True Health
True Health
True Health
Mokichi Okada
ACE ................................................
>REME GOAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SINGLE SUFFERING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EALTH AND HEAVEN ON EARTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AND CONFLICT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5ALTH IS EVERYTHING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CAVEN THROUGH HEALTH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ROAD TO HAPPINESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PH FAITH AND WITHOUT FAITH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EKAI KYUSEI KYO AND MYSELF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
THE TRUE SALVATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
)WER OF THE SPIRIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IE FEUDALISM OF SCIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
POMORROWS CIVILIZATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IE TRUE NATURE OF ILLNESS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AN ANALYSIS OF TOXINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
THE THREE KINDS OF TOXINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
URINARY TOXIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MEDICINE: A CAUSE OF WRONGDOING . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CAUSES OF ACCIDENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
THE CREATOR OF HUMANITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
NATURAL THERAPY.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
POWERS OF NATURE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
WHAT IS SICKNESS? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
THE TRUE CAUSE OF ILLNESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
THE COLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
WHAT IS THE COMMON COLD? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
INTERNAL BATHING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
ILLNESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
SIN AND SICKNESS.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
SICKNESS AND SUFFERING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
MEDICINE TOXINS I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
MEDICINE TOXINS II.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
LOW-GRADE FEVER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
BALANCED PURIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
THE WORD PURIFICATION (JOHKA). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
REBIRTH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
THE GREAT WORLD TRANSITION.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
TRANSITION FROM NIGHT TO DAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
I AM A SCIENTIST OF THE SPIRIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
THE PHYSICAL.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
THE PHYSICAL.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
SPIRITUAL HEALING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
THE PRINCIPLE OF JOHREI... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
OF THE INTERNAL ORGANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
ABSOLUTE POWER.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
NATURE FARMING..................................
Principies of Nature Farming.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Adverse Effects of Fertilizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Superstitions About Fertilizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Merits of Natural Compost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Repeated Cultivation Means Bigger Crops. . . . . . . . .
Good News for Sericulture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
PRINCIPLES OF NATURE FARMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
INSECT PESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
THROUGH NATURE FARMING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HOME VEGETABLE GARDENS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This volume, True Health, is a collection of the teachings on human
health of Mokichi Okada, founder of Sekai Kyusei Kyo, who is known by
the organization's members as Meishu-sarna, or Enlightened Spiritual
Leader. In its original Japanese-language form it was published as a sister
volume to another collection of Meishu- sarna' s teachings entitled
Tengoku no Ishizue (Foundation of Paradise).
Of the three salient elements of the Heaven on Earth that
Meishu-sama felt was his mission to establish health, prosperity, and
harmony health is the most fundamental. Health, both mental and
physical, hs always been the foundation of ali prosperity and happiness,
and mankind hs exerted great and repeated efforts to attain it.
Sometimes the approach was spiritual and psychological, sometimes
scientific and material Out of these efforts arose movements to cure
illness, the great destroyer of health, through a unified, mutually
interacting and complementary physio-psychological approach.
Activities oriented toward that end continue today.
Medicai science hs, obviously enough, played the leading role in
attempts to ensure physical health. Rapid strides forward in
medico-therapeutic techniques, especially in recent years, have made it
possible to save gravely endangered lives and to restore normal
functioning to the human body. Yet, in spite of such advances, not only
does sickness persist, as is shown by the increase in the "diseases of
civilization," but excessive medicai treatment, overuse of medicines,
application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to agricultural crops,
widespread use of food additives, overeating, and extensive use of
narcotics have Ied to an increasing incidence of psychological
abnormalities, deformed newborn infants, and obese or frail children.
Many people continue to believe that, even though medicai science
clearly hs negative as well as positive effects, it will eventually lead to a
new era completely free of illness. But Meishu-sarna hs warned that if
medicai therapy and eating habits remain unchanged, illness itself will
increase rather than decrease, even though pathological forms may
Modern therapeutic methods mistake a temporary effect for a
fundamental cure. By concentrating research solely on the physical
aspects, those who advocate such methods overlook the true nature of
Me as comprising both spiritual and physical aspects. Meishu-sama
work dissolving and expelling the toxins from the body. These powers
may cause temporary physical instability, yet as time passes the toxins
are expelled, purification is completed and normal health is restored.
The elimination of toxins removes the corresponding clouds from the
spiritual plane.
Medicai science, however, tends to regard these conditions as
harmful and hs always employed such things as medicines to cure
symptoms as quickly as possible. Even where it hs apparently
succeeded, such treatment hs halted the self-purification process
midway. Since it prevenis the elimination of clouds from the spiritual
being and toxins from the physical being, these undesirable elements
accumulate. Furthermore, the pollution of the blood with medicines
reflects on the spiritual being by increasing cloudiness. This in turn
amplifies the accumulation of toxin in the physical being to a still
greater levei and can lead to a dangerous situation. The natural
self-purification powers once again strive to remove the accumulated
toxin and manifest themselves in more violent forms than before.
Medicai science responds by prescribing stronger medicines, which halt
the self-purification powers s that they once again assume still more
violent forms. As the process recurs over and over again without
resolution, spiritual clouds and physical toxins accumulate to the point
where the self-purification forces become impotent and extremely
stubborn pathological symptoms afflict the physical being. It is important
to note here that, not just medicines, but chemical fertilizers, pesticides
and food additives fali into the category of impurities.
The way to eliminate spiritual clouds and their physical
manifestation in the form of toxins is through Johrei, purification by
means of the divine light, which God made available through
Johrei entails channeling the divine light from the palm of the hand of
one person toward the spiritual being of another, and thereby
stimulating the process of purification and eliminating the cloudiness of
the spirit and the toxins that are its manifestation in the physical being.
This Johrei in turn enables the natural powers of self-purification to
function normally.
In addition to eliminating spiritual clouds, it is vital to avoid
creating them. The fundamental thing here, as already explained, is to
maintain correct mental attitudes and to speak and act in a correct
manner, yet at the same time it is important to minimize the amount of
My Single Suffering
I, too, have my sufferings. Since my task is to blaze a new trail in a
bleak and lightless world such as that of the present, Satan and
Devadatta (a cousin and disciple of the Buddha who turned against, and
even plotted the death of his master; he hs come to be a symbol of evil)
run rampant. It is like being surrounded by a wall bristling with the
spears of jealousy, envy, persecution, calumny, and misunderstanding.
Trying to overcome these things and gradually turn this hellish world
toward paradise is more difficult than can be imagined.
Nevertheless, since I enjoy the protection of the Supreme Spirit, my
lot is not s hard as it may appear to outsiders; indeed, I am constantly
grateful for the great happiness and wonderful destiny that have been
vouchsafed me.
Nonetheless, there is one thing that causes me great suffering. It is,
as might be expected, relate d to modern medicai science. Though I have
been speaking and writing about the fallacies of modern medicine for
many years, I have never yet gone ahead and told the complete,
unvarnished truth. I have been careful always to avoid unduly
provocative remarks, since I felt that to reveal the whole truth might
cause unnecessary trouble. Furthermore, however I might have wished
to publish the truth, I was unable to do s until the right time had come.
I have been thoroughly instructed by God in ali things pertaining to
human health and illness. If I had not, I would never have undertaken
the awesome task of creating a world free of sickness. I am able to speak
boldly because I am absolutely certain of what I am saying. Since the
basis of eliminating suffering is eradicating illness, the utter misery of
modern humanity brings me intolerable suffering. I am caught between
my sympathy for humanity's plight and the feeling that the time is not
right for speaking the full truth. This hs caused me such great pain that I
have constantly prayed for the speedy arrival of the day for full
J une 3, 1950
employers and fellow workers. One person' s illness can be a blow to the
four or five people in his or her immediate family and to others outside
the home as welL When two or three people fali terminally ill, one after
the other, in the same household, it is not uncommon for even the
wealthiest family to find itself compelled to live in severely reduced
People save money with one of two aims; the positive aim of
amassing property and a fortune, and the negative aim of providing
funds to pay medicai bills in case of illness. As everyone is aware, a very
great number of people save for the latter, negative purpose.
We can conclude that illness is the greatest cause of poverty.
Everyone knows that the fundamental causes of conflict, whetheron
the individual or on the national scale, are economic. As I have already
said, illness is a basic cause of economic trouble. Consequently, in order
to rid the world of poverty and conflict it is essential first to eliminate
the fundamental cause illness. First priority must go to ridding
humanity of sickness. Only a divine power could achieve such an aim;
not even the Buddha or Jesus Christ dreamed of such a glorious
undertaking, and whoever can have faith in its realization is a happier
man than any before him.
September 15, 1935
Health is Everything
Theologians and journalists are mistaken when they insist that
those religions which stress the cure of illness or the promotion of
good health are somehow inferior because they concentrate on
practical benefits. Illness is a tremendous hindrance to society as well
as a cause of great suffering, and a thorough examination of
contemporary society shows that sickness is the fundamental cause of ali
unhappiness and tragedy. It can even be said that there is illness
behind every tragedy. The number of happy people increases in direct
proportion to an increase in the number of healthy people. I have been
speaking on the individual levei, but on the national levei, as well, there is
nothing as negative as illness, the root of ali trouble s.
September28, 1942
April20, 1950
reforms, awaken humanity, and bring happiness to the world. But there is
nothing I can do until the right time comes. At present I can only, in
connection with the creation of a paradise on earth, point out problems
related to health, which is fundamental to everything else, and mistakes
in agriculture as they have been revealed to me.
that I am now carrying out removes ali ground for doubt about the truth of
what I have just said.
November25, 1950
Tomorrow's Civilization
I shall now reveal the results of about twenty years of study on ali
aspects of the spirit and the spiritual world. Properly speaking, in s far as
the spirit is intangible in a sense, immaterial there is no way in
which its existence can be proved experimentally, s that it is obviously
and ears are provided. The skin that covers the face and the rest of the
body contributes to human beauty. Outlined in such detail, the human
being proves to be a wonderful work of creation. One is moved by the
wonder of God's work in a single flower, a leaf, a beautiful natural view
and ali birds and beasts down to the last insect and fish; but humanity is
certainly the Creator's masterpiece. The miracle of the reproductive
process ensuring continuance of the species defies description. When
we realize that the human body is the Creator's masterpiece, we see that
illness, which inhibits human action, is an aberration against nature.
This is the point to which human beings must devote most serious
April20, 1950
his daily duties, even hard labor, and looks totally healthy.
Furthermore, since it is difficult to discover such toxins, modern
medicai examination pronounces such people healthy. I call this
condition"false health," and cannot help shuddering to think how many
people today go merrily on their way in spite of the explosive load of
illness they bear. The old-fashioned saying that human beings are
"vessels for illness"refers to this state of "false health."
February 5, 1947
physically. The system may be suitable for Westerners, who have been
accustomed to it for generations, but it represents a sudden and bad
change for the Japanese. If there must be a change in the old-fashioned
way, which the Japanese have long found compatible, it should be
gradual. The facts make this perfectly clear. Children were much
healthier a few decades ago at a time when medicai science had not yet
advanced to the levei it hs reached today. For the sake of reference, I
shall now describe the right way to raise children.
Mothers should work until the month of their delivery if possible.
They should breast-feed their children, and use cow's milk only when
absolutely necessary. Children should be allowed to live in as natural a
way as possible, and mothers should not be too worried over things like
catching cold. In other words, children should not be unnecessarily
bundled up, but should be allowed to go their own ways without too
much parental interference. Use of medicines must be minimized.
Parents should recognize that children are born into this world
endowed with the capacity for healthy growth. Too much coddling only
weakens them. The best general policy is to keep in mind the venerable
old ways handed down from our ancestors without being carried away
by the fashions of the times. We should use modern progress by
adopting not its theories, but its truly good aspects. I strongly urge
authorities and specialists to take this point into consideration.
March 14, 1951
There is a way by which people like this can fatten up and improve
their facial color. On the shoulders of people who cannot gain weight
there is invariably a hard, rocklike place that is slightly feverish.*
Because it exhausts cells, this fever sharply reduces the appetite; but if
Johrei is used on it, the hard spot will gradually soften. As this happens,
the appetite will increase, and the person will put on weight Not only
does Johrei make people healthy, it makes them beautiful too. If this
method were known widely throughout the world, we would ali be able to
rejoice at the increased number of lovely people. Parents too would be
made happy by the improved health of their children.
January 10, 1951
*The person administering Johrei does not touch the afflicted person's shoulders. Instead,
the person receiving Johrei ascertains the hardness or softness of his or her own shoulders.
My Health Plan
must be kept balanced. Vegetables are yin and fish and meat are yang.
These foods must be taken in a way that avoids leaning too much in
either direction. I eat seventy percentyin and thirty percentyang foods in
the morning, fifty percent of each at lunch, and seventy percentyang and
thirty percntyin foods in the evening. Pickles too areyira oryang in
nature: pickled green leafy vegetables are yin and pickled daikon,
radish and turnip are yang. I eat them in a half-and-half ratio.
I chewmy food only about halfway, not thoroughly, because chewing
food fully weakens the stomach. Furthermore, I do not rest after meais
but immediately begin some activity.** This is a way to strengthen the
stomach. I have effectively cured stomach illnesses through this
I never set limits to the foods I eat. My basic dietary principie is to
eat as much as I want of what I want when I want it It is, however,
impossible to be always as self-indulgent as this statement suggests, s I
eat suitably.
Though it may sound surprising, thinking as much as possible is a
kind of health regimen. People who use their brains live long, but
worrying is a poor use of them. Instead, one should use them in
interesting, pleasant ways. This is where faith reveals its value.
Whenever you have a worry, if you take the attitude that you should
leave it up to God, the worry will diminish considerably. In other words,
let God shoulder the burden. Perhaps this seems conveniently selfish,
but God finds such selfishness highly pleasing.
For a long time, no matter how it might rain or blow, I have never
missed going out once a day. I walk as much as possible. Old people who
continue to improve in health often say the same thing. I drink only
about three small sake-cups of sake or one small glass of beer and
smoke only an average amount***
This is my system for good health. I pay no attention at ali to germs.
Although the ordinary person might consider my method unwholesome, in
fact it is the true way to b e healthy. I guarantee that anyone who puts this
method into practice will become healthy. There is no chance, at least,
of your becoming a pallid indoor type, s I recommend that you put
your mind at ease and follow the system I have set forth.
April20, 1950
**(WhenI have finished eating, I immediately begin some activity) This does not pertain to the
***Meishu-sama did not inhale but only enjoyed the fragrance of cigarettes. He smoked four
or five a day and did not recommend that others smoke.
What is Death?
When the spirit moves to any given place under its own volition, it
assumes a spherical shape as it floats through space.
People who can see these spirits, like the nurse in the above example,
have special powers that are either innate or acquired through training.
There have been many such people in our country, and I have met them
on numerous occasions. One woman whom I used in an experiment
proved to have wonderful powers of clairvoyance.
withers and dies, the physical being is no longer capable of living. The
numerous causes of death can be grouped into two major categories:
natural and unnatural. Natural death comes when the living being's
allotted spanof years hs been exhausted. Unnaturaldeathresults from
illness, accident, violence or suicide. Human beings should die
naturally; yet, incredible as it may seem, natural deaths have steadily
decreased in frequency as civilization hs advanced, while unnatural
ones, especially those caused by illness, have increased.
Why is it that, in spite of inexorable advances in other fields of
civilization, the situation in relation to human life hs retrogressed?
This single fact should make one suspect some grave error, yet despite
their limitless desire for research in other fields, they remain extremely
indifferent to this issue, presumably because they are resigned to their
inability to do anything about the question of mortality. This is because no
science or religion of the past hs ever been able to pr vide a definite
solution to the question. Consequently, no matter what progress is
made in other fields, in this one rea man hs no recourse at present but
to let nature run its course.
The topic obviously requires further thought. Nothing could be
more contrary to the intentions of God, who made man to be the
supreme animal, than for unnatural deaths to exceed natural deaths in
number and to continue increasing. If Godisindeedalmighty, sooner or
later He must restore to humanity its qualifications as leader of
creation. There is obviously no reason for God to look on silently forever at
the abnormalities of human life.
It is natural, it follows, that the Almighty God should eliminate
unnatural deaths and thereby lengthen human life through divine
power. And this only underlines further the imminence of the world of
light, the world free of sickness for which humanity hs hoped for
thousands of years.
June 19, 1936
An Analysis of Toxins
I shall now turn to an explanation of toxins. Basically, toxin is
something that taints the blood, or clouds the spirit. This tainting or
clouding arises, of course, as a result of contamination through evil. The
idea of contamination has been made much of by religions since ancient
time, but so far accounts of it have been over-simplistic: evil is
contaminating, so it should be avoided. But this kind of explanation
cannot possibly convince a civilization that has become intellectual and
scientific. Today, people require a sound argument based on empirical
Just as the world consists of a physical and a spiritual realm, s a
human being is made up of inseparably interrelated physical and
ipirtual beings. Because the spirit and body are one, cloudiness of the
spirit is reflected in the blood and vice versa. This is of paramount
importance, and must be clearly understood. The physical wrong a
person commits causes clouds to form on the spirit. An accumulation of
these clouds cause a purification process to begin; this may take the
form of illness, legal punishment, or some other disaster. Any wrong
which escapes these kinds of purification will be spiritually punished
according to God's law. A person may avoid retribution by his fellow
man, but the punishment of God is absolute and will be reflected in the
body in the form of some great suffering. Such illnesses are highly
malignant and often fatal The process of suffering the consequences of
evil can be likened to a debt The longer it goes unpaid, the more the
interest accumulates. Those rare villains who manage to avoid the
punishment of humankind and God in this world will plunge into hell
when they die because of the gravity of their misdeeds, and finally be
obliged to repent. The hell in question is like that which the Buddhists
call Avichi, the lowest of ali hellish regions, or the Nezoko-no-kuni (land
below the roots) of Shintoism, where there is complete darkness in
which one remains as if frozen for hundreds of years. Ali desperately
wicked people must resign themselves to going to this kind of world. I
realize that modern people will have difficulty accepting this, but I insist
it be believed, since what I say comes directly from spirits I have heard
during my researches into the spiritual realm.
The self-reproachone feels at doing wrongresults in suffering which is
in itself a form of mild purification. It would be good if complete
repentance followed atthis stage, but itrarely does, and most people go
on sinning more and more. The extent of one's spiritual cloudiness is
human beings should not put into their bodies anything other than
substances specified as foods. If the food hs no taste or is bitter it
should not be eaten. It is through, ignorance of this, that people have
always made the great mistake of assuming that unpalatable medicines
are good for the body.
December 1,1952
Urinary Toxin
As hs frequently been pointed out, especially hard toxins that
persist in the body as the result of generations of use of medicines and
that are thus not readily discharged, tend to accumulate where the
nerves are most dense. Since we tense our waists, hips, and backs in the
positions we assume during various activities, these toxins accumulate
particularly in the region of the kidneys; this is clearly illustrated in the
ailments of golf enthusiasts. Since such toxins constrict the kidneys, the
extent to which they accumulate affects the organ's efficiency. For
instance, if kidneys operating at maximum efficiency are capable of
removing ten units of urine from the body, they may be able to remove
only nine units when constricted by toxin accumulation. The other unit
remains in the body to become urinary toxin. Like second-stage toxins
those reinforced by some extraneous substance, such as medicine,
multiplied on the original or first stage toxin urinary toxin
accumulates in regions of dense nerve concentratioa Because of its
relationship to bodily movements, it tends to concentrate most in the
kidney region, the abdmen, the lympatic glands of the groin, the
peritoneum, the shoulders and the neck. Toxin accumulation is greater
on the side that is more constricted. Whereas hereditarily transmitted
medicine toxins are limited in quantity, and medicine toxins themselves
limited to the amounts of medicine taken, urinary toxins are constantly
produced and therefore hard to treat. This urinary toxin is one of the
three toxins that together are, generally speaking, the source of ali
accumulation caused little pain, I was interested to note how certain the
occurrence of diarrhea after Johrei was. This experience proved that
toxin accumulations persist for years. I am now sixty-eight, which means
that that hard lump of toxins was in my body for fifty years. If I had not
known about Johrei, it would ha v remained with me for the rest of my life.
After each bout of diarrhea accompanying the dissolving of the toxins, I
felt much better, even though I had thought myself quite healthy,
unaware of the toxin accumulation. After the toxins finally dissolved
completely my condition improved greatly, to my great joy. I feel as
though I have added twenty or thirty years to my life. An even greater
benefit is that my mind works s well now that writing is easier for me
than e ver before.
What I learned from this incident, in short, was that, in people who
do not know about Johrei, medicine toxins can persist for life.
Furthermore, as I have always said, the sources of diarrhea are almo&t
always either in the head or in the back Thus there are two types of
diarrhea; the kind that occurs when the accumulations of toxins in those
reas disperse and collect temporarily in the abdmen; and the kind
that is caused by poisoning through food or drink. When brought on by
Johka (purification) of the head, diarrhea is accompanied by large
fluxes of blood.
June6, 1951
Causes of Accidents
The many accidents occurring today on highways and in other
places continue to increase alarmingly, even though we are being
constantly warnedaboutthem. The questionof howto deal with them is s
difficult that warnings and admonitions seem to be the only way open.
The true cause of the accidents seems to go unrecognized; but fromour
viewpoint, it hs to do with the condition of modern humanity's nerves. In
short, people's nerves today fail to respond sensitively and quickly.
Confronted with danger, people cannot react and avert harm with the
agility that is essential. This sluggishness must be rectified since, in
crises, a split-second's slip can spell disaster.
In this connection, I am constantly struck by the lack of agility in
young people. Many of them are much more sluggish than I, and I am
nearly seventy. What I look on as an ordinary way of moving and acting
they consider speedy. The cause of this mental dullness is the modern
tendency to resort to injections or medicines unthinkingly and at every
turn. Moreover, the alcoholic beverages they drink contain preservatives
or other chemicals, and the foods they eat have been grown with the aid of
chemical fertilizers and insecticides. People who have eaten and
drunk this kind of thing for a long time usually have large accumulations of
medicine toxins in their bodies. Virtually saturated in medicines and
compelled to lead lives of increasing complexity in which they must
think too much, modern people understandably have massive
coagulations of medicine toxins in their heads. Mild purification
processes are taking place in their heads ali the time, s that practically
no one today is mentally lucid; almost everyone suffers from hotness,
rushes of blood, heaviness, and pain in the head. This mental state
accounts not only for accidents, but also for the many murders and
assaults reported recently in the newspapers.
July 16, 1952
Natural Therapy
Human beings are indeed the artistic masterpiece of ali God's
creations. Truly, as is said in the Bible, humans were created in the
image of God. Consequently, it is impossible for science to understand
entirely the mysterious structure that is a human being. Science hs only
come to a partial understanding of humanity, and no one can say how
many thousands of years will be required for a full understanding or even if
such an understanding is scientifically possible. We can only praise the
might of the Creator of s wondrous a creature with its many amazing
characteristics manifest in the movements of limbs and body; inthe subtle
operations of will and thought; in emotionalexpressionsof joy, anger,
sorrow, and pleasure; in nerves s sensitive that they find intolerable the
itching caused by a mere flea bite; in a tongue capable of
conveyingallkinds of intentions and of tasting theflavors of ali kinds of
food and drink; in faces, each one unique among the 1.8 billion people on
earth. Especially mysterious is the process of reproduction whereby a
human being is created. In the light of these wonders, it is scarcely
surprising that, as long as human beings are not scientifically produced
robots, science will be unable to solve the mystery of life.
The minute a person becomes ill, the body itself sets to work to
*This does not raean refusing to call on the help of medicai science in case of a grave and
possibly fatal illness. It merely states that, since taking advantage of the natural powers of
recovery of the human body is fundamental to the maintenance of good health, natural
therapy is most desirable.
What Is Sickness?
Ali human beings have both innate toxins, inherited from their
parents, and acquired medicine toxins, which enter the body after birth.
Most people find this statement surprising. From ancient times the
belief was accepted, and served as the central idea underlying medicai
practice, that medicine was something that cured disease and improved
health, and that, given the right medicine, the problem of sickness could
be solved. People have thus assumed that the discovery of good
medicines would solve the problem of sickness. Everyone knows the
importance the people of the United States attach to medicines, and the
extreme efforts they devote to discovering new ones. If medicines
produced cures, the number of illnesses should in theory gradually
decrease. Instead, in apparent defiance of ali reason, they are steadily on
the increase. There is no such thing on earth as a truly curative
medicine. Ali medicines are poisons, each with its own effect The
operation of the poison called medicine appears to cure because it
decreases pathological symptoms.
Why do I say that medicines are poisons? When the Creator made
human beings he simultaneously provided ali the foods they require.
The things that are fit for human consumption are clearly distinguished
from those that are not. Things that we should eat have pleasing flavors,
and we have been endowed with a sense of taste. The scrupulous care
the Creator hs taken with these arrangements is revealed in the way
people can derive ali the nourishment they need simply by eating the
things they like. We do not eat consciously to live, but live because we
eat The mystery of procreation is similar, in that men and women do not
only engage in sexual intercourse specifically to have children. Children
are granted to human beings as the incidental result of acts performed
for other purposes.
The interior functions of the human body are incapable of dealing
with foreign materiais other than the ones created to serve as foods.
These other materiais are the medicine toxins, which tend to accumulate
and, as time passes, harden in various parts of the body. The resultant
hard reas are found only in regions where the nerves operate, such as
the upper body, especially the neck and above. This is the region
dominated by the brain, and includes the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
These are the places where toxins tend to accumulate, hardening in the
vicinity of the neck and causing the stiffness in the neck and shoulder
region that everyone experiences. When a certain degree of intensity hs
been reached, the natural elimination, or purification, process sets in.
Fever dissolves the toxins, which, in fluid form, are passed out of the
body in coughing, sputum, nasal discharges, sweat, bowel movements,
the body and improves health. By showing that colds should really be
welcomed as the simplest of the purification processes, this discussion
should make clear how mistaken people are when they fear them, and
how mistaken medicai science is to try s hard to prevent people from
catching them. Since ancient times it hs been said, for example, that
"the cold is the source of ali illness." In fact, however, itis necessary to
affirm that the cold is the sole means by which ali other illnesses can be
Ignorant of the causes of the cold, medicai science applies various
methods when a person catches cold, yet ali of them halt the purification
process. Antipyretics, ice packs and wet applications to lower fever are
examples. They nave the effect of setting purification back from the
second to the first category. They reharden those toxins that had begun to
dissolve. Though doctor and patient are deluded into thinking the
condition is improving because such symptoms as fever, coughing, and
nasal discharge are reduced, actually the toxins have hardened again and
the situtation hs regressed to what it was before second-category
purification started. Recurrence of the illness is therefore only to be
expected. It is importantto notice that ali such steps as medication, ice
packs, and wet applications make the situation worse when it does recur
because they halt the purification process. Consequently, the repeated
interruption of minor purification processes by such means as medicines
causes the toxins to accumulate and increase, thus making necessary an
inevitable major purification process, which takes the form of a serious
February 5, 1947
What Is Sickness?
The Cold
Medicai science agrees that people have various innate toxins. The
body initiates a natural physiological process in the attempt to get rid of
them. We call this process purification. Initially, the toxins accumulate in
various parts of the body, especially in those reas where nerves are most
usecL the upper part of the human body, notably around the brain. When a
person is awake, the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth are constantly
active, even though the legs and arms may be at rest. Consequently
toxins accumulate mostly in the rea of the brain and then in the
shoulders, neck, lymph glands, the top of the spinal column, and the
region of the glands under the ears. Gradually these localized
accumulations of toxins harden. When the hardening reaches a certain
stage, the elimination process begins. This should be regarded as a
blessing. Hardening of toxins reduces vigor to the point where the
human being is incapable of carrying out his fundamental tasks, by
interfering with blood circulation and causing stiffness in the neck and
shoulders, headaches, heaviness of the head, reduction of vision,
hardness of hearing, stuffy nose, dulling of the olfactory sense,
pyorrhea, bad teeth, shortness of breath, sluggishness in the legs and
arms, backaches, and swelling. To prevent this, the Lord Creator
provided the splendid purification process called sickness.
If the pain involved in the elimination of toxins is what we call
sickness and this sickness purifies the blood, it ought to be considered
the greatest of ali God's blessings, since it is the essential element for
good health. It could even be that, if they were not subject to illness,
human beings would gradually weaken and perhaps become extinct.
Since I advocate the creation of a world free of illness, I might seem to
contradict myself by saying this, but that is not the case. What I mean is
the elimination of ali toxins s that the purification process, and
therefore illness, become unnecessary. I shall now explain my meaning as
thoroughly as possible and in the most readily understandable way.
We call the process of eliminating hardened toxins purification. When
a person catches cold, the first symptom is fever. Nature employs fever to
dissolve the hardened toxins and facilitate their elimination. The liquid
toxins then quickly enter the lungs. This is a highly mystical process. For
instance, if we dissolve the toxins by means ofJohrei, they
Internai Bathing
I am constantly writing about the fallacies inherent in modern
medicine. Some people accept the principies on which our philosophy is
based, but in reality most are unable to put it boldly into practice
because they think of sickness in terms of the doctor and medicines. For
the sake of that majority, I shall here explain our approach in the most
readily understandable way.
Probably the most easily understood sickness is the ordinary cold.
When people catch cold and such symptoms as fever, coughing, phlegm,
sneezing, watery nasal discharges, headaches, and pain in the joints
develop, they immediately go to a doctor for a diagnosis. This is the
cause of the trouble. While realizing that the sickness is no more than a
cold, most people who catch one at once entertain the fear that, if they
are not careul, the situation will become more serious and that they are
experiencing the first stages of a much graver sickness. Some people
simply do as their doctor instructs and wait to get better. Others turn to
home remedies like aspirin, root and herbal brews, a drink of sake and
eggs, charred orange peei, and s on, or go to bed, pile quilts on
themselves, and try to sweat it out, turning bright red in the process.
Not satisfied with makeshift home cures and afraid that the sickness will
get out of hand and become perhaps incurable, people with less
courage than money rush to their trusted physician. They ask a lot of
questions, but, because the doctor himself does not understand the
cause of the common cold, he or she is unable to give any clear
explanation. Consequently the patient's mind is, quite naturally, not put
at rest. The doctor may well suspect the danger of pneumonia, but must
be content with such perfunctory injunctions as "Go to bed and rest,"
or"Take good care of yourself," thus only increasing the patienfs
anxiety. Such patients are obliged to stay at home ali day with a
thermometer and, from our viewpoint, look ridiculous.
There is nothing more beneficiai to health than the cold, since it
cleans outthe toxins stored in ali parts of the body. It is good to sweat as
much as possible and to rid of body of phlegm and nasal discharges,
since these fluids contain toxins that have been dissolved by fever. The
more quickly they are removed from the body, the sooner will a cure of
the cold be achieved, leaving the patient feeling refreshed and in better
health than before. A cold cleanses the body s interior free of charge.
What could be a greater blessing than that? Just as bathing is a way to
keep the outside of the body clean, a cold is a way to keep the inside
clean. Washing removes the grime clingingto the skin; a cold removes
the grime on the body's interior. Sputum, nasal discharges, and sweat
are the interior dirt being removed from the body. Though it is easy to
wash the outside of the body, similar cleansing of the interior is
impossible. Nature, bearing witness to the great skill of God the
Creator, hs provided colds to do this work, and we should be
correspondingly grateful to them.
Employing the toxins called medicines and misinterpreting the
nature of colds, doctors do ali they can to stop them. I doubt if there is
one true medicine among the medicinal products of the world. Ali the
substances now considered beneficiai medicines are actually toxins
retarding the natural process of recovery. Nothing is more mistaken
than to rely on these toxins. People make the mistake because they are
deluded into thinking that, when medicines bring relief from pain by
temporarily halting the internai cleansing process, an actual cure hs
been effected. In short, medicine is truly a forbidden fruit
The fact that I have discovered this remarkable human error and
teach Johrei, moreover, as a way of eliminating medicine toxins, clearly
shows how great a salvation my work representa. It should be obvious
too, that my insistence on the creation of a heaven on earth free of
illness, poverty, and conflict is more than mere boasting.
March 12, 1952
good and bad, the mind acts as good in relation to the bad of the physical
being, and the soul as good in relation to the bad of the mind. The
friction between the various goods and bads gives rise to a harmony
which manifests itself as potential action.
Consequently, illness is generated by part of the soul, whicft
activates the physical body. Though small, the soul hs free powers of
expansion and contraction. When a person is awake and working, the
soul assumes human form, but it becomes round during sleep. At the
instant of death, the soul, the mind, and the spiritual being become
round. Light is associated with this roundness. Therefore, on leaving
the body, the spiritual entity assumes the form of the flying, flaming
spheres which are occasionally visible to the human eye.
The occurrence of illness in one particular part of the soul in its
human form signifies, in fact, a clouding diminution of the light of a
part of the soul itself. This is transmitted first to the mind, and then to
the spiritual being. Finally, it manifests itself as illness in the physical
being. Therefore, as long as the soul remains unclouded, the person will
contract absolutely no illness. Pollution with sin is the cause of clouds
on the souL To explain this, it is necessary to delve into the field of
religion. Therefore, I shall not deal with it here, but instead will explain
illness as a physical manifestation.
As I have already explained, when clouds occur in part of the
spiritual being let us say the lungs the blood in the corresponding
physical being becomes muddy. Since this principie is not limited to
lung disease but applies to ali other sicknesses, treatment must depend
on removing the clouds from the spiritual being. Acquainted only with
the evidence and ignorant of the main cause that is, of this principie
modern medicai science concentrates most of its research and effort on
pathological symptoms in the physical being. Though it may bring
temporary respite, such treatment cannot effect fundamental cures. In
contrast, Johrei employs the divine light to eliminate clouds in the
spiritual being. When this happens, the concentrated liquid is dissolved
and the illness is either alleviated or cured entirely because purification
of the spiritual being results in a cure in the physical being. However, it
cannot be said that this is truly fundamental. Though certainly more
fundamental than the effects of medicai science, it cannot be called
absolute since, unless the soul is totally purified, it is impossible to be
truly mentally tranquil. Purification of the soul is only thorough when
the person hs a firm understanding of the right faith and puts that faith
into practical action. Since this kind of action is the work of the divine
light, the people carrying it out generate absolutely no sin but instead
accumulate virtue. Consequently, such people lead lives of joy and
rapture utterly free of illness or calamity. They enjoy happiness, long
life, and prosperity.
I should like to take the opportunity this discussion offers to say one
more thing about the souL Some people are easily startled by externai
things, and are constantly unsettled and restless because their souls have
been weakened and their powers of resistance against impulses from the
outside world have been reduced. The many people today who suffer from
nervous debility are of this kind. The cause of the weakness is clouds in the
soul, but it can be cured if the coagulation of toxic blood at the nape of the
neck is dissolved. If their condition deteriorates, such people may suffer
insomnia. They must also live with the likelihood of a recurrence even
after a cure hs been effected. Therefore they should accept Johrei and
allow their souls to be s illuminated by the divine light that no clouds
can develop there.
joining parent and child. To explain thoroughly how sickness can result
from the wrongdoing of ancestors, it is essential to discuss life after
death, that is the organization of the spiritual world. In what follows,
therefore, I give a summary of the situation here.
In leaving this world and passing through the gate of death, a human
being divests itself of its clothing of flesh. The flesh belongs to this
world, and the spirit to the spiritual world. As a result of aging or illness the
physical body degenerates to the point where it is no longer serviceable,
whereupon the spirit abandons this useless physical burden and goes to
the spiritual world, where it must prepare for rebirth into this world. This
preparation is purification. Since most people are greatly polluted by sin
during physical life, in the spiritual world, as a result of a fair and strict
judgment, the majority fali into hell. Enduring their punishment there,
they improve little by little. Nonetheless, this purification still leaves
spiritual pollutants, or a residue of sin, to be passed on in an unbroken
stream to their descendants. Children and grandchildren must bear the
burden of their forefathers' wrongs in what might be called a
cause-and-effect law of atonement Since this is the inscrutable law of
God the Creator of ali things, human beings have no choice but to obey it
The spiritual pollutants ceaselessly flow in the direction of a human
being's brain and spinal column and, immediately after entering the soul,
assume physical form as suppurative fluid, which is the cause of ali
kinds of illness.
The second, or acquired pollution is something everyone understands
well since no person is capable of living this life without doing wrong in
some way or another. Of course, wrongdoing is of many kinds and
degrees; there is legal wrongdoing, moral wrongdoing, social
wrongdoing, and s on. Some wrongs manifest themselves in actual
physical action, whereas other kinds are only wrongdoing of the mind.
Though it may sound too severe, Chrisfs statement that a man who lusts
after a woman in his heart hs already committe d adultery with her is
certainly not mistaken. Ali the small acts and thoughts of daily life
hating someone, wishing another person harm, lustful desire though
apparently insignificant in themselves can become serious if allowed to
accumulate over a long period. Superiority of the kind gained by victory in
a competition or social success can cause the person who hs not
succeeded to resent or feel envious of the more fortunate person. This
kind of resentment can be the cause of sin. Unnecessary taking of life,
being lazy, attacking others, wasting material ps sessions, oversleeping
fate. There can be no doubt that the revenge of the dead priest was at
work in what happened to him.
In another instance, the sin of the father was visited on the child. A
girl of seventeen or eighteen who worked as a maid in our house had lost
the sight of an eye when the children of the family by whom she had
previously been employed accidentally shot her in the face with an air
gun. It was discovered that in the middle of the nineteenth century, her
father had been especially skillful at making imitation coral beads of
rubber, which he sold to rural people at high prices as the genuine
article. Though he made a great deal of money this way, the resentment of
the people he duped must have been equally great. The father's sin was
visited on the daughter in the form of lost sight in one eye. Moreover, if
her eyes had been normal, this girl would have gone far in the world
since, aside from this one deformity, she was very lovely.
In still another instance, an old man carne asking me to treat a pain in
his wrist. I was s surprised that more than ten days of therapy failed to
cure him that I asked what his religious f aith was. He told me that for
more than twenty years he had put his faith in a certain deity. As soon as
he followed my advice to stop worshiping that god his arm gradually got
better. And, in a week, he was completely cured. I frequently hear of
people whose hands are paralyzed or painful or whose knees will not
bend because they mistakenly worship the wrong deity.
As these examples show, we must not underestimate acquired
pollution by sin. People who suffer from illness or other hardship should
carefully examine themselves to discover what they are guilty of, then
repent and make amends.
As I said in the preceding article, when people think evil and commit
evil, cloudiness in the spiritual being increases both in quantity and
concentration. When the concentration reaches a certain degree, the
purification process sets in naturally. This is a strict inescapable law of
the spiritual world, and no one is immune to it Though the purification
process usually manifests itself as illness, it sometimes takes other
fornis. Where medicai therapy hs no effect on illness even though
applied with utmost thoroughness, it is because it attempts to use
mechanical and pharmaceutical means to solve a spiritual problem. It is
pursuing a totally mistaken course. Praying to a god or Buddha in cases of
illness, as some people do, is effective to some extent since, ob viously,
such beings are of the spiritual realm and their blessings help to diminish
spiritual clouds. However, not even a god or Buddha the more
conscientious he is the more s, since he must be fair will allow
impurities accumulated over a long period to be resolved with only light
suffering. This is like a person who hs violated a national law; no matter
how he repents and laments, his crime cannot be overlooked, though his
punishment may be lightened as a result of his penitent atttude.
In some cases, alternative kinds of purification processes have taken
place before the usual one begins. In these instances, the degree of
clouding is relatively light, s that only a mild purification process is
required. Such prior purification may have been motivated by a
psychological awakening brought about by contact with religious stories
or holy writings or by the testimonials of older persons or people of
distinction. The good effects these can have show the importance of
good books, lectures, motion pictures, and dramas in awakening the
human soul or conscience.
Next, then, I should like to discuss the process occurring in the
spiritual being when people are awakened in these ways. The spiritual
being is in three stages; including the mind, which is the center of the
spiritual being, and the soul, which is the center of the mind. The soul,
which is essentially conscience, is constantly being clouded over by
influences from without. It is fundamentally a radiant sphere; cloudiness
in the mind, its outer casing, obscures its brilliance and puts it to sleep;
but when the mind is as calm as stillwater or a clear mirror, the celestial
brilliance of the soul shines forth.
When a person is spiritually awakened, the soul that hs slumbered
suddenly shines bright. Until today, the primary ways to bring about
such an awakening have been educational for example the stories and
October23, 1943
Medicine Toxins I
I shall now go on to explain the grave danger of medicine toxins, in
general, aside from what I call the "hereditary toxins."
In ali ages and ali places, it hs been considered sensible to take
medicine when ill, just as it is to eat when hungry. The idea that
medicines cure is deeply ingrained. Yet I have realized that medicines
are fearsome poisons that totally lack power to cure sickness. Indeed,
they cause illness in the sense that they are its source.* Some people may
find this difficult to understand, but it is true. I once read in a book the
following words of a noted Chinese-style doctor: "Fundamentally there
are no medicines; they are ali poisons. Taking medicine for an illness is
the same thing as attempting to control one poison by means of another."
This is a very wise thing to say and reminiscent of the old proverb about
"making medicines out of poisonous herbs."
When pain is intolerable, relief can of course be had by means of,
say, morphine injections. Yet as medicai scientists know full well, the
relief is brought about only by a temporary paralysis of the nerves
caused by the poison called morphine.
I have explaned earlier that sickness arises as a result of the
process of purification, which is always accompanied by the suffering
referred to as illness. Obviously, everyone dislikes suffering and wants to
escape from it quickly.
There are two ways to eliminate suffering. One way to get rid of it
completely is by totally expelling from the body those toxins that must
*Though medicines are capable of extending lif e temporarily and of creating a condition of
false good health, they cannot bring about a fundamental cure. Essential good health is a
conditionin whichhuman beings can live without medicine. For this reason, itis important to
avoid taking medicines as much as possible, though sometimes respect for human life makes
their application necessary.
Medicine Toxins II
When people become sick they develop fever, pain, and general
malaise or may cough and expectorate sputum. If they take medicine
they will feel better, just as if the medicine had cured the sickness. But, as
I have often said, taking the poison called medicine weakens the whole
body. Because the body weakens, the purification process grows faint,
and pain is eased. If this were ali, the situation would not be s bad.
The truly serious problem is what happens to the poison after one hs
taken it.
Let me explain. The ingestion of poison stimulates an antidotal
process, or one that eliminates the harmful substance. This is true of
toxins in the foods we eat, but the body is powerless to counteract
immediately poisons other than those in our foods. Since the poison
from the medicines that people take is not completely eliminated, some
remains to accumulate in the body. Just as in the case of toxins that
have been handed down through generations of medicine users, these
newly introduced toxins accumulate in reas where nerves are plentiful;
when purification and elimination of accumulated hardened toxins of
the kind that are most difficult to expel from the body begin, medicine
toxins halt the process and increase toxic leveis. This is the effect of
medicinal therapy.
A second-stage accumulation of toxins develops. Then purification
begins again; but this time, owing to the increased amount of toxins, the
Low-grade Fever
Though only some people are aware of it, probably no one today is
without what is called low-grade fever. Because of the surprisingly great
influence it hs on the human body, I shall now discuss this kind of
A persistent slight fever causes headaches, heaviness in the head,
lack of psychological concentration, distraction, diminished memory,
loss of perseverance, laziness in everything, sluggishness of the whole
body, and a desire to lie around and doing nothing. It reduces the
appetite and makes people finicky about what they eat. When afflicted
with it, people show a preference for liquids and foods with high liquid
content They may b e irritable, shut off from the world, jade d, and
pessimistic. They become hysterical, are negative in outlook, and prefer
rainy to fair weather. They catch cold easily and are prone to stuffy
nose, ringing in the ears, and tonsillitis. They become short of breath
and suffer heaviness in the legs from walking fast or climbing slopes. As
this brief summary of its effects clearly shows, a low-grade fever is not
something to take lightly.
Because of these symptoms, such people do not mix well with their
friends or get along smoothly with other people. Their marital and other
relationships are poor because such people insist on acting precisely as
they wish and always have some kind of justification for their own
selfish behavior; "liberalism" is one of their favorite excuses. Because
such people are dissatisfied with life at home, horrible things often
happenintheirlives. The currently increasingnumbersof youngpeople
who run away from home may well be influenced by this kind of
domestic situation. In the worst cases, entire families have been known to
commit suicide together.
Balanced Purification
The person who administers Johrei must remember the principie of
"balanced purification." For example, pain in the right arm may
disappear, but then develop in the left arm. The pain seems to move from
one arm to the other, but this is really an example of balanced
There is a great deal of latitude in the speed with which people are
reborn, depending on the will of the person involved. A person who is
very attached to this world at the moment of death will be reborn
quickly. But the effects of such a speedy return are not good. The
deepest purification takes place in the spiritual world. Therefore, the
longer one is there, the purer one's spiritual being becomes, and the
more fortunate one's circumstances at rebirth. If rebirth is fast,
pollutants remain and must be purified away during life by means of an
unfortunate fate filled with sickness, poverty, and disaster. This is the
situation that determines why some people are born fortunate whereas
others are born unfortunate. Good and bad fortune are in no way
accidental but are inevitably determined by the degree of purification in
the spiritual world.
There is still another determining factor: the sincerity and
thoroughness with which survivors hold memorial services for the spirit
of the departed. Moreover, the fervor with which survivors and
descendants help others, work for the welfare of society and the nation,
and accumulate virtue, stimulates the purification of ancestors.
This means that filial piety is not limited to this life. On the
contrary, the prayers offered and good deeds performed after the death
of one's parents can be even more important than care shown during
life. It is only people ignorant of the nature of the spiritual world who
say, "By the time I was ready to be good to them, my parents were no
Now the time hs come where dark must give way to light; we are
entering a period that can be likened to dawn.
As an outcome of this transition in the spiritual world, humanity will
experience an immense, awe-inspiring, and joyful transformation of a
kind never known before. Harbingers of this transition have already
appeared on the scene.
Like day in the actual world, the new day of which I am speaking will
begin with the appearance of the sun's orb in the east Now, in the Far E
ast in Japan, the land of the rising sun a great revolution is taking
place. The destruction of the existing culture of night is starting in this
country. This is the reason for the total destruction of our major cultural
cities, thereductionof ourindustry andeconomy todire straits, and the
general abolition of the privileged and ruling classes. Signs of the
construction of a new culture the culture of day have already
appeared. Following complete disarmament, democracy is coming into
being in Japan. Both phenomena are unprecedented in the 2,600 years
that have passed since the founding of the Japanese nation. More than
unprecedented, they were also unforeseeable. They are a first step in
the establishment of world peace.
In contrast to the world of night, characterized by war, hunger, and
suffering, the world of day will be a time brilliant with peace,
abundance, and good health. The Japan of the present shows we are at
the turning point
The sun that is now rising in the eastern heavens will eventually
reach its zenith. What will that mean? Obviously it will mean the overall
destruction of the culture of night. What is more, it will signify the birth of
the culture of day. Since Japan can already show a little of that
culture, this much is easy to prophesy. The fate of the world is bearing
down heavily on us at the present. No one will be able to escape from
this framework; the only course open to us is to find a way to minimize the
suffering we must face. Such a way is at hand in an understanding of our
principies of Johrei and in participation in the development of the
culture of day.
The Bible says, "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached
throughout the whole world, as a testimony to ali nations, and then the
end will come." I believe this to signify that my writings must fulfill this
mission. In explaining the principies of Johrei I have gone s far as to
explain the fate of the world because this is very important. Discovery of
the principies of Johrei and discovery of the fallacy of medicai science
both depend basically on the one point of converting night into day.
The cause of sickness is clouds in the spiritual body. Eliminating
those clouds is the sole condition for the cure of sickness. Why then was
this not known before the discovery ofJohref? The reason is that there
are two ways to treat sickness. One is to bring about a return to the state
before purification of toxins started; that is, rehardening the toxins. The
other is to liquefy the toxins and eliminate them. As the reader will
understand well by now, established medicai science employs the first
method, whereas Johrei employs the second.
One of the principies of Johrei is that the human body radiates an
invisible, mystical light that is a spiritual essence peculiar to the human
body and that consists basically of the element of fire. Channeling of
Johrei demands large amounts of the element of fire, which will
gradually increase in quantity in the spiritual world as the latter moves
into the period of day, since the sun is the basic source of fire-element
radiation. Aside from its value in healing, an increased quantity of the
element of fire is equally important because it will stimulate the
purification process in the human body. Change in the spiritual world
will directly influence the spiritual body. Increasing the amount of the
fire element will play, as it were, a supplementary role in encouraging
purification of the clouds in the spiritual body. Sickness will therefore
occur more easily, and established medicai therapy, which depends on
hardening the toxins, will lose some and finally, ali of its efficacy. For
instance, whereas in the age of darkness it took several years before the
toxins, once hardened, became active again, in the age of light this
period will gradually shorten to a year, then half ayear, and s on until in
the end hardening of the toxins actually becomes impossible.
We are gradually moving into the world of day. In the world of night,
the toxin hardening, and not the toxin-liquefying method of treating
sickness hs prevailed because the element of fire needed for
toxin-liquefaction hs been available in insufficient amounts. This hs
made it seem necessary to settle for the toxin-hardening method as the
best substitute. But this was a grave mistake that hs been the cause of
shortened life spans, illness, hunger, war, and other sufferings.
February, 1947
spirit is the main constituent of ali things, its advances will be limping
and partial, no matter how much progress it makes. Nor can it be
expected to give rise to a true civilization. Once this is clearly
understood, ali the unsolvable problems of the past will be easily solved,
since the law that the spiritual takes precedence over the physical is
universal. To take one example, the invisible will is responsible for the
motion of the limbs and other parts of the human body. The body does
not move on its own. No matter how miraculous it may seem, it is
necessary to understand that the original cause arises in the spirit and is
then transferred to the body. I shall now explain this in relation to
sickness, in which the principie is most easily understood.
Though it is manifest as phenomena in the body, illness hs, of
course, its origin in the spirit. In other words, a cloudiness first occurs in
one or several parts of the spirit, then is reflected in the body as illness, s
that to get rid of the clouds obviously means curing the sickness. As long
as the cause of the sickness is in the spirit, medicai science's practice of
treating only the physical symptoms cannot effect a true cure. It is
essential to realize this as quickly as possible and make a new start.
Happily, God hs entrusted to me the immense responsibility of revising
and correcting the mistakes of medicai science. The responsibility is ali
the greater in that the error goes beyond medicai science and extends to
ali aspects of our civilization.
Let me give an example. The many crimes that occur today are, like
sickness, only surface manifestations. Their causes, likethose of illness, are
to be found in the spirit or the soul. Nonetheless, as in treating sickness,
people remain unaware of the true causes and attempt to deal with crime
by treating the symptoms only; in other words, through punishment.
Such treatment, however, is only temporary, and crimes continue as
numerous as the sands on a beach. People should realize that the
remodeling of the soul essential to their elimination can be achieved only
through religion. As I have shown, failure to take the spirit into account is
behind these two major problems. Miracles are a method of making this
thoroughly understood.
September 10, 1953
outweighs the good, the difference is sin that reflects as clouds on the
soul. Then the mind and the spirit, in this order, become cloudy too. The
clouds are removed when the following purification process begins.
Accumulated clouds contract and condense and gather in certain
localities in the body. Interestingly, the location differs according to the
nature of the sin. For instance, sin committed through the eye causes
accumulation in the eye; sins committed through the head,
accumula-tions in the head; and sins committed through the chest,
accumulations in the chest
Let us consider now the reverse case, where clouds are transferred
from the physical body to the spirit. In this case, the murkiness
develops in the blood before transference to the spirit. Since the blood is
the physical manifestation of the spirit and the spirit, conversely, a
spiritual manifestation of the blood, the body and spirit are one.
Conversely, transference of concentrated clouds to the body causes
murkiness in the blood; when this becomes still further condensed, it
hardens; and when the resulting hardness is liquefied and seeks outlets
from various parts of the body, the suffering caused is what is known as
Transference from the body, thus, refers to the transference of the
blood's murkiness. The question, then, is what causes this murkiness.
Surprisingly enough, it is the medicine that forms the mainstay of
medicai therapy. Since ali medicine is poison, ntroduction of medicine
into the body causes clouds in the blood,* as facts prove better than
anything else. Because of the toxic nature of medicine, it is scarcely
surprising that, while being subjected to medicai treatment, illnesses
often linger, worsen, or give rise to pathological side effects.
If clouds in the physical blood are reflected as clouds in the spirit
and if this in turn is the cause of sickness, the way to cure sickness itself is
the same as the way to cause sickness. It is a universally applicable law
that the spiritual takes precedence over the physical. For this reason,
unless the clouds in the spirit are removed, the illness resulting from
them cannot be completely cured. Our therapy is an application of this
law in that we fundamentally cure illness by purifying the spirit
*Though medicine may prolong life and may produce people who are apparently, though not
actually healthy, it lacks the power to effect fundamental cures. Human health in its original
forra is the ability to live without medicine. For this reason, it is important to avoid taking
medicines as much as possible. There are, however, cases in which very grave illness makes
resort to medicine unavoidable.
through t/ohrei. Ignorant of this, medicai science tries to cure the body
only while ignoring the spirit. Consequently, no matter how much
progress it makes, it remains capable of temporary cures only.
August 15, 1951
world s far. The attitude and effort of the individual determines the
width of his or her aura. People should believe this and seek to
accumulate as much virtue as possible.
Members of our organization are often saved from disaster by their
auras. For instance, a wide aura may prevent the spirit of an oncoming
automobile from reaching a person even if it should strike him. In
similar circumstances, people with thin auras or none at ali may be
killed or suffer severe injury.
The case is similar with good and bad luck. Things are organized s
that the human body belongs to the physical world, and the spirit to the
spiritual world. The spiritual world is made up of upper, middle, and
lower zones, each of which is divided into three stages. Each of these
stages is further divided into twenty leveis for a total of one hundred
and eighty leveis in ali. Of course, the lower zone is hell. The middle
zone is the world ofbeing, orarealmof the same caliberas ourordinary
world. The upper zone is paradise. Ordinary people dwell in the middle
zone but can move either upward or downward depending on whether
their actions are good or evil.
Furthermore, the spiritual world, unlike the actual world, is utterly
fair without the least partiality of any kind. Though this is a disadvantage
to the wicked, it is a true joy for people of true faith.
The world of hell, of course, is a turmoil of jealousy, resentment,
envy, hatred, and poverty. These traits the Buddhists call greed, anger,
and folly, ali of which increase in intensity as they descend through the
leveis. The very bottom realm is said to be a hell of utter darkness and
cold. Ali this does not pertain only to the world after death. Happiness
and unhappiness in this actual world depend on the individual's
position in the spiritual world. The numerous reported cases of entire
families who, after having been driven to extremities of suffering,
commit suicide together, reveal the way the realm of hell in the spiritual
world is reflected on the actual world. Since such suffering ultimately
stems from evil which the person himself hs perpetrated, no one is as
foolish as the deliberate wrongdoer. Even people who seem temporarily to
have gotten ahead in the world as a consequence of evil acts must
sooner or later come to grief because they are placed in hell in the
spiritual world. Thereverse, too, is true. If a person does good and if his
position in the spiritual world improves, it is an inviolable, divine law
that happiness will one day come his way, no matter how much he
suffers now. Although teaching this principie is the essential mission of
religion, it hs not done s thoroughly until the present time, the reason
being the emphasis on scriptures and preaching at the expense of the
really important thing; actual demonstration that is, miracles.
But the time hs come. The Supreme God will manifest his absolute
powers and through our organization will work startling miracles that
will awaken humanity from its delusions and win the faith of ali
Spiritual Healing
From various angles, I have explained that the world of day will be a
world in which the spiritual precedes the physical. Toxins accumulated as
material substances in the human body are the fundamental causes of
illness. In the spiritual being, clouds occur in zones corresponding to the
reas in the physical body where these toxic accumulations take
Elimination of the toxins from the physical being is a temporary
measure only; the toxins will regenerate as time passes in accordance
with the law that the spiritual precedes the physical. Consequently, the
only correct method of achieving the ultimate aim of therapy is to
remove the clouds from the spirit. This is the fundamental way to
eliminate toxins.
The very word relapse makes it clear that, by concentrating on the
physical body and employing no methods other than elimination or
hardening of physical toxins, past therapies have had only temporary
and never fundamental results. As I have just indicated, medicai science
hs only two ways of dealing with toxins: hardening them or surgically
removing them. Folk remedies use electricity or light rays to harden
toxins or moxa combustion to cause burns that concentrate and then
eliminate suppuration.
The therapy to which we subscribe, however, is based on the
removal of clouds from the spirit by means of a kind of spiritual wave
composed mainly of the fire element radiating from the hands and
fingers of the person administering Johrei. I have tentatively named
the form of will and thought. Since it controls the body in the form of will
and thought, the spiritual precedes the physical. In simple terms, when a
human being moves his arms and legs, the limbs are motivated,not by
themselves, but on the command of the will. The same is true of the
eyes, the nose, the mouth, and ali other parts of the body.
To explain sickness in connection with this principie in a way that is
readily understood, I shall take boils as an example. Almost everyone
hs experienced them. Generally, they begin as small eruptions,
increase in size, become red, inflamed, and are painful or itchy at their
head. They are a manifestation of the natural physiology of the body as it
attempts to expel toxins. The body is naturally able to generate fever to
liquefy toxins that have accumulated and localized, and then to
discharge them in fluid forni. To create an exit passage for the toxins,
the skin becomes thinner and softer than usual. The redness of a boil is
the toxic blood visible through skin that hs become transparent. A
short while later, a small hole opens, and liquefied toxins in the form of
pus are expelled from the body. This is the end of the purification
This is the physical explanation. In the spirit, a kind of cloud
corresponding to the boil develops. The graver the sickness, the denser
the clouds. The clouds accumulate and localize in one part of the spirit.
This is the ordinary purification process leading to the elimination of
toxins from the entire spiritual body that have accumulated in one
place. The purification, which is inseparably connected with the
physical being, is what is called sickness.
Not only the human body, but everything else in the universe is
subject to the previously mentioned law that the spiritual precedes the
physical. The purpose oJohrei is to eliminate clouds in the spirit. By
means oJohrei, the clouds are rendered completely ineffective, their
life is converted to death. "Dead" clouds are impotent and cannot
irritate the nerves. Consequently, pain no longer exsists.
The Johrei method I use at present is to write the character for the
word hikar (light) on pieces of paper, which exert their effect when
worn on the person as focal points. When someone wearing a focal point
administers Johrei, strong waves of light radiate from the ink with which
the character is written, travei along the person's arm, and then radiate
outward from the palm of his or her hand The written characters for
hikari give off light rays which are transmitted instantaneously to each
one ofthemthrough"spiritual cords" frommybody, justas radio waves
are broadcast To say that light waves are emitted from my spiritual
body raises the question of what kind of mechanism there is in my
spiritual being that can do this. The answer is simple: in my abdmen is a
bali of light with an ordinary diameter of about 6 centimenters. There are
people who have seen it. This bali of pur light emits limitless light rays.
The source of this light is the cintamani gem of the Bodhisattva
Avalokiteshvara, which, located in the spiritual world, directs its
boundlesslighttome. This is calledthe divine power, the imponderable
power, and the power of wondrous knowledge. The cintamani gem, or
the jewel of satisfaction, held by the bodhisattva called
Cintamani-cakra-avalokiteshvara is the same as this one.
Concerning the background of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (or
Kannon in Japanese), from ancient times this particular Buddhist deity
was believed to have a unique, mysterious power. With God's permission I
will some day reveal ali of the mystery of this bodhisattva, but at present,
the time is not ripe. I shall therefore set forth only as much as is
necessary to Johrei.
Of course, Avalokiteshvara hs been active in Japan since the
arrival of Buddhism, but until now that activity hs been limited to
salvation of the spirit. Avalokiteshvara conferred practical blessings
when people pray ed for the m, but they were only of the most minor kind
because, though the basic element of the light was a close union of the
elements of fire and water, the element of soil was missing. Because it
included only two elements, the light lacked full power in the conferring of
benefits. But the time for the great transformation in the spiritual world
hs arrived what the Bible calls the end of the world and the Last
Judgment. For this reason the mightiest and most absolute power of
salvation hs become necessary. This power must include ali three
elements of fire, water, and soil the last-named being the element
of matter which corresponds to the human body. The three-element
composition is completed when soil is added by the passage of light
through the body. The power of this three-in-one is the power of
Avalokiteshvara. In simple terms, the light element emitted by the
cintamani jewel of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara passes through my
body, thus becoming a manifestation of the bodhisattva's mystic power,
As for the practical means of carrying this out, I write, as I have s
often explained, the character for the word light on a piece of paper,
which is then folded and worn inside the clothing. The spirit of light
waves pass through my arm and through the pen to permeate and
condense (though I use the word condense, the process is difficult to
explain). A connection is then established between the character for
light and the source of light within my body by means of spiritual cords
along which a supply of light waves passes ceaselessly. The spiritual
link between the Supreme God and myself is similar; an infinite amount of
light waves is transmitted to me for the sake of the salvation of mankind.
As this explanation should have made clear, a therapeutic method
making use of the power of the three-in-one composition of the human
body is true therapy, and as is only to be expected, such therapy is
capable of manifesting unprecedented healing powers.
August 6, 1949
Absolute Power
It is indisputable that the power of God is the source of ali activity in
the universe. Ali growth and change are a manifesta tion of this power, as
are the stimulation and cessation of ali action. Ali living creatures, from
human beings to bactria, are born and die because of this power. It is
the limitless, absolute controller. I could supply endless other examples of
this fact, but suffice it to say that the universe itself is, ultimately,
power, which I would now like to examine from various viewpoints.
The actual Chinese character signifying "power" (-f) shows how
not only the meaning of words but the way they are written is a product of
God's wilL The character in question is produced by first making a
vertical line, then crossing the vertical with a horizontal slightly higher
than midway to make something like a cross and finally swinging
another vertical down from the horizontal, allowing the brush to rise
sharply upward at the bottom of this second vertical in a kind of tail. In
short, from a combination of vertical and horizontal arises action, which
Though largely spiritual now, this power will someday manifest itself in
physical form. When this occurs a true culture, born of the conjunction of
the spiritual culture of the Eastandthe material culture of the West, will
come intobeing. The birthof sucha culture is God's goaland God's will
and is unprecedented in the world.
January 16, 1952
My Light
Some readers no doubt are astonished by the things I have written
about Buddhism things that have been divinely revealed to me,
thoughnever said by anyonebefore. Itismerely a matterof timingthat
hs prevented God from making these things clear before. For a long
time darkness and ignorance have prevailed, but a great transition into
an age of brilliant sunlight, driving away the dark, is approaching. Even
in the age of darkness, of course, the light of the moon enabled people to
discern things to a certain extent, and they were grateful for such small
mercies. I refer to the teaching of Buddhism.
Yet moonlight is only about one-sixtieth the power of sunlight, too
dim to make things clearly visible. Thus throughout the period of
darkness, human beings were deluded, unable to live in peace and
tranquility since neither religion nor anything else was clearly discerned.
But when it is day, everything on earth is clearly revealed in the light of
the sun and nothing is obscure, s that it is perf ectly natural that I, who
se taskis to create a"civilization of day," should understand ali things.
What, exactly, is my relation to the world of day? Within my body
resides a bali of light what was known from ancient times as the
cintamani jewel. I have already made this fact known, but here I shall
deal with the light itself in detail. It hs been thought that the light is the
radiance of the sun, but this is mistaken. It is in fact a close conjunction of
the light of the sun and the moon. Its fundamental nature is a union of the
two extreme elements of fire (sun) and water (moon). As long as it
resides in my body, the soil element of my flesh is added to those two
elements, thus completing the three-in-one triad of fire, water, and soil. In
saying this, I do not imply that ordinary people are made up entirely of
the soil element. They too have light, though it is small and weak. My
light, however, is much larger than that of ordinary people. It may be tens
of thousands ormillions of time s larger, or s infinitely larger that it defies
the imagination. When worn on the person, the three kinds of focal
points, bearing the characters for light, divine light and great divine
light, immediately manifest healing powers radiated by the light of
their written characters. In writing them, I neither pray nor do anything
out of the ordinary. I merely write them, one at a time, at a great
speed: it takes about seven seconds to write one, and I can easily write
five hundred in an hour. Each of those pieces of paper is capable of
(Date uncertain)
them, they almost ali come to temper their doubt with belief.
Most people who undergo medicai treatment are dominated by the
assumption that they will recover. They ali, moreover, put great faith in
big hospitais and people with doctorates. Preconceived ideas about the
wonders of progress in medicai science make their confidence in it
incomparably greater than their trust in other forms of healing. This is
proved by the way in which many people continue to undergo a
prescribed medicai treatment in vain for months, without losing their
faith in it Sometimes, even therapy extending over one or two years and
resulting only in an aggravation of the condition does not alter the
patienfs confidence, which is truly amazing in its tenacity.
Quite often, doubt does not arise even when mistaken diagnosis and
mistaken treatment worsen the patienfs condition, when injections cause
death or surgical errors increase the gravity of the sickness. When a great
doctor, employing ali the late st methods, is unable to do anything but
go on making matters worse until the patient finally dies, people resign
themselves to fate and make no complaint at ali; even a great doctor
working as hard as possible was unable, they say, to effect a cure. Even
when the cause of death being a patently mistaken treatment, a legal
suit would be justified, but people usually take the easy way out and let
matters ride saying, "No matter what we do now, the person who hs
died will not come back to life again."
Medicai science commands this absolute trust, I believe, because, in
making judgments, people today are far too likely to emphasize externai
form, theory, and tradition more than substance. As a young person
interested in philosophy I was once deeply impressed by the theories of
the famous French philosopher Henri Bergson, especially his ideas on
intuitivo theory and the perpetuai motion of ali things. The gist of those
theories is as follows:
It is difficult for human beings to respond intuitively in making
observations of the things around them, since ali of us fali under the
influence of currently existing ideas. The comprehensive effects of
things such as education, custom, and tradition lie latent in our minds,
tending to make our thinking fixed and rigid. We are unable to escape
their influence. The sum of these things prevenis us from grasping
objects as they actually are. In other words, they obscure our vision like
dark glasses. To understand things correctly, we must put ourselves in a
state where not a grain of these preconceived ideas remains to hinder
us. Bergson hs described the self in such a condition as the self of the
instant It is the self for which there is neither past nor future, the self of
the unprejudiced min d, free even of speculation. When the self of the
instant views things it is with completely unhindered intuition. This is the
only way for human beings to view things correctly.
The theory of the perpetuai motion of ali things that is, the idea
that everything that exists is in constant movement and never stops for
an instant means that the individual self, the Japan and the world of
today are not the same as the individual self, the Japan and the world of
yesterday. Obviously, the culture, politics, economics, art, and medicine
of yesterday diff er from their counterparts today. Therefore, what was
truth yesterday may, or may not, be destroyed today. If it is destroyed, it
was false to start with. Truth that is not destroyed can be said with
certainty to be either truth or something closer to truth than falsehood.
The appearance of truth in relation to time is also important There are
many historical instances of truths that have been considered supreme
for decades and centuries only to be proved paradoxes at a later
Bergson's philosophy, as outlined here, is extremely convenient in
arriving at an understanding of the true nature of Johrei and Western
medicai science. It is important to note in this connection that the
majority of the people who come for our purifying practice do s
because the medicai science in which s many have absolute faith hs
failed to cure them. Strangely enough, when the medicine they trust
does no good, they are cured by the kind of therapy that they view with
suspicion. Reflection on this state of affairs clearly r v ais the
difference between the healing powers of the two approaches to
therapy. It is a sign that the healing powers of Johrei transcend
psychological suggestion and go much farther.
September 28, 1942
It Can Be Cured
The elimination of illness that is, the assurance of good health is
the most important of the three conditions we constantly profess as our
goal a world free of illness, poverty, and conflict. Without health,
what salvation is possible? Those people of great faith who believe
salvation is possible while they groan beneath illness and suffering are
greatly mistaken. Though spiritual salvation is possible under such a
philosophy, physical salvationis not. The reasonwhy people of faith are
only half saved is that, limited to spiritual salvation, the existing
religions unfortunately lack the power to save on the physical plane. As a
consequence of the long-established conviction that religion should
concern itself solely with spiritual salvation, religious scholars have
concocted the ingenious theory that physical salvation is heresy. On the
basis of this paradoxical view, they voice the highly mistaken opinion
that any religion propounding the aim of bringing to its followers actual
advantages in the present world is of inferior quality.
The members of our organization are able to enjoy in abundance the
practical blessings which established religions consider impossible to
bestow. Such people who come to us after having been given up as
hopeless by doctors immediately take a turn for the better and recover.
Such an astonishing truth should be a matter of major concern for
physicians. Nonetheless, despite ali the criticai attacks directed at us
by the world, our organization continues to develop at an unabated
The people who spread our teaching have no inclination to offer the
sick cures from a religious viewpoint. Ali they do is perform Johrei
purification of the spirit in response to the request of the person.
When the spirit hs been purified, the illness vanishes naturally. In
other words the process involved is not one of curing but of allowing a
cure to effect itself. This is the most important point. It is inconceivable
that it could infringe any law or do any harm to society. We welcome any
kind of investigation of our activities since the number of lives we have
saved and the extent to which we have helped enhance the general
welfare are clearly revealed in the mountains of reports and written
expressions of gratitude we receive from people who are s happy at
being saved by Johrei they cannot contain their delight. Indeed these
written expressions of thanks are too numerous to be accommodated in
the pages of the monthly magazine Chijo Tengoku (Paradise on Earth)
and the weekly /tTzar (Light). Asa rale, the person who hs been helped by
Johrei writes his or her own report, telling the facts as they are
without exaggeration. People who for some reason cannot write their
reports dictate them orally. But in ali cases, names and addresses are
given in detail, and anyone who doubts can visit the people and question
December20, 1949
December27, 1950
human power. The less human power exerted, the better. A proud
person, however, is most likely to exert his or her own strength, which
hs a more debilitating effect on the effectiveness of Johrei than
anything else.
People often ask me why their healing power hs fallen off lately now
that they are practiced, whereas it was s much greater when they were
hesitant beginners. The explanation I have just given should make the
answer obviou s.
We must also be on our guard against error, for it is easy to make a
mistake in relation to one's thinking concerning faith. For instance,
people sometimes conceive a desire to know about God's causes and
effects, or the origins and relationships of the gods as set forth in myths
and legends, or become interested in the phenomena of spiritual
possession, thirsting for more and more knowledge on such subjects.
Too much enthusiasm on these topics can cause a person to neglect the
basics of faith. There is nothing wrong with knowing a little about such
matters, but limits must be set, since becoming wrapped up in them can
lead the person away from the true path. Error of this kind comes from
either not reading my teachings or from reading them but failing to put
them to practice.
A person who understands what I have written on these two
important points and puts my writing to practice will be able to follow
the line of true faith.
July4, 1951
Two of the things that we are most strongly warned against in the
teaching of Omoto Sect are pride and error. It is good that we should be
on the lookout against pride, for the experiences of many of our
members reveal how it can be a problem. For instance, a person who
performs Johrei for the first time is uncertain of his or her ability to heal
andgoes aboutthe task in fear and trembling. Wheninfact he succeeds in
curing, he or she considers it wonderful; and the person healed is
overjoyed and grateful; ali of our members must have experienced this at
some time or other.
But, as time goes by, the person forgets to be grateful for being
allowed to heal and comes to think that the greatness resides in himself
or herself. When this unmistakable kind of pride develops, stern
cautioning is needed, since this is a stage of great danger, one at which
the person's thinking can take a reverse turn. As I have already stated,
the Johrei practitioner must not attempt to exert any of his or her own
since then I have remained active and completely strong and sound.
Trying the same diet on my six children and the other members of
our family, who number fifteen or sixteen in ali, hs produced excellent
results. We know the great happiness of never having our doorstep
darkened by the demon of illness.
Out of curiosity, I asked my wife and our maid to feed the children on
what in the eyes of modern nutrition specialists is poor nourishment par
excellence. They were given such plain fare as seventy-percent hulled
rice, plenty of vegetables, on rare occasions "inferior" fish such as
salted salmon and dried sardines, pickles and rice-and-tea gruel or
pickles and salted balis of steamed rice, and homemade
rice-and-seaweed rolls. The results were surprising. Our children in both
primary and middle school were physically robust. Their nutrition was
above average or excellent. None of them, from our oldest daughter, who
was sixteen at the time, to our smallest boy, who was four, ever
suffered anything that could be called a serious illness, and they
always won prizes for perfect school attendance.
For the past eight years, I have been applying this experience in
My detailed explanations in previous articles should already have
made the danger of medicines clear, but it is also important not to
overlook the great fallacy currently prevalent in connection with
nutrition. The science of nutrition concentrates on foods and neglects
the way the human body functions. It is folly to try to compensate for
nutritional insufficiencies by means of vitamins which science hs
actually classified into groups A, B, C, and s on because this is to
overlook the innate capabilities of bodily functions.
Essentially the life force is a result of the activity of the bodily
functions. These functions, especially digestion, are the main constituent of
the drive to live. The drive to live is synonymous with good health. And
"activation" of the functions signifies the working of the functions to
perfect imperfect foods. This is easy to understand if one thinks of the
way the body grows weak when the stomach is empty. The reason for this
condition is that food processing hs stopped. When one eats, digestive
activity resumes; and the body feels refreshed. Since ali the body s
functions are interrelated, the weakening of the fundamental digestive
function weakens ali the others. Conversely, recovery of the digestive
function brings about recovery of the others.
Exercise is essential to good health because it stimulates the
metabolism. The good e ff ect it hs is supportive and not fundamental in
nature. The essential thing is to stimulate the activity of the digestive
function itself. And, to this end, especially easily digested foods are not s
good. We would do better to eat perfectly ordinary, simple foods.
Medicai science urges us to eat foods that are easy to digest
However, they are in fact harmful since they weaken the stomach.
Though long chewing of food is recommended, it also, if overdone, hs a
similar weakening effect on the stomach. An illustration of these effects is
the malpositioning of the stomach called gastroptosis, a purely
manmade sickness, which results from the stomach relaxation that is the
inevitable outcome of eating easily digested foods, chewing them too
well, and frequently taking digestive medicines, ali of which aggravate
gastric weakness.
In relation to this, I recall an experience of my own. I once tried the
regimen known as Fletcherism, which was popular in the United States
more than thirty years ago and which advocated chewing food as
and cause more trouble than they do good, men would do best to live a
simple life in accordance with nature.
August 15, 1951
activities of its own nutrient-producing plant, and debility sets in. This is
whyit is essential to understand that human energy is generated from the
activity of converting imperfect nutrients into perfect nutrients such as
vitamins and other similar substances.
Moreover, the modern science of nutrition is mistaken in
underrating the food value of grains and believing that foods eaten to
supplement such staples are more nutritious. The truth is that grains are
the major source of nourishment and the supplementary foods of
secondary importance something added merely to make eating the
grains more enjoyable.
Essentially, the human bodily functions are made to be able to adapt
to the environment. The tongue of a person who habitually eats the
plainest foods comes in time to find them delicious. This fact, however,
is little known; as is often observed in people of luxurious inclinations,
gourmets become jaded with ordinary fare and constantly seek new
Let us now examine the significance of different foods. Fundamentally, foods, which are esssential to the maintenance of the life of
living organisms, are suited to the needs of those organisms. The
February 5, 1947
Nature Farming
The theory of cultivation without f ertilizers* that I have advocated is
s unorthodox that it hs encountered general astonishment and
disbelief s far, indeed, notonly crops buthuman beings themselves
have become addicted to fertilizers.
Admittedly, quite a lot of people have accepted the theory in large
measure out of respect for me personally yet even here they have, as
ali the reports show, carrie d it into practice at first only with the greatest
misgivings. Then suddenly, just before harvest, when the crop is much
bigger than anticipated, the fear vanishes. One fact is more convincing
than a thousand theories.
I believe that as a result of this great discovery a revolution will
occur not only in Japanese agriculture, but someday perhaps, in
agriculture ali over the world. If such a great philanthropic task were
achieved, it would be an unprecedented piece of good tidings for
mankind and a perfectly natural outcome of our organization, which hs as
its goal the creating of a paradise on earth.
July l, 1949
Nature Farming
To explain nature farming in terms of fundamental theory, I must
begin with a discussion of the nature of soiL The Creator made soil for
the cultivation of grains and other vegetables essential to the support of
life. Consequently, the essence of soil is a mystery far beyond the
The original Japanese uses a compound term Muhiryo saibai, translated here as
"cultivation without fertilizers." However, though the system of agriculture Mokichi
Okada advocated employs no commercial fertilizers or animal manure and is popularly
called a "no-fertilizer" systera, it actually makes extensive use of natural compost. The
term"no-fertilizer" is therefore inaccurate. Stressing as it does the powers of nature, this
method of cultivation is best described as "natural" Mokichi Okada hs stated that this
term is proper, and we intend to use it exclusively from now on.
ditches should be long and shallow to allow the temperature of the water
flowing through them to rise. No ponds should be dug along the course of
the ditches since the depth of the water would make it slow to warm up.
Nature farming of such things as squashes, melons, water melons, and
pumpkins produces unprecedentedly good results.
Rice and wheat raised the natural way are short in stature and
excellent in both quantity and quality. Ordinary rice is extremely glossy
and almost as dense in texture as glutinous rice. It hs such body and is
s delicious that it is always rated as superior.
In brief then, these are some of the advantages of nature farming.
Surely there hs never been better news than this in connection with
household vegetables. I and others like me produce top quality
vegetables by no more labor than is required to sow seeds andweed the
fields from time to time.
Although, as I have said, there is no need for artificial or animal
fertilizers, it is important to use large quantities of natural compost,
which I shall now discuss. In stimulating plant growth it is of the greatest
importance to allow the root hairs at the ends of the larger roots to
develop. This means preventing the soil from compacting and
troubled with insect pests, because the plants are never fertilized. In
particular, there is the fact that insects do not damage weeds; and the
special fragrance of the wild parsley and edible chrysanthemum picked
in the country in springtime is due to the fact that they have had no
It is important to make one point clear. For the f irst ye ar or two after
the shift is made from fertilized agriculture to nature farming, results
will be poor. This phenomenon occurs because the soil hs become
addicted to fertilizers. The situation is like that of the drinker, who, when
deniedalcohol, suffers aperiod of absent-mindedness; the smoker who
becomes lethargic when he stops smoking; or the morphine or cocaine
addict who cannot tolerate being denied drugs. It is imperative to be
patient and wait two or three years until the soil and seeds are freed of
the fertilizer poison and the land can manifest its great powers.
This explanation of the principies behind nature farming should
make clear how mistaken the agricultural methods of the past have
been. This is a matter unrelated to faith. A person can have no faith and
still produce revolutionary results by using natural composts instead of
artificial or animal fertilizers. But it is important to realize that, if the
divine spirit is used to purify the soil, the effectiveness of nature
The basic principie of nature farming is to give full play to the great
powers inherent in the soil itself. Hitherto, people have not known or
perhaps it is better to say have not been told about the true nature of
soiL This gave rise to the idea that fertilizer is essential, and to an
almost superstitious reliance on it. In the early stages, no matter how
vigorously I advocated nature farming, people either would not listen at
ali or laughed at me. But gradually my efforts were repaid. In recent
With nature farming, the seedlings are weak and poor in color for the
first two or three months because fertilizer toxin remains in both
seedlings and the soil. As time passes, however, they rid themselves of
these poisons, regain their own innate powers, and gradually improve.
Farmers should be able to understand this because they can see how
fields that have been in poor condition improve after heavy rains wash
out excessive fertilizers. Farmers are in error in believing that hauling in
new soil improves crops from low-producing fields because nutrients
have been sapped from them by long use. The truth of the matter is that
the soil hs become poor from many years of being artificially fertilized
s deeply affected are such farmers by a superstitious belief in the
efficacy of fertilizers.
Merits of Natural Compost
mixing grasses and leaves with the field soil is sufficient. For
deep-rooted plants, on the other hand, a bed of tree leaves should be
made about thirty centimeters below ground levei. Such a bed warms the
soil. Since root-system depth varies considerably from plant to plant,
the depth of the leaf bed must be adjusted to suit the needs of the
given plant.
The uninitiated claim that composts of this kind contain fertilizing
elements is untrue. They are employed to produce three effects; to
prevent the soil from hardening, to warm the soil, and to retain
moisture around plant roots. Where the soil around crop roots tends to
dry, spreading of large amounts of natural compost keeps moisture
As the discussion s far should have made clear, nature farming
takes advantage of the powers of the soilby avoidingthe introductionof
such impurities as artificial fertilizers and by preserving soil purity.
Doing this eliminates hindrances and enables soil to make the most of
its own essential qualities.
Interestingly, farmers err when they think it is necessary to allow
soiltorest. Soil improves the more crops are raised onit, just as human
beings become stronger the more they work and weaker the more they
rest. I feel very sorry for farmers who refuse to cultivate the same fields in
consecutive years because they believe this will drain it of nutrients.
Repeated Cultivation Means Bigger Crops
specialists, the lack of true progress shows that, in the face of poor crops
likethose of last year, science is impotent and easily defeatedby nature.
Japanese agriculture is up against an apparently impenetrable barrier.
Happily, God hs revealed a natural system of cultivation which will
break down that barrier.
The cause of present problems in agriculture is the lack of
knowledge of the nature of soil and the tendency to stress fertilizers,
which are actually only auxiliary substances. What, after ali, is the point
of plants removed from the soil? After World War II, American soldiers
stationed in Japan tried the hydroponic cultivation of plants. Although
at first their efforts seemed to produce good results, it hs recently been
reported that the method is gradually being abandoned.
It is astounding that farmers have neglected the soil for such a long
time and have concentrated on fertilizers to provide nutrients for the
raising of crops. The consequence of this policy is that the soil hs
become debilitated and acid, as the disastrous crops of last year prove.
Nothing can be s foolish as the way farmers have wasted labor and
expensive fertilizers to create the very conditions responsible for poor
Before examining its nature from the standpoint of spiritual
outset I have known that my beleif is absolutely true, but also because I
am convinced that the nature farming method is the only way to save the
farming population, and is thus deeply connected with the fate of the
whole nation. Portunately or unfortunately, the grave situation that I
anticipated with such concern hs now come about. I am painfully aware of
the need to win the understanding of both the farmers and the general
Japanese population. I am gradually perceiving hopeful signs in the
outiook for the nature farming method.
The fact that I am a religious leader is helpful here because
members of our faith believe what I say and put it into practice, even
though they cannot explain it. This hs. produced relatively quick
results, and won many sympathizers. Recently, even ordinary farmers
who are not members of our faith have gradually started paying
attention to our method.
Before going into a detailed explanation of the principies whereby
this agricultural method is able to ensure large crops by adding nothing
to the soil but natural compost, I should like to explain its effects. It is
startling in the way it reduces costs and labor; there is no need to pay for
fertilizers; insect damage is reduced to a fraction of what it is in ordinary
cultivation systems, and damage from wind and storm is halved. This
means that labor too is cut by half. I have been speaking of rice
cultivation, but the method hs the same effects with other crops as
well. One example of the wonderful success it hs with ali kinds of
vegetables is the immense size of sweet potatoes raised this way. Bean
crops too are greater, and individual beans are bigger. Radishes are
whiter, finer in texture, crisper, and much more delicious. Other
vegetables also have excellent flavor and color, are tender, and are not
attacked by insect pests. I have no space to enumerate them ali, but an
astonishing list of other vegetables including corn, pumpkins, and
watermelons benefit from this system in the same way.
The wonderful flavors of foodstuffs raised by nature farming
deserve special mention. No one who hs tasted grains or vegetables
grown in this way hs any desire to eat those raised with fertilizers. I
myself eat only foods raised without fertilizers, and farmers following
this system have increased to the extent that I receive more vegetables
than I can eat. People are grateful to find that abandoning the use of
fertilizers can increase the harvests and the quality of fruits. Flowers
grown the natural way have larger blossoms and brighter color and last
longer in ikebana arrangements.
fields will
encourage their use.
The centerof the earthisamassof fire ceaselessly radiating ground
heat that is, the spirit of soil in the form of nitrogen. A
God-provided fertilizer, it penetrates the earth's crust and rises to
accumulate at a certain height above the planet. It is then brought back
to earth in rainfall to permeate the soil. This natural nitrogen fertilizer
descends from the heavens in exactly the required amounts.
During World War I, when the Germans were experiencing food
shortages and were forced to increase crop production rapidly, they
discovered that nitrogen could be taken from the air and used as
fertilizer. Since then, the practice of using this chemical hs spread ali
over the world. But its temporary good effect cannot last. Ultimately the
soil is weakened by oversaturation with nitrogen, and its productive
power drops; despite this, people, like drug addicts, have become
addicted to the practice and thus overlook the real cause of the
It must be remembered that the amount of fertilizer toxin persisting in
soil and seeds even after the change to nature farming hs been made
greatly influences crops. In wet-field rice cultivation, some farmers may
expec t a ten- percent increase for the first year, but others may witness a
ten- or twenty-percent decrease for the first year or two. The ten- or
twenty-percent increase will take place finally in the third year. Very
poor crop results after the change mean that a great deal of artificial
fertilizer remains. In such cases, it is wise to haul in fresh soil from
elsewhere to neutralize its effects.
Rice plants absorb such highly poisonous substances as ammonium
sulfate when these are used in chemical fertilizers. Consequently, people
for whom rice from those plants is a dietary staple take the poison into
their bodies three times daily, albeit in infinitesimal amounta Naturally,
this hs an insidious harmful effect It is conceivable that the high rate of
illness today is caused by such poison intake.
In conclusion, I would like to summarize the economic effects of the
nature farming method.
The cost of fertilizers is saved.
Labor is halved.
Crops are greatly increased.
Grain volume increases s that there is no loss in cooking, and the
grain is delicious.
Insect damage is minimized.
The danger of ascarids and other parasites, a topic of major
concern today, is eliminated entirely.
This explanation hs shown how revolutionary the nature farming
method is. To implement it would immediately solve more than the food
problems; by ensuring adequate nutrition, it would also have salutary
effects on human health. If implemented throughout the nation, the
system would accelerate the rebuilding of Japan, which would without
doubt earn the respect of the whole world for the high levei of its
civilization. It is for these reasons, and to bring this method to the largest
possible number of Japanese readers, that I have compiled this special
Finally, I should say that I have absolutely no intention of using this
material as religious publicity. The results of the nature farming system will
be the same for people who do not share our faith. II
Last year the season was unfortunately short, and no harvest was
possible in some reas. However, after considering the reports from
various regions, I can understand what happened, and will give my
succeed, the farmer who decides to employ it does s fearfully and only as
an experiment Furthermore, since soil and seeds are still permeated with
fertilizer toxin, the plants are soyellowandscrawny inthe first year that the
farmer fears they will dry up entirely and in his anxiety turns to God in
prayer. Thus everyone who hs tried the system confesses to a feeling of
great relief when harvests turn out to be surprisingly good. It is by
overcoming the initial period of hardship that the crown of victory
is won.
May 5, 1953
Insect Pests
The three greatest burdens on the agricultural community in recent
times have been the high cost of fertilizers, insect pests, and damage
from wind and storm. I have already dealt adequately with the topic of
fertilizer, and would now like to speak in detail about insect pests.
Harmful insects breed because of fertilizers, which pollute the soil,
cause it to degenerate, and weaken its potiential. At the same time, the
impurities introduced by the fertilizers remain. Ali kinds of matter
decomposing in the polluted places encourage insects and bactria. The
several varieties of fertilizers are responsible for the varieties of insects
that breed because of their presence, and the new kinds of insect pests that
have emerged recently are the results of the production of new kinds of
One should emphasize here the grave wrong committed by people
who use chemical insecticides to rid themselves of crop pests. These
substances, which are toxic enough to kill insects, permeate and ruin the
soil. Soil polluted with chemical insecticides adds yet another poison to
the fertilizer toxin already absorbed by plants grown in it. The soil
weakens and, like human beings, loses its powers of resistance, with the
result that insect pests proliferate. This kind of vicious circle is a good
example of howmistakenagriculturalpractices have been in the past.
Obviously, the health of people who eat rice raised with the highly
toxic fertilizer, ammonium sulfate, will be adversely affected, since
their blood will be clouded. Even though individual dosages are very
small, eating such contaminated rice three times daily ali year round
causes a large accumulation of toxin, which becomes the fundamental
cause of ali kinds of illnesses.
the damage is the most that can be expected at the present time are
amazed at the way plants raised according to our nature farming method
withstand wind and storm. Their root spread, for instance, is good, and
stalk breakage is only a fraction of what it is with fertilizer-grown crops.
Flowers do not drop, and rice does not rot even after rain. Indeed, in
comparison with fields of rice raised with fertilizers, fields cultivated the
natural way seem to suffer no storm damage at ali. Examination shows
that plants raised without fertilizers have many more hair roots and much
stronger root spreads than plants raised with fertilizers, and are
consequently as strong and healthy as human beings fed on a plentiful
diet of wholesome, toxin-free foods. Farmers always welcome plants
not just grains, but ali other crop plants as well that are low and have
small foliage, since they bear better. This accords exactly with the results
of my own method, and serves to show how superior it is. People of
experience are unanimous, moreover, in praising the excellent quality
and flavor of the crops. Crops of plants raised with fertilizers, on the
other hand, are less satisfactory because too much nourishment goes to
their leaves, which flourish to the detriment of the fruit or grain.
Offshoots from rice raised the natural way are extremely numerous. The
record at present is an amazing one hundred and fifty shoots, producing
fifteen thousand grains, from one rice seed. Furthermore, naturally
cultivated rice straw is of very high quality and is strong enough to be
used in many ways.
This is because some fertilizer toxin remains in their seeds or in the soil
in which they are grown. It takes more than four or five years to
eradicate this toxin and allow true flavors to emerge.
Eating the tangerines made me think of the effects our cultivation
method could have on the economy. If naturally grown fruits and
vegetables were marketed, their delicious flavors would soon win them
an enormous following, and there is no telling how great sales might be.
In addition, they could be exported abroad, bringing in unprecedented
amounts of money, to the great advantage of the national economy.
Recently, many stores have started selling so-called sanitary
vegetables raised with chemical fertilizers but without human manure. It is
true that this system eliminates the danger of internai parasites, but the
vegetables themselves are inferior in f lavor. Consequently, experienced
members of our organization could make plenty of money selling
vegetables and fruits raised our way, without fertilizers of any kind.
Aside from making money, such action would publicize nature farming,
and I would like our members to start doing this at once.
DecemberS, 1951
the ir limited plots of land, I shall now discuss some of the experiments
we have already completed on vegetable cultivation.
Amateur gardeners often complain that their potatoes bear poorly
and are small. These difficulties, which are caused by fertilizers, do not
exist in nature farming, which makes it possible to produce large crops
of pure-white, dense, subtly flavored, and appetizing potatoes.
Corn stalks are thick, and the leaves are long and bright green. It is
possible to tell ata glance that they are largerthan usual ones. The ears
are long and thick, and heavy with densely packed, orderly rows of
tender, sweet kernels.
Daikon (turnips) are longer and thicker than usual They have a fine,
crisp texture, are extremely delicious, and completely lack the holes
and hard places s often caused by fertilizers.
Ali the leafy plants used in Japan for pickles, spinach, Kyona
(Japanese cabbage), Chinese cabbage, and cabbage turn out subtly
flavored, tender, large, and appetizing. Lastyear, an amateur gardener
showed me three heads of Chinese cabbage he had raised, each weighing
roughly six kilograms. They were the largest I have ever seen.
Ali bean crops are better with nature farming, but green soybeans
are especially noteworthy. The plants have short branches and small
leaves and produce twice as many beans as plants raised with fertilizers.
Each pod usually contains four beans; almost none contains only one.
Tempting to see and delicious to eat, eggplants have good color,
tender skins, and strong flavor. Anyone who hs eaten them raised the
natural way will never want eggplants produced with fertilizers again. I
shall not discuss them in detail here, but scallions, onions, tomatoes,
pumpkins, and ali the melons are also outstanding when cultivated
without fertilizers. The smooth texture and delicious tasteof pumpkins
grown this way, however, deserve special mention. Yams raised
according to the nature farming system are exceptionally large, and
grow even larger if they are allowed to remain in the ground somewhat
longer than usual.
Fruits raised the natural way, especially citrus fruits, persimmons,
and peaches, are much more delicious than those raised with fertilizers.
Natural composts, which are essential in nature farming, are of two
kinds: grass and tree leaves. Grass is suitable for mixing with the soil;
leaves are used to make bedlike layers under the soil.
Ali things not just animais but plants and minerais as well
breathe. In fact, the planet earth itself breathes, as I shall now
Earth breathes once a year. Exhalation begins in the spring
and reaches its clmax in the summer. The exhaled breath of the
earth, like that of human beings, is warm. It results from the
emanation of ground heat and grows more intense in spring, when
ali things begin to grow. The grasses and trees come into bud first of
ali, ali things reachupward, and man himself f eels a lifting of the
heart. As summer approaches, the vegetation flourishes increasingly
till a kind of peak is reached, when the earth itself begins to
breathe in. At this point, plants and trees wither, and ali things
go into a state of decline. Human beings too become cool and calm.
As this course of development moves toward the opposite pol, winter
sets in. In this natural cycle, the earth exhales its spiritual ether
nitrogen, in scientific terms whichenables plants to grow. Nitrogen
constantly rises, collects at the upper limits of air, then is returned to
earth again with the falling rain. This is natural nitrogen
fertilization. It is an error to take nitrogen from the air and use it
artificially as fertilizer. At first, this increases crops, but if
nitrogen fertilization is continued for a long time, the soil
becomes poor as a result of nitrogen addictioa In other words,
oversaturation of nitrogen dulls the soil's vigor. During World
War I, the Germans invented nitrogen fertilizer in order to increase
crops. They were able to achieve their wartime aims with its use, but
such fertilization should have been abandoned with the return of
Incidentally, sun spots, for which there have long been various
explanations, represent in fact the breathing of the sun. Every
eleven years, when the spots are said to increase, the sun reaches the
end of its exhalation phase. Though it is usually said that the light of
the moon is a reflection of the light of the sun, the burning of the
sun might also be seen as caused by the moon's water element The
waxing and waning of the moon, which take twenty-eight days to
complete, represent that bod/s respiratory activity.
September 5, 1948
In this book, besides providing a solution to the problem of health,
the fundamental source of human happiness, and discussing the
possibility of creating a world without illness, I have dealt with ways to
eliminate poverty and strife. I also explain that the spiritual world,
being the source of ali things, is where true solutions to ali problems
must be worked out. By avoiding theory and concentrating on actual
experience and examples, I think I have enabled the reader to
understand the basic concepts of my philosophy and to find a certain
amount of hope and tranquility.
As the book makes clear, my true purpose is to save as many of the
world's twobillionpeople aspossible ata time whentheunprecedented
shift from the old world of night to the new world of day threatens
massive destruction. I feel sure that my readers will give their
wholehearted assent to this aim. In addition, while suggesting a
revolution in the field of medicai science, I have attempted a blueprint
for the realization of a heaven on earth in the new world to come.
My ideas must be put into practice in a realm that is not exclusively
scientific nor religious but a combination of both and that also relates to
politics, econmica, education, morality, and art. I foresee the imminent
birth of a new culture in which ali the useless elements from the culture of
night will be destroyed while ali that is still useful will be preserved. The
recent idea of a world federation is a manifestation of the new world I have
in mind.
In that world, my new ideas for cultural activities in religion,
politics, economics, education, and art will at last be made known. Like
our medicine, they will be something mankind hs never known before.
For the creation of a heaven on earth, an unprecedented undertaking,
unprecedented concepts must be established. Christ urged his followers
to repent because the kingdom of heaven was at hand. The Buddha said
that, after his own death, the world of the Bodhisattva Maitreya would
come into being. At present, the entire planet is experiencing the birth
pangs of a new world.
February 5, 1947
Address by the Founder of the Sekai Kyusei Kyo
Delivered at the Hibiya Public Hall, Tokyo
What I am about to say is very unusual and unlike the things other
people say. But what would be the sense in my coming ali the way here
from Atami just to say the same things as others?
People are fond of calling our time an age of culture an age in
which culture hs made great advances. Such remarks represent a
confusion of culture and civilization. The two are very different. A
civilized world is an ideal one completely free from barbarity. Culture is
the stage between barbarity and the attainment of civilization. Men
today are infatuated with the chimera "culture," convinced that what
they have now is either fine in itself or can result in a good world if
further improved and developed. Actually, however, the world today is
very different from what I mean by a civilized world.
In the simplest terms, civilization is a state in which life is safe, in
which the safety of human life is ensured. However, the world today is
perilous and frightening, threatening a last judgment in the forni of
atomic and bacteriological bombs or the like. Ours is a time of culture, not
civilization, since the safety of life is threatened. We live in an age of
transition between barbarity and civilization. What, then, is civilization?
War and illness are the greatest threats to life. Consequently, a truly
civilized world is one totally free of these two threats; one in which the
safety of life is completely guaranteed. Since it is now imperative to
move toward that civilization, the Sekai Kyusei Kyo hs adopted as its
goal the creation of a world free of illness, poverty, and conflict war
being, simply, conflict on a grand scale.
Illness, which is the source of ali three of these evils is both physical
something that hurts or causes discomfort and mental Without
curing such physical lnesses as tuberculosis, contagious diseases, and
dysentery which are said to be unusually common this year it will be
impossible to achieve a civilized world, even in hundreds or thousands
of years.
As personal histories show, the roots of poverty lie in physical
sickness. A person loses or is unable to find employment because of
bodily illness and is therefore forced to bear the double hardship of
physical suffering and loss of income. This in turn hs a negative effect on
family, relatives, and friends.
point on, things began to go better for me. In short, when one begins to
look at things in this way i t's not a matter of faith at this stage one
discovers that things are going increasingly well and that one is finding
increasing happiness. S I felt a sudden desire to let other people know
about it. The more I experienced this practical truth, the more I carne to
realize that God and the devil really exist, and from that time on I was
subjected, little by little, to ali kinds of what I might call training in faith.
And ali kinds of miracles and the like convinced me quite plainly that I
had an extremely important mission to fulfill. And that is how I carne to
form the Sekai Kyusei Kyo and to start the activities in which I am still
Many sages and men of religion have dealt with the topic of a final
judgment for humanity Jesus Christ spoke of the last judgment and
the Buddha mentioned a world that would come into being after his own
death. It is often thought that this final judgment will be a kind of court
session, not in hell, but in the actual world, presided over by someone
like the Buddhist Yama, king of the spiritual world. This is not true.
The spiritual realm, to put it simply, consists of three realms for ali
beings: the physical, tangible, visible world of ordinary experience; the
inner spiritual realm; and the realm of air, which is intermediate to the
other two. In general, humanity understands the physical realm and the
realm of air but not the spiritual realm. In other words, there are three
stages comparable to the three stages of human history from the
barbrie age, to the age of culture, and then to the age of civilization.
In addition, the world undergoes alternating phases of light and
darkness. The most common of these is the twenty-four-hour cycle of day
and night In the yearly cycle, winter, when the rays of the sun are the
weakest, is the period of dark, and summer, when those rays are
strongest, the period of light. Moreover there are ten-year and
one-hundred-year periods of light and dark manifested as ages of
peace followed by dark ages. This too is a kind of rhythm. There are
similar alternating stages lasting a thousand years and ten thousand
years. We have long been in an age of dark but are now about to enter
an age of light, of civilization (the second of the two characters used to
write the Japanese word for civilization, "bummei," means "bright").
When the transition from dark to light is made, things of darkness that
have no place in the culture of light must be gotten rid of. There will be
many of
them, like the electric light that is useless in the daytime; they will have to
b e destroyed.
The "Last Judgment" means differentiating between what will be
useful and what will be useless when the break between day and night
occurs, useless things must be either put away or destroyed, and new,
useful things must be created.
Human beings themselves also consist of a physical being, a
spiritual being, and an intermediate water or water-vapor being
corresponding to the realm of air. The human body contains a large
amount of liquid. The spiritual being, or soul, belongs to the spiritual
realm. As the spiritual world becomes light, the spiritual beings of
humans must become correspondingly light. This means that whatever
cloudiness is in them must be removed; this must be accomplished by
means of a natural process of purification replacing the unclean with the
clean. But the cleansing process will involve suffering since, as our faith
teaches, purification is the principie source of illness.
In the past, people have not known or have ignored the strength of
the operation of the spirit the souL For example, the day before
yesterday, I happened to think of a person I had not seen for a year.
Then, yesterday, he carne to see me.