national symposiums.
Re-Licensure Requirements
Summary of Re-licensure Requirements
Emergency Medical Dispatcher
First Responder/Defibrillator
Re-Licensure Requirements
Re-Licensure Requirements
Summary of Re-licensure Requirements
A minimum of one hundred twenty
(120) hours of continuing education,
seminars and workshops addressing both
adult & pediatric care and at least one
(1) continuing education program which
addresses PAEMS System Protocols
Re-Licensure Requirements
Summary of Re-licensure Requirements
Re-Licensure Requirements
Communications & Documentation
Base Station Medical Control is designed to provide immediate medical direction and
consultation to the Prehospital EMS provider in accordance with established patient
treatment guidelines.
On-line Medical Control is utilized to involve the expertise of an Emergency Medical
Physician in the treatment plans and decisions involving patient care in the Prehospital
1. Voice communications shall be categorized as MERCI for calls that do not
require medical orders and Telemetry for medical or trauma calls requiring
medical orders or base station physician contact and/or consultation.
2. EMS communications requiring on-line contact with a base station physician
shall be conducted using cellular telemetry (309)655-6770.
3. Use of telemetry is required for patient care requiring interventions beyond
the Routine BLS, ILS or ALS standing medical orders. Situations requiring
Medical Control contact include, but are not limited to:
Anytime an order is required for BLS, ILS or ALS medications.
Anytime orders are needed for procedures.
Any instance an EMS provider desires physician involvement.
Any situation that involves bypassing a closer hospital.
Anytime an EMS provider feels a deferral is warranted.
Anytime a Field Training Instructor (FTI) feels a student needs to further
develop communication skills.
9. If the EMS provider has not been able to contact Medical Control via cellular
telemetry, telephone or MERCI radio, the EMS provider will initiate the appropriate
protocol(s). Upon arrival at the receiving hospital, an incident report must be
completed and forwarded to the EMS Office within 24 hours of the occurrence.
This report should document all aspects of the run with specific details of the
radio/communications failure and initiation of the Peoria Area EMS System
Standing Medical Orders and Standard Operating Procedures.
10. First Responders may handle low risk refusals only (as defined above). However,
First Responders must contact Medical Control via cellular telemetry at (309)6556770. Under no circumstance should a First Responder take a high risk
Radio Communications
Radio communications is a vital component of prehospital care. Information reported should
be concise and provide an accurate description of the patients condition as well as treatment
rendered. Therefore, a complete patient assessment and set of vital signs should be
completed prior to contacting Medical Control or the receiving hospital.
Regardless of the destination, early and timely notification of Medical Control or the receiving
hospital is essential for prompt care to be delivered by all involved.
Components of the Patient Report
Unit identification
Destination & ETA
Chief complaint
Assessment (General appearance, degree of distress & level of consciousness)
Vital signs:
1. Blood pressure (auscultated {or palpated if unable to auscultate})
2. Pulse (rate, quality, regularity)
3. Respirations (rate, pattern, depth)
4. Pulse oximetry, if indicated
5. Pupils (size & reactivity)
6. Skin (color, temperature, moisture)
Pertinent physical examination findings
SAMPLE History
Treatment rendered and patient response to treatment
NOTE: Items listed in red should be transmitted without delay.
If Medical Control contact is necessary to obtain physician orders (where indicated by
protocol), diligent attempts must be made to establish base station contact via:
1. Cellular telemetry (309)655-6770
2. Telephone landline direct to MEDCOM (309)655-6770
3. MERCI radio
If unable to establish contact, then initiate protocol. If Medical Control contact is not
necessary, contact the receiving hospital via MERCI.
Assure an accurate patient assessment has been conducted to include the patients chief
complaint, history, objective findings and the patients ability to make sound decisions.
Explain to the patient the risk associated with his/her decision to refuse treatment and
Secure Medical Control approval of high risk refusals (low risk refusals for First
Responders) in accordance with the Online Medical Control Policy.
Complete the Against Medical Advice/Refusal Form and have the patient sign the form.
If the patient is a minor, this form should be signed by a legal guardian or Durable
Power of Attorney for Healthcare. NOTE: Parental refusals may be accepted by voice
contact with the parent (i.e. by telephone) if the EMS provider has made reasonable
effort to confirm the identity of the parent and the form may be signed by an adult
witness on scene. This should be clearly documented on the refusal form and in the
patient care report.
If available, it is preferable to have a police officer at the scene act as the witness. If a
police officer is not present, any other bystander may act as a witness. However,
his/her name, address & telephone number should be obtained and written on the back
of the report.
If the patient refuses medical help and/or transportation after having been informed of
the risks of not receiving emergency medical care and refuses to sign the release,
clearly document the patients refusal to sign the report. Also, have the entire crew
witness the statement and have an additional witness sign your statement, preferably a
police officer. Include the officers badge number and contact Medical Control.
The top (white) original of the AMA/Refusal Form is maintained by the agency securing
the refusal. The yellow copy is forwarded to the EMS Office with the appropriate
copies of the patient care report. The patient is provided with the pink copy of the
AMA/Refusal Form.
Prehospital care providers shall complete a Peoria Area EMS System (or the individual
agency) Incident Report Form whenever a System related issue occurs. In order to properly
assess the situation and determine a solution to the issue, the following information needs to
be provided on the form:
Date of occurrence
Time the incident occurred
Location of the incident
Description of the events
Personnel involved
Agency and/or institution involved
Copy of the patient care record and/or any other related documents
1. All incident report forms shall be given to the EMS providers immediate supervisor,
training officer, or quality assurance coordinator who will assess the incident and will
forward the report to the Peoria Area EMS System Quality Assurance Coordinator.
2. The EMS QA Coordinator will review the incident and notify the EMS Medical Director
and the appropriate course of action will be determined.
3. The EMS provider originating the report will be notified of the resolution.
2. Verbal Reports
a) Peoria Area EMS System personnel are not to discuss specific patients in public
b) EMS providers should not discuss any confidential information regarding
patient care with friends and relatives or friends and relatives of the patient.
This includes hospitalization of a patient and/or the patients condition.
c) Information gained from chart or case reviews is considered confidential.
3. Radio Communications
a) No patient name will be mentioned in the process of prehospital radio
transmissions utilizing MERCI radio.
b) Customarily, when calling in a direct admit the patients initials can be
included in the radio report. This is necessary for identification and is
acceptable to transmit.
c) Sensitive patient information regarding diagnosis or prognosis should not be
discussed during radio transmissions.
Patients should be transported to the closest appropriate hospital. A patient (or the patients
Power of Attorney for Healthcare) does have the right to make an informed decision to be
transported to a hospital of choice. This decision should be respected unless the risk of
transporting to a more distant hospital outweighs the medical benefits of transporting to the
closest hospital. A trauma patient may benefit from transport directly to the closest
appropriate Trauma Center rather than the closest geographically located hospital.
A smooth transition of care between EMS providers is essential for optimum patient care. First
Responder and BLS non-transport crews routinely transfer care to transporting EMS providers.
The transfer of advanced procedures presents unique concerns for both the EMS provider
relinquishing patient care as well as the EMS provider assuming patient care. A smooth
transition between providers is essential for good patient care. Cooperation between all EMS
personnel is encouraged and expected.
Patient Care Transition Procedure
1. EMS providers arriving at the scene of a call shall initiate care in accordance with the
guidelines provided in this manual. The EMS provider must maintain a constant
awareness as to what would be the best course of action for optimum and
compassionate patient care. Focus should be placed on conducting a thorough patient
assessment and providing adequate BLS care. The benefit of remaining on scene to
establish specific treatments versus prompt transport to a definitive care facility should
be a consideration of each patient contact.
2. Once on scene, the EMS transporting agency shall, in conjunction with Medical
Control, be the on-scene authority having jurisdiction in the determination of the patient
care plan. The rank or seniority of a non-transport provider shall not supersede the
authority vested in the transporting EMS provider by the EMS Medical Director.
3. Upon the arrival of the transporting agency, the non-transport provider should provide a
detailed verbal report to the transporting provider and then immediately transfer care
to the transporting provider. The non-transport provider may continue the
establishment of BLS/ILS/ALS procedures with the concurrence of the transporting
4. The transport provider should obtain report from the non-transport provider and
conduct a thorough patient assessment. Treatment initiated by the non-transport
provider should be taken into consideration in determining subsequent patient care
5. If the provider has initiated advanced procedures, then the transport provider should
verify the integrity of the procedure prior to utilizing it for further treatment (e.g. verify
patency of peripheral IVs and ETTs should be checked for proper placement).
Transporting crews shall not arbitrarily avoid the use of (or discontinue) an advanced
procedure established by non-transport personnel. Rationale for discontinuing an
established procedure should be documented on the patient care report.
Intercept Policy
When a patients condition warrants the highest level of available care, in-field service level
upgrades shall be utilized to optimize patient care. In-field service level upgrades as referred
to in this policy implies services above the level of care provided by the initial responding
If a patients condition warrants a higher level of care and an advanced level is available, then
the more advanced agency will be called for immediate assistance. Conditions warranting
advanced assistance include:
Trauma patients entrapped with extrication required.
Patients with compromised or obstructed airways.
Full arrests.
Patients exhibiting signs of hypoxemia (e.g. respiratory distress, restlessness,
cyanosis) unrelieved by oxygen.
Patients with altered mental status/altered level of consciousness.
Chest pain of cardiac nature unresolved with rest, oxygen and/or nitroglycerin.
Patients exhibiting signs of decompensated shock (BP<100mmHg, pallor,
diaphoresis, altered LOC, tachypnea).
Unconscious or unresponsive patients (other than a behavioral episode).
Any case in which the responding agency or Medical Control deems that advanced
care would be beneficial to patient outcome.
Pediatric cases with any of the conditions listed above.
If the primary response area is covered by any combination of BLS, ILS or ALS, the highest
level of service available shall be utilized for any patient whose condition warrants advanced
level care as indicated. ILS may be utilized if, and only if ALS is unavailable.
When determining the need for advanced assistance, consideration should be given to the
Transport time to the hospital Units with less than a 10 minute transport time to
the hospital may complete transport without an intercept.
Early activation - Diligent efforts should be made to request an intercept as early
as possible. This could include simultaneous dispatch of an advanced unit to the
scene of the emergency.
Rendezvous site Intercepts should be done in a safe area, away from traffic.
Intercept Policy
Availability of resources Units used for intercept should be in direct travel to the
receiving hospital. Transportation shall not be delayed due to an intercept not
being available. Patients should not be transported via a longer route in order to
obtain an intercept.
Decisions for or against requesting an intercept should be in the best interest of the
patient based on his/her current medical condition, not past medical history.
Regardless of the response jurisdiction, if two (2) different agencies with different levels of
care are dispatched to and arrive on the scene of an emergency, the agency with the highest
certification level shall assume control of the patient.
Safety will be emphasized throughout the intercept and during the transfer of care. Intercepts
should not take place on heavily traveled roadways if at all possible. Rendezvous sites should
be predetermined by operating procedures or unit-to-radio contact. Sites that should be
considered include parking lots, safe shoulders or on side streets.
The following guidelines also apply:
Pertinent patient information should be transmitted to the intercepting personnel
prior to rendezvous (i.e. nature of the problem, vitals).
Patients should not be transferred from ambulance-to-ambulance. The higher-level
personnel, along with proper portable equipment, shall board the requesting
agencys ambulance.
The higher level personnel will oversee patient care with the assistance of the
requesting agencys personnel.
Once the higher level personnel have boarded the requesting agencys ambulance,
the higher level provider will determine the transport code for the remainder of
Code 1 (Signal 1) = Emergency transport with lights and sirens in operation.
Code 2 (Signal 2) = Transport without lights and sirens and obeying all
normal traffic laws.
NOTE: Transport should never be done using lights only or sirens only (follow the all or
nothing rule).
Notes on Shock
(Pump failure)
Myocardial Infarction
Congestive Heart Failure
Pulmonary Embolism
Chest Trauma
Tension Pneumothorax
Pericardial Tamponade
Vessel Failure
Vasovagal Response
Endocrine Dysfunction
Initiate body substance isolation (BSI) precautions prior to arrival at the scene for all
patient contacts. Apply appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Use special
care in the handling of sharps, contaminated objects, linens, etc.
Assure the well-being of the EMS crew by assessing scene safety. If the scene is not
safe, do not enter until appropriate authorities have secured the area (i.e. violent crime
calls, domestic violence calls, hazardous materials, etc.).
Determine the mechanism of injury, number of patients and need for additional
Circulation: Evaluate perfusion status by assessing carotid and peripheral pulses and
skin condition. Initiate CPR and early defibrillation if indicated. Control any external
hemorrhage and establish IV access of .9% Normal Saline if indicated. No more than
two (2) attempts should be made to establish an IV on scene unless requested by
Medical Control.
Loosen tight clothing and reassure patient; keep NPO (nothing by mouth) unless
specified by SOP or Medical Control.
Evaluate pain. Ask the patient to rate any pain on a scale of 0-10 with 0
indicating a pain-free state and 10 being the worst pain imaginable.
Recheck and record vital signs and patient responses at least every 15 minutes for
stable patients, every 5 minutes for critical patients and after each intervention. Be
sure to accurately document the times the vitals were obtained.
10. Transport to the closest appropriate hospital. NOTE: Follow System-specific policies
regarding patient destination and bypass procedures.
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, providing care to
treat for shock and preparing or providing patient transportation.
Attach cardiac monitor and print rhythm strip for documentation, if indicated.
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, providing care to
treat for shock and preparing or providing patient transportation. The necessity of establishing
IV access is determined by the patients condition and chief complaint. Consideration should
also be given to the proximity of the receiving facility.
If indicated, establish IV access using a 1000mL solution of .9% Normal Saline with
macro drip or blood tubing. No more than two (2) attempts should be made on scene.
Infuse at a rate to keep the vein open (TKO) approximately 8 to 15 drops (gtts) per
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, providing care to
treat for shock and preparing or providing patient transportation. The necessity of establishing
IV access is determined by the patients condition and chief complaint. Consideration should
also be given to the proximity of the receiving facility.
Obtain a 12-Lead EKG, if indicated and transmit the 12-Lead to Medical Control.
Provide the receiving nurse/physician with a copy of the 12-Lead upon arrival in the
ED with request for physician review of the EKG as soon as possible.
When determining the extent of care needed to stabilize the patient, the EMS provider should take
into consideration the patients presentation, chief complaint, risk of shock and proximity to the
receiving facility.
Indication for establishing IV access is based on the patients need for fluid replacement or for a drug
administration route.
Saline locks may be used as a drug administration route if fluid replacement is not indicated.
IV access should not significantly delay initiation of transport or be attempted on scene with a trauma
Indications for performing a 12-Lead EKG include: chest pain, epigastric pain, shortness of breath,
syncope, cardiogenic shock, pulmonary edema, suspected stroke and vague unwell symptoms in
diabetic & elderly patients.
Pain, and the lack of relief from the pain, is one of the most common complaints among
patients. Pain control can reduce the patients anxiety and discomfort, making patient care
easier. The patients severity of pain must be properly assessed in order to provide appropriate
relief. Managing pain clinically in the prehospital setting will provide greater patient care.
Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
Assess level of pain using the Pain Assessment Scale (0-10) or the Wong-Baker Faces
Pain Rating Scale.
Place patient in a position of comfort.
Reassure the patient.
Consider ice or splinting.
Reassess level of pain using the approved pain scale.
BLS Care
BLS Care should focus on the reduction of the patients anxiety due to the pain.
ILS Care
ILS Care should focus on the reduction of the patients anxiety due to the pain.
ALS Care
ALS Care should focus on the pharmaceutical management of pain.
1. Assure an open airway by utilizing either the head tilt/chin lift maneuver, the modified
jaw thrust maneuver or the tongue-jaw lift maneuver. The head tilt/chin lift maneuver
is NOT to be used if there is any possibility of cervical spine injury.
2. Expose the chest and visualize for chest rise and movement, simultaneously listen and
feel for air movement at the mouth and nose. This procedure will need to be done
initially and after correcting an obstruction and securing the airway.
3. If the chest is not rising and air exchange cannot be heard or felt:
a) Deliver two positive-pressure ventilations. If resistance continues, follow AHA
sequences for obstructed airway rescue.
b) Reassess breathing and check for a carotid pulse.
c) If spontaneous respirations return and a pulse is present, provide supplemental
Oxygen by non-rebreather mask or assist respirations with bag-valve mask
(BVM) at 15 L/min.
d) If the patient remains breathless and a pulse is present, initiate ventilations with
a BVM at 15 L/min at a rate of 12 breaths per minute.
e) If the patient remains breathless and a pulse is not present, initiate CPR and
institute the appropriate cardiac protocol.
4. If the patient presents with stridor, noisy breathing or snoring respirations, render
treatment for partial airway obstruction in accordance with AHA guidelines.
a) Reassess effectiveness of the airway maneuver.
b) If initially unable to resolve partial airway obstruction, suction the airway and
visualize the pharynx for any evidence of foreign objects. Perform a finger
sweep if a foreign object can be seen.
c) If partial airway obstruction persists, treat according to AHA guidelines for
resolving a complete airway obstruction.
Airway Obstruction
An airway obstruction is life threatening and must be corrected immediately upon discovery.
1. If the patient has an obstructed airway and is still conscious:
Maintain in-line c-spine stabilization using 2 EMTs in patients with suspected cervical spine injury.
Poor abdominal thrust technique, inappropriate airway maneuvers, and/or failure to recognize an
obstructed airway will complicate the patients condition.
Esophageal Tracheal
Combitube Procedure
The Esophageal Tracheal Combitube (ETC) is an effective airway adjunct when intubation is
not available or difficult to perform. Insertion is rapid & easy and does not require specialized
equipment or visualization of the larynx.
Intubation is indicated, but is not available or difficult to perform
Altered mental status with respiratory depression and an absent gag reflex
Active gag reflex
Patient under five (5) feet tall
Patient less than 15 years old
Ingestion of a caustic substance (e.g. gasoline, drain cleaner, etc.)
Known or suspected esophageal disease (e.g. esophageal varices)
Tracheostomy (ETC will be ineffective with esophageal placement)
Place the patient in a supine position and place the head in a neutral position. Maintain
c-spine precautions if spinal injury is possible.
Grasp the tongue and the lower jaw between the index finger & thumb and lift upward
(jaw lift).
Esophageal Tracheal
Combitube Procedure
Combitube Insertion Procedure (continued)
Insert the Combitube following the natural curvature of the pharynx until the teeth
align between the black rings on the tube:
DO NOT FORCE THE TUBE! If it does not insert easily, withdraw and
A maximum of 30 seconds should be taken for insertion attempts. Oxygenation
and ventilation utilizing BVM should be performed between attempts.
A maximum of three (3) attempts should be performed before abandoning the
Inflate the pharyngeal cuff through line #1 (blue line) with 100mL of air and the distal
cuff through line #2 (white) with 15mL of air.
Ventilate through the longer proximal (#1 blue) port with a BVM connected to 100%
Auscultate for air over the chest and the stomach. If good breath sounds are heard
over the chest, the chest is rising & falling with ventilations and no gastric sounds are
heard over the stomach, then secure the tube and continue ventilating. If the above
criteria are met, then the tube has been successfully placed in the esophagus. If not,
refer to the next step.
If no breath sounds are heard over the chest and gastric sounds are heard over the
stomach during ventilation, change ports and ventilate through port #2 (white). Use
multiple confirmation techniques:
Confirm presence of breath sounds over the chest and an absence of gastric
sounds over the stomach by auscultation
Visualize rise and fall of the chest
Use ETCO2 detector
Monitor for clinical improvement
Esophageal Tracheal
Combitube Procedure
Combitube Insertion Procedure (continued)
10. Frequently reassess placement, as tube may easily become dislodged during transport.
11. If breath sounds are absent with ventilation through both tubes, immediately deflate
both cuffs and withdraw the tube. Ventilate using BVM and reattempt insertion
(maximum of 3 attempts).
Note: Combitube use is approved for certified personnel at B-Meds, ILS & ALS agencies.
The greatest danger to the patient is wasting too much time attempting to intubate. Time is
precious if you cannot intubate in 2 attempts, use another method of airway control and do not
delay transport.
Intubation can cause arrhythmias produced by catecholamine release and from vagal stimulation,
so monitor cardiac rhythm closely.
Verification of proper ETT placement is of vital importance. Utilize multiple methods of
verifying placement including direct visualization of the ETT passing through the cords,
auscultation of bilateral breath sounds, absence of epigastric sounds during ventilation, and
positive color change with an ETCO2.
A curved blade is recommended for adolescents and adults. Use an appropriately sized straight
blade to intubate pediatric patients (ALS only).
Known esophageal varices
Esophageal stricture
Esophageal or stomach cancer
Esophagectomy or partial gastrectomy
Gastric bypass
Penetrating neck trauma
OG Insertion Procedure
Estimate the length of the tube needed to reach the stomach by measuring the tube
from the corner of the mouth to the earlobe and down to the xiphoid process. Mark the
length with tape.
Lubricate the Salem sump tube (18F) with a water soluble lubricant (e.g. K Y Jelly).
Insert the tube through the oropharynx until the marked depth is reached.
If the tube coils in the posterior pharynx, direct laryngoscopy can be utilized to place
the tube in the esophagus.
Using a 60mL catheter tip syringe, instill 30mL of air into tube and auscultate over
epigastrim for air sounds.
Aspirate for gastric contents and assess for cloudy, green, tan, brown, bloody or offwhite color contents consistent with gastric contents.
Gastric Decompression
Once placement of the Salem sump tube has been verified, begin gastric decompression in one
of the following manners:
Attach the tube to the onboard suction (and suction intermittently as needed).
Attach the tube to continual low suction (approximately 60 mmHg) using the onboard
If suction is not readily available, connect the 60mL syringe to the tube while keeping
the (blue) air vent patient. This will allow the sump function of the tube to work until
suction can be applied and will also prevent gastric contents from leaking from the
If you cannot place the OG tube quickly (no more than 2 attempts), forego the procedure do not
delay transport.
The blue air vent must remain patent to ensure proper sump function and to prevent damage to
the gastric lining during suctioning.
Intravenous Cannulation
Intravenous cannulation is used in the Prehospital setting to establish a route for drug
administration and/or to provide fluid replacement. Intravenous cannulation should not
significantly delay scene times or be attempted while on scene with a trauma patient who meets
load-and-go criteria.
1. Explain to the patient the need for and a brief description of the procedure.
2. Observe the universal precautions for body substance exposure.
3. Obtain an appropriately sized catheter:
a) 14 or 16 gauge for trauma patients.
b) 14, 16 or 18 gauge for fluid replacement.
c) 20 gauge for elderly patients, pediatric patients or for difficult IV cannulations.
4. Check the fluid (1000mL .9% Normal Saline):
a) Is it the right fluid?
b) Check the expiration date.
c) Check for color and clarity (NS should be clear with no particles).
5. Connect the administration set to the IV fluid. Make sure that air bubbles are expelled
from the tubing and that all chambers have the appropriate fluid levels.
6. Prepare veniguard (or tape).
7. Maintain a clean environment and protect the administration set from contamination.
Any IV supplies that become contaminated by inadvertently touching an object should
be discarded and replaced with clean equipment (e.g. an uncapped administration set
dropped on the floor).
8. Apply a venous tourniquet just proximal to the antecubital area.
9. Select (by palpation) a prominent vein. Choose a distal vein on the forearm or back of
the hand. The antecubital space may be used if needed for drug administration, fluid
replacement, the patient condition requires a more proximal site, or in cases where no
other vein is accessible.
Intravenous Cannulation
10. Cleanse the site with an alcohol prep pad using a circular motion moving outward from
the site.
11. Stabilize the vein by applying traction below the puncture site.
12. Inform the patient of your intent to puncture the site.
13. Enter the vein directly from above or from the side of the site. With the bevel of the
needle upward, puncture the skin at a 30 to 45 degree angle.
14. If blood returns through the catheter, proceed with insertion. If you do not see blood
return, release the tourniquet and discontinue the attempt. It time and patient condition
allows, you may attempt another site with a new catheter (do not exceed more than two
(2) attempts.
15. Insert the catheter. Carefully lower the catheter and advance the needle and catheter
just enough to stabilize the needle in the vein. Slide the catheter off of the needle into
the vein.
16. Slightly occlude the vein proximal to the catheter with gentle finger pressure. Remove
the needle and immediately dispose of it in an approved sharps container.
17. Release the tourniquet.
18. Connect the administration set to the catheter.
19. Open the flow regulator on the administration set and briefly allow IV fluid to run
freely to assure a patent line (less than 20mL). If the line is patent, adjust flow rate as
indicated by protocol or Medical Control order.
20. Secure the catheter and tubing using a veniguard or tape. Loop the IV tubing and
secure to the patients arm. Do not apply tape circumferentially to the extremity.
Intravenous Cannulation
Saline Locks
Saline locks may be used if fluid replacement is not indicated:
1. Assemble the pre-filled saline and tubex syringe or draw up 2-3mL of sterile saline.
2. Obtain and inspect an injection site link. Inject saline and expel air from the injection
site chamber leaving the syringe attached.
3. After successful venipuncture, connect the saline lock to the catheter.
4. Pull back (aspirate) on the syringe to confirm placement by observing for blood return.
If blood is aspirated, continue by injecting 3mL of saline into the chamber. If no blood
is aspirated, discontinue the attempt and prepare to repeat the procedure at a new site.
5. If fluid replacement becomes necessary, attach an administration set to the injection
port by needleless device or Luer adapter.
6. Secure the catheter and link using a veniguard or tape.
External Jugular Vein Cannulation (ALS Only)
External Jugular (EJ) access can be utilized only if traditional extremity cannulation cannot be
established and the patient requires immediate stabilizing fluid replacement and/or drug
administration route.
1. Position the patient supine with feet elevated.
2. Turn the patients head in the direction away from the side to be cannulated.
3. Cleanse the site with a prep pad using a circular motion moving away from the site.
4. Stabilize the vein by applying traction just above the clavicle.
Intravenous Cannulation
If blood begins to back-flow in the IV tubing, check the location of the bag to assure it is in a
gravity flow position and check to assure all valves are properly set. If the IV equipment is
properly set and blood continues to back-flow, re-examine the vessel to assure arterial cannulation
has not occurred.
Edema, pain and lack of fluid flow at the site indicates infiltration and the IV must be
Do not partially withdraw a needle and reinsert into the catheter. This can cause catheter shear.
Do not substitute a saline lock for IV fluids in trauma patients, patients who are in shock, patients
with unstable vital signs or patients requiring multiple drug administrations.
External jugular vein cannulation is contraindicated in patients with suspected cervical spine
It may be impossible to find an accessible vein in patients presenting with conditions such as
shock from any cause, cardiac arrest, overdose with airway compromise, impairment in
mentation or hemodynamic parameters, severe dehydration associated with unresponsiveness
or shock and multi-system trauma. This is a challenge commonly faced by prehospital
providers, which hinders optimal patient care by limiting treatment options and increasing
scene time trying to obtain vascular access.
The intraosseous space may be viewed as a non-collapsible, easily accessed space for any fluid
or medication. Intraosseous infusion is preferred over endotracheal routes of medication
administration and is a viable alternative when IV therapy is not available or not accessible.
Intraosseous infusion is immediately available, safe and effective.
Fracture of the bone selected for IO infusion (consider another approved site of
Infection at the site selected for insertion (consider another approved site of insertion)
Flow rates will be slower than achieved with intravenous (IV) access. To improve
continuous infusion rates, use a pressure infusion bag (or BP cuff).
Insertion of the EZ-IO in conscious patients or patients responsive to pain has been
noted to cause mild to moderate discomfort comparable to the insertion of a large bore
IV catheter. IO infusion, however, has been noted to cause severe discomfort.
EZ-IO Procedure
Prep the site with Betadine and set up infusion solution as for regular IV.
Remove EZ-IO driver from needle set while stabilizing catheter hub.
Remove stylet from the catheter; place stylet in EZ-IO shuttle or approved sharps
10. For conscious patients (or for previously unresponsive patients who become
conscious): Lidocaine: 30mg IO (slowly) to reduce discomfort from infusion.
11. Flush the IO catheter with 10mL of normal saline.
12. Utilize a pressure bag for continuous infusions where applicable. If a pressure bag is
not available, wrap a BP cuff around the bag of normal saline and inflate the cuff until
desired flow rate is achieved.
13. Dress site, secure tubing and apply wristband as directed.
Medication Administration
Medication administration is accomplished by specific routes as indicated by the protocols.
This procedure describes the traditional medication routes for use in the prehospital setting.
Preparation Steps
Cleanse the injection port or luer port with an alcohol prep pad.
Insert the needle into the inlet port or attach the syringe to the luer port.
Stop the flow of the IV by pinching off the IV tubing above the port.
Inject the desired amount of drug at the rate indicated by protocol.
Release the IV tubing and flush with approximately 20mL of fluid to assure delivery of
the drug.
Medication Administration
Intravenous Medication Administration (continued)
6. Properly dispose of the contaminated equipment.
7. Document the name of the medication, the dose, the route of administration and the
time that the drug was administered.
8. Monitor and document the patients response to the medication.
EZ-IO Medication Administration
Refer to Intravenous Medication Administration steps.
Endotracheal Medication Administration
This procedure utilizes an ETT which has previously been established and proper placement
has been confirmed. Only certain medications may be given via the ETT as specified by
Medication Administration
Subcutaneous Medication Administration
Subcutaneous injections are administered into the subcutaneous tissue (not the superficial
dermis or the muscle).
1. Identify an injection site (the subcutaneous tissue over the tricep muscle of the upper
arm is commonly used).
2. Clean the injection site with an alcohol prep.
3. Pull the skin away from the underlying muscle by tenting or pinching the site.
4. Advise the patient to expect a stick and to try to relax the deltoid muscle.
5. Insert the needle at a 45 degree angle into the subcutaneous tissue.
6. Pull back (aspirate) on the syringe to confirm that the needle is not in a vessel by
observing for blood return.
If blood is aspirated into the syringe, discontinue the injection and start the
procedure over.
If blood is not aspirated into the syringe, slowly inject the drug into the
subcutaneous tissue.
7. Withdraw the needle and apply pressure to the site with a gauze pad.
8. Document the name of the medication, the dose of the medication, the route of
administration and the time that the drug was administered.
9. Properly dispose of the contaminated equipment.
10. Monitor and document the patients response to the medication.
Intramuscular Medication Administration
Intramuscular (IM) injections in the prehospital setting are relatively uncommon. IM
injections are administered into the muscle tissue and require adequate perfusion for
1. Identify an injection site (the deltoid muscle of the upper arm and the upper outside
quadrant of the gluteus muscle are commonly used). Note: The only approved site for
the EMT-Basic & Intermediate level agencies is the left or right deltoid.
2. Clean the injection site with an alcohol prep.
3. Stretch or flatten the skin overlying the site with your fingers.
4. Advise the patient to expect a stick and to try to relax.
5. Insert the needle (preferably a 2-inch, 22g needle) at a 90 degree angle into the muscle
Medication Administration
Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask. If the patient does not tolerate a mask,
then administer 6 L/min via nasal cannula.
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, providing care to
reassure the patient, reducing the patients discomfort, beginning treatment for shock and
preparing or providing patient transportation.
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, providing care to
reassure the patient, reducing the patients discomfort, beginning treatment for shock and
preparing or providing patient transportation.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask. If the patient does not tolerate a mask,
then administer 6 L/min via nasal cannula.
Transport as soon as possible (transport can be initiated at any time during this
Initiate ALS intercept if the patients chest pain is not eliminated with Oxygen or NTG.
Consider the patient to be in cardiogenic shock if the patient has dyspnea, diaphoresis, a
systolic BP < 100mmHg, and signs of congestive heart failure.
Obtaining a 12-Lead EKG should not significantly delay initiation of transport.
EKG limb leads should actually be placed on the patients limbs!
A pulse oximeter is a tool to aid in determining the degree of patient distress and the
effectiveness of EMS interventions. A high pulse oximeter reading should not result in oxygen
therapy being withheld.
NTG that the patient self administers prior to EMS arrival should be reported to Medical
Control. Subsequent doses should be provided by the EMS units stock.
Medications should not be administered IM to a suspected AMI patient.
Phenergan (Promethazine) is diluted with 10mL normal saline for patient comfort (reduces
burning sensation that some patients experience) and to prevent phlebitis.
Nitropaste can be placed on the patients upper back instead of the anterior chest if needed (e.g.
if the patient has excessive chest hair).
If the patients systolic BP drops below 90mmHg, wipe the Nitropaste off.
Cardiogenic Shock
Cardiogenic shock occurs when the pump component of perfusion (the heart) begins to fail.
The signs and symptoms of cardiogenic shock include:
Pain, heaviness, tightness or discomfort in the chest with hypotension (systolic BP
< 100mmHg)
Rales or crackles (wet lung sounds)
Pedal edema
Patients with a history of AMI or CHF have increased risk factors. Priorities in the care of the
Cardiogenic shock patient include:
Assessing and securing ABCs.
Determining the quality and severity of the patients distress.
Identifying contributing factors of the event.
Obtaining a medical history (including medications and allergies).
Timely transportation to the emergency department is an important factor in patient outcome.
First Responder Care
Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask. If the patient does not tolerate a mask,
then administer 6 L/min via nasal cannula.
BLS Care
Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask. If the patient does not tolerate a mask,
then administer 6 L/min via nasal cannula.
Cardiogenic Shock
ILS Care
Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask. If the patient does not tolerate a mask,
then administer 6 L/min via nasal cannula.
ALS Care
Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask. If the patient does not tolerate a mask,
then administer 6 L/min via nasal cannula.
If the patient has a cardiac dysrhythmia, treat the underlying rhythm disturbance
according to the appropriate SMO.
Transport as soon as possible (transport can be initiated at any time during this
sequence) and Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
Cardiac Arrest
The successful resuscitation of patients in cardiac arrest is dependent on a systematic approach
of initiating life-saving CPR and early defibrillation and transferring care to advanced life
support providers in a timely manner. The majority of adults who survive non-traumatic
cardiac arrest are resuscitated from ventricular fibrillation with defibrillation. The primary
factor for successful defibrillation and resuscitation is decreasing the time interval from onset
of cardiac arrest to effective CPR, defibrillation and advanced life support.
First Responder Care
First Responder Care should be focused on confirming that the patient is in full arrest and in
need of CPR. Resuscitative efforts should be initiated by opening the airway and initiating
ventilations & chest compressions while attaching a defibrillator. It is important to assure that
CPR is being performed correctly following AHA guidelines.
Determine unresponsiveness. Confirm that a transporting unit (and ALS intercept) has
been activated.
Maintain patent airway and assess breathing. If the patient is not breathing, give two
(2) rescue breaths with a barrier device.
Check for pulse (10 seconds). If pulseless, begin CPR. The patient should be
ventilated at 12 breaths/min using oxygen at 15 L/min via BVM.
Apply an AED after 2 minutes of CPR to determine if defibrillation is needed.
Continue CPR until the AED is attached and turned on. Stop CPR when the AED is
a) If the AED indicates SHOCK ADVISED, call out CLEAR! check for the
safety of others, and push the SHOCK button (or stand clear if the AED device
does not require shock activation).
b) Immediately resume CPR for 2 minutes.
c) Reassess the patient and allow the AED to analyze.
d) If the AED indicates SHOCK ADVISED, call out CLEAR! check for the
safety of others, and push the SHOCK button (or stand clear if the AED device
does not require shock activation).
e) Check for a pulse if the AED states NO SHOCK ADVISED.
f) Continue CPR if pulse is absent.
g) Reassess every 2 minutes. Shock if indicated.
h) If the patient regains a pulse at any time during resuscitation, then maintain the
airway and assist ventilations.
i) Re-analyze the patients rhythm with the AED if the patient returns to a
pulseless state. Shock if indicated.
Cardiac Arrest
First Responder Care (continued)
6. Immediately turn patient care over to the transporting provider or ALS intercept crew
upon their arrival.
7. Complete all necessary cardiac arrest documentation.
BLS Care
BLS Care should focus on maintaining the continuity of care by confirming the patient is in
cardiac arrest and continuing resuscitative efforts initiated by the First Responders.
Transporting BLS units should initiate an ALS intercept as soon as possible.
1. BLS care includes all of the components of First Responder Care.
2. Shocks delivered to the patient prior to the transporting unit arriving on scene should be
taken into consideration during the transition of care. Transporting crews may want to
utilize the AED used by the non-transporting First Responders if circumstances allow
for exchange of equipment or personnel ride-along.
3. Place Combitube (if possible) and continue ventilations.
4. Call for ALS intercept and initiate transport as soon as possible.
5. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible.
ILS Care
ILS Care should focus on maintaining the continuity of care by confirming that the patient is in
cardiac arrest and beginning resuscitative efforts or continuing resuscitative efforts initiated by
the First Responders.
Determine unresponsiveness.
Maintain patent airway and assess breathing. If the patient is not breathing, give two
(2) rescue breaths with a barrier device.
Check for pulse (10 seconds). If pulseless, begin CPR and continue for 2 minutes.
Apply Quick-Combo pads (or Fast Patches).
Evaluate the rhythm.
Cardiac Arrest
ILS Care (continued)
ALS Care
ALS Care should focus on maintaining the continuity of care by confirming that the patient is
in cardiac arrest and beginning resuscitative efforts or continuing resuscitative efforts initiated
by the First Responders.
1. Determine unresponsiveness.
2. Maintain patent airway and assess breathing. If the patient is not breathing, give two
(2) rescue breaths with a barrier device.
3. Check for pulse (10 seconds). If pulseless, begin CPR and continue for 2 minutes.
4. Apply Quick-Combo pads (or Fast Patches).
5. Evaluate the rhythm.
6. If V-fib or pulseless V-tach, immediately defibrillate per manufacturers
recommendations for biphasic monitors (or 360J for monophasic defibrillators).
7. Immediately resume CPR for 2 minutes.
8. Evaluate the patient/rhythm and defibrillate if needed. Continue CPR and reevaluate patient/rhythm every 2 minutes.
9. Intubate the patient and provide ventilation at 12 breaths/minute.
10. If intubation is unsuccessful, place Combitube (if possible) and continue
11. Obtain peripheral IV or IO access.
12. Identify and treat cardiac dysrhythmias according to the appropriate protocol.
13. Place OG tube if time permits to relieve gastric distention (if patient is intubated).
Cardiac Arrest
If the cardiac arrest is witnessed by EMS personnel, start CPR and defibrillate
immediately after Fast Patches or Quick Combos are placed.
Do not remove a Combitube placed by BLS unless absolutely necessary (e.g. ILS needs
to intubate for drug administration when peripheral IV access cannot be obtained;
Combitube not ventilating correctly or there is a definite need for a more definitive
Do not touch, ventilate or move the patient while the AED is analyzing.
Do not exceed three (3) shocks on scene without contacting Medical Control.
The Check Patient voice prompt should be ignored while performing CPR.
Patients with implanted pacemakers or implanted defibrillators (AICDs) are treated
the same way as any other patient.
Do not place the electrodes, Quick Combo pads or Fast Patches over the top of the
pacemaker or AICD site.
Treat the patient not the monitor. A rhythm present on the monitor screen should
NOT be used to determine pulse. If the monitor shows a rhythm and the patient has
no pulse, begin CPR (the patient is in PEA pulseless electrical activity).
Trauma patients in cardiac arrest should be evaluated for viability. If the patient is to
be resuscitated, begin CPR and LOAD & GO.
When changing to ALS monitoring equipment, attach defibrillation cables prior to
disconnecting the AED.
The prehospital goal of resuscitating cardiac arrest is to return the patient to a
perfusing rhythm and providing stabilizing treatment en route. Once first line
electrical and pharmacological treatments are attempted, the patient should be
transported without delay to the closest appropriate hospital.
Resuscitation and treatment decisions are based on the duration of the arrest, physical
exam and the patients medical history. Consider cease-effort orders if indicated.
Consider underlying etiologies and treat according to appropriate protocols (e.g.
airway obstruction, metabolic shock, hypovolemia, central nervous system injury,
respiratory failure, anaphylaxis, drowning, overdose, poisoning, etc.).
A 20mL bolus should follow each drug administration to flush the IV line.
Resuscitation of Pulseless
Rhythms Protocol
The successful resuscitation of patients in cardiac arrest is dependent on a systematic approach
to resuscitation. ACLS medications are an important factor in successful resuscitation of the
pulseless patient when the initial rhythm is not ventricular fibrillation (V-fib) or in cases where
defibrillation has been unsuccessful. It is important that BLS providers understand the value of
effective CPR and an ALS intercept in providing the patient with ACLS therapy.
BLS Care
Not applicable. BLS providers are not equipped with ACLS medications and shall treat the
patient in accordance with the Cardiac Arrest Protocol.
ILS Care
1. Initiate Cardiac Arrest Protocol.
2. Evaluate rhythm after 2 minutes of CPR. If V-fib or pulseless V-tach: Defibrillate per
manufacturers recommendations for biphasic monitors (or 360J for monophasic
3. Immediately resume CPR for 2 minutes and re-evaluate the patient/rhythm.
4. Epinephrine 1:10,000: 1mg IV or 2mg ETT if patient is pulseless and repeat every 3-5
minutes as needed.
5. If pulseless V-fib/V-tach persists: Defibrillate per manufacturers
recommendations for biphasic monitors (or 360J for monophasic defibrillators).
6. Immediately resume CPR for 2 minutes and re-evaluate the patient/rhythm.
Resuscitation of Pulseless
Rhythms Protocol
Ventricular Fibrillation (V-fib) or Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia (V-tach) (continued)
ALS Care
1. Initiate Cardiac Arrest Protocol.
2. Evaluate rhythm after 2 minutes of CPR. If V-fib or pulseless V-tach: Defibrillate per
manufacturers recommendations for biphasic monitors (or 360J for monophasic
3. Immediately resume CPR for 2 minutes and re-evaluate the patient/rhythm.
4. Epinephrine 1:10,000: 1mg IV/IO or 2mg ETT if patient is pulseless and repeat every
3-5 minutes as needed.
Resuscitation of Pulseless
Rhythms Protocol
Resuscitation of Pulseless
Rhythms Protocol
Pulseless Electrical Activity (continued)
4. Atropine: 1mg IV or 2mg ETT for slow PEA (rate <60). Repeat every 3-5 minutes to
a total of 3mg.
5. Continue CPR and re-evaluate patient/rhythm every 2 minutes.
6. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus for suspected hypovolemia.
7. Dextrose 50%: 25g IV if blood sugar is < 60mg/dL.
8. Narcan: 2mg IV or 4mg ETT if suspected narcotic overdose.
9. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible.
10. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible.
ALS Care
1. Initiate Cardiac Arrest Protocol.
2. Evaluate rhythm after 2 minutes of CPR.
3. Epinephrine 1:10,000: 1mg IV/IO or 2mg ETT every 3-5 minutes.
4. Atropine: 1mg IV/IO or 2mg ETT for slow PEA (rate <60). Repeat every 3-5
minutes to a total of 3mg.
5. Continue CPR and re-evaluate patient/rhythm every 2 minutes.
6. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus for suspected hypovolemia.
7. Dextrose 50%: 25g IV/IO if blood sugar is < 60mg/dL.
Resuscitation of Pulseless
Rhythms Protocol
Pulseless Electrical Activity (continued)
ILS Care
1. Initiate Cardiac Arrest Protocol.
2. Evaluate rhythm after 2 minutes of CPR.
3. Epinephrine 1:10,000: 1mg IV or 2mg ETT every 3-5 minutes.
4. Atropine: 1mg IV or 2mg ETT every 3-5 minutes to a total dose of 3mg.
5. Continue CPR and re-evaluate patient/rhythm every 2 minutes.
6. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus for suspected hypovolemia.
7. Dextrose 50%: 25g IV if blood sugar is < 60mg/dL.
8. Narcan: 2mg IV or 4mg ETT if suspected narcotic overdose.
9. Consider cease efforts order (see Resuscitation vs. Cease Efforts Policy).
Resuscitation of Pulseless
Rhythms Protocol
Asystole (continued)
Resuscitation of Pulseless
Rhythms Protocol
Pulseless Electrical Activity / Asystole
Hydrogen Ions (Acidosis)
Toxins / Tablets (Drug Overdose)
Tamponade (Pericardial Tamponade)
Tension Pneumothorax
Thrombosis (Acute Coronary Syndrome or Pulmonary Embolism)
Treat the patient not the monitor. A rhythm present on the monitor screen should NOT be
used to determine pulse. If the monitor shows a rhythm and the patient has no pulse, begin
CPR (the patient is in PEA).
Trauma patients in cardiac arrest should be evaluated for viability. If the patient is to be
resuscitated, begin CPR and LOAD & GO.
Resuscitation and treatment decisions are based on the duration of the arrest, physical exam
and the patients medical history. Consider cease-effort orders if indicated.
Consider underlying etiologies and treat according to appropriate protocols (e.g. airway
obstruction, metabolic shock, hypovolemia, central nervous system injury, respiratory
failure, anaphylaxis, drowning, overdose, poisoning, etc.).
A 20mL fluid bolus should be given after each drug administration to flush the IV line.
If the cardiac arrest is witnessed by EMS personnel, start CPR and defibrillate immediately
after Fast Patches or Quick Combos are placed for V-fib/pulseless V-tach.
Unstable Bradycardia
Bradycardia is defined as a heart rate less than sixty beats per minute (< 60 bpm). Determining
the stability of the patient with bradycardia is an important factor in patient care decisions. The
assessment of the patient with bradycardia should include evaluation for signs and symptoms
of hypoperfusion.
The patient is considered stable if the patient is asymptomatic (i.e. alert and oriented with
warm, dry skin and a systolic BP > 100mmHg).
The patient is considered unstable if he/she presents with:
An altered level of consciousness (ALOC).
Chest pain or discomfort.
Ventricular ectopy.
Hypotension (systolic BP < 100mmHg).
First Responder Care
First Responder Care should be focused on assessing the situation and initiating routine patient
care to treat for shock.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, initiating routine
patient care to treat for shock and preparing the patient for or providing transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
3. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible.
Unstable Bradycardia
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
3. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus.
4. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible. (Transport can be initiated at
any time during this sequence).
5. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
6. Atropine: 0.5mg IV (with Medical Control order only) if the patients perfusion
does not improve after the fluid bolus, if the patient is hemodynamically unstable or if
the cardiac rhythm is an AV block (other than a 3rd degree block). May repeat 0.5mg
IV every 5 minutes (with Medical Control order) up to a total of 3mg.
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
3. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus.
4. Atropine: 0.5mg IV/IO if the patients perfusion does not improve after the fluid
bolus, if the patient is hemodynamically unstable or if the cardiac rhythm is an AV
block (other than a 3rd degree block). May repeat 0.5mg IV/IO every 5 minutes (with
Medical Control order) up to a total of 3mg.
Unstable Bradycardia
Unstable Bradycardia
Unstable Bradycardia
Treat the patient not the monitor. Bradycardia does not necessarily mean that the
patient is unstable or requires intervention.
Treat underlying etiologies according to protocol.
Atropine is NOT to be given if the patients blood pressure is normal or elevated.
Bradycardia may be present due to increased intracranial pressure from a stroke or head
injury. Contact Medical Control.
Factors to consider during the assessment of the patient who presents with bradycardia
include: patient health & physical condition (e.g. an athlete), current medications (e.g.
beta blockers), trauma or injury related to the event (e.g. a head trauma patient exhibiting
signs of herniation or Cushings syndrome), and other medical history.
Assess for underlying causes (e.g. hypoxia, hypovolemic shock, cardiogenic shock, or
Fluid bolus should not delay Atropine administration or TCP if the patient is unstable.
If the patients presenting rhythm is a 3rd degree block, immediately prepare to pace. If
the patient is symptomatic, pacing should be started without delay.
Narrow Complex
Tachycardia Protocol
Tachycardia is defined as a heart rate > 100 bpm. Once the heart rate reaches 150 bpm, the
patient is at risk for shock. A narrow QRS complex indicates that the rhythm may be
originating in the atrium. Determining the stability of the patient with tachycardia is an
important factor in patient care decisions. The assessment of the patient with tachycardia
should include evaluation for signs and symptoms of hypoperfusion.
The patient is considered stable if the patient is alert and oriented with warm & dry skin and
has a systolic BP > 100mmHg.
The patient is considered unstable if the patient has an altered level of consciousness,
diaphoresis, dizziness, chest pain or discomfort, ventricular ectopy and/or is hypotensive.
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, initiating routine
patient care to treat for shock and preparing the patient for or providing transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
3. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible.
Narrow Complex
Tachycardia Protocol
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
3. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible. (Transport can be initiated at
any time during this sequence).
4. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
5. Adenosine (Adenocard): 6mg IV {rapid IV push} (with Medical Control order only)
if the patient is alert and oriented, has a systolic BP > 100mmHg, has a HR > 150bpm
and is obviously not in atrial fib or atrial flutter. If no response after 2 minutes,
administer 12mg IV {rapid IV push} (with Medical Control order only).
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
3. Adenosine (Adenocard): 6mg IV {rapid IV push} if the patient is alert and oriented,
has a systolic BP > 100mmHg, has a HR > 150bpm and is obviously not in atrial fib or
atrial flutter. If no response after 2 minutes, administer 12mg IV {rapid IV push}.
Narrow Complex
Tachycardia Protocol
ALS Care (continued)
4. Midazolam (Versed): 2mg IV/IO in preparation for synchronized cardioversion if
the patient has a respiratory rate > 10 rpm. If the patients respiratory rate is < 10 rpm,
proceed to immediate synchronized cardioversion without sedation.
5. Synchronized Cardioversion: If the patient has an altered level of consciousness,
diaphoresis, dizziness, chest pain or discomfort, ventricular ectopy and/or is
a) Synchronized cardioversion at 100 Joules** if tachycardia persists.
b) Synchronized cardioversion at 200 Joules** if tachycardia persists.
c) Synchronized cardioversion at 300 Joules** if tachycardia persists.
d) Synchronized cardioversion at 360 Joules** if tachycardia persists.
6. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible.
Treat the patient not the monitor. Tachycardia does not necessarily mean that the patient
is unstable or requires intervention.
Factors to consider during the assessment of the patient with tachycardia include: patient
health & physical condition, trauma or injury related to the event, current medications and
medical history.
Assess for underlying causes (e.g. hypovolemic shock) and treat according to protocol.
When administering Adenocard, be prepared for immediate defibrillation if the rhythm
converts to v-fib.
DO NOT administer Adenocard if the heart rate is < 150 bpm without consulting Medical
Wide Complex
Tachycardia Protocol
Tachycardia is defined as a heart rate > 100 bpm. Once the heart rate reaches 150 bpm, the
patient is at risk for shock. A wide-complex QRS indicates the rhythm may be of ventricular
origin. Determining the stability of the patient with tachycardia is an important factor in
patient care decisions. The assessment of the patient with tachycardia should include
evaluation for signs and symptoms of hypoperfusion.
The patient is considered stable if the patient is alert & oriented with warm & dry skin and a
systolic BP > 100mmHg.
The patient is considered unstable if the patient has an altered level of consciousness,
diaphoresis, dizziness, chest pain or discomfort, ventricular ectopy and/or hypotension.
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, initiating routine
patient care to treat for shock and preparing the patient for or providing transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
3. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible.
Wide Complex
Tachycardia Protocol
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
3. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible. (Transport can be initiated at
any time during this sequence).
4. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible.
5. If the patient becomes pulseless at any time, refer to the Resuscitation of Pulseless
Rhythms Protocol (V-fib or Pulseless V-tach).
6. Lidocaine: 1mg/kg IV slowly over 2 minutes if the patient is alert & oriented with
warm & dry skin and a systolic BP > 100mmHg (with Medical Control order only).
If no response, administer Lidocaine 0.5mg/kg** IV every 5 minutes as needed to a
total of 3mg/kg (with Medical Control order).
**Administer 0.25mg/kg in patients > 70 years old.
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
3. Lidocaine: 1mg/kg IV/IO slowly over 2 minutes if the patient is alert & oriented with
warm & dry skin and a systolic BP > 100mmHg. If no response, administer Lidocaine
0.5mg/kg** IV/IO every 5 minutes as needed to a total of 3mg/kg.
**Administer 0.25mg/kg in patients > 70 years old.
Wide Complex
Tachycardia Protocol
ALS Care
4. Midazolam (Versed): 2mg IV/IO for patient comfort prior to cardioversion. Re-check
vital signs 5 minutes after administration. May repeat dose one time if systolic BP >
100mmHg and respiratory rate is > 10 rpm. Additional doses require Medical Control
5. Synchronized Cardioversion: If the patient has an altered level of consciousness,
diaphoresis, chest pain or discomfort, pulmonary edema and/or is hypotensive:
a) Synchronized cardioversion at 100 Joules** if tachycardia persists.
b) Synchronized cardioversion at 200 Joules** if tachycardia persists.
c) Synchronized cardioversion at 300 Joules** if tachycardia persists.
d) Synchronized cardioversion at 360 Joules** if tachycardia persists.
6. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
7. If the patient becomes pulseless at any time, refer to the Resuscitation of Pulseless
Rhythms Protocol (V-fib or Pulseless V-tach).
Factors to consider during the assessment of the patient with tachycardia include: patient
health & physical condition, trauma or injury related to the event, current medications and
medical history.
Assess for underlying causes (e.g. hypovolemic shock) and treat according to protocol.
If the patient becomes pulseless at any time, refer to the V-fib and Pulseless V-tach section
of the Resuscitation of Pulseless Rhythms Protocol.
Watch for signs of Lidocaine toxicity including: disorientation, agitation, decreased
hearting, tinnitus, seizures, paresthesia, hypotension, muscle twitching and slurred speech.
DO NOT administer Lidocaine if the heart rate is < 60 bpm.
Implanted Cardiac
Defibrillator (AICD) Protocol
An implanted cardiac defibrillator (AICD) is a device that delivers an internal defibrillation
(shock) whenever the patients heart rate exceeds defined limits for > 10 seconds. Persons in
contact with the patient at the time the device delivers the defibrillation will receive a shock of
approximately 3 Joules. This energy level constitutes NO DANGER to EMS personnel.
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, initiating routine
patient care to treat for shock and preparing the patient for or providing transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
3. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible.
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
Implanted Cardiac
Defibrillator (AICD) Protocol
ILS Care (continued)
3. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible. (Transport can be initiated at
any time during this sequence).
4. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible.
5. If the patient becomes pulseless at any time, refer to the Resuscitation of Pulseless
Rhythms Protocol.
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
3. Treat arrhythmias per applicable protocol and transport as soon as possible.
4. Morphine Sulfate: 2-5mg IV every 5 minutes (if needed) to reduce the patients
anxiety and severity of pain.
5. Promethazine (Phenergan): 12.5mg IV diluted with 10mL NS and administer over
60 seconds (if systolic BP > 90mmHg) for nausea and vomiting. Promethazine
12.5mg may be repeated one time in 15 minutes to a total dose of 25mg.
6. If the patient is allergic to Morphine or if Morphine is not effective:
Fentanyl: 50mcg IV over 2 minutes for pain. Fentanyl 50mcg may be repeated one
time in 5 minutes to a total dose of 100mcg.
7. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible.
8. If the patient becomes pulseless at any time, refer to the Resuscitation of Pulseless
Rhythms Protocol.
Implanted Cardiac
Defibrillator (AICD) Protocol
Manual Defibrillation
Electrical defibrillation is recognized as the most effective method of terminating ventricular
fibrillation. It is a vital link in the chain of survival in the case of sudden death. Defibrillation
is accomplished by passage of an appropriate electrical current through the heart, sufficient to
depolarize a critical mass of the left ventricle.
1. Two (2) minutes of CPR should be performed prior to defibrillation attempts.
2. Turn on the monitor/defibrillator.
3. Apply the Quick Combo pads or Fast Patches with cables as soon as possible. The pads
must be attached to the defibrillator cables prior to placement on the patients chest.
4. The negative electrode should be placed to the right of the upper sternum just below the
right clavicle and the positive electrode should be placed laterally to the left nipple in
the midaxillary line (approximately 2-3 inches below the left armpit).
5. For adults, defibrillate per manufacturers recommendations for biphasic monitors
(or 360 Joules for monophasic monitors). If using paddles instead of pads, 25 pounds
of pressure must be applied to each paddle when defibrillating.
6. Make sure no personnel are directly or indirectly in contact with the patient.
Emphasize your intention to defibrillate by loudly stating CLEAR! and then deliver
the shock.
7. Immediately perform 2 minutes of CPR and re-evaluate patient/rhythm.
8. If patient remains in V-fib or pulseless V-tach, defibrillate per manufacturers
recommendations for biphasic monitors (or 360 Joules for monophasic monitors).
9. Immediately perform 2 minutes of CPR and re-evaluate patient/rhythm every 2
10. Follow appropriate protocols for rhythm changes.
Patients with AICDs or pacemakers are treated the same as any other patient. However, do
not place the electrodes (defibrillation pads) over the AICD or pacemaker site.
Adjust the pads as necessary. Anterior-posterior placement may be necessary. Position the
positive pad on the anterior chest just to the left of the sternum and place the negative pad
posteriorly just to the left of the spinal column.
Shocks delivered to the patient prior to arrival should be taken into consideration during the
transition of care. Crews may want to utilize the AED equipment and personnel for
subsequent defibrillation.
If the cardiac arrest is witnessed by EMS personnel, start CPR and defibrillate immediately
after Fast Patches or Quick Combos are placed.
Automated Defibrillation
Electrical defibrillation is recognized as the most effective method of terminating ventricular
fibrillation. It is a vital link in the chain of survival in the case of sudden death. Defibrillation
is accomplished by passage of an appropriate electrical current through the heart, sufficient to
depolarize a critical mass of the left ventricle.
1. Two (2) minutes of CPR should be performed prior to defibrillation attempts.
2. The AED should be applied using adult pads if the patient has no pulse, is breathless
and is at least 8 years of age or older. Pediatric pads should be used on children
between ages 1-8 (or adult pads in the anterior/posterior position if pediatric pads are
unavailable). Refer to the Peoria Area EMS System Pediatric Protocol Manual for
3. Turn the AED on.
4. Apply the Quick Combo pads or Fast Patches with cables as soon as possible. The pads
must be attached to the defibrillator cables prior to placement on the patients chest.
5. The negative electrode should be placed to the right of the upper sternum just below the
right clavicle and the positive electrode should be placed laterally to the left nipple in
the midaxillary line (approximately 2-3 inches below the left armpit).
6. Make sure no personnel are directly or indirectly in contact with the patient when the
AED is analyzing. Emphasize your intention to analyze by loudly stating, CLEAR!
ANAYLYZING! and analyze in accordance with product specifications.
7. If the AED indicates SHOCK ADVISED, call out CLEAR! check for the safety of
others and push the shock button.
8. Immediately perform 2 minutes of CPR and re-evaluate patient/rhythm.
9. If patient remains in V-fib or pulseless V-tach, defibrillate per manufacturers
recommendations for a biphasic AED (or 360 Joules for a monophasic AED).
10. Immediately perform 2 minutes of CPR and re-evaluate patient/rhythm every 2
11. If the patient regains a pulse at any time during resuscitation, then maintain the airway
and assist ventilations.
12. Re-analyze the patients rhythm with the AED if the patient returns to a pulseless state.
Shock if indicated.
13. Immediately turn care over to the transporting provider or ALS intercept crew upon
their arrival.
14. Complete all necessary documentation.
Automated Defibrillation
If the cardiac arrest is witnessed by EMS personnel, start CPR and defibrillate immediately
after Fast Patches or Quick Combos are placed.
The AED is not intended for use on children < 1 year of age.
Initiate ALS response as soon as possible.
If a pulse is felt at any time, transport the patient without delay.
Maintain frequent pulse checks. If at any time you cannot find a pulse, push ANALYZE
and/or repeat the AED procedure for analyzing.
If only 1 rescuer is available with an AED: verify unresponsiveness, open the airway, give 2
breaths & check pulse. If cardiac arrest is confirmed, attach the AED and proceed with the
DO NOT analyze or shock in a moving ambulance!
Manual modes shall be password protected.
Cardioversion Procedure
The energy levels vary in accordance with protocol for the presenting rhythm.
Administration of Versed IV/IO may be necessary.
The synchronizer circuit MUST be activated.
There may be a delay between pressing the discharge buttons and delivery of the
countershock due to the synchronization process.
You must apply the limb leads so the monitor can sense the rhythm and deliver the shock at
the same time.
Transcutaneous Pacing
(TCP) Procedure
Transcutaneous pacing (TCP) is used to deliver an electrical stimulus to the heart that acts as a
substitute for the hearts conduction system and is intended to result in cardiac depolarization
and myocardial contraction.
TCP should be utilized for patients with symptomatic bradycardia, namely Type II 2nd Degree
AV Block and 3rd Degree AV Block (Complete Heart Block).
1. Confirm the presence of the arrhythmia and the patients hypoperfusion status.
2. Initiate Routine ALS Care, including application of the cardiac monitor using the
regular limb leads.
3. Apply the pacing pads to the patient using anterior-posterior placement. Place the
negative electrode on the anterior chest between the sternum and left nipple (the upper
edge of the pad should be below the nipple line). Place the positive electrode on the
left posteriorly to the left of the spine beneath the scapula.
4. Activate the pacer mode and observe a marker on each QRS wave. If the marker is not
present, adjust the EKG size.
5. Set the target rate at 70 bpm.
6. Set the current at minimum to start.
7. Activate the pacer and observe pacer spikes.
8. Increase the current slowly until there is evidence of electrical and mechanical capture.
9. Palpate patients pulse and check BP.
10. If the patient is conscious, you may administer Versed 2mg IV/IO for patient comfort.
11. Document the patients rhythm, vitals & tolerance of pacing and report the results to
Medical Control.
Remember to evaluate the effectiveness of external pacing by assessing the electrical capture
(presence of pacer spikes on the EKG) and mechanical capture (presence of a pulse).
Early identification of cardiac infarction is crucial. The benefits of thrombolytic therapy are
time-dependent and the 12-Lead EKG may provide early recognition of acute myocardial
infarction (AMI).
Indications for a 12-Lead EKG include:
Chest pain / discomfort
Epigastric pain
Shortness of breath
Syncope (or near-syncope)
Cardiogenic shock
Pulmonary edema
Vague unwell symptoms in diabetic and elderly patients.
Upon determining that a patient has a complaint or symptoms that indicate performing a 12Lead:
1. Initiate Routine ALS Care and obtain a 12-Lead EKG.
2. The EKG should be done prior to transport if possible and transmitted to Medical
3. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible, regardless of EKG transmission.
4. Upon arrival at the emergency department, a copy of the 12-Lead EKG should be given
to the accepting nurse with request for physician review as soon as possible.
5. Copies of the 12-Lead EKG must be included with the patient care record.
There should not be a delay in the transport of a patient in order to perform a 12-Lead EKG.
If the patient is in close proximity to the nearest hospital AND obtaining a 12-Lead EKG
would take longer than the transport time, then Routine ILS or ALS Care should be initiated
and the patient should be transported as soon as possible.
Respiratory Distress
Correct management of the patient in respiratory distress is dependent on identifying the
etiology of the distress and recognizing the degree of the patients distress. Signs and
symptoms of respiratory distress may include:
Shortness of breath
Difficulty speaking
Altered mental status
Use of accessory muscles
Respiratory rate < 8 or > 24
If the etiology is questionable or your assessment does not provide a clear etiology,
consult Medical Control for direction in patient care.
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, initiating routine
patient care to treat for shock and preparing the patient for or providing transport.
Respiratory Distress
Asthma and COPD (continued)
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
3. Proventil (Albuterol): 2.5mg in 3mL of normal saline via nebulizer over 15 minutes.
May repeat Albuterol 2.5mg every 15 minutes as needed (with Medical Control
order). In-line nebulizer may be utilized if patient is unresponsive or in respiratory
4. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible or Medical Control if necessary.
Respiratory Distress
Asthma and COPD (continued)
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
3. Proventil (Albuterol): 2.5mg in 3mL normal saline mixed with
Ipratropium (Atrovent): 0.5mg via nebulizer over 15 minutes. Repeat Albuterol
2.5mg with Atrovent 0.5mg every 15 minutes as needed. In-line nebulizer may be
utilized if patient is unresponsive or in respiratory arrest.
4. Epinephrine 1:1000: 0.3mg SQ if the patient is suffering status asthmaticus and does
not improve with Albuterol/Atrovent treatment.
Special consideration should be given to administering Epinephrine if the
patient is > 40 years old, has an irregular heart rate, has a heart rate > 150bpm
or has a history of heart disease or hypertension. Consult Medical Control prior
to administration if the patient meets any of these criteria.
5. Transport as soon as possible.
6. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible.
Respiratory Distress
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, initiating routine
patient care to treat for shock and preparing the patient for or providing transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
3. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible.
Respiratory Distress
Respiratory Distress
CHF / Pulmonary Edema (continued)
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
3. Nitroglycerin (NTG): 0.4mg SL (1 metered spray dose sublingually). May repeat
every 3-5 minutes to a total of 3 doses (if systolic BP remains > 100mmHg).
4. CPAP: If the systolic BP > 100mmHg.
If the systolic BP is between 90-100mmHg, contact Medical Control prior to
initiating CPAP.
Do not initiate CPAP if the systolic BP is < 90mmHg.
5. Obtain 12-Lead EKG and transmit to Medical Control.
6. Nitropaste (Nitro-Bid): 1 inch to anterior chest wall if patients systolic BP is greater
than 100mmHg.
7. Furosemide (Lasix): 40 mg IV** slowly over 2 minutes (with Medical Control
order only) if the systolic BP is > 100mmHg.
**If the patient already takes Lasix, administer 2 times the patients daily dose
(i.e. if the patient takes 40mg daily, then administer 80mg IV slowly over 4-8
Lasix must be administered cautiously. Do not give at a rate > 20mg/min.
Administering Lasix too quickly can cause hypotension, tinnitus, and deafness
as well as other complications.
Respiratory Distress
CHF / Pulmonary Edema (continued)
Constant reassessment of the respiratory distress patient is imperative to assure that the
patient has adequate ventilation and oxygenation. Closely monitor the patients response
to treatment rendered.
Patients in respiratory distress should be transported in an upright position to assist their
respiratory effort.
CPAP is very effective in the treatment of CHF / Pulmonary Edema and should be applied
if possible.
CPAP should not be initiated on patients with a systolic BP < 90mmHg. CPAP increases
intrathoracic pressure and can decrease venous return to the heart (compromising the
patients perfusion). Consult with Medical Control and use CPAP cautiously if the systolic
BP is between 90-100mmHg for the same reason.
Current CPAP equipment in the system is set at a PEEP of 10cmH2O which is not
adjustable. This setting is generally too high for patients with COPD (or asthma). Use
CPAP if the patient presents with signs & symptoms of CHF/pulmonary edema.
Continuous Positive
Airway Pressure (CPAP)
CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) can be applied to achieve PEEP (Peak End
Expiratory Pressure) for patients presenting with signs & symptoms of pulmonary edema /
CHF. The patient must be alert and able to adequately ventilate spontaneously in order for
CPAP to be initiated.
1. Assess vital signs.
2. If the systolic BP is between 90-100mmHg, contact Medical Control prior to
3. Connect the generator to the 50 psi oxygen outlet.
4. Attach the mask.
5. Attach the PEEP valve package with the CPAP circuit.
6. Attach the filter to the air entrainment port.
7. Secure the mask on the patients face.
8. Treat continuously while en route to the receiving facility.
9. Obtain and record vital signs every 5 minutes.
10. In case of life-threatening complications:
a) Stop CPAP treatment.
b) Offer reassurance.
c) Institute appropriate BLS & ALS support per protocol.
d) Adverse reactions to CPAP are to be documented on an Incident Report and
forwarded to the PAEMS Quality Assurance Coordinator within 24 hours of
e) On arrival at the receiving hospital, immediately communicate any adverse
reactions to emergency department staff.
11. Documentation in the patient care record should include:
a) Detailed description of initial assessment findings.
b) Vitals, including pulse oximetry, prior to initiating CPAP.
c) Vitals (& pulse oximetry) every 5 minutes.
d) Patient response to treatment (positive effects, no change or adverse reaction).
Continuous Positive
Airway Pressure (CPAP)
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
Suspected Stroke
A stroke or brain attack is a sudden interruption in blood flow to the brain resulting in
neurological deficit. It affects 750,000 Americans each year, is the 3rd leading cause of death
and is the leading cause of adult disability. With new treatment options available, EMS
personnel should alert Medical Control as quickly as possible whenever a potential stroke
patient is identified.
Suspected Stroke
Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale / FAST
Facial Droop
Arm Drift
Speech Abnormalities
Time of Onset
Suspected Stroke
First Responder Care
First Responder Care should be focused on assessing the situation and initiating routine patient
care to assure that the patient has a patent airway, is breathing and has a perfusing pulse as well
as beginning treatment for shock.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
3. Check and record vital signs every 5 minutes until the transporting unit arrives.
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, initiating routine
patient care to assure that the patient has a patent airway, is breathing and has a perfusing pulse
as well as beginning treatment for shock and preparing the patient for or providing transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient has a patent airway and SpO2 is
>95%. If SpO2 is <95%, administer oxygen at 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask. Be
prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if necessary and have suction
readily available.
3. Perform blood glucose level test to rule out low blood sugar as a reason for ALOC.
4. Glucagon: 1mg IM if blood sugar is < 60mg/dL, the patient is unresponsive and/or has
questionable airway control or absent gag reflex.
5. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport without delay.
6. Check and record vital signs and GCS every 5 minutes.
7. Contact Medical Control to notify of possible stroke if FAST exam is positive (based
on 1 or more elements of the exam) and communicate the time of onset.
Suspected Stroke
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient has a patent airway and SpO2 is
>95%. If SpO2 is <95%, administer oxygen at 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask. Be
prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if necessary and have suction
readily available.
3. Perform blood glucose level test to rule out low blood sugar as a reason for ALOC.
4. Dextrose 50%: 25g IV if blood sugar is < 60mg/dL.
5. Glucagon: 1mg IM if blood sugar is < 60mg/dL and unable to establish an IV.
6. Perform a 2nd blood glucose level test to re-evaluate blood sugar 5 minutes after
administration of Dextrose or Glucagon. Repeat Dextrose if BS is < 60mg/dL.
7. Narcan: 2mg IV or IM if no response to Dextrose or Glucagon within 2 minutes and
narcotic overdose is suspected. May repeat 2mg IV or IM if no response in 5 minutes
(with Medical Control order).
8. Valium: 5mg IV (with Medical Control order only) for seizure activity. May repeat
5mg every 2 minutes (with Medical Control order) to stop seizure activity if
9. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport without delay.
10. Check and record vital signs and GCS every 5 minutes.
11. Contact Medical Control to notify of possible stroke if FAST exam is positive (based
on 1 or more elements of the exam) and communicate the time of onset.
Suspected Stroke
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient has a patent airway and SpO2 is
>95%. If SpO2 is <95%, administer oxygen at 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask. Be
prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM (and intubate) if necessary and
have suction readily available.
3. Perform blood glucose level test.
4. Dextrose 50%: 25g IV if blood sugar is < 60mg/dL.
5. Glucagon: 1mg IM if blood sugar is < 60mg/dL and unable to establish an IV.
6. Perform a 2nd blood glucose level test to re-evaluate blood sugar 5 minutes after
administration of Dextrose or Glucagon. Repeat Dextrose if BS is < 60mg/dL.
7. Narcan: 2mg IV, IM or SQ if no response to Dextrose or Glucagon within 2 minutes
and narcotic overdose is suspected. May repeat 2mg IV, IM or SQ if no response in 5
8. Midazolam (Versed): 2mg IV over 1 minute for seizure activity. May repeat
Midazolam (Versed) 2mg IV every 5 minutes as needed to a total of 10mg.
Midazolam (Versed): 5mg IM if the patient is seizing and attempts at IV access have
been unsuccessful. May repeat dose one time in 15 minutes if the patient is still seizing
to a total of 10mg.
9. Transport without delay.
10. Check and record vital signs and GCS every 5 minutes.
11. Contact Medical Control to notify of possible stroke if FAST exam is positive (based
on 1 or more elements of the exam) and communicate the time of onset.
Suspected Stroke
Stroke onset time (defined as the last time the person was known to be normal) is key in
determining the eligibility of IV TPA. EMS personnel should ask family members or
bystanders the stroke onset time if the patient is unable to provide that information.
IV TPA must be given within 180 minutes of the onset of ischemic stroke so do not delay
transport. TIME IS BRAIN!!
Interventional angiography can be performed up to 6 hours after onset of symptoms.
Maintain the head/neck in neutral alignment. Elevate the head of the cot 30 degrees if the
systolic BP is > 100mmHg (this will facilitate venous drainage and help reduce ICP).
Bradycardia may be present in a suspected stroke patient due to increased ICP. Do NOT
give Atropine if the patients BP is normal or elevated. Contact Medical Control.
Spinal immobilization should be provided if the patient sustained a fall or other trauma.
Monitor and maintain the patients airway.
Status Epilepticus /
Seizure Protocol
A seizure is a temporary, abnormal electrical activity of the brain that results in loss of
consciousness, loss of organized muscle tone and presence of convulsions. The patient will
usually regain consciousness within 1 to 3 minutes followed by a period of confusion and
fatigue (post-ictal state).
Multiple seizures in a brief time span or seizures lasting more than 5 minutes may constitute
status epilepticus and require EMS intervention to stop the seizure. Causes of seizures include:
epilepsy, stroke, head trauma, hypoglycemia, hypoxia, infection, a rapid change in core body
temperature (e.g. febrile seizure), eclampsia, alcohol withdraw and overdose.
Status Epilepticus /
Seizure Protocol
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
necessary and have suction readily available.
3. Perform blood glucose level test.
4. Dextrose 50%: 25g IV if blood sugar is < 60mg/dL.
5. Glucagon: 1mg IM if blood sugar is < 60mg/dL and unable to establish an IV.
6. Perform a 2nd blood glucose level test to re-evaluate blood sugar 5 minutes after
administration of Dextrose or Glucagon. Repeat Dextrose if BS is < 60mg/dL.
7. Narcan: 2mg IV or IM if no response to Dextrose or Glucagon within 2 minutes and
narcotic overdose is suspected. May repeat 2mg IV or IM if no response in 5 minutes
(with Medical Control order).
8. Valium: 5mg IV (with Medical Control order only) for seizure activity. May repeat
5mg every 2 minutes (with Medical Control order) to stop seizure activity if
9. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport as soon as possible.
10. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
Status Epilepticus /
Seizure Protocol
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM
(and intubate) if necessary and have suction readily available.
3. Perform blood glucose level test.
4. Dextrose 50%: 25g IV if blood sugar is < 60mg/dL.
5. Glucagon: 1mg IM if blood sugar is < 60mg/dL and unable to establish an IV.
6. Perform a 2nd blood glucose level test to re-evaluate blood sugar 5 minutes after
administration of Dextrose or Glucagon. Repeat Dextrose if BS is < 60mg/dL.
7. Narcan: 2mg IV, IM or SQ if no response to Dextrose within 2 minutes and narcotic
overdose is suspected. May repeat 2mg IV, IM or SQ if no response in 5 minutes.
8. Midazolam (Versed): 2mg IV over 1 minute for seizure activity. May repeat
Midazolam (Versed) 2mg IV every 5 minutes as needed to a total of 10mg.
Midazolam (Versed): 5mg IM if the patient is seizing and attempts at IV access have
been unsuccessful. May repeat dose one time in 15 minutes if the patient is still
9. Transport as soon as possible.
10. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible.
Hypertensive Crisis
A hypertensive emergency is an elevation of the BP that may result in organ damage or
dysfunction. The organs most likely damaged by a hypertensive emergency are the brain, heart
and kidneys. Hypertension is also an indication that an underlying condition may exist which
is causing the brain to demand more blood from the cardiovascular system. It can also be an
indication of head injury with increased ICP, hypoxia or endocrine dysfunction. The goal of
treatment is a slow, gradual reduction in BP rather than an abrupt lowering of BP that may
cause further neurological complications.
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, initiating routine
patient care to assure that the patient has a patent airway, is breathing and has a perfusing pulse
as well as beginning treatment for shock and preparing the patient for or providing transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient has a patent airway and SpO2 is
>95%. If SpO2 is <95%, administer oxygen at 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask. Be
prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if necessary and have suction
readily available.
Hypertensive Crisis
BLS Care (continued)
3. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport suspected stroke patients without
4. Check and record vital signs and GCS every 5 minutes.
5. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible.
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient has a patent airway and SpO2 is
>95%. If SpO2 is <95%, administer oxygen at 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask. Be
prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if necessary and have suction
readily available.
3. Valium: 5mg IV (with Medical Control order only) for seizure activity. May repeat
5mg every 2 minutes (with Medical Control order) to stop seizure activity if
4. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport suspected stroke patients without
5. Check and record vital signs and GCS every 5 minutes.
6. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible or Medical Control if necessary.
Hypertensive Crisis
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient has a patent airway and SpO2 is
>95%. If SpO2 is <95%, administer oxygen at 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask. Be
prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM (and intubate) if necessary and
have suction readily available.
3. Midazolam (Versed): 2mg IV over 1 minute for seizure activity. May repeat
Midazolam (Versed) 2mg IV every 5 minutes as needed to a total of 10mg.
Midazolam (Versed): 5mg IM if the patient is seizing and attempts at IV access have
been unsuccessful. May repeat dose one time in 15 minutes if the patient is still
4. Transport suspected stroke patients without delay.
5. Check and record vital signs and GCS every 5 minutes.
6. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible.
A patient with a systolic BP > 150mmHg and/or diastolic BP > 90mmHg without neurological
deficit should be considered stable.
A patient with a diastolic BP > 130mmHg with non-traumatic neurological deficits (e.g.
visual disturbances, seizure activity, paralysis, ALOC) and/or chest pain/discomfort and/or
pulmonary edema should be considered an acute hypertensive crisis.
Assess for chest pain/discomfort and/or pulmonary edema. If present, treat per appropriate
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, initiating routine
patient care to assure that the patient has a patent airway, is breathing and has a perfusing pulse
as well as beginning treatment for shock & preparing the patient for or providing transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Allow the patient to remain in a position that is most comfortable.
3. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
4. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport as soon as possible.
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Allow the patient to remain in a position that is most comfortable.
3. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
4. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if the patient is hypotensive to achieve a
systolic BP of at least 100mmHg.
5. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport as soon as possible.
6. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible.
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Allow the patient to remain in a position that is most comfortable.
3. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
4. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if the patient is hypotensive to achieve a
systolic BP of at least 100mmHg.
5. Promethazine (Phenergan): 12.5mg IV diluted with 10mL NS and administer over
60 seconds (if systolic BP > 90mmHg) or 12.5mg IM for nausea and/or vomiting.
Promethazine 12.5mg IV or IM may be repeated one time in 15 minutes to a total dose
of 25mg.
Allergic Reaction /
Anaphylaxis Protocol
Allergic reactions can be triggered by virtually any allergen. An allergen is a substance
(usually protein-based) which produces a hypersensitive reaction. Drugs (e.g. PCN,
amoxicillin), blood products, foods (e.g. shellfish, peanuts) and envenomation (e.g. bee stings,
spider bites) are examples of substances which may produce hypersensitive reactions.
Signs & symptoms of a hypersensitive reaction may range from isolated hives to wheezing,
shock and cardiac arrest. Anaphylaxis is a life threatening reaction that requires prompt
recognition and intervention. An anaphylactic reaction may result in airway compromise and
circulatory collapse within minutes.
Allergic Reaction /
Anaphylaxis Protocol
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
3. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible.
4. Epi-Pen: 0.3mg IM if the patient has a history of allergic reactions and/or is suffering
from hives, wheezing, hoarseness, hypotension, ALOC or indicates a history of
Allergic Reaction /
Anaphylaxis Protocol
ILS Care (continued)
5. Proventil (Albuterol): 2.5mg in 3mL of normal saline via nebulizer over 15 minutes.
May repeat Albuterol 2.5mg every 15 minutes as needed (with Medical Control
order). In-line nebulizer may be utilized if patient is unresponsive/in respiratory arrest.
6. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if patient is hypotensive to achieve a systolic
BP of at least 100mmHg.
7. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM
(or intubate) if necessary.
3. Epinephrine 1:1000: 0.3-0.5mg SQ if the patient has respiratory distress (inspiratory
& expiratory wheezing, stridor and/or laryngeal edema), hypotension and/or ALOC.
Epinephrine 1:10,000: 0.3-0.5mg IV if peripheral access has been established and the
patient has respiratory distress (inspiratory & expiratory wheezing, stridor and/or
laryngeal edema), hypotension and/or ALOC.
4. Benadryl: 50mg IV or IM for severe itching and/or hives.
5. Proventil (Albuterol): 2.5mg in 3mL normal saline mixed with
Ipratropium (Atrovent): 0.5mg via nebulizer over 15 minutes. May repeat Albuterol
2.5mg with Atrovent 0.5mg every 15 minutes as needed. In-line nebulizer may be
utilized if the patient is unresponsive or in respiratory arrest.
6. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if patient is hypotensive to achieve a systolic
BP of at least 100mmHg.
Allergic Reaction /
Anaphylaxis Protocol
ALS Care (continued)
7. Transport as soon as possible.
8. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible.
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Consider possible scene & patient contamination and follow agency safety procedures.
2. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
3. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
necessary and have suction readily available.
4. Narcan: 2mg IV or IM if suspected narcotic overdose. May repeat 2mg IV or IM if no
response in 5 minutes (with Medical Control order).
5. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if the patient is hypotensive to achieve a
systolic BP of at least 100mmHg.
6. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport as soon as possible.
7. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible or Medical Control if necessary.
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM
(or intubate) if necessary.
3. Consider possible scene & patient contamination and follow agency safety procedures.
Central Lines
A central line is an indwelling catheter that provides access to large central veins:
1. May be used if unable to establish a peripheral IV in patients with a systolic BP <
2. May be used if the patient is in cardiac arrest.
3. Do NOT administer benzodiazepines (i.e. Valium or Versed) via central line.
4. A 10mL syringe or larger must be used when accessing any central line to prevent
excess infusion pressure that could damage the internal wall of the catheter.
5. Always aspirate 5mL of blood from the central line and discard prior to administration
of medications or IV fluids to remove Heparin from the line.
6. Strictly adhere to aseptic technique when handling a central line:
Cleanse injection port twice with an alcohol prep (using a new alcohol prep each
time) prior to accessing.
7. Do not remove the injection cap.
8. Do not allow IV fluids to run dry.
9. Always expel all air from syringes and IV tubing prior to administration.
10. Should damage occur to the external catheter, immediately clamp the catheter between
the skin and the damaged area.
Internal Medi-Ports
Access requires a specialized needle and cannot be used by prehospital personnel.
Patients with advanced renal disease requiring dialysis have special medical needs that may
require specific attention in the prehospital setting. These patients are prone to
complications such as fluid overload & electrolyte imbalances, especially if they miss a
scheduled dialysis treatment.
Fluid overload may lead to pulmonary edema.
Hyperkalemia may lead to arrhythmias and cardiac arrest. Monitor dialysis patients closely.
Anastomosis is the surgical connection of two tubular structures.
Use of the EZ-IO is strongly encouraged over accessing a fistula / shunt.
3. Cleanse the puncture site with an alcohol prep (try to avoid the patients thumb and
index finger).
4. Use a lancet device to puncture the skin and wipe away the 1st drop of blood with a 2x2
(or 4x4) gauze pad so excess alcohol does not dilute the sample.
5. Apply the drop of blood to the test site and wait for the meter to count down & display
the result.
6. Discard the testing supplies in the appropriate biohazard containers.
7. For values < 60mg/dL and clinical presentation of hypoglycemia, the patient should
receive Oral Glucose, Dextrose or Glucagon per protocol.
8. Blood glucose levels should be obtained before and within 5 minutes after the
administration of Oral Glucose, Dextrose or Glucagon.
9. Normal range values for blood glucose results are 70-110mg/dL.
An inaccurate test result may occur if there is an inadequate amount of blood on the
testing strip, the test strip code number does not match the glucometer, use of expired
test strips, dirty testing area, improper sequence of testing, failure to wipe away the 1st
drop of blood and failure to perform quality controls / poor glucometer maintenance.
Blood glucose testing is a tool to aid in the overall evaluation of your patient. Treatment
should be based on clinical presentation of the patient and not solely on the basis of test
Established infection control procedures should be followed when performing blood
glucose testing (i.e. gloves).
Agencies performing blood glucose testing must be trained by the manufacturers
representative or by designated individuals certified by the EMS Medical Director to
provide the training.
Glucometers should be tested (using quality control solution) at least once per week, any
time a new bottle of strips is put into service and anytime the glucometer is dropped.
The results should be documented on the Peoria Area EMS System Glucometer Log (or
on the individual agency log). The log should be kept in a binder in the ambulance (or
other vehicle) and made available upon request of EMS Office staff.
Glucometer strips are sensitive to moisture in the air. Strips should always be stored in
the original container with the desiccant intact. When removing strips from the
container, take care to promptly remove the strip and immediately replace the cap
tightly to prevent damaging the remaining strips.
Hazardous Materials
Exposure Protocol
Injuries from hazardous materials incidents vary depending on the manner of exposure
(inhalation, ingestion, injection or absorption), the type of material involved (acids, ammonia,
chlorine, hydrocarbon solvents, sulfides, organophosphates) and the amount of exposure (time
& concentration).
Harmful products are widely used in home gardening and cleaning, commercial agriculture and
cleaning & industrial operations. Civil defense agencies have indicated the increasing threat
concerning the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) as a foreign and domestic terrorist
tool. WMD represent an intentional hazardous materials incident.
Due to the magnitude and multiplicity of hazardous materials, this protocol focuses on a
general approach to the patient involved in a hazardous materials incident. The substance
container may have vital information for resuscitation of an exposed patient. Communication
with Medical Control is the best way to obtain rapid and accurate advice on treatment
guidelines for specific materials.
Hazardous Materials
Exposure Protocol
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, initiating routine
patient care to assure that the patient has a patent airway, is breathing and has a perfusing pulse
as well as beginning treatment for shock and preparing the patient for or providing transport.
Remain uphill, upwind, upstream and upgrade of the incident. Stay out of the Hot Zone
unless trained, equipped and authorized to enter.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Look for possible scene and patient contamination. Follow agency safety procedures.
3. Notify IEMA if needed at 1-800-782-7860.
4. The patients clothing should be completely removed to prevent continued exposure
and the patient decontaminated prior to being placed in the ambulance for transport.
5. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
6. Proventil (Albuterol): 2.5mg in 3mL of normal saline via nebulizer over 15 minutes if
the patient has been exposed to an irritant gas (acids, ammonia, chlorine, carbon
monoxide). May repeat Albuterol 2.5mg every 15 minutes as needed (with Medical
Control order).
7. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport as soon as possible.
8. Contact Medical Control and make sure the receiving hospital is aware of (prior to
arrival at the facility) the patients exposure to hazardous materials and what
decontamination procedures were followed at the scene.
Hazardous Materials
Exposure Protocol
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
Remain uphill, upwind, upstream and upgrade of the incident. Stay out of the Hot Zone
unless trained, equipped and authorized to enter.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Look for possible scene and patient contamination. Follow agency safety procedures.
3. Notify IEMA if needed at 1-800-782-7860.
4. The patients clothing should be completely removed to prevent continued exposure
and the patient decontaminated prior to being placed in the ambulance for transport.
5. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
6. Proventil (Albuterol): 2.5mg in 3mL of normal saline via nebulizer over 15 minutes if
the patient has been exposed to an irritant gas (acids, ammonia, chlorine, carbon
monoxide). May repeat Albuterol 2.5mg every 15 minutes as needed (with Medical
Control order).
7. Atropine: 2mg IV or IM (with Medical Control order only) if suspected
organophosphate poisoning (OPP) and signs & symptoms of SLUDGE are present
(salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation, gastroenteritis & emesis). Early
indications of OPP include: headache, dizziness, weakness & nausea. Repeat Atropine
2mg IV or IM every 5 minutes (with Medical Control order) or until signs &
symptoms of SLUDGE subside.
8. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible.
9. Contact Medical Control and make sure the receiving hospital is aware of the
patients exposure to hazardous materials (prior to arrival at the facility) and what
decontamination procedures were followed at the scene.
Hazardous Materials
Exposure Protocol
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
Remain uphill, upwind, upstream and upgrade of the incident. Stay out of the Hot Zone
unless trained, equipped and authorized to enter.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Look for possible scene and patient contamination. Follow agency safety procedures.
3. Notify IEMA if needed at 1-800-782-7860.
4. The patients clothing should be completely removed to prevent continued exposure
and the patient decontaminated prior to being placed in the ambulance for transport.
5. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM (or
intubate) if necessary.
6. Proventil (Albuterol): 2.5mg in 3mL normal saline mixed with
Ipratropium (Atrovent): 0.5mg via nebulizer over 15 minutes if the patient has been
exposed to an irritant gas (acids, ammonia, chlorine, carbon monoxide). Repeat
Albuterol 2.5mg with Atrovent 0.5mg every 15 minutes as needed.
7. Atropine: 2mg IV or IM if suspected organophosphate poisoning (OPP) and signs &
symptoms of SLUDGE are present (salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation,
gastroenteritis and emesis). Early indications of OPP include: headache, dizziness,
weakness & nausea. Repeat Atropine 2mg IV or IM every 5 minutes (with Medical
Control order) or until signs & symptoms of SLUDGE subside.
8. Transport as soon as possible.
9. Contact Medical Control if needed and make sure the receiving hospital is aware of
the patients exposure to hazardous materials (prior to arrival at the facility) and what
decontamination procedures were followed at the scene.
Hypothermic Emergencies
Injury and illness from environmental exposure varies depending on the manner of exposure
(wet or dry) and the amount of exposure (time, temperature, wind chill factor, and ambient air).
Cold weather emergencies range from localized frostbite to severe hypothermia with
unresponsiveness and unconsciousness.
The patients health and predisposing factors may increase the likelihood of environmental
illness and injury. Patients suffering from trauma, shock, hypoglycemia and stroke are at
greater risk of developing hypothermia. Newborns, infants, drug & alcohol abuse patients and
the elderly have increased predisposition to hypothermia. The primary goal in the treatment of
the patient at risk for hypothermia is to insulate the patient and prevent further heat loss.
Hypothermic Emergencies
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, initiating routine
patient care to assure that the patient has a patent airway, is breathing and has a perfusing pulse
as well as beginning treatment for shock and preparing the patient for or providing transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Handle the patient as gently as possible.
3. Create a warm environment for the patient. Remove wet or frozen clothing and cover
the patient with warm blankets. Prevent re-exposure to cold. Warm packs may be
utilized for the neck (posterior), armpits, groin and along the thorax.
4. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
5. Do not rub frostbitten or frozen body parts. Protect injured parts (e.g. blisters) with
light, sterile dressings and avoid pressure to the area.
6. Treat other symptoms per the appropriate protocol.
7. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport as soon as possible.
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Handle the patient as gently as possible.
3. Create a warm environment for the patient. Remove wet or frozen clothing and cover
the patient with warm blankets. Prevent re-exposure to cold. Warm packs may be
utilized for the neck (posterior), armpits, groin and along the thorax.
Hypothermic Emergencies
ILS Care (continued)
4. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
5. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus of warmed .9% Normal Saline.
6. Do not rub frostbitten or frozen body parts. Protect injured parts (e.g. blisters) with
light, sterile dressings and avoid pressure to the area.
7. Treat other symptoms per the appropriate protocol.
8. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport as soon as possible.
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Handle the patient as gently as possible.
3. Create a warm environment for the patient. Remove wet or frozen clothing and cover
the patient with warm blankets. Prevent re-exposure to cold. Warm packs may be
utilized for the neck (posterior), armpits, groin and along the thorax.
4. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
5. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus of warmed .9% Normal Saline.
6. Do not rub frostbitten or frozen body parts. Protect injured parts (e.g. blisters) with
light, sterile dressings and avoid pressure to the area.
Hypothermic Emergencies
ALS Care (continued)
7. Treat other symptoms per the appropriate protocol.
8. Transport as soon as possible.
Do not thaw frozen parts in the field if there is a chance of refreezing. Protect frostbitten
areas from refreezing.
Patients with hypothermia should be considered at high risk for ventricular fibrillation. It is
imperative that these patients be handled gently and not re-warmed aggressively.
The presence of delirium, bradycardia, hypotension and/or cyanosis is usually indicative of
severe hypothermia (core body temperature of less than 90 degrees Fahrenheit).
Heat-Related Emergencies
Injury and illness from heat exposure varies depending on the manner of exposure (sun,
humidity, exertion) and the amount of exposure (time, temperature & ambient air).
Heat exposure emergencies range from localized cramping to severe hyperthermia (heat stroke)
with unresponsiveness and unconsciousness. The patients health, predisposing factors and
medications may increase the likelihood of heat-related illness and injury. The primary goal in
the treatment of the patient at risk for hyperthermia is to cool the patient and restore body
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, initiating routine
patient care to assure that the patient has a patent airway, is breathing and has a perfusing pulse
as well as beginning treatment for shock and preparing the patient for or providing transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
Heat-Related Emergencies
BLS Care (continued)
2. Move the patient to a cool environment. Remove clothing as necessary to make the
patient comfortable. Cold packs may be utilized for the neck (posterior), armpits, groin
and along the thorax. Do not cool the patient to a temperature that will cause them to
3. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
4. Treat other symptoms per the appropriate protocol.
5. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport as soon as possible.
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Move the patient to a cool environment. Remove clothing as necessary to make the
patient comfortable. Cold packs may be utilized for the neck (posterior), armpits, groin
and along the thorax. Do not cool the patient to a temperature that will cause them to
3. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
4. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if the patient is hypotensive to achieve a
systolic BP of at least 100mmHg.
5. Treat other symptoms per the appropriate protocol.
6. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport as soon as possible.
Heat-Related Emergencies
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Move the patient to a cool environment. Remove clothing as necessary to make the
patient comfortable. Cold packs may be utilized for the neck (posterior), armpits, groin
and along the thorax. Do not cool the patient to a temperature that will cause them to
3. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
4. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if the patient is hypotensive to achieve a
systolic BP of at least 100mmHg.
5. Treat other symptoms per the appropriate protocol.
6. Transport as soon as possible.
Heat-Related Emergencies
Heat Disorders
Heat (Muscle) Cramps Heat cramps are muscle cramps caused by overexertion and
dehydration in the presence of high temperatures. Signs & symptoms include: Normal or
slightly elevated body temperature; generalized weakness; dizziness; warm, moist skin and
cramps in the fingers, arms, legs or abdominal muscles.
Heat Exhaustion Heat exhaustion is an acute reaction to heat exposure and the most
common heat-related illness a prehospital provider will encounter. Signs & symptoms include:
Increased body temperature; generalized weakness; cool, diaphoretic skin; rapid, shallow
breathing; weak pulse; diarrhea; anxiety; headache and possible loss of consciousness .
Heatstroke Heatstroke occurs when the bodys hypothalamic temperature regulation is lost.
Cell death and damage to the brain, liver and kidneys can occur. Signs & symptoms include:
Cessation of sweating; very high core body temperature; hot, usually dry skin; deep, rapid,
shallow respirations (which later slow); rapid, full pulse (which later slows); hypotension;
confusion, disorientation or unconsciousness and possible seizures.
Fever (Pyrexia) A fever is the elevation of the body temperature above the normal
temperature for that person (~ 98.6o F +/- 2 degrees). Fever is sometimes difficult to
differentiate from heatstroke; however, there is usually a history of infection or illness with a
Burn Protocol
Burn injuries vary depending on the type of burn (thermal, electrical, chemical) and the amount
of exposure (time and depth). Burn injuries range from localized redness to deep tissue
destruction and airway compromise. Signs of burn injury include: blisters, pain, tissue
destruction, charred tissue and singed hair.
The primary goal in the treatment of the burn patient is to stop the acute burning process by
removing the patient from direct contact with the source of the burn and maintaining the
patients body fluids. Special attention should be given to limit further pain and damage of the
burn to the patient. However, burn care should not interfere with lifesaving measures.
First Responder Care
First Responder Care should be focused on assessing the situation and initiating routine patient
care to assure that the patient has a patent airway, is breathing and has a perfusing pulse as well
as beginning treatment for shock.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Make sure the scene is safe to enter.
3. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
a) If the burn occurred within the last 20 minutes, reverse the burning process and
cool the area by flushing the area with 1 Liter of sterile saline (or sterile water
if sterile saline is not available). The goal of cooling is to extinguish the
burning process not to systemically cool the patient. Fluid application should
be held to a minimum and discontinued if the patient begins shivering.
b) Remove jewelry and loose clothing. Do not pull away clothing that is stuck to
the burn.
c) Cover the wound with sterile dressings***
d) Place a sterile burn sheet on the stretcher. If the patients posterior is burned,
place a sterile burn pad on top of the sheet with the absorbent side toward the
e) Place patient on the stretcher.
f) Cover the patient with additional sterile burn sheets and blanket to conserve
body heat.
Burn Protocol
Burn Protocol
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Includes all components of First Responder Care.
2. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus. Repeat if necessary.
3. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible.
4. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible for significant burns.
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Includes all components of First Responder Care.
2. Be prepared to intubate if necessary.
3. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus. Repeat if necessary.
4. Morphine Sulfate: 2-5mg IV or IM every 5 minutes to reduce the patients anxiety
and severity of pain.
5. Promethazine (Phenergan): 12.5mg IV diluted with 10mL NS and administer over
60 seconds (if systolic BP > 90mmHg) or 12.5mg IM for nausea and/or vomiting.
Promethazine 12.5mg IV or IM may be repeated one time in 15 minutes to a total dose
of 25mg.
6. If the patient is allergic to Morphine or if Morphine is not effective:
Fentanyl: 50mcg IV over 2 minutes for pain. Fentanyl 50mcg may be repeated one
time in 5 minutes to a total dose of 100mcg. If unable to establish IV access, may give
Fentanyl 50mcg IM and repeat one time in 15 minutes to a total of 100mcg.
Burn Protocol
***WaterJel may be used for THERMAL BURNS (after the burn has been irrigated
according to protocol) if it is available:
Open the foil package, unfold dressing and apply to burn. NOTE: Do not
remove burned clothing - apply gel-soaked dressing directly on top.
Pour excess gel from the foil package directly onto the burn dressing or
surrounding skin.
Loosely wrap sterile gauze over the dressing to hold it in place.
WaterJel helps reduce pain from burns, cools the skin to help prevent burn
progression and helps protect the burn against airborne contamination. It is the only
approved commercial burn care product in the Peoria Area EMS System.
BurnJel contains Lidocaine and may NOT be used in the Peoria Area EMS System.
Treat other symptoms or trauma per the appropriate protocol (e.g. if someone suffers
from smoke inhalation along with being burned, refer to the Smoke Inhalation Protocol).
IV access should not be obtained through burned tissue unless no other site is available.
Closely monitor the patients response to IV fluids and assess for pulmonary edema.
Closely monitor the patients airway have BVM, suction and/or intubation equipment
readily available.
Do not delay transport of a Load and Go trauma patient to care for burns.
For chemical/powder burns, be aware of inhalation hazards and closely monitor for
changes in respiratory status.
In patients with known renal failure, the Fentanyl dose must be reduced to 25mcg. The
dose may be repeated one time to a maximum dose of 50mcg.
Smoke Inhalation
Smoke inhalation injury is the result of various inhaled components of combustion and direct
thermal injury to the airway. Signs and symptoms include: evidence of exposure to fire,
stridor, wheezing, acute upper airway obstruction, chemical pneumonia and non-cardiac
pulmonary edema. Effects of the exposure may be immediate or delayed several hours.
Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is a common secondary complication to smoke inhalation.
Direct exposure to the gas is also common (especially in winter months). Signs and symptoms
include: evidence of exposure to fire or natural gases produced by incomplete combustion,
headache, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, weakness, chest pain and ALOC.
Smoke Inhalation
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
3. Proventil (Albuterol): 2.5mg in 3mL of normal saline via nebulizer over 15 minutes.
May repeat Albuterol 2.5mg every 15 minutes as needed (with Medical Control
order). In-line nebulizer may be utilized if patient is unresponsive/in respiratory arrest.
4. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport as soon as possible.
5. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible or Medical Control if necessary.
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
Smoke Inhalation
Any trauma patient that has sustained significant trauma (in addition to burn injuries) and
meets Field Triage Criteria for trauma shall be transported to the Level I Trauma Center
(OSF Saint Francis Medical Center) if transport time is < 30 minutes.
Near Drowning
Near drowning results from submersion in water or other liquid for a period of time that does
not result in irreversible death. The time interval of submersion that causes irreversible death
is dependent on several factors such as: temperature of the water, the health of the victim and
any trauma suffered during the event. All persons submerged 1 hour or less should be
vigorously resuscitated in spite of apparent death. Initial care of the near drowning victim
should begin in the water.
First Responder Care
First Responder Care should be focused on assessing the situation and initiating routine patient
care to assure that the patient has a patent airway, is breathing and has a perfusing pulse as well
as beginning treatment for shock.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol and Routine
Trauma Care Protocol.
2. Make sure the scene is safe. Use appropriate personnel and equipment for rescue.
3. Establish and maintain spinal immobilization.
4. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to clear the airway and support the patients
respirations with BVM if necessary.
5. Initiate CPR if indicated.
6. Treat respiratory and/or cardiac symptoms per the appropriate protocol.
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, initiating routine
patient care to assure that the patient has a patent airway, is breathing and has a perfusing pulse
as well as beginning treatment for shock and preparing the patient for or providing transport.
1. Includes all components of First Responder Care.
2. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible.
3. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible.
Near Drowning
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Includes all components of First Responder Care.
2. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible.
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Includes all components of First Responder Care.
2. Transport as soon as possible.
3. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible.
Adapted from PHTLS Revised 5th Edition Mosby 2003
Prompt transport with early Medical Control contact & receiving hospital notification will
expedite the care of the trauma patient.
IVs should be established en route to the hospital thereby not delaying transport of critical
trauma patients (unless scene time is extended due to prolonged extrication).
Trauma patients should be transported to the closest most appropriate trauma center.
Medical Control should be contacted immediately if there is ANY question as to which
trauma center the patient should be transported to.
To Voice
To Pain
Verbal Response
Inappropriate Words
Incomprehensible Words
Motor Response
Obeys Commands
Localizes Pain
Withdraw (pain)
Flexion (pain)
Extension (pain)
Maximum score = 15
Score of 13-15 = Minor injury (generally)
Score of 9-12 = Moderate injury
Score of 8 or less = Major injury and is an indication for intubation (GCS less
than 8 intubate)
Trauma Score
A. Ventilatory Rate
> 29/min
> 89 mmHg
76-89 mmHg
50-75 mmHg
01-49 mmHg
No pulse
Shock (Trauma/Hemorrhage)
Common signs and symptoms of shock include:
Load & Go with any trauma patient with signs and symptoms of shock on scene treatment
should be minimal. Conduct a Primary Survey, manage the airway, take C-spine precautions
& immobilize and control any life-threatening hemorrhage. Contact Medical Control as early
as possible.
Shock (Trauma/Hemorrhage)
First Responder Care (continued)
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
3. Control bleeding using direct pressure, pressure dressings and pressure points.
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, initiating routine
patient care to assure that the patient has a patent airway, is breathing and has a perfusing pulse
as well as beginning treatment for shock and preparing the patient for or providing transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol and Routine
Trauma Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
3. Control bleeding using direct pressure, pressure dressings and pressure points.
4. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible.
5. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol and Routine
Trauma Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
Shock (Trauma/Hemorrhage)
ILS Care (continued)
3. Control bleeding using direct pressure, pressure dressings and pressure points.
4. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if needed to obtain a systolic BP of at least
5. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport as soon as possible.
6. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol and Routine
Trauma Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM
(or intubate) if necessary.
3. Control bleeding using direct pressure, pressure dressings and pressure points.
4. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if needed to obtain a systolic BP of at least
5. Transport as soon as possible.
6. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
Critical Thinking Elements
Hypotension may not occur in the early stages of shock. However, aggressive therapy is
indicated if there is a significant mechanism of injury and/or shock is suspected.
IV access should be obtained en route and should not delay transport time.
IV fluid bolus/flow rate should be regulated and patient response to fluid monitored closely.
If intubation is required, intubate using in-line stabilization of the C-spine.
Injuries to the head may cause underlying brain tissue damage. Increased intracranial pressure
from bleeding or swelling tissue is a common threat after head trauma.
Common signs and symptoms of increased intracranial pressure include:
Dilated or unequal pupils
Markedly increased systolic blood pressure
Decreased pulse (bradycardia)
Abnormal respiratory patterns
Priorities for the treatment of head injury patients include airway management, maintenance of
adequate oxygenation & blood pressure as well as appropriate C-spine control &
3. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
4. Control bleeding using direct pressure, pressure dressings and pressure points.
Head trauma patients should receive oxygen to keep SpO2 > 95%, preferably via NRM.
Patients with poor respiratory effort may require ventilation with a BVM at 10-12 vpm
(ventilations per minute).
Avoid hyperventilating a head trauma patient. Oxygen is a powerful vasoconstrictor and
cerebral perfusion may be reduced if the patient is hyperventilated. If s/s of increased ICP
are present (Cushings phenomenon), then controlled mild hyperventilation may be needed
(with Medical Control order) at 20 vpm until s/s of increased ICP have subsided.
Cushings phenomenon refers to the ominous combination of markedly increased arterial
blood pressure and resultant bradycardia.
Deeply comatose patients may require intubation (GCS < 8). Use in-line C-spine
stabilization and avoid aggressive hyperventilation.
Treat for hemorrhagic shock if the patients systolic BP is < 100mmHg. Hypotension
decreases cerebral perfusion and worsens brain injury and must be corrected.
Injuries to the spine commonly result from mechanism of injury involving high kinetic energy.
Any neurovascular impairment or spinal deformities are indicative of possible spinal trauma.
Mechanisms of injury suggesting possible spinal injury include:
Motor vehicle crashes (MVCs)
Gunshot wounds to the head, neck or back
Forceful blows to the head and neck
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment, initiating routine
patient care to assure that the patient has a patent airway, is breathing and has a perfusing pulse
as well as beginning treatment for shock and preparing the patient for or providing transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
3. Frequently reassess the patients airway & ventilatory status.
4. Assess and record any pain on palpation of the spine, any motor/sensory deficits of the
extremities, abnormal arm position, ptosis and/or priapism.
5. Assess skin for temperature which will initially be warm, flushed and dry (below the
point of injury). Cover the patient and keep him/her warm.
6. Assess for neurogenic shock: decreased BP, decreased pulse, & decreased respiratory
7. Fully immobilize the patient and protect paralyzed limbs by securing the patient to the
8. Repeat vital signs, GCS & RTS every 5 minutes.
9. Initiate ALS intercept and transport as soon as possible.
10. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
3. Frequently reassess the patients airway & ventilatory status.
4. Assess and record any pain on palpation of the spine, any motor/sensory deficits of the
extremities, abnormal arm position, ptosis and/or priapism.
5. Assess skin for temperature which will initially be warm, flushed and dry (below the
point of injury). Cover the patient and keep him/her warm.
6. Assess for neurogenic shock: decreased BP, decreased pulse, & decreased respiratory
7. Fully immobilize the patient and protect paralyzed limbs by securing the patient to the
8. Repeat vital signs, GCS & RTS every 5 minutes.
9. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if needed to obtain a systolic BP of at least
10. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport as soon as possible.
11. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
cannot tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
3. Frequently reassess the patients airway & ventilatory status.
4. Assess and record any pain on palpation of the spine, any motor/sensory deficits of the
extremities, abnormal arm position, ptosis and/or priapism.
5. Assess skin for temperature which will initially be warm, flushed and dry (below the
point of injury). Cover the patient and keep him/her warm.
6. Assess for neurogenic shock: decreased BP, decreased pulse, & decreased respiratory
7. Fully immobilize the patient and protect paralyzed limbs by securing the patient to the
8. Repeat vital signs, GCS & RTS every 5 minutes.
9. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if needed to obtain a systolic BP of at least
10. Dopamine: If the patient remains hypotensive. Begin infusion at 24gtts/min. Increase
by 12gtts/min every 2 minutes to achieve and maintain a systolic BP of at least
100mmHg. Closely monitor vital signs.
Dopamine is provided premixed (400mg in 250mL D5W). This yields a
concentration of 1600mcg/mL. The initial rate of infusion is 1-10mcg/kg/min which
can be achieved with a 24gtts/min infusion rate.
Traumatic Arrest
Resuscitation success rates of trauma patients in cardiac arrest are extremely poor, usually due
to prolonged hypoxia. Efforts to resuscitate are more likely to be successful if EMS arrives
early in the arrest, understands the differences between traumatic cardiac arrest patients &
medical cardiac arrest patients and treatment is directed at identifying & treating the underlying
cause. Traumatic arrest is usually caused by airway problems (unmanaged airway during
unconsciousness), breathing problems (from chest trauma) and/or circulatory problems
(internal or external hemorrhaging).
Patients who are found in asystole after massive blunt trauma or penetrating trauma of a vital
organ are dead and may be pronounced dead at scene with the concurrence of Medical Control.
Category I
Blunt or Penetrating Trauma with Unstable Vital
Signs and/or:
Hemodynamic compromise as evidenced by:
BP < 90 Systolic
Peds BP < 80 Systolic
Respiratory compromise as evidenced by:
Respiratory rate <10 or >29
Altered mentation as evidenced by:
Glasgow Coma Scale <10
Anatomical Injury
Penetrating injury of head, neck, torso or
Two or more body regions with potential life
or limb threat
Combination trauma with > 20% TBA Burn
Amputation above wrist or ankle
Limb paralysis and/or sensory deficit above
the wrist and ankle
Flail chest
Category II
Mechanism of
of Injury
Ejection from
from motor
motor vehicle
Death in same passenger
passenger compartment
Falls >
> 20
20 feet
6. Amputation cases:
a. Control external bleeding.
b. Dress, bandage and/or splint the injured extremity.
c. Attempt to recover the severed part:
Wrap in sterile gauze, towel or sheet.
Wet dressing with sterile water or .9% Normal Saline.
Place severed part in waterproof bag or container and seal.
Place the bag/container in another container filled with ice or cold
DO NOT immerse the amputated part in any solutions.
DO NOT allow the tissue to freeze.
Transport the container with the patient.
7. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport as soon as possible.
8. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible or Medical Control if necessary.
ILS Care
1. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if the patient is hypotensive to obtain a systolic
BP of at least 100mmHg.
2. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport as soon as possible.
3. Contact the receiving hospital as soon as possible or Medical Control if necessary.
ALS Care
1. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if the patient is hypotensive to obtain a systolic
BP of at least 100mmHg.
2. Morphine Sulfate: 2-5mg IV every 5 minutes as needed to reduce the patients
anxiety and severity of pain. If unable to establish IV access, may administer Morphine
2-5mg IM every 15 minutes.
In patients with known renal failure, the Fentanyl dose must be reduced to 25mcg. The
dose may be repeated one time to a maximum dose of 50mcg.
Spinal Immobilization
Any type of patient manipulation may be dangerous during the care of a suspected spinal injury
patient. Spinal injury should be suspected in all patients presenting with:
Head, neck or facial trauma (i.e. injury above the clavicles)
ALOC with unknown history of events
Complaints of neck or back pain unrelated to the patients medical history
Complaint of head pain related to trauma
Physical findings suggesting neck or back pain
Unknown mechanism of injury
High mechanism of injury despite complaints
Suspected deceleration injuries
Spinal Immobilization
Spinal Management of Patients in a Sitting Position
1. Patients found in a sitting position that have a suspected spinal injury should be secured
to an extrication device (i.e. KED) prior to being moved.
2. Patients who meet Load & Go criteria should be moved using the rapid extrication
technique. Proper manual stabilization must be maintained throughout the extrication.
a. Secure neutral, in-line stabilization of the head & neck (as per General Spinal
b. Keeping the patients spine in a neutral position, pivot the patient in order to
place a long backboard under the patients buttocks and behind his/her back.
c. Lower the patient to the long backboard and secure (as per General Spinal
Needle Thoracentesis
(Needle Chest Decompression)
Thoracic decompression involves placement of a needle through the chest wall of a critical
patient who has a life-threatening tension pneumothorax and is rapidly deteriorating due to
intrathoracic pressure.
Signs and symptoms of tension pneumothorax include:
Restlessness and agitation
Severe respiratory distress
Increased airway resistance with ventilations
Tracheal deviation
Subcutaneous emphysema
Unequal breath sounds
Absent lung sounds on the affected side
Hyper resonance to percussion on the affected side
Respiratory arrest
Traumatic cardiac arrest
Initiate Routine Trauma Care. If a tension pneumothorax is identified:
1. Locate the 2nd intercostal space in the midclavicular line on the side of the
2. Cleanse the site with providone-iodine preps and maintain as much of a sterile field as
3. Attach a 10-20mL syringe to a 2 inch, 14g IV catheter.
4. Puncture the skin perpendicularly, just superior to the 3rd rib (in the 2nd intercostal
space). Direct the needle just over the 3rd rib and into the thoracic cavity. A pop
should be felt as well as a rush of air along with the plunger of the syringe moving
5. Advance the catheter while removing the needle and syringe.
6. Secure the catheter in the chest will with a dressing and tape.
7. Monitor the patient closely and continue to reassess.
Critical Thinking Elements
Nerve bundles and blood vessels are located under the ribs and puncturing them could cause
nerve damage and extensive bleeding. Ensure that the puncture is being made over the top of
the 3rd rib.
Childbirth Protocol
Childbirth is a natural process. EMS providers called to a woman in labor should determine
whether there is enough time to transport the expected mother to the hospital or if deliver is
imminent. If childbirth appears imminent, immediately prepare to assist with the delivery.
Childbirth Protocol
Childbirth Protocol
Childbirth Protocol
Documentation Requirements
1. Completed Emergency Childbirth Record
2. Document the date, time and place of delivery
3. Presence or absence of a nuchal cord
If nuchal cord is present, document how many times the cord was wrapped
around the babys neck.
4. Appearance of the amniotic fluid
5. Time the placenta was delivered and its condition
6. APGAR score at 1 minute and 5 minutes
7. Any resuscitation / treatment rendered and newborn response to treatment
CLEAR (Cloudy)
Body and
blue, pale
Body pink,
extremities blue
Pulse rate
No response
Cough, sneeze,
(Muscle tone)
Some flexion of
Slow and
1 minute
5 minute
Active motion
Strong cry
8. Time placenta delivered (military time): ____________________ INTACT
O2 with BVM
Childbirth Protocol
Lower than normal blood pressure and higher than usual heart rate are normal vital sign
changes with pregnancy.
Signs & symptoms of shock in the pregnant patient include a systolic BP less than
90mmHg, lightheadedness and ALOC.
Average labor lasts 8-12 hours but can be as short as 5 minutes.
The desire to push during contractions is an indicator that delivery is imminent.
Be respectful of the expected mothers privacy.
Assess the patient for peripheral edema. This may indicate Pre-eclampsia / Eclampsia.
Monitor patient closely and watch for seizure activity.
Tag the mother and baby with the same information by wrapping tape around their
Green or brown amniotic fluid indicates the presence of Meconium (fetal stool) and
should be reported immediately to the receiving facility staff.
Obstetrical Complications
Obstetrical complications can rapidly lead to hypovolemic shock and threaten the life of the
mother and child. Care should be focused on assessing the situation, initiating routine patient
care and beginning treatment for shock. Monitor vitals closely.
Placenta Previa
Placenta previa occurs as a result of abnormal implantation of the placenta on the lower half of
the uterine wall. Bleeding occurs when the lower uterus begins to contract and dilate in
preparation for labor and pulls the placenta away from the uterine wall. The hallmark of
placenta previa is the onset of painless bright red vaginal bleeding, usually in the 3rd trimester
of pregnancy.
1. Note the amount of bleeding.
2. Place the patient on her left side.
3. Load and transport as soon as possible.
4. (ILS & ALS) IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if the patient is hypotensive to
obtain a systolic BP of at least 100mmHg.
5. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
Obstetrical Complications
First Responder Care, BLS Care, ILS Care, ALS Care
Abruptio Placentae
Abruptio placentae is the premature separation of a normally implanted placenta from the
uterine wall. Signs and symptoms can vary depending on the extent and character of the
Central Abruptio (partial abruption): Characterized by a sudden sharp, tearing pain and
development of a stiff, board like abdomen but no vaginal bleeding (blood is trapped between
the placenta and the uterine wall).
Complete Abruptio Placentae: Characterized by massive vaginal bleeding and profound
maternal hypotension.
1. Note the amount of bleeding.
2. Place the patient on her left side.
3. Load and transport as soon as possible.
4. (BLS) Initiate ALS intercept.
5. (ILS & ALS) IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if the patient is hypotensive to
obtain a systolic BP of at least 100mmHg.
6. Establish a 2nd IV en route if time permits.
7. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
Obstetrical Complications
First Responder Care, BLS Care, ILS Care, ALS Care
Obstetrical Complications
First Responder Care, BLS Care, ILS Care, ALS Care
Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia (continued)
6. (ILS) Valium: 5mg IV (with Medical Control order only) for seizure activity.
May repeat 5mg every 2 minutes (with Medical Control order) to stop seizure
activity if indicated.
(ALS) Midazolam (Versed): 2mg IV over 1 minute for seizure activity. May repeat
Midazolam (Versed) 2mg IV every 5 minutes as needed to a total of 10mg.
7. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
Ectopic Pregnancy
Ectopic Pregnancy refers to the abnormal implantation of the fertilized egg outside of the
uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. It can be a life-threatening condition and accounts for
approximately 10% of maternal mortality.
Ectopic pregnancy presents as abdominal pain which starts out as diffuse tenderness and then
localizes as a sharp pain in the lower abdomen on the effected side. Assume that any female of
childbearing age with lower abdominal pain is experiencing an ectopic pregnancy.
1. Place the patient on her left side.
2. Load and transport as soon as possible.
3. (BLS) Initiate ALS intercept.
4. (ILS & ALS) IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if the patient is hypotensive to
obtain a systolic BP of at least 100mmHg.
5. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
Abnormal Delivery
First Responder Care, BLS Care, ILS Care, ALS Care
Abnormal delivery situations can be especially challenging in the pre-hospital setting. Care
should be focused on initiating Routine Patient Care to treat for shock and rapid transport to
the hospital.
Breech Presentation
A breech presentation is the term used to describe a situation in which either the buttocks or
both feet present first.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
3. Load and transport as soon as possible.
4. (BLS) Initiate ALS intercept.
5. Never attempt to pull the baby from the vagina by the trunk or legs.
6. As soon as the legs are delivered, support the babys body (wrapped in a towel).
7. After the shoulders are delivered, gently elevate the trunk and legs to aid in the delivery
of the head.
8. The head should deliver in 30 seconds. If it does not reach 2 fingers into the vagina
to locate the infants mouth. Press the vaginal wall away from the babys mouth to
provide unrestricted respirations.
9. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
Abnormal Delivery
First Responder Care, BLS Care, ILS Care, ALS Care
Prolapsed Cord
A prolapsed cord occurs when the umbilical cord precedes the fetal presenting part. This
causes the cord to be compressed between the fetus and the pelvis and blocks fetal circulation.
Fetal death will occur quickly without prompt intervention.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
3. (BLS) Initiate ALS intercept.
4. Elevate the mothers hips.
5. Do not pull on the cord and do not attempt to push the cord back into the vagina.
6. Place a gloved finger/hand in the vagina between the pubic bone and the presenting part
with the cord between the fingers and exert counter pressure against the presenting part.
7. Palpate the cord for pulsations.
8. Keep the exposed cord warm and moist.
9. Keep the hand in position and transport immediately.
10. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
Abnormal Delivery
First Responder Care, BLS Care, ILS Care, ALS Care
Limb Presentation
Although relatively uncommon, the baby may be lying transverse across the uterus. In these
cases, an arm or leg is the presenting part protruding from the vagina and will require delivery
by cesarean section. Under no circumstances should you attempt a field delivery with a
limb presentation.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask. Be prepared to support the patients respirations with BVM if
3. (BLS) Initiate ALS intercept.
4. Elevate the mothers hips.
5. Avoid touching the limb (doing so may stimulate the infant to gasp).
6. Do not pull on the extremity and do not attempt to push the limb back into the
7. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible.
Rape/Sexual Assault
Rape and sexual assault are acts of violence and may be associated with traumatic injuries,
both external and internal. A thorough assessment of the patients condition should be done
and special attention should be given to the patients mental health needs as well.
Rape/Sexual Assault
The use of drugs to facilitate a sexual assault is occurring with increasing frequency. These
drugs can render a person unconscious or weaken the person to the point that they cannot resist
their attacker. Some of the drugs can also cause amnesia and the patient will have no memory
of the assault. Date rape drugs have a rapid onset and varying duration of effect. It is
important for prehospital personnel to be aware of these agents as well as their effects.
Carefully and objectively document all of your findings including a thorough description of
how & where the patient was found, all injuries/assessment findings and patient history.
If a patient refuses treatment, refer to the Patient Right of Refusal Policy.
Request local law enforcement if they have not already been called to the scene.
Reporting Methods
The following telephone numbers regarding services available to victims of abuse shall be
offered to all victims of abuse whether they are treated & transported or if they refuse
treatment & transport to the hospital:
If the offender is present and interferes with transportation of the patient (or is influencing the
patients acceptance of medical care), contact police and Medical Control for consultation on
appropriate action.
Upon arrival, notify the receiving physician or nurse of the suspected abuse. Illinois law
mandates healthcare workers (including EMTs) report cases of suspected abuse or neglect.
Thoroughly document all of your findings including a thorough description of how & where
the patient was found, all injuries/assessment findings and patient history.
Behavioral Emergencies /
Chemical Restraint
Behavioral episodes may range from despondent and withdrawn behavior to aggressive and
violent behavior. Behavioral changes may be a symptom of a number of medical conditions
including head injury, trauma, substance abuse, metabolic disorders, stress and psychiatric
disorders. Patient assessment and evaluation of the situation is crucial in differentiating
medical intervention needs from psychological support needs.
Behavioral Emergencies /
Chemical Restraint
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, ensuring personal safety and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Maintain control of the scene and request law enforcement if needed.
3. Determine if the patient is a threat to self or others.
4. Contact Medical Control as early as possible if restraints are needed. An order for
restraints is a must.
5. Initiate transport as soon as possible.
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, ensuring personal safety and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Maintain control of the scene and request law enforcement if needed.
3. Determine if the patient is a threat to self or others.
4. If the patient is a threat to self or others, restrain the patient and contact Medical
Control as soon as possible. An order for restraints is a must.
5. Midazolam (Versed): 2mg IV for sedation if absolutely necessary. Contact Medical
Control for further orders.
Midazolam (Versed): 5mg IM sedation if absolutely necessary and attempts at IV
access have been unsuccessful. Contact Medical Control for further orders.
Behavioral Emergencies /
Chemical Restraint
ALS Care (continued)
6. Initiate transport as soon as possible.
Petitioning an Emotionally
Disturbed Patient Policy
EMS providers should consider the mental health needs of a patient who appears emotionally
or mentally incapacitated. This involves cases that the EMS provider has reasonable cause or
evidence to suspect a patient may intentionally or unintentionally physically injure
himself/herself or others, is unable to care for his/her own physical needs, or is in need of
mental health treatment against his/her will.
This does not include a person whose mental processes have merely been weakened or
impaired by reason of advanced years and the patient is under the supervision of family or
another healthcare provider, unless the family or healthcare provider has activated EMS for a
specific behavioral emergency.
1. Attempt to persuade the patient that there is a need for evaluation and compel him/her
to be transported to the hospital.
2. If persuasion is unsuccessful, contact Medical Control and relay the history of the
event. Clearly indicate your suspicions and/or evidence and have the base station
physician discuss the patients needs with the parties involved in the situation.
3. The EMS crew will then follow the direction of the base station physician in
determining the disposition of the patient or termination of patient contact. Another
agencys or partys opinion should not influence the EMS providers assistance to a
mental health need.
4. Under no circumstances does transport of the patient, whether voluntarily or against
his/her will, commit the patient to a hospital admission. It simply enables the EMS
providers to transport a person suspected to be in need of mental health treatment.
5. If a patient is combative or may harm self or others, call law enforcement for assistance
and follow the Patient Restraint Policy.
Patients will only be restrained if clinically justified. The use of restraints is only utilized if the
patient is violent and may cause harm to themselves or others. Physical and/or chemical
restraints are a last resort in caring for the emotionally disturbed patient.
1. To safely restrain the patient, use a minimum of 4 people.
2. Contact Medical Control as soon as possible for an order / guidance.
3. If available, may use police protective custody.
4. Explain the procedure to the patient (and family) if possible. The team leader should be
the person communicating with the patient.
5. If attempts at verbally calming the patient have failed and the decision is made to use
restraints, do not waste time bargaining with the patient.
6. Remember to remove any equipment from your person which can be used as a weapon
against you (e.g. trauma shears).
7. Assess the patient and surroundings for potential weapons.
8. Approach the patient, keeping the team leader near the head to continue
communications and at least one person on each side of the patient.
9. Move the patient to a backboard or the stretcher.
10. Place the patient supine and place soft, disposable restraints on 2-4 limbs and fasten
to the backboard or stretcher. Avoid restraining the patient prone if at all possible.
11. Transport as soon as possible.
12. Document circulation checks every 15 minutes (of all restrained limbs) and
thoroughly document the reasons for applying restraints, time of application,
condition of the patient before and after application, method of restraint and any
law enforcement involvement, including any use of law enforcement equipment
(e.g. handcuffs) and the time Medical Control was contacted.
13. Do not remove restraints until released by medical personnel at the receiving hospital.
ILS Care
ILS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment and preparing the
patient for or providing transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: For agitation, shortness of breath or chest pain: 15 L/min via non-rebreather
mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient does not tolerate a mask.
3. Proventil (Albuterol): 2.5mg in 3mL of normal saline via nebulizer over 15 minutes if
the patient is short of breath and wheezing. May repeat Albuterol 2.5mg every 15
minutes as needed (with Medical Control order).
4. Flush eyes (if affected) with sterile water to get rid of gross contamination and to aid
in recovery.
5. Assess for secondary trauma that may be present and treat appropriately per trauma
6. Assess for any secondary causes of patient behavior which lead to law enforcement
subduing the patient. These secondary causes include:
Alcohol intoxication
Drug abuse
Hypoglycemia or other medical disorder
Psychotic disorder
7. Contact Medical Control if restraints are needed. An order for restraint is a MUST.
8. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if the patient is cooperative and if the vital
signs reflect tachycardia or hypotension to achieve a systolic BP of at least 100mmHg.
9. Initiate cardiac monitoring per Routine Care or if the patient appears agitated.
10. If the patient has an altered mental status, then the patient must be assumed
incompetent to refuse care. Contact Medical Control for ALL refusal issues.
11. Initiate ALS intercept if needed and transport as soon as possible.
12. Contact receiving hospital as soon as possible or Medical Control if necessary.
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: For agitation, shortness of breath or chest pain: 15 L/min via non-rebreather
mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient does not tolerate a mask.
3. Proventil (Albuterol): 2.5mg in 3mL normal saline mixed with
Ipratropium (Atrovent): 0.5mg via nebulizer over 15 minutes if the patient is short
of breath and wheezing. Repeat Albuterol 2.5mg with Atrovent 0.5mg every 15
minutes as needed.
4. Flush eyes (if affected) with sterile water to get rid of gross contamination and to aid
in recovery.
5. Assess for secondary trauma that may be present and treat appropriately per trauma
Chemical defense sprays such as oleoresin capsicum (pepper spray) leave residue that may be
contacted and transferred to providers. Care must be taken to ensure cross contamination
does not occur. Avoid touching your own face, eyes or any other mucous membrane.
Patients who have been subdued using less than lethal weapons are commonly agitated and
may be combative. Safety of the EMS crew is of utmost importance.
Many of these patients fit into a syndrome known as excited delirium that has been
associated with adverse medical outcomes, including SUDDEN DEATH, especially when
restraints are utilized. Careful monitoring should be exercised when dealing with these
Contaminated clothing should be removed and sealed in a plastic bag to prevent further
irritation and to reduce cross contamination.
BLS Care
BLS Care should be directed at conducting a thorough patient assessment and preparing the
patient for or providing transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
ALS Care
ALS Care should be directed at continuing or establishing care, conducting a thorough patient
assessment, stabilizing the patients perfusion and preparing for or providing patient transport.
1. Render initial care in accordance with the Routine Patient Care Protocol.
2. Oxygen: 15 L/min via non-rebreather mask or 6 L/min via nasal cannula if the patient
does not tolerate a mask.
3. Ask law enforcement to remove taser probes. EMS personnel are NOT to remove
the probes unless specifically trained and are comfortable doing so.
4. If the probes are in a sensitive area such as the face, eye, neck, genitalia or a females
breast, leave the probes in place and bandage.
5. Assess for any secondary causes of patient behavior which lead to law enforcement
subduing the patient. These secondary causes include:
Alcohol intoxication
Drug abuse
Hypoglycemia or other medical disorder
Psychotic disorder
6. Restrain the patient if needed and contact Medical Control. An order for restraint is
7. Initiate cardiac monitoring.
8. IV Fluid Therapy: 500mL fluid bolus if the patient is cooperative and if the vital
signs reflect tachycardia or hypotension to achieve a systolic BP of at least 100mmHg.
9. Midazolam (Versed): 2mg IV over 1 minute for seizure activity. May repeat
Midazolam (Versed) 2mg IV every 5 minutes as needed to a total of 10mg.
Midazolam (Versed): 5mg IM if the patient is seizing and attempts at IV access have
been unsuccessful. May repeat dose one time in 15 minutes if the patient is still
10. If the patient has an altered mental status, then the patient must be assumed
incompetent to refuse care. Contact Medical Control for ALL refusal issues.
11. Initiate transport as soon as possible and contact Medical Control if needed.
If law enforcement has removed the probes, treat the probes as biohazards. Exercise caution
to prevent accidental needlestick-like injuries.
Ask law enforcement to eject the cartridge from the taser prior to patient contact.
Patients who have been subdued using less than lethal weapons are commonly agitated and
may be combative. If the patient is not yet subdued and/or is violent, do not initiate contact.
Safety of the EMS crew is of utmost importance.
Many of these patients fit into a syndrome known as excited delirium that has been
associated with adverse medical outcomes, including SUDDEN DEATH, especially when
restraints are utilized. Careful monitoring should be exercised when dealing with these
Do Not Resuscitate
(DNR) Policy
A Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) policy is a tool to be used in the prehospital setting to set
forth guidelines for providing CPR or for withholding resuscitative efforts. The purpose of
this policy is to specify requirements for valid DNR orders and to establish a procedure for
field management of these situations.
A DNR policy shall be implemented only after it has been reviewed and approved by the
Illinois Department of Public Health in accordance with the requirements of Section
515.380 of the Illinois Administrative Code.
1. Any FR-D, EMT-B, EMT-I, EMT-P or PHRN who is actively participating in a
Department approved EMS system may honor, follow and respect a valid DNR.
Medical Control will be contacted in all cases involving a DNR.
2. DNR refers to the withholding of life-sustaining treatment such as CPR, electrical
therapy (e.g. pacing, cardioversion & defibrillation), endotracheal intubation and/or
manually/mechanically assisted ventilation, unless otherwise stated on the DNR
3. By itself, a DNR order does not mean that any other life-prolonging therapy,
hospitalization or use of EMS is to be withheld. DNR orders do not affect
treatment of patients who are not in full arrest (pulseless and breathless).
4. On-line Medical Control must be consulted in cases involving DNR orders. A
DNR order may be invalidated if the immediate cause of a respiratory or cardiac
arrest is related to trauma or mechanical airway obstruction.
Do Not Resuscitate
(DNR) Policy
5. When EMS personnel arrive on scene and discover the patient is pulseless and
breathless and CPR is not in progress, resuscitation (at minimum CPR) must be
initiated unless one or more of the following conditions exist:
Obvious signs of biological death are present:
Rigor mortis without profound hypothermia
Dependent lividity
Obvious mortal wounds with no signs of life
Death has been declared by the patients physician or the coroner.
A valid DNR order is present and the EMS provider has made reasonable
effort to verify the identity of the patient named in the order (i.e.
identification by another person, ID band, photo ID or facility, home-care or
hospice nursing staff).
If the above signs of death are recognized, EMS personnel must contact
Medical Control to confirm the decision not to attempt resuscitation prior
to contacting the coroner.
The EMS provider should immediately institute BLS measures and contact
Medical Control for further direction if he or she has concerns regarding the
validity of the DNR orders, the degree of life-sustaining treatment to be
withheld or the status of the patients condition.
6. When EMS personnel arrive on scene and discover that CPR is in progress, the
EMS provider should:
Determine if signs of death are present or a valid DNR exists.
If signs of death are present and/or the patient does not have a pulse, has no
respirations and a valid DNR does exist, contact Medical Control for
orders, including possible cease efforts order.
If no valid DNR exists, continue CPR (refer to cardiac resuscitation policy).
Do Not Resuscitate
(DNR) Policy
7. If the patients primary care physician is at the scene of (or on the phone) and
requesting specific resuscitation or DNR procedures, EMS personnel should verify
the physicians identity (if not known to the EMT) and notify Medical Control of
the request of the on-scene physician. Follow Medical Control orders.
8. The only recognized DNR form EMS providers are obligated to honor, follow &
respect is the standardized State of Illinois Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Order form
which has the Seal of the State of Illinois in the upper left corner. All signature
lines must be completed in order for the DNR to be valid.
9. Any other advanced directive or living will cannot be honored, followed &
respected by prehospital care providers. EMS personnel must contact Medical
Control for direction regarding any other type of advanced directive. Resuscitation
should not be withheld during the process of contacting or discussing the situation
with Medical Control.
10. Any other advance directives or living will cannot be honored, followed and
respected by pre-hospital care providers. EMS personnel must contact Medical
Control for direction regarding any other type of advanced directive. Resuscitation
should not be withheld during the process of contacting or discussing the situation
with the on-line Medical Control physician.
11. A Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare is an agent who has been delegated by
the patient to make any healthcare decisions (including the withholding or
withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment) which the patient is unable to make. When
a patients surrogate decision-maker is present or has been contacted by prehospital
personnel and they direct that resuscitative efforts not be instituted:
Ask the Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare agent to provide positive
identification (i.e. drivers license, photo ID, etc.), see the document and ask
the agent to point out the language that confirms that the power is in effect
and that it covers the situation at hand (i.e. assure the scope of authority the
Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare has and that the patients medical
or mental condition complies with the document designating the Durable
Power of Attorney for Healthcare).
Do Not Resuscitate
(DNR) Policy
The Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare agent or a surrogate
decision-maker can provide consent to a DNR order, but the order itself
must be written by a physician.
An EMS Provider cannot honor a verbal or written DNR request/order made
directly by a Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare agent, surrogate
decision-maker or any person other than a physician. If such a situation is
encountered, contact Medical Control for direction.
12. Revocation of a written DNR order is accomplished when the DNR order is
physically destroyed or verbally rescinded by the physician who signed the order
and/or the person who gave consent to the order.
13. Prehospital care providers have a duty to act and provide care in the best interest of
the patient. This requires the provision of full medical and resuscitative
interventions when medically indicated and not contraindicated by the wishes of the
14. When managing a patient that is apparently non-viable, but desired and/or approved
medical measures appear unclear (i.e. upset family members, disagreement
regarding DNR order, etc.), EMS personnel should provide assessment, initiate
resuscitative measures and contact Medical Control for further direction.
15. If EMS personnel encounter a patient with a valid DNR from a long-term care
facilities, hospice, during an inter-hospital transfer or when transporting to or
from home and the patient arrests enroute, do not initiate resuscitative measures
and contract Medical Control for orders.
16. If EMS personnel arrive at the scene and the family states that the patient is a
hospice patient with a valid DNR order, do not initiate resuscitative measures and
contact Medical Control for orders.
17. On occasion, EMS personnel may encounter an out-of-town patient with a valid
DNR order visiting in the Peoria Area EMS System. If the DNR order appears to
be valid (signed by the patient and physician), contact Medical Control for orders.
Do Not Resuscitate
(DNR) Policy
18. The coroner will be notified of any patient or family wishes that there is to be tissue
donation in cases where the patient is not transported to the hospital.
19. The Medical Control physicians responsibility is to make reasonable effort to
confirm the DNR order is valid and order resuscitative measures within the
directives of the DNR order.
20. Appropriate patient care reports will be completed on all patients who are not
resuscitated in the prehospital setting. A copy of the DNR form should be retained
and attached as supporting documentation to the prehospital care report form.
21. All Peoria Area EMS System personnel are to submit an incident report to the
Quality Assurance Coordinator in the EMS Office regarding any difficulties
experienced with DNR situations. These cases will be evaluated on an individual
basis. Any issues identified will be reported to the EMS Medical Director for
further review.
22. Follow the Systems Coroner Notification Policy.
Ask the patients family to produce an actual copy of the DNR / Advanced Directives. Family
members will often identify themselves as Power of Attorney when in fact, they are solely
Power of Attorney for Finance.
Power of Attorney for Finance does NOT convey authority for healthcare decisions. Only a
valid Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare conveys authority for healthcare decisions.
Resuscitation vs.
Cease Efforts Policy
The EMS provider is responsible to make every effort to preserve life. In the absence of an
advanced directive, resuscitative measures shall be attempted if there is any chance that life
When EMS personnel arrive on scene and discover the patient is pulseless and breathless and
CPR is not in progress, resuscitation (at minimum CPR) must be initiated unless one or more
of the following conditions exist:
Obvious signs of biological death are present:
Rigor mortis without profound hypothermia
Dependent lividity
Obvious mortal wounds with no signs of life
Death has been declared by the patients physician or the coroner.
A valid DNR order is present and the EMS provider has made reasonable effort
to verify the identity of the patient named in the order (i.e. identification by
another person, ID band, photo ID or facility, home-care or hospice nursing
If the above signs of death are recognized, EMS personnel must contact
Medical Control to confirm the decision not to attempt resuscitation prior to
contacting the coroner.
The EMS provider should immediately institute BLS measures and contact
Medical Control for further direction if he or she has concerns regarding the
validity of the DNR orders, the degree of life-sustaining treatment to be
withheld or the status of the patients condition.
When EMS personnel arrive on scene and discover that CPR is in progress, the EMS provider
Assess breathing, pulse and analyze EKG activity.
Determine if signs of death are present or a valid DNR exists. Continue
resuscitation if signs of death are not obvious and a valid DNR is not available.
Contact Medical Control for orders, including possible cease efforts order.
Resuscitation vs.
Cease Efforts Policy
A cease efforts order may be considered and the base station physician may order resuscitative
efforts be discontinued (or not initiated at all) if the following conditions exist:
No signs of life are present (i.e. pulseless & apneic), patient down time is
unknown, EKG is asystole or PEA, and on-site resuscitative efforts have been
The patient has injuries inconsistent with life (even if the patients body
temperature is warm).
Triage or patient prioritization deems resuscitative resources would be more
beneficial for use on other victims.
Pediatric patients and patient with hypothermia may have no signs of life but still be viable.
Prolonged resuscitative efforts are indicated in these cases.
Coroner Notification
In accordance with Section 10.6, Chapter 31 of the Illinois Revised Statutes Coroners:
1. Every law enforcement official, funeral director, ambulance attendant, hospital
director of administration or person having custody of the body of a deceased person,
where the death is one subjected to investigation under Section 10 of this Act, and any
physician in attendance upon such a decedent at the time of his death, shall notify the
coroner promptly. Any such person failing to notify the coroner promptly shall be
guilty of a Class A misdemeanor, unless such person has reasonable cause to believe
that the coroner had already been notified.
2. Deaths that are subject to coroner investigation include:
Accidental deaths of any type or cause
Homicidal deaths
Suicidal deaths
Abortions criminal or self-induced maternal or fetal deaths
Sudden deaths when in apparent good health or in any suspicious or unusual
manner including sudden death on the street, at home, in a public place, at a
place of employment, or any deaths under unknown circumstances may
ultimately be the subject of investigation.
3. The coroner (or his/her designee) should be provided the following information:
Your name
Your EMS service
Location of the body or death
Phone number and/or radio frequency you are available on
Brief explanation of the situation
4. Once this information has been provided, wait for the coroner (or his/her designee) to
arrive for further instructions. EMS crews may clear the scene if law enforcement is on
the scene and no other emergency exists.
Coroner Notification
5. Law enforcement personnel are responsible for death scenes once the determination of
death is established with Medical Control and the coroner has been notified.
6. If a patient is determined to be dead during transport, note the time & location and
record this information on the patient care report. Immediately contact the coroner to
discuss death jurisdiction. Do not cross county lines with a patient that has been
determined to be dead.
Infectious Disease
Control Policy
The following procedure has been established in accordance with the Illinois State Statutes,
Centers for Disease Control recommendations and OSHA standards. All Peoria Area EMS
System agencies should have a specific exposure control program and post exposure plan.
Protective Measures
1. Utilization of body substance isolation gear during all patient contacts is an effective
mans of avoiding exposure to body fluids. EMS personnel should don protective gear
prior to entering a scene or situation that may increase the risk of exposure to body
fluids or other infectious agents.
2. Thorough hand washing should be accomplished immediately after each patient contact
or handling of potential infectious vectors.
3. EMS personnel should consult their agencys exposure control program for specific
guidelines in the type of protective gear.
1. An exposure incident has occurred when, as a result of the performance of an EMS
providers duty, the providers eyes, mouth, mucous membrane or area of non-intact
skin has come in contact with body fluids or other potentially infectious vector. This
includes parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials.
2. If EMS personnel treating and/or transporting a patient are directly exposed to a
patients body fluids or infectious vector, the provider(s) should immediately report the
incident. This includes notifying the EMS providers supervisor, obtaining the Peoria
Hospitals Communicable Disease Incident Form and following post exposure
Infectious Disease
Control Policy
Post Exposure Management
After an exposure has occurred:
1. Thoroughly cleanse the exposed area with soap and water immediately.
2. The eyes and/or mouth of the provider should be thoroughly rinsed with water if
3. Immediately seek treatment at the emergency department where the source patient was
transported. If the source patient was not transported to an emergency department,
treatment should be sought at a local hospital (emergency department).
4. Complete the Peoria Hospitals Communicable Disease Incident Form. The completed
form should be sealed in an envelope addressed with the words Attention Infection
Control and be left with the emergency department charge nurse. The charge nurse
will forward the envelope to the infection control department. The EMS provider
should also provide a copy to his/her supervisor and to the EMS Office within 24 hours.
5. A request should be made for consent to test the source patients blood for
HBV/HCV/HIV infectivity. If consent is granted, a blood sample shall be drawn and
results of testing documented. Testing is not necessary if the source patient is known to
be infected with HBV or HIV.
6. Results of tests performed on the source patient shall be made available to the exposed
EMS providers private or occupational physician while maintaining confidentiality of
all persons involved.
7. The exposed EMS provider will be given the opportunity for a blood specimen
collection and testing to determine baseline assessment for HBSAB/HIV. If the EMS
provider does not wish to be tested, the blood sample must be maintained for 90 days.
The EMS provider may consent to testing at any time within that period.
8. The EMS provider should follow-up with his/her private or occupational physician and
the provider should be advised of available post-exposure counseling.
9. All findings or diagnosis shall remain confidential.
Infectious Disease
Control Policy
Post Exposure Management (continued)
Questions concerning exposure control program requirements or post exposure procedures
should be directed to the EMS providers supervisor, training officer or infection control
Meningococcal infections
Rabies (human)
Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome (SARS)
Tuberculosis (TB)
*For confirmed diagnosis of AIDS or HIV, the
letter of notification will not be sent unless
emergency personnel indicate that they may have
had blood or body substance exposure.
Infectious Disease
Control Policy
Notification of Ambulance Personnel Exposed to Communicable Disease (continued)
4. When a hospital patient with a listed communicable disease is to be transported by
ambulance personnel, the hospital staff sending the patient shall inform the ambulance
personnel of any precautions to be taken to protect against exposure to disease. If a
significant exposure occurs, the ambulance personnel shall immediately report the
incident as indicated above.
5. The Hospital Licensing Act requires any information received in the notification
process be handled in accordance with confidentiality policies and procedures.
Exposed emergency personnel providing care:
Firefighter/First Responder
Other: _____________________________
Name of EMS Provider Exposed: ________________________________________________________
Home Address: ______________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip Code: __________________________________________________________________
Home Phone #: _______________ Cell Phone #: _______________ Work Phone #: ________________
Name of Agency: _________________________________________________ Run #: _____________
Name of Supervisor: ___________________________________________Phone #: ________________
Patients Name: ___________________________________ Date/Time of Transport: _______________
Type of Significant Exposure (Circle):
Parenteral (e.g. needlestick)
Significant skin exposure to blood, urine, saliva, bile, semen, vomit (e.g. open sores, cuts)
Other (explain): ______________________________________________________________________________________
Additional Comments:
Post Exposure Procedure
A latex allergy is recognized as a significant problem for specific patients and healthcare workers.
There are two (2) types:
Systemic Immediate reaction (within 15 minutes). Symptoms include generalized
rash, wheezing, dyspnea, laryngeal edema, bronchospasm, tachycardia, angioedema,
hypotension and cardiac arrest.
Delayed Delayed reaction (6 to 48 hours). Symptoms include contact dermatitis such
as local itching, edema, erythema (redness), blisters, drying patches, crushing &
thickening of the skin, and dermatitis that spreads beyond the skin initially exposed to
the latex.
Persons at risk include patients with spina bifida, patients with urogenital abnormalities, workers with
industrial exposures to latex, healthcare workers, persons with multiple surgeries, persons with frequent
urinary procedures and persons with a history of predisposition to allergies.
The Peoria Area EMS System considers substance abuse (drug and/or alcohol dependency) to be a
health problem and will assist any System provider who becomes dependent on drugs and/or alcohol.
The System, and ultimately out patients, will suffer the adverse effects of having a prehospital care
provider whose work performance and attendance are below acceptable standards. Any employee
whose substance abuse problems jeopardize the safety of patients, co-workers or bystanders shall be
deemed unfit to work. Any prehospital care provider involved in the Peoria Area EMS System who
voluntarily requests assistance with a personal substance abuse problem will be referred to the EMS
Medical Director for assessment and referral for treatment when necessary.
The use, sale, purchase, transfer, theft or possession of an illegal drug is a violation of the law. Illegal
drug means any drug which is (a) not legally obtainable or (b) legally obtainable but has not been legally
obtained. The term illegal drug includes prescription drugs not legally obtained and prescription drugs
legally obtained but not being used for prescribed purposes. Anyone in violation will be referred to law
enforcement, licensing and/or credentialing agencies when appropriate.
EMS Vehicle
Equipment & Supplies
Peoria Area EMS System providers must maintain response vehicles in a manner that will limit
mechanical breakdown, provide a clean environment and be engineered for compliance with OSHA
standards. Providers must also have minimum equipment and supplies specified by IDPH and the EMS
Medical Director.
1. EMS providers shall notify the EMS Quality Assurance Coordinator and IDPH of any new or
replacement vehicles (including temporary loaner vehicles).
2. Initial response vehicles (First Responder and BLS Non-transport units) shall be equipped and
stocked in accordance with the IDPH Non-Transport Vehicle Inspection Form.
3. Ambulance (transporting) vehicles must meet general standards as specified on the IDPH
Ambulance Inspection Form and be in compliance with DOT Standard KKK-A-1822D.
4. BLS transporting vehicles shall be equipped and supplied in accordance with the IDPH
Ambulance Inspection Form and in accordance with Section 515.830 of IDPH Rules and
Regulations. Additional requirements have been set forth by the EMS Medical Director as well.
Refer to the Peoria Area EMS System Agency Supply List.
5. ILS providers shall be equipped and supplied in accordance with the IDPH Ambulance
Inspection Form and in accordance with Section 515.830 of IDPH Rules and Regulations.
Additional requirements have been set forth by the EMS Medical Director as well. Refer to the
Peoria Area EMS System Agency Supply List and Additional ILS Equipment List.
6. ALS providers shall be equipped and supplied in accordance with the IDPH Ambulance
Inspection Form and in accordance with Section 515.830 of IDPH Rules and Regulations.
Additional requirements have been set forth by the EMS Medical Director as well. Refer to the
Peoria Area EMS System Agency Supply List and Additional ALS Equipment List.
7. The addition of new equipment not listed on a specific EMS provider level checklist requires
approval by the EMS Medical Director. In addition, the EMS Medical Director must be
notified of and approve any change in AEDs or cardiac monitoring equipment as well as any
changes in communications equipment that may affect Base Station communications.
5 Triangular bandages
10 Rolls kling/Self-adhering roller bandages
6 Trauma dressings
20 Sterile 4x4s
2 Vaseline gauze
2 Rolls of adhesive tape
2 Blankets
1 Isolation bag
2 Sets of protective gowns, goggles & face shields
2 Long adult extremity splints/Sam splints
2 Short adult extremity splints/Sam splints
2 Long pediatric extremity splints/Sam splints
2 Short pediatric extremity splints/Sam splints
1 Box small gloves
1 Box medium gloves
1 Box large gloves
1 Full primary oxygen cylinder (min. D size)
Oxygen flow meter/regulator for 15 L/min
2 Adult non-rebreather masks
2 Child non-rebreather masks
1 Infant mask
1 Adult BVM
1 Child BVM
1 Infant BVM
2 Nasal cannulas
Suction unit (or manually operated suction unit)
1000mL Sterile saline/water (exp. __________)
6 Cold packs
6 Hot packs
1 Glucometer
1 Bottle of glucometer strips (exp. ____________)
10 Alcohol preps
10 Lancets (safety lancets with a retracting needle)
1 Bottle testing solution (exp. ________________)
Glucometer log (minimum of 1 time/week testing
(See BLS Medication List)
Airway Bag
Monitoring Equipment
Other Equipment
3 (1mL) syringes
3 (3mL) syringes
3 (10mL) syringes
1 (30mL) syringe
1 (60mL) syringe
2 Sets soft restraints
(See ILS Medication List)
Airway Bag
Monitoring Equipment
Other Equipment
3 (1mL) syringes
3 (3mL) syringes
3 (10mL) syringes
1 (30mL) syringe
1 (60mL) syringe
1 (60gtts) IV tubing
1 Chest decompression kit with valve device
1 Jamshidi IO needle
1 EZ-IO drill
2 Adult (15g, 25mm) EZ-IO needles
2 Pediatric (15g, 15mm) EZ-IO needles
5 NTG papers for Nitro-Bid application
2 Sets soft restraints
Portable Equipment
1 Full primary oxygen cylinder (minimum D
size) w/ dial flow meter/regulator for 15 L/min
1 Full spare oxygen cylinder
1 Adult non-rebreather mask
1 Child non-rebreather mask
1 Infant mask
1 Nasal cannula
1 Adult BVM
1 Child BVM
1 Infant BVM
Pulse oximeter w/ both adult and pediatric probes
1 Portable suction unit
3 Sterile semi-rigid pharyngeal suction tips
1 Sterile 6-8F suction catheter
1 Sterile 10-12F suction catheter
1 Sterile 14-18F suction catheter
1 Suction tubing
1 Complete oropharyngeal airway kit
1 Complete nasopharyngeal airway kit (12-30F)
5 Packets water-soluble lubricant
1 Glucometer
1 Bottle of glucometer strips (exp. ____________)
10 Alcohol preps
10 Lancets (safety lancets with a retracting needle)
1 Bottle testing solution (exp. ________________)
Glucometer Log (minimum of 1 time/week testing)
(See medication list for the appropriate level)
2 Combi-Tubes (41F)
(One must be in the airway kit)
2 Nebulizer kits
2 Adult nebulizer masks
1 Pediatric nebulizer mask
Albuterol (Proventil)
Aspirin (ASA)
1 bottle 81mg
chewable tablets
Epi-Pen Auto-injector
Nitroglycerin (NTG)
Oral Glucose
15g tube
Expiration Date(s)
Airway Bag
Monitoring Equipment
Other Equipment
2 (1mL) syringes (in vehicle & drug box)
2 (3mL) syringes (in vehicle & drug box)
2 (10mL) syringes (in vehicle & drug box)
1 (30mL) syringe (vehicle)
1 (60mL) syringe (vehicle)
(See ILS Medication List)
Unit Stock
Adenocard (Adenosine)
6mg/2mL vial
Albuterol (Proventil)
Aspirin (ASA)
1 bottle 81mg
chewable tablets
Epinephrine 1:10,000
Epi-Pen Auto-injector
Lasix (Furosemide)
Narcan (Naloxone)
2mg/1mL ampule
Valium (Diazepam)
10mg/2mL tubex
Airway Bag
Monitoring Equipment
Cardiac monitor/defibrillator w/ screen and
printing capability; 12-Lead acquisition and
transmission capabilities; Pacing capability;
Synchronized cardioversion capability (in place of
Other Equipment
IV Therapy Equipment Drug Box
2 (1mL) syringes (in vehicle & drug box)
2 (3mL) syringes (in vehicle & drug box)
2 (10mL) syringes (in vehicle & drug box)
1 (30mL) syringe (vehicle)
1 (60mL) syringe (vehicle)
1 Chest decompression kit with valve device
1 Jamshidi IO needle (drug box)
1 EZ-IO drill
2 Adult (15g, 25mm) EZ-IO needles
2 Pediatric (15g, 15mm) EZ-IO needles
1 Spare CPAP circuit (vehicle)
1 Spare Salem sump tube (18F) (vehicle)
5 NTG papers for Nitro-Bid application
Signature /
Adenocard (Adenosine)
6mg/2mL vial
Albuterol (Proventil)
Aspirin (ASA)
1 bottle 81mg
chewable tablets
Atrovent (Ipratropium)
Benadryl (Diphenhydramine)
400mg/250mL in D5W
Epinephrine 1:1000
1mg/1mL ampule
Epinephrine 1:10,000
Lasix (Furosemide)
Narcan (Naloxone)
2mg/1mL ampule
Nitropaste (Nitro-Bid)
Phenergan (Promethazine)
25mg/2mL ampule
Sodium Bicarbonate
100mcg/2mL vial
10mg/1mL tubex
Versed (Midazolam)
5mg/5mL vial
Controlled Substance
The Peoria Area EMS System recognizes the importance of medications carried on the
ambulances in relationship to patient care. It is also important to understand the risks
involving the potential abuse and addiction of controlled substances and to have tracking
mechanisms in place.
1. All controlled substances will be kept inside each ambulance/apparatus within the drug
box (preferably) or designated cabinet.
2. At the beginning of a shift, the on-coming paramedic (or intermediate at the ILS level)
will verify that the controlled substance tag is secure and the tag number is to be
verified with the log.
3. After assuring the tag is intact and the number corresponds with the log, the paramedic
must sign the controlled substance shift log.
4. If the tag is not intact or the number is not verifiable, a complete inventory should be
taken immediately, a supervisor shall be notified and an incident report will be
completed and forwarded to the PAEMS Quality Assurance Coordinator.
5. Controlled substances shall be available for inspection by IDPH, PAEMS Quality
Assurance Coordinator, or any other authorized individual.
6. Each usage of a controlled substance must be documented on the proper Controlled
Substance Usage Form. All of the following information is to be completed:
Date of administration
Time of administration
Old tag number
New tag number
Patient name
Drug & dose given
Drug amount wasted
Total amount of drug
Paramedic signature (or intermediate signature at the ILS level)
Witness signature (RN or MD at the receiving hospital)
Controlled Substance
7. The controlled substances shall be inspected once a month. This inspection will be
documented with the old and new tag number. Any discrepancies (e.g. missing
medication, broken seals, etc.) should be reported to a supervisor immediately. If no
problems are found, the log will be signed and witnessed.
8. By signing the log (at ALS agencies), the paramedic is ensuring that the following
controlled substances are secure:
1 Fentanyl 100mcg/2mL vial
1 Morphine 10mg/1mL tubex
2 Versed 5mg/5mL vial
9. By signing the log (at the ILS level), the intermediate is ensuring that the following
controlled substance is secure:
2 Valium 10mg/2mL tubex
10. Any controlled substance that has not been administered must be properly disposed of.
The amount wasted must be noted on the log and witnessed by a nurse or physician at
the receiving hospital.
11. Controlled substances (e.g. Fentanyl, Morphine, Valium & Versed) should be restocked
at the receiving hospital if possible. The EMS agency will be billed for restocked
controlled substances.
12. At the end of each shift, the paramedic (or intermediate at the ILS level) will verify that
the controlled substance tag is secure and the tag number matches the log. Any new tag
number must be documented on the log.
13. The controlled substance shift log form will be changed at the end of each month.
Thus, a new log will be started on the 1st day of each month.
Tag #
Tag #
Patient Name