Detecting High-Z Galaxies in The Near Infrared Background: Bin Yue, Andrea Ferrara, K Ari Helgason

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arXiv:1510.00345v1 [astro-ph.CO] 1 Oct 2015

Detecting high-z galaxies in the Near Infrared Background

Yue1 , Andrea Ferrara1,2, Kari Helgason3

Scuola Normale Superiore, Piazza dei Cavalieri 7, I-56126 Pisa, Italy

IPMU (WPI), Todai Institutes for Advanced Study, the University of Tokyo, Japan
3 Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germany
2 Kavli

2 October 2015


Emission from high-z galaxies must unquestionably contribute to the Near-InfraRed

Background (NIRB). However, this contribution has so far proven difficult to isolate
even after subtracting resolved galaxies to deep levels. Remaining NIRB fluctuations
are dominated by unresolved low-redshift galaxies on small angular scales, and by
an unidentified component of unclear origin on large scales ( 1000). In this paper,
by analyzing mock maps generated from semi-numerical simulations and empirically
determined LUV Mh relations, we find that fluctuations associated with galaxies at
5 < z < 10 amount to several percent of the unresolved NIRB flux. We investigate the
properties of this component for different survey areas and limiting magnitudes. In
all cases, we show that this signal can be efficiently, and most easily at small angular
scales, isolated by cross-correlating the source-subtracted NIRB with Lyman Break
Galaxies (LBGs) detected in the same field by HST surveys. This result provides a
fresh insight into the properties of reionization sources.
Key words: cosmology: diffuse radiation-dark ages; reionization, first stars
infrared:diffuse-background galaxies: high-redshift


The near-infrared background (NIRB) contains a considerable fraction of the collective radiation emitted by stars
in galaxies through cosmic times. As such, it offers a
unique opportunity to study faint high-z galaxies that
remain largely undetected in deep galaxy surveys (see
e.g. Salvaterra & Ferrara 2006; Fernandez & Komatsu 2006;
Fernandez et al. 2010, 2012, 2013; Fernandez & Zaroubi
2013). This is particularly important, as these objects are
commonly believed to provide most of the ionizing power
to drive cosmic reionization (Choudhury & Ferrara 2007;
Raicevic et al. 2011; Salvaterra et al. 2011). NIRB might
also help characterizing the stellar populations of the first
cosmic systems (Salvaterra & Ferrara 2003; Salvaterra et al.
2006; Santos et al. 2002; Kashlinsky et al. 2002, 2004,
2005; Magliocchetti et al. 2003; Cooray & Yoshida 2004;
Cooray et al. 2004). The most recent studies have converged
on the prediction that on scales of 1000 the fluctuation
level from galaxies at z
5 is 103 nWm2 sr1 at 3.6 m
(Cooray et al. 2012a; Yue et al. 2013a; Helgason et al.
However, extracting such signal from available data
has been so far very challenging. Even when the deepest
galaxy subtraction from NIRB maps is applied, the domi-

nant contribution to the remaining flux fluctuations1 cannot

be associated with the known high-z galaxy population. On
small angular scales, most of the signal arises from unresolved, low-z galaxies. On larger scales the measured power
(see e.g. Kashlinsky et al. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2007c,b, 2012;
Matsumoto et al. 2005, 2011; Seo et al. 2015; Cooray et al.
2007, 2012b) is
100 times larger than the low-redshift
galaxies (Helgason et al. 2012), and
1000 times larger
than that expected from early systems (Cooray et al. 2012a;
Yue et al. 2013a). Therefore it must be attributed to some,
yet unknown, alternative sources. Basically, two different
explanations have been proposed for the origin of such
large scale ( 1000 ) power excess. They involve either early accreting black holes (Yue et al. 2013b, 2014)
which could explain the detected NIRB-cosmic X-ray background coherence (Cappelluti et al. 2013), or intrahalo
light from stars ejected from their parent galaxies during
merger events (Cooray et al. 2012b; Zemcov et al. 2014). At

1 NIRB studies usually concentrate on fluctuations rather than

absolute flux, as the latter is difficult to measure due to the
presence of an overwhelming foreground. However, as the foreground is rather smooth on scales at which the NIRB is
measured, the fluctuations analysis is more robust see e.g.
Thompson et al. 2007; Matsumoto et al. 2011; Kashlinsky et al.
2012; Cooray et al. 2012b.

Yue et al.

present it is unclear which of the two should be preferred.

To further complicate the interpretation, recent observations
(Zemcov et al. 2014) show that, on large scales and at least
for the 1.1 and 1.6 m bands, diffuse Galactic light (DGL)
might provide a non-negligible contribution, thus almost certainly drowning the signal from high-z sources.
For these reasons, it is urgent to devise new strategies that put our understanding on firmer grounds. In principle, one could apply a brute force approach in which
galaxies are removed from the NIRB down to increasingly deep magnitudes (Helgason et al. 2015) on sufficiently large sky areas. This is not an easy task for current instrumentation, and therefore alternative strategies
must be pursued. Alternatively, cross-correlation studies
seem promising. The NIRB-HI 21cm line cross-correlation
(Fernandez et al. 2014; Mao 2014) has the advantage that
it selectively picks up the signal from reionization sources.
Also, the NIRB, if produced by sources at the epoch
of reionization, would be cross-correlated with the CMB
through the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect. This correlation could be seen in the forthcoming Euclid all-sky surveys (Atrio-Barandela & Kashlinsky 2014). Additionally, a
recent work (Kashlinsky et al. 2015) proposed the use of
Lyman-break tomography to constrain the NIRB contribution from sources above a certain redshift.
The cross-correlation between the resolved ACS-faint
sources and the source-subtracted NIRB was analyzed by
Kashlinsky et al. (2007a); they found negligible correlated
fraction, implying that those resolved objects (or objects associated to them) do not responsible for the major measured
NIRB fluctuations. This analysis did not pay particular attention on the high-redshift sources. It is surprising that so
far little attention has been devoted to the search for the
signatures of the high-z normal star-forming galaxies in the
NIRB, given that deep galaxy surveys have made tremendous progresses in obtaining the UV luminosity functions of
galaxies up to z = 10 (Bouwens et al. 2015), and the detection limits of Lyman break galaxy (LBG) surveys carried out
by HST have already reached H 29 31 (Illingworth et al.
2013; Bouwens et al. 2011). A simple, but mandatory step,
would be to check whether the expected signal from these
high-redshift faint sources can be detected in the NIRB.
The idea we propose here is to cross-correlate such deep
surveys with the NIRB map so to isolate the targeted signal, and show the feasibility of the statistical detection of
reionization sources via the NIRB. To this aim, we: (a)
construct large scale mock maps of the source-subtracted
NIRB and LBG catalogs using semi-numerical simulations;
(b) perform a cross-correlation analysis between the two
data sets to extract NIRB contribution of high-z galaxies. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2 we describe the steps to construct the mock maps. In Sec. 3 we
present the analysis about the correlation coefficient and
the color differences. Conclusions and discussions are presented in Sec. 4. We use Planck cosmological parameters:
m = 0.31, = 0.69, b = 0.048, ns = 0.96, 8 = 0.82 and
h = 0.68 (Planck Collaboration et al. 2014). All magnitudes
are in the AB-system (Oke & Gunn 1983).



High-z galaxies

We carry out semi-numerical simulations to get catalogs of

halos with mass Mh
5 108 M from z = 5 to 10, for
every z = 0.1 using the code DexM (Mesinger & Furlanetto
2007)2 . We adopt a 400 Mpc box size, corresponding to an
angular size of 2.4 deg at z = 10. We construct a cuboid by
replicating the output boxes along the line-of-sight, adding
random translations, rotations and reflections (Blaizot et al.
2005). This is our light-cone since we assume that all line-ofsights are parallel. This assumption is convenient and safe
enough when z
To construct flux maps from the light-cone, we link
galaxy luminosities to halo mass Mh . The observed luminosity functions (LFs) could be reproduced exactly if we
derive the LUV Mh relation through abundance matching,
i.e. we force the number density of galaxies with luminosity > LUV to match the number of halos with mass > Mh .

, z)dMUV
dMh ,

where is the UV LF at 1600
A. For this, we use
the Schechter parameterization with the redshift-dependent
fitting parameters given in Bouwens et al. (2015). As a
reference, our minimum mass 5 108 M , corresponds
at z = 5, 8, 10 to an absolute magnitude MUV =
10.5, 12.1, 13.0, respectively. Luminosity at other UV
wavelengths is obtained through the luminosity-dependent
Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) slope (i.e., f )
in Bouwens et al. (2014)3 . However, generally speaking this
power-law only holds at
A, while we need luminosities at least until 4.5/(1+z) m, say 7500
A when z =
5. Therefore at >2000
A we use the SED template from
Starburst994 (Leitherer et al. 1999; V
azquez & Leitherer
2005; Leitherer et al. 2010), adopting a continuous star formation mode, with metallicity 0.1 Z and 200 Myr stellar
age. The SB99 SEDs are normalized to match the power-law
form at 2000
The flux received in each pixel in the map is the sum of
radiation from all galaxies seen by the pixel,
F (0 ) = 0

X Lj ()(1 + zj )
(pix )2 j 4rj2 (1 + zj )2


where = 0 (1 + zj ), zj is the redshift of the j-th halos5

in the solid angle (pix )2 (we adopt pix = 3.6 for all mock
maps in this work), rj is its comoving distance. In Fig. 1
we show the 3.6 m flux map (bottom left panel) from all
= 19.5 + dM
(MUV + 19.5), the values of 19.5 and


at z = 4, 5, 6 and 7 could be found in Bouwens et al.

(2014). For convenience of using this form at in-between redshifts, we fit z-dependent forms (Yue et al. 2015): 19.5 =
= 0.18 0.03(z 6). We use
1.97 0.06(z 6) and dM
these fittings anyway when 5 < z < 10.
5 We do not model photometric redshift uncertainties, because
the redshift range considered here z = 5 10 is much larger than
the uncertainties.

Detecting high-z galaxies in the NIRB

galaxies between z = 5 10 (flux from galaxies at z > 10

is negligible compared with galaxies at lower redshift, we
ignore it here).
Finally, we construct the flux map of 5 < z < 10 LBGs.
To take into account selection effects, we assume a completeness function of the form
f (m) = 0.5[1 erf(m mlim )],


where erf is the error function, and mlim is the limiting

magnitude. When constructing the flux map, for each LBG
with apparent magnitude m, we generate an uniformly distributed number xr . Flux from these galaxies is added to the
map only if xr 6 f (m). In Fig. 1 we show the 1.6 m6 flux
map constructed from the LBGs with H-band magnitudes
Hlim = 25 (top left) and Hlim = 27 (top right) respectively.


NIRB contamination maps

In addition to the flux from high-z (z > 5) galaxies, the observed NIRB also contains radiation from unresolved, lowz galaxies, and an excess radiation from unknown sources
(Yue et al. 2013b, 2014; Cooray et al. 2012b; Zemcov et al.
2014). We collectively refer to these two components as contamination, since in this work the targeted signal is the flux
from high-z galaxies.
We generate random maps to model this contamination. The contamination maps have mean flux 1.0 (0.7)
nWm2 sr1 at 3.6 (4.5) m. The flux fluctuations reproduce the sum of (i) the angular power spectrum of
the power excess (see Yue et al. 2013b) matching available
observations (Cooray et al. 2012b; Kashlinsky et al. 2012),
and (ii) the angular power spectrum of low-z galaxies
(Helgason et al. 2012) producing shot noise level matching
Kashlinsky et al. 2012 (4.8 1011 nW2 m4 sr1 at 3.6 m
and 2.2 1011 nW2 m4 sr1 at 4.5 m, the corresponding
subtraction magnitude is 25). Contamination maps are
constructed as follows:
A white noise map, i.e. a Gaussian random field, is generated.
This map is then transformed into frequency space by
For each complex p
number in frequency space, its modulus is rescaled to be P (q), where P is the given power
spectrum and q is the spatial frequency. The zero-frequency
(q = 0) element is set to be the mean flux.
The above map is then transformed back into real space
by inverse FFT, resulting in a synthetic image with the same
2-point clustering properties as the measured P (q).
In Fig. 1 we plot a single realization of the contamination
map at 3.6 m as an example (bottom right). The contamination is not correlated with the high-z galaxy component;
however, it adds noise to the cross-correlation signal. To account for the statistical variance of the contamination, we
make 30 independent realizations of the maps. In Fig. 2 we

In this paper we only discuss the 1.6 m flux maps of LBGs,

because we consider a redshift range from z = 5 to 10. For shorter
wavelengths all procedures (and conclusions) are similar, with
the only exception of a slightly smaller signal due to the Lyman
dropout of z & 8 galaxies.

Figure 2. Angular power spectrum of the 3.6 m flux map for

5 < z < 10 galaxies (triangles), contamination (squares). Error bars show uncertainties due to limited number of Fourier
modes in each q bin. As a comparison, in the same panel we
also plot the Helgason et al. (2012) model for z < 5 galaxies (solid
line), and the observational points in Kashlinsky et al. (2012) (diamonds) and Cooray et al. (2012b) (hourglasses). On large scales
> 100 ) the angular power spectrum of our co-added map
(quite similar to squares in the panel) is consistent with both
< 100 our prediction
observations. Compared with K12; at
falls slightly short, probably because the non-linear clustering of
low-z galaxies is not modeled here. The C12 observations have a
shallower (i.e. 24) source subtraction, hence a higher shot-noise

show the angular power spectrum of bottom panels in Fig. 1.

All maps are convolved with a circular symmetric Spitzer
PSF before further analysis.



the correlation coefficient

We first analyze the correlation coefficient between the flux

maps of LBGs and the NIRB maps. It is defined as
R() = p

h(F1.6 F0 ) i
h(F1.6 )2 i h(F0 )2 i


where 0 refers to the NIR wavelength being cross-correlated

with 1.6m LBGs, is a specified smoothing scale. The
brackets refer to the pixel-averaged fluctuations. The correlation coefficient indicates the fraction of sources contributing to both signals. To calculate the correlation coefficient
a smoothing scale must be specified. Here we smooth both
the NIRB maps and the LBG flux maps by a real space
top-hat window function with diameter = 10 , since in
the measured NIRB maps (Kashlinsky et al. 2012) the in>
strumental noise is negligible at
10 . To mimic surveys
with different areas, we cut out sub-maps with different
areas from the full map. We choose three areas: (0.036)2 ,

Yue et al.

Figure 1. Upper: The 1.6 m flux map constructed from resolved LBGs with Hlim = 25 (left) and Hlim = 27 (right) respectively. Lower:
Map of the 3.6 m flux from galaxies with 5 < z < 10 (left) and contamination map at 3.6 m (right). The mean flux is 1 nWm2 sr1 .

(0.3)2 and (1.2)2 deg2 , representing a survey region similar to HUDF/XDF, UDS, and an hypothetical larger field,
Before calculating the correlation coefficient, in both
maps we mask the pixels containing galaxies brighter than
25 at either 3.6 m or 4.5 m. From this procedure we obtain
the source-subtracted NIRB map. The correlation coefficient
vs. limiting LBG magnitude is shown in Fig. 3. The filled
regions are the 1 variance of all sub-maps with the same
area however cut out from different parts of the full map.
Note that for each signal map we have 30 contamination
realizations, so even for the (1.2)2 deg2 case we have 120
Fig. 3 shows that, it is indeed feasible to detect the correlation from the mock maps, even from a relatively shallow
survey with Hlim 25, which is 0.04. By pushing the
limiting magnitude fainter the correlation coefficient rapidly
increases and becomes a factor 2 higher, and then approaches 0.09 more slowly towards Hlim 29. It is worth
noting that in small area fields the measured correlation coefficient has 30 80% relative field-by-field scatters when
26, and even larger scatters when Hlim < 26. In some
cases there would be no cross-correlation detected, due to
the the small number of LBGs contained in the fields.
To show the differential contribution of LBGs, for a

(0.3)2 deg2 field, we further show the correlation coefficient

from galaxies with > z by Fig. 4 for Hlim = 25, 26 and 27
respectively. We use the errorbars to bracket the 1 uncer<
tainty ranges. For example, LBGs with z > 8 and H
contribute 0.01 correlation coefficient.


The detectability vs. scales

In last sub-section we investigate the cross-correlation coefficient by specifying a smoothing scale = 10 . In this
sub-section we investigate the variety of the correlation coefficient at different angular scales. We re-define the correlation coefficient in frequency domain via the power spectrum
Rq () = p

PIR () PG ()


where P12 () is the cross-power spectrum and P1 ,P2 are

the auto-power spectra calculated using the 2D FFT. Since
F 2 q 2 P/2, Rq R for the same .
The Rq () between the source-subtracted NIRB at
3.6 m, and the 1.6 m flux map of LBGs with Hlim = 25, 26
and 27 is shown by Fig. 5. The error bars are the r.m.s of
30 samples each has different random contamination realizations.
The cross-power spectrum is composed of two terms:

Detecting high-z galaxies in the NIRB

Figure 3. Correlation coefficient between the 3.6 m sourcesubtracted NIRB and LBG flux maps vs. H-band limiting magnitude for three different map areas. Filled regions are the 1 ranges (68.3% probability). All fields are smoothed on scale
= 10 . For each signal map we run 30 contamination realizations: hence, for example, the (1.2)2 deg2 case uses 120 realizations.

Figure 5. The Rq between the source-subtracted NIRB and

the flux map constructed from LBGs down to different limiting
magnitudes. The errorbars are the r.m.s of 30 random realizations. For displaying purpose we slightly shift the x-positions of
Hlim = 26, 27 curves.

tures, including galaxies fainter than the limiting magnitude.

As a consequence, in principle the clustering term allows
the detection of fainter galaxies in the source-subtracted
NIRB through the cross-correlation with relatively bright
LBGs whose redshift is known. However, as shown by Fig. 5
the cross-correlation is easiest detected at small scales. Although the clustering term may contain more information,
the main difficulty to be overcome in order to efficiently use
this strategy is that even for a relatively large survey area of
(2.4)2 deg2 (i.e. our full map), the signal-to-noise ratio never
exceeds 3 at
300 for Hlim = 27. While increasing the
limiting magnitude to > 27 does not help much to this aim,
the noise could be reduced by using larger survey areas, as
expected with, e.g. EUCLID and WFIRST.

The color

From our maps it is also possible to characterize the color,

i.e. the flux ratio, of fluctuations due to unresolved galaxies
in the source-subtracted NIRB maps. With the assumption
h(F4.5 F1.6 ) i

h(F3.6 F1.6 ) i
Figure 4. Contribution to correlation coefficient from LBGs
with > z. The 1- variance is plotted by error bars. For displaying
purpose we slightly shift the x-positions.

the shot noise which dominates the small scale and the clustering term which dominates the large scale. The shot noise
term is from the same sources that contribute to both the
source-subtracted NIRB and the LBG flux map. This term
is dominant on small scales
100 . On larger scales, the
clustering term progressively takes over. The clustering term
arises from all sources sharing the same large scale struc-

we derive the [3.6] [4.5] color as

[3.6] [4.5] = 2.5log

4.5 h(F4.5 F1.6 ) i
3.6 h(F3.6 F1.6 ) i



Such magnitude difference, which might considerably vary

for individual galaxies, represents the combined, weighted
color of the unresolved galaxy population in these bands.
In practice the PSF adds bias to the measured flux ratio,
therefore before calculating the flux fluctuations we need to

Yue et al.

Figure 6. The magnitude difference, [3.6] [4.5], of fluctuations

due to unresolved galaxies in the source-subtracted NIRB maps
as a function of the survey limiting magnitude. Filled regions
indicate 1- ranges (68.3% probability)

deconvolve the PSF from each map. We skip this step here
and directly calculate the magnitude difference on the map
without PSF convolution. Again we specify = 10 . The
predicted color as a function of Hlim is reported in Fig. 6,
allowing us to conclude that the magnitude difference, of
order of -0.13 mag, could be detected by cross-correlating
surveys with area
(0.3)2 deg2 . The figure reiterates that
smaller area fields would be affected by bias effects.

the contamination: it is the field-to-field variance of the correlation itself. We do not model errors introduced by observations, for example the mask effects. However, at least
theoretically we have shown that the contribution from the
faintest galaxies could be isolated from the NIRB through
the cross-correlation analysis. We pointed out that it is still
challenging to use the cross-correlation arising from clustering term in the cross-power spectrum to study galaxies
unresolved not only in NIRB observations, but also in LBG
surveys. This term is dominant at
200 , however even if
the survey area is as large as (2.4)2 deg2 , the signal still has
small significance, with a S/N ratio
Additionally, our result have interesting implications for
the color of high-z galaxy populations. For LBGs are detected at wavelengths < 1.6 m while too faint to be resolved
for existing telescopes at 3.6 and 4.5 m, their mean color
in those band can be obtained by using the cross-correlation
with the NIRB.
It is worth noting that the predictions presented in this
paper assume a contamination in the form of NIRB fluctuation excess which could originate from an exotic population
of sources at even higher-z (Yue et al. 2013b). If however the
excess is found to arise more locally, we might gain the ability to model or subtract it more accurately, thereby making
the signal calculated in this paper more easily detectable,
Importantly, this type of NIRB study can ultimately be
pushed further without requiring prior LBG detections, in
order to infer properties of still fainter galaxy populations
at higher-z that are inaccessible to direct detections with
any current instrument. This could, for example, be accomplished in a Lyman-break tomography study designed to
isolate high-z populations via multi-band cross-correlations
(Kashlinsky et al. 2015).



Motivated by the fact that LBG surveys carried out by the

HST have reached detection limits much deeper than the
NIRB measured by Spitzer at longer wavelengths, in this
paper we investigated the feasibility to pick the resolved
LBGs component out of the NIRB by cross-correlation analysis. Our investigations were based on mock maps constructed from semi-numerical simulations of halo formation
and empirically determined LUV Mh relations.
We found that in the source-subtracted (galaxies are
removed down to apparent magnitude 25) NIRB observed
at 3.6 and 4.5 m, at smallest scales where the shot noise
dominates, about 10% of the flux fluctuations arises from
LBGs in 5 < z < 10 and with H
29. Such faint galaxies have already been resolved in the existing deep surveys.
However, this fractional contribution, if measured from narrow fields with area (0.036)2 deg2 (as the HUDF/XDF),
could vary from 3% to 16%. If the limiting magnitude
is decreased to H 27, the fractional contribution decreases
to about 8%. In this case we could consider a larger field,
for example with area similar to EGS, i.e. (0.3)2 deg2 .
The correlation coefficient now varies in a narrower range,
6% 9%. We remind that the variance at hand here is
due to both the large-scale inhomogeneity of the signal and

We thank A. Kashlinsky for valuable comments on the


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